PM FCS (BCT) Acronym Book FEBRUARY 2008

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PM FCS (BCT) Acronym Book FEBRUARY 2008 PM FCS (BCT) Acronym Book FEBRUARY 2008 Most FCS centric definition is always given first. Please find other acronyms at Submit new or missing FCS program specific acronyms to [email protected]. Produced by Strategic Plans, Programs, Policies and Operations (SP3O) The “G Staff” G1 - HUMAN RESOURCES G2 - SECURITY G3 - OPS (ILSC) G6 - CIO G5/7 - STRATEGIC PLANNINNG AND TRANSFORMATION G8 - RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - 1 - # # 3CE Cross Command Collaborative Environment A A A Analysis (verification type) A&V Agility and Versatility A/C Aircraft A/DACG Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group A/SPOD Air/Seaport of Debarkation A2C2 Army Airspace Command & Control A2C2S Army Airborne Command and Control System AA Affordability Statement; Attribute Authority; Avenue of Attack AAA Army Audit Agency AADC Army Air Defense Commander AAE Army Acquisition Executive AAEF Army Advanced Experimental Force AAF Army Airfield; Army Availability Factor AAFARS Advanced Aviation Forward Refueling System; Army Aviation Forward Area System AAGS Army Air Ground System AAIC Army Architecture Integration Cell AALPS Automated Air Load Planning System AAN Army After Next AAP Army Apprenticeship Program; Army Acquisition Process; Assessment Anchor Point AAR After Action Review; After Action Report; Association of American Railroads AARMS Army Architecture Repository Management System AASLT Air Assault AATF Air Assault Task Force AATFC Air Assault Task Force Commander AAV Autonomous Armored Vehicle ABC Army Battle Command ABCS Army Battle Command System ABIS Advanced Battlespace Information System ABL Airborne Laser ABPL As Built Parts List ABT Air Breathing Target ABU Assault Battle Unit AC Assessment Criteria; Active Component; Accomplishment Criteria; Associate Contractor AC/RC Active Component / Reserve Component ACA Airspace Control Authority; Airspace Coordination Area, Associate Contractor Agreement ACADA Automatic Chemical Agent Detector Alarm ACAT Acquisition Category - 1 - ACCESS Automated Catalog of Computer Equipment and Software Stores ACCP Army Correspondence Course Program ACE Advanced Collaborative Environment; All-Source Control Element ACEIT Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools ACES Army Continuing Education System ACETS Army Corresponding Education and Training System ACL Allowable Cabin Load ACM Airspace Coordination Measure ACMM Aviation Common Modular Missile ACMR Airspace Control Means Measure Request ACO Air Combat Order; Airspace Control Order; Airspace Coordination Order ACP Airspace Control Plan, Army Cost Position ACPERS Army Civilian Personnel System ACR Armored Cavalry Regiment; Advanced Concepts and Requirements ACRB Army Configuration Review Board; Army Council of Review Boards ACS Aerial Common Sensor; Airspace Control System; Altitude Control System, Aerial Common Server; Assistant Chief of Staff ACSA Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement ACSIM Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management ACSW Advanced Crew Served Weapon ACT Activity ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration/Demonstrator ACTEDS Army Civilian Training Education and Development System ACTF Army Constructive Training Federation ACTM Alternating Current Traction Motor ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed AD Air Defense; Architecture Description; Activity Diagram ADA Air Defense Artillery Artillery Delivered Antipersonnel Mine; Air Defense Artillery ADAM Manager; Air Defense and Airspace Management ADAS Air Delivered Acoustic Sensor ADC Analog to Digital Converter/Conversion ADCATT Aid Defense Combined Arms Tactical Trainer Architecture Definition Document; Authorization ADD Documentation Directorate Advanced Data Environment; Architecture Development ADE Environment Advanced Distributed Learning; Army Digital Library; Army ADL Doctrine Literature ADLER Automated Field Artillery/Fire Support & C3 System (German) ADLT Administrative Logistics Delay Time ADM Acquisition Decision Memorandum; Area Denial Munitions ADNS Automated Digital Network System ADO Army Digitization Office ADOCS Automated Deep Operations Coordination System ADP Architecture Development Plan; Automated Data Processing; Acceptance Data Package - 2 - ADPL As Designed Parts List ADR Architecture Design Review ADRG ARC Digitized Raster Graphics ADS Active Denial System, Air Defense Surveillance ADS-A Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Addressed ADSAM Air Directed Surface to Air Missile ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast ADSI Air Defense Systems Integrator ADT Active Duty for Training ADTDL Army Doctrine and Training Digital Library AEA Army Enterprise Architecture AEADP Army Enterprise Architecture Development Plan AEAGD Army Enterprise Architecture Guidance Document AEC Army Evaluation Command AED Aviation Engineering Directorate AEF Army Evaluation Force; Air Expeditionary Force Advanced Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption AES System ARM (Autonomic Response Mechanism) and Emitter AESLAE Survivability/Lethality Analysis Environment AFWL AETF Army Evaluation Task Force AEW&C Airborne Early Warning and Control AF Air Force AFARS Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System AFIS Advanced Fire Inhibit System AFD Army Functional Dictionary AFMS Army Force Management School AFV Armored Fighting Vehicles AFWA Air Force Weather Agency AGCCS Army Global Command and Control System AGL Above Ground Level AGM Attack Guidance Matrix; Air-to-Ground Missile AGPP Army-Wide GTA Prioritization Program AGR Active/Guard Reserve AGTF Air Ground Task Force AGTFT Anti Jam GPS Technology Flight Test AH Attack Helicopter AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter AHS Ammunition Handling System Affordability Initiative; Area of Influence; Area of Interest; AI Artificial Intelligence AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. AIAP Army Information Assurance Program AIC Architecture Integration Center AIDR Automated Intrusion Detection Response AIEWS Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System ARCADM (Army Core Architecture Data Model) AIGD Implementation Guidance Document AIGIS Army Imagery and Geospatial Information and Services AIM Acquisition Information Management (System) AIMD Architecture Integration Management Division - 3 - AIMMM Artificially Intelligent Managers Media Model AIMP Army Intelligence Master Plan AIMS Automated Instructional Management System AIMS-R Automated Instructional Management System-Redesign AIPC Architecture Integration and Processing Center (TRADOC) AIPD Army Institute for Professional Development AIPP Architecture Inter-Operability Pilot Program AIS Automated Information Systems AIS PASS ABCS 6.
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