NEVERWINTER AND NEARBY REGIONS ...... I NEVERWINTBR Neverwinter that the Five Captains of Luskan (reputed to be pirates) have called "The City of Skilled Hands," dispatched the monsters besieging them Neverwinter (pop. 17,000) is the largest to weaken Neverwinter's defenses and town on the rugged coast north of pave the way for its eventual conquest. ~:;n:::::::::::::::::::::::H Waterdeep. As the headquarters for all Luskan (UCity of Sails") ...... 3 Luskan Outpost ...... 4 adventurers in the area, it is your base of With all these rivalries surrounding Neverwinter Woods ...... 4 operations in the game. Neverwinter, the climate is one of approaching war. Lord Nasher, its leader, Known for its skilled craftsmen and is a retired adventurer who has devoted ~~~!:r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! beautiful indoor gardens, Neverwinter his life to making this beautiful area a The Gallant Prince ...... 5 derives its name from the Neverwinter peaceful place to work and live. His The Lost Hills ...... 5 River. This clear blue stream, which runs alliance with Waterdeep provides a coastal The Warehouse District ...... 5 along the northern edge of the city, is bastion against the aggressive raiders from The Wharves ...... 6 warm year-round and doesn't freeze even Luskan. Triboar ...... 6 in the harsh storms of the violent northern Vilnask ...... 6 winters. No one knows the explanation of Windycliffs ...... : ...... 6 Lord Nasher will welcome to his castle any this phenomenon, and the river's source adventurer who wishes to help in the CHARACTERS AND PARTIES ...... 6 lies somewhere deep in Neverwinter defense of the area against its enemies. Woods, which ·is shrouded in mystery and There are tales of great treasures to be feared by all manner of beings. found in this savage land, and Nasher is ~~~~:!~~£::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ more than willing to help his supporters Protected by the natural barrier of the gain their fair share of the booty. ~~:~~~.:::::::::::::: ::: :: : : ::::::: ::::::: :::::: :: :::::::: : :::: : ::::::: ::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: !! Neverwinter River, the town's peaceful Magic ...... 15 image belies its violent past. For centuries The city is built around NeverWinter Magical Treasures ...... 16 Neverwinter suffered with the rest of the Creatures of the ...... 17 Square, in the center of which is an Sword Coast under the waves of attacks ancient garden as old as the city itself. SPELLS ...... 23 by streaming through the mountains Lord Nasher's Castle and two of the city's from the east. In recent times the town temples are located here. Inns and had been considered relatively safe except Weapon Shops are found by each main ~~Ji !;~I:~ . ::::::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::: : :: : : :: ::::: : :::: :::: :::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::~~ for an occasional attack by raiding parties gate, and other stores are clustered in the GLOSSARY OF AD&D® COMPUTER GAME TERMS ...... 30 from the north. northwest and southeast sections of the APPENDICES ...... 32 town. Training areas for characters who During the last few months, however, Range of Ability Scores by Race ...... 32 are ready to advance in level are in the great dangers have appeared. The areas northeast and southwest comers of the Maximum Level Limits by Race, Class and Prime Requisite ...... 32 to the north, east and south of the city Armor and Weapons Permitted by Character Class ...... 32 walled city. have been beset by bandits and monsters, Strength Table: Ability Adjustments ...... 33 until residents have abandoned many Dexterity Table ...... 33 Lord Nasher's Castle. Enter here to visit Constitution Table ...... 33 outlying blocks altogether. Lord Nasher and learn of challenges that Fighter, Paladin, Ranger Attacks per Round ...... 33 may await you outside Neverwinter's Money Conversions ...... 33 Neverwinter and the nearby towns and gates. After completing one of these Spell Parameters List ...... 34 villages are allied with Waterdeep, the quests, you may return here for your largest city in the area, which lies several reward. You can also choose to go :~~~Zi;~~~ .: :::::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::: ::: : : ::::: : : : ::::: : : ::::: :::::::::: :: ::::::::::: :: :::::::: : :::::;~ days ride to the south. The area is desired exploring without any specific goal or Tables of Experience per Level ...... 37 by hostile Luskan, which lies several days challenge - Lord Nasher may still reward ride to the north. It is the belief of many in you for especially heroic victories. The Silver Shops. These shops sell fine Crossergate heard from again. The lord mayor has square outside Lord Nasher's castle is a jewelry, armor, and weapons. Silver requested aid from Neverwinter. popular meeting place for groups of weapons are used to attack creatures like Located to the south of Vilnask, adventurers as they prepare to depart on a werewolves, which often cannot be hit by Crossergate is a small town that serves as Longsaddle quest. normal weapons. a convenient resting place for weary travelers on their way to or back from This tiny agricultural village is home to the Harpell family that has produced a Inns. At any Inn you may safely rest Jeweler. This shop sells expensive jewels, Triboar. In fact resting and restocking in number of influential mages in the North restore hit points, memorize spells, etc. which is an easy way to carry around large Crossergate is a necessity for travelers (including Malchor Harpell who now splits Each Inn charges the same fee for its sums of money. Even platinum coins are continuing on to Triboar since the Lost his time between Longsaddle and rooms. Inns are located to the right of very heavy and inconvenient to carry, so Hills must be crossed to reach Triboar. To Waterdeep). each of Neverwinter's three main gates, using jewels this way will keep your serve the needs of the numerous wander­ and at the Eastern end of Neverwinter character's encumbrance down. ing adventurers that pass through the Square. town, Crossergate has many shops and The village Elder, Ardanac Harpell, dwells in the "Ivy Mansion," the Harpell's Training Hall. Characters of ail classes can inns including the famed Western Weapon ancestral home, high on a hill, in the Arms lie Armor Shops. Your beginning train here, raising their level(s) and HP. Shoppe and the Crossergate Curious Items character comes equipped with a weapon Emporium. Recently, the Lord Protector center of Longsaddle. appropriate to his class and no armor. Indoor Gardens. Neverwinter is famous has reported unusual activity at night The village has a daily farmers' market a Once you have adventured for a while, for its indoor gardens, where residents can where caravans seem to disappear! way-stable, a stirrup maker and bellcaster, you'll have eamed enough to come to one stroll through green paths any day of the Fearing some dire plot the Lord Protector and The Gilded Horseshoe, an inn noted of these shops and buy better swords, year. This is a popular meeting place for has sought help from the mayor of for its hospitality and its defensible long bows, armor, etc. An Arms and Armor groups of adventurers who desire privacy Neverwinter, Lord Nasher. Lord Nasher in wooden palisade. Shop is located to the left of each of as they prepare to depart on a quest. tum has asked the help of various Neverwinter's three main gates. adventurers in solving this mystery. Berun's Hill Local stories say that griffins are bothering Temple of Tyr, God of Justice. Healing Floodblest Longsaddle, preying upon cattle, horses services are available here. All temples This local landmark is a bare-topped, and longriders who stay too far from local conical hill that commands a splendid view Located east of Neverwinter, Floodblest is ranches. have the same services and charge the a small village of farmers. Travelers often same amount. of the valley of the river Dessarin to the east. This lookout has often been used in stop in Floodblest to rest before continuing Luskan ("City of Sails") time of trouble to watch for advancing onward to either Neverwinter or Temple of Oghma, God of Knowledge. Luskan is a seafaring merchant city, home or barbarian tribes coming down from the Nightsedge. The Rankled Boar Inn is a Healing services are available here. to fierce, proud and warlike Northmen. north and east. It is named for the famous comfortable place to refresh yourself and This important northern port city is loca­ ranger Berun, who met his end here at the adventurers can resupply themselves at Temple of Helm, the Guardian. Healing ted at the mouth of the river Mirar, a swift hands of such a horde. He failed to stop Sind a's Trading Post. A small temple to services are available here. and icy, cold and rocky, unnavigable river. the orcs, but slew over 300 single-handedly Chauntea, the Goddess of Agriculture, is before he was overwhelmed. Bandits also located within this small village. General Items Shops. These shops sell Recently, the village has fallen on hard Although it seeks merchant trade, visitors various items such as flasks of oil, mirrors, watch here for the approach of likely victims. Northern legend has it that a times. Many have fallen ill to some are few and often made to feel unwel­ and vials of holy water that may be of use mysterious disease. The lord mayor come. This probably has much to do with against powerful monsters you may dwarven tomb lies under the hill, rich in golden armor treasures, but none has ever suspects that an evil spell caster has taken the fact that Luskan is a known harbor for encounter as you get farther away from up residence somewhere near the village northern pirates, if not an outright sponsor Neverwinter. Closer to town such items found it and dwarves know nothing more of it than legend. and is the cause of the ill-luck. According of their activities. Inns that serve travelers are not necessary to defeat the less to the Mayor, their well went dry at the start are rare; (The Cutlass, a notorious dive on powerful monsters you'll encounter. of the illness. Explorers have discovered the docks (a pirate haven no doubt) and that the well is an entrance to somewhere, the Seven Sails Inn are the only known but those that ventured too far were never lodgings in the city.))

2 3 Luskan wages almost constant war against These woods have never been logged by Southwall paths that connected the two towns. Then naval powers that its Captains feel they men (they are feared and shunned by the a mysterious, malignant force appeared This area is named for its main feature, can defeat; recently they crushed locals), and even today are largely and with its appearance came fierce the ancient crumbling wall that once Ruathym. In the past, they have been unknown. The depths are said to harbor monsters. What was once a safe journey, guarded the southern edge of the old city defeated by Mintam and Orlumbor dire creatures. Orc hoards always go now became deadly. To make things of Neverwinter. Once a beautiful residen­ (supported by Waterdeep and Amn) and around the woods, never through them. worse, the paths began to twist and turn tial area, portions of South wall now have slaughtered on the seas, by the ships of as if by magic! Maps became useless, and been sacked and overrun by monsters. Lantan, whom they no longer speak of. Nightsedge those travelers strong enough to face the Luskan warriors often raid inland, fierce monsters often found themselves Located on the very edge of the mysteri­ Like the brick areas of the Warehouse particularly when sea vigilance makes lost. This land eventually came to be ous Neverwinter Woods, Nightsedge is District, South wall is not suited for play by raiding the coast difficult. called the Lost Hills for the many who lose constantly in danger. Recently, the danger single lOW-level characters. Small parties their way along the confusing paths. Only has increased dramatically with orcs of low level characters should be able to The Zhentarim are said to be attempting the very courageous or the very foolish attacking the small town constantly. The adventure here, but there are stories of an alliance with Luskan (but it is unknown now travel through this dangerous land. as to their success). Lord Mayor is more than a little worried more dangerous creatures that have crept since these orcs aren't the Trollmoor Orcs this close to Neverwinter. The Warehouse District Luskan Outpost that are usually found in this region but some other kind. Outnumbered, the Lord Adventurers in the area can win rewards This area on the northern edge of Founded by the Pirate-Captains of Luskan, Mayor has pleaded with Lord Nasher to from Lord Nasher by helping to clear this Neverwinter was once a bustling center of the Luskan Outpost's purpose is to warn send any help. Lord Nasher has re­ district of monsters, thieves, and bandits. trade, but in recent years has become Luskan of any threats from the south and sponded by asking all adventurers to run-down and dangerous. Just within the east. At first the outpost was composed travel to Nightsedge to help in the town's The Gallant Prince last few months, it seems that there has of only a watch tower, but later a small defense. been a sharp upswing in attacks on local Merchant ships are a common sight near town gradually formed around the tower. residents. Many of the warehouses have the docks of Port L1ast, but the arrival of The residents of the outposts are mostly Port Llast been ransacked by monsters and then the Gallant Prince was anything but northern men and are hostile to those abandoned by their owners in fear of This sleepy little coastal village between common. Slowly drifting in from the sea, from the south such as Neverwinter. As continued looting. These hostile creatures Neverwinter and Luskan is known mainly the Gallant Prince with tattered sails and with any town, the outpost includes an are believed to have been sent by the for its skilled stonecutters. Luskan covets rotting wood looked more like a ghost arms dealer and an inn. Rumors abound Captains of Luskan in an attempt to the fine harbor, seeking a more southerly ship than a merchant vessel. Those who about some dark and sinister force living weaken the city's defenses. somewhere near the outpost. Those who berth for its numerous warships. In olden helped tow the ship to the docks, found days, when Luskan (the lIIusk) was held by no one aboard. Well. no one was found have gone looking for this malevolent The areas of wooden buildings are of the orcs and hostile duergar, this village was a on the decks that is. No one was brave force haven't been heard from since. same danger level as the eastern portion thriving city, the "last port," the northern­ enough to check the whole ship. What of the Wharves, but the brick buildings most access to the mineral wealth of the had happened to the crew? Frightened by Neverwinter Woods around the old Potter's Guild are not North. Then it was 20 times as populous the unknown, the Port authorities have recommended for adventures by single This forest east of Neverwinter seems to as today. Orc raids destroyed that sent a message to Lord Nasher for aid. first-level characters. Small groups of low have a magical quality about it, or at least magnificent city, but shattered remnants level characters, however, should find an air of mystical secrecy. The of mighty walls still ring the village (though The Lost Hills success there. always-warm Neverwinter River, which much has been plundered or used to flows out of the wood, has its source deep repair local homes). Portions are used as A dangerous area located between Triboar Adventurers can win the gratitude of Lord beneath Mount Hotenow, a sleepy volcano gardens, graveyards or have returned to and Crossergate, the Lost Hills has Nasher and all his subjects by assisting in in the northern wood. Fire elementals are the forest. claimed the lives of many adventurers. said to live deep within Hotenow. The According to the Sage of Neverwinter, in the effort to clear this district of monsters, steep mountains to the North of Hotenow ages past the Lost Hills was once a thiev ~ s ,. and bandits. hide griffin lairs. pleasant, beautiful land. Adventurers had nothing to fear travelling along the many 4 5 The Wharves in Vilnask. Vilnask is now known for the The Player Races man-sized giant-class creatures and are fine metal goods it produces especially adept at dodging the attacks of larger Along the edge of the Neverwinter river metal goods produced by Willo Clovyr. There are six races from which you may giant-class creatures. Gnomes can be east of the city, this area has been One of the greatest smiths of the Savage construct your player character (PC) . fighters, thieves, and fighter/thieves. victimized by monster attacks in recent Frontier, Willo produces weapons known Each race has different talents and limita­ times. Lord Nasher seeks adventurers far and wide for their strength and tions. Charts and tables in the appendices HaItlings are about half the size of a who will assist in the effort to clear this balance. Similar to other small towns, at the back of the Joumal summarize the human, hence their name. They are district of monsters, thieves, and bandits. Vilnask has an inn, jeweler, and an arms abilities and class limitations for the especially resistant to magic and poison. shop. different races. Non-human characters can They can be fighters, thieves, and fighter/ The portion of this area to the west of the combine character classes and may also thieves. Neverwinter River is still relatively safe, Wmdyclifls have additional special abilities. and therefore is a good place for adventur­ Humans are the most common player­ ers to begin the game. Battles there likely Situated near a small cliff, Windycliffs is Dwarves are a cunning race of sturdy race in the Forgotten Realms. They suffer mean facing only a single orc or bandit. named for the fierce winds that constantly workers and craftsmen. They are especially no level racial limitations or abilities The area across the river (there are two batter this small town. Populated mostly resistant to magic and poison. During modifiers. l1umans do have the disability bridges) is more dangerous, and that area by merchants, Windycliffs serves as a combat Dwarves receive bonuses when of shorter Iifespans than the other races. is best visited once players are through convenient stop for travelers on their way attacking man-sized giant-class creatures This may be a problem, especially if the initial leaming curve and are comfort­ to or back from Port L1ast. Travelers and and are adept at dodging the attacks of human characters have been subjected to able with the game. adventurers can fulfill all their needs by larger giant-Class creatures. Dwarves can many l1aste spells. They can be fighters, visiting the town's inn, stores, arms shop, be fighters, thieves, and fighter/thieves. magic-users, clerics, thieves, rangers, and jewelers. Recently Windycliffs has Triboar (TRY-bore) paladins, and dual-class characters. been plagued by fierce monsters. The Elves are a tall, long-lived race. They are This small town is strategically located Lord Mayor claims that the pirate-tyrant where the Long Road intersects Evermoor nearly immune to sleep and charm spells Scores captains of Luskan are responsible and and are adept at finding hidden Objects. Ability Way. Gathered armies have often set has asked Lord Nasher of Neverwinter for forth from Triboar to meet orc hordes. During combat Elves receive bonuses Every character has six randomly generated aid in battling the creatures. Triboar has two good smithies and when attacking with swords and bows. ability scores. These scores fall within a Skulner Wainwright a wagon maker famed They cannot be raised from the dead. range determined by the race and class GAME NO TES: Travele rs near Windycliffs Elves can be fighters, magic-users, thieves, throughout the North. Skulner's latest of the character (see the Range of Ability should have no fear of evil adventurers project is the "rolling cog," a massive fighter/magic-users, fighter/thieves, magic­ Scores by Race table on page 25). For attacking . Lord Nasher's private guard wagon that can double as a barge. user/thieves, and fighter/magic-user thieves. humans, that range is from 3 (low) to patrol s this area and safegu ard s all Triboar's name is thought to have come 18 (high). adve nturers. Howeve r, Lo rd Nas her's gu ard from a traveler's tale of slaying three Half-Elves are hybrids with many of the can only do so much. Travelers can expect boars here in a day. virtues of both humans and elves. They Depending on the character class, one or no hel p again st any monsters encountered in are resistant to sleep and charm spells and more of these abilities will be a prime this area. Even th e inexperience d can su rvive Vilnask are adept at finding hidden objects. l1alf­ requisite. A prime requisite is an ability in Windycliffs. (Non -PvP Regio n) elves can be fighters, magic-users, clerics, especially valuable to a given class Fifty winters ago, a great supply of silver, thieves, rangers, cleric/fighters, c1eric/ (strength for a fighter, wisdom for a cleric, iron, and even some mitheral was rangers, cleric/magic-users, fighter/magic­ etc.). Characters receive bonus experi­ discovered in a cave south of Neverwinter. CHARACTERS users, fighter/thieves, magic-user/thieves, ence points when their prime requisite Almost overnight a town grew near the site AND PARTIES c1eric/ fighter/ magic-users, or fighter/magic­ scores are at or above a certain number where these precious metals were found. user/thieves. (16 in most instances). Eventually the town was named after the To play Neverwinter Nights you must adventurer who discovered the site. Thus, create a character. Th e following sections Gnomes are shorter and slimmer than Vilnask was founded. For the next several explain what you need to know to create their dwarf cousins. They are especially winters miners, smiths, and merchants successful adventurers. resistant to magic. During combat from all the nearby regions came to settle Gnomes receive bonuses when attacking 6 7 Non-human characters may receive Wisdom (WlS) is the measure of ability Charisma (CHA) is the measure of how Hitpoints (UP) represent the amount of modifiers to the basic ability scores to to understand the ways of the world and others react to a character. Charisma is damage a character can take before he reflect differences between the races. to interact with the world. Clerics get the sometimes a factor when the character becomes unconscious or dies. Characters Dwarves, for instance, get a + 1 constitu­ 10% experience bonus if their wisdom is has an encounter with NPCs. The higher gain HP every time they increase in level. tion bonus and may have a maximum 16 or higher. Paladins must have a character's charisma, the more that Bonuses for high constitutions are constitution of 19 instead of 18. When a strength and wisdom of 16 or higher to character can persuade others to do calculated automatically. character is generated with the CREATE get the experience bonus. Rangers must what he wants. NEW CHARACTER command, all racial have strength, intelligence and wisdom The maximum potential number of HP modifiers are calculated automatically. of 16 or greater to receive the bonus. Each character also has three other impor­ a character can have is referred to as Hit Clerics with a wisdom of 14 or higher tant values that change as the game goes Dice (HD). A 4th level fighter, for example, Strength (STH.) is the measure of physical receive additional low level spells. There on: Experience Points (XP), Level, and has 4 d 10 hit dice. This means that power. The higher a character's strength, is a Wisdom Bonus table for clerics on Hitpoints (HP). his theoretical hitpoint maximum is the more he can carry, the more likely he page 31. (4* 10 = 40) plus any constitution bonus. is to hit in melee combat, and the more Experience Points (XP) are a measure damage he can do when he does hit. Dexterity (DEX) is the measure of of what the character has learned on NOTE: Dice (d) is the term used to describe fighters, rangers, and paladins with an 18 manual dexterity and agility. Thieves his adventures. Characters receive XP the range for a randomly generated number. strength also have a percentage value especially benefit from high dexterity. for actions such as fighting monsters, Dice are referred to by the range they from 1 to 100. The maximum percentage Thieves receive a 10% experience bonus finding treasures and successfully com­ represent. A d6 has a range from 1 through 6, values vary from race to race. Strength is if their dexterity is 16 or higher. For pleting quests. See the Tables of a d10 has a range from 1 through 10. most important for fighter type characters every dexterity point from 15 to 18, a Experience on pages 30-32 for each (fighters, rangers, paladins). If it is 16 or character receives a corresponding one class' XP requirements. When a character takes enough damage higher, fighters receive a bonus of 10% point improvement in his armor class. that his HP reaches 0 (or less), he is additional experience points. Paladins must For every dexterity point from 16 to 18, Level is a measure of a character's ability unconscious. An unconscious character have strength and wisdom of 16 or higher a character receives a one point in his class. As characters gain XP, they leaves combat and wakes near the to get the experience bonus. Rangers must improvement on his ability to hit with may go up in levels. New characters begin entrance to the current region. When you have strength, intelligence and wisdom of missile weapons. It is highly recom­ the game at I st level. view a character, his HP on the screen will 16 or greater to receive the bonus. mended that all characters have a high never be displayed as less than O. Non-human fighters may have a lower dexterity. This is considered essential for When characters have enough XP they maximum level if their strength is less than magic-users and thieves. There is a can go to a hall and receive the training Cbaracter Classes 18. There is a Strength table on page 26. Dexterity table on page 26. required to increase in level. Characters may only advance one level at a time. If a A character must belong to at least one character class. Non-human characters can JnteUigence (00) is the measure of Constitution (CON) is the measure of character has gained enough XP to go up have more than one class at the same leaming ability. Magic-Users with an overall health. Fighters receive one extra two or more levels since the last time he time. Non-human characters with multiple intelligence of 16 or higher receive a 10% hit pOint (HP) per hit die for each point of has trained, he goes up one level and lose ~Iasses have more playing options, but experience point bonus. Non-human constitution above 14. Non-fighters all XP in excess of one point below the increase in level more slowly because XP spell-casters may have a lower maximum receive similar benefits except they next level. is divided evenly among all classes. leyel if their intelligence is less than 18. receive a maximum of two extra HP per Rangers must have strength, intelligence level (no HP benefits for constitutions EXAMPLE: A 3rd level thief enters a training Characters receive HP, spells ano abilities and wisdom of 16 or higher to receive a above 16). Constitution also determines hall with 12,000 XP . He leaves as a fourth based on their class, level and (sometimes) 10% experience point bonus. the maximum number of times that a level thief with 10,000 XP , only 1 XP below character can be raised from the dead the needed amount to advance to fifth level. ability scores. Refer to the tables at the and the percent chance of a resurrection back of the journal to find the hit dice and attempt being successful. Every time a spells (if any) that a character receives. character is successfully resurrected, he loses one point of constitution. There is a Constitution table on page 26. 8 9 Clerics have spells bestowed on them by once a week at 1st-Sth levels, twice a Dual-Class Characters are human Chaotic Good characters believe in their deity and can fight wearing armor week at 6th-10th, and three times a week characters who had one class for the first creating good outcomes unfettered by the and using crushing (no edged or pointed) at 1 lth-lSth level. At 9th level paladins part of their lives, and then changed into a rule of law. weapons. Clerics must memorize their gain the ability to cast clerical spells. new class for the remainder. A character spells just as magic-users. When clerics Paladins must be of lawful good alignment must have a 17 or 18 in the prime Chaotic Neutral characters believe that gain a new spell level, they automatically and have ability scores of at least 9 in requisite for the class he wishes to change the freedom to act is more important than are able to use any of the available spells intelligence and wisdom, at least 12 in to. Once a character changes classes, he any objective good or evil outcome. for the new level. The prime requisite for strength, at least 13 in wisdom, and at cannot advance in his old class. Dua\-class clerics is wisdom. least 17 in charisma. The prime requisites characters do not gain HP and cannot use Chaotic Evil believe that chaos is the for paladins are strength and wisdom. the abilities of the old class while their best environment for practicing evil acts. Fighters can fight with any armor or new class level is less than or equal to the weapons, but they cannot cast magic Magic-Users have powerful spells, but old class level. Ohce the character's level Combat spells. Fighters can have exceptional can use no armor and few weapons. They in his new class is greater than his level in Combat occurs often during your strength and gain additional HP bonuses can only memorize those spells available his old class, he gains HP according to his adventures. Combat takes place on a if they have a Constitution of 17+. The in their magical grimoires (personal spell new class and may use abilities from both tactical map. This map is a detailed 3-D prime requisite for fighters is strength. books) or use scrolls. Magic-Users may add classes. view of the map terrain that your charac­ new spells to their grimoires whenever they ter was in when combat began. This map Rangers can fight with any armor or go up in level or find scrolls with spells of Alignment is overlaid with an invisible square grid. weapons. Rangers can have exceptional levels that they can scribe. The prime Alignment is the philosophy a character strength and gain additional HP bonuses requisite for magic-users is intelligence. As you move characters, you notice that if they have a Constitution of 17+. They lives by. Alignment can affect how Non­ Player Characters (NPCs) and some magic everything moves on the grid from square do additional damage in combat when Thieves can fight with swords and slings items in the game react to a character. to square. Moving diagonally often costs fighting giant-class creatures. At 8th level, and wear leather armor. In combat they more movement points than moving rangers may begin to cast druid spells; at do additional damage 'back stabbing' Lawful Good characters believe in the horizontally or vertically. 9th level, they gain magic-user spells. which is described in the Combat section. rule of law for the good of all. Rangers must be of good alignment and Thieves also have special skills for Initiative have ability scores of at least 13 in opening locks and removing traps. High­ Lawful Neutral characters believe the Each round of combat is divided into 10 strength and intelligence and at least 14 level thieves may also cast magic-user rule of law is more important than any segments. Which segment a character or in wisdom and constitution. The prime spells from scrolls. The prime requisite for objective good or evil outcome. monster acts in depends on his initiative requisites for rangers are strength, thieves is dexterity. number. This is a randomly-generated intelligence, and wisdom. Lawful Evil believe in the rule of law as number for each character and monster. Multi-Class Characters are non-human a tool to achieve evil ends. This random number is generated at the Paladins can fight with any armor or characters who belong to two or more beginning of each combat round and is weapons and can cast a few clerical classes at the same time. The characters' Neutral Good characters believe that the modified by dexterity bonuses or spells once they reach 9th level. Paladins experience points are divided among each triumph of good is more important than penalties and random factors (such as can have exceptional strength and gain of the classes, even after the characters the rule of either law or chaos. surprise) to arrive at the initiative additional HP bonuses if they have a can no longer advance in one or more .of number. Constitution of 17+. They are more those classes. The characters' HP per level True Neutral characters believe that there resistant to spells and poison, can tum are averaged among the classes. The must be a balance between good and evil, Sometimes a character acts in segment undead creatures as if they were a cleric multi-class characters gain all the benefits and law and chaos. 10 of one round and segment 1 in the two levels below their current level, and of all classes with regard to weapons next, appearing to act twice in a row. This are always surrounded by the equivalent and equipment. is especially common if you use the of a Protection from Evil spell. A paladin Neutral Evil characters believe that evil DELAY command. When the DELAY may heal two HP of damage per his level ends are more important than the command is given, that character's action once a day. A paladin may Cure Disease methods' used to achieve them. is delayed until segment 10.

10 1 I Computer Control EXAMPLE: A fighter with a THACO of 15 Missile Attacks A character that moves off the battlefield The computer controls the actions of attacking a monster with an AC of 3 wou ld A character may not attack an adjacent appears in a nearby location, or next to monsters and characters set to computer need to roll : (THACO 15) - (AC 3) = 12+ target with a missile weapon (bow, sling, the entrance of that region which is closest control with the AUTO command. You may etc.). A character may attack an adjacent to Neverwinter. If your character flees he take control of your character during any But to hit a monster with an AC of -2 he target with a thrown weapon (ax, club, etc.). does not receive any XP for monsters combat round. would need to roll : killed before retreating. (THACO 15) - (AC -2) = 17+ Bows can attack twice per tum. Thrown Combat Ability darts can attack three times per tum. Combat Strategies Each character's ability in combat is Damage Throughout Neverwinter Nights, your defined by his AC, THACO, and damage. When a hit is scored, the attacker does Multiple Attacks character engages a colorful collection of damage. Damage is the range of HP loss Fighters, paladins, and rangers attack foes. At times, your character may elect to AC the attacker inflicts when he hits an more than once per combat round when avoid a confrontation, choosing conversa­ A character or monster's difficulty to be opponent in combat. Damage depends on they get to higher levels. The first bonus is tion or flight instead. More often, however, hit is represented by his armor class or the attacker's strength and weapon type. three attacks every two rounds. Later, he must stand and fight. AC. The lower the AC, the harder it is to The damage each weapon can do is they attack twice each round. See the hit the target. AC is based on the armor summarized in the Weapon List on page 29. chart on page 26. To succeed in combat, when multiple a character is wearing and any dexterity players are involved, skilled players deploy bonus. Some magic items, such as Some monsters take only partial or no All of a character's attacks are aimed their characters well, casting effective enchanted armor, help a character's AC. damage from certain weapon types. Giant against the first target. If the first target spells before and during combat, maneu­ slugs, for example, take no damage from goes down with the first attack, aim any vering their characters into advantageous THACO blunt weapons (maces, etc.), while some remaining attack at another target. positions, and attacking using the most The character's THACO represents his other monsters only take damage from powerful weapons. ability to hit enemies in melee or with magical weapons. Movement missile fire. THACO stands for "To Hit The number of squares a character can Deploying your Character Armor Class 0. " This is the number a Saving Throws move is affected by the weight he's (Multi-player Combat) character must 'roll' (equal to or greater Whenever a character or monster is carrying, his strength, and the kind of When a battle begins, your character is than) to do damage to a target with an AC poisoned or attacked by most magic armor he has readied. A character's automatically positioned based on the of O. The lower the THACO the better the spells, such as Fireball or Lightning, the movement range is displayed on the view order of entry into combat. Placement of a chance to hit the target. computer checks to see if the Saving screen and when moving during combat. character does not occur until it is that Throw is made. A successful save means character's tum. NOTE: The generation of a random number is that the target had some innate immunity Running Away often referred to as a 'roll '. In determining if to the poison, or was not hit full-force by A character may flee from the battlefield if When battle begins, your character may be an attack is successful, the roll is a random the spell. Generally, a successful save he can move faster than all enemies. A placed in a bad position. If you wish to be number from 1 thro ugh 20 . means that the target was unaffected or character may not move off the battlefield defensive, move characters to anchor your damage that would otherwise be taken if he moves slower than any enemies. A flanks on an obstacle such as a wall. Keep An attack is successful if the random is halved. character has a 50% chance to move off magic-users behind the front line. Setting number is greater than or equal to the the battlefield if he can move as fast as up behind a doorway that your enemies attacker's THACO minus the target's AC. Back Stabbing the fastest enemy monster. have to move through makes for a very THACO may be modified by range, A thief back stabs if he attacks a target strong defensive position. attacking from the rear, magic weapons, from exactly opposite the first character EXCEPTION: If a monster or character can and magic spells among other things. to attack the target. The thief may not reach the edge of the combat map without Characters who are seriously injured backstab if he has readied armor heavier any of his opponents being able to see him , should be moved out of the front lines if than leather (exception: elfin chain mail). he may then flee successfully even though he possible. Be warned, however, that if you A back stab has a better chance of hitting may be slower than his opponents. move away from an adjacent enemy, he and does additional damage. gets a free attack at your back. Back attacks have an improved chance to hit. 12 13 One of the most popular activities within Missile weapons cannot be fired if there is Magic Spells do not automatically have full effect on an adjacent opponent. If you want to fire Neverwinter Nights is Player vs. Player their targets. Each target of a spell may get a missiles, make sure you keep away from Combat, or PvP as it is called. Regions Magic is integral to your success in saving throw to avoid some or all of the effect the enemy. Thrown weapons, such as have been designated as PvP regions, as Neverwinter Nights. Magic-Users, clerics of the spell. As a character gains levels, his axes, are exceptions as they may be used well as regions set aside from such and high-level paladins and rangers can saving throws improve. either as a missile weapon or a melee activity. The basic understanding of PvP is cast spells. If your character is not a spell­ weapon. If you want to stop enemy that players (spell-casters only at this time) caster, you should team up with a player NOTE: Some mon sters have magic resistance missile fire, move someone next to the are able to attack and ultimately kill other who has a spell-casting character before which gives them a greater chance to be opponent. players. This has spread into the forma­ attempting the higher-level areas. unaffected by the spell. tion of Guilds and sponsored events that Exploit your opponents' weaknesses by include PVP. It has become a part of A spell can exist in one of four forms: Magic-Users directing attacks against helpless enemy Neverwinter Nights and continues to reach in a character's memory, in a character's When a magic-user trains for a new level characters. Gang up on isolated foes. new bounds. grimoire (spell book), in a scroll, or in in a Training Hall, he is allowed to select Concentrate your attacks to eliminate one a wand. a new spell to scribe into his grimoire. opponent rather than injure many PvP is not necessarily a personal attack, A magic-user can also scribe spells from (Exception: enemy spell-casters). A foe but should be viewed as a dangerous Scrolls and Wands identified scrolls if he is of high enough with one HP remaining attacks as power­ encounter much like a NPC (Non-Player To cast spells from magic-user scrolls, level to cast them. A magic-user must cast fully as an uninjured one. Character) in which this encounter thinks, the character must cast Read Magic from the Read Magic spell in order to identify moves and is capable of equal, if not camp or have the scroll identified. the spells on the scroll. A spell disappears A spell caster who takes damage cannot stronger (based on the players PvP Magic-Users can then cast with the USE after it has been scribed or cast. Only cast a spell that round. If the spell-caster prowess and class) abilities as yourself. command after the contents of the scroll magic-users (and high level thieves) can had started to cast and was hit, he loses Currently the most favored class for are known. cast magic-user spells from scrolls. that spell from memory. Therefore, try to participation in PVP is without doubt, the formidable Cleric/ Magic-User of human The USE command can cast spells from injure all enemy spell-casters every round Clerics even if it is only for one point of damage. race. With the maxxing of 10th level clerical scrolls and from wands. Clerical magic requires no spell books. Conversely, if you want to cast spells, Cleric and dualing to Magic-User to reach All clerical spells of the appropriate level make sure your spell-casters are pro­ 1 I th level, this character class and race is Thieves of loth or greater level have a are always available to a cleric or high­ tected. capable of inflicting powerful spells, and 75% chance of successfully using a level paladin: the character need only is very often deadly in nature. magic-user scroll. memorize them. Player vs. Player Combat (hP) As an adventurer within the setting of As you enter Neverwinter Nights, remem­ Memorized Spells When a cleric finds a clerical scroll, he Neverwinter Nights, one must become ber to observe those that surround you, Any spell-caster with a memorized spell can use the spells directly from the scroll aware of ones surroundings. Indeed, either in passing or lurking in ones travels. can cast it using the CAST command. regardless of level. Paladins can never many beasts lay in wait at nearly every Spells are memorized during rest while use clerical scrolls, even if they can cast encamped. Memorizing a spell takes 15 footing, but even more so, one must NOTE: For addition al information regarding the spells. consider the numerous acquaintances PvP and Non-PvP Regions , visit Neverwinter minutes of game time per spell level, plus a minimum period of preparation. First that one meets during travel. As you Nights' "New Members Area ." Tips on Magic Spells khow, PC (player character) alignments and second level spells take a minimum Both clerics and magic-users can cast are far ranging and one never knows the preparation of four hours. Third and fourth spells which assist your character in true nature of the role player one level spells take a minimum preparation of combat. Preparatory spells just before a encounters until it is often too late. six hours. battle can protect and strengthen characters. During battle, spells damage EXA MPLE: To memorize (2) 1st level spell s, your opponents and help your party. (1) 2nd level spell and (1) 3rd level spell would take: (6 hours preparation) + (2 * 15 min) + (1 * 30 min) + (1 * 45 min) =7 hours 45 min. 14 15 Spells should be memorize as soon as Potions Enchanted Adornments Banshee possible after they are used. This is most Potions are a common magical treasure. Bracers, necklaces, periapts, and espe­ These evil spirits' keening wail strikes fear likely to happen after combat. Encamp, Potions may heal wounded characters, cially rings are favorite objects for magical into the hearts of men. They attack with a have your character memorize spells, and cause them to become hastened or enchantment. These items may have any chilling touch. select REST to allow him to imprint the invisible, or cause any number of other number of magical properties. Some spells for later use. effects. The USE command will allow a items help your AC, others may fire Magic Basilisk character to drink a readied potion. Missiles, or even be cursed. Once one of Reptilian monsters Magical Treasures these items has been readied from the whose very gaze can Scrolls Items menu, a character automatically turn to stone any As you travel about and encounter the For either clerics or magic-users, these gains all effects. The exception to this rule fleshy creature. monsters and puzzles that stand between items may have spells that characters is that certain magical necklaces require you and finishing your various quests, you couldn't otherwise cast. the USE command to work. Beholder also find magical items to help you on Globular creatures, Beholders move with your way. Here are descriptions of some A magic-user may use the SCRIBE Enchanted Clothing an innate levitation. Each of their ten items that you may find. Not all of these command to permanently transfer a scroll Wizards sometimes cast enchantments on eyestalks has a unique magical ability, items may be found in your adventure. into his grimoire if the spell is of a level commonplace items of clothing such as and a single large eye emits a powerful You can find out if there is a magic item that he can memorize. Magic-Users and gauntlets or cloaks. A wide variety of Anti-Magic ray. Their ability to instantly kill in a treasure by doing a Detect Magic spell clerics can cast spells directly from scrolls these items are known to exist. To use their targets make beholders one of the using the DETECT command. To find out with the USE command. High-level thieves these items, ready them from the Items most dangerous creatures in the Forgot­ specifically what an item is, you must take may also attempt to cast magic-user spells menu. ten Realms. it to an armory or find a shop and have from scrolls. Scrolls disappear after they it identified. have been used or scribed. Gauntlets of Ogre Strength Bugbear When worn, these gauntlets give a Hideous giant-sized goblins who stand Some magic items are, in reality, cursed Enchanted Annor and Shields character the tremendous strength and over seven feet in height. Bugbears look and can do great harm. When a character Sometimes you may run across armor or combat bonuses of an ogre. To wear the clumsy but are strong, quick fighters. readies a cursed item, a Remove Curse shields that have been created by skilled gauntlets, ready them. spell must be cast before the item can craftsmen and then enchanted with Bulette be dropped. Some magic items, such as protective spells. The power of the magic Also called landsharks, these are the wands or scrolls, may only be used by these items contain may vary a great deal. Creatures of the result of a mad mage's experiment. They certain classes. Others may not work at Enchanted armor has the great advantage Forgotten Realms are stupip, irascible, and always hungry. all if certain other magic items are also of offering improved protection with less in use. encumbrance than the same type of The denizens of these regions are many Carrion Crawler mundane armor. To use these items, and varied. Here is a list of monsters you These are giant, segmented creatures Wands ready them from the Items menu. whose eight tentacles can attack once Wands are the traditional objects of may encounter in your adventures. Some of these creatures are extremely rare, and apiece each round. Carrion crawlers enchantment. Wands generally cast a set Enchanted Weapons paralyze their victims and devour them. number of a given spell (10 Fire Balls or you may never cross paths with them at Enchanted weapons come in many sizes, all. 15 Magic Missiles for instance). Only shapes, and potencies. Sometimes a Centaur experimentation or paying to have them weapon adds between one and five to These good creatures identified can tell you what a wand does. Anhkheg your THACO and damage. Other weapons Large burrowing insects with great are half men and The USE command allows a character to may have other fantastic magical properties half horse. They are cast spells with a readied wand. mandibles. These creatures have been including extra bonuses against specific known to spit a powerful acid. capable fighters and types of creatures. Once a magic weapon can be valuable allies. has been readied from the Items menu, the character has it for all combats.

16 17 Centipede (Giant) Dragons I:lectric Spider Giants True giants, often reaching over 5' in These are some of the most powerful and Electric spiders can be found throughout Giants vary greatly in power, intelligence, length. Their poisonous bite is extremely dangerous of the monsters a party can the lands. They can breathe a lightning and tastes. The following is a list of the dangerous. encounter. The older and larger the bolt similar to that of a blue dragon's. types of giants you are likely to encounter: dragon, the more damage it can do and They favor narrow confines where they Cockatrice the harder it is to kill. can bounce their bolt through a victim Cloud Giant A repulsive creature that appears as part several times. These members of the giant races cock, part lizard. They have the power to Biacl, Dragon consider themselves to be above all others tum flesh to stone. Black dragons spit I:lementals of the species, except storm giants, whom streams of acid while Elementals are strong, but relatively they view as equals. Crocodile (Giant) attacking with claws stupid beings conjured up from their Large reptilian carnivores - much more and fangs. normal habitat on the elemental planes. Cloud Giant (Shaman) dangerous than their smaller cousins. A few cloud giant tribes have shamans Bronze Dragon I:arth I:lemental who can cast spells as a cleric. In all other Cryo Snake In addition to vicious claw and fang These are powerful creatures who travel respects, they are identical to other cloud These fierce snakes prefer to inhabit attacks, these good dragons spit a bolt of very slowly and can be summoned from giants. glaciers and high peaks. Humans will lightning. earth or stone. rarely confront these beasts unless they Fire Giant move to higher elevations during excep­ Red Dragon Fire I:lemental Brutal and ruthless warriors, these giants tionally cold winters. Their breath is Red dragons can exhale great spouts of Fire elementals are terrible to behold and resemble huge dwarves and have flaming identical to that of a white dragon. flame or attack with their claws and fangs. can be fierce opponents. They are red or orange hair and coal black skin. immune to both magical and non-magical Cyclopskin White Dragon fire attacks. Fire Giant (Mage) Cyclopskins are large humanoids that have Unique among dragons in their preference Some fire giants have the ability to cast one eye. for cold climates, these evil beasts can I:ttin spells as a magic user. In all other attack with their freezing cold breath in These foes look like giant two-headed respects, they are identical to other fire Displacer Beast addition to razor sharp claws and fangs. orcs. They have great strength and can giants. A creature resembling six-legged puma, Small in size and not as intelligent as their wield two spiked clubs that inflict terrible with two ebony tentacles growing from cousins, these dragons are still quite damage in combat. frost Giant behind its shoulders. These beasts have dangerous. These giants have a reputation for the magical ability to displace their image f rog (Giant) crudeness and stupidity. While the about three feet from their actual body, Drider These are giant carnivorous frogs. They reputation may be deserved, frost giants making them an especially tricky opponent. Part dark-, part spider monster. This are fast, dangerous predators which may are crafty and skilled fighters. horror is the subterranean counterpart of be poisonous. Dracolich the centaur. Hill Giant When very powerful evil dragons die, some Gargoyle One of the smaller of the giant races, they ~ecome a hideous form of undead dragon t;{reeti Ferocious predators of a magical nature. are brutish hulks possessing low intelli­ which paralyze with their very gaze. Their These large powerful djiin are from the Gargoyles are typically found amid ruins gence and tremendous strength. gaze - and breath - makes Dracoliches elemental plane of fire. They are very or dwelling in underground caverns. dangerous enemies. arrogant and will only serve a powerful Storm Giant master. Ghoul This is one of the most These are evil undead whose touch may noble and intelligent of the paralyze a person in combat. They feed giant races. These giants on corpses and attack all living creatures are dangerous fighters on-site. when angry, and can often use magic. 18 19 '[ J Gnoll Hippogriff Lich Medusa These creatures are hyena-headed Magnificent creatures with the forelimbs This is perhaps the single most powerful These are hideous women-creatures with humanoids who stand over seven feet tall. and head of an eagle and the body and type of undead creature. A Iich is the coiling masses of snakes for hair. They can hind legs of a horse. remains of a powerful magic user who has tum a person to stone with their gaze. Goblin kept his body animated after death These are small humanoids common in Hobgoblin through the use of foul magics. Liches can Min otaur the Realms. These are human-sized, intelligent use magic as they did while still living, and These creatures are part-man and part-bull relatives of the goblin. have other powers similar to greater warriors. They are highly intelligent and Go/ems undead creatures. dangerous opponents. Magically created automatons of great Hydra power. Golems can be constructed of Immense reptilian monsters with multiple Lizard (Giant) Mobat flesh, clay, stone, or iron. All are danger­ heads. All of its heads must be severed Huge, carnivorous reptiles which can often These are huge omnivorous bats who like ous. before a hydra can be slain. Hydras come be found in river valleys. nothing better than warm-blooded in many sizes, with the number of heads humanoids for dinner! Great Vilstrak increasing as they grow stronger. Lizard Men Great vilstraks are 'giant vilstraks, also These are savage reptilian humanoids. Mummy called "marl muggers" or "tunnel thugs." Ice Hound They generally attack in groups and are These are powerful undead with great A vilstrak's stony surface provides it with Ice hounds are relatives of the hell hound often accompanied by a larger, tougher strength. The mere sight of one has been both excellent protection and the uncanny and are not originally from the material Lizard King. known to paralyze a man in combat. The ability to physically merge with earth or plane. These creatures are summoned to touch of the mummy causes a strange, stone. serve as guards in cold weather regions. In Mammoth rotting disease. addition to a normal bite attack, ice There are several varieties of mammoth, Greenhag hounds can breathe a cone of frost, including the woolly and imperial - the Neo-Otyugh Greenhags are a race of evil creatures causing 7 points of damage (save for half latter being the largest. They inhabit This is a more powerful form of Otyugh. related to both annis and nighthags. They damage). climes ranging from subarctic to subtropi­ These disgusting scavengers get several are resistant to magic and have spell-like cal. These massive herbivores can be vicious attacks and have a heavily powers. A typical greenhag resembles a Kampfult (Giant) quite aggressive if threatened. armored body. nighthag, but with green skin. Giant Kampfult are a larger version of the kampfult, sometimes called the "sinewy Manticore Ogre Griffin mugger." This creature originally inhabited Human head, bat wings Large, ugly, These are half-lion, half-eagle'avian woodland areas, but has been driven out and a lion body make foul-tempered carnivores. Their favorite prey. are horses by human hunters. They now can be Manticores one of the oddest creatures in humanoids, ogres and their distant kin (hippogriffs, pegasi, found in ruins or dungeon settings. Once a the Realms. They attack with claws and generally attack with and unicorns). victim is hit by one of the kampfult's volleys of iron spikes thrown from their tail. a spiked club. rope-like vines, there is no escape until Harpy the kampfult is slain. '( Margoyle Ogre (Shaman) Harpies are wicked avian humanoids that Stony monsters are immune to normal A few ogre tribes have shamans who can ptey upon nearly all creatures, but prefer Kobold .r weapons and can attack many times with cast spells as a cleric. In all other respects, the flesh of humans and demihumans. These are small, cowardly humanoids who their sharp claws and spikes. they are identical to other ogres. delight in killing and torture. Hell Hound Mastodon These other-planar creatures resemble Large cold climate relatives of the wolves, but they can breathe fire and elephants found in warmer regions. detect invisible enemies.

20 2] Ogre Mage forequarters and head of a mountain lion; Ogre magi, or japanese ogres are not as Remorhaz Snake (Giant) and, the mid-body wings and head of a common as other ogres. They normally These are sometimes referred to as Polar These large reptiles slay their prey with white dragon. It attacks with its lion claws seek uninhabited places in which to lair - Worms. They inhabit cold regions and are deadly venom. Neutralize Poison counters and all three heads. The white dragon typically in a fortified dwelling or some aggressive predators who have been snake bite. head can breathe twice per day, and its secure cavern complex below ground. known to attack even frost giants. gorgon head can use petrifying breath From this location, the ogre magi will Sphinx twice per day. These monsters can only foray to capture treasure and humans for Rock Reptile An extremely rare creature that is be found in cold, mountainous regions. slaves and food. Rock reptiles are lizards with a lumpy, part-lion, and has the upper torso of a warty hide, and chameleon-like powers. woman. Rather than fight sphinxes often Wild Boar Otyugh converse with adventurers. These creatures are the wild relatives of These scavengers have long tentacles that Salamander the pig. they use to scoop trash into their cavern­ Salamanders are natives of the elemental Spider (Giant) ous mouths. plane of fire, and so are immune to all These giant cousins of the small predator Wolf fire-based attacks. They are dangerous attack with a poisonous bite. Packs of wild wolves often roam the ruins Phase Spider foes because of their evil nature and the and forests of the Realms looking for These are giant poisonous spiders with fact that they can only be hit by magical Stirge food. the ability to phase in and out of this weapons. These are smalL blood-sucking birds. dimension. They are "phased in" until Wyvern they attack and are "phased out" after­ Scorpion (Giant) Tiger These creatures are distant relatives of wards. Giant Scorpions can be up to 8' long. These are noble beasts who are both dragons. They attack by biting and using Their tail stinger can inject a fatal poison strong and silent. Though their normal the poisonous sting in their tails. Poisonous Snake to those unlucky enough to be in the way. prey are animals, they have been known These are giant snakes that are extremely to become "man eaters." Yeti poisonous. Some varieties who are so Shambling Mound Yetis are large creatures that inhabit ice poisonous that even if a saving throw Omnivorous, intelligent Troll regions. Their white fur makes them versus poison is made, the victim takes vegetable life forms, These are large, strong, ugly humanoids. nearly invisible. Oftentimes you cannot up to 3-18 hit points of additional Shambling Mounds They know no fear and can regenerate spot them until they are within 10 to 30 damage. resemble large heaps of wounds which have not been caused by feet of you. rotting vegetation. They fire. Purple Worm are usually found in wet Zombie These enormous carnivores burrow subterranean places. Umber HuJ/{ Magically animated corpses controlled by through solid ground in search of small These powerful subterranean creatures an evil force. Zombies always fight back (man-sized) morsels. Skeleton can use their claws to burrow through until destroyed or turned. These are the least of the undead. These solid stone in search of prey. Pyro Snake animated skeletons are usually controlled These fierce snakes are always found near by some evil force. Warg SPELLS fire or in very hot climates. They are These large, vicious wolves show more dangerous foes, attacking with a vicious Skeleton (Giant) intelligence and are twice as dangerous as First-Level Cleric Spells bite and capable of spitting hazardous Animated skeletons from giants. They hit their normal cousins. fireballs. harder and can take more damage than l3Iess improves the THACO of friendly normal skeletons. White Gorgimera characters by 1. The Bless spell does Rat (Giant) This fearsome three-headed monster is a not affect characters who are adjacent Giant rats are ferocious rodents the size Slug (Giant) relative of the chimera. It has the hind­ to monsters when the spell is cast. This of large dogs. These are huge, omnivorous mutations of quarters and head of a gorgon; the is a good spell to cast before going the common garden pest. They attack by into combat. 22 biting and can spit a highly corrosive acid. 23 Curse impairs the THACO of targets by 1. Slow Poison revives a poisoned character Remove Curse removes the effects of a Flame Strike allows the cleric to call down The target cannot be adjacent to a party for the duration of the spell. Bestow Curse spell and allows the target a column of fire from the heavens doing character or NPC. to unready cursed magic items. 6-48 hitpoints of damage. Snake Chann paralyzes as many hitpoints Cure Light Wounds heals 1-8 hitpoints of snakes as the cleric has hitpoints. Fourth-Level Cleric Spells Slay Living attempts to kill one target. If (up to the target's normal maximum the target makes his saving throw, then hitpoints). Spiritual Nammer creates a temporary Cause Serious Wounds inflicts 3-17 he suffers 3-17 hitpoints of damage. magic hammer that is automatically hitpoints of damage on a target. cause Light Wounds inflicts 1-8 hitpoints readied. It can strike at range and Sixth-Level Cleric Spells of damage on a target. does normal hammer damage. Spiritual Cure Serious Wounds heals 3-17 Hammers can hit monsters that may only hitpoints (up to the target's normal Nann inflicts terrible damage on any living Detect Magic indicates which equipment be struck by magic weapons. maximum hitpoints). creature, leaving only 1-4 hitpoints. or treasure is magical. You can view a character's items or take treasure items. Third-Level Cleric Spells Neutralize Poison revives a poisoned Neal cures all diseases, blindness, Equipment" or treasure preceded by an person. feeblemindedness, and all except 1-4 of asterisk ( ) is magical. Bestow Curse reduces the target's THACO a character's full hitpoints. and saving throws by 4. Poison attempts to poison the target, Protection from t;vil improves the Armor causing the target to make a saving throw First-Level Druid Spells Class (AC) and saving throws of the target cause Blindness blinds one target. against poison or die. (For High-Level Rangers) by 2 against evil alignment attackers. This can only be cured with a Cure Blindness spell. Protection from t;vil J 0' Radius must be Detect Magic indicates which equipment Protection from Good improves the Armor cast on a character or a monster. It or treasure is magical. You can view a Class (AC) and saving throws of the target Cure Blindness removes the effect of the improves the AC and saving throws of the character's items or take treasure items. by 2 against good alignment attackers. Cause Blindness spell. target and all adjacent friendly characters Equipment or treasure preceded by an by 2 against evil attackers. asterisk ( ) is magical. Resist Cold halves the damage and cause Disease infects the target with .a improves saving throws against cold debilitating ailment that saps strength Sticks to Snakes causes snakes to t;ntangle causes plants in the area of attacks by 3. and hitpoints. torment the target. The snakes make effect to grow and entwine around the movement and spell-casting impossible feet of any creature in the area. Be careful Second-Level Cleric Spells Cure Disease removes the effects of for the duration of the spell. not to catch allies in the spell area. disease caused by some monsters or Find Traps indicates the presence of traps c.aused by a Cause Disease spell. Fifth-Level Cleric Spells Faerie Fire rings a targeted creature in in the character's path. magical light. This spell outlines otherwise Dispel Magic removes the effects of spells cause Critical Wounds inflicts 6-27 hitpoints invisible creatures, and gives a +2 THACO Nold Person may paralyze targets of that do not have specific counter spells. of damage on a target. bonus to anyone attacking an affected character types (human, etc.). You may This is a recuperation spell for any of your creature. aim a Hold Person spell at up to 3 targets. characters that have been held, slowed, Cure Critical Wounds heals 6-27 hitpoints of or made nauseous. damage (up to a character's normal Invisibility to Animals makes the target Resist Fire halves the damage and improves maximum hitpoints). invisible to low or non­ saving throws against fire attacks by 3. Prayer improves the THACO and saving intelligent animals. This spell does not throws of friendly characters by I and Dispel t;vil improves the target's AC by 7 offer protection against intelligent Silence IS' Radius must be cast on a reduces the THACO and saving throw of versus summoned evil creatures for the opponents or magical creatures. character or a monster. That character or monsters by I . This is a good spell to duration of the spell, or until the target monster, and all adjacent to him, cannot cast before going into combat. hits a summoned creature. The creature cast their spells for the duration of your must make a saving throw when it is hit spell. or be dispelled. 24 25 Second-Level Mage Spells Fireball does 1-6 hitpoints of damage Second-Level Druid Spells Friends raises the caster's charisma per level of the caster to all targets within Detect Invisibility allows the target to spot (For High-Level Rangers) 2-8 points. It is often cast just before its area. If the target makes its saving an encounter. invisible targets. Barkskin causes the target's skin to throw, the damage is halved. Fireball is a slow-casting spell and the spell's become tougher and harder to damage. Invisibility makes the target invisible. The Magic Missile does 2-5 hitpoints per power demands that you target carefully. The effect of this spell is a -1 bonus to AC. THACO of melee attacks against invisible missile with no saving throw. A mage Otherwise, you may inadvertently destroy This is a good spell to cast before combat. targets is reduced by 4. It is impossible to throws 1 missile for every 2 levels party characters. The only safe area on the (I at levels 1-2, 2 at levels 3-4, etc.) aim ranged attacks at invisible targets. Charm Person or Mammal changes the screen at the time you target the spells This spell will darnage any target within Invisibility is dispelled when the target are the squares in each comer of the target's allegiance in a combat. It affects its range unless the target is magic attacks or casts a spell. screen and the squares directly above and character types (human, etc.) and other resistant or has certain magical protec­ mammals. below these comer squares. Be sure to tion. Casts instantaneously. Knock is used to open locks. It can be use the CENTER command to determine ' cast from the door opening menu if who is in the area of effect. Cure Light Wounds heals 1-8 hitpoints (up Protection from t;vil improves the AC and the active character has a memorized to the target's normal maximum saving throws of the target by 2 against knock spell. hitpoints). Haste doubles the target's movement and evil attackers. number of melee attacks per round. Haste Mirror Image creates 1-4 illusionary has a short duration and you should wait First-Level Mage Spells Read Magic allows a mage to ready a duplicates of the mage. A duplicate until a fight is imminent to cast it. scroll and read it. For scrolls, this works disappears when it is attacked. Buming Hands causes 1 hitpoint of fire Warning: each time a haste spell is cast on as if they have been identified. A mage damage per level of the caster. There is a character, he ages one year. may scribe the spells from a scroll (if Ray of t;nfeeblement reduces the no saving throw. appropriate for his class and level) after it target's strength by 25% + 2% per level Hold Person may paralyze targets of has been read. of the caster. Charm Person changes the target's character types (human, etc.). You may allegiance in a combat. It only affects aim a Hold Person spell at up to four Shield negates enemy Magic Missile . Stinking Cloud paralyzes those in its area character types (human, etc.). targets (Exit to target fewer) . spells, improves the mage's saving throw, for 2-5 rounds. If the target saves, it is not and may increase his AC. paralyzed, but is nauseous and has its Detect Magic indicates which equipment Invisibility 10' Radius makes all targets AC reduced for two rounds. This spell has or treasure is magical. You can view a adjacent to the caster invisible. The Shocking Grasp does electrical damage a very short range and care should be character's items or take treasure items. THACO of melee attacks against invisible of 1-8 hitpoints, + I hitpoint per level taken to avoid including party members Equipment or treasure preceded by an targets is reduced by 4. It is impossible to of caster. in the cloud. asterisk ( ) is magical. aim ranged attacks at invisible targets. Use this spell to set up a battle line while Sleep puts 1-16 targets to sleep with no Strength raises the target's strength by 1-8 t;nlarge makes the target larger and your enemies seek you out. Characters saving throw. Up to sixteen 1 hit-die points, depending on the class of the target. stronger. The higher the caster's level, the lose invisibility if they do anything but targets are affected. One 4 hit-die target iarger and stronger the target gets. If the move. Some monsters can see invisible is affected. Targets of 5 or more hit-dice caster is 6th level, the target becomes as Third-Level Mage Spells creatures. are unaffected. strong as an Ogre. If the caster is 10th Blink protects the mage. The mage 'blinks level, the target becomes as strong as a out' after he a'cts each round. The mage Lightning Bolt does 1-6 hitpoints per level Fire Giant. A target can only be under the may be physically attacked before he acts of the caster to targets along its path. If effect of one Enlarge spell at a time. each round, but he may not be physically the target makes its saving throw, the Unwilling targets get a saving throw attacked after he acts. damage is halved. A lightning bolt is 4 or against this effect. The spell stays in effect 8 squares long in a line away from the for more than one combat, and should be Dispel Magic removes the effects of spells caster. For best results, move the spell­ cast before combat. that do not have specific counter spells caster to send the bolt down a row of 27 26 (such as Cause Blindness or Disease). opponents. It attacks all opponents along enraged, flee in terror, or go berserk. the line within its range. Target the first Confusion is most effective when used Fifth·Level Mage Spells Seventh·Level Mage Spells creature in the row (closest to caster). against a large number of enemies. Cloud Kill is similar to the Stinking Cloud Delayed Blast f'ireball is a more powerful Lightning bolts reflect off walls back spell, except that its area of effect is larger version of the 3rd-level spell and goes toward the spell-caster. This permits Dimension Door allows the mage to and it kills weaker monsters. Stronger through a Minor Globe of Invulnerability. targets adjacent or close to a wall to be teleport himself to another point on the monsters may be immune to the spell. The fireball explosion can be delayed for hit twice by the same bolt. Be careful the battlefield within his line of sight and the some period of time if the caster wishes. caster isn't hit by the reflected bolt. range of the spell. Mages can use it for Cone of Cold fires a withering cone-shaped Protection from C;vil 10' Radius protects quick escapes. fighter/ mages use the blast of cold. The spell's range and Mass Invisibility is identical to the Invisib­ the target and all characters adjacent to "Door" to reach the opposition's rear damage increases with the caster's level. ility spell, except that it effects several the target. The spell improves the AC area. targets at once. This can be a valuable and saving throws of those it protects by Feeblemind causes targets who fail their spell to cast before a known encounter. 2 against evil attackers. Fear causes all within its area to flee. saving throws to drop dramatically in intelligence and wisdom and become Power Word Stun will cause one creature Protection from Oood 10' Radius protects f'ire Shield protects the mage so that any unable to cast spells. A Heal spell must to be stunned, reeling and unable to think the target and all characters adjacent to creature who hits the mage in melee does be cast on the victim to recover from or act effectively. The weaker the target, the target. The spell improves the AC and normal damage, but takes twice that the effect. the longer it will be stunned. saving throws of those it protects by 2 damage in return. The shield may be against good attackers. attuned to heat attacks or cold attacks. Hold Monster is similar to Hold Person, The mage takes half damage (no damage except that it affects a wider variety Protection from Normal Missiles makes if he makes his saving throw) and has his of creatures. the target immune to non-magical saving throw against the opposite form of missiles. attack improved by 2. He takes double Sixth·Level Mage Spells damage from the form of attack the shield Slow affects one target per level of caster. is attuned to. Death Spell kills opponents instantly and The spell halves the target's movement irrevocably. The spell kills a greater and number of melee attacks per round. Fumble causes the target to be unable number of weak opponents than strong. Slow can be used to negate a Haste to move or attack. If the target makes his spell. This spell is useful against any saving throw, he is affected by a Slow spell. Disintegrate destroys one target. Some high-damage creature. It only affects the creatures with an innate magic resistance side opposing the spell-caster. Ice Storm does 3-30 hitpoints to all may avoid the effects of the spell, while targets within its area. There is no saving most must make a saving throw to Fourth·Level Mage Spells throw. This spell inflicts damage on survive. opponents protected by Minor Globes of Charm Monster changes the target's Invulnerability. F'Iesh to Stone causes the target to make allegiance in combat. It works on any a saving throw or be turned into stone. living creature. The spell affects 2-8 Minor Olobe of Invulnerability protects 1st-level targets, 1-4 2nd-level targets, \-2 the caster from incoming first, second, Olobe of Invulnerability will protect 3rd-level targets, or one target of 4th-level or third-level spells. The Globe is very against \ st through 4th-level spells. or above. effective when used in combination with Fire Shield. Confusion affects 2-\6 targets. Each target must make a saving throw each Remove Curse removes the effects of a round or stand confused, become Bestow Curse spell and allows the target to unready cursed magic items.

28 29 GLOSSARY OF AD&D® example a d I 0 can be a value from I to Level describes the power of a number of Non·P1ayer Character (NPC) is a member COMPUTER GAME TERMS 10, a d6 would be from I to 6. When a die different items. The power of characters, of a player race who is not controlled by number is generated it is called a "Roll." dungeons, monsters, and spells are all the player. Ability Scores' are numbers that describe described with levels. the attributes of the characters. There Encounter is what happens when a party Player Character (PC) is a member of are six ability scores: Strength, Intelli­ meets a.morfster. You are given a menu Character Level is a determination a player race who is controlled by the gence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, of choices of how you want to handle of how much experience a character player. Your character is a Pc. and Charisma. the situation. has. Th e higher the leveL the more experienced and important the character Race is the species a character may be Adventurer is a term for one of the Enter is the act of giving a command to is. High-level spell-casters can cast in the game. For example, human, elf and characters you play in this game. the computer. How this is done varies high-level spells. dwarf are races. depending on the computer. Alignment is the basic philosophy of a Spell Level is the degree of difficulty of a Saving Throw is the chance that a character. See Alignment on page 7. Experience Points (XI") - Every encounter spell. The higher the level of a spelL the character or monster is unaffected, or a character has yields experience points greater the difficulty. Only very experi­ only partially affected, by a spell, poison, Annor Class (AC) is a rating of how depending on how successful the encounter enced magic-users and clerics can learn or similar attack. As characters gain levels difficult a target is to damage. The lower was for your character. A character who high-level spells. their saving throws are more likely to the AC number, the more difficult it is to hit. gains enough XP can advance a level. protect them from adverse effects. Magic covers spell-casting, enchanted Character is another name for the person Facing - In combat, a character faces a items, and any other application of Spell is a magic incantation that can alter you play in the game. A party consists of certain direction. An attack from the the supernatural. the nature of reality. MagiC-Users, clerics, several characters. direction he is not facing has a greater and high-level paladins and rangers can chance of doing damage. A character will Melee Combat is hand-ta-hand combat cast spells after memorizing them. If the Class is a character's occupation. always face an opponent if he has only with weapons such as swords, spears, spell is cast, it is gone from the user's For example, mage, fighter and cleric one opponent. and fists. mind and must be re-memorized. are classes. Grimoire (Spell Book) is the book in Missile Combat is ranged combat TIlACO (To Hit Annor Class 0) is the Combat Round is one tum of a battle. which a mage carries his spells. with weapons such as bows and arrows, number that a character must make or All characters and monsters who are able crossbows and quarrels, and slings exceed to hit an opponent with ACO. to fight will get to act at least once per Hit Points (UP) is a measure of how and slingstones. combat round. healthy a character is. Damage from weapons subtracts hit points from the Monster includes human and other player Combat Segment is one-tenth of a character's total. When he has lost all his races as well as ogres and dragons. In Combat Round. Which combat segment a hit points, he is unconscious or dying and generaL if it isn't part of your party, it's a character or monster acts on in a round is will be removed from combat. monster. Monsters are not necessarily determined by his dexterity and a random hostile; some may be helpful. That's what number. Icon is the small picture of a monster or the PARLAY command on the Encounter a character seen during combat. Character menu is for. Command is a one or twa-word option in icons can be altered using the ALTER a menu. Activating that command allows command in the Encamp menu. Multi·Class Characters are non-human you either to view another menu or have characters which may belong to two or your characters perform an action. Initiative is a semi-random determination three classes at the same time. Such of which character in a combat acts first. multi-class characters split their experi­ Dice - In the computer AD&'D game, dice The characters with higher dexterities have a ence among all their classes, even if they are random numbers. They are referred to better chance for a higher initiative. have reached their racial maximum level. by the highest number they can be, for 30 31 APPENDICES STRENGTII TABLE: DEXTERITY TABLE ABILITY ADJUSTMENTS REACTION/ WEIGHT ABILITY MISSILE AC RAlYGE OF ABILITY SCORES BY RACE ABILITY THACO DAMAGE ALLOWANCE SCORE BONUS BONUS ABILITY SCORE DWARF ELF GNOME HALF-ELF HUMAN SCORE BONUS ADJUSTMENT (IN GOLD PIECES) 3 -3 +4 3 -3 -1 -350 4 -2 +3 Strength (Male) 8-18(99) 3-18(75) 6-18(50) 3-18(90) 6-17 3-18(00) 4-5 -2 -1 -250 5 -1 +2 Strength (Female) 8-17 3-16 6-15 3-17 6-14 3-18(50) 6-7 -1 none -150 6 o +1 Intelligence 3-18 8-18 7-18 4-18 6-18 3-18 8-9 normal none normal 7 o o Wisdom 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-17 3-18 10-11 normal none normal 8 o o Dexterity 3-17 7-19 3-18 6-18 8-18 3-18 12-13 normal none +100 9 o o Constitution 12-19 6-18 8-18 6-18 10-19 3-18 14-15 normal none +200 10 o o Charisma 3-16 8-18 3-18 3-18 3-18 3-18 16 normal +1 +350 11 o o RACIAL ABILITY SCORE MODIFIERS: MINIMUM/MAXIMUM ABILITY SCORE: 17 +1 +1 +500 12 o o Dwarf Constitution +1 Charisma-1 (xx) = maximum percentage for an 18 strength 18 +1 +2 +750 13 o o Elf Dexterity +1 Constitution -1 (fighters, paladins, and ranger only) *18/01-50 +1 +3 +1 ,000 14 o o Haltling Dexterity +1 Strength -1 *18/51-75 +2 +3 +1 ,250 15 o -1 *18/76-90 +2 +4 +1 ,500 16 +1 -2 MAXIMUM LEVEL LIMITS BY RACE, CLASS AlYD PRIME REQUISITE * 18/91-99 +2 +5 +2,000 17 +2 -3 *18/00 +3 +6 +3,000 18 +3 -4 CLASS ABILITY DWARF* GNOME* HALF-ELF* HALFLlNG* HUMAN 'These bonu ses available to Fighter classes only Cleric Any no no no 5 no 10* (Fighter, Paladin, Ranger). Fighter STR 16- 7 5 5 6 4 12* STR 17 8 6 5 7 5 12* CONSTITUTION TABLE STR 18+ 9 7 6 8 no 12* ABILITY HIT POINT RESURRECTION ABILITY HIT POINT RESURRECTION Paladin Any no no no no no 11 * SCORE ADJUSTMENT SURVIVAL SCORE ADJUSTMENT SURVIVAL Ranger STR 16- no no no 6 no 11 * 3 -2 40% 11 o 80% STR 17 no no no 7 no 11 * 4 -1 45% 12 o 85% STR 18+ no no no 8 no 11 * 5 -1 50% 13 o 90% Magic-User INT 16- no 9 no 6 no 11 * 6 -1 55% 14 o 92% INT 17 no 10 no 7 no 11 * 7 o 60% 15 +1 94% INT 18 no 11 no 8 no 11 * 8 o 65% 16 +2 96% Thief Any 12* 12* 12* 12* 12* 12* 9 o 70% 17 +2 (+3)* 98% no : Characters of this race cannot be of thi s class. * : Highest Level Available in Neverwinte r Nights. 10 o 75% 18 +2(+4) * 100% Normal AD&D'" game Characters have unlimited level advancement in these classes. * Bonu s applies only to Fighters; all other classes may be given a maxi mum hit point bonus adjustment for co nstitution of +2. *NOTE: Except for thieves, most non-human characters may not advance to as high a level as the game provides for humans. FIGIITER, PALADIlV, RAlYGER ARMOR AlYD WEAPONS PERMITTED BY CIIARACTER CLASS ATTACKS PER ROUlYD MOlYEY CONVERSIONS CLASS MAX ARMOR SHIELD WEAPONS CLASS-LEVEL ATTACKS/ROUND COIN TYPE GOLD EQUIVALENT any any club, flail, hammer, mace , staff, staff sling Cleric Fighter 1-6 1/1 Copper 200 cp = 1 gp Fighter any any any Paladin 1-6 1/1 Silver 20 sp = 1 gp Paladin any any any Ranger 1-7 1/1 Electrum 2 ep = 1 gp any any any Ranger Fighter 7-12 3/2 Gold 1 gp = 1 gp Magic-User none none dagger, dart, staff Paladin 7-12 3/2 Platinum 1/5 pp = 1 gp Thief leather none club , dagger, dart, sling , one-handed Ranger 8-14 3/2 swords, short bow Fighter 13+ 211 Paladin 13+ 211 Ranger 15+ 211 32 33 SPELL PARAMETERS LIST 4TII·LEVEL CLERICAL SPELLS SPELL NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION This is a listing of spells available to player SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Cmbt T 3 squares - Charm Monster characters as they gain in level. The Cure Serious Wounds Both T 1 Burning Hands Cmbt 6 1 Cmbt 12 1 Confusion Cmbt 12 following are abbreviations used Cause Serious Wounds Cmbt T Charm Person 2-16 2r+1/lvl Both 6 1 2r/lvl Dimension Door Cmbt 0 in the list: Neutralize Poison Both T Detect Magic 1 Poison Cmbt T Enlarge Both .5/lvl 1Vlvl Fear Cmbt 0 6x3 cone 1r/lvl Cmbt = Combat only spell Protection Evil 10' Radius Both T 2 dia 1Vlvl Reduce Both .5/lvl Fire Shield (2 Types) Both 0 1 2r+ 1/lvl dia = diameter Sticks to Snakes Cmbt 3 1 2r/lvl Friends Cmbt 0 All 1r/lvl Fumble Cmbt 1I1vl 1r/lvl t = tums Magic Missile Cmbt 6+lvl 1 Ice Storm (Dmg onM Cmbt 1I1vl 4 dia Camp = Camp only spell 5TII·LEVEL CLERICAL SPELLS Protection from Evil Both T 2r/lvl Min Globe of Invulnerability Both 0 1 1r/lvl rad= radius SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Protection from Good Both T 2r/lvl Remove Curse Both T I lvl = per level of caster Cure Critical Wounds Both T 1 Read Magic Camp 0 2r/lvl Bestow Curse Cmbt T 1r/lvl Both = Camp or Combat spell Cause Critical Wounds Cmbt T Shield Cmbt 0 5r/lvl All = All characters in combat Dispel Evil Cmbt T 1r/lvl Shocking Grasp Cmbt T 5TII·LEVEL MAGIC·USER SPELLS targets = aim at each target. Flame Strike Cmbt 6 Sleep Cmbt 3+lvl 1-16 5r/lvl SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION T = Touch Range Raise Dead Camp 3 Cloudkill Cmbt 1 3x3 1r/lvl r = combat rounds Slay Living Cmbt 3 2JID·LEVEL MAGIC·USER SPELLS Cone of Cold Cmbt 0 .5/1vl cone SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Feeblemind Cmbt 1/lvl 1 ST·LEVEL CLERICAL SPELLS 1 6TII·LEVEL CLERICAL SPELLS Detect Invisibility Both 1/lvl 1 5r/lvl Hold Monster Cmbt .5/lvl 1-4 targets 1r/lvl SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Invisibility Both T Bless Both 6 5 dia 6r Harm Cmbt T 1 Knock Camp 6 1/1v1 6TII·LEVEL MAGIC·USER SPELLS Curse Cmbt 6 5 dia 6r Heal Both T Mirror Image Both 0 1 2r/lvl SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Cure Light Wounds Both T 1 Ray of Enfeeblement Cmbt T 1+.25/1vl 1r /lvl Deathspell Cmbt 1 .5/lvl Instantaneous Cause Light Wounds Cmbt T Stinking Cloud Cmbt 3 2x2 1r/lvl 1 ST·LEVEL DRUIDICAL SPELLS Disintegrate Cmbt .5/lvl Special Permanent Detect Magic Both 3 11 (FOR IIIGII·LEVEL RAlVGERS) Strength Both T 1 6r/lvl Protection from Evil Both T 3r/lvl Globe of Invulnerability Both 0 1 1r/lvl SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Flesh to Stone Cmbt 1/1v1 Permanent Protection from Good Both T 3r/lvl Detect Magic Both 4 1 12r 3RD·LEVEL MAGIC·USER SPELLS Resist Cold Both T 1Vlvl SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Entangle Cmbt 8 4 dia 11 7TII·LEVEL MAGIC·USER SPELLS Faerie Fire Cmbt 8 8 dia 4r/lvl Blink Both 0 1 1r/lvl SPELL NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION 2IYD·LEVEL CLERICAL SPELLS Invisibility to Animals Both T 1 11+ 1r/lvl Dispel Magic Both 12 3x3 SPELL NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Delayed Blast Fire Ball Cmbt 10+1/1vl 2/3r Special Fireball Cmbt 10+lvl 213 rad Find Traps Camp 3 1 3t Mass Invisibility Both 1/lvl Special Special 2JID·LEVEL DRUIDICAL SPELLS Haste Both 6 4x4 3r+ 1/1vl Hold Person Cmbt 6 1-3targets 4r+111vl Power Word, Stun Cmbt .5/lvl 1 Special (FOR IIIGII·LEVEL RAlVGERS) Hold Person Cmbt 12 1-4 2r/lvl Resist Fire Both T 1 1til vi SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Invisibility 10' Radius Both T 2dia Silence 15' Radius Cmbt 12 3 dia 2r/lvl Barkskin Both T Creature 4r+ 1r/lvl Lightning Bolt Cmbt 4+lvl 4,8 Slow Poison Both T 1 1 hour/lvl Charm Person/Mammal Cmbt 12 1 Protection Evil 10' Radius Both T 2 dia 2r/lvl Snake Charm Cmbt 3 All 5-8r Protection Good 10' Radius Both T 2 dia 2rllvl Spiritual Hammer Cmbt 3 1rllvl Protection Normal Missile Both T 1 1r/lvl 3RD·LEVEL CLERICAL SPELLS Slow Cmbt 9+lvl 4x4 3r+ 1/lvl SPEll NAME WHEN RNG AREA DURATION Cure Blindness Both T 1 Cause Blindness Cmbt T Cure Disease Camp T Cause Disease Cmbt T Dispel Magic Both 6 3x3 Prayer Both 0 All 1r/lvl Remove Curse Both T Bestow Curse Cmbt T 1Vlvl 34 35 WEAPOlY LIST ARMOR LIST DAMAGE VS. DAMAGE VS . LARGER NUMBER NUMBER WEIGHT MAXIMUM NAME MAN SIZED THAN MAN SIZED OF HANDS CLASS ARMOR TYPE IN GP. AC MOVEMENT' Axe, Hand 1-6 1-4 1 None o 10 Bardichet 2-8 3-12 2 Shield 50 9 Bastard Sword 2-8 2-16 2 Leather 150 8 12 squares Battleaxe 1-8 1-8 1 Ring 250 7 9 squares Bec de Corbint 2-8 1-6 2 Scale 400 6 6 squares Bill-Guisarmet 2-8 1-10 2 Chain 300 5 9 squares Bo Stick 1-6 1-3 2 Banded 350 4 9 squares Broad Sword 2-8 2-7 1 I,th Plate 450 3 6 squares Club 1-6 1-3 I,cl,th • A character carrying many objects, including a large number of coins, can be limited in movement to a Composite Long Bow' 1-6 1-6 2 I minimum of 3 squares per turn . Composite Short Bow' 1-6 1-6 2 # A Shield subtracts t AC from any armor it's used with. Dagger 1-4 1-3 I,mu ,th Dart 1-3 1-2 I,mu ,th Fauchardt 1-6 1-8 2 I TABLES OF EXPEHIElYCE PER LEVEL Fauchard-Forkt 1-8 1-10 2 The following charts show the amount of experience a character must earn in Flail 2-7 2-8 I,cl order to gain a level in his character class. The charts also list the number of Glaivet 1-6 1-10 2 f spells that a character can have memorized at one time. Fighters and thieves Glaive , Guisarmet 2-8 2-12 2 can never memorize spells. Guisarmet 2-8 1-8 2 Guisarme-Voulget 2-8 2-8 2 Remember that all experience earned by a non-human, multiple-class character Halberdt 1-10 2-12 2 is divided by the number of classes the character has. The experience is divided Lucern Hammer t 2-8 1-6 2 even after the character has reached his maximum level in a particular class. Hammer 2-5 1-4 I,cl A Human dual-class character only earns experience in his second class. The Javelin 1-6 1-6 I character cannot use the abilities of his first class until his level in his second Jo Stick 1-6 1-4 class exceeds his level in his first class. Light Crossbow# 1-4 1-4 2 Long Bow' 1-6 1-6 2 Long Sword 1-8 1-12 I,th CLERIC Mace 2-7 1-6 I,cl HIT NUMBER OF CLERICAL SPELLS PER LEVEL Morning Star 2-8 2-7 I LEVEL EXPERIENCE DICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Partisant 1-6 2-7 2 1 0-1,500 1d8 1 Pick, Awlt 1-6 2-12 1 2 1,501-3,000 2d8 2 Quarterstaff 1-6 1-6 2 I, cl, mu 3 3,001-6,000 3d8 2 Ranseurt 2-8 2-8 2 I 4 6,001-13 ,000 4d8 3 2 Scimitar 1-8 1-8 I,th 5 13,001-27,000 5d8 3 3 Short Bow' 1-6 1-6 2 I 6 27 ,001-55 ,000 6d8 3 3 2 $hort Sword 1-6 1-8 I,th 7 55,001-110,000 7d8 3 3 2 Sling 1-4 1-4 I,th 8 110,001-225,000 8d8 3 3 3 2 Spear 1-6 1-8 I 9 225 ,001-450 ,000 9d8 4 4 3 2 Trident 2-7 3-12 10* 450,001-675,000 9d8t2 4 4 3 3 2 Two-Handed Sword 1-10 3-18 2 • Usable only by clerics of t 7 or greater wisdom Maximum level in Neverwinter Nights. + Polearm f=fighter, cl=cleric, th=thief, mu=magic-user * • Must have ready arrows to fire. Two Attacks per round . . # Must have ready quarrels to fire. One Attack per round .

36 37 BOlYUS SPELLS FOR CLERICS WITII IIIGII WISDOM ABILITY SCORES PALADIlY CLERIC'S BONUS SPELLS HIT NUMBER OF CLERICAL SPELLS PER LEVEL DICE 1 2 3 4 WISDOM 2 3 4 5 LEVEL EXPERIENCE 0-2,750 ldl0 9-12 Note that these bonus spells are only available when the 1 2,751-5,500 2dl0 13 +1 Cleric is entitled to spells of the applicable level. Thus an 2 5,501-12,000 3dl0 14 +2 6th-level Cleric with a Wisdom of IS can memorize the 3 12,001-24,000 4dl0 15 +2 +1 following spells: 4 24,001-45,000 5dl0 16 +2 +2 NUMBER OF SPELLS 5 45,001-95,000 6dl0 17 +2 +2 +1 234 5 6 95,001-175,000 7dl0 IS +2 +2 +1 +1 6th-Level Cleric with IS Wisdom 5 5 3 7 S 175,001-350,000 Sdl0 9 350,001-700,000 9dl0 1 10 700,001-1 ,050 ,000 9dl0+3 2 MAGIC-USER NUMBER OF MAGIC-USER SPELLS PER LEVEL HIT 11* 1,050,001-1,400,000 9dl0+6 2 LEVEL EXPERIENCE DICE 2 3 4 5 6 7 * Maximum level in Neverwinter Nights. 1 0-2,500 ld4 2 2,501-5,000 2d4 2 3 5,001-10,000 3d4 2 4 10,001-22,500 4d4 3 2 TlIlEF FIGIITER 5 22,501-40,000 5d4 4 2 HIT HIT 6 40,001-60,000 6d4 4 2 2 LEVEL EXPERIENCE DICE LEVEL EXPERIENCE DICE 7 60,001-90,000 7d4 4 3 2 1 0-1 ,250 ld6 1 0-2,000 ldl0 S 90,001-135,000 Sd4 4 3 3 2 2 1,251-2,500 2d6 2 2,001-4 ,000 2dl0 9 135,001-250,000 9d4 4 3 3 2 3 2,501 -5, 000 3d6 3 4,001-S,000 3dl0 10 250,001-375,000 10d4 4 4 3 2 2 4 5,001-10,000 4d6 4 S,OOI-IS,OOO 4dl0 11* 375,001-750,000 l1d4 4 4 4 3 3 5 10,001-20,000 5d6 5 IS,001-35 ,000 5dl0 35,001-70,000 6dl0 *Maximum level in Neverwinter Nights. 6 20 ,001-42,500 6d6 6 7 42 ,501-70,000 7d6 7 70,001-125 ,000 7dl0 8 70,001-110,000 Sd6 S 125,001-250,000 Sdl0 9 110,001-160,000 9d6 9 250 ,001-500,000 9dl0 RAlYGER NUMBER OF SPEllS PER LEVEL 10 160,001-220,000 10d6 10 500,001-750,000 9dl0+3 HIT DRUIDIC MAGIC-USER 11 220,001-440,000 10d6+2 11 750,001-1,000,000 9dl0+6 LEVEL EXPERIENCE DICE 1 2 2 12* 440,001-660,000 10d6+4 m 1,000,001 -1,250,000 9dl0+9 1 0-2,250 2dS * Maximum level in Neverwinter Nights. * Maximum level in Neverwinter Nights. 2 2,251-4,500 3dS 3 4,501-10,000 4dS 4 10,001-20,000 5dS 5 20,001-40,000 6dS 6 40,001-90,000 7dS 7 90,001-150,000 SdS S' 150,001 -225,000 9dS 9 225,001-325,000 10dS 1 10 325,001-650,000 lidS 2 11* 650,001 -975,000 lldS+2 2 2 * Maximum level in Neverwinter Nights.


Beyond Software. Inc. San Rafael, CA Original story Design Don L. Daglow mM Programming cathryn Mataga Graphics David Bunnett Encounter Design Don L. Daglow

America Online. Inc. Vienna, VA Project Manager Scott Gries Host Programming Craig Dykstra Marketing Marshall Rens Production Lisa Whitmore Encounter Design Scott Gries Technical Consultants Marc Seriff, Ken Huntsman

Strategic Simulations. Inc. Sunnyvale, CA Assistance in Neverwinter Nights Testing SSI Contract Development and Playtest Groups Original AD&D® System Programming SSI Special Projects Group mM Programming Ken Nicholson, Russ Brown Artists Laura Bowen: 3D Monsters Fred Butts: 3D Walls and Sprites, Combat Pictures Mark Johnson: 3D Monsters and Portraits Cyrus Lum: 3D Monsters and Large Graphics Susan Manly: 3D Specials and Large Graphics Mike Provenza: Large Graphics Documentation Rick Wilson Music and Sound Effects John Halbleib TSR, Inc., Lake Geneva, WI , USA and used under license from SS!, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA. : '© 199 I , '1993 AmericaOnli~e, Inc. All Rights Reservea . ' © 199.i, '1993 ,. Inc. AlI ,Rigl:Jts Reserved. ;(' .'...... © 1991 , 1993 TSR, Inc .. All Rights Reserved.