Fauna of Australia 4A Phylum Sipuncula
FAUNA of AUSTRALIA Volume 4A POLYCHAETES & ALLIES The Southern Synthesis 5. PHYLUM SIPUNCULA STANLEY J. EDMONDS (Deceased 16 July 1995) © Commonwealth of Australia 2000. All material CC-BY unless otherwise stated. At night, Eunice Aphroditois emerges from its burrow to feed. Photo by Roger Steene DEFINITION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Sipuncula is a group of soft-bodied, unsegmented, coelomate, worm-like marine invertebrates (Fig. 5.1; Pls 12.1–12.4). The body consists of a muscular trunk and an anteriorly placed, more slender introvert (Fig. 5.2), which bears the mouth at the anterior extremity of an introvert and a long, recurved, spirally wound alimentary canal lies within the spacious body cavity or coelom. The anus lies dorsally, usually on the anterior surface of the trunk near the base of the introvert. Tentacles either surround, or are associated with the mouth. Chaetae or bristles are absent. Two nephridia are present, occasionally only one. The nervous system, although unsegmented, is annelidan-like, consisting of a long ventral nerve cord and an anteriorly placed brain. The sexes are separate, fertilisation is external and cleavage of the zygote is spiral. The larva is a free-swimming trochophore. They are known commonly as peanut worms. AB D 40 mm 10 mm 5 mm C E 5 mm 5 mm Figure 5.1 External appearance of Australian sipunculans. A, SIPUNCULUS ROBUSTUS (Sipunculidae); B, GOLFINGIA VULGARIS HERDMANI (Golfingiidae); C, THEMISTE VARIOSPINOSA (Themistidae); D, PHASCOLOSOMA ANNULATUM (Phascolosomatidae); E, ASPIDOSIPHON LAEVIS (Aspidosiphonidae). (A, B, D, from Edmonds 1982; C, E, from Edmonds 1980) 2 Sipunculans live in burrows, tubes and protected places.
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