SAMARITAN HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Leadership FOOD With gratitude, of theSamaritanHousecommunity. House aninvaluableresource tosomanyofourneighbors.Thankyouforbeingavitalpart Through yourgenerous donationsandvolunteerefforts, youhavehelpedmakeSamaritan out thebestinus.Itisheart-warmingtoseeandanhonor towitness. the sincere appreciation feltbyeachpersonthere. Comingtogetherasacommunitybrings Samaritan HouseBoard ofDirectors, President 2016-2017 William S.Freeman Thank youforbeingapartofoursharingandworkingtogether. At SamaritanHouse,weare The Great HeartofaGreat Community. helping thenewcomers.Iseethatgoodwecreate isthegoodwereceive. I alsoseecommunityatworkwhenthemore settledresidents ofSafeHarborShelter community nourishingitself-spirituallyandliterally. food andthengoingoutallovertownwithcookedforhomeboundseniors,Iseea When IseethecarsofvolunteerscomingintoourFoodServicesKitchenwithspare home forhealthyliving. They create acommunity. We callita“patient-centered medicalhome”,anditisindeeda sharing commonattitudes,interests, andgoals.” “com·mu·ni·ty: noun-afeelingoffellowship with others,asaresult of Samaritan HouseCEO Bart Charlow Bart Charlowwithkitchenvolunteers SHELTER

hand boththegenuinecare ofourstaff membersandvolunteers a Thanksgivingdinner, orourHolidayProgram, Ihaveexperiencedfirst- mission. EverytimeIhavevolunteered, whetheratafooddistribution, As Board President, ithasbeenmygreat privilege to participateinthat neighbors, preserve dignityandpromote self-sufficiency. and clients-allbrought togetherbyourshared missiontohelpour A communityofeverydaypeople:donors,volunteers,caregivers, care withwhich SamaritanHousefillstheneedsofourcommunity. As Ilookbackatthispastyear, Iammovedbythecompassionand MANAGEMENT

CASE SERVICES KID’S pitching intohealourhard-working patients. professionals, translatorsandclinicvolunteers I seeitinourteamofvolunteermedical serve….we’re allinthistogether. the peoplewhoserveandthosewhomwe every dayinourwork.It’s acombinationof By whateverdefinitionyouchoose,Iseeit book. saying “NeighborHelpingNeighbor”inmy common society. That’s justafancierwayof living, sharingandworkingtogetherina The dictionarydefines“community”aspeople HEALTH CARE PROGRAM HOLIDAY PROGRAM HOUSING Sheila Wolfson Bill Schwartz,MD Peggy Myers Julia Mee Bill Kenney Patty Hsiu Bob Grassilli Neela BenjaminGentile Pam Frisella Bob Fitzgerald,Sr. Jennifer Fisher Joan Cassman Lucretia-del Broussard John Boyle Members Tish Busselle Council Chair Advisory Council2016-2017 Bart A.Charlow Chief ExecutiveOfficer Jay Strauss Faye Star Ravi Sinha Patty Sheedy Susan Ringoen Lana MorinPierce Christine Naismith Maria Nadel Alexander Moldanado,MD Laurie May Susan Ketcham Davina Hurt Michael C.Griffin Philip L.Gregory Ronald Granville Carol Glennon Sophie W. Cole,MD Nisha Chaudry Mike Aydelott Ralph Armenio Members Mollie Marshall Treasurer Judith Powell,PhD Secretary Jason Ting PresidentVice William S.Freeman President Board ofDirectors 2016-2017 EMPOWERMENT FINANCIAL RESOURCE WORKER CENTER RESOURCE OUR IMPACT: HOLIDAY PROGRAM WORKER FREE CLINICS toys,booksandgifts CENTER 18,500 warm coats warm 1,200 9,336 939,512 patient visits 41,010 hours ofpaidwork VOLUNTEERS

WE SERVED PROGRAM individuals seniors and meals tofamilies, FOOD dedicated volunteers 3,256 SAFE HARBOR 12,025 33,700 nights of safe & warm sleep nights ofsafe&warm clothing andshoes KIDS CLOSET items ofkids’ 36,912

CLIENTS Our Impact Our “I’m a single mom with 5 kids. My rent was just “We have a history of being involved increased to $2500. The food I receive here at The with, and supporting our local Pantry makes it possible for me to feed my family. community. Samaritan House makes Since I ’t have a car, I bring the food home a difference for families in the by bus across town.” community by giving them the tools – Erica, Client (pictured with Ruby Kaho, Food Services for self-sufficiency through services Manager and Joe Valencia, Food Services Staff) that allow them to get back on their feet.” – Ilya Frangos, San Mateo County "The reason why I became Trial Lawyers’ Association President “One of our core values is that we are a involved with Samaritan House chain of neighborhood grocery stores. and the League of New “The community is fortunate that there are Like Samaritan House, we believe in Samaritans is due to one word - organizations like Samaritan House that have a neighbor helping neighbor. It’s very mpact. Samaritan House offers important to us to do outreach passion to do this work in the community. Sutter specifically in San Mateo and Trader a vast amount of services that Health/Mills-Peninsula Medical Center shares Joe’s has been making daily food have a lasting impact in San this passion and is proud of our partnership. donations for decades.” Mateo County.” amaritan ouse is a gem in this community.”

–Tim Dufficy, Donation Coordinator and – Michael Jackson, Chair – Janet Wagner, CEO of Sutter Noelle De La Rosa, Manager of The League of New Health/Mills-Peninsula Medical Center Samaritans Action Team

“My time at afe arbor helter taught me that have “Our family decided to support Samaritan House because we value and that I’m stronger than appreciate how their program I ever thought. Thanks to the touches all aspects of people’s entire staff at Safe Harbor, lives, at all points of life. What especially my case manager, Kat inspires me most is their Barrientos, I know I can handle #WeAreSamHouse attention to the little things that anything. am no longer at the many take for granted. Making shelter and have my own place sure students have school supplies, Halloween costumes and Christmas now – but I still feel a gifts – these things seem so simple connection to Safe Harbor. I but they can make such a know I’ll always be part of the difference to a child or family.” family. It’s a huge comfort.” – Heather Damelio and – Gary Campanile, The Damelio Family San Mateo Medical Center (SMMC) Health Care for This is just a small representation of our many valued supporters and community partners. Homeless Board Member and Our deep thanks to all of you who make up “We appreciate “The work of Samaritan House former Safe Harbor resident the heart of the Samaritan House family. is challenging and complex, Samaritan House for requiring a multitude of being here for us. Even individuals and groups—staff, though I have a steady volunteers, donors, job, we are struggling committees, community “As a small business in San Mateo County to make ends meet. partners, and a board of “I have volunteered at several of the Samaritan House with a mission to Make Cider Make a Differ- eceiving clothing directors. amaritan ouse Holiday programs. It can be such a stressful time of year ence, we support Samaritan House because from Kids Closet delivers on its commitment of their dedication to helping neighbors and allows us to save for to the community with for families in need. I once met a woman who was moved improving the lives of some many in our other important to tears accepting a simple Christmas tree-in-a-box. county.” kindness and effectiveness.” epenses.” ratifying moments like these are why volunteer. ” – Philip L. Gregory, Attorney – Jenn Martell, South City Cider Co-Founder – Sergio, Client at Cotchett Pitre & McCarthy (pictured with Alex Martell, CEO and Greg – Mary Burns, Volunteer LLP and Samaritan House Ruth, Cidermaker) (pictured with wife Estela and son, Ian) Board Member

Wee Care | The League of New Samaritans | The John Kelly Cirle right toprivacy andwillkeepyourintention confidentialifyouwish. Contact Mary Dunbar at650-523-0825or [email protected]. We respect your generations to come.To jointheJohn KellyLegacyCircle, allyou needtodoistellusthat yourgiftisinplace. Designate agifttoSamaritan Housethrough awill,trust,orotherplannedgiftand havealastingimpactfor gift forhumankindness.”– RobertGrassilli,Jr. lives. Food,MedicalCare, Clothing --basicnecessitiesoflifethateveryoneneeds. AgifttoSamaritanHouseisa “I amsupportingSamaritan HousewithaLegacyGift,becausethehelpthatSamaritan Housegivestouchesmany ANNOUNCING THEJOHNKELLY LEGACYCIRCLE To learnmore abouttheLeague,ourmembershipandevents,pleasevisit need. Samaritan House’s servicesonbehalfofourneighborsin get accesstonetworking/fundraisingeventsthatsupport people? JointheLeagueofNewSamaritansnowand while alsohavingfunwithotheraltruistically-minded an impactonissueslikehunger, homelessnessandpoverty Are youa21to40-somethingprofessional lookingtohave member oftheLeagueNewSamaritans those inneedSanMateoCounty.” –JovanniCasaus, with otheryoungprofessionals whocare abouthelping social andprofessional network.I’vebeenabletoconnect “Joining theLeagueofNewSamaritanshaswidenedmy THE LEAGUEOFNEWSAMARITANS the samecommunity. Theyalsolearnthevalueofhelpingothers.” bountiful SiliconValley, wedon’t havetolookfarseefamiliesstruggling.Thechildren learnthatweare allpartof “What Iappreciate aboutSamaritanHouseisthatithelpingpeopleinourcommunity. Eventhoughweliveinthe other holidayprograms whichbenefitSamaritanHouse families. curricula designedtobuildempathytowards thoseinneed. Activitiesincludecannedfooddrives,coatdrivesand Local schoolsfrom preschool tomiddleschoolparticipateintheWee Care program andreceive grade-appropriate TEACHING EMPATHY Sarah Kersigandherstudents hope forthousandsoflow-incomeandhomelessSanMateo Countyfamiliesandindividuals. board member, long-time donorandvolunteer, whowanttobuildabrighterfuture filledwith Join peoplelikeRobert(Bob)Grassilli,Jr., SamaritanHouseAdvisoryCouncilmember, former John, theSamaritanHouseLegacySocietyhasanew name,TheJohnKellyLegacyCircle of selflessdedicationtoimprove thelivesofthosewhoare strugglingtosurvive. House,” hasdedicatedhislifetohelpingourneighbors inneed.John’s legacyisalifetime John Kelly, formerExecutiveDirector andwidelyrecognized asthe“FatherofSamaritan What doyouwantyourlegacytobe? — JohnKelly “The mostimportantthingyoucandoishelpanotherhumanbeing.” Q

ONE HEART AT ATIME they offer up theirtoytoafriendwho’s crying.” see itwhenchildren crywhentheirfriendsgethurt.You seeitwhen Even attheiryoungage,children modelempathyinsimpleways.“You of ourselves,ourfamilyandthecommunity.” “Through the Wee Care program, weteachkidsthattakecare preschoolers. Sarah continuesthetraditionofteachingempathyandcare totheir program eversince.TheoriginalMrs.Kisnowenjoying retirement but years agoandithasbeenpartoftheSamaritanHouseWee Care family. HermotheropenedMrs.K’s preschool inFosterCityover20 Samaritan HousehasalwaysmeantalottoSarahKersigandher The LeagueofNewSamaritansata League-Only eventinFosterCity

In honorof . and myvisionwasbad.” thyroid were outofcontrol deteriorate. Mydiabetesand would continueto House, Iknowmyhealth “If itwasn’t forSamaritan Elida attheRedwoodCity Food Pharmacy Food Pharmacy Fresh produce attheSanMateo FoodPharmacy

afflict ourneighborslivinginpoverty. are breaking thecycleofpoornutritionandhealthwhichoften paired withourcommunityofdoctors,nurses,andvolunteers the BayArea’s firstFoodPharmacy. Ourpioneeringefforts Healthcare DistrictandSecondHarvestFoodBank,opened In January2016,SamaritanHouse,inpartnershipwithSequoia – notonlyformyselfbutmywholefamily.” Pharmacy, Iamableto maintainalifetimeofhealthyeating “Thanks tothenutritionalcounselingIreceived attheFood break thecycleofpoorhealthforElidaandherentire family. control.“ SamaritanHouseisalsoproviding theknowledgeto of mybadeyelidsanddiabetesthyroid wasoutof health wouldcontinuetodeteriorate.Icouldn’t seebecause the doctorsandvolunteersatSamaritanHouse,Iknowmy She cannowseeclearlyandisenjoyinglife.“Ifitwasn’t for refer Elidaforlife-changingsurgery whichrepaired herlids. Clinic, ourvolunteerphysicianswere abletodiagnoseand care provided attheSamaritanHouseRedwoodCityFree impeded hervisioninbotheyes.Becauseofthenetwork too. Elidalongsuffered from acutelydroopy eyelidswhich Our vitalcare haschangedElida’s lifeinotherprofound ways, motivation toexercise.” weekends. Before theFoodPharmacy, Ilackedtheenergy and energy thanever. “InowdoZumbaandenjoyrunningonthe problems. WhatexcitesElidathemostisthatshehasmore years, ElidahadstruggledwithType 2diabetesandthyroid control), andherthyroid isfinallynowundercontrol. Formany dramatic decrease inherA1Clevels Because oftheFoodPharmacyprogram, shehasseen a and Itrytobalancemydiet.” have learnedabetterwayofeating.Inowprefer toeat salads nutritional counseling.“Igotoallthenutritionclassesand beans, eggs,milkandleanproteins. Shealsoreceives visits, shereceives herweeklyprescription offresh vegetables, Redwood CityFoodPharmacyonaweeklybasis.Duringher Food Pharmacyprogram inRedwoodCity. Elidavisitsthe medical professionals attheSamaritanHouseFree Clinicand Elida hasanewleaseonlifethankstothecommunityof ELIDA’S STORY

(ameasure of diabetes Elida’s Story Elida’s ALFONSO’S STORY REVENUE Diverse income sources Meet Alfonso. He had been working a steady job for several years at a major department strengthen our financial health store and was living in San Mateo County for over 20 years when his eyesight started to fail Other 2% Financials him. Over time, he became legally blind and was no longer able to work. That’s when the WE ARE 67% DEPENDENT ON Elida’s Story community of caregivers at Samaritan House came to his aid. SUPPORT FROM THE COMMUNITY. Government 25% In-Kind Contributions 39% VOLUNTEERS - THE CORE OF OUR COMMUNITY SUPPORT “I had been legally blind for four Our dedicated professional and non- professional volunteers have provided Health Care Districts 8% 50,181 hours of service valued at years before coming to the Free $1,462,494. Business and Alfonso’s Story Alfonso’s Clinic. Because of the expert Community Groups 4% SEASON OF SHARING FUND Individuals and Bequests 13% Samaritan House is the fiscal agent for Foundations 9% the San Francisco Chronicle Season of care and diagnosis I received, I Sharing Fund. This fund provides financial REVENUE assistance to families and underserved was able to qualify for a cornea In-Kind Contributions 4,498,927 39% individuals in San Mateo County. More Individuals and Bequests 1,547,082 13% than 300 families were provided a total Foundations 994,276 9% of $740,519 emergency assistance county transplant at Stanford. Because of Business and Community Groups 469,339 4% wide. Health Care Districts 942,577 8% Government 2,955,703 25% SUSTAINABILITY my improved vision, I have more Other 263,610 2% Samaritan House fiscal policies and Total 11,671,514 100% practices are focused on liquidity, independence. I can move around adaptability, and durability to ensure that we are fiscally strong to serve the future EXPENSES needs of the community. my home more easily. If my vision Using in-kind goods and services allows us to make the best use of our dollars DIRECT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE continues to improve, my goal is to Samaritan House serves as the lead agency to distribute homelessness prevention Client Assistance 8% assistance county wide for 8 social service Shelter Services 13% be employed once again.” Direct Financial providers representing unduplicated Development and Assistance 7% regions of San Mateo County. Communications 7% The cornea transplant has improved his 561 families (1,514 individuals) = $868,825 vision enough that he is able to move more Administration 6% freely on his own. Alfonso still requires the Food Services 23% Coordinated help of a caregiver who drives him to the Entry Services Samaritan House Pantry for groceries. It is 1% there that he receives regular fresh produce Medical and and bread. Dental Clinics 28% Kids Closet and Holiday Assistance 5% Worker Samaritan House is helping pave the path Resource towards independence for Alfonso. “I used Center 2% Charity Navigator has awarded Samaritan House to work a steady job until my eyesight went EXPENSES its top 4 STAR rating for 8 years in a row which bad. I miss working and plan to return to Client Assistance 904,027 8% places Samaritan House in the top tier of rated charities nationwide based on a series of financial Direct Financial Assistance 868,825 7% work one day. The cornea transplant and and transparency indicators. Food Services 2,716,500 23% my improved vision brings me closer to that Kids Closet and Holiday Assistance 566,652 5% goal. Thank you for everything, Samaritan Worker Resource Center 287,339 2% House.” Medical and Dental Clinics 3,335,867 28% BALANCE SHEET Alfonso visiting the Coodinated Entry Services 89,153 1% Samaritan House Pantry Administration 724,963 6% THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Development and Communications 761,048 7% Assets 14,968,571 14,864,327 Shelter Services 1,513,730 13% Liabilities 1,426,991 1,483,921 Total 11,768,104 100% Net Assets 13,541,580 13,380,406 9 Donors Thelma DoelgerCharitable Trust Sylvain andMarjorie HeumannFamily Stovall FamilyFund Elisabeth andJordan Stockton Neighbors ForAffordability And Carole Middleton Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Law OfficesofWilliam F. Kenney, Inc. J.W. BagleyFoundation Patricia HsiuandWilliamStein Howard andBettyWhiteFoundation Daniel Ho Google MatchingGiftsProgram Beth andWilliamFreeman Episcopal ImpactFund Janice andDonaldElliott Tammy andWilliamCrown The CarlGellertandCeliaBerta Bristol-Myers SquibbFoundation Blue ShieldofCaliforniaFoundation Catherine andR.DuncanBeardsley Atkinson Foundation $10-24.9k Sheila andMarkWolfson SanDisk CorporationFund Kaiser Permanente Genentech Inc. Avon Breast CancerCrusade $25-49.9k Yahoo EmployeeFoundation Lia andJamesWhitehead Sutter HealthMills-PeninsulaMedical Stanford HealthCare Solid RockFoundation Silicon Valley CommunityFoundation Bank ofAmerica $50-99.9k Sunlight Giving Sobrato FamilyFoundation Ronald andAnnWilliamsCharitable Hurlbut-Johnson Fund $100k+ Private Funding Foundation Quality OfLife Gellert Foundation Center Foundation visit them allduetospace.Foracomprehensive listofallourgenerous donors,please 1, 2016andJune30,2017.We are appreciative ofallourdonors,butare unabletolist grateful foreachandeveryone.Thefollowingdonations were received betweenJuly Gifts from thecommunityconstituteavitalresource forourprograms, andweare Samaritan Housethanksthefollowingindividualsand organizations fortheirsupport. Neighbor Helping United Way oftheBayArea Philip Traynor YoonSung andJasonTing The SwinertonFoundation St. Paul’s EpiscopalChurch Doreen andRaviSinha Lisa andSteveShirley Patti andBillSheedy Rosa Ruiz Rite AidFoundation Raiser ConstructionCo.,Inc. Catherine andMichaelPodell Mary AnnandMichaelPietro Pacific GasandElectricCompany Mollie andJoeMarshall Debra andMichaelMaher Lisa andGaryMadden Melinda andMikeLongaker Greg Kesner Vanguard Charitableonbehalfof J.H. RobbinsFoundation Suzanne SmithandRobertIzmirian Innovative Mechanical Julia Hsiu Stephanie andRudolphHoffman Heffernan Foundation Hanson BridgettLLP Genentech, Inc(MatchingGifts) The FullerFoundation Friedman FamilyFoundation Franklin Templeton Investments Dorothy Brown Fund Robert Fitzgerald,Jr. Elisha andRobertFinney Donald B.Tanklage andCarole F. Heather andGreg Damelio Cotchett, Pitre &McCarthy, LLC Clune ConstructionCompany Joan CassmanandMichaelDuncheon Kyra andJohnCarswell Sheila Brady Boston PrivateBank&Trust Company Patricia andSteveBarulich David Arnott Alexza CommunityFund $5-9.9k Urbanek FamilyFoundation Onnolee andOrlinTrapp Elizabeth Jardina andBrianStoler Tanklage Foundation Lisa andGregory Moss The Morrison&Foerster Foundation Silvia andKenneth Morando Menlo ParkPresbyterian Church Julia andMichaelMee Pam andBillHudson Margaret andMichael McCaffery Diane andCharlieMason Siu KwanLo Shih ChiLin Leslie FamilyFoundation Susan KetchamandAnneCasscells Sarah KelseyandWilliamForrest Mary LouandWilliamJoyner Christopher Howe Hologic Doriane andWalter Heyman Robert Grassilli,Jr. Carmen andPaulGoeld Thomas George Terri L.Garnick Gayle FlanaganandKenCox Mary AnnandRobertFitzgerald,Sr. Ellis FamilyFund Ellen andRobertF. SawyerFund Mary andSeanEchevarria Alma MartinezandPaulDybbro Julia CutlerandPierre Lemieux Sophie Cole,MDand Nancy ClarkandBillBroach California Water ServiceCompany- Tish andJimBusselle Carolyn andRobertBunje Ida Braun Kathryn Bradford-Milligan andJohn Michael Bower Bohannon Foundation Big JoeHandlingSystems Barulich DugoniLawGroup, Inc Jia andRichard Barton Catherine andMikeAydelott Avidbank Apple MatchingGiftsProgram Steven E.Albert $2500-$4999 Catherine Wormington Beth andKurtvonEmster Lionel Foster, MD San Mateo Milligan

Julie andJamesBorden Mary M.Bona Audry BojackandRichard J.Bojack Body StudioforFitness Blue ShieldofCalifornia Christina andJeffrey Bird Kristen HegeandGibsonBiddle Cindy andFred Bertsch Mary EllenandTom Benninger Jeanne andWilliamBarulich Bank LeumiUSA Haitham Edward andLindaBallout Carol andBryanBaarts Lissa Auerback Lynn andRalphArmenio Peggy Andrews andNormBrod Carolyn andDavidAmaral Mark andJanetAbelson $1000-$2499 Rachel andJohnYoumans Beverly Wynkoop Woodmont RealEstateServices,L.P. Joyce andNormWeil Walmart Foundation Carol andCurtTerwilliger Joanne Spetz Constance Sevier Holly andChristopherScully Florette andWilliamL.Schwartz,MD San MateoCountyTrial Lawyers San JoseMercury NewsWishBook S. E.A.Construction Rotary ClubofFosterCity Susan andTodd Ringoen Carole andGordon Ringoen Lilli Rey Ann andAndrew Reid Raymond HandlingConcepts Nettie andChipRamsay William L.Price Judith PowellandDavidOlson Barbara PattersonandAndrew Susan andKurtOppenheimer Kris andGeneO’Neil Ricardo Neill USAF, Ret. Association Fund Corporation Menkes, MD Davina Hurt Christine andRobert Hunter Robert Hortop Hope EvangelicalLutheran Church Gary A.Hoover Winnifred andBruce Homer-Smith Bonnie andGaryHoman Charmaine andRaeHolt Carol andDonaldHohl Marjorie WinklerandPaulHohenschuh Hillsdale UnitedMethodistChurch Marjorie Heumann Karen andGeorge Herrel Pamela andKennethHeller Andrea andTodd Hedrick Myra HaggertyandMikeHarrold Audrey Hargis Dan Harding Purnima andDilipHardev Elizabeth andMarkHanson Ilse andPaulHansen Lisa andAdamHalpern Anne Hagan Barbara andJoeGurkoff Grousemont Foundation Philip L.Gregory Lorelei andJonGreenfield James Greene Jeff Gray Ronald andCathyGranville Linda Grais Susan andWilliamGraham Patricia Gower Margaret BerleseandDavidGoss Gimbel Family Ann Gildemeister Hany Ghali Selina Garrison Helen andJosephGalligan Vicki Friedberg Helen Fricke Michele Freed andGarySprague Frank BoothInc. Carol andRogerFlores Maureen andPaulFitzgerald Fitzgerald Landscapes First Presbyterian Church of First Databank Fiduciary Trust CompanyInternational David Farrell James Everitt Martha andMichaelEverett Episcopal Church ofSt.Matthew Harry Duh,MD Alison andJohnDraper Downtown SanMateoAssociation Don andAnneStagerFamily James V. Diller Lisa andJeffrey Diamond Angelo Demattei Teresa Delauretis Jean Dedieu Norma Davis Lisa andKevinCullinane Danny Cota Diane andNormanCortez Congregational Church ofSanMateo Congregational Church ofBelmont Donna andEricColson Diane andJosephCohn Carol Chinn Nancy andBartCharlow Casamondo DevelopmentCorporation John Carver Barbara andLawrence Cappel Suzanne andJeffrey Cantor Oscar Calderon Andrew Byrnes Maureen andRobertBuck David Brownman Gloria andArthurBrown Ursula Braun Aiiesha andSebastienBrasseur Nancy andHoward Bott Burlingame Foundation Petra SiltonandMichael Listgarten Rebeca andMarkShowen Mary HansellandCarl Serrato Reva andJohnSegall Jean andRobertSegale Rita Seamans David Schiller Rita andWilliamSchildknecht Ann andPaulScheley Zoe andDanielScheinman Lois Scampini Gordon Russell Ellen andBenjaminRon Lauren Rolfe Diane andJohnRogers Brenda andWayne Rodoni Jaemie andMatthewRobins Benjamin Renda Barbara andPaulRegan Consorcia andCelsoRavelo Colleen Rafferty Margi andTom Power Pitney BowesReliefFund Lana MorinPierce Georgene Petri Sonya andJamesPeters Theodore Peck Antoinette M.Paterson Pacific FoundationServices,LLC Marilyn andRichard Orr Ronald Olander Nancy andJohnNewman Christine andMarkNaismith Nancy NagelandVictor Mitnick Maria andRossNadel Kitty andThomasMullooly Sally Morton Ann Mori Kelly MoranandMarkEliot Swarna and Microsoft GivingCampaign Menlo ParkLiveOakLionsClub Patrick McMillan Bonnie McGregor andRichChambers Mary AnnandFrankMcCabe Laurie H.andLaurence May Robert GriffithandPhillipMathewson Diane andLouisMatagrano Roberta Martin Deborah andThomasMartin Leslie Marks Doreen andSteveMaller Marlene andGadiMaier Susan LongarandMitchellGriffin Leslie andFrankLohmeier Kam ChuenKwanandSiuLo David Liston Michelle Lin Jenna Lim Robert L.LilloandRuthD. Barbara andJohnLewis Alfred M.Lerner, MD Judy andRobertLee Drs. AnnAzamaandRandallLee Renee Leap June L.LaPoint Julie andStevenLamont Harriet A.Lake JTK CharitableFund Marianne andDavidKristofferson Lucretia Matulichand Barbara Kohn Anne andPeterKimball Arlene andRobertKatzive Lane Kashiwahara Vanguard Charitableonbehalfof Linda andWilliamKahrs Kimberly andMichaelJohnson Joan andCharlesJohnson Wendy Jacobson Michael Jackson Izmirian Roofing&SheetMetal Beth andLutherIzmirian Alexander Moldanado,MD Lawrence Kollerer Angela andNicholasKalayjian

Emily W. Cornejo Cynthia andDavid Cooper Liliane Cools Amy Cook Lee AnneandCraigConner Alexis andDavidColker The CohenGroup Deborah andPaulCleveland Virginia Clemens Melody ChunandNormanChan Marie andMikeChuang Julie andWillChong Victor Chinn Suresh Chandrasekaran Central CountyFire Department Edith andDavidCassel Suzanne Carder Lee andPeterCaraher Shana andMichaelCallan California PacificInternational,LLC Maureen andStephenBuchner Robert Brush Phyllis andJeffrey Brown Cathy andThomasBrown Betty andRobertBrown Lucretia-del J.Broussard Maude andPhilBrezinski Jan andScottBorison Judy andJordan BloomPhilanthropic Susan andFrederick Bianucci Jane andJeff Bertelsen Deborah andDickBennett Donna andDavidBecht Rose Beall Erika Bates Bank ofAmericaFoundation Diana Baker Catherine andRobertAveson Peter Arum Volney Arora Diane andJohnAkers Association ofCommercial RealEstate $500-999 Janet Zablock Sharon andEdward Yeh Sheila andGeraldWroblewski Gwendolyn andHarold Wong Florence Wong Brenda andJasonWong Women’s FellowshipofWoodside Kimberly andKennethWilliams Joan Wheelwright,MD Melissa Welch Georgianna andRobertWaters Gracie Walters Deborah andGregory Wagner Andrew Wadycki W.L. ButlerConstruction Vocker Kristofferson andCo. Visa Inc. Jeanette Vasheresse Unitarian UniversalistsofSanMateo Anne M.Tsolinas Tocar Media Siu LunTo Sheila andGeorge Tichy Ann andSteveTerwilliger Lori Tamura-Chinn andRobertChinn Sutro Biopharma Kathy andJohnStults Joyce andJayStrauss Jody StimlerandJosephDonofrio Georgianne Stephen Elizabeth Cross andAnthonyStayner Faye andRonaldStar St. LukeCatholicChurch Jacqueline andMichaelSolomon David Skromme Jill andThorSjostrand Vineeta andRudraSingh Robert Sims Fund (Gift Matching) Managers Village Church

Astrid andJoseph McVeigh Carol McMahon Judy andWarren McCarty Wendy McCall Monica May Matagrano Inc. Nancy andAlexMalaspina Mary Lynn andDavidMaas Mary andJohnLyngso Connie andRobertLurie Michael Lorenzo Lithotype Company, Inc. Jane andAlfred Lim Ida Lewenstein Levick FamilyFund Annette andJoeLegallet Anne andJamesLeClair Cynthia andRobertLeathers The LateLaymanFoundation Thomas Landgraf Sheldon Lamphier Christine Labaree Gerald E.Kunz Nina Taliaferro andFrankKukula Ralf andCynthiaKrutein Harini KrishnanandVikas Jha Leila Knox Kiwanis ClubofSanCarlos Barbara andThomasKeefer Kendra andThomasKasten Margaret andWilliamKannenberg Diane Kampe Eric Jorgensen Ruth AnnandRogerJones Marissa andLouisJohnston John andNancyCassidyFamily Italian AmericanWomen’s Guild Cheryl andJeffrey Hylton Michele Humeston Jennifer BockHughesandHarold Carol PerusseandTom Huening Patricia andBruceHraba Gladys R.Howard Jennifer Holthaus Holiday InnExpress -Pacifica Suzanne andWileyHodges Lisa ChangandFranklinHo David P. Hengel Ann andWilliamHefter Virginia andIanHarris Krista andEricHanson Elizabeth Hack-DavieandPeterDavie Wanda andCharlesGuttas Patricia Griffin,Ph.D. Ellen Greene Susanna Greenberg Mr. andMrs.PatrickGordan Kathleen andRobertGooyer Golub Group LLC Olivia andCarlGoldstone Frances andTheodore Geballe Diane Gatto Oskar Friedman Foster CityLionsCharities,Inc. Karen BernsteinandDavidFlores Patricia andJohnFlavio Alli Fitzgerald Carol Field Yohko Fick Corty andAlfFengler Barbara andJohnEvers Jackson Egen Eileen andJohnEasterbrook Deborah andRichard Dubois Ruth andMikeDonohue Denise andGeneDolan Dorothy andTheodore Dimitre Diawara andAssociatesCPAs, P.C. Vanguard Charitableonbehalfof Mary Demartini John Delaney Jean andCalvinDail Edith Crowe Foundation Hughes Susanne andJimDern Donors Donors

Leonard Schwarz Leonard Freeman Tom Maynard Ewing Maynard Suzanne Eyre Lucille Faciane Marie Fahy Falk Richard and Lydia Sally and Craig Falkenhagen Jane and Kenneth Faller Cheryl and Dennis Fama Laura and Bob Fanucchi and Kathleen Fanucchi Tom Candy and Michael Farbstein Rosemary and Donald Farbstein Lenci and Morris Farkas Linda Farnell Fatemi Fred L. Fauver Karen Bruce Fay Josh Ferenic Claudia K. Ferguson Jeannie and Conrad Marie and Erik Fernandez Susan and Robert Fernandez Michelle Ferreirae Ferro Maureen John Ficarra Mary and Thomas Field Beverly Joyce and Paul Fielder Fields and Lawrence Freda Robin and Duncan Fife Filak Kay and Richard Marian and David Finkelstein Adriana and Steven Finnie Frank Fischer Jennifer Fischer Robyn and Randy Fischer Dena and Paul Fisher Peggy Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Caroline Stephen Fitzpatrick Lillian and Steve Flahavan Agnes Flanagan Flavell Carol Jeanne Flemming and Flinn Polly and Terrence Janet and William Fogarty Roxie M. Folsom Fong Barbara and Geoffrey Frances and Michael Fong Kathleen Fornason Linda Forsberg Fortunado Lourdes Bill and Rebecca Fountain Fourie Eleonore Gloria Fourie Barbara and Steve Fox Bonnie and James Fox Edith Foyer Alida Franco Flavia Franco Marilyn Frank and Martin Goldstein Elaine Ryzak Fraser Eileen and Jon Fredrikson and Joan Kraemer Freeman Chris Freiman Frias Alejandro Diane Friday Thomas R. Friebel Daniel and Melinda Friedeberg Leslie Eng Leslie Engel James and Jim Engel Lynn Epperson Norma and Robert Epstein and Kenneth Carol Jan Epstein Errichson Veronica Ervin Carolyn Esaki Dennis and Janet William Estamo Raymond Etzler Eva Dee and Richard Carrie Evanger Jo Ann and Steven Evans Marian Everett Evola Terri

Goldrath Sports Camp Brian Bishop Alison Dowse and George Skaates Alison Dowse and George Mitzi Dowse Nithila Dozier Dreier Anne and George Cosette and Malcolm Dudley Thorpe Mary Dunbar and Tod Colette Duncan Brian Dunn M. Dunn Caroline Charles Dunn Jacqueline L. Dunn Dunn Susan and Hardie Adele Dunnigan Peter Dupont Robert Durazzo Paul Durdik Eleanor Dwyer Kathryn and Jim Dwyer Holly Earlywine Earth Craft Environmental Shelley and Joseph Eberle John Ebneter Gay and James Echeverria John Eckels, MD Camille and Stephen Edson Edwards Shareen Dimitra Efstathiou Ashraf El Gamal Stephen Ellingson Ellis-Goldrath and Marc Maureen Jacqueline and Robert Ellsworth Daniel Emmett Marlene De Lancie Marlene Santolo Lee De De Wit A. Sharon Matthew Debski Katherine and C. Debth Eleonore Decarli Anne and Paul Club Summer Decathlon Sports DeCossio Edward Deegan Gordon Louise Delafield Sarah Delaney Jimena Delaquintana Colleen Delizza Delta Builders, Inc. and John Denis Sharon Kathleen Denison Deniz Doreen Lanie Denslow Smaragda Denton Marianne E. Deritis Dina and Nick DeRosa Usha Desiraju Raymond Deutsch Devan Karen Linda and Stephen Dever Devers Tracy Michael J. Devlin Perri DevonSand and James DeWitt Margot Melanie Dhillon and Gaurav Dhillon Tara Lisa Di Lorenzo Elizabeth Dial Anne and James Diamond Kathleen Diamond Donald J. Dicks Kristina M. Dillingham Kimberly Dillon Bishop and Inna Dimisteyn Dilyana Dimova Joan Diskin Tina Dizon Danielle Dodge Kim Doench-Licea Kevin Domecus and Laura Brucken Domingo Ayla Roxana Dommer Dong Evelyn and Kenford Donovan De Lila and Drew Jutta and Frank Dormann William Dorsett

& Riddle LLP Elizabeth Cronin Judy Cronin Sylvia Crotty Gary Crouch Crusick Gretchen Erica Cuayu Frances Cummings Eugene C. Cunningham, Jr. John and Elfriede Cunningham Ellen Curran Janet N. Currie Carlise Curry Ruth Curry and Eleanor Kuchenriter Charles Cushner Madeline Cutino Charles S. Cwieka Roxanne Cyr Jack Daane Maricris Dacumos Michelle Daigneault Daly Virginia and Don Dambrosio Valerie Mrudula Dandekar Pam Daniels Eunice Danli David Daskilewicz Deanna Davenport Laurie Davies and Chuck Adams Erin Davis J.A. and James Davis Day Terri Jeanne L. de Alcuaz Shirley De Crosta Louis Coleman, Jr. Louis Coleman, Chiropractic Colgin Heights Church College Collett Valerie Sarah Collins Colone Teresa Coltart Gloria and Andy R. Frank Coltart Marissa Comart Betty Comisky Ronald Compesi Anne Conlon Susan and Kenneth Conn Patricia Connell Kelly Connelly Kathleen J. Conner Kavanagh John Connolly and Brideen Raymond Connors Shirley Connors Barbara Contreras Hou Patricia Conway and Ning Anne Coogan Molly Coogan Cook Carol Odie B. Cook Elizabeth Cookson Patti Corcoran Luzaich, de Ghetaldi, Nastari Corey, Carlos Cornejo and Rachel Cornelio Marco Emily and John Corpos Beverly Cory James Cosentino MD Betty Cosgrove, Costco Wholesale Corporation Charles Cotten Cotton Heidi and Andrew Annie Coull Sandra and Paul Council and David Countryman Vivian Agnes and John Courtney Cox Carolyn A. Coyne Marcia Mary M. Cravalho Christine and William Crawford Diana Crawford Lelana Crayne John Creagan Patricia and Michael Crilly Suzanne Crispell and Arne Croce Carol and Jay Crom Clare Vince Chew Vince Annette Chiappari J. Chiarello Vincent Paul Chien Douglas Chin Rachel and Roger Chinn Roberta and Paul Chock David Chong Chow Tamaira Pamela and Paul Choy Christen Karen Jennifer Christensen Patricia and William Christensen Patricia and Elizabeth Christian Patricia Christofferson Christopherson Gary W. Mimi Chung and Paul Kwo Mary Lou Ciranni Cismoski Wendy Elana and Stuart Citrin Clarke and Richard Carol Clause Kristen and George Doug Closson Cloud Vivian Clouse Carmen and Bernard Isma Cochran Liz Cody Ruth and David Coen Marian Coffey Cynthia Cohan Cindy Cohen Barbara Cohn Sue Coke Charlene and Frank Campos and Frank Charlene Canepa Margarette Cannara and Alexander Barbara Schook Laura Cannon Mary Cantieri Lorraine Canton Patricia Canzian and Thomas Carlson Brenda J Carlson Carlson Joan and Donald Adele Carney H. Carney Margaret Josephine Carpignano Denis Carroll Shari and John Carruthers Patricia and Raymond Cartwright Stephanie Carvajal Frank Casale Jovanni Casaus Gloria Casey Pamela and William Casey Casner Carol Patricia and John Cass Dante Cassotta Mary and Adrian Castiglia Mary Castle James Catiggay Caturay Maria and Pedro Janet C. Cavagnaro Lesley Cerdan Geraldine Cernach Cerruti, MD Rosemary and Piero Chadwick George Elizabeth Chalmers Brian Chan Stephanie Chan and Donald Chen Ileen Chandra Charles Schwab Corporate Foundation Michael Charlow Charpiot Barbara and Fred Scott Chase Chasey Gene F. Chassy Ellen and Laurence Indrani and Subhendu Chaudhuri Ovijit Chaudhuri Nisha and Amir Chaudry Chelone Judy and Victor Christine Cheng Elizabeth Cheng Cherrington April and George Regan and Shannon Cherrington and James Durfey Elaine Chesebrough Frances Chetcuti

Inc. Matching Gift Program Dennis Roseman Susan Burns Susanne Burrill Maria J. Burrington Emily Burt Business Referral Network III Buting Margaret Nelwyn and Gerald Butler Bynum Vicki Byrne Maureen Bonnie and William Cagno LLC California Burger Martha and William Callan Cameron Patricia and Richard Becky Camp Judy Campbell Kumutnad Brannan Linda and Jose Bravo Eileen Brennan Kenneth and Melissa Brenner Susan A. Brenner Breuer Edward Eva Breyer Patricia and Gerald Brick Church The Bridge Foursquare and Thomas Bridgman Carole Beverly Jean Bristow Systems, Communications Brocade Lois Brock Kelly Broderick Brogden Hattie and Wilfred Cindy Brooks Janet Brown Jennie and Frank Brown and Eric Brown Johanna Wong Kathleen Brown Brown and Ted Lynda Patricia Brown Brown Susan P. Lee Brownston Louis Brownstone J. Brozell Jerome Martha and Robert Bruce Sandra Bruce Jochen Brumm Kathleen M. Bruno Gloria Buckham Jean Bucks Katherine and Roy Bukstein Eleanor Burgdorf Iola Buriani Black Bear Diners, Inc. Diners, Black Bear Gifts Inc. Matching BlackRock, Ashley Blakely Kurt Blaylock Amy Blodgett and Bennett Bloomfield Elinore Thomas Blumberg Maggie and Barbara Blundell P Bluth Irene Horn and Tessa Stanley Bochenek Boes Carol Brian Boisson Angela Boland Catherine Bonnar and William Bonnell Beverley and Ron Borelli Janet Borgens DiAnn Bormes Christine Borromeo Carrie and Pieter Bosschart Julia A. Bott Ann Bottari Toni Bou Jolie and Edward Suzanne and Peter Boutin Pam and Irving Boxerbaum Boyd-Goodrich Andrew Boyer Lynn Bozza Virginia Lee Bradford Jean Bradley Jean Brady Peggy Brady Monica and Donald Bragg

Niall McCarthy Yvonne Berube-McCarthy and Yvonne Betts and Howard Terry Anita Bhandari Shyam Bhatia Joann and Robert Bianchi Bielagus Katey and Tom Shirley Biers Carmen Biland Grace Billman Mary Bimba Evelyn Binet-Devoy Alice and Robert Bishop Pamela and John Bitter Anne Bjornson Marie and Edward Baus Marie and Edward Patricia and John Baylo Carla G. Beak Pauline and John Beare Mary Ann Beccio Connie and Philip Becerra Bechtel Irene Jan and John Becker Becker Margaret Susan R. Bedford Mary Beech Joseph Behar Julie Belarde Randi Belot Susan and Ron Beltramo Benedict Liane and Welden June Bennehoof Cook and Brian Bennett Caroline Bennight Victor Laura Bent and Gary Cockrell Lillian Bent Barbara and August Benz Heidi and Thomas Berens Sherry and Burton Berenstein Starr Berkey Janice and Dennis Berkowitz Lucy Berman Elisa Bernal Martha Bernard Timothy Berndt Ursula and Alan Berney Barbara Bernhart Sister Joan Bernhart Arlene and Philip Bernstein Betty I. Bernstein Lois and Albert Bertagna Margaret and Lloyd Aubry and Margaret Mark Avelar Inc. Avira Katherin Baban Henrik Bacho Bachrach Andrea Cecil Bader Carmen and Earl Bagby Debbie and Gail Bagby Kenneth Baguinon Jo Anne Bailey E. Bajurin Margie Grant Baker Jean and Donald Baker Baker Rochelle Cabot and Richard Stephen Baker Baker Vanessa Erika Balbuena A. Baldassari-Cruz Lynne and Sam Balestieri Delores Lisa and Robert Balliet Kathryn and Mark Barchas Marjory and Bruce Barkhau Barbara and Stephen Baron Thomas Barrett Barrick J. Constance and Richard Crombie Barry and Joanie Claire Nada Barulich Bates Audrey Mary and Jay Bates Anna Bauer Rose and Edwin Bauer Baum Sharon-Ann and John Baumgarten Marcia Baur Joyce and Richard Campaign Program Program Rostaing Arthur J. Foundation Artoux Virginia Ashby Richard Attorneys Bettering the Community Thomas Atwood Nancy Anderson Shirley and William Anderson Andes Cafe and Nadege Andjou Desire Andreini Bobbie and George Santiago Andujar Ivania Angel Paul Anglehart Patrice Antosik Julie and Peter Antupit Denise Apcar and Robert Applegate Victoria Joanne and David Arata Modrite Archibeque Jennifer Arcilla J. Armbrust Sharon Kellin and Bruce Armstrong Armstrong Marc Craig Arnold Alexa Alborzi, DDS Anna M. Alexander Syed Ali Anthony Alioto Diane Alli Allan C. Almlie Altfield Lynda Sandy Alvarado Julie Amaral Christina Amato AmazonSmile Foundation Marjorie and Harry Ambrunn Ameriprise Financial Employee Giving Joann Ames Christina Amsberry Modell Marlow and Lage Andersen Beth Anderson Barbara and Lawrence Adams Barbara and Lawrence Betsy and Jay Adams Joy Adams Robert Adams, III Sabrina A. Adams Shasta and Anthony Addessi Joy Addison Laura and Gary Aden Donna Adkisson Afanessieva Tatiana Employee Giving Agilent Technologies Pamela Agnone Robert Aguilera Ajluni Richard Soumya Aladi Darlene Alarcon Alaska Airlines Gift Matching Program Aldaz Rebecca and Efren Walter Zimmerman, Jr. Walter Zoner and Steven Carol $1-499 Chris Abato Anne Abela Elizabeth D. Abraham James Abrams Janet Abrams Joan and Philip Abrams Luannah and Matthew Abrams Albert Acena Gifts Acxiom Corporation Matching Company Adama Foresight Andrew Arienne Adamcikova and Julian Adame Tom Wiloman Tom Church St. John’s Guild of Women’s Calvin Wong and Vivien James Wunderlich Wyckoff Julia and Winston Robert Yapp Elizabeth and Young and Michael Audrey

Employee Giving Linda Whitley Susan and Dean Vittori Jo and John Volkert Janet Wade Alice Wallace Walton Hazel and George Kathleen Hurson and Robert Wasley Nina Weil Jane Weston Whalley Andrew Nancy Thomas and William Tiedeman Patricia Harding June and Jim Tilton and Allan Tripp Loretta Michele and Carl Tyler Barbara Urrutia Joely Urton Russell B. Valles Veca Karen St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church St. Andrew’s Nancy and Gary Steele Lily Steinbach Ann and Joe Stockwell Charles and Jessica Stone Marjorie and Herbert Stone Martha and Roy Sutow Sweets4SchoolSupplies Daniel C. Taylor Hasma and Aram Serverian Madaline and Chris Shearer Joyce and Gerald Shefren Shiu Yvonne Elliot Shubin, MD Anne Silver Lori Silverstein Rolly L. Slatt South City Ciderworks Episcopal Church St. Ambrose Lynne and Ross Sakata Lynne (Matching Gifts) San Mateo Rotary Foundation Heather Sanders Jonathan D. Scharfman Joseph and Susan Scheid Heidi and Steve Schell Scholes Family Foundation Elaina Serotte Greg and Lori Randich Greg Alex Rayter Ann and William Regan Ernest Ribera Julia and David Richardson Ann Rivello Douglas Robbins Dennis J. Ryan and Derrick Sakata Carolyn Spencer Park Joan Parmer Maria and Eric Perez Katie Peters Diana Prisk David Pritchard Prozan Sylvia and George Deborah Quinn-Chen and Daniel Chen Kathleen Rafael Renee and Rick Navarro and David Neeve Tasia June Neuhaus Inc. Nikon Precision Nystrom Karen Olson Rebecca and Jeffrey Susan and Roger Oser Pacific Gas & Electric Company Lee Mendelson Mersereau Wallace D. Scott Mickle Club Millbrae Lions Mody Bina and Vatin Maryann G. Moise Diana Mongini Patricia A. Motto Musso Lori and David Chris and James Nantell Tushar Mehta Tushar Meier and Charles Marilyn Donors Donors Maureen Griffin and Stephen Mitchell Maureen Krista Mitzel Hamilton Mixon Perry Mizota and Jill Goldsmith Reem Mohamed Mohler Kathryn and Morgan Market - Burlingame Mollie Stone’s Mateo Market - San Mollie Stone’s Marie L. Moncur Marie and Philip Monohan Josephine and Raymond Montano Sandra and Philip Montesano Patricia Montgomery CZ Montieltrent Linda and Jose Montoya Corina Monzon Katie Moody Elaine and Chester Moore Moore Gertrude and Fred and Ronald Moore Janet Finer-Moore Janis and Robert Moore Kenny Moore MD and David Moore, Yvonne Moorhead Brenna and Colin Morf Wendy Morgan Arlene and Richard Miriam R. Morgan Elaine Morizono Erica Morris Susan Morris A. Morrison Margaret Kathryn Morton and John Hursh Kimberly A. Mueller Michiko Mukai Animesh Mukherjee Mullen Terry Muller Holde and George Sheila Muller Mulliken Carolyn Catherine C. Mullin Lillian and Donald Munakata Ramona and Raul Muniz Cynthia Hunton and Dennis Murphy Gayle Murphy Marilyn Murphy Nancy and Charles Murphy Nancy and Pete Murray James Musante Diane and John Musgrave Beverly and John Muzio Peggy H. Myers and James Nagel Terry and Donald Nagle Laurel Marilyn Nahinu San Francisco Peninsula NAIFA and Sam Naifeh Karen H. Najjar Yoseph Mark Nakano Nandi Yoga Joseph Narcisso Susan Narlock Gale and Don Nasser Christine Navarette Rose Navarro R. Navasca Lourdes Shop Coffee Neal’s Bryan Neider and Michael Neidle Lauren Marie-Jeanne and Ron Neighbors Patricia Neikirk Michael Mihalek Michael Mihojevich and Mick Marlene Miles and William Blossom Janice Miles Arnold Miller Christine Miller Jo Ann M. Miller Judy Miller Miller Sandra and Scott Sophia Miller Minnick Gloria and Frank Lois and Jack Mirch Larry Mishkind Dace and Robert Mitchell Judith and Steven Mitchell Linda Mitchell Thomas McKay McKee Elizabeth and Richard McKellar Arlene and Wayne Martha McKenna McKenzie Sharon McKerroll M. Greg Elaine McKinley and Kit Durgin Alison and Leigh McLafferty Robert A. McLean Charlotte McMillan Saloon & Dining House McNear’s Leslee and James McPherson Megan McSweeney Gill Mary McVey Graciela Medina Medovshikoff and George Victoria Admont Mei Meister Kim and Gregory Noemy Mena-Miles and Paul Miles Elean Mendoza Eunice Mendoza Joann Menees Elvi and David Menke Menzoian George Maryln Merrill Messinger Teresa Meyer Carol Meyers and Laura Haberlin Dorothy Nancye Michaelian Marilyn and Paul Michaelson Denise Michaud Linda and Lee Michelson Brian Mick Sharon A. Marshall A. Sharon and Alex Martell Jennelle Janet Martin and Erika Vazquez Joseph Martin John Martin Kathleen and Raisner and Carol Mary Ann Martinez Ramona M. Martinez Rudy Martinez Marx Nancy and Alan Gerald Marxman Debra Marzak Hazel Mascardo Mashoian Rosalind V. and Stephen Maskel Karen Deborah Mason, NP Joy and Merle Mason Silvana Massa Massey Emily and J. Christopher Stephanie Masten Jenelle and Patrick Masterson Asaf and Amy Matatyaou William Matson Asher Matsuda Robert Matsumoto Dina Matteucci Becky Schaaf and Alan Mattlage Karl Matuszewski Susan and David Mawdsley Katherine Mayer Mayer Sharelle Marlene and Henry Maze Laura Mazza Heidrun and James Mc Cusker Lori and Dennis McBride Jane and Michael McCabe Katharine A. C. McClure McCormick Karen Kelly McCown Thomas McCrea Arlene and Martin McCue Angie McDonnell Melissa and Brien McDonough McElroy Walter McEvoy Maureen Shirley McGill and Douglas McGlashan Fredericka McGowan Sean P. Brian G. McGrath Mary Lou and Kymn McGrath Doris and Pat McGuire Jean McHugh Joyce McInerney Anahi and David McKane Kristen and Lawrence Lutz Kristen and Lawrence Barbara Lyons and John Macauley Sharon Pamela Machado Rosemary MacLeod Joan and Sidney Madden Deborah Magid Jeane and Bruce Makar Helen and James Malatesta Maldonado Ramiro and Gabriel Maldonado Tammy Joanne and Stephen Malone Ann and Ronald Malouf Maltchenko Sergei Fabiane Maluchnik Judith Mammon Michael Man Chaya Mandelbaum Celia Maneatis Suzette Mangan Janet and John Manning Attorneys at Law Manos & Curl, LLP, Cross and Tom Deborah Marcus Lucy and Austin Marcus Alice Marenco Mary Ann and William Margaretten and John Margaroni Karen Jean and James Mark Rose and Bill Mark Nancy and Thomas Marriscolo Patricia Marsala Judith Marshall Lani Marshall Janet Leonard John Loder Leoni and Serenella Leslie and James Charlotte and Kevin Leslie Lynn Henry Lesser Prudence Leung Barbara B. Leutzinger Charles Levin Feralee and Zelda Levin and Jim Abrams Nadine Levin-Abrams Levine Lois and Paul Marilyn Levine Nancy and Stephen Levinson MD Allan Levy, Levy Carolyn Nell and David Levy Stanley Lew Herman J. Lewin Lani and Donald Leydig Norma Liedtke Kai M. Lieu Michael Liffmann Allison Lilly Patrice Lilly Linden Patricia and Leonard Donna and James Lindsay Marla Link H. Ann Liroff Ling Liu Susan Loftus MD Jo Anne Lombardi, Long Susan and Warren Edda Lonzarich Anita G. Lopez Estela Lopez Castro Rozalin Lorenzato and Anthony Louie Maureen Stefanie Louie Loveall Marlys and Lynn Dennis Low Rowena and Timothy Luca Rosana and Gabriele Lucchesi Luce W. Ted Lucky Supermarkets Lucy M. Schmidt, M.D. Renee Luenow Stephanie Lumpkin Markets - Burlingame Lunardi’s Markets - Los Gatos Lunardi’s Markets - San Bruno Lunardi’s Gay Lundy Joanne Luong Sheila Luttringer

George Trager George Cesar Umezaki Shelley Sandusky and Carl Landers Eivind Lange, Jr. Agnes Langley Linda and Sterling Lanier Antonio Lansang Joan LaPorte Hali Larkins Jeannette S. Larsen Angie and Grant Larson Frances and David Larson Sailesh Lata Laughlin Carol Judy Laura Lautsch Karen Laurie and Daniel Lawson Lisa Lazares Billie and Joseph Le Blanc Julie and James Leach Gilda and Craig Leader Evelyn and Chew Lee Monica and Maurice Lee Ngon and Rosana Lee Lee Richard Rosario and Jimmie Lee Russell Lee Sherman Lee Chris Leeds Leh and Birgitta Andrew JoAnne Lein Hayley Leinfelder Susan and Arthur Lempert Linda Lentz Robert Leo Shirley and Jack Kindred Shirley Kingston Wayne and King-Trager Victoria Kirkpatrick Cecilia and Thomas Sherlyn Kistner Kitagawa Takeo Klapper Linda and Leon Klebe Lorna and Steven William Klein and Katherine Kleinbaum Jane Klinge Kmak Mary and Tom Barbara and Robert Knees Martha and James Knochenhauer Mary and Peter Knopf Kay Ko and Larry Davis Maggie and Paul Ko Filiz Kohli Jean Kohn Kolvites Florence Kondo Warnette Karl L. Konnerth Doris and William Koo Gabriele Korn Julianne Kostainsek Kotowitz and Jeffrey Keren Kotta Diane and Frederick Cheryl Kozanitas Krainz Robert and Marcia Sally and Roger Krakow Krassilnikoff Laurie and Sergey B. Krishnan Vaikom Steven Kruer Dennis Kruger Sandra and Kurt Kruger H. Kruse Walter Barbara and Noell Kubota Janet Kuch Antonia and Jerry Kuehn Jennifer Kulin Pamela Kullberg Allan S. Kuperstein Kupperberg Penny and Clifford Karyn and Adam Kurland and Joseph Kwok Sharon Nancy and James Kyser Mitchell Labbie Jo and John Labbie Wendi Agnes and Thomas Lai Angela Lam Martha Lancestremere Campaign Margaret J. Kemp Margaret JoAnne and Dan Kennedy Eunice and Gerald Kenner Anne Kenney Lucia Kenworthy Mary Kern Onisko Kessler and Tony Karen Diane Key Elizabeth Kida Patricia A. Kiisk Kim S. Kilday Phyllis Kilgore Nanci Kim Sallie and Hubert Kim Marilyn Kimble Shawn Joseph Mary Joyce Barbara Joyner Joan and Christopher Joyner Susanna Juarez Adrian Jubb Juster Wendy Kaden Mary and Ted Rebecca Kagin Judy Kaine Debra Kaiser Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Bryan Kane Elizabeth and Samuel Kang Gay and Harvey Kaplan Kathleen I. Kaplan Rita and Paul Kaplan Joan Kapusnik-Uner Staging, LLC Brorsen Karen Kathleen and John Karmendy Stan Karp and Catherine Baird Frances and Larry Karp Wilma and William Kartman and Michael Kasatkin Lynn Kasten Gregg Aria and Albert Kasuga Zsuzsa Katona Robert Kauser Hana and Thomas Kawakami David Kawano Jean and William Kays and Daniel Keller Kathryn Tsushima Laura Keller Marian and Malcolm Kelly Mary and James Kelly Carol and Ed Jennings and Carol Jennions David Jensen and Marion Catherine Maria E. Jensen Kim Jess Cathy Jetzorreck Jew Vanessa Elissa Jimenez Insurance Agency John McAfee Inc. Group, The Johnny Rockets Adeline Johnson L. Johnson Andrea Barbara and Norman Johnson Betty A. Johnson Bradley J. Johnson Johnson Cameron Elaine Johnson Jane and John Johnson Janeene Johnson Kathleen L. Johnson Laura and Connor Johnson Laurie Johnson Johnson Margaret Johnson Sylvia and George Johnson Virginia Louann D. Johnston Ingrid and Frank Jonas Surya and Clayton Joncas-Carrell Allen and Susan Jones Jones Barbara and Gregory Jean and William Jones and Michael Jones Laurelle Linda Stegora and Bobby Jones Luani Jones Nancy Jones Program Norma Isoardi Frances and Michael Isola Donald Italia Ivelina Ivanova Iya Sarah and Vik Eve and Alexander Jacklin Jane and David Jackson Jane Jackson and David Jackson Terry Gail and David Jacoby Ruby and Leo Jacques Daugdo and Kobad Jamshed Christine Jarvis Steven Javier and John Dolores Constance Hopkins Sheriar Hormuzd Horn Andrew Judith and Hermann Horn Liz Horn Hornung and Edward Karen Elaine and Don Horsley Fe Hortinela Kari Horwitz Dena House Annette Howitt Roy Hoyer HP Company Match Nancy and Mark Hsieh Peter Hsu Barbara A. Huckins Patricia and Jonathan Huddleston Kate Huebler Susan Huetteman Janie Hu-Gere Monica and Kevin Hunt Elizabeth Hurder Helena and D.J. Hurley Sonya and Stephen Hurst Gertrude and Antonius Huygen Linda and Ronald Hwang and William Hystad Meredith and John Igoe Marguerite Stephen Ilg Catherine Immanuel Intel Corporation Matching Gifts Ahmar Iqbal Kumiko Ishida Naomi S. Ishida Penelope and Glenn Ishida Aurea and Stephen Herrick and Aurea Herrick Lynne M. Herrmann Dianna Alan Herzig Renee E. Hewitt James Hewlett Steven Hibshman Hickey Maureen and John Hickson Sarah Babin Higaki Heidi and Harrison Hill Ann and Don and William Hill Audrey Hillsdale Walkers Ellie Hinken Linda and Michael Hirabayashi Jean Hoaglund Nancy Hobbs Hodgeman Leonard Kurt Hoefer Gloria Hoeft Anne and Robert Hoeksema Debora and Stuart Hoffman Susan Hoffman Hofstedt and Tom Sharon Hogan Ramona and Richard Kathy Hoke Holbrook Cynthia and Richard Kelley and Kevin Holden Ana L. Holguin Laura Holguin Jenny Holl Angie and Stephen Hollman DMD Holloszy, Frederic Jeannine and Peter Holper Craig Hook

Dennis Green William J. Henzel and Janice Herbst George Susan and Bruce Herman Judith Hermann Herrera and Greg Andrea Lois and Herbert Haskins Laurie Hastings Monika and Bill Hastings Rachael Hawtin Nancy Hay Hayes Tiffany Ruth Haynes Elizabeth and Ronald Haywood and Chandulal Hazari Sarojben Heckert Valerie Heim Lois and Walter Dee Baily and Jon Heiner and Gerald Heinz Theresa Candace Heisler Heisler Lois and Sanford David Helseth Lisa and Dana Hendrickson June and Paul Hennig Fritzi Henning Elizabeth and Zerne Haning Hanna Margaret Mary and Karl Hanson Babs Harband Kristen L. Hardeman Hardwicke and Leroy Dorothy Luisa and James Hardy Peter Haroldsen Julie and Phillip Harris Linda and Reed Harris Phyllis and Roger Harris Elizabeth Hart Frances B. Hart Patricia Hartnett David Harvey Kim Harvey Suzanne Harwell-Wells Rebecca Haseleu Kathleen and Paul Guglielmo Rose Gulingan Jasmine Gumby Rona and Steven Gundrum James and Rose Gurlingan Kristofer Gustafson Jackie Gutierrez Gloria J. Haars Laura and James Haberlin Ann Haggardt Marilyn Haithcox Hale Laurel Hall Barbara and Richard Hall Virginia Thomas Halligan Ellen and Scott Hallsted L. Halstead Dorothy Ham Rose and George Ellie and Michael Hananouchi Matt Green and Brian Greenberg Lea Goldstein Scott Greenberg Penelope and Allen Greene Joel Greene Donelle Gregory Service Inc. Trucking Greg’s and Gary Griffin Carol Laura Griffis Griffith Marie-Louise and James Evelio Grillo Michele and David Grisham Stephen Grochol Judith Grosey Joan and Stanley Gross Susan and Steven Group Guenin Susan Swetter and Daniel Misasha Graham Misasha Grand and Herbert Bonita Grant and Michael Holly Allen Linda Graves Cory Gray Green Gale and John and Heather DeValois-Green

Troop 62572 Troop 62473 Troop 62229 Troop of God Jean and Alexander Graham Kathleen and Ricardo Gonzalez Kathleen and Ricardo Alan Goodwin Stephen D. Goodwin Foundation and Betty Moore Gordon Anne and Michael Goris Diane and Barry Goyette Grace Lutheran Church and School Grace Lutheran Church Phyllis Graff Joan Goldenberg Amy Goldfarb Lisa K. Goldman Linda Goldthwaite Julie Golman Maria and Fabio Goncalves Gong Theresa Gonzales Andres Jose Gonzalez Jean Gish GitHub Michelle C. Glaubert and John Glennon Carol Glesener Mary P. Sue Goetter Jennifer B. Gogol Goldberg Sarah and Brett Nancy Golden Patricia and Robert Giorni Lorraine and James Giosso and Daniel Giosso Theresa Girdlestone Howard Martha and W. Girl Scouts of Northern California Girl Scouts of Northern California Girl Scouts of Northern California Janie and Jason Gere Bonnie and Robert Gerlach Janet and Gary Germano Annette and Herbert Gershen Mahshid Ghaffari Gianoli Richard Brynna Gianos Barbara and Robert Gilmartin Raymond Gin Michael Gaul and James Gavros Yvonne B. Gay Willard Mark Gaynor Gazmen-Dabir J. F. Michelle Gee Gehrke Pamela and Wayne Lisa Geller Susanne and Albert Geller Gap Inc. Giving Campaign Gladys Garabedian Judith and Michael Garb MD Gabriel Garcia, Jean and Ralph Garcia and Edmund Garcia Vivi Angela and Norman Gardner Irvin Gardner Garrigues Claire Ritsuko Furuya Kayleigh Gaddor Gadsby Ann and Gregory Rainer Gaethke Kathleen and Carmen Gagliardi Arlene and David Gallegos Nancy Galli Jacqueline Gamelin Somil and Nirmala Gandhi Sharon and Joel Friedman and Sharon Dana Fruehling and Robert Fucilla Patricia Georges M. Fuentes Sharon Rose Fujii of the Assemblies Full Life Church Anne Fuller Fulvio Eva and George Elizabeth Furber Jennifer and Ira Friedman Jennifer Randy Friedman Lori and Donors Donors

Chin-Jeng Chiang Adrienne and Dave Weil Weiland and Howard Margaret Kevin Weir Mary Ann Weisberg Beth and Alan Weiss Weiss Rebecca Coker and Steve Else Welch III Welch, Joseph W. Werner Karen West Gary V. Patricia and Stephen West School Hillsborough West Cheryl and Clark Westmont Lisa A. Wheeler Eileen and Jay White June and Burton White Sandra Whitlark Deborah Whitley Kathryn Whitman John H. Wichern, III Pearle Wilborn Rebecca Wildman-Tobriner May-Blossom and Robert Wilkinson Patricia Wilkinson Ann and Bruce Willard Anthony Willard Allison Willard-Figge Jean and Paul Williams Williams Jeffrey Judy and Donald Williams L. and Thomas R. Williams Vicki Barbara Williamson Lisa and Michael Williamson Willig Kristen and Edward Kristen Willison Leslie Wilson Philip Wilson Thomasyne Wilson Lucas Wiman Windsor Carol Gale Winningham David Winters Patricia Wipf Lance Wiscomb Carl Wiseman and Philip Wittrock Claire Wolheim Esther and Lawrence Barkhay Wong Linda Wong Woo Cora and Victor Barbara and John Woods Diane and Thomas Woodside Ruth and Robert Woolf Charmion and Donald Woolfe Barbara J. Worl Judy Worster and Larry Wright Merna Richardson Nanette Wylde and Kent Manske and Roy Xavier Maureen Fan Xie Lai Keyang Xu and Yali Jack Yaco Sucy Su Yang Yano Marcella Yaron Yifah Linda Yates Flora Yeatrakas Yee Shirley and Richard Mary Yerkes Pauline Yeung Emily Wallint and John Walton Donna A. Wandro Catherine Wandro Shelley and Mark and Wang Anne Hsiao-Nan James Wang Wang Richard John Ward Michael Ward Washington and Richard Andrea Marlene and Ken Wasson A. Miriam Waugh Pamela and Peter Webb Gail and Steve Webber Keith Weber

Bruce Ayers Thompson Bruce Ayers Nicholas Clark Unkovic Glenna Vaskelis April Vasquez Jill and Timothy Vath and Joe Vause Sharon Giselle Velazquez Wilma Velez Rosemarie Vella Michelle Carter and Michael Venturino Deanne Verducci Jan Verhage Christian Vescia Marilyn Vicas Mary Lou and Frank Vidergar Michael Villanueva Monique Olmos and Manny Villarreal Marie and John Violet and Vi-Thompson Carol Vollendorf Barbara and Wallace Vose Margaret Voss Laveille and Jeffrey Mark Vrudny John M. Vuko and Paul Wachter Dorothy John Wagner Stacey K. Wagner and James Wagstaffe Karen Wailes and George Virginia Morrissa Walbeck Waldron Marcia Wales Henry W. Mary and Charles Waller Dane Wallinga Mae Threadgill Tiegel Ralph A. Tilch Sandra Eric Tilenius Stephanie and Sandie Timm Tirazona Vanessa and Paul Titus Maryelizabeth Sue E. Todd Toldi Leigh and Francis Rebecca Tom Fran Tompakov Nicole Tonelli Erik Tong Gary and Joyce Toothman M. E. Tormey Annette Tornborg Elvia Torres Raul Torres Sema and Steve Tosun Service Office A Total Tran Doreen Ruth Trask Treglia Lucille and Richard Rose Marie Trigueiro Beatrice and Roger Trinkner Elizabeth Tromovitch Annette Trucco True Mary T. Hin Tse Tse and Edward Irene Jan Tuber Chuck Tuchinda and Cynthia Williamson Ruth Tucker Bioscience Twist Christopher Uhler Lucille and Thomas Uldrick Elizabeth Mulkern Unkovic and Joan and Henry Upton Urbina Mary T. Urquidez Maria and Ventura Adela Vaia Gale Vaillancourt Gabriela Valencia RSM Valenteen, Marian Clare Barry Valiasek Els van Boldrik Ann and Timothy van Oppen Remortel Michael Van Leslie and Frank van Veenendaal Vanarsdel John W. Jane Vandervennet and Joseph Catalano Joan Varrone L. Spieller Episcopal Church Jeanne Swapp Sarah Sykes Szelenyi Evelyn and Tom Alma and Ray Szpadzinski Donna Doetsch and Eugene Szymanski Takahashi Caroline Anisa and Michael Takla Mahbach Tala Cindy Talcott Connie Tallerico Tanaka Tara Paulette and Rowell Tandiama Lisa Tandoc Frances and Augustine Tang Kathleen Tarnutzer MD William Tatomer, Majka and Marc Taylor Lynn A. Taylor Margaret Suzanne Taylor Fatima Tehranchi Tejada Taleen Tekawa T. Tamotsu Gail and Robert Telfer Beth El Fifty Plus Club Temple Kenichi Terada and David Frydenlund Pat Terman Katie Terry Thanh Thai Thom Herta and Gerhard Debbie Thomas and Steven Lacy M. Thompson Margaret Mary Thompson Thompson Wendy Myrna Sonobe Myrna Nick Soon C. Sosa Diana Douglas K. Southard Lisa Souther and Tyler James Sowerbrower Michelle Speert S. Speidel Margaret Paige Spencer and Steven Sheila Mahoney-Spieller Brigitte and Jim Spinale Jo Ann Squeri Transfiguration Guild St. Margaret’s St. Lezin Anne and Lawrence Irma Stadler J.A1941 Stanfield University Stanford Faye and Ronald Star Bernadine and Louis Starr Steele Norma and Gordon Cecile and Merrill Steinberg James O. Steinrok Jonathan Stemmle Jill Stephens Marilyn and Jon Stephens Stergion Mary and George Alice Stern and Dennis Stern Sally and Donn Stevens Steves Diane and Jeffrey Jean Stone J. Stone Leonard Gertrude H. Strambi Cindy and Phil Strause Strause Tina and Gordon Diane and Michael Strauss Jacquie Strauss Shari Golan and Lee Strieb Michael Stuber MD Thomas Stucker, Patti and David Styka and David Sullivan Carol Christine and Ray Sullivan Denise and Dennis Sullivan Ellen Sullivan Suman Edward Summers Breeana Dana Supan Frank Sutter Sutter Pub Mirian and Ron Sutton Carolyn and Jeremy Siegel and Jeremy Carolyn and Scott Sieling Lourdes Agueda and John Sigona Maryanne and David Silber Marvin Silver Siminitus Jacquelyn and Vincent Phyllis Simon Dave Simpson Lindsey Singer Marie and Donald Singer Siu Byron Sjoman Gail and Per-Olof David and Joan Skurnick Mary Rose and Thomas Slattery Sleeper and Edward Dolores Slintak Elaine and Edward Small and Alan Venook Carolyn Kathleen and Harvey Small Kaisa M. Smith Rebecca Smith and Erik Cassel Smith Sally W. Snider Barbara and Yash Douglas K. Snodgrass MD Gayle and Bruce Snyder, John Snyder So Tom Amy Sobel Allegra and Stanley Sockol Jeanne M. Sole Soletti Virginia David and Susan Solomon Alvin Sompayrac Myrle Sonobe Veronica and William Schwarz and William Veronica Inc. Concepts, Scientific Scigliano Paige Scigliano Victoria Doug Peterson Scott Maria and Maria Merrill Scott Marjorie Seashore Sebbard Susan and Neal Secrest Ann Toni Christine Segerhammar Martin A. Segol Sehgal Prem Elaine Seidel Megan Seidensticker Russell Seifert John Selin Lois Selna Kathleen and Gene Semenza Sen Tutkun Glenn Sennett Sequoia Stamp Club School Serendipity Dimple Shah Josette Shah Mehdi Shahabi Susan Shankle A. Shannette Karen Cynthia and Robert Shannon Barbara and Art Sharif Barbara S. Sharkey Louisa and James Shaul Shaw Cameron Shaw Christine and Richard Shaw and Mark Wen-Ying Shea Diane T. Mary Shea Daley Shea-Daley and Bill Karen Bud Sheble Joyce and Jerry Shefren Rosemarie Shepley Barry and Esther Sherman Dennis Shiao Laurie Shields Shigley and Damaris Forrest Christa Shih Robert Shitamoto O’Clair and Don Shoecraft Margie Kay Daniels and Steven Shpall Lee Shult Pauline Shumsky Bill S. Sianis Barbara R. Siegel

Credit Union Credit Inspectors Association Advised Fund of Richmond Jewish Foundation Daniel Polite, MD Association Dorothy R. L. Schiavo Dorothy William Schick and Brian Schlaefer Carolyn Schlesinger Joan and George Ronald E. Schmidt Betsey Schneider and Jim Counts Elvida Schneider Karlyn Schneider Barbara Schotzko Marion and Hubert Schrager Janice Schreckengost Schultz Carol Barbara Schumacher Mary Schumacher Roberta Schumann San Mateo City Employees Federal San Mateo County District Attorney’s Jamie Sanchez Sandberg and Bengt Barbro Joyce Sandvik Sheila and Ron Santero David Santos and Heidi Bowman Sarrouh and George Sharon Jeanne Sartor Emily Sarver Linda Satkowski and Joel Meresman Satterstrom Lyn Marie Sattui Matthew Sauceda Molly Sauer Elaine Savage Denise Lechthaler and Mike Savasta Mahsima and Steve Sazegari Rochelle Sazegari Lorraine and Giulio Sbragia and Kevin Scanlon Tatiana Maria and Robert Scarpino Mark Schack Patricia Schall Donor Schapiro Jo Ann and George Marilyn Schappert Emil Scharff John Scheibe Donna Scheifler Charlotte Scheithauer Barry Schenbaum Grace and Berne Schepman John Rohrer Rojo Martin Rolandson and Daniel Geraldine Romoli Lucille and Philip and Mark Roos Catherine Rossi-Roos Kimberly Rosales Rose and Virgil Carol Deborah Rosenberg Rosenman and John Andrea Rosenthal Lisa and Mark James Ross Ernie Rossi Emma Rothchild Rothe Margaret Rothe Todd Mary Roybal Royce Yvette Kristi Royse Rozzi Carolyn Barbara Rucker Jose Ruiz Robert Ruth Kathy and Steven Ruwe Lisa Ryan Rafael Sabino Joshua Saffren Safrin, MD and Sharon Ana Sagan and Sterling Sakai Sharon Emily Salcido Niki Saletta Club San Carlos/Belmont Mother’s San Francisco Electrical Contractors

Leo Redmond Norma J. Quickert Cynthia Robbins-Roth and Robert Roth John M. Roberts Sandra and Pat Roberts Jan Robertson Nina and Donald Robertson Renette Robillard Mary and Stan Rockman Brandi Rodgers Rodino T. F. Anjenette Rodriguez Diane K. Rogers Elizabeth Rogers Nancy Rogers Tim Rogers Lisa Rogo-Gupta and Anil Gupta Margaret Rasnick Margaret Mukesh Rathor Nick Ratto Baugh Robert Ratto and Karen Susan Raye Claudia Reading Malcolm Reading and Monique Krauer-Redmond Jane and Charles Reed Kent Reed Regalbuto Carol Frances and Joseph Regalia Joyce and William Rehlich Reich Sharon Sally and Robert Reingold Marilyn Reisen Frances and David Reneau Naomi Rentz Joan Restivo Kathleen and Gary Rettberg Marilyn Rex Blanca B. Reyes Dion Reyes Melquiseder Reyes LaLa and Marvin Richards Marilyn L. Richardson Mietta Rigali Nancy Rilett Susan Riley and Robert Lieb Lisa and Paul Ring Jennifer Ringoen Isabel and John Rink Kathleen Ritchie Ro Health, Inc. Tim Roake and Kathleen Gutierrez Lisa and Scott Pritchett Lisa and Michael Prozan and Vicky and Ruben Puno Ofelia Celine Purcell Tim Purdy Jo Ann Quadt Hala Qubti Gift Matching Quicken Employee behalf of Charitable on Vanguard Daniel Quigg Catherine and Quigg Dolores Bishop Francis A. Quinn Kristine Quiroz April and Ronald Quok Arline Radine Rafferty Maureen Boris Ragent Eric Rahneberg Juan Raigoza Rainbow Building Maintenance Ralston Meredith and Joe Ramirez Loretta and Manuel Ramirez Margarita Diana and John Ramos Nanette Ramos Rampton Tracy C. Bailey Ramsden Irina C. Ranahan Anna and Elmer Rand Ramaswami Rangarajan Geran Ranney Laurie and Alan Rappoport M. Rashleger Karen Matthew Rasmussen Shel Prezant Kirstan Price Price Tiffany L.S. Prince Louise Miller Prince Gerry Podolsky Jenny Poliwka Gary Pollek Chase William Poplawski and Laurel Ann Porter Lauren Pat Poss Kimberly Postlewaite Potter Marc and Dave Powell Valerie David Prager Lucita and Kenneth Prager Rajnesh Prasad Anthony Pratali Silvia Pratt Prebil George Ragent and Lawrence Rhonda Press Sarah Press and Paul Preston Karen Pretell Erika and Eduardo PG Soils, Inc. Katrina Phetteplace Helen and Robert Phillips Phillips Viola Cyndi Phillpot Lily Phuong Fine Foods - Redwood City Piazza’s Fine Foods - San Mateo Piazza’s Pican Restaurant Piccardo Terry Susan O. Pierce Pietrasz and Chris Kwoka Margaret Pink Jeffrey Gene Pirazzi and William Pitts Virginia Eugene Pivovarov Plambeck Sharon Cathy Plevin, RN Peninsula Temple Beth El Peninsula Temple Judith and William Penrod Adelaida L. Perez Sophie Perisic Cathrin Callas and Brian Perkins Marina Perry Charles Perry Renata and W. Anne Peter Laura K. Peterhans Ellen and William Peters Peters and John DeLong Sharon Evelyn Peterson Josephine and Michael Peterson Dave Peticolas Petit Linda and Wesley Marianne Petroni Alexandra Pettet Robert Pfeffer Clara Pfotenhauer Julia Parmer Parmer-Lohan Laura and Kathy Elida Parra Kenneth Parsons Patricia and Chris Pascoe Corazon and Noel Pascua Corazon and Clodualdo Pascual Janet Paslin Colleen and James Patell Jeanne Patterson Gari Patton Patricia Patton Patton Varti Saswati Paul Russ Paige Pauli and Trevor Helen E. Pearse Sunny and David Pellone Pendergast Nancy and Tom George and Nancy Pappas George A. Parcell Cheryl Linda Park Martha Park Monica Park Parker and George Carolyn Leslie Parker

Argiro Tsitsinia Argiro Paul Ortega Julie Paping Jill and Frank Pagliaro D. Paine Carol Nancy Palmer Gladys Palrang Marlene Panacci Lois and Arnold Panish Marina R. Paoli Papadopoulos and Georgios Ellyn O’Toole Kristina Outzen Robert Ovadia Liliana Pacelli Padgett USCGR (Ret.) Wayne Christine Padilla Cheryl Padin Peter Padovan Kathi and M.H. Page Priscilla Ornido and Lucy Whybrow-Ortega The Orvis Company Osborne Patrice and George Evelyn and William O’Shaughnessy Doris Ososke Eleftheria L. Ossipoff Susan and Paul Osze Ellen O’Leary Cathy Oliva Gloria and Frank Olivares and Matthew Oliver Valerie Mary O’Mahony Omi and Richard Wendee Angela Onduto O’Neill Christy and Richard Bernadette and Daniel Opine Oracle Corporation John R. Oettinger Janine O’Flaherty Katherine I. O’Halloran Kathy and Mark Oium O’Keefe Bobbie and Richard Anne Okubo Oldfield Charity Fund Mark Oldham Christopher Oleary Robert T. Nurisso Robert T. Mary Jo Obayashi Bonnie and Joseph O’Brien O’Brien Irene Patricia and Luke K. O’Brien O’Brien Virginia Ruth Ocheltree Geraldine and David O’Connor Norma O’Connor Noeteca Lowell Nogle and Brian Laing Elizabeth Nolen Elizabeth Noll Norman Edward Joanne Norris Alison and Paul Norton Kathryn and Hank Nourse Jack Nunes Karen and Patrick Nielsen Karen Ilsabe Niemeyer Maria Nieri, MS Jamie Nievaard Nightingale Richard and Lynn Linda Ning Amy and Sean Ningen and Craig Nishizaki Wendy Nobleman W. P. Karen Nelson Karen Nelson Louise and Richard Nelson Susan and Richard Nepomuceno Paula and Joseph Netflix and Andy Nevitt Teresa Linda Newmark Nicho Cathy and Raul Nickolai and Roy Carole William Nicolet Ferial Farsad and Hossein Nejad and Hossein Ferial Farsad Nelson Andrea Donors Donors

Krishnamurthy Family Mary Acquesta Helen Cohen Arlene and Harvey Herman Fran Tompakov Skanderup and Dean Dorothy Marasco and Joseph Winifred Olga Liebl Patti C. McWilliams Lisa Di Lorenzo Brinkley Warren Paula Meier Mala Ramesh and Ramesh Krishnamurthy Joanne McMahon Linda and Thomas Mathews James Mathews Sheila McGee Weeks Karen Nancy Shaw Edith Mendez Raynes White Miller and Gregory Sharon Jill Schulte Bonnie Miller Maxine Rogo Sue and Ray Moses Nancy Shaw Feinstein Leslee Ann and Wayne Barbara Nobriga Herman J. Lewin Patricia Hewes Kelly McGrath Debra Moore Dena and Chris Zwingle and Michael Gould Caroline Elizabeth and Zerne Haning and Zerne Elizabeth Brian Kelly Janis and Raffo and Lawrence Susan Smith Andrew and Bjorn Olsen Sara Griffin-Olsen Phil Gatto Stephanie and Kollerer Joanne McMahon Mala Ramesh and Ramesh Krishnamurthy Mala Ramesh and Ramesh In honor of The Landsberg-Kessler In honor of The Landsberg-Kessler and Paul In honor of Lauren Leslie In honor of Mark and Debra In honor of Elaine Levy-McBirnie In honor of Helen and Herm Lewin In honor of Helen Lewin and Amy Liebl In honor of Tom In honor of Norma Liedtke In honor of Carla Di Lorenzo In honor of Love In honor of Susan and Scott Maltz Mani In honor of Vidya In honor of Jack and Kathy Martin In honor of Frances Mathews In honor of Linda M. Mathews McGee In honor of Karen In honor of Pauline McGowan In honor of Judy McGrath In honor of Damon Mendez In honor of Christopher Miller In honor of Hannah Miller In honor of Jane Miller In honor of Jason S. Miller In honor of Nancy Miller In honor of Ray Moses In honor of Melinda Murray In honor of Maria Nadel In honor of Roy Nobriga In honor of Janet Offel In honor of Gail Oshima In honor of Gus Panos In honor of Park School Staff In honor of Daria Pennington In honor of William Kenney In honor of William Ann and Bob Klein In honor of Jo Matulich and Larry In honor of Tish In honor of Uncle Krishnan Krishnan In honor of Vasavan

Jaye Lynn Schneider Jaye Lynn Edith Howard Edith Howard Dippel Tricia Edith Howard Edith Howard Randell McMills Craig Butler Marsha Jurasin Perry Joanne McMahon Maxine Rogo Redwood City Eric Foster Beth Beisekcer and Rob Adams Katy Schwarz Bellone Cliff Jean and Dennis Di Salvo Huening Perusse and Tom Carol Kelly Ebeling Edith Howard RN Emily Thomann, Jacquie Strauss Huening and Tom Perusse Carol Masako K. Nagumo Randell McMills Beth El Religious Peninsula Temple School Alix Kay Rita Gleason Miriam Counts Laurie Grand Roland Judy Rogers-Bianchi and Bianchi Oaks Inn Mayer Management Systems Paul Grohe Foundation Danford Jean and Jim Lawrence Barbara and Reid Casey Barbara and Douglas Harper Nate Harris Sandra Zicke Arline Thomas Ron Hoffman Hohenrieder of Lustre-Cal Nameplate Mayer Management Systems Sandra Jeruchim In honor of Chris Howard and In honor of Chris Howard In honor of Rick Howard and In honor of Stephen Howard In honor of Susan Howard In honor of The Huie/Nolan Family In honor of Suzy Jaret In honor of Joe In honor of Cindy Johnson and Alan In honor of Lois Johnson In honor of Kaiser Permanente Labor and Delivery Department In honor of Beth and Katie In honor of Sister Kathryn Keenan In honor of John Kelly In honor of David Howard and of David Howard In honor Finkelstein In honor of Ruth and Gloria In honor of Frank Frisella In honor of Pam Gaines Walter In honor of Dr. In honor of Robert Gatchel In honor of Marni Gerber and In honor of Stephen Gleason Ladies In honor of Good News Chapel Bible Study Group In honor of Lisa Grand In honor of Michael Grant Grialou of Novato In honor of Garrett In honor of Janet Grohe In honor of Mary Gundelach In honor of Jim Haberlin In honor of The Hann Family In honor of Kathleen Harper Phyllis and In honor of Roger, In honor of John Hershberger In honor of Ina Hoffman In honor of Joe and Clydene In honor of Santana Hoppes

Sharon Tobin Sharon Jessica Lam German and Caroline Caroline Christine and William Crawford Miriam Counts Consulting Edith Howard Jacques Cressaty Edith Howard Eleanor Lewis and Steven Davis Linda Di Lorenzo Lisa Di Lorenzo Moen and Steve Karass Karen Edith Howard Aidan Diskin Kent Dryden Susan and Kirk Dryden Michael Duncheon Madeline Chun Alma Martinez and Paul Dybbro Barbara and Reid Casey Barbara Ronald Pape Lois and Lakatos Susan and Charles Weil Karen Welte Carol Bill Raffin Laura and Connor Johnson Lisa and Paul Ring Edith Howard Azlina Ahmad Edith Howard Moran Tara Judy Rogers-Bianchi and Roland Bianchi Erik Struve Joline Zalkind Nancy and Stephen Levinson Barbara Ryan Joanne McMahon Stigge and Vernon Vernon Pam Ferris Joanne McMahon and Michael Burchell Margaret Elizabeth and David Miller Janet and Morton Cohen Nancy Greenberg Janel Lehman In honor of Elizabeth Circle In honor of Hilary Rodham Clinton In honor of Miriam Counts In honor of Jacques Cressaty and In honor of Susan Howard Davis Richard In honor of Dr. and In honor of Mauro Diamond In honor of Jeff Dippel In honor of Trisha In honor of Joan Diskin In honor of Jack, Lorraine and In honor of Joan Cassman and In honor of Paul Dybbro In memory of Caren Watts of Caren In memory Lewis and Helen Weil In memory of Welte Tom In memory of Michael and Robert Wild In memory of Nancy Wilke In memory of In memory of Agatha Wollack In Honorarium In honor of Azlina Ahmad and In honor of Rick Howard In honor of Miles Allan In honor of Holly Allen In honor of Michael Angelich In honor of Roma Auerback In honor of Susan and Barry Baskin In honor of Ralph Behling In honor of Glade Beresford Brown In honor of George In honor of Kathy Brown In honor of Patricia Brown In honor of Grace Brownrigg In honor of Joan Cassman In honor of Bart Charlow In honor of Mabel Cheng In honor of Emily Choi In honor of Jesus Christ

Sandy and Harriet Wolf and Harriet Sandy John Brogan Patricia and and Ira Cure Elizabeth Orfan Lisa Koch Herman J. Lewin Armand Offel Mignon and and Charles Genco Marsha Rosoff Sena Messer Sandy and Harriet Wolf Diane Palmer Suzanne and Ken Starr Sandy and Joseph Ferrando McGee Karen Lella and Anthony and Lella Kakis Patricia and Dale Miller Judy Rogers-Bianchi and Roland Bianchi Luigi Marcheschi Cathryn and Joseph Baylock Tomasetta Barbara Massey Alice and Sterling Walker Deborah Trevithick Martin Rojo John Hootman Nelson Susan and Richard Barbara and Richard Appleton and Richard Barbara Bleshman and Joseph Lucia Vassallo Norma J. Quickert Quigg Dolores Bill Raffin Bill Raffin Sharyn and Al Crosat Ramseur Walter Raymund Lillian Bay Nancy Levy Frank Nancy Glasson Haught Sharon Christopher and Ralf Wrenn Judith Ross Jennifer and Paul Stuppi Janice and Dennis Berkowitz Sauer Molly Sauer Molly Sauer Barry Schenbaum Mary Jo Segal Brigitte Cullen and Berk Kinalilar Sherry and Burton Berenstein Jeffie and Nicholas Feakins Annette Howitt In memory of Evangeline Spillane In memory of Julie Starr In memory of Bob Storm In memory of Dick Strong In memory of Alan Svendlik In memory of Evelyn Taylor In memory of Pat Taylor In memory of Bonnie Tempesta Thompson In memory of Richard In memory of Katherine Massey In memory of David Traverso In memory of Mary Trevithick In memory of Gilberto Vera In memory of Rosa Ana Villanueva Vocker In memory of Tom Wall In memory of Leo P. Prost of Maggy In memory Maggy and Jack Prost In memory of In memory of Bill Quickert Quigg In memory of Lena and Henry Raffin Fred In memory of Evelyn and In memory of Mario Raffin In memory of Jill Raktovic Ramseur In memory of Mary Griffin Wuslich In memory of Nancy Reed Ross In memory of Wanda Sack In memory of Lynn In memory of Donna Fein and Marlene In memory of Marlene Sauer In memory of David Schenbaum In memory of Jason Segal Sickly In memory of Virginia In memory of Jack Smith Kim Smith-Nilsson In memory of Rev.

Barlow A. Weaver Allen Perris Joan B. Morris Barbara Wall Daniel Phipps Matulich and Lucretia Kollerer Lawrence Appleton Barbara and Richard Patricia and John Brogan Kathy Muldoon M. Humbel Carolyn Mary Bennett Tish and Jim Busselle Janice and Donald Elliott Ruth Ann and Daniel Heinrich Janet and Robert Herbert Kumiko Ishida Ann Ito Yasuko Nob and Hisako Kamei Kawakita and Yoneo Yoriko James Laumond, MD Marasco and Joseph Winifred Cecile B. Michael Reiko Moriguchi Setsuko Muto Ruth and Michael Nagler Miye Nosaka Setsuko Ogami Elvis and Kayuko Okada John and Helene Quilici Setsuko and Bert Shimokusu and Gene Weber Lisa Pardini Barbara Wall Diane Elcan Phil Palen Anonymous Barbara Nobriga DiPaolo Gregory Mary Ann Martinez and Carol Raisner and Carol Martinez Mary Ann and Roland Judy Rogers-Bianchi Bianchi Dan Kennedy JoAnne and Gary Plimley Guillermina and Linda M. Centoni Owen Alford Bouquet Joyce and Pierre Mary Cullen Cecilia Humecke Mary Ann and William Margaretten McGowan Marcia Marilyn Melvin Susan N. Meyers, RN Lewis D. Miller and Jim Sell Brenda Barbara Moher J. Allsopp Marcia Kathleen Dreith Adrienne and Stuart Rothenberg In memory of Joan Perris In memory of Ponder Phillips In memory of Helen Phipps In memory of Danny Poverello In memory of Jack Prost In memory of James P. Murphy In memory of James P. Nagumo In memory of Saburo In memory of Madeline Neenan In memory of Ingrid Doris Ohm In memory of Anne Palen In memory of Marie Pariani In memory of John Parnis In memory of Catheryn Pereira In memory of James Maxwell of James In memory Mayer of Dave In memory Joseph Mazzola In memory of Mrs. McCormack In memory of Bruce McDonald In memory of In memory of Pauline McGowan Melvin In memory of Rosena H. MD In memory of John E. Meyers, Miller In memory of Elizabeth R. Mitchell In memory of Tom In memory of Thomas Moher In memory of Jacques Monchatre In memory of Joan Mora In memory of Melvin Mozwecz In memory of Kathy Muldoon

Susan and Jerry Parker Healy Marcia and Thomas Denise Miller-Klick Klick, Jr. Luigi Marcheschi Luigi Marcheschi Nation Sheehan Tamara James Mathews Janet and Edward Austin Janet and Edward Patricia and John Brogan Burtch Neil Austin and Tom Elizabeth Cookson Hoffman Ina and Fred and Masashi Itano, MD Teruko Janice and Irving Katz Peggy Kreisman Herman J. Lewin Barbara and Edwin Miller Maggy Prost Ragent Lawrence and Rhonda Press Bea and Gary Rechnitz and Joel Salmi Greta Sunya Shaw Jacquie Strauss Joyce and Jay Strauss and Gwendolyn Werner Jeffrey and Ralf Wrenn Carolyn Brown Susan P. Keithann and William Melton Patricia Gower Bobbie and Gerald Wagger Helen Fricke Lutz Kristen and Lawrence Gari Patton Peggy and Alex Saunders Machowski Aurelia Herman J. Lewin Herman Scanlan Dorothy Janet C. Jones Thomas Jones Janis Cooper Gayle Etienne Kristina Kelly Ruth and Robert Woolf Barbara Kohn David J. Kohnke Aeschliman Karen Joy Kutaka-Kennedy Gayle Etienne Karr Shanna and Richard Patricia and David Armanino and Bob Cameron Carol Jacquie Strauss Shirley Lerner In memory of Gerri Mackall In memory of Fuad Mansour E. Marcheschi In memory of Aurora In memory of Mario Marcheschi In memory of Marshmallow and Chloe In memory of Frances C. Mathews In memory of Jim Lewis In memory of Roland L’Heureux In memory of Linda Lieberman In memory of John and Glady Lines I. Lobel Charles In memory of Dr. Long In memory of Ford In memory of Julie Lutz MacDonald Thomas In memory of Dr. In memory of Jan and In memory of Ed Jones In memory and Burton W. In memory of Bea Kaplan In memory of John Kaprive In memory of Kelly Carol In memory of In memory of Janine Koegina In memory of Malcolm Kohn Kohnke In memory of Loraine Marie In memory of Gloria Krause In memory of Sadako Kutaka In memory of Julie Lanternman Lapkin In memory of Bud and Ruth In memory of Mary Lawson In memory of Gina Lema In memory of Libby Lerman In memory of Leslie Lerner In memory of Helen Lewin

Marlene V. Carder-Jobaris Marlene V. Mrs. William Johnson Jonathan Goodier Renee E. Hewitt Anonymous Gloria and Alindo Cardelli Ed.D. Jean Holbrook, Klitemnistra Hronas Evangelos Hytopoulos Judith M. Scanlon Grace Izmirian Izmirian Richard and Sam Balestieri Delores Bonita S. Grand June and Jim Tilton Gutierrez Tim Roake and Kathleen Gutierrez Marion Dillard Beatriz Almario Hennessy Janice Le Pouvoir Alexander Ford Sandy and Art Hitchcock Ellen Roy Voelker Karen Sheila Zisko Maria Ewing Sally and Larry Kahler Scanlan Dorothy June and Jim Tilton Geddes Geddes Anne and Jeffrey Patricia and David Armanino Ann and Kervin Selover Goldman-Hull Hull Caryn Goldman and Richard Bill Raffin Duke W. Duke and Robert Booton Tamsen Diane Elcan Rosemarie Lashkoff Patricia and David Armanino Quigg Dolores Amy Feiner Lisabeth and Michael Murphy and Paul Fitzgerald Maureen Sharon Sarzotti Sharon Cameron and Bob Carol Bill Raffin In memory of Mr. and and In memory of Mr. In memory of Frank Jonas In memory of Douglas Hewitt In memory of Mary Hill In memory of Lucile Hillyard In memory of Jerry Holbrook In memory of Dimosthenis and In memory of Elisabeth and Humphrey In memory of Luther and In memory of Patsy Hutton Jeglum In memory of Jerry Jobaris In memory of Debbie Grech and Beatrice In memory of Virgil Harvey In memory of Mary Margaret Hennessy In memory of Richard In memory of Kay Henry In memory of Alice Herning In memory of Tomasa Fonseca In memory of Tomasa In memory of Ernie Frost In memory of Mary Furiuke In memory of Lidd Galli In memory of Don and Dorothy In memory of Shelley Germen In memory of Ronald Goerss In memory of Sasha Francis In memory of Herbert Grand In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Thomas Mr. In memory of In memory of Marie Elcan In memory of Carl Ellis Family In memory of Dorothy’s Family In memory of The Quigg Feiner In memory of Andrew In memory of Donald Feix Fitzgerald In memory of Carol In memory of Beverly D’Emilio of Beverly In memory DeZordo of Esther In memory Eileen Donahue In memory of Romano D’Osvaldo In memory of

JoAnne Sarro Karen and Ronald Wagner Karen Gloria Fourie Diane and Norman Cortez Alexa Knight Dominguez Ena and Fred Indu Sharma Judy Rogers-Bianchi and Roland Bianchi Ruth Andersen, RN Stephen Cowley Darla Calvert and Dennis Fong Diane Elcan Nancy and Mervyn Welch Eugene Cardle Muffie Calbreath Pam Frisella Jennie and Frank Brown and Louis Maraviglia Yvonne Barbara and Craig Ditman Lillian Bent Stephen Cowley Helen Fricke Bardet Susan and Gordon Lage Andersen Norma J. Quickert Ed James-Beckham Bill Raffin Carla P. Ada Carla P. and Cecilio Sylvia Aguirre-Alberto Alberto Kathleen Dreith In memory of William Crump In memory of Suzanne Curley In memory of Betty Davey In memory of Mario Delgadillo In memory of Dan Connell In memory of David Cotton In memory of John C. Cowley In memory of Ellen Cramer In memory of Muriel Campbell Capitule In memory of Vilma In memory of Michael Clyde Cardle In memory of Joe Cavaglieri In memory of Rajesh Chander In memory of Patricia Boyle In memory of Liam Brown C. Brush In memory of Yvonne In memory of Carleen and Paul Burri In memory of Doris Calvert In memory of Araxi Bezdjian In memory of Ernie Bloom In memory of Pat Bonino In memory of Donald L. Bower In memory of Mary Angelich In memory of Kevin M. Archibald Plantronics James Arnold In memory of Dr. In memory of Bill Bent In Memorium Ada In memory of Pete and Fe Aguirre In memory of Yolanda In memory of Rick Ainsworth Diana and Steven Zamora Zapitz Virginia Zaro Richard Zarrella Linda Ruggeri and Michael Julie and Joe Zier Bernadette Zigalo-DelBraccio Judi Zografos Ronald Zucker Donna and Raymon Zuniga Elaine Yip Elaine Suzanne C. Yonkers John Young Marian R. Young Nancy Young Paul Young Jean Yueh Joyce Zagrzebski Zalewski Wojciech Michael Zaller Edward Ying Edward David Yuln and Yip Barbara Donors Donors

Holy Cross Jason Garvey Gavros and James Yvonne Genentech Inc. Jonathan Gervais Elizabeth Gheleta Grace Ghiselli Stephanie Gibson Boutique Gigi’s Paula Giovara 62818 Girl Scout Troop Craig Giuli and John Glennon Carol Go Engineer Mike Golaszewski Marjory Goldberg Angela Gomez Carrie Gordon Jamie Govoni and School Grace Lutheran Church Wine Bar and Gravity Bistro of the Orthodox Church Greek Robert Green Philip L. Gregory Suzan and Robert Grialou Maija Gudaris Roger Guido Anna Gurgujan Dora Gutierrez Pamela and David Hakman Marilyn and Patrick Hall Hall Irene Julie Hamilton Nora Hanna Mary and Karl Hanson Esther and Norman Harris Hart Jeff Janice Hashimoto Natascha Hauser Jeanine Hawk Stacey Hawley and Michael Healy Victoria Heather Hecht Insurance Brokers Heffernan Hector Hernandez Nina Herndon Herrera and Greg Andrea Hershman Marc Steven Hibshman Kristin Hiensch Hillsdale Shopping Center Raymond Ho Carla C. Hoblit - Pacifica Holiday Inn Express Tina Hom Suzanne Hom Lindsay Horn Josue Hoyos Angel Hsieh Pam and Bill Hudson Evelyn Huey Denia Humzelue Hunter Carol Davina Hurt Hwang S.T. Illenberger Jorel Inside Source Insperity David Jackson Jarvis Clare Fiesta Gardens International School International Gardens Fiesta Finn Adeline Kate Finnigan The Fish Market Alli Fitzgerald Flanagan Richard Carrie Flynn Debra Fowler Sophie Fox Regina Francis Ralph Frazier and Maureen Beth and William Freeman Fuentes Harold Fulvio Eva and George Francis A. Gabor Carmen Garcia

Thomas Pisani Jeanne L. de Alcuaz Dean and Willow Shashi Deb Katherine and Matthew Debski Betty Deeney and Dekker-Pisani Sharon Luis Del Aguila Delfina Restaurant Group Ruth DeNardi Ruha Devanesan Paris Dieker Larry Dirksen Joan Diskin Cindy Domecus Johanna Dong Christina Drogin Lisa Duncan Kathryn and Jim Dwyer Katherine Eddleman Chris Eldon and Kenneth Epstein Carol Elizabeth Ervin Alfonso Estera FabKids Rhean Fajardo Nancy Fargot C. Farren FedEx David Ferenc Alisha Ferrario Stacy Ferrer Fick Yohko Joyce and Leo Burns Joyce Don Burnside Linda and Campi Stephanie Robert Campos Maria Campoverde Robert Carlson Mindy Carr Marie Cassinelli Natalia Castellanos John Catanach Janet C. Cavagnaro Mexican Restaurant Celia’s Jill Chadwell Challenge Preschool Judith Chamow Elementary Champions at John Muir Melanie Chan Eva Chan Emily Chan Mina Chang Nancy and Bart Charlow The Cheesecake Factory Ming Cheng Ruby Anne Chetcuti Alyson Chilton Julie and Will Chong Patricia and William Christensen Cyril Christensson Candace Christoff Christopherson Karen Chu Karen Michele Cinq Mars Ellen Clear and Stephen Kazan and Steve Cohn Andrea Bill Collom Stephanie Colvin Patricia Connell Jocelyn Conway Crepevine Fiona Cressman Sylvia Crotty Janis and Frank Crumb Malou Cruz Jessica Cuesta Curry Up Now - San Mateo Stephen Dadds Armand Dadoun Stephanie Daffer Dale Warren Judy Dane Susan A. David Susan Davis Danielle Davis Peninsula Chapter Bayside Community Church Be A Dear and Donate A Brassiere Aleece Beaulieu Konstantin Bedzhinyan Julie Belarde Brian Bell Bellissima Hair Salon Benson Richard Gary Bergero Gail Berkley Brandie Berlin Ethel Bernal Bertsch Cindy and Fred Alexis Birkmier Block Yasemin Block Sarah and Andrew Jennifer Blum Elizabeth Blumer Boaz Yoav Bohidar Karen Middle School Borel 42 Boy Scouts of America - Troop William M. Boynton Jean Brady Michael J. Breen British Bankers Club Brodersen Karen Patricia and John Brogan Diane Brouwers Caitlin Brown Susan Burkett Mary Burns Ten Toes Children’s Shoes Children’s Toes Ten Fisher Scientific Thermo Rita Times Lisa Trigueiro S. Tumulini Don Vanderheyden Karin Wolf Marie Wong Gene Wood Carmelita and Yee Warren Yekrang Tara Elena Ylundain League - Service Men’s Young Pamela and Ronald Zaragoza Nathaniel Zhu $0 - 499 1 Grain to 1000 Grains 2 Sisters Baking Co. Elizabeth D. Abraham Meryl Abtenica-Lemke Adam Florence Adlawan Andrea Agility Health Patty and Mike Agoff Cafe Alana’s Raven M. Alef Alexander Karen Peggy Allan Henry Altorfer and Elizabeth Nordt Neel Ambarge Ambriz Yazmin American Legion Post 409 Joann Ames East Coast Pizzeria Amici’s Debbie Anderson Ivania Angel Apex Physical Therapy Nancy Argo J. Armbrust Sharon and Ralph Armenio Lynn AstraZeneca and Larry Atkinson Karen Alla Avisov Cynthia Ayala Catherine and Mike Aydelott Baby Couture Jeanne Back Durja Balasubramanian Misti Baldo and Steven Barkoff Marcia Barrett Jennifer and Todd

of America Public Works Nederostek MD Lionel Foster, Church Department Robert Nice and Stuart Nixon Florence Alison and Paul Norton Novartis Pharmaceuticals Jan Novello Susan and Roger Oser Owens Claire Pacific Skyline Council Boy Scouts Olga Pastel Lana Morin Pierce Please Pretty Hala Qubti Brynn Reinhardt Restoration Hardware Revelery Indoor Cycling & Fitness Denise and Rafael Reyes Roosevelt Elementary - Burlingame San Mateo Department of San Francisco General Hospital Paula Santiago Melba Santos Nancy Sargent Candies See’s and Butch Shafsky Lynne Bicycle Exchange Silicon Valley Americo Silvi Lisa and Donny Solis and Lisa Souther Tyler Sponholz Ingrid and Richard Pamela Sweany Crista Tarkman Linda and Hugh Burroughs Linda and Association Teachers Retired California Inc. Calpico Marvin Campana Lastenia and School Feminist Club Carlmont High and Richard Catherine Carney MD and Sophie Cole, Dan Cooper United Methodist Crystal Springs Damelio Heather and Greg Domenico Winery Camille and Stephen Edson Eeckman Birgit Claudia K. Ferguson San Mateo Church First Presbyterian and Paul Fitzgerald Maureen Fontenot Christi and Tony Beals Dani Gasparini and Alyn Green Meredith Griffen Warren Suzanne Harwell-Wells Health Strategies Group Jane Heath Jennifer Henry Hogarty Tom Nicholas Honda Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church Thad Hosner Diane Howes Hung Caroline Janice M. Eilers Trust Pamela Jin Jocelyn Juan Kaiser Permanente Social Services Ronald Kasper Anjali Kuchena Lee and Salvador Lahoz Lee Yuchen Lily Lee Jen Limpisvasti Pam Louie Alberto Macias Mack Imelda P. Grace Mao Robert Marozime Diane Martin Mayer Marketing Jimmy Ness Seng Ngug

Jackie Speier Springs Chapter Services Irving and Jo Witt D. Wong Richard Danying Zheng $500 - 999 Juniper Aho Appelblom Jewelry Co. Kasra Argohi and Vine B Street Naomi Bautista Christian Church Bay Area Cindy Bitner John Boghossian, DDS Cynthia and Thomas Boyd Hu-Friedy Mfg, Co. J Club Catering Erika Kelleher Laura Kirby KNBR Radio Connie Kniveton Kurtela Retail Solutions Mary Ann Lanahan Lisa Lessard Jennie Leung China M.Y. Jennelle and Alex Martell David Novak Jim Novello Office of Congresswoman Parkside Elementary Student Council Peninsula Debris Box Service L. D. Pitney Catherine and Michael Podell Questbridge Colleen Rafferty Robles Vincent Safeway - Burlingame San Francisco Giants Club San Bruno Lion’s and Antone Scampavia Lauren David Schiller Scientific Concepts, Inc. Sheridan Teresa Chantal Stone Joyce and Jay Strauss and Jason Ting YoonSung Donna Vallangca Community Development Fargo Wells Geri Wise Bruce McAuley Bruce Church Menlo Crystal Charity League National Pfizer Inc Playa Viva, Jackson Post Me Sock It To Elizabeth Westerman Nancy Wong Family Winery Yao $1,000 - $2,499 Geraldine Chavez Fine Jewelry Christensen & Rafferty Sandra Cianci Carlos Cortez Health County of San Mateo Family Ministries Desert Streams Equinix Operation Co., Inc Tina Felactu and Keith Fitzpatrick Marguerite Foster City Police Dept. Investments Franklin Templeton Pam Frisella Donna Gavasse GlaxoSmithKline Amy Goldfarb Madhu Gulati – Stanford Gymboree Jennifer Hall Purnima and Dilip Hardev Allen L Haysbert Darryl Honda Foundation Center Development Agency and Recovery Services Housing Agency Urban Development LifeMoves Associates Toni and Joseph King Toni MJ and Eric Miller Noemi Ordonez Fine Foods - San Mateo Piazza’s $2,500 - $4,999 AbbVie Alaska Airlines Bristol Meyers Squibb of Christ of San Mateo Church MD Arati Dunbar, – Hillsdale Gymboree Hansen Irene Kerns Fine Jewelry Second Harvest Food Bank Stitch Fix Strides For Life Colon Cancer Sutter Health Mills-Peninsula Medical - San Mateo Joe’s Trader - San Carlos Joe’s Trader - Menlo Park Joe’s Trader - Hillsdale Joe’s Trader $50 - 99.9k Inc. Patient Assistance Program, Merck Palantir Technologies SamTrans $25 - 49.9k Bleu BIA Cordon Coyuchi $10 - 24.9k Bank of America California Kids Relief Direct Henry Schein, Inc Lilly Pacific Gourmet Inc. $5 - 9.9k Jean Alayo Joanne and Stephen Carmichael Donut House Club EAT Care Foster City Urgent Elizabeth Gomez Software Guidewire Hotel Focus Public Funding Public and Community Housing California City of Burlingame City City of Foster City City of Redwood City of San Carlos City of San Mateo San Francisco City of South Management Federal Emergency District Peninsula Health Care Health San Mateo County Behavioral of San Mateo County Department Services San Mateo County Human Center San Mateo County Medical District Sequoia Healthcare and U.S. Department of Housing - Affairs U.S. Department of Veterans In Kind Donations $100k+ AmeriCares California Advanced Imaging Medical Costco Wholesale - Foster City Dignity Health Sequoia Hospital Draeger’s Cupcakes Kara’s

Judith A. Sullivan Susan Woolf Yriberri Barbara and Paul Corey Sudha Rao Joanne McMahon Barbara and Douglas Harper and Douglas Barbara Fourie Gloria Maxine Rogo Jacobson Wendy Deceased Sheila and Mark Wolfson * Josephine Osborne* J. Perez* Ventura C. Phelan* J. and Margaret Walter K. Ragan* Walter Ruth Reuter* Doris B. Richmond* Bernadette M. Senasac* Evelyn Stern* Jay and Joyce Strauss Jessie A. Miller* Thomas* Irene Mary Torre* Emily N. Trine* John Trixler* June L. Ursem* Horn* William H. Van Willard* Carey Clare Wolfe* Beverly and Bernard Shirley S. Hort* L. Howe* Virginia N. Hudson* Irene Izmirian* Charles T. Martha Karcher* D. and Mary I. King* Lynn Ann Konstantelos* Luella C. Kraft* Jean Letsinger* Mary M. Lewis* Charles B. Macauley* Mollie and Joe Marshall Mazini* Premina McDonough* Mary T. Roberta McDonough* Lelia M. Meyer* Molakidis* Alfred S. Nilsson* Florence Donald C. Nystrom* Bernice Brownson* Donald Buerkel* Tish and James Busselle John L. Carberry* Felix J. De Martis* William S. Drieslein* Gayle Flanagan Jeanne Fleming William S. Freeman Pam Frisella Gedanken* Marcia S. Gerlinger* Margaret Bette Ghiotti* Robert Grassilli, Jr. Nancy Hall* Abraham L. Hankin* Hendrickson* Vivian Nina and Louis Hengel* In honor of Jason Wong In honor of Jason Woolf In honor of Bob In honor of Miguel and Florence In honor of Jennifer Ziskin and Pat Zlatunich In honor of Tom Circle The John Kelly Legacy Endean Abrahamson* Robert Batinovich* Frances A. Bedenis* Mary Bremner* Raymond A. Brown* In honor of Nanette Willis of Nanette In honor Wohl In honor of Mildred and Mark Wolfson In honor of Sheila

Development Center Cheryl Shrewsbury Celia Skipton Janet and Red Wheeler Linda and Randall Whipkey Joan B. Strand Leslie and Brian Baker Jacquie Strauss Dilyana Dimova Joyce and Jay Strauss Janice and Dennis Berkowitz Joanne McMahon Geri Crane Cartwright Hotel Mayer Management Systems Masako K. Nagumo Katherine and Kip Sheeline Sridhar Machiraju Google Matching Gifts Program Hotels Mayer Management Systems Gay and Harvey Kaplan Volunteers Emily Thomann, RN Gail and David Jacoby Maxine Rogo Kotin Barbara and Geoffrey Elaine and Tim Murray Trude Plack Trude Cynthia Cornell Dena Maple Shira Saliman Susan Campo Walter Ramseur Walter Clinic Russo and Tony Carol Stephen D Richter Joan and Donald Ermann Joanne McMahon Justine Choy Heising-Simons Foundation Ruth Finkelstein Mala Ramesh and Ramesh Krishnamurthy Julie Pera Cynthia Perry Knowlton Henton and Doug Carol Maxine Rogo Plotnikoff George Barbara Paschke Barbara In honor of William White In honor of Turnbull Child In honor of Turnbull Wang In honor of Lawrence In honor of Lisa Wheeler In honor of Grace Whipkey In honor of Linda Sue Strand In honor of Jay Strauss In honor of Anna Tchalakona In honor of Laura Teutschel In honor of Marcia and Leonard Sklar and Leonard In honor of Marcia Snyder In honor of Florence In honor of Faye Star of The In honor of Steve Viscio In honor of Snigdha Sen of Reneson In honor of Doug Sherer Marna M. Skaar In honor of Dr. In honor of San Mateo Medical Center In honor of Masa Saskin William Schwartz In honor of Dr. In honor of Georgia Rothrock In honor of Georgia In honor of Gerald Saliman In honor of Samaritan House In honor of Samaritan House Clinic In honor of Mary Griffin Ramseur In honor of Mary Griffin Medical In honor of Redwood City In honor of Douglas Richter In honor of Maxine Rogo In honor of Judi Powell In honor of Silvia Pratt Raghu In honor of Priya and Srinath In honor of Chrarles and Renata Perry In honor of Chrarles and Berverley Phillip In honor of Veril Plack In honor of Trude and In honor of Bernadette In honor of Joan Pera In honor Donors Donors Veil Parasol Temple Parasol Veil Verducci and Frank Monica Hernandez Villasenor Enrique Ristorante Vivace Der Porten Cathryn Von Waldron Marcia Global eCommerce Walmart Alex Ward Michael Wasson Tavern Waterdog Felicia Watson Cristina Weaver Webster Irene Marilyn Weeks Mortgage Fargo Wells Rosa Welton Hills Church Western Wheeler Norell Wheeler Loren Barbara O. White Shannon Whiteman Deborah Wilder Ruth Wilkins School William H. Crocker Williamson Wines Kristin Wilt Dokoza Ronald Winterlin Laura Wolfson Milo and Nicco Wolter Susan Wong Wong Sharon Sabrina Wong Martina Wong Daisy Wong Alyssa Wong Joyce Yankowski Nouane Zapletal Denize Zigati Janet and Elmer Zimmer Fariba Zohoury Donna and Raymon Zuniga Wellness Center Wellness Katie Torres Toys”R”Us Tran Valerie Restaurant Trapeze Carson True Barbara Tyson-Cavalleri Martin Tywan Melony and Sam Ugaitafa United Airlines Alejandra Valencia Valentino’s Els van Boldrik Jane Vandervennet 164 Vault Faye and Ronald Star Co. Steelhead Brewing Stella Alpina Osteria Rachel Stone Curtis Storozinski Stovall Rosemary and Howard Strauli Temaleti Jacquie Strauss Jenny Strezo Kim Strickland Brian Stuart Athena Sudom and David Sullivan Carol Ashish Swarup Swinerton Builders Edda Syndow Szelenyi Evelyn and Tom Naomi Szeto Reina Tahai Hayman Tam Karina Tamaki and Robert Chinn Lori Tamura-Chinn Olivia Tangaan Ivy Tao and John Tastor Sharon Alyce and Kevin Tatlow Lissa and Deniz Teoman Joanne Terhaar TEVA Anne Thrall-Nash Restaurant and Bar Three Lotus Dragon Accupuncture Three Luanne Tierney Kevin Tom Jean Tom Catherine Tonn Pradeepa Selvakumar Pradeepa School District Union High Sequoia Shaghzoian Robert Dimple Shah Nisha Sharma Michael Shenson Barbara and Alesia Sheviakhova Melanie Shook Amy Shulman David Shum Sih Tracey Jo Silken Linda Silva Justin Singh Angela Singh Sixtos Cantina Skylawn Memorial Park Elaine and Robert Sloss Josie Small Snowflake Computing Solmaz Aysegul Jacqueline and Michael Solomon Song Margaret Sosnick Marian and Jeffrey Juan Soto Club South San Francisco Women’s Department South San Francisco Fire South City Ciderworks Patricia and Robert Sparacino Spasso Ristorante Callcott Nancy Spencer and Hardy Catholic School St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church St. Elizabeth’s Preschool St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church St. Andrew’s America Services Children’s Foundation Cristina Sandoval Sarzotti Sharon Linda Satkowski Jose Saucedo Michael Scardino Elsa Schafer Melissa Schaffer Schenck Karen Julie Schmittdiel Mary Ann Schmitz Jerry Schwerzler Scism Teresa Scott Terrill Pamela and Russ Seligman RHJ Organic Robert Rideau, DDS Ringoen Susan and Todd Kelly Roberts Alice Robertson Robinson Lynette Susan Rogers Rogers and Chris Richard Jan Roletto Maria Romero Jewish Day School Ronald C. Wornick Joseph Ronzani Roosevelt Elementary - Redwood City Ethel Rosner Amy Rossetti Mark Rowen Ruffin-Bostick Carolyn Bonnie Ruggiero Pranika Ruhaav Maria Runde Stephanie Rush Lesandra Saenz Michael Safranek Solutions Sage Eldercare Fernando Salazar Club San Mateo Mother’s San Mateo County Democracy for San Mateo County California San Mateo - Foster City School District San Mateo - Foster City Education San Jose Giants Club San Carlos/Belmont Mother’s Heidi San Nicholas Shantal Sandoval Mary Petrosky Petrovitz Virginia Pham Hai-Chan Scott Piry Pitino Idalee and Vincent Sebastian Pittaro Stacy Plackowski Marilia Poggiaci Portola Vineyards Amanda Possa Donna Potts Olson Judith Powell and David Elena Powers Beth Powers Jai and Sunita Prasad Ragent and Lawrence Rhonda Press Cathy and Don Priest Industries Proteus Wilgus Quan and Wade Karen Claudia Quinn Stacey Rabkin Leslie and Mark Ragsdale Jeanne and Mike Ramirez Elizabeth Ramirez Ramseur Walter Ransohoff Tom Ray Jay Engineering Olympia Razzouq Recology San Mateo County Danni Redding Lapuz Redeemer Lutheran Church Christina and Robert Regalia Reposado Lilli Rey Patti Reyes

Menkes, MD Alexander Moldanado, MD Maria and Eric Perez Becki and Larry Perkins Rosemarie Pero Chris Perrone Cris Perry Daniel O’Neill Orthodontics of San Mateo Osaki Tracy Laura Owen Pacific Fuel Vivian Page One Automotive Martha and Miguel Palacios Katherine Papp Joan Parmer Barbara Patterson and Andrew Saswati Paul Amber Paulus Jill Pendergast Club Lion’s Peninsula Special Interest Peninsula Food Runners Pennewell C.W. Felix Peralta Melanie Myers Maria and Ross Nadel Napolitano Vinny Ben Narodick Nazarian and Aram Teresa John Nelson Bill Nepfel New Life Community Baptist Church Henry Ng Molly and Duy Nguyen Elis and Niels Nielsen Colleen Nolley School Dame Elementary Notre Nowlin Carol Emerald Nydam James O’Connor Scott Olcese Jean O’Loughlin Mary Milionis Millbrae School District Jennifer Millison Mokutanya Swarna and Eric Molina Molinari Lynn Jackie Mollis Linda and Steven Monosson Elementary School Monte Verde Amy Moore Amanda Moran Robert Morris Sue and Ray Moses Moses Karen DeLinda and Jim Mrowka Kyle Mullen Holly Murphy Marvelous Crossfit Mater Dolorosa Mattson Sonja and Howard May Laurence Laurie H. and Jennifer Mayman Zachary Mazza Courtney McCrane Arlene McDaniel Hikaru McGowan Christine McInerney McKinney Kenneth and Carolyn Debra McLaughlin Fran McManus McNall Lauren Meadow Heights School Meadows Elementary School Maryanne Mendoza Merry Ardeen Howard Marks Howard Marquez and Joaquin Corazon and Joe Marshall Mollie Martin Ray Winery School Martin Elementary Donna Martinez Deanna Martins

Steve Tsurudome School Rose and Bill Mark Nikolaos Mac Rosemary MacLeod Kimberly MacMillan Michelle Mahoney Majestic Athletic David Majors Janet Maldonado Kathleen Malkinson Laila Margallo Vilma Lucas Vilma Peggy Lucey Carling Luk Lukaszewicz Greg Lum Yukhong Summer M. Luna Anne Lynch Joanna Ma Jillian Ma and Robert Bridges Julie and Tony Lindsay Julie and Tony Susan Linkhorn Locando Positano Katherine Loo Elizabeth Lopez Leslie Loui Kevin Louie Marla Lowenthal Lozito Tom Anna and Scott Levaggi David Leventhal Herman J. Lewin Matt Lewis T. Myra Leynes Judy Lichtman Lim, MD Margie Lin Wanchen Linamen Lorene Barry Lebendig Lee Diana P. Christine Lee Lee Brenda Angela L. Lee Faviana Leon Leoni and John Loder Serenella Nancy Lesley and Leung Tsurudome Tiffany Robert La Grill Louise and Michael Lagarrigue Chris Lakin Adrienne Lane Allison and Steven Lansing Jewel Laptavijok Patti Lawrence Hung Le LEAD Elementary School Krista Kosmiskas Emily and Andy Koth Lisa Krackov and Sandy Feltner Annette and David Kranzler Aimee Kraschinsky Paul Krueger Judith Kulich La Laterna Jenny La Kinder Academy Montessori Cheri and Ray Kistler Megan Klein Alexa Knight and Lowell Koht Carole Kong and Gregory Vanessa Frank Kong Juliana Kornell David Jue David Jung Victoria Angela Juniphant Ed Kalush Evonne Kaminaga Cuisine Karakade Thai Kawaguchi Toshi Kearn and Robert Orene Hubert Keller Elementary at Laurel Kids That Care Jerk’n Pickle Jerk’n Luani Jones Donors Our Vision: Leading San Mateo County Neighbors in Need out of Poverty to Hope and Opportunity

Our Mission: We mobilize the resources of our community to help those among us who are in need. Our dedicated professional staff and volunteers work together to provide food, access to shelter, healthcare, and a broad range of supportive services. We preserve dignity, promote self-sufficiency, and provide hope.

ThankWe’re you veryso gladmuch! you’re part of the

Samaritan House family.



4031 Pacific Boulevard, San Mateo, CA 94403

Phone 650-341-4081 April 14, 2018 Email: [email protected] Visit us on the web at

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Photo credits: Amy Sullivan of Sheridon Keith Photography, Jovanni Casaus of Text “SAMHOUSE 2017” to 56512 Photography by Jovanni, Noemy Mena-Miles, Liza Batallones and Patty Hsiu To Support the Samaritan House Community