DX bulletin 160 11/08/2016 By ON9CFG HF manager UBA DX WORLD team member
[email protected] DX NEWS by Bouvet Island 3Y0Z “You are likely aware that three of us; Bob, K4UEE, Erling, LA6VM and Ralph, KØIR have begun work on a DXpedition to Bouvet in early 2018. We have transportation assured by Nigel Jolly, who is planning on using a larger vessel than the Braveheart to accommodate a team of 20. Erling has been working with the Norsk Polar Institute, updating our existing permit, and sees no obstacle to that process. This is a costly project, but we think doable. Here are the challenges of this DXpedition: Time: To allow for a long voyage and difficulties and delays in landing due to high seas and bad helicopter flying conditions, we need a seven week window of time to conduct this DXpedition. Expense: This is a costly project, involving a long voyage and helicopter landings. Be prepared for an individual outlay of $15,000, plus travel and lodging to our point of departure. That place is likely to be Punta Arenas, Chile or Capetown, South Africa, depending on our vessel’s schedule. Physical Hardship: The Southern Ocean can be nasty with a rough voyage resulting. Seasickness can be a major issue. There is likely to be a lot of heavy lifting, carrying and other strenuous activity. Physical fitness is important. Expect lots of maintenance work. Creature Comfort: It is crowded aboard ships with little personal space. On the island, there will be no heated sleeping quarters and quarters will be crowded.