2007-2009 Construction Project Summary

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2007-2009 Construction Project Summary NORTHERN REGION DOT & PF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 2008 - 2009 SUMMARY Highway Aviation Facility Est Value Est Value Est Value Community # of Pjs Thousands # of Pjs Thousands # of Pjs Thousands Alakanuk 1 $5,000.0 Alaska Highway 2 $55,400.0 1 $3,000.0 Anvik 1 $8,000.0 Barrow 2 $6,000.0 1 $25,500.0 Chitina 1 $1,100.0 Circle 1 $900.0 Copper River Highway 1 $2,500.0 Cordova 1 $3,500.0 1 $2,000.0 Dalton Highway 5 $50,100.0 Deadhorse 1 $500.0 Eagle 1 $1,300.0 Emmonak 3 $5,700.0 Fairbanks 2 $11,421.0 2 $46,800.0 1 $99,000.0 FMATS 15 $66,930.0 Fort Yukon 1 $1,600.0 Galena 1 $1,200.0 Gambell 1 $4,800.0 Grayling 1 $9,300.0 Hughes 1 $988.0 Huslia 1 $650.0 Kivalina 1 $1,000.0 Kotzebue 2 $23,000.0 1 $400.0 1 $2,400.0 Lake Louise 1 $1,700.0 Manley 1 $200.0 1 $12,000.0 Marshall 1 $1,100.0 Minto 1 $7,000.0 Nome 7 $10,472.0 2 $6,800.0 1 $9,800.0 Northway 1 $15,300.0 Parks Highway 4 $26,400.0 Point Hope 2 $5,000.0 Richardson Highway 1 $21,800.0 1 $11,000.0 Savoogna 1 $10,000.0 Selawik 2 $5,200.0 Shaktoolik 1 $800.0 Shishmaref 1 $2,000.0 1 $200.0 Steese Hwy 2 $9,600.0 Stevens Village 1 $2,000.0 Tanana 1 $8,900.0 Unalakleet 2 $3,700.0 1 $21,100.0 Valdez 1 $2,700.0 Total Communities Total Projects 65 $324,261.0 21 $183,300.0 6 $127,200.0 GRAND TOTAL 92 $634,761.0 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES NORTHERN REGION CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CURRENT AND EXPECTED 2008 - 2009 ALAKANUK ALAKANUK AIRPORT RELOCATION Contractor: Knik Construction Co., Inc. Award Date: 9/25/07 Award Amount: $5,000.0 Contract Completion Date: 6/15/09 Scope: Grade and surface the runway, safety area, taxiway, access road, apron; install segmented circle, lighting, wind cone; construct a SREB, PAPI, REIL and AWOS pads and SREB. Status: Project is just underway. ALASKA HIGHWAY ALASKA HIGHWAY MP 1267 – 1314 REHABILITATION Estimated Bid Date: Fall 2008 Estimated Construction Cost: $24,400.0 Scope: Embankment repairs, drainage improvements, and resurfacing at selected locations between MP 1269 and 1314 on the Alaska Highway and bridge upgrades on the Beaver Creek and Tok River Bridges. Also includes wayside enhancements. ALASKA HIGHWAY MP 1303 TANANA RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2008 Estimated Construction Cost: $31,000.0 Scope: Replace the Tanana River Bridge. ALASKA HIGHWAY MP 357 TOK WEIGH STATION Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2009 Estimated Construction Cost: $3,000.0 Scope: Construct multi-platform scales, new weighing system to facilitate simultaneous axle group and gross weight indications for truck weight enforcement. ANVIK ANVIK AIRPORT IMPR0VEMENTS Contractor: IBC/Nippo Corp. J.V. Award Date: 8/19/05 Award Amount: $8,000.0 Contract Completion Date: 6/15/08 Scope: Reconstruction and expansion of existing runway, apron, and taxiway; construct new access road, install new lighting and reconstruct the SREB floor. Status: Project is 80% complete. 1 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES NORTHERN REGION CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CURRENT AND EXPECTED 2008 - 2009 BARROW BARROW RUNWAY AND APRON PAVING Contractor: SKW Eskimos Inc. Award Date: 5/30/03 Award Amount: $25,500.0 Contract Completion Date: 10/30/10 Scope: Pave runway, taxiways, and apron; install new lighting and expand runway safety areas; relocate navigation aids. Status: Project is 61% complete. BARROW ARCTIC RESEARCH CENTER ACCESS ROAD Estimated Bid Date: Fall 2009 Estimated Construction Cost: $3,000.0 Scope: Construct a new road connecting Cake Eater Road to the new Barrow Arctic Research Center. BARROW-NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Estimated Bid Date: Fall 2009 Estimated Construction Cost: $3,000.0 Scope: Extend the existing Laura Madison Road to Cake Eater Road; repair and upgrade the existing road to the new landfill; and rehabilitate and repair damage to the Dam Road caused by weather erosion. CHITINA CHITINA BIKE/PEDESTRIAN PATH Contractor: AHTNA Construction Award Date: 12/6/07 Award Amount: $1,100.0 Contract Completion Date: Scope: Construct a 2.4 km long bike/pedestrian facility; construct a 1.6 km separated path and 0.8 km of sidewalk. Status: Project is just underway. CIRCLE CIRCLE DUST CONTROL Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2008 Estimated Construction Cost: $900.0 Scope: Resurface and provide an asphalt treated surface on Circle area roads. 2 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES NORTHERN REGION CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CURRENT AND EXPECTED 2008 - 2009 COPPER RIVER HIGHWAY COPPER RIVER HIGHWAY MP 6.5 – 13 REPAVING Contractor: Pruhs Construction Award Date: 12/5/07 Award Amount: $2,500.0 Contract Completion Date: 9/1/08 Scope: Reclaim top 6” of existing asphalt surface and base course and repave with 2” of asphalt concrete on six miles of two-lane highway near Cordova. Status: Project is just underway. CORDOVA CORDOVA SAND STORAGE SHED Contractor: North Pacific Erectors Award Date: 10/26/07 Award Amount: $2,000.0 Contract Completion Date: 9/1/08 Scope: Construct a sand storage building at the Cordova Airport. Status: Project is just underway. CORDOVA AIRPORT APRON, TAXIWAY AND GA IMPROVEMENTS Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2008 Estimated Construction Cost: $3,500.00 Scope: Complete lighting and regulator building upgrades necessary to support the existing airport as well as the proposed partial parallel taxiway and connecting taxiways planned for the Cordova Airport. DALTON HIGHWAY DALTON HIGHWAY MP 57 YUKON CROSSING INTERMODAL FACILITY Contractor: Northwest Mining Award Date: 8/10/07 Award Amount: $1,400.0 Contract Completion Date: 8/1/08 Scope: Upgrade and define existing boat launch facility/highway interface by adding parking, day-use and staging areas, outhouses and trash receptacles. Status: Project is 31% complete. 3 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES NORTHERN REGION CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CURRENT AND EXPECTED 2008 - 2009 DALTON HIGHWAY YUKON RIVER BRIDGE RE-DECKING Contractor: Sandstrom and Sons Award Date: 5/7/07 Award Amount: $2,900.0 Contract Completion Date: 6/15/08 Scope: Work includes wood deck removal, clean and field paint steel structures, redeck, bridge rail strengthening, automated traffic recorder and bridge approach paving. Status: Project is 92% complete. DALTON HIGHWAY YUKON RIVER BRIDGE SEISMIC RETROFIT Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2008 Estimated Construction Cost: $1,800.0 Scope: Rehabilitate the Yukon River Bridge including seismic retrofitting. DALTON HIGHWAY MP 260 – 321 CULVERTS Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2009 Estimated Construction Cost: $21,000.0 Scope: Replace existing culverts at various locations between MP 260 – 321, install one new bridge and raise the grade between MP 311.7 - 313.6. DALTON HIGHWAY MP 274 – 289 RECONSTRUCTION Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2009 Estimated Construction Cost: $23,000.0 Scope: Reconstruct the Dalton Highway between MP 274 – 289. DEADHORSE DEADHORSE MASTER PLAN UPDATE Estimated Start Date: April 2008 Estimated Cost: $500.0 Scope: Update the Deadhorse Master Plan. EAGLE EAGLE DUST CONTROL Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2008 Estimated Construction Cost: $1,300.0 Scope: Resurface and provide a dust palliative on Eagle area roads. 4 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES NORTHERN REGION CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CURRENT AND EXPECTED 2008 - 2009 EMMONAK EMMONAK COMMUNITY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AND DUST CONTROL Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2008 Estimated Construction Cost: $2,700.0 Scope: Upgrade and extend community roads and apply a dust palliative. EMMONAK LANDFILL ROAD Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2008 Estimated Construction Cost: $1,400.0 Scope: Construct a new road to the new landfill site. EMMONAK AIRPORT CLINIC ROAD REPAIRS Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2008 Estimated Construction Cost: $1,600.0 Scope: Repair damage to airport access road caused by flooding. FAIRBANKS FIA HEAVY AIRCRAFT CARGO APRON REPLACEMENT Contractor: Great Northwest, Inc. Award Date: 8/22/06 Award Amount: $13,800.0 Contract Completion Date: 7/31/08 Scope: Construct a new heavy aircraft cargo apron and relocate the FAA ALSF regulator building. Status: Project is 66% complete. FIA RUNWAY 1L-19R RECONSTRUCTION Contractor: Exclusive Paving Award Date: 10/3/07 Award Amount: $33,000.0 Contract Completion Date: 9/1/10 Scope: Rehabilitate the pavement of Runway 1L-19R and construct a new regulator building. Status: Project is just underway. FIA TERMINAL AREA DEVELOPMENT Contractor: Davis Construction Award Date: Award Amount: $99,600.0 (design and construction) Contract Completion Date: June 2009 Scope: Addresses seismic issues and needed terminal improvements to increase the efficiency of the FIA terminal building. Status: Project is 65% complete. 5 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES NORTHERN REGION CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CURRENT AND EXPECTED 2008 - 2009 CHENA HOT SPRINGS MP 24 – 56 REHABILITATION Estimated Bid Date: Summer 2009 Estimated Construction Cost: $11,200.0 Scope: Resurface and rehabilitate Chena Hot Springs Road from MP 24 – 56. NORTHERN REGION SCHOOL ZONES UPGRADES Contractor: Ridge Contracting, Inc. Award Date: 1/18/08 Award Amount: $221.0 Contract Completion Date: 7/31/08 Scope: Upgrade existing school zone signing and pavement markings for 22 schools in 19 communities in the region. Status: Project is just underway. FMATS 2nd AVENUE/WILBUR STREET WIDENING Contractor: Great Northwest, Inc. Award Date: 7/2/07 Award Amount: $4,700.0 Contract Completion Date: 9/30/08 Scope: Rehabilitate and widen Van Horn Road to add a 2-way center turn lane and signalize the Lathrop/Van Horn intersection. Reconstruct the Peger Road intersection and construct a lighting system. Status: Project is just underway. FAIRBANKS ACTIVE ADVANCE WARNING FLASHERS Contractor: Power Comm, Inc.
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    %208% %208% Page 1 of 6 Opened --Project Name Item Number Unit (f) Quantity Eng Project (VersionID/Aksas/Ref. Description (f) (f) Est Min Avg Max Low Bid Std. ID)------ Bid Bid Bid Amount (f) 66 Listed Low 2nd 3rd Bidder Low Low % of Bidder Bidder Bid % of % of Bid Bid 2018 Nenana Little Goldstream 202(23) Lump 1 21,500.00 48,055.56 76,000.00 936,532 01 Bridge Replacement Removal of Existing Sum 65,000.00 21,500.00 52,000.00 30,000.00 (#2080) (45491//5517) Bridge No. 2080 3.98% 2.30% 5.51% 3.00% 9 Bids Tendered 2018 Nenana Little Goldstream 202(23) Square 942.0 22.82 51.01 80.68 936,532 01 Bridge Replacement Removal of Existing Foot 69.00 22.82 55.20 31.85 (#2080) (45491) Bridge No. 2080 (Alt) 3.98% 2.30% 5.51% 3.00% 9 Bids Tendered 2014 Haines Ferry Terminal 208(1) Each 21 1,000.00 6,612.50 9,950.00 14,979,745 05 Improvements GROUND ANCHORS 5,000.00 8,500.00 9,950.00 7,000.00 (39251/68433/0) 1.08% 1.19% 1.30% 0.91% 4 Bids Tendered 2016 Skagway - Replace 208(1) Linear 2,100 158.22 249.64 390.00 18,907,426 12 Captain William Henry Stabilization - Rock Foot 355.00 158.22 200.00 200.00 Moore Bridge Bolt 5.44% 1.76% 2.08% 1.94% (46281//1432) 5 Bids Tendered 2017 Haines Highway 208(1) Linear 3,885 55.00 66.50 80.00 36,149,513 11 Reconstruction Milepost Stabilization - Rock Foot 160.00 80.00 76.00 55.00 3.9 to 12.2, Phase 1 Bolt 1.68% 0.86% 0.80% 0.53% (47539//0) 4 Bids Tendered 2016 Skagway - Replace 208(2) Linear 875 158.22 248.44 359.00 18,907,426 12 Captain William Henry Stabilization - Foot 415.00 158.22 225.00 200.00 Moore Bridge (46281//0)
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