
y r W t r M y rok a J r LI t G a y 7 4 wJ f- t cti > yt tf n4 t r 1- p r- f P fir i t r FL L + t i f l 1- Tf V M r EVENING YSOt Y t 1 r MY Y r n r f iEhN g3au t a 4 i s r r 1 r ° t > x h t fr rX

t c < U j r rJthe PERFECTION CANOPY- ANCIENT ENEMIES p EMV- > i- A I ST JOS ACAp r ri- c by HS k orsa I i J f I- I ti LORETTO FLORIDA ta- One Old Veteran Killed Another Near Manlaria fa I v t I Soldiers Home t I r i Boarding School lor Boys CoHluclcd by the Sisters ol SI JoseptiV I Dayton O tray en ¬ 20The bitter I I pity that two old soldiers entertained- Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical t or each in a inur- othert culminated > lev at the soldiers home Monday 1 Moral and Social Lines Healthy r Intellectual Location g rJght a quarrel when John Magnificent r Ilr r r 1ryLl r I lowing f f Samuel aged 67 deliberately threw Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Halltknd v from a second story window of the v VVY t creation Rooms i f Yi l z K 1 B wlin aged 73 r l H r r larracks James rl i r i- fell on ce ¬ r ill i WM r- Bowlih headforemost the Apply for Prospectus e I- rS- ment pavement below His skull was toth SISTER SUPERIOR r r hf14k fractured and he died in the home t r J- 1 Nc- hospital in the night ST ACADEMY FLA- TNAT nA latfi i JOSEPHS LOEEtTO i i7L PACKAGE I was Samuel held the guardhouse I I 1 l u- Until morning and then was ¬ I J t VV J f y A MclVER MacKAY Agents ted to the county jail on the charg- j er murder He expressed no regrets r S VV I OCALA FLORIDA over the fate bf his enemy I j WASHINGTON MAY MESH J- CLOSE AMERICAN FENCEI t p- 4 VOTE AGAINST WHISKY 1 J I- t i t Y 1 i r Spokane Wash May t 20Aftern rsr Jtq CLOSE THESE T1lEJWIIJliXjRJVl LITTLE PKGS r + r ted session the democratic ME9E7 Elf v 0 j vJ- FISH convention adopted V state a resolutionU I I 1 H1f i i 1 1 t to to tters a conStitu submit theY I S8- tbnal amendment to prevent the sale Heavy Wire3 Close Mesh Pig- t- k t 1 SAYS WEAR of liquor In he state The delegation oJ 1 i i ITtulzt t- I to the national convention as in ll n f stiructed to vote for William Jennings 1 J i Top and Bottoni Bars No to 6 n i t I pry r I I galvanized wire Intermediate bars vjS t 4 A I I BOYS WILL BE BOYS 6 1 I No i galvanized wife Stays No J r I- ii J Arid are always getpngsctatchep1- galvanized wire 12e inches J- ° 12 < I 5 ttssprafnR bi r < f w apart s k I or scalds Donvt neglect such things IJ- they may result seriously if you do 3 ac- ¬ I Apply Bollards Snow Liniment I L f i cording to directions right away ah 1 a f > 1 I t i < I ar It will relieve the pain and heal the > r f r t I t I J t trouble Prjce 25c 50cand 100 Sold t h r- + i r f l- 11Icate 4Jso Exclusive 4gc acts ELLWOQD FEKCE- Hx By i f ior AntiMonopoly Drugstore I I J- 1 + 1<< J I I t J Jf t I j k f 4 i I t- 1 y t KST f < WOaifl r m I C 4 A r J STOCK A AKE OOD n rJml LARGE QUICK SHftyfENTtf i 1 MftiMAM t 4- 1 4t ji rt H h tful 1 f l r T rJ JI r y b 1 J- I 1 I dijpra r lf ypustaVt to n thing J heavyana Jight sash do y t rThelargetst hardware Jl and it ckf I t 1 t I 1- it 1 I I J ii good t r v T I Make t i y J1 ng- i1ift J 1 1 l If it be to dance tor s f II blindfarm mill arid miners supplies fpaints oils etc etclcatrljd t- I l- t it i I t > I EL i JI A jMakegood i l < f > Lot r f t r I t j i I I I V v t 1 t W 4 J MfISH t i J 7 q r be I i 1- I It it write a famous lool Cr j 11 rrlj Centra 1lorida P- td f j r t 1 I j t Or to be a rioted coOk I ii t- fJtr t 1 l i 1 It c tr Do your i or crook i- r > 1 fi1f PORTABLE LACE 1 best hook T j BVDS FIREP 4 I > t I i J r i 4 Alalte f good 1f 1 I I- t t J 4 i men J r h tCi is especially adapted for turpentine men sawmill or at1Y ie- J- > Jirliv- J JA say rtameV 1 I j If you youll make a t r J I I E t J h 1 k7 itf 4- T e N 1 1 J It j iu I Make good r J I j tf 00 I t 4 1rm f 1 where tefnporary fireplace needed The cut herewith giYe- a a f 11 f i a is l 7 r c 4 I love orpelf or S 1 fame j X f r I After r fs 1ft it t J d- 1 r l R i 1 K MaVegood I hbw5 J- e I E r j t r front yievv of this flnvention and sh ows sane cafc beattachedi to 4 J HIS t f 1 irwr Never Met your efforts drag 1 1 > i r 1i- i < t f I v 7 V rt i vr H i I I 1 Ii Do not stop to chew the rag i J V 1 any mebiiijdn either where iteplaca you Qbe ort can be- t1 gfJ 1 I lrI built J < r r Vf- j BUt be always on t m5 t < t t J 3 1 t 4 jhebrag t RBLJLr- v i j I t h Jl go r t t > > Make 4 1 jn 4 If il A 1 k I 1 1 window I r 7 stet t- V i 1 Ii f- 9 Ill J tl + t i I l i 1 r i ll l If Yj11h ealgOal ifri yh- i 8 I I B d Ai ili1 IS IKjt e Q a 7 i j if ki the gaivapj isJighfe and dui 1YPEWRITERO J It steel tt01g 1- L1 > t inace I r Tkegoo i 1 VI i s l I I I 1 Jt It is simply up tovyoui1t s f tWkfi ble This portable fieplacecan he move4 ipn> n ace t fplace and t t r + V ll E h F > NEW- Make good > it s iv- REBUILT LIKE w r a s I- r- taken down or tinyin a ve yfe v ininufesr thereby a ing an ex j rI I I 1 cheap so out 4 J l 1 1 Talkis cut It h J 1- you win i Vpehse which incur inniVsrrit a chmlriey r 1 vss If the victors tshouts ould Jfstic sandmort r if > f f t A I + t V1 it < You must atcli whdts youre about y t I i t v- i- brick- I 10Up r I d orVf Yi or I 7 ttlakes r r good1 J 1 J iMake I 1 U 4- l I < Months Rent Applied Purcbasi- 7r 1 t Six to A I r It youvniake a little bluff f t 1 y j- H 6000 HAN D Make good liti- tAnte up the jprjomised stuff Mj I- II r i i L s M I J lEi Make jjoods J < TART1CULAR- t MaPion1ardivarVcu- II fi i W 1 Fail Ve everywhere is I + h r I I rife I 1- I 1 t c l Be ariive one h the strife Vj t t S NERAL TYPEWRnfER EXCHANGE Do the best you > can in life B N f I HARRY ClARMSCN t J Maaafer i r r good 4 r tZ1 MURflKY I NEW VOBK Make 1 t cra i J 5T > i + J- a r I If 1 + Jt i J I t I I f 1 HUMANFILTE RS t 3 J- I r 1 j j J1 I t iftrvr < I t- I The function of the kidneys is to J t t strain out the impurities of th-e f I- j k bloocj S- which is constantly passing I Y t v iBu iR1 f S V Vt til ITpleys RemeN- i rough Kidney F y them r t Y- t cJy kidneys j I makes the healtny so they > j h 1 r will strain out all waste matter from We will give a y arispbscti tjpP Joy to an- 111 t TheAmericai blood Tpke Foley JCidne Rem j 71- Vi- tIll t trrryv Ioy once land will make you well 1t fir nivtit vtillbiit1grljit new s ubscnption tQ the EyeningStar at it < > v- t 4 it3yti Wt f 4 > Y bM < i a Sold aUldealers f I r fcri sty tout s Every boyi m Qcal < cilnj etones br 2501 1 r i YK l R Y I r jn rkii r r- < l 1 rar cription to our paper and so earn a years fred subscridtion > j I1 + I ttffhf M- AMERICAN MAGAZINE v i rr rr 5 ± TH JUNE 4S jl v yj It I lfv 7 svyv I 1 r s s 1 fvii 7 s j- neap Boy Lqt us tell you what it is like f- v rifif I rr + t r rvr t iW r I r Won1 The June number of the America LL j I 1- 4 n to t ifs I I 11igaiine is lip the high standard 1 ffl- ol excellence now maintained by this I < V8Ufl r ls periodical It contain huiri6r stories f r an of interesting I 1 e and abundance and TJe American Boy- htudu important inforn1aUonMr pooley- Wl- jho is writtng for nobody but the A PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED FOR BOYS IV lit J Jln n Magazine co tributes an iS I MONTHLY l I r 5 f y r article on J Diplomacy William- Jj 7 rf rr raa vjrfi Zockl author of The Beloved Vaga + r Entertaining and 1111K It Is Without Question thcMost t tgMbt = J SS 7r y beginning his new se j l rcndis lu L ii Simple Septic us Lincoln Stetf r PracticalMagazine in the World for L V DONT ral I i rsolftQ be miserable rPl contributes An Apology for- I i i r let A- I Ypiing Americansf r Graft Ray Stannard Baker writes of I I Mi 1Wh severe head- r from < suffer j < A 1 The Negro in Politics I r > aches have fainting spoils v sri THe Covers dreWii Cdjors 36 Pa fcs Sire o Ladies Home Jloilrndl andJbQ fretful Your Ada and Julian Street contribute a I f 628- ttA need attention Try fferbine translation selections from La f afc E 8 by Octave MirbeauJ the e peri- arid TomKrisoh riwjv I gr liver regulator Serials short Stories by 5tra eP1e er the Cnces of Bjutomoblllst pn the road I Conti tk n Bilious to r a the best for boys the the speed of ton automobile the c t1 bridge Munroef Shut anJother writers Int tr CURES sand E y and J t i- so 4 ff r of a i chauffeur and on Next Y orld1 rjepartments relating to 311 Boy Hobbies edited by experts tr pladnts month he will and J > i daK tellabout animals ryVI fesri religion of 1DO and not that qfDONT lItsE Oi Morrison Hous- automobiles reporting the experiences v It Breachesthe r t TVhave J on the road of a motorist with horses t ° fqr and Encburag ment Boys A ton Texas writes r i Is 4 inS more the Uplift 1 1 dogs ¬ iof I j cows geese j- 3 yH A t from severe chickens mules c suffered for eWis > men f < Y < than any other agency Approved by parents and educators Boys A 1y beadachos o izEineBS sand and ° k k r t spells Keeping a Stiff Upper Lip through- 7 1 r everywlfere enthusjasti0fdr Anting received f I 256000 of them it ¬ a vl3Pl r 1iel tried OBCerbine the Panic is exchange of interest- l r + yiie subscription price of The America Boy is a and was completely cured I > ing letters genuine and unedited be lOt r i t zzlwarys A tweet two mechanics in the middle CoYrie Y > H t use it inland seca copy J west v I I F SOC I f PZiCR Interpreter t You can earn a years subscr1- ton with very little work J Tile In talks wonderfully- i s 1- f L- Co about free speech and The Pilgrum t Snow Linimeht f < < Jlard r Call Office and Get at Copyof the AMERICAN BOY Scrip is let- ¬ r at the t ST LOUD MISSOURI filled with extraordinary n I rC by of < I 1 JJII- ters and confessions readers the magazine i o 1 t r P I David Grayson author of Adyent t 1- PEA r t i i Vies inv Contentment and The Open I r Sold and Recommended by PVING ra 7 Road great essay On B6i J- STAR- 4 writes a j1 JIJE t s ANTIMONOPOLY DRUGSTORE- ing where you Belong s I j h by Josephine is contributed s- ra a f Fiction T Daskam Bacon Marion Hill Dorothy j iTRY THIS FOR DESSERT 1 i Canfield Lindsay Denison and E H1 t ¬ I one package of any flavor- Julien f 1 I Dissolve Jr = O In one pint of boiling wat- and ed JELL Other contributors illustrators THE ORIGINALt- l t t ey When partly congealed beat untH sere Margaret Steele Anderson John- t = t r J- f Alight adding one cup whipped creairi- T McCutCheon Gardner Soper wI- JH LAXATIVE j 1d six cru h d macca obns Whip Nora May Frenchr E win B Child J r nnd a p v thoroughly pour C Montgomery Flagg t V aU together and it Chase Tames POLES HQNEYan4rAB cool Crosby f into a mold or bowl When it Dan Sayre Groesbeck R M M will jellifyi and may be seryed with Thomas Fogarty and T A Daly Cures Coughs Colds Croup LaGiippe Asthma Throat- 1 mthe- J whipped cream or arty good pudding YELLQSV Tgiuce lOc vpor buys when- and Lung Trouble Prevents JPncumo ia andConsumpticm f J The JELL0 costs The smoker smiles and i ri 1 can any gets to icigars as handled I package and be obtained at h a line of rt- tr t- DEALERS i r A f FORSALE BY ALL i- t f f x gc Y r grocers ill ty the Corner Drugstoie i Agood < i 4 I 11- W 1 t i I It t f- I J I t t i 1 1- 1 t 1 i- I J- j r y > ff 1 i ft r- 1 A i 1 > v i V- I I f I j Jrr t i i J J c f > f1 c f- il tt f ili i a h 1 1 r 4 LL I 1 Ff r i4 6t YR a r 11t I fl u Mrs br < l yi t r n fc4jrfi