Maj • November 2019 Destinacija Letnik 2, št. 3 / Year 2, Vol. 3 ISSN 2630-2128 Uradni vodnik za obiskovalce Turistične destinacije -Pohorje v poletni sezoni 2019. / The official guide for visitors to the Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Destination in the summer season 2019. Rogla-PohoDestinationrje Dobrodošli v Turistični destinaciji Rogla-Pohorje • Mini priročnik za prve tekaške Vodnik za obiskovalce turistične destinacije Rogla-Pohorje, ki jo podvige • Narava in znanje z roko v roki do zdravja • PLEMIŠKA RODBINA WINDISCHGRÄTZ sestavljajo občine Oplotnica, NA KONJIŠKEM • Center Noordung – Nekaj kar morate doživeti • Kdaj ste nazadnje nekaj Slovenske Konjice, Vitanje in storili prvič? ... / Welcome to Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Destination • A mini guide for the first running Zreče. / THE VISITOR GUIDE FOR THE ventures • Nature and knowledge hand in hand lead to health • The Noble Family of Windischgrätz ROGLA-POHORJE Tourist DESTINATION which is comprised of Oplotnica, in the Konjice Region • The Center Noordung – Something you must experience • When did you do Slovenske Konjice, Vitanje and something for the first time? ... Zreče Municipalities. eks ar N atej Žička kartuzija, tiha lepotica v objemu narave M o

/ Žiče Charterhouse, the quiet beauty in the embrace of nature F to:

TOP 5 / Top 5 O plotnica slovenske Konjice Vitanje Z reče

Zakladnica naravnih in V objemu žlahtnih zgodb Ne daleč stran Območje dobrega počutja kulturnih doživetij • Staro mestno jedro • Center Noordung • Terme Zreče • Oplotniški vintgar • Vinska klet Zlati grič v Škalcah • Beškovnikova kašča • Rogla • Graščina Oplotnica • Dvorec Trebnik v mestnem • Vila Svitanje • Skomarska hiša na Skomarju • Naravni biotop Partovec parku • Goslarski atelje Skaza • Muzej ozkotirne železniške proge • Črna kuhinja pri Cerkvi • Žička kartuzija • Etnološki muzej Brodej • Pohorski lonec sv. Barbare • Gostilna Gastuž (1467) • Perišče in prikaz pranja Not Far Away The Area of Well-being na star način In The Embrace Of Noble Stories • Center Noordung • Terme Zreče Spa • Old Town Center • Beškovnik’s Granary • Rogla Ski Center Treasury of Unique Natural • Zlati grič Wine Cellar in Škalce • Svitanje Villa • House in Skomarje and Cultural Adventures • Trebnik Manor in the • Skaza Violin Studio • Narrow Gauge Railway Museum • Oplotnica Gorge Town Park • Brodej Ethnological Museum • Pohorje Stew • Oplotnica Mansion • Žiče Charterhouse • Partovec Natural Biotope • Gastuž Inn (1467) • Open-fire »black« kitchen at Church of St. Barbara • Old Laundry and the presentation of old way Projekt sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska Unija iz Evropskega of doing laundry sklada za regionalni razvoj. / The project is co-financed by the Republic of and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. Destination Rogla-Pohorje 1 Dobrodošli v Turistični H

A zreče Maribor destinaciji Rogla-Pohorje VITANJE oplotnica slovenske konjice / Welcome to Rogla-Pohorje Celje HR


Tourist Destination I mag. TJAŠA KANGLER / M.A. Vodja Centra doživetij Turistične destinacije Rogla-Pohorje in urednica / Head of Adventure Center of Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Destination and Editor HR

a prekrasen košček sveta, poln zelenih paš- e were entrusted with managing this Tnikov, gozdov, žuborečih potokov, nena- Wbeautiful piece of world full of green vadnih zgodb in zgovornih obzidij, nam je bil pastures, forests, murmuring streams, unusual zaupan v upravljanje. S kleno voljo pohorske- stories and revealing town walls. We take care ga srca skrbimo zanj in smo ponosni, da tukaj of it with strong will of the Pohorje inhabitants’ živimo. Z veseljem ga delimo z Vami. Želimo, heart being proud of living here. As a matter of da ga »raziščete« in s sabo domov odnesete fact, we are looking forward to sharing it with polno popotno malho lepih spominov. Da ga you. We would like you to “explore” it and take »občutite« s polnimi pljuči in z vsem svojim a back-pack full of beautiful memories with bitjem ter da ga »užijete« s polno žlico. you, to “feel” it with full lungs and with whole being as well as to “enjoy” it with a full spoon. Zgodbo Turistične destinacije Rogla-Pohorje skupaj uspešno pišejo The story of Rogla-Pohorje Tourist štiri občine: destination is written jointly by four • Oplotnica – zakladnica edinstvenih municipalities:

naravnih in kulturnih doživetij; • Oplotnica – Treasury of Unique Natural Očarljivo staro mestno jedro Slovenskih Konjic vabi na nepozaben sprehod

• Slovenske Konjice – v objemu and Cultural Adventures / Charming Slovenske Konjice old town center invites you to take an unforgettable walk Vid Ponikvar, Foto: žlahtnih zgodb; • Slovenske Konjice – In The • Vitanje – ne daleč stran; Embrace Of Noble Stories • Zreče – območje dobrega počutja. • Vitanje – Not Far Away • Zreče – The Area of Well-being Raziščite, občutite, užijte Turistično destinacijo Rogla-Pohorje. »Explore feel, enjoy« the Rogla-Pohorje Turist Destination.

V Oplotnici še danes skrbijo za pristno ohranjanje bogatega kulturnega izročila svojih prednikov / People of contemporary Oplotnica constantly care for their ancestor’s cultural

heritage and preserve it for future generations Samo Brbre Foto:

Vitanje “ne daleč stran” ponuja dotik zelenih gozdov, zgovornih zidov in edinstven pogled v Vesolje / Vitanje “not far away” offers a touch of green forests and eloquent walls, as well

as unique gazes into the universe Vitanje Občine Arhiv Foto:

DESTINACIJA NA POTI K NIČ ODPADKOV / DESTINATION ON THE ROAD TO ZERO WASTE Občina Slovenske Konjice se je v sodelovanju z JKP Slovenske Konjice d.o.o. kot prva med občinami v severovzhodnem delu države pridružila projektu Zero Waste (Nič odpadkov). Z odgovornim ravnanjem nam tudi obiskovalci pomagate postajati družba brez odpadkov. / The Municipality of Slovenske Konjice and the Public Communal Company Slovenske Konjice Ltd. have joined the Zero Waste project as the first municipality in the north- eastern part of Slovenia. Visitors also help us to become a zero waste society Zabavne termalne počitnice by responsible waste management.

/ Funny thermal hollidays Fakin Studio Foto:


Pobarvajte pobarvanko in jo skupaj z vašimi podatki (ime, priimek, naslov in telefon) pošljite na naslov: Unitur d.o.o., Cesta na Roglo 15, 3214 Zreče, s pripisom POBARVANKA, do 15. septembra 2019. Izžrebanemu avtorju pobarvanke bomo Pribar vajte si podarili 2 celodnevni vstopnici za Savno vas 2 vstopnici za savno in termalne bazene v Termah Zreče. in kopanje v Termah / Colour the picture and sent it together with Zreče! / Paint yourself your name, address and phone number to 2 tickets for sauna the following address: Unitur d.o.o., Cesta and swimming at Terme na Roglo 15, 3214 Zreče, add the word Zreče Spa! POBARVANKA, till 15. September 2019. The winner will be awarded with 2 all-day tickets for the Sauna village and thermal pools of Terme Zreče Spa. Avtor risbe: Tomi Oblak

2 Destinacija Rogla-Pohorje POHORSKI ŠKRAT / POHORJE DWARF KJE SO TISTE STEZICE / Where Are Those Pathways? Avtor/author: Samo Jenčič Samo Avtor/author:



ZREČE – ROGLA Slovenske Konjice Vitanje

INFORMACIJE: INFORMACIJE: INFORMACIJE: Športni center Rogla, TIC Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 27, Turistično društvo Vitanje, T: +386 (0)3 757 71 00, E: [email protected], 3210 Slovenske Konjice, T: +386 (0)3 759 31 10, Grajski trg 1, 3205 Vitanje, M: +386 (0)51 632-112, I:, M: +386 (0)51 444 141, E: [email protected], E: [email protected], I: OPIS POTI: Odpravite se na potep po Škratovi učni poti! Poiščite I:, OPIS POTI: Pot na Stenico je izjemno priljubljena med domačini navihanega pohorskega škrata. Sledite poučnim tablam, spoznajte OPIS POTI: Po poteh čudes in lepot Konjiške gore vas popotnike in ponuja slikovite razglede na Vitanje in okoliške hribe. Nanjo se pohorsko floro in favno ter zbirajte žige. Ob koncu poti se zabavajte popelje Konjiški zmaj, ki je včasih tam živel. Pot je primerna za lahko povzpnete po markirani poti iz Vitanja, po poti Štajnhof, mimo in igrajte v pohorski vasici. naravoslovne in športne dneve, prijetno rekreacijo in izvedbo Vodovnika. Pot je urejena in lahko dostopna. V nedeljo, 8.7.2018 bo Novo v poletju 2019! Z aplikacijo za mobilne naprave učnih ur. ob 15. uri potekala tradicionalna sveta maša pri Marijini kapelici, IZHODIŠČE: poiščite virtualnega pohorskega škrata, ki bo z vami delil svoje bogato Osnovna šola Pod goro, Slovenske Konjice organizirana s strani Vaške skupnosti Stenica. znanje in zabavne dogodivščine. DOLŽINA: IZHODIŠČE: 3 km Noordung center, Vitanje IZHODIŠČE: DOLŽINA: Hotel Planja, Rogla VIŠINSKA RAZLIKA: 8,1 km DOLŽINA: 190 m 4 km ČAS HOJE: VIŠINSKA RAZLIKA: 2 uri (krožna pot) 636 m VIŠINSKA RAZLIKA: ČAS HOJE: 120 m 1,2 uri iz Vitanja ČAS HOJE: 1 ura (krožna pot) Slovenske Konjice

INFORMATION: Vitanje TIC Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 27, Zreče – Rogla INFORMATION: 3210 Slovenske Konjice, T: +386 3 759 31 10, Vitanje Tourism Society, INFORMATION: Sport Center Rogla, M: +386 (0)51 444 141, E: [email protected], Grajski trg 1, 3205 Vitanje, M: +386 51 632-112, T: +386 3 757 71 00, E: [email protected], I:, E: [email protected], I: I:, TRAIL DESCRIPTION: The Konjice Dragon that used to live in TRAIL DESCRIPTION: The trail to Stenica Hill is very popular TRAIL DESCRIPTION: Hike along the Dwarf ’s Educational Trail! Konjiška gora mountain is your guide along the paths of this breath- among the locals. It offers picturesque views over the town of Vitanje Find the mischievous Pohorje Dwarf. Follow the educational boards, taking mountain full of wonders and natural beauty. It is appropriate and surrounding hills. You can climb it following the marked Štajnhof get to know the Pohorje flora and fauna and collect the stamps. At the for pupils, recreation and school lessons. path from Vitanje, and passing Vidovnik. The trail is easily accessible. STARTING POINT: end of the journey, have fun and play in Pohorje village. Primary School “Pod goro”, Slovenske On Sunday, 8 July 2018 at 3 PM a holy mass will be held at St. Mary New in summer 2019! Use the mobile app to find a virtual Konjice Chapel, organized by the Stenica village community. Pohorje Dwarf, who will share with you his rich knowledge and fun DISTANCE: STARTING POINT: 3 km Noordung Center, Vitanje adventures. DISTANCE: ELEVATION GAIN: 190 m 8,1 km STARTING POINT: Planja Hotel, Rogla DURATION: ELEVATION GAIN: DISTANCE: 2 hours (circular trail) 636 m 4 km DURATION: ELEVATION GAIN: 1.2 hours from Vitanje 120 m DURATION: 1 hour (circular trail)


Destination Rogla-Pohorje 3 E-NAMIG E-HINT Pri kolesarskem izletu si pomagam z e-kolesom. Če imam za kolesarsko pot premalo kondicije, If I take a cycling trip, I use an electric bicycle. If I am not fit enough to go for a cycling trip, pokličem 03 757 71 00 (Rogla), 03 757 60 00 (Terme Zreče), 03 759 31 10 (TIC Slovenske Konjice) ali I call +386 3 757 71 00 (Rogla), +386 3 757 60 00 (Terme Zreče Spa), +386 (0)3 759 31 10 (TIC Slovenske 03 757 35 50 (Gostišče Smogavc, Gorenje pri Zrečah) in se pozanimam o izposoji e-kolesa. Konjice) or +386 (0)3 757 35 50 (Gostišče Smogavc, Gorenje pri Zrečah) and enquire about electric bicycle S pomočjo električnega motorčka na njem bodo hribi lažje premagani. rental options. By taking advantage of the electric engine, all hills are easier to be mastered.


Slovenske Konjice Zreče, Slovenske Konjice Zreče

INFORMACIJE: INFORMACIJE: INFORMACIJE: TIC Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 27, TIC Zreče, Cesta na Roglo 13b, TIC Zreče, Cesta na Roglo 13b, 3210 Slovenske Konjice, T: +386 (0)3 759 31 10, 3214 Zreče; T: +386 (0)3 759 04 70, M: +386 (0)41 720 330; 3214 Zreče; T: +386 (0)3 759 04 70, M: +386 (0)41 720 330; M: +386 (0)51 444 141, E: [email protected], E: [email protected]; I: E: [email protected]; I: I:, / TIC Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 27, 3210 Slovenske Konjice, OPIS POTI: Pohodna pot iz Zreč na Brinjevo goro je srednje težka OPIS POTI: Pot vas bo vodila iz urbanega mestnega jedra Slovenskih T: +386 (0)3 759 31 10, M: +386 (0)51 444 141, krožna pohodna pot. Popelje vas iz središča Zreč vse do podružnične in Konjic ob vznožju Konjiške gore, preko Konjiške vasi in Žič. Tam E: [email protected], I:, romarske Cerkve svete Matere božje, ki leži na 630 mnv in je najmlajša boste zavili desno in vstopili v slikovito Dolino svetega Janeza, na I: v vencu treh cerkva na 3,5 km dolgem grebenu Brinjeve gore, Golike in koncu katere vas čaka tiha lepotica, Žička kartuzija in Gostilna OPIS POTI: Kolesarska pot Zreče – Konjice je srednje težka krožna Brezja, a od vseh cerkva najbolj poznana. Brinjeva gora sicer sodi med Gastuž (1467), najstarejša gostilna na Slovenskem. Ta nekdanji kolesarska pot, polna doživetij naravne in kulturne dediščine. prve višinske naselbine in je obstajala že vso mlajšo kameno dobo, danes samostan iz 12. stoletja še danes pripoveduje nenavadne zgodbe … Pelje nas po slikoviti pokrajini Dravinjske doline, ki jo poosebljajo pa je najbolj priljubljena romarska pot v destinaciji Rogla-Pohorje. Novo v poletju 2019! Po Žički kartuziji se lahko po novem vinorodni griči, na poti pa se nas dotakne lokalna tradicija: kmetije, Mimo Cerkve svete Neže na Goliki (608 mnv) se nato vrnemo v Zreče. IZHODIŠČE: sprehodite z AR očali in kartuzijanska zgodba pred vami oživi v vsej mlini, kovačije, vinske kleti, konjiško staro mestno jedro in graščine. Zreče – avtobusna postaja svoji razsežnosti. In seveda pristni domačini … DOLŽINA: IZHODIŠČE: IZHODIŠČE: 6 km Stari trg Slovenske Konjice Zreče – avtobusna postaja VIŠINSKA RAZLIKA: DOLŽINA: DOLŽINA: 234 m 12,5 km (v eno smer) 12,6 km (krožna pot) ČAS HOJE: VIŠINSKA RAZLIKA: VIŠINSKA RAZLIKA: 2 uri (krožna pot) 131 m 150 m ČAS VOŽNJE: ČAS VOŽNJE: 1 ura 3 ure Zreče

INFORMATION: Zreče – Rogla Zreče, Slovenske Konjice TIC Zreče, Cesta na Roglo 13b, 3214 Zreče; T: +386 (0)3 759 04 70, M: +386 (0)41 720 330; INFORMATION: INFORMATION: TIC Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 27, TIC Zreče, Cesta na Roglo 13b, E: [email protected]; I: 3210 Slovenske Konjice, T: +386 3 759 31 10, 3214 Zreče; T: +386 (0)3 759 04 70, M: +386 (0)41 720 330; TRAIL DESCRIPTION: The hiking trail from Zreče to Brinjeva M: +386 (0)51 444 141, E: [email protected], E: [email protected]; I: gora hill is a middle difficult circular hiking trail leading you from I:, / TIC Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 27, 3210 Slovenske Konjice, the centre of Zreče to the pilgrimage Church of Holy Mother of God TRAIL DESCRIPTION: The trail is leading you from the urban town T: +386 (0)3 759 31 10, M: +386 (0)51 444 141, at Brinjeva gora situated at 630 m above the sea level and it is the center of Slovenske Konjice along the foot of Konjiška gora, through E: [email protected], I:, smallest church of three churches lying on the 3.5 km-long ridge of Konjiška vas and Žiče. There you are turning right and entering the Brinjeva gora, Golika and Brezje, however, the best-known of all. picturesque St. John the Baptist Valley and at the end of the valley a TRAIL DESCRIPTION: The Zreče – Konjice cycling trail is a Brinjeva gora is one of the first high-altitude settlements and it quiet beauty - the Žiče Charterhouse and the Gastuž Inn (1467), the middle difficult circular cycling route full of natural and cultural already existed in the younger stone age; nowadays it is the most oldest inn in Slovenia is awaiting you. This ancient monastery from heritage experiences. It leads you across the picturesque countryside popular pilgrimage path in the Rogla-Pohorje destination. Passing the 12th Century is still telling original stories… of Dravinja Valley personified by wine growing hills and touched by the St. Agnes Church atop Golika (608 m) you are returning to Zreče. STARTING POINT: New in Summer 2019! You can walk around the Žiče the local tradition: farms, mills, black smiths, wine cellars, the old city Zreče bus station Charterhouse with AR glasses and vividly experience the Carthusian center of Slovenske Konjice and mansions. And last but not least the DISTANCE: 6 km story in all its mightiness. genuine locals… ELEVATION GAIN: STARTING POINT: STARTING POINT: 234 m Old Square in Slovenske Konjice Zreče bus station DURATION: DISTANCE: DISTANCE: 2 hours (circular trail) 12.5 km (one direction) 12.5 km (circular trail) ELEVATION GAIN: ELEVATION GAIN: 131 m 150 m DURATION: DURATION: 1 hour 3 hours nja Petelinšek ŽIČKA KARTUZIJA, TIHA LEPOTICA V DOLINI SVETEGA JANEZA A Muzej ozkotirne železniške proge Poljčane-Slovenske Konjice- NOTRANJOST CERKVE SVETE MATERE BOŽJE NA BRINJEVI GORI o

/ ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE, THE QUIET BEAUTY IN ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST VALLEY F to: Zreče / Narrow Gauge Railway Museum Poljčane-Slovenske Konjice-Zreče Zreče Občina Ervin Matevžič, Foto: / THE INTERIOR OF HOLY MOTHER OF GOD CHURCH AT BRINJEVA GORA Ervin Matevžič Foto:



TURISTIČNE INFORMACIJE Delovni čas / TOURIST INFORMATION / Working Hours LTO Rogla – Zreče, GIZ, TIC ZREČE Cesta na Roglo 13b, 3214 Zreče Pon. - sob.: 8.00 - 16.00 T: +386 (0) 3 759 04 70 Ned. in prazniki: 9.00 - 11.00 OPLOTNIŠKI VINTGAR˝

/ OPLOTNICA GORGE Samo Brbre Foto: E: [email protected] Monday - Saturday: 8.00 - 16.00 I: Sundays and holidays: 9.00 - 11.00 Oplotnica TIC SLOVENSKE KONJICE INFORMACIJE: Stari trg 27, 3210 Slovenske Konjice Maj – Oktober Turistično društvo Oplotnica, T: +386 (0) 3 759 31 10 Pon. - pet.: 8.00 - 17.00 Goriška cesta 4, 2317 Oplotnica, M: +386 (0) 51 444 141 Sob.: 10.00 - 14.00 T: +386 (0)40 722 163; +386 (0)41 437 795; E: [email protected] November E: [email protected]; I: I: Pon. - pet.: 8.00 - 16.00 OPIS POTI: Ob potoku Oplotnica se nam pogled zbistri nad globoko Sob., ned. in prazniki: zaprto lesketajočo vodo, ko spoznamo oplotniške poti, ki segajo do struge potoka. May - October Na urejenih jasah so klopce, ob strugi pa lesene stopnice in mostički, Monday – Friday: 8.00 - 17.00 ki omogočajo od blizu opazovati brzice in tolmune potoka Oplotnica. Saturday: 10.00 - 14.00 Občudovanja vredne so ogromne skale, ki ležijo ob in sredi potoka. November IZHODIŠČE 1: Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 16.00 Grajsko dvorišče v Oplotnici DOLŽINA 1: Saturday, Sunday, holidays: closed 3 km TIC ŽIČKA KARTUZIJA / Žiče Charterhouse TIC VIŠINSKA RAZLIKA 1: 372 m Špitalič pri Slovenskih Konjicah 9 Maj, september, oktober: ČAS HOJE 1: 1 ura zmerne hoje 3215 Loče Tor. - ned.: 10.00 - 18.00 IZHODIŠČE 2: Javornikov ovinek T: +386 (0) 3 752 37 32 Junij, julij, avgust: DOLŽINA 2: M: +386 (0) 51 444 141 Tor. - ned.: 10.00 - 20.00 2 km VIŠINSKA RAZLIKA 2: E: http://[email protected] November: 1 + 1 468 m I: Tor. - ned.: 10.00 - 16.00 GRATIS ČAS HOJE 2: ŽIČKA KARTUZIJA 45 minut May, September, October: / ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00 - 18.00 Oplotnica June, July, August: O b predložitvi kupona vam, ob nakupu 1 odrasle vstopnice za Odprto tudi ob praznikih Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00 - 20.00 ogled Žičke kartuzije, drugo podarimo. Ponudba velja od 1. 5. INFORMATION: Oplotnica Tourism association, in ob dela prostih dnevih. November: do 30. 11. 2019, v rednem delovnem času Žičke kartuzije. Goriška cesta 4, 2317 Oplotnica, / Open on holidays and work-free days. Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00 - 16.00 Osnova je redni cenik. T: +386 (0)40 722 163; +386 (0)41 437 795; When purchasing a ticket for 1 adult for Žiče Charterhouse with TIC OPLOTNICA this coupon, we will give you another one free of charge. The offer E: [email protected]; I: Goriška cesta 4, 2317 Oplotnica Pon., tor., čet.: 8.00 – 14.00 TRAIL DESCRIPTION: is valid from 1 May to 30 November 2018, during working hours of The Oplotnica stream provides you with a T: +386 (0) 2 845 09 00 Sre.: 8.00 – 16.00 Žiče Charterhouse. The offer is based on the official price list. clear view of glittering water when getting to know the paths across E: [email protected] Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8.00 – 14.00 Info: +386 (0)3 759 31 10, Oplotnica reaching to the stream banks. You are enabled to observe I: Wednesday: 8.00 – 16.00 rapids and pools of Oplotnica stream while sitting on benches at neat OBČINA VITANJE / VITANJE MUNICIPALITY glades or stepping over wooden bridges or steps. Besides, you can Grajski trg 1, 3205 Vitanje Pon., tor., čet.: 8.00 – 14.00 admire huge rocks at the banks and in the middle of the stream. T: +386 (0) 3 757 43 50 Sre.: 8.00 – 16.00 STARTING POINT 1: At the courtyard of Oplotnica Mansion E: [email protected] Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 8.00 – 14.00 DISTANCE 1: 3 km I: Wednesday: 8.00 – 16.00 ELEVATION GAIN 1: 372 m CENTER VESOLJSKIH TEHNOLOGIJ HERMANA POTOČNIKA NOORDUNGA DURATION 1: 1 hour / THE CENTER OF SPACE TECHNOLOGIES HERMAN POTOČNIK NOORDUNG STARTING POINT 2: Na vasi 18, 3205 Vitanje Odpiralni čas preverite na At the Javornik’s bend T: +386 (0)40 300 052 / Opening times check on: DISTANCE 2: 2 km E: [email protected] ELEVATION GAIN 1: 468 m I: ali / or [email protected] DURATION 1: 45 minutes INFORMACIJE 24/7/ INFORMATION 24/7

TUR INFOMATI TERME ZREČE / TOURIST INFO DISPENSERS Cesta na Roglo 15, 3214 Zreče SLOVENSKE KONJICE, T: +386 (0)3 75 76 000 Stari trg 1, 3210 Slovenske Konjice I: VITANJE, HOTEL PLANJA ROGLA Na vasi 18, 3205 Vitanje +386 (0)3 75 77 100 ZREČE, Avtobusna postaja Zreče / Zreče Bus Station, 3214 Zreče HOTEL NATURA ROGLA +386 (0)3 75 77 280

DESTINACIJA ROGLA-POHORJE – Uradni vodnik za obiskovalce Turistične destinacije Rogla-Pohorje v poletni sezoni 2019 / ROGLA-POHORJE DESTINATION – The Official Guide for Visitors in the Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Destination in the summer season 2019

1.5.2019-30.11.2019 KARTOGRAFIJA / MAPS Letnik 2, št. 3 / Year 2, Vol. 3 Kartografija d. o. o. IZDAJATELJ / PUBLISHED BY Za Turistično destinacijo Rogla-Pohorje RISBE / DRAWINGS / For Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Destination: Unitur d. o. o. LTO Rogla-Zreče, GIZ Cesta na Roglo 11j, 3214 Zreče LEKTURA / PROOFREADING T: +386 (0) 3 759 04 70 mag. Tjaša Kangler • mag. phil. Mihela Baranašić Vidmar E: [email protected] I: PREVOD / TRANSLATION mag. phil. Mihela Baranašić Vidmar ISSN ŠTEVILKA / ISSN NUMBER Jezikovna agencija Hella CENTER NOORDUNG 1 + 1 2630-2128 / Center of Space Technologies GRATIS UREDNIŠKI ODBOR / EDITORIAL COMMITTEE UREDILA / EDITED BY Herman Potočnik Noordung mag. Tjaša Kangler, urednica / Editor • Tina Tinta mag. Tjaša Kangler Kovačič • Domen Vogelsang • Tadeja Waldhuber • mag. Aleksandra Boldin • Mojca Potnik Šonc OBLIKOVANJE / DESIGN Ob predložitvi kupona vam ob nakupu 2 vstopnic za samostojni ogled, • Vesna Slemenšek • Marija Perklič • Terezija Kočnik Vizualni prevodi, Andrejka Belhar Polanc s. p. podarimo 1x VR Noordung gratis, ob nakupu 3 ali več vstopnic • dr. Dominik Kobold za samostojni ogled, pa vam podarimo 1 vstopnico gratis. SLOVENSKE KONJICE, MAJ 2019 / MAY 2019 TISK / PRINTING Ponudba velja do 30.11.2019, kupon se predloži na blagajni Centra Dinocolor d. o. o. NAKLADA / CIRCULATION Noordung, ostali popusti in darilni boni se izključujejo. 10.000 izvodov / 10.000 copies / When purchasing 2 tickets for individual tour, we offer 1 free Tiskano na okolju prijaznem papirju. BESEDILA / TEXTS / Printed on recycled paper. ticket for VR Noordung (virtual reality) or in case of purchasing 3 Tina Tinta Kovačič • Domen Vogelsang • Turistična kooperativa Rogla-Pohorje si pridržuje pravice or more tickets for individual tour we offer you 1 extra free ticket. mag. Aleksandra Boldin • Mojca Potnik Šonc do spremembe programov navedenih v vodniku. • dr. Dominik Kobold • Karmen Vodovnik • / The Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Cooperative reserves the right The offer is valid until 30 November 2019, other discounts and gift Rebeka Kos • Vesna Slemenšek • Marija Perklič to change the programmes stated in the guide. certificates are excluded. MOST PRIJATELJSTVA • Terezija Kočnik • Urška Firer • mag. Tjaša Kangler

/ BRIDGE OF FRIENDSHIP Samo Brbre Foto: • Ana Gorinšek Info: +386 (0)40 300 052,

Destination Rogla-Pohorje 5 Mini priročnik za prve tekaške podvige / A mini guide for the first running ventures

ANA GORINŠEK, univ. dipl. slov. in soc. kult. / BA Članica organizacijskega odbora Konjiškega maratona / Member of The Oranisational Committee of The Konjice Marathon

Slikovita trasa Konjiškega maratona

/ A picturesque route of the Konjice Marathon Sportida Foto:

edtem ko svetovni trendi Noner.e N fokusirajte se na utrujenost: Mnarekujejo zdrav življenjski poslušajte ptice in čutite vetrc, ki se podi slog, črpajoč ideje za gibanje v skozi zelene veje. kraljici športa, je vprašanje laikov Dravinjska dolina mnogokrat: »Kje naj začnem?« teče že sedmič Odlična novička: tek je v neki obliki primeren (skoraj) za vsakogar. Pravljičnih sedmič bo letos postavljena najbolje ocenjena tekaška prireditev Berite naprej! v Sloveniji (po oceni Atletske zveze Slovenije) − Konjiški maraton oz. Maraton Greh bi bil, ko bi živeči v Dravinjski dolini z dušo. Lani so uvedli vseslovensko novost: ali njen obiskovalec ne izkoristil zelenih Glasbeni maraton. Povabili so glasbenike, površin, ki jih je le streljaj od prav tako da se jim pridružijo, nato pa izbrali 10 sijajnih mestnih zaselkov začrtala narava. najboljših in jih postavili ob traso. Tako vas NAJMANJ na vsakem kilometru čaka Čisto zares: kako začeti? novo glasbeno presenečenje in tekaška Odgovorite si na 3 vprašanja. 1. Kaj že motivacija. Lansko leto je kot prvi na svetu počnem zase? 2. Česa se bojim? 3. Kakšen 10 km pretekel glasbenik Matej Banovšek in pri tem neprestano igral Golico na svojo Navijači v ciljni ravnini v konjiškem Starem trgu spodbujajo tekače je moj cilj? 1. Večina ljudi si zase vzame / Fans in the home straight of the Konjice Old Square encourage runners Sportida Foto: premalo časa. 2. Povprečen človek se boji, harmoniko – ves zbrani denar pa je namenil da teku ne bo kos. Poglejte z druge strani: za terapevtsko kolonijo otrok s cerebralno samo v Evropski uniji vsaj občasno teče 50 paralizo društva Sonček. milijonov ljudi. Če zmorejo oni, zmorete Izberite Maraton z dušo tudi vi. 3. Če cilja nimate, si ga zadajte – tako boste imeli višjo motivacijo. Npr.: letos Prvih 1.000 tekačev Konjiškega maratona bom pretekel 10 kilometrov na Konjiškem (ki je rezerviran le za 1.500 tekačev, zato maratonu, 29. 9. 2019. so lani prijave predčasno zaprli) čaka darilce: vrhunska tekaška majica JOMA in S ciljem je vse enostavneje izvirni lokalni darilni paket, ki vključuje Zdaj je treba začeti s treningi. Potrebujete zdravilno zeliščno sol Majnika, ki jo tekaške copate in nekaj preizkusnih obiskovalci lahko kupite v destinaciji in si iz treningov. Da boste lažje videli napredek, nje ravno tako zmešate odličen izotonični si izberite stalno traso, v našem primeru naj napitek. Sol z Zeliščnega vrta Majnika je bo to kar trasa Konjiškega maratona na bila razglašena za kulinarični spominek priloženem zemljevidu. »Nikar ne hitite: s s strani Turistične zveze Slovenije in sabo vzemite družbo in tecite ritem, v katerem nosi znak »Okusi Rogle«. Tek je lep – ne lahko še vedno kramljate. Če ne zmorete, zamudite ga. nadaljujte s hitro hojo, čez kakšno minuto pa ponovno pospešite v tek. V vsakem primeru ste Naravni izotonični napitek nam pomaga pri teku Najmanj na vsakem kilometru čaka nova glasbena popestritev hitrejši od tistih na kavču!« k teku spodbuja / At least on every kilometer a new musical enrichment awaits Sportida Foto: idejni vodja Konjiškega maratona Anton Prav zares si lahko sami pripravite povsem

6 Destinacija Rogla-Pohorje naravni izotonični napitek, ki vam pomaga po regeneraciji po teku. V 1 liter vode stisnete sok 1 (po možnosti ekološko pridelane) limone ter dodate pol čajne žličke zeliščne soli Majnika. Eko zeliščna sol Majnika vsebuje tradicionalno, nerafinirano Piransko sol in 19 različnih zelišč in začimb. To je povsem naraven in preprost izotoničen napitek, ki vam bo pomagal povrniti elektrolite, ki ste jih porabili med tekom. Na zdravje!

hile the global trends dictate Zeliščna sol Majnika je lahko lep kulinarični spominek iz naših krajev / Wa healthy lifestyle, drawing Majnika herbal salt can be a tasty culinary ideas for the movement in the souvenir from this area Pintarič Gašper Foto: queen of sport, the common (preferably organically grown) lemon and add question of amateurs is: „Where Matej Banovšek je prvi na svetu pretekel 10 km in ves čas igral na harmoniko half a teaspoon of the Majnika Herbal Salt in 1

/ Matej Banovšek was the first in the world to pass 10 km while playing an accordion non-stop Sportida Foto: should I start?“ Excellent news; liter of water. The organic Majnik Herbal Salt running is in a way suitable contains the traditional, unrefined salt from for (almost) everyone. Keep on running shoes and some test trainings. In motivation. Last year Matej Banovšek ran the Piran and 19 different herbs and spices. This is reading! order to recognize the progress with ease, 10 km as the first musician in the world who a perfectly natural and simple isotonic beverage choose a permanent route, in our case let it was constantly playing the song Golica on which will help you recover the electrolytes be the route of the Konjice Marathon on the his accordion. He dedicated all the money he you have used during the run. Cheers! It would be a sin if the inhabitants of the attached map. „Do not rush: be accompanied by gathered to the therapeutic colony of children Dravinja Valley or its visitors did not use the friends and run in a rhythm which still allows you with cerebral palsy of the Sonček Association. green areas, drawn by nature, only a short to chat. If you are not able to do it, continue with distance from the same magnificent urban the fast walk and after a minute or so speed up Choose the Marathon hamlets. again into the run. In any case, you are faster than with soul Rather seriously: those on the couch!“, running is encouraged by The first 1,000 runners of the Konjice How to start? the conceptual leader of the Konjice Marathon, Marathon (reserved only for 1,500 runners, Anton Noner. Do not focus on fatigue; listen the registrations were closed early last year) Answer these 3 questions. 1. What am I already to the birds and feel the wind rushing through will receive a small gift: an excellent JOMA doing for myself? 2. What am I afraid of? 3. What the green branches. running shirt and an original local gift is my goal? 1. Most people take too little time package, including the Majnik Healing for themselves. 2. An average person is afraid Dravinja Valley is running Herbal Salt. The visitors can buy the salt at that they will not finish the run. Look at it from for the seventh time the destination and can also make an amazing the other side; in the European Union itself, 50 This year marks the fabulous seventh time isotonic beverage with it. The salt from the million people run at least occasionally. If they in a row of the best-rated running event Majnik Herbal Garden was proclaimed a can do it, you can do it too. 3. If you do not in Slovenia (according to the Athletic culinary souvenir by the Tourist Association of have a goal, set it – in this way you will have a Association of Slovenia) - the Konjice Slovenia and bears the mark „Tastes of Rogla“. higher motivation. For example, this year I will Marathon or The Marathon with soul. The run is beautiful - do not miss it. run 10 kilometers in the Konjice Marathon on Last year they introduced the all-Slovenian 29th September 2019. novelty: the Music Marathon. They invited The natural isotonic beverage helps running Everything is much easier the musicians to join them, then chose the with the goal top 10 and set them along the route. Thus, AT You can truly prepare a completely natural LEAST on each kilometer you are awaited Preverite zemljevid trase in jo preskusite isotonic beverage for yourself to help you / Check the map of the route and try it out Now it is time to start training. You need by a new musical surprise and running regenerate after the run. Squeeze the juice of 1

Narava in znanje pevtske postopke, kot so kinezioterapija, hid- roterapija, elektroterapija, mehanoterapija in z roko v roki do termoterapija. Poleg standardnih postopkov posebno pozornost namenjajo razvoju stro- zdravja / Nature and kovnih specialnosti: nitur • Terapija Trigger: za zmanjšanje bolečin ter U knowledge hand in hand ek,

izboljšanje koordinacije in obsega gibljivosti. arinš lead to health • Nevromišični taping: pri poškodbah, otečenih M sklepih in občutku nestabilnosti v sklepu. o • proprioceptivna terapija Unitur Duboković, Dean Foto: F to: Peter • Bownova terapija: nežna manualna tehnika he Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Center thermotherapy. In addition to the standard TINA TINTA KOVAČIČ, univ. prof. za lajšanje širokega nabora telesnih bolečin, of Terme Zreče Spa engages the healing T procedures, special attention is dedicated to the Marketing in odnosi z javnostmi, Unitur d.o.o. varna tudi za starejše in novorojenčke. powers of three exceptional natural healing development of professional specialties, such as: / Marketing & public relations, Unitur LLC • Terapija Bobath: pri okrevanju po characteristics – the Acratothermal Water, • Trigger Therapy: to reduce pain and improve možganski kapi, nevroloških obolenjih in Pohorje Peat and Mountain Highland iagnostični in rehabilitacijski center coordination and the level of flexibility. otrocih z razvojnimi motnjami. Healing Climate. DTerm Zreče v proces zdravljenja • Neuromuscular Tapping: for injuries, swol- vključuje zdravilno moč treh izjemnih • Radialni udarni valovi: proti nabiranju kalcija v rami, kolku ali komolcu. len joints and feeling of instability in joints. naravnih zdravilnih dejavnikov – Did you know that more than 11,000 • Proprioceptive Therapy akratotermalne vode, pohorske šote in N arava tudi sama iznajde zdravila patients are rehabilitated and more • Bowen Therapy: a gentle manual technique srednjegorske zdravilne klime. than 380,000 interventions are Zdravilne dejavnike, ki jih podarja narava, je for relieving a wide range of body aches, also made in one year? suitable for the elderly and newborns. S te vedeli, da v enem letu rehabiliti- treba znati uspešno izkoristiti. V Termah Zreče jih uporabljajo v različnih postopkih zdravljen- The number of people who trust the doctors • Bobath Therapy: for recovery after stroke, rajo več kot 11.000 pacientov in of Terme Zreče Spa is certainly affected by neurological diseases and children with opravijo več kot 380.000 posegov? ja pri poškodbah in obolenjih gibal, operacijah hrbteničnih obolenj, športnih poškodbah in the fact that they have acquired the American developmental disorders. Na število ljudi, ki zaupajo prav zdravnikom rekonstruktivnih operativnih posegih na giba- Accreditation Commission International • Radial Shock Wave Therapy: against the iz Term Zreče, prav gotovo vpliva dejstvo, lih, degenerativnih in vnetnih obolenjih gibal, Standards for Healthcare Organizations accumulation of calcium in shoulders, hips da so pridobili Mednarodni akreditacijski obolenjih perifernega živčevja ter ginekoloških (AACI). This proves the increased quality or elbows. standardi za zdravstvene organizacije and safety of medical treatments for patients, in onkoloških operativnih posegih. N ature also invents medications AACI, ki je dokaz za dvig kakovosti in the most modern medical rehabilitation of its own varnosti zdravstvene obravnave za paciente, equipment, highly qualified experts and najsodobnejšo medicinsko-rehabilitacijsko also excellent cooperation of health workers The healing characteristics which nature gifts opremo, visoko usposobljene strokovnjake, in Terme Zreče Spa. The satisfaction of us should be successfully taken advantage pa tudi za odlično sodelovanje sodelavcev employees also influences a pleasant smile, of. In Terme Zreče Spa, they are used in zdravstva v Termah Zreče. Tudi zadovoljstvo which positively affects the patients. various treatments of injuries and diseases zaposlenega vpliva na topel nasmeh, ki of limbs, operations of backbone diseases, A wide range of therapies pacientom še kako dobro dene. sport injuries and reconstructive surgical The treatment programmes and rehabilitation procedures on limbs, degenerative and Š irok nabor terapij procedures include all standard physiothera- inflammatory diseases of limbs, diseases of V programe zdravljenja in rehabilitacijske py procedures, such as kinesiotherapy, hydrot- peripheral nervous system and gynecological postopke vključujejo vse standardne fiziotera- Unitur Kotnik, Izidor Foto: herapy, electrotherapy, mechanotherapy and and oncological operations.

Destination Rogla-Pohorje 7 POTI / Trails


TOP 5 / Top 5

1 Oplotniški vintgar / Oplotnica Gorge 3 2 Graščina Oplotnica / Oplotnica Mansion 3 Naravni biotop Partovec / Partovec Natural Biotope 4 Črna kuhinja pri Cerkvi sv. Barbare / Open-fire »black« kitchen 2 at Church of St. Barbara 4 5 Perišče in prikaz pranja na star način / Old Laundry and the 5 Presentation of Old Way of Doing the Laundry

1 Staro mestno jedro / Old Town Center 2 Vinska klet Zlati grič v Škalcah / Zlati grič Wine Cellar in Škalce 3 Dvorec Trebnik v mestnem parku / Trebnik Manor in the Town Park E 1 4 Žička kartuzija / Žiče Charterhouse 3 5 Gostilna Gastuž (1467) / Gastuž Inn (1467)

3 1 Center Noordung / Center Noordung 2 Beškovnikova kašča / Beškovnik’s Granary 3 Vila Svitanje / Svitanje Villa 4 Goslarski atelje Skaza / Skaza Violin Studio 5 Etnološki muzej Brodej / Brodej Ethnological Museum

1 Terme Zreče / Terme Zreče Spa 2 rogla / Rogla Sport & Ski Resort 3 skomarska hiša na Skomarju / Skomarje House in Skomarje 4 Muzej ozkotirne železniške proge / Narrow Gauge Railway Museum 5 Pohorski lonec / Pohorje Stew




kolesarska POT / BIKE TRAIL












8 Destinacija Rogla-Pohorje 1 7

2 5 D


A 6 F 1 4 3



B 1 3 2


4 C 5

Destination Rogla-Pohorje 9 PLEMIŠKA RODBINA WINDISCHGRÄTZ NA KONJIŠKEM / The Noble Family of Windischgrätz in the Konjice Region

mag. Aleksandra Boldin / M.A. Predsednica Zgodovinskega društva Konjice in profesorica na Gimnaziji Slovenske Konjice /President of the Historical Society of Konjice and professor at the Slovenske Konjice Gymnasium

Windischgrätzov. Današnji graščinski gozdove. K Windischgrätzovi posesti je spadal kompleks obsega dve stavbi - večja je tudi Partovec, ki je bil v njihovem času urejen dvonadstropni dvorec, ki je bil v 18. stoletju kot park, grajsko sprehajališče z ribnikom in temeljito preurejen za bivanje knežje rodbine. gozdom z raznolikimi živalskimi vrstami. V pritličju graščine, desno od vhoda je bila Danes spada Partovec med pomembne nekoč graščinska kapela, v kateri je najeti spomenike naše naravne dediščine. duhovnik med tednom vsako jutro maševal. Ob nedeljah so Windischgrätzi hodili k maši v cerkev, kjer so nad zakristijo imeli svojo sobico s klopjo in pečjo. Pred dvorcem Trebnik je he Windischgrätz family was one of the nekdanja pristava (l. 2014 obnovljena), v kateri Tmost respected noble families in the Habs- so bila v 1. nadstropju stanovanja za služabnike burg Monarchy at the time. According to the in osebje: kuharje, strežnike, konjarje, šoferja, results of D. Trstenjak‘s historical-genealogical spletične, guvernante za deklice, sluge za dečke, debate, the beginning of the Windischgrätz pestunje, dojilje, ... Imeli so tudi svojega family dates back to the 11th century in Ca- duhovnika, učitelje (za tuje jezike, glasbo, rinthia when the Windischgrätz family was telovadbo ...), medicinsko sestro ipd. Graščinski supposedly connected with Slovenj Gradec. D Vorec TREBNIK, Razglednica iz leta 1927 kompleks je obdajal park z eksotičnimi drevesi The younger branch of the Windischgrätz fa-

/ TREBNIK MANOR, postcard from year 1927 Padežnik Bojan collection of / Private Padežnik Bojan zbirka Vir: Zasebna in grmovnicami ter skrbno urejenimi mily is connected with the wider Konjice regi- cvetličnimi gredicami, med katerimi so vodile on and its surroundings, which was researched bele poti. V parku sta bila nekoč dva ribnika, od in detail by Dr. Tanja Žigon. This branch of the odbina Windischgrätz je bila ena Najstarejši sin kneza Huga Verianda in katerih je ohranjen le eden, drugega so leta Windischgrätz family is related to Weriand Rnajuglednejših plemiških rodbin v tedanji kneginje Cristiane, Hugo Vinzenz je bil 1974 zasuli in na tem mestu uredili teniško Windischgrätz (born in 1790), who bought a habsburški monarhiji. Po izsledkih poročen s princeso Leontino Fuerstenberg, s igrišče. Sicer pa so tudi Windischgrätzi igrali lot of estates and the corresponding castles in zgodovinsko-rodoslovne razprave D. katero je imel štiri otroke: Irmo (1913), dvojčka tenis; ob vrtnariji sta bili dve igrišči, eno za the middle of the 19th century in the area of Trstenjaka, začetki rodbine Windischgrätz Huga in Maximiliana (1914) in Friedricha. otroke in drugo za odrasle. Skrb za »zdrav duh today‘s Slovenia: Planina (Haasberg), Šteberk segajo v 11. stoletje na Koroško; rodbina Najstarejši sin kneza Huga Verianda in v zdravem telesu« je bila ena izmed njihovih (Stegberch), Logatec, Jama pri Postojni, Bo- Windischgrätz naj bi bila povezana s Slovenj kneginje Cristiane, Hugo Vinzenz je bil vodil. V eni izmed pomožnih stavb so uredili genšperk, Slatno, and later Konjice, Žiče, Gradcem. S širšim Konjiškim in okolico je poročen s princeso Leontino Fuerstenberg, s kegljišče. Nad parkom na Konjiški gori so bile Oplotnica, Podčetrtek, Bizeljsko, Podsreda. In povezana mlajša veja rodbine Windischgrätz, katero je imel štiri otroke: Irmo (1913), dvojčka jahalne steze in sprehajalne poti. Ob graščini je August 2016 the Windischgrätz family visited ki jo je podrobneje raziskala dr. Tanja Žigon. Ta Huga in Maximiliana (1914) in Friedricha. nekoč stala tudi mogočna košata lipa, ob kateri their former castles in Slovenia. On this occa- veja rodbine Windischgrätz se navezuje na Windischgrätzi so konjiško gospoščino skupaj je bila marmorna miza s klopmi (iz Žičke sion they opened the family exhibition at Werianda Windischgrätza (roj. 1790), ki je s pripadajočimi gradovi in dvorci kupili leta kartuzije). Ob 850-obletnici ustanovitve Žičke Trebnik. Their nobility in true sense of the sredi 19. stoletja kupil precej gospostev in njim 1828. Graščina Trebnik v Konjicah, imenovana kartuzije jo je Občina Slovenske Konjice zopet word left an important impression upon the pripadajočih gradov na območju današnje tudi Windischgrätz je bila verjetno pozidana vrnila v nekdanji samostan. Druga svetovna visitors. The family received the honor of Prin- Slovenije: Planina (Haasberg), Šteberk po letu 1621, ko je trebniško posest kupil od vojna in spremenjen družbeni red po njej sta ce in 1822 when the brothers Weriand and (Stegberch), Logatec, Jama pri Postojni, Erazma Trebniškega kupil Krištof Tattenbach. trebniško graščino, predvsem pa njen park Alfred Candidus were elevated to the rank of Bogenšperk, Slatno, kasneje pa še Konjice, Med leti 1670 in 1685 je bila graščina v močno prizadeli. Nasadi v parku so bili delno Prince. As Prince, Weriand married Princess Žiče, Oplotnico, Podčetrtek, Bizeljsko, cesarskih rokah, leta 1692 pa so konjiško uničeni že leta 1944, ko je graščino zasedla Marie - Eleonore Lobkowitz, who gave birth Podsredo. Rodbina Windischgrätz je avgusta gospoščino s pripadajočim Trebnikom kupili nemška policijska enota, ki je okrog graščine to four sons and a daughter. After his death, 2016 obiskala svoje nekdanje gradove na žički kartuzijani. Po jožefinskih reformah je skopala strelne jarke. Leta 1955 so porušili vse his second son, Hugo Alfred inherited all the Slovenskem. Ob tej priložnosti so na Trebniku upravo nad stavbo prevzel verski sklad, ki jo je ute in odpeljali svetniške kipe v Pokrajinski above-mentioned estates in Carniola and Sty- odprli svojo rodbinsko razstavo in s svojo upravljal od 1783 do 1828, ko torej njeni muzej Maribor. K pomembni kulturni dediščini ria, including Konjice. In 1849, Prince Hugo plemenitostjo v pravem pomenu besede pri lastniki postanejo Windischgrätzi, kot zadnji naših krajev spada tudi Graščina v Oplotnici, ki Alfred married Princess Luisa Mecklenbure - obiskovalcih pustili pomemben pečat. Knežjo plemiški lastniki graščine Trebnik. V njej niso je bila po navedbah A. Stegenška pozidana v Schwerin. They had four children, Alexandrine čast je rodbina dobila leta 1822, ko sta bila stalno prebivali; bila je ena izmed njihovih 17. stol. s strani žičkih kartuzijanov, ki v njej (1850), Olga (1853), Hugo Veriand (1854), brata Weriand in Alfred Candidus rezidenc, kamor so prihajali večkrat letno. uredijo čudovito kapelo z zgodnjebaročnimi Marie (1856). Soon after the last birth Prin- povzdignjena v kneza. Kot knez se je Weriand Starejši Konjičani se preko pripovedovanja štukaturami in je danes skupaj z dvorcem cess Luisa died and the prince dedicated him- poročil s princeso Marie – Eleonore Lobkowitz, svojih prednikov spominjajo kneginje obnovljena. Na pročelju graščine je v niši self to military affairs and hunting. The Win- ki mu je rodila štiri sinove in hčerko. Njegov Christiane, ki je po smrti moža Huga (+ 1920) ohranjena baročna skulptura sv. Janeza Krstnika dischgrätzs were known to be passionate drugorojeni sin Hugo Alfred je po njegovi živela na dvorcu. Po pripovedih domačinov je (iz žičke kartuzije). Oplotniško posest je 1. hunters. Hunting was not just a leasure activity smrti poleg Konjic podedoval tudi vsa že prej Christiane bila lepotica, veliko je potovala. Bila štajerski vojvoda, Otakar IV. Traungavec že v to them, it was also business. In 1867 the Prin- omenjena gospostva na Kranjskem in je ljubiteljica umetnosti in je tudi sama rada 12. stol. podaril žičkim kartuzijanom, ki so ce married again - Princess Mathilda Ra- Štajerskem. Leta 1849 se je knez Hugo Alfred slikala – v graščinski vrtnariji je imela svoj alelje. tukaj imeli svojo pristavo. Lastništvo graščine je dziwill. In the second marriage three children poročil s princeso Luiso Mecklenbure – A. Stegenšek (Konjiška dekanija) omenja, da je po ukinitvi Žičke kartuzije l. 1782 povezano z were born, but they all died in their childhood. Schwerin. Rodili so se jima štirje otroci, in sicer še leta 1909 v vrtnariji stal baročni kip svete istimi lastniki kot dvorec Trebnik v Konjicah. After the death of Hugo Alfred (1904), the Alexandrine (1850), Hugo Veriand (1854), Magdalene, ki je bil sem prinesen iz Žičke Tako so Windischgrätzi kot lastniki dvorca po family estates passed on to his son Hugo Ve- Olga (1853), Marie (1856). Po zadnjem porodu kartuzije (danes v Pokrajinskem muzeju l. 1828 v njej uredili stanovanja višjih uradnikov, riand. Hugo Veriand was a lawyer by professi- je kneginja Luisa kmalu umrla, knez pa se je Maribor), saj so Windischgrätzi z nakupom ki so vodili njihovo steklarno, opekarno, žago in on, however later he chose a military career posvetil vojaškim zadevam in lovu. konjiške gospoščine postali tudi lastniki Windischgrätzi so bili znani kot strastni lovci, ukinjene Žičke kartuzije. V pisnih virih s OPLOTNICA Z GRAŠČINO, RAZGLEDNICA POSLANA LETA 1929 le-ta pa jim ni pomenil le razvedrila, rekreacije, Konjiškega in v časopisu Slovenski gospodar / OPLOTNICA MANSION, POSTCARD SENT IN YEAR 1929 ampak tudi posel. Knez se je leta 1867 ponovno (1894) je zabeleženo, da je kneginja Christiane poročil - s princeso Mathildo Radziwill. V karitativno delovala – bila je med ustanovitelji drugem zakonu so se mu rodili trije otroci, toda Bolnišnice Bolnišnjce Rdečega križa v vsi so umrli že v otroških letih. Po smrti Huga Konjicah; ob raznih priložnostih je denarno, s Alfreda (1904) so družinska posestva prešla na hrano, z oblačili in obutvijo ter šolskimi sina Huga Verianda. Hugo Veriand je bil po potrebščinami obdarjala revne konjiške otroke. poklicu pravnik, vendar je kasneje izbral vojaško Windischgrätzi so občasno živeli v graščini do kariero, udeležil se je tudi soške fronte. Leta druge svetovne vojne, med vojno pa so sem 1885 se je knez Hugo Veriand poročil s princeso redkeje prihajali, kajti del stavbe so zasedli Christiano Auersperg. Iz njunega zakona izvira Nemci, ki so tu imeli zapore. Nacizmu rodbina enajst otrok: Louisette (1886), Hugo Vinzenz ni bila naklonjena. Windischgrätzi so med (1887), Elizabeth Mathilde (1889), Alfred vojno nekaj pohištva odpeljali v Avstrijo. Ostalo (1890, roj. v Konjicah), Eduard Vinzenz (1891, opremo graščine so po vojni okoličani razvažali rojen v Konjicah), Olga (1893), Wilhelmine v svoje domove in je precej tudi uničili, (1895), Franz Jozef (1896, roj. v Konjicah), mnogokrat tudi za kurjavo. Do kulturne Maria Gabrielle (1898, roj. v Konjicah), dediščine takrat ni bilo pravega odnosa, se

Gottlieb (1899, roj. v Konjicah), Maria spominjajo starejši Konjičani. Danes v graščini Padežnik Bojan collection of / Private Padežnik Bojan zbirka Vir: Zasebna Antonietta – Manetti (1911, roj. v Konjicah). skoraj ni več originalnega pohištva iz obdobja

10 Destinacija Rogla-Pohorje Center Noordung – Nekaj kar morate doživeti / Center Noordung – Something you must experience

dr. Dominik Kobold / Ph.D. tion of Slovenia in Space. Then it continues Direktor / CEO into an extensive exhibition of the Images of the Earth which talks about the observation of the Earth by means of the Copernicus sa- biska Centr vesoljskih tehnologij Her- tellite system. There are also exhibitions Life Omana Potočnika Noordunga vam ponuja in Space, the Solar System and the exhibiti- popolnoma prenovljeno vsebino. Skozi edin- on about the Moon - A Giant Leap for the stveno zasnovo razstav in interaktivnih mul- Mankind. timedijskih aplikacij ponujamo predstavitev The advanced interactive applications make vsebin povezanih z vesoljem. partovec, oplotnica, Razglednica poslana 1910 the visit more interesting as the world of spa- / postcard sent in YEAR 1910 Padežnik Bojan collection of / Private Padežnik Bojan zbirka Vir: Zasebna Potovanje skozi umetnost vesolja se začne ce is brought closer using the most advanced s temeljno razstavo o slovenskem pionirju computer and multimedia technologies. vesoljskih tehnologij Hermanu Potočniku and he also faught in the Isonzo Front. In ving of the noble family. In the ground floor In the big round room of Space 360 you will Noordongu, kateremu sledi razstava Slovenija 1885 Prince Hugo Veriand married Princess of the manor, to the right from the entrance, learn about space through animations that re- v vesolju in se nadaljuje v obsežno razstavo Christiana Auersperg. In their marriage ele- there used to be a manor chapel, where every volve around you as if in a virtual reality; the Podobe Zemlje, ki govori o opazovanju ven children were born: Louisette (1886), morning during the week a hired priest held real space flying simulatorE lectra VR will Zemlje s pomočjo satelitskega sistema Hugo Vinzenz (1887), Elizabeth Mathilde a Mass. On Sundays the Windischgrätzs take you into the orbit, experiencing the jour- Kopernik (Copernicus). Na ogled so še (1889), Alfred (1890, born in Konjice), Edu- walked to the Mass in the church where they ney through our solar system with the VR razstave Življenje v vesolju, Sončni sitem in ard Vinzenz (1891, born in Konjice), Olga had their own room with a bench and a stove Noordung application. The Noordung pro- razstava o Luni Velik korak za človeštvo. (1893), Wilhelmine (1895), Franz Jozef above the sacristy. In front of the Trebnik jection reflects the achievements of Herman Popestritev obiska ponujajo napredne (1896, born in Konjice), Maria Gabrielle Manor was the former Maierhof (renewed in Potočnik in the light of today‘s time through interaktivne aplikacije, kjer vam svet Vesolja (1898, born in Konjice), Gottlieb (1899, 2014), where on the first floor there was the a 10- minute animated presentation. približamo s pomočjo najsodobnejših born in Konjice), Maria Antonietta - Ma- accommodation for servants and staff: cooks, The tours are open to individuals, families and računalniških in multimedijskih tehnologij. netti (1911, born in Konjice). The oldest son servers, hostlers, a chauffeur, chambermaids, groups. of Prince Hugo Veriand and Princess Chris- governesses for girls, servants for boys, nan- V veliki okrogli sobi Vesolje 360 boste sko- Koristne informacije tiane, Hugo Vinzenz, was married to Prin- nies, wet nurses, various types of teachers (for zi animacije, ki se vrtijo okrog vas spoznavali / Useful information cess Leontina Fuerstenberg. They had four foreign languages, the piano, gym, etc.). They vesolje kot v virtualni resničnosti, čisto pravi children: Irma (1913), twins Hugo and Ma- also had their own priest, teachers (for fore- vesoljski simulator letenja Electra VR vas bo Center vesoljskih tehnologij Hermana ximilian (1914) and Friedrich. The Win- ign languages, music, gym ...), nurse, etc. The popeljal v orbito, potovanje po našem osončju Potočnika Noordunga / Center of dischgrätzs bought the Konjice estate toget- manor complex was surrounded by a park pa boste izkusili z aplikacijo VR Noordung. Space Technologies Herman Potočnik her with the corresponding castles and filled with exotic trees and shrubs and care- Projekcija Noordung pa skozi 10 minutno Noordung manors in 1828. The Trebnik Manor in fully arranged flower beds, among which the animirano predstavitev preslikuje dosežke Konjice, also called the Windischgrätz, was white trails led. There used to be two ponds Hermana Potočnika v luči današnjega časa. Lokacija / Location: Na vasi 18, 3205 Vitanje, Slovenia probably built after 1621, when Krištof Tat- in the park, of the two only one was preser- Ogled možen za posameznike, družine in Center Noordung se nahaja le 10 min vožnje iz tenbach purchased the Trebnik estate from ved, the other one was covered in 1974 and skupine. Erazem Trebnik. Between 1670 and 1685 made into a tennis court. The Windischgrätzs Zreč in 30 min od Rogle. / Center Noordung is located only a 10-minute drive from Zreče the manor was owned by the emperor and in also played tennis. There were two courts at he visit to the Center of Space Technolo- and 30 min from Rogla. 1692, the Konjice estate with the correspon- the plant nursery, one for the children and Tgies Herman Potočnik Noordung offers a M: +386 40 300 052 ding Trebnik was purchased by the Carthu- the other one for adults. Taking care of a „he- completely refreshed content. Space-related E: [email protected] sian monks from Žiče. After the Josephine althy spirit in the healthy body“ was one of Web: reforms, the religious fund took over the bu- their guidelines. In one of the auxiliary buil- content is presented through a unique basis of exhibitions and interactive multimedia ap- Fb: Center Noordung - Center vesoljskih ilding, and they managed it from 1783 to dings they created a bowling centre. Above tehnologij Hermana Potočnika Noordunga 1828, when its owners became the Win- the park on Konjiška gora there were riding plications. Travelling through the art of space starts dischgrätzs as the last noble owners of the paths and walking trails. Next to the manor Odpiralni čas preverite na Trebnik Manor. They did not live in it per- there used to stand a massive, bushy linden with the basic exhibition about the Slove- / Opening times check on: manently. It was one of their residences they tree, alongside the marble table with benches nian pioneer of space technologies, Herman visited several times a year. According to the (from Žiče Charterhouse). On the 850th an- Potočnik Noordong, followed by the exhibi- ali / or [email protected]. stories of their ancestors, the Konjice elders niversary of the establishment of the Žice remember Princess Christiane who lived in Charterhouse, the Municipality of Slovenske the Manor after the death of her husband Konjice returned it back to the former mo- Hugo (+ 1920). According to the locals, nastery. The World War II and the change in Christiane was a beauty, she travelled a lot. social order extremely affected the Trebnik She was an art fan and she also liked to paint Manor, and especially its park. The plantati- herself - she had her own studio in the gar- ons in the park were partially destroyed as den of the manor. A. Stegenšek (Konjice de- early as 1944, when the mansion was occu- any) mentions that in 1909 a baroque statue pied by the German police unit, digging the of St. Magdalene stood in the garden, which shooting trenches around the manor. In 1955 was brought from Žiče Charterhouse (today they demolished all the huts and transfered at the Regional Museum Maribor). When the statues of the saints to the Regional Mu- the Windischgrätzs purchased the Konjice seum Maribor. An important cultural herita- estate they also became owners of the abolis- ge of our places also includes the Oplotnica hed Žiče Charterhouse. In the written sour- Mansion. According to A. Stegenšek it was ces from Konjice region and in the newspa- built in the 17th century by the Žiče Char- per Slovenian Lord (1894), it was noted that terhouse monks. They created a beautiful

Princess Christiane was active in charities - chapel with early baroque stucco in it, and Noordung Center Arhiv Foto: Noordung Center Arhiv Foto: she was one of the founders of the Red Cross today, together with the manor it is restored. Hospital in Konjice. On various occasions, In the niche upon the facade of the mansion, she gifted money, food, clothes, shoes and there is a well-preserved baroque sculpture VR SPREHODI PO VESOLJU / VR SPACE WALKS school supplies to the poor children from of St. John the Baptist (from the Žiče Char- Konjice. The Windischgrätzs occasionally terhouse). The first Duke of Styria, Ottokar S i želite na drugačen sprehod? Na primer na takšnega po našem osončju in po lived in the manor until the World War II. IV. in the 12th century already gifted the Noordungovi vesoljski postaji? / Would you like to go for a different walk? A walk where you During the war they came here rarely, be- Oplotnica estate to the Žiče Charterhouse would be exploring our Solar System and the Noordung Space Station? cause a part of the building was occupied by monks, who had their own Maierhof there. the Germans who had prisons there. The fa- After the abolition of Žiče Charterhouse in V vitanjskem Centru vesoljskih tehnologij Hermana Potočnika Noordunga lahko, poleg mily did not favor Nazism. During the war 1782 the ownership of the mansion became klasičnih vodenih ali samostojnih ogledov objekta in razstav v njem, doživite tudi virtualno the Windischgrätzs took some furniture to associated with the same owners as the popotovanje po osončju in sprehod po Noordungovi vesoljski postaji, vstopite v interaktivno Austria. After the war the other equipment Trebnik Manor in Konjice. The Win- 360°sobo ter v virtualni vesoljski simulator letenja. Zveni razburljivo? Za okrepčilo priporočamo of the manor was dispersed to the local ho- dischgrätzs as the owners of the manor after Noordungovo kavo v Gostilni Rupnik in kosilo v Gostilni Kuzman. Center Noordung se nahaja mes and a lot of it was also destroyed, often 1828 used the mansion to accommodate the le 10 min vožnje iz Zreč in 30 min od Rogle, zato – dobrodošli v Vitanju, ne daleč stran! / In the for fire. The Konjice elders remember that at senior officials who led their glass factory, Center of Space Technologies Herman Potočnik Noordung in Vitanje you can try out classical guided that time there was no real attitude towards brick factory, sawmill and forests. A part of or individual tours around the building and through many exhibitions, but also experience a virtual cultural heritage. Today there is almost no the Windischgrätz property was also Parto- journey around the Solar System, a virtual walk through the Noordung Space Station, enter a 360° original furniture in the manor from the vec, which was designed as a park at the projection room, and a virtual space flight simulator. Sounds intriguing? Try Noordung’s Coffe at the Windischgrätz period. Today‘s manor com- time, a promenade with a pond and forest local bar Rupnik or lunch at Kuzman Guesthouse. The Center Noordung is located only a 10-minute plex comprises of two buildings - a larger with diverse animal species. Today Partovec drive from Zreče and 30 min drive from Rogla, therefore – welcome to Vitanje, not far away! Kontakt two-story manor, which was thoroughly re- is a part of important monuments of our na- / Contact: Center vesoljskih tehnologij Hermana Potočnika Noordunga, Na vasi 18, 3205 Vitanje, M: constructed in the 18th century for the li- tural heritage. +386 40 300 052 , E: [email protected], I:

Destination Rogla-Pohorje 11 Kd aj ste nazadnje nekaj storili prvič? / When did you do something for the first time?

TINA TINTA KOVAČIČ, univ. prof. Marketing in odnosi z javnostmi, Unitur d.o.o. / Marketing & public relations, Unitur LLC

Družinski sprehod po pohorskih planjah

/ Family walk on the Pohorje meadows Fakin Studio Foto:

a izločanje serotonina, hormona sestavljajo najvišje ležeče barje v Sloveniji, in igralno navduševala, med poletnimi Uniorček, bo vaš najmlajši deležen prav Nsreče, vpliva tudi razbitje katerega večji del porašča nizko ruševje, v počitnicami pa celo popeljala do Gozdnega posebne dogodivščine. Nad pohorsko naravo vsakodnevne monotonije, ki daje jezercih pa raste dišeči beli lokvanj. So prav vodnega parka s tobogani in prijetno senco bo namreč odbrzel na otroškem ziplinu. gotovo najbolj priljubljena pohodniška točka visokih smrek na zeleni trati. občutek, da življenja ne zajemamo Še nikoli videno v Sloveniji: s polno žlico. Dokazano je, da se daleč naokrog, ki jo zaokrožuje še razgled s • Na Škratovi učni poti se skrivajo poučne simpatičnega lesenega stolpa. table in lesene skulpture pohorskih živali. Za Pot med krošnjami pohorje počutje drastično izboljša, kadar motivacijo boste na postajah zbirali luštne Mirnejši športi: To, poletje v avgustu oz. septembru, se Rogli se obdamo s prelepo naravo, saj žige – cilj je zbrati vseh 6 in dobiti nagrado. obeta velika novost: prva pot med krošnjami zelena barva pomirja, gibanje vpliva nordijska hoja Od letošnjega poletja naprej vas bo spremljal še v Sloveniji, ki jo bosta sestavljala 560 metrov na našo samozavest, svež zrak pa Tisti, ki bi želeli doživeti in občutiti globoke prav poseben prijateljček: digitalni, čisto pravi dolgo sprehajališče do 20 metrov nad tlemi in v naše telo vnese več kisika. Kadar pohorske gozdove in neskončne travnike, pa Škrat! Na voljo bo mobilna aplikacija, s katero 35 metrov visok razgledni stolp z dodatnimi možganom dodamo še dražljaj, ki jim zdravje ali telesna pripravljenost tega ne boste Škrata videli v živo v svojem okolju, 440 metri krožne poti. Gre za večinoma iz dopuščata, navadno izberejo nordijsko hojo: vmes pa vas bo naučil še veliko naravoslovnih ga še ne poznajo, pa se ustni kotički lesa izdelano konstrukcijo, kjer se boste lahko zabavno in učinkovito hojo, ki zaposli in krepi zanimivosti. Za večjo motivacijo kupite še sprehodili visoko med smrekami in opazovali že skoraj iz navade obrnejo navzgor. 90 % vseh mišic na našem telesu. V Termah avtentično slikanico s pravljico Pohorski škrat. svet iz ptičje perspektive, sestavljala pa jo Zreče licencirana vaditeljica nordijske hoje • Če si za izhodišče vzamete Uniorček in se Zatorej – odpravimo se na zeleno bosta sprehajališče in razgledni stolp, vmes svojim varovancem prikaže osnove nordijske odpravite proti gozdu ob smučarski progi pa nas bo navdušil še tobogan za zabavno avanturo, kjer bomo počeli še kaj hoje ter jih popelje npr. na skrivnostno (pra) Košuta, le kakšnih 100 metrov proč od Bara spuščanje s stolpa. novega: na Roglo in v Terme Zreče. zgodovinsko pot proti Brinjevi gori. Družinske radosti Rogla in Terme Zreče: z doživetji v naravi kolesarsko-pohodniški raj Otroci so najbolj navdušeni nad doživetji, ki Gozdne ceste in poti se tam prepredajo in od- so zrasla na prostranih Roglinih planjah ali pa pirajo nešteto možnosti. Obisk pragozda Šu- se skrivajo nekje v senčki mogočnih dreves v mik in njegovih slapov? Bi šli raje do Skomarja okolici Term Zreče. - najvišje ležeče vasice v Sloveniji? Lahko pa se • Na Uniorčku stoji Pohorska vasica z 9 enostavno »izgubite« v lepotah pohorskih goz- tematskimi hišicami in cerkvico. V vsaki vas dov. Če vaša fizična pripravljenost ni v zavidl- čaka simpatična igra, ki ne samo neskončno jivem stanju, se odpeljite na e-kolesu! Na drugi zabava, temveč mlade modrece tudi spodbudi strani je Bike park Rogla svetišče adrenalinskih k razmišljanju. odvisnikov in downhill kolesarjev. Vso opremo • Že poznate Jezernika, povodnega moža, ki si izposodite na licu mesta, nato pa … Drvenje živi na Rogli? Jezernikova pot se začne pri po urejenih potkah, lesenih ovinkih, skakalni- Uniorčku in se nato vije med smrekami in cah in drugih zabavnih ovirah. preko mehkih mahov, ob gozdnem potočku, Ste vedeli? Lovrenška jezera vse do jase na Mašinžagi, kjer se razširi v so najvišje ležeče barje v Jezernikov vodni park. Tam boste spoznali Sloveniji. mlinčke, pretakali in spoznavali (na Pohorju še zelo čisto!) vodo ter iskali Jerine zlatnike. Pohodnike navadno najbolj navdušijo slikovita • V Termah Zreče najmlajše (in seveda vse POT MED KROŠNJAMI, POHORJE Lovrenška jezera. Med Lovrenške bisere, kot ostale) čakajo čofotalniki, bazenčki in bazeni, / The POHORJE TREETOP WALKWAY s.r.o. Akademie Vir: Zážitková jih imenujejo, spada 20 majcenih jezerc, ki katerih naravna termalna voda jih bo plavalsko 12 Destinacija Rogla-Pohorje JEZERNIKOV VODNI PARK DRUŽINSKA DOŽIVETJA V TERMAH ZREČE / water park jezernik / Family adventures in Terme Zreče Spa Foto: Studio Fakin Studio Foto: Fakin Studio Foto:

Notranje ravnovesje s Čutno highest village in Slovenia? However, you can the Dwarf live in its environment, and in the potjo in Energijskim parkom simply „get lost“ in the beauties of the Pohorje meantime he will also show you many natural forests. If your physical level of fitness is not science attractions. For additional motivation Na Čutni poti na Rogli se bosi sprehodite po in an enviable state, ride an e-bike! On the buy an authentic picture book with a fairy tale pohorskih naravnih materialih: storžih, lubju, other side there is the Bike Park Rogla, the the Pohorje Dwarf. produ itn. Poslušajte ptičje petje in šelestenje sanctuary of adrenaline addicts and downhill • If you take the Uniorček as a starting point gozda. So tla v gozdu vlažna ali suha? cyclists. All the equipment can be borrowed and head for the forest along the Košuta ski Občutite veter na koži in v laseh? Povonjajte on site, and then ... dashing down the well- slope, approximately 100 meters away from smrekove vejice, cvetlice in gozdne dišavnice. kept trails, wooden bends, jumps and other the Uniorček Bar, your youngest child will Na geomantičnih točkah Energijskega parka entertaining obstacles. be part of a special adventure. He or she will Rogla začutite dar narave - zdravilne energije Medgeneracijski vadbeni park v Termah speed up on the children‘s zipline above Zemlje. Park ima namreč značaj ponotranjenja Di d you know? The Lovrenc Zreče / Intergenerational Training Park at

Terme Zreče Spa Kotnik Izidor Foto: Pohorje nature. in izrazitega miru, ki regenerira in vzpostavi Lakes are the highest moor ravnovesje. in Slovenia. Never seen in Slovenia: The Uniorček with 9 thematic houses and a church. Že imate svojo idejo, kaj boste POHORJE TREETOP WALKWAY Hikerse ar usually most excited by the Each of them presents a nice game, which not počeli prvič? picturesque Lovrenc Lakes. 20 small lakes only offers endless entertainment, but also This summer, in August or September, Rogla comprise the so-called Lovrenc Pearls which encourages thinking in wise youngsters. is expecting a great novelty; the first treetop are the highest moor in Slovenia. Most of the • Have you already heard of Jezernik, walkway in Slovenia, which will consist of 560 he secretion of serotonin, moor is overgrown with dwarf pines, while the the Water Man, who lives at Rogla? The meters long promenade up to 20 meters above the hormone of happiness, is T scented white water lilies grow in the lakes. Jezernik‘s Trail starts at the Uniorček and the ground and a 35-meter-high lookout also affected by the breakdown They are, definitely, the most popular hiking then it winds between spruce trees and over tower with additional 440 meters of circular of everyday monotony, which destination in the area, which is rounded up by soft mosses, along the forest stream, all the path. The construction is mostly made of wood creates the feeling that we do not the lookout from a nice wooden tower. way to the clearing at Mašinžaga, where it and you will be able to walk high among the make the best of our lives. It has spreads into the Jezernik Water Park. There spruce trees and observe the world from a bird‘s been proven that the well-being C almer sports: you will be introduced to small mills, will eye view. It will consist of a promenade and improves dramatically when we Nordic walking pour water and learn more about it (it is still a lookout tower, and in between the two we are surrounded by beautiful nature, Those who would like to experience and feel very clean in Pohorje!) and search for Jera‘s will be thrilled by the slide for an entertaining since the green color is soothing, the deep Pohorje forests and endless meadows, gold coins. descent from the tower. the movement affects our self- but their health or level of fitness does not • At Terme Zreče Spa, the youngest ones esteem and the fresh air delivers Sensory Path and the Energy enable them to, usually choose Nordic walking; (and of course all the others) are awaited by more oxygen into our body. When Park for inner balance fun and effective walking, which utilizes and the paddling pools, small pools and swimming the brain receives an unfamiliar strengthens 90 % of all the muscles in our pools. Their natural thermal water will enthuse You should walk barefoot along the Sensory stimulus, the mouth corners turn body. At Terme Zreče Spa, a licensed Nordic them for swimming and playing games and Path at Rogla, walking on natural materials of upwards almost out of the habit. walking trainer displays the basics of Nordic during the summer holidays will even take Pohorje: cones, bark, gravel etc. Listen to the walking to her clients and takes them, for birds singing and the rustling of the forest. Is Therefore, let us embark on a them to the Forest Water Park with slides and example, on a mysterious (pre-) historic route the soil in the forest wet or dry? Do you feel green adventure, where we will be pleasant shade of the tall spruce trees on the to the Brinjeva gora Mountain. green lawn. the wind on your skin and in your hair? Smell doing something new - to Rogla the spruce twigs, flowers and forest fregrances. and Terme Zreče Spa. • Along the Dwarf‘s Educational Trail there Family joy with experiences are hidden educational boards and wooden Feel the gift of nature at the geomantic points in nature sculptures of Pohorje animals. In order to of the Rogla Energy Park; the healing energies Rogla and Terme Zreče Spa: of the Earth. The park has the character of cycling-hiking paradise Childrene ar the most excited about the motivate you, you will be collecting nice stamps experiences that have emerged on the spacious at the stations - the goal is to collect all 6 and internalized and distinctive peace which Theree ar intertwined forest roads and trails Rogla plains or are hidden somewhere in the receive the reward. From this summer onwards regenerates and establishes balance. which open countless possibilities. A visit shades of mighty trees in the surroundings of you will be accompanied by a very special to the Šumik rainforest and its waterfalls? Terme Zreče Spa. friend: a digital, quite real Dwarf! The mobile Do you have an idea of what you will Would you rather go to Skomarje - the • The Pohorje Village is situated on the application will be available to help you see do for the first time?


Vinska klet Zlati grič / Zlati grič Wine Cellar

Ob predložitvi tega kupona vam ob nakupu vseh vrst vin in penin Zlatega griča v naši prodajalni priznamo 20% popust. Ponudba velja do 30.11.2019. Kupon se predloži na blagajni prodajalne Vinske kleti Zlati grič. Ostali popusti in darilni boni se izključujejo. / When purchasing any kinds of Zlati grič wines or sparkling wines in our shop, we give you a 20 % discount. The offer is valid until 30 November 2019. Other discounts and gift certificates are excluded. Kontakt / Contact: Vinska klet Zlati grič / Wine Cellar Zlati grič, Škalce 80 3210 Slovenske Konjice | T: + 386 3 758 03 76 E: [email protected], I:

Destination Rogla-Pohorje 13 USTVARJENO S SRCEM / Heart-Made

R azišči, občuti, užij Turistično destinacijo Rogla-Pohorje / Explore, feel, enjoy Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Destination Pobliže spoznajte izjemne posameznike, ki s svojo kreativnostjo, ljubeznijo do domače zemlje in spoštovanjem do svojih prednikov danes pišejo edinstvene zgodbe Turistične destinacije Rogla-Pohorje. Obiščite jih od decembra pa vse do konca aprila, ko ob izbranih dneh za vas odpirajo svoja vrata. Potrkajte! Presenečeni boste … / Make acquaintance with outstanding individuals who write unique stories of Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Destination with their creativity, love to the Slovenian soil and respect to their ancestors. You can visit them from December to the end of April when they have their doors open for you on specific days. Just knock on their doors and you will be surprised …


Čebelarstvo Žvikart ČEBELARSTVO • Brezplačno (do 5 oseb) Ogled čebelarstva s člani družine Žvikart Mizarska 21 ŽVIKART / Žvikart Četrtki, • 2 € / osebo (nad 5 oseb) 3210 Slovenske Konjice in predstavitev medenih izdelkov z možnostjo nakupa. / Pay a od 15. do 17. ure • No fee for groups Beekeeping T: +386 (0)3 575 55 23 visit to the Žvikart Beekeeping and enjoy with the members of / Thursdays up to 5 people +386 (0)41 548 135 Žvikart family who will present their honey products and sell from 3 to 5 pm • eur 2 / person (for groups +386 (0)41 856 172 Slovenske Konjice them. of more than 5 people) E: [email protected] DELAVNICA IZDELAVE POLSTENEGA MILA z Mojco Z domačinko Mojco Potnik Šonc se boste v enourni delavnici preskusili v izdelavi polstenega mila, ga shranili v lično škatlico in ga Potnik Šonc / WORKSHOP OF Torki, odnesli s sabo domov. Delavnice bodo potekale v Termah Zreče. *Za Mojca Potnik Šonc FELTED SOAP WITH od 10. do 11. ure* • 12 € / osebo udeležbo na delavnicah se je potrebno prijaviti do ponedeljka, do 14. ure. / T: +386 (0)31 556 598 Mojca Potnik Šonc / Tuesdays, You are invited to try to make your own felted soap, store it in a small • eur 12 / person E: [email protected] from 10 to 11 am* box and take it home. This 1-hour workshop takes place in Terme Zreče, Terme Zreče Zreče Spa. * Apply for the workshop till Monday 2 pm. Ogled ekološke kmetije z leseno preužitkarsko hišo, predstavitev izdelkov z možnostjo • 1. 5 € /osebo* EKOLOŠKA nakupa in dve različici pokušenj: 1. Pokušnja napitkov: sadno in slivovo žganje – Ka rel Iršič dobrodošlica; jabolčni in hruškov mošt, Megličeva grenčina, Megličev liker ali 2. Pokušnja • 2. 6,5 € / osebo* KMETIJA MEGLIČ napitkov in hruškove penine: sadno in slivovo žganje – dobrodošlica; jabolčni in hruškov Petki, * Za skupine nad 10 oseb je potrebna Bezina 6c / MEGLIČ’S ECO FARM mošt, Megličeva grenčina, Megličev liker, hruškova penina / A tour around an eco farm with od 17. do 20. ure predhodna najava in popust 1€ / osebo. 3210 Slovenske Konjice a wooden cottage, a presentation of their products which you can also buy and 2 types of / Fridays from 5 am • 1. eur 5 /person* T: +386 (0)3 759 13 91 tasting: 1 – Tasting of drinks: fruit and plum brandy – a welcome drink; cider, the Meglič’s • 2. eur 6.50 / person* bitter herbal brandy, the Meglič’s liqueur, 2 – Tasting of drinks and pear sparkling wine: fruit to 8 pm * Groups of more than 10 people should +386 (0)41 620 716 Vitanje, Stenica and plum brandy – a welcome drink; cider, the Meglič’s bitter herbal brandy, the Meglič’s be announced in advance. Discount of E: [email protected] EUR 1 per person. liqueur, pear sparkling wine

MALA KMETIJA Branka Vrečko / MALA KMETIJA Sobote, Ogled trgovine, pokušnja treh vzorcev marmelad in dveh Škalce 42 od 15. do 18. ure FARM vzorcev zeliščnih ter sadnih sirupov (po predhodnem dogovoru) • 3,00€ / osebo 3210 Slovenske Konjice / Saturdays • 3 / person / Visit to a shop, tasting of 3 jams and 2 herbal as well as fruit T: +386 (0)3 759 04 80 syrups (announcement in advance required) from 3 to 6 pm Slovenske Konjice, Škalce E: [email protected]

PLETARSTVO IN ŽGANJEKUHA Domačija KALŠEK-PODKRAJŠEK Kalšek – Podkrajšek / KALŠEK - PODKRAJŠEK WICKER Petki, Žiče 62 a BASKET-MAKING Predstavitev domačih obrti pletarstva in žganjekuhe s pokušnjo od 17. do 19. ure • 5 € / osebo 3215 Loče AND BRANDY DISTILLERY žganja, likerjev in vina./ Presentation of wicker’s craft and / Fridays • eur 5 / person T: +386 (0)3 576 34 45 brandy distillery with a tasting of brandy, liqueurs and wine. from 5 to 7 pm +386 (0)31 399 824 Slovenske Konjice, Žiče E: [email protected] TURISTIČNA KMETIJA IN FARMA Sprehod in samostojno druženje z divjadjo znotraj obore, Turistična kmetija hranjenje jelenov v spremstvu lastnikov, pokušnja doma Arbajter information: The whole offer applies to individual guests (up to 10 people). Larger groups should be announced in advance. to 10 people). Larger to individual guests (up applies whole offer The information:

JELENOV ARBAJTER Vse dni v tednu Skomarje 46 pridelanih divjačinskih in drugih izdelkov ter možnost nakupa. od 9. do 18. ure / Arbajter Tourist • 5 € / osebo 3214 Zreče (zaželena je predhodna najava) / A stroll and spending time / All days a week • eur 5 / person and Deer Farm with deer inside a fence, feeding of deer with the owners, T: +386 (0) 0 576 23 90 eneral from 9 am to 6 pm G tasting of home-made deer products and other product being +386 (0)41 815 697 Zreče, Skomarje sold. (announcement in advance required) E: [email protected]

ZELIŠČNA LEKARNA Vsako soboto in nedeljo, V ŽIČKI KARTUZIJI med 12. in 18. uro (v juniju, • 3,5 € / osebo* Karel Iršič * Za skupine nad 10 oseb je potrebna Bezina 6c / HERBAL PHARMACY Pokušnja petih vrst zeliščnih napitkov ter ogled zeliščne juliju in avgustu do 20. ure, lekarne z možnostjo nakupa zeliščnih in drugih izdelkov. / v novembru do 16. ure) predhodna najava in popust 1€ / osebo. 3210 Slovenske Konjice AT ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE / Every Saturday and Sunday • eur 3.50 / person* T: +386 (0)3 759 13 91 Tasting of 5 sorts of herbal drinks and a tour around a herbal Groups of more than 10 people should from 12 to 6 pm (in June, * +386 (0)41 620 716 pharmacy where you can buy herbal and other products. July and August till 8 pm, be announced in advance. Discount of eur 1 per person. Slovenske Konjice, Špitalič in November till 4 pm) E: [email protected]

Voden ogled zeliščnega vrta z več kot 150 vrstami zelišč in spoznavanje • 5 € / osebo ZELIŠČNI VRT njihovih zdravilnih učinkov ter uporabe. Za miren zaključek pa šalica • 15 € / družino (starši/stari, starši + otroci) Zeliščni vrt Majnika MAJNIKA / MAJNIKA domačega zeliščnega čaja Majnika in 10% popust ob nakupu zeliščnih Vsako prvo nedeljo (nad 10 oseb) Žiče 66 a izdelkov Majnika (sol, čaji, zelišča, korenina svetlobe, itd.). / A guided tour v mesecu, ob 17. uri • 2,5 € / skupine HERBALGARDEN • eur 5 / person 3215 Loče around the herbal garden with more than 150 kinds of herbs and learning / Every first Sunday about health benefits and usage of herbs. A cup of home-grown Majnika • eur 15 / family T: +386 (0)31 317 109 in month, at 5 pm (parents/ grandparents + children) herbal tea and a 10 %-discount when buying Majnika herbal products (salt, E: [email protected] Slovenske Konjice • eur 2.50 / groups (of more than tea, herbs, etc.) at the end of this relaxation tour. 10 people) ROČNO DELO JUR ROČNO DELO JUR ANDREJ KOPRIVNIK S.P. Od ponedeljka do ANDREJ KOPRIVNIK S.P. petka med 8. in 16. uro /JUR HANDICRAFT Ogled delavnice in možnost nakupa izdelkov iz lesa. Kovaška cesta 7 a / From Mondays to • Prost vstop ANDREJ KOPRIVNIK S.P. / You are invited to visit the workshop and to buy wooden • Free of charge 3214 Zreče Fridays (from 8 am products. T: +386 (0)41 317 987 to 4 pm). Zreče E: [email protected]

SKUMAVČEVA GALERIJA Vsaka prva sobota TURISTIČNO DRUŠTVO NA RESNIKU / SKUMAVC v mesecu od 13. Ogled najvišje ležeče likovne galerije na Resniku, posvečene RESNIK - ROGLA do 18. ure • 2 € / osebo GALLERY AT RESNIK akademskemu slikarju Marjanu Skumavcu • 2 € / person Resnik 18, 3214 Zreče

/ Every first Saturday C / Take a look around the highest art gallery situated at Resnik T: +386 (0)41 522 511 in the month from and dedicated to the academic painter Marjan Skumavc E: [email protected] Zreče 1 to 6 pm. plošno: S najave. / predhodne večje skupine so potrebne Za 10 oseb). individualne goste (do velja za ponudba elotna

TRŽNICE KMETIJSKIH PRIDELKOV OBČINA / MUNICIPALITY DELOVNI ČAS / WORKING HOURS LOKACIJA / VENUE KONTAKT / CONTACTS IN IZDELKOV – Delovni časi Turistično društvo Trta / Markets of Agricultural Produce Petki, od 18. do 20. ure Grajsko dvorišče v Oplotnici, Gorica pri Oplotnici 71 in sobote od 8. do 12. ure Goriška cesta 4, 3217 Oplotnica and Products – Opening Hours 3217 Oplotnica / Fridays from 6 PM do 8 PM / Oplotnica Mansion Courtyard, OPLOTNICA T: +386 (0)31 618 688 and Saturdays from 8 aAM to 12 AM Goriška cesta 4, 3217 Oplotnica E: [email protected] Na vseh tržnicah Turistične destinacije Rogla-Pohorje boste našli bogato Do 31.10.: od ponedeljka do petka, od 7. do 16. ure ponudbo sezonskih pridelkov in izdelkov domačih ponudnikov, v katerih Stari trg Slovenske Konjice JKP d.o.o. ter sobote, od 7. do 13. ure. Od 1.11. do 28.2.: od (pri mostu čez Dravinjo), Stari trg 1, Celjska cesta 3, je skrito pohorsko srce, zdravje domače grude in znoj pridnih rok. Vaš obisk ponedeljka do petka, od 7. do 15. ure, ter sobote od 7. 3210 Slovenske Konjice 3210 Slovenske Konjice do 13. ure. / Till 31/10: from Monday to Friday, from SLOVENSKE / Slovenske Konjice – Old Town Square T: +386 (0)3 758 04 00 kmečke tržnice bo pospremila pristna prijaznost domačinov, pogovor z 7 am to 4.00 pm and Saturday, from 7 am to 1 pm. KONJICE – at the bridge over Dravinja river, E: [email protected] From 1/11 to 28/2: from Monday to Friday, from 7 njimi pa vas bo prepričal, da tod živijo pristni, gostoljubni in sproščeni Stari trg 1, 3210 Slovenske Konjice I: ljudje. / All markets in Rogla-Pohorje Tourist Destination provide you am to 3.00 pm and Saturday, from 7 to 1 pm. with a great variety of seasonal products of domestic providers which TIC Zreče contain the heart of Pohorje, the health of Slovenian soil and the sweat of PTC Zreče, Cesta na Cesta na Roglo 13b, 3214 Zreče Sobote, od 7. do 12. ure Roglo 11j, 3214 Zreče T: +386 (0)3 759 04 70 hard-working hands. When visiting a farmers’ market you will be thrilled ZREČE / Saturday, from 7 to 12 am / PTC Zreče, Cesta na M: +386 (0)41 720 330 by the kindness of the locals. A conversation with them will convince you Roglo 11j, 3214 Zreče E: [email protected] I: that genuine, hospitable and relaxed people live around here.

14 Destinacija Rogla-Pohorje VEČJE PRIREDITVE / Bigger Events


PRVOMAJSKA BUDNICA GODB NA PIHALA IZ TURISTIČNE DESTINACIJE ROGLA Več lokacij v občinah Slovenske Konjice 1.5.2019, od 5.30 dalje POHORJE / THE 1ST MAY REVEILLE OF BRASS BANDS FROM THE ROGLA POHORJE in Zreče / Different venues in Slovenske Tradicionalna budnica ob prazniku dela. / Traditional reveille at Labour Day. / from 5.30 am onwards DESTINATION Konjice and Zreče Municipalities Po naseljih v Občini Zreče 1.5.2019, od 6. ure dalje Društvo godbenikov Zreče igra prvo majsko budnico po vsek krajevnih skupnostih v Zrečah. PRVOMAJSKA BUDNICA / THE 1ST MAY WAKE UP SONG / Around all local communities in / from 6 am onwards / Zreče Association of Musicians plays the First May Wake up song around all local communities in Zreče. Municipality of Zreče

1.5.2019 ST PRVOMAJSKI POHOD NA GOLEK / 1 YMA TOUR TO GOLEK Zreče - Golek / Zreče - Golek Tradicionalen pohod na Golek. / A traditional tour to Golek. ob 9.00 / at 9 am

Dogodek ob zaključku projekta »Vitanjska pitna voda« / An event at the KSEVT in Občina Vitanje Turistično društvo Vitanje in Občina Vitanje v sodelovanju z OŠ Vitanje 9.5.2019 end of the project »The drinking water of Vitanje« (»Vitanjska pitna voda«) / KSEVT in Vitanje Municipality / VitanjeTourism Society and Vitanje Municipality in cooperation with Vitanje Primary School

Center Noordung in občina 10.5.2019, popoldan Otvoritev gostujoče razstave slikarja Jožeta Svetine Odprtje razstave v preddverju Centra Noordung. Razstava bo gostovala vsaj 1 mesec in bo za obiskovalce na ogled brezplačno. / The opening of the Vitanje / Center Noordung and / in the afternoon / THE OPENING OF THE VISITING EXHIBITION OF THE PAINTER JOŽE SVETINA exhibition in the lobby of the Center Noordung. The exhibition will be hosted for at least 1 month and will be free of charge for the visitors. Municipality of Vitanje Enodnevna likovna kolonija v Oplotniškem vintgarju v počastitev občinskega praznika na temo »Umetniško doživljanje našega kraja skozi naravno LIKOVNA KOLONIJA IN FOTOGRAFSKA DELAVNICA Oplotniški vintgar, Oplotnica dediščino« in fotografska delavnica »Srce mojega kraja«. Razstava bo na ogled od 24. – 26. 5. V Graščini Oplotnica. / A one-day art colony in Oplotnica 11.5.2019 / ART COLONY AND PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKSHOP / Oplotnica gorge, Oplotnica gorge to celebrate the municipal holiday on the topic “The Artistic Experience of Our Hometown through the Natural Heritage” and the photographic workshop “The Heart of My Hometown”. The exhibition will be held from 24th - 26th of May in Oplotnica Mansion. Žička kartuzija, Slovenske Konjice Ob 20-letnici Duhovnih taborov v Žički kartuziji bo koralni zbor Akademije za glasbo iz Ljubljane izvedel koncert gregorijanskih koralov v 12.5.2019 KONCERT GREGORIJANSKIH KORALOV / GREGORIAN CHANT CONCERT / Žiče Charterhouse, Slovenske edinstvenem ambientu nekdanjega žičkega samostana. / On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Spiritual camp in Žiče Charterhouse the chant ob 19.30 / at 7.30 pm Konjice chorus of the Ljubljana Music Academy is performing Gregorian chants in the unique ambient of the former Charterhouse. MEDNARODNI MUZEJSKI DAN V ŽIČKI KARTUZIJI Žička kartuzija, Slovenske Konjice Brezplačni vodeni ogledi Žičke kartuzije ob 10., 12, 14. In 16. Uri, kartuzijanska tržnica in ponudba najstarejše gostilne na Slovenskem, 18.5.2019 / INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY AT ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE / Žiče Charterhouse, Slovenske Gostilne Gastuž (1467) / Guided tours free of charge at 10 AM, 12, 2 PM and 4 PM, with a Carthusian Market and the offer of the oldest Konjice Slovenian Inn – Gastuž Inn (1467)

37. srečanje planincev na Paškem Kozjaku 37. srečanje planincev na Paškem Kozjaku, ki ga organizira Planinsko društvo Vitanje 19.5.2019 Paški Kozjak / Paški Kozjak / The 37th mountaineering meeting at Paški Kozjak / The 37th mountaineering meeting at Paški Kozjak organised by the Vitanje Mountaineering Society

Pod šotorom grajskega kompleksa 8. SREČANJE KMETIC CELJSKE IN KOROŠKE REGIJE Druženje članic društev, izmenjava kulinaričnih izkušenj in dobrih praks s področja kmetijstva. 23.5.2019 v Oplotnici / Under the tent of the / 8TH MEETING OF FEMALE FARMERS FROM CELJE AND CARINTHIA REGIONS / Gathering of members of the associations, exchange of culinary experiences and good practices in the field of agriculture. Mansion complex in Oplotnica 23., 25., 26.5.2019 Na zelenici pred graščino Slikovita razstava malih živali v organizaciji Društva gojiteljev malih živali od 9. do 19. ure RAZSTAVA MALIH ŽIVALI / XHIBITION OF SMALL ANIMALS Oplotnica / On the lawn in front / A picturesque exhibition of small animals, organized by the Association of Small Animal Breeders / from 9 am to 7 pm of Oplotnica Mansion Na travniku za župniščem v 24.5.2019 MLINČKOV TEK / SMALL MILL RUN Čadramu / On the lawn behind the Otroci vrtca iz Oplotnice in Prihove se preizkusijo v teku. / Children from the Oplotnica and Prihove kindergartens test themselves in running. parish in Čadram Dvorana Rudija Žnidariča 24.5.2019 SLAVNOSTNA AKADEMIJA OB OBČINSKEM PRAZNIKU Pester kulturni program v izvedbi KUD Oplotnica in Glasbene šole v počastitev občinskega praznika. Oplotnica / Hall of Rudi Žnidarič, ob 19. uri / at 7 pm / FORMAL ACADEMY OF THE MUNICIPAL HOLIDAY / A diverse cultural program performed by the KUD Oplotnica and the Music School in honor of the municipal holiday. Oplotnica Pod šotorom grajskega kompleksa 24.5.2019 FESTIVAL NARODNO ZABAVNE GLASBE »POD POHORJEM« v Oplotnici / Under the tent of the Tretji festival narodno zabavne glasbe »Pod Pohorjem« / 3rd Festival of folk-pop music “Under Pohorje” ob 20.30 / 8.30 pm / FESTIVAL OF FOLK-POP MUSIC “UNDER POHORJE” Mansion complex in Oplotnica 24.5.2019 Vinska klet Zlati grič, Slovenske Spoznajte eno najmodernejših vinskih kleti v srednji Evropi v objemu konjiških vinogradov. od 14. do 20. ure DAN ODPRTIH VRAT NA ZLATEM GRIČU / ZLATI GRIČ DOORS OPEN DAYS Konjice / Zlati Grič Wine Cellar, / Visit one the most modern wine cellars in Central Europe in the embrace of Konjice vineyards. / from 2 am to 8 pm Slovenske Konjice 25.5.2019 PRAZNIK GRAJSKIH VIN IN KULINARIKE Grajski kompleks v Oplotnici Predstavitev vinarjev ter proizvajalcev žganj in žganih pijač iz okoliških krajev, ob spremljavi lokalne kulinarike in dobre glasbe. od 11. do 17. ure / HOLIDAY OF CASTLE WINES AND CULINARY DELICACIES / Mansion complex in Oplotnica / Presentation of winemakers and brandy makers from the surroundings, accompanied by the local cuisine and good music. / from 11 am to 5 pm Pod šotorom grajskega kompleksa v 26.5.2019 OTROŠKI PEVSKI ZBOR IN GLEDALIŠKA IGRA: FLAMINGO FILIP Oplotnici ob 13:30 uri / Under the tent Učenci osnovne šole Pohorskega bataljona Oplotnica bodo peli pesmi in uprizorili gledališko igro z naslovom Flamingo Filip. ob 13.30 / at 1.30 pm / CHILDREN’S CHOIR AND THEATRE PLAY: FLAMINGO FILIP of the Mansion complex in Oplotnica / Pupils of the primary school of the Pohorje Battalion, Oplotnica will sing the songs and stage a theatre play entitled Flamingo Filip. at 1:30 pm MLIN ZA STARE BABE, KEGLJANJE,HOJA S HODULJAMI, SKEČ OB PRANJU PERILA NA 26.5.2019 HUDOMUŠEN STAR NAČIN / MILL FOR THE OLD HAGS, BOWLING, STILT-WALKING A Ob potoku v oplotniškem parku Turistično društvo Oplotnica na šegav, hudomušen način izvede oziroma prikaže dogodke, ki so jih izvajale perice ob potoku. ob 16. uri / at 4 pm SKIT WHILE WASHING THE LAUNDRY IN AN OLD WITTY WAY / Alongstream Oplotnica park / The Oplotnica Tourist Association, presents or displays in a humorous, witty way events that were done by the laundresses along the stream.

27.5.2019 Kavarna D, Terme Zreče TWIN-TOWN SINGING / TWIN-TOWN SINGING Kratek koncert pobratenih pevskih zborov Zreče - Sedbergh / A short concert of twin singing choirs Zreče - Sedbergh ob 19. uri / at 7 pm / Cafe D, Terme Zreče

9.6.2019, popoldne Komedija »Ali je res mrtev?« Vitanjska kulturna dvorana Dogodek organizira Kulturno društvo Teater na vas / Organised by the Cultural Society of Teater na vas / in the afternoon / The comedy »Ali je res mrtev?«( »Is he really dead?«) / Cultural hall in Vitanje

Žička kartuzija, Slovenske Konjice 14.6.2019 POLETNI GLASBENI VEČERI V ŽIČKI KARTUZIJI – KONCERT: NINA STRNAD TRIO / Nepozabni večerni koncerti na prostem, za obzidjem nekdanjega kartuzijanskega samostana / Žiče Charterhouse, Slovenske ob 20.30 / at 20.30 pm SUMMER MUSIC EVENINGS AT ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE – CONCERT: NINA STRNAD TRIO / Unforgettable outdoor evening concerts behind the walls of the former Carthusian monastery. Konjice Oplotnica, Slovenske Konjice, 14.-16.6.2019 DESTINACIJA ROGLA-POHORJE HODI / DESTINATION ROGLA-POHORJE HIKES Vitanje, Zreče / Oplotnica, Športni dogodki v destinaciji. / Sport events at the destinations. cel dan / All day Slovenske Konjice, Vitanje, Zreče Vodenje po razstavah, izbrano predavanje o nebesnih telesih (prof. dr. Igor Žiberna) in vodeno opazovanja s teleskopi z možnostjo fotografiranja 15.6.2019 Center Noordung 1ST SPACE NIGHT / 1ST SPACE NIGHT planetov / Guided exhibitions, a selected lecture on celestial bodies (Prof. Dr. Igor Žiberna) and guided observations with telescopes, offering possibility ob 19. uri / at 7 pm / Center Noordung of photographing planets

16.6.2019 JUBILEJNI UNIORJEV DAN ZA UNIORJEVE DRUŽINE Rogla / Rogla Ob 100. obletnici Uniorja / The 100th anniversary of Unior ob 11. uri / at 11 am / JUBILEE UNIOR DAY FOR THE UNIOR’S FAMILIES

Mestni trg, Slovenske Konjice Tradicionalna brezplačna zabava na prostem z najboljšimi izvajalci slovenske zabavne in narodno-zabavne glasbe ter nastopi mladih plesalcev 21.6.2019 22-LETKA RADIA ROGLA / THE 22ND PARTY WITH RADIO ROGLA / Town square, Slovenske Konjice / The traditional outdoor party for free with the best performers of Slovenian pop and folk music, as well as dancing performances of young dancers

Zveza likovnih društev Slovenije je za tematsko razstavo »Klasično slikarstvo« izbrala Graščino Oplotnica, kjer bodo izbrana dela razstavljena od 21. ODPRTJE TEMATSKE RAZSTAVE ‘’KLASIČNO SLIKARSTVO’’ Graščina Oplotnica 21.6.2019 6. do 13. 7. 2019. / The Association of Slovenian Art Societies selected the Oplotnica Mansion for the thematic exhibition “Classical Painting”. The / OPENING OF THE THEMATIC EXHIBITION “CLASSICAL PAINTING” / Oplotnica Mansion selected works will be exhibited there from 21st June to 13th July 2019. Žička kartuzija in Špitalič, JANEZOVA NEDELJA V ŽIČKI KARTUZIJI Slovenske Konjice / Žiče Blagoslov konj s Kartuzijansko konjenico v Žički kartuziji, kmečka tržnica ter zabava z narodno-zabavnim ansamblom v Špitaliču / Blessing of horses 23.6.2019 / ST. JOHN’S SUNDAY AT ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE Charterhouse and Špitalič, with Carthusian Cavalry at Žiče Charterhouse, a farmer’s market and a dancing party with traditional Slovenian folk music ensamble Slovenske Konjice

Osrednja proslava ob občinskem prazniku in dnevu državnosti / The main Vitanjska kulturna dvorana 23.6.2019 Organizirata Občina Vitanje in Odbor za družbene dejavnosti / Organised by Vitanje Municipality and Committee for social activities celebration on the occasion of municipality festivity and the Nationaly day / Cultural hall in Vitanje

24.6.-28.6.2019 SKUMAVČEVI DNEVI NA RESNIKU / DAYS OF SKUMAVEC ON RESNIK Resnik / Resnik 4 dnevno ustvarjanje likovnikov na Resniku. / A 4-day creation of artists on Resnik. cel dan / All day

28.6.2012, popoldan KONCERT VIOLINSTKE ANJE BUKOVEC / CONCERT OF VIOLINST ANJA BUKOVEC Dorana Center Noordung 1,5 urni koncert priznane violinistke Anje Bukovec s spremljavo. Doživetje sodobne interpretacije klasične glasbe v vesoljskem centru. / 1.5 hour concert / in the afternoon / Center Noordung Hall of the renowned violinist Anja Bukovec with accompanists. Experience the modern interpretation of classical music in the space center.

29.6.2019 NASMEH POLETNIH DNI: KONCERT MAJA ZALOŽNIK & MOONSHINE / THE SMILE OF Stari trg, Slovenske Konjice Koncert za mlade v počastitev občinskega praznika / Concert for the young on the occasion of the municipality celebration ob 21. uri / at 9 pm SUMMER DAYS: CONCERT MAJA ZALOŽNIK & MOONSHINE / Old Square, Slovenske Konjice

29.6.2019 Športno igrišče pri KSEVT Tekmovanje gasilskih ekip / Firefighters’ teams competition Dogodek organizira Prostovoljno gasilsko društvo Vitanje / Organised by the Vitanje voluntary firefighters society ob 17.00 / at 5 pm / Play ground at KSEVT

29.6.2019 Športno igrišče pri KSEVT - šotor Tradicionalna gasilska veselica / Traditional firefighter’s party Dogodek organizira Prostovoljno gasilsko društvo Vitanje / Organised by the Vitanje voluntary firefighters society ob 20.00 / at 8 pm / Play ground at KSEVT – a tent NASMEH POLETNIH DNI: KONCERT GODBE NA PIHALA SLOVENSKE KONJICE IN SVEČANA SEJA Mestni trg in Dom kulture Slovenske Koncert domače godbe na pihala na prostem pred Domom kulture in svečana seja občinskega sveta s podelitvijo najvišjih občinskih nagrad / The 30.6.2019 OBČINSKEGA SVETA S PODELITVIJO OBČINSKIH GRBOV / THE SMILE OF SUMMER DAYS: THE Konjice / Town Square and Culture outdoor concert of Slovenske Konjice brass band in front of the Culture House and the ceremonial meeting of the Municipal Council with the ob 19. uri / at 7 pm CONCERT OF SLOVENSKE KONJICE BRASS BAND AND THE CEREMONIAL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL WITH THE MUNICIPAL COAT-OF-ARMS CEREMONY House, Slovenske Konjice municipal coat-of-arms ceremony.

15. srečanje konjenikov Slovenije / The 15th meeting of Slovenian Ranč (travnik) Petre 4.7.2019 Dogodek organizira KJDP »Petre« / Organised by KJDP »Petre« cavalrymen / Ranč (meadow) Petre

POLETNI GLASBENI VEČERI V ŽIČKI KARTUZIJI – SIDDHARTA (AKUSTIČNI KONCERT) Žička kartuzija, Slovenske Konjice Nepozabni večerni koncerti na prostem, za obzidjem nekdanjega kartuzijanskega samostana 5.7.2019 / SUMMER MUSIC EVENINGS AT ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE – SIDDHARTA (ACOUSTIC / Žiče Charterhouse, Slovenske / Unforgettable outdoor evening concerts behind the walls of the former Carthusian monastery. CONCERT) Konjice

6.7.2019 Tekmovanje za prehodni pokal 100 talcev in prevzem novega vozila GASILSKA VESELICA NA STRANICAH / FIREFIGHTERS’ FESTIVITY IN Stranice / Stranice ob 16. uri / at 4 pm / A competition for the Transition Cup of 100 Hostages and the takeover of a new vehicle.

7.7.2019 VESELA NEDELJA / HAPPY SUNDAY Rogla / Rogla Zabavna poletna nedelja z dobro glasbo in odlično kulinariko. / A fun summer Sunday with good music and excellent cuisine.

13.7.2019 POLETNICE NA STAREM TRGU: ZBIJAZZ BAND / SUMMER EVENING CONCERTS Stari trg, Slovenske Konjice Večerni brezplačni koncerti na prostem v konjiškem Starem trgu / Summer outdoor concerts at the Old Square of Slovenske Konjice ob 21. uri / at 9 pm »POLETNICE«: ZBIJAZZBAND / Old Square, Slovenske Konjice

POLETNI LITERARNI VEČER NA TEMO VALENTIN VODNIK / SUMMER LITERARY EVENING Grajski park pred Graščino »Išče te sreča, um ti je dan«. Branje Vodnikovih del v počastitev kulturnega leta, ki je v luči slovenskega razsvetljenca Valentina Vodnika. 13.7.2019 ON THE TOPIC OF VALENTIN VODNIK Oplotnica / Estate park in front of / “Joy is searching for you, your mind is given to you.” Reading Vodnik’s works in celebration of the year of culture, which puts in spotlight the Oplotnica Mansion Slovenian poet Valentin Vodnik from the Enlightenment period.

13.7.2019 Prevzem novega gasilskega vozila, gasilsko tekmovanje, rajanje s S.O.S. kvintetom in Nino Doneli. GASILSKA VESELICA V ZREČAH / FIREFIGHTERS’ FESTIVITY IN ZREČE Zreče / Zreče ob 17. uri / at 5 pm / Taking over a new firefighting vehicle, a firefighting competition, dancing with S.O.S. quintet and Nina Doneli.

14.7.2019 PLANINSKA NEDELJA / MOUNTAINEERING SUNDAY Rogla / Rogla Srečanje slovenskih planincev in pohodnikov vseh generacij. / Gathering of Slovenian mountaineers and hikers of all generations.

Žička kartuzija, Slovenske Konjice 19.7.2019 POLETNI GLASBENI VEČERI V ŽIČKI KARTUZIJI – KONCERT: KLAPA CAMBI Nepozabni večerni koncerti na prostem, za obzidjem nekdanjega kartuzijanskega samostana / Žiče Charterhouse, Slovenske ob 20.30 / at 8.30 pm / SUMMER MUSIC EVENINGS AT ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE – CONCERT: KLAPA CAMBI / Unforgettable outdoor evening concerts behind the walls of the former Carthusian monastery. Konjice Vodenje po razstavah, predavanje o LUNI ob 50 letnici prvega pristanka človeka na luni. V večernem času vodeno opazovanje Lune in planetov 20.7.2019, popoldan Center Noordung 2ND SPACE NIGHT / 2ND SPACE NIGHT s teleskopi. / Guided exhibitions, lecture on the Moon at the 50th anniversary of the first landing of a man on the moon. In the evening, guided / in the afternoon / Center Noordung observation of the moon and planets with telescopes. Praznik slovenskih šoferjev in avtomehanikov s programom, ki poleg zabave, druženja, odličnih jedi in dobro ohlajene pijače, vključuje tudi zbor in 21.7.2019 28. TRADICIONALNO SREČANJE ŠOFERJEV IN AVTOMEHANIKOV NA ROGLI ešalon uniformirancev, povorko »old-timerjev«, blagoslov vozil, srečelov in še marsikaj. / A holiday of Slovenian chauffeurs and car mechanics with a Rogla / Rogla ob 11. uri / at 11 am / 28TH TRADITIONAL MEETING OF CHAUFFEURS AND CAR MECHANICS ON ROGLA program which, in addition to entertainment, socializing, excellent food and well-chilled drinks, includes a choir and echelon of uniforms, a parade of “old-timers”, a blessing of vehicles, a raffle and much more. POLETNI VEČER S SLOVENSKIMI ZVOKI 26.7.2019 / SUMMER EVENING WITH SLOVENIAN SOUNDS Terme Zreče / Terme Zreče Spa Romantičen poletni večer ob prijetni glasbi in slastni kulinariki. / A romantic summer evening with pleasant music and delicious cuisine.

Destination Rogla-Pohorje 15 VEČJE PRIREDITVE / Bigger Events


27.7.2019 POLETNICE NA STAREM TRGU: DIE POWER FÜR DEN BAUER Stari trg, Slovenske Konjice Večerni brezplačni koncerti na prostem v konjiškem Starem trgu / Summer outdoor concerts at the Old Square of Slovenske Konjice ob 21. uri / at 9 pm / SUMMER EVENING CONCERTS »POLETNICE«: DIE POWER FÜR DEN BAUER / Old Square, Slovenske Konjice

27.-28.7.2019 JAKOBOVI DNEVI NA RESNIKU / JAKOB’S DAYS ON RESNIK Resnik / Resnik Maša, Jakobov pohod in veselica / A mass, Jakob’s tour and festivity ob 10.00 / at 10 am

Loče, Slovenske Konjice / Loče, Tradicionalni kmečki praznik s povorko, prikazom starih običajev, odlično lokalno kulinariko in vini ter domačo glasbo 28.7.2019 47. KMEČKI PRAZNIK V LOČAH / THE 47TH FARMER’S FEAST IN LOČE Slovenske Konjice / A traditional farmer’s feast with a procession, a presentation of old customs, local cuisine and wine, as well as local music

Vabi k maši v cerkev Jezusovega spremenjenja na gori na Rogli. Sveti maši sledi zabavno popoldne z živo glasbo in tradicionalno kulinariko. 4.8.2019 LEPA NEDELJA NA ROGLI / BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY ON ROGLA Rogla / Rogla / You are invited to the mass in the church of Jesus’ conversion on the mountain on Rogla. The Holy Mass will be followed by a fun afternoon with live music and traditional cuisine. Žička kartuzija, Slovenske Konjice 9.8.2019 POLETNI GLASBENI VEČERI V ŽIČKI KARTUZIJI – KONCERT: KATALENA Nepozabni večerni koncerti na prostem, za obzidjem nekdanjega kartuzijanskega samostana / Žiče Charterhouse, Slovenske ob 20.30 / at 8.30 pm / SUMMER MUSIC EVENINGS AT ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE – CONCERT: KATALENA / Unforgettable outdoor evening concerts behind the walls of the former Carthusian monastery. Konjice

Holcerski – Rock žur s Poweršoki in gosti Športno igrišče Vitanje 9.8.2019 Dogodek organizira Turistično društvo Vitanje / Organised by the Vitanje Tourism Society / Holcerski – Rock žur with Poweršoki and guests / Play ground in Vitanje

10.8.2019 POLETNICE NA STAREM TRGU: JULIJA LUBEJ & CO Stari trg, Slovenske Konjice Večerni brezplačni koncerti na prostem v konjiškem Starem trgu / Summer outdoor concerts at the Old Square of Slovenske Konjice ob 20. uri / at 8 pm / SUMMER EVENING CONCERTS »POLETNICE«: JULIJA LUBEJ & CO / Old Square, Slovenske Konjice

Tradicionalna prireditev s šaljivimi »kmečkimi« igrami, Pohorsko olimpijado, pestro kulinarično ponudbo kmečko tržnico. 11.8.2019 PAŠNI PIKNIK / PASTURE PICNICK Rogla / Rogla / A traditional event with humorous “farm” games, Pohorje Olympics, a diverse culinary offer and the farmers’ market.

Grajski park pred Graščino POLETNI LITERARNI VEČER NA TEMO SMEŠNICE Na poletni večer beremo smešnice oplotniških avtorjev v zavetju oplotniške graščine. Smeh dovoljen! 13.8.2019 Oplotnica / Estate park in front of / SUMMER LITERARY EVENING ON THE TOPIC OF LAUGHTER / On this summer evening we read the laughter stories of the Oplotnica authors in the shelter of Oplotnica Mansion. Laughter is allowed! Oplotnica Mansion Fošt nad Oplotnico ( Jevšenakov 15.8.2019 POSTAVITEV KLOPOTCA / SETTING UP THE WIND RATTLE vinograd), Oplotnica / Fošt nad Najprej vsi zbrani pripravijo rep klopotca, sledi kratek kulturni program s postavitvijo klopotca in druženjem ob domačih dobrotah. / At first the ob 15. uri / at 3 pm Oplotnico ( Jevšenak’s vineyard), decoration for the wind rattle is prepared, followed by a short cultural program, setting up the wind rattle and socializing with local delicacies. Oplotnica Tradicionalno srečanje ljudskih pevcev in godcev. Preživite prijetno popoldne v poznogotski cerkvi svetega Miklavža iz 14. Stoletja. V dopoldanskem SREČANJE LJUDSKIH PEVCEV IN GODCEV V KORITNEM Koritno nad Oplotnico 18.8.2019 času pa lahko sodelujete pri maši s procesijo in žegnanjem. / Traditional gathering of folk singers and fiddlers. Spend a pleasant afternoon in the late / GATHERING OF FOLK SINGERS AND FIDDLERS IN KORITNO / Koritno nad Oplotnico Gothic church of St. Nicholas from the 14th century. In the morning you can participate in the mass procession with a blessing.

Poletni večer z izbranimi vinogradniki, degustacijo odličnih vin in pestro izbiro slastnih prigrizkov. 16.8.2019 VINSKI UTRIP / WINE BEAT Terme Zreče / Terme Zreče Spa / Summer evening with selected wine-growers, tasting excellent wines and a diverse selection of delicious snacks.

17.8.2019 27. SKOK NA ROGLO, S STARTOM PRI ŠPORTNI DVORANI ZREČE Zreče – Rogla / Zreče – Rogla Tradicionalna kolesarska prireditev / Traditional cycling event ob 10. uri / at 10 am / 27TH JUMP ON ROGLA, STARTING AT ZREČE SPORTS HALL

18.8.2019 Maša, druženje pod šotorom, ogled Skomarske hiše in Vodovnikove zbirke. LEPA NEDELJA NA SKOMARJU / A BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY AT SKOMARJE Skomarje / Skomarje ob 11. uri / at 11 am / A mass, gathering under the tent, a visit to the Skomarje House and Vodovnik’s collection.

24.8.2019 3RD SPACE NIGHT / 3RD SPACE NIGHT Center Noordung Izbrano predavanje o planetih (prof. dr. Igor Žiberna) in opazovanje planetov in meteorskega dežja s teleskopi z možnostjo fotografiranja. / A selected ob 20. uri / at 8 pm / Center Noordung lecture about planets (Prof. Dr. Igor Žiberna) and observation of planets and meteor rain with telescopes, offering possibility of photographing.

24.8.2019 POLETNICE NA STAREM TRGU: JEANNETTE Stari trg, Slovenske Konjice Večerni brezplačni koncerti na prostem v konjiškem Starem trgu / Summer outdoor concerts at the Old Square of Slovenske Konjice ob 20. uri / at 8 pm / SUMMER EVENING CONCERTS »POLETNICE«: JULIJA LUBEJ & CO / Old Square, Slovenske Konjice

Romarska cerkev na Brinjevi gori 8.9.2019 DRUŽINSKO PETJE / FAMILY SINGING / Pilgrimage church on Brinje Tradicionalna prireditev kjer pojejo družine od blizu in daleč / A traditional event where families from near and far sing. ob 15. uri / at 3 pm mountain

13.9.2019 GOLAŽIJADA DRUŠTEV IN TEKMOVANJE ZA PREHODNI POKAL TOD DRUŠTVA / Goulash Ribniki Stranice / Stranice Ponds Kulinarična prireditev z igrami. / A culinary event with games. ob 11. uri / at 11 am Festival of societies and a competition for the transition cup of TOD association

SVETOVNI DAN TURIZMA ODPIRA VRATA V ŽIČKO KARTUZIJO Žička kartuzija, Slovenske Konjice Brezplačni vodeni ogledi Žičke kartuzije ob 10., 12, 14. in 16. uri, kartuzijanska tržnica in ponudba najstarejše gostilne na Slovenskem, 27.9.2019 / WORLD TOURISM DAY OPENS THE DOOR TO ŽIČE CHARTERHOUSE / Žiče Charterhouse, Slovenske Gostilne Gastuž (1467) / Guided tours free of charge at 10 AM, 12, 2 PM and 4 PM, with a Carthusian Market and the offer of the oldest Konjice Slovenian Inn – Gastuž Inn (1467)

27.9.2019 DNEVI ODPRTIH VRAT MUZEJSKIH ZBIRK Ob svetovnem dnevu turizma bodo odprte muzejske zbirke v Občini Zreče Zreče / Zreče cel dan / All day / DAY OF OPEN DOORS TO MUSEUM COLLECTIONS / World Tourism Day opens the door to museum collections in Zreče Municipality.

Imenovan tudi »maraton z dušo«, poteka na 5, 10 in 21 kilometrov dolgi slikoviti krožni progi od Konjic do Zreč. Tekačem ponuja nepozabno in Slovenske Konjice, Zreče 29.9.2019 7. KONJIŠKI MARATON / THE 7TH KONJICE MARATHON unikatno doživetje / This »Marathon with soul« extends on 5, 10 and 21 kilometers long picturesque circular courses from Slovenske Konjice to Zreče / Slovenske Konjice, Zreče and it offers an unforgettable and unique experience to runners Kuharsko doživetje z ekipami, ki se bodo pomerile v kuhanju domače goveje juhe. Kuhanju sledijo pokušina in nedeljsko kosilo na sodoben način ter 29.9.2019 PRAZNIK GOVEJE JUHE & JESENSKE TURISTIČNE IGRE Terme Zreče / Terme Zreče Spa tradicionalne turistične igre / A cooking experience with teams competing in making home-made beef soup, followed by tasting and Sunday lunch in a ob 9. uri / at 9 am / FEAST OF »BEEF SOUP« & AUTUMN TOURIST GAMES modern style with traditional games for tourists.

9.10.2019 20 LET LITERARNIH VEČEROV »JAZ MAM EN STARI ZNUCAN KOŠ« Skomarska hiša, Skomarje Literarni večeri v Skomarski hiši. / Literary evenings in the Skomarje House. ob 18. uri / at 6 pm / 20 YEARS OF LITERARY EVENINGS “I’VE GOT AN OLD USED BASKET” / Skomarje House, Skomarje

Jesenska prireditev v poklon podpohorskemu jabolku z razstavo starih in sodobnih vrst, »jabolčno« kulinariko in zabavnim programom. 12.10.2019 DAN PODPOHORSKEGA JABOLKA / DAY OF APPLES FROM BELOW POHORJE Terme Zreče / Terme Zreče Spa / Autumn event, acknowledging apples from below Pohorje with an exhibition of old and modern types, “apple” cuisine and entertainment program.

Pot pelje iz Oplotnice, mimo Gorice in Brezja do cerkve svetega Martina v Zlakovi, kjer se izvede blagoslov mladega vina; sledi izbor vinske kraljice 9.11.2019 Grajsko dvorišče, Oplotnica MARTINOV POHOD / ST. MARTIN’S TOUR in prijetno druženje. / You can take a tour from Oplotnica, past Gorica and Brezje to St. Martin’s Church in where you can participate in the ob 10. uri / at 10 am / Castle courtyard, Oplotnica blessing of the young wine, followed by the Wine Queen contest and social gathering. Tradicionalna prireditev s kulturnim programom; kronanje kmečke žene – Vinske kraljice, blagoslov mladega vina, druženje z domačini ob domači 10.11.2019 MARTINOVANJE NA GRAJSKEM DVORIŠČU Grajsko dvorišče, Oplotnica glasbi. / A traditional event with a cultural program, the coronation of a female farmer – the Wine Queen, the blessing of the young wine and ob 14. uri / at 2 pm / THE FEAST OF ST. MARTIN AT THE CASTLE COURTYARD / Castle courtyard, Oplotnica socializing of the locals with the folk music.


SLOVENSKE KONJICE OPLOTNICA ZREČE Rogla, Zreče VITANJE SLOVENSKE KONJICE eks eks ar ar N N atej atej M M , , areks areks N N N oto oto oto F F o o o F to: Samo Brbre Foto: F to: Portal d.o.o. Unitur Foto: Tourist of Archive Foto: Vitanje association of F to: 5. 5. 2019 24. 5. - 26. 5. 2019 7. - 9. 6. 2019 28. 7. 2019 11. 8. 2019 9. 11. 2019


Tradicionalna pomladna prireditev v Večdnevna zabavna prireditev je posveče- Ropotanje v Starih Zrečah, tradicionalna Tradicionalno tekmovanje v pripravi edi- 30. turistična prireditev z ansambloma Tradicionalni novembrski praznik slavi mestnem jedru z glasbo, petjem in plesom na praznovanju občinskega praznika, ki je tridnevna glasbena prireditev pod velikim nega pravega Pohorskega lonca. Skrbno Gadi in Smeh, gostjo Nušo Derendo ter mlado vino, ki se zrcali v degustacijskih uličnih umetnikov oživlja zgodbo o vitezu vezan na dogodek 22. maja 1944. Program šotorom v Starih Zrečah (rock koncert, izbrane sestavine sestavljajo po mnenju pestrim programom s številnimi razsta- kozarcih priljubljene konjiške prireditve Juriju na belem konju, ki je mesto odrešil je sestavljen iz zanimivih prireditev in do- narodno – zabavni ansambli, pihalne mnogih zmagovalno kombinacijo oku- vami in aktivnosti (stara kuhinja, kme- na prostem in ponuja pester etno obarvan pošastnega zmaja iz Konjiške gore. Pri- godkov med katerimi bodo tudi Slavnostna godbe, zabava za otroke, hrana in pijača, sov Rogle. Ob Pohorskem loncu bodo tijska mehanizacija, prihod zastavonoš, kulturni program z blagoslovom mladega reditev okusno dopolnjuje Jurijev festival akademija ob občinskem prazniku, Festival turistični vlak). / »Ropotanje« (rumbling) obiskovalci uživali v tržnici pohorskih vitanjske godbe na pihala, prikaz starih vina ter bogato kulinarično-vinsko kulinarike in domačih obrti s ponudniki narodno-zabavne glasbe »Pod Pohorjem« in the old part of Zreče is a traditional dobrot in prikazu domače obrti. / This is kmečki običajev, gozdarske veščine, re- ponudbo na stojnicah. Prireditev bo že iz Turistične destinacije Rogla-Pohorje ter ter zanimiva kulinarična prireditev Praznik 3-day music event under a big tent in the the traditional cooking competition in vija narodnozabavnih ansamblov, delav- peto leto zapored doma med konjiškimi vinogradi, pri Vinski kleti Zlati grič. / Okusi Rogle. / The traditional spring event grajskih vin in kulinarike v okviru projek- Old Zreče (rock concert, folk– pop bands, making the one and only “Pohorski lonec” nice za otroke, priznanja za lepo urejeno This traditional November feast celebrates in the town centre accompanied by music, ta »Užij Okuse Rogle«. Tradicionalno bo brass bands, entertainment for children, (“the dish of Pohorje”). Carefully selected okolje in cvetlice). Za hrano in pijačo bo young wine which reflects in the tasting food and dance of street artists makes the zaključek prireditve v nedeljo z glasbeno food and drink, tourist train). ingredients comprise the winning combi- poskrbljeno. Prireditev je pod šotorom v glasses of visitors of winegrowing area of legend of St. George the knight who saved zabavnim programom. / This entertaining nation of Tastes of Rogla. This event does vsakem vremenu. / The 30th tourist event Škalce, where you can be a part of a rich the town from the monstrous dragon from event lasting for more days is dedicated to not only provide visitors with delicious with groups “Gadi” and “Smeh”, the sin- cultural program, colored with Slovenian Konjiška gora hill lively. The celebration is the municipality celebration regarding the “Pohorski lonec”, but also with a market ger Nuša Derenda as well as with diverse ethnological features, blessing of young complemented with the culinary festival event dating back to 22 May 1944. The of delicacies from Pohorje and display of program, numerous art exhibitions and wine and taste local culinary specialties. of Saint George, as well as local craftsmen program comprises interesting events and local crafts. activities (old cuisine, agricultural machi- The Konjice vineyards around the Zlati offering products of Rogla- Pohorje Des- celebrations like: Festive academy on the nery, flag bearers‘ arrival, brass band music grič Wine Cellar are going to be unique tination and the Tastes of Rogla. occasion of the municipality celebration, of Vitanje, old customs, foresters‘ skills, scenery for this event for the fifth time in Festival of folk-pop music called »Pod folk pop groups show, etc.). Food and a row. Pohorjem« (Under Pohorje), as well as an drinks will be available. The event will be interesting culinary event as a part of the held in every weather. project »Enjoy the Tastes of Rogla« (»Užij Okuse Rogle«). As traditionally the event will be closed on Sunday with the music and entertaining program. 16 Destinacija Rogla-Pohorje