Robert Schuman Institute Christian Democratic Robert Schuman International Center Institute Gender in Politics 2009-2011 Contact RSI For further information/questions on participation contact the RSI Team. Robert Schuman Institute Alkotás u. 5. 1123 Budapest, Hungary Tel.: +36-1-202-0000 Fax: +36-1-201-8985 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: This project is fully financed by the Swedish International Development We also keep in touch with former Cooperation Agency (Sida) via KIC. Sida has not contributed to the participants, speakers and colleagues from formulation of the information material partner institutions through an official page Capacity Building for EPP Parties or activities and Sida does not have a on the social networking site at facebook: position towards expressed ideas. in Eastern and South Eastern Europe Robert Schuman Institute Preface Dear Readers, In this booklet you will find the outcome and lessons learned from our three-year project with the Swedish Christian Democratic International Center (KIC) as well as personal reflections by our participants, speakers, trainers and representatives of sister parties, cooperating institutions. Our project aimed at increasing women’s participation in political and public life by both capacity building and supporting EPP parties in adopting gender-sensitive practices. Nominal legal equality of men and women is of course guaranteed by constitution or other legislation in all the countries of Eastern and South Eastern Europe where we work. This is still in sharp contrast to the record of reality that shows unequal representation, no level playing field in public activity and a waste of resources to societies at large as well as our political parties.