No. 109/ May & JUne 2007 109 Editorial By: Shahri Estakhry I Am Happy To Report… Persian Cultural Center’s Nearly two years ago, I was approached by the San Diego Museum Newsletter Is a bi-monthly publication organized for of Art (SDMA) to help fundraise among members of our literary, cultural and information purposes community for the restoration of the “Persian Tiles” that Partially Funded By had been kept in museum storage. Once restored, the tiles The San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture would go on permanent display in the Museum’s Asian Persian Cultural Center galleries (Peyk issue # 99-Sept/Oct 2005 ). In agreeing to take 9265 Dowdy Dr. # 105• San Diego, CA 92126 this task on, on behalf of our community and as an advisor to Tel :( 858)653-0336 the Board of Directors of the Persian Cultural Center, I requested Fax & Message: (619)374-7335 that the Museum consider maintaining a section, on a permanent Email:
[email protected] Web site: basis, devoted to the Arts of Persia. Upon their agreement, there began a partnership between the San Diego Museum of Art, the P e r s i a n Cultural Center (PCC), our community, and the Asian Arts Council of the Museum. May & June 2007 Vol.XVI No. 109 Although the restoration task was difficult and time consuming, with the funds raised, it Circulation: 6000 Persian Cultural Center was completed in a timely manner and became a permanent display in the Asian Court A non-profit national corporation section of the Museum, announced in Peyk issue #105.