
A Rudimentary and Help Bootstrap Acquisition

Abdellah Fourtassi ———————————– Emmanuel Dupoux

Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, ENS/EHESS/CNRS, Paris abdellah.fourtassi, emmanuel.dupoux @gmail.com { }

Abstract search, little is still known about the mechanisms that are operative in infant’s brain to achieve such Infants spontaneously discover the rele- a result. Current work in early acquisi- vant of their language without tion has proposed two competing but incomplete any direct supervision. This acquisition hypotheses that purports to account for this stun- is puzzling because it seems to require ning development path. The bottom-up hypothesis the availability of high levels of linguistic holds that infants converge onto the linguistic units structures (lexicon, semantics), that logi- of their language through a statistical analysis over cally suppose the infants having a set of of their input. In contrast, the top-down hypothesis phonemes already. We show how this cir- emphasizes the role of higher levels of linguistic cularity can be broken by testing, in real- structure in learning the lower level units. size language corpora, a scenario whereby infants would learn approximate represen- tations at all levels, and then refine them in 1 A chicken-and-egg problem a mutually constraining way. We start with corpora of spontaneous that have 1.1 Bottom-up is not enough been encoded in a varying number of de- tailed context-dependent . We Several studies have documented the fact that in- derive, in an unsupervised way, an approx- fants become attuned to the native sounds of their imate lexicon and a rudimentary seman- language, starting at 6 months of age (see Ger- tic representation. Despite the fact that vain & Mehler, 2010 for a review). Some re- all these representations are poor approxi- searchers have claimed that such an early attune- mations of the ground truth, they help re- ment is due to a statistical learning mechanism that organize the fine grained categories into only takes into account the distributional prop- phoneme-like categories with a high de- erties of the sounds present in the native input gree of accuracy. (Maye et al., 2002). Unsupervised clustering al- One of the most fascinating facts about gorithms running on simplified input have, indeed, infants is the speed at which they acquire their provided a proof of principle for bottom-up learn- native language. During the first year alone, i.e., ing of phonemic categories from speech (see for before they are able to speak, infants achieve im- instance Vallabha et al., 2007). pressive landmarks regarding three key language It is clear, however, that distributional learning components. First, they tune in on the - cannot account for the entire developmental pat- mic categories of their language (Werker and Tees, tern. In fact, phoneme tokens in real speech ex- 1984). Second, they learn to the continu- hibit high acoustic variability and result in phone- ous speech stream into discrete units (Jusczyk and mic categories with a high degree of overlap (Hil- Aslin, 1995). Third, they start to recognize fre- lenbrand et al., 1995). When purely bottom up quent (Ngon et al., 2013), as well as the clustering algorithms are tested on realistic input, semantics of many of them (Bergelson and Swing- they ended up in either a too large number of sub- ley, 2012). phonemic units (Varadarajan et al., 2008) or a too Even though these landmarks have been doc- small number of coarse grained categories (Feld- umented in detail over the past 40 years of re- man et al., 2013a).

191 Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Computational Language Learning, pages 191–200, Baltimore, Maryland USA, June 26-27 2014. c 2014 Association for Computational 1.2 The top-down hypothesis tion to fine grained variation in the acoustic input, Inspection of the developmental data shows that thus constructing perceptual phonetic categories infants do not wait to have completed the acqui- that are not phonemes, but segments encoding fine sition of their native phonemes to start to learn grained phonetic details (Werker and Curtin, 2005; words. In fact, lexical and phonological acquisi- Pierrehumbert, 2003). Second, we assume that tion largely overlap. Infant can recognize highly these units enable infants to segment proto-words frequent forms like their own names, by as from continuous speech and store them in this de- early as 4 months of age (Mandel et al., 1995). tailed format. Importantly, this proto-lexicon will Vice versa, the refinement of phonemic categories not be adult-like: it will contain badly segmented does not stop at 12 months. The sensitivity to pho- word forms, and store several alternant forms for netic contrasts has been reported to continue at 3 the same word. Ngon et al. (2013) have shown years of age (Nittrouer, 1996) and beyond (Hazan that 11 month old infants recognize frequent sound and Barrett, 2000), on par with the development of sequences that do not necessarily map to adult the lexicon. words. Third, we assume that infants can use this imperfect lexicon to acquire some semantic repre- Some researchers have therefore suggested that sentation. As shown in Shukla et al. (2011), in- there might be a learning synergy which allows in- fants can simultaneously segment words and asso- fants to base some of their acquisition not only on ciate them with a visual referent. Fourth, we as- bottom up information, but also on statistics over sume that as their exposure to language develops, lexical items or even on the basis of word mean- infants reorganize these initial categories along the ing (Feldman et al., 2013a; Feldman et al., 2013b; relevant dimensions of their native language based Yeung and Werker, 2009) on cues from all these representations. These experiments and computational models, The aim of this work is to provide a proof of however, have focused on simplified input or/and principle for this general scenario, using real size used already segmented words. It remains to be corpora in two typologically different , shown whether the said top-down strategies scale and state-of-the-art learning algorithms. up when real size corpora and more realistic repre- The paper is organized as follows. We begin sentations are used. There are indeed indications by describing how we generated the input and that, in the absence of a proper phonological repre- how we modeled different levels of representation. sentation, lexical learning becomes very difficult. Then, we explain how information from the higher For example, word segmentation algorithms that levels (word forms and semantics) can be used to work on the basis of phoneme-like units tend to refine the learning of the lower level (phonetic cat- degrade quickly if phonemes are replaced by con- egories). Next, we present the results of our sim- textual allophones (Boruta et al., 2011) or with the ulations and discuss the potential implications for output of phone recognizers (Jansen et al., 2013; the language learning process. Ludusan et al., 2014). In brief, we are facing a chicken-and-egg prob- 2 Modeling the representations lem: lexical and semantic information could help to learn the phonemes, but phonemes are needed Here, we describe how we model different levels to acquire lexical information. of representation (phonetic categories, lexicon and semantics) starting from raw speech in English 1.3 Breaking the circularity: An incremental and Japanese. discovery procedure Here, we explore the idea that instead of learning 2.1 Corpus adult-like hierarchically organized representations We use two speech corpora: the Buckeye Speech in a sequential fashion (phonemes, words, seman- corpus (Pitt et al., 2007), which contains 40 hours tics), infants learn approximate, provisional lin- of spontaneous conversations in American En- guistic representations in parallel. These approxi- glish, and the 40 hours core of the Corpus of Spon- mate representations are subsequently used to im- taneous Japanese (Maekawa et al., 2000), which prove each other. contains spontaneous conversations and public More precisely, we make four assumptions. in different fields, ranging from engi- First, we assume that infants start by paying atten- neering to humanities. Following Boruta (2012),

192 we use an inventory of 25 phonemes for transcrib- ing, each phoneme model is cloned into context- ing Japanese, and for English, we use the set of 45 dependent triphone models, for each context in phonemes in the phonemic transcription of Pitt et which the phoneme actually occurs (for example, al. (2007). the phoneme /A/ occurs in the context [d–A–g] as in the word /dAg/ (“dog”). The triphone models 2.2 Phonetic categories cloned from the phonemes are then retrained, but, Here, we describe how we model the percep- this time, only on the relevant subset of the data, tual phonetic categories infants learn in a first corresponding to the given triphone context. Fi- step before converging on the functional cate- nally, these detailed models are clustered back into gories (phonemes). We make the assumption that inventories of various sizes (from 2 to 20 times these initial categories correspond to fine grained the size of the phonemic inventory) and retrained. allophones, i.e., different systematic realizations Clustering is done state by state using a phonetic of phonemes, depending on context. Allophonic -based decision tree, and results in tying variation can range from categorical effects due to together the HMM states of linguistically simi- phonological rules to gradient effects due to coar- lar triphones so as to maximize the likelihood of ticulation, i.e, the phenomenon whereby adjacent the data. The HMM were built using the HMM sounds affect the physical realization of a given Toolkit (HTK: Young et al., 2006). phoneme. An example of a rather categorical allo- phonic rule is given by /r/ devoicing in French: 2.3 The proto-lexicon Finding word boundaries in the continuous se- quence of phones is part of the problem infants [X] / before a voiceless obstruent /r/ have to solve without direct supervision. We → [K] elsewhere  model this segmentation using a state-of-the-art unsupervised word segmentation model based on Figure 1: Allophonic variation of French /r/ the Adaptor Grammar framework (Johnson et al., 2007). The input consists of a phonetic transcrip- The phoneme /r/ surfaces as voiced ([K]) be- tion of the corpus, with boundaries between words fore a voiced obstruent like in [kanaK Zon] (“ca- eliminated (we vary this transcription to corre- nard jaune”, yellow duck) and as voiceless ([X]) spond to different inventories with different granu- before a voiceless obstruent as in [kanaX puXpK] larity in the allophonic representation as explained (“canard pourpre”, purple duck). The challenge above). The model tries to reconstruct the bound- facing the leaner is, therefore, to distinguish pairs aries based on a Pitman-Yor process (Pitman and of segments that are in an allophonic relationship Yor, 1997), which uses a language-general sta- ([K], [X]) from pairs that are two distinct phonemes tistical learning process to find a compact rep- and can carry a meaning ([K],[l]). resentation of the input. The algorithm stores Previous work has generated allophonic varia- high frequency chunks and re-uses them to parse tion artificially (Martin et al., 2013). Here, we fol- novel utterances. We use a grammar which learns low Fourtassi et al. (2014b) in using a linguisti- a hierarchy of three levels of chunking and use cally and statistically controlled method, starting the intermediate level to correspond to the lexi- from audio recordings and using a standard Hid- cal level. This grammar was shown by Fourtassi den Markov Models (HMM) phone recognizer to et al. (2013) to avoid both over-segmentation and generate them, as follows. under-segmentation. We convert the raw speech waveform into suc- cessive 10ms frames containing a vector of Mel 2.4 The proto-semantics Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC). We It has been shown that infants can keep track of co- use 12 MFC coefficients (plus the energy) com- occurrence statistics (see Lany and Saffran (2013) puted over a 25ms window, to which we add the for a review). This ability can be used to develop a first and second order derivatives, yielding 39 di- sense of semantic similarity as suggested by Har- mensions per frame. ris (1954). The intuition behind the distributional The HMM training starts with one three-state hypothesis is that words that are similar in mean- model per phoneme. Each state is modeled by ing occur in similar contexts. In order to model a mixture of 17 diagonal Gaussians. After train- the acquisition of this semantic similarity from a

193 transcribed and segmented corpus, we use one of However, this binary strategy clearly gives rise the simplest and most commonly used distribu- to false alarms in the (albeit relatively rare) case tional semantic models, Latent Semantic Analysis of true minimal pairs like [kanaX] (“duck”) and (LSA: Landauer & Dumais, 1997). The LSA al- [kanal] (“canal”), where ([X], [l]) will be mis- gorithm takes as input a matrix consisting of rows takenly labeled as allophonic. In order to miti- representing word types and columns represent- gate the problem of false alarms, we use Boruta’s ing contexts in which tokens of the word type oc- continuous version (Boruta, 2011) and we define cur. A context is defined as a fixed number of the lexical cue of a pair of phones Lex(x, y) as utterances. Singular value decomposition (a kind the number of lexical minimal pairs that vary on of matrix factorization) is used to extract a more the first segment (xA, yA) or the last segment compact representation. The cosine of the angle (Ax, Ay). The higher this number, the more the between vectors in the resulting space is used to pair of phones is likely to be considered as allo- measure the semantic similarity between words. phonic. Two words have a high semantic similarity if they The lexical cue is consistent with experimen- have similar distributions, i.e., if they co-occur in tal findings. For example Feldman et al. (2013b) most contexts. The model parameters, namely the showed that 8 month-old infants pay attention dimension of the semantic space and the number to word level information, and demonstrated that of utterances to be taken as defining the context they do not discriminate between sound contrasts of a given word form, are set in an unsupervised that occur in minimal pairs (as suggested by our way to optimize the latent structure of the seman- cue), and, conversely, discriminate contrasts that tic model (Fourtassi and Dupoux, 2013). Thus, we occur in non-minimal pairs. use 20 utterances as a semantic window and set the semantic space to 100 dimensions. 3.1.2 Semantic cue

3 Method The semantic cue is based on the intuition that true minimal pairs ([kanaX] and [kanal]) are asso- Here we explore whether the approximate high ciated with different events, whereas alternants of level representations, built bottom-up and with- the same word ([kanaX] and [kanal]) are expected out supervision, still contain useful information to co-occur with similar events. one can use to refine the phonetic categories into We operationalize the semantic cue associated phoneme-like units. To this end, we extract po- with a pair of phones Sem(x, y) as the average tential cues from the lexical and the semantic in- semantic similarity between all the lexical mini- formation, and test their performance in discrim- mal pairs generated by this pair of phones. The inating allophonic contrasts from non-allophonic higher the average semantic similarity, the more (phonemic) contrasts. the learner is prone to classify them as allophonic. We take as a measure of the semantic similar- 3.1 Top down cues ity, the cosine of the angle between word vec- 3.1.1 Lexical cue tors of the pairs that vary on the final segment The top down information from the lexicon is cos(Ax,\ Ay) or the first segment cos(xA,\ yA). based on the insight of Martin et al. (2013). It rests This strategy is similar in principle to the phe- on the idea that true lexical minimal pairs are not nomenon of acquired distinctiveness, according very frequent in human languages, as compared to to which, pairing two target stimuli with distinct minimal pairs due to mere phonological processes events enhances their perceptual differentiation, (figure 1). The latter creates alternants of the same and acquired equivalence, whereby pairing two since adjacent sounds condition the target stimuli with the same event, impairs their realization of the first and final phoneme. There- subsequent differentiation (Lawrence, 1949). In fore, finding a of words differing in the same vein, Yeung and Werker (2009) tested 9 the first or last segment (as in [kanaX] and [kanaK]) month-olds english learning infants in a task that is good evidence that these two phones ([K], [X]) consists in discriminating two non-native phonetic are allophones of one another. Conversely, if a categories. They found that infants succeeded only pair of phones is not forming any minimal pair, when the categories co-occurred with two distinct it is classified as non-allophonic (phonemic). visual cues.

194 — Segmentation Lexicon — English Japanese English Japanese Allo./phon. F P R FPR FPR FPR 2 0.61 0.57 0.65 0.45 0.44 0.47 0.29 0.42 0.22 0.23 0.54 0.15 4 0.52 0.46 0.59 0.38 0.34 0.43 0.22 0.37 0.15 0.16 0.50 0.10 10 0.51 0.45 0.59 0.34 0.30 0.38 0.21 0.34 0.16 0.16 0.41 0.10 20 0.42 0.38 0.47 0.28 0.26 0.32 0.21 0.29 0.17 0.16 0.32 0.10 Table 1 : Scores of the segmentation and the resulting lexicon, as a function of the average number of allophones per phoneme. P=Precison, R=Recall and F=F-score.

3.1.3 Combined cue Only pairs of phones that generate at least one Finally, we consider the combination of both cues lexical minimal pair are considered. Phonetic vari- in one single cue where the contextual information ation that does not cause lexical variation is “in- (semantics) is used as a weighing scheme of the visible” to top down strategies, and is, therefore, lexical information, as follows: more probably clustered through purely bottom up strategies (Fourtassi et al., 2014b)

3.3 Evaluation Comb(x, y) = cos(Ax,\ Ay) + cos(xA,\ yA) (Ax,Ay) L2 (xA,yA) L2 ∈ ∈ We use the same evaluation procedure as Martin et P P (1) al. (2013). This is carried out by computing the as- where Ax L is the set of words in the lex- { ∈ } sociated ROC curve (varying the z-score threshold icon L that end in the phone x, and (Ax, Ay) { ∈ and computing the resulting proportions of misses L2 is the set of phonological minimal pairs in } and false alarms). We then derive the Area Under L L that vary on the final segment. × the Curve (AUC), which also corresponds to the The lexical cue is incremented by one, for ev- probability that given two pairs of phones, one al- ery minimal pair. The combined cue is, instead, lophonic, one not, they are correctly classified on incremented by one, times the cosine of the angle the basis of the score. A value of 0.5 represents between the word vectors of this pair. When the chance and a value of 1 represents perfect perfor- words have similar distributions, the angle goes to mance. zero and the cosine goes to 1, and when the words In order to lessen the potential influence of the have orthogonal distributions, the angle goes to structure of the corpus (mainly the order of the ut- 90 and the cosine goes to 0. ◦ terances) on the results, we use a statistical resam- The semantic information here would basically pling scheme. The corpus is divided into small enable us to avoid false alarms generated by poten- blocks of 20 utterances each (the semantic win- tial true minimal pairs like the above-mentioned dow). In each run, we draw randomly with re- example of ( [kanaX] and [kanal]). Such a pair will placement from this set of blocks a sample of probably score high as far as the lexical cue is con- the same size as the original corpus. This sam- cerned, but it will score low on the semantic level. ple is then used to retrain the acoustic models and Thus, by taking the combination, the model will generate a phonetic inventory that we used to re- be less prone to mistakenly classify ([X], [l]) as al- transcribe the corpus and re-compute the cues. We lophones. report scores averaged over 5 such runs. 3.2 Task 4 Results and discussion For each corpus we list all possible pairs of al- lophones. Some of these pairs are allophones of 4.1 Segmentation the same phoneme (allophonic pair) and others are We first explore how phonetic variation influences allophones of different phonemes (non-allophonic the quality of the segmentation and the resulting pairs). The task is a same-different classification, lexicon. For the evaluation, we use the same mea- whereby each of these pairs is given a score from sures as Brent (1999) and Goldwater et al. (2009), the cue that is being tested. A good cue gives namely Segmentation Precision (P), Recall (R) higher scores to allophonic pairs. and F-score (F). Segmentation precision is defined

195 as the number of correct word tokens found, out of learner, on the other hand, in the case of two allo- all tokens posited. Recall is the number of correct phones per phonemes (Figure 2b). In both situa- word tokens found, out of all tokens in the ideal tions, we compare the case wherein the lexical and segmentation. The F-score is defined as the har- semantic cues are computed on the output of the monic mean of Precision and Recall: unsupervised segmentation (right), to the control case where these cues are computed on the ideally 2 P R F = ∗ ∗ segmented speech (left). P + R We see that the overall accuracy of the cues is We define similar measures for word types (lex- quite high, even in the case of bad word segmen- icon). Table 1 shows the scores as a function of tation and very small amount of data. the number of allophones per phonemes. For both The lexical cue is robust to extreme variation corpora, the segmentation performance decreases and to the scarcity of data. Indeed, it does not seem as we increase the number of allophones. As for to vary monotonically neither with the number of the lexicon, the recall scores show that only 15 allophones, nor with the size of the corpus. The as- to 22% of the ’words’ found by the algorithm in sociated f-score generally remains above the value the English corpus are real words; in Japanese, of 0.7 (chance level is 0.5). The semantics, on this number is even lower (between 10 and 15%). the other hand, gets better as the variability de- This pattern can be attributed in part to the fact creases and as the amount of data increases. This that increasing the number of allophones increases is a natural consequence of the fact that the se- the number of word forms, which occur therefore mantic structure is more accurate with more data with less frequency, making the statistical learn- and with word forms consistent enough to sustain ing harder. Table 2 shows the average number of a reasonable co-occurrence statistics. word forms per word as a function of the average The comparison with the ideal segmentation, number of allophones per phoneme, in the case of shows, interestingly, that the semantics is more ro- ideal segmentation. bust to segmentation errors than the lexical cue. In fact, while the lexical strategy performs, overall, Allo./Phon. W. forms/Word better than the semantics under the ideal segmen- — English Japanese tation, the patterns reverses as we move to a a more 2 1.56 1.20 realistic (unsupervised) segmentation. 4 2.03 1.64 10 2.69 2.11 These results suggest that both lexical and se- 20 3.47 2.83 mantic strategies can be crucial to learning the phonemic status of phonetic categories since they Table 2 : Average number of word-forms per provide non-redundant information. This finding word as a function of the average number of is summarized by the combined cue which resists allophones per phoneme. to both variation and segmentation errors, overall, better than each of the cues taken alone. Another effect seen in Table 1 is the lower From a developmental point of view, this shows overall performance of Japanese compared to En- that infants can, in principle, benefit from higher glish. This difference was shown by Fourtassi et level linguistic structures to refine their phonetic al. (2013) to be linked to the intrinsic segmenta- categories, even if these structures are rudimen- tion ambiguity of Japanese, caused by the fact that tary. Previous studies about top down strategies Japanese words contain more compared have mainly emphasized the role of word forms; to English. the results of this work show that the semantics can be at least as useful. Note that the notion 4.2 Allophonic vs phonemic status of sound of semantics used here is weaker than the clas- contrasts sic notion of referential semantics as in a word- Here we test the performance of the cues described concept matching. The latter might, indeed, not above, in discriminating between allophonic con- be fully operative at the early stages of the child trasts from phonemic ones. We vary the number development, since it requires some advanced con- of allophones per phoneme, on the one hand (Fig- ceptual abilities (like forming symbolic represen- ure 2a), and the amount of data available to the tations and understanding a speaker’s referential

196 a)

English Japanese Ideal Unsupervised Ideal Unsupervised 1.0 1.0

0.9 0.9 Cues

0.8 0.8 Lexical Semantic AUC 0.7 AUC 0.7 Combined 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

2 5 10 20 2 5 10 20 2 5 10 20 2 5 10 20 Allophones/Phoneme Allophones/Phoneme


English Japanese Ideal Unsupervised Ideal Unsupervised 1.0 1.0

0.9 0.9 Cues

0.8 0.8 Lexical Semantic AUC 0.7 AUC 0.7 Combined 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

1 2 4 8 20 40 1 2 4 8 20 40 1 2 4 8 20 40 1 2 4 8 20 40 Size (in hours) Size (in hours)

Figure 2: Same-different scores (AUC) for different cues as a function of the average number of allo- phones per phoneme (a), and as a function of the size of the corpus, in the case of two allophones per phonemes (b). The scores are shown for both ideal and unsupervised word segmentation in English and Japanese. The points show the mean scores over 5 runs. The lines are smoothed interpolations (local regressions) through the means. The grey band shows a 95% confidence interval. intentions) (Waxman and Gelman, 2009). What are used to build the lexicon, we face a chicken- we call the “semantics” of a word in this study, is and-egg problem. In this paper, we proposed a the general context provided by the co-occurrence way to break the circularity by building approxi- with other words. Infants have been shown to have mate representation at all the levels. a powerful mechanism for tracking co-occurrence The infants’ initial attunement to language- relationships both in the speech and the visual do- specific categories was represented in a way that main (Lany and Saffran, 2013) . Our experiments mirrors the linguistic and statistical properties of demonstrate that a similar mechanism could be the speech closely. We showed that this de- enough to develop a sense of semantic similarity tailed (proto-phonemic) inventory enabled word that can successfully be used to refine phonetic segmentation from continuous transcribed speech, categories. but, as expected, resulted in a low quality lexicon. 5 General discussion and future work The poorly segmented corpus was then used to de- rive a semantic similarity matrix between pairs of Phonemes are abstract categories that form the ba- words, based on their co-occurrence statistics. The sis for words in the lexicon. There is a traditional results showed that information from the derived view that they should be defined by their ability to lexicon and semantics, albeit very rudimentary, contrast word meanings (Trubetzkoy, 1939). Their help discriminate between allophonic and phone- full acquisition, therefore, requires lexical and se- mic contrasts, with a high degree of accuracy. mantic top-down information. However, since the Thus, this works strongly support the claim that quality of the semantic representations depends on the lexicon and semantics play a role in the re- the quality of the phonemic representations that finement of the phonemic inventory (Feldman et

197 al., 2013a; Frank et al., 2014), and, interestingly, Acknowledgments that this role remains functional under more realis- This work was supported in part by the Euro- tic assumptions (unsupervised word segmentation, pean Research Council (ERC-2011-AdG-295810 and bottom-up inferred semantics). We also found BOOTPHON), the Agence Nationale pour la that lexical and semantic information were not re- Recherche (ANR-10-LABX-0087 IEC, ANR-10- dundant and could be usefully combined, the for- IDEX-0001-02 PSL*), the Fondation de France, mer being more resistant to the scarcity of data the Ecole de Neurosciences de Paris, and the and variation, and the latter being more resistant Region´ Ile de France (DIM cerveau et pensee).´ to segmentation errors. That being said, this work relies on the assump- tion that infants start with initial perceptual cate- References gories (allophones), but we did not show how such Elika Bergelson and Daniel Swingley. 2012. At 6 categories could be constructed from raw speech. to 9 months, human infants know the meanings of More work is needed to explore the robustness of many common nouns. Proceedings of the National the model when these units are learned in an unsu- Academy of Sciences, 109(9). pervised fashion (Lee and Glass, 2012; Huijbregts Luc Boruta, Sharon Peperkamp, Benoˆıt Crabbe,´ and et al., 2011; Jansen and Church, 2011; Varadarajan Emmanuel Dupoux. 2011. Testing the robustness et al., 2008). of online word segmentation: Effects of linguistic diversity and phonetic variation. In Proceedings of This work could be seen as a proof of princi- CMCL, pages 1–9. Association for Computational ple for an iterative learning algorithm, whereby Linguistics. phonemes emerge from the interaction of low level Luc Boruta. 2011. Combining Indicators of Al- perceptual categories, word forms, and the seman- lophony. In Proceedings ACL-SRW, pages 88–93. tics (see Werker and Curtin (2005) for a similar Luc Boruta. 2012. Indicateurs d’allophonie et theoretical proposition). The algorithm has yet to de phonemicit´ e´. Doctoral dissertation, Universite´ be implemented, but it has to address at least two Paris-Diderot - Paris VII. major issues: First, the fact that some sound pairs M. Brent. 1999. An efficient, probabilistically sound are not captured by top down cues because they algorithm for segmentation and word discovery. do not surface as minimal word forms. For in- Machine Learning, 34:71–105. stance, in English, // and /N/ occur in different N. Feldman, T. Griffiths, S. Goldwater, and J. Morgan. positions and therefore, cannot appear in 2013a. A role for the developing lexicon in pho- any minimal pair. Second, even if we have enough netic category acquisition. Psychological Review, information about how phonetic categories are or- 120(4):751–778. ganized in the perceptual space, we still need to N. Feldman, B. Myers, K. White, T. Griffiths, and know how many categories are relevant in a par- J. Morgan. 2013b. Word-level information influ- ticular language (i.e., where to stop the categoriza- ences phonetic learning in adults and infants. Cog- tion process). nition, 127:427–438. For the first problem, Fourtassi et al. (2014b) Abdellah Fourtassi and Emmanuel Dupoux. 2013. A showed that the gap could, in principle, be filled by corpus-based evaluation method for distributional semantic models. In 51st Annual Meeting of the bottom-up information (like acoustic similarity). Association for Computational Linguistics Proceed- As for the second problem, a possible direction ings of the Student Research Workshop, pages 165– could be found in the notion of Self-Consistency. 171, Sofia, Bulgaria. Association for Computational In fact, (Fourtassi et al., 2014a) proposed that an Linguistics. optimal level of clustering is also a level that glob- Abdellah Fourtassi, Benjamin Borschinger,¨ Mark ally optimizes the predictive power of the lexicon. Johnson, and Emmanuel Dupoux. 2013. WhyisEn- Too detailed allophones result in too many syn- glishsoeasytosegment? In Proceedings of CMCL, pages 1–10. Association for Computational Linguis- onyms. Too broad classes result in too many ho- tics. mophones. Somewhere in the middle, the optimal number of phonemes optimizes how lexical items Abdellah Fourtassi, Ewan Dunbar, and Emmanuel Dupoux. 2014a. Self-consistency as an inductive predict each other. Future work will address these bias in early . In Proceedings issues in more detail in order to propose a com- of the 36th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science plete phoneme learning algorithm. Society.

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