Ph.D AWARDED (1982-2017)

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Ph.D AWARDED (1982-2017) Sl. Name & Address of the Name & Address Title of the Thesis Date of No. candidate of the Guide award 1 2 3 4 7 1. Sri. Jayaram Hegde M. Dr. Abdul Rahiman CHROMOSOMAL STUDIES IN NATURAL POPULATIONS OF 06.01.1982 Reader in Bio-sciences H.O.D. of Bio-sciences SOME ACRIDIDAE (ORTHOPETRA) AND EFFECTS OF CERTAIN Mangalore University. Mangalore University. CHEMOTHERAPUTIC AGENTS ON CHROMOSOMES 2. Sri. P. Balakrishna Murthy Dr. Abdul Rahiman CYTOGENETIC AND CYTOKINETIC STUDIES IN PROTEIN 20.12.1982 H.O.D. of Bio-sciences ENERGY MALNUTRITION Mangalore University 3. Sri. Rajendra Nayak R. Dr. M.N. Madhyastha STUDIES ON THE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF SOME 21.09.1982 Prof. in Bio-sciences POLLUTANTS ON THE FRESH WATER FISH RASHORA Mangalore University DANICONIAS(HAM) 4. Sri. K. K. Ammannaya Dr. B. T. Nagaraj PERFORMANCE BUDGETING AND EMPLOYEE 19.05.1982 Deputy Personal Manager PARTICIPATION – A PARTICIPATION MODEL FOR INDIAN Syndicate Bank, Manipal BANKING INDUSTRY r. «. f. CªÀgÀ MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 5. Sri G. Chandra Shekar Aithal Dr. Srinivasa Havanoor 23.02.1983 Reader in Kannada Mangalore University. 6. Sri. K. Prakash Dr. S. N. Hegde STUDIES ON SOME INTESTINAL DIS-ACCH. ARIDASES OF 07.07.1983 THE PIGEON COLUMBA LIVIA (GMELIN) Dept. of Bio-chem & UGC Centre of Advanced Study Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 7. Sri. Parameshwara Bhatta S. Prof. Chinthayamina Malliah GENERALIZATION ON DISTRIBUTIVE, STANDARD AND 20.01.1984 Dept. of Mathematics NEUTRAL ELEMENTS IDEALS IN LATTICES Mangalore University. 8. Sri K. Ramakanth Hebbar Dr. T. Ramachandran TEXTURE – DEPENDENT STRESS CORROSION FAILURE OF 26.03.1984 Lecturer in Mettalurgy Prof. and H.O.D. of COMMERCIAL ZIRCALOY – 2 SHEETS IN METHANOL – K.R.E.C., Surathkal Mettalurgy HALOGEN MEDIUM K.R.E.C., Surathkal 9. Sri Shivakumar D. Patil Dr. S. N. Hegde ASPECTS OF INTESTINAL ABSORPTION OF GLUCOSE IN THE 28.06.1984 Dept. of Bio-sciences PIGEON, COLURNBA LIVIA (GINELIN) Mangalore University. 10. Sri M. Krishnamoorthy Dr. M. Abdul Rahiman PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND CYTOGENETIC EFFECT OF 01.09.1984 Dept. of Bio-sciences H.O.D. of Bio-sciences THE DRUG CURCUMA LONGA (TURMERIC) ON Mangalore University. Mangalore University. EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS. 11. Sri. R. Chandramohan Dr. K. M. Kaveriappa COLLECTRICHUM SPP. ON CACAO IN SOUTH INDIA 29.03.1984 Lecturer in Microbiology Dept. of P.G. Studies Mangalore University. 12. Sri. P.G.P. Rama Rao Dr. N. S. Bhat MARKETING OF BANKING SERVICES IN INDIA (WITH 14.03.1985 Manager, Project Moni- SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RURAL AREAS) Toring & Evaln. Cell Rural Develop Division Syndicate Bank, Manipal ¸ÀļÀå ¥Àj¸ÀgÀzÀ UËqÀ d£ÁAUÀ : MAzÀÄ ¸ÁA¸ÀÌöÈwPÀ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 13. Sri. Purushothama B. Dr. B. A. Viveka Rai 04.05.1985 Lecturer in Kannada Dept. of Kannada Mangalore University. Mangalore University 14. Smt. Saraswathi L. Udupa Dr. T. N. Pattabhiraman PROTEINASE INHIBITORS IN MILLETS AND THEIR ACTION ON 21.12.1985 Dept. of Bio-chemistry HUMAN AND BOVINE ENZYMES K.M.C., Manipal PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ°è ¨ËzÀÞ ¸ÀA¸ÀÌöÈw - MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 15. Sri. T. Vasanth Kumar Dr. Srinivasa Havanoor 28.02.1986 Lecturer in Kannada Vivekananda College, Puttur ¥ÀAeÉAiÀĪÀgÀ ¸Á»vÀå PÀÈwUÀ¼ÀÄ - MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 16. Sri. D. Sadashiva Bhat Dr. G. C. Aithal 25.06.1986 Kannada Pandit Navodaya High School Bettampady, Puttur 17. Sri. K. R. Sridhar Dr. K. M. Kaveriappa STUDIES ON WATER-BORNE FUNGI OF DAKSHINA 10.01.1986 Lecturer in Bio-sciences Lecturer in Microbiology KANNADA AND KODAGU REGIONS Mangalore University. Dept. of P.G. Studies Mangalore University 18. Sri. A. Sridhar Dr. N. Lingappa A STUDY OF VOLUME INTEGRALS OF IMAGINARY PART OF 06.02.1986 Lecturer in Physics OPTICAL MODEL POTENTIALS FOR COMPOSITE PARTICLES St. Aloysius College Mangalore. 19. Sri. Raju Thomas Jacob Dr. T. N. Pattabhiraman ENTEROPINASE AND RELATED PROTEINASE INHIBITORS 08.08.1986 Dept. of Bio-chemistry FROM PLANT SOURCES K.M.C., Manipal 20. Smt. Indrani Karuansagar Dr. C. N. Nagesha GENETICS OF VIBRIO PARAHAEMOLYTICUS 08.09.1986 Asst. Professor Dept. of Microbiology College of Fisheries Mangalore PÀ£ÀßqÀ PÁzÀA§jAiÀÄ ªÉÆzÀ® WÀlÖ 1800-1930 21. Sri. Shivaram Bhat Dr. B. A. Viveka Rai 08.07.1987 Paddikkal Dept. of Kannada Mangalore University. ªÀÄÄzÀÝt£À ±À§Ý ¸À馅 ºÁUÀÆ ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃUÀ 22. Sri. N. Damodara Shetty Dr. Srinivasa Havanoor 30.07.1987 Lecturer in Kannada St. Aloysius College Mangalore 23. Sri. Jeehtendra Kumar P.K. Prof. D.L.R. Shetty 35CL NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE RESONANCE STUDY OF 16.04.1987 Lecturer in Physics SOME ORGANIC COMPOUNDS AND ITS TEMPERATURE Mangalore University. DEPENDENCE 24. Sri. N. V. Giridhar Dr. M. N. Madhyastha STUDIES ON LDH-X AND CARMITINE IN MALE 07.05.1987 Asst. Research Officer REPRODUCTION USING RAT AS A MODEL Lab. Animals Information Service Centre National Inst. Of Nutrition Hyderabad 25. Sri. H.R.A. Gadiyar Dr. N. R. Gajendragad STUDIES OF HETEROCYCLIC THIOLS AS COMPLEXING 24.06.1987 Dept. of Chemistry AGENTS ANALYTICAL REAGENTS AND CORROSION K.R.E.C. Surathkal INHIBITORS 26. Sri. T. C Chandrashekhar Dr. K. M. Kaveriappa PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION OF OIL SARDINES BY 01.07.1987 Associate Professor Lecturer in Microbiology SMOKE CURING College of Fisheries Dept. of P.G. Studies Hoige Bazaar, Mangalore Mangalore University 27. Sri. Dharma Prakash S. M. Dr. P. Mohan Rao STUDIES IN GEL GROWTH AND CHARACTERISATION OF 01.07.1987 Dept. of Physics Dept. of Physics BARIUM OXALATE DIHYDRATE AND BARIUM CADMIUM Mangalore University Mangalore University OXALATE CRYSTALS Mangalagangothri Mangalagangothri 28. Smt. K. K. Vijayalaxmi Dr. M. Abdul Rahiman CYTOGENETIC EFFECTS OF DRUGS ON MICE 10.08.1987 Dept. of Bio-sciences Mangalore University Mangalagangothri 29. Sri. N. Govinda Nayak Dr. K. Siddappa EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON COHERENT ATOMIC FORM 07.11.1987 Dept. of Physics FACTORS AT INTERMEDIATE PHOTON MOMENTUM Mangalore University TRANSFER 30. Sri. S.M.T. Sadatipour Dr. T.R. SreedharaMurthy GEOMORPHOLOGY AND GROUND WATER STUDIES OF 21.11.1987 Dept. of Marine Geology Dept. of Marine Geology GANGOLLI BASIN, DAKSHINA KANNADA, KARNATAKA, Mangalore University Mangalore University. INDIA 31. Sri. H. K. Shekharappa Dr. Jayagopal Uchil 35CL NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE RESONANCE 30.11.1987 Dept. of Physics INVESTIGATIONS ON SOME CHLORINE COMPOUNDS Mangalore University. 32. Sri. A. V. Moideen Kutty Dr. T. N. Pattabhiraman STUDIES ON AMYLASE INHIBITORS OF PLANT ORIGIN 13.01.1987 Dept. of Bio-chemistry K. M. C. Manipal 33. Smt. R. Vijayalaxmi Rao Dr. B. Thimme Gowda KINETICS AND MECHANISMS OF SOME REDOX REACTIONS 21.04.1988 Lecturer in Chemistry IN SOLUTION Mangalore University. 34. Smt. Radha Achar Dr. C. N. Ramachandran PATTERNS AND PARADOXES : A STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE 23.04.1988 Dept. of English AND THEMES OF PAUL SCOTT’S THE RAJ QUARTET Mangalore University. 35. Sri. Balakrishna Kalluraya Dr. B. Shivarama Holla SYNTHESIS CHARACTERIZATION AND BIOLOGICAL 25.04.1988 Dept. of Chemistry Dept. of Chemistry ACTIVITIES OF SOME NITRO FURAN AND OXADIAZOLE Mangalore University. Mangalore University DERIVATIVES 36. Sri. S. N. Shyam Bhat Dr. B. Surendra Rao SOUTH KANARA(1799-1860) : A STUDY IN COLONIAL 06.06.1988 Dept. of History Dept. of History ADMINISTRATION AND REGIONAL RESPONSE Mangalore University. Mangalore University. 37. Sri. N. Mallikarjuna Rao Dr. T. N. Pattabhiraman PROTEASE INHIBITORS IN TUBERS AND THEIR ACTION ON 06.06.1988 Dept. of Chemistry HUMAN ENZYMES K. M. C., Manipal 38. Sri. K. S. Jayappa Dr. K. R. Subramanya A STUDY OF BEACH MORPHOLOGY AND NEAR SHORE GEO- 23.06.1988 Dept. of Marine Geology MORPHOLOGY OF THE MANGALORE AREA Mangalore University. 39. Sri. K. R. ChandraShekhar Dr. K. M. Kaveriappa SOME ASPECTS OF WATER-BORNE FUNGI AND THEIR 12.07.1988 Dept. of Bio-sciences Dept. of Bio-sciences ENZYMES Mangalore University. Mangalore University. ¨sÀÆvÁgÁzsÀ£É MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 40. Sri. K. Chinnappa Gowda Dr. B. A. Viveka Rai 03.08.1988 – Dept. of Kannada Dept. of Kannada Mangalore University. Mangalore University. ªÀÄĽAiÀÄ wªÀÄä¥ÀàAiÀÄå MAzÀÄ CzsÀåAiÀÄ£À 41. Sri. K. Subramanya Bhat Dr. B. A. Viveka Rai – 03.08.1988 Lecturer Dept. of Kannada Dept. of Kannada Mangalore University. Mangalore University. ¥ÁæaãÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¸Á»vÀåzÀ°è ºÉtÂÚ£À ¥ÀjPÀ®à£É 42. Sri. Krishna Sharma Dr. B. A. Viveka Rai 03.08.1988 Lecturer in Kannada Dept. of Kannada G. D. C., Surathkal Mangalore University Mangalagangothri 43. Sri J. Ishwara Bhat Dr. B. Thimme Gowda KINETIC AND MECHANISTIC INVESTIGATIONS WITH 09.08.1988 Lecturer in Chemistry Dept. of Chemistry POSITIVE HALOGENS IN THE LIQUID PHASE G.D.C., Surathkal Mangalore University 44. Sri. B. S. Sherigara Dr. B. Thimme Gowda KINETIC AND ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATIONS WITH 30.08.1988 Reader in Chemistry Dept. of Chemistry AROMATIC HALOSULPHONAMIDES Mangalore University Mangalore University Mangalagangothri Mangalagangothri 45. Sri. K. P. Suresh Dr. P.G. Shivananda A STUDY ON THE FACTORS AFFECTING HUMAN 08.09.1988 Dept. of Microbiology SPERMATOZOA CAUSING ENFERTILITY IN COUPLES K.M.C., Manipal 46. Smt. Sarvamangala Devi J.N. Dr. P. G. Shivananda AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE INADENCE OF 08.09.1988 6224, Copper Sky Ct SALMANELLOSIS IN AND AROUND SOUTH KANARA Colombia Md., DISTRICT 21045, U.S.A. 47. Sri. I. Jayaprakash Rao Dr. M.N.Madhyastha A STUDY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF 14.12.1988 Dept. of Bio-sciences Prof. of Bio-sciences NETRAVATHI RIVER SYSTEM Mangalaore University Mangalagangothri 48. Smt. Sujatha Dr. T. N. Pattabhiraman STUDIES ON PROTEINASE INHIBITOR IN MAMMALIAN 30.12.1988 C./o. K. S. Shenoy & Co. SYSTEMS IN HEALTH AND DISEASES Flat No. 4, Villa Bambina Mangor hall, Vasco-da-gama Goa 49. Sri. Chandrashekharappa S. Dr. A. Krishna Rao STUDIES ON THE REPRODUCTIVE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE 25.01.1989 Asst. Prof. of Physiology FRESH WATER CATFISH, CLARIAS BATRACHUS(LINN), ROLE K. M. C., Mangalore OF THE GONADOTROPHIC AND GONADAL HORMONES 50.
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