VERWALTUNGSGERICHT MÜNSTER Aktenzeichen 1 K 939/20 In dem verwaltungsgerichtlichen Verfahren Frau Naomi Seibt Diekbree 19, 48157 Münster Klägerin gegen die Landesanstalt für Medien NRW Zollhof 2, 40221 Düsseldorf Beklagte WITNESS STATEMENT of THE VISCOUNT MONCKTON OF BRENCHLEY I, Christopher Walter Monckton of Brenchley, commonly known as The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, Peer of the Realm, of Hobbit Court, Dyrham, Chippenham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, SN14 8HE (+44 7814 556423;
[email protected]) will say – 1. The Landesanstalt Für Medien (hereinafter “LFM”) had originally written to Frau Seibt on 26 February 2020 to complain of the following three videos (hereinafter “video 1”, “video 2” and “video 3” respectively): 1. "Climate change - all just hot air? - Part 1”, posted on 01.07.2019; 2. "I want you to think - Welcome to the Heartland Institute 2020", posted on 11.02.2020; 3. "Anti-Greta or pro-human?", posted on 16.02.2020. 2. It was I who introduced Frau Seibt to James Taylor, an old friend who is now President of the Heartland Institute, at a conference of the Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE) in München on climate change in December 2019. 3. I spoke at the EIKE conference and arranged for Frau Seibt to be called to speak as well. Her speech reflected what video 1 demonstrates was already her opinion by that time: namely, that the adverse effects of global warming have been much exaggerated and its benefits much underestimated. 4. When I suggested to Frau Seibt that she might like to meet Mr Taylor, she said she had not previously heard of the Heartland Institute.