2020 Energy & Environmental Newsletters (1700± Studies, Reports & Articles on Energy, Environment, Education, etc.)

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy, environmental and educational policies, worldwide. Our premise is that technical matters (like climate change, our energy options, etc.) should be addressed by using Real Science. (Please see WiseEnergy.org for more information.)

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 2-4 weeks we put together a Newsletter to try to balance what is found in the mainstream media about Energy, Environmental and Educational issues. To review and research the last 11± years of our Newsletter, see this.

Note 1: The Newsletters complement what’s on the AWED website: WiseEnergy.org.

Note 2: For links to other excellent sources of articles on Energy and Environmental matters please see the “Current News” page on our website.

Note 3: The purpose of this extensive compilation is to make it easier to search for pertinent studies, reports and articles on a specific topic (e.g. wind energy interference with the military). It is advisable to try multiple search words — e.g. military, army, navy, etc. (Search terms are case insensitive on this PDF document.)

Note 4: We originally verified that all the links below worked. — but over time these can change. If you find any errors, please email John Droz [aaprjohn at northnet dot org] and we will try to make corrections. This is Rev: 8-10-20. ------

Recent Special Reports: The Big Picture The Russian/Chinese Plan to Bring Us Down The Four Pillars Supporting Climate Change Claims Climate Change: The Defense of CO2 Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change Why Aren’t Conservatives Doing a Better Job of Public Relations? Peer Review is Just Brass Plating — not a Gold Standard Michael Moore’s Movie: Planet of the Humans


— Page 1 — AWED 1/6/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: The world is investing less in renewable energy Big Green Lobbies to Steal from the Poor and Give to the Rich Climate alarmist banks go carbon-colonialist Video: What the Divestment Movement Doesn't Understand Falmouth (MA) Turns Climate Crisis Into A Bold Corruption Crisis AWEA Applauds Another PTC Extension I thought the wind industry didn't need subsidies any more? UK Offshore Wind Projects Pays $4.5M After Power Failure Environmental Advocates of New York and Friends Bleeding Upstate Dry

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: Watch 30 seconds of this video re wind turbine blade toxicity Mosquitoes and Climate Change (and Turbines) The Environmental Costs of Renewable Energy Are Staggering

Nuclear Energy: US to lose 1.7 GW of nuclear power next year Russia's New Floating Nuclear Power Plant Begins Delivering Electricity How The U.S. Navy Remains The Masters Of Modular Nuclear Reactors Abundant Energy for Everyone on Earth TRISO Particles: The Most Robust Nuclear Fuel on Earth Lovelock: Any Further Interference with Nuclear Power Is Likely to Be Disastrous

Misc Energy: The decade that blew up energy predictions President Trump Issues One of His Greatest Takedowns of Wind Energy Citizens Using Civil Disobedience to Protect Their Rights (e.g. against wind energy) The Green Road to Serfdom China Adding New Coal Power Plants Equivalent to Entire European Union Capacity The Future of Oil, Gas, and Coal: Stranded Assets or Safe Refuge? Renewables 'hit a wall' in saturated Upper Midwest grid A rough road ahead for electric cars Short video: Converting Plastics to Fuel Energy Stats Prove the U.S. Is the Star Performer: Thanks to Natural Gas!

— Page 2 — Manmade Global Warming: Short Video: What I Wasn’t Told About Climate Change (from IPA) Short Video: The Top Climate Crisis Scam of 2019 The End of a Decade When Climate Change Alarmism Tipped Into Climate Change Hysteria It will take a lot more than science to convince climate activists that they are wrong. How Billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg Corrupted Climate Science Lomborg: Your electric car and vegetarian diet are pointless virtue signaling... 350 Peer-Reviewed Papers Since 2017 Subvert Climate Change Claims TedX video: Climate Change Realities UN’s Madrid Climate Meetings Produce Net-Zero Benefits Who Is Winning The Climate Wars? (2) Tough Times For Climate Alarmists The climate catastrophists’ attack on dissent Short Video: Absolutist Greenies want to live in a climate change fairytale Archive: The hidden agenda behind 'climate change' New Good Book: Scapegoat CO2 We’re Getting a Clearer Picture of the Climate Future — and It’s Not as Bad as It Once Looked A year of climate madness looms Time to Fan the Flames of Civil War Between Climate Alarmists and Their Allies MIT’s new (and simple, but accurate?) Future Climate Simulator 170 Years Of Earth Surface Temperature Data Exposes The Climate Lie Archive: Earth's orbital changes have influenced climate for 215± million years Short video: Ian Plimer on Climate Change, etc. Green civil war in ? 2019 Science Data Refutes Climate Alarm On Every Front Video re UN: Will Changing Global Currency Stop Climate Change? A fun contest: "Lies, Damn Lies And Tall Climate Tales" Dr. Peter Ridd's Coral Challenge Updated Analysis Shows Climate Models Continue to Predict Too Much Warming Interview w Tony Heller re Climate Change

US Politics and Related: Prager Video: Should Decent People Support Trump? Powerful video: Spygate One Year Later

— Page 3 — Impeachment: Big Ego's, Bad Attitudes The Perils of Congressional Bipartisanship Economic vs. Cultural Marxism: The Most Important Distinction A Few things We Could Live Without in 2020 China a Big Military Threat in Key Tech Arenas Generation Z and its implications (note charts!) The Killing of Major General Qassem Soleimani | Initial Observations The Profumo affair explains how we live now

Science and Misc Matters: Australia: It has been hotter, fires have burnt larger areas Archive: Green ideology, not climate change, makes bushfires worse Tomorrow’s Gods: What is the future of religion? The Religion of Climatism Alex Epstein video: The most important New Year’s resolution Why Americans Fear Trial by Jury Five 2020 doomsday predictions that didn't pan out ------

AWED 1/13/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Australian Fires and Climate Change: Dr. Spencer: Are Australia Bushfires Worsening from Human-Caused Climate Change? Video: The Truth About the Australian Bushfires Don’t blame climate change for Australian wildfires Hijacking Australian 2019 Bushfire Tragedies to Fear-monger Climate Change Dr. David Packham’s government submission re Australian Bushfires Audio: Dr. David Packham on what’s really causing the bushfires Australia’s Epic Fires Caused By Bad Forestry And Arson, Not Climate Change Australia Fires … And Misfires Australia: It has been hotter, fires have burnt larger areas Environmentalists Made Australia’s Bush Fires Worse Why Worse Wildfires (part 1) Why Worse Wildfires (part 2) Short video about Australia’s Forest Mismanagement The Insane True Cause Of Australia’s Bush Fires The disastrous fires in Australia are man-caused, but they're not climate change

— Page 4 — Report: Arson Epidemic, Not Climate Change, Behind Australia’s Bushfires Archive: Green ideology, not climate change, makes bushfires worse Archive: a 2015 Warning (that was largely ignored) The Green Agenda Is Exacerbating Australia's Wildfire Problem Australian wildfires were caused by humans, not climate change There’s Only One Way To Make Bushfires Less Powerful: Take Out The Stuff That Burns Natural Resilience: Photos Show The Australian Bush Coming Back To Life Just Weeks After Being Decimated By Fires Record Heat and Cold Expose Climate Alarmists' Bias Australian bush fires of the year 2019 same of the great fire of Rome of the year 64 ------

AWED 1/20/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Special interest groups vow to continue push for energy credits A Decade of Wind Energy Subsidies Reform USAID energy aid policies now! A reflection on the cost of reducing emissions in Ontario’s electricity system Another Expensive Solar Scheme Bites the Dust This $1 Billion Solar Plant Is an Obsolete, Expensive Flop NY Energy Bill from Cuomo to Consumers Could Top $47 Billion! Wind Energy Is Still Beating Solar Energy in Washington DC In UK ~$900 Million (US) spent to shut off wind turbines The feds bet $737 million on a salt tower for solar power. Guess what happened?

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: 50,000 Tons Of Non-Recyclable Wind Turbine Blades Dumped In The Landfill Government official: Germans who live near wind turbines be compensated Wind Turbines could be final nail in coffin for seabirds Essex Solar (VA) agrees to pay a $245,000 civil penalty for alleged water violations Sound Expert Disputes Wind Energy Proponents’ Noise Claims

Nuclear Energy: Nuclear in 2020: a global look ahead US Congress approves Historic Funding for Nuclear

— Page 5 — I Simply Want Much More Nuclear Power Federal setbacks to nuclear energy will harm climate

Natural Gas Energy: Europe’s Green Energy Policy Is A Complete & Utter Mess How The US Shale Revolution Changed The Face Of Geopolitics The Fracking Decade Natural Gas Does A Lot More Than Just Reduce CO2; It Saves Lives! How fracking changed America forever Changes in US Natural Gas Reserves The World’s Next Energy Bonanza

Misc Energy: NEPA climate overhaul could unleash energy projects Progressive Eco-Group Admits It: Renewable Energy is a Hoax In 2018 Minnesota Had More Wind and Solar than Ever, But CO2 Emissions Went Up Report: The Commoditization of Electricity 'Completely unsustainable': How data demands take a toll on the environment New NY Town Board replaced existing weak wind law with a more protective one Hot Air on Energy Short Video: Riot Fuel Taking a cue from plants, new chemical approach converts CO2 to valuable fuel Smart Grids to Manage Two Thirds of Global Power Networks by 2050 The Tragedy of Germany’s Energy Experiment Short Good Video: Energy 101 — Energy Density Foreign Agents Funded by the Rockefellers Attack Our Energy Security Six ND wind projects miss deadline for new lighting systems NJ Governor Signs Foolish Offshore Wind Order Discussion of Residential Ground Source Heat Pumps Last planned Vermont wind project: cancelled

Manmade Global Warming: 2020 is the year we storm the green barricades Climate Expert Shreds AOC & Greta Claims In Congressional Testimony Excellent video debunking the 97% scientists AGW claims US Pentagon predicted climate-change catastrophe by 2020 Archive: The Assault on Science

— Page 6 — Climate alarmists have abandoned scientific method Green New Dealers Can Agree: No Climate Armageddon Study: Cogent and irrefutable reasons why CO2 cannot warm the Earth Russia announces plans to adapt due to climate change Stratospheric polar vortex reaches coldest temperature in 40 years Is a Joke Eye-popping video exposes brazen junk science by federal climate assessment program Global Climate May Improve, But Academic Gloom Is Paid To Stay What 50 Years Of Global Hurricane Landfall Data Teaches Us About Climate Change Short video: CO2 Emissions, Fossil Fuel Use and Human Longevity Mark Mathis Is 100% Correct: Too Much of Climate Science Isn’t Short video: NASA Confirms Their Own Climate "" German Greens: Use Climate Emergency Declarations to Jail Deniers Archive: The New Politics Of Climate Change: No Space For Deniers What the global warming advocates really have in mind Study: Sun, not CO2, controls global temperature Thank God for tide gauges The Ocean Warms By A Whole Little Short video: NASA NOAA 2019 Global Data shows US Temps Fall Dramatically Global Warming Theology Is the Enemy of Climate Science and Reason

Education Related: Loosening Social Justice’s Iron Grip on Academia Russell Kirk on Higher Education In the global classroom, ‘American’ is for average Global climate may improve, but academic gloom seems here to stay Teachers Union wants climate based social revolution taught in English classes

US Politics and Related: Quotations from Thomas Sowell – one of the greatest living economists How Do Civil Wars Happen? Greta Thunberg: A Living Explanation Of The Left No Bureaucratic Drainage in the Washington Swamp New York Times Continues Campaign Against Trump Administration U.S. Presidential Election: for the first time, climate is a top priority How the predictions of a defector KGB agent in the '80's have taken root in the US Video: Margaret Thatcher — The Woman Who Saved Great Britain

— Page 7 — The World’s a Better Place with Soleimani Gone Information about the Drone that took out the Iranian General Impeachment: Dems are Crazy — Like a Fox… The High Cost of Good Intentions (US Federal Entitlement Programs) FISA Court Judge May Have Falsified His Senate Ethics Disclosures The Economic Benefits of Improved Infrastructure Permitting Presidential Executive Order on Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review Process for Infrastructure Obama Officials Advising Iran? Video: Special Middle East Update Five States Face Federal Lawsuit Over Inaccurate Voter Registrations Why CNN Settlement in Libel Case Is a Big Deal 9th Circuit Court Deals Brutal Blow To Teens Who Sued Trump Over Climate Change How To Stem the Tide of Socialism

Science and Misc Matters: EPA’s Science Blowout Short Video: What is "Fair”? Pessimism isn’t warranted. If you take the long view, the world is getting better EPA at 50: Progress for a Stronger Future Scientific Misconduct At James Cook University Confirms My Worst Fears Jo Nova analyzes Australian fires The Greens: cashing in on death and destruction How Technology Companies Control Minds Through Smart Phone Addiction Ted Talk: Wireless Data from Every Lightbulb? When public business is done behind closed doors How NYS authorities keep costs off-budget ------

AWED 2/3/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: FERC Orders PJM to Expand Minimum Offer Price Rule Another perspective on the important FERC ruling Intermittent & Unreliable Wind & Solar The Greatest Subsidy Scam In History The Evolution of Electricity Rates Archive: The Disastrous Economics of 100% Renewables

— Page 8 — Electric utilities: pathway to a costs and pricing revolution Mnuchin: Greta should study economics U.S. continues to dump funds into an electrical sinkhole Rockefeller Fund Behind “Climate Polluters” Lawsuits, etc.

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: Mad as the sea and wind: Wind power in France: a lie and a swindle? Wind Turbines at Deer Lake (NY) may drain the lake The Left’s Opposition to Mining Threatens Its Green Dream Iowa cardiologist shares health concerns over wind turbines Archive Study: People near wind turbines report having a lower quality of life Years later, Vermont wind project’s impact on bear habitat in question

Solar Energy: Top Solar Executives Plead Guilty to Participating in a Billion Dollar Ponzi Scheme Study: Solar can be a net energy loser The Grid Is At Capacity For Solar Power In Parts Of Oregon The Solar Company Making a Profit on Poor Africans

Nuclear Energy: Nuclear Waste Recycled into Diamond Batteries with “Near Infinite Power” The Unexpected Consequences Of Germany's Anti-Nuclear Push Germany’s overdose of renewable energy Worried About Cutting CO2 Emissions? Then Nuclear is the Only Solution Don’t like CO2? Advanced nuclear power is the answer Russian Scientists Reveal Plans for Fusion-Fission Reactor

Natural Gas Energy: Epstein Video: Fossil Fuels are Not Mankind's Enemy Note to U.S. Politicians – oil and gas is an International industry CO2 Emissions Expected to Decline Yet Again. Thank Natural Gas. Energy Paradoxes Put Europe In a Precarious Position Yale Says Fracking Causes Sexually-Transmitted Infections Students Demand Fossil Fuel Divestment: Professor Offers To Turn Off Gas Heating What If Fracking Were Banned, As Some Irresponsibly Propose?

Misc Energy:

— Page 9 — Gov Cuomo would like to accelerate the race to the bottom Gov Cuomo Proposes Radical Reshaping of Siting Process for Renewable Projects IEA expects coal consumption to rise through next five years Sections of Australia are on Electricity Blackout Watch The Six Energy Paradoxes that slow the sector’s progress Short Video: BERNing Down America Study: Comparing Carbon Capture to Renewable Energy Imagine A World Without Oil Economist says Governor is wrong about offshore wind job claims US House Draft of Climate Change Bill NY County Approves Stronger Local Wind Law NY Town Sued Over Wind Law

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: Earth’s Climate History: What the Doomsayers Don’t Want Voters to Know Top Scientist Describes “Global Warming” as Pseudo-Science The Thunberg Fallacies CLINTEL Manifesto blasts climate scaremongering Global warming goals impossible, Nobel laureate tells Swiss paper Worst case emissions climate scenario 'exceedingly unlikely' Polar bears: The end of a climate delusion icon The Pillars of Climate Rhetoric Are Rotten and Don’t Hold Up The American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act: Myth vs. Fact Archive: The Two-Degree Delusion US Democrats Demand YouTube Censor “Climate Misinformation” Videos

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: Notes From Meeting at Rockefeller Mansion Shed Light on Climate Politics Another Of The "Stupidest Litigation" Contenders Dies -- But Just Barely The Physician and ‘Climate Change’ Climate Serfdom Is No Future, It’s the Road to Destruction US court dismisses suit by youths over climate change The Taming and Shaming of RCP8.5 – Climate Scientists Carry On As Usual CO2 Emissions – the ‘business as usual’ story is misleading Was 2019 a Hot Year, or Was There Just Lots of Hot Talk? 2019 Global Temperatures: Down and Up Radio Interview: Climate Controversies

— Page 10 — Video Interview: Conversation Update with Dr. William Happer Robust Scientific Evidence that Clouds (not CO2) Control Earth’s Climate Study: Empirical evidence of declining global vulnerability to climate-related hazards Study: Climate sensitivity, agricultural productivity and the social cost of carbon Study: Humans are the #1 Cause of Fires in the US Report: CO2 Reduction is a Mass Murder Policy Feminist Author Calls on Germans to Stop Having Babies to Save the Planet Climate Policies Harm Minorities Boris Johnson & Climate Change A Potpourri of Recent Developments in the Climate Wars Why we should be wary of blaming 'overpopulation' for the climate crisis Clear solar vs climate correlation since 2,000 years ago: CO2 irrelevant Climate sensitivity in light of the latest energy imbalance evidence NASA declares carbon dioxide is Greening the Earth

Education Related: Californians Turn a Cold Shoulder on Bill Requiring Climate-Change Education Social Justice Revisionism Comes for Washington and Lee The Intellectual and Moral Decline in Academic Research

President Trump Impeachment Hearings: GOP blocks witnesses in Senate impeachment: Vote is set for Wednesday Impeachment, the End of an Era, and the Conservative Challenge Democrats’ impeachment case all words, no point Three Lessons of Impeachment After Trump, Whom Will They Impeach Next? The 10 biggest lies in President Trump's impeachment trial

Other US Politics and Related: President Trump rejects environmental 'prophets of doom' in Davos address Short video: President Trump’s remarks at Davos Trump At Davos: Optimism, Not Pessimism! Greenpeace included with neo-Nazis on UK counter-terror list Sanders staffer calls for extreme left-wing violence while living lavish lifestyle Short Video: How to End White Privilege Ignore the Fake Climate Debate What’s in Republicans’ new climate-change push

— Page 11 — See this in the news? Time-lapse video shows massive turnout for 2020 March for Life Former CIA Officer On What The ‘Deep State’ Looks Like: Part 1 and Part 2 Report: China cracks down on Christian religious funerals

Science and Misc Matters: ‘Cancel Culture’ Comes to Science When Science Is Literally under Attack: Ad Hominem Attacks A New Road to Serfdom Rule From Afar By the UN The ‘Global Citizen’ Fraud The Mess That Is Science Publishing Amy Cooke gets selected to be the CEO of the John Locke Foundation The Sun Set Off 4,000 Sea Mines During the Vietnam War NYS Charges citizens for the privilege of looking at the night sky Harvard University professor lied about work for the Chinese government The top 10 FAKE SCIENCE stories of 2019 Where are NY State residents migrating to? Media ‘impartiality’ on climate change is ethically misguided and dangerous ------

AWED 2/17/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: The Bloomberg Family Foundation and the Future of American Energy Central banks change global monetary policy to embrace “climate change” Attack of the green carbon counters as business world reduced to tallying emissions Wind Energy Feeding at the Government Subsidy Trough for 28 Years! Deceptive Rhetoric At Davos Could Bring Disaster Trump’s Environmental Review Reforms Vital for U.S. Economy Falmouth Taxpayers Hit Hard On Renewable Energy Projects Electricity Rates by US State Wind Giants in Germany Are Not So Keen on Market Rates After All German Electricity Prices Skyrocket To Record Highs

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: Plymouth (MA) Board of Health Declares Turbines a Nuisance Federal Government Moves to Relax Rules Against Killing Birds?

— Page 12 — Wind Turbines Killing Millions of America’s Bats: Endangered Species Under Threat Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfills Waste Problems for Wind and Solar Anglers oppose Lake Erie wind turbine project Hawaii’s Push For Renewable Energy Could Stall Over Public Opposition Whales Deafened By Offshore Wind Turbine Noise Die Stranded Onshore

Solar Energy: Much-touted Crescent Dunes solar plant goes bust Major contractor dramatically quits Australian solar sector

Nuclear Energy: Fungi that eats radiation found inside Chernobyl nuclear reactor Bringing SMRs to the Pacific Northwest New US DOE Nuclear Project funding Raising the Next Generation of Nuclear: A Road Map for Deployment Archive: Stop Letting Ridiculous Fears Of Nuclear Power Kill The Planet

Natural Gas Energy: Gas Switching Reforming: making Hydrogen to balance variable Wind, Solar New Mexico Gov credits gas (and oil) as main driver for state’s budget surplus CO2, The Big Picture No One on the Fractivist Fringe Can Apparently See Fake News Is Endemic In Environmentalism

Misc Energy: Europe's Green Deal: Same Hysteria, Same Destruction Japan Races to Build New Coal-Burning Power Plants A cautionary tale of a 'green' energy deal gone badly wrong Renewable Energy Fairy Tales US Green Agenda: Nationalize Energy DIRE WARNING: The EU’s new Taxonomy Regulation Renewable Power Theatre of the Absurd U.S. coal plants pinched between economic pressures and inefficient cycling Alternative Energy Can't Replace Hydrocarbons Short video: RGGI Reality 800± foot high Industrial Wind Turbine Proposed for Illinois Electric Power Rankings for States (multiple, detailed charts)

— Page 13 — Three reasons American energy dominance benefits Us citizens Plug-in hybrid cars emit THREE TIMES more CO2 than official figures suggest Calculating FERC’s One-Mile Rule for Renewable Projects Seeking QF Status Onshore wind low hanging fruit has already been picked Green Deal Law To Make EU’s ‘Tectonic’ Energy Shift Irreversible

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: The Left’s Doomsday Stories Climate Not About Controlling The Weather, It’s About Controlling You! Climate doomsayers keep putting sell-by dates on their credibility A Climate Blacklist That Works to Make Skeptics Unhirable “Ethically misguided and downright dangerous” NOT to Censor Climate Deniers Stop using inadequate climate models for policy making A Challenge to Evangelical Climate Scientist Katharine Hayhoe Australian Senator Challenges Climate Fraudster Michael Mann! Study: Economic Impact of Energy Consumption Change Caused by Global Warming Luke-warming: The climate campaign’s cottage industry Not for Thee, But for Me: The Twin Life of Climate Hypocrites Models reconsidered: There is no climate emergency Fact Check: Is climate change really causing more severe weather?

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: Excellent Short Video: Real Climate Science Short video: Hide The Decline Thesis: Climate Change and Marxism 440 scientific papers last year disputed climate alarmism Extinction Rebellion Cofounder Wants To ‘Sabotage’ Civilization An autopsy of the climate policy debate’s corpse Saturation is the Demise of Global Warming Fakery Poll Results: Climate Is Always Low Priority The Left’s Solution to Climate Change: Human Extinction Video: Climate Change, World Order & the Rockefeller Dynasty Peter Laux's Statutory Declaration for $10K Climate Challenge 'Mini Ice Age' warnings for next 30 years with -50C temperatures in coldest areas Scientists Divided Over Impact Of Solar Minimum On Global Temperatures Foundational Principles of Biblical Earth Stewardship Are Droughts Getting Worse (globally)?

— Page 14 — Archive: Debate between four Climate Experts Climate Change Science Gains Nothing from Anecdotes Fight climate extremists before they upend society Con Ed’s Annual Report on CO2, CH4 (Methane) and SF6 An excellent collection of short videos: Climate Discussion Nexus Climate Bills Supported by Some House Republicans are Bad Policy Unlike in Europe, the US approach to climate change is actually working Scientists: Oxygen & Nitrogen ‘Radiatively Important’ Greenhouse Gases Patrick Moore was banned from speaking about this alternative CO2 point of view Video: Interview with Dr. Patrick Moore: de-platforming, climate change Americans Just Don’t Believe in the ‘Climate Change’ Fairy Global Warming in a Few Charts Exposing Climate Alarmist Michael Mann’s Criminal Record Guess Who’s Leading The World In CO2 Emission Reduction? GOP Climate Proposal Faces Opposition in Own Party Video: Attenborough's Arctic Betrayal (e.g. re Polar Bears) The Ahuman Manifesto: The Final Solution to Climate Change CLCPA, Cuomo’s Green Badge of Virtue, Setting Him Up for Failure

Education Related: The Myth of the Entrepreneurial University Harsh medicine to fix America’s universities Christian Colleges Are Worth the Investment Here’s How to Get Out of the Trap Humans Have Put Themselves In Rising CO2 levels may hinder cognitive function

US Politics and Related: How the Left is Trying to Kill America About the slow-mo revolution by the Left Archive: On Destroying America Archive: The Civil War is Here Officials warn of growing Chinese threats President Trump’s State of the Union Address (written) Short video: The Market Will Set You Free Short video: Immigration in the US Short video: The New Way Forward Act Brussels Tells UK: Report To Us On Climate Change Or Forget Brexit Trade Deal

— Page 15 — Short video: Rona Barrett Interview 36 yrs. ago with Donald Trump

Science and Misc Matters: The Urgent Need for a United States Space Force Report: Russian satellites tailing advanced US spy satellite Archive: Sustainable Development — The Evil Facing America Archive: Is Ideology Becoming America's Official Religion? Africa locust invasion may become ‘most devastating plague’ in living memory Coronavirus Death Smog: Is China Burning Thousands of Infected Bodies? John Hopkins Tracking Information for Worldwide Coronavirus Short Video: What is really happening in Sweden, Greta? Chinese: Happy Subjects No More ------

AWED 3/2/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Study: Green New Deal would cost $75K per household in first year Sorry Virtue Signalers, a Carbon Tax Would Have No Impact on Climate Wind Developers Receive Unexpected Benefit in Latest PTC Extension Eminent domain is not for sale in Missouri Failed Auction Illustrates 'Dramatic' Struggle Of German Wind Power Four Key Nations Refuse To Pay For One Trillion Euro Plan To Fight Climate Change Germany’s Green Suicide: Auto Heartlands In Peril As 'Golden Age' Fades Fast Marginal gains continue to elude wind energy investors

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: 14± million trees felled in Scotland for wind development, 2000–2019 Why Some Families Living Near Wind Facilities Contemplate Vacating Their Homes

Solar Energy: The Misguided Green Virtue-Signaling of Solar Panel Mandates Surprising Disadvantages of Using Solar Energy Super-Size Solar Farms Are Taking Over the World Federal Data Confirms Minnesota Solar Panels Don’t Work Well in Winter Texas leads the US in wind power — and now it’s ramping up solar, too

— Page 16 — Nuclear Energy: Don’t like CO2? Advanced nuclear power is the answer Recycled Nuclear Waste Will Power a New Reactor Radical hydrogen-boron reactor leapfrogs current nuclear fusion tech TerraPower and GE Hitachi proposal to build a new nuclear reactor What if Germany wasn’t shutting down Nuclear? Former execs sued by SEC for ‘fraud’ over failed SC nuclear project

Natural Gas Energy: Natural Gas Is Crushing Wind and Solar Power The Obvious Reality Of More U.S. Oil And Natural Gas Fracking has reduced carbon emissions Don't believe the hype: US carbon emissions are actually dropping EPA’s 2019 Power Plant Emissions Data Demonstrate Significant Progress NYT Ad: Open Letter to 2020 Presidential Candidates What the frack? 5 things you should know A US gas pipeline operator was infected by malware Canada is launching methane emissions rules for Oil and Gas Natural Gas Exports Set to Soar Thanks to Appalachian Shale Nick DeIuliis Delivers Inspiring Speech on the Glorious Future of Gas

NYS Energy: Good News: FERC critics cry bailout by another name Cuomo wants more state control of solar, wind energy permits N.Y.'s plan to fast-track renewables could get 'ugly' NYS Towns’ opposition to new renewable energy project rules NYSERDA Must Reveal Secret Study, Judge Rules NYSERDA Plan Could Add $200/Month Each in Electric and Gas Costs Cuomo And The Urbanites Are Squeezing Rural New York To Death Cuomo 'power play' threatens home rule Cuomo Proposes to Shove Renewables Onto Your Town, Like Them or Not CLCPA Goals Set by Climate Change Zealots Might Force Its Repeal

Misc Energy: Report: Onshore wind faces slowdown without a ‘game changer’ Why the U.S. faces a steep path to a CO2-free grid Fossil Fuels Advocacy Alarms Environmental Alarmists

— Page 17 — The looming German capacity crunch Conflict between FAA and State Law regarding Siting Turbines The looming collision between electric vehicles and green energy Racial preferences in Virginia energy law are unconstitutional New Book: A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations Re Energy Matters: Vermont is Going to Hell in a Hand Basket EPA Proposes Additional Amendments to the Regulations for Coal Residuals China and India rejecting renewables for coal-fired futures Biomass, Like So Many Other Renewable Scams, Can’t Make It on Its Own Video: Virtue Signaling To Destroy The Environment Africa Energy Situation and Future Suffers from NGO Condescension

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: Report: The Greatly Exaggerated Threat of Man-made Warming More Deadly Than Coronavirus: Green Ideology Excellent video: Greta Thunberg Incorporated: The Exposé “Hottest” January? More Globaloney Bloviating from NOAA and the Media Top Scientist: UN “Climate Finance” Is Subsidy for Kleptocracy Archive: Adjusting Good Data To Make It Match Bad Data Canadian government pays media to write climate change articles Propagandizing College Students about Climate Change

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: The Real Western Civilization Emergency House Republicans Roll Out their Climate Change Bills Video: Climate Change Mass Indoctrination, Corruption of Science 2020 Dr. Curry: Plausible scenarios for climate change: 2020-2050 Study: Empirical evidence of declining global vulnerability to climate hazards “RepublicEN” astroturf group launches character attack on Princeton physicist Prominent physicist and climate change skeptic Freeman Dyson dies at 96 Why and how China secretly supports climate hysteria Trump Administration Begins Work on Next National Climate Report Oregon House Republicans join Senate Republicans in walkout over climate bill Video: Dr Ball provides a comprehensive overview of the origins of CO2 alarmism Short video: Norwegians say No to Climate Hysteria Merkel: Germany must put Carbon Capture back on the table Could global cooling silently become a reality?

— Page 18 — Jeff Bezo$ goes really big on climate German teenage 'anti-Greta' speaks at Republican CPAC convention

Education Related: Trump vs. Democrats on Higher Education The Philosophical Force Driving the Fight to Rewrite History To prepare climate strikers for the future, we need to rewrite the history books Short video: Why the West Won Easy grades make for hard landings College Climate Surveys Needed to Understand Free Expression on Campus Put politics aside and focus on the science of reading Future Education: NYC’s new virtual reality hub might just blow your mind

US Politics and Socialism: What Is Socialism? Socialism Always Fails Video: The History of Socialism in the US If Bernie Sanders Is So Progressive, Why Is The Green New Deal So Regressive? Bernie Sanders's Rise is Like Death Knocking on America's Door Communist Citizen Body County To Date = 150+ Million How the rise of environmental politics is threatening traditional allegiances, etc. 'Socialism is a total disaster': Nikki Haley knocks 'naive' Bernie Sanders Life Imitates Art: Obama Was The Manchurian Candidate

US Politics and Health Care: Live graphic showing all Coronavirus cases, worldwide China Coronavirus: Confucism vs Communism Coronavirus Appears Far Less Deadly Than Flu, But Some Keep Promoting Panic Over China, Cornavirus coincides with plummet in nitrogen dioxide The Death of Born Alive The Dangers in Nationalizing Health Care Health issues endured by American forefathers

Other US Politics and Related: Short powerful video: Paul Harvey’s Warning to America It’s Time the Right Got Its Act Together How Democrats are using multiculturalism and immigration to destroy America

— Page 19 — Short Video: Is Voter Fraud Real? Trump Takes Aim at Bureaucratic Bullying Trump budget calls for slashing funds to climate science centers Mandy Gunasekara Set to Become EPA Chief of Staff A new Conservative organization (headed by Nikki Haley): Stand for America

Science and Misc Matters: Environmentalism Today Is Infected with Urban Smugness Causes and consequences of the climate science boom Europe’s Anti-Science Plague Descends On Africa The Radical Greens’ Role In Africa’s Locusts Crisis Local Newspapers Are Dying Because They Don’t Represent America We’ll miss newspapers, but we need journalism more than ever Censoring Peer Review Using Political Correctness Report: Peer Review is Just Brass Plating — not a Gold Standard Conference Videos: Fixing Science - Practical Solutions for the Irreproducibility Crisis India Plans To Open 100 Airports In Five Years ------

AWED 3/16/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

COVID-19 Health Information: Live graphic showing all Coronavirus cases, worldwide CDC Coronavirus Disease Webpage My recommendations re COVID-19 A good general Coronavirus overview, answering common questions Dr. Oz's COVID-19 Survival Guide

COVID-19 and Panic: Coronavirus Hysteria Worse Than the Disease Panic and the Coronavirus: Is There is Better Approach? The Math Of Epidemics Video: Dennis Prager — Coronavirus: Panic or Pandemic? A warming light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel? Coronavirus going to hit its peak and start falling sooner than you think

COVID-19 and How To’s:

— Page 20 — How to: Distinguish COVID-19 from the Flu or a Cold How to: Get Effective Antimicrobial Products for COVID-19 How to: Successfully self-quarantine How to: Start Working From Home How to: Get food delivered safely during coronavirus pandemic How to: Prevent Loneliness in Times of Social Distancing How to: Stay Coronavirus-free while flying How to: Avoid Coronavirus scams How to: Use your home computer to help scientists find a COVID-19 cure

COVID-19 and China: The Chinese Knew What They Were Doing in Spreading the Wuhan Virus Inside China's high-stakes campaign to smear the US over Coronavirus China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs China reframes coronavirus narrative Apocalyptic battle of the Viruses: H1N1 vs CORVID-19

COVID-19 and Energy/Climate Change Good News: Climate crisis on back-burner as pandemic threat looms Social Changes with COVID-19 are a prelude to life with less fossil fuels Wisconsin solar installations delayed because of COVID-19; Minnesota developers worried Coronavirus Creates Angst For Clean Energy Developers

COVID-19 and Energy/Climate Change Bad News: How Coronavirus Makes The Case For Renewable Energy Coronavirus Conflict: Putin to Start a War on America’s Shale Oil Industry Green Fanatics Celebrating Coronavirus Epidemic

COVID-19 and Other Politics: A viral takedown of Donald Trump? COVID-19 will be used to justify US universal health care COVID-19 Exposes Our Societal Failings ------

AWED 3/23/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

— Page 21 — COVID-19: Latest version: A Summary of Suggestions and Commentary for COVID-19 (Includes a one page doc: COVID-19: Prevention and Treatment Suggestions)

Greed Energy Economics: Europe’s Green Suicide: Eleven Million Jobs At Risk From EU Green Deal The Government’s energy policy could cripple global Britain 3± million seniors turn off heating as ‘they cannot afford energy bills’ Are wind farms better in theory than they are in practice? Turbine battle heating up Climate change activists calls for economic shutdown to decarbonize Why Have Wind Energy Constraint Payments Spiked in 2020? UK Govt Punishes Voters As Costly Climate Policies Drive Up Electricity Bills

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: The conflict between wind turbines and wildlife What’s more important a lithium (for batteries) mine, or flowers?

Nuclear Energy: American Decade of Energy One of the World's Tiniest Nuclear Plants Is Coming to Idaho Nuclear is the solution – and SMRs are the future of nuclear US Federal Legislation Proposed: Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act

Natural Gas Energy: Putin takes aim at US shale oil industry Price War on Oil Proves the Power of America’s Shale Revolution Germany Proves How Essential Natural Gas Is – And The U.S. Must Supply Study: Fracking Ban Could Cripple U.S. The unholy crusade against gas appliances “Fraccidents” Study Yet Another Case of Junk Science; More “Fracsearch” Fracking in NM helps create jobs, lower carbon emissions Hearing on LNG Terminal Plan for South Jersey California Gas Bans Ensure Less Choice and Ever Higher Prices

NYS Energy: CLCPA Begins, But Some Advice Regarding the Baloney

— Page 22 — Legislators, officials ‘outraged’ by Cuomo power site plan Cuomo fast-track for green energy projects gets pushback on LI Editorial: Push for more control of energy projects troubling Editorial: Cuomo picks developers over residents in siting energy projects Short video: Cuomo's Shock Troops Archive: Monsters on the Ridge Before raising taxes, NY Democrats should check out these numbers Governor’s energy proposal poses threat to municipalities Erie County’s NY opposes Cuomo’s renewables push Recommendations to Siting Board 'a gut punch' for Alle-Catt opponents

US Energy Legislation: Dirty Secrets About the CLEAN Future Act US Marquee Energy Innovation Bill Stumbles on Senate Floor Questionable new US Legislation: American Energy Innovation Act It’s Time for Conservatives to Own the Climate-Change Issue Biden goes extreme on fossil fuels Bernie calls for federal takeover of electricity production

Misc Energy: Renewable Energy Industry Seeks to Scam Public During Health Crisis The Great Wind Delusion "Clean, renewable" energy is neither BP Caves to Green Pressure Response to 2019 Energy Action Report to Reduce CO2 in Vermont Short video: Wind turbine interference of TV signals Short Video: EV Dream Short video: Energy 101: Mining and Rare Earths Why green hydrogen is key to the global energy transition Water splitting advance holds promise for affordable renewable energy Trump's punt on offshore wind sparks lobbying blitz Kitty Hawk (NC) offshore wind project moving forward Virginia approves 100% clean energy legislation US military squeezes wind energy development off California Coast Green New Deal Fanatics Have No Concept of What They Propose

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

— Page 23 — The Carbon Capture Con McKibben Goes Over the Edge for His Rockefeller Benefactors No, Michael Mann, You Aren’t Going to ‘Ruin’ this ‘Filthy Organization’ Short video: No Data Required Is Manhattan About To Get Drowned By The Sea? Trump wants prime-time climate science challenge — Happer The Eco-Assault on Our Liberty Scientist: There actually ARE ways to reduce global temperature Wikipedia Airbrushes List of Climate Sceptic Scientists Out of History The Canadian Institute for Climate Choices should “fact check” Greta preaches many of the first Earth Day’s failed predictions Why the DNC Doesn’t Want a Climate Debate

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: Eliminate fossil fuels now — U.S. “MAGICC” model says why bother? Petition filed to Appeal the EPA’s Endangerment Finding Short Video: How Bad is CO2? SLR: Looking For Acceleration In All The Wrong Places Can History Cast Doubt on the Evidence of Global Warming? Even coronavirus couldn't stop the climate madness Democrats want climate action included in coronavirus aid Zero carbon is a crime against humanity Freeman Dyson, RIP Archive: Dyson — Heretical Thoughts about Science and Society Legal Gaps And US Elections May Turn COP26 Into Damp Squib Archive: The Disgraceful Episode Of Lysenkoism Brings Us Global Warming Theory New (short) Book: All What Matters: The Facts about Global Climate Genesis Archive video: Debunking the "Simple Physics" Slogan About Climate Change Study: How Much Human-Caused Global Warming Should We Expect with Business- As-Usual Climate Policies? The Physician and ‘Climate Change’

Education Related: Multiple new US arrests for China-sponsored academic stealing American Higher Education: Beset with Problems, but Solutions Exist What Colleges Can Do to Defend Free Expression Modern Doomsday Cult Is Threatening the Mental Health of Millions of Children

— Page 24 — How College Sports Turned into a Corrupt Mega-Business Why Art Matters

US Politics and Socialism: Short Video: The Intolerance of Tolerance The Communist Plan to Overthrow America from Within Marxism a Nightmare, Not a Future Sanders Not Alone in Willful Ignorance of Communist Realities Archive: Globalization, Communism at Its Core The long-anticipated death of the Great American Experiment What Bernie and Greta have in common Bernie's Soviet Honeymoon Missed Marxist Miseries

Other US Politics and Related: The Democratic Disaster Just Got Even More Hilarious Liberal-Funded Eco-Right Infiltrates CPAC, and Conservative Movement About Immigration: Life in Denmark- Real food for thought Banks Must Not Be Used as Pawns of the Left 21 words uttered by FISA court that changed the Russia collusion case

Science and Misc Matters: Short video: Why Are So Many Young People Unhappy? The Collapse of Intellectual Standards in Science Greta: women equality and climate justice… EPA: Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science (an update) EPA Makes Big Changes To Rule Banning ‘Secret Science’ — Obama-Era Officials Rage ------

AWED 4/6/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

COVID-19: Latest version: A Summary of Suggestions and Commentary on COVID-19

Greed Energy Economics: Grand Theft: US Taxpayers Liable For $120 Billion In Subsidies to Wind & Solar Wind & Solar Lobbyists letter to Democrats for COVID-19 Handouts Renewable Energy Advocates Decry Lack of Handouts in Stimulus Bill

— Page 25 — Why Dems were so bent on passing wind handouts amid COVID-19 crisis France: Far more support for turbines that for medicine and hospitals

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: Noise is still bad for health BBC finally concedes: Green energy facilities threat to wilderness areas Migratory Bird Treaty Act reform will clarify longstanding confusion

Solar Energy: Solar Capacity Low Where the Sun Doesn’t Shine - Who Could’ve Known? California Pushes for Solar Panel Waste Policy

Natural Gas Energy: COVID-19 Virus Being Fought with Methane Control Technology Short video: SHALEout! Save America’s Oil And Gas Industry Russia continues to influence America’s energy sources Several states propose blocking cities from banning natural gas Pipeline-Starved NYS Avoids Natural Gas Shortages this Winter, but the Future? Energy Security Matters, As It Turns Out, And Fracking Is Key

New York State: Identity Politics Lied. New Yorkers Died Dead-Of-Night Coronavirus Vote Gives Cuomo Sweeping New Emergency Powers Cuomo critics highlight years of taxpayer waste, amid deepening COVID-19 crisis Gov Cuomo to ram industrial wind, solar plants down locals’ throats Cuomo's coronavirus failure – the real reason for New York's ventilator shortage Short video: How NY Failed it’s Citizens Short video: Are NY wind turbine workers “essential services”? and Part 2 Governor Cuomo and His Insatiable Appetite for Power Pomfret (NY) tightens its wind law NY Department of State to oversee renewable siting office

Misc Energy: Surviving the Coronavirus? Thank Fossil Fuels. 13 Petroleum Products Crucial to the COVID-19 Pandemic To Fight The Coronavirus, The World Returns To Fossil Fuels

— Page 26 — Letter objecting to renewable handouts in US COVID-19 economics bill Green New Deal Preview Offered by Wuhan Coronavirus AI software to improve Nuclear reactor designs, performance, safety, lifetimes China’s 2019 electricity generation reviewed Trump Administration upgrades Obama-era fuel-efficiency standards Nevada’s Renewable Energy Delusion Developer of Hawaii wind project withdraws its bid (after 4+ years of resistance) U.S. Renewable Energy Sources - Their Real and Potential Output Let’s Quarantine Some Fake Corona and Energy News

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: COVID-19 and Climate Change: The Parallels The coronavirus pandemic vs the Climate Emergency Archive video: The War on Humans NASA and NOAA’s Latest Climate Warning Is a Result of Purposefully Flawed Data Video: The Superbowl Of Data Tampering Bandwagon Of Doom Washed Away By Tidal Wave Of Data Throwing cold water on hot climate models Climate Litigation: a Government Grab for Cash

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: Massachusetts v. EPA: After 13 years, it's time for climate policy review We gambled on the wrong threat — climate change COVID-19 And Climate Change: Asia’s Policy Choices In The Age Of ‘Crisis’ People Will Be In No Mood To Stay In Panic Mode After COVID-19 Scare Ends Is the COVID-19 Economic Downturn Affecting Atmospheric CO2? Data Says Not Yet The Earth’s Temperature (going down!) Russia Pledges To Increase CO2 Emissions By 2030 Ocean Temperature Changes and Sea Level Changes Causes and consequences of global warming, a natural phenomenon, a political issue, or a scientific debate? Video: The IPCC is an inept organization that wastes its budget on Showbiz events Report: Earth now warmest in 2,000 years, thanks to Sun not CO2

Education Related: A Scholar’s Lament

— Page 27 — Soap-opera science Higher Education Will Never Be the Same—And That’s Not All Bad A Conversation with the Chancellor of UNC-Chapel Hill How Tulsa University Was Turned into Toxic University

US Politics and Socialism: Crises and the collectivist temptation Full book online: None Dare Call It Conspiracy Biden vs Sanders on the Green New Deal Will coronavirus launch the second wave of socialism?

Other US Politics and Related: The Fed's Cure Risks Being Worse Than the Disease A free nation cannot long survive if its press takes sides Response To COVID-19 Reflects Trump’s Plan To Radically Reform Health Care Short video: What Was Revolutionary About the American Revolution? Short video: Conservatives Are the Real Environmentalists ------

AWED 4/20/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

COVID-19: Latest version: A Summary of Suggestions and Commentary on COVID-19

Greed Energy Economics: EU carbon market collapses EU Urged to Put Economic Survival Ahead of Green Deal Goodbye Renewable Energy. Hello Cheap Fossil Fuels How much subsidy do EVs need to be competitive? Comparison of NE, VT, Hydro-Quebec Electricity and CO2 Beyond the Blinders: Economic Progress in the Age of Radical Environmentalism Pelosi steps back on infrastructure push as renewables industry vies for aid Virus response excludes climate. Get used to it

Solar Energy: Solar power growth was strong before coronavirus hit. Now demand is plummeting

— Page 28 — Archive: Wind & solar are not “intermittent”; they are unreliable, unpredictable, uncontrollable and worthless

Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fusion: pitch for pilot power plant in U.S. Next-Gen Nuclear Power A pandemic is the wrong time to shut down NYC’s top source of electricity A good website trying to protect Indian Point nuclear facilities in NYS

Oil & Natural Gas Energy: Russia Salivating To Become The World’s Biggest Oil Producer Oil-Market Central Planning: Not Just for Socialists Anymore The strategic petroleum reserve and the fallacies of ‘embargo’ thinking. Don't Cheer if Virus Ends Small, Independent Oil How The U.S. Can Retain Its Energy Dominance World's first floating wind powered offshore oil project gets government go-ahead

NYS Energy: Even Facing a Pandemic, NYS Remains in the Grip of the Green Movement The Absolute and Amazing Futility of New York Energy Policy New NYS renewable energy siting act voted into law with some changes NYS Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act NYS Pitches Renewable Energy For COVID-19 Recovery Indian Point Closure Puts Empire State Up Against A Wall of Natural Gas

Misc Energy: Green New Deal goes viral, and fails We Must Not Let Green Extremists Exploit the Corona Crisis FERC Denies Rehearings on PJM Capacity Orders Will China build more Coal to stimulate the economy? America must take steps now to sustain its energy dominance Report: Nevada’s Renewable Energy Delusion Fishermen seek delay in Gulf of Maine offshore wind planning An open letter from Canada’s clean energy sector

Faulty Computer Models — Climate Change and COVID-19: Inaccurate Models Are Panicking Officials into Ill-Advised Lockdowns

— Page 29 — Climate Models and COVID-19 Models Fauci-Birx Climate Models? Computer Modeling: ‘Uncertainty is the only certainty’ America Can't Afford to Wait on Projections, Models Modeling COVID-19 and the Lies of Multiculturalism

Manmade Global Warming — Conservatives Being Fooled: A Critique of the House Republican Climate Policy Proposals The ‘Eco-Right’ — Global Warming Fanaticism in a Conservative Wrapper The Growing Eco-Right Presence at CPAC Big Green Continues to Beguile Young Republicans

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: Have We Won? ‘Trust the Experts on Coronavirus/Climate’. Sure. Which Experts? The crisis exposes the hollow fantasies of Greta and Extinction Rebellion Study: Eastern Mediterranean summer temperatures since 730… Equal Global Warming, 1900 to 1950 versus 1950 to 2018 Climate Change Is Important, but Calls for Philanthropy to Do More, Ring Hollow Report: The next solar cycle and why it matters for climate NASA fights campaign to remove 97% climate-change claim Heartland’s new collection of short “Climate at a Glance” papers Rhode Island Climate Lawsuit Was Always About the Money Pope says coronavirus could be ‘nature’s response’ to climate change (!!!)

Education Related: Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste: UNC BOG Hastily Enacts New Admissions Policy A Radical Pseudo-historian Meets His Match Make American Colleges Grade Again! The 3% Project: The Climate Mobilization of Canadian Youth

US Politics and Socialism: On Computer Models, Socialism, And Other Garbage Oligarchy and Pestilence Gavin Newsom – Stirs up Trouble, Declares CA “Nation-State” Short video: Why Are So Many Americans in Prison? Short video: Never let America become a socialist country

— Page 30 — Other US Politics and Related: Is America a Roaring Giant or a Crying Baby? Building American Institutions during a Cultural Crisis U.S. government gave $3.7 million grant to Wuhan virus lab Senator Marco Rubio Speaks on U.S. - China Relationship in Senate Floor Speech

Science and Misc Matters: The Dangers of Isopropyl Alcohol Richard Weaver, the Coronavirus, and the Strenuous Life The WHO, China, and the COVID-19 Pandemic Trump Is Right about the WHO Cardinal Pell vs Australian Media: the High Court’s knock-out ------

AWED 5/4/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

New & Noteworthy re COVID-19: Latest version: A Summary of Suggestions and Commentary on COVID-19 The drugs and treatments that could stop COVID-19 Report: Pseudo-Science behind the Assault on Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) The Wuhan Virus Pandemic has Exposed the American Ruling Class A Protest From France Congress Creates a Coronavirus Mess Pandemic Science, Media Panic, and Political Response Briggs Coronavirus Update XI — Robbing The Cemeteries To Pad Death Totals The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of a “Universal Lockdown” Ryan Kemper: The Case For Ending Lockdown The Paranoid Style in Covid-19 America Intel details how China deceived the world re COVID-19 The Facts That Prove That Almost Everyone Is Wrong About COVID-19 Robert F. Kennedy Lists Vaccine Crimes Committed By Globalist Gates and WHO The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation

New York State and COVID-19: Coronavirus "hero" Cuomo helped create New York's disaster With Legislature idle, Cuomo changed 262 laws in 55 days

— Page 31 — Cuomo’s Coronavirus Executive Orders 7 Steps to Recovery & Renewal for NYS

Greed Energy Economics: Report: “Clean energy” is all about creating unproductive jobs Study: Federal Energy Subsidies and Support from 2010 to 2019 Doubling Down on Failure Wind Power: Subsidy after Subsidy As the Infant Never Grows Up What Engie's tax equity deal tells us about financing renewables Fortress Vermont, a Multi-Billion Boondoggle Foisted on the Public The economics of industrial wind and solar in Iowa

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: Wind turbine noise affects dream sleep and perceived sleep restoration Bald eagle killed by wind turbine at Ohio wind project Hopefulness Despite 2.9 Billion Lost Birds Archive: Industrial Wind Energy’s Inconvenient Radioactivity Judge rules against wind developer regarding noise

Nuclear Energy: Indian Point closure during pandemic is wrong, says climate group US Strategy to Restore Nuclear Energy Leadership Fusion Energy Gets Ready to Shine—Finally

Natural Gas Energy: Water Scarcity Lessens As Natural Gas Plants Proliferate Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Banned by NY As Gas Need Grows Hydrogen Technology May Turn Gas Green and Fractivists Red with Rage

Offshore Wind Energy: The Fight Over Wind Power in Lake Erie NYSERDA Holding Off on Nation’s Largest Offshore Wind Solicitation Vineyard Wind’s Timeline Slips as Government Further Delays Permits

Misc Energy: Study: Abandoning the Concept of Renewable Energy Video: Candace Owens Interviews Alex Epstein

— Page 32 — China Fires Up Coal Power Plant Construction Here’s What Negative Oil Prices Really Mean It’s All Over For Europe’s Green Deal As Merkel’s MEPs Say ‘It’s No Longer Viable’ End the Ethanol Mandate US energy production exceeded consumption for the first time in 62 years Book Review: Meeting the Terawatt Challenge Electricity Is More Than Power; It’s A Fundamental Human Right Uncovering the Oil Industry's Radioactive Secret

Planet of the Humans Movie: Excellent full length Michael Moore movie: Planet of the Humans Michael Moore Documentary Reveals Massive Ecological Impacts Of Renewables “Planet Of The Humans” Skewers Renewables, Delivers Same Old Anti-Humanism Michael Moore stumbles upon the truth about so-called 'green' energy Moore Rolls Out Movie Destroying A Common Enviro Left Narrative Moore-backed Doc Tackles ‘False Promises’ of Green Energy Michael Moore Is Now the Green New Deal’s Worst Enemy Left-Wing Activists Are Trying to Cancel Michael Moore Professor Can’t Muzzle Moore Movie; Must Pay Defendants’ Legal Fees Alex Epstein: The five things Planet of the Humans gets (mostly) right Short video: Michael Moore Goes Nuclear On Green Energy Michael Moore pulls the chain on renewable energy Guardian: Contrarian eco-doc from the Michael Moore stable Moore Movie Acknowledges Green Energy Is Tommyrot Green Brownshirts Strike at Michael Moore

Earth Day at 50: Earth Day at 50: Progress, Not Politics, Cleaned Up America Earth Day 2020: The Exhaustion of the Climate Left Earth Day Is Time to Reflect on How Much Enviros Have Gotten Wrong Half a century later: who got it wrong and who got it right? Eco-Reality Strikes Back: Earth Day at 50

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: Modeling Catastrophe in a Climate of Fear Model Madness – Parallels Between Failed Climate and Coronavirus Models Study: Systemic Misuse of Scenarios in Climate Research and Assessment

— Page 33 — Study: The Climate Noose Video/Report: Climate Curious Short Video: Most Dishonest Science in 1,200 Years Mutating virus panic into climate crisis scares Is Atmospheric CO2 Declining from the Covid Economic Collapse? The Forgotten Benefits of Global Warming

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: The Scientific Case for Vacating the EPA's Endangerment Finding US CO2 Emissions Have Declined More Than Anywhere Else Study: It Was Warmer In China During Medieval Warm Period Than Today Study: Strongest warming in 10,000 years by the Sun not CO2 Why Would 'Climate Migrants' Flee from Food? COVID-19 Could Help Solve Climate Riddles UN climate change fund calls pandemic an 'opportunity' to re-shape the world Tale of Two Panics — COVID-19 & Climate

US Politics and Socialism: How the pandemic upended climate politics We Can't Entrust US Interests to UN During coronavirus pandemic, totalitarianism doesn’t shock us anymore Don’t Mistake the Eco-Right for Genuine Conservatives

Other US Politics and Related: China’s coronavirus actions are just one of many threats it poses Designing the COVID-19 stimulus: what the 2008 crisis can teach us President George Bush’s 2005 short speech on pandemic preparedness Facebook’s ‘fact checkers’ are the real fake news after censoring Post story

Science and Misc Matters: On Earth Day, don't celebrate pollution cuts from coronavirus Test All Things, Hold Fast What Is Good—But How? Gates – WHO – World Bank – just lost billions on virus pandemic bonds RIP: Fred Singer and Hal Doiron ------

AWED 5/18/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

— Page 34 — COVID-19 re Therapies and Vaccine: Sorrento finds a coronavirus antibody that blocks viral infection 100% A tale of 2 drugs: Lives sacrificed on the altar of money & power Doctors Say HCQ Has ‘90% Chance’ Of Helping COVID Patients Doctors Rate HCQ Most Effective Therapy for Coronavirus Infection Arthritis Drug Appears to Help COVID-19 Sufferers in Small Study

COVID-19 re Models and Data: The Virus Modeling Scandal and “the Years of Living Hysterically” Covid-19 Model has 'Most Devastating Coding Mistake in History' Was the lockdown decision based on crude mathematical guesswork? Code Review of Imperial’s COVID-19 Model Redfield and Birx: Can they be trusted with COVID? COVID-19 Death Rate Is Much Lower Than Estimates Justifying Lockdowns State amends COVID-19 death count - says fewer have died Crucial COVID-19 Testing Data Short video: The reported COVID-19 deaths in Italy are highly inflated

COVID-19 re Misc: Profile of a killer: the complex biology powering the coronavirus pandemic Big Government in the Post-Coronavirus Political World The Most Monumental Social Engineering Effort in History COVID-19 could kill an extra 75,000 Americans through "deaths of despair" Do Your Genes Predispose You to COVID-19? COVID-19 Patients Face Danger of Blood Clots Coronavirus Mutates as Doctors Ponder 'East Coast vs. West Coast' Strains Why the Current Unemployment Is Worse Than the Great Depression No to Leveraging Coronavirus for Old State Debts The unsung hero of coronavirus recovery: fossil fuels Italy: China's Trojan Horse into Europe Debunking the Narrative: Dr Dolores Cahill Cuomo Outlines May 15 Regional Reopening Criteria Plandemic Documentary: The Hidden Agenda Behind COVID-19 Rebuttal of Plandemic documentary: Fact-checking Dr. Judy Mikovits

Greed Energy Economics:

— Page 35 — Wind and solar add zero value to the grid Wind Subsidies the Most Costly Government Energy Sector Ripoff Covid-19 Lockdown Has Killed 600,000 US Renewable Energy Jobs Coronavirus Relief Should Not Distort Our Energy Market Wind Projects Are Being Rebuilt to Capture More Subsidies Taxpayer Wind Subsidies have China as a Beneficiary

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: Hundreds of non-recyclable wind turbine blades are piling up in landfills Clean energy needs reliable supplies of critical minerals

Solar Energy: World’s largest solar farm could cause explosion on scale of small nuclear bomb EPA: Drinking Water Health Advisories for PFOA and PFOS A billion dollar solar boondoggle in Vegas Without Subsidies Germany’s Solar Industry Could Implode This Summer Vermont: The least sensible place for solar panels

Nuclear Energy: Video of superior talk by Bret Kugelmass DOE launches Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program

Natural Gas Energy: Why China is Changing the Rules to Stay Competitive Short Video: Rare Earth Emergency #1 Natural Gas Consumption Up, Emissions Down COVID-19 Exposes Opponents Of ‘Fracking’ Oil and Gas is more than Energy; It’s a Socially Responsible Industry Does New York need a new natural gas pipeline? Democrats Shouldn't Be Cheering On Energy Industry Demise U.S. Shale Drillers Are Already Reopening Wells

Misc Energy: Report: The inadequacy of wind and solar Report: Wind Turbine Output Drops Steeply after Ten Years Report: The Fatal Attraction of a Post-Covid Green Deal Replace coal with Renewables. Why not?

— Page 36 — IEA Report: Clean energy progress after the COVID-19 crisis will need reliable supplies of critical minerals China’s Ascent To Global Superpower Based On Cheap Coal Wind & solar industries crushed by COVID-19 Electric Vehicles Compared to Gas Vehicles Trump issues executive order to protect power grid from attack Wind Energy Solution Doesn’t Pass Smell Test

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: Sorry, Coronavirus Lockdowns Won't End Climate Change COVID-19 gives us a sense of proportion of the risk of death from climate change Oops! Climate Change Actually NOT the Cause of Coastal Flooding Mega Drought or Mega Propaganda? The Coronavirus Lockdown Has Not Made the Air Cleaner Is Climate Change Deadlier than Abortion? Short Video: Credible Scientist Falsely Accused

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: Climate Change – Ebb and Flow of the Tide: Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 Report: We are winning the war on climate related diseases Germany’s Course Could Signal End Of Clamor Over Climate Change Michael Moore Has Become a ‘Hero to Climate Deniers’ Earth records 600 millionth consecutive cooler-than-average month Climate alarmism lurks behind COVID-19 COVID-19 and Climate Change: a Tale of Two Hysterias

Education Related: The Academic and Social Benefits of Homeschooling The Therapeutic Campus Historic Drop in U.S. Reading and Math Scores Since Common Core ‘Debacle’ How Colleges Get Rid of Conservative Admins: An Example As Budgets Tighten, Colleges Still Vulnerable to Ransomware

US Politics and Socialism: The Strategic Conquest of America: Part 1 & Part 2 & Part 3 Short video: Social Justice Isn't Justice The Religion of Leftism

— Page 37 — Will COVID-19 Kill Environmental Leftism? Net-Zero Greenhouse-Gas Emissions, and Extinction Capitalism Progressives Use Virus for Agenda Opportunity

US Politics and China: China’s Electrifying Rags-to-Riches Ascent . . . at America’s Expense China Is Still the Next China Senator Cruz Seeks to End U.S. Dependence on China for Rare Earth Metals White House directs federal pension fund to halt investments in Chinese stocks

Other US Politics and Related: Unbearable Truths About Our Current Political Moment Is Trump a racist? Good short video about President Trump 5 Ways Election Will Determine New Normal Democrats Face Worsening Dilemma With Biden

Science and Misc Matters: Pandemic researchers — recruit your own best critics Computer modeled scaremongering ain’t going to cut it any more Last day to tell EPA to end secrecy in studies they accept (Good comments) How a contrarian scientist exposed unscientific policies ------

AWED 6/2/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

COVID-19: Therapies and Prevention — Study: HCQ+ZPak+Zinc The Campaign Against HCQ Obama bureaucrat brags about blocking HCQ drug The Risks vs. Benefits of Face Masks WHO: Wear masks only when taking care of COVID-19 patients The Remdesivir Study Is Finally Out, and It’s Not Good T cells found in COVID-19 patients ‘bode well’ for long-term immunity

COVID-19: Models and Data — The US Is Dramatically Over-counting COVID-19 Deaths

— Page 38 — Computer Modeling for Covid-19 and Climate Change are Fatally Flawed What the Pandemic Modeling Fiasco Reveals The Full Fauci Timeline: Sorting Fact From Fiction It's Life vs Life: Dr. Fauci We’d Like a Second Opinion Study: Risk of Coronavirus Spreading in Schools is 'Extremely Low' 70 Experts tell Trump how to regain control over COVID-19 crisis hijacked by radicals

COVID-19: Misc — Data: Left-Demanded Mass Transit Fueled COVID-19 Deaths We Must Stop Falling for the Coronavirus Moral Crusade COVID Claptrap: Sorry, But, No, We’re NOT All in This Together A Time to Provide New Guards Let's Hope This Pandemic Isn't a New Abnormal America Must Unite to Win This Viral War Together

Greed Energy Economics: Mexico Pulls The Plug On Renewables Trump admin slaps solar, wind operators with retroactive rent bills Turbine power plunges when tax credits go away Short video: How bad are solar and wind? Lockdown Kills CA’s Green New Deal: $Billions In Climate Spending Cancelled

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: Déja vu and Wind Turbines The dark side of renewable electricity Destroying the environment to save it

Natural Gas Energy: Allam Cycle carbon capture gas plants: 11% more efficient, all CO2 captured Covid-19 Crisis Will Only Intensify Global Dominance Of Fossil Fuels China's Cheap Energy Recovery Plan: Boost Fracking & Shale Development

NYS re Energy, Climate, etc.: Andrew Cuomo Is the Most Corrupt Governor in NY’s History Cuomo grips the climate cudgel Andrew Cuomo flexes his ‘green’ dictatorial powers Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home executives after big donations

— Page 39 — Carbon Free New York or Cerebral Cortex Free New York? NY becomes first state to establish renewables siting office

Misc Energy: Wind and solar weaknesses: Part 1 and Part 2 Green Electricity Delusions Editorial: If You Like The Lock-Down, You’ll Love The Green New Deal Wind & Solar Need Fossil Fuel Backup – Here Is Why Short Video: Rare Earth Emergency #2 Help Stop America's Dependence on China for the Resources We Need! Clean Energy via Legislative Diktat ‘Final Nail in Coffin’ for Icebreaker Great Lakes Wind Project More useless energy policies Australian energy security on the brink Mexican President: Renewables one of the typical scams of the neoliberals” Greenwashing shareholder proposal at ExxonMobil annual meeting Nations Go Big on Coal Amidst Pandemic Economic Uncertainty

Movie: Planet of the Humans: Planet Of The Humans Documentary Controversially Removed From YouTube Here is a new location to watch Moore’s movie Good commentary on the movie: Green Energy Truths in Vermont Yes, Virginia, there is no (green energy) Santa Claus Moore’s website has some good responses to criticisms. “Old Data” is a Lie (Jeff Gibbs, director of Planet of the Humans)

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: Why Economic Slowdown Won’t Show Up in the Atmospheric CO2 Record Climate change and a pandemic of lies Study: Some newer climate models show unrealistic projections of future warming The Abuse of Naomi Seibt — and you can help Short Video: The Consensus Fraud part 1 – Climate of Freedom Series Study: IPCC three claims of man-made global warming collapsed Expert: Net-Zero Plans to Decarbonize Economy ‘Madness’ ‘CO2 levels’ and your ‘carbon footprint’ misinformation The Paris Accord now looks like a suicide note from Western democracies

— Page 40 — Manmade Global Warming — Misc: Study: State of the Climate - 2019 Study: Decadal and multi-decadal natural variability in European temperature Coronavirus threatens 'years of progress' on climate issues The real climate science deniers Carmakers Set To Desert Climate-Obsessed Europe Plankton capture twice as much carbon as scientists thought Prioritizing climate over pandemics EU Turns Climate Change Into Political Weapon In Brexit Trade Negotiations Climate Activists Demonstrate How Not to Win Study: Ocean Health – Is there an “Acidification” problem?

Education Related: Idaho’s Higher Education Earthquake? A War Against ‘Normal’ Six Ways to Keep American Universities Alive A Premeditated Crime Against America's Most Disadvantaged School Children Big-City Schools: Where America’s Most Vulnerable Kids Languish Short video: Moving Forward: Covid-19 and Higher Education

US Politics and Socialism: ‘Nature Rights’ Advances to World Economic Forum Former CBS News president: ‘Liberal leaning’ media passes its tipping point Maybe I’m Wrong But… Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

Other US Politics and Related: On Trump Hatred A Time To Hate The Railroading of Michael Flynn: How it Happened and Why it Matters Short video: What Does Separation of Church and State Mean? Watch out for the Left's "New Normal" Support the US Senate “Swamp Act” Short video: Floyd media coverage giving false impression

Science and Misc Matters: Word of the week: Experts

— Page 41 — President Trump Hails NASA, SpaceX For Successful Launch The death of the scientific method Open Letter on the Science of COVID-19 ------

AWED 6/8/20 Special Newsletter

Some Black Perspectives on the George Floyd Matter: Jason Riley: Good Policing SAVES Black Lives Short video: Shelby Steel on Floyd Riots Short video: Candace Owens Gives George Floyd Facts Rob Smith: Floyd protesters vandalism shows 'stunning lack of knowledge of American history’ President Obama (2015): Looters are 'criminals' not protestors

Other George Floyd Insights: My commentary: An Anatomy of the Current Civil Discord Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump Prager video: The Issue Is Values, Not Systemic Racism The Myth of Systemic Police Racism Tucker Carlson video: Our leaders dither as our cities burn George Floyd and the Future of Police Misconduct Armed Patriots Patrol Coeur d’Alene Understanding Genes, Decadence, and the Decline of Empire On George Floyd: There is NOTHING to Protest ------

AWED 6/15/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Considering the end-of-times crises that now seem to appear almost weekly, please give careful consideration to Paul Harvey’s short, prophetic 1964 talk

COVID-19: Therapies and Prevention — A Compilation of Some HCQ Studies Scientists, MDs Rip Anti-HCQ Study Published In The Lancet LancetGate: Pulling a Fast One on Proponents of HCQ COVID-19: Lancet retracts paper that halted HCQ trials HCQ Farce Has Tragic Consequences

— Page 42 — Report: When does government intervention make sense for COVID-19? WHO: Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is ‘very rare’ WHO: Walk back about asymptomatic spread of COVID-19

COVID-19: Models and Data — Forecast Models Encounter Reality Covid vs. Climate Modeling: Cloudy With a Chance of Politics Why Both Coronavirus and Climate Models Get It Wrong COVID-19 Modeler Admits Error CDC: Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 Studies: 60% of People Naturally Resistant to SARS-COV2 The Modelers Thought of Everything — Except Reality

COVID-19: Misc — Public trust in scientists will decline in wake of COVID-19 Tucker video: Our leaders used a health emergency to subvert democracy It’s time to Flatten the Fear EO on Accelerating the Nation’s Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 The CDC Waited 'Its Entire Existence for This Moment.' What Went Wrong? An Unvarnished Look into China’s Bio-Weapons Program Short video: Woke Virus Fear: The Best Tool of the Ruling Class

Greed Energy Economics: Democrats prepare to push clean energy in recovery packages SCC: the Most Important Figure You’ve Never Heard of As Subsidies Run Out, 5000 German Wind Projects Face Shutdown How Virginia’s Green New Deal Will Add to Residents’ COVID-19 Costs The Virginia Clean Economy Act is a Disaster California Continues to Inflict More Costs onto the Energy Used by Residents

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: New York’s Accelerated Renewable Energy Act Poses Risks to Birds Filthy ‘Green’ Future: The Dark & Toxic Side of Wind & Solar Power Study: Offshore wind could have major impact on fishing, shipping

Nuclear Energy: Bold American Strategy to Lead on Nuclear Energy

— Page 43 — NYS Negates all Wind and Solar statewide by closing Indian Point

Natural Gas Energy: EPA rule limits states from blocking pipeline projects Russia Fears American Energy Dominance — And That’s a Good Thing U.S. To Become World’s Top LNG Exporter Study: Filtration a Viable Option for Produced Water from the Marcellus Shale Cryobox Reduces Methane Emissions Imported U.S. LNG: what’s its true climate footprint?

Renewable Energy: Reality Is Gradually Catching Up To Green Energy Wind Energy Projects Are “Like Siting Landfills. Nobody Wants Them.” Until we get a proper roadmap, Net Zero is a goal without a plan COVID-19: Green New Deal dress rehearsal Good Commentary on the Lake Erie Wind Project It’s time for California to follow Mexico and pull the plug on Renewables

Misc Energy: America needs a realistic debate about our energy future FERC Energy Primer: A Handbook of Energy Market Basics Good film: Juice: How Electricity Explains The World The End of Petroleum Products Would Be The End of Society As We Know It 2019’s grid storage additions fell for the first time since 2013. Why? Report: Electrifying the UK, and the Want of Engineering Study: The Brink of Darkness — Britain’s Fragile Power Grid

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: Study: IPCC’s core hypothesis is dead Study (part 1): The Global Carbon Budget: Highly Questionable Report: Weather Extremes — Are They Caused by Global Warming? US Power Sector Meets Climate Targets 11 Years Ahead of Schedule CO2 levels hit record high despite emissions dip from coronavirus Alarmist queen Hayhoe takedown by Friends of Science NASA Scientist: Climate Catastrophe Is White Supremacy Study: Changes in Barents Sea ice Edge Positions… Report: Global Warming — Facebook Thinks Its Opinion Is Better Than Yours Short Video: The 97% Myth

— Page 44 — Education Related: Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down Talk given to 2020 MIT Graduation Class Why Students Have Turned Away from History UNC-Chapel Hill Creates Commission to Battle ‘Invisible Racism’ Do the Math…or Not Are You Sure You Want to Go to Grad School? Short video: Graduation 2020: The COVID Class

US Politics and Socialism: To the Americans Who Are on Their Knees Short video: Why? Biblical Principles for Political Engagement Reaping a False Narrative Sown by Our Elites Undercover Investigation - Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned It’s Time to Investigate George Soros for Funding Domestic Terrorism Donations to BlackLivesMatter Go Directly to ActBlue, Which Supports the DNC The Real History of Antifa

Other US Politics and Related: Ben Stein: My View of Looters Senator Tom Cotton Takes On the Woke Mob George Floyd's Brother Testifies In House Judiciary Hearing Where Black Lives Don't Matter Facebook is 'destroying the very fabric of democracy' President Trump’s Executive Order Confronts Big Tech Bias US Manufacturing Exodus From China Gets Underway Video: Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned Study: Ten Thousand Commandments

Science and Misc Matters: Shutdowns show how clean our air already is EPA: Increasing Consistency and Transparency in the Rule-making Process What Makes Experts Special? The sky’s the limit for commercial space flight


— Page 45 — AWED 6/29/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

COVID-19: Therapies and Prevention — Low dose radiation may save people from Coronavirus Excellent video re HCQ, politics, and Science FDA Withdraws Emergency Authorization For HCQ AAPS Lawsuit to Against FDA for obstructing the use of HCQ Dr. Raoult: The Marx Brothers are Doing Science The Miserable Pseudo-Science Behind Face Masks, Social Distancing & Contact Tracing Many People Lack Protective Antibodies After COVID-19 Infection Are Special Interests Undermining the Quest for a COVID-19 Vaccine?

COVID-19: Models and Data — Are Prolonged Shutdowns Deadlier than the Virus? 600+ Physicians send letter to the President Did lockdowns really save 3 million COVID-19 deaths, as claimed? COVID-19 and Environmentalist Injustice Media Begging for a 'Second Wave’ of COVID-19

COVID-19: Misc — The Bitter Irony of Revolutions Executive Orders, Deregulation, and Bureaucratic Response Video: Multiple Scientists - Coronavirus Altered in Lab to Better Attach to Humans Video: What Impact Will the Covid-19 Crisis Have on the Green Movement? How College Sports Can Survive FDA warns against using these nine hand sanitizers The Sneaky Covid War on Cash COVID19 are Americans a Pride of Lions or a Herd of Cattle

Greed Energy Economics: The Green Delusion continues to Perpetuate Costs upon the Poor House Democrats include wind and solar tax credit extensions in infrastructure bill Failing Cities and States use Climate Change Lawsuits as Fiscal Escape Hatch Virginia’s latest folly — offshore wind power UK: £3 Billion-A-Year to Prevent Green Energy Blackouts Most Americans Wouldn’t Pay $10/Mo to Combat Climate Change

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

— Page 46 — Study: Hundreds of 'protected areas' threatened by renewable energy Evangelists Grappling with the Gruesome Human Cost of Renewable Energy Study: Confirming Tonality at Residences Influenced by Wind Turbines Lake Erie wind project faces stiff head winds because of warblers and waterfowl Report: Seven Principles of Sound Environmental Policy

Wind Energy: Local Resistance to Wind Power Grows in Europe Norway to rein in wind power after raging local opposition Wind Turbines: The Pruitt-Igoes of the Plains Offshore Wind Could Have Major Adverse Impact on Commercial Fisheries Astonishing Buildout Needed for “Clean” NY Grid Turbines threaten unspoiled West Texas river and Air Force pilot training routes China's assault on Texas – this project threatens US national security At least 15 dead in southern Mexico wind project feud killings

Solar Energy: Why the World's Most Advanced Solar Plants Are Failing Organization challenges Net Metering, and stirs ire of solar advocates South Australia Solar Fiasco Suggests What’s Ahead for New York Solar Maintenance To Cost $9.4 Billion By 2025 The Vagaries of Solar in New England

Nuclear Energy: Why Climate Activists Will Go Nuclear — Or Go Extinct Dangers of Nuclear Energy ‘Much Less Than Previously Thought’ COVID-19 is undermining nuclear’s important role in clean energy transitions Why the US Should Use Nuclear Power: Climate Change and Air Pollution Former Extinction Rebellion activist: join me in embracing nuclear power Short video: Wind Turbines or Nuclear? Race for Czech Nuclear Plant Stirs Geopolitical Stew Nuclear: can Silicon Carbide fuel rod cladding improve safety, performance?

Natural Gas Energy: Short video: Turning natural gas into Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Supreme Court deals blow to opponents of Atlantic Coast Pipeline More Natural Gas Use = Lower Cost of Utilities Biden Proposes to Ban New Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling

— Page 47 — Coal Energy: Making coal from food waste, garden cuttings – and even human sewage How Many Coal-Dependent Jobs Are There and How Important Are They? India Announces New Coal Boom Pakistan Aims To Increase Coal Share By 30% By 2030 China Adds New Wave Of Coal Plants After Lifting Curbs

Misc Energy: Debunking The Endless Myths Pitched by Renewable Energy Propagandists Good news: Fed Govt over-rules NC re offshore energy seismic survey Forget wind and solar power for COVID recovery US Republicans Prepare For Energy ‘Cold War’ With China NYISO Power Trends 2020 Fossil Fuels Still Supply 84 Percent of World Energy — And Other Eye Openers In Iowa, lobbyists look to counter local wind, solar opposition Robert Bryce’s Power Hungry Podcast Greens promote child slave labor and ecological destruction Study: Green Haste Will Trash The Promise Of Hydrogen Video: Free Energy Devices

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare (original) On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare Forbes Falls To Cancel Culture As It Erases Environmentalist’s Mea Culpa Covid-19 pandemic is 'fire drill' for effects of climate crisis, says UN official Book Review: ‘Apocalypse Never’ - False Gods for Lost Souls Study: MIT’s Dr. Lindzen Pokes Fun at the Naïve, Well-Funded CO2 Claims The Climate Campaign Is Less And Less About The Climate Michael E Mann, Loser (Again) and Deadbeat (for Sure) Video: Alex Epstein interviews Naomi Seibt The IEA’s Sustainable Recovery Plan Is Unsustainable India Confirms No Increase in Tropical Cyclones Due to Climate Change

Manmade Global Warming — Climate Models: Next-generation climate models: worse than ever! Study: Structural Errors in Global Climate Models Hurricane season is here, but don’t believe climate change pandering

— Page 48 — The flaw in relying on the worst-case-scenario climate model

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: EU Made ‘No Progress’ In Climate Action Over Past Five Years A Winning Trifecta for Climate Science and Rationality Study: How Does CO2 Escape the Atmosphere? Slideshow: Climate Statistics 101 Warming is not the only threat Report: Ocean Health - Is there an "Acidification" problem? Natural Climate Change in Antarctica Is No News! The number of climate deniers in Australia is more than double the global average The disparate impact of California climate policies

Education Related: Three generations of brainwashing are paying off for the left Charter schools’ enemies block black success Equity vs. Excellence. Is the University of California Committing Suicide? Save the Humanities by Flipping the Curriculum Why Do American Universities Lead the World in Scientific Research?

Religion and Current Events: Now They’re Coming For Christ Stop The Coronavirus Crackdown on Religion A new way to end all Big Tech censorship against Conservatives and Christians Keys to the Progressive Kingdom Environmentalism as Religion: A Leading Environmentalist Bemoans That Trans-humanism: The new religion of the coming technocracy

US Politics and Socialism: First, Confederate statues. Now, founders. Next, Jesus. Their real target: America Apocalyptic science: How the West is destroying itself Peterson video: The Marxist Lie of White Privilege Video: Manipulating America: The Chinese Communist Playbook Young Socialists' Vision Blind to Capitalism's Virtues America’s Own Color Revolution Defend, Not Defund Police Put Merit of CHOP's Ideology to the Test Leftist Leader Supporting Removal of Churchill Statue Doesn’t Know Who He Is

— Page 49 — Other US Politics and Related: Short Video w Larry Elder: The Ferguson Lie Thomas Sowell at 90: Understanding Race Relations Around the World Short Video: The Hyprocricy is Unbelievable! Preying Mattis Should Learn the Difference Between Protesters and Rioters

Science and Misc Matters: The Pandemic Claims New Victims: Prestigious Medical Journals Fifty-four scientists have lost their jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties More Scientists Abandon Their Profession to Promote Left-Wing Politics A War Against Science Waged by DC’s Rank and File DOJ calls for Big Tech bias reform laws EPA Finally Considering Looking at Benefits and Costs of Rule-making Processes EPA gives up on barring grantees from science advisory panels Physicists Have Reversed Time on The Smallest Scale Using a Quantum Computer Contact the Winston84 Project if you have been suppressed online Very Useful Internet Source: The Internet Archive ------

AWED 7/13/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

COVID-19: Therapies and Prevention — Coronavirus: Why everyone was wrong Peer Reviewed Study: HCQ has proven to be effective against COVID-19 An Old Vaccine May Help Against Coronavirus New Study: OPV as Potential Protection Against COVID Video: Dr. Richard Bartlett recommending Budesonide Study: BCG vaccine protects against severe COVID-19 Study: Inhaled corticosteroids — A review of the evidence re COVID-19 EPA Studying the Effectiveness of Longer-Lasting Disinfectants Covid-19 infection rate may be 440% higher in children who had Flu Shots

COVID-19: Mask Effectiveness and Consequences — Censored Study: Why Face Masks Don’t Work Video: A Surprising Mask Test of CO2 Experienced by Mask Wearer How to Read Emergency Orders and Avoid Wearing Face Masks

COVID-19: Models and Data — Huge COVID case-counting deception at the CDC — Page 50 — Dems and Media to Blame for Countless COVID-19 Deaths Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns Impact on Ozone Pollution Which activities are of greatest COVID-19 risk? Why Aren't We Outraged? Learning from Taiwan regarding COVID-19 COVID Hysteria Is the Disease and It Comes from Dirty Politics

COVID-19: Misc — Chinese Virologist Accuses Beijing of COVID-19 Cover-up Pandemic at Center of Globalist Warfare Against Freedom Dr Fauci: The Consummate Unelected, Unaccountable Technocrat EPA relaxed enforcement of pollution reporting due to COVID-19 (A prior commentary on this special situation.) FDA: Deregulating during the pandemic, and beyond US submits notice of withdrawal from WHO Heads Need To Roll in the CDC

Greed Energy Economics: House Infrastructure Spending Bill Serves as Green ATM Report: Heart of Darkness: Why energy poverty is a security issue Germany Can No Longer Afford Renewables — This Is Our Future

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences: U.N. Warns of Devastating Environmental Side Effects of Electric Cars Bill McKibben and His Enviro Campaign Against Humanity Renewable Energy Companies Fail on Human Rights Reporting Renewable Energy Risks Fossil Fuel vs. Ecologically Destructive and Unsustainable Green Energy

Wind Energy: Lies, Tricks, and Politics: Big Wind’s assault on the truth Archive: Twenty-Five Industrial Wind Energy Deceptions Short video: Wind Waste

Nuclear Energy: Nuclear ‘Power Balls’ May Make Meltdowns a Thing of the Past Russia and U.S. are backing next generation Nuclear New TED talk: Molton Salt Reactor

— Page 51 — Natural Gas Energy: US Dominance in the Natural Gas Sector is Growing PA lawmakers defend shale gas industry Report on EPA’s Methane Challenge Partners Grim Day for Pipelines Shows They’re Almost Impossible to Build

Misc Energy: A FERC ruling and its opponents Virus Seen as ‘Wake-Up Call’ for U.S. Use of Overseas Minerals Green Thumbs Down U.S. DOE Announces 2020 Electricity Advisory Committee NYS Energy and Environmental Policy More Optics Than Facts Governor Supports an Energy Dysfunctional California Clean coal is essential to America Africa rejects Europe's 'dirty diesel' Report: The Decline and Fall of Eskom, a South African Tragedy

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: Review: False Alarm: Bjorn Lomborg’s Climate Reveal Book Facebook has another go at climate truth arbitration Scientists: Latest UN sustainability goals pose more harm than good for environment The next culture war will be over climate change The 'teenage God of global warming' feeling sudden lack of relevance 'Deniers' of the World, Unite! Epstein Video: Interview with CO2 Coalition's Caleb Rossiter Climate alarmism versus integrity at National Academies of Science Climate Science Is Not Settled Anymore Than Pandemic Science Is

Manmade Global Warming — Bogus Models: Climate Models Produce 50% More Surface Warming than Observations since 1979 “5 Years To Climate Breakdown”: How To Generate Computer Model Scares Study: How reliable are reconstructions and models for past temperature changes?

Manmade Global Warming — US Dems Climate Plan: House Democrats Call for ‘Negative Emissions’ in Climate Plan Dem climate plan turns reality upside down Democrats climate policy follows Germany's Failed Plan Democrats’ New Climate Plan Will Kill Endangered Species The Green New Deal in Action — Page 52 — Education Related: In NJ K-12 schools, climate change education will be mandatory UNC Officially Teaches What to Think, Not How to Think The Breakdown of American Education and the Hopes for Change Short video: Why I Fight for School Choice Better than Common Core: Florida’s New K-12 Standards Raise the Bar Reassessing College Priorities, Options in Coronavirus Era Closing Schools Was a Grievous Error Abolish the US Department of Education

Censorship: We’re facing a tsunami of censorship Shellenberger’s Response to Facebook Censoring His Article Response of the CO2 Coalition to calls for Facebook censorship Facebook oversight board urged to tackle climate "loophole" Woke Capital Targets Free Speech Goya faces boycott over President praise China's Great Firewall of Censorship Is Already Going Up Around Hong Kong Down with eco-censorship Denial expands on Facebook as scientists face restriction Archive: Dr Shaviv - Forbes censored an interview with me

US Politics and Socialism: Important video: They Tried To Warn Us Cardinal Dolan Decries Statue Destruction, Warns Against Dangerous Cultural Revolution We Are Trained Marxists - Part I If We Don't Act, 2% of the People Are About To Control the Other 98% What Causes White Guilt Malcom X and White Liberals Patriotism Is Becoming ‘White Supremacy’ Video: Dr. Jordan Peterson on the Impact of the Radical Left Lenin Lives! Democrats Put Politics Over Police Reforms A Nation Unraveling at its Seams Deep State Bureaucrats and Intelligence Agencies (part 1)

— Page 53 — Other US Politics and Related: Short video: Why I Love America (Dennis Prager) The Beginning of the End for China Short video: What Political Party Supported Women and Minorities? What Failures and Achievements Will Define America's Future? Trump’s Regulatory Reform Agenda by the Numbers, Latest Version Why Jefferson's Anti-Slavery Passage Was Removed from the Declaration of Independence The E.O. 13891 Guidance Document Portal: An Exercise in Utility

Religion: The Bioethicist Pandemic Video: Eric Metaxas Interviews Stephen Meyer on The Return of the God Hypothesis ------

AWED 7/27/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter COVID-19: Therapies and Prevention — Video: Welcome to Medical Tyranny 2020 Video: Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz Study of 300,000 people: HCQ Helps Contain COVID-19 Cases SIX positive clinical studies of HCQ HCQ: The One Chart You Need To See Germ vs Terrain Theory Gates: multiple coronavirus vaccine doses likely to be needed… Revealing the role of CD4(+) T cells in viral immunity A Plausible Inexpensive Effective Treatment for COVID-19 - Ozone Therapy Hydrogen Peroxide As Treatment For Coronavirus Infection?

COVID-19: Effectiveness of Masks — Masks Are Neither Effective Nor Safe: A Summary Of The Science Trump Wears Mask Causing Media To Question Effectiveness Of Masks Short video: Federal Employees and Lawmakers Exempt from Mask-Mandate

COVID-19: Models and Data — Covid-19 A Once in a Century Fiasco in the Making Placing deadly faith in 'the models' COVID-19 Shows Us Why Science Needs Skeptics Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance

— Page 54 — The COVID Panic Is a Lesson in Using Statistics to Get Your Way in Politics The Media's Jihad Against Sweden Ignores Key Facts Why Sweden Succeeded in "Flattening the Curve" and NY Failed Study: Full Lockdowns Did Not Reduce COVID-19 Mortality Rate The Models Were Wildly Wrong about Reopening Too

COVID-19: Misc — Video: An Inconvenient COVID Truth New Documentary: The Coverup of the Century Pandemic To Usher In UN’s 2030 Agenda Ten Years Early COVID-19 Groupthink: The Politicalization Of Pandemic Hysteria COCID-19 Stalks in the Darkness, But Do Not Be Afraid Fauci: Career dotted with ethics, safety controversies inside NIH Supreme Court denies Nevada church’s appeal of COVID-19 rule Hold China accountable – or give it even more control?

Greed Energy Economics: Green growth means economic contraction Democrats Try to Sneak ‘Green New Deal’ in Tax Code Biden Unveils $2 Trillion Climate Plan Study: Fossil Fuels aren't Subsidized, they are Overtaxed The FRR risk: Beware of the cost of keeping the lights on Biden Spending Plan More Like A Green Slime Covered Money Pit EU Embroiled In €24 Billion Bogus Climate Accounting Scandal NY CLCPA Costs Will Be Real and the Benefits to Ratepayers Negligible

Wind Energy: Biden Energy Plan: Tens of Thousands of Turbines Deceptive Advertising: Made with Wind Power Leaders Hopelessly Misguided on Wind and Solar Power Across U.S., Green Mega-Projects Aren't Playing Well in Mayberry End of Iowa's wind boom? Renewable rules spark fears Canadian wind firm charged with fraud

Wind Energy - Offshore: Please sign this Petition against offshore wind energy NY Council approves resolution banning offshore wind turbines NY eyes Great Lakes offshore wind as foes blast ‘assault’

— Page 55 — Lake turbines part of new NYS power play Nighttime feathering for Lake Erie wind project is essential to protect birds

Nuclear Energy: Focus fusion is the hottest idea in nuclear energy Russia, China and the Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy EPA chief signs agreement to boost U.S. uranium

Misc Energy: Why a Great Reset Based on Green Energy Isn’t Possible DC Circuit upholds landmark FERC storage order Rule That Spurred U.S. Solar, Wind Growth is Overhauled How Putin bested Obama, Biden and Clinton on energy Video: Epstein Interview of Bjorn Lomborg Biden vows to outlaw new production of gas-powered cars if elected Will Renewable Projects Face Troubles That Have Bedeviled Pipelines? Short video: Superheroes & Fossil Fuels

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: How climate change alarmists are endangering the planet Environmental Facts vs. Environmental “Fact-Checkers” Pandemic’s Collapse of Sustainable Development Exposes True Goals Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) Scam? Cuomo Administration Environmental Double Standards Are Blatant California's Green Energy Policies Help The Rich And Hurt The Poor

Manmade Global Warming — Models: New Climate Models Exaggerate Midwest Warming by 6X Study: Analyzing Observed vs CMIP5 Model Simulations of Global Temperature Climate Models: No Warming For 30 Years – Possibly Climate Model Predictions "Worse Than We Thought" Archive Study: What Humans Contribute to Atmospheric CO2

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: Study: Roman Warm Period Was 2°C Warmer Than Today Greta’s Wishes Come True Greta’s rival launches devastating vow to crush her arguments Study: The Case for Carbon Dioxide EPA’s partnership with states lowers pollution

— Page 56 — Crushed rocks spread on farmland can capture billions of tons of CO2/year

US Politics and Socialism: Outstanding Letter of Resignation from the NYT New Opportunities for Marxists: Climate Change and COVID-19 The Left is following Communism's playbook for revolution Climate Justice is Racial Justice! Short Video: Minimum Wage Cost Me My Job Capitalism And Environmental Destruction Have We Reached The Point Of Irreconcilable Differences? We Teeter On The Brink Of Catastrophe Movie Trailer: Bleeding Blue New Red-Green-Black alliance, whose plans are to destroy America Claim: Google To Shift 10% Of Voters Away From Trump

Other US Politics and Related: Resolution to ban Democratic Party over past slavery ties Under President Trump, Americans are breathing cleaner air China’s Electrifying Rags-to-Riches Ascent . . . at America’s Expense Mueller & Weissmann Op-Eds Greatly at Odds With Their Report and Evidence Fighting Three Wars at Once - Climate, COVID and China Investigate Bill Gates And His Depopulation Agenda Political Correctness Is Killing Me; Where Can I Get Help? Why Are Taxpayers Providing Pensions To Millionaire Members Of Congress?

Religion Related: Short video: Nothing is More Important Than God Ronald Reagan short video regarding religion. Tucker Carlson: On the Defacing of Statues and Churches Explaining America’s Dominant Religion and Its Secular Cultural Power COVID-19 continues on, but faith can get us through

Education Related: School openings across globe suggest ways to keep coronavirus at bay University wins disappointing court case against Dr. Ridd Misusing Editorial Power to Censor Unpopular Research Higher Ed Is Stoking the Flames of the War on History

— Page 57 — Science and Misc Matters: Scientists: Thou Shall Not Preach, But Research Cancel Culture Dominates Climate Research, Cancelling the Scientific Method The Sordid History of Scam Scientists Believe Science But Be Skeptical of Scientists Politics Has Hurt Science, COVID-19 May Have Killed It Podcast: Roger Pielke, Jr - The Rightful Place of Science Study: Magicians’ priming techniques are effective at influencing choice Is peer review bad for science? Putin pledges new hypersonic and underwater nuclear weapons ------

AWED 8/10/20 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

COVID-19: Therapies — 51 Global Studies Find HCQ Effective in Treating COVID-19 Study: Early HCQ treatment - a country-randomized controlled trial AAPS: FDA Delay on HCQ Outpatient Approval Are Daily Causing Deaths Virologist: An Effective COVID Treatment the Media Continues to Besmirch HCQ Is 'the Key to Defeating COVID-19', Says Yale Epidemiologist HCQ Hysteria Reaching a Fever Pitch Remdesivir vs HCQ Report: Gilead — Twenty-one billion reasons to discredit HCQ Dr. Fauci’s Double Standards: Polarizing the Nation on HCQ Mr. President: Ignore Dr. Fauci

COVID-19: Prevention — The Shunning of Nutritional Science and Self-Care for COVID-19 Study: How unexposed people can have immunity against COVID-19 Quercetin: A Safe, Natural Antiviral? Designer antibodies could battle COVID-19 before vaccines arrive We need a COVID-19 vaccine, but we need new treatments, too Vaccine Experts: COVID Immunity Could Require Regular Injections Study: UVC light can inactivate airborne coronaviruses Doctor: Less sharing will keep children healthy in school

COVID-19: Masks — A survey of peer-reviewed mask studies…

— Page 58 — AAPS: Mask Facts and DDP: Masking Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19 Sweden’s Top Epidemiologist: We See No Point In Wearing Masks Mask Fatigue: Workers Claim Anxiety, Headaches And Shortness Of Breath Wearing Masks Is Anything but Harmless. Here are 5 Reasons Why Face Mask U-turn at Walmart, Home Depot, Walgreens and CVS Short video: Proving Bill Nye is a fraud A scientific look at the mask fallacy – and why we’re told to wear them

COVID-19: Models and Data — Faulty Forecasts and False Climate Narrative Hold Nations Hostage Study: Lockdowns had no effect on death rates! Why COVID-19 herd immunity is reached earlier than thought Dr: 99.8 % of people get through COVID-19 with little problems Cuomo Administration Ducks Important Questions on Nursing Homes Report: Second wave? Not even close.

COVID-19: Misc — Doctor: COVID-19 Hoaxes Abound 2020: The Year That Boiled the Frog Academics Advocate Silencing Dissent on Climate Change and COVID-19 Pam Popper: COVID Nonsense and Lockdown Stories Facebook, etc Censor Video of Doctors’ COVID-19 Press Conference Squarespace Shuts Down America’s Frontline Doctors Website Study: 5G can induce COVID-19 COVID-19 accelerates the trend of declining US transit ridership

Greed Energy Economics: Simply Staggering: What Wind & Solar Really Cost Energy Subsidies and Who Gets Them Report: The Hidden Costs of Net Zero EIA Cost Benefit Analysis: News and Information Rush to Renewable Energy is Hurting America’s Poor A carbon tax would harm the poor The President Is Right on the Social Cost of Carbon Subsidized Wind & Solar Are Sending South Africa’s Power Prices Into Orbit

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

— Page 59 — Noise from wind turbines draws complaints Short video: Wind Subsidies Are Killing Eagles

Wind Energy: Report: Wind and Solar are Not Competitive with Fossil Fuels Wind Power Intermittency – It’s Worse Than You Think Wind Lobbyists Keep Spinning Out Tales of Future Viability China’s Geostrategic Priorities Become Clear: Oil not Wind Amish First Amendment Rights at Stake with Huge NY Wind Project

Offshore Wind Energy: Offshore Wind Costs and Auction Price Bids: A Comment Offshore wind is a boondoggle that NY can no longer afford Report: Offshore Wind is Definitely Expensive

Nuclear Energy: The World’s Largest Nuclear Fusion Reactor Is Finally Being Built Nuclear Bailouts Are Uniting All in Disgust Over Corruption

Natural Gas Energy: Gas utility pushes back in court on California energy policy document Natural Gas and It’s Dual Forms: CNG Versus LNG

Misc Energy: New talking points on the Joe Biden energy plan New Film, ‘Juice,’ Challenges Elitism Of Anti-Growth Environmentalism I was Asked to Testify on Energy Policy- then Democrats Didn’t Let Me Speak Why Don’t These Black Lives Matter? New catalyst efficiently converts carbon dioxide into ethanol

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions: Carbon Dioxide Doesn’t Cause Global Warming Studies: The Impact of CO2 Emissions on Climate is ‘Negligible’ Joe Stiglitz reviews Bjorn Lomborg’s new book Conservative candidates need to push back against the climate scare The Climate Left Attacks Nobel Laureate William Nordhaus Biden’s false climate promises Biden’s Green Dreams Are About Controlling You, Not The Climate

— Page 60 — Report: The Battery Car Delusion Report: Questioning Nature’s Greenhouse Effect

Manmade Global Warming — Misc: Environmentalism’s Radical Next Generation The Chinese Communist Party Is an Environmental Catastrophe How to improve climate modeling and prediction Study: Energy Imbalance Between the Earth and Space Controls the Climate Scientists have backed away from the worst-case climate scenario British Government Delays Net Zero Homes Until 2050

US Politics and Socialism: U.N.'s Guterres Warns a 'New Model for Global Governance' Is Coming Think Cancel Culture Doesn’t Exist? My Own Experience Says Otherwise Karen Bass’s Long March from Communist Fringe to Biden’s VP Shortlist Facebook is lying – and people are dying Black Lives Matter: "We Are Trained Marxists" Media Fail to Report on Portland Bible Burning After Purging Mainstream Media, Leftists Attempt To Censor Is Natural Law Sufficient to Defend the Founding? Free speech and self-defense are now both crimes

Other US Politics and Related: Short video: The Rally That Changed My Mind The Barr video Pelosi does not want you to see We have the right guy at the Department of Justice COVID-19 is the Greatest Rigging of an American Election ever! Economic Recovery Requires the Government to Stop What It’s Doing Gallup: Only 1% of Americans think climate change is our top issue MSNBC Producer Quits Trump Fires TVA Chair for Hiring Foreign Workers U.S. sanctions Hong Kong leader for carrying out Chinese ‘policies of suppression’

Education Related: If All Men are Created Equal, Why Do We Need Grades? Thomas Sowell: Charters Close the Achievement Gap COVID-19 will doom public education Short video: Does College = Success?

— Page 61 — 2020 Ratings of all US Community Colleges

Science and Misc Matters: Peter Ridd Legal Action Fund The 5 biggest little lies tech CEOs told Congress Tech Titans aim to Restrict Info in Vaccine Debate CEI Comments on EPA’s Proposed Benefit-Cost Analysis Rule Study: Another Nail in the LNT Coffin Ted Talk: I've lived as a man & a woman, here’s what I learned ------

— Page 62 —