
KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL JOURNAL Hereditary with and Cholelithiasis in a Young Male of Western Region of Nepal - A Case Report


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Cholelithiasis, hemolytic , prophylaxis, , splenomegaly


Kathmandu Univ Med J

INTRODUCTION CASE REPORTS eyes and recurrent pain in upper quadrant of for It has a wide spectrum of severity and a prevalence of This case is one of the few Case Note VOL. 13 | NO. 4 | ISSUE 52 | OCT DEC 2015

normal limits and adequate with no parasites Figure 1. Splenectomy Specimen with Spelnunculi and Gall bladder with multiple small calculi. The loss of membrane surface area without a The Clinical Features manifest as anemia and hyperbilirubinemia requiring Abdominal Sonography revealed contracted gall bladder be more prominent in the newborn because The severity cholecystectomy with a midline abdominal incision under pigmentary can form as early as four years of rd The erythroid marrow failure can rapidly result in Laboratory investigations and findings DISCUSSION The mean The most common molecular defects are


The criteria Erythroid is seen in the marrow aspirate or decreased and the presence of gallstones on The presence Laparoscopic splenectomy decreases the length of hospital stay and has replaced A normal for As a research Post splenectomy thrombocytosis needs (near total) splenectomy also may be useful in children Cholecystectomy is also indicated at the same Prognosis Treatment Splenectomy eliminates most of the associated

REFERENCES 1. 3. th Archives of Hellenic Medicine 2. th 4. Kathmandu University Medical Journal 5. Pravara Med Rev