Stitches,. Seams, and Sewing Processes
(." I OREGON STATE LIBRARY UO OCT 1 6 1934 c. Extension Bulletin 454 January 1933 CLIMENT -LECTION egon .) Ilection t!' Club Series L-45 Stitches,. Seams, and Sewing Processes By HELEN. (Revision of Extension Bulletin 365) Oregon State Agricultural College Extension Service Corvallis, Oregon Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics Paul V. Maria, Director' Oregon State Agricultural College, United States Department of Agriculture, and State Department of Education, Cooperating Printed and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914 INDEX A Analogous harmony, 25 Machine-made buttonholes, 23 Application of color to dress, 26 Methods of trimming, 13-16 Applique, 15 B Napery hem, 8 Backstitch, 8 Needles, 4 Balance of color, 26 Ball-and-socket fasteners, 20-21 Notched seam, 17 Basting, 7 Bindings, 15 0 . Outline stitch, 9 Bound pockets, 24 Overcast seam, 17 Blanket stitch, 10 Overcasting, 9 Bound seam, 18 Overhand patch, 22 Buttonholes, 19-21 Overhanding, 8 Care of sewing machine, 6 Catch-stitch, 11 Quilting, 16 Chain-stitch, 9-10 Cleanliness, 6 Color, 25-28 Patching, 22 Color chart, 27, 28 Pattern alteration, 7 Combination of colors, 23 Perfect harmony, 26 Combination stitch, 8 Pins, 4 Complementary colors, 27 Pipings, 16 Cross-stitch, 10-11 Plain hem, 8 Cutting true bias, 15 Plain seam, 16 Plaits, 16 Primary hue, 25 Darning, 21-22 Decorative stitches, 13-15 Repairing garments, 21-22 Rules for sewing, 6 Effect of repeating a color, 27 Running stitches, 8 Emery-bag, 4 Eyelet buttonhole,
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