Smocking, Fancy Stitches, and Cross Stitch and Darned Net Designs
The Butterick Publishing G©. Smoking Fancy Stitches VOX.. V L t 1, 3STO. H. TVT A "ST, 1895. METROPOLITAN PAMPHLET SERIES. ISSUED QUARTERLY: Subscription Price, 2s. or 50 Cents. Price per Copy, 6d. or 15 Cents. ?» MOCKING, pANCY Stitches AND Cross-Stitch and Darned Net Designs. PUBLISHED BY THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING CO. (LIMITED), LONDON AND NGW VORtf. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year., 1895, by The Butterick Publishing Co, (Limited), in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. ENTERED AT THE POST OFFICE AT NEW YORK, N. Y., AS SECOND-CLASS MATTEP. :, Metropolitan Art Series. THE ART OF DRAWN-WORR, Standard and Modern Methods : Tie Finest and Most Reli- able Book upon Drawn-Work ever Prepared and Issued. The Complete Art, from the Drawing of the Fabric Threads to the Most Intricate Knotting of the Strands aDd Working Threads. Illustrations of Every Step of the Work assist the purchaser of this Book in Developing its Dosigns. Price, 2s. (by Post, 2s. 3d.) or SO Cents "J* HE ART OF CROCHETING: A Handsomely Dlnstrated and very valuable Book of Instructions upon the Fascinating Occupation of Crocheting, which is a Guide to the Beginner and a Treasure of New Ideas to the Expert in Crochet-Work. Every Instruction is Accurate, every Engraving a Faithful Copy of the design it represents. Price, lis. (by Post, 2s. 3d.) or BO Cents. PANCYAND PRACTICAL CROCHET-WORK: AnewMannal of Crochet-Work, elaborately illustrated and containing the following Departments : Edgings and insertions; Squares, Hexagons, Rosettes. Stars, etc, for Scarfs. Tidies, Counterpanes, Cushions, etc.; Doileys, Center-Pieces, Matts, etc.; Articles of Use and Ornament ; Pretty articles for Misses' affd Children's tTse ; Dolly's Domain ; Bead Crochet and Mould Crochet Every lady who has our pamphlet entitled The Art of Crocheting should also have " Fancy and Practical Crochet.
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