Onomastica Uralica
Edited by RICHARD COATES KATALIN RESZEGI Debrecen–Helsinki 2018 Onomastica Uralica President of the editorial board István Hoffmann, Debrecen Co-president of the editorial board Terhi Ainiala, Helsinki Editorial board Tatyana Dmitrieva, Yekaterinburg Sándor Maticsák, Debrecen Kaisa Rautio Helander, Irma Mullonen, Petrozavodsk Guovdageaidnu Aleksej Musanov, Syktyvkar Marja Kallasmaa, Tallinn Peeter Päll, Tallinn Nina Kazaeva, Saransk Janne Saarikivi, Helsinki Lyudmila Kirillova, Izhevsk Valéria Tóth, Debrecen Technical editor Edit Marosi Cover design and typography József Varga The volume was published under the auspices of the Research Group on Hungarian Language History and Toponomastics (University of Debrecen–Hungarian Academy of Sciences). It was supported by the International Council of Onomastic Sciences, the University of Debrecen as well as the ÚNKP-18-4 New National Excellence Program of The Ministry of Human Capacities. The papers of the volume were peer-reviewed by Terhi Ainiala, Barbara Bába, Keith Briggs, Richard Coates, Eunice Fajobi, Milan Harvalík, Róbert Kenyhercz, Adrian Koopman, Unni-Päivä Leino, Staffan Nyström, Harry Parkin, Katalin Reszegi, Maggie Scott, Dmitry Spiridonov, Pavel Štěpán, Judit Takács, Peter Trudgill, Mats Wahlberg, Christian Zschieschang. The studies are to be found on the following website http://mnytud.arts.unideb.hu/onomural/ ISSN 1586-3719 (Print), ISSN 2061-0661 (Online) ISBN 978-963-318-660-2 Published by Debrecen University Press, a member of the Hungarian Publishers’ and Booksellers’ Association established in 1975. Managing Publisher: Gyöngyi Karácsony, Director General Printed by Kapitális Nyomdaipari és Kereskedelmi Bt. Contents GRANT W. SMITH The symbolic meanings of names .......................................................... 5 ANNAMÁRIA ULLA SZABÓ T. Bilingualism: binominalism? ................................................................. 17 ESZTER DITRÓI Statistical Approaches to Researching Onomastic Systems .................
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