Jharkhand State Universities (Amendment) ACT, 2002 ------AN ACT to Amend the Jharkhand State Universities Act, 2000

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Jharkhand State Universities (Amendment) ACT, 2002 ------AN ACT to Amend the Jharkhand State Universities Act, 2000 Bare Acts & Rules Free Downloadable Formats Hello Good People ! Las Las La la[;k%,y_th_%16* 00 %16*yst_%%>kj[k.M fo/kku eaMy -kjk ;Fkkikfjr vkSj jkT;iky -kjk fnukad 5 eE.] 003 dks vuDer >kj[k.M jkT; fo'ofo|ky; 8la'kks/ku: vf/kfu;e] 00 f>kj[k.M vf/kfu;e 06] 003g dk fuEukafdr vaxzsth vuDokn >kj[k.M jkT;iky ds izkf/kdkj ls Elds -kjk izdkf'kr fd;k tkrk gS] ftls Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds vuDPNsn 348 ds [k.M%83: ds v/khu mDr vf/kfu;e dk vaxzsth Hkk2kk esa izkf/kar ik4 le>k tk;sxk b% $harkhand ,tate Universities (AmendmentA ACT, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN ACT To amend the $harkhand ,tate Universities Act, 2000. (AdaptedA 6e it enacted by the legislature of the State of Jharkhand in the Eifty Third Bears of Republic of India as follo3sC 81) Short tiitle, extent and commencement C- 8i) This Act may be called the Jharkhand State .niversities 8Amendment) Act, 2002. 8ii) It shall come into force at once. 8iii) It shall extend to the 3hole of the State of Jharkhand. 82) Substitution of Section-2 8ak) of the Jharkhand State Jharkhand State .niversities Act, 2000 8adapted) 8and hereinafter referred to as the said Act) C- In section-2, for sub-section 8ak), the follo3ing clause be substitued, namely C- AThe Jharkhand Public Service ommission means the Jharkhand Public Service ommission constitueted by the State Govt. for discharging functions as contained in Article 320 of the constitution of India and entrusted 3ith the po3ers for making recommendations, etc. of teachers and officers of .niversities and olleges 8 onstituent and affiliated)A. 83) Substitution in Section-381) 8d) of the said Act- In Section-3 in sub-section-81) 8d) for the 3ords ASidhu-KanhuA the 3ords ASido-Kanhu MurmuA shall be substituted. 84) Amendment in Section-381) 8f) of the said Act C- In section-3, in Section-381)8f) the follo3ing proviso shall be inserted, namely C- 1 AProvided that the territorial jurisdiction shall extend to the 3hole of State of Jharkhand in matters pretaining to educational institutions imparting teaching in opathy, Indigenous medicines and educational institutions imparting academic distinction in Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit and such other languages 3hich the .niversity may consider necessary. 85) Insertion of :Proviso: in Section-384) in the said Act C- In section-3, in sub-section-84), the follo3ing proviso shall be inserted, namely C- AProvided that in matters of imparting distant education, there shall be no limit to the territorial jurisdiction of the .niversityA. 86) Amendment of Section-481)81)8a) of the said Act C- In section-4, in sub-section-481)81)8a), the follo3ing 3ords shall be inserted after the 3ord :technology: and before the sign and 3ord and, namely- AExcluding Agriculture and Veterinary ScienceA 80) Amendment of Section-481)81)80) of the said ActC- In section-4, in sub-section-81)80) the follo3ing 3ords shall be inserted after the 3ord :.niversity: and before the 3ord :and:, namely. A9ith the prior approval of the State Government.A 81) Omission of Section-482) of the said ActC- In section-4, sub-Section-82) shall be omitted. 82) Insertion of proviso in section-681) of the said ActC- In section-6, in sub-section-81), the follo3ing provisio shall be inserted, namely AProvided that the university may also impart distant education programme in accordance 3ith the syllabi prescribed by regulation.A 810) Deletion of 3ords in Section-1081) of the said ActC- In section-10, in sub-section-81), the foll3ing 3ords shall be deleted, namely AAnd no person shall be deemed to be Dualified to hold the office of the Vice- hancellor of Kamesh3ar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit .niversity unless such person, in the opinion of the hancellor, reputed for his Scholarship in Sanskrit or has made notable ontribution to Sanskrit Education.A 811) Substitution of the 3ords in section-11814) of the said ActC- In section-11, in sub-section-814), the follo3ing 3ords shall be subsituted, namely :Ten: by :Six: and the 3ord, :Three: by :One: respectively. 2 812) Subsitution of the Section-11815) of the Said ActC- In section-11, for sub-section-815), the follo3ing sub-section shall be substituted, namelyC- AOne representative of the Scholar of regional language to be nominated by the Sate Government.A 813) Substitution of the Section-11816) of the said Act C- In section-11, for sub-section-816), the follo3ing sub-section shall be substituted, namely C- 8a) AMinimum of Ten teachers other then Deans, Principals and Head of .niversity Department having at least five years teaching experience on substantive basis to be elected by and from amongst the regular teachers of the respctive constituent/Govt. colleges in such a 3ay that at least half of the total number of onstituent/Govt. olleges get representation on rotational basis based on the seniority of olleges.A 8b) .niversity Departments shall be represented by t3o elected teachers, one from Science/ ommerce and other from Humanities/Social Science faculty, other than Deans and Heads of Department, having at least five years teaching experience on substantive basis. 8c) Permanently affliliated colleges 8other than Government colleges) shall be represented by one elected regular teacher/principal having at least five years teaching experience on substantive basis. 814) Omission of Section-11810) of the said ActC- In section-11, sub-section-10 shall be omitted. 815) Insertion of 3ords in section-1281) of the said ActC- In section-12, in sub-section-81), the follo3ing 3ord shall be inserted after the figure :64: and before the sign. namely C- A-----but such extended period shall not be more than one year.A 816) Insertion of 3ords in section-2282) of the said ActC- In section-22, in sub-section-82), the follo3ing 3ords shall be inserted after the 3ords Acasual vacancyA and before the sign. A----- but such extended period shall not be more than one year.A 810) Substitution in section-2481)82) of the said Act C- In section-24, in sub-section-81)82), the 3ord :Six: and the 3ords Amay get representationA shall be substituted by 3ords Asubstantively appointedA and 3ords Abe represented by one teacherA, respectively. 3 811) Insertion of 3ords in section-2482) of the said ActC- In section-24, in sub-section-2, the follo3ing 3ords shall be inserted after the 3ords :vacancy: and before the sign. namely C- A----------but such extended period shall not be more than one year.A 812) Amendment in Section-2681) of the said ActC- 8a) In section-26, in sub-section-81),, the 3ords Aother than the Kamesh3ar Singh Darbhanga .niversityA shall be omitted. 8b) In sub-section-81) the 3ords and bracket A8Humanities and Social Sciences)A shall be inserted after the 3ords, sign. AEaculty of Arts.A and before the 3ord :ScienceA. 820) Amendment in Section-2684) of the said ActC- In section-26, in sub-section-84), the 3ords AAgriculture and Veterinary ScienceA, 3herever they appear, shall be omitted. 821) Amendment of Section-2686) 8ii) of the said Act C- In section-26, for sub-section-86)8ii), the follo3ing sub-section shall be substituted, namely. AThe Head of .niversity Department shall be appointed for t3o years by rotation amongst .niversity Professors and those Readers having not less than 1 years experience as Reader posted in the .niversity Department. The rotation shall be made on the basis of seniority among teachers having experience of Post Graduate teaching and belonging to .niversity Service adreA. 822) Omission of section-20 of the said Act C- Section-20 shall be omitted. 823) Amendment of Section-2281) of the said Act C- In section-22, in sub-section-81) for the 3ords AThe Examination 6oard shall consist of the Vice- hancellor as hairman and Deans of the Eaculties of Arts, Science F ommerce as membersA the 3ords AThe Examination 6oard shall consist of the Vice- hancellor as hairman, Pro-Vice- hancellor, Registar, Deans of faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and commerce as members and ontroller of Examination as Secretary.A shall be substituted. 824) Amendment of Section-3282) 8d) of the said Act C- In section-32, for sub-section-82)8d), the follo3ing sub-section shall be subsituted, namely 4 AAll .niversity Professors and those Readers having at least-1 years experience as Reader posted in the .niversity Department and olleges imparting Post Graduate teaching in the Subject andA. 825) Amendment of section-3282)8e) of the said C- In section-32, in sub-section-82)8e), the 3ords AImparting Post Graduate teachingA shall be inserted after the 3ords Afour TeachersA and before the 3ords :of the:. 826) Amendment of section-3686) of the said ActC- In section-36, in sub-section-86), for the 3ords AInter .niversity 6oardA the ADepartment of Higher Education, Government of JharkhandA shall be substituted and the proviso shall be omitted. 820) Amendment of Section-41 of the said Act C- In section-41, for the 3ords AJharkhand Inter .niversity 6oardA the 3ords ADepartment of Higher Education, Government of JharkhandA Shall be substituted. 821) Amendment of section-458i)8c) of the said Act C- In section-45, for sub-section-81)8c), the follo3ing sub-section be substituted, namely AThe balance amount as respectively standing, immediately before the commencement of the Act, to he credit of Ranchi .niversity, Ranchi 8constitued and incorporated under the 6ihar State .niversity Act 1260) 86ihar Act 14 of 1260) Sido-Kanhu-Murmu .niversity 8formerly Sidhu-Kanhu .niversity), Dumka and Vinoba 6have .niversity, HaIaribagh both constituted and incorporated under the 6ihar State .niversity Act, 1206 86ihar Act 2 of 1222)A.
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