Adhesive Stamps
к л DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ALL THE POSTAGE STAMPS OF frfce ®mttb Ringbom of Erilain: anb $ЫнпЬ ISSUED DURING FIFTY YEARS. ч ţO S ÎA G i Jţj i]l / . O' A % gescriştfoe Catalogue 1840 1890 OF ALL THE ostaGtE Stamps OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND ISSUED DURING FIFTY YEARS. Illustrated, by P ermission, with 148 W oodcuts, b y W ILLIA M A. S. WESTOBY, M.A. LONDON : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, к RIVINGTON, Limited, ST. DUNSTAN’S HOUSE, FETTF.R LANE, E.C. 1891. (AH rights reserved.) PLYMOUTH : WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, PRINTERS, GEORGE STREET. FREDERICK A. PHILBRICK, E sq., Q.C. President o f the Philatelic Society, London, <Cc. £c, IN GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HIS INVALUABLE ASSISTANCE IN ITS COMPILATION, ЩЬ Catalogut is inembtb, WITH EVERY SENTIMENT OF REGARD, BY HIS SINCERE FRIEND, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. rp iT IS work does not profess to be more than a descrip tive Catalogue of the Adhesive Stamps, Envelopes, Wrappers, and Post Cards, issued by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue for the use of the Post-office during the Fifty Years that have elapsed since their first intro duction, interspersed with some notes of an explanatory and technical nature. Those who desire to study the subject more fully should consult the larger work on The Postage and Telegraph Stamps of Great Britain, with the Appendix thereto that has appeared in the Philatelic Record, in the compilation of which the author had the honour of being associated with the most accurate and accomplished philatelist of the day.
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