PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS. CLOTHING. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T. OILMAN. Editor. WANTS, LOST, FOUND" MISCELLANEOUS. • st No. 82, EXCHANGE BRADLKV, MOULTON A ROGERS, published STREET, by FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY. Lost. SPRING & SUMMER OPENING! Wholesale Dealer* m f, U. S. 10-40 Flack New N. A. FOSTER * CO. BONDS. Foundland answer- to Dog, GREEN ALAKLEing toe name of *'Jt-IT;" had on a new leath- HOUp A. ». REEVES, er collar, with ring ar.d AND Ta» ronruiD Gaily Pass*Is These Bonds are issued under the Aot of Grain and padlock Whoever will re- BEDDING OUT publishedatS7.00 Congress Flour, turu him to J. II. PLANTS, if Provisions, kIM HALL. at3i« Congressstreet, poryear; paid atriotly in advance, a discount of of March 1884, which that in Iteu of so 88 ttiall be 8th, provides Oommeroial street, Thomas Block, liandfomeI> rewarded. in 2^131* •l.oo will be made. ay lnlcr,r^e public that I bar* o« Great & Unreserved Sale TAILOR & much of the loan authorized the Act ef March 3d, I Rh.?dC.'ul'r Singlo copies three oents. DRAPER, by ROBXET IIR4LUY.) b..,?< of Hreea Uoom mm* I aa iIaikxStati Puaasis Thurs- 1861, to which this is supleinentary, the Secretary of • « MOULTOX, Compositors Wanted. f”r of published every -OF— VO. 98 EXCXAVGE STREET. [ PORTLAND, HE. .laalltr*■ vim' bR'10* .uperior morning,at <1.00 annum, in advance; *2.26 the is authorized to borrow from time to A. a. sooxns. or two clnn day per Treasury ) jirtt female corapoaltora will U|1 If within six and If Hu returned from Cotton anil New York with n and constant .'.rA,8li Kurw. Al-o, m Hn«• biUmHm paid months; *3.60, payment be jut on the credit of not exceed- majSdtf ONE employment, and the h y host rates time, the United States, *c *C Ac. delaynd beyond the year. I'*'<,'n,,h*clt>-0'‘»PP1‘e»«fo,n,d »* «»»*»«* Kateaof current flees! and to and issue therefor Uter. .« Advertising!' aesonTMCirr or year, prepare W. W. —AND— and Bonds of the United States; CARR & CO., beXp^n^!?"’ One Inch ot space in length of column, constitute* Coupon Registered taken the Haring Fruit Store formerly occupied by Found,| c DISWANOAS, Kiornt a “SgBARI.” Cassimeres and and all Bonds issued under this Aot shall be KxsMrr rth *“d Cloths, 16th a Hlaok and Tan Dog. The owner can • 1.60 square drat week; 76 cent* week Vestings, O. Portland IG per daily per rftoM Taxation or under any State or munici- SAWYER. MAIhavu him by calling at the I.asl Union tprWtf after; three insertions or loss, *1.00; eve* FANCY GOODS! Of nriety end of the by Factory, -1__ continuing erery ityle, (including muny street, proving property nnl charges other alter drst 60 cents. pal to these Bonds are re- No. 5 paying ry day week, mott pitterm of tho which h. authority. Subscriptions Exchange Portland. 27,1334. unique leuou.) pur- — Street, May Navigation Half square, turee Insertions or loss, 76 oenta; on* ceived in United States notes of Rational Banks may27dlw* Tssght end week, •1.(10; 60 cent* we«k alter. chued for eai*. conicquently cun gire nn ele- Art prepared to offer to the trade t and well per They arero on bbdiixkd in cons, at the pleas- large House Wanted. Under head ol Aucssxintb. bO.OO persqnare per gant “rrr out” ut the •elected stock of ure not test than to week; three insertions or less, *1,50. of the Government, at any period purchase for rasa, a convenient T. B. P^L & House suitable lor a small Srnt'tAL NoTionr. *1.78 dnt week, Fitzgerald Hodsdon, LOWEST CASH PRICES ! ten nor more than years from their date, and WANTED family, with usual RSON8, per square forty — and Domestic Fruit I conveniences, AT— * >1,60 per square alter; three insertions or less, »1 36; Foreign centrally and pleasantly located.— lie invites his old triends and customers, and the until their redemption fivb raa cknt iitimit Price not to exceed half square, three ineertioas, •1.00; one week, Wholesale and Retail #3,000, Address "Taylor" nt *o. ^a 166 Middle Me. public generally, to call and examine his stoek. will bk paid in coin, on Bonds of not over one the Press office. maylHtf 1*. Deer Portland. St., Portland, OraaiSi, Spruce Cane, Street, Advertisement* inserted in the Hein Btatb Having enlarged his store by the removal of his handred dollars annually, and oa all other bonds se- Lnaeages Panes (which has a large circulation in every part of thirteen rears of experience in tha whole- Canary Seed, Caadlee, Found. dwiroBiof work-room above, he has accommodations more ex- mi-annually. /^.KSTLSMEN inetractloa la PtaatJa the State) for 60 eents per in addition to thn AFTERsale and retail Fancy Goods trade, we are satis- Lenaa SUM of money which tbeowner can have \T cal will square on the first of Uaeee, Syrap, Haney, by Navigatloa Had an eaperleaead abovo rates, ftar each insertion. fied (and consult no that the best “Is tensive for the display of his goods. The interest is payable day March and b 'be tMeh? others) policy Pranas, Cacaa Nate. A provingproperty paying exprn»es. Call on only experienced Lioal Notious nt usual rates. quick returns and on the aad in each The semi annual Cou- Pigs. JAMES State, who teaches e"r*ES? l"^ light profits.” Acting April 8,1864. dtf September year. NIXON,No. IkCiurk street. Navigation, and is rsrsritoih Transient advertisements mast be paid forla ad- the above wo now offer our whole and entire Cltraa, Mata, all kinds. maySSdlw* to policy, pons are payable at those dates, and the annual Dates, qualify Ea.ign. x.d Mate, vance stocky with a few exceptions) at a great reduction Ollree, jointed dollar bonds are Ralelas, Takaeea, Roainaee NoTtona. In reading columns, IS oenta Dons our former prices. Spring & Summer Stock Coupons on the 60 and 100 payable Board. per line for one insertion. No less than ift* Sardines, Cigars. " charge -o»- on the first of March. of Hooms, with Hoard, can be obtained seats for each insertion. Paaoy Caadlee ef all by J. 1>. iBubccribers will receive either Registered or Cou- deeerlpllaa. SUITSapplying immediately at 30 Danforth atreet. CHESE1>S eetSdtf 1Kb. as maylldtf FASHIONABLE GOODS, pon bonds, they may prefer. Registered Bonds __ are recorded on the books of the U. S. Treasurer, MEL00E0N & MISCELLANEOUS. READ! READ! READ!READ! -vox- REWARD. ORGAN and can be tranferred only at the owner's order.— F. H, 0 CXBSLCY, Will uiaoiorv, COATS, PAVTAL00S8 AMD VESTS. weapon nonai ere psynviv tv wsuvr, ana are more pay Fifty Do.Mars reward to any peraon * The Dead Soldier and the who will lX1l.il middle Ambrotype. ooovenknt lor commercial uie. I give information leading to the reeovJ sired. Parehaeed from the best assortments, for cash, in of the Some months a CABINET ery property stolen from the btable of Capt. S of ail ilzot ago touching incident of New and Bonds will be issued of the denomina- MAKER J. II. iu aad styba as kaad aad York, Boston, may be found Registered Coyle, Westbrook, on the uight of the 22d manufactured to order. the battle-held of was “The it Not I /% Em TTT1YTAT OmnUTin inet. MI-UjDLoN Tha combiaed power Gettysburg published Peerless,’’ Forget at the store of tions of Fifty Dollars (WO). On* Hundred Dollars mDU *<»■» ol hit In all the I will also KXCSLSIOB OkfAI leading ol the A Dollars pay Fifty Do! ara to person render it tuitable for country. (#100), Five Hundred (500), One Thousand any giv- a church or pnridr and resident of alter a ing such information as will lead to the detection of Gettysburg, battle fouud a on .76 Mo. 61 Union a pipe or*®® lbat cm 20 Hoops, clasped orerj Spring, WILLIAM f.-BEf-KETT Dollars (#1,000), Fire Thousand Dollars (W,000), and Btreet, the thief or thieves. JOHN 8 The foL be’obtained dead Union soldier ou the with an ara- UJCALD, following ia one of the numerous lield, Ten Thousand Dollars and TB to do all klnda of in " '• “ “ “ (#10,000): Coupon Bonds prepared CABINET JOB- City Marshal. bit pottetaion: hrotype In his hands, the of J. BING in a and clasped picture 36 1.S6 merchant ol the denominations of Dollars prompt satisfactory manner. Portland, April 30,1804. apr30 dtf JVom If. — Tailor, Flity (#50), One E. Caskirr three children two and a Iu hie (lould, International Bank boys girl. Huedred Dollars (#100), Fire Hundred Dollars Portland. p “ “ “ NO • Book and Show Omob made to order. dying moments, the soldier's eyes had rested 40 LSI 137 Middle Street. Wanted. and One Thousand Dollars — the faces of his (#600), (#1,000). IV*F*rniter* Mad*. aad Poktlabd, May a, 1M2. upon precious children. Repaired Tarmlahed at Cook at For I Babaerlbers to this loan will hare the Pastry DartonaOyater Saloon. many years have bad Jrtqotnc epioitnnf- There was no means ol the Boose of these Goods, which have been option of 233, 8t. tiet to notice the ascertaining recently SHORT NOTICE. Al^raaleCongress apl6tf many good points in the Mrlnirn— name or former Imported, differ much in color, texture and finish haring their bonds drew interest from March *' j xl residence of the soldier. The let, Portlaad, 19.18W. from the that have continued in lor a Kay tf reauft, I have cHE?.SrSH^ST"* was obtained styles vogue by paying the accrued interest in coin—(or in United urged my frienda who were lateadiag ambroty pe subsequently by Dr. year or two past, and are considered to purchase aa tn*trument J. K. of Old Fogles, quote Your Prices! very elegant. States notes, ortbe notes ofKatioaal J. W. SYKES. of this data to Bourns, Philadelphia. With commen- besides these and other Goods, —comprising all the Beaks, adding »•* Mr. Chaney. w"£ dable earnestness the Doctor set varieties for fashionable wear, at the same fitly per oeat for premium,) or receive them draw- CoKST himself to place may IRA Purchaser for Eastern Account OTThe (ombination Valet it be found a of Slaadard WINN, o»M to all our the work of the soldier’s good supply Otrasan, ing internet from th* data of subscription and de- Agent, Instruments 1 eraona discovering family. and ov ordering by mail will set aa French, Baalish Klrwsidoloiha ai d Dwe- as Instrument The ambrotype was No. 11 XJnion good as though selected them immediately photo- lt I as, for genteel suits; together with styles of posit. St., LOUS, GRAIN, SEEDS, PROVISIONS, LARD, No by per- It to sonally. charge for graphed. were exhibited iu selected with a view to suit all At these Bonds are from or prepared farslah BUTTER and WESTERN PRODUCE Packing. Rxratxixa end Copies leading ‘‘The Star!** Vweliags tastes. exempt Municipal Tuatwo promptly attended to. stores in Morning All the uew styles for Gentlemen's whether Philadelphia, Baltimore and Pita- wear, 8tate taxation, thrir value ia increased from one to STEAM generally. Portland, May I, for Dress huits or A Business Oat tits received in their KHGINES and BOILERS, lhM.maytdswlm• burg. Hundreds were sold with the under- three per cent per annum, to the rate of Particular attention given to 10 Hoop,, unn UPM olupad Bad 00 seasons, together with plates of the latest styles of eceordlng of various sties and pattern!, shipping by quickest standing that as soon as the children were duBd, levies ia various and cheapest routes. No. 152 fil WATER 8T. Cutting and Finishing, tax parts ortbe eeuntry SUM 80^, fouud the should be •• " " •• u4 Futim, lill proceeds lorwarded to 30 .88 tyfhe best trimmings always on hand. At the present rat* of premiem on ripe Ooariag, Bhafting, hlleji,t«, r. o. Box 471. Illinois. them. gold they pay Chicago, over cent, interest ia Liobt Uouen Work of all S# “ fZT Ho. 137 Middle Street.^ eight per currency, and ere of descriptions, and all P. The incident was published in the U0 klnda of work in b nil RxruKBsrexs—Messrs Maynard k Sons; H R W. $100. B. princi- w equal convenience as a permanent or temperary in* reqeirod ding and may 1144 fOKTinOATlOM. C. U. k pal religious secular papers, and the ques- •• " Cbickering; Camming* Co.; S.G.Bowdlear ao i.so rsstment. k Charles A. tion asked “Where Is the Iron Stairs aad other Architect Co.; Stone; ilallett, Davis k Co., of everywhere, family It ia believed that no oral Work. Maas. of the RZlMOVAIi. seearitle* offer so greet In- Boston. Cashier Elliot Bank.Boston. 4. N. undersigned being Iloenaad by the United dead soldier?” At last, one President Newton Slates, are to through ducements to lendera aa the various of Hoaare. gtorea, aad other Sued with Bacon, Esq., Bank, .few ton. C. THE prepared procars Peaslem. of the descriptions belldlnga, A Arrears or published notices, the family was be- Oae and Steam in the beet manner. B. Coffin; warren Ellia Sons, Now York City. Bounties. Pas aad Ptiie Money tar Sou U. 8. Bond*. In all other forms of Seamen lieved to have been and a indebtedness, diers. or their heirs Bills tor Board and found, copy of the JOB LOT LADIBS' the faith or of or etock com- In connection Jyk’Odly.____ Transportation of Recruits or Dratted Mra being sent to the tact was con- ability private parties with the abore la an Iron Foundry, r-llsslait picture them, with All demands against the Stateer JOSIAH BURLEIGH panies or communities is for n large assortment of Patterns, to which th* United States atl firmed. The family resided at the little vil- separate only pledged A. & S. SHURTLEFF & tended ta. an attention of Kmohiaista, Millwrights.and Ship-Build, CO., Having agaat both at Waeblagtaa of Wire 45 ets. ■At KXXOTKD TO pay meat, while for the debteot the United 8tatee the aad and had lage Portville, Cattaraugus county. New Heavy Skirts, each. era la larlted-ud all kinds of farnuhed Augusta, having larva eip. rienca, «S Curings NOS. 54 A 50 KIDDLE STREET, feel safe ia that iork. whole property of the country is holden to secure at short notlee. assarting any bustnesa entraatad ta HEW STORE, EVANS’ BLOCK, oar care will be IBithratly and promptly cxeaatad thoasands of the the payment or both principal and ia tercet in coin. BWOrderafor Machine Patterns and ramuHD. We Meanwhile, photographs Jobbing, have alao an agent m New York to attend to tha had The 1 be Bonds Forgings, promptly executed. odd tf Manufacturers and Dealers in l>*en sold. demand increased when * esay bo subscribed for in earns from payment at Priaa money. Advtoe tree. Approved Ihe Nos. 141A143 Middle Street. Claims cashed. public was informed by tile Rev. Mr. Og- 150 up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and Ken's and Youth's Thick, MANLEY 4 8 A STYE*. Hosiery, Gloves, Boys' Kip Office93} Ex hangs, S*.. Fox Block den, pastor of the family, that the widow was ire thus mad* available to th* smallest lender and SINGER’S and Calf Portland. Mo. Boots, i. u. aaiLiT. w. a. aawm. and The father's _ poor deserving. last look the largest capitalist. They can be converted into Women's Misses and Children's Oont, Kid to be a to bis — -And Sun Umbrellas! promised legacy children a JOSIAH BURLEIOHj money at any moment, and th* holder will bare the SEWING MACHINES I and Calf Balmorals, Rubbers. Shoo Er/rrmctr: of material value legacy as well as of love. Whol«ule tad Retfttl DmICT M benefit of tbe interest. block, Findings, Ac. Hoa. Sam>. Cosy. Governor of Maine. Dr. who had labored iu Ladie*’ Hon.J L. Hodsdon, Adjutant San. of Maine. Bourns, diligently be- Coitoa Hon, fro bo 18 to 4ft eta. The foot that all duties oa are In 4k import* payable WOODMAN, TRUE CO., our facilities for Hoa. Wm Pitt Fessenden, U. 8 Senator. half of the unknown, now commenced anew Tailors’ YiriTH superior manufacturing, *« •* Clothing, Cloths, Trimmings, ipecle furnishes a fund for lik* payment of interest m and a in the Hob. Lot M. Morrill, U.8. Senator. his exertions for the discovered Children’*;** 13 to 31 cU. AGENTS, large experience business, we family. -AID- >a nil Government bonds ia excess of th* we are able to sell as low as in Boston or elsewhere. aplS dkwtf The matter so largely grew rapidly, and the profits Rot. (4 ox4 44 • ■ • Kiddle Street. Dealers are rospcctfslly invited to call and ax- ■rant* of tha treasury for this purpose. promised to be so satisfactory, that he con- GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, amine oar stock before purchasing. Upon receipt of subscriptione a certificate of de- BeedleeandTrimmligs always oahand. IF*Orders by mail attended to. WINSLOW’S ceived the idea of extending its benefits be- promptly MACHINE WORKS. Street. posit there'or, In duplicate, will be Issued, the mehlltf Portland. April 23,1WC4. d6m yond the Humistoo family to the poor chil- airovnn i Nm. 141 4k 143 Middle origi- MANUFACTURER’S BLOCK. dren of other deceased soldisrs. Something nal of which will be forwarded by the subscriber to he of the at with A CARD. M. U NION said to him, “From the father’s last look there LADIBS, Ikt Mttt Attortwunt ra Porilmnri /rtm 1* Secretary Treasury, Washington, PEARSON7 ST.REET, ilettsr tbe kind may come means to provide for hundreds aud Mil I* 81 00. JOSIAH BURLEIGH, stating (registered or coupon) sad Silver J. L. thousands ;ht denominations of bonds DR. S. C. Plater, WINSLOW, Agent, of helpless eues." Thus has required. FERNALD, AHD MAXrrACTUlSn OF prob- Af.it for Urorar A B.ker‘1 c.l.brated MAsvrmnn of ably teen originated a scheme for the provis- Upon the receipt of the original certificate at th* Steem 8teem Boiler*. ion of a Soldier’s Orphan Fund In State. I restory Department, tbe hood* anbearihed for will SILVER WARE, Engine#. Shifting Tilley* every SIX VMBRBLLAS-OU Boilmt Bilkt, from 81,M DENTIST, Geering, end ell kied* of Also To this work Ur. Bourns is Machines, be transmuted to th* subscribers 238 Congress 8t.,Opp. Court Uouse.Portland.Ms. Meehinery. devoting himsell u Sewing respectively. No. 178 Mlddl Street. Low end High Pressure Fteem At- — n, oo. Renting at his medical wi I be received the kinds of WAKE, such as tor present abandoning practice FubseriptJont by Treamrer nornannoa*.Dr*. Baoob and Bxnaux. £jr*All Knives, Forks. perelu* Keetories, Public Buildings a Moa. 141 A 143 Kiddle Street. Cake Ac in tbs end llonne*. tor of the year. It looks like a Di- >/<*« farted Statei at Washington, and the Aaelst- 8poons. Baskets, Castors. piated Dwelling In thic De- portion Portlaad, May M, UM. tf best manner. the ee'ebliehment bee vine 1 pmr.ment Providence. —— tat at Mew Boston T" Treasurers York, and Philadel- ▲Uo, IMPAIRING and BE-FINISHING Old been u ncom •uceeeefnJ. 1 was iu Portvllle when the Doctor visited Yankee Motion* at our u»ual low monly prieea phia and by tha Dr. J. H. HEALD Silver Ware. jaa29 d6m SWam Cocks. Valves. Wlnstfee, and Steam. Water the in to family, order present to the widow NATHAN OOOLD FTret National Bank of and Gas Pipe and codleetieas fsnhhail at Portland, Me., of his entire Interest In his and her three children the sacred disposed wholesale or retail. ambrotype First National Bank of Me., HAVINGOffioe to Dr. 8. C FERNALD. would —held iu the cold hand Will say to his iriends that be may be lonnd at Bur- Augusta, cheerfully WILLIAM A. of the father, aud reooommend him to his former patients and the pub- PEARCE,” and CORSETS! No. 141 k 143 Middle street, where be will First Nn tonal ltank of Bangor, Me., Rrpairiaf promptly Uilkfaliy Hand. stained with his blood. He brought with him CORSETS, leigh’s, lic. Dr. Pmrmald, from long experience, is prepar- F'iret National Bank of Bath, Me., ed to insert Artifloial Teeth on P LUMBER! an elegantly colored and enlarged for Wamino Wbalbbowb, Oblt 91.00. he pleaded to wait upon his former customers. the “Vulcanite Base," In eoan ctioa with the above establishment iaaa copy First National Bank of and all other methods known to the MACKS OF Iron the a of books aod Portland, March 24.1864. dtf Brunswick, Me., profeesion. Foundry. with a largo assortment of patterns, family, parcel papers, tent Portlaad. May 26.1*61 tf and a tad by all National Banks which are depositaries of Planing Mill, wbeVa wood plaalag of all ktnda by George H. Stuart, Esq., aud others of Force and Water ha labile All basks and banker* Pumps Closets, may mayBdtf Philadelphia, and was able to place in the money. respectable doao._ Ladibb, o*ll audiM ua! we have not tailed, clear- JUST RECEIVED 1 th* will furnish further infor- JOHN F. SHERR EXCHANGE hands of a.jucicious committee lunds for the hrougboot country Y, NO. 124 STREET, FOR nalion on and afford SALE, ed out, or aold out; bat will be foaod at oar old applicutiou, every faellty to ME. present support of the family. lubteribert. ■air Cotter and l’ORTLAKD, •tand, No. 106 Middle Dahlia Skirt and maylkisAwkw* Wig tinker, Ik was a touching scene. The plain, quiet street, Fancy Cheap for Cask I home—the Goods store, where we, a* heretofore, cod tinae to Mo. 18 Market Square* Port1 vnd, (ap stairs.) Wknn, Cold and Shower Baths, Wash simple-hearted children, delighted ▲ CKBAT TAUITT OF room for Ladies' and Brass A Silver Piattd with these gifts from strangers — the stricken manufacture oar juatly celebrated skirt, to which mms & \uv\d. 13. S. 10-40 LOAN \ 8F* Separate Children’s ilair Bowls, Cocks, tboueand* of ladies in Portland and can Cutting. OKILIIAII’S widow, trembling as she and vicinity A CARKIAQXI, grasped gazed good stock of Wigs, Halt- Wigs, Bands, Braids, of Water Fixtures for Dwel- the sacred and tostify. Fitzobbald A Hod*dob, description Bird long upon relic, wondered at Carls, Frixetts, Pads, Rolls, Crimping Boards, Ao., INVERTA ling Rouses, Hotels, Public Buildings. Shops, Cafes, the which Dahlia Skirts and he oonstantly on hand. ie22’68dly providence made it such a minister Fancy Goods, &c., arranged and set up in the best manner, and all Rocking Horses, of aid and consolation. No. 16* Middle street. Portland, Mo. orders in town or country faithfully executed. All FIRST NATIONAL BANK kinds of attended to. Ladies Work aad The citizens of Portville assembled on N. B. Corset* and Skirt* made to order. jobbing promptly Constantly Sab- ELEGANT STYLES on band LEAD PIPES, SHEET LEaD and BEER bath afternoon in'the mayfidlm WOOD^ANDCOAL Traveliaf Baskets, Presbyterian church, — OF — PUMPS of all descriptions. apt* dtf and Mar after an address of greeting by Rev. Mr. —or— CHEAP FOR CASH ! Taya, hl«a, Ogden to Dr. Bourns, had from him a detail- TARK * WONSON’S FORT MONA1F.9. LADIES' RETICULK8 ARM ed account of the incideut and its results. PORTLAND, TO MERCHANTS. BAGS, DRUMS. VIOLINS, GUITARS. Patent Metallic or C $9.50. $9.50 VIOLIN He gave a statement of the plan proposed in Copper Paint, LOTUS! CHEAPJJOAL. undersigned having greatly increased their 8TRINGS, behalf of other ol Union DESIGNATED REPOSITORY THEfacilities for manufacturing WHITING WORK orphans soldiers. FOR VESSELS’ BOTTOMS. PRIME LOT CHESTNUT COAL » HZ8K8, BOXXS, As. Several ARE PREPARED TO 89.60 TON, HOOTS AND addresses were delivered, and a series BPRING MOUNTAIN. LEHIGH. HEZILTON, 8HOF.8, —BT— of resolutions was and having in tnat oranch, would presented and adopted. SUGAR LOAF. OLD COMPANY LEHIGH. LO- large experience r To'Ownert and Master* of Vessels. call the attention of the trade to the same. Ws W. D. The Doctor’s to raise about a thou- CUST MOUNTAIN. JOHNS, DIAMOND, WEBS- ROBINSON, plan is, Show Them to Their Cutosera. shall in future be much better able to This article is offered with STATES. TER and BLACK HEATH. These Coals are of the the de- sand dollars for each of tire three and superior the tallest con- UNITED of the trade supply 90 St. children, fidence. When * best well screened anil and mands then heretofore, and are confi- Kickanfe make applied to very quality, picked, dent mshltSia then provision for other needy orphans. Also, warranted to give satisfaction. that in the quality, both of ourstock and work, The picture, for the sale of which so much WOODEN BOTTOM VESSELS we can give satisfaction, as we manufacture exprese- Also for sale best of for the retail has Ireen and is ly trade. 1 hose buying for cash will done, yet aiTlicipated. ii itself it will be found a perfect substltat* for Copper rhis Bank ia prepared to receive] subscriptions for HARD AMD SOFT find it to their advantage tolook atour stock, which jSXelotleonw an & the WOOD, Hasting’** ornament. “Frank,’’“Freddie,’’and “Alice," Sheathing, and a COMPLETE PRESERVATIVE Clothing new consists in part of RCBBRRS, SOLE and WAX from Furnishing Goods, delivered to any part of the city. AND ore interesting children, and iu every album WORM8, BARNACLES. GRASS, Ae. Vee- URATHWR. FRENCH and AMERICAN CALF, •rrni < Tioa, which being pat on the American Cloths, The Ladikm are respectlully reminded that Bid- garden-gate hill-side of Burnham eutednr ve, cannot be imitated ether makers Vermont, tng Habits, Zouave Jackets, and Waists are & Co., DELIVERED TO ANY PART Of TOE CITY. by rose liefore me; and at nil the dec i mb I, SHARKS Fancy A I Colley, up to-day, sixty, my Embracing STTLMB, out and made at thia establishment in a Division., Brigades Regiments From tbeae arise their better and volume et nnd FINISH to b* found In the style which AT SHORT NOTICE. quality are innocent ot the taste of market, ■citable for cannot fail to them. — OF- lips liquor.” please Cabiaet Makers and tone and for l aainw BUSINESS SUITS, ENGLISH WALKING I'pholsterers, Oar i« war- capacity expreeeioa. Every Was not that sweet evidence of the Military aed Naval Officers are here fit- Coil of the very BEST quality, and pow- COATS, Spring OVERCOATS and DRESS SUITS. ted out in true NEW AND FASHIONABLE ranted to satisfaction. (tartan bea upon its name board la fall, the words. er of a word? And yet it was but half: Regulatiyn Style. 308, Congress Street, give single To Fitting out Boya in the •MASON A UAMI.1N CABINET ORGAN.* said meet becoming and “for," he, “yesterday.there came iuto Hioe and Cloth*. durable FOK SALE- my Vesting, Army Navy garments, special attention is given. to do all kinds of O'ahinet and Up* -ALSO, When a dealer represents any other instrument id counting-room a young man of forty, and ask- Krerr palnv will be taken to entire satisfaction prepared give DRY GOODS! ARKholstery work, at the shortest notice. All n Cabinet Organ, it Is nrnnlly n more attempt id ed me,‘Hu you know me?'‘No,’said I. ‘I was in FITTING, workmanship and prices. Dress kinds of All Kindt of Hard and Soft Wood. Coats, Pants, Vests, and Business se'l an Inferior Instrument on wtieh be can make a brought once,’ said he to iny for the sprin;g. informant, CLOTHS FOR BOYS* ft Mattresses into on WEAR, Suits, Furniture, Lounges larger probe ‘drunk, your presence, shipboard; you The Public ore Invited to ns a call, as we or; Particular Made to order and warranted Good Fits. give Prices of Caatarr Oauaaa S9£ to UK. Ware, were a passenger; the captain kicked me attention given to Ladies of Portland and vicinity are respectfully —constantly on hand— bound to if ire satisfaction to all who favor a* with took me into 6l Mr Reives assures his invited to call and see the many beautifol styles ot their custom. rooms. No. 274 Washington treat, Boston; MASON aside; you your berth, kept_me Cutting !Hannfnctaring Boy’s Clothing customers that bis work N B. The public are invited to call and examine. is a A HAMLIN. No. there uutil 1 had slept off the Intoxication, inch UeodSm made not only in the highest yle of faahion. but nc“*h4 dtf 7 Mercer afreet, New York, MA- in the most sod workmanlike manner. Domestic Dren OFFICE NO. 49 COMMERCIAL STREET. and then asked me If I had a mother. I thorough and Good* SON BROTHERS. * you The Public are invited to visit this Foreign Emporium IlaaaT 1 never, that I knew I never heard a of F. S. Iuwaim. Sole Ibr Portland, said, of; Fashion, aud see it the facts do not fully come J 1ST RECEIVED! JOHN ANDERSON, BANDALL & MoALLISTEB Agent inoiher’s voice. You told me of yours, st the JAMES EDMOND & CO. up to thia Manifesto. maylddlm *0*20 ly 49) Congrca street. meylidtw _ garden-gate; and to-day, twenty years later, I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Civil Also, the great variety Surveyor Engineer, am muter of one of the fin tit In New packets 13 LIBERTY SQUARE, BOSTON FASHIONABLE OFFICE, CODJIAN BLOCK, York, and I came to ask "you to come and see CLOTHINGTI House Goods ! VS. MOTHS! The Cabinet ’’ Furnishing Organs Am to order at faromble me. prepared rate*, COLT- T««n.t Stueht. MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY NESS and ULENGAKNOCK Such as Brown and Bleached Cotton Sheetings and mchl* dAwtf How far baek that little candle throws its Th' dense vapors emanating from AU«. F. 8hirtiugs, Table Linens. Drillings, Ticking-. Denims. beam—the mother’s word on the green hill- YORK, Stripes, Ac. Also, just reooiviug. the lateat styles ol MASON & HAMLIN PIG handsome side of Vermout'. God be thanked for the al- IRON, Spring Scotch Canvas, » Nearly all the most premium' artist* in tte Wlttry mighty power of a single word.— H'otert'ure AJso, BAR, SHEET, f BOILER PLATE IRON, Merchant Tailor*, -FOB BALB BY- Balmoral Slalrtn have give n writteu testimony to this effect, and \h—u of and instruments are in constant um in the sonesrts of English Scotch Many the tare. Haring taken the and commedloua store Can a MAH Financrs.— Mr. the Ca- elegant fashionable 8PMINQ SHA WLS. T. PATTEN A the most distinguished artists—ns Oottsebulk sod Galt, We shalleontinue to in addition to onr And the most JAMES CO., This Cnm- receive, Ares Ming to Insect life. compound others—ns well ns in tbs o era* in the cit- nadian Finance Minister lias Intioduced his American a A complete stock of pries pal Brick, regular supply of NO. 104 MIDDLE Me. w STREET Bsth, phorwitl Barely kiilmothsiits ingredients of Frank- ies hr never Much instruments nrs reoo « 4. Pries budget. The imports were *45,000,000 and the k ENGLISH, 8COTCH, WELCH FIRE BB1CE CLOTHS AND C ASSUME RES. death to all in- 016 to S*U0 each I'hese imt'sap n s insy bs fon tl The on mchll eodflm coanan or tlvu, tncen'e Vetirer, Ac., produce quick exports 41,000’U00. duty Canadian BOLTS Bleaohed I nt the Mus e booms of the subseriber. whirs tlbjr AND WEAR. f)AA Superior seots tbtir akins. effi- 1 has been raised from 15 to 30 cents FOR BOYS’ MEN’S AU daa -Oov. breathing through Cheap, will bn sold nt the inaoafactarera’ prices. Whiskey Invites the attention of Gentlemen to hia rich in- ZUU aoo do ton* Almt Wo„ of sweet odors. Do not riah your Tilla- per gallon, and a specific duty of 40 cents per Ice Cream ! Ice Cream ! t voice of eminent contract, Arbroath.i»hrntth cient, and II. ft. EDWARDS, MO do Extra Ail flax without it 8ftld all lias been imposed on foreign Long ble Furs, and nice Woolous by No 5491 Stewart's St. gallon whiskey; CLOAKINGS 1 CLOAKINGS !! SOO do Nary Flno | Block* Congress an additional of 15 cents on and town and country. Each packsgcbcars duty foreign -A.t domestic Cloths are DruggUts, | Brown’s Foreign An assortment. We just ready to manu- la Portland or Boetoa. _ _sprUdtl wine and al- elegant Delivered the address of the makers, brandy, gin, nun, cordials, spirits, for Spring and Bummer wear, all of which have )uat facture to measure, at the shortest notice, any of the the been from the Bath. April *0. IMS apM dtf CITY OF PORTLAND* cohol. The followiug is duty on tobacco, Oyster and Ice Cream Saloon, selected largest and best stocks la new and desirable Spring Cloaks. Warrented to suit. II h K K IS A CHAPMAN. on the 1st of New York aud Bo ton. and will be made up to order Boston. to take effect July: Cavendish, 133 aod 134 may24d3w on will No. Exchange St., and with in tbe latest FULL committee Highways So., r*oei*w Ac. 10 snuff and cut 15 despatch stylee— FEUCHTWANOEH * ZVNDEB, To Manufacturers, Ship Builders, for ten plug, cents; tobacco, HATCHED SUITS, CO A TS, F AX I S or VESTS, THEsealed proposals furnishing thousand Oppoait* the International Boat*. I tons Sen lslnnd stores tbe months conts; cigars, lowest, *2; highest, *5 per 1000. ssa may be desired. D person* dealrou* of Real Eatate Investment*, Kollrr. pnving during of (FOX BLOCK ), under the nsms of uue and sscb A of three cents one hundred ■aflitf lh- following property i* offered at good bargain*. milE tirm heretofore esietlng MnyJ Jnlr—

* I——— The Monroe Doctrine. The Grand Trunk. OKIOIXAL AXD SELECTED. 8PIC11L NOTICES. Ucjcjuj-On Saturday, from the yard of Mean THE DAILY PRESsT W k ▲ Curtiss, a line light drought steamer of about NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TUB MADE TO . This has become a terrible 3-W EXPLANATIONS corporation tons, to be called the "Regulator She waa or 8y Id Cincinnati has brought round to the 1’ortlaad Co’s wharf, whero The has transmitted to the House non*ter in the opinion rather imagination Every dally Removal. POBTLJlSD HAIM* President she is to receiru her The R waabuilt for Letter* jf been to advance Its GALBERT fc Cilitifi, Flour Dealers have re- machinery. Bemaining Inclairaed of the con- some of our Canadian friends. The Mon- compelled price. parties in Oloueester and lioeton.and is intruded lor Representatives correspondence moved from No. 63 to No. 67 Commercial street, the the Poet OIBce el Portland, State of «Mh jy Salmon is In Belfast at 75 cents dav route botween those places Maine, the made to France rela- treal Witness is down upon the Bill for the selling where can be fomd at all times a good assortment IN dny of May. 1W4 taining explanations of choiee Flour •ry^5 the 18th, a good barque of about Moraine, May 30, 1864. & Lake Huron a pound. 850 tons, called the 'S° oh*"" »®7 of tbeee letter., the Monday tive to the Amalgamation or the Buffalo 1864. "Serapta applicant resolution unanimously adopted by Portland, May 9th, may9d3w The new sell O W adwrrtieed lettert: give the date --- Kimball, bnilt B C Thom,,, mil .of .. ■ The Maine Western by an, and ___ with the Grand Truuk. The Editor thiuks he KT* at pay one cent for the House in condemning the Yearly Meeting Rockland, was launched on the 21st. She is own- advertising early April, *** na'lad Tor within tees iu this au accumulation of (F. W. Baptist) will be held in on the ed by the builder. A * Ames. Mrs Olive C Kimball. h.—.j J* one month, they will Pres* is . amalgamation Saco, «• the I> ad Letter n*oir*uhiUon of the Daily larger French occupation of FAMILY DYE COLORS. R ^ Crockett, who will command her. OtUce 8th and « in the which is to the 9th of June. Mr Thomas has l’*r7 of le,ter* carriert. at the real- than any other Daily paper Slate,and The most document is the fol. power absolutely dangerous (1'atutkd Oct. 13, 1803.) laid the keol of a vessel of 226 tons, by important for Capt Robert by tha that any other in Portland. liberties of our Canadian friends aud »'A very rich mine of has Crockett and others. "bacrwng double of extract from a Mr. Seward neigh- plumbago A of SO Per Cent. foMoiing B^'“*),b*‘*cu”" »J« e nnd State. tMBg-tr.OO par year if paid etrictly and its influence river, Canada East. FRANCISCO—Ar a^th ult, ship. Her,re, letter* made. of I ot the Press, Dark at with the office and a dieoomu of #1.00 mil be “Department State, independence Blur, Light Blub, Howes, and Golden writer’*po»t aaaoe Fleece, Mamon. New York. ‘hem 7. »u jy Gen. Butler haa heir Fbexbu Ar let numi*r' ■i*° “Wabhinuton, April ( elections promises to be destructive of the fallen to one Blub, iuat chip Carolina Rood. Friaad, Tart DM- 4i0i ptaldTw!“ Clarbt Light Brows, r*qm**‘ th»l *nawere be direeted ae million dollars £rown, Co^uimbo. Fort Madison. a.sdlsg Matter an all Faar Pa«es. send a of a resolution, “lective franchise in Queen Victoria’s North by the death of his brother— Dark Brown, Cld Boyd, cordmJTy iy “Sib,—I you copy 23d, ship Enterprise, Uinbar, Port ,0 is Bmvp Angelos: ,,r»naer. or transient visit.- ra in a which the House of Representatives American too, is In so it reported. Brown, Honolsln; Julia passed possessions. Parliament, For Woolen and Mixed 7*r'lu^*. A,A FJdridge, Bennett, *P®ci*l add re* a may be an- 4th a unanimous vote, and Dyeing Silk, Goods, **' ,’°rt Adelaide T*10#e oo the lost., by of and 6^“ The citizens of St. Louis have 8haw!s, Hearts, An*'lot; 3otb, Cooper, the ,ower 'efi Lan<* R. of that to great danger being bought up corrupt- bought Dresjos, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Beau’ do*P corner, with the mVk^d,Ul Uoa. Joshua (adding*. which declares the body kid word ‘Transient.’ opposition a sword to be Hats, Feathers, Gloves, Children's Clothing, NEW OBLEANS — Mexico. Mr. ed by the power this ltailway wields. splendid presented to Gen. Ar 13th, skip Chattanooga, °“ ,b* a of a monarchy in gigantic and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. Hamilton, New hand “a*,’ ',pf,T rt»kt death of this true and recognition York; baniaea Commerce, Bn Bos- coraer’ m5?****ltact pet Ia th# sudden patriot an Hancock. Chkrry, ton ; « T? •race ween the .tamp and hae lost no time in asking expla- Members of Parliament are corrupted and omet. from 11th. Moon- d. nation has Geofrey tun Philadelphia; ships mmrkiHa w**hoot with abi# state* in an at Montreal, our It is hasdly ne- The Crimson, Ware, Hopkins, or the Ocean, interfering nation of this proceeding. their votes free passes, Ey Committee of the City Council of Dark Light Boatoa; Spark ?i.^rru“»g,'<> written purchased by special Drab, Drab, Oeo S fm one of its men. Mr. Giddiags pos- after what 1 have heretofore Fawm 1 S d0,;.b»r<)M Hunt, Woodbury, LADIES’ LIST. lost great cessary, trains, and other benefits which are in the Lewiston, lias reported the Drab, fm New York. T,i,_ information of against purchase £,h’ bri* Lagrange, lawnro Ida mr. a heart with candor for the Light Fawn Drab, Dark Orbri, te sessed Intellectual powers and perfect of a Steam Mayflower, Goodwin, from Fort- strong inter- of this monstrous We Fire Engine. Light Gbbbm, ® Jack. >n Ann* oape E France, to say that this resolution truly gift corporation. hope ..h'*** 8 Emery, frem Cardenas; Altarels, TavlorV nH’ki’i* fall of noble In all measures de- the The Magbbta. JSjJ'from Pensacola 5il° H*"1 Johnson Charles m-a Impulse*. unanimous sentiment of people and trust the of this will unanimous voice of all the Dis- •*< prets the management railway For 25 cents you can color as goods as would hnwn Enoch S mra for th* and of hu- to Mexico. It many H““». Philadelphia; 13th, Tniev H.W./u».-aater signed Improvement good of the United States iu regard in its terrible ere the of trict Conventions, so far as heard is for otherwise oost five times that sum. Various shades .«hl|diJ?nh-bV.'\,leScio’ Johnson Jennie mr. stop career, Temple from, 6' Lir-worw, Boston “•yi' Jordan found the first and and a distiuct question oan be lrom the same The . ia^ rr*,„ Mary E manity, he w*a always is, however, another is in the renomination of Mr. Lincoln. produced dye. proeess “*• to' K»w Task; brig Tlbbotta?iT^.mVSmelSH John K think it Liberty overthrown and demolished is and oue can u«o the with Kimble L T mra to the whether the United States would ne- simple any dye perfect Lardenas Mth.baraae Iddo Kim- Tyler Jacob £ foremost, never trimming his tails pop- Machias Union success. Directions in French ana' Ger- ball, Johnson,U*°“,' for Kincaid Marv M c*d« Ef to themselves in the which our Canadian have worship- SyThe says business is live- English, Philadelphia; 17th, Greenland, Ttpley John P cessary or proper express neighbors man, inside of each 1 nompson, do. Capt KUgbt MaT, E ular hut the ttue spirit of at package.k * breeae, breathieg the House of Representatives for so Can't their ly Harriugton. Three vessels are In courso Maizb. form adopted by ped many generations. llawkins, Nsw York. I^AmAhbTfeJmr. human race. Ue acted a con- and SMS?/*?!- .u»BI'lb»l. Looney Lillie liberty to all Ike at this time. This is a practical merely do to of building at the MABOOH, “",- Weeks good motherly Queen something pre- village. Orange, bat. from Ue#,«# BenJ Locke £ A mr. 2 in reforms that looked to the and the decision ol it con- M«Yli"POr‘a0tb' H part all executive question, Fish of all kinds are Royal Llttua.ld V H mr. spicuous to the House of vent such a calamity falling upon those Prov- fly unusually plenty Pibk, Purplb, **h G!ob«, *» K*w * not wBaW A r?i?f0,*5rA,'*‘h’ York; Wendling Lvon. Maria E own and of the civilized stitutionally belongs,, Pubplb, Crocker. Port RovaI m: g of hla country a this season. How kind to come to us Pierce. Wter l.sortie J good nor even to Congress, but to inces? British North America is great very in Salmon, G< Libby Martha of Representatives, -LUd 3tth. sc ha While Baa, Wlnalow U K Lea.l t r world. During his life he held many poets States. You will such numbers when so much BOARLBT, 8LATB, Mary t mra the President of the United country. Great Britain is the largest of needed. Witherington Jnnme ferLow Eo£i2 their duties that the declaration BoLPBRINO, Irwinn LJurnemt1 honor and trust, and discharged of course take notice American jy Stephen Hubbard, of Eliz- Lanty Ueeuoa landowners. In temperate regions Esq., Cape VlOLBT, "h T * J of is in U°n: Wightman C Lntghto* So. an p mra and marked fidelity. Ia made the House Representatives has been a Lbathbr. with singular ability by or within the abeth, appointed Justice of Peace Week.> Joseph 24 Mcknela Almira of a resolution, which before it alone, regions temperate zone, Tor farther information in and a ha was never found the form joint and of Dyeing, giving Cld»th,brig« Hydra, llerriman, end B Cerrer, all works wanting. Quorum, and what colors are best to Narphy Aonie mn centre good the character ol a legislative act, the Brstish possessions considerably exceed duly qualified. knowledge adapted Bose, do; sob Quickstep, WmaJoha one' of her can acquire Serfectre over others, (with valuable LV,7.- The neble State of Ohio has lost first the concurrence of the Sen- UP A squad of two hundred rebel many recipes,)par-* JiSgRi^toeto. must receive the whole area of the United States. Now in priso- chase Rowe ft Stevens’ Treatise on and Col- human- Dyeing fc*rqB® Ulli",tor Boston; Elite M a beetektisens and ablest statesmen, and the approval of the Presi- ners who have taken the Sent mail on of cents. brig ate and secondly, view of this It would oath of allegiance oring. by receipt price—10 Strong7do |lLr«fekred E fitsiOTu?” magnificent domain, Kate com et Tho the United States, or in case of his Hannfectnred by HOWE k STEVENS. j£P* “hlarMeKarty one of Us brightest ornaments. good dent of and enlisted in the were taken N,W 0rto*“: ”* AJth K«' ola Met Cathmrin* ity assent of both of seem as if to be done to con- Navy, to the 260 Broadway, Bostob. «b Amy arty mra dissent the renewed Houses something ought (at harms be bat done in the world will live alter him, on For sale by and dealers W^f»«l*r McKay a of of the Grand Kittery Navy Yard, Saturday. druggists generally. for Webb WE Mil liken Congress, to be expressed by majority trol this monstrous monopoly may3 dim Charts, mn deeds will be remembered. Addlton Amy W mra Mitohaal and bis noble long ol each body. While the President the snort of whose iron horses -M The Universalist in the I By tell Ar Malty Ana two-thirds Trunk, may yet clergymen 23th, ships Alice Yen nerd Kelly fm Allen Helen L Merrill Ella 8 He never bent the knee that thrift the declaration of the House of of Caps Elizabbth, July 1.1868. B»tb suppliant receives Rep- be heard on the Pacific shore and the vicinity Lewiston have organized an asso- b«S« Ar*~». Allan Mary E MeNeal Mebie great Sib:—During my connection with the State Re- Mel follow nor shrank from resentatives with the profound respect to Lradrv. Andrew. Minnie Moulton Kmn 2 aught fawning, doing ciation to be known as the form School, as a teacher, L. F. Atwood’s Bitters NEW YORK-Ar 26lh. sehs as an of its rumbling of its cars astonish the residents of "Androscoggin Ma-garst, I’oidletoe, Batman Annie M mn Moaltoa EliiabetU on which It is entitled exposition were introduced there and used with marked snooeee. mn hla whole duty through fear of not riding Ministerial Circle.” b"“. Wright Adams. I-Jrt Ewen for Bos- Bodge Amanda mn Mason Frank mfea views a and important subject he Vaucouvre. particularly in umou* enactions. J£eh‘“- upon grave l’r*bU' Fred Bead, Ann Maria mr. J ulia mrs the flood-tide in the affairs of men. lie al- The P. HILLMAN. Friend Boyee Moody directs that you inform the government of have such fly Union Conference will hold its Youra, Ac., ▲. Brawar”**00' Browa Ana D mn Now to be serious, we do not CM Wrh lokl IleA nash. .J_a.. _ McNabaey Martha mn the virtue and of he does not at contem- Baker Anna L enmmer ways had faith in honesty France that present session at South on the 7th and 8th Tillie E, * at fears of this corporation as some of our Ca- Brldgton, Uamove*, Mb.. Oct. 1,1861. Anderson, Washington. Brackett Burn McDonald and en- from the policy which Dear Sir —I hare Bitter* Mary mn wtl- the when instructed plate any departure of June. used L. F. Atwood’s ArSTth.ships Jeremiah Risks. Llrer- Eli.a 8 mn people properly seem to haTC. We think Strangers will be cordially wel- Thompson, Batler low .t this has hitherto pursued in re- nadian neighbors for some 10 or 16 yean. 1 have tried a number < never one moment to government great ®M,antine, Creerr, do: Mclroao, Barrett Elisa mn MeDona’d how- lightod, and hesitated comed. of medicines for without effect. Theae baroum Margery to the war which exists between France they its for evil. The Dyspepsia,but Guielle, Uiaok. Port Bo.id Fannie M mn ard hosts gard greatly magnify power Bitten arc the that ever relieved advocate a dootrine, or propose a good It is to One only remedy hare >•»»*««: B Coieord, Bond Hattie M McDonald good and Mexico. hardly necessary say of Canadian we will fly million one hundred thousand me of thia toleord. Cardenas; 5i*“U' Nancy Liverty, trust, distressing complaint. My neighbon Florence Peters, Wee- ssimwMtnan of Temple Hooper, MCUCHIC Luunn DrU- measure because a majority of the people that the of the House Repre- dollars is the net sum have alao been benehtted the use of them. TitasT Trosator,^arrer. Cube; proceeding not be turned into and members of Par- already received from greatly by brigs SollerUo.llig. Bailey James 11 my* kettst was aris- ruins, JOEL HOW. *1“*r Farei itaeciitiso, he at first them. He believed they sentatives adopted upon suggestions the Fair in Gorham, Johns PR; A B Bennett II A mre Noyes Georgie F might oppose and liament will remain aud true to Sanitary New York. That was HP*Beware of Counterfeits and base imitations, mbs Jus I ing within itself not upon any communi- uucorrupted „°°k'RoyelSC; Day .Taylor, Braden Margaret 2 Nutting Lvdie B mn would come round at last, whatever never beat In some of which aer signed “M." F., instead of L. F. 8«W*. Slone. Malanias. right of the executive and that we this world. ^g«■?*?,lof,; ™r** Cyrni Braaier Mary nape E Neilson William mrs cation department, the interests of Canada. Down this way. Atwood. The is L. F. Atwood, and Boston and he genuine signed ??T?tVr*loa*<,0“1 r*1®1*; Challenge, Hart, Bnnnon Rose Osgood Surah mn yorn et bs their Aral impression, judged the French would be of W os a bears an EXTRA Xi might reasonably apprised consider the Grand Trunk a noble instltn- fcyThe iuthcop (Congregational) church safeguard against imposition F.th. stennuhlpa Germania. Ibr Hamburg; Bradbury William Mn 1‘roetor Adeline R this which 1 aml.countersigned H. H. Port- City of London,iBr) His confidence was not misplaced- any change upon subject the Presi- have extended a unanimous call to Key. Ed- HAY, Druggist, Liverpool; ship Avror* Bar- ( roekett Amanda K Fnole Anna W Mn right. a wiae oi coun- land, Me., sole General ker. do. bart^e. eepeE dent at future time think it tion, greatly nenenung range Agent. Sbeffl«] Hobbilo?'cSL Curran Anna I Fierce An rust a C to witness ths in might any proper wrerH fTawsoa nf WsIa.JII. s. iL For sals in medicine Town CGH ; Alex He lived great change public by respectable dealers gener- Duff. Nenl, DemarorT OrordK Celia Fotter Eli/a A 2 to try, our Canadian friends great fa- Crockett schs Crowley adopt. affording ally. InnlO 6meodA w 3 RichibncU; Orahilla.Harener.Boe- eroee labored with much _ Ceffln Elizabeth et Ellen K opinion for which he had “I obedient pastor. ton; D H Farley am, sir, your servant, cilities for visiting the “Forest City,” and Baldwin, Knowltoa, Newbaryport; E Coolbroth Eliza mn Olire W now he well Jackaon. Ferry Mai to many years, and sleep# “William H. Seward.” The new steam Me. Bad I'll do Good.** Arculartue, Philadelphia • erroll James mn Fierce the breezes of the ocean which saw mill Is In opera- "Buy you Bid Kth. Bacbie breathing puro ship KUiabeth Hamilton; 304b. bri* Cartlon L Jennie Kund after life’s fitful fever it o'er. tion Loch Lomorad ett Audie in Bethel, and willput out a amount Conation •• can tie on the beautiful island* that large Use Dr. Root aii Herb Bitten Mnrg’t mn een-Roee Elizabeth J mrs i.»d bits*** srs those enjoyed Langley’* Boot and Shoe of lumber. UAVEN-Ar36th. brig Elina Dudley, Nya. ter et for Marr Rleeardson Lizzie »ro so well co Manufactory. John Lynch, of this For Jaundice, Co»tiveae*s. Liver Hu- Coakley Bertha Whete bits* aaS Judg aisut mingled dot our harbor to greater advantage Esq., city, Complaint, bNKW Cknreh 8 Lizaie W ipacioua mon, Tbat r r» cot *. pipe for fortua*'« finger we think is one of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Piles.DizxineM.Head- PROVIDENCE—Sid 27th, ache John the/ Messrs. A. aud S. Shurtleff & Co., are per- on Atlan- the principal owners. Rngglee, Cobb Sarah mn dan forth Kned mn To soian what «toi> the Give me thet man tban on almost any other spot the aohe, Drow*iu the Editor of the Preen. Gen. Keno. killed. Gen. Stevens, killed. SyThe Eastport says twenty barque Acme, Campbell, Beothby K Legrow Erastus 2 should not have resulted in suffi- Sals, at thi Brokers' Board, Mat 28. Naw York, ar 27th alt. eighty yean Gen. killad. bolts of sail ten chests of tea and a boat dug. Bourne Geo W 2 Littlefield Goo C Sir: 1 send a list of the casualties In Reynolds, duck, Aral 16th Inet. Coats reel. cient to stand Aich a shock as this. you •6.500 American Uold.,...186 Aspinwall brig Bloc, Berlin a L 1-t Ueat CoFLarkln John stability were seized on Tues- Naw York; Caroline. Brarle, do. the 8th Mfdne during the past two days. On by Inspector Robbins, 7.000 .do..186* 17th Reg Vole Lord John A Capt As for the set ef the pretident Itself, whether 12.000 United Stale. 5-20'.. 107 Bid lhtb, brig Dirigo, Kumball, Cieafoegae. Bacon Imrrebee J Crosby Aid to the Suffering Maine Soldiers. at that A Ar Henry the 24ih four of the were day night place. good night’s United .State. 7 at BarhaHoee 6th taut, ahip J Montgomery rear of 38 U wee or or is companies regiment 2.000 Moth. (Oot).lilt Briggs JihnJ Lightfrot Joseph regular Irregular, legal illegal, Mit. Editor: I notice by the Courier of work lor the but a bad one for the 8.000 Hamilton, Callao BiohlWd Jacob 8 3 danforth st sent out on picket, during which time they officer, .do.Ill] At St Croix 12-h Inet. Nollio from not now to the point. Wise aud that the Ladies’ 1.000 .do brig Staple*, Brown John B cor of CnmLyuch John fbr Jeremiah patriotic to-day, Sanitary Committee, (Aug).Ill] Del, for New York 14th. were attacked, and lost men out liberal contributions for .smuggler. 1.000 United State. Currency t'ertiflc.tc._M Wilmington, A Washington etc D'< onoeil men hold different in this. eighty-three after acknowledging Sid fm Cioofoegos 7th iuat. C W Roeerelt, opinions radically of a new 6.500 Ogden,burg l.t Mortgage Bond.. 106 barqae Brown Johns Libby Shirley of too hundred. the aid of sick and wounded soldiers, make jy The corner stone synagogue Herrimna, New York. But admitting, for the :ske ef that 6.000 tigdeoaburg 2d Mortgage Bond. »7 Brown Joseph A Lawler Wilson argument, an for further for the At Matansas 20th lest, John Carrer. or John J appeal contributions has been laid in 34th St., near Broadway, X. 6.000 Kntland 2d Mortgage Bond.. 37 ship Banyan, Be Herd M 1 McLaney Bryae Meln- Killed—John Troop, Brown, O Hodgkin*, nac; klallie and Reehablte. these who disapprove are correct, we see no same to which heart barqae Metealt, Amec, Beuson Stlea C ney Albert Varney Hiram Hobbs, True P Prescott, purpose, every patriotic with It was done with a [By Stephen Brown k. tor foe Y., great ceremony. Son..] (Brt Norton, Boston: Texas. Horton, Beady Beaks Thomas H M area Bazile Mona occasion for each e of wrath or anx- Joshua M Seth 11 Wm L Chase, Geo should But there is an display Page, Colby, geucrously respond. 10.000 Maine State Siare Hook; John Carrer, Nickels, use; brig H B Emery. W m Merrill (’bee K W Partridge silver trowel. Many articles to mark the (1880).101}<4102 Bowen center el All human are liable to inquiry which seems to be pertinent at this Bradford; Enterprise, Uriadl*. and Stella. Good- Cheae Albrr Msrehsll Cornelius R iety. being* error, Wound'd—( apt A I) Millett gunthot thigh flesh time, which is: What amount of present were In the cavity of ing. for N York: c P O'Brien, Wiley; H C Brooks, Frank H M«( loekey < harks no wound, eapt Small elbow let hospital sup- age deposited Colby and administration can be lnfoiiible. We Joseph right severely, Miller, and Swordliah, Jordan, asc Crockett Geo M Charles J lieut ETcxier left arm ue*h wound 2d lleut hare been forwarded Iron) this Commit- the stone. McGngor Henry plies -_MARRIED._ Tbofoilrwlng are recent charters to Hew York— Carrier G R Cent McIntosh Donald A black- live in exceptional and time*. Events Hiram M Parker W (i Karri- tee of etching thigh slightly, oorpls to the ltoalon Branch the Sanitary Mallie Metcalf, COO hhde molsases at 04; brigs st a" Brokers’, and merchants, In thi. 27. Ber E C Lincoln Barque Cole Jerome W smith 8* federal are which man,both leg* left W Mvrick shoul- since was sy Bankers’, city, May by Belle., T 400 hhde at 061: Seotland. 600 eoattaatly occurring being without amputated.'M Commission the appeal made by and Mia. Nettie Enterprise. sugar Craigs James G Capt Menton Freemen H der and leg severely. Geo £ Dudley bowel* mortally, X. Staple, A Walker, both ot tbi. city. B hbds molasses our Club” has been in Fifth Avenue, hhds molasses at M|; II Emery, 000 John W Florence precedent themselves cannot be treated ac- Henry A Kicker stomach < haries noble and patriotic Governor, in behalf of opened In Anbnrn, Mny 28, Noah W Jordan and Mica Carrey McCarthy privates mortally, at 0*). For Philadolpbln-Brig C M Carrer. 300 Joel B Moore Geo A Heaid fteok J H Diusmore arm* severe- Maine soldiers ? Y. It is to be a sort of where Eliza K Jones. Crosby to any established rule, “lu sovereiy Brockford’s, hhda molasses at 04. Fatrieh for Mar-McLean Goo G 3 cording living, Owen Keen leg Gilman Mackford do. In lliddeford. Mny 32, Frederic Tibbetts end Miss Connelly ly, slightly. It may uot be generally known that there are to be carried Ar at Cardenas 6th Inst, brig C Matthews, Mat- Rear McBean John A 2 beckett IraM Martin Weed foot Wm dining, wining and gambling Mnrthe ▲ both of heoo. geret energetic communities,” toys the historian Welehdo, slightly, are fifteen of one Hearn, thew Portland, land sailed 12th for Began.) regiments infantry, of heavy In Saco, Mav 21. Gilbert B of Creasi 8 B No 2 Ornngest et McLain right thigh severely. Robert Smart on in the most The annual Place, Lewiston, At Nenritas Oth last, Borneo, for Now York. “where the blood of gunshot ten the First Maine Caval extravagant style. Miss Almira ship Crawford T Glia McMane John Capt Motley, the body left side severely. Fredk l'age hip artillery, batteries, and W Davis, of Biddeford. Kenne- Long politic gunshot slightly, 1 Ar at Halifax 20th inst. schs J W I leering, ( hare Thornes U Island Francis Sinclair right shoulder liirmm G and a battalion of District of Columbia dues are the admission to the Board be- clreulMee swiftly, there i* an inevitable ten- severely, ry $100, dy, aad Saltan a, Slteaean. Boston. Val McArrell Join dealer breast Cyrus Cushman do. ( has Ceaneiy junk Sleeper slightly. leg Cavalry in the Army of the Potomac, being extra. Bid fm St John NB 26th Inst, ship Am Cnion. Cornieb Wm Commercial et dency ef the different to L Hilton head and aide do, B'nJ F shoulder ing organ* sympathize Emery cent, of all the Maine Hubbard, ET MoCarroll John eommer- Alonso C hand Daniel A quite eighty per troops Ltrerpoel. Carter and more mortally, llersey ty in Canada are very _DIED._ commingle eleeely then a slightly. has note in actual From in- Farming operations Cloudman John W or inm- clnl st priori phi- Mlley left arm aad hand ueo F Robinson raised, conflict. I POKE N. severely, to rains. The weath- In Harrison. Hamilton Co, Ohio, Mr John J Uy Means Jefferson for mre would allow. It I* mere de- leg slightly, Gao F Weeks face do, sergt L W Elliott formation received from resident at backward, owing heavy Mark, losophy usually Agents of this 82 ». 1st 2610. 'on Borneo, trem Dimond Daniel Martha A ( ampbell ankle severely, corp 8 A Wheeler slightly, privates formerly city, aged years. May 7010, ship Washington and in the field, it would seem er in Lower Canada has been every thing that In Mrs DrieeollJohn MoMehnenn Lawrence sirable than praeUooble to keep the executive, G R Alien severely, C If Burke shoulder Bath, Mny 26, Margaret Dougherty, aged Nenritas for Now York leg slight- that all the stores that Maiue can 49 Ellon Devine James for Mary Merrill t Shaw Messrs ly, N Cole hands W W Cbiek chest do, L hospital could bo wished for the farmers, say the years. May 20. tal» *7. lea 73 24. knrqas Uterus, legislative, and judicial department* severely, by in battle at Portland Cardsnaa Mnrrr Michael jr hash- enUrely K Clark hand do A W Daniorth htnd slightly, raise are needed there for the benefit of her hilled, Spotsylvania, Ta, May 13. Jas from for Cormley Mohtreal In Xova Scotia the farmers Jameson, of Bath, 80—member Co off the Sow aad Menaoal, ol Doran John stone eattar tngton st * Independent of eeeh other.” This is a* ('has Daniorth hip do, Cbas Gage foot severely, u noble sons who now aud hereafter be papers. aged D, 8d Maine May 20. rife, brig just may ly- men I. Bears W from Porto Klee for Portland. for mlee Marr Morse O J fbr mrs Olire A K left arm do. C H Maxwell arm da. (’ are some Eagi port, dafl Delnp true of the States ai Huntington sick and wounded in the or on very hopeful. In portions,however, la from Brook* palled to-day it was of W Niekerson foot and chest do. U 8 Nickerson ing hospitals Brunswick, May 25. Sam'l Woodward, aged 43 No date, off Nantucket, barque Sol Wild*, Day Joseph hip the 8 mouths v Darlas J eases I’atrick the Netherlands la the do, Fran'* Smith hand do, G A Brown field. they are to feel the want of rain. years Glasgow for New York MeVoy time of William the hip slightly, beginning In Drake Merlin S J Dr W Given severely, Tim Crockett slightly, 8 ft Portland, May 28,1884. Topituun, May 22. Aagedne M Thoraptoe. aged Lory Silent. And it la hip »r 11 8 I’ Dear bora Nat hi camp Ber-Murply Thomas equally true that the seme Billingtou do. 8 Barry do, II Day do, J Hubier do, year, month.; 24th, Mary Thompeon, aged S years 6 months. ry 13th Reg lav eosp Murry Thomas washing- *hich John H Keys hand slightly, Josiah Nenell do, Par- Maine Soldiers at vitality produces occasion- Chesapeake Hospital. iu «tu «jru 9. «r joan n NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. l’etrlek csmhst ton et and^Matr ker Shaw wrist 1st sergt Geo Garrison rs. Phillips. At the late nuoucg, mis, iormerir Doyle severely, Perry log anni- of 94 Kmereoa A A Co meean Mat Iarr Thomas al confusion, each communities anJ side do Mark E Hushed arm do. were into this Brunswick, aged years. preserves corp privates The following received hospi- Evens C C Nelson ( hariee John A right foot do, Geo E Estahrook leg versary meeting of the American Anti slavery from injurious Time Chaplet Hundreds: Geo H Newman W lor miss Eliza- cousequence*. adjusts slight, fl Strout hand and arm A tal on the 24th from Bermuda HYDROKONIA. Kme.y Hicajah severely, Society in New York, of which Mr. Garrison EXPORTS. li A both Chamberlain the elements and J Townsend do, Jeremiah Reardon thigh do, Kldridge working secure* a dua equi- hip Capt. E. H. Reynolds heel, Capt C. Perry Thia word la derived from Hydro-wnter.and Konle- Elite Taoiuae O’Brieu GuetnsN John Hewsy knee slightly, sergt* Howard Collins is the President, Mr. Wendell Phillips made a librium of the tor end Water-Sprey, or aa Lana, ol Farnhem Ansel D u'Donnell Thomas teemlegly opposite forces. A arm. Stephen Danforth do. privates Aurelius Ste- ankle, Lieut. A. F. Keys thighs 8th regt, Lieut. Ship Virginia, Glasgow—10,942 bbls flour. Sprajr, signifle# speech in which he was severe as usual Fleicht r A L or A 8 O’Conior Wm 2 vens breast and shoulder severely, Alvah A upon U, Water-butt. Aloa* th* word free eoelety has the rlemeute of Ciewly C. U. Foster breast Lleuts. G.S. Col bath Pari#, proaooaoea Fans been Cyrus F Fainter K.-ujamln self-preserva- breast Ruel Smith back do, Wm II Smith the administration and President Lincoln. At 11th, do, side, manna bat Httl*. bat a* combiard with Ih* Sanaa Forrest E 8 I'aoknrd Charles tion la It* own breast Aud with the David Knox lea. Stephen G Inman foot, John Thorn and B. Smith A. D. Millett I4ILIHO OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. strength ! the conclusion of Mr. arm, 9th, Capts. nl ear sommand It ih* Forrest Edgar 8 Fresney Charles U care of ton eev< John Woobar Wm Can well Phillips’ address, says and facilitlea aignilra only which Is horn of rely, leg. Edwin freedom, it has also the cour- E and J. Small 8th, U. S. Parker, H. F. Foxier •mill non worn sails lb* «be tale, efficient had rad- Fairbanks Capt———- breast, Leander Doyle thigh severely. Augustus the Commercial Advertiser: method yet dtocomred l'nrker Ezra D GaL T 1_a A S'l--1- lltk T A QsK Fiekett Edward the V.UOHI uruuti York...May 17 Denfueae end age. Never, stage world began, was seen riRIU lyutoma.SouthamptonNew cel cure of Neaal Ceterrh, Catarrhal Fiekett l’nrker John K Alfred S Varney leg, Fredk Stevens head and Mr. Garrison said after at the Kedar.Liverpool.New York May 17 George the of a thigh. that, looking ol Diaaaee*. Fereone tateraeted nr* cordially French Henry 8 l'nlmer hiehard L apaetacls greet people ear Died. 23d, J. Irish 9th regt. Ia Hampton City Baltimore.Liverpool. ...New York. .May 18 Throat voluntarily slightly. question broadly and philosophically, be knew Keener John I fort ei Fmtt S C Dr In the hands of Brown. Nova Scotian.Liverpool... ..Quebec_May 19 Invited t* examine th* merit* of thia practice. 0* ear placing II* ruler* such pow- Missing—Charles of no mail who is more of another 28th 8. W. 9lh regt, O. F. W ueal et Fad el toed Snml Yours deserving Hospital, Fogg Bavaria. New York ... 21 Flagg Joeepn hastily, Southampton May Prorceeional Boeata at the Preble Hoeae, when fox Meouol cotton et for I’arsons Scott B Dr er* as, within the lest three years, the Ameri- II. C. Livrssalm, term than Mr. Lincoln. Australasian.Liverpool.. ...New York. 21 Freus (Applause repeated Sleeper bib regt. May to thia end in fe- ■Trank Williamt Uninn I’U Cf da beoedt ol city, have wish Surgeon 8th Me. Vet. Volf. ■(■Vural liinua \ At limn lisua Ikn ivunvila Europe..Liverpool.Boston.May 29 the many petirnte e*a people proud confidence vested Etna ...... Liverpool.New grata* Manuel » cotton stKandall A Cl AM York... May 25 tor at othara who may deeire ear aervlcea, wa been in advance of the President. lie has for Km.cn Coast* Hollins Hiram < apt In theirs. Would have done to China.Liverpool.Boston_ 28 third they bed they IPICUL NOTICES. May ahell remain natii Friday, Jana the laetaat. Freeman J alias A B Maine Soldiers. struck the chains from three millions of slaves, Saxonia.Southampton. Now York 81 Barnaul Rising the ounded May »to 11 A. ■ and from 9 to Adtliuttrarden John dan forth not knows that power they bestowed It and implored the Border Stales to abolish the Recaption honra (tom Flint Wm foe mian at Persia. ..New York. at A Flint Kochs Martin wee theirs to resume if ? The Chronicle of Friday reporta the follow- institution. In Liverpool_June 1 6 and 7 to » r. « and poeltivoly no other hoar*. abused The admin- consideration of this he could HAVEL'S York Freeman Wm r let LieatRlce R1) Champion..New Aspin wall. June 8 t LES8SOS M. wounded officers from this state. uot about Abra- 8. PRATT, D.. ms eols K D caulker istration wee their eervaut, and ing say anything very harshly Eagle.New York Havana June 1 U Rogers ship they spared Patent Stocking-Heel Protector. the Nor end Catarrh. Andrew forRobiasou Thomas ham Lincoln. (Tremendous The I.ocust Point...... New York New Orleans June 4 Physician for By*. Goa hi ('apt poplar to make It efficient. have Lieut W II Higgins 6th regt Chaplain 8 F Chase applause.) st lor John nothing Tkey been Glasgow. Now York June 4 mra S artisan Townsend H.'grave 34 Lieut < ha-e 33d Lieut Col 0 C laioot 81#t. Attorney General had declared that every col- ! Liverpool Rend A 1 IMPROVE TUE UNDERSTANDING Peruvian.Quebec 4 the Prett at Bone. Gooding Banj a Wet’ey patient with failures, tolerant of bo- Harwood Darius Harris Geo A ored man in our is a Liverpool_June From mistakes, Hospital- Corpl country citizen of the America. .New York Bremen. Goodwin ( has C B Geor-ShurtuiT Alonso for mn Stetson 7th, Alonzo H Foss L llaesett Israel 8omm* Jane 4 l’nATTRBtanDinr —Thee* gentlemen *hjey aauee they recognized through ell an United States. He would not call him an old We would aall the attention of the citixens of Port- Caledonia..New York Dan gte Lumbar Company ltnneeh Abnrtleff Integrity K 1* Whitten 6©3d G Nason 17th John RJohusou a white a black and a San seta.7 29 j Length of •teadfast, brave, aclf-dcnying, honest, their lib- Joefah corpl woman, boy black girl. No. 4 IIrowii Ktreet, days.15 08 Haskell Goo 1’ gurta A Wales house W Park Peter Gn-ene 3d Jerome H B Larrabee 4th Thermometer.ft o’dock A M 48 veer*' praet'c# In thia at tv, Dr. Pratt She converses deg. From eight Broe meters Sawyer J W erties are even the servants First Division 17th Mcr* well, and expresses her sym- in the treatment ol Houghton secure, -{hough Hospital—Danl Young PORTLAND, MX. hea won an enviable reputation Haskell Usury B Shehsn James for Hannah eial Jeiuiius 7th. with to which he derotee exclusive atten- have chosen to do their pathy the South, hut in courteous terms. mnjWtlm those dteetae* Hunt S they bidding, should 7th C P with we chronicle the sneceae Irving McCarty. beeooet Division Hospital—N I Uanscomb tion end it ie pleeenre Harris James H Snow W I Shelf 10th Allred James Tall, well formed, blonde and In man- MARINE NEWS. end tnt deserve — Bel- J.wcph fail to execute it aright. They will have McDonald 6tb sergt 8iph- graceful which hie atill ability Juatiy Hatch KtroutJohnK *r« 7th Wm 8 Joseph i Plaisttd 7th ners. She will one no become the ton mnySOdlt Hawke. J J G cape Eliza Smith John jr Cept atrength enough to abide such shocks, for Third Division Dan- day, doubt, Portland Gallery, Journal.____ Hospital—SergtMonroe Harry Photographic FORT OF PORTLAND. both Fairy 8 Smith I'eter J lei lioletncs K heroine of a novel and famous there is such j sergt Jos 11 Stowe WmK lioy7th become be- 80 M1DDLX ST., PORTLAND, Me., Notice. James 1 senior a» Moel Thomas S notblag gives recuperative pow- Jos ▲ Hall 13tb Ilnffisy named In L R Co mtssrs RbottWmS er as freedom. Uow much it is then tween two yellow covers. Lee and Grant she Sataralar..May 18. the nnderaigoed. the eel incorpo- Hyde stronger A. S. DAVIS, Proprietor, the “luteraa'Mnal Hotel ( of Howse Micszah Smart Wm W Liauta Jos. E. Colby and Samuel A James, considers the of the ARRIVED. WBrating ompeuy despotism events have shown. Let all timid greatest generals age,and Portland, May It, 1884. mayltddm Pertlend. approved 20th March, 1867, hereby give Holeran Marten Sargent Wui U t.ieut J2d Steamer Locust Point, Hoffman, New V Ranter who have been in at the contest will terminate the war in York. that the drat meeting of the corporators will Hynes Michael Trefethren ones take courage, and be assured that the regiment, hospital pending Steamer Forest Lbcomb. Boston. netice City, be held on Tneoday, tbn Tut of June A. D 1864. el Hall r K 8 Tretethn-n Banter have returned to their favor of the victor. wants Sch C 11 Moller, Baker. and of Governor Frederickaburg, regi- Everybody to see The Patent Belle Monte Slcirtf. Philadelphia. oek In thearternoon, tt thn Rooms of the SUir croaking* warnings Seymour Sch C L threeo’c LETTERS. ment. Vandorvoot. Baker, Philadelphia. ol Trade, to determine whether or not mid her, but the Marshal the treasure to Hoard Richard llaweaseh t and hit tribe, who are always so much more keeps A foil assortment of these oelebrmted Skirts In the Sch Leesburg, Blake, Philadelphia will accept the charter of said Company Capt hallenge new Sch Chaliengo, corporation I i! Boyntoa sch George s Fogg himself. He is a selfish man when so style at Tapley, Philadelphia. to transact each other huaineaa aa may properly to denounce the administration which Disabled Sick and Soldiers. very Sch Ellen end Isaac li sch S ready Wounded Merriman. Hamilton, Boston. come before the Boynton George Fogg Boston Beaux desire to see such a ANDERSON’S end lawfully meeting. Isaac Paine sch S than the traitors who attack free in- many Belle. Sch Seven Sisters, Crowley. Elizabeth port. J. H Known, Capt George Fogg last< r Jameson sch Georac S Matilda, Sch Prescott, Upton, Boston. TtaotaxeAwonT Don Lota, Joseph Fogg are as as are in- HOOP SKIRT AND CORSET DEPOT, J Honest Abe—8 •titations, groundless they Bermuda Hundreds, May 22. J FaxiaiLia ( Mooor, Capt R Cooery sch New York Speaks. In his J D J B Webber brig J D Lincoln to the and con- To I he Editor of the Prut: admirable let- mch23dtf Under Mecbanloe' Hall. SAILED—windSW—Brig Lincoln, Proteus, S. J. smith. Capt sulting Intelligence, courage and others. Edgar S Trask care of Met arty sch Msnionn— 8 The ter to the New York J. M. Wood. stancy of the people. Kreinox. following sick and wounded soldiers Evening Post, recently CLEARED. Mth.—Id Timothy 1 Fitly V S ship Northampton Portland, Mey M irson from Maine copied m the Press, Mr. Arnold, of III., said THOMAS G. kORING. Alphoazo Coss sch Melbourne Capt regiments, have been shipped DRUGGIST, Ship Virginia, (Br) Armstrong, Glasgow—John George Leach sch Gilo that free State -A»D- Port eons. Women Type-Setters. through this hospital to Fortress Monroe with- nearly every had expressed its Notice. Capt R Sndw ship Kocbambenn Brig Proteus, Havana—Geo K Hunt. H carman for Mr. PRACTICAL TRUSS Mahoney, of Long Wharf are B H Sylvester bark R Knight in the past week: preterence Lincoln's re-uomination FITTER, Brig Danl ltoone, Tucker, Uavuna—Isaac Emery. proprietors Portland of The western newspaper publishers, at their notified, that tbs anuaa! masting of said Martin King ship Kiensie Habtln, Cerasr ef ft Federal St’s. Soh Talent, (Br) Merriman, Pictou NS—master. THEhereby Ituchambria N Wiltshire private 8th except New York. That no Cickta|e will be held at tbs Room of D. Thomas Tree as tin ship in regiment, J P Fernber- exception longer Sch Hannie Westbiook, Baltimore— Counting recent Convention Cincinnati, passed a • on 3th, Pra A The son- Littlejohn, John E Jacobs sol Waatera light Sylvester banc Sib, fcbeu Jones do, for the late Union State at perfeot tit guaranteed. poor liberally O.'landa Nickerson froprietorsChsse, head of Loag Wharf, on Monday. O B CiBwell exists, Convention sidersd. mchtbdtf the follow* A.T DOLE, PoatmiKtnr. resolution recommending the employment of corporal 8th, privates Henry Ripley Sch J R Mather, day of June neat, at 8 o’clock r. m., lor 8th, JfflM 1'arr li Willard, Philadelphia—Orlando Sib, w ti.mia-.il! 81I1 Wm Sie- Syracuse adopted the following by acclama- Nickerson. log purposes, rts: female in the room, wherever T.n, 8th, Vied It!,. State ef Maine. NOTICE. help composing JiltOT U M Wlie.lv l.t cavalry, Sch Honest Abo, New York—R G Y’ork k 1st—To choose a Moderator. ^ A lia.k.ey do, H II tion: Conary, and WUarfenger. of Maim Woskf a-a hereby It can be conveniently done. lio.ie do. Wm N Lord Son. 2u*l—To choose Clerk, Treasurer propriettrs .«r*t do, V U Kofler That this ExaeOTlvs lltraitmist I a Wharf < ommittoe. and not!dad that tbelr Annual Meeting will be held «er*t do, private, 11 L Iteiolrtd, convention,approving thead- Sch Bramhail, Ricker, Boston—J B Brown k Sons. 8d—To choose standiug THE in larrington do N.woll 18M. to man at the office of Elias Thomas, No si Exchange street. Ia our own and the Argus office this Hulehlna do. 1) U lri.h miuiatration ot Abraham Lincoln, and rooegnialug Augusts. May 20, ) Sch Boetou— J II White. such other committees as may be asooseory John Globe, Snowmau, June at 8 o'clock r. d», Ja.kla. do. Wm H c War oorpoial hi* Integrity and patriotlo efforts to mippiets there- Au adjourusd seseiou of tbe Kxeoatlye Council, agetheafh'rs of the wharf; also to transact aay Portland, oa Monday, dtb, 1864, City the effort is being made to Introduce this them at said of and tbo transaction of d0- CA lllh, bullion wbicb h found in existence upon bis inangu. will be held at the Council Chamber, la ou other business that may come before ■„ for the choice Officers, fuL.t"vV"BuddL T Jmiuttt. Augusta, Swmdasy. May 20 before and that far with of sue- bJackwoll 11th, A Clark lieut llth. ration, hereby ex presses its preference for bis ra- tbs of June next. meeting. ELI PH ALB r WEB8TEB, nnr other business that mar legally come help, good promise Wednesday, eighth Day ARRIVED. (Jerk C ark Yours Ao uominxtiou for the office of President of the United Attest: KPllKAlM FLINT JH.. of Proprietors of Portland Long Wharf. thorn. GEORGfc A. THOMAS. J. F. Faatt, Surgeon (n charge. State*. may 28dtd Secretary of State. Soh Olive Eliznbeth, Hamilton, Boston. May ft)a-^dt4 Portland, May 30,1334. majWdtd

8 * # ■■-■■Ill I ————— —■—dfcfa— _ PORTLAND AND VICINITY. Kev. Dr. Cheever, of N. Y., preached to-day in the Hall of the House on the right of rep- MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. — Municipal 28. resentation ENTERTAINMENTSL— AUCTION Court—May BY TELEGRAPH without regard to color or race as SALES. to a form of Michael Paine, John and Thomas indispensable republican govern- Tlie Extraordinaiy Success Fay as a matter Valuable TOTH ment, of justice to the colored blare on Portland Pier Flaherty, for of lumber from Cum- the ua larceny njjfc race, and as a question determining our des- Which haa attended introduction by of A| Auction. miug's yard, were fined each and tiny as a nation. The Hall was Tuesday, 31. at 3 $2 costs, crowded, CALIFORNIA WINES, May o’clock r. on thB which was Portland Press. many unable to obtain admittance. ONpremises, we shall sell at aoctioa paid. The accused are lads who Daily being wooden the three atorr The was la not a tribute to the and htore No. 6 Portland har. with the Speaker applauded at the conclu- only fitting purity beauty under land, have been in the of ft, and its wharf s. habit Visiting the yard aud sion. of the but a privilegt 1 hla ators aW Wines themselves, cheering indication honestly and the (ki'hlu')y built—lery Itavy timler— annoying occupants by their petty lar- Dr. Cheever, and twelve or fourteen dele- of a desire among the people to encourage NOTICE FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. aad apparently sound aa to the Cleveland L*nnt^° °',be cenies. gates Convention, left for b*!f ‘l000 h®”*,n ,b« «i«7. »nb- Cleveland stantialin its structure- m excellent repair—oen. to-day. AMERICAN INDUSTRY 1 locat'd and -TO THB- rally abundance of water East Tennessee Relief Fund. Our Army <(t Hanovertown. ““ '*fer to iniest The wine Trade Bevlew, the of the Britiah than,fcT“'ll. property money la organ wliarr none in F. C. Treasurer of the Commit- i 4 property: Portland so difflculs Moody Esq, XXXVIII 00NGSE88—First Session. trade, calls them “excellent in quality and a groat ■'* " p®*"iT®’ no doubtc i? postponement—title tat tee appointed by the Hoard of Trade, to le- REBELS AT HAHOVER COURT HOUSE. success.” BA,£'nr * 28. WHEELER, co- Aocrionaima. celve contributions for the relief of the suffer- Washington, May Our br inda of these Wines may ho iound npon BOOKSELLERS! HATCH mayKdtdNKV Demoralization ol 8KNATK. & HITCHCOCK’S Union of East acknowl- die Rebel Cavalry. the tablea of ing people Tennessee, The resolution to Valuable joint amend the charter Heal Estate at Auction the which — — edges receipt of $7,6(51.04: of of the city of Washiugton was taken The The Most Fastidious AMD MOVEMENTS OF GEN. up. Connoisseurs. CIRCUS In Cape Elizabeth. amount $6,756,50 was contributed by citizens SHERMAN. amendment allowing persons to be registered The of the American AID of as voters who havo heretofore borne leading portion press hare »«e«ianon Wednesday, Jose 1. Portland. The expenses for postage stamps arms, at 8o clock P. H without extollod their merits, and the verdict to all who use on the premises, a beauti- distinction of color, was iut residence about and was a nett bal- The Driven Back Three Miles. rejected. HIPPODROME, one half a mite from' the cite envelopes $20,48, leaving Enemy The resolution was them is that 7 then Merchants of Me. Organize*l iu ons Colo-nal KxMNtlon for th«i lf *' Lmtfi ia e adopted. Country — rrf state ot ance of which was of travelling cultivatione^ftV^f very high $7,640, 16, disposed by The revenue bill was then considered, and beusoti of iab4. There ia on it about twoliundred Pear They are the Purect, Plum and Apple Trees, to Mr. Miller Treasurer of the War Dcpabtmknt, I the clause taxing on was discussed. Currants, liwaber^iea hi' remitting Esq., spirits 1 he Bolld on it see ngs new. ( here is a two Relief Washington, May 9.50 P. M. t Mr. Sherman favored the House The and House modem io atorV East Tennessee Association, Knoxville, proposition Cheapest, ttssiy.e, bui t of the best mater 1. To Maj, Cen. l)ix:—An official of taxing domestic on hand. and dispatch spirits thoroughly ttuirhrd; atlneStable. 8hcd, be. Tenn., the sum of $7,181,16, by the pay- from the of the Mr. The Best. Thett/-? «ituation is not ixcced^d headquarters army of the Po- Trumbull called for the yeas and nays bv mv in tkia nUiBj ment to Col. N. G. of East Tennessee at ten milea on the clause Taylor tomac, M&gahick Church, from striking out the tax on domestic the harbor .he^r;; ▲•X FOB THI LABEL OF tLfharrhC and the surrounding country Hanovertown, dated Friday 5 P. has spirits on and it was with $450,00. M., just hand, adopted—yeas 25, Wholesale Book Store! Connected it is a Held ot lawmia-eMhi n.rs. been received. 15. STERN & In a state cf The Relief Association at nays PERKINS, CO„ high cultivation; the largest pioportiom Knoxville, May 2, It states of which is in grass and that our army was withdrawn to The Senate then went into executive ses- land, cuts from one and a WHO ARB TUB PlONMBJt HOI halt to two a resolution of thanks to in the north aide of the North and SK, and a hall teas of bar to the aars Iku passed gentlemen Anna Thursday sion shortly after adjourned. —AMD— held is mostly fenced with a substantial rtote watT various cities for their zeal in behalf of the night, and moved towards the And the only one iu the Atlantic 8tates ex- We hare never Hanovertown, dealing invited the pebllc to a more deet- for rahlu — suffering Included in Ibis vote was place deaigu&ted crossing the I’aiuuuky. clusively la property outaido the city limits, rule people. At 9 from the Peninsula. rale positive, the owner o’clock Friday morning Sheridan, with wishing* to lea re the"*”**•• state the names of Messrs W. L. Southard and F. CALIFORNIA WINKS. > or ol the 1st and 2d divisions of teok New York, May 29. PUBLISHING particulars entioire cavalry, pos- may28eodlm HOUSE. UhNKT BAILEY t CO., C. Moody of this city. session of Hanovsr Ferry and Hanovertown, The Time*’ special dispatch from llermuda mavl7dtd_ Auct’re. there a rebel vidette. Hundreds says that a reconnoissance on frt 8ch. Hading only The 1st Introduction o f tho recently Invented Boku Rbvn, hi XmHm. division of the Otli arrived at 10 A. Thursday developed the fact that the 126 Exchange Street. 126 The Cikcus.—On the corps M., enemy m., at head Saturday evening were in full SELF-PROPELLING ROAD 0,.TSr‘7d*Xl•‘••'elaabr. and now hold the place with sufficient force of force in.tbeir entrenchment* in CARRIAGE, 0S fflalae Wharf, whare she aow ilea, the goad crowd at the circus was the tho wondroq* Immense, perfor- and to resent front of Gen. Butler’s position. Exhibiting nortlty ofaq ordinary road cavalry, Infantry artillery any carriage DRIVEN' OVIRTHS COMMON HIGHWAY* mance the order of the attack to be The Times’ letter from Bermuda Hundred* M. fair, ring good—out- likely made upon him. The re- Hugli IPhinney, WITHOUT TITR AID O* HORSES OH 0781T. of mainder of the are the 27th reports a reconnoissance of the inform his frinds and former customers DRAUGHT AMMALh: U th > side indifferent, the music passable, the trained corps pressing forward Jbinr'. yij'd dn*i-*r, most N*. that he has taken the Store No ua< ful aid head of srrw£ with rapidity. rebel position on the prevlon day on the line WOULD 126 Exchange BAILEY AND simple. ingenlnns »rco of r*v rha..I»m t\> ble’e,yzp^&aszsxii Main, WherTSr horse the comic mule the where he intends on NOYES, Into excellent, Street, to the ai Th Mechanical w 1I“,KV laughable, A later dated 7 o'clock ol Bake House Creek by Gen. Martindale carry put prartJ Carriage 11 BAILEY k CO„ Auctioneers. dispatch, Saturday bo exhibited to tho flrtui audlvucc, wl.h -a Bavin steam carriage a cariosity, the jokes stale as with Devens’ of his division. Stove and Furnace cxpjuiauoo moruing.from headquarters Magablck Church, brigade The Business, of the machinery, gi„Us. In all its the Button” scene te- has alto been received. It that enemy weie found in riBe and entrench- branches. 8TO VR8, of all kinds, of tbe ALU II ON usual, “Billy needlessly reports every- pits ■••.ruiiM, KLK, 12 0U ments after their skirmishers newest and most approved patterns, Booksellers and Publishers, **«!>•»«• dious, the clowns respectable, and the of thing goes ou finely, weather lair and cool. had been driven price hack and our Dctirable Real The troops come up rapidly and in great forces withdrew. We had three Estate at lactlaa, admission (85 cents) very low—provided it had killed Jturnaces and spirits. The army will be beyond the Pumun- and twelve wounded. Among the lat- Ranges, Thursday, June 2d. atl f. m.,oi the Bicuk been (o the visitors as paid compensation for ky by uoon. Breckinride is at Hanover Court ter is Col. Dutton of the 21st Coui^, danger- ,ot ,boT* « 8?ect, Tin and Hollow Ware. Nob. 56 and 58 5S,*<2l!bewft1,de*»r»ble *fCOBdaad laud three hours a Exchange Street, dwelling recently7 oecw* torture on the meanest and most House with force variously reported from ously. pled by the 1.1. Capt. Ebe! SclotoM. 3000 to OP'Second hand Stoves bought, or taken in es- I be bou'e is insufferable seats that ever a 10,000. Wickham and Thomas’ brig- known m one of the most thoroawK disgraced pavil- Various Items. change for new. 4a built in the ade of cavalry are also there. THE SCEHE3 0? city, convenient m DoeaftbW. ueeirnbio ion. Performances (Via afternoon and even- THE ARENA, The disnatcli further .tales th.t after aolv. Nkw 28. 8TOVMS, Kahukr, FuiXAtM, and Tih Warb UrB* wood boM# end York, May OORbhted with the P Vmlom f ih*» I VJxb i°°d garden. repaired at short notice, in a faithful manner. tringPj nipfmtrom'\ Iernu to sait jMiretuucrc. ror her Gold reached 1.90 at 1.88. Portland, Maine, are ing. tog Hanover Kerry yesterday, Gen. Torbent to-day. closing iLO^t haj nISy i .a».raUtl by ih fiti -fhu.cd and pnrticulnffr cell oa the auctioneer. Meamer mn}£l captured seventy-five cavalry, including six ueo. Cromwell, from New Orleans Grateful for former patronage, ke horee by strict SHERWOOD Maine attentiou to FAMILY, Tkmpkuanck Advocate is the that the rebel is 21st, bus arrived. News business, and fair dealing, to receive a Am now to Ocateel Reaidriit r, near officers; cavalry exceedingly unimportant. folly prepared tlij Inlm'tafdo Pr-ru tho iht City, generous share of public favor. (Including Jrsaiira', At title of a new Temperance paper published demoralized, and flees before ours on every Wur'd cdebi rttt-d Aaetlaa. occasion. ma>28dtf in this John L. and Mr. Monday, JoneOtb, at 8 o’clock, r wo city by White, Esq., Financial. KHOVVI.KS I'AMILV, ONshall sell at A dispatch from Geo. Sherman, dated May auction, the house 01 It even ‘sPlaine Frank G. Rich. It is very neatly its 28. The the Trade! And a host ofo h*r arista » f matchless excellent^ lormerly owned, fitted and printed, 28th, 6 A. M., near that the en- Washington, Mav Misses Home School. Supply up occupied by Jsha Dallas, reports Bailey’s !• a two storv brick selections are and Th* to tbe 10-40 loan ADMISSICIU 15 CZNTC, * bousw-11 in- interesting appropriate and emy, discovering his movement to turn Al- subscriptions to-day, HE Eiuc> is bed rooms—toe as Halley having purchased the place in closets, marble mnntlee.Sc Bath reported at tbe Treasury No II nr -Taice. Room alth its editorials able and racy. The Advocate tooua, moved to meet our forces at Dallas. Department, It New Gloucee er formerly occupied by ibe Hev. —AT THH- tag hot aad cold .lo^taa. Our columns met the amounted to nearly $1,000,1100. cuton, u, a Doors oj'on 11 2 ami C 1-2.1 torn-, a nee rotam 'ic’fc.,* ee Ur with a cistern in it; has the true and enemy about one mile Bonrdiug School, propose opening large abuedaace of hard ring ought to be sustained. at 2 1-2 ami 7 1-2 o cluck. 1‘. M. anti soft water. The house is in ihoraavk_;_. east of Vine and we Pumpkin Creek, pushed ine stahls and and We learn Messrs. White and Rich are intend- Lowest The Grand Combined FxhlhL'nnt ef th' Tw» t***-«i oat-honses, a good ice Sonnsfll them back about three miles to the JTew Turk Home Wholesale Prices. ions The lot ooniei* point Market. School for ClrU and ce'ebrated Circus lu tho Umud uiii Us capacity. . kbolt ene^d enw- to devote their entire where the roads Boys, Troupes buli-t, ing energies to the fork to Atlanta and Marietta. Nkw Ton*. Msr IS at *“d *• * biSta .tat. of eel'ivattoa. in which the ad of a given it"1"wlib Here Johnson has at9 76 for Pots vantage, careful home training Apple, Poach aad i.'taij Caa- paper and are determined to merit success. chosen a strong line and Ashes—steady aad 12 60*13 00 for will be united with Tr*oa-«rapaa. Pearls. thorough instruction in nil the corner of Green rants nod (jooeberriee—bhnde and UMtnsilll_ made hasty but of timber and branehei By special contract, recently mad* with the Bot- Portland, and $2.00 a for a which strong parapets cotton—le .tie. tangbtin Seminar!** of the Br.t dual. Trane—aleoa fa« selection* *f f'botc* Terms, year single copy, earth. Gen. better; I960 bales at I 04 for mid- The Bo***. The-' Sherman’s right is at the and long experience* of one teacher ai ton Portland Street*, Horse Radioed pea*#*the house. Dallas; dling epiandt. 1 01*1 01 for low Hriuoipel and New York wc are enabled to is as low as it can be afforded at the middlings. of n Home School in Virginia, end the Publishers, For cab on present centre about three miles north. The country Fleur—receipt. 14,105 bbls; sale. 9,000 bbls; State reputation particular, of the other at n •uccaeeful teacher ot and On & BAn*Er rates of materials and labor. is wooded and and Western 6c better; boperfine State 7 many years •apply any Saturday Monday, May 28 ft SO. * C0 ■ printing densely broken—no roads of 15**7 30- •landing, in 1'ortlnnd. ilia Kutrn do 7 40*7 60; choic. do 7 will, hoped, procure pn- u,.y >OdWUtWKT any consequence. We have had 66*7 SoTTound tronsge and insure success. Heaerveil Seats OO Oontn. many sharp Hoop Ohio do*7 BOa7 96; choice SO; Run a* a but 800*8 Super- ▲ Gentleman of experience will be at fbe head of mmyMdtd Over.—Saturday afterneon, gen- encounters, nothing decisive. fine Western 714*7 SO; titn do 7 45*7 6Soma- All the Uome Department. and par atten- of the School ValuUd Real Estate at tleman was a horse No dispatches from any other field of ern firmer; sales 860 bbls; Mixed to 7 10• particular Books, Aicttw. driving attached to a four oper- good 70*8 tion to the physical of the ations have been received Faoey and extra 8 15*10 76; Canada tc training papils. sal, wheeled chaise to-day. better; For Information see circulars or of Mias NEW on Tuesday, Jon* T. at around the corner oi Fore and ■ales 800 bbls; coramoa Extra inquire Uaod in thl* State, on OPERA HOUSE ! ! WE.toll (Signed) Edwin M. 746*7 66; eatra A. If BAILEY, No. 68 Spring street. *■. on th* premises. the raiuabla Stanton, good to choice 7 00*8 60. RealluL ruu^'r(state on Fork Centre streets, a lad backed himself directly UicrxRKBCESRev J. yf. D. ,treat, known a* tba Foaffiek Secretmry of War. Wheat—lc betur for Chickering. D.; about prime deecriptlous, while Hon. John Neal; Charles A. Lord; Uezekiah Pack- LANCASTER HALL. bam* 127 tout ou Tork itraat altb under the wheels, one of which ran over him. eommoe are heavy and talas 180,XO bush- 1M real omoua aud Philadelphia, 28. declining; ard; Joseph Urn, 182 that the other, to a hack May Chicago Spring 1 69*1*7. MUwantae club 1 Libbey. The Most line of .0 fcat The his horse and A to the SO* New Gloucester. May S6. 1664. fed tf Liberal Terms. asBiaiomg .boat UOOO a mars that gentleman stopped jumped special dispatch Evening Tele- 1 »7; Amber Mil waut.w 1 the may wila Ibo 67*1 68. latter for two baiidiaga on 11, Oooatattaf of a rood Hill, dated choice to out to inquire as to the the lad had graph, Washington, 28th, says:—Ad- rorr arrive on Monday neat; Winter with an L, Barn ha Tbia ia a aad injury Ked Western SPRAGUE jf~BLANCHARD’S targe vary Talus- vlcea via Port t 77; amber hle Royal, on the Rappahannock, 70*1 Michigan 1 78*1 82. Enlistments for and property —ceutrui^aad adrauisgeousiy loeatsd sustained, but could get no response from him Corn—scaroe and firmer: new Army *“d from the army of the Potomac are to salsa27.000 bushels : Navy. deslrmhla as an In vast maul sale up mixed Wcetera old and new do at MINSTREJLS ! v«£f positive that sounded curses. 161, 160, and old ,or ■**» except something like Thursday night. The rebel were do 1 55, lltTlngporchaaed the Sritijirrs Plate* from army busily tions and p nns cull on partleataTaeaerip. The marched little in- engaged in on the north side of Oat.-dull; .aim at 86*87 for boy off, evidently very entrenching je Canada; 17*88 for BtU MV \ O. L. Sanaona A Co., of this city, we shall in fa- OPE\ BAILBT h CO., Aacttonanra. the South Auna Stale; 87j*H8je for Western. $300 EVERY EYEYlIfe. It was his own river, and apparently expect- naytgdtojana? jured. carelessness that Beef—quiet and firm; sale*400 tarn publish the valuable Bcriec of ing us to attack them In their works. No bbls; Country mess School Book* the him. 9 60*18 00; prime 6 00*7 00: repacked Chicago i* 00 An Entire of brought injury upon battle had taken City of heretofore them. Change Anctlon Bale of place up to the time our in- *19 00; prime mesa 27 itt*29 r>0. Portland, published by This scries, togeth- Programme. Permits t* cu an Pork—less active but Matos's I formant, officer, left. Our left had crossed firm; sales 8.460 bbls: mess Omen, er with oar former Timber is Canada—Real Bat ate ts Danger of Driving a IIuhsx without 28 publications, will make the fol- the Pamunky east of Sexton’s Junction. Our 76*29 00; old do 28 60; new do Ho 6C*S0 87i; May 34 1864 ( Grand Falla, PC. B« prime 94 60*25 76 for old and new; prime mees30 00 official intimation having been received that lowing List:— THKEE LEGGED Blinders.—Saturday morning a horse, with- whole army was in and were MAN!! will be sold nt auction glorious spirits, *3*60: also ItOO bbl. new mesa for selleis op- AN800.000additional troops will be required by the public at the dm it not for July, of A out blinders, attached to a driven giving news of a movement before tion, at 32 00, 1000 do for July, at 1st dav of July uext, at which date, if Oiey are not THERKHenry Hadey (.'*., Kachan** atraet. Port? chaise, by buyers option Admission 25 cents; Reserved Seats 60 casta. on It was we 3126; 600 bbl. do for at furnished by voluntary enlistment, a draft will be Horton’s. Weld and Quaekenbos’ Gram- ■and, Maine, Thurwluy. June nth, 1864. at Ilk two completed could send some August, buyers option, 3175, J. » ». ladies, was frightened by a lady you and for msde for the 6PRAGUB. o’clock A. ■ to close s concern. suddenly news 600 June, sellers optiou. at 31 25. deficiency. li. cheering It is believed that Lee is be- mar, maylTtf BLANCHARD, | Licensee Bo*. 3 and I te her sunshade. The horse Cut Meat.—.ctrcelv so firm; sales 200 pkgs; 1 he quotas of this city under all previous calls have ent timber he., ia Caa a. opening backed, up- da.oa the north-arest brav eh ing largely reinforced from Beauregard's and Shoulders ll ‘«lHs: Hams been filled and it now remains for our citizens to of the rtrar 8t. John — set the the 14f*14)o where it ia intersected chaise, throwing occupants out, other armies. Bacon—dull; sales 60 boxes rough sides at 12 10 make all efforts and use all proper means to induce The by the boundary line betwaaw enlistments between now and the Progsessiva Grammar. t’aaada nod tba State or and then started off. He was soon New 20. Lard—firm; sales 3060 bbls at 14i*14i. time fixed for the Maine—snd'extendiag aa stopped, Vobk, May Draft. The *•»<• river to Its eoarea, set to The Butter—firm; Ohio 28*38c; Mate 3*430. State Bounty of 6800 will be paid to men By Wald a Qnackenbos. MERCHANDISE. eaaaad. kowever tea but not before the Times’ Washington special of in miles by 2| miles each or vehicle was badly damaged. dispatch Whiskey—without decided sa es 8000 bbls ealiatiog the Army or Navy, upon the recruit be- side, Marmara mi lea. last a change; Also, s certain evening says colonel, who has just ar- at 1 28*129 for State and 1 80 for Western. ing mustered into the service of the United State*. parcel of Beal Estate sttaated at The ladies were unhurt. This is the third ac- The Book. Oraad Fall*. I. the rived from the front, which ha left Mice—dull at I lie for Kangoon. State Aid allowed to those having dependent fam- Progressive Parsing Sl**rra itlor* na nolassfi. Connive! VletoriT sad at th. yesterday ilies. preeeut time oecapied aad Wm. cident that has come to our knowledge within (Friday) informs me thst Sugar—steady. Miles 1096 hhds; Muscovado J6i* By Weld a HHDS. MOLASSES, just from improved by B. morning, during Farther Quackcnbos. »)QU ) landing West. and owned Hr ore* 17c, aad 114 for do In bond; 282 boxes at 17*18uc. information may be obtained at this offiee. dOO brig “Matilda." A Esq formarly by Yean*, a short time occasioned not blinders Thursday and Lee j superior three aeree or by putting night Friday morning Coffee—dull. may24dlw JACOB Me LELLAN. Mayor. 49 TCS. article for containing (3) moro with battaings ou evacuated his Wold's Hew ) retailing. Nor sale th* same on the horse. strong position on the South Molamee—dull. Grammar, JOHN D. LORD, by Tor tanker .Mb. Anna, and with bis whole was in full re- Naval Store.-very quiet and 23d4w* No. Union Wharf. smhtomr army steady. may 4 q ^Urel.^ treat towards Richmond. Our are fol- Spirits Turpentine—3 10; crude do nominal. Wold’s Grammar. Not in Tn* Bill.—At the Satur- troope Kesin Portland, Mniue. Circus, -80*40 ms 2Crr ( MORENA JUST OPENED Hamilton, Fields,Boston, Bride, Doolittle and Hon. A. Hubble, Maine Regiment are about Eight Part*, with printed copie* at the bend of .70 TIERCES MOLASSES, waited lishers, “Darkness and Daylight,” a upon President Lincoln, and presented to returu to the 10 BBLS Mo. 86 Fox Block, Stroot' Novel, by Department of the Gulf. Cential each in esact imitation * Exchxngo him with a series of resolutions Maine Railroad page, of the Author beau- Now lamliug from Brig "C. H. Kennedy" Mrs. J. New York adopted by The ladies Compnav PORTLAND, ML Mary Holmes, Carleton, the American of the Muine C. H. Association THUS. ASKSCIO A CO.. Baptist Home Mission tiful style of 8 -If Publisher; “The Maiue B Society, hold TBKiftURKR'a OvriCK, I May C. H Wharf. shall beta tba coastont and wBI Woods,” by Henry at a session recently held them in Phila- themselves in readiness to pack any stores rrselpt of. sail by Waterville. May 24th, 1804. j 1 every afternoon and sveaing by pablie aortioa. Thonan; Ticknor A Fields, Boston Publish- delphia. .for this to take with them Scotch regiment that may holding Stock in the old Canvass. the ftdlowin* line* of goods in q a entities t* aait; The Resolutions endorse the Androscog- PENMANSHIP. ers; “The Poet and other Poems” Achra course of Pres- be sent to Mrs. 59 PERSON'Sgin and Kennebec or Penobscot and Kennebec BOLTS—from the of David Cnr- a by Fox, Danforth street, Tues- * factory Woolens of 11 descriptions, Dress t.'owdo ident and the Railroad ( or Stock now e»" car h Son., Leith—a call cloth of W. William Mute A Lincoln, express warmest wish- omjMpy, Bonds, due, in auperior in variety, to tank Towel Sprague, Co., Boston, day P.M. And and Ken. Railroad received and for Linn, Hot, es for bis welfare, and the welfare of the coun- Company, will please have Wc call special attention to th.-o quality—Just per "Jnra", eale by Covers, Publishers. the same converted Into Stock of the MaineCenDal MuGILVEKT. RYAN k DAVIS. Ac,Table Cattery, Plated try. President Lincoln in as fol- Persons may leave for thia reply spoke money object Railroad forthwith, as meh35 dtf 161 Commercial Street. Wore, Jewelry. Yankee No> lows : Company persons holding With Mr. Geo. W. Woodman, Mr. Fox Stock in the former Companies will not be New tioaa and Fancy Goods, New Sheet Music.—“Brother when will Henry ted to permit- Writing In the present ride/rec or to vote at the annual — Books, very responsible position in or Lewis B. or with either meeting Commencing Tuesday, February IMk. come back ?” is the I am Smith, of the ladies Remember and Riga transfer on the back of old you title of a new which I have had cause Cer- A* A. T. C. song, engaged, great tificates, and s-nd they are admitted to bo the most PODGE, GEO. I.. of for the of the Association. twenty-five cents for Revenue practical Copy PEIBCB, V words and music our Mr- gratitude support so on e*ch certificate by fellow-townsman, unanimously Stamps wanted. Auction aad Commiasloa Mrrsbaat. given all Christian denominations of the Officers and soldiers of this and order of the Directors. Book* erer offered to the and are now E. W. author of “We’re by regiment By public; they ^Pension, War W. P. SrawABT, Auctioneer- kbit dtt Locke, marching down I Claim, country, have had occasion so frequently to of other Maine regiments in that may26d3w J. NYE, Treasurer. ORNKRAL BUSIXRSS AND to Dixie’s We’re on to Rich- Department, being rapidly introduced, baring the fhil endorse- Laud,” marching address something like this assemblage, that I COMMERCIAL AGENT. say that they have not received any Hospital mond,” Ac., a copy of which has been laid have said all that 1 had to say. This ment of the No. l,..i. particu- store* irom D. lar is in all as the North, with the of MO^nuy WASHINGTON. C.. upon our table. Published in Cleveland, Ohio, body respects respectable as exception GUNS, j reduced Tates i that have beeu those taken with since RIFLES, ty Will attend to Collections, lie., S. Brainard A and any presented to me. The them, they have been Consignments, by Co., for tale In this if Mfic Schools if the State if liiie. in Baltimore. Md.. Alexandria. Va.. and General city resolutions I have and I must in the that >K SsperistesAii IMPORTANT to TRAVELERS merely have at A. Robinson's heard, service, they been sick and ConmhiioD Business in Georgetown and together with all of Mr. therefore be allowed an Washing- -TO opportunity to make wounded and and ton, D. C Address, Til-- Locke’s a short in snflering nothing has reach- Army songs. response writing.” The President REVOLVERS, Beside* T. C. Box /1 ed them. And all the the aboreliat which we publish, our Spec- A. Dixtyc, ?J, Washington. D. €•, North West then after giving each minister a cordial hand- Accompaniments. West, & Sooth West! jy Henry Bailey Co., Auetioneeis, will sell shaking, retired. Tbe M.C. H. Association is a small ial contract* aro for the following book* BKrKRKNCM organi- FIKHIIKx TACKLE! Gen. Hamuel President Veazie W. I>. on June at 4 Parties who reached here from Veazie, Bank. Bau- LITTLE. Wednesday, 1st, o'clock P, M. in Fredericks- sation with no means of safe Me.: Messrs. Albert k transportation Tbo Brat Assortment in the Webb Co., Merchants, fur all tke route* lo Ckiea- uurg to-oay, report that guerrillas continue to City. Agent great leading Cape Elixebeth, the estate of Alvin S. to the South. It was called into the Progressive Series of Headers and for.’ortland. Mo.. Messrs. Blaggc k Soper, Merchants, ISgo, Ciucinnuti. Clevelaad. Detroit. Dyer hover around the town in being by Mass. MUaaukte. considerable num- Boston, may26 dlw Helena, Ilekoeh. St. Pnal, Lacrosse, Hresa Esq. situated about one and a half miles from b®r*« unrelieved snM7.vin


Written for the Pretl. Pleasant Suburban Kesurt. PORTLAND ANDKENNEBEC R.K. VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE Good Newt for the Unfortunate. MORE Go to the Rescue. Lyon’s Periodical TKSTIJIOMALS! FOR SALE. SPRING k SUMMER AHRANGRMKNT, Drops who cover knew. THI LOBS Go ye, hardships CAEISIcTIhOTJSE, Commencing Mondty, 25, 1864 SOUGHT FOB TU GREAT FEMALE Go, country bleeds for you; April REMEDY. your WEST BROOK. DISCOVERED AT LAST. heart and hand Good Location for a Hotel. train. I.a.« _ Go forth with willing I’annigpr Skowh.g.n for ^ This elegant suburban Watering Place, am and ^ invade our XP^Mtl’ort Bo.ton, at 8 45 A. M Au- MRS. MANCHESTER Where traitors rile land, located upon a pleasant eminence near Ca- 11-Om A M. valuable and located Home and Hath 12 lu P. M. Aarr.it. Oherokee And make their numbers few. Pond, but 2$ inilosfrom Portland, hav- centrally for I urtl.nd and Bo.tou Remedy Is constantly receiving unsolicited testimonials 01 fdsic and Lot, No. 31 street, for to at *.Su A, u.: Rath «.8w A. Lyon’s Periodical been in the most order many -ABD- ing placed ample by owned and Drops! ks attomisJuuf enris by her. solicits years occupied by Ueuerayiaina- performed Among Arm. ye yoing men, for the fight, I_[the subscriber, he most respectfully B*'h' mThatel Fessenden, is offered for sale. Au«“»‘a. Wat.rrillo,K.ndall’. CHEROKEE INJECTION. AMM MTTKB TMAM ALL | reoeived are the which are LUe aucution of the and cordially invites a Mm.andrnaf!?rt,a?l.£or ■any recently following, Arm, and help the right, public, The Lot is 70 feet on India street, back Bkowbcgai at UUP. M. defend sail from his old friends. extending Portland for Bath * ommeadedtotheaotioe of the afflicted. Mrs. Man 171 ]‘2 000 feet of laud. The ! and Au.u.la 8 H P. M. COMPOCHDkD FBOSC BOOTS, BABBS ABB LBAVBS Powders Arm, and for yourself go win, s The house is retired and The feet—containing nearty Piila, A Quck pleasant, quiet. House is three is in Paaieogtr. for aiation.ou the Rail- Preparatiou. heater be oo as sited at and the rooms storied, good repair, and con- Audroacog gla may 'Hid cannon’s roar and battle's din, furnishings ere ail uew, road will car. at himitur^nd tains fifteen rooms, besides many closets and other change Brnnawick. CHRROKUE REMEDY,ihe great Ddian Diu- No. sosy an (rtfghtiy. The table* or> b up with all Th* 1 10 P. M. train f.om II Clapp’s Block,Room No. A. Uonors which know not blight. plied conveniences; fixtures it also Portland connect, at etie, cures all di eases of the the delacaoics as well as the substantials of the sea- hasga« throughout; Keuduli . Mill, Urinary!. guns, such has a large flow ofl’L'RK WATER, with Maine Central Railroad far son, and the service of one ol* the very best cooks in AQUEDUCT Ac as Incontinence of the Urine, luflamation of the ye tons of our fallen brare. which is very desirable; also a Wood House Bangor, arriving .ame evening. A CASE OB SPINAL DISEASE CURED Fight, Mew England bare boon secured. large leave Ba h Periodical and Barn. for Rookland at * A M. and i sKidaeys, Stone in tbe Bladder, Striotore, This Is to Fight, our native land to save, Extensive sheds and a line stable with roomy stalls ^Stage, Gravel, Lyon’s Drops! oerttty that 1 went to see Mrs. Rauches- the establishment This a good piece of property upon which to make Gleet, Gonorrhea, and is recommended -ABB- till secession't shall tall; are am >ng tbs conveniences ol leave especially ia er last March with a of mine troubled with Fight, flag improvements It may be fitted for a RIRS1 Stage, Angu.ta for Btlf.it at 4 P. M. daughter A nice House sufficient for the accommo leav. those eases of Fluor (or Whiles in the Stars and o’er all Bathing CLASS HOARDING or a SECOND Stage, Skowhegan at « 10 P. M. for Aura, Albut, remales) pinal disease, for which she had been Until Striprs datiou rt several bathers has been erected with steps HOUSE, doctored for CLASS HOTEL. boon,Ac. where all the old nauseous medicines have failed. Bure to do Goodand cannot do Mara. The rebel hosts shall wave. projecting into ten loot of water, and the whole se- Ive years, and by a number oi of II Its near to the terminus of the Grand ..through all tha stations on this and It la physicians ourerd from observation a screen. proximity prepared in a highly concentrated the i and she has had by floating the Androscoggin can be in form, Linds; twenty .one ol the banks of the Pond and Trunk Railway and to the wharves of the Boston Railroad, proonrred applications What though heavy the lota of men, Smoking Arbors grace Boaton at the Eastern or dose only being from one to two three aud other steamers, makes the location a desirable Boston and Maine stations. teaspoonfols ileetrleity applied, bat all to no edict; bat she eon What blood stains Invite the indulgence of the lounger. timet though overy glen;— un- one for a Hotel. CUBHMAMgBApmtaiaK per dsy. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS! worse. 1 came to the Hoping f,r a sharo of the public patronage the AprilAm-n 18,is 11*111864. ! tonally grew eonolasion, as At treason strike a blow; This lot be with to me- ap2£tf It is diuretic sad deadly dersigued prom:ses to spare no effort tor the en er- might improved profit any alterative in its action; purifying he last resort, to sad see Mrs. ehanio or other means, the erec- The go Manchester, and Let not secession tainmeul of his OLO. W.MUKdi. person having by sad the It Great Female Remedy longer go guests. tion of York * cleansing blood, causing to flow in all its Ud so; and to told me tho Westbrook. 1844.mi- 2ldtf Tenemeu’s, its large depth affording ample Cumberland Railroad. my gnat surprise*!* first Abroad as it has boon. May 21, and thus apace tor a block of eight or teu buildings. original purity vigor; removing Itom the isse ol the disease, and how she had been from time For farther of SUMMER all particulars enquire ARRANGEMENT. system pernicious causes which hare laduoed dis- 0 Whleh me to her Break star 's cruel chain. WM. H. time, encouraged try medicines, cry Pleasure Resort! JERRI8, Argus Office ease. LYON’S Splendid On PERIODICAL DROPS t [didso.aadaow my daughter is able to be around Break Ita every link in twain. Portland.Doc.9. 1868. dccll MWFtf and after MON DAT, April 1th., Ib64, trams will leave as CHEROKEE ARM BBTTBB THAI ALL he house nil ol the time, hheaiso rides ten or fif- and its aeon shall oease ;— IFJECTION is intended at an Break, clanking until Amber notice: ally ^roilows,* or aseistant to the CHEROKEE REMED een miles wtthoat aay trouble or inoonvenience,aad Than we will have a conquered peace, THE WHITE HOUSE, HOUSES AHD LOTS FOE SALE, 3**co River lor Portland at 6 46 T, an PILLS,P0WDKR8 f QUACK PREPARATIONS Train should be used in conjunction with that 1 thtoh to a short time she will be restored to perfect Whan bondage shall be slain. (TOIXULT WILBOM lOUII.) ■"(Freight with Passenger mrdicinela m • ITUATXD OM and 9.16 a. m and 8 30 P. n. has been Cars) all cases of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Fluor Albut or Whilst. malth. Since my daughter doctoring, I Daily Reaube. J. r. Loave Portland lor Saco 7.46 A. M. and MILLER.PROPRIETOR. Franklin, Washington, River, Its effects are and tare heard of a many eases that Mn. Manobss Alden, Montreal, 2.00 and 6,20 P. m. The 2 00 P. M. and 6 46 healing, soothing demulcent; re- great 1 trfin oat, LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS l Foi and Sumner Streets. a. m. train into will he moving all choadee and er has sared. 1 think If aay person daservts pat- This popular Hotel has recently been pur- Portland, freight trains with acaldiog, heat, pain, instead cars attached is one triss to hasod by Mr. Miller (ol the Albion) and has paaacnger ef the burning and almoet unendurable pain that Is ABE SURE TO DO GOOD AND CANNOT Onego, It the who preserve the health PRICES FROM «1,000 TO *3,5)10. connect at for been refitted, renovated and re- (stages ftacearappa dally South with if the sink and saEbrtog; and 1 know that sbe uses thoroughly Center and experienced nearly all tbe cheap quack igjsc- paired, and numerous excellent alterations Also, TWO SMAI.I. FARMS, In Eiliabetb. Windham, Windham Great Falla. DO HARM. Capo At Gorham for West Gorham, Standish. liout. ivory efbrt whleh lies to her power to benefit hot made. it is located on the SaccaraLpa road, Steep Iisis L. Ksiouts, four from aoeautitul Term, litoral to .nit the purchaser. of Falls, Baldwin. Sebago, Bridgton, Hiram, ■deals. >ut miles Portland,affording Enquire Liming- By the uee or the CHEROKEE REMED T so It OB ton, Oornuh, , brownfield. Lovel. and is hniUHTS, drive over a good road, and Just about fkr enough SliBBIDOE Frye* CHEROKEE Abby R. for DERBY, burg, Conway,Bartlett, Albany, Jackson and Ea- INJECTlO.Y-ihe two medicines at Kbiobtu, pleasure. N. U. Issi ha-, own. It has a flue Hall and ton. the came time—all are large Dancing good Bowling ap33dlw codtf Ho. 69 liigbStreet. improper discharges removed 11 the At Buxton Center for West Buxton, Bonner En- fit an I If *r Matas. iafWl M. Alleys. In close proximity to house is a warm and tbe weakened organs are restored to Lyon’s Periodical Drops ind nice stalls. gle, South Llmiugton, Limington and Limerick. speedily roomy 8table, containing twenty foil and At baoo River for rigor etreegth. THE on There is also a well sheltered fined, 105 feet long, for Farm for Sale. tri-weekly, Hollis, Limerick, THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. ONE OP GREATEST CURES RECORD. NewOeld, Parsonsfield. Free- For run hitching horses TH mile, from Ossipee, Effingham, particulars get our paxuphiot from any Mas. MAaoaarrua— Dear Madam a Cape Ellratotb, 31 Portland Bridre, dom, Corn he. —Thinking The choicest will be for ■ irWl aero, nf uu.ll nennnetl„..»d .. Madison, katon, lab, Porter, Sappers got up sleighing drug store la the or write us and we itatemcnt ease of to will Fares 6 cents less when tickets are purchased In country, will of my may be service others and dancing parti*'-', who find it greatly to their Pasture, wood and t>mber. About GOO cords tiifagc the Office, than whoa raid in the Cara, mail free 1 hasten to tt to pleasure and advantage to resort to the White House. hard and soft wood. Cuts 40 tons to any ad (trees, e full treatise. Periodical dmilarly afflicted, give yon. bay, Barn most DAN. Lyon’s Drops No effort will be soured for the entertainment oi new, 88 bv GO, Lumber lor house—on the CARPENTER,Supt. This Is brisks mv ease—I was taken sick about IS A mnd form Thorough Baiinett Story Portland April dtf Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, H or op«D Day Evening, guests. deol9-dtf direct rorJ to Portland, 60 rods per bottle, I Jtdaontion. Located I860. extending back, 7,1864._ •Mtta ago with tha Livar Complaint in n Tory bad well located to cut Into ten aero lots, and will be if three bottles for Si. AND QUACK MEDICINES. HAUTE CENTRAL RAILROAD. term. I applied to four different physician*, bat ro- middle Ho. 161. requested. Fences stone wall mostly new. Price Hamm Block, St*, HALLOWELL HOUSE ao until 1 oa At •76 per aero, 26 per coot cash; balance can remain a Price, CHEROKEE INJECTION, »J per be e MlTad boost oallad yo*. that tire* In of the United State* WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Scholarships good any part number of yean scoured by mortgage. For par- or three bottles for S6. [ had glron np basin ess, and was la n scry bad state, t*e FrinolpaJ has had 90 years experience: is always REO PEN E E> l ticulars enquire Of SCOTT DYER, Daan Train. Inn Portland, Grand Trask Lyon’s Periodical tat after taking your medicine for n short time l be- •n tbe spot, and attends to hi* business and prom- nicndO dim Sent Drops SSEStation, for Lewiston and Aabarn. at by Express to any ad drees on of the aad in two months I was late, as during the past 12 years, no pains shall be SEW FURHITPBE ft FIXTURES! receipt Ar# 8ur« to do Good and oannot gan to rooOTtr, entirely of 7.40 a. ¥ •pared ia tbe ftture. Five hundred references Desirable do Harm. ■oil, aad had gained sorernl pounds of flesh, and Ant class business with of A Brick House lor Sale. For Bangor and Intermediate stations at 1.10 r.u. prioe. the men, many qjhrrs this aa a 1.0. DENNIS, Proprietor. BKTUIlNlNU—lsavs at a n ma trnly say that by year skilfl parftotly heal- city, will testify to the practical utility, capacious- 148 Cumberland street. The very desirable Lowlston 6.3b and Held all arrive in Portland at by druggists, everywhere. man. Joeara Dana, aeee and of my systems and manner NO.three story Brick House, recently toe residence 8.80 1.1. Lsavs Dangor at by oompfetenese 0T* The public are Informed that the of teaeblug, and oitlaens of other cities have teetifled specially of Her. Dr. Dwight. The hou^e is well built and I.Ma.m., and arrive In Portland at 3 00 r. v. Both DR. Bottom t Wains Dopot, PonlamA, Mt. convenient and well known Hallowrll those trains W. R. MER WIN dt C*.. LYON’S to the same. will be awarded for thor- ipacjoas, finished throughout, and conveniently eonnost at Portland with trails for m PERIODICAL DROPS Diplomas Hovnb, in the center of two mile* from arranged, eoareee. Able Assistants .©cured. Bartlett s Hallowell, and in ail respects out* ot the best locations on Cum- Boston. sola The Oreot Female A REMARKABLE CURE ORA CARR ORDRO ough ] and lour rai'es from Togas has ruorairroaa, Remedy. rtu. tb© founder of Commercial Augusts, Spring, berland street. The lot is large—42 feet trout 147 ft. Frsighttrain leaves Portland at 8 A. a., aid to- Colleges, .trictly been rcftiruished, and Is for the of RT CURED BY MRS. MANCHESTER. adhered to aa not Certalu time© open reception For terms of tarning is due InPortland at 1 r.M. Ko. 6» Liberty 8t„ New Tork. regards copying. and boarders. deep. inquire will be daroted to Commercial Law elucidations.— company permanent JOHN C. PROCTOR, Lime at. tinges connect with trains st principal stations, This U to oortliy that I hart been oared of th* attention will be to tho oomfort of Cam© all who hare failed to be a business Krery givon may24dSw daliyThr most of the towns North and East of this Drops, of lflaaa yean standing by Mrt. Monehtt- tanglit piest*. LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS and I will guarantee to encceas. Une. C. M. MOUSE.Sap't. Isr. 1 hart bean to in Now Tork hand-writing yon AU MRU TBAW physteiane Boston, solicited for Aooonntant*. in Watervills, November, 1*88. dsel4 ALL Applications Separate Valuable Heal Estate tor Sale. Cherokee Cur® ! sad Philadelphia. They all told m* that they ooal 1 •traction glrea. Students can enter any time. Sep- STABIilXa, Pill*. Powders and arate room* for Ladies. Tuition reasonable. Intri- OB AND THINK ran onnat Quack Preparations. lo nothing 10r me, antes* they tapped me. aad as- knd all the n«ual couTeniencM of a popular hotel, "V*rK hare for sale a rery desirable House, cen- RAILWAY cate accounts Ladles and Uentlemen that mo that I oonld lira hat a short adjusted. kre amply m trail/ and pleasantly located, finished and land by tapping daeire to take or a or a course, pro.ljcil. Of Canada. INDIAN lessons, full, separate Hallo w»l Feb. 1 18*4. mch36**dtf furnished from to cellar; in and MEDICINE, lime. I had mads miad to homo aad Uro la either Commercial garret every thing ap my go Book-Keeping, Navigation, about the house in perfect order; will be sold with oonrocKDUD rao* Civil Kn- WINTKR AUUANQUMKBT. noon, nance an Liavae. ■a loag as I oonld with tha diasaao, aad then dl*. Oa Law, Phonography, Higher Mathematics, the Furniture, which is tu good taste and in floe or- Native Business LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS bom* I orsr Us Portland with KlBhirinii SurTeyln., Writing. THEAllERICAX HOUSE, der. Immediate possession given. 11m house and An unfailing cure for 8pennatorrbea, Seminal my way stayed eight Commercial Arithmetic. Correspondence. CaH omb On and after Nov. I, 1888, —Aaa— furniture can be examined at any time, and infor- Monday, Weakness, Nocturnal and all diseases a Mead of mine, aad told them what my miad was (and from copies and NHH trains will run Emissions, Marking, teaching printed .... mation give by calling on daily, (baadays eaoept- •UU TO DO GOOD AAD CAJiNOT DO HAEM or Ranover Street eaased self such ee a regard to my disease. They Anally persuaded mo Tent Books will be avoided please oall, address Boston, 11ENRY BAILEY k Co., Auctioneers. *d) until for tiler notion, as follows: by polnlioa s Loas of Memory, tho Friasdpal. KN.BROWN. maylMtd Trains. UniversiU Laeeitade. Paine in the Back, Dimness of to go aad so* Mrs. Maaehsatsr. Sha aaamiaad ma Portland, Oot.J. IMS. oeJ» eodAoowly Up Leave Portland for South Paris at 7.W A. I. Far Vision, Prematnrs old Age, Weak Nerves, Diflealty aad told see my ease exactly. rhe Laiieit and Heat Arranged Hotel Island Pond 1.10 r. n. Building Lots For Sale. «t of Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness. Eruptions I wa* so much astonished to think that *b* told ma ID. W. CL AR K.. IK HEW l ROLAND. Down Trains. on the Pale ( that 1 told her that I weald Saks hat madi- subscriber offers Taos, oseUaaacs, Insanity, Consump- sorraatly, for sale two aores of land at Leave Island Pond for Portland, at 8 A. a. DiaLaa in Steven's tion, and all tho direfol eaased de- Periodical siaas. aot boring th* least AUlh that they would THE Plains, Westbrook, in lots to suit pur- Leave Pari* for Portland at A. a. complaints by Lyon’s Drops booth 1.48 I tha I.EW IH HIC Proprietor. chasers, and at priors that cannot fell to be satisffco- parting from the path of nature. TBIQBBATf1BAL1BBKBDT me aay good, or that should get slightest relief ool6 tory. lhcse lots are situated in a very pleasant from ooarse 1 took th* modi- ly Tile are not for to This medicine It a simple vegetable extract, end aay whalerrr; Anally locality, and the facilities offered by the iiorno Rail- Company responsibl* baggage amount 060 la vaiae, sad that one oa which all can as 11 Ma* aad want home, la oa* week (Torn th* time 1 road for passage to and from the city* will render any aaoeeding par* rely, has been used la oar sonal, nnlesi notioe i? and for at the rata I had o,er thro* them very desirable lots lor a residence. Enqaire of given, paid practioe for yean, with thousands sossmsaaad taking the medietas, of one tor 8600 additional vaiae. many and, treated, STATEN XT OF TII K No. 218 Fore street. passenger every aad (fel- DUNHAM. it bee hot failed la a instance. Its galleas of water pas* ma in sere* boars; my Portland, May 17lb, 1804. C. J. BUY DC Lb, Managing Director. single curative Periodical maylTdliu II. Lyon’s Drops low be assayed that it was a great ralial (Etna Inwt.tnce Company, BA1LKY, Superintendent. powers have been suHeient to gain victory over the sufferer* may Nov. 4,1068. aev4 Arc better than all Pills, Powders, m*. 1 had aot been able to lie down In bad at •Ut*t Street Ice House, and Office OF HARTFORD, COHH., For Sale. most stubborn case. to To Aad before this for two Now I can Us do' so those who hevetiifed with their eonetltation Quack Preparations. uifbt years. tbe l»t of A. D. a, Dana property, called, on Windham Hill, PORTLAND. SACO St PORTSMOUTH )n day Korember, 1888, roqalrod ease bar* taken her medicine He. SS Btreet. THEiu Windham, a boot ten acres. There until they think themselves ths reach el with poriket I Exchange tbo Lowe of tho of containing RAILROAD. beyond by State Maine. are on the a Two premises good Story Dwelling medical aid, ws would say, Dttpair not the CHER- sight months, aad am as well as aay man could t A Orders attended House and Baru, with other out-buildings. The LL promptly to and customers SUMMKR A R KAN 0 MM B NTB, OKEE CURB will rector# yen to health and vigor, Periodical to fee, aad ao sigas of dropey. 1 womld adri. JL supplied with the best quality of ICB. rhe Capital Stock U.*1.600.000 property is pleasantly situated and the neighborhood Lyon’s Drops, unexceptionable. For terms. Ac., to Commencing April lltb, ISM. and after all quaok doctors hare foiled. that ars sick to go and consult Mrt. krone*,t- Prim t*« and witM the it invttted apply of I—for Staton, IMS. rmrplui at/lMovt: DLBLois a For jackson. rmmmr Plsrengvr Trains will leave the 8tu- full particulars get a circular from any Drug nm If they hare baaa girsa ap by other j: M lbs a lrom Juno 1st, to Oct. MOO teal estate, unincumbered, 087 968 18 6S> Sere to do Good and cannot de Hern. day, 1st, Portland May 18,1864. Exchange St. tion, Canal etreet, (bnndaye en- •tore lu the or •' Id dally, country, writs ths Proprietors, who Meiaas. 1 bar* seat bar a nasaber of rsssismilf oil. IS. 8.00 Imeb hand, on depoelt, and In agent*' maylSdtf as follows: •• .* ceptedl will mail free and *• looo band,. 318.960 66 Leave Portland for Boston, at 8.48 A. a. and 3.(0 to nay one desiring the same a foil Price, tl per Bottle. disaa***, aad aba baa oared them ala*. Oo Forty scuts per 100 lbs. United State, Stock,, 813.847 66 For Sale. r. >. treatise in pamphlet form. Ibr yoarselT**. I bad no faith, bat now my fkita To those who take loe for tbe It will de- Itate and and 00 For Ml* ell At whofeMl* W. T season, bo City Stock,, Town Bond,, 669.460 Leave Boston for Portland at 7 JO A. a. and 8.00 by Drnggiet*. by aad livered lank Trust SQUARE block of land, of about 73000 aores Price, S2 par bottle, or three bottles for M, and onanot be ■ baked la her skill la telling caring earlier tban 1st June and later than 1st Oc- and Company Stock,, 1,047,370 00 v. a. Phillip*. H. H. Hay a Co., Portland, at tbe earn* rale month A of wood land, on the south side of the river forwarded to all of Cmaklzs a. tober, per as during the tea- lorteage Bond,, 881,980 00 Leave Portsmouth for Portland, at 10.00 A. a. and by expreee parts the world. giaaam. Hannon, tea. Ltlsntl, Mutual In*. St. Law ranee, in Canada East It is interceeded turn *odly Co', (Crip, 1861-8, 16.888 68 by 6JO r. a. Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. Sanaa K. Hasaoa, When aot wasted for the full It will be two considerable rivers with eligible Mul sits. Well eeaaon, These train* will take and leave peseengen at way Maar A. Ha a a ox. delivered at tha of Total wooded with every description of timber, such as DR. W. R. MER rat* S2.00 per month for 10 lbs. AmoU, 08,638.679 74 stations. WIN k Co.. Id. Lmount of and spntoe la large quantities, and Female Emmpor, Jfasas. April par day. Llabilltio, for Loom* not pins maple, Freight trains lsavs Portland and Boston daily. Katie* of ehangeof residence. If given at the at- due or adjuiied. 6174.411 tl Kerch, beech, tamarac and hass wo' dtoany amount. COLB rKOPBIBTOBS, of H. Portland. FRANCIS CHASE, Superintendent. STRENGTHENING Ovrioa BOOBS—Prom $ A. M UUIP. M. Baa Instead of tha driver, will always prevent dis- amount at risk, estimated, 116,616,479 K Enquire T. MACU1N, Oet. 1061. oc81 CORDIAL. • Portland. SO. edtf fob! sod Aw aaalT lahoatol appeiotment. TllOS A. ALEXAHDEB, Fraaideat. Portland, Feb 1864. feb2fieodtf It No. M Liberty 8t„ New Tork. edly Any customer leaving town fortwo weeks or more Lootr* J. H,bd». Searatary. Thl* Medicine I* *f long tried *ffie»cy for eorreet- at on* time, by giving notioe at tb* offloe, will be en- Hartford, tioo. 7, 1868. For Sale or to Let. Elixir! Elixir las *11 disorder* Incidental to tb* femlniue MX. DB. J. B. UliUHCb titled to a proper ueauclfnn. That tb* afflict*.! may Wei amured that thl* Cordial CLIFF COTTAGE, over SO Complaints against tbs drlren, for negleot or care- containing STEAMBOATS. *I>R. WRIGHT’S ia tralr raUabl* and worthy tk*ir oonfldene*,- not oaa aa roraD at bib 1 resets, or other cause, must be made at tbe el- i. G. rooms,large stable and sheds—situated two OB* or th0M Merit to nay CHURCHILL, Agent, and one-half miles compound* parpoaod dMtroy ite, and will be attended to promptly. from Portland, and the healthy *«tk>o, I add * few teetimonlali Com pbyi- finest situation in Portland, May II, 1844. maylSdTw Vo. 4 Iron Block. Portland Pier. Capo Elisabeth for a wa- FOR THE Ictnne whom *11, faioringlb* Efeetricaad Reformed PRIVATE MEDICAL ROOMS, tering and summer buardera. Wvr PEKOBSCOT REJUVENATING ELIXIR! deo6 dtf plaoe, Practice ol Medioin*. reaped. culars enquire or GEO. ___ OWEN, DU. WILLARD C. t.EoUliE,formerly Professor Nm.' S Temple Street, ap7 dtf 81 Winter Street, Portland. ok, essenceor life. lathe Worcester Medical Pre*td*ot of 03 Removal. 03 jdBBD The new and splendid steamer College.and » LANG, Capt WILLIAM tha Electric Medical Society, Mas*., .peak* *1 It la he cua b« consulted privately, aad with JreatNews! Newsl House For Sale. th* follow term*: Um utmost confidence the idbcud, at nil Important RUlX, will leave Railroad Whirl, PlirAftlO«BOM PDU TMITA1L1 KlTBAOTt. mg WHERE by TWO story wooden house. No. 18 Adams streot, foot of 8tate street on her first trip. Friday Attn- "1 her* uied tb* Ftmalt Slmglktnium Cor^eU Room dully, from S a. m. to * r. ■. J. K. KNIGHT ft •iatilar to that DK W those who arc under thu 80N. :MI. Bradt Sz> A 11 finished rooms, oonvenient for two families; inq. May 27, at 9 o’olock. Returning next week, OOVTAlVlVa HOTH1HO IXJUBIOUU TO TBB pr*parntton by LEO. tor. H. uddre— iuftring Co., ai d SWETT. 106 Hanover Street, and I It M affliction of disease, whether from plenty of good water. For particulars Inquire ol will leave Bangor Monday. Wednesday Friday MUST DBLIOATB. r*gnrd private anting Commission Merchants, No. 26 Market Sqiaie, B.J. WILLARD. morning* at 6 o’clock.—and will leave Portland. owe of the beat Meilioinee for Femnli Complaint* Impure connection or the terrible vice of sell-abuse. Portltnd, 14,1864. Tu-sday, Thursday and baturuay mornings at 6 that can b* found.’' Du voting hu entire lime to that purticalur brunch of arrived in and ar» now May mayl4eodtf fllHB A ad dealers la Produce, hav* moved to No. lately Portland, o'clock. After next week permanent arrangements Rejuvenating Elixir ia the recult of modern DR. J. KIND, Anthor of Woman: Her DU- thu medical profession. he (tods warrant* in Ocai Country to exhibit to tb« citizens of this and ■ Commercial street. HAVEready city will be made for the season. For or discoveries la •nau aad tbair Treatment," My*: mmi« a Curb ib all Causa, whether of l>n their freight passage the vegetable kingdom, being an arroundlng towns, ontlreiy new and elegant To Let please apply to ▲. bOMRRBY, Agent, ■■Thl* Medieimappear,te*x*rta apMiS* lain- •lauding or recently oo a true ted, entirely removla Portiasd, May 101b, 1844. msylOdtf tock of entirely new and abetraet method of euro, on \ rooms over the store of the subscriber,ooraer ▲t Office on the Wharf. irreepee- •bob th* bltrui It I* * talaable agent la all de- the drugu of disease from the sr*tem, and making Uve THEot Fore and Exchange streets, now occupied by 1'ortland, May 26, 1864. maySTdtf of all the eld and worn-out ay stem*. rangemenu of tha Female Reproeaetiae Organ*." pur foot uad FKUMAS KS iCU H£ DU. President of tha Hew Am*- call of the afflicted to h Q-aa Fixtures, Stephen Berry as a printing office. Possession given This medicine ha* been totted the most emi- SMITH, York Hu would thu attention PEN8I0N8! BOUNTIES! by elation of of hie and well corn* -1 the latest 1st of January. Apply to Botanic Fhyaician*. My*: fket lung standing reputation Of very styles, consisting of nent medical men of the and them ■■ -AJS»- dec At dtf BENJ. FOGG. day, by proaouae- No Female, if ia delicau health, ahead omit the furaiahiag •utBctent umurunoe ui hit aAMi and sue _ Montreal Ocean Co. ed to 1 Parlor and Sitting Room Chandeliers, Steamship be cat ol the greatest medical dlscovertae el timely lie of thl* aalnabl* Cordial. aw* much ot la to tha bm of this M•di- Room and liall For Sale. the age. my’mooe** atldwlfory Dining Lights, cta*." • -m* One of the fl rat-el ass CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Store Pendents, new. can be following One bottle will cure General Ara obtained lor Wonnded Soldiers Brackets, Express Wagon, nearly used steamers of this Line vi*l*eruvian, Debility. (discharged; Ac. for one or two it has Pole and Shafts Morns AS AHD MARRIED LADIES- Every and thinking person mutt know and the Meads af deceased soldiers who are entitled Portables, ONE liorses. W. North American. Bel- ▲ few doeee cure in females. Intelligent Hibernia, Jura, llyaterioe that —mediae handed oat from use should to tha same a fine assortment of complete. For price Ac., oall at No.4 Free Street Tb* from Dr. FAT I* no- general by Also very Kerosene Lamps, ■HHBftian, Nova Beotian, Moravian. Da- One bottle tnrea of the foUowlng worthy yoar Portland. 1 eodtf Palpitation Heart. tice: have their efficacy established by well-tutted expe- las and Lamp Shades, of the latest Improremnts, apr mage us, Hin sail from Quebec, imr Katvkdit A few doeee restore the organa of •• A. a for Female thie riunou in thu hands of a regularly educated phy-l- BYBOH D. VEBKILL, • lobes, Chimneys, and all sorts of Gas F»ttinos, Mouxino. for via Londonderry. generation. general remedy Complaint# Liverpool ■ oiuu, who— ttta him lor all thu and and Lantern Also From on# to three restore# the man line# Cordial71* a ,ery valuable one, hit by the ProfM- prupuratory study .amp Trimming. on hand, * To Let. Toe tlniBRMiAX, to sail from Quebec Saturday bottle# he mart the It flooded with •ioa It ie e.teemed more for It* raaalt duttea IRlflli; yut country ittim; arf CtutelUr, it Hi. 117 litili Sired, i Ibaw s Patent morning, Mav28. and fall of highly good lot oocapled by u. Poittulom ctren vigor youth. Contaement la tb* nostrum* and care-ails. purporting to be thu -AHD- Also the stoainera 8t Dayid. St Ghioi, St. daring relieving greet luflerieg poor Gss STORKimmediately. A few doeee restore the ciuidninn. best in thu world, which are not ouly use lent, bat ol- Cooking Apparatus, Annnaw 8t Patrick. trl Tram Qnebee appetite. attendant upon imuosm|iwiuui. t for all tha at Aleo, a Front Office In Hanson Bloek. monthly fe dua way* injurious The unfortanatu should be r AKTlo- Departments , if all kinds. They will sell all of tbe abort goods for Glasgow. Prepaid and return tieMta Issued at Three bottle# cure the worst ease of Jmpoteacy. Smith that maeh of my saccee* la midwifery ^tented tAgon Jan*J dtf U. J LiBBEY A CO. thla UL au la tel VC ting bisphysician, us it to a lnm« utabiu t tho lowest Boston and New York son redncM rates. For to H.kL ALL- ta tha OM of madiein*. It straagthen, both very price passage apply A few doses cure the low-spirited. yut inoontrovertoble fact that many Portland, April It, 1844, apK *od0m IAOH. AN to J L. motbor and ebild. Inaacheaars 1 follow tho di- aypuiiitic ap- Montreal,or FARMER, One bottle restores mental Uenta aru made miserable with rained constitutions Particular attention will be paid to Gas Finns, To Lei. No. 10 Exchange street Portland. power. rections of Prof. King. by ailowleg my patfeata to ruaylftdtf a to as by maltreatment from inexperienced physicians in tzrAiRiwa. Bronzino and GiLDiita of la Galt * A few doses the rose to the cheek. ua« it faw weak* prvvtoua coata-maat, by Chandeliers, BTORE Block. bring for it to a States tha energy It to tha atartaa aarveae practice; point genrraliy conceded United Claim ! i oorups, and Bronx# Ornaments cf all desaiiptions, ONE Apply to U T. MACUIN, This medicine restores to mad roba Imparts system Agency manly vigor the labor will be much and ramore* fvnurnly thu buut that the study sad man- n the very highest style a{‘.heart, and wil. warrant apK dtf International Steamship Company. eery fhciiliatad, syphilographirs. health the and do females ar* te. age moot of these oompluints should engross thu 11 their work to b« perfect. poor, debilitated, worn-down, the so raps which many llahl* Ha th* ralaaof whole timu of those who would be competent and Plbxss call ski Lears orders for devotee of sensual are. woman.ifsha kaaw great thUStraaglh- ■••■If, Prime Money 4c Pensions, .and year •pairing pleas • aousmtel fn their treatment and cure. Thu h.ex- I or cardial would lull to usa it." las Fitting Impairing at the store. Calais k St John. The men •Bia( Ultima, enervated youth, the overtasked 1 numerous from diff- purtonoud general practitioner, having neither op- be obtained on application to M. Bradt. H. Whitblbt. Eastport, her* reoelred taatimoalala pii Insurance of the victim of nervous the tha where lead. nor time to make himself ac«|uainti d with \J iWKAIkCLhAVEU, Portland, May 10, 1864. maylOdtf Dirigo Company business, depression, erent parts of eoantry Kaowiag the It fe of I w II warrant Krtanitveirpathology, commonly one system #f at Law. TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. ndividual from general or from goad capable doing. arory pusnie* Attorneys or tub cirr or Portland. suffering debility, la treatment, in most cases maxing on iudisci imitate No. 11T M'ddie street, Row, bottla of my “Cordial" to boaatisfaetory Ma ro- Massey's THE BOSTON FIRE BRICK weakness of • ting* orfan, will all find immediate salta. wu of that aatiqnatud and dangerous weapon, Mur- ■Mjfleodtm On and after March 38, and Ofllce No* 28 street. Monday, permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Es- The iadicat* thoaa affaetlaa* •ary- knd Clay Retort MauDfaeturlna Co., Works, 894 Exchange th* at earner tollowiag symptom* saperiur ssa-goiug mm ot Life. la which tho Ftmal* Cork to! has rAiinrs! RBil Wtr*hAiiir> IS I ii.nrtv NEW Cast. E. B. .S/rswg Ikcwsag llULKSWICU, lavalambl*: HAT* CONFIDENCE, J'juaro and 7 Battery march Bt, manufacture Fire Wlneheeter, will lanve Railroad Frlee SI per bottle, er three bottle* tor 84, end proved MAINE Capital $000,000 _^ to Exertion, Wakefalaene, Uanaei- AU who have committed un excess of INSURANCE~Oa Jrick, ail shapes aud cltec, for furnaces reqaired to Wharf, tool of Slate Street, every Monday at t IndiepoalttoB any kind,- on ot la noea, of Lee* of whether it be the vicu of or the Maine. tana ths most Intense heat also Furnace Blocks i« now to isauo o’clock IV tl and the Stoomor NEW Ihswardodby Expreee, receipt money, any Depression Spirits, TrembUag, solitary youth, sting- ▲sgsits, Company prepared policies KNULAND, raia la the Bask. Alternate Chill*, and rebuke of confidence in maturer ind Blabs, Locomotive Fire Blocks, Bakers'Oven on all kind* of insurable C. Field, at 6 o'elosk P. eddreee. Power, ing misplaced years, THIS property against Are, Capt. every Thursday M., of Ilaart. Sensation at tba ind Orocn house Tiles.Clay Rstorts and at cm rent rates for fcaatport and St. John, N. B cunuosting at flushing Dragging necessary ■old by all Druggists everywbore. Lower Part af the Headache, Ach- npHB Main* Inauranoe Company inanre again,t riles to set them, Fire Cerneut, FireClay and Kaolin. A K SHUKTLEF, President. Eaatport with steamer for Hobinson, 8«. An- Body, Languor, SEEK FOE AN ANTIDOTE IN SEASON. loo or Queen, tha Intolerance aad X damag, by Fire, Buildlage, Merchan- JEKEMI Ail drews and Calais, and with Stags coaches for Ms- ing Along Ihlgba, ofXIght 41a, and DOW, Secretary. DB. W B. MEB WIN * Palo Ceantanaac*. el iha Feralture, on term, a, fei arable a. It oaa The undersigned will give their special attention Chios, and at Sf. John with steamers for Fredar. Co., Bound, Derangement The Pains and Aches, and Lassitude and Nervous eoiraat 1 Stomach and DUBcall »oy Company. Folloiee lmnad ihat all erders tor tho above manufacture are execc- loton and with stunner Kraisror far Wind* Bowels, Breathing, liystart*, Prostration that may follow Impure Coition, are Dinaorona. Digfcy, BOLE FROPEIETOK8, Ac., be. hr Oaa, Thraa, or fin year,. led with promptness. •or and IX All fax, and with the R. ft X. A. kail read thu Barometer to thu whole system. J. L. J. B. Brown, K. 8. D. W. It la n spool!* remedy in all Uterine Diseases, CUTLER, President. Spring, Clark, for tihediac and til way stations Ho. 44 Do not wall for thu consummation that is -uru to fol- J.H. JAMES E MOND ACO. J. B. John H.I. Robinson. Liberty at.. Hew lerk. Chlorosis ol Green Siekneas, Irregularity. Painful- WILLIAMS, Seoretxry. Carroll, Lynch, Returning, will leave St. John every and low, do not wait for Unsightly Uicurv, ior Monday neea, Profuse nr of Bbllimo Aokxts, is Boston, Thursday at 8 o'clock ▲. X for Rastport, Portland Suppression CaatamnryDto- Disabled Limbs, for Lous of Beauty EDWARD Liberty Square, Lanoorrhaa ar Whites, Scirrha* sr Uloar- SHAW-Agent, mchll eodCm Trust bks. and Boston. shargas, uu vuuyioRiva. afe Btate ol the Ac Bt. John bmith. Th iough tickets procured of the and Clork L'tarae, Sterility, Agents No better Tonic can be thaa Vo. 103 Middle Street. H M Payson, C. H. Haakoll, oa boara Steamers. possibly pat up this, HOW MINT THOUSANDS CAN TKSTIPT TO Dissolution. and non* lees to do harm, and It la aaUoadlr Andrew Boring. N O. ('ram, Freight reoeived Mil 4 o’elock P. M aad likely aomyeaad Mondays of and such as w* bar* copartnership heretofore existing under the Philip U. Brown, 11 N.Josc, Thursdays. wholly Tsgatahl* agents, THIS ST UNRAPPTMXPKRIPNCM. firm name of known to bo valaabls, and bar* aud tor THE Davis, Twitchsll * Chapman Is Jere. Dow, U. W Woodman, EATON. Agsnt. many GRANTS COFFEE A SPICE MILLS. this day diasolvsd by mutual consent. II. J. Libby. II. J. Robinson, _ mayAdtf_C.C. years. Tosng Mon troubled with emlrsiora in sleep, * '1 he business oi the firm will bo settled at the old PRICE, On# Dollar Par Bottle, or six bottle* the result of a bad ORIGINAL ESTABLISHMENT. J. N. Winslow, 8. C. Cha*e, Portland and Boston Line. CHEROKEE FILLS! oompleint generally habit la itsud by either partner. AlvahConant, Wra. Moulton. tor St- youth, treated soieatilloaUy, and a perfect oare war- FREDERICK Should roar not hart It. sand to DAVIS, 1884. druggist dlraatly rant*) or no charge made. TII Portland, May 4, mayWtf SUGAR COATED. aud whan six bottla* or mors ar* ordered w* will 1ST OK. E TWITCH ELL, ae, Hardly a day paaaee bat we are -consulted by one O-rTa T , THE BTEAMERS all and have It from KLBKIDGK CHAPMAN. pay expanse*, eacartly peeked or more young men with the above disease, ions ol Wholesale Dealer In all kind, of FEMALE Portland, May 12. 1804. my 18 dtw8w American forest Lewiston ud REGULATOR. observation, whom are me week anil emaciated aa though they Exchange City, Montreal B* sure and that at tb* gat prepared New England hod the consumption, and by their friends .apposed Botanic Depot, lod llano.er St. Boston All such c isee to the COFFEE, Dissolution. amp* Will, until farther notice, run >• HEALTH PRESEBVIB, to have it. yield proper end IJ. SPICES, FIRE GEO. W. 8WETT, M. D Proprietor. oorreet oourae of treatment, and in a short time copartnership heretofore between INSURANCE COMPANY! AlBinr follow.: only Sulatrulux 4c Cream existing to la health. Tartar, the suMcribers is this dissolved mutual or NEW YORK. WSWI Lout. Atluutlo Wharf, Portland, ore mod# rejolos perfect THE day ey CERTAIN AND SAFE, U. H. HAY, Agent, Per Hand. Nim and Mill*, 13 and 16 Union consent. every Monday Tnecday, Wcdneeday, Tharoday mud mehlaodtm Oof** Spice tired. Capital at7o clock P. M and Me. The affairs of the Arm will bs ssttled by elthsr ©200.000, Friday, India Wharf, Bouton, Portland, For Mm removal of Obstruction*. and tho Inenrane at tbs store of Messrs. Twitcbeil Bros, k Iaanra Building,. Merrhnndlar. Haaa*. .very McDday, TuMduy, Weduc.day, Thur.day aad MIDDLE AGED MEM. partner at 7 P of In the Recurrence of r.t of the insured and at rates as low as ether medicine over discovered. It any wooo, will .until further notioe, ran nlarlty, they remove the cense, and with It ALL tb* THEhighly approved can do so by writing la a plain manner a description anbaariber hereby glica notice to an TO SHIP The issue ot Free Policies renders it at hat stood Ike test all test*. Time, had *a public BITLDER^S. Company. ae follow.: elbets that from It. qf haring af their disease, anil the appropriate remedies will THEaoueerued.tkat he bar been and the least if not to the eprlag aala of It A duly appointed P. 8. «fc J. 13. equal superior participation Leave Brown. Wharf, Portland,every WBDNB8- aapracodeatad nearly forty gears. be forwarded Immediately takes upon himself the truat ol Administrator ol HUOKINB, •omosuiee. Composed of vegetable extr acts, eoa- recommend ad oar bant oar moat emt* DAY. and SATURDAY, ut« P. M and leave Pier simple they by pAgeseimu, All correspondence strictly confidential and will the aetata of MERCHANTS and wholesale and Olio© Mo. 102 Middle St. the In feat all I^ICMMISSION »North River, New York, every WEDNESDAY tala nothing deleterious to any aontCitation, how- nent esfeaca*, the Press, Trade. by be returned If desired. SAMUEL U. KING, V-/ retail dealers In Ship Timor* ssd Plaik. CHARLES who know It. For certificate*, which sen be HOLDEN, Pre*. and SATURDAY, at I o’eloek, P. M. ever delieate—tbtlr function to substitute given Address. DR. J B. till. II MS, late of in the Have for sale at their Wharf, Cbrtral 8«uarb, KD WARD 811 Bee. being to almost nay extent, see wrappers to each bottla. Portland, Cbunty ofCumberlaod.de- _ _ _ AW, Thee# veuel. are fitted wlthdneaccommodatteaa Me. 6 St., leorner of Middle’ Portland. Ei»r Loouti and Oak Feb 16 dkw np strength (br weakness, when used, reload th* It Temple aaaaad, by gliing bond aa tbe law dirceit: ha ihi re- line-vox, 2f»0,000 Treenail*, tf. fer thb the meat aafo aad wblsb, properly The proprietors will ehoortollv money for elrealar. Hackmatack panengers. making .peedy, By fiend 8temp fbre request, all asm on, who are indebted to the aald E00# Knee$, planed. Also Whit* Oak eemfurtable route for traveller# between New York they never 1UI to do. not eat rely aatiafeetory. Price (d cents and IB: tha Plakk andTiMBRR,Cn*STKVT ItOA&Df and Plakk bottle* muoh the Be eortDd to oaf % — ■■ to make immediate payment and Administratrix's Sale* aid Maine. Peonage <7,00, Includlag Fare and Sate All letters Information or advice will be large cheapest Wuit* Pm*. Di. k-Plari, k e Particular at- seeking the whfeh is REED, CUT. those who hare say demand! thereon, to exhibit the to a lioense from the Hon. John A. Roe nit ecstasise, prepared oaly by for tention paid to Oak Plank promptly, freely end disoroetly ana rered. TER A CO., Wholaaaw Druggist*, Boaton. Bold la same settlement to Furnishing by theCargo. PURSUANTWaterman, Judge of Probate for the of flood, forwarded by thi. line to and from Montreal, Eclectic Medical Infirmary. *nch24 d8m couuty Full directions each t ox. dealers MARQUI8 P. KING. Cumberland, the administratrix of the estate of the Bangor, Bath, Augnta, Eaetport aad Bt. tcoompany Portland by generally. corner and Era, Portland, May IT. WM. the late Edward B. of •ha. Frice or six boxs* for HUH AT. Druggist, Middle mayMoodtw* Jack, Westbrook, in said Siebee, 81 per box, 84. Uddm TO THE LADIES. ■» — ■ ■ — -■ — PORTLAND Wholetole d*c8 _ i^i — ■ DRY DOCK COMPANY. will sed at ere to eead their to the street*. Agent. idaaeaaad'eeatate, eoauty, dreessod, public sale on thepretn* Skipper, requested freight Bent by null, free of postngo, on receipt of price. ltr«t ises, on I hur’dav, the lith day cf June A. I). 1864. at eteemer. a. surly u I P M oa the day that thep particularly Invites all Lad lew no Notice. «,MM,ni.nl of Two Dollar. p«r Share Sold all Iho 8 o’clock P. M. ail the interest tf which ttesaid E. leave Portland. by reapactable Druggist*. Ordinance Dors. DR.HUGHK8aaed a medical adviser, to call at Ms rooms. No. irst of THEupon Capital Stock of thU la now 4|bIbM mo* meeting tbe "Cress Patent Lantern f’ompaur, B Jack died seized In the described For or to t Temple Btreet, which will find duo. aud payable at tho < ’«« of ibe No following reai freight paanga apply they ariacgedfor X i-uard Manufacturing Onnjtanu" will be held Treasurer, estate. The homestead of the EMERY k Brown'. Portland. Citt on PoaTLABu. Mausual Ornioa, I their eaneeinl accommodation 117, Cowmorolal Bt. Per .rder uf decease 1, situated in POY, Wharf, Dr. W. K. M KHWIN * Co.. aUthe counting room of W R. p. Cress, on Tues- Director*. H. B. 3d. 1804. 1 Dr. H.’s Mcdidnesart unrival- C. N said Westbrook, upon the northerly side of the road CROMWELL k CO., No. M WntBtieot, May Eclectic Renovating day, at 10 A M. 81st. 1864, for tbs of DiVIB, Tr.aaor.r. BOLE in * 1 Msy purpose Portland letdiug from to con- Now York. PROPRIETORS, SncTion 1 —No dog shall b* permitted ta ge at led aMaaoy and superior virtue In regulating sold oornorstioc.. April 80, 1884. aprSOedlatf Deering's Bridge Strcarapa, organising sisting of a beuse. barn and about 8 aeree land. Doo.d. IMS. dtr large or loos* In any street lane, alley, mart or trav- Female Irregularities Their action Is .neetfio and W. V. P. Ho. (4 Libertg-.t,, New York. CROSS, Terms cash. SARAH F. J ACK, Administratrix. eled way, or la any unincloaad or public place In tbla certain of producing relief la a short time C H. BRRRD NEW fobtrodfcsowly cases ORLEANS. Westbrook. May 7, 1864. tnaytoodlm alty. until tba awaar or keeper af sack dag, or tb* LADIESwIII lad it Invaluable in all of oh- Portland, May ISth, 1884.mayl8d16t of the (tractions after all other remedies have been tried la S. The Cheapest head o< the femlly. or tb* keeper bouse etoia, D. MOODY Sr. Agency shop, ufflee, or othrr place where each dug la kept Tala. It 1s purely vegetable, containing nothing fa CO.J Notice. nil el.uel of claim, Mb Richardson’s Wlisrf Co. tw* the least to the and betaken E?eifreen Cemetery. Oommisston 07 ooll.atlng nriciag or harbored, ehall have paid tba City Marshal injurious health, may Merohapt* Tckonpt* Stockholder* of the Portland Steam Packet 1NORthe war 1. that of th. to at with oerfeet safrtv at all times Suporlntendcnt of < amatory wfil toulsi* *t.. New Orleans. La. Iieferenc**: Baker It rpH* annaal meeting of Stockholders of the Rich- dollars for a Hesse lor such dog go large. Krtrgroon TIIECompany