Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940 B.E'POiE.T OF THE SECIEE.TAB.T OF THE TREASIUKY 303 customs officers, total expenses of the Customs Service, and of the cost to collect $100 is listed below: Customs collections and expenditures, fiscal years 1933 to 1940 Collections Cost to Fiscal year Customs for other Total Expendi­ receipts i departments, collections tures collect bureaus, etc. $100 1933 $251, 300, 560 $2, 765, 948 $254, 066, 508 $19,135,901 $7.53 1934 314, 058, 464 9, 456, 491 323, 514, 955 17, 636, 495 5.46 1935 346, 522, 111 17. 932, 339 364,454,450 19. 516, 708 5.36 1936 388,784, 948 23,023,542 411,808,490 20, 311, 751 4.93 1937. 488, 342, 746 35, 928, 725 524, 271, 471 20, 515, 558 3.91 1938 359, 573, 654 32, 521, 810 392, 095, 464 20, 610, 568 5. 26 1939- 321, 409, 995 29, 012, 286 350, 422, 281 20,784,163 5.93 1940 . 350, 851, 561 32, 428, 014 383, 279, 575 21,127,673 5.61 1 Excludes duties for Puerto Rico but includes other Puerto Rican collections. BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING Activities during the fiscal year 1940 The deliveries of currency, securities, stamps, and. miscellaneous printings by the Bureau during the year amounted to 446,846,250 sheets, an increase of 3,199,163 sheets over the previous year. A comparative statement of deliveries of finished work in the fiscal years 1939 and 1940 follows: Deliveries of finished work, fiscal years 1939 and 1940 Sheets Face value. Class 1940 1940 Currency: United States notes 5, 547,000 4,025,000 $193, 260, 000 Silver certificates 95,113,000 75, 975,000 1, 666,620,000 Federal Reserve notes . 10. 366, 050 8, 983, 950 1, 901, 280, 000 specimens 40 Total. 88, 983, 990 3, 761,160,000 Bonds, notes, bills, certificates, etc: Bonds: Pre-war 2,085 1,340 1, 002,400 Treasury 665, 948 530,163 4, 350, 626, 000 United States savings 4,077, 000 5, 514, 000 1, 750, 725,000 Consolidated Federal farm loan for the Federal land banks 31, 000 13, 700 41,880,000 Farm loan 1 _. 16, 700 25,996 21, 797,000 Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation 6,500 3, 5.50 60,000, 000 Home Owners' Loan Corporation 1, 443,055 62,155 230, 850,000 Insular: Philippine 9,000 1,075 637, 500 Puerto Rican _^ 2,841 1,091, 500 Notes: Treasury 159, 625 159,195 4, 895,000,000 Commodity Credit Corporation 65,000 992,000,000 Federal National Mortgage Association 56,150 Reconstruction Finance Corporation 120,000 48, 000 801,000,000 United States Housing Authority 34, 500 Treasury bills _ 19. 570 '20," 482' 7,0.58,172, 000 Certificates: Cuban silver. — 578,333 Philippine treasury.. 2,195,600 14, 962, 000 Debentures: Consolidated collateral trust for the Federal inter­ mediate credit banks 17, 000 16, 000 260, 000, 000 Federal home loan banks consolidated 200 Federal Housing Administration, mutual mortgage insurance fund. 5, 000 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940 304 IREPORT OF THJE. SEiORETARY OF THE TREAS'URY Deliveries of finished work, fiscal years 1939 and 1940^Contmned Sheets Class Face value, 1940 Bonds, notes, bills, certificates, etc.—Continued Interim certificates 37, 675 Interim transfer certificates for postal savings bonds 2,000 1,000 Specimens: Bonds 135 571 Notes 44 12 Debenture.s 32 Interim certificates ... 6 Total 7, 287, 756 8,660^680 $20,479,643,400 Sheets Number of stamps, etc., 1940 Stamps: Customs.. 250, 000 3,182,960 Internal revenue: United States ..... 141, 594, 373 147, 226,135 13,280,660,070 District of Columbia 131, 750 142, 686 28, 637, 200 Federal migratory- bird hunting.. 37, 764 Philippine 217, 460 55, 226 4, 638, 900 Puerto Rican 1, 031, 685 1, 244,096 75, 076, 660 Virgin Islands 650 65,000 Specimens, United States 20 18 1,481 Postage: United States . 147, 233, 097 164,912,027 16, 576, 284, 287 United States postage surcharged "Canal Zone" 12, 200 1, 220, 000 Canal Zone 1 67, 456 164, 851 10, 040,890 Philippine 747, 276 1, 024, 592 85, 580, 508 Specimens, United States 195 95 6,211 Postal savings 5,649 19, 628 1, 962, 830 Specimens '. 4 400 Total. 291, 316, 715 314, 938, 806 30, 067, 257, 297 Miscellaneous: Checks 29, 313, 261 27, 501, 995 137, 509, 975 Warrants 51,100 44,104 205, Oil Commissions . 132, 386 193,869 108, 419 Certificates 3, 878, 493 4, 202, 281 17, 222,107 Drafts 7, 088 6,500 13, 000 Transportation requests 293, 254 327, 299 1, 636, 495 Nontransferable food order and nontransferable surplus food order stamps 38, 229 1, 635, 721 1 259, 388, 592 Nontransferable cotton order and nontransferable surplus cotton order stamps 17, 090 3, 418, 000 Other miscellaneous 299, 248 319, 932 6,460, 087 Specimens... 3,105 11, 508 57, 640 Blank paper .402 2,475 Total. 34, 016, 566 34, 262, 774 426, 019, 226 Grand total.. 443, 647, 087 446, 846.. 250 ' Excludes .395,000 fillers. Dies were engraved for new issues of postage stamps as follows: jssug Denomination Commemorative, series 1939: (cents) Three-hundredth Anniversary of the Introduction of Printing in Colonial America 3 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Statehood for North and South Dakota, Montana, and Washington. 3 Commemorative, series 1940: Fiftieth Anniversary of the Pan American Union 3 Eightieth Anniversary ofthe Pony Express 3 Fiftieth Anniversary of Wyoming Statehood . 3 Fiftieth Anniversary of Idaho Statehood . 3 Four-hundredth Anniversary of the Coronado Expedition , 3 Famous Americans series, 7 groups of 5 denominations each . 1, 2,3,5,10 Authors: Irving, Cooper, Emerson, Alcott, Clemens. Poets: Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, Whitman, Riley. Educators: Mann, Hopkins, Eliot, Willard, Washington. Scientists: Audubon, Long, Burbank, Reed, Adams. Composers: Foster, Sousa, Herbert, MacDowell, Nevin. Artists: Stuart, Whistler, Saint-Gaudens, French, Remington. Inventors: Whitney, Morse, McCormick, Howe, Bell. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940 REPORT or THE SEORETARY OF THE. TREASURY 305 Plates were prepared for a number of new issues of securities and miscellaneous jobs, the principal items being Commodity Credit Corporation notes, series D and E; Reconstruction Finance Corpora­ tion notes, series S; Home Owners' Loan Corporation bonds, series N; strip stamps for export distilled spirits bottled in bond; reimported American distilled spirits stamps; cotton order and surplus cotton order stamps; and Puerto Rican cigar and cigarette stamps. New designs and models were made for Tennessee Valley Authority bonds of four denominations; postal savings stamps; documentary, stock transfer, and silver tax stamps, in denominations from 1 cent to $1,000; and various Puerto Rican bonds and revenue stamps. Printing orders for revenue stamps for 1940 were abnormally heavy, due to some extent to recent legislation increasing the Federal taxes on cigarettes, tobacco, and other products. Also several large tobacco manufacturers reduced the contents of their packages, and stamps of new denominations were required. During the year, representatives of this bureau gave demonstra­ tions of the printing of postage stamps at four exhibitions, two of which were held in Washington, D. C, October 10 to 12, 1939, and May 2 to 4, 1940; one at the New York World's Fair, May 11 to 23, 1940; and one at the Golden Gate International Exposition in San Francisco, Calif., May 25, 1940, to continue until the close of the exposition. At the beginning of the fiscal year there were 5,802 employees on the pay roll, while at the end of the year the number of employees was 5,649, or a decrease of 153 persons, including 68 who were holding indefinite appointments. This decrease was occasioned by the re­ duction in the printing requirements, particularly with respect to United States currency and Federal Reserve notes. There was expended during the year for salaries and expenses $12,142,741.25, a decrease of 10.91 percent under the previous year. The following statement shows the appropriations, reimbursements, and expenditures for the fiscal years 1939 and 1940, respectively: Appropriations, reimbursements, and expenditxires, fiscal years 1939 and 1940 Increase or 1940 decrease (—) Appropriations: Salaries and expenses $9, 200,000.00 $8,450,000.00 -$750,000.00 Deficiency 1,000,000.00 -1,000,000.00 Reimbursements to appropriation from other bureaus for work completed ' ' 3, 475, 520.83 3, 718,888.91 243, 368. 08 Total 13, 675, 520. 83 12,168, 888. 91 -1,506,631.92 Expenditures, salaries and expenses 2 13, 628, 942. 37 12,142, 741. 25 -1,486,201.12 Unexpended balance 46, 578. 46 -20,430.80 1 An additional amount of $69.75, received from employees for lost identification cards, locker keys, pack­ age-booth checks, and badges, was deposited to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States as miscel­ laneous receipts. 2 Includes $11,300 transferred to Bureau of Standards for research work, $40,000 transferred to salaries and expenses, guard force. Treasury Department, for service rendered in connection with the protection of cur-. rency, bonds, stamps, and other papers of value, in each of the fiscal years 1939 and 1940, and $388,529.46 and $374,718.79 transferred to retirement fund in the fiscal years 1939 and 1940, respectively. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940 306 'REPORT OF THE.
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