
Tuesday 28th April 2020 Home Learning – Year 6 - Week 2 – Tuesday Reading With a partner (a sibling, parent or other adult), read The Girl Who Stole an Elephant – Chapter 1 on pages 2 – 9 of this booklet.

Go to page 10 for the questions.

Writing 1. You are the Queen! Write a letter to the public asking them to find the thief. This is your last day on this task. Remember to:  Use formal language to address your citizens.  Consider how the Queen would speak – you might want to practice speaking out loud as the Queen would first!  Use persuasive language.

2. Find and copy the modal verb in this sentence. Kate hoped that she would see goats and sheep at the farm. Maths Follow the link below to access the lesson.

https://www.thenational.academy/year-6/maths/understanding-equivalence- year-6-wk1-2/

We suggest setting aside an hour to complete the lesson.

Topic Topic

Go to pages 11 and 12 and read the information on Maya artefacts, then answer the questions in your exercise book.

Fabulous Finish Don’t forget to do at least 30 minutes Reading for Pleasure! We recommend: White Fang by Jack London. We looked at this text in

reading! Click this link to listen. https://stories.audible.com/pdp/B002V8MC7S?ref=adbl_ent_anon_ds_pdp_pc_pg-1-cntr-0-8

Arithmetic: 1) 1.25 x 3 2) 4.57 x 98 3) 4 - 9 4) 3 x 4 5 15 7 Spellings: infectious, scrumptious, repetitious, precious, delicious, suspicious, ferocious.

Copy out these spelling, then use them in a sentence.


Reading Text









Reading – questions

1. Look at page 9. ‘Chaya shimmied up the tree’. Write a synonym for ‘shimmied’. 2. What are your impressions of Chaya? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. (3 marks) Make sure you write at least two impressions with evidence. 3. What genre is this text?

4. Look at page 9. ‘It was pandemonium down there’. What does pandemonium mean? 5. Look at the last line of the extract. Why do you think that the author repeated the word blue? 6. Imagine you are a book critic. Write a one paragraph review of the first chapter of The Girl Who Stole and Elephant to be published in a children’s magazine.



Examining Ancient Maya artefacts

This is an Ancient Maya rubber ball. It tells us that the Ancient Maya made rubber using a natural liquid found in some plants. We know that they played a games known as ‘pok-a-tok’ with these balls and that the games often had religious meaning. Archaeologists think that the games often ended in human !

This is an Ancient Maya . It is the death mask of Pakal the Great, ruler of the city of Palenque. This tells us that the Ancient Maya honoured their dead kings with beautifully crafted death . It also tells us that the Ancient Maya made objects from Jade, that men wore jewellery in their ears and that ‘t-shaped’ teeth were viewed with importance.


This is an Ancient Maya carving from a stone monument in Yaxchilan. There are hieroglyphics in the carving which not only tell us the Ancient Maya had a form of writing but the writing itself tells us that the image is of a bloodletting ritual. The image shows the King and Queen – the Queen is pulling a rope with shards through her tongue casing blood to drip into the basket below.

This is an Ancient Maya tool. It tells us that the Maya people made their tools from stone. We know they used them for different reasons: fighting, farming and in the home. They we knives, scrapers and weapons and had very sharp edges.

This is a page from an Ancient Maya codex – or book. The artefact tells us that the Ancient Maya did not only using carving stones as a form of writing – they wrote on paper too. The writing tells us the image is of an astronomer and so we know that the people were interested in the sky, the planets and the stars.

Task: answer these questions in your exercise book. 1. What did the Maya people do for fun? 2. Name a ruler of the city of Palenque. 3. What have you learned from the artefacts about what the clothes Maya people wore? 4. List some materials that the Maya people used to make their tools. 5. Which artefact do you find the most interesting and why?