M3 bus time schedule & line map

M3 - Hospital View In Website Mode

The M3 bus line (Glasgow - Stobhill Hospital) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) : 6:19 PM - 9:00 PM (2) Glasgow: 7:20 PM - 8:20 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest M3 bus station near you and nd out when is the next M3 bus arriving.

Direction: Barmulloch M3 bus Time Schedule 37 stops Barmulloch Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:19 PM - 9:00 PM Renfrew Street, Glasgow Renfrew Street, Glasgow Tuesday 6:19 PM - 9:00 PM

New City Road, Glasgow Wednesday 6:19 PM - 9:00 PM Garscube Road, Glasgow Thursday 6:19 PM - 9:00 PM New City Road, St Georges Cross Friday 6:19 PM - 9:00 PM

Gladstone Street, St Georges Cross Saturday 6:17 PM - 9:00 PM 2 Clarendon Place, Glasgow

North Woodside Road, Firhill

Grovepark Street, Firhill M3 bus Info Cedar Court, Glasgow Direction: Barmulloch Stops: 37 Hopehill Road, Firhill Trip Duration: 38 min Line Summary: Renfrew Street, Glasgow, New City Trossachs Street, Firhill Road, Glasgow, New City Road, St Georges Cross, Gladstone Street, St Georges Cross, North Woodside Firhill Street, Firhill Road, Firhill, Grovepark Street, Firhill, Hopehill Road, 91 Firhill Road, Glasgow Firhill, Trossachs Street, Firhill, Firhill Street, Firhill, Springbank Street, Firhill, Firhill Road, Ruchill, Springbank Street, Firhill Panmure Street, Ruchill, Panmure Close, Ruchill, 113 Firhill Road, Glasgow Wester Common Drive, Ruchill, Ellesmere Street, Ruchill, Hobart Street, Possil, Bardowie Street, Possil, Firhill Road, Ruchill Saracen Cross, Possil, Mansion Street, Possil, 6 Leny Street, Glasgow Saracen Street, Possil, Denmark Street, Possil, Hawthorn Quadrant, Possil, Possil Bus Depot, Possil, Panmure Street, Ruchill Chestnut Street, Possil, Hickory Street, , 89 Panmure Street, Glasgow Fernbank Street, Springburn, Angus Street, Springburn, Springburn Railway Station, Springburn, Panmure Close, Ruchill Croftbank Street, Springburn, Broomknowes Road, Wester Common Drive, Glasgow Old , Lumloch Street, Old Balornock, Gartferry Street, Springburn, Heart Of Mary Church, Wester Common Drive, Ruchill Springburn, Hillhouse Street, Old Balornock, Wester Common Road, Glasgow Drumbottie Road, Old Balornock, Stobhill Hospital, Balornock, Belmont Road, Barmulloch Ellesmere Street, Ruchill 4 Wester Common Drive, Glasgow Hobart Street, Possil 1 Sunnylaw Street, Glasgow

Bardowie Street, Possil Ardoch Street, Glasgow

Saracen Cross, Possil

Mansion Street, Possil

Saracen Street, Possil

Denmark Street, Possil

Hawthorn Quadrant, Possil Hawthorn Quadrant, Glasgow

Possil Bus Depot, Possil Spruce Street, Glasgow

Chestnut Street, Possil

Hickory Street, Springburn

Fernbank Street, Springburn Fernbank Street, Glasgow

Angus Street, Springburn 7 Angus Street, Glasgow

Springburn Railway Station, Springburn Atlas Road, Glasgow

Croftbank Street, Springburn Welleld Street, Glasgow

Broomknowes Road, Old Balornock Littlehill Street, Glasgow

Lumloch Street, Old Balornock Boghead Road, Glasgow

Gartferry Street, Springburn

Heart Of Mary Church, Springburn

Hillhouse Street, Old Balornock

Drumbottie Road, Old Balornock

Stobhill Hospital, Balornock

Belmont Road, Barmulloch Direction: Glasgow M3 bus Time Schedule 38 stops Glasgow Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:20 PM - 8:20 PM Belmont Road, Barmulloch Tuesday 7:20 PM - 8:20 PM Stobhill Hospital, Balornock Wednesday 7:20 PM - 8:20 PM Drumbottie Road, Old Balornock Thursday 7:20 PM - 8:20 PM

Hillhouse Street, Old Balornock Friday 7:20 PM - 8:20 PM

Drumbottie Road, Springburn Saturday 7:20 PM - 8:20 PM Syriam Street, Glasgow

Hillhouse Street, Springburn Campsie Street, Glasgow M3 bus Info Balgraybank Street, Old Balornock Direction: Glasgow Stops: 38 Cockmuir Street, Old Balornock Trip Duration: 38 min Line Summary: Belmont Road, Barmulloch, Stobhill Littlehill Street, Springburn Hospital, Balornock, Drumbottie Road, Old Balornock, Hillhouse Street, Old Balornock, Littlehill Street, Glasgow Drumbottie Road, Springburn, Hillhouse Street, Croftbank Street, Springburn Springburn, Balgraybank Street, Old Balornock, Cockmuir Street, Old Balornock, Littlehill Street, Welleld Street, Glasgow Springburn, Croftbank Street, Springburn, Welleld Welleld Street, Springburn Street, Springburn, Hawthorn Street, Springburn, Memel Street, Springburn, Hickory Street, Springburn, Hawthorn Street, Springburn Chestnut Street, Possil, Possil Bus Depot, Possil, Hawthorn Court, Possil, Saracen Street, Possil, Closeburn Street, Possil, Saracen Cross, Possil, Memel Street, Springburn Bardowie Street, Possil, Hobart Street, Possil, Ellesmere Street, Ruchill, Wester Common Drive, Hickory Street, Springburn Ruchill, Panmure Close, Ruchill, Panmure Street, Hickory Street, Glasgow Ruchill, Firhill Road, Firhill, Springbank Street, Firhill, Firhill Street, Firhill, Hopehill Road, Firhill, Grovepark Chestnut Street, Possil Street, Firhill, Garscube Cross, Firhill, Windsor Terrace, St Georges Cross, Gladstone Street, St Possil Bus Depot, Possil Georges Cross, New City Road, St Georges Cross, Subway, Glasgow, Art & Music School, Hawthorn Court, Possil Glasgow, Renfrew Street, Glasgow

Saracen Street, Possil 25 Hawthorn Street, Glasgow

Closeburn Street, Possil Sunnylaw Place, Glasgow

Saracen Cross, Possil

Bardowie Street, Possil Ardoch Street, Glasgow

Hobart Street, Possil Bardowie Street, Glasgow Ellesmere Street, Ruchill 4 Wester Common Drive, Glasgow

Wester Common Drive, Ruchill Wester Common Road, Glasgow

Panmure Close, Ruchill 35 Wester Common Drive, Glasgow

Panmure Street, Ruchill 76 Panmure Street, Glasgow

Firhill Road, Firhill 10 Leny Street, Glasgow

Springbank Street, Firhill 59 Springbank Sreet, Glasgow

Firhill Street, Firhill 91 Firhill Road, Glasgow

Hopehill Road, Firhill

Grovepark Street, Firhill

Garscube Cross, Firhill

Windsor Terrace, St Georges Cross St. George's Road, Glasgow

Gladstone Street, St Georges Cross 343 St. George's Road, Glasgow

New City Road, St Georges Cross

Cowcaddens Subway, Glasgow Garscube Road, Glasgow

Art & Music School, Glasgow

Renfrew Street, Glasgow Renfrew Street, Glasgow M3 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved