International Conference ARCHITECTURAL POLICIES 2.0 Rethinking built environment policy making in Europe Luxembourg, 12-13 November 2015 PRESS RELEASE International conference organised within the framework of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the E.U. by • LUCA Luxembourg Architecture Center • OAI Ordre des Architectes et Ingénieurs-Conseils Under the aegis of the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture. Venues: • Conference day 1 Thursday 12 November - 10:00-13:30 Site visit and case studies, Esch-Belval - 14:30-17:00 Workshop sessions, Rotondes, Place des Rotondes, Luxembourg-Bonnevoie) - 19:30 Award Ceremony “Prix Luxembourgeois d’Architecture 2015” followed by reception • Conference day 2 Friday 13 November - 08:30-18:30 Conference sessions, Maison du Savoir, 2 av. de l'Université, L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette 150 participants, 22 countries, 20 lecturers for a unique conference in Luxembourg! Contact: LUCA Luxembourg Center for Architecture, Thomas Miller Tél. +352 42 75 55,
[email protected] with the support of: The international conference "Architectural Policies 2.0 - Rethinking built environment policy making in Europe" is organised by LUCA Luxembourg Center for Architecture and OAI Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs- Conseils under the aegis of the Luxembourg Ministry for Culture, within the framework of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the EU. Bringing together policy-makers and authorities, professionals and cultural actors from all over Europe, this conference will discuss actual and future expectations in regard of architectural policy making, focusing on the new generation of architectural policies on national, regional and local level throughout Europe. What are the new expectations? What are the new key issues? How are challenges like economic crisis, climate change, social cohesion or migration met and future needs anticipated? Who are the actors and what are their roles? What tools and mechanisms are being used? Programme highlights .