HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII NATION St. Joseph principal named World Youth Day Hawaii New book tells Isles’ Some push for associate superintendent of attendees energized Catholic history — church excommunication over new Hawaii Catholic Schools at overnight vigil by church law Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 15

HVOLUME 82,awaii NUMBER 3 CatholicFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2019 Herald$1

Photo courtesy of Brother Dennis Schmitz, SM

The Hardy-Kahaleo‘umi family participated in one of the first Marianist Fam- ily Retreat programs in Hawaii in 2010. Love, marriage & family The diocese is gathering a plethora of programs to help strengthen home life in Hawaii

Here’s a snapshot of the groups that fall under the Marriage and we had before marriage, and then getting to renew our honey- Family Ministries program that Bishop Larry Silva called together moon in every fertility cycle. We love how almost every couple about 10 years ago. after the first class says, “Why haven’t we ever heard about this?” They just realized that planning family size using fertility aware- Compiled by Anna Weaver ness is even more reliable than some forms of contraception! Natu- Hawaii Catholic Herald ral family planning engenders strong vibrant marriages and helps couples grow in their faith. Contact: Ed and Betty Coda at 258-6688 or [email protected]. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY MINISTRIES PROGRAM Visit ccli.org. Introduced to the diocese: About 10 years ago Description: A diocesan collaboration of lay associations and pro- COUPLES FOR CHRIST grams to promote, sustain and enrich Christian traditional mar- Introduced to the diocese: 1995 riage and the family and to help them be more fully engaged and Description: Couples for Christ started in June 1981 in Manila and integrated into the Body of the Church. The group welcomes new is now an international program. In 1993, CFC started its Family marriage and family programs open to other parishes. Ministries and now we have Kids for Christ (ages 4-12), CFC Youth Contact: Sarah Herrmann of Embrace Family Learning at 203- for Christ (ages 13-21), Singles for Christ (single men and women 6770. ages 22-40), and Handmaids of the Lord and Servants of the Lord (for widows/widowers, mature women/men, divorced women/ THE COUPLE TO COUPLE LEAGUE men and single mothers/fathers). CFC also started a social minis- try program called Answering the Cry of the Poor. FOR NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Upcoming events: Couples for Christ Hawaii is based at Immacu- Introduced to the diocese: 1982 late Conception Parish in Ewa Beach and offers child and youth Description: The diocese-wide ministry is headquartered at Holy camps, Christian life programs, marriage enrichment and other Family Parish’s Life Office. Its goal is to build joyful marriages types of retreats and events. through fertility awareness, the only form of family planning ap- Why we do this ministry: Our household prayer meetings and as- proved by the Catholic Church. Classes are taught by married cou- semblies give us the strength and courage to persevere in serving ples for both engaged and married couples. Students can attend our Heavenly Father. We uphold and defend the rights of the fam- sessions in person and online. ily. We believe that marriage is indissoluble, created by God for Upcoming events: There will be four series of classes taught at the love between man and woman, and for the procreation and proper Holy Family Life Office in 2019, and many couples take advantage rearing of children. We invite Jesus to be the Lord of our homes. of online classes at www.ccli.org. We allow the power of the Holy Spirit to lead our family lives. Why we do this ministry: We personally experienced the joy and Contact: Rico and Vinya Manianglung at 382-5059 or ricvin.cfchi@ excitement of using times of abstinence to rekindle the romance gmail.com. Visit couplesforchristusa.org. Continued on page 3 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019 Hawaii Catholic Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 Bishop’s page Published every other Friday PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva (808) 585-3356 [email protected] EDITOR Patrick Downes Bishop (808) 585-3317 [email protected] Larry Silva ASSOCIATE EDITOR WITNESS TO JESUS Anna Weaver (808) 585-3320 [email protected] ADVERTISING On the recent news regarding abortion access Shaina Caporoz (808) 585-3328 ast October I visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust Mu- These are seemingly good and decent people, but like the [email protected] seum in Jerusalem. Like the Holocaust Museum in Nazis, the slave owners and the Hutus, they have become CIRCULATION Washington, D.C., it documents the horrors of the infected by a mob frenzy, a group-think that believes that be- Donna Aquino Nazi regime in its crimes against humanity, especially cause women are often oppressed, they may now have legal (808) 585-3321 Lthe six million Jews it put to death. Its purpose is not to keep permission to become oppressors of their own babies, if they [email protected] the evil alive but to remind us of it so that it will never hap- so choose. HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD pen again. When this terrible holocaust was going on many Governor Cuomo, who signed and celebrated legislation (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- people in Germany — seemingly good, decent people — fa- that would allow the murder of a child up to — and some- ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the vored it because it made the world safe for what they consid- times after — birth, made a point to draw attention to his Roman Catholic Church in the State of ered the superior Aryan race by eradicating those who were Catholic faith, a faith that has always stood firm in its de- Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI different. fense of innocent life from the moment of conception until 96813. Around the same time last fall there were natural death. The implication is that one can ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hawaii: $28 many Confederate statues and symbols re- Once again, the be a faithful Catholic and still believe in abor- Mainland: $32 moved from public places because some peo- tion. Unfortunately, he is not alone. And so the Mainland 1st class: $50 ple felt they were monuments to the racism death of these Catholic Church has become Public Enemy No. Foreign: $35 on which slavery was based, by which people 1 to the likes of Planned Parenthood and the POSTMASTER of one race — seemingly good, decent people innocent children lucrative abortion industry, and they will do Send address changes to: Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop — considered people of another race as infe- is justified by anything they can to disparage the Church, to Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. rior and not human and therefore treated Black publicly expose our sins, even as we try to re- OFFICE people as property. The law of the land permit- dehumanizing pent of them, and to undermine the authority Hawaii Catholic Herald ted it. So the recent anti-Confederate move- of the teachers in the Catholic Church, because 1184 Bishop St. ment’s purpose was to proclaim that all people, them they simply do not want to hear that abortion Honolulu, HI 96813 of whatever race or color, are equal and deserv- is wrong. PHONE (808) 585-3300 ing of respect and dignity. Perhaps one day soon there will be a Holo- FAX We were all horrified years ago with the tribal genocide in caust Memorial to the millions of babies whose lives were (808) 585-3381 Rwanda, when the Hutu tribe brutally murdered members of lost in abortion, so that we can say, “Never again!” Perhaps WEBSITE the Tutsi tribe, thinking them less than human. (They were one day soon there will be a dismantling of the structures www.hawaiicatholicherald.com referred to as “cockroaches.”) These were seemingly good and ideologies that allow us to think of a baby as a blob of E-MAIL and decent people who had bought into a frenzied mob men- tissue, if that is the way we choose to think of her. Perhaps [email protected] tality and justified their horrific actions by claiming superior- one day soon there will be a reconciliation commission, so NEWS DEADLINES ity and dehumanizing the other. that those women, men and families whose lives were de- Nine days before publication date. Yet the same horrific reality of one class of people domi- stroyed and tortured by the lie of abortion they bought into ADVERTISING DEADLINES nating another to death is not a long-ago, far away memory. can find healing. We pray that the Catholic Church and all Nine days before publication date. It was even celebrated in New York recently when Governor its members — as well as many other people of good will — ADVERTISING INFORMATION For a rate card or other information, call Cuomo had iconic buildings in the city lit pink to celebrate may offer the resistance to evil that it takes to put an end Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is his signing of the most inhumane and brutal abortion legis- to this modern-day holocaust of abortion. We keep our eyes also available at www.hawaiicatholicher- lation. Once again, the death of these innocent children is fixed on Jesus, who reminds us that great suffering and sacri- ald.com. Click on “Advertising.” justified by dehumanizing them and subordinating them by fice are demanded of those who insist on speaking and living “PASS IT ON” POLICY allowing a woman to decide that her welfare, her career, her the truth, (see Hebrews 12:2) but that in the end, the truth To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic Herald with a friend, write or call us and reputation, or her lifestyle must not be curtailed by a child. will set us free (John 8:32). we will send him or her a free copy. Or give them yours and we will send you another one while supplies last. LETTERS TO THE HERALD Letters are welcome. Letters should pertain to a story or issue in the Ha- waii Catholic Herald, be courteous, and not exceed 250 words. Letters must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Send them to Letters to the Herald, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 or to Official notices [email protected]. MEMBER Bishop’s calendar „„ February 11, 6:00 pm, Mass and Trustees Meeting, St. Patrick’s Seminary Catholic Press Association Bishop’s Schedule [Events indicated will Anointing of the Sick for World Day of & University, Menlo Park, California. be attended by Bishop’s delegate] Prayer for the Sick, Cathedral Basilica of „„ February 21, 10:00 am, Meeting Our Lady of Peace, downtown Honolulu. of Bishops and Vocation Directors, St. ADDRESS CORRECTIONS „„ February 8, 9:00 am, St. Francis „„ February 12, 9:00 am, Diocesan Fi- Patrick’s Seminary & University, Menlo To make corrections to your Healthcare System Board of Directors, nance Council, Chancery, downtown Park, California. subscription name or ad- dress, cut out the address Liliha Campus; 11:30 am, Stewardship Honolulu. Announcements/Appointments label from the front page Workshop for Priests, St. Stephen Dioc- „„ February 14, 9:00 am, Augustine Ed- (reverse side). esan Center, Kaneohe (Note: Workshop ucational Foundation Board, Chancery; „„ Bishop Silva has appointed the fol- ‰‰Please correct my name. begins at 9:00 am). 12:00 pm, Hawaii Catholic Conference lowing as Officers of the Diocesan- Fi ‰‰Please correct my ad- „„ February 9, 8:00 am, Mass at Dioce- Board, Kamiano Center, downtown Ho- nance Council, effective immediately dress. san Stewardship Day, Our Lady of Good nolulu. to August 31, 2019: Diane Murakami, ‰‰We are receiving two Counsel Parish, Pearl City; 5:00 pm, „„ February 16, 5:00 pm, Mass at Holy Chair; Paul deVille, Vice Chair; Rick copies. Please cancel this Marriage Convalidation Mass, St. John Rosary Parish, Paia. Stack, Secretary. one. Apostle & Evangelist Parish, Mililani. „„ February 17, 11:00 am, Family Mass „„ Bishop Silva has appointed Joseph ‰‰Please cancel this sub- scription. „„ February 10, 7:45 am, Breakfast with with Knights of Columbus District 3, Our Vierra as the Windward Oahu Vicariate Bishop, St. John Vianney Parish, Kailua Lady of Sorrows Parish, Wahiawa; 6:00 Representative to the Diocesan Planning MAIL TO Donna Aquino (with Mass at 9:00 a.m.); 11:15 am, pm, Mass and blessing for Great Aloha and Building Commission, effective im- Hawaii Catholic Herald Chinese New Year Thanksgiving & An- Run/Aloha Ke Akua Run for Vocations mediately to June 30, 2023. 1184 Bishop Street cestral Tribute Mass, Mary, Star of the participants, Co-Cathedral of St. The- „„ The diocese offices will be closed Honolulu, HI 96813 Sea Parish, Waialae-Kahala. [Msgr. Gary resa, Kalihi. Monday, February 18, 2019, in obser- QUESTIONS? Secor] „„ February 20, 1:00 pm, Board of vance of Presidents’ Day. Call Donna, 585-3321 FEBRUARY 8, 2019 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 3 Love, marriage & family The Diocese of Honolulu is gathering a plethora of programs to help strengthen home life in Hawaii Continued from page 1 LOVE ED marriages stronger. It helps couples keep Christ at the center of their marriage, renew and deepen personal Introduced to the diocese: 2017 Description: These parish-based sessions use resources love and friendship between spouses. Marriage in Christ published by St. Benedict Press. Love Ed is designed to has two-hour seminars, one night a week for five weeks, equip, guide and educate parents to talk more comfort- including a video, personal sharing by the host couple, ably and effectively with their children about life, love small group discussion, individual couple time and and sexuality. Sessions are available for pre-adolescent prayer. Manuals provide at-home prayer and enrichment and adolescent children and their parents. The parish or activities. school hosting a Love Ed session finds six to eight par- Upcoming events: A seminar is scheduled at St. John ents or grandparents to facilitate sessions. Vianney Parish in Kailua in February 2019. Additional Upcoming events: February at Immaculate Conception seminars available upon request. Parish couples can be Parish in Ewa Beach and a date to be decided at Our trained to facilitate the seminar in their own parishes. Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Pearl City. Why we do this ministry: It has blessed our marriage, Why we do this ministry: Children look to their parents and we are blessed to see the good it has brought to oth- for guidance. Love Ed is designed to help parents have ers. It is fun to work together, and we enjoy meeting so Courtesy photo many wonderful couples who also value their marriage. Sarah and David Herrmann deeper, more meaningful conversations that can forge an important relationship between them and their children Contact: Thomas and Mary Duddy at 386-8696 or Dud- EMBRACE FAMILY LEARNING surrounding the topics of love, life, sexuality and purity. [email protected]. Visit marriageinchrist.com Introduced to the diocese: 2017 Contact: Jayne Mondoy at 203-6745, jmondoy@rccha- Description: Embrace Family Learning provides tools waii.org. Visit www.saintbenedictpress.com/love-ed/ SACRED GIFTS and techniques for raising children to become happy, Introduced to the diocese: 2018 caring, responsible and faith-filled adults. Large group Description: This diocese-wide ministry is an immersive workshops, six-week small group seminars, one-on-one exploration of the human vocation to love. Rooted in the coaching, school and parish training and other custom- image of God and made perfect in the person of Jesus ized sessions are available. Christ, authentic love traverses every stage and circum- Upcoming events: Large group workshops will be held stance of human life. The ministry offers opportunities in 2019 at Holy Family Parish in Honolulu and St. Mi- to reflect deeply on the issues surrounding sacramental chael Parish in Waialua, and small group sessions at vocations, everyday Christian living, human sexuality Holy Family and at St. Anthony on Maui. A faculty and and gender. Days of reflection and immersive seminars staff in-service will be held at the Armed Services YMCA are adapted for parishes or groups. and Holy Family School. Upcoming events: Diocesan faith formation conferences Why we do this ministry: This ministry has been a desire Why we do this ministry: I love to see my participants’ and passion of ours since we were engaged! Finally, this eyes light up when they connect to the deep joy in the dream has become a reality, and we are honored to be church’s teachings on authentic love, and how they are God’s instruments in helping strengthen marriages, par- naturally empowered to give witness to it. They come ents and families regardless of their make-up: married, away more hopeful and energized, and that feeds my own hope for future generations. single, multi-generational. We’re blessed to help bring Courtesy photo positive change to our society. Marianist Family Retreat Program Contact: Melissa Maleski at 291-0342 or melmaleski@ Contact: Sarah and David Herrmann at 783-4673 or gmail.com. Visit jerusalemsdaughter.com. [email protected]. Visit Embrace- MARIANIST FAMILY RETREAT PROGRAM FamilyLearning.com Introduced to the diocese: Early 2000s THEOLOGY OF THE BODY/ Description: One and two-day retreats are offered HAMAU I LOKO FOUNDATION HAWAII CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL with a half-day option. New themes and activities in Introduced to the diocese: 2016 SERVICES the works. Retreats are held at the parish requesting a Description: Based at the TOB Center of Hawaii at the Introduced to the diocese: 1970 retreat. This retreat is for the whole family. The main Holy Family Life Office, our goal is to uphold human Description: Bringing dynamic Charismatic speak- themes are affirmation, communication, reconciliation dignity and build the culture of family through talks and ers from around the world to Hawaii to stir into flame and commitment. Topics are introduced by puppets fol- retreats for schools, parents, youth and young adults, as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Forty years ago, a group of lowed by age-appropriate small group activities. The well as Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training and Maryknoll sisters were baptized in the Holy Spirit start- families then work together on a special project they can classes for children age 3-15. ing Hawaii’s first Catholic charismatic prayer meeting. take home as a reminder of the experience. The activi- Upcoming events: Theology of the Body training and Today our brothers and sisters in Christ represent vari- ties provide families time to reflect on the challenges of faith formation across the diocese including Sunday vid- ous Catholic charismatic activities in Hawaii. We support family life and how the Gospel helps us navigate them. eo presentations and discussions at 7 p.m. at Holy Fam- marriage and families by sponsoring inter-generational Upcoming events: Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa Parish ily and monthly sessions at Holy Family on Saturdays, retreats, workshops and prayer services. Family Retreat on April 6. St. Anthony Parish in Wailuku 9-10 a.m., Feb. 16, March 9, April 6 and May 4. Upcoming events: Deacon Larry and Andi Oney will be and Resurrection of the Lord Parish in Waipahu will hold Why we do this ministry: People discover the dignity of the featured speakers at the 41st Regional Charismatic family retreats in fall 2019. loving in and through their body. The precious intimate Conference at Catholic Charities Hawaii July 12-14 Why we do this ministry: This retreat offers something conversation with our maker is wholly satisfying. Contact: [email protected]. for everyone. “It takes a village” to plan the retreat. Contact: Maile Aiu Domingo at 222-0644 or hamauilo- Some are leaders, some are cooks, some are “runners” [email protected]. HAWAII CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER for supplies, some lead prayers. We train parish leaders so that the retreat will be an established part of parish WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Introduced to the diocese: 1975 life and not dependent on “outsiders” to run it. Description: Retreat weekends are held at St. Stephen Contact: Brother Dennis Schmitz at 232-6691 or bald- Introduced to the diocese: Over four decades ago Diocesan Center on Oahu, St. Joseph Church in Hilo, [email protected]. Visit marianisthawaii.wordpress.com. Description: The Hawaii Encounter offers weekend ex- St. Damien Church on Molokai, Sacred Heart Church on periences on Oahu, Maui, and soon the Big Island. WME Lanai, Immaculate Conception Church on Kauai, St. An- offers marriage enrichment sessions like “Love Never thony School on Maui. The goal is to prepare engaged Ends” and “Languages of Love.” Its mission is to proclaim couples for the sacrament of marriage by providing a the value of marriage and holy orders. Marriage Encoun- life-giving view of marriage and by challenging couples ter offers married couples, priests and religious an experi- to communicate honestly with each other. In the Dio- ence of deepening relationships in a Catholic tradition. cese of Honolulu, Engaged Encounter is a required part Upcoming events: Feb. 10 - World Marriage Day, March of a couple’s marriage preparation. Weekends are for 1-3 “Ke Ola Mau, Seize the Day” Community Enrichment engaged couples or civilly married couples getting their on Maui. WME weekends on Oahu: May 24-26, Aug. marriage convalidated in the Catholic Church. 30-Sept. 1. On the Big Island: Sept. 20-22. On Maui: Upcoming events: List of retreat weekends scheduled Nov. 15-17. World Priest Day on Oct. 27. There will be are at ceehawaii.org/register. a search for the “Longest Married Couple in Hawaii” in Why we do this ministry: We enjoy serving with other June with details to be announced. married couples who love the Catholic faith and love the Why we do this ministry: WME has helped us transform sacrament of marriage. We feel our marriage has been our own relationship for the better and provides us the enriched by forming friendships with couples who have tools to grow in our Marriage sacrament. What keeps been married for many years who impart their wisdom us in this ministry is the excitement we feel while on a of how to make a marriage work. We cherish our mar- Courtesy photo WME weekend as we see a change in the relationships riage more because of all the support we receive from Marriage in Christ of the couples as we share our love story with them, and fellow ministry members. the beauty of their sacrament when they keep God in Contact: Donna Lyn and James Baguio at (720) 900- MARRIAGE IN CHRIST the center. 4633 (Google Voice/text) or hawaii.engaged.encoun- Introduced to the diocese: 2016 Contact: Fred and Donna Ventura at 298-4241 or fred. [email protected]. Visit ceehawaii.org, Instagram @ha- Description: Marriage in Christ is a national program [email protected]. Visit hawaiiwwme.org or waii_cee, or facebook.com/hawaiicee. sponsored by the People of Praise targeted to make good facebook.com/hawaiiwwme. 4 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019 Heralding back NEWS FROM PAGES PAST 50 years ago — Two years ago, after eight years of waiting, with the help of Feb. 14, 1969 Catholic Immigration Center, an At left, ANNUAL SUNDAY – agency of Catholic Charities, that Catholic Scouts and Cubs from dream turned into reality. They the various troops throughout arrived in Hawaii. Oahu gathered at St. Anthony’s Church in Kailua for the annual 10 years ago — awards presentation. A parade through Kailua preceded the af- Feb. 6, 2009 fair in the church and the scouts National Park Service pensively wait. beginning to plan for Kalaupapa’s future 25 years ago — Feb. 11, 1994 The National Park Service has begun a process that will deter- Welcoming the refugee mine the future of Kalaupapa as Catholic Immigration Center gives the most important chapter in its newcomers to America a new history slowly comes to an end. lease on life As a home for Hansen’s disease patients, its designation for more Even when it seemed pretty than 140 years, Kalaupapa will hopeless, the six of them crammed close when the last patient dies. with relatives in a one-room But as the U.S. national park it apartment in Vietnam, the Huynh has been since 1980, it will con- family dreamed that one day they tinue. The question is: What kind would make it to America. of place will it be then?

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Applauding Catholic educators Hawaii Catholic Schools Week ended with the Annual Conference of Catholic Educators (ACCE) for Oahu teachers, administrators and staff at St. Ann Church in Kaneohe on Feb. 1. This year’s national Catholic Schools Week theme was “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.”

HCH photos | Anna Weaver Above, supporters cheer for 20-year service Above, after Mass and refresh- honoree Nerissa Ramos from St. Philomena ments, Jodee Blanco, a national Early Learning Center in Salt Lake as she is anti-bullying expert and advocate, recognized at the end of the ACCE Mass. led the educators in her three- part training entitled “It’s Not Just Joking Around!” about how to recognize and stop school bully- Right, educators who have served 20, 30 ing. Blanco was also scheduled to and 40 years in Hawaii Catholic schools present at St. Catherine School on were recognized at the ACCE. In the top Kauai, St. Ann School in Kaneohe, row from left are Jeff Chang, Antoinette Our Lady of Good Counsel School Nishida, Heidi McGivern, Gaston Gos- in Pearl City, St. John the Baptist selin, Brent Limos and Irish Christian School in Kalihi, Holy Family Cath- Brother Liam Nolan. In the bottom row olic Academy in Honolulu, and from left are Lynda Paishon, Michele Sacred Hearts School on Maui. Guarino, Carla Castro, Charlene Martin, Blanco’s talks were supported by Jill Sprott and Shana Tong. Not pictured the Hawaii Catholic Schools office are Nerissa Ramos, Mardi Laprade, James and a grant from the Augustine Morris and Elaine Cubi. Educational Foundation.

SISTER ROSE FATIMA LEITE, OSF | 1933-2019 Hawaii-born sister a teacher for 50 years and a great cook Your complete guide 2019 Directory of the Catholic Church in Hawaii Sister Rose Fatima Leite, a in the spiritual care department Sister of St. Francis of the Neu- and gift shop at St. Francis Medi- to the Catholic Church mann Communities, who was a cal Center. primary school teacher for more Sister Rose Fatima’s gracious in the Islands than 50 years, died Jan. 16 at St. and prayerful manner and viva- Francis Convent in Honolulu af- cious smile lasted a lifetime. As ter a long illness. She was 87 and a teacher, her learning centers a religious sister for 68 years. paved the way for individualized Sister Rose computer instruction, and she 2019 Directory of the Fatima was born prepared children for their First Vivian Leite in Communion for years. Catholic Church in Hawaii Pepeekeo, north A superb cook and baker, she of Hilo on the daily prepared dinner for 20-plus Big Island, the sisters and prepared sumptuous daughter of Jo- buffets for many holiday parties seph and Mary and jubilees. Sister Rose Munoz Leite. Sister Rose Fatima was prede- Fatima Leite, She gradu- ceased by her parents and broth- a Sister of St. ated From Hilo ORDER FORM er, Henry. She is survived by a Francis of the High School sister, Mildred Barge (Riverside, Please send me ______copies of the Neumann and worked as California), a brother, Douglas Communities the cafeteria “2019 Directory of the Catholic Church in Hawaii” manager at St. (Mary Ann) (Hilo), and a sister- Joseph School, in-law, Soon Yea (Aiea), nieces, Hilo, where she came to know nephews, and grandnieces and the Franciscan sisters and discov- nephews, and the Sisters of St. NAME ______ered her religious vocation. Francis of the Neumann Commu- She entered the Sisters of St. nities. ADDRESS ______Francis in 1951 and made her Her funeral will be at St. Fran- CITY ______STATE ______ZIP______perpetual vows in 1957. She cis Convent, 2715 Pamoa Road in earned a bachelor’s degree at Honolulu on Feb. 23. Visitation is Chaminade College of Honolulu at 9 a.m., eulogies at 10:15 a.m., ______copies @ $20 each: $______and a master’s degree from the Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 University of San Francisco. a.m., followed by lunch and in- + postage/handling $2 each: $______She taught briefly in River- terment at Diamond Head Me- Total enclosed: $______side, New Jersey, and Syracuse, morial Park at 2 p.m. New York, and then for 50 years In lieu of flowers, contribu- as a primary school teacher at St. tions may be made to the Sisters Joseph Elementary School, Hilo. of St. Francis at 2715 Pamoa Send check or money order payable to Hawaii Catholic Herald with this form to: Her active ministry concluded Road, Honolulu, HI, 96822. Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 6 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019

Photo courtesy of Norman Franco In defense of life In the left photo, students from Damien Memorial School hold signs opposing abortion at Oahu’s annual Jan. 22 at the Hawaii State Capitol. Far right, a pro-life advocate holds a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe during the 7th Annual Maui March for Life in Kahului on Jan.26.

HCH photo | Dann Ebina

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Equity cash NMLS#50726 NMLS#1631620 Leaf Funding Mortgage 1188 Bishop Street #3401 Honolulu, HI 96813 (808)791-1044 NMLS#50726 NMLS#1631620 withdrawal This is not a commitment to lend. Not everyone will qualify. Certain restrictions and fees apply. Homeowner remains responsible for paying property taxes, insurance and home maintenance. This advertisement is not from or approved by HUD. FEBRUARY 8, 2019 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 7 Talk story OFFICE FOR SOCIAL MINISTRY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIP The Robert M. Arrell Memorial Scholarship spon- sored by Bishop James J. Sweeney Knights of Colum- The scourge of human trafficking bus Council 11485 is pleased to offer any high school “Human trafficking is an an “urgent need for ethical assess- brothers and sisters. Help them to senior(s) who resides on the Leeward Coast a scholar- open wound on the body of ment of current business models, break out of their hateful chains, ship — must be attending an accredited college or uni- contemporary society, a scourge aimed at revealing the mecha- to become fully human again, and versity in the 2019-2020 school year. If you are interested upon the body of Christ.” (Pope nisms of entrapment and exploi- to imitate your kindness and gen- in applying, applications are available now. The dead- Francis) tation adopted by companies.” erosity. It recommends regulations line is NOON on April 1, 2019. You may drop off your ast month, the Vatican’s which require just employment Dear St. Josephine Bakhita, your completed packet at the Sacred Heart Church Waianae Migrants and Refugees contracts to be established, with- freedom drew you to Christ and Parish Office (M-F, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM) or you may Section released a new out clauses that permit abuse, his Church. submit electronically to the email address below; how- document, “Pastoral Ori- and which are duly respected. Then God called you to religious ever the original must be provided to us no later than 1 Lentations on Human Trafficking,” “Ensuring good working condi- week after submitting electronically. life as a Canossian Sister. highlighting the harsh realities of tions helps us to see that work is modern-day slavery that include for the person and not the other You practiced great charity, mercy If you have any questions or would like to request for forced labor, the sex trade, the way around.” and joyful gentleness in your voca- an application be sent via email, please call Sebastian at marketing of human organs and The document provides a prac- tion. Help us always to be like you, 808-224-6691, or email us at [email protected]. other crimes against humanity. tical framework to plan, establish especially when we feel tempted to The document is the product of and evaluate a range of actions to look away and not to help, to re- a long evaluation process follow- effectively end human trafficking. ject others or even to abuse them. “The ultimate goal is to dismantle ing two global consultations with Intercede for us so that Christ may bishops’ conferences, Catholic and eradicate this most evil and sinful enterprise of deception, en- fill our hearts with joy as he al- organizations, religious commu- ways filled yours. nities, experts and human traf- trapment, domination and exploi- ficking survivors themselves. tation.” O Loving God, pour your merciful The new Vatican document The document closes with the light into our troubled world. points out that the discussion on following prayer to Sudanese St. Let it flood into the darkest shad- trafficking often focuses on the Josephine Bakhita, a victim of ows. CELEBRATING LIFE perpetrators, not the consumers. human trafficking herself, whose But it is the consumers who ulti- feast day is celebrated Feb. 8: Bring salvation to the innocents HONORING MEMORIES mately drive the market and “con- Heavenly Father, we thank you for who suffer under sinful abuse. We offer a full range of funeral and memorial services stitute a huge mass who seem the inspiring example of St. Jose- Bring conversion to the utterly from traditional to contemporary ceremonies involving burial largely unaware of the exploita- and cremation arrangements of all faiths. phine Bakhita. lost souls who hold them captive tion of persons who are trafficked and exploit them. Give us all the Assisting the families of Hawaii since 1967 yet enjoy the benefits and services St. Josephine Bakhita, you were 2 Locations to serve you strength to grow in the true free- they provide.” enslaved as a child; you were dom of love for you, for each other MILILANI MEMORIAL PARK & MORTUARY If men, women and children bought and sold, you were treated and for our common home. Amen. Mililani Memorial Park Road, at Ka Uka Blvd. are trafficked, this is ultimately brutally. MILILANI DOWNTOWN MORTUARY because there is great demand Intercede, we implore you, for all Pope Francis is calling all to 20 S Kukui Street, Honolulu, 96813 that makes their exploitation those who are trapped in traffick- pray and work together to end Please Contact Us at 677-5631 Ext 3 profitable. ing and slavery. human trafficking. For more - in P.O. Box 457, Pearl City, Hawaii 96782 The document stresses that formation, please visit www. May their captors let them go, and accountability, prosecution and officeforsocialministry.org/pas- Visit our Website at www.mililanimemorial.com may this evil be erased from the punishment are needed in order toral-orientations-on-human-traf- face of the earth. to reduce demand for human ficking/ or the Vatican Migrants trafficking. In addition to sexual St. Josephine Bakhita, once you and Refugees website at https:// SCHOOL LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY AT ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL – HILO exploitation, the document also regained your freedom, you did migrants-refugees.va/trafficking- shines a light on the business and not let your sufferings define your slavery. labor aspects of trafficking, partic- life. You chose a path of kindness Mahalo, ularly in the agricultural, fishing, and generosity. Help those blinded construction and mining indus- by greed and lust who trample the Your friends at the tries. The document says there’s human rights and dignity of their Office for Social Ministry

PRINCIPAL St. Joseph School, a Pre-K through 12th grade parochial school in Hilo, Hawaii, is seeking a spiritual and dynamic leader. The Principal, as the Head of School, will nurture an environment in which the Gospel is experienced by all. The successful candidate will be able to balance the School’s tradition of excellence with continued innovations to meet the needs of today’s students and families. This is a Full Time position with salary compensation and a starting date of July 1, 2019. The applicant must: • Have a Master’s Degree or its equivalent (certification in administration preferred). • Be a practicing Catholic living a lifestyle consistent with Catholic moral values and exercising professional conduct consistent with Catholic teaching. • Have demonstrated leadership ability. • Have five (5) years of demonstrated success in teaching. • Have a commitment to a Catholic philosophy of education. • Exhibit excellent interpersonal skills. Interested candidates should apply at https://catholichawaii.org/about- us/careers/ and send their resume and a cover letter to the Search Committee Chair, Jody Montell, at [email protected].

About Saint Joseph School: Founded April 1, 1869, St. Joseph School is the oldest private school and the only Catholic school on the island of Hawaii. With over 300 students, St. Joseph offers a co-educational Preschool through Grade 12, college preparatory education, and embraces the uniqueness of each student through a rigorous academic program. Students are nurtured in a faith community, in a safe and disciplined environment, and are taught to care for themselves and others while accepting responsibility in making a just and loving society. Blessed with HCH photo | Anna Weaver many cultures, St. Joseph School guides its students to use their personal Praying for Christian unity talents and gifts with generosity, fostering the spirit of Aloha. People pray around the Taize cross during the 2019 Prayer for Christian Unity Taize Service at the Newman Center/ Holy Spirit Parish at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The ecumenical event has been held since 2008 and is now sponsored by the Diocese of Honolulu and the Hawaii Council of Churches. This year’s prayer service theme, “Jus- tice, and only justice, you shall pursue,” was taken from Deuteronomy 16:18-20. 8 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019

Sister saint Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communi- ties, and friends of the sisters, sing during the Jan. 23 Mass celebrat- ing the feast day and birthday of St. Marianne Cope, their founder in Hawaii, in the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. Bishop Larry Silva presided.

HCH photo | Dann Ebina

Photo courtesy of Good Shepherd Mission Good Shepherd Mission Church in Honomu on the Big Island Honomu mission celebrating a century Good Shepherd Mission Good Shepherd Mission has Church in Honomu, north of Hilo long been one of the pillars of on the Hamakua Coast on the Big the Hamakua Coast. It has meant Island, will celebrate its 100th so much to many people over the anniversary, March 9, with Mass past 100 years. The church will at 10 a.m. celebrated by Bishop commemorate this special anni- Larry Silva and a luncheon after- versary by celebrating past, cur- ward at Honomu Hongwanji. rent, and future parishioners. A mission of Immaculate RSVP cards have been mailed Heart of Mary Church in Papa- out to current and past parish- ikou, Good Shepherd was an im- ioners of the parish. Those who portant part of the coast’s sugar have received a card are asked to plantation community and is the respond by Feb. 15 so the parish oldest of the district’s Catholic can print tickets for the luncheon. churches. The first Good Shep- If you have not received an RSVP APPLY YOURSELF herd Mission was built in 1888 by card and would like to attend, Grow your passion for people into a career with Attention Plus Care! Sacred Hearts Father Bonaven- call the parish office at 964-1240 ture Loots. The church burned to reserve a ticket. Due to limited down some 30 years later but seating, luncheon tickets will be WHO WE ARE was immediately rebuilt in 1919 available to the first 150 people Attention Plus Care has achieved it’s 35th year as a home health care provider in by Sacred Hearts Father Gabriel who respond by Feb. 15. Hawaii. As the oldest and largest privately owned, Hawaii State Licensed and Joint Feron and was blessed on March The church is at 28-1640 Old 9, 1919. Mamalahoa Highway, Honomu. Commission Accredited Home Health Agency, we’re leaders in the field of home health care. This means you’ll join a reputable and reliable employer with great benefits and opportunities for growth:

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MORE JOB TRAINING & AVAILABLE SHIFTS No experience needed. As a caregiver starting out with Attention Plus Care we provide you with ongoing paid training to advance your career. You can pick up shifts that fit your skills, work part time or full time, and gain valuable experience in the field of health care!

Photo courtesy of St. William Mission Need growing on Kauai’s north shore The need is great and is growing for Haena and Wainiha, the north Kauai communities still suffering from the effects of last year’s devastating floods. St. William Mission Church in nearby Hanalei reopened for worship on Jan. 6 after nearly nine months of rebuilding and flood recovery. During this chaotic time the mission’s food pantry has operated continuously, serving many new clients. The flood was an economic disaster for many. Employ- ment opportunities have been substantially reduced. St. Catherine Parish, the mission’s mother church, has a partnering agreement with Hawaii Food Bank to provide relief for those partially isolated on the North Shore. The food bank provides food and a mobile food pantry trailer. St. William’s food pantry operates the trailer and manages the operation, delivering food every Thursday. If you have an interest in being part of this ministry, call Sam at 346-2850.

Sister Bernadette Marie Meno, diocesan hermit, has dedicated her life to solitude, prayer and penance. GREAT CARE STARTS HERE She accepts requests for prayers. Write to her at: To apply go to: attentionplus.com or call (808) 739-2811. [email protected] Attention Plus Care | 1580 Makaloa Street Suite 1060 | Honolulu, HI 96814 or c/o St. Joseph Church 1294 Makawao Avenue Makawao, HI 96768 FEBRUARY 8, 2019 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 9

Llewellyn Young Betsey Gunderson St. Joseph principal named associate superintendent of Hawaii Catholic Schools By Mona Ishihara “He is well-respected and has Special to the Herald excellent relationship-building skills. He is a person of faith and Superintendent of Hawaii has a devotion to the Catholic Catholic Schools Michael Rockers Church. Photo courtesy of Denise Oliveira announced Jan. 21 the appoint- “His administrative experi- Happily engaged ment of Llewellyn Young, the ence and background in Catholic principal of St. Joseph School, schools will serve him well, as Congratulations to the 19 couples who experienced the Engaged Encounter Retreat Jan. 25-27, at St. Stephen Hilo, for the past five years, as will his love for and understand- Diocesan Center, Kaneohe. Mahalo to Oahu representatives Will and Mona Bacarro, host couple Walter and Ruby the new associate superinten- ing of Hawaii. His experience in Espiritu, Mass celebrant Father Mark Gantley, and presenters Deacon Romeo and Susan Ganibe, James and Donna Baguio, and David and Denise Oliveira. “A wedding is a day … a marriage is a lifetime.” For more information, on dent. He will succeed Betsey strategic planning, curriculum Engaged Encounter, visit www.ceehawaii.org. Gunderson who retires June 30. development and implementing Originally from Kauai, Young needed changes will be an asset attended the University of Mary- to the Hawaii Catholic Schools,” land and the University of Ha- he said. waii at Hilo. He received his Although she will be missed World Day of the Sick Mass to include sacrament of anointing master’s degree in education ad- terribly, Gunderson is looking for- ministration from the University ward to her well-deserved retire- The diocesan Mass for the The anointing of the sick is a should not be excessively con- of Hawaii at Manoa. He holds a ment after a lifetime as a Catholic World Day of the Sick, 6 p.m., sacrament offered to Catholics cerned about the degree of seri- doctorate in education. educator in Hawaii. In addition Feb. 11, in the Cathedral Basilica who are dangerously ill due to ousness of their condition, never- Before his Hilo assignment, to serving as associate superin- of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu disease, injury or old age. It may theless, the casual participant in Young held teaching and ad- tendent, she has worked at St. will include the administration also be received by those with se- the sacrament must be avoided ministrative positions at Arizona Anthony Jr.-Sr. High School in of the sacrament of the anointing rious mental or emotional illness in good conscience. Western College at Yuma, North- Wailuku, Maui, Maryknoll School of the sick for those seriously ill. as well. The cathedral offers free vali- ern Arizona University, and the and Sacred Hearts Academy as a Bishop Larry Silva will preside. Recipients of the anointing dated parking. University of Hawaii College of teacher, principal, vice principal, Education Hawaii Leadership department chair, division coordi- Academy. nator and head of school. Retreat center offering introduction to centering prayer workshop This new position will afford Rockers offered his gratitude him the opportunity to leverage to Gunderson on behalf of the All are welcome to join in a steps to establish a daily practice register ahead of time by calling his more than 20 years of educa- Hawaii Catholic Schools office. introductory/refresher workshop to spend time in silence and to Jean at (628) 400-2644 or reg- tional administration experience “Betsey deserves our deep ap- on centering prayer, March 2, 9 deepen your relationship with istering online at www.cohawaii. to serve Hawaii’s 33 Catholic preciation for all her good work, a.m.-2:30 p.m. at St. Anthony God. org. schools. not only as associate superinten- Retreat Center in Kalihi. Follow-up sessions will be Rockers said he was “very dent, but for all her many years Contemplative Outreach of offered at various locations on A free will offering will be col- happy” that Young accepted the of service to those affiliated with Hawaii and St. Anthony Retreat Oahu during the season of Lent. lected. The suggested donation is post. our Catholic schools,” he said. Center staff will present simple Lunch will be provided if you $20.

Hawaii Catholic Herald Classified Advertising Reach 17,000 Hawaii Catholic homes for pennies 1 time...... 20¢ a word 2 times...... 18¢ a word 3 times...... 15¢ a word 4 or more...... 12¢ a word Copy and payment due 9 days before publication date. Mail: Classified Ads, Hawaii Catholic Maui Catholic Christian Store Herald, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. David+Natalie Diaz 585-3321; Fax: 585-3381 168A Ale‘a Place Email: [email protected] Makawao, Hawaii 96768 You save ... time, money, effort! PILGRIMAGE 808-573-8942 We will order for you IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS - Join [email protected] -or- if in stock, get it in a few days - not weeks Fr. Marvin Samiano on a pilgrim- age to the land where Jesus walked Se habla Español Churches - Schools Big or small order? - , Kula, Maui, has invited us to place items on consignment for sale there - and experience the Holy Land from Call us first & discover discounts we can offer Bethlehem to the Temple Mount from & the “Buy & Sell” groups on Facebook.” October 13-24, 2019. Space is limited Holy Ghost Gift Shop so don’t miss out on this great op- if you are on Maui stop by & take a look, they have a great assortment of religious items; hours: portunity. Land/air is $4,223. To reg- Mon-Fri 9 am-1 pm & after weekend Masses. We still are putting items for sale on Craig’s List, ister for this extraordinary opportu- Jewelry, Household, Books, Business, Statewide! nity, please register at the Cathedral under Mail • Phone • Email Basilica of Our Lady of Peace website Orders accepted! at www.cathedralofourladyofpeace. Mainland, too! com. For more information, please contact Fr. Marvin at msamiano@rc- chawaii.org. 10 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019

HCH photo | Dann Ebina Attendees at the Jan. 27 morning vigil Mass, which closed local World Youth Day events, gather with Bishop Larry Silva in Chaminade University’s Mystical Rose Oratory. World Youth Day Hawaii attendees energized at vigil By Kacie Yamamoto get involved, the more in-depth music is a great way of showing over-nighter, which capped off a when you’re around people who Special to the Hawaii Catholic Herald we can be,” said Tadashi Do- that you can help people who week of evening events at differ- believe in the same things that mingo, 19, of St. Rita Parish in are struggling and you can guide ent parishes around Oahu to par- you believe in and have the same he culmination of World Nanakuli, one of the vigil attend- them in the right direction, be- allel the weeklong World Youth faith, it changes a lot of different Youth Day in Hawaii took ees. “We can help our younger cause oftentimes, music is known Day going on in Panama. things.” place at an overnight siblings and the other younger as the universal language. Music Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, “Being able to be around a event on Saturday, Jan. parishioners at whichever church is a way to connect people to- Wahiawa, the Cathedral Basilica crowd and everyone else here T26, at Chaminade University’s we’re at by listening to the sis- gether.” of Our Lady of Peace and the Co- has been really helpful for me in Mystical Rose Oratory. It cen- ters, fathers and brothers from Cathedral of St. Theresa in Hono- my own personal journey,” Alm- tered on food, new friendships Church of today around. Hearing their perspec- lulu, St. Ann Parish in Kaneohe uena said. and a renewed sense of faith. tives of the church can help us “You often will hear that the and Immaculate Conception Par- Michael Sparks of the Co-Ca- The event drew young adults carry on what the church has be- young adults are the church of ish in Ewa Beach all took turns thedral of St. Theresa in Hono- from around Oahu. come in Hawaii and the culture the future, but we’re actually hosting a World Youth Day Ha- The oratory was brightly lit, that it’s created.” the church of today. Becoming waii night between Jan. 21-25. lulu values that connection. with tables and chairs scattered For brothers Allen Orense, 24, involved in whatever you can is Jan. 26’s vigil at Chaminade “If anyone has the opportunity on its adjoining courtyard. The and Alex Orense, 18, of St. John very important because we are a University of Honolulu’s Mystical to go to a real World Youth Day, atmosphere was relaxed, with Apostle and Evangelist Parish in part of this growing movement,” Rose Oratory was the final gath- I think that being surrounded by attendees easily engaging in con- Mililani, the night’s event was said Allen. “The young adults ering. There was dinner, Evening thousands of young adults who versation as light music played in another chance for them to be- seem like a lost generation. At Prayer, an adoration garden with are the same age who are strong- the background. A photobooth come involved with their faith. church, you see children and the Blessed Sacrament, a praise ly believing in the faith and are and various games and activi- They are members of Catholic you see adults, for the most part. and worship concert, a ministry going on their own journey is ties livened up the night. Chat- band “Refiner’s Worship” that There’s that missing piece in the and vocations fair, and activities hugely important,” said Sparks, ter began to fill the air as the played for the praise and wor- middle, which is us. between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. 24. “Community is important, news spread of the anticipated ship service Saturday night and “I think that it’s very impor- “Association is so important but to be able to witness that the livestream of the last day of at the 6 a.m. Sunday Mass that tant that we need to try to close to us nowadays, and honestly, church as universal is huge.” World Youth Day events in Pan- concluded the local World Youth the gap and involve our fellow I feel like too many of us don’t ama at around 2 a.m. Day vigil. young adults.” have enough positive associa- Kacie Yamamoto is a senior at Mo- “Because we are the youth of “I feel blessed to be able to World Youth Day Hawaii at- tions,” said Joseph Almuena, 21, analua High School where she’s the the church, we are the future of give back because God gave us tendees were also struck by the of the Cathedral Basilica of Our yearbook editor. She is a parishioner the church. The earlier that we these talents,” Alex said. “I think community they found at the Lady of Peace in Honolulu. “So, at St. Stephen Parish in Nuuanu. Pilgrim postcards from Panama for signatures from youth around The thing that gave me so Big Island Catholics the world. Our youth loved going much happiness [on this pilgrim- around, trading things from Ha- age] was seeing my son, along reflect on their waii for things from other coun- with the three other youth, over- experience at World tries and U.S. states. The other joyed to meet one another. They Hawaiian flag was used to find met hundreds of youths from Youth Day 2019 each other, and ended up being all over the world, waving their traded for a Honduras flag at flags together, sharing their faith A small Big Island group of the end of our pilgrimage. The and love of God. four teens and nine adults, in- signed flag will be kept at our This trip has impacted my cluding Father Stephen Macedo, church in Waimea for all to enjoy. faith and my relationship with pastor of Annunciation Parish Our parish youth have defi- God by calling us to action. Pope in Waimea, and Father Konelio nitely bonded after the pilgrim- Francis said, “You, young people, Faletoi, the pastor of St. Michael age. They have create lifelong are not the future, but the now Parish in Kailua-Kona, traveled to friendships because of this pil- of God.” Our talents and trea-

Panama City, Panama, for World grimage, especially after the 10- sures are not meant to be saved Photo courtesy of Larry Denis III Youth Day, Jan. 22-27. Here are mile, 5-hour long walk to the for the future but are meant to Members of Hawaii’s delegation to WYD pose with other Panama pilgrims some of their reflections. vigil site in 96-degree weather. be shared with joy and grati- who wanted to take a picture with the Hawaiian flag in Panama City on the tude. When I saw our youth not way back from Stations of the Cross with Pope Francis Jan. 25. Larry Denis III Trish Tripp afraid to say “We believe in Jesus Chaperone and group leader Mother of teen pilgrim Jaydon Tripp Christ!,” I became very hopeful The people of Panama were so Three years ago, I was fortu- for our future. When we went to the cat- You could see that joy in pilgrims’ friendly. Cars passed out water nate enough to accompany my echesis session at a local school, expressions in prayer, in singing bottles on our 10-mile pilgrim- daughter Hunter, who was 16 Jaydon Tripp I saw kids my age closing their for God and Mary, who this event age walk or families invited us at the time, to WYD in Poland. Teen pilgrim eyes and truly embracing God was based on, her “fiat,” her big into their house to use the rest- It became an incredible founda- Being able to see the pope up and showing their joy and devo- “yes!” room or have a cold drink, and tion for her relationship with Je- close and the community that tion. This made me closer to God When I was first told to walk lots and lots of people honked sus, and I wanted to give my son came to see him was my favor- because it allowed me to feel around and trade things with their support and encourage- Jaydon, who is 16 now, the same ite part of the trip. Being in Pope comfortable expressing my faith people from other countries, ment during our many walks to foundation. Jaydon even got a Francis’ presence revealed to me around others. I was a bit scared. By the end and from events and meals. bonus because this year’s theme that he truly is close to God be- Just looking over the crowd at of the trip, I was able to walk The youth from around the was “Mary’s Fiat,” and he, along cause I got goosebumps seeing the vigil where around 1 million around and ask anyone where world were also so friendly. Our with myself, learned how to say him. The entire crowd started to people camped out showed me they were from and start a con- youth carried two Hawaiian flags yes like Mary and ask her to take cheer when they saw him, which the beauty of coming together everywhere we went. One was our hand and lead us to Jesus! brought great joy to my heart. and the joy it brings everyone. Continued on next page FEBRUARY 8, 2019 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD HAWAII 11 New book tells Isles’ Catholic history — church by church By Patrick Downes artwork accompany many of the cism is and has been lived in Ha- Hawaii Catholic Herald entries. waii.” The art is clean and detailed, “The research and writing be- commendable new adding a warmth and a famil- came a little adventure in itself,” book about the Catholic iar touch photos can’t always he said. Church in Hawaii comes achieve. Ponton said the book took from an unlikely source The text is easy to read and the about three years to put together, A— two writers and an illustrator divisions by church allow you to “working on it part-time, little who all live in the Baltimore area. skip around, church to church, is- by little, of course.” In the books’ “Catholic Churches of Hawaii land to island. acknowledgments, the authors — A Shoal of Time” by Evan A. Readers will learn interesting thanked in particular diocesan Ponton and Philip H. Scharper trivia such as those churches that archivist Deacon Keith Cabiles Jr., illustrated by Tara J. Hannon, took the saint’s name of a notable and Stuart Ching, archivist for published October 2018 by Mu- donor or benefactor, like St. Wil- the Congregation of the Sacred tual Publishing, is a collection of liam, St. Rita, St. George, St. So- Hearts, and those “unsung heroes historical and descriptive profiles phia. of the church” — the parish sec- of all 94 Catholic churches in Ha- The authors also include ar- retaries. waii, from the Cathedral Basilica chitects’ names and show a fond- Ponton described collaborator of Our Lady of Peace to tiny hid- ness for church art, picturing and Hannon as a “wonderful artist/ den away missions, including a describing the paintings, stained illustrator who has worked with few no longer in use. glass windows and sculpture that Phil in the past.” Every parish in the diocese adorn Hawaii churches. The book’s two-page bibliogra- should have a copy — or two. “We wanted the book to speak phy lists 38 sources including the The 165-page book gives each to everyone,” Ponton said last most referenced books on Hawaii church one or two pages of text, week by email, “so it is intention- Catholic Church history, “Pioneers enlivened by color photos, draw- ally not preachy and hopefully of the Faith” by Sacred Hearts Fa- ings and watercolor illustrations. can be appreciated for its history, ther Robert Schoofs, and “History Taken as a whole, the book of- art, architecture by anyone.” of the Catholic Church in the Ha- fers the broad picture of a faith waiian Islands,” by Sacred Hearts taking root primarily among in- The writers Father Reginald Yzendoorn, plus digenous people and immigrants, Scharper is an ophthalmolo- well-known books on Hawaiian planted by missionaries who gist who lived in Hawaii for a history, biographies of St. Damien learned Hawaiian rather than number of years. He met his wife, and St. Marianne, and publica- made Hawaiians learn a Europe- Lois Endo of Kailua, here. As a tions by parishes themselves. an language. personal project, Scharper visited Ponton said the subtitle of the In its introduction, the book of- and photographed every Catho- book is a nod to Gavan Dawes, fers a revealing quote by Bishop lic church in the diocese. All the author of the well-known history Hermann Koeckemann, Hawaii’s book’s current photographs are professors. of Hawaii, “Shoal of Time.” third missionary bishop: “It is for his. Ponton had read about St. the two men sparked the book. “I often thought of Catholicism the natives that we came here, Ponton is a seminarian for the Damien de Veuster, St. Marianne “I would say Phil’s primary in Hawaii through the suggestive and not for the white people.” Archdiocese of Baltimore sched- Cope and Brother Joseph Dutton. motivation was to share his expe- metaphor of ‘a shoal of faith,’ so it According to the authors, Ha- uled to be ordained a deacon “I wanted to know more about riences and gratitude for his years became a subtitle,” he said. waii’s first Masses were celebrat- in May. He met Scharper, with the land and people that shaped in Hawaii,” Ponton said, “and I The book also includes a fore- ed in pili grass huts, the faithful whom he had similar interests in them into the extraordinary saints was fascinated and inspired by word by Bishop Larry Silva. The seated on lauhala mats. Later, writing, church history, and surf- they are,” he said. the courage and spirit of adven- 20-page “Introduction” tells the churches of wood, brick, lava rock ing, through a couple of seminary The overlapping interests of ture that infuses the way Catholi- history of the Catholic Church in and coral were built in fishing vil- Hawaii from its earliest years to lages and plantation towns more 2018. than urban centers. They were A book filled with so many erected as havens for the faithful dates, names and places is bound during a brief period of govern- to have some misspellings and a ment persecution and for new factual error or two (like locat- communities of immigrants, like ing Ahuimanu College in Aiea the Portuguese and the Filipinos. instead of Heeia and getting St. The stories are simple and Damien’s ordination date wrong similar, of early churches sprout- by one year) but these are minor. ing from the resolute efforts of St. Damien Church in Kaunaka- selfless missionaries, the Sacred kai, Molokai, still has a picture of Hearts priests in particular, to the old St. Sophia Church which later modern suburban churches burned down nine years ago and accommodating the expanding was replaced in 2011, but the text 50th State. describing these developments is These dozens of churches give up-to-date. evidence of the success of the “Catholic Churches of Hawaii: Catholic faith in Hawaii, planted A Shoal of Faith” is available for in fertile Hawaiian soil, becoming $19.95 at Mutual Publishing’s the largest religious denomina- website, mutualpublishing.com, tion in the state. or via Amazon and Barnes and The book is chaptered by is- Noble. land with each section introduced with a water-color island map marked with the location of each One of the 94 Hawaii church profiles church. Each church is depicted in the new book, “Catholic Churches in a drawing or painting by artist of Hawaii: A Shoal of Faith.” Hannon. Additional photos and

people, and only 20 percent of ence, and if I had the chance, I organize everything. Pilgrim postcards from Panama them are Catholic, you think would go back to that concert an- that’s all the Catholics, but you’re other 100 times more. Helena Goto versation. At the end of WYD, the highest mountain and scream only seeing a small percentage I didn’t expect there to be Teen pilgrim we reflected with pilgrims from how happy, blessed and proud I of them. To see so many Catho- millions of people from differ- My favorite parts of the trip Phoenix, Samoa and Australia, am to be Catholic and a servant lics together brings that tingling, ent countries all gathered on was seeing thousands of youth playing cards, talking, singing, of the Lord. For sure this trip happy feeling in my heart that’s the streets of Panama. We prob- from all around the world join and just hanging out connecting has strengthened my relation- unexplainable. ably met people from 30 or more as one. Being surrounded by all through our faith. ships with the other people at my countries ranging from Honduras these Catholics was overwhelm- parish. Ten days with them has Josiah DeLuz to Australia. Every single person ing but pretty cool, that everyone Deeann Bokuku Pitiol made me feel that blood doesn’t Teen pilgrim was so friendly. We met numer- from around the world came to- Teen pilgrim make ohana, but instead laugh- My favorite part of the pil- ous people that spoke different gether to share the common in- I feel that this trip had made ter and love. grimage would probably be the languages, but in the end, we un- terest in faith. my faith stronger and better. Be- To be around so many Catho- fiesta. It was an amazing expe- derstood each other, I have two To the people that supported fore, I didn’t really embrace and lics at WYD was very shocking be- rience of dancing, singing, and gallon-sized Ziplocs filled with me, I’d say thank you for getting show how proud I am to be Cath- cause when you live on an island completely marinating in God’s items we collected from WYD me excited and prepared for the olic. But now I just want to hike with a population of 186,738 love. It was a beautiful experi- kids, and it’ll take me hours to adventure. 12 A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD | FEBRUARY 8, 2019 The School NewS

1 KAPAA ther King during recent activities. St. Catherine School On Dec. 20, the students spent the morning spreading holiday Our school has been very busy. cheer among the residents at Our annual Rummage Sale was Waikiki Assisted Living, includ- a huge success. We are grateful ing one of our graduates who for all the items donated as well as all the hard work of our fami- resides there, Barbara Chang, ’46. lies to help it run smoothly. Jan. They performed Christmas songs 28 kicked off Catholic Schools and even had the residents join in Week. At Mass that Sunday, stu- a few numbers before activities to dents read essays on why they develop relationships with their loved going to a Catholic School. new friends. Since the beginning On Monday, each class par- of the spring semester, the first ticipated in a community service graders have learned about King’s project. Kindergarteners came fight for equal rights. In honor of into each class and wiped down Dr. King’s famous and inspiring” tables, second graders cleaned I Have a Dream” speech, the stu- all of the school’s backpack hold- 1 dents honored him by reflecting ers; cardboard was broken down, on their own dreams, incorporat- and garbage picked up. The mid- ing their three top dreams into dle schoolers used measuring a colorful dream catcher. Some cups and spoons to make choco- of the students’ dreams included late chip cookies for classes and friendship, kindness, peace and helpers of the rummage sale. Not freedom. (Reported by Hayley only that, but the lovely Ms. Jami Matson-Mathes) Jimenez (kindergarten teacher) encouraged all to celebrate our island heritage. Muumuus and 5 EWA BEACH aloha wear were worn by teach- Our Lady of Perpetual Help ers and students alike on the first School day of Catholic Schools Week. We held our annual Catholic Everyone agreed that they were 2 3 Schools Week field day activities, so comfortable we would love to “Learn, Serve, Lead and Succeed,” do it again. On Tuesday, the stu- on Jan. 30. Faculty, staff and dents from K-8 were introduced students worked together with a to their school families. Students from each grade gathered into positive attitude, playing fair and different classrooms. Each fam- building leadership skills. All were ily worked on an art project and divided into three group colors, played games. With Mr. Cohick’s blue, green and red. Games were idea and Mrs. Simczak’s plan- created by the day’s coordinators ning, students of all ages came and student government officers together as one Catholic family. using plastic cups, popsicle sticks, (Reported by Elizabeth Sancho) dice and Jello. We, as a school family, thank our students who 2 PEARL CITY work hard to further their educa- Our Lady of Good Counsel 4 5 tion. We also thank their parents School and families for their support in viewed the works were inspired 3rd place Kailey Nguyen. Ages Novie Omictin and Mrs. Bever- Catholic education. We thank our The parish Knights of Colum- faculty, staff and administrators bus’ “Keep Christ in Christmas” by our students’ message. Win- 8-10: 1st place Sophia Lafferty. ley Rosskopf’s age 4A class hav- who sustain our schools. Lastly, poster contest was open to all ning entries will advance through 2nd place Kiara Kam, 3rd place ing fun at the playground on Jan. we thank the many priests, broth- students ages 5-14. By engaging district/regional and state compe- Joshua Dela Cruz. Ages 11-14: 28, wearing their pajamas, part of the talents of our young people, titions to the international level. 1st place Zarek Saffiti, 2nd place the daily theme: “Celebrating Your ers, sisters and laypeople who the Knights council hoped they The winning entries will serve as Elizabeth Nguyen, 3rd place Students.” (Reported by Sister Ceci- have dedicated their lives in ser- will come to a deeper under- the basis for a series of interna- Sylas Alaimalo. (Reported by Ch- lia Fabular, OP) vice to Our Lady of Perpetual Help standing of the true meaning of tional “Keep Christ in Christmas” antelle Luarca) School, past and present. Pic- tured is Mrs. Karine Masterson, Christmas, and that their artwork posters, with creative credit go- 4 HONOLULU ing to the artists. Our school lo- Chinese language teacher, with would bring others to remember 3 WAIPIO Christ in Christmas. The entries cal winners (first place winners Sacred Hearts Academy grade eight students in a game were posted in the Pastoral Cen- move onto the district competi- Rosary Preschool Lower School called, “There’s Always Room for ter throughout the Misa de Gallo tion) Ages 5-7: 1st place Carter We celebrated Catholic Schools Our first graders caught the spirit Jell-O.” (Reported by Crystal I. Kaai- celebrations. We hope all who Yamada. 2nd place Nainoa Liu, Week with Dominican Sister of giving and that of Martin Lu- kala)

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6 HONOLULU ish. Students served in various Sacred Hearts Academy ministries at Mass and did a beau- tiful job! Parent Ursuline Munar High School gave a very inspiring talk about Trese Kano Otani, ’73, and her the morals, family values, aca- husband Dwight Otani, Saint demic success, and the schools’ Louis School ’73, were honored dedicated administration, faculty as the 2018 Volunteers in Phi- and staff, as well as parent and lanthropy in recognition of their community volunteers who go tireless efforts to enhance the over and beyond to teach, sup- educational experience of stu- port and encourage all learners dents at Sacred Hearts Academy EDITOR’S to be the best they can be. Ursu- and Saint Louis School. The time, 6 CHOICE 7 line’s son, Maica Oporta Munar, talent and passion the Otanis shared how much he loves the give to both schools was formally school, his teacher and Principal recognized at this year’s National Philanthropy Day, sponsored by Wendy. He feels strongly that the Association of Fundraising everyone should go to St. Theresa Professionals Aloha Chapter, School! Father Boyet especially on Nov. 15 at the Alohilani Resort. liked what Principal Castillo The projects spearheaded by the said about our school: “We are no couple include the Academy’s longer in survival mode, but in Uncorked event founded in 2017, thriving mode!” Awesome news! and Saint Louis’ Grape Escape, The congregation was quite an eagerly anticipated night first moved by their talks. Students held in 2008. Both highly suc- and their families handed out cessful fundraising efforts benefit 8 9 tokens of appreciation to parish- each schools’ financial aid funds. ioners following Mass. On Jan. Seated, from left, Dwight and 31, the students joined those of Trese Kano Otani, Betty White, St. Catherine School for Mass at Albert and Maureen Wong. Back Lydgate Park in Lihue and a picnic row, Glenn Medeiros, Angie lunch. We are truly blessed on our Golis-Yamamoto, Scotty Gon- small island to have two “thriving” salves, Tim LosBanos, Raymond Catholic schools we can be proud Abregano (Reported by Hayley of! … On another note, Jan. 27 Matson-Mathes) was also Father Boyet’s birth- day! We celebrated Baptisms at 7 KAILUA Mass and then Father’s birthday St. John Vianney School in the parish hall. He was happy that so many people came out to Our parish is pleased to host its school’s ninth annual “Breakfast celebrate with him! Special guests with the Bishop” on Feb. 10. A were his friends from the Visayan delicious breakfast buffet will Club on Kauai. Everyone had a be served at 8 a.m. 10 a.m. and 10 11 12 great time and we wish Father noon in the parish hall at 920 Boyet many, many more blessed birthdays in the future! Pictured Keolu Drive as a fundraiser for its uniqueness. On Tuesday, “Career Bee champion Anaya Muneno, school. The Bishop Larry Silva 8 KANEOHE are Maica, Father Boyet and Day,” they enjoyed dressing up right, and runner-up Malena Maica’s grandma Timotea Munar. will attend all three breakfasts St. Ann School as a career they would like to be Medan-Pass, left, represented and speak on the importance of At the Catholic Schools Week (Reported by Chantal A. Duarte; when they grow up. For Wednes- their school well at the District photo courtesy of Father Boyet) parish schools. Entertainment will kickoff assembly, kindergarten day, the student body cozy-ed up Spelling Bee where both seventh include the school’s hula halau, students were excited to cele- for “Pajama Day,” and on Thurs- graders made it to the top five. under the direction of Jack McK- brate this year’s activities. For this day the students took part in a For the second year in a row, 12 KANEOHE eaque, and our young school year’s theme, the students wore Trike-a-Thon fundraiser for their Malena won the District Spell- St. Ann Early Learning musicians under the direction of “We Believe” T-shirts. Pictured, school. The children raised more ing Bee and will move onto the Center Sarah Young. The event will again from left, are Kade Nakagawa, than $2,000. They enjoyed rid- state final on March 9. Last year, Students learned lessons about feature guest appearances by sev- Louis Carreira, Molly Weber, ing their bikes around the school Malena won the title of Hawaii water and why we need water to eral celebrities. Father Peter Miti, Alexander Flores, Sicily Tufaga and working together. The week State Spelling Bee Champion survive. In our religion lesson we the pastor, and Caryn DeMello, and Aizen Simao-Critcher (Re- ended with a county-wide Mass and went on to Washington, D.C., talked about what water signifies the principal will greet and thank ported by Carla Castro) and workshop at St. Anthony for the National Bee. Good luck everyone for their support of the and how water purifies us during Church in Wailuku for all Catholic Malena! (Reported by Roselyn Vi- baptism. We linked it to taking school. The meal will be prepared 9 MAKAWAO school staff, administration and cente McMahon) by the school’s professional chefs, a shower every night, how we St. Joseph Early Learning personal. Thank you to all for your get dirty and then once we take and served by the school’s teach- dedication and support of Catho- Center 11 KEKAHA a bath we are clean again. In the ers, parents and students. Pro- lic education in Hawaii. (Reported St. Theresa School picture we are observing with tur- ceeds from this year’s event will In celebration of Catholic by Helen Souza) be used for the school’s Welcome Schools Week the students Jan. 27 marked the beginning of key basters and cups how water Grant Program, which allows started Spirit Week with “Crazy Catholic Schools Week as well flows and fills something empty HONOLULU more Catholic students to enroll Hat Day” on Monday, Jan. 28. Pic- 10 as the last Sunday of the month, and makes it whole. (Reported in our school, said Mrs. DeMello. tured are students sporting their Mary, Star of the Sea School designated as the St. Theresa by Kelsey Thurman and Jeanann (Reported by Earl Walker) hats displaying their whimsy and On Jan. 26, our school’s Spelling School Family Mass in our par- Caniete)


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L On All Styles L A fee-based service of Catholic Charities Hawai‘i, most health For Over Handicap Shower insurances are accepted or fees are on a sliding scale. website: www.twoahu.com 30 Yers with Grab Bars & Seat Windward 263-1252 | Leeward 456-4892 | Honolulu 396-0971 or 593-2000 Homeowners Beware: Tropical is the Original and First Tropical in Hawaii in Roofi ng/ Bathroms/ Siding and Windows home improvement business. Many Companies copy the Tropical To learn more, call us at (808) 527-4470 or visit name because of our large customer base. Beware and ask if you dealing with the real fi rst Tropical when you ask for a estimate to fi x your home there are many inmmitators of Tropical. www.counselingcenterhawaii.com 14 WORLD HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019 Seeking Christ’s face Some believe that a hilltop shrine in Italy holds the true veil of Veronica By Junno Arocho Esteves public veneration of such relics Catholic News Service by popes often draw the atten- tion of the faithful. MANOPPELLO, Italy — At the Such was the case when Pope Shrine of the Holy Face in Benedict XVI became the first Manoppello, visitors see a trans- pope to visit the Manoppello parent cloth encased between shrine in 2006 and venerate the two glass panes within an ornate image, Badde said. He told CNS silver frame above the sanctu- that Pope Benedict had read his ary’s altar. book on the veil and “decided to Once light is shined on the go there against enormous resis- cloth of byssus fiber, the image tance in the Vatican.” of a bearded man, eyes open and mouth seemingly taking a breath Private pilgrimage is revealed. Still, during what Pope Bene- Devotees of the Manoppello dict himself described as a “pri- veil claim that it is “Veronica’s vate pilgrimage,” he made no Veil” and that it was secretly pronouncement about the image. moved to the little hilltop town Addressing priests, religious and in Abruzzo on orders from Pope pilgrims who packed the shrine, Clement VII to protect it follow- he said those who seek the true ing the Sack of Rome in 1527. face of Christ can find it in their Another image of Christ’s face known as “Veronica’s Veil” is dis- played at St. Peter’s Basilica on Pope Benedict XVI Palm Sunday each year to bless pilgrims at the start of Holy was the first pope in Week. 400 years to venerate Although the traditional Sta- tions of the Cross include “Veron- the image ica wipes the face of Jesus,” none of the Gospels recount a woman wiping Jesus’ face as he carries brothers and sisters, “especially his cross to Calvary. the poorest and those most in A pious legend says Veronica need.” later went to Rome to leave the “If we persevere in our quest relic with St. Clement, one of the for the face of the Lord,” Pope early popes. Benedict said, “at the end of our However, German journalist earthly pilgrimage, he, Jesus, Paul Badde is convinced that the will be our eternal joy, our re- veil displayed by the Vatican for ward and glory forever.” the past 400 years is a copy and Badde said, “He was the first that the true veil is in Manop- pope after more than 400 years pello. to get on his knees in front of this “Every year on Passion Sun- image, that’s what he did. That’s day, they show a hoax, I would (CNS photo/Paul Haring what will remain of his pontifi- say,” Badde told Catholic News The Holy Face of Manoppello is pictured on display at the shrine in Manoppello, Italy, Jan. 11. Devotees cate.” Service Jan. 14. believe that the almost transparent cloth was one of the burial shrouds that covered the face of Jesus in Pope Benedict’s visit increased The Capuchin friars at Manop- the tomb and that the image was formed miraculously at the moment of the resurrection. attention to the image, which pello have been the custodians of continues to draw more pilgrims a veil since 1630. each year. For centuries, few people out- church after a major earthquake Shroud of Turin, the relic many Resurrection and it happened Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, side the small town knew of the in 1915 when he was a child. believe is Jesus’ burial shroud. just at it does when we wake up former head of the Congrega- cloth and its image of Jesus. But Father Cese died in 1978 and Some devotees maintain the in the morning.” tion for the Doctrine of the Faith, a Capuchin priest, Father Do- it wasn’t until 1999 that the veil image’s connection to “Veronica” “When we sleep,” he said, “we was scheduled to visit the shrine menico di Cese, made it his life’s really caught the world’s atten- is not related to a woman who don’t realize it, but our pupils are Jan. 20 to celebrate the feast of work to spread devotion to the tion. That was when Jesuit Father tried to soothe Jesus but is actu- completely dilated. In the morn- “Omnis Terra” (“All the Earth”), Holy Face of Manoppello. Heinrich Pfeiffer, an art historian ally a form of the phrase “vera ing, when we open our eyes and named after the first words of at Rome’s Pontifical Gregorian icona,” meaning “true icon.” see the light, our pupils react by Psalm 65, “All the earth worships A familiar face University, announced at a press Capuchin Father Paolo Palom- closing because they need some you, O God.” When he first saw the veil as conference that the cloth was the barini, parochial vicar of the time to settle when passing from Archbishop Salvatore Cordil- a young priest in the 1930s, he true “veil of Veronica,” stating shrine, told CNS, “Both pupils darkness to light.” eone of San Francisco and Arch- knelt in shock. The face on the that after conducting research, are open. But one can see that The Vatican does not formally bishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vas- ancient linen looked like the he discovered that the image on the right pupil is more closed recognize the authenticity of rel- to, the diocese where the shrine same unidentified man who had the veil could be perfectly su- than the one on the left because ics like the Veil of Manoppello or is located, also were scheduled to rescued him from the rubble of a perimposed on the face of the this is the first instance of the the Shroud of Turin. However, attend.

EXPERIENCED STAFF YOU CAN RELY ON~INCREASINGLY PREFERRED Court upholds blasphemy acquittal of Asia Bibi By Catholic News Service Asif Saeed Khosa stood by the The ordeal of Bibi, who court’s Oct. 31 verdict, which worked as a farmhand, began Ballard Family ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s Su- criticized the conflicting testimo- in June 2009 when she was ac- ______Moanalua Mortuary preme Court upheld its acquittal ny against Bibi. cused of insulting Muhammad, of a Pakistani Catholic woman “You think we give the death the founder of Islam, after Mus- Phone (808) 833-8811 sentenced to hang for blasphemy. sentence to someone on the ba- lim co-workers objected to her Fax (808) 833-1180 Asia Bibi is now free to leave sis of false evidence?” he said ac- drinking from a common water Pakistan and is expected to join cording to media reports. “Such supply because she is a Christian. her family in Canada, where they lies were told that one statement Bibi was rescued from a mob “Lowest Traditional Burial and Cremation Service” were granted asylum. doesn’t match with another.” by police, only to be sentenced to Bob Marzo A Canadian bishop who has Tehreek-e-Labbaik, an extrem- death in 2010 for violating Sec- ______worked on arranging for Bibi to ist group, challenged the Oct. 31 tion 295C of the Pakistan Penal 40+ years in the funeral industry experience you can trust WWW.BALLARDFAMILYMOANALUAMORTUARY.COM live in Canada told The Catho- acquittal. Protests erupted after Code, which makes insulting Mu- lic Register, Canadian Catholic the original acquittal, and the hammad a capital offense. 1150 Kikowaena Street weekly, that the location of Bibi’s BBC reported that, after the Jan. No one has been executed un- Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii 96819 daughters and their family friends 29 decision, Pakistan’s electronic der the law so far, but Christians must remain secret to protect media were downplaying the sto- who are falsely accused often are them from Islamic extremists. ry “in a concerted move to fore- lynched or spend many years in AP reported that Chief Justice stall public unrest.” prison. Traditional Funerals~Memorial Service~Graveside Service~Cremation~Pre Planning FEBRUARY 8, 2019 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD NATION 15 Some push for excommunication over new By Jacob Comello people ... is that it () F. Stika of Knoxville, Tennessee, Catholic News Service does not apply to legislators.” tweeted: “Someone asked me So Cardinal Dolan’s spokes- today if I would issue an excom- WASHINGTON — On Jan. 22, the person seems to have it correct munication of a Catholic Gover- New York Statehouse burst into at first glance. However, Brennan nor under my jurisdiction if the cheers after a landmark abortion criticized the first point of the Governor did the same as in New bill had been passed. representative’s statement: “First, York ... I think I might do it for The Reproductive Health Act, excommunication should not be any Catholic legislator under my or RHA, most notably removed used as a weapon. Too often, I jurisdiction who voted for the bill abortion from New York’s crimi- fear, those who call for someone’s as well as the Governor.” nal code and now permits abor- excommunication do so out of an- However, he clarified his posi- tions with very few restrictions at ger or frustration.” tion the following day in a state- any week of a pregnancy. Additionally, Brennan took ment: “My remarks about excom- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo aim at the spokesperson’s last munication for lawmakers are my had been one of the bill’s strongest point: “Fourth, and finally ... I do personal views,” he said, though supporters. He called its passage not believe that excommunica- he added that he still feels “it is “a giant step forward in the hard- tion would be effective as many hideous and repulsive that a child CNS photo/Carlo Allegri, Reuters) fought battle to ensure a woman’s politicians would welcome it as a can be killed by abortion minutes New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is seen during a Midnight Mass at St. Pat- right to make her own decisions sign of their refusal to be ‘bullied before it comes to term.” rick’s Cathedral Dec. 25, 2014, in the Manhattan borough of New York City. about her own personal health” by the church,’ thinking it would and additionally ordered that the therefore give them a political ad- needle atop the One World Trade vantage.” Center — the tallest building in “The purpose of the bishops the United States — be lit pink in in administering canon law is celebration. not from the standpoint of pub- Cuomo, a Catholic, drew the lic relations,” said Brennan, who ire of his fellow Catholics in New related that including consider- York and across the country for his ations about the church’s public advocacy against church teaching image “sound(ed) prudential” as on the issue. opposed to morally correct and Some petitioned Cardinal dulled the overall credibility of Timothy M. Dolan of New York the statement. to excommunicate Cuomo, but In remarks Jan. 28 on “Fox & they were disappointed when a Friends,” Cardinal Dolan seemed spokesperson for the cardinal’s of- to indicate that excommunicat- fice released a statement on Twit- ing Cuomo would indeed hurt the ter, which suggested that “under church, saying it would “be giving canon law, excommunication is ammo to our enemies.” “We have a not an appropriate response to a governor that uses his dissent from politician who supports or votes church teachings as applause lines. Live Every Moment for legislation advancing abor- ... He’s not going to be moved by tion” and that issues regarding this. So what would be the use?” abortion should be addressed When Brennan was asked “personally and directly” with of- about Catholic prelates, like Arch- fending politicians. bishop John Francis Rummel of Make a Difference The statement laid out “gener- New Orleans, and Cardinal Jo- al principles” and did not address seph Ritter of St. Louis, who, in any specific individual. So what does the Code of Can- Would Catholic in the Lives of Seniors! on Law say about excommunica- tion for public servants who do policymakers who not accept elements of the Catho- Join the St. Francis Healthcare System Team! lic Church’s teaching? ardently support In a telephone interview with Catholic News Service Jan. 28, legal abortion qualify Personal Care Attendants Villanova University law profes- as accomplices? Travel to clients’ homes within a designated sor Patrick Brennan, who holds the university’s John F. Scarpa region of the island to provide personal care Chair in Catholic Legal Studies, the age of segregation, regularly and bathing services as part of the plan of said that Cardinal Dolan’s spokes- threatened to excommunicate person alluded mostly correctly members of their flock — includ- care for seniors. Use your own vehicle. to canon law, but failed to make ing politicians — who did not Mileage to clients homes reimbursed. High the “crisp moral argument” that enforce the church’s teaching should have befitted the situation. against segregation, he held up school diploma, minimum two years experience in caregiving, preferably for Brennan pointed to Canon Canon 1399 as an example of a elders over 60, CPR certification, valid driver’s license, personal vehicle with 1398, which states: “A person “catch-all” that would endorse who procures a completed abor- that kind of action. auto insurance coverage and good driving record, based on current driver’s tion incurs a ‘latae sententiae’ Presumably, this law could abstract. excommunication”; “latae senten- support Cuomo’s excommunica- tiae” means “automatic.” While tion as well. this provision does not mention The provision reads, “... the Program Assistants politicians, Brennan mentioned external violation of a divine or that “canon law does acknowl- canonical law can be punished Help with therapeutic activities in our adult day edge the role of an accomplice in by a just penalty only when the care programs. Serve as a primary caregiver for moral evil.” special gravity of the violation clients who need assistance with activities of So would Catholic policymak- demands punishment and there ers who ardently support legal is an urgent need to prevent or daily living. High school graduate with two years abortion qualify as accomplices? repair scandals.” Brennan told of experience, preferably in an adult day care For an answer to this question, CNS there was “greater willing- center, community health agency, or nursing Brennan turned to Canon 19, ness among bishops back then” to which reads in part: “If a custom exercise this sort of discretion and home. Current CPR and First Aid certification. or an express prescript of univer- that most bishops today will use sal or particular law is lacking in to forbid dissenting a certain matter, a case ... must be Catholic politicians from receiv- Put your compassion into action! resolved in light of ... the common ing Communion instead. and constant opinion of learned But some bishops argued that To apply, go to the St. Francis Healthcare System website at persons.” excommunication would be the stfrancishawaii.org and submit your application today! According to him, “the over- right move at this time. whelming view among learned On Jan. 24, Bishop Richard

(808) 547-6500 stfrancishawaii.org To advertise in the Hawaii Catholic Herald, call Shaina Caporoz at 585-3328 16 FEATURES HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019 Msgr. Owen F. Campion 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Isaiah, Paul Catechesis Father Kenneth and Peter Doyle QUESTION CORNER Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11 I suppose that a theological he Book of Isaiah is the source of the first A purist might say that there is reading this weekend. It was composed in a no definitive church position on the time when tranquility prevailed in the south- Why do the properties ultimate fate of a miscarried child. ern Hebrew kingdom of Judah, but dark But from many things that the Tclouds were forming on the horizon. church has, in fact, taught in its offi- Isaiah, believing that God had called him to call of bread, wine remain? cial documents, it seems reasonable the people to obedience to the divine will, warned to assume that the child is in heav- that if the wayward and listless did not reform, and I firmly believe that at Mass the Eucharist becomes en. The Catechism of the Catholic if the nation did not return to God, then disaster Church says, “Baptism is necessary awaited. Christ’s body and blood. But here’s what I don’t for salvation for those to whom the He was received as if he were Cassandra. No understand: Why then do the properties of the Gospel has been proclaimed and one wanted to turn away from the happy times and bread and wine still affect people — for example, who have had the possibility of ask- good living for the more restricted life that would Q ing for this sacrament” (No. 1257). pertain if all were faithful to God. Isaiah, despite those with wheat allergies or alcoholics? (Danville, Indiana) But the miscarried child has had, being, or perhaps because of being, apparently in of course, no chance to ask for the somewhat a privileged position, was resented. Not surprisingly, this is a bit dif- sus let them walk away and did not sacrament. A few paragraphs later, It was not just that the prophet demanded that A ficult to explain: It is, after all, say, “Wait, we’re only talking about the catechism says, “Indeed, the people mend their ways, but he wrote with such a mystery of our faith — a miracle symbols.” great mercy of God who desires that determination, even fiery at times, language much of Christ’s doing — and there is For those with wheat allergies or all men should be saved, and Jesus’ nothing else to which it can be com- displayed in this reading. for alcoholics, the church does make tenderness toward children which pared. Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians provides provision for the use of low-gluten caused him to say: ‘Let the children But it is nevertheless a core belief the next reading. Paul recalls the death of Jesus and hosts and for “mustum” (grape juice come to me, do not hinder them,’ al- of the Catholic faith that the bread in which fermentation has begun low us to hope that there is a way of then the Lord’s Resurrection, reporting that Peter, and wine are changed at Mass into but has been suspended). Still there salvation for children who have died whom Paul calls “Cephas,” using the Greek term, the body and blood of Christ, some- are those for whom even trace without baptism” (No. 1261). saw Jesus after the Resurrection, that James saw thing celebrated and proclaimed by Jesus, and that even 500 of those who believed in amounts of gluten or alcohol can be When an infant is baptized, the hundreds of millions throughout the harmful. They may opt to receive the Gospel saw the risen Lord. infant makes no personal profession world since the evening of the Last under only one species, and the The reading also is autobiographical. Paul de- of faith; instead it is left to the par- Supper when Jesus said, “This is my church teaches that Jesus is wholly clares that he himself is an Apostle, having been ents and godparents to voice their body. ... This is my blood.” present under either one. called by the Lord. However, he calls himself “least” A bit of Thomistic philosophy desire to have the child christened. Why wouldn’t the same logic prevail among the Apostles, since he, unlike the others, might help: What the church be- Do miscarried children in the case of a miscarriage? Had once persecuted Christ living in the community of lieves is that the “substance” (deep- go to heaven? Christians. est reality) of the bread and wine the child been carried to term, the Unrestrained by this sense of personal unworthi- is changed but the “accidents” I know that life begins at con- parents would certainly have had ness, Paul wholeheartedly accepts and responds to (physical attributes) are not. In Qception. So I want to believe the child baptized, so why wouldn’t this calling. Through him, he devoutly believes, God other words, with the priest’s words that when a woman has a miscar- a merciful God who reads hearts works the plan of redemption and mercy. of consecration, what continues to riage, no matter how early in the consider that intention sufficient? St. Luke’s Gospel supplies the last reading. This look, taste and feel like bread and pregnancy, her unborn baby goes to Be comforted and at peace: I particular passage shows the fine literary hand at wine have actually become instead heaven — but I am wondering what think it’s quite likely that you will work in the composition of the Gospel of Luke. Each the glorified presence of Christ. the church’s view is on this. (As a meet your child in heaven. Gospel is a carefully prepared document to assure So committed was Jesus to this woman who has experienced a mis- that readers understand very well the message of Je- central truth that in the sixth chap- carriage, I would find great comfort Questions may be sent to Father Ken- sus. Here Luke uses the Gospel of Mark as a source, ter of John’s Gospel, even when in knowing that I will be reunited neth Doyle at askfatherdoyle@gmail. but then he adds details drawn from a source also some of his followers abandoned someday with my baby in heaven.) com and 30 Columbia Circle Dr., Al- used by John. Christ because of this teaching, Je- (State College, Pennsylvania) bany, New York 12203. Of course, Jesus is the central figure in the story, but the next most important figure is Peter. In this story, Peter, a fisherman, was in his boat on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus embarked. The Lord began to The Beatitudes preach to the people assembled on the shore. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. Then Jesus told Peter to row into deeper water and lower the nets into the water. Peter mildly pro- tests, but he does as told. The nets are so filled with fish that Peter and his companions have difficulty in pulling the nets aboard. Humbly aware of the Lord’s power, Peter con- fesses his own sinfulness. Recognizing Peter’s faith, Jesus tells Peter thereafter to fish for souls. Reflection For weeks since Christmas, the church has been introducing us, as it were, to Jesus. The great feasts of the Epiphany and of the Baptism of the Lord told us about Jesus. Now, subtly but firmly, the church tells us where we meet Jesus today. It is in and through the church, in which reposes the memory and authority of Peter, given by Jesus. We need God’s guidance. We cannot wander from God. The readings firmly say this. Isaiah, Paul and Peter all saw themselves as un- worthy, yet fortified by God’s help, they became in- struments of redemption. They fulfilled holy tasks. Each person who hears the word of Christ, and is healed and strengthened by Christ’s life in grace, even if unworthy, has a holy task. Each believer has a role in the work of salvation. God calls each of CNS photo/Khaled Abdullah, Reuters us, and God will give us all that we need truly to be A woman stands with children at a makeshift camp for internally displaced people near Sanaa, Yemen, Jan. 28, 2019. The saved from our sins and to serve God. United Nations says one child dies every 10 minutes in Yemen. FEBRUARY 8, 2019 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD FEATURES 17 Tony Magliano MAKING A DIFFERENCE After the March for Life — keep walking! n the more than 30 annual Wash- ington, D.C., Marches for Life I have participated in, I always think the current march is the largest ever. But Isince accurate figures are hard to come by, it usually comes down to taking a good guess. But a 60-second time-lapse video produced by Spiritualife Students for Life of America clearly reveals, regard- less of the exact number, that this year’s march CNS photo/Jo-Anne Rowney, courtesy of St. Pauls Bookshop flowed on and on. In this 2011 file photo, Sister Wendy Beckett poses with an unidentified admirer during a book signing in London. It’s heartening to see that lots of people care. But do we really care enough? As important as they are, the annual Washington March for Life, Walk for Life West Coast, Midwest Father Ron March for Life and dozens of similar events at state capitols throughout the U.S. are simply not enough. Rolheiser I remember some years ago, just before our bus left for the March for Life, a well-meaning priest congratulated us for doing our yearly duty to protest abortion and protect unborn life. While he certainly Sister Wendy — Rest in peace meant well, he didn’t quite grasp the horrific reality that the approximate 900,000 brutal each o community should botch its deaths. The re- was right. Somewhere we have de- year in the U.S. and the estimated 56 million annual veloped the false, debilitating notion abortions worldwide urgently requires various ongo- nowned anthropologist, Mircea Eliade, suggested that consecrated celibates must, like ing efforts throughout the entire year. this and its truth applies to communities at every little children, be protected from the While many marchers actively work to end abor- erotic so that even while they’re sup- tion and support women in difficult pregnancies level. No family should send off a member with- posed to be doctors of the soul they throughout the year, many do not. Nout proper reflection, ritual, and blessings. should be shielded from the deep Years ago, the late Nellie Gray, who founded the impulses and secrets of the soul. Sis- March for Life, told me that if just Catholics alone On Dec. 26, the family of art and the family of faith lost ter Wendy didn’t buy that. Neither tirelessly stood up and demanded an end to abor- a cherished member. Sister Wendy Beckett, aged 88, famed should we. Chastity is not intended tion, it would end! art critic, committed woman of faith, and nurturing friend to be that kind of naiveté. But sadly, we are not paying enough attention to Full disclosure: I had a personal this tragedy. Perhaps after all these years of legalized to many, died. Since 1970, Sister Wendy had been living as link to Sister Wendy. Many years abortion, we have gotten somewhat use to it. a consecrated virgin and hermit on the grounds of a Car- ago, when I was young and still Homilists rarely rally us around the plight of our searching for my own voice as a tiny unborn brethren — or for that matter the plight melite convent in England, praying for several hours a day, spiritual writer, she sent me a large, of our war-torn, hungry, poor, homeless, migrant, translating religious tracts, and going to daily Eucharist. beautifully framed, print of Paul sick sisters and brothers, and the environmentally Early on, after choosing this gest that this pious woman, a con- Klee’s famous 1923 painting, “Eros.” wounded planet we all share. way of life, she began to study art secrated virgin, clad in a traditional For the past 29 years it has hung on Abortion centers have very few people, and often history, started writing articles for religious habit, sporting thick glasses a wall behind my computer screen no one, standing in peaceful, prayerful witness on magazines, and published the first of and buck-teeth, could be so much at so that I see it every time I write and behalf of the unborn babies being killed within these more than 30 books on art. In 1991, ease with sensuality. Robert Hughes, it has helped me understand that it’s so-called clinics. she did a short BBC documentary of “Time” magazine, once mocked God’s color, God’s light, and God’s Education at all levels regarding the barbaric re- on television and was an immediate her as a “relentlessly chatty pseudo- energy that inform erotic longing. ality of abortion, and the miraculous wonder of hu- hit with a wide audience. She soon hermit with her signature teeth” In 1993, while visiting the mon- man development from the moment of conception began to host her own BBC show, whose observations were “pitched to astery where Sister Wendy lived, onward, is not sufficiently happening. “Sister Wendy’s Odyssey,” which was a 15-year-old” audience. Germaine I had the opportunity to go out to Legislators are not being so popular it sometimes attracted Greer challenged her competence to a restaurant with her. Our waiter swamped throughout the year one quarter of the British television describe erotic art given the fact that was initially taken aback by her Sadly, we are with phone calls, email and text audience. she was a consecrated virgin. traditional religious habit. With messages insisting that they pass Anyone who watched her pro- Sister Wendy mostly smiled at some trepidation he timidly asked not paying legislation to protect the most grams was soon taken by three these criticisms and countered them her: “Sister, might I bring you some vulnerable human beings among us. things: The absolute joy that was this way: “I’m not a critic,” she water?” She flashed her trademark enough We absolutely need to put present in her as she discussed a would say, “I am an appreciator.” As smile and said: “No, water’s for political pressure on our elected piece of art; her capacity to articu- to her comfort with sensuality and washing. Bring me some wine!” The attention to officials to do the morally right late in a simple and clear language the nude body, she would answer waiter relaxed and much enjoyed thing. For as the saying goes and the meaning of a particular work that just because she was committed bantering with her for the rest of the this tragedy. is true in most cases, “Politicians of art; and her earthy appreciation to celibacy did not mean that she meal. don’t see the light until they feel of sensuality and the nude human was not fully appreciative of human And that was Sister Wendy, an the heat.” We need to turn up the heat! body which she, as a consecrated sensuality, sexuality, and the beauty anomaly to many: a consecrated vir- A wonderful international effort by the Knights of virgin, could describe with a disarm- of the human body — all of it. gin discoursing on eros, a hermit but Columbus has provided 1,000 ultrasound machines ing appreciation. There are of course different ways famous art critic, and an intellectu- to pregnancy centers and pro-life health clinics All of those qualities (her joy, in which the unclothed human body ally brilliant woman who befuddled throughout the U.S. and in several countries, thus her simplicity of language, and her can be perceived, and Sister Wendy critics with her simplicity. But, like allowing mothers and fathers to see their miraculous capacity to give the pure gaze of ad- was a smiling, unapologetic appre- all great minds, there was a remark- unborn babies. miration to the nude human body) ciator of one of them. An unclothed able consistency at a deeper level, at We would do well to walk in the footsteps of the were what endeared her to her audi- human body can be shown as “nude” that place where the critic and the nonviolent Jesus and his early followers, proclaim- ence but also brought scorn from a or as “naked.” Good art uses nudity appreciator are one. ing in word and deed that no life is disposable, and number of critics. They mocked her to honor the human body (surely that every person is a beloved child of the God of simplicity of language, criticized her one of God’s great masterpieces) Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, life! for not being more critical of the while pornography uses nakedness teacher and award-winning author, is art she presented, and were put off to exploit the human body. president of the Oblate School of Theol- Tony Magliano is an internationally syndicated social jus- by that fact that she, a consecrated Sister Wendy was also unapolo- ogy in San Antonio, Texas. He can be tice and peace columnist. He is available to speak at dioc- getic about the fact that her conse- contacted through his website www. virgin, could so comfortably discuss esan or parish gatherings. Tony can be reached at tmag@ ronrolheiser.com and on Facebook www. sensuality and the nude human crated virginity did not disprivilege zoominternet.net. body. They found it difficult to di- her from appreciating the erotic. She facebook.com/ronrolheiser. 18 FEATURES HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019 Richard Doerflinger A MORE HUMAN SOCIETY Building a wall against life n what Gov. Andrew Cuomo the woman’s death during an abor- laws against abortion access” — and calls a “historic victory for New tion; a law discouraging self-induced that trend continues. This past year, Yorkers,” New York has passed (which Miller calls “self-managed”) for example, voters in Alabama and what may be the nation’s most abortions; a law requiring care for a West Virginia approved amendments Iextreme and irresponsible abortion child born alive during an attempted declaring that their state constitu- law. late-term abortion; a law against tion contains no “right” to abortion, Andrea Miller, president of the providing someone else with a drug allowing legislators to protect the Father Atonio ‘Niko’ National Institute for Reproductive or other instrument for the purpose unborn to the extent allowed by the Health that favored the law, calls it of “unlawfully procuring the miscar- federal Constitution. Falaniko, diocesan a “blueprint for change” to be rep- riage of a female.” The drive for unlimited “access” licated in other states. In a Jan. 23 “Abortion rights” groups hailed to abortion also fails the test of pub- priest Washington Post column, she says the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade de- lic opinion. VIRIDITAS: SOUL GREENING such laws will create “oases,” to cision as protecting women’s health Gallup’s May 2018 abortion poll prepare for possible future Supreme and freedom, ensuring that every showed only 45 percent of Ameri- Court decisions allowing more states child born is a wanted child, and cans wanting abortion to be legal All around and to be “abortion deserts.” putting an end to “back alley” and “for any reason” in the first three We should understand what “coat hanger” abortions. Now these months of pregnancy, and only 20 this oasis looks like. The new law groups would endanger women and percent in the last three months. declares that women have a “fun- born children, allow “back alley” A January 2019 Marist College all the above damental right to access safe, legal and “coat hanger” abortions, and let poll shows 15 percent support for abortion,” calling abortion itself “a callow men obtain abortion drugs to abortion being available “at any time Interviewed by Sister Malia Dominica Wong, OP fundamental component of a wom- slip into their girlfriends’ drinks. during pregnancy,” rising to only 25 Hawaii Catholic Herald an’s health, privacy and equality.” To enhance this irony, Governor percent among those identifying as W ou can find me everywhere. Some days I omen who don’t have abortions Cuomo pressured the legislature to “pro-choice.” The federal bill that a say Mass here at the cathedral basilica. On seem to be second-class citizens. pass this law by saying he would majority of the U.S. Senate recently Fridays and Sundays, I say Mass at the Car- It expands legal abortions from not sign the state budget unless this voted for, banning most abortions melite Monastery. Sometimes on Sundays, I 24 weeks of pregnancy up to birth, were included. So now we have two after 20 weeks, wins Americans’ sup- port in the Marist poll and others. Yalso say Mass at Queen’s Medical Center, or at vari- for reasons of “health” (which in the top executives, of opposing parties, - The New York law is less a blue- ous parishes. Not only am I a hospital chaplain, but abortion context means emotional willing to shut down the govern ment unless legislators help them print than an object lesson. The I am also chaplain to the Samoan Catholic Commu- and social “well-being,” a recipe build a wall against the unwanted. “abortion rights” movement now nity. I am all around and all the above. And, I know for abortion on demand). It allows In New York the wall is birth, and insists that abortion itself has more it is the prayers of the people that keep me going. “health care practitioners” other you may take aim against the un- fundamental rights than women and Many of the Samoan community knew me before than physicians to perform them. wanted as they approach or even I became a priest as my family is from here. Study- It also repeals 10 provisions of children do. Let the buyer beware. - ing on the mainland, led me along a journey that New York law. Among them: A provi manage to scale the wall. sion specifying that abortion is legal Doerflinger worked for 36 years in the took me to the Diocese of Samoa Pago Pago where Miller says this trend will sweep only with the woman’s consent; a Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities of the I was ordained. Amidst different assignments, I re- the country. I wonder. She complains member returning to Hawaii for a month and help- law allowing a manslaughter charge that since Roe was decided in 1973, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He ing another diocesan priest, Father Etuale Etuale, against an abortionist who causes “states have passed more than 1,000 writes from Washington state. in his work of gathering Samoans together. He was instrumental in helping eight communities to grow in their faith and as a real united community as one. But now, those communities are no more. Last December, as I was passing through Hawaii Effie again, Bishop Larry Silva invited me to stay. I really Caldarola thank the Bishop for the invitation and allowing FOR THE JOURNEY me to work here and be close to my family. It is like coming back home. In my vision for the Samoan community, it is to bring them together as one again. Samoa is a very religious country. When people leave the country Why I send my kids to Catholic school however, and live in a different culture, the sup- hen the ground shifts building codes. the interview, she told me that when ports that kept them together in the faith are often beneath your feet, you So when I called the little Catho- school resumed a few days later, she not there. I understand that there is a need to earn fall back on faith. lic elementary school, St. Elizabeth had a lot of very anxious students. money. The spiritual life can be balanced with work Sometimes, it’s a Ann Seton, that my children had at- One little girl wore her mom’s school once they learn to program their time. Wsmall earthquake that jolts you from tended in Anchorage, I was curious sweatshirt, the note from home ex- Last New Year’s Eve, for example, I was all over deep slumber. Your spouse may not to see how everyone had weathered the island visiting here and there. We have a tradi- plaining, “She wants to have a part even stir unless it’s a really good the quake. Ostensibly, I was doing tion in Samoa to go to church on New Year’s Eve. of me with her.” slammer. a story for the archdiocese’s Catho- Participating in Mass on that particular day before To assuage fears, Lisa went to the Other times, you’re hauling the lic Anchor newspaper on Catholic the Solemnity of Mary is a way of thanking God church and brought holy water for a laundry up the stairs and it rolls in Schools Week activities, sponsored for the past year and asking God’s blessings for the bowl on her desk. slowly. Or a desk lurches slightly nationally by the National Catholic next. As I was visiting around, it saddened me that “If you feel frightened or wor- and your co-workers ask the familiar Education Association Jan. 27 to most of the people I met were busy enjoying the ried,” she told her class, “just come question, “Was that an earthquake?” Feb. 2. fireworks without going to Mass. up and put your fingers in the holy That’s life in Alaska. Part of the I would like to reintroduce the tradition that we But I quickly found out that if water, bless yourself, and thank God Ring of Fire that stretches through have in Samoa of keeping Sundays special. Sundays you wanted to boast about Catholic that you are safe and that God is in Japan and up the west coast of the education, my kids’ alma mater’s are a holiday for us. You can hardly hear any noise control.” U.S., Alaska is one of the most seis- response to the earthquake was the as no one can be found mowing their lawns or doing Some children made several trips mically active places in the world. best advertisement. heavy work. By visiting the different parishes where to the holy water. there is a Samoan choir and asking the pastor if I Consider this: By Dec. 27, 52,146 The quake began just as school earthquakes had been recorded in was about to open for the day. The Catholic sacramentals can be can celebrate Mass with them, I gently invite them powerful, consoling. We are a tactile to join the Samoan Catholic Community. Alaska in 2018, according to the before-care students were lined up. Alaska Earthquake Center at the Uni- Their supervisor quickly had them faith, an earthy faith that uses all of I love what I am doing. I never want to miss daily our senses in worship. We consume Mass or morning and evening prayers as I love the versity of Alaska Fairbanks. gather by an inside wall. Aside from Of course, Alaska is huge, most of broken glass, there was no damage. the body and blood of our Savior. We practices too. When challenges arise, there is noth- want the comfort of touch and ritual. ing that sleep cannot make go away. Music is also those quakes were relatively small, After the rolling stopped, fright- many in unpopulated areas. But dur- ened little kids regrouped in the When one of the parents heard one of those things that solves any problems that about Lisa’s holy water, he posted it arise. Nowadays, it is so easy that when things go ing the over 30 years I lived in Alas- hallway. on Facebook with the notation, “This rough to just YouTube some beautiful Samoan songs ka, I can’t begin to count the number Staff offered calm. Then, from is why I send my children to Catholic and entertainment. I sing with them, watch them of tremblors I experienced. the church upstairs appeared three or even join them, and if it is a good dancing group, So I felt fortunate to miss the priests: the pastor, his assistant and a school.” dance with them. magnitude 7.0 quake that hit on the visiting priest. Along with them was With Catholic Schools Week ap- morning of Nov. 30, 2018. Infra- the parish deacon, himself a dad. proaching, I recalled how much Father Atonio ‘Niko’ Falaniko is a chaplain for hospital structure was damaged, a few fires Four ordained ministers to console money we spent sending three kids ministry of the Diocese of Honolulu. He is 26 years or- broke out, one public school may 169 terrified kids: a good ratio. to that school. But, how, I pondered, dained and resides at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady remain closed for the year, but the My friend Lisa has taught first could you possibly put a price tag on of Peace. damage was minimized by stringent grade at St. Elizabeth for years. In that? FEBRUARY 8, 2019 • HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD FEATURES 19 Saints Miguel Febres Diversions Cordero 5) Scripture Hawaii Catholic The first reading for Sunday, Feb. 10, Munoz includes these well-know verses. “Then I 1854-1910 heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom Harold’s quiz shall I send? Who will go for us?’ ‘Here I February 9 am,’ I said; ‘send me!’ Who is God talking to here? CNS Friends, Roman Catholics, countrymen, b) Greek Born with crippled legs to a prominent Ecuadoran Lend me your ears and your intellect as c) Latin a) Sirach family, Francisco was schooled at home until age 9, you take this issue’s quiz! And speaking of d) Italian b) Jeremiah when he began attending a new school run by the Romans, here’s a joke for you. What do c) Isaiah Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. you call a sleepwalking nun? A roamin’ 3) The infant Jesus d) Ezekiel Though his family initially opposed it, 14-year-old Catholic! Feb. 2 is this feast day, marked 40 days Francisco joined the Institute in 1868, becoming after the birth of Jesus. 6) True or false Brother Miguel. He taught Spanish and religion in 1) Saints a) The Baptism of the Lord March is associated with the month of St. Quito for 38 years, wrote a number of well-regarded You might think of Feb. 14 as Valentine’s b) The Presentation of the Lord Joseph. textbooks and was elected to several national acad- Day but it also marks this memorial feast c) The Annunciation of the Lord a) True emies. He died in Europe, and was declared Ecuador’s day. d) The Holy Family Fleeing to Egypt b) False first saint in 1984. a) St. Agatha Copyright ©2019 Catholic News Service/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops b) St. Polycarp 4) Current events 7) Catholic Hawaii c) Sts. Cyril and Methodius Pope Francis just became the first pontiff to St. Raphael in Koloa, Kauai, is the site of the d) Chair of St. Peter, Apostle visit which country? oldest church structure on the island. It was built in what year? a) Morocco 2) Saints continued b) United Arab Emirates a) 1902 Now that you’ve got the answer for ques- c) Panama b) 1826 Schwadron tion #1, did you know that Sts. Cyril and d) Egypt c) 1779 Methodius helped perfect an alphabet? d) 1842 What language was it in? a) Slavonic Answers: 1) c, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b, 5) c, 6) a, 7) d

Movie review Roma (Yalitza Aparicio). one profanity and a mild oath, a Netflix Grown viewers with long atten- few rough terms, some crude lan- tion spans will find Catholicism guage. Meditative autobiographical subtly interwoven into the clan’s The Catholic News Service drama chronicling the life of a experience as writer-director Al- classification is L — limited adult middle-class family (led by Marina fonso Cuaron muses on his child- audience, films whose problematic de Tavira) in the titular neigh- hood. But graphic content restricts content many adults would find borhood of Mexico City in the the appropriate audience for his troubling. The Motion Picture early 1970s focuses primarily on journey down memory lane. Association of America rating is the breakup of the parents’ mar- Full male nudity, a nonmarital R — restricted. Under 17 requires Harley Schwadron riage and on the out-of-wedlock sexual relationship, mature refer- accompanying parent or adult pregnancy of their devoted maid ences, including drug use, at least guardian. Scripture search® PAT KASTEN Gospel for February 10, 2019 Luke 5:1-11 Catholic crossword Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle ACROSS Martin ___, of Way” C: the call of Peter and the other fishermen. The “The West Wing” 46 Republic in 1 Priscilla, to fame Aquila equatorial Africa words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. 27 Chou En-___ 5 Island in Acts 47 Tough one 28 Shrieked 27–28 50 Coquet CROWD PRESSING IN WORD OF GOD 30 Mother of Isaac 10 Car maker 52 Heap TWO BOATS LAKE FISHERMEN 33 Parboil 14 Raison d’___ 53 Sometimes it’s 35 Birds of the air WASHING SIMON ASKED 15 Antelope mini don’t do this (Mt 55 Coil PUT OUT SAT DOWN TAUGHT 16 Years in old 6:26) Rome 56 Cook place THE DEEP A CATCH MASTER 37 Back part of the 58 Vaccines 17 Plumbing prob- foot ALL NIGHT PETER KNEES lem 59 Together, musi- 38 Catholic actor, cally SINFUL MAN JAMES SONS 18 Leases Gene ___ 60 Captured 19 Naval rank 39 Opera singer 61 Singles 20 Alphabet string 40 online co. 62 Exploit INTO THE DEEP 21 Hollow cylinder 41 The Evil One 63 Turn away 22 Unit of candle 42 Prescribed P N A N T W O B O A T S intensity amounts 64 Amer. govern- ment agency E R F A C A T C H J O I 23 Draw 43 ___ Creed 25 Catholic actor 45 Literally, “The W D E R E T S A M N J M DOWN Answer to previous puzzle O H O S G N I H S A W O 1 Where Jacob met Rachel 12 It sometimes 33 Years Jacob 47 The Tigris, in the R W H A S Y L I W K T N 2 Thing gets upped promised to Garden D T T H G I N L L A H W 3 Honest incense? 13 Paris well work to marry 48 Microwave and 4 Squeal 21 Egyptian deity Rachel convection O D C H O F N A U S E O 5 St. Angela ___ 22 Obscene 34 151 in ancient 49 Challenged F E J F U P K G D E D D 6 First letter of the 24 Its base is Ben Rome 50 Papal ___ Hebrew alpha- Gurion 36 “As it ___ in the 51 Ore deposit G K D L F E H U I E E T bet 25 Commandment beginning…” 52 Facebook notifi- O S M P U T O U T N E A 7 Alley word 38 Casino game cation 8 Explosive stuff 26 ___ Name 39 Jubilee entry 54 US space agency D A J A M E S E R K P S 9 Circulars Society 41 It’ll cost you to 56 RR stop be in it N H N E M R E H S I F X 10 Old Testament 29 Symbol of the 57 It comes after prophet Holy Spirit 42 “Cheer, cheer for yod © 2019 Tri-C-A Publications www.tri-c-a-publications.com 11 Part of the 30 ___ Na Na ole Notre ___…” 58 Former coin of Eucharistic 31 Gnostic being 44 Floor covering France Prayer 32 Devout 45 Biblical money 20 FEATURES HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019 SPONSORED PAGE





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