HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII NATION St. Joseph principal named World Youth Day Hawaii New book tells Isles’ Some push for associate superintendent of attendees energized Catholic history — church excommunication over new Hawaii Catholic Schools at overnight vigil by church abortion law Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 15 HVOLUME 82,awaii NUMBER 3 CatholicFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2019 Herald$1 Photo courtesy of Brother Dennis Schmitz, SM The Hardy-Kahaleo‘umi family participated in one of the first Marianist Fam- ily Retreat programs in Hawaii in 2010. Love, marriage & family The diocese is gathering a plethora of programs to help strengthen home life in Hawaii Here’s a snapshot of the groups that fall under the Marriage and we had before marriage, and then getting to renew our honey- Family Ministries program that Bishop Larry Silva called together moon in every fertility cycle. We love how almost every couple about 10 years ago. after the first class says, “Why haven’t we ever heard about this?” They just realized that planning family size using fertility aware- Compiled by Anna Weaver ness is even more reliable than some forms of contraception! Natu- Hawaii Catholic Herald ral family planning engenders strong vibrant marriages and helps couples grow in their faith. Contact: Ed and Betty Coda at 258-6688 or [email protected]. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY MINISTRIES PROGRAM Visit ccli.org. Introduced to the diocese: About 10 years ago Description: A diocesan collaboration of lay associations and pro- COUPLES FOR CHRIST grams to promote, sustain and enrich Christian traditional mar- Introduced to the diocese: 1995 riage and the family and to help them be more fully engaged and Description: Couples for Christ started in June 1981 in Manila and integrated into the Body of the Church. The group welcomes new is now an international program. In 1993, CFC started its Family marriage and family programs open to other parishes. Ministries and now we have Kids for Christ (ages 4-12), CFC Youth Contact: Sarah Herrmann of Embrace Family Learning at 203- for Christ (ages 13-21), Singles for Christ (single men and women 6770. ages 22-40), and Handmaids of the Lord and Servants of the Lord (for widows/widowers, mature women/men, divorced women/ THE COUPLE TO COUPLE LEAGUE men and single mothers/fathers). CFC also started a social minis- try program called Answering the Cry of the Poor. FOR NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Upcoming events: Couples for Christ Hawaii is based at Immacu- Introduced to the diocese: 1982 late Conception Parish in Ewa Beach and offers child and youth Description: The diocese-wide ministry is headquartered at Holy camps, Christian life programs, marriage enrichment and other Family Parish’s Life Office. Its goal is to build joyful marriages types of retreats and events. through fertility awareness, the only form of family planning ap- Why we do this ministry: Our household prayer meetings and as- proved by the Catholic Church. Classes are taught by married cou- semblies give us the strength and courage to persevere in serving ples for both engaged and married couples. Students can attend our Heavenly Father. We uphold and defend the rights of the fam- sessions in person and online. ily. We believe that marriage is indissoluble, created by God for Upcoming events: There will be four series of classes taught at the love between man and woman, and for the procreation and proper Holy Family Life Office in 2019, and many couples take advantage rearing of children. We invite Jesus to be the Lord of our homes. of online classes at www.ccli.org. We allow the power of the Holy Spirit to lead our family lives. Why we do this ministry: We personally experienced the joy and Contact: Rico and Vinya Manianglung at 382-5059 or ricvin.cfchi@ excitement of using times of abstinence to rekindle the romance gmail.com. Visit couplesforchristusa.org. Continued on page 3 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • FEBRUARY 8, 2019 Hawaii Catholic Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 Bishop’s page Published every other Friday PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva (808) 585-3356 [email protected] EDITOR Patrick Downes Bishop (808) 585-3317 [email protected] Larry Silva ASSOCIATE EDITOR WITNESS TO JESUS Anna Weaver (808) 585-3320 [email protected] ADVERTISING On the recent news regarding abortion access Shaina Caporoz (808) 585-3328 ast October I visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust Mu- These are seemingly good and decent people, but like the [email protected] seum in Jerusalem. Like the Holocaust Museum in Nazis, the slave owners and the Hutus, they have become CIRCULATION Washington, D.C., it documents the horrors of the infected by a mob frenzy, a group-think that believes that be- Donna Aquino Nazi regime in its crimes against humanity, especially cause women are often oppressed, they may now have legal (808) 585-3321 Lthe six million Jews it put to death. Its purpose is not to keep permission to become oppressors of their own babies, if they [email protected] the evil alive but to remind us of it so that it will never hap- so choose. HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD pen again. When this terrible holocaust was going on many Governor Cuomo, who signed and celebrated legislation (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- people in Germany — seemingly good, decent people — fa- that would allow the murder of a child up to — and some- ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the vored it because it made the world safe for what they consid- times after — birth, made a point to draw attention to his Roman Catholic Church in the State of ered the superior Aryan race by eradicating those who were Catholic faith, a faith that has always stood firm in its de- Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI different. fense of innocent life from the moment of conception until 96813. Around the same time last fall there were natural death. The implication is that one can ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hawaii: $28 many Confederate statues and symbols re- Once again, the be a faithful Catholic and still believe in abor- Mainland: $32 moved from public places because some peo- tion. Unfortunately, he is not alone. And so the Mainland 1st class: $50 ple felt they were monuments to the racism death of these Catholic Church has become Public Enemy No. Foreign: $35 on which slavery was based, by which people 1 to the likes of Planned Parenthood and the POSTMASTER of one race — seemingly good, decent people innocent children lucrative abortion industry, and they will do Send address changes to: Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop — considered people of another race as infe- is justified by anything they can to disparage the Church, to Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. rior and not human and therefore treated Black publicly expose our sins, even as we try to re- OFFICE people as property. The law of the land permit- dehumanizing pent of them, and to undermine the authority Hawaii Catholic Herald ted it. So the recent anti-Confederate move- of the teachers in the Catholic Church, because 1184 Bishop St. ment’s purpose was to proclaim that all people, them they simply do not want to hear that abortion Honolulu, HI 96813 of whatever race or color, are equal and deserv- is wrong. PHONE (808) 585-3300 ing of respect and dignity. Perhaps one day soon there will be a Holo- FAX We were all horrified years ago with the tribal genocide in caust Memorial to the millions of babies whose lives were (808) 585-3381 Rwanda, when the Hutu tribe brutally murdered members of lost in abortion, so that we can say, “Never again!” Perhaps WEBSITE the Tutsi tribe, thinking them less than human. (They were one day soon there will be a dismantling of the structures www.hawaiicatholicherald.com referred to as “cockroaches.”) These were seemingly good and ideologies that allow us to think of a baby as a blob of E-MAIL and decent people who had bought into a frenzied mob men- tissue, if that is the way we choose to think of her. Perhaps [email protected] tality and justified their horrific actions by claiming superior- one day soon there will be a reconciliation commission, so NEWS DEADLINES ity and dehumanizing the other. that those women, men and families whose lives were de- Nine days before publication date. Yet the same horrific reality of one class of people domi- stroyed and tortured by the lie of abortion they bought into ADVERTISING DEADLINES nating another to death is not a long-ago, far away memory. can find healing. We pray that the Catholic Church and all Nine days before publication date. It was even celebrated in New York recently when Governor its members — as well as many other people of good will — ADVERTISING INFORMATION For a rate card or other information, call Cuomo had iconic buildings in the city lit pink to celebrate may offer the resistance to evil that it takes to put an end Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is his signing of the most inhumane and brutal abortion legis- to this modern-day holocaust of abortion. We keep our eyes also available at www.hawaiicatholicher- lation. Once again, the death of these innocent children is fixed on Jesus, who reminds us that great suffering and sacri- ald.com. Click on “Advertising.” justified by dehumanizing them and subordinating them by fice are demanded of those who insist on speaking and living “PASS IT ON” POLICY allowing a woman to decide that her welfare, her career, her the truth, (see Hebrews 12:2) but that in the end, the truth To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic Herald with a friend, write or call us and reputation, or her lifestyle must not be curtailed by a child.
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