務實,誠信,永遠創業精神,思利及人 Pragmatism, Integrity, Constant Entrepreneurship, Si Li Ji Ren

集團主席李文達先生, SBS, BBS Group Chairman Mr. Lee Man Tat, SBS, BBS 李惠民先生 Mr. Eddy Lee 莫李美瑜女士 Mrs. Elizabeth Mok 李惠雄先生 Mr. David Lee 李惠中先生 醬料集團主席 Mr. Charlie Lee Sauce Group Chairman 李惠森先生 健康產品集團主席 Mr. Sammy Lee Health Products Group Chairman 目 錄 CONTENTS


封面故事 COVER STORY 05-11 廣州無限極廣場舉行封頂儀式 Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza Topping Out Ceremony

特 寫 FEATURES 12-21 新會廠全自動高速玻璃瓶生產線正式啟動 Fully Automated High-speed Glass Bottle Production Line Launched in Xinhui Production Base 《企業新里程》網上版 Corporate Link Online Version 濟寧生產線正式啟動 助力進軍食醋市場 Jining Production Line Launched and Vinegar Market Invigorated

集團資訊 CORPORATE NEWS 22-25 「李文達獎勵金」舉行頒獎典禮 "Lee Man Tat Award" Presentation Ceremony 廣州南站李錦記大廈簽約儀式 Signing Ceremony of Lee Kum Kee Building Guangzhou South Station

醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP 26-42 李錦記集團 Lee Kum Kee Group 健康產品集團 HEALTH PRODUCTS GROUP 43-48


李錦記醬料集團 賓客到訪 GUEST VISITS 65-67

Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group www.LKK.com


LKK Health Products Group www.lkkhpg.com

地址 : 香港新界大埔工業邨大發街2-4號 Address : 2-4 Dai Fat Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate,

Tel : 852-2660 3600 Fax : 852-2664 3622 Email : [email protected] 前 言 FOREWORD

慨嘆香港經歷了多個月社會動盪不安,嚴重影響民生、打擊經濟、損 害國際形象,近期雖稍露曙光,恐怕回復常態還須時。唏噓之餘,不 期然有感倘若各方能本著「思利及人」之心處理紛爭、以「直升機思 維」把香港整體福祉視為依歸、「換位思考」理解他方的立場,肯定 有助難題迎刃而解、跳出困境、達至雙贏。 「思利及人」正是李錦記核心價值之核心,貫徹家族企業處世營商之 道。喜見李錦記健康產品集團無限極﹙中國﹚有限公司的未來總部快將 落成,為業務發展樹立新里程碑。觀其獨特創新的設計,新廈不單會打 造成為廣州的新地標,更能彰顯「思利及人」的企業文化,為當地社區 帶來經濟及休閒的效益,反映出李錦記對企業社會責任的承擔。

期望踏入2020年,李錦記集團與香港加倍努力、排除萬難、邁進共贏 新里程!

Group集團主席李文達先生 Chairman Mr. Lee Man Tat 李文達 李錦記集團主席

It is saddening to experience months of civil unrests, which seriously disrupt everyday life, damage the economy and international image of Hong Kong. While there are now certain signs of light at the end of the tunnel, it will certainly take time for the way to recovery. Sighing over the saga, I cannot help feeling that if all parties had confronted the conflicts in the spirit of "Si Li Ji Ren" (Considering Others' Interests), taken a "helicopter view" of the overall well-being of Hong Kong, and "put themselves in others' shoes" to try to understand the stance of their opponents, we would be in a much better position to resolve the current problems and get ourselves out of this impasse to achieve a win-win situation. "Si Li Ji Ren" is, indeed, at the heart of the core values of Lee Kum Kee, running through the way this family enterprise conducts its business and everyday behaviour. I am glad to see that the new headquarters of Infinitus (China) Company Ltd. in the Lee Kum Kee Health Products Group is coming close to completion, marking a new milestone in its business development. Not only would the unique innovative structure of the building complex likely become a new landmark of Guangzhou, it would bear testimony to the corporate culture of "Si Li Ji Ren" as it brings benefits to the local economy and provides amenity facilities to the local community, showcasing the corporate social responsibility of Lee Kum Kee. As we move into 2020, I hope the Lee Kum Kee Group and Hong Kong will display their mettle to overcome prevalent challenges and embark on a new journey of success sharing.

Lee Man Tat Lee Kum Kee Group Chairman 封面故事 5 COVER STORY

廣州無限極廣場舉行封頂儀式 Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza Topping Out Ceremony

9 月 3 日,廣州無限極廣場隆重舉行封頂儀式。李錦記 On 3 September, the topping out ceremony for Guangzhou Infinitus 集團主席夫人李蔡美靈女士、李錦記健康產品集團主 Plaza was staged. Mrs. Lee Choi May Ling, spouse of Lee Kum Kee Group Chairman; Mr. Sammy Lee, LKK Health Products 席李惠森先生、李錦記股東委員會成員莫李美瑜女 Group Chairman; Mrs. Elizabeth Mok, Lee Kum Kee Owners 士、李錦記醬料集團主席李惠中先生、廣東省第一建 Council Member; Mr. Charlie Lee, Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group 築工程有限公司董事長兼黨委書記譚國輝先生、無限 Chairman; Mr. Guohui Tan, Chairman of No.1 極物業投資( 香港) 有限公司行政總裁吳文偉先生、李 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. and Secretary of Party Committee; Mr. Ryan Ng, Managing Director of Infinitus 錦記健康產品集團高級副總裁兼無限極全球行政總裁 Property Investment (HK) Ltd; Mr. Lam Yu, Senior 俞江林先生、扎哈 哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)建築事務所 Vice President of LKK Health Products Group and ・ 總監大橋諭先生、集團管理層以及建築相關單位的嘉賓一同 Managing Director of Infinitus Global; Mr. Satoshi 出席,見證這重要時刻。 Ohashi, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects as well as the Group's management team, 隨著禮炮齊鳴,一眾主禮嘉賓提起手中的金鏟,一起為總投 together with guests of the construction team, attended the ceremony to witness 資額達40多億元人民幣的廣州無限極廣場主體大樓工程填滿 this momentous occasion. 最後一方混凝土,標誌著廣州無限極廣場混凝土主體結構工 At the sound of gun salute, the 程正式完成並進入又一新里程。 officiating guests raised their golden shovels and poured the last bit of concrete at the rooftop of the main building of Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza, marking a major milestone for the project with total investment of over RMB 4 billion. 6 封面故事 COVER STORY

李惠森先生在致辭時分享了無限極與白雲區的淵源:「公司 於1992年成立時,在白雲區一個小廠房內起步,很少員工。 那時候的我沒想到二十多年後的今天,公司因業務發展需 要,機緣巧合地重回白雲區,於白雲新城打造一座與眾不同 的辦公大樓作為無限極(中國)的新總部,開啟又一段新的 征程。」。他充分肯定了建築相關工作人員不辭勞苦的努力 與付出,並為大家打氣加油。「我們還會遇到很多挑戰,例 如橫跨地鐵的連廊以及弧形曲面幕牆的安裝施工。但是我相 信,大家一定會繼續攜手努力,迎難而上,建造一個經得起 時間考驗的精品建築!」

譚國輝先生表示,有賴無限極(中國)及各建築團隊的團結 奮進、全力支持,才能保證工程安全和品質,期望將廣州無 限極廣場打造成為廣州新地標建築。

In his speech at the ceremony, Mr. Sammy Lee shared the long such as the building of two overhead footbridges across the and close relationship between Infinitus and Baiyun district, "In underground rail and the installation of a curved facade. But I am 1992, we set up the Company in Baiyun with a small office and a confident that together we will surmount all difficulties and build handful of staff. I didn't expect that after two decades we would for us a timeless masterpiece." return to this place as a result of business development. We are Mr. Guohui Tan expressed his appreciation towards Infinitus (China) building an extraordinary and distinguished office building here and the construction team for their high morale and hard work as the new headquarters of Infinitus (China), paving way for which guaranteed safety and quality; and envisaged that the Plaza our next journey." He praised the concerted efforts of the staff would become a new landmark in Guangzhou. and construction parties, "There are still challenges ahead of us, 封面故事 7 COVER STORY

扎哈 哈迪德建築事務所 ・ 總監大橋諭先生 Director of Zaha Hadid Architects Mr. Satoshi Ohashi

廣東省第一建築工程有限 公司董事長兼黨委書記 譚國輝先生 Chairman of Guangdong No.1 李錦記健康產品集團主席李惠森先生 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. LKK Health Products Group Chairman Mr. Sammy Lee and Secretary of Party Committee Mr. Guohui Tan

廣州無限極廣場是集團在中國內地自行選址、規劃 Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza is the first key construction project initiated by 及建設的首個大型建築項目,將成為李錦記健康產 LKKHPG from site selection to conceptual planning and construction in the Mainland China. It will serve as the future headquarters of Infinitus (China) 品集團成員無限極(中國)有限公司未來的總部。 Company Ltd., a member of LKKHPG. With the first phase of work coming 項目現已完成第一階段的工程,預計將於2021年下 up to an end, it is estimated that the whole project would be completed 半年竣工。新辦公樓將滿足企業未來10至15年的營 towards the end of 2021. The Plaza would meet the Company's projected 運需求,為公司員工提供更爽活的辦公環境,為廣 business and office needs for the next 10 to 15 years. Other than providing a "happier" working environment for colleagues and enhancing the business 大業務夥伴提供更具吸引力的營商平台,也為當地 platform for distributors and business partners, the Plaza would generate 社區帶來良好的經濟效益。 positive economic and social benefits to the local community. 項目由被冠以「曲線女王」美譽的已故國際頂級建築 A symbolic projection of the "infinite rings" design from the inspiration of "∞", Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza is one of the splendid artworks by the late 師扎哈 哈迪德女士親自擔綱設計,以「∞」為理念 ・ world-renowned architect Ms. Zaha Hadid, also known as the "Queen of 設計出一系列「無限環」,外形獨特。這座大樓突破 Curve". Its design goes beyond the rigid templates of a standard workplace 標準辦公樓刻板的設計,內部互相交錯的路線形成開 with connected walkways which facilitate communication and interaction 放式的交流空間,為人與人創造更佳的溝通機會。此 across the complex. Walking and jogging courses, as well as a garden of Chinese herbal plants and flora on the roof, enable occupants and 外,頂層還設置了散步緩跑徑,以及展示各類中草 visitors alike to enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle. On completion, the 藥植物和花卉的休閒長廊等健康生活空間,是集生態 Plaza will comprise a complex of modern buildings that combines energy 環保、健康時尚、智能科技於一體的現代化建築群, conservation, health, fashion, eco-conservation and intelligent technologies, 建成後將成為當地的新地標,帶動白雲區整體發展。 contributing to the development of Baiyun as an important anchor to the local community. 參加儀式的另一位主禮嘉賓大橋諭先生與扎哈 哈 ・ Another guest Mr. Satoshi Ohashi, who had worked with Ms. Zaha Hadid 迪德女士有30年的合作經驗,他指出廣州無限極廣場 for over 30 years, pointed out that the Plaza was an "unprecedented" 是「前所未有」的建築項目,展現出建築與設計、技 project that pushed the boundaries of architecture and design, technology, 術、工程和建造發展的可能性,於利用「門戶」形態 engineering and construction. Describing the building as a "gateway", he said 建立起無限極獨特形象的同時,亦為生活在這個城市 that in addition to strengthening the unique identity of Infinitus, the building 的居民創造了一個真正「思利及人」的公共空間。 would also create a public place for locals in the neighbourhood, genuinely aligning with the Company's core value of "Si Li Ji Ren" (Considering 項目動工伊始,至今已歷經近700天,除突破高難度 Others' Interests). 的設計及建造效果外,更要克服天氣、地質的挑戰及 The team has braved numerous adversities in the 700-day project, including 種種工程難題。儘管條件嚴苛,建設過程中仍處處體 complicated designs and execution, bad weather and geological challenges, to name just a few. They rose to the challenges as they held themselves 現公司的高標準及「思利及人」的企業文化,秉持安 to the highest standards and the core value of "Si Li Ji Ren" with a firm 全至上和綠色施工的原則。 commitment to safety and green construction initiatives. 8 封面故事 COVER STORY 封面故事 9 COVER STORY 10 封面故事 COVER STORY

主體封頂後,還將面臨結構連廊安裝及曲面幕牆安裝兩 Upon topping out of the main building, the team will be confronted 大難題。連接兩座大樓的架空連廊長近90米,重約2,000 by two major challenges: the installation of two overhead bridges and the curved facade. The overhead footbridges connecting the two 噸,屬國內罕見,而且連廊下方橫跨地鐵所經之處,必須 buildings spans close to 90 metres and weighs some 2,000 tonnes. 經過精確的力學計算,確保安全。連廊吊裝方案經過一年 Apart from its exceptional scale, the bridges sit right above an 多不斷深化設計及優化調整,向地鐵公司確保吊裝施工的 underground rail. It requires a high degree of precision in mechanical 安全性,才最終獲批。大樓外幕牆的安裝是另一難處,因 computation in the design to ensure the highest safety standard. The design and construction plan had gone through many rounds 其造型設計獨特,運用了大量弧形雙曲面設計,整座大樓 of modifications and optimisation before securing approval by the 上海無限極大廈 就是一個拉伸環繞的曲面結構,需要兩萬多塊鋁板和兩萬 metro company. Furthermore, the unique design of the curved Infinitus Tower in Shanghai 多件鋼支架,且幾乎每塊鋁板的尺寸及弧度都不同,還要 facade adds to the difficulty of the project. The elements of curves are created by more than 20,000 aluminium panels and steel frames. 精準焊接在合適的位置,事前同樣需要進行精確的三維模 As the aluminium plates come in different sizes and curves, they 擬計算,所以項目難度之高可見一斑。 require to be welded in position precisely without flaw as designed. 3D structural computations were carried out beforehand to ensure complete compliance. The sophisticated design process shows that the project is truly an architectural masterpiece.

香港無限極廣場 Infinitus Plaza in Hong Kong 封面故事 11 COVER STORY

在「健康中國」國家戰略引導下,健康產業迎來更廣闊的發展空間。 至今,集團已購入廣州珠江新城的無限極中心、香港上環的無限極 廣場、上海黃浦區的無限極大廈和英國倫敦的「對講機」大廈及 廣州無限極中心 Eastcheap大樓。這些優質物業為集團未來提供無限發展潛力,不僅進 Infinitus Center in Guangzhou 一步擴大集團物業投資的版圖,也將不斷提升公司的企業形象。

The healthcare industry is anticipating abundant development opportunities under the "Healthy China" national strategy. So far, LKKHPG has acquired Infinitus Center in Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou; Infinitus Plaza in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong; Infinitus Tower in Huangpu District, Shanghai; and "Walkie Talkie" Tower and Eastcheap in London. This portfolio of quality properties not only fulfills the long- term development goals of LKKHPG, but will also further enhance its corporate image.

上海無限極大廈 Infinitus Tower in Shanghai

英國倫敦「對講機」大廈 "Walkie Talkie" Tower in London 12 特寫 FEATURES

9月19日,李錦記於新會生產基地舉行了一項簡單而意義深 On 19 September, a simple yet significant ceremony was held at Lee 長的儀式,正式啟動一條全自動每小時處理48,000 玻璃瓶醬 Kum Kee Xinhui Production Base to mark the commencement of its new fully automated high-speed production line which can process 油的高速生產線(下稱「48,000生產線」)。此全面升級的 48,000 glass bottles of per hour (hereinafter referred 生產線進一步提升產能,象徵李錦記的現代化生產邁向新的 to as the "48,000 Production Line"). This comprehensive upgrade 里程碑,成為實現「工業4.0」* 的強大後盾。 further boosts the Company's production capacity and symbolises a 李錦記多年前從外面購買醬油以製造各種高質量醬料;為秉 milestone as Lee Kum Kee takes another step towards modernised 承「品質為先」的營商理念,在90年代開始生產自家製造醬 production. The new production line also serves as a testament to * 油以保障並提升產品質量—當時年產量僅達2,000噸醬油。 the Company's efforts on aligning with the "Industry 4.0" initiative. 踏入21世紀,李錦記醬料產品需求激增,新會廠遂於2003年 In early days, Lee Kum Kee procured soy sauce from external 11月從德國引進新型灌裝玻璃瓶醬油生產線以加速產能,把 sources as the raw ingredient for producing its sauce products. In 生產速度提升至每小時18,000瓶。 keeping with the business ethos of "Quality Never Compromised", the Company began to manufacture in-house soy sauce since the 1990s in a move to ensure and upgrade its product quality. To start off, the soy sauce production capacity was merely 2,000 tonnes annually. To meet rocketing demands since the turn of the century, Lee Kum Kee introduced a new type of glass bottle production line from Germany in November 2003. The bottling speed reached 18,000 bottles per hour. 特寫 13 FEATURES

Today, with its product diversification approach, Lee Kum Kee greatly extends its soy sauce range, including Organic Soy Sauce, Gluten Free Soy Sauce, Salt Reduced Soy Sauce, halal soy sauces and more, to cater for customers' needs. The brand's soy sauces are now available globally and easily found on the kitchen shelves of general households. To complement its remarkable rate of growth, Lee Kum Kee successively introduced the first and the second phases of Rotary Type Koji Making Machine that greatly improved its soy sauce fermentation capacity. This technological leap further propelled Lee Kum Kee to be elevated to be leader of the industry.

Bottling and packaging have always been critical components of soy sauce production. In pursuit of excellence and efficiency, the Sauce Group decided to undergo a complete revamp and upgrade of its manufacturing process by installing the 48,000 Production Line, effectively doubling the bottling speed of current facilities and making it the fastest production line in China within the industry. The maximum annual production capacity would exceed 600,000 tonnes, on par with the highest level of production in the world.

Keeping Ahead with High-speed Production The 48,000 Production Line is an automated digitalised intelligent system that covers all manufacturing processes from material conveyance, bottle checking, right down to the bottling, sterilisation and labelling. The upgraded production line sees a boost across all functions with a precision bottling system, safety inspection system, 時至今日,李錦記的多元化發展已把醬油產品系列伸展到有 energy efficient conveyance system and fully automated cleaning 機醬油、無麩質醬油、減鹽醬油、清真醬油等種類,以滿足 system integrated as one – bringing revolutionary breakthroughs to 不同消費者需要,更把各式各樣的醬油送到世界各地、進入 automated bottling. The specially designed valve at the filler neck 千家萬戶。為配合如此高速發展,李錦記近年先後引入第一 is equipped with weight sensors with precision sensitivity of up 及第二期圓盤製麯設備,在醬油發酵層面大大提升產量,成 to one gram to ensure production stability. The labelling machine 為醬料行業的佼佼者。 is compactly designed for space saving, while the high-speed automated wrapping machine only takes five seconds to complete 產品灌裝和包裝是醬油生產重要一環。為了追求卓越效率, protective wrapping of an entire pallet. 醬料集團決定把玻璃瓶生產線進行全面升級,安裝灌裝速度 達每小時48,000 瓶的高速生產線,灌裝速度較現時沿用的生 產線快一倍,是目前國內應用於調味品行業中速度最快的生 產線,令全年醬油生產量可增至超過60萬噸,把生產效率提 升到世界頂尖水平。

高速生產領先同儕 48,000生產線集自動化、智能化、信息化於一體,流線化生 產結合物料輸送、空瓶檢測、裝瓶、消毒殺菌、貼標包裝等 所有工序。升級後的生產線在各項功能均有所提升,配備精 準的灌裝體系、安全可靠的檢測系統、節能環保的輸送系 統、完全自動化的清潔系統等,實現革新性的灌裝全自動 化。灌裝機頸部配備專門研發的閥門,連同精確至一克的稱 重感應器,確保生產的穩定性及標準化;套貼標機設計小巧 玲瓏,有效節省空間;自動纏膜機能高速運轉,僅需五秒便 可完成整板貨物纏膜。

* 「工 業 4.0」又稱為第四次工業革命,旨在整合國內工業現有的相關技術、銷 售與產品體驗,建立智慧型工廠及提供完善的售後服務。 * "Industry 4.0", also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, seeks to empower the domestic manufacturing industry by marrying existing relevant technical expertise, sales and product experiences with the Internet of Things and intelligent facilities so as to provide a comprehensive chain of aftersales services. 14 特寫 FEATURES

精密設計保證品質 48,000生產線採用先進空瓶檢測技術,迅速識別出破損、有雜質 的玻璃瓶,把品質控制的戰線推前至包裝物料。而另一系統則對 壓蓋、標籤、生產日期、防偽碼等進行全方位的檢測,確保只有無 瑕疵的貨品才能出產。48,000生產線亦配備潔淨等級達一萬級**

的潔淨室為雙重防線,確保灌裝間自身滿足最高的衛生要求,體 ▲ 現李錦記對產品質量百分百堅持的承諾。 生產線的兩層設計―上層為物料及成品運輸系統,下層為生產包裝區, 有效利用空間,減少人流及物流的重疊。

環保節能減省人手 升級後的生產線處理及控制系統效能更高,清晰的操作界面、智 慧化設計有效減低人力負擔,提升工作效率。此外,升級後的輸 送系統無需風扇和散熱片,與舊型號相比更加節能,每年可節省 Precision Design for Quality Assurance 約1,000千瓦時;同時,輸送帶的潤滑裝置大大減低容器和鏈條之 The 48,000 Production Line utilises advanced technology for 間 的 摩 擦,提 高 輸 送 效 率 及可 用 性,能 夠 24小 時 持 續 運 行,組 件 的 bottle checking to speedily identify any defects, further extending 使 用壽 命亦 能 延 長。 our quality assurance to packaging materials. With another system inspecting capping, labelling, production date stamps and authenticity barcodes, only flawless products will pass the test. The 48,000 Production Line is also equipped with a 10,000-grade Clean Room** as an additional safety precaution by ensuring that hygiene standards of the bottling area adhere to the highest levels possible, demonstrating the commitment by Lee Kum Kee in upholding top- notch quality assurance.

Energy Efficient and Environmentally Friendly The efficiency of the new production line is significantly improved with upgraded processing and control systems. With distinctively clearer operating interfaces and intelligent designs, it greatly reduces labour cost while increasing overall efficiency. Moreover, the upgraded conveyance belt requires neither fans nor radiators for cooling down. Compared with older models, the new system is able to save 1,000 kWh of energy per annum. Concurrently, the lubrication feature is able to reduce friction between the containers and conveyance belt, greatly boosting efficiency and durability for Checkmat 24-hour non-stop operations, thus enhancing the lifespan of its ▲ 生產線配備 檢測系統,確保產品質量符合嚴格標準。 The Checkmat Inspection System of the Production Line ensures components. quality products. 特寫 15 FEATURES

Team Spirit Spurs Pragmatic Creativity The revamped project on the soy sauce production line in Xinhui Production Base was designed, planned and completed within the space of just one year, notwithstanding challenging aspects from all fronts. As the production machinery is bulky and may not be disassembled, colleagues came up with innovative and pragmatic ideas which fully exploit the advantages of Xinhui Production Base Cargo Pier. The team ingeniously decided to forego land transportation in favour of sea channels and was able to speedily deliver the new machinery from the Xinhui Port to the Xinhui Production Base. Thanks to the coordinated assistance from various government departments such as the Customs, and the relentless efforts of the team to work with multiple suppliers, the new machinery was installed within a short period of one month. This achievement once again highlights Lee Kum Kee's professionalism, pragmatism, and team spirit, and sets the record in the speed of installation by the suppliers.

Looking forward, Lee Kum Kee is undeterred to march ahead gallantly in the spirit of "Constant Entrepreneurship" and to proactively invest in research and development as well as production

technology. This serves to reinforce Lee Kum Kee as the bona ▲ With the upper level as the delivery system of materials and products and lower level as the packaging area, the design of the Production Line fide leading condiment brand on the global stage duly, enjoying offers space saving solution and reduces overlapping of manpower and logistics. recognition for its premium quality and renowned reputation.

團隊體現創意務實 新會廠醬油生產線的升級改造工程由籌備到完工歷時僅一 年,當中面對多方面的挑戰。礙於設備機件龐大且不能拆 件,李錦記同事發揮創意及務實的精神,善用新會生產基 地碼頭設施,捨陸路循海道迅速將機件從新會港運送到新會 廠。機件到達後,感謝海關等政府部門的全力配合,員工們 積極協調多方供應商及日以繼夜埋頭苦幹,終於在短短一個 月內順利完成安裝,充分體現李錦記同事的專業、實幹和團 隊精神,亦開創了供應商安裝效率的先河。

展望將來,李錦記的「永遠創業精神」將帶領集團繼續向 前,永不停步,積極投入於產品研發及生產技術提升,使李 錦記成為名副其實的醬料王國,牢牢地穩固品牌在世界舞台

上的品質和聲譽。 ▲ 生產線設自動化的過濾器、調壓器和油霧器「三聯體」,能夠長時間高速 運The 轉。 Production Line is equipped with a fully automatic Filter Regulator Lubricator that operates at a high speed.

** 灌裝車間每立方米空氣中直徑≥0.5µm粒子數不大於352,000粒。空氣中粒子數越少,即灰塵和微生物數量越少,空氣越潔淨。萬級潔淨室即每小時換氣次數 需大於或等於25次。 ** The number of particles ≥0.5µm per cubic meter in the air in the Bottling Room is below 352,000. The fewer number of particles in the air means fewer dust and microbes and the cleaner the air. A 10,000-grade Clean Room means that the number of air changes per hour must be greater than or equal to 25 times. 16 特寫 FEATURES

48,000生產線速度達每小時48,000瓶,是目前 01 應用於調味品行業中速度最快的生產線。 The 48,000 Production Line can process up to 48,000 bottles per hour, an astonishing t Produc rate that makes this assembly line the n t ie io e Autom c n c a fastest within the industry. i n t f C a e f d a m E r M p

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高效產能 h

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人機高效 y H 02 灌裝機的稱重感應器精確度達 一克,確保每瓶產品的灌裝量 ce-savi pa ng 始終如一。 ision Fil S c lin re g The bottling machine is P equipped with weight sensors that can detect up to sensitivity of 1 gram, ensuring that 節省空間 every bottle holds 灌裝精准 the same consistent amount of product. -s rgy avi ne ng E

配備精密的檢測系統, y Ch fet ec 03 a ks 只有無瑕疵的貨品才能 S 出 產。 節省能源 The precision inspection system ensures production of flawless s O uou pe products with no defects. 安全檢測 n ra ti t n io o n c C ieni Des g ig y n se of Us H Ea e 灌裝間設有全自動清潔系 持續運行 04 統,確保最高的衛生要求。 Fully automated cleaning system in the bottling area 衛生設計 ensures full adherence to 易於操作 the most stringent hygiene standards. 特寫 17 FEATURES

自動纏膜機不需人手操作,只需五秒就能完成整板 09 的纏膜,大大減低人力成本。 The automated wrapping machine does not require any manual operation and can t Produc n t complete protective wrapping of an entire ie io e Autom c n c a i n t pallet in just 5 seconds, which greatly reduces f C a e f d a m labour cost. E r M p y o a a

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高效產能 h

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人機高效 y H 08 一台套貼標機能完成套、貼、 ce-savi 熱收縮、噴碼等多項工序,有 pa ng ision Fil S 效節省空間。 c lin re g P Space-saving with ability to accomplish multiple processes with only one machine - wrapping, 節省空間 labelling, sealing and 灌裝精准 coding.

-s rgy avi ne ng E y Ch 輸送系統耗電量低,每年可節 fet ec a ks 07 S 省約1,000千瓦時。 節省能源 The conveyance system consumes very little electricity, which saves s O approximately 1,000 kWh uou pe 安全檢測 n ra per annum. ti t n io o n c C ieni Des g ig y n se of Us H Ea e 持續運行 升級後的輸送裝置可長時間運 06 行,提高輸送效率,並延長組件的 使用壽命。 衛生設計 易於操作 The upgraded conveyance system is able to operate for extended periods so as to maximise efficiency and prolong the life span of machinery components.

05 配備高效的控制系統,操作界面人性化。 The machine is equipped with high performance control systems with user-friendly interface. 18 特寫 FEATURES

濟寧生產線濟寧生產線正式啟動正式啟動 助力進軍食醋市場助力進軍食醋市場 Jining Production Line Launched and Vinegar Market Invigorated

為發揮「永遠創業精神」,李錦記一直推陳出新,不斷推 In the spirit of "Constant Entrepreneurship", Lee Kum Kee is 出優質新產品;同時亦提升廠房產能及效率,確保可以滿 relentlessly providing for customers' needs by rolling out new quality products. To this end, it continues to upgrade production capacity 足更多消費者對高品質醬料及調味品的需求。為配合整體 and efficiency to bring quality sauces and condiments to consumers. 戰略布局,醬料集團於今年3月在山東省濟寧市任城區唐 To effect its overall development strategy, the Sauce Group launched 口工業園內增設生產線,並成立李錦記(濟寧)食品有限 a new production line in the Tangkou Industrial Park in Rencheng 公司,進一步加大食醋及醬油產能,劍指北方市場。 District, Jining, Shandong in March this year and established Lee Kum Kee (Jining) Food Co., Ltd. to expand the production capacity of 11月15日,李錦記(濟寧)食品有限公司生產線啟動儀式 vinegar and soy sauce to exploit the Northern China market. 正式舉行。李錦記醬料集團主席李惠中先生、醬料集團管 The Opening Ceremony of Lee Kum Kee (Jining) Food Co., Ltd. was 理層及嘉賓等一同出席,見證集團繼中國香港、新會及黃 officially held on 15 November. Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group Chairman Mr. Charlie Lee, the management team and guests gathered to 埔、美國洛杉磯及馬來西亞吉隆坡後,再添生產廠房。 witness the latest addition to the five existing Production Bases in 李惠中先生在致辭時表示,李錦記山東濟寧生產線正式啟 Hong Kong, Xinhui, Huangpu, and Kuala Lumpur. 動,標誌着李錦記生產綫向中國北部拓展,有助集團進一 In his speech, Mr. Charlie Lee expressed that the opening of 步開拓北方市場。 Shandong Jining Production Line marked the beginning of our journey to the North and facilitated our business development in the Northern China market. 特寫 19 FEATURES

濟寧被稱為「運河之都」,自古以來都是京杭大運河沿岸 Known as the "City of Canals", Jining has always been one of the key 的重要工商業城市,而李錦記的濟寧生產線設有倉庫物流 industrial cities by the Jing–Hang Grand Canal. With our new Jining Production Line located in Jining and equipped with warehouse 配套,可幅射以山東省為中心的周邊500公里至800公里的 facilities, the Jining Production Line caters to the sales points within 銷售點,有助降低成本。 500-800 km parameter of Shandong, effectively lowering logistics costs. 為配合業務發展,濟寧生產綫過去一年間陸續引入意大利 To accommodate the business expansion, production facilities 進口設備、PET生產線、大包裝線、玻璃瓶線,主要生產 were imported from Italy, and PET Production Line, Bulk Pack 食醋及醬油產品,預計來年年產量將達到7萬噸。同時, Production Line, Glass Bottle Production Line were introduced. 李錦記濟寧廠舉行了質量管理體系(ISO9001)、食品安 The Jining Production Line mainly produces vinegar and soy sauce 全管理體系(ISO22000)、危害分析及關鍵點控制體系 products, with an estimated annual production of 70,000 tonnes in the initial year. A kick-off ceremony of the implementation of ISO ( )的推行啟動儀式,標誌著工廠的營運更標準 HACCP 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management 化、規範化、系統化,確保產品品質,讓消費者食得安心。 and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) was held at the Jining Production Line. This shows our commitment to building a standardised and systematic production to ensure that consumers can enjoy Lee Kum Kee products with peace of mind.

濟寧生產線濟寧生產線正式啟動正式啟動 助力進軍食醋市場助力進軍食醋市場 Jining Production Line Launched and Vinegar Market Invigorated 20 特寫 FEATURES

the old saying goes, "Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar andA teas are the seven necessities of life". Historically, China started brewing vinegar over 3,000 years ago, and vinegar has since become an integral part of Chinese culinary culture. Seeing the enormous potential of the vinegar market, Lee Kum Kee resolutely ventured 語有云:「開門七件事,柴米油鹽醬醋茶。」根據文 into this industry segment last year and released a series of vinegar 古獻記載,中國早於三千多年前便開始釀醋,是中華文化不可 products in China, including Mature Vinegar, Rice Vinegar, Aromatic 或缺的一部份。有見食醋市場的龐大發展潛力,李錦記毅然 Vinegar and Sweet Vinegar. In September this year, the Selected Aromatic Vinegar and Rice Vinegar were launched in Hong Kong as 進入醋產業領域,繼去年在中國推出陳醋、米醋、香醋、 well. The Glass Bottle Production Line in Jining Production Base will 甜醋等產品,今年9月更在香港市場推出臻選香醋及醇釀米 provide another production line for Lee Kum Kee vinegar products 醋。濟寧廠的玻璃瓶生產線是繼新會生產基地後,再添醋類 in addition to that of the Xinhui Production Base, to facilitate expanding the Northern China vinegar market. 產品生產線,有助李錦記進一步拓展北方食醋市場。 Looking ahead, as China's catering market continues to expand, 展望未來,隨著國內餐飲市場規模的持續增長,預計食 the consumption of vinegar is expected to grow further, unleashing 醋用量將進一步增加,整體醋市場的前景將更加廣闊。李 massive potentials of the vinegar market. Lee Kum Kee will continue 錦記憑著其百年品牌及多元化銷售渠道的優勢,將再接再 to innovate by leveraging its advantages as a century-old brand with diversified sales channels, and strive to expand the vinegar 厲、創新經典,繼續拓展食醋及各類調味品市場,致力發 and condiment market as a means to promote Chinese cuisines 揚中華優秀飲食文化。 worldwide.

香港市場於9月份推出臻選香醋及醇釀米醋,連同現有的調味 白醋、調味黑醋及調味紅醋,食醋系列已增至五種質感和風 味各有特色的食醋。

In September, the Selected Aromatic Vinegar and Rice Vinegar were launched in Hong Kong. Together with the White Vinegar, Seasoning Black Vinegar and Seasoning Red Vinegar, the vinegar range in Hong Kong has increased to five kinds of vinegar with different textures and flavours. 特寫 21 FEATURES

李錦記四大食醋重點品類 Lee Kum Kee's Four Main Vinegar Range 現時的食醋產品主要分為四大品類—陳醋、香醋、米醋及 Lee Kum Kee delivers a full range of safe and high-quality premium 甜醋。李錦記全線食醋產品採用穀物精心釀造而成。產品 vinegar options built on the foundation of the four pillar vinegars, Mature Vinegar, Rice Vinegar, Aromatic Vinegar and Sweet Vinegar. All 規格也非常多元化,配合不同客戶需求,獲零售、餐飲和 these vinegar products are produced using carefully selected grains to 工業客戶的廣泛使用。 meet different consumer needs and have proved popular with retail, catering and industrial customers.

陳醋嚴選高粱,採用傳統固態發酵工 藝釀造而成,醋味醇厚,越久越香。 Using sorghum and adopting the traditional 經 典 菜 式:臊 子 麵 solid-state fermentation process, Mature 陳醋 Vinegar has a rich flavour profile and gets more Classic dish: Qishan Saozi Noodles Mature Vinegar aromatic as the vinegar ages.

香醋嚴選大米,採用傳統固態發 酵工藝釀造而成,醋香醇厚,回 味甘甜。

Using rice, and adopting the traditional solid-state fermentation process, 經典菜式:酸甜蘿蔔 香醋 Aromatic Vinegar has a rich flavour Classic dish: Aromatic Vinegar profile and a sweet aftertaste. Pickled Radish

米醋精選大米釀造,採用德國液態 深層發酵工藝,醋味純正,回味甘 醇,百搭增鮮不搶味。 Using rice, and adopting the German liquid-state deep-tank fermentation process, Rice Vinegar has a clean flavour profile and a sweet after taste. Rice 經典菜式:糖醋排骨 米醋 vinegar goes well with all dishes to Classic dish: Rice Vinegar enhance the original flavour. Sweet and Sour Ribs

甜醋嚴選原料,採用德國液態深層 發酵工藝,酸甜適中,風味純正。 Adopting the German liquid-state deep- tank fermentation process to selected 經 典 菜 式:豬 腳 薑 ingredients, Sweet Vinegar adds an extra layer of flavour with the perfect balance of Classic dish: Black Sweet Vinegar 甜醋 sweetness and sourness. Pork Trotter Sweet Vinegar 22 集團資訊 CORPORATE NEWS

2019年李文達獎勵金得獎者 Awardees of 2019 Lee Man Tat Award 「李文達獎勵金」「李文達獎勵金」 舉行頒獎典禮 "Lee Man Tat Award" Presentation Ceremony

11月13日,以李錦記集團主席李文達先生命名的「中國 『李文達獎勵金』,向李文達先生以及李錦記在中國食品 食品科學技術學會科技創新獎之突出貢獻獎—李文達獎勵 領域所做出的突出貢獻致敬,同時讓李文達先生的公益心 金」首屆頒獎典禮於武漢隆重舉行。中國食品科學技術學 得以延續,讓李文達先生的事跡和名字,如同李錦記的發 會理事長孟素荷女士與中國工程院院士、北京工商大學校 展一樣,永遠融入世界食品之林的偉大進程中。」 長孫寶國先生,以及李錦記醬料集團主席李惠中先生,共 2019年「李文達獎勵金」的得獎者共有12位傑出人士, 同為得獎者頒獎。 包括中國工程院院士、廣東省微生物研究所名譽所長、研 「李文達獎勵金」於2018年李錦記130周年創業紀念日宣 究員吳清平先生及中國疾病預防控制中心營養與健康所所 佈成立,旨在表揚對中國食品行業的科技創新有傑出貢獻 長、主任醫師丁鋼強先生等。 的人士,推動行業發展。獎勵金每兩年頒發一次,通過嚴 同場更舉行「2019李錦記盃學生創新大賽」頒獎典禮,由上 格的推薦與評審程序,挑選出 名優秀科學家及企業家。 12 海市食品學會理事長潘迎捷先生及醬料集團主席李惠中先生 這是首次科技創新獎之突出貢獻獎以人物命名,藉此表揚 為得獎的隊伍頒獎。比賽以「中式醬料 世界味道」為主題, 李錦記廣泛傳播「思利及人」的價值觀及傳承李文達先生 邀請全國十間大學組隊參賽。參賽隊伍以李錦記醬料為基 對「中華傳統食品走向世界」的追求和理念。 料,研發出美味而富營養的創新食品,以推動食品科技行業 在頒獎典禮上,孟素荷女士表示:「我們希望通過設立 的發展。比賽由上海海洋大學的「『加』飯醬」贏得一等獎。 集團資訊 23 CORPORATE NEWS

On 13 November, the award presentation ceremony of the "The Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST) Technology Innovation Award (Outstanding Contribution) - the Lee Man Tat Award", named after Group Chairman Mr. Lee Man Tat, was held in Wuhan. Ms. Meng Suhe, President of CIFST; Mr. Sun Baoguo, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Principal of Beijing Technology and Business University and Mr. Charlie Lee, Chairman of Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group presented the Award. Launched on Lee Kum Kee 130th Founder's Day in 2018, the Lee Man Tat Award aims to recognise individuals with outstanding contribution in the technological innovation of China's Food Industry. The biennial award, which serves to promote the development of the Industry, will be presented to 12 outstanding scientists and entrepreneurs after a careful selection and review process. As the first Innovation Award (Outstanding Contribution) to be named after an individual, the Lee Man Tat Award is dedicated to recognise Lee Kum Kee's propagation of its core value of "Si Li Ji Ren" (Considering Others' Interests) and Mr. Lee Man Tat's unfailing pursuit of "Promoting Chinese Cuisines Worldwide". At the Award Presentation Ceremony, Ms. Meng Suhe said, "The Lee Man Tat Award was established to commemorate Mr. Lee Man Tat's contribution to the food industry in China. By presenting the Award to accomplished individuals within the industry, we celebrate Mr. Lee's community spirit and mark his name in the history of the industry." The 12 awardees of the 2019 Lee Man Tat Award include Mr. Wu Qingping, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Honorary Director of Guangdong Institute of Microbiology and Researcher, Mr. Ding Gangqiang, Director of Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Chief Physician. The 2019 Lee Kum Kee Cup Student Innovation Competition Award Presentation Ceremony was also held at the occasion. President of Shanghai Society of Food Science Mr. Pan Yingjie and Sauce Group Chairman Mr. Charlie Lee presented the awards to the winning teams. Themed "Chinese Sauces & Condiment – Flavour of the World", the competition attracted teams from over ten universities within the country. Participants were required to create innovative food products using Lee Kum Kee sauces, contributing to the development of the food technology industry. The 2019李錦記盃學生創新大賽得獎者 "Mixed Sauce for Rice" by Shanghai Awardees of 2019 Lee Kum Kee Cup Student Innovation Ocean University won the first prize. Competition Award Presentation Ceremony 24 集團資訊 CORPORATE NEWS

廣州南站李錦記大廈簽約儀式 Signing Ceremony of Lee Kum Kee Building Guangzhou South Station

11月18日,李錦記與萬科就廣州南站李錦記大廈項目舉行 On 18 November, Lee Kum Kee and Vanke held a signing ceremony 簽約儀式,李錦記醬料集團主席李惠中先生、李錦記醬料 for the construction project of Lee Kum Kee Building Guangzhou South Station. Mr. Charlie Lee, Chairman of Lee Kum Kee Sauce 集團董事局顧問莫華釗先生、李錦記醬料集團管理層、廣 Group; Mr. Christopher Mok, Advisor to the Board of Directors 州萬科副總經理翟煒哲先生、廣州萬科南區總經理姜湛睿 of Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group; the management team of Lee Kum 先生等出席。 Kee Sauce Group; Mr. Zhai Weizhe, Deputy General Manager of Guangzhou Vanke and Mr. Jiang Zhanrui, General Manager of 儀式上,李惠中先生代表公司與萬科簽訂廣州南站李錦記 Guangzhou Vanke South District attended the event. 大廈相關協議,深化雙方合作。李錦記醬料集團財務總裁 At the ceremony, Mr. Charlie Lee signed an agreement with Vanke 呂志雄先生在致辭時以李錦記「100-1=0」的零缺陷品質 on the Lee Kum Kee Building Guangzhou South Station, to galvanise 管理理念與萬科共勉,希望繼上海李錦記大廈後,雙方再 the cooperation between the two parties. In his speech, Mr. Alan Lui, 度攜手,打造高標準、高品質的廣州南站李錦記大廈,共 Chief Financial Officer of Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group, shared with Vanke the stringent quality management philosophy of "100-1=0" 創新里程。 upheld by Lee Kum Kee, and expressed the hope that both parties would collaborate efforts to build a high standard and high quality 廣州南站李錦記大廈項目位於廣州萬科世博匯,鄰近高 Lee Kum Kee Building Guangzhou South Station, marking another 鐵。2018年3月,廣州南站李錦記大廈舉行奠基儀式,項 milestone after their successful cooperation in the project of Lee 目預計於2020年底完工。 Kum Kee Building in Shanghai. Lee Kum Kee Building Guangzhou South Station is located in Vanke World Meets, adjacent to the high-speed rail station. The ground breaking ceremony of the building was held in March this year, and the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2020. 集團資訊 25 CORPORATE NEWS


慶祝建國70周年及香港中華廠商會成立85周年午餐酒會 Lunch Reception in Celebration of 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC and 85th Anniversary of CMA

9月,香港中華廠商聯合會(廠商會)舉行慶祝中華人民 In September, the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong (CMA) th 共和國成立70周年及廠商會85周年午餐酒會。香港特別 held a lunch reception to celebrate the 70 anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and its 85th anniversary. Some 500 guests 行政區行政長官林鄭月娥女士、近500名政府官員、行政 including Mrs. Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, members 會議成員和立法會議員、港區人大代表、政協委員、各 of the Executive and Legislative Councils, Hong Kong deputies to the 國駐港領事及主要商會領導等聚首一堂,共同慶祝這個 National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political 別具意義的時刻,作為廠商會會董的李錦記醬料集團主 Consultative Conference, Consuls General of different regions, government officials and business leaders gathered to share the celebration of the 席李惠中先生亦應邀出席。 milestone anniversary. Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group Chairman Mr. Charlie Lee participated as a general committee member of the CMA. 李錦記藉此感謝廠商會多年來致力推動香港工業和貿易 的發展,並積極發揮橋樑角色,加強業界和內地以至海 Lee Kum Kee expressed appreciation to the CMA for its contribution to facilitate the industrial and trade development over the years, and its 外的聯繫,拓展商機。此外,自改革開放以來,中國經 relentless efforts to serve as a bridge to strengthen liaison between the 濟不斷騰飛,而近年的「一帶一路」倡議亦為國家帶來 industry and the Mainland as well as other countries, thereby helping 無限的發展機遇。李錦記亦希望與祖國同步繁榮昌盛, enterprises develop their businesses. China's economy has been growing 創造輝煌的新時代。 since its reform and open up, and the "Belt and Road" initiative is bringing tremendous development opportunities for the country. Lee Kum Kee hopes to move forward and thrive in pace with the motherland and embrace a new era of unprecedented prosperity together. 26 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP


9月,李錦記集團向江門市公安局七堡派出所捐贈一 In September, Lee Kum Kee Group pledged the donation of one police 輛警車及六輛警用摩托車。新會區公安分局副局長 car and six police motorcycles to the Qibao Police Station of the Public Security Bureau. Over 40 distinguished guests attended the donation 余元軍先生、江門市公安局七堡派出所所長劉衛勤先 ceremony, including Mr. Yu Yuanjun, Deputy Chief of the Police 生、醬料集團主席李惠中先生與管理層,以及新會公 Station, Mr. Liu Weiqin, Chief of Qibao Police Station of Jiangmen Public 安分局民警等40多人出席捐贈儀式。 Security Bureau District, Mr. Charlie Lee, Chairman of Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group, and management team of the Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group, as well as 李惠中先生表示,李錦記一直重視實踐企業社會責 police officers from the Xinhui Public Security Sub-Bureau. 任,此次向江門市公安局七堡派出所捐贈警車,希望 Mr. Charlie Lee expressed that Lee Kum Kee always places great 能在社會治安環境方面盡一分綿力,讓區內人民得到 emphasis on corporate social responsibility and sharing fruits of success. 更好的保障,與大眾「共享成果」。 To this end, the Group hoped to fulfill its role in reinforcing public safety by contributing towards security enhancement for the community.

醬料集團主席拜訪新會海關 Sauce Group Chairman Visits Xinhui Customs

9月,醬料集團主席李惠中先生拜訪新會海關, 並獲新會海關關長陳萬齊先生、新會海關副關長 黃耀斌先生、新會海關副關長耿燕女士、新會海 關紀檢組副組長曹海東先生接待。李惠中先生 向新會海關贈送錦旗、《家族精神》及《李文達 傳》,以示感謝。他指出,李錦記的成功實有賴 多方的支持。

In September, Mr. Charlie Lee, Chairman of Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group, visited the Xinhui Customs and met with Mr. Chen Wanqi, Chief of the Xinhui Customs, Mr. Huang Yaobin, Deputy Chief of the Xinhui Customs, Ms. Geng Yan, Deputy Chief of the Xinhui Customs and Mr. Cao Haidong, Deputy Head of the Disciplinary Team at the Xinhui Customs, to express the Group's appreciation of the support rendered by the Customs in the company operations. Mr. Charlie Lee presented a silk banner and a copy of each of the publications, Family Spirit and Biography of Lee Man Tat to the Xinhui Customs as an expression of gratitude. 醬料集團 27 SAUCE GROUP

李錦記位列「中國調味料品牌影響力排行」第一 Lee Kum Kee Tops Ranking of Influential Condiment Brands in China

8月,新華網在北京舉行2019年中國 食品闢謠與科普論壇,並發表《食品 品牌競爭力評價體系》報告。該報告 從品牌傳播力、品牌管理能力、品牌 美譽度、品牌延伸發展能力和企業社 會責任貢獻度五大角度出發,透過分 析消費者在新聞網站及社交媒體上的 評價,評估各類食品企業的品牌影響 力。其中,李錦記位列「中國調味料 品牌影響力排行」第一名,品牌影響 力綜合指數高達90.94,反映消費者對 我們的產品品質及品牌的肯定。

In August, Xinhuanet held the 2019 China Food Industry Misperception Correction and Science Forum in Beijing and published a report on the Evaluation System on the Competitiveness of Food Brands. The report analysed consumer reviews on news websites and social media to assess the brand influence of different types of food companies under five categories, including brand communication power, brand management ability, brand reputation, brand potential and their contribution in corporate social responsibility. Lee Kum Kee topped the list for Ranking of Influential Condiment Brands in China with an impressive score of 90.94 for overall brand influence. The results serve as a recognition of our longstanding commitment to quality.

李錦記助力第29屆中國廚師節Supports the 29th Chinese Chef Festival

9月,由中國烹飪協會主辦的第29屆中 國廚師節在天津開幕,匯聚全國1,500 名廚師精英。李錦記作為中國烹飪協會 的副會長單位及戰略合作夥伴亦獲邀出 席。在「李錦記之夜」晚宴上,李錦記 重現了澳門老店李錦記蠔油莊,並邀請 獲得「中華金廚獎」的兩位李錦記大廚 為現場嘉賓炮製美味的「雞鮮豆腐」, 向來自全國各地的餐飲界同仁及消費者 展示匠心品質。

In September, the 29th Chinese Chef Festival was held in Tianjin, China. Organised by the China Cuisine Association, the event attracted a total of 1,500 top chefs from all over the country. As Vice Chairman and strategic partner of the China Cuisine Association, Lee Kum Kee participated in the event. At the Lee Kum Kee Gala Dinner, the heritage brand re-created its oldest store in . Industry peers and consumers were treated to the superior taste distinctive to Lee Kum Kee. Two Lee Kum Kee master chefs awarded with the Chinese Golden Chef Award prepared a sumptuous dish of Braised Chicken with Tofu to the delight of the guests. 28 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP

李錦記雞鮮調味料榮獲「中國方便食品行業最佳創新產品」 Lee Kum Kee Premium Chicken Bouillon Powder Wins China Convenience Food Industry's Most Innovative Product Award

In September, the 19th China Convenient Food Expo organised by the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology was 9月,由中國食品科學技術學會主辦的第19屆中國方便食 opened in Beijing. As a platform for innovation and development 品大會在北京召開。作為關注方便食品行業創新與發展的 of the convenience food industry, the Expo this year was themed "Transitioning towards Healthy Foods: A Journey of Value 平台,今屆大會以「堅定地走健康轉型與價值提升之路」 Enhancement". Catering to the ever-changing market demand, Lee 為主題。李錦記一直按照市場需求不斷推陳出新,新推出 Kum Kee launched the Premium Chicken Bouillon Powder in China 的雞鮮調味料榮獲「2018-2019中國方便食品行業最佳創 market. The product was highly acclaimed by culinary experts and won the China Convenience Food Industry's Most Innovative 新產品」,獲得專家們的極高評價。同時,李錦記於大會 Product Award 2018-2019. A tasting booth was set up for visitors to 的展示攤位提供試食,讓大家一嚐以雞鮮調味料及食醋系 taste food prepared with Lee Kum Kee Premium Chicken Bouillon 列產品烹調的美食。 Powder and its Vinegar Range.

「蠔油 當然選李錦記」推廣活動 "Lee Kum Kee – the Brand of Choice" Marketing Campaign 8月,李錦記在中國內地展開為期兩個月的「蠔油 當然選 In August, Lee Kum Kee launched a two-month "Lee Kum Kee 李錦記」推廣活動,在零售及餐飲渠道宣傳李錦記蠔油產 Oyster Sauce – the Brand of Choice" marketing campaign in Mainland China to extensively promote its oyster sauce products 品。適逢中秋佳節及生意旺季,李錦記在全國 個城市 140 across retail and F&B channels. Leveraging on the peak season of 的3,800間零售店向消費者推廣財神蠔油,又於215家中高 Mid-Autumn Festival, Lee Kum Kee promoted its Choy Sun Oyster 端餐廳以產品展 Sauce with in-store displays and promotional giveaways across 示、菜式合作、 3,800 retail stores in 140 cities nationwide. Concurrently, the brand stepped up its brand presence in 215 mid- to high-end restaurants 食客換購等方 with product displays, special menus and product offers. The 式,推廣財神蠔 pairing of Choy Sun Oyster Sauce with XO Sauce created a strong 油搭配XO醬的 impression on consumers and boosted brand recognition. 產品組合,加深 消費者對李錦 記蠔油的認 識,提升品 牌知名度。 醬料集團 29 SAUCE GROUP

「蠔油 當然選李錦記」推廣活動 李錦記特鮮菇粉於5月閃耀登場,銷情理想並獲得消費者 The launch of Lee Kum Kee Premium Mushroom Powder in May "Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce – the Brand of Choice" Marketing Campaign 正面迴響。為增強產品曝光率,香港市場團隊於7至8月推 stimulated satisfactory sales performance and positive feedback from the market. To further enhance the exposure of these products, 出一連串李錦記特鮮菇粉及特鮮雞粉宣傳活動,透過協同 Hong Kong Market introduced another series of promotional 效應,大幅提升品牌及產品知名度。 activities for the two powder products, the Premium Mushroom Powder and Premium Chicken Bouillon Powder during July and 特鮮雞粉以「不加味精 無走雞;安心鮮味 守護屋企」為 August. With the synergy effect, both brand and product recognition 主題,而特鮮菇粉則以「雙菇合璧,鮮甜味力;取代 were greatly enhanced. 鹽糖,一罐搞掂」為主題,在巴士車身、超市陳列、 The Premium Mushroom Powder and Premium Chicken Bouillon Facebook專頁等進行廣泛宣傳。團隊更與香港街市 Powder were promoted under the themes "Enhanced Chicken (Hong Kong Market)合作,於旗下六大人流暢旺的街市 Taste with No Added MSG to Safeguard Family" and "Sweetness 舉行「特鮮雞粉及特鮮菇粉換領活動」,又設置小遊戲及 and Umami Double Up with Double Mushrooms, Replacement of Salt and Sugar with All-rounded Applications" respectively. Thematic 特鮮菇粉試味區,吸引消費者到場支持。 advertisements were located on buses, supermarket displays, Facebook page, etc. In order to expand the customer base, Lee Kum Kee collaborated with Hong Kong Market with Special Offers on Lee Kum Kee Premium Mushroom Powder and Premium Chicken Bouillon Powder in six wet markets as well as staging mini games and sample tasting to attract consumers. 30 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP

「李錦記蠔油 醃肉一支到味」推廣活動 "Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce - The Perfect Marinade with All Flavours in a Bottle" Campaign

李錦記於9月在香港推出「李錦記蠔油 醃肉一支到味」推廣活動, 教育消費者以李錦記蠔油醃肉「快、靚、正」及方便簡單的特點。 是次全方位宣傳活動除了巴士車身、報章廣告及店內陳列外,更 於社交平台及YouTube播放六段烹飪教學短片。短片以蠔油醃肉為 主題,再配搭雞蛋、豆腐及菇菌等簡單食材,完成一道又一道簡 單美味的菜式。透過一系列網上動畫廣告宣傳,鼓勵消費者使用 李錦記蠔油醃肉,有助蠔油市場增長。

In September, Lee Kum Kee launched a marketing campaign with the theme "Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce - The Perfect Marinade with All Flavours in a Bottle" to educate customers on the application of Oyster Sauce as a meat marinade. Apart from advertising on buses, print media and instore displays, six cooking videos were uploaded on social media platforms and YouTube. The tutorial videos focussed on the usage of oyster sauce as meat marinade, couple with simple ingredients such as eggs, tofu and mushrooms. The wide coverage of online animated advertising encouraged customers to use oyster sauce to marinate meat, contributing to the growth of oyster sauce market.

第二輪「鮮至係第一」推廣活動 Second wave of No.1 in Sales in Hong Kong No.1 in Taste Marketing Campaign 8月,李錦記在香港推出第二輪的 In August, Lee Kum Kee launched another 豉油推廣活動。活動繼續以「鮮至 wave of Soy Sauce Campaign in Hong Kong. Continued with the theme "No.1 係第一」為主題,宣傳廣告廣見於 in Sales in Hong Kong No.1 in Taste", the 巴士車身、報章及店內陳列,廣 soy sauce advertising was widely seen on 告短片更於社交平台累積43萬瀏覽 buses, newspapers and supermarkets. Our 量。為加強與消費者的互動,我們 commercial video recorded over 430,000 views on social media. We also launched a 更在社交平台引入聊天機器人,教 Chatbot educating consumers on the use 育消費者使用李錦記各款豉油烹 of different soy sauce products, with the 調不同菜式。 aim to enhance interaction with consumers. 為回饋顧客及加強品牌親和力, To thank consumers for their support and boost brand affinity, Lee Kum Kee 李錦記與知名意大利電器品牌合 collaborated with a famous Italian 作,向消費者送贈新派廚房小家 kitchenware brand and held a giveaway, 電,活動反應相當熱烈。 which received enthusiastic response.

掃瞄觀看「鮮至係第一」短片 Scan to watch the "No.1 Soy Sauce Brand" video 醬料集團 31 SAUCE GROUP

Since its launch last year, the Lee Kum Kee Thick Soup Range has become one of the customer favourites. In September, the "Loving Thick Soup Loving You" campaign was launched to further promote the Thick Soup Range to the younger customers in Hong Kong so that the busy millennials can enjoy a soul-warming bowl of noodles with little effort. With the theme "Loving Thick Soup Loving You", a series of animation focussing on love, friendship, family and self-love was played on social media and search engines, reaching nearly 3.26 million viewers. A Facebook competition was also launched for participants to upload photos of their attempt to make dishes with Lee Kum Kee Thick Soup and to express their affection for others. Such customer engaging activities further enhanced the popularity of Lee Kum Kee products. 李錦記濃湯系列四款口味自去年火熱登場後,反應非常熱 烈。香港市場趁勢於今年9月推出「李錦記濃湯愛濃濃」 掃瞄觀看「李錦記濃湯愛濃濃」 宣傳活動,進一步向年輕客戶推廣李錦記濃湯系列產品, 預告短片 讓更多生活忙碌的年輕上班族可以簡單快捷地享受到一碗 Scan to watch the 美味的「心靈濃湯」湯麵。 "Loving Thick Soup Loving You"teaser video 以「李錦記濃湯愛濃濃」為主題的一系列愛情、親情、友 情和自愛為題的動畫短片,在李錦記香港的社交平台、搜 索引擎廣告等渠道播放,成功接觸近326萬人次。李錦記 更在Facebook舉辦有獎遊戲,邀請參加者上載以李錦記濃 湯炮製的美食相片,表達對親友愛濃濃的心意,透過與消 費者互動,提升李錦記產品的知名度。

全新直立唧唧裝泰式甜辣醬 New Cheer Pack - Thai Style Sweet Chilli Sauce Launched 李錦記秉承「永遠創業精神」,在產品研發及包裝方面持 續創新,於2017年更推出「直立唧唧裝」系列,包裝設計 方便「易唧」且不易沾污瓶口,有效減省存放空間;產品 包括甜醬、蕃茄醬、芝麻醬等等,深受消費者歡迎。

8月,李錦記乘勢推出直立唧唧裝泰式甜辣醬,選用上等 辣椒、脫水大蒜及其他優質配料精製而成,可用於蘸點燒 烤食物或用作沙律醬伴食香口小食,為消費者提供方便的 選擇。

In the spirit of "Constant Entrepreneurship", Lee Kum Kee is relentless in developing new products and new packaging to lead the market trend. A new Cheer Pack Range designed with easy-to-"squeeze" and handy storage packaging was launched in 2017 with products including Sweet Sauce, Tomato Ketchup and Sesame Sauce. With proven popularity of the Cheer Pack Range, in August Lee Kum Kee rolled out a new Cheer Pack product, Thai Style Sweet Chilli Sauce, made from high quality ingredients, including chilli pepper and dehydrated garlic. With its convenience for use as a dip for BBQ food and salad dressing for fried dishes, the new product will provide another fine choice for consumers. 32 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP

支持「第13屆亞洲名廚精英薈」 Supports the 13th Asian Culinary Exchange

10月,由亞洲餐飲廚藝協會舉辦、李錦記贊助的「第13屆 In October, the 13th Asian Culinary Exchange, hosted by the Asia 亞洲名廚精英薈」在日本長崎向陽高等學校舉行。84位來 Art of Cuisine Society (AOC) and sponsored by Lee Kum Kee, was held at Koyo High School in Nagasaki, Japan. A total of 84 自中國內地、港澳台、日本、韓國、泰國及馬來西亞等地 chefs from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, 區的中餐廚師,運用各款李錦記醬料烹調中式美饌,角逐 Thailand and gathered to make dishes with the use of Lee 殊榮。當晚舉行的「亞洲餐飲廚藝協會周年晚宴暨第13屆 Kum Kee sauces. The AOC Gala Dinner cum the 13th Asian Culinary Exchange Award Ceremony held on the same night attracted close 亞洲名廚精英薈頒獎典禮」,吸引約200位來自政府與餐 to 200 government officials and industry leaders. 飲業界的嘉賓及參賽廚師出席,場面熱鬧。 Lee Kum Kee was the sole sponsor of sauces and condiments of 李錦記在今屆比賽中擔任獨家醬料贊助商,由32位香港廚 the competition. 32 elites from Hong Kong formed eight teams and 藝界精英組成的八隊香港隊伍參賽,與其他參賽廚師切磋 participated in the competition, serving as a golden opportunity for international culinary exchange. 交流,提升業界水平。

Participates in the Sixth Macau Industrial Products Show In September, Lee Kum Kee participated in the Sixth Macau Industrial Products Show organised annually by the Industrial Association of Macau. This year, the Industrial Products drew a crowd of 95,000 visitors and designated a special exhibition area as the Jiangmen Pavilion. As the leading enterprise in Jiangmen, Lee Kum Kee was invited to set up an exhibition booth in the Jiangmen Pavilion. By providing food-tasting and interactive games, Lee Kum Kee enhanced brand recognition and fostered consumer confidence through direct interactions with patrons. On the opening day of the Show, Chief of Jiangmen Bureau of Commerce Mr. Ruisi Zhao and Deputy Chief Mr. Rongchao Ye visited the Lee Kum Kee booth to provide encouragement and support.

9月,李錦記參與一年一度由澳門廠商聯合會舉辦的第六 屆澳門工展會。今屆工展會的入場人次達95,000人,並特 設江門展區。作為江門企業代表,李錦記獲邀於江門展區 設置攤位,提供試食及互動遊戲與參觀人士互動交流,加 強消費者對李錦記品牌的認知及信任。 展會首天,江門市商務局局長趙瑞思先生及副局長葉榮超 先生一行更親臨李錦記攤位參觀加以鼓勵及支持。 醬料集團 33 SAUCE GROUP 台灣便利店渠道發展更上一層樓 Progress in Taiwan Convenience Store Channel

隨著台灣連鎖便利商店發展愈見蓬勃,李錦記於過去幾 With the continuous growth in chained convenience store 年一直加強產品在便利店渠道的發展。我們以不同形式和 industry in Taiwan, Lee Kum Kee has been strengthening its brand presence in this sales channel over these years. The Company 及全家等台灣便利店合作,包括在鮮食產品置入 7-Eleven worked with different stakeholders by including sauce packs in 李錦記醬料、與超商食品進行聯名合作等。截至10月,李 pre-packaged items and collaborated with other food products at 錦記合作推出的超商產品多達22種。 convenience stores such as 7-Eleven and Family Mart. By October, 22 collaborated items have been listed at the convenience stores. 當中李錦記濃湯系列產品更於10月在台灣超過2,000家便利 Lee Kum Kee Thick Soup Range was launched in October and 店上架,加上900家全台最大連鎖超市全聯福利中心,總 became available in over 2,000 convenience stores in Taiwan. 分銷點多達3,000多家。便利點的主要客戶群是年輕人,李 Together with the 900 outlets of the largest supermarket chain 錦記在便利店銷售點上取得新突破,有助提升品牌在年輕 PX Mart, the total number of distribution points reached 3,000 人之間的認知度及品牌年輕化。 stores. The breakthrough in sales channel also strengthens our brand presence among younger audience and contributes to brand rejuvenation.

第二屆The Second Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce Recipe優勝者誕生 Contest

7月,由李錦記和大榮貿易公司攜手主辦、日本中國料理 In July, the Second Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce Recipe Contest, 協會協辦的「第二屆李錦記蠔油食譜大賽」於日本順利舉 organised by Lee Kum Kee and Daiei Trading Co., Ltd. and co- organized by the Japan Association of Chinese Cuisine, was held in 行。比賽以「大眾食堂」為主題,參賽者以李錦記蠔油及 Japan. With the theme "Public Canteen", contestants created novel 其他調味品,創作出各種款式新穎的菜式,將李錦記蠔油 yet popular dishes with the use of Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce and 的多樣化發揮得淋漓盡致。 other condiments, showcasing the versatility of Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce. 經過激烈的比拼,六名優勝者從233名參賽者中脫穎而 After intense competition, six winners were selected among 233 出,並於10月到香港出席頒獎儀式及參觀李錦記新會生產 contestants. They participated in the award presentation ceremony in 基地。透過是次比賽,讓參賽者發掘更多李錦記蠔油的優 Hong Kong in October and enjoyed a tour to Lee Kum Kee Xinhui 點,為日本消費者烹調出更多美味佳餚。 Production Base. Through this event, participants acquired a better understanding on the use of Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce, which facilitated them to develop more delicious dishes for Japanese consumers. 34 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP

參與韓國 Welstory Food Festa Joins Welstory Food Festa in Korea 9月,李錦記參與韓國餐飲服務集團Welstory在 首爾aT Center舉辦的Welstory Food Festa。活動的 目標對象為Welstory的客戶、旗下的廚師及營養 師,一共吸引超過30個食品品牌參與,入場人數 超過1,500人。 有見韓國「麻辣熱潮」有增無減,李錦記與代理 商Ottogi特意在會場設產品展示區,讓入場人士 品嚐以麻辣火鍋上湯烹調的炒年糕和炒香腸,並 派發產品樣本。是次參展讓客戶對產品應用有更 深入的認識,有助推動業務增長。

In September, Lee Kum Kee attended the Welstory Food Festa organised by Welstory, one of the biggest catering companies in Korea, at aT Center in Seoul. The show, which was targeted at Welstory's customers, chefs and nutritionists, attracted participation of 30 brands and recorded over 1,500 visitors. Under the influence of the on-going "Mala" trend in Korea, Lee Kum Kee and Ottogi staged a booth to showcase its products. Visitors were served with stir-fried rice cakes and sausages made with Lee Kum Kee Soup Base for Sichuan Hot and Spicy Hot Pot, and were given free samples. Lee Kum Kee took the opportunity to educate consumers on product applications to drive business growth. 醬料集團 35 SAUCE GROUP 李錦記熊貓周遊列國 Lee Kum Kee Panda's Overseas Visits 紐西蘭 New Zealand 10月,李錦記熊貓化身宣傳大使,再次到訪紐西蘭,並到國 家投球隊Silver Ferns的賽事現場及華人超市與消費者互動。 李錦記熊貓在投球賽Constellation盃以舞蹈表演歡迎觀 眾,並向入場人士派發李錦記新產品「慢煮」系列方便醬 料包。隨後李錦記熊貓更到訪當地華人超市與消費者見 面,吸引粉絲上傳合照到各社交平台。李錦記亦在社交平 台上載熊貓在紐西蘭的最新動向,並舉辦抽獎贏取球賽門 票及獎品。活動成功提升新產品在當地的關注度,更令李 錦記紐西蘭Facebook專頁互動人數大幅增加。

In October, Lee Kum Kee Panda Mascot once again transformed into an ambassador touring around New Zealand. Lee Kum Kee Panda visited the New Zealand national netball team Silver Ferns at their games and interacted with customers at local Asian grocery stores. At the Constellation Cup Netball Games, Lee Kum Kee Panda Mascot greeted spectators with dance performance and delivered samples of the new Slow Cook Ready Sauce Range. Lee Kum Kee Panda also visited local Asian grocery stores for photos with customers, which most uploaded on social media. By uploading Joins Welstory Food Festa in Korea the whereabouts of the Panda Mascot and organising lucky draw with free netball game tickets and product samples, Lee Kum Kee effectively raised awareness of the new products and increased Lee Kum Kee New Zealand Facebook page's engagement rate.

印尼 Indonesia 9月至11月,李錦記在印尼雅加達購物中心舉辦一連串大 型路演。路演以當地主要語言「Pandai Masak Ya, Panda Saus Tiram」為主題,向消費者宣傳李錦記蠔油為最佳之選。 活動在雅加達市內六個高端購物中心舉行,李錦記熊貓吉 祥物亦到場與消費者互動,連同產品促銷、試食等活動, 這次路演共吸引超過五萬名消費者參與,有助提高李錦記 在當地的品牌知名度。

From September to November, Lee Kum Kee organised a series of roadshows at local shopping malls in Jakarta, Indonesia. With the Indonesian slogan "Panda Masak Ya, Panda Saus Tiram", the events aimed to impress upon customers that Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce is the oyster sauce of choice. Lee Kum Kee Panda Mascot also joined the roadshows and interacted with customers. Together with special promotion and product tasting, the events attracted over 50,000 customers. The events were held in six high-end shopping malls in Jakarta, receiving extensive exposure and successfully raising brand awareness. 36 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP

榮獲Receives「Black "Black Box AustraliaBox 用戶推薦產品」 Members' Recommendation銀獎 - Silver Medal" 8月, 李錦記參與由Black Box 舉辦 的樣品派發活動,以「家庭生活用品」為 題,向澳洲25至55歲中產家庭用戶,派發包 含不同品牌產品的樣品盒,供用戶試用及評 價。李錦記一共送出5,000份熊貓牌蠔油樣 品,反應熱烈,更奪得「2019年 Black Box用 戶推薦產品」銀牌。 用戶在社交平台分享熊貓牌蠔油的多變用 法,並指熊貓牌蠔油味道香濃、品質高。超 過八成試食用戶推薦李錦記熊貓牌蠔油,並 表示會繼續使用或轉用李錦記蠔油。透過與 消費者互動,李錦記進一步提升在當地的品 牌知名度及用戶忠誠度。

In August, Lee Kum Kee participated in a sampling campaign held by Black Box Australia. With the theme of "Home Entertainer", a box Users shared photos of them using the Panda Brand oyster sauce and filled with product samples from different brands were sent to middle their love for the superb flavour on social media. According to the post income families aged 22-55. Lee Kum Kee gave out a total of 5,000 campaign survey, over 80% of users would recommend the Panda Panda Brand Oyster Sauce samples. Receiving enthusiastic support by Brand Oyster Sauce and are willing to purchase or switch to Lee Kum users, Panda Brand Oyster Sauce won the "2019 Black Box Member's Kee brand. Through such customer engagement, Lee Kum Kee's brand Recommendation - Silver Medal". awareness and customer loyalty were successfully boosted.

米芝蓮星級廚師廚藝交流Culinary Exchange with Michelin-starred Chef

8月,李錦記在越南舉行廚藝交流活動,並邀請香港 米芝蓮星級廚師陳國強師傅擔任嘉賓。陳師傅除了向 李錦記越南生意夥伴分享廚藝秘訣,更即席示範烹調 亞洲融合菜。透過在社交媒體、報章和電視等多媒 體平台轉播,該活動既加強李錦記與越南廚師們的聯 繫,又鞏固品牌在越南作為華人醬料和調味品領導者 的形象。

In August, Lee Kum Kee held a culinary exchange workshop in Vietnam and invited Michelin-starred Chef Chan Kwok-keung from Hong Kong to demonstrate his exquisite cooking skills and inspiring Asian fusion recipes to Lee Kum Kee's trade partners. In addition to strengthening connection with the chef community in Vietnam, the event was broadcasted on multimedia platforms including social media, newspaper and TV channels, consolidating Lee Kum Kee's position as the leader in Chinese sauce and condiments in Vietnam. 醬料集團 37 SAUCE GROUP

Receives "Black Box Australia Members' Recommendation - Silver Medal"

李錦記青年廚師中餐國際大賽Lee Kum Kee International Young Chef Chinese Culinary Challenge ─ 菲律賓選拔賽 - Philippines Qualifiers

月,李錦記於 10 金獎得主Michael Lee師傅 馬尼拉Magsaysay Center for Gold Award Winner Chef Michael Lee Hospitality and Culinary Arts首度舉 辦青年廚師中餐國際大賽 ─ 菲律賓選 米芝蓮星級廚師廚藝交流 拔賽。這次比賽吸引多位有抱負的本地青年 廚師踴躍參加,他們均施展渾身解數,競逐殊榮。

比賽邀得新加坡的獲獎名廚陳健倫師傅和LTB菲律賓廚師 協會主席James Antolin師傅擔任評判。結果Michael Lee師 傅及 Muhajiran Ijiran lll師傅於比賽脫穎而出。他們將代表 菲律賓參與2020年於香港舉辦的第四屆李錦記青年廚師 中餐國際大賽,與約50位來自20多個國家和地區的青年 廚師角逐國際榮譽。

In October, the Lee Kum Kee's International Young Chef Chinese Culinary Challenge (IYCCCC) Qualifying Competition was held in the Philippines for the first time at Magsaysay Center for Hospitality and Culinary Arts in Manila. Aspiring chefs from across the Philippines gathered to put their skills to the test as they battled it out to earn the privilege of representing their country for an international culinary contest. A star-studded judging panel, including Singaporean award-winning Chef Aaron Tan and Chef James Antolin, President of LTB Philippines Chefs Association, was formed to select two winners from the contestants. Chef Michael Lee and Chef Muhajiran Ijiran lll eventually stood out and proceeded to join the Fourth IYCCCC in Hong Kong 銀獎得主Muhajiran Ijiran lll師傅 in 2020, competing with around 50 aspiring young chefs from over 20 Silver Award Winner Chef Muhajiran Ijiran lll countries and regions for the international championship. 38 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP

馬來西亞推出全新金醬油系列New KUM Soy Sauce Series Launched in Malaysia

9月,李錦記在馬來西亞推出全新金醬油系列—金生抽及 In September, Lee Kum Kee rolled out the brand new KUM Soy Sauce 金曬油,並在馬來西亞檳城舉辦產品發佈會。活動邀請 Series - KUM Light Soy Sauce and KUM Thick Dark Sauce in Malaysia. At the launch event held in Penang, Malaysia, Chef Vincent Yip, Gold 到2018年李錦記青年廚師中餐國際大賽金獎得主葉健霆 Award winner of Lee Kum Kee International Young Chef Chinese 師傅分享金醬油的使用心得。 Culinary Challenge 2018, was invited to share his experience using the new Lee Kum Kee products. 金醬油系列是李錦記為迎合馬來西亞北部(北馬)消費 者的口味,精心研發的新產品。金醬油融合北馬地道風 The KUM Soy Sauce Series is specially formulated to cater to consumers in the Northern Region of Malaysia. The well-balanced 味,以「鮮、香、不咸」的黃金比例秘製。葉健霆師傅 flavour follows the rule "Extra umami, aromatic and non-salty" that 更即席展示精湛廚藝,以金生抽及金曬油炮製多道別具 goes well with local dishes. Chef Yip demonstrated his award-winning 北馬特色的菜餚,突顯新系列美味而方便烹調的優點。 cooking skills using the KUM Soy Sauce to prepare several dishes for the guests, showcasing the extraordinary flavour and the easy-to-use features of the KUM Soy Sauce. 李錦記亞洲味覺之旅2019 Lee Kum Kee Flavours of Asia Tour 2019 In October, Lee Kum Kee hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner at Lucky Chinatown Mall, the Philippines for foodservice and industrial clients. Special guest Chef Aaron Tan, Champion of Lee Kum Kee International Young Chef Chinese Culinary Challenge 2016 and Executive Sous-Chef of Intercontinental Singapore, prepared three special dishes for the guests, including Chilli Prawn with Ramen, Braised Pork Belly with Oyster Sauce and Black Truffle and Roasted Chicken with Abalone. He also shared his insights on food trends in South Asia and demonstrated how to make braised pork belly with Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce. Lee Kum Kee also took this opportunity to introduce the new Liquid Seasoning Sauce to our foodservice and industrial customers in the Philippines.

10月,李錦記在菲律賓唐人街御膳房舉辦感恩節晚宴, 宴請餐飲及工業渠道的客戶。當晚更邀請到2016年李錦 記青年廚師中餐國際大賽冠軍、新加坡洲際酒店行政副 總廚陳健倫師傅為來賓特別炮製三道佳餚,包括辣椒明 蝦拉麵、黑松露蠔油燜花腩肉及鮑魚烤鷄。陳師傅又分 享了南亞的飲食趨勢,並示範如何用李錦記蠔油燜煮花 腩肉。李錦記亦向菲律賓餐飲及工業客戶推薦新推出的 調味醬油Liquid Seasoning,大受歡迎。 醬料集團 39 SAUCE GROUP

與Berco's合辦廚師培訓計劃 馬來西亞推出全新金醬油系列New KUM Soy Sauce Series Launched in Malaysia Co-organises Chef Engagement Programme with Berco's

To strengthen the promotion of Chinese culinary culture in South East Asia, in August Lee Kum Kee co-organised a Chef Engagement Programme with Berco's, a major restaurant chain in India, followed by a new collaboration menu in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The programme aims at educating chefs from India on the use of Lee Kum Kee products to create authentic Chinese flavours. A special menu with eight exclusive dishes were created by Chef Chan Ki Hong, an experienced international F&B consultant 為了加強中華飲食文化於東南亞地區的推廣,李錦記與 chef, and launched at the 印度連鎖餐廳Berco's 於8月合辦廚師培訓計劃,並在中秋 Food Tasting Session. The 節推出全新合作菜單。 event received overwhelming support from the media and 計劃旨在吸引並教育印度廚師使用李錦記產品,炮製符 famous bloggers. 合當地口味的正宗中菜。李錦記更邀請經驗豐富的國際 餐飲顧問主廚陳啟康師傅,推出八種使用李錦記醬料製 作的新菜單,並於媒體及社交媒體著名博客的食品品嚐 會率先發佈,大獲好評。

李錦記亞洲味覺之旅2019 瑞典舉辦醬料運用及廚藝展示工作坊 Lee Kum Kee Flavours of Asia Tour 2019 Flavour Workshop cum Chef Seminar in Sweden

In September, Lee Kum Kee and CT Food co-hosted a Chinese Flavour 9月,李錦記與CT Food合作,在瑞典斯德哥爾摩為當地 Worksop cum Chef Seminar in Stockholm, Sweden, for operators 亞洲連鎖餐廳經營者和廚師舉辦醬料運用及廚藝展示工 and chefs from local Asian restaurant chains. Chef Lee Che Liang, who was instrumental in opening the first Hakkasan restaurant in London, 作坊,並邀請了倫敦Hakkasan創店主廚李志良師傅使用 demonstrated the use of Lee Kum Kee sauces in a 12-course menu 當地食材搭配李錦記醬料,烹調12道菜餚。 using local ingredients. 工作坊的參加者大多為近年業務快速增長的連鎖餐廳企 The event showcased the immense potential of Lee Kum Kee 業,在瑞典有超過100家分店。活動除了向參加者展示李 products, and inspired participants on the practical use of sauces to develop new menus. Through the participation of fast-growing 錦記產品優勢及如何應用醬料,更有助啟發廚師研發新 restaurant chains extending over 100 restaurants across the country, 菜式,幫助我們拓展客戶群。 the event served well to expand our customer base in Sweden. 40 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP

9月,Oxford Cultural Launch of "Ken Collective在倫敦市中心的中 Hom - Lee Kum Kee 國站 (China Exchange) 舉辦一場研 Scholarship" 討會,邀請四位行業專家,包括享譽 英法的中式料理權威譚榮輝(Ken Hom) 先生、Darjeeling Express創辦人Asma Khan女士、 Kai Mayfair創辦人兼董事Bernard Yeoh先生及英國酒 店業就業政策顧問John Guthrie先生。 四位專家針對英國的中餐及亞洲菜廚師人才短缺問 題進行討論,並探討中餐在英國未來的發展。李錦記 一直致力支持中餐業的發展,聯同Ken Hom先生推出 「Ken Hom – 李錦記獎學金」,該獎學金旨在表彰及獎 勵具領導潛能的傑出學生,為當前行業所面臨的挑戰提 供創新的解決方案。活動提供絕佳的平台,讓李錦記與 In September, Oxford Cultural Collective held a panel discussion 客戶建立更牢固的關係,同時發揚中華優秀飲食文化。 at the China Exchange in Central London featuring four industry experts, Mr. Ken Hom, a renowned Chinese cuisine master in UK and France; Ms. Asma Khan, proprietor of the Darjeeling Express; Mr. Bernard Yeoh, Founder and Director of Kai Mayfair; and Mr. John Guthrie, Employment Policy Adviser at UK Hospitality. The four panellists discussed the issue of the talent shortage in the industry and explored future development of the Chinese cuisines in the UK. With its longstanding objective to support the development of Chinese food industry, Lee Kum Kee joined hands with Mr. Ken Hom to launch the "Ken Hom – Lee Kum Kee Scholarship". The scholarship aimed at recognising and awarding outstanding students with potentials for submission of consultancy studies on means of confronting current challenges facing the international hospitality industry. The event provided an excellent opportunity to build stronger relationships with our clients while fulfilling our mission of promoting Chinese Culinary Culture Worldwide. 醬料集團 41 SAUCE GROUP

參展世界最大型食品展ANUGA Participates in the World's Biggest Food Show ANUGA

10月,李錦記參加在德國科隆舉行、全球最大的食品和 In October, Lee Kum Kee participated again at ANUGA, the world's 飲料貿易展覽會ANUGA。醬料集團主席李惠中先生亦藉 largest trade fair for food and beverages in Cologne, Germany. Sauce Group Chairman Mr. Charlie Lee visited the show and met with our 機會鞏固客戶關係,蒞臨展會,與來自歐洲、美洲、中 customers from Europe, Americas, Middle East, Africa, etc., which 東、非洲等地的客戶會面。 strengthened customer relationships. ANUGA吸引來自全球的餐飲業者、零售商、分銷商與食 ANUGA attracted foodservice owners, retailers, distributors and 品製造商出席。為期五天的展覽中,李錦記透過產品展 manufacturers from all over the world. During the five-day show, Lee Kum Kee showcased the versatility of our products, including sample 示、現場烹調等形式向訪客介紹產品的多樣性。同時, tasting for visitors. Lee Kum Kee was also represented at the "Chef 我們的產品更出現在年度最佳廚師比賽中,並由米芝蓮 of the Year" competition held at the exhibition. Michelin-starred chefs 星級廚師示範以李錦記醬料製作餐點,向來自德國、瑞 demonstrated the use of Lee Kum Kee products and showed aspiring 士和奧地利的廚師介紹如何將中式調味品運用到中西融 chefs from Germany, Switzerland and Austria how Chinese condiments could be used in fusion cuisines, thereby promoting healthy diet 和的美食,推廣健康中菜。 through Chinese cuisine. 42 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP

李錦記「安心好滋味」大抽獎 Lee Kum Kee Quality Flavour Challenge

6月至8月,李錦記在加拿大舉行「安心好滋味」大抽獎活動,反應熱烈。活 動在超市、社交媒體、電台等進行大規模宣傳,得獎者可贏得豐富禮品包, 內含超過十款李錦記產品。 透過問答遊戲,消費者可以了解李錦記 天然發酵醬油的工藝及為保持產品質量 而進行的嚴謹安全檢測,從而加深消費 者對品牌的認識,鞏固李錦記作為亞洲 調味品市場領導者的地位。

From June to August, Lee Kum Kee hosted the Quality Flavour Challenge in Canada. The event was widely promoted in supermarkets, on social media and radio attracting considerable interests. Winners received gift bags filled with plenty Lee Kum Kee products. Participants were quizzed with questions about Lee Kum Kee's natural soy sauce brewing handicraft and its stringent quality control. The event successfully enhanced consumers' understanding of the brand as well as Lee Kum Kee's leading position in the Asian condiments market.

獲 邀 出 席「 2 0 1 9 市 場 願 景 會 議 」 Attends 2019 Market Vision Conference In October, Lee Kum Kee attended the 2019 Market Vision Conference in Florida, the United States. The Market Vision Conference is a significant event which brings together over 130 major restaurant chains and 160 suppliers across the nation for delineation on the future market trend. Among the major chains that attended were Subway, Chick-fil-A, Bloomin' Brands, and Sonic-Drive-In, all with over 2,000 locations in the US. Lee Kum Kee took advantage of the opportunity to showcase our products and provide sauces and condiments for the opening reception and luncheon. Leveraging on this event, business network was successfully developed and our brand presence in the mainstream foodservice market was enhanced.

10月,李錦記獲邀出席於美國佛羅里達州舉行的「2019 市場願景會議」。來自全國130多家連鎖餐飲商的採 購團隊和160多家供應商匯聚一堂,共同商討市場趨 勢並進行交流。今年參與會議的知名連鎖餐飲商包括 Subway、Chick-fil-A、Bloomin' Brands、Sonic-Drive-In等, 分別在美國擁有超過2,000家分店。 透過現場產品展示以及為歡迎酒會及午宴供應醬料及調 味品,李錦記成功拓展業務網絡,提高在主流餐飲市場 的品牌知名度。 健康產品集團 43 HEALTH PRODUCTS GROUP


《中國家族企業生態40年》座談會 The Symposium of 40 Years of Family Business Ecosystem in China In September, the Symposium of 40 Years of Family Business Ecosystem in China was held in Infinitus Xinhui Production Base. Mr. Sammy Lee, Chairman of LKK Health Products Group, together with private economic researchers and family business representatives, gathered to 獲 邀 出 席「 2 0 1 9 市 場 願 景 會 議 」 discuss the development of family businesses. Mr. Sammy Lee expressed that the inheritance of family business Attends 2019 Market Vision Conference had shown a significant impact on the national economy. Succession planning is key to sustain family-owned companies, which includes setting up a family council and preparing the next generation to run their businesses. Furthermore, the new book 40 Years of Family Business Ecosystem in China, written and published with the support of Lee Kum Kee Family, was launched during the symposium. It covers a selection of case studies on family enterprises, highlighting the development of family business in China over the past forty years.

9月,《中國家族企業生態40年》座談會在無限極新會生 The Lee Kum Kee family is committed to the study of family business inheritance and practices, with the aim to nourish the sustainability 產基地舉行。李錦記健康產品集團主席李惠森先生與多 of family businesses in China through experience sharing, thereby 位民營經濟研究領域代表和全國家族企業代表共同探討 facilitating the economic development of the country's private 家族企業的發展。 enterprises. 李惠森先生於座談會中表示,家族企業的傳承對國家經 濟發展有著不可忽視的影響。同時,家族企業須提早為 傳承做準備,包括成立家族委員會及提前培育下一代家 族成員等。會上亦發佈了由李錦記家族協助撰寫並出版 的《中國家族企業生態40年》新書。書中備有一系列具 代表性的家族企業案例,展示中國家族企業在過往40年 來的發展歷程。 李錦記家族一直致力研究家族企業的傳承與實踐,期望 透過經驗分享,為中國家族企業的可持續發展提供參 考,助力中國民營經濟發展。 44 健康產品集團 HEALTH PRODUCTS GROUP

無限極冠名哈大線高鐵專列 Infinitus Named Special High-speed Train between Harbin and Dalian

8月,繼京滬線和滬深線之後,由無限極冠名的第三條 高鐵專列哈大線正式通車。哈大綫主要往返哈爾濱和大 連,覆蓋東北及京津冀地區。 無限極希望藉着這些合作,為高鐵沿線的經濟發展作出 貢獻,同時向旅客展示無限極的品牌形象,推廣健康的 生活理念,弘揚中華優秀養生文化。

In August, the third special high-speed train named after Infinitus, which travels from Harbin to Dalian, was officially launched. Complementing the Beijing-Shanghai line and the Shanghai-Shenzhen line, the new line covers the northeast China and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Infinitus hopes to play a part in driving the economic development through supporting the China Railway as well as enhancing the brand image, thereby advocating the Premium Chinese Health Regimen to the commuters on the railway. 健康產品集團 45 HEALTH PRODUCTS GROUP

無限極2019下半年策略會議Infinitus Strategic Meeting for the Second Half of 2019

8月,無限極於新會無限極大學召開2019下半年重要部署 In August, Infinitus strategic meetings for the second half of 2019 themed "Maintaining the Edge and Embracing Changes", were held 系列會議,以「堅持優勢 擁抱變化」為題,邀請一眾業 at the Xinhui Infinitus University. Sales Directors were invited to 務總監討論下半年的策略部署。 exchange views on strategic planning for the second half of the year. 公司於會上提出三項主要部署,包括「營造環境促發 Three major initiatives were raised during the meeting, namely 展」、「助力行動增收益」及「優化模式迎未來」。 "Creating Environment for Development", "Taking Actions to Grow Revenue" and "Optimising Future Business Models". To seize the 為把握電子商務的發展機遇,公司將進一步優化業務 opportunities brought by the development of e-commerce, Infinitus between Harbin and Dalian 模式,成立「無限極電子商務有限公司」,開拓電商業 announced the establishment of "Infinitus E-Commerce Limited". By 務,結合線上線下的優勢拓展業務。 integrating its online and offline businesses, the Company's business model will be further improved, increasing its a competitive edge in the market.

無 限 極 正 式 啟 動「 雲 易 購 」線 上 平 台 Infinitus Launches Online Shopping Platform "Yunyigou" With the ever-changing business environment, Infinitus took advantage of the opportunity to establish the Infinitus E-Commerce Limited, with a focus on the concept of "Compliance, Innovation and Development". Online shopping platforms "Yunyigou" (eproduct.infinitus.com.cn) and the "Global Purchase" were launched successively, marking the beginning of Infinitus' new e-business model. "Yunyigou" was officially launched on 1 September, initially offering a batch of 32 featured products. This was followed by the launch of the "Global Purchase" in October, extending into the cross-border e-commerce. Looking ahead, Infinitus will continue to diversify its business scope by adapting to the changes and opportunities arising from the highly dynamic business landscape.

為應對變化不斷的營商環境,無限極透過「合規、創 新、發展」的理念,成立無限極電子商務有限公司,推 出線上購物平台「雲易購」(eproduct.infinitus.com.cn)及「 全球購」,展開全新電商營銷模式。

「雲易購」於9月1日正式推出,首批32款精選產品已上 市,而跨境電商平台「全球購」亦在10月登場。展望將 來,無限極將積極把握市場機遇,務求令業務發展更多 元化。 46 健康產品集團 HEALTH PRODUCTS GROUP

Xinhuanet Interview with Mr. Lam Yu

In August, Mr. Lam Yu, Senior Vice President of LKKHPG and Managing Director of Infinitus Global was interviewed at the Xinhua Reception Room on Xinhuanet and shared his view on the future development of the health industry. Mr. Lam Yu expressed that the health industry would play an increasingly important role in national economy and national health, bringing immense room for growth. As a member of the health industry, Infinitus bears responsibility in instigating the industry's development. In addition, he explained the concept of health food products by reinforcing the importance of health supplements for better health and the prevention of disease, along with the Company's belief in the Zero Tolerance Quality Philosophy "100-1=0".

8月,李錦記健康產品集團高級副總裁兼無限極全球行政總裁俞江林先生接受 新華網《新華會客廳》的專訪,談及健康產業的未來發展趨勢。 俞江林先生在訪問中表示,健康產業將在國民經濟和國民健康中扮演愈來愈重 要的角色,發展空間巨大。無限極作為健康產業的一員,有責任共同推動健康 產業的發展。他亦詮釋了保健食品的概念,重申保健食品對人們改善健康及預 防、降低疾病發生風險的重要性,以及公司對品質管理的「100-1=0」理念。

無限極 Infinitus New Product Launch

Between August and October, Infinitus introduced two new products, healthy snack Lishu Gel Candy and skincare product Beautrio Hydrating Essence Mist. Lishu Gel Candy, which can be served as a daily nutritious treat, is available in both chocolate and orange flavours. With rich fillings, the candies contain numerous nutrients, including DHA algal oil, salt alga and mulberry fruit extracts. The Beautrio Hydrating Essence Mist contains fresh plant extracts and complex polysaccharides that can replenish the skin and provide extra comfort.

8月至10月,無限極推出兩款新產品,包括健康食品「歷 舒凝膠糖果」及美容產品「萃雅保濕精華噴霧」。 「歷舒凝膠糖果」設有巧克力及香橙兩款口味,內含 DHA藻油、鹽藻提取物和桑椹提取物等,內餡呈「流 心」效果。作為日常小吃的同時,更可吸取足夠營養, 健康有益。「萃雅保濕精華噴霧」則含有植物提取物及 複合多糖美容成份,隨時隨地讓肌膚補充水份,有效舒 緩及鎮定肌膚。 健康產品集團 47 HEALTH PRODUCTS GROUP

Xinhuanet Interview with Mr. Lam Yu

萃 雅 贊 助「 祝 福 新 中 國 致敬新女性」圖片展 Beautrio Sponsors "Honouring the New China and Modern Women" Photo Exhibition 9月,由中國圖片集團、中國婦女兒童博物館及新華社民 族品牌工程辦公室聯合主辦,並由萃雅贊助的「讓美隨 Infinitus New Product Launch 時光綻放—祝福新中國,致敬新女性」主題圖片展在北 京舉行。 萃雅希望透過支持是次展覽,表揚女性對社會的貢獻,啟 發新時代女性塑造自己的未來,定義屬於自己的「美」。

In September, Beautrio sponsored the "Let Beauty Shine – Honouring the New China and Modern Women" Photo Exhibition held in Beijing, which was co- hosted by China Image Group, the Chinese Museum of Women and Children and the Office of Xinhua News Agency's Ethnic Brand Collaboration Project. By supporting the Exhibition, Beautrio hopes to celebrate women's contribution to society as well as to inspire modern women to shape their own future and to discover their own definition of "beauty". 48 健康產品集團 HEALTH PRODUCTS GROUP


「 」活動 Summer Breeze Customised Fan Workshop in Shanghai Infinitus Tower

8月,上海無限極大廈舉辦「夏日送清涼」訂製復古手扇 活動,傳揚國韻藝術,與租戶共同感受傳統工藝帶來的 清風快意。 租戶可選取不同形狀的手扇,並自訂單字或詞語,並邀 得專業書法家於扇面即席揮毫,製成獨一無二的手扇。 是次活動體現出物業投資團隊一直致力為客戶提供優質 的服務體驗,以及提升客戶的滿意度。

In August, the Summer Breeze event was held in Shanghai Infinitus Tower. The event aimed to cool off the summer days by making retro Chinese fans with an artisanal touch, as a means to celebrate the exquisite Chinese craftsmanship. During the event, tenants customised their distinctive paper fans of different shapes with calligraphies by professional calligraphers. The workshop expressed the dedication of the property investment team to deliver quality customer experience and to enhance customer satisfaction. 企業社會責任 49 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY


Hope as Chef Helps Promote Sichuan Cuisine

9月,李錦記醬料集團主席李惠中先生及李錦記希望廚師 出席「中華川菜 世界品味」招待會暨第五屆四川海外華 僑華人社團大會。活動旨在讓海外民眾充分了解絢麗多姿 的巴蜀文化。李錦記一直致力推廣川菜,在本次大會上特 設「跟隨李 聞香識川」川菜展台,並由李錦記希望廚師 現場展示刀工技藝,成功吸引眾多海外華人的目光,大受 好 評。

In September, Chairman of Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group Mr. Charlie Lee and Lee Kum Kee Hope as Chef students attended the "Chinese Sichuan Cuisine: A World-class Taste Press Conference cum the Fifth Annual Meeting of Sichuan Society of ". The event aimed to promote Sichuan culture to the world. Dedicated to promote the Sichuan cuisine, Lee Kum Kee set up a special stage "Follow Lee: Smell the Heavenly Taste of Sichuan". Lee Kum Kee Hope as Chef students also demonstrated their awe-inspiring knife skills, which attracted much praise from guests. 50 企業社會責任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Inauguration Ceremony of 2019 Hope as Chef

9月,2019年度的李錦記希望廚 師班分別在北京市勁松職業高 中及成都市財貿職業高級中學 校舉行開班儀式。 經過連月的面試及招生,招生 小組奔赴全國各地,以嚴格的 筆 試、面 試、家 訪、綜 合 評 審 等 環節考核申請人,成功招得 110 位青年接受為期三年的中式烹 飪培訓。在成都班的開班儀式 上,更 舉 辦 了 2019年度李錦記 企業獎教金頒獎典禮,成都市 財貿職業高級中學校的12名教師獲此殊榮,以表揚其優秀的教學表現。

September marked the beginning of 2019 Lee Kum Kee Hope as Chef Programme. The Inauguration Ceremonies for Hope as Chef Beijing and Chengdu Classes were held in Beijing Jingsong Vocational School and Chengdu Finance & Trade Vocational School respectively. For the past few months, the recruitment team of Lee Kum Kee Hope as Chef Programme was travelling around the country. Through a rigorous regime of written tests, formal interviews, house calls and comprehensive assessments, 110 applicants were selected as recipients of Lee Kum Kee sponsorship to undertake three years of Chinese culinary training. At the Inauguration Ceremony of Chengdu Hope as Chef Class, 12 teachers from the Chengdu Finance & Trade Vocational School were honoured with the 2019 Lee Kum Kee Corporate Awards for Teachers for their outstanding performances in nurturing culinary talents. 企業社會責任 51 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

第六屆HOTELEX「明日之星」廚師大賽 The Sixth HOTELEX "The Rising Star" Chef Competition

8月,由中國烹飪協會世廚聯青年廚師委員會主辦的第六屆 HOTELEX「明日之星」廚師大賽(西南賽區)在四川成都舉行, 李錦記希望廚師古柏宇、胡尹淇參賽並獲得銅獎。胡尹淇更獲 得 西 南 賽 區 的 「 最 佳 人 氣 獎 」。

Organised by the Young Chefs Committee of the China Cuisine Association and China Young Chefs Club of the World Association of Chefs' Societies, the Sixth HOTELEX "The Rising Star" Chef Competition (South West Division) was held in Chengdu, Sichuan in August. Lee Kum Kee Hope as Chef students Gu Boyu and Hu Yinqi won the Bronze awards. Hu Yinqi also won the Most Popular Chef Award for the South West Division. 52 企業社會責任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Participates in the Chengdu Million Workers Skillset Competition

9月,由成都市總工會、成都市人力資源和社會保障局主辦 In September, the Chengdu Million Workers Skillset Competition - 的成都百萬職工技能大賽中式烹飪比賽在成都市都江堰 Chinese Culinary, jointly organised by the Chengdu General Labour Union and the Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security 舉 行。本 次 大 賽 共 吸 引 多名在職廚師參賽,四名李錦記 110 Bureau, was held at Dujiangyan City, Chengdu. The competition 希望廚師亦有 attracted over 110 professional chefs. Four Lee Kum Kee Hope as 參加並全部獲 Chef students participated in the competition and received great 獎。其 中,阿 什 results. Among the four young chefs, Ashimunai and Cao Jiayun took the second and fourth place, garnering the title of "Chengdu 木乃和曹佳雲 Skilled Professionals". 分別獲得第二 名及第四名的 佳 績,並 獲 頒 「成都市 技術 能 手」稱 號。 企業社會責任 53 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Donates Military Training Uniform to a Primary School in Shiqu County of Sichuan

9月,李錦記希望廚師完成為期兩周的軍訓後,將軍訓制 服捐獻給四川甘孜州石渠縣的一所小學,傳遞愛心,實踐 「思 利 及 人 」的 核 心 價 值。

In September, Lee Kum Kee Hope as Chef Students underwent two weeks of military training. To put the core value of "Considering Others' Interests" into practice, Hope as Chef Students donated 96 sets of military training uniform to a primary school in Shiqu County of the Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan, as a way of conveying a caring message of love to these young children.

Participates in the Chengdu Million Workers Skillset Competition

Accredited as "Most Caring Company" by the Chengdu Jinniu District Education Bureau

9月,李錦記醬料集團獲成都市金牛區教育局授予「最具 愛心企業」榮譽,以表彰李錦記希望廚師項目在四川教育 扶貧方面作出的卓越貢獻。

In September, Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group was presented with the "Most Caring Company" award from the Chengdu Jinniu District Education Bureau for the multitude of poverty relief and educational initiatives through its Lee Kum Kee Hope as Chef Programme. 54 企業社會責任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

馬來西亞希望廚師廚藝交流會 Hope as Chef Culinary Exchange Session in Malaysia 8月,李錦記特別邀請香港米芝蓮星級大廚陳國強師傅到 馬來西亞進行廚藝交流,與來自馬來西亞雪隆姑蘇慎忠行 餐飲業公會(簡稱姑蘇行)的希望廚師分享他成功的廚藝 秘 訣。 於2018年擴展至馬來西亞的李錦記希望廚師項目是一項 獎學金計劃,旨在資助年輕廚師於姑蘇行接受專業的中餐 培訓、鍛煉烹飪技能以實現他們的中廚夢想,從而為中餐 業的長遠發展作出貢獻。經過一年的專業培訓,12位希望 廚師學生在活動中展示他們的廚藝創作和刀工技巧。星級 大廚陳國強師傅勉勵希望廚師,並在現場烹飪演示中盡顯 廚 藝,分 享 了他 的 創 意 菜 式。 活動中,陳國強師傅表示十分欣賞李錦記希望廚師項目,認 為能夠鼓勵、提升並傳授專業知識予當地新生代廚師,使他 In August, Lee Kum Kee invited Hong Kong Michelin-starred 們 打 好 穩 健 基 礎 以 創 造 成 功 未 來! Chef Kwok-keung Chan (KK Chan) to host an exclusive culinary exchange session to share his culinary secrets of success with aspiring Hope as Chef students at the Malaysia Selangor and Federal Territory Ku Su Shin Choong Hung Restaurant Association (KUSU). Expanded to Malaysia in 2018, Lee Kum Kee Hope as Chef programme is a scholarship scheme for young chefs to acquire professional Chinese culinary training in KUSU, honing their skills in realising the culinary dreams and contributing towards the development of the Chinese culinary industry in the long run. After 1-year professional training, 12 Hope as Chef students showcased their culinary creations and cutting skills at the event. Chef KK Chan encouraged the students while sharing his expertise and innovative recipes in a cooking demonstration. Speaking at the session, Chef KK Chan expressed his appreciation of Lee Kum Kee for extending the Hope as Chef programme to Malaysia which serves to encourage, promote and impart knowledge to future generations of local chefs to ensure they have the proper platform to succeed. 企業社會責任 55 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Lee Kum李錦記粵菜師傅班 Kee Masterclass Commences在廣州開班 in Guangzhou 9月,李錦記醬料集團與廣州市旅遊商務職業學校合作舉 The Opening Ceremony of Lee Kum Kee Cantonese Cuisine 辦的「李錦記粵菜師傅班」正式啟動。廣州市旅商校校長 Masterclass, co-organized by Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group and the Guangzhou Vocational School of Tourism and Business was held 吳浩宏先生、廣東省青少年發展基金會秘書長吳陽平先 in September. The ceremony was attended by Mr. Wu Haohong, 生、中國烹飪大師譚國輝先生以及主流媒體等嘉賓出席開 Principal of the Guangzhou Vocational School of Tourism and 班儀式。李錦記希望藉此培育更多中餐人才,擴大粵菜的 Business, Mr. Wu Yangping, Secretary-General of the Guangdong 國際影響力及發揚中華優秀飲食文化。 Youth Development Foundation, Chinese Master Chef Mr. Tan Guohui and mainstream media. Through this programme, Lee Kum Kee hopes to contribute to talent development for Chinese cuisine industry for the purpose of expanding the international influence of Cantonese cuisine as a means of promoting Chinese culinary culture worldwide. 56 企業社會責任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 2019 Revealing 李錦記企業獎學金揭曉the 2019 Lee Kum Kee Scholarship Recipients In October, the 2019 Lee Kum Kee Scholarship Presentation Ceremony was held at the Chinese Vocational School in Shanghai. A total of 30 students from the Chinese Culinary and Nutritional Food Faculty as well as four teachers from the Culinary Faculty received the awards. The awards were jointly presented by Ms. Sarah Lai, Director of Corporate Affairs of Lee Kum Kee (China), and Ms. Huang Yujing, Principal of the Chinese Vocational School in Shanghai. Awardees were encouraged to persist in the art of Chinese culinary and contribute towards the industry in their own ways.

10月,2019年度李錦記企業獎教獎學金頒獎典禮在上海中 華職業學校舉行。該校30名中餐烹飪與營養膳食學系學 生,以及四名辛勤耕耘的烹飪系教師獲得嘉許。 頒獎典禮上,李錦記中國企業事務總監賴潔珊女士與中 華職業學校校長黃玉璟女士一同為獲獎師生頒獎,激勵 他們繼續發揚中華優秀飲食文化,為中國餐飲業貢獻力 量。

蟬聯「全國食品科普教育基地」 Accredited as "National Food Science Education Base"

8月,李錦記再次榮獲中國食品科學技術學會頒發「全國食 In August, Lee Kum Kee was again accredited as a "National 品科普教育基地」稱號:該稱號表揚積極開展具「社會性」、 Food Science Education Base" by the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology. The National Food Science Education 「群眾性」的食品科普活動的場所。李錦記一直積極推廣 Base is granted to a venue that serves to promote regular, public 科普教育,在保障產品安全生產的同時,積極舉辦工廠開 group activities so as to heighten food science knowledge and 放日等活動向廣大市民灌輸產品的生產流程、食品營養價 awareness. Dedicated to promote public awareness on food science while upholding its stringent product safety policy, Lee 值及正確挑選產品等安全知識。 Kum Kee proactively launched public awareness campaigns, such as the Xinhui Production Base Open Day, in its effort to educate consumers on food manufacturing process, nutritional values of food and basic knowledge of food science. 企業社會責任 57 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

支持香港青協 「鄰舍第一·uKitchen」活 動 Supports HKFYG "Neighbourhood First · uKitchen" Event

7月至8月,李錦記作為支持機構,向由香港青年協會以及 社會福利署合辦的「鄰舍第一•uKitchen」計劃下香港11區 的「社區廚房」提供醬料及調味品,讓100名青年義工在專 業廚師的指導下,學習炮製不同的菜餚。這些青年義工完 成課程後,會為基層家庭及長者製作美食,從而鼓勵青年 人運用所學服務社會,關心社會。

As the supporting organization, Lee Kum Kee provided sauces and condiment products to 11 cooking workshops of "Neighbourhood First · uKitchen" programme in July and August. The programme was co-organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group (HKFYG) and the Social Welfare Department to invite chefs to provide professional cooking training to 100 youth volunteers. After learning from the chefs, the volunteers will cook for low-income families and the elderly, thus encouraging the younger generation to care about and contribute to the community. 58 企業社會責任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

聯乘社企「天晴茶座」推出新菜式 Menu Collaboration with Sunny Cafe

5月至8月,李錦記參與由香港生產力促進局主辦的第三屆 From May to August, Lee Kum Kee joined the Third Social Enterprise 種籽聯盟計劃,與保良局旗下社企「天晴茶座」合作,推出 Executive Development Programme organised by Hong Kong Productivity Council. By pairing up with Po Leung Kuk's Sunny Cafe, 以 李 錦 記 醬 料 創 製 的「期 間 限 定 」菜 式。天 晴 茶 座 致 力 為 new dishes were rolled out with the use of Lee Kum Kee sauces. 弱勢社群提供培訓和就業機會,並希望藉著李錦記醬料多 Sunny Cafe provides job opportunities and on-the-job training for the 變的特點,推出更多新菜式,拓展到會市場。 underprivileged in the community, and hopes to increase its presence in catering services by leveraging the versatile use of Lee Kum Kee sauces. 經過三個月的努力,雙方在產品研發、品牌宣傳、菜單設 After three months of collaboration in areas such as product 計等方面交流合作,設計出四款創新又美味的新菜式,包 development, brand building and menu promotion, four dishes were 括:泰式芒果藜麥沙律、山葵味芝麻沙律金沙骨、墨西哥 curated using Lee Kum Kee Thai Style Sweet and Sour Dressing, Wasabi 烤雞卷和椰香喇沙汁焗魚柳飯。 Flavoured Sesame Dressing, Sriracha Mayo and Laksa Thick Soup.

與扶輪社合辦廚藝工作坊 Cooking Workshop in Collaboration with Rotary Club In August, Lee Kum Kee co-organised a cooking workshop themed "Hong Kong Local Food Culture" with the Rotary Club of Golden Bauhinia Hong Kong. The workshop targeted youth from around Hong Kong to enhance their appreciation of local food culture. Chefs from Bread & Beast were invited to demonstrate two Hong Kong-style dishes, Chu Hou Slow Cooked Beef Brisket Sandwich and Mac-n-cheese Style Cheong-fun (rice rolls) with XO Sauce. Participants created innovative dishes with the use of a variety of ingredients and Lee Kum Kee sauces, preserving the traditional flavour with creativity.

8月,李 錦 記 與 香 港 金 紫 荊 扶 輪 社 合 辦「百 年 飲 食.文 青 化」廚藝工作坊。活動旨在讓香港的年青一代進一步認識 香港傳統飲食文化。

工作坊邀請到Bread&Beast主廚為青少年示範如何運用李 錦記醬料,製作具香港風味的柱候牛腩三文治及 XO醬芝 士焗腸粉。參加者亦嘗試以不同食材配搭李錦記醬料,創 作出具特色的新菜式,藉其創意將傳統的飲食文化及味道 傳 承下去。 企業社會責任 59 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Recycling Campaigns in Hong Kong Infinitus Plaza 香 港 無 限 極 廣 場 綠 色 回 收 活 動

8月至9月,香港無限極廣場聯同世界綠色組織於商場內 共同舉辦「膠.換快樂」及「賞滿月 愛地球」兩項回收活 動。活動期間,大廈租戶及商場顧客把清潔的膠樽或月餅 盒帶至商場回收後,可換領禮品作為獎勵。透過這些活 動,希望能提升大眾對廢物循環再用的意識,宣揚環保對 地球的意義,鼓勵大家為環保出力。

From August to September, Hong Kong Infinitus Plaza and World Green Organization jointly organised two recycling campaigns "Swap Plastic for Pleasure" and "Love the Moon, Love the Earth" to raise public awareness of recycling in order to make the earth a better place to live in. Tenants and customers returned clean plastic bottles and mooncake boxes at the mall for recycling, and redeem gifts as a reward for their eco-friendly actions. 60 企業社會責任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

海岸清潔日 Shorelines Cleanup Day 8月,李錦記香港義工隊及親友一起參與在西貢相思灣舉行的海岸 清潔日,提高他們對塑膠及海洋污染問題的意識。雖然當天陽光炙 熱,義工們不消一小時就從海灘上清理了65公 斤 的 垃 圾,精 神 可 嘉。

In August, Lee Kum Kee Hong Kong Volunteer Team and their family members participated in the Shorelines Cleanup Day at Sheung Sze Wan Beach, Sai Kung. The activity raised the awareness of plastic and marine pollution among the volunteers. It is indeed commendable that even on a hot and sunny day, they removed 65 kg of wastes from the beach in just an hour.

歡樂歌聲伴人生 Life's a Happy Song

8月,李錦記香港義工隊與東華三院賽馬會復康中心再次 In August, Lee Kum Kee Hong Kong Volunteer Team collaborated with 合作,聯同歡樂人生粵曲小組於院舍舉辦一場小型演唱 TWGHs Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex once again to organise a mini concert. Together with the Happy Life Cantonese Opera Group, 會,為 超 過 100位視障長者獻唱粵曲。當日義工與長者更表 the volunteers performed Cantonese Opera for over 100 visually 演 多首 經 典 流 行 曲,現 場 互 動 令 整 體 氣 氛 更 加 歡 樂。 impaired elderly. They also performed classic Cantopop songs with the elderly, instilling a joyful atmosphere to the interactive show.

李錦記環球捐血日 Lee Kum Kee Global Blood Donation Day

8至10月,李錦記香港、中銷、新會及黃埔義工隊共舉辦了四場 捐血活動。活動獲各地同事的熱情參與,共收集到超過160包 血 液,以 幫 助 有 需 要 的 人 士。

Between August and October, Lee Kum Kee Hong Kong, China Trading, Xinhui and Huangpu Volunteer Teams held four separate blood donation activities. With the enthusiastic participation of employees, over 160 blood bags were collected to help those in need. 企業社會責任 61 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

關愛流浪動物 Care for Stray Animals

9月,李錦記中銷義工隊成員及其家屬帶同狗糧,前往四川 省內一間註冊動物保護機構–啟 明 進 行 探 訪。義 工 們 當日 與流浪動物互動,並為牠們製作食物及打掃住宿。

In September, Lee Kum Kee China Trading Volunteer Team members and their family visited Qiming, a registered animal protection organization in Sichuan, bringing along some dog food. On that day, the volunteers interacted with the stray animals, helped prepare meals for them and cleaned their dwelling.

將愛心帶到三葉草康健園 Brings Love to Clover Children Healthy Garden 9月及10月,為慶祝國際慈善日,李錦記中銷義工隊到上海徐滙區三 葉草兒童康健園探訪自閉症兒童,為他們送上教學物資,並擔任課 程助教的角色,協助老師指導學生。義工們亦耐心地教導兒童在帆 布袋上繪畫,與他們一起畫出自己的夢想。

In September and October, Lee Kum Kee China Trading Volunteer Team visited children with autism at Shanghai Xuhui District Clover Children Healthy Garden and donated teaching materials in celebration of the International Day of Charity. The volunteers acted as teaching assistants in class and patiently guided the children to portray their dreams through drawings on canvas bags.

探訪福利院 七堡中秋探訪活動 Visits Welfare Home Mid-Autumn Festival Visit in Qibao

Lee Kum Kee Global Blood Donation Day

9月,李錦記新會義工隊組織了福利院兒童探訪活動。當 9月,李錦記新會義工探訪七堡鎮的低收入家庭及獨居 日義工們與20名小朋友一起玩遊戲及為福利院送上李錦 長者。義工們為長者送上李錦記的醬料,並給予他們溫 記醬料,與他們共迎中秋佳節。 暖的慰問,讓長者迎接一個愉快的中秋節。 In September, Lee Kum Kee Xinhui Volunteer Team organised a In September, Lee Kum Kee Xinhui Volunteer Team visited low- visit to a welfare home. In celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival, the income families and singleton elderly in Qibao, Xinhui to celebrate volunteers played games with 20 resident children and presented Mid-Autumn Festival with them and brought Lee Kum Kee sauces them Lee Kum Kee sauces as gifts. and greetings. 62 企業社會責任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

香雪公園環保行活動 Environmental Walk at Xiang Xue Park

9月,李錦記黃埔義工隊舉辦了今年第二期的環保行,共19 位義工前往香雪公園進行清潔活動,幫忙執拾香雪公園山 徑 沿 途 的 垃 圾。

In September, Lee Kum Kee Huangpu Volunteer Team organized the Second Environmental Walk this year. 19 volunteers headed to Xiang Xue Park and cleared the garbage along the trail.

七堡重華村敬老宴活動 Charity Feast for Elderly in Qibao Chonghua Village

10月,李錦記新會義工隊成員前往七堡重華村,參與敬老 宴 活 動。他 們 與 約 500位長者們吃飯同樂,共同渡過了一個 愉快的晚餐時間,並將愛和關懷傳送給村內的長者。

In October, Xinhui Volunteer Team went to Qibao Chonghua Village to participate in a charity feast for the elderly. They had a joyful time at the charity dinner with around 500 guests while showing their love and care.

重陽節義賣活動 Charity Sale at Chung Yeung Festival

10月,李錦記新會義工 隊參與由新會區志願者 (義工)聯合會舉辦,以「 愛傳承」為題的活動。透過 重 陽 節 愛 心 義 賣,義 工 們 成 功 為殘健同行項目籌得善款,幫助區內有需要的殘疾人士 家 庭。

In October, Lee Kum Kee Xinhui Volunteer Team joined a charity event organized by Xinhui District Volunteer Association, with the theme of "Inheritance with Love". Through the Chung Yeung Festival Charity Sale, the volunteers successfully raised fund for a project to support families with disabled members in the community. 企業社會責任 63 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Darul Hikmah 孤兒院探訪 Visits Darul Hikmah Orphanage 8月,李錦記南亞義工探訪了務邊城鎮的 Darul Hikmah 孤 兒 院,並 為 院 內 40多位孩 童 送 上 李 錦 記 醬 料、運 動 器 材、鞋 架、冰 櫃 和食品,將愛和關懷傳送給院內的小孩。

In August, Lee Kum Kee South Asia Volunteer Team visited Darul Hikmah Orphanage in Gopeng, Malaysia. They donated Lee Kum Kee sauces, sports equipment, shoe racks, freezers and food items to over 40 children to show their love and care.

護老院探訪 Visits the Old Folks' Home

8月,為慶祝中秋節,李錦記南亞義工隊到務邊城鎮的護 老院探訪當地長者。義工們為長者帶來月餅和午餐的驚 喜,並為他們安裝由義工隊捐贈的壁扇和椅子。

In August, Lee Kum Kee South Asia Volunteer Team visited the Old Folks' Home in Gopeng Town in celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival. The volunteers surprised the seniors with mooncakes and lunch and installed the donated wall fans and chairs at the Home.

食品分類日 Pantry Day

8月,李 錦 記 美 洲 義 工 隊 參 與 由 Shepherd's Pantry舉辦的食品分類日,幫助整理大量從 多 間 店 舖 收 集 的 食 物、衣 服 及 家 用 物 品 捐 贈,並進行分類及包裝,分發予當地家庭。

In August, Lee Kum Kee Americas Volunteer Team participated in Pantry Day organized by Shepherd's Pantry to help sort through donation of food, clothing and household items from different stores. They classified the goods, packed and distributed them to local families. 64 企業社會責任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

膳食日 Meal Serving Day 9月,李錦記美洲義工隊前往洛杉磯的救 世 軍 中 心,為 約 300位無家可歸的人士準 備和提供食物。透過該服務,義工們學會 了有關消毒程序的知識,以及如何安全地 處 理 和 儲 存 食 品。

In September, Lee Kum Kee Americas Volunteer Team headed to Salvation Army in Los Angeles to help prepare and serve food for around 300 homeless people. Through the service, the volunteers learnt about the sanitising procedures as well as how to properly handle and store food.

食品派送行動 Food Pantry Distribution 9月,李錦記美洲義工隊前往位於布魯克林的 Food First,參 In September, Lee Kum Kee Americas Volunteer Team participated 與食物分配及派送行動。義工們幫忙挑選雞蛋、肉類和新 in the Pantry Distribution at Food First in Brooklyn. They sorted and packaged eggs, meat and fresh products and distributed around 鮮 食 品,並 將 約 160袋的食物分派給社區內的低收入家庭、 160 bags of food to low income families, disables and seniors in the 殘 疾 人 士 和 老 人。 community.

義工日 9月,李錦記歐洲義工隊成員參與由School of Wok for for 1,000 1,000 Volunteer Day Wok主 辦,並 由 李 錦 記 贊 助 的「Wok for 1,000」 企業義工活動。活動共吸引200名 義 工 參 與,經 過四小時的齊心合作,他們使用李錦記特級舊 庄蠔油及純正芝麻油,烹製出多道菜式,並成功 派送逾1,000份餐點到倫敦市內多個慈善機構。

In September, Lee Kum Kee Europe Volunteer Team joined the "Wok for 1,000" Corporate Volunteer Activity hosted by School of Wok and sponsored by Lee Kum Kee. The event attracted over 200 volunteers. Within 4 hours, they prepared several dishes using Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce and Pure Sesame Oil, and successfully distributed over 1,000 meals to local charities in London. 賓客到訪 65 GUEST VISITS

馬來西亞駐港領事館 Consulate General of Malaysia, Hong Kong

河南省商務廳代表團 交通銀行(香港分行) Delegates from Henan Provincial Commerce Department Bank of Communications Hong Kong Branch

澳洲會計師公會 紐西蘭客戶 CPA Australia Acton International Marketing Ltd 66 賓客到訪 GUEST VISITS

香港總商會 中國調味品協會 Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce China Condiment Industrial Association

家族委員會代表及「爽家族工作坊」嘉賓 江門及新會稅局領導 Representative from Lee Kum Kee Family Council and Officials from Jiangmen and Xinhui Taxation Bureau guest from Project Heha Workshop

香港五邑青年總會 香港工會聯合會服務業總工會 Hong Kong WuYi Youth Association Service Industry General Union, HKFTU 賓客到訪 67 GUEST VISITS

香港中廚師協會 明愛(倫敦)學院 Hong Kong Chinese Chefs Association Ming-Ai (London) Institute

香港懲教署退休人員協會 「我愛這片藍色國土」網絡媒體 Association for the Retired Staff of the Hong Kong Online Media Group Correctional Services Department

媒體採訪團 「營養與健康未來發展交流會」專家 Media Group Industry Experts from "Seminar on Future Development of Nutrition and Health"