務實,誠信,永遠創業精神,思利及人 Pragmatism, Integrity, Constant Entrepreneurship, Si Li Ji Ren

務實,誠信,永遠創業精神,思利及人 Pragmatism, Integrity, Constant Entrepreneurship, Si Li Ji Ren

務實,誠信,永遠創業精神,思利及人 Pragmatism, Integrity, Constant Entrepreneurship, Si Li Ji Ren 集團主席李文達先生, SBS, BBS Group Chairman Mr. Lee Man Tat, SBS, BBS 李惠民先生 Mr. Eddy Lee 莫李美瑜女士 Mrs. Elizabeth Mok 李惠雄先生 Mr. David Lee 李惠中先生 醬料集團主席 Mr. Charlie Lee Sauce Group Chairman 李惠森先生 健康產品集團主席 Mr. Sammy Lee Health Products Group Chairman 目 錄 CONTENTS 前 言 FOREWORD 04 封面故事 COVER STORY 05-11 廣州無限極廣場舉行封頂儀式 Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza Topping Out Ceremony 特 寫 FEATURES 12-21 新會廠全自動高速玻璃瓶生產線正式啟動 Fully Automated High-speed Glass Bottle Production Line Launched in Xinhui Production Base 《企業新里程》網上版 Corporate Link Online Version 濟寧生產線正式啟動 助力進軍食醋市場 Jining Production Line Launched and Vinegar Market Invigorated 集團資訊 CORPORATE NEWS 22-25 「李文達獎勵金」舉行頒獎典禮 "Lee Man Tat Award" Presentation Ceremony 廣州南站李錦記大廈簽約儀式 Signing Ceremony of Lee Kum Kee Building Guangzhou South Station 醬料集團 SAUCE GROUP 26-42 李錦記集團 Lee Kum Kee Group 健康產品集團 HEALTH PRODUCTS GROUP 43-48 企業社會責任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 49-64 李錦記醬料集團 賓客到訪 GUEST VISITS 65-67 Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group www.LKK.com 李錦記健康產品集團 LKK Health Products Group www.lkkhpg.com 地址 : 香港新界大埔工業邨大發街2-4號 Address : 2-4 Dai Fat Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Hong Kong Tel : 852-2660 3600 Fax : 852-2664 3622 Email : [email protected] 前 言 FOREWORD 慨嘆香港經歷了多個月社會動盪不安,嚴重影響民生、打擊經濟、損 害國際形象,近期雖稍露曙光,恐怕回復常態還須時。唏噓之餘,不 期然有感倘若各方能本著「思利及人」之心處理紛爭、以「直升機思 維」把香港整體福祉視為依歸、「換位思考」理解他方的立場,肯定 有助難題迎刃而解、跳出困境、達至雙贏。 「思利及人」正是李錦記核心價值之核心,貫徹家族企業處世營商之 道。喜見李錦記健康產品集團無限極﹙中國﹚有限公司的未來總部快將 落成,為業務發展樹立新里程碑。觀其獨特創新的設計,新廈不單會打 造成為廣州的新地標,更能彰顯「思利及人」的企業文化,為當地社區 帶來經濟及休閒的效益,反映出李錦記對企業社會責任的承擔。 期望踏入2020年,李錦記集團與香港加倍努力、排除萬難、邁進共贏 新里程! Group集團主席李文達先生 Chairman Mr. Lee Man Tat 李文達 李錦記集團主席 It is saddening to experience months of civil unrests, which seriously disrupt everyday life, damage the economy and international image of Hong Kong. While there are now certain signs of light at the end of the tunnel, it will certainly take time for the way to recovery. Sighing over the saga, I cannot help feeling that if all parties had confronted the conflicts in the spirit of "Si Li Ji Ren" (Considering Others' Interests), taken a "helicopter view" of the overall well-being of Hong Kong, and "put themselves in others' shoes" to try to understand the stance of their opponents, we would be in a much better position to resolve the current problems and get ourselves out of this impasse to achieve a win-win situation. "Si Li Ji Ren" is, indeed, at the heart of the core values of Lee Kum Kee, running through the way this family enterprise conducts its business and everyday behaviour. I am glad to see that the new headquarters of Infinitus (China) Company Ltd. in the Lee Kum Kee Health Products Group is coming close to completion, marking a new milestone in its business development. Not only would the unique innovative structure of the building complex likely become a new landmark of Guangzhou, it would bear testimony to the corporate culture of "Si Li Ji Ren" as it brings benefits to the local economy and provides amenity facilities to the local community, showcasing the corporate social responsibility of Lee Kum Kee. As we move into 2020, I hope the Lee Kum Kee Group and Hong Kong will display their mettle to overcome prevalent challenges and embark on a new journey of success sharing. Lee Man Tat Lee Kum Kee Group Chairman 封面故事 5 COVER STORY 廣州無限極廣場舉行封頂儀式 Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza Topping Out Ceremony 9 月 3 日,廣州無限極廣場隆重舉行封頂儀式。李錦記 On 3 September, the topping out ceremony for Guangzhou Infinitus 集團主席夫人李蔡美靈女士、李錦記健康產品集團主 Plaza was staged. Mrs. Lee Choi May Ling, spouse of Lee Kum Kee Group Chairman; Mr. Sammy Lee, LKK Health Products 席李惠森先生、李錦記股東委員會成員莫李美瑜女 Group Chairman; Mrs. Elizabeth Mok, Lee Kum Kee Owners 士、李錦記醬料集團主席李惠中先生、廣東省第一建 Council Member; Mr. Charlie Lee, Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group 築工程有限公司董事長兼黨委書記譚國輝先生、無限 Chairman; Mr. Guohui Tan, Chairman of Guangdong No.1 極物業投資( 香港) 有限公司行政總裁吳文偉先生、李 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. and Secretary of Party Committee; Mr. Ryan Ng, Managing Director of Infinitus 錦記健康產品集團高級副總裁兼無限極全球行政總裁 Property Investment (HK) Ltd; Mr. Lam Yu, Senior 俞江林先生、扎哈 哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)建築事務所 Vice President of LKK Health Products Group and ・ 總監大橋諭先生、集團管理層以及建築相關單位的嘉賓一同 Managing Director of Infinitus Global; Mr. Satoshi 出席,見證這重要時刻。 Ohashi, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects as well as the Group's management team, 隨著禮炮齊鳴,一眾主禮嘉賓提起手中的金鏟,一起為總投 together with guests of the construction team, attended the ceremony to witness 資額達40多億元人民幣的廣州無限極廣場主體大樓工程填滿 this momentous occasion. 最後一方混凝土,標誌著廣州無限極廣場混凝土主體結構工 At the sound of gun salute, the 程正式完成並進入又一新里程。 officiating guests raised their golden shovels and poured the last bit of concrete at the rooftop of the main building of Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza, marking a major milestone for the project with total investment of over RMB 4 billion. 6 封面故事 COVER STORY 李惠森先生在致辭時分享了無限極與白雲區的淵源:「公司 於1992年成立時,在白雲區一個小廠房內起步,很少員工。 那時候的我沒想到二十多年後的今天,公司因業務發展需 要,機緣巧合地重回白雲區,於白雲新城打造一座與眾不同 的辦公大樓作為無限極(中國)的新總部,開啟又一段新的 征程。」。他充分肯定了建築相關工作人員不辭勞苦的努力 與付出,並為大家打氣加油。「我們還會遇到很多挑戰,例 如橫跨地鐵的連廊以及弧形曲面幕牆的安裝施工。但是我相 信,大家一定會繼續攜手努力,迎難而上,建造一個經得起 時間考驗的精品建築!」 譚國輝先生表示,有賴無限極(中國)及各建築團隊的團結 奮進、全力支持,才能保證工程安全和品質,期望將廣州無 限極廣場打造成為廣州新地標建築。 In his speech at the ceremony, Mr. Sammy Lee shared the long such as the building of two overhead footbridges across the and close relationship between Infinitus and Baiyun district, "In underground rail and the installation of a curved facade. But I am 1992, we set up the Company in Baiyun with a small office and a confident that together we will surmount all difficulties and build handful of staff. I didn't expect that after two decades we would for us a timeless masterpiece." return to this place as a result of business development. We are Mr. Guohui Tan expressed his appreciation towards Infinitus (China) building an extraordinary and distinguished office building here and the construction team for their high morale and hard work as the new headquarters of Infinitus (China), paving way for which guaranteed safety and quality; and envisaged that the Plaza our next journey." He praised the concerted efforts of the staff would become a new landmark in Guangzhou. and construction parties, "There are still challenges ahead of us, 封面故事 7 COVER STORY 扎哈 哈迪德建築事務所 ・ 總監大橋諭先生 Director of Zaha Hadid Architects Mr. Satoshi Ohashi 廣東省第一建築工程有限 公司董事長兼黨委書記 譚國輝先生 Chairman of Guangdong No.1 李錦記健康產品集團主席李惠森先生 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. LKK Health Products Group Chairman Mr. Sammy Lee and Secretary of Party Committee Mr. Guohui Tan 廣州無限極廣場是集團在中國內地自行選址、規劃 Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza is the first key construction project initiated by 及建設的首個大型建築項目,將成為李錦記健康產 LKKHPG from site selection to conceptual planning and construction in the Mainland China. It will serve as the future headquarters of Infinitus (China) 品集團成員無限極(中國)有限公司未來的總部。 Company Ltd., a member of LKKHPG. With the first phase of work coming 項目現已完成第一階段的工程,預計將於2021年下 up to an end, it is estimated that the whole project would be completed 半年竣工。新辦公樓將滿足企業未來10至15年的營 towards the end of 2021. The Plaza would meet the Company's projected 運需求,為公司員工提供更爽活的辦公環境,為廣 business and office needs for the next 10 to 15 years. Other than providing a "happier" working environment for colleagues and enhancing the business 大業務夥伴提供更具吸引力的營商平台,也為當地 platform for distributors and business partners, the Plaza would generate 社區帶來良好的經濟效益。 positive economic and social benefits to the local community. 項目由被冠以「曲線女王」美譽的已故國際頂級建築 A symbolic projection of the "infinite rings" design from the inspiration of "∞", Guangzhou Infinitus Plaza is one of the splendid artworks by the late 師扎哈 哈迪德女士親自擔綱設計,以「∞」為理念 ・ world-renowned architect Ms. Zaha Hadid, also known as the "Queen of 設計出一系列「無限環」,外形獨特。這座大樓突破 Curve". Its design goes beyond the rigid templates of a standard workplace 標準辦公樓刻板的設計,內部互相交錯的路線形成開 with connected walkways which facilitate communication and interaction 放式的交流空間,為人與人創造更佳的溝通機會。此 across the complex. Walking and jogging courses, as well as a garden of Chinese herbal plants and flora on the roof, enable occupants and 外,頂層還設置了散步緩跑徑,以及展示各類中草 visitors alike to enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle. On completion, the 藥植物和花卉的休閒長廊等健康生活空間,是集生態 Plaza will comprise a complex of modern buildings that combines energy 環保、健康時尚、智能科技於一體的現代化建築群, conservation, health, fashion, eco-conservation and intelligent technologies, 建成後將成為當地的新地標,帶動白雲區整體發展。 contributing to the development of Baiyun as an important anchor to the local community. 參加儀式的另一位主禮嘉賓大橋諭先生與扎哈 哈 ・ Another guest Mr. Satoshi Ohashi, who had worked with Ms. Zaha Hadid 迪德女士有30年的合作經驗,他指出廣州無限極廣場 for over 30 years, pointed out that the Plaza was an "unprecedented" 是「前所未有」的建築項目,展現出建築與設計、技 project that pushed the boundaries of architecture and design, technology, 術、工程和建造發展的可能性,於利用「門戶」形態 engineering and construction. Describing the building as a "gateway", he said 建立起無限極獨特形象的同時,亦為生活在這個城市 that in addition to strengthening the unique identity of Infinitus, the building 的居民創造了一個真正「思利及人」的公共空間。 would also create a public place for locals in the neighbourhood, genuinely aligning with the Company's core value of "Si Li Ji Ren" (Considering 項目動工伊始,至今已歷經近700天,除突破高難度 Others' Interests). 的設計及建造效果外,更要克服天氣、地質的挑戰及 The team has braved numerous adversities in the 700-day project, including 種種工程難題。儘管條件嚴苛,建設過程中仍處處體 complicated designs and execution, bad weather and geological challenges, to name just a few. They rose to the challenges as they held themselves 現公司的高標準及「思利及人」的企業文化,秉持安 to the highest standards and the core value of "Si Li Ji Ren" with a firm 全至上和綠色施工的原則。 commitment to safety and green construction initiatives. 8 封面故事 COVER STORY 封面故事 9 COVER STORY 10 封面故事

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