The Epiphany of the Lord January 5 , 2014

WELCOME FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you who are visiting Dearly Beloved, St. Mary Parish. Whether you are from a nearby parish, a traveler from out of state or country, we are blessed to have you join us for Many blessings to you on the Feast of the Epiphany. The worship at Holy Mass. Epiphany story is quite profound. Wise men from the East, or “Make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, Astrologers, who were not Jewish, but Gentiles, discover the and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to observe what I alignment of the stars, and most specifically one significant star have commanded, and behold I’m with you until the end of the age.” that points them to the Newborn King. Matthew 28:18 They traveled a great distance to determine and witness first MASS INTENTIONS hand the truth of the prophecy. They saw a star that pointed TUE 9AM James Funk RIP to Bethlehem, the city of King David. WED 9AM Victoria Brennan RIP In this story, Christ is inclusively the light to the many nations, THU 9AM Reva Catherine Burns RIP even for those who were not a part of the original covenant made with Abraham, Father of Faith. FRI 9AM Vincent & Teresa Lopez RIP SAT 9AM Elaine Lynch RIP Not only that, but cosmology points to Christ the new King. This unusually bright star shines above the Stable, a rare occa- sion, something like this has never happened before. It makes the wise men wonder who is this child, and "what child is SCRIPTURE READINGS—Jan. 5th this"?

IS 60: 1-6 Not only the long travel conveys their belief that Christ is the EPH 3: 2-3a, 5-6 New King. But their gifts unveils their values. Three specific MT: 2:1-12 gifts mentioned are Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.

These meaningful gifts not only serve a practical purpose for the young Holy Family, but greater is the theological signifi- cance. Gold signifying Christ's kingship. Frankincense signify- FINANCIAL REPORT ing his priesthood as the one who is God and leads to the Heavenly Father. And Myrrh signifies his impending suffering Sun- Prior Week Month Of Fiscal Qtr- YTD and death that makes perfect atonement. day December December 2 July-Dec Collec- Including Oct-Dec 2013 tions As the wise men give valuable gifts to the Newborn King, they Christmas 2013-14 teach us the significance of giving, most especially our life to Actual $13,895.00 $59,046.00 $130,441.00 $240,760.00 Christ Jesus, in service of the Newborn King. Weekly Actual Actual for the Month Actual Accum Total Actual - Fiscal Period Budget $9,923.00 $49,615.00 $128,999.00 $257,998.00 Happy Feast of Epiphany. "O Come, Let us Adore Him.” SG Goal Weekly SG Goal Monthly SG Goal Accum SG Goal Q2 SG Goal to date —Fr. Vu If you are age 70 1/2 or older you may be able to arrange a tax-free Distribution of up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a Quali- fied Charity (QCD) such as St. Mary Church before the end of 2013. The QCD can also satisfy your Required Minimum Distribu- tion (RMD). More information is available at The Epiphany of the Lord January 5, 2014

LITURGY NEW STAFF MEMBER Looking for a way to enhance your faith in 2014? We are always in There is a lot of work being done behind the scenes, especially in the area need of people to serve the people of the Parish as Extraordinary of Administration. Given that more assistance is needed in the Parish Of- Ministers either at one of the weekend Masses, the daily Masses or fice, Miss Talyn Budnik has agreed to step forward and assume the role of by taking Communion to the homebound, nursing homes or hospi- Administrative Assistant. tal. If you would like to be a part of this vital Ministry please contact Talyn is quite talented, and knowledgeable in things of admin, and adapta- Fr Vu, John Fahey, or Jim Toland. ble to acquire new knowledge when necessary. She is a spirited individual, and loves to serve Christ.

I would like to officially welcome her on board as we begin the new BELLES OF ST. MARY calendar year, as our new Administrative Assistant. I'm confident that she will do well to serve Christ here at St Mary Parish. Please The Belles of St. Mary will meet Monday, January 13 at 10 am in join me in welcoming the "Talented Talyn."—Fr. Vu Rm 5 of the FAC. We welcome "new faces" and are grateful for the help from spouses and the Knights of Columbus. Please consider joining us; our focus is spiritual, social, and service to the Parish. The January Birthday lunch will follow the meeting at Bob's Chow- der Bar about 11:45 am. MARCH FOR LIFE

ACCW/Northern Deanery will hold their next meeting here at St. The March For Life in Olympia will be held on Tuesday, January Mary Parish on Tuesday, January 14 beginning with Mass at 9 AM 21st. There will be a Mass at 8:00am at St Mary and we will depart followed by coffee and sign-in with Mary Van Winkle, Presi- for Olympia at 8:30am. The bus fare will be $15 for adults and chil- dent. We provide a noon luncheon and are in need of donations of dren 12 years of age and over. The fare will be $5 for children ages salads and desserts. If you can help, please call Carolyn at 293- 5 to 11 years and children under 5 years of age will be free. Seating 2904. A suggested donation of $5 helps pay the yearly dues. capacity for the bus is 53 people. All seats must be paid in advance by January 7th after which the seats will be open to those who can We are hopeful for a good representation from our Parish as the pay for the seats. We will provide muffins, coffee, oranges, and founder of Days for Girls International from Whatcom County will juice for the kids for breakfast. Each person will need to provide give a presentation following the luncheon. their own lunch. Those who can not attend but would like to help a person or a family who can not afford the expense can make a dona- Carolyn Kloke, Belles Chair tion to St Mary designating that it is for the March For Life. If you have any questions, call Susan Tibbles (360-293-8598) or Walt Daspit (360-678-4535), Co-Chairs for the Respect Life Committee. RETROUVAILLE 2014 Retrouvaille weekends: January 24th- 26th PERPETUAL ADORATION—19 Open Hours April 4th- 6th September 5th- 7th SUN 2 AM THUR 3 & 4 AM; 11 PM MON 4 AM FRI 3 & 5 AM; 7 & 9 PM New Year’s resolution: a stronger marriage – Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vī) can help couples in trouble rediscover each TUE 1, 2, 3, 4 & 11 SAT 9 & 11 PM other and take new, positive steps to heal their marriages. Resolve A.M. to make your marriage all it is meant to be. For confidential infor- mation about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning WED 4, 5, & 11 AM Contact Sally 293-3222 January 24-26, 2014 call 206-706-2608 or visit our website at Prayer Partner needed: Tuesday 3 pm.—Greg and Shelly Szymanski

4001 St. Mary’s Drive  Anacortes, WA 98221  Tel:(360)293-2101  SG 2014 Goal $ 516,000.00 Pledges $ 361,175.00 % Goal reached 70% Balance $ 154,825.00 # of families 435 # responded 200 # to hear from 235 % of families heard from 46% Ave pledge/fly/mo 152.01 # of pledges 198 Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! PLEDGE SUMMARY 1. Ancona, Michael & Nadia 48. Dyer, Harold & Joanne 2. Andrews, Margie 49. Ebner, Margrit New Pledges 19 3. Antonich, Mark & Bonnie 50. Edmons, Helen Increased 95 4. Arends, Carl & Dorothy 51. Elmore, Ron & Pat Decreased 15 5. Barton, Patrick & Margaret 52. Emerson, Myrna Same 69 6. Bates, Betty 53. Eychaner, Pauline Prayer 2 7. Beaner, James & Sharon 54. Farina, Joe & Carole 8. Benton, Virgil & Jennie 55. Felt, Michael & Suzanne Total Responses 200 9. Berg, Don & Diane 56. Foss, Neil & Catherine 95. Krueger, Joan 10. Blackburn, Natalie 57. Fotheringham, Don & Amy 96. Kurps, James & Betty 11. Bond, John & Trish 58. Freier, Raymond & Stephanie 97. Kushner, George & Shelly 12. Bowen, Alice 59. Freier, Richard & Gabby 98. Kuusela, Kenton & Wendy 13. Bowen, Theresa 60. Frizzle, Suzanne 99. Kuzma, David & Kris 14. Boyer, Jerry & Lois 61. Funk, Dan & Celine 100. Laiche, Diana 15. Boza, Ed & Jane 62. Funk, Steve & Didi 101. Lambert, Michael & Mary 16. Braeden, Cecil 63. Gallagher, Sue 102. Lang, Bonnie 17. Briones, Marianito & Lourdes 64. Garbs, Roland & Beverly 18. Brown, Patrick 65. Gattenby, Bill & Violet 103. Lapworth, Donald & 19. Bruno, Gary & Karen 66. Gerard, George & Susan 104. LaRue, Lawrence & Sharon 20. Budnik, Talyn 67. Gere, Laurie 105. Lebel, Fern 21. Budnik, Tom & Becca 68. Glasgow, Joe & Babs 106. Lee, Steve & Diana 22. Buyske, Matthew & Kelly 69. Goad, Susie 107. Leech, Andy & Veronica 23. Campbell, Patricia 70. Gorzela, Karen 108. Lehr, Angie 24. Carabba, Lielanie 71. Greene, John & Sally 109. LeMaister, Sally 25. Casey, Brian & Kristen 72. Griffith, George & Stacy 110. Leopold, Mark & Peggy 26. Caulfield, Don & Gerry 73. Griffith, James & Cathryn 111. Lewis, Bruce & Teresa 27. Cerovac, Mike & Debra 74. Griffith, Peter & Susan 112. Liberty, Jim & Laurie 28. Chambers, John & Kirsti 75. Gross, Matt & Marilyn 113. Lijek, Mark & Cora 29. Christiansen, Mary Jo 76. Gutierrez, 114. Lovric, 30. Cobain, Eileen 77. Hagg, Dean & Deanna 115. Lovric, Bart & Xiao Mei 31. Comlish, Jeannie 78. Hobson, Gregory & Pam 116. Luecke, David & Diane 32. Conklin, Dorothy 79. Hoffman, Roger & Joann 117. Mack, Keith & Heather 33. Dares, Joann 80. Hudak, Gary & Janice 118. Maffuccio, Dan & Shirley 34. Daou, Michel & Eliane 81. Irving, Donald & Marion 119. Majkut, William & Karen 35. Daspit, Walt 82. Jay, Robert & Terri 120. Manangan, Bernardo & Carmen 36. Deans, Doug & Jolyn 83. Johnson, Todd & Joann 121. Manni, Ken & Eleanor 37. Deaton, Brian & Julie 84. Johnson, Thomas & Lane 122. Marshall, Nolan 38. DeForrest, Verna 85. Johnson, Van & Patty 123. Marth, Kyle & Barbara 39. Delabarre, Matt & Sarah 86. Jones, Joanne 124. McCroskey, Dan & Mary 40. Delzer, Judith 87. Joy, Mary 125. Menor, Michael 41. Delzer, Theresa 88. Kelly, Marie 126. Monyak, Marie 42. DeMan, John 89. Keown, William & Celine 127. Moore, Kathy 43. Dorotich, Cathy 90. Kleisath, Stanley & Kathy 128. Mousel, Harold 44. Dragovich, Mary 91. Kloke, Carolyn 129. Mullinaux, Elsie 45. Drum, Ed 92. Kolhoff, Terry & Vivian 46. Donnelly, Ray & Barbara 93. Kollodge, Roland & Rose Mary 130. Murphy, Jim & Jeanine 47. Dunker, Keith & Dorothy 94. Krieg, John & Mary (Continued on page 5) (Continued from page 4) 180. Thomson, Delores loaves and two fish that the young boy gave to 131. Murphy, Virginia 181. Thompson, Frank & Margaret him. Giving to God is like saying: Lord, I want to 132. Murray, Margaret 182. Tibbles, Douglas & Susan open the channels of grace and mercy and allow it to flow from you, through me into the world. 133. Murray, Wayne & Adrienne 183. Toland, James & Jenny And Lord, I want to believe again. I believe that 134. Myers, William & Rosalie 184. Tran, Father Vu with You all things are possible. I want to make 135. Necco, Jacqueline 185. Tully, Paul & Kathleen an offering to You, O God, for the right reason 136. Oeth, Dennis & Linda 186. Valrosa, Andrew & Grace which is to praise Your goodness, and Your love. 137. Oos, Marcus 187. Van Hess, Gina And I want to do it with a cheerful heart. 138. Oos, Roger & Barbara 188. Watts, Glenn & Lucille "Awake, my soul, awake lyre and harp. With 139. Oppe, Linda 189. Webster, Don & Pat praise I shall awake the dawn.”’ 140. Perkins, William & Iris 190. Webb, Lynne —Fr. Vu. 141. Perron, Joseph & Mary 191. Welch, Marjorie 142. Personius, Robert & Erma 192. Weldon, Cecilia 143. Pesaturo, Joseph 193. Wentworth, Robert Bishop Blanchet High School 144. Petrish, Maria 194. White, Ed and Linda Annual “Big Band Bash” 145. Ptacek, Michael & Nancy 195. Widmark, Dallas & Emily 146. Putnam, William & Doreen 196. Wilson., Dennis & Gertrude Saturday January 25, 2014 147. Raymond, Marlene 197. Wood, Monty & Elsie Live Music and Dancing, Jazz Band & Choir 148. Redburn, Peter & Suzy 198. Wright, Martin & Catherine Performances, Buffet Dinner 149. Riordan, Frank & Danette 199. Young, Stanton $25 Adults 150. Robinson, Gloria 200. Zimmermann, Claire $5 Students

151. Robinson, Mary Elizabeth Reserve your seats or table soon so you Dearly Beloved, 152. Roney, John & Tina don’t miss out. 153. Roozekrans, Nic Thank you for making your pledges for the up- It’s a blast and supports the jazz programs! 154. Roy, Deborah coming fiscal year. This will help us together 155. Rudd, David & Charlotte praise and glorify God here at St. Mary Catholic Order online: 156. Ryan, Karen Church, through Word and Sacrament. Over the 157. Saladino, Reynaldo & Ofelia years, I have learned that being a good steward helps me to trust in God. God's providence is 158. Salandanan, Orlando & Perlita or call Elaine at 206-932-5213 for info. certain, but God allows for human cooperation.

159. Sandoz, Michael & Verene It's like when Christ multiplied the five small 160. Schmidt, Amy 161. Schmidt, Elisa A Year-End Secret Too Good to Keep 162. Schmidt, Ryan & Shellie Successful people are often asked how they Many of these benefits can be achieved with a 163. Schmude, Donald & Alice thrive. What did they do differently than others? surprisingly modest gift. There are variations on 164. Sheffer, Margaret One of the secrets they share is the importance each of these gift options. The Archdiocesan of practicing good stewardship. As stewards of Planned Giving Office is pleased to provide infor- 165. Silligo, Delores M. the many gifts God has given us, we can give mation to you and your advisors as you consider 166. Smith, Allen wisely to support the mission of the Catholic making year-end gifts. You may reach them at 167. Smith, Robert Church in Western . When many 206-748-7984 or toll free at 800-752-5902 or via 168. Stambuk, Miloyka people think of charitable giving, especially at email at [email protected]. You year’s end, they think of making a cash gift. are also welcome to visit their webpage at 169. Stone, Paul & Greta However, there is another way. It’s called a 170. Stromberg, Carol planned gift. There are many ways a planned gift 171. Stultz, Lisa can bring benefits back to you while also benefit- As the year comes to a close, reflect on the ting your parish community: blessings in your life and consider expressing 172. Suryan, Audrey your gratitude with a planned gift to your parish. 173. Sutton, Michael & Mary 174. Tabet, Kathlene  A charitable gift annuity that pays you fixed income for life at a rate based on your “Let us not grow weary of doing good; if we do not 175. Tauscheck, Eleanor age; relax our efforts, in due time we shall reap our har- 176. Tauscheck, Steve & Bobbie  A gift of real estate that offers tax and vest.” Galatians 6:9 177. Thatcher, Robert & Ann Income advantages; and 178. Thomas, Benjamin & Pamela  A gift of stock that helps you avoid capital gains tax. 179. Thomason, Gertrude NaProTECHNOLOGY— A Major Breakthrough In Monitoring and Maintaining a Woman's Reproductive and Gynecological Health

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a way of life that incorporates fertility aware- ness, responsible parenthood and self-mastery into married love. Creighton Model Fertility Care practitioners provide NFP instruction in a series of private, personalized sessions with long-term professional follow-up care availa- ble. These sessions can be reimbursed by insurance or funded by Flex Spend- ing Accounts. This method, which follows an allied health care model (NaProtechnology), has a high success rate not only in achieving and avoiding pregnancy, but also in treating infertility, chronic miscarriage, ovarian cysts, and other gynecologic problems.

An introductory/informational session will be offered at St Mary in the Father Auer Center at 7:00pm on Friday, January 17th.

If you have any questions, please contact: Alissa Long, RN, FCIP (360)434-7682 or [email protected]

For more information, please visit:

Source: Do you know someone who is in need of prayers? Please contact Jerry & Lois Boyer to be added to a prayer chain today!

Here’s how the prayer chain works: Once someone on the list is made aware of a situation that needs prayer, they will call the next person on the prayer list to let them know. That person then calls the next person and so on and so forth. Once the person who enacted the chain receives a call, they know that it has made a complete rotation. It’s that simple. In a manner of hours, over 15 people are praying for your intentions.

This is a quick and easy way to be sure our intentions and those of others are being prayed for. Never underestimate the power of prayer!

Jerry & Lois Boyer: (360)-293-5755 [email protected]

Source: Google search

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.“ — Philippians 4:6