UDK 327 (474.3) (058) La 806

Latvijas Republikas Årlietu ministrijas gadagråmata 2003 Yearbook of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of 2003

Latvijas Republikas Årlietu ministrija Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia Brîvîbas bulvåris 36, Rîga, LV-1395, Latvija http://www.am.gov.lv

Fotogråfijas – LR Valsts Prezidenta kanceleja, LR Årlietu ministrija, LR diplomåtiskås pårståvniecîbas, Eiropas Komisija, NATO, UNESCO, Bundesbildstelle Berlin, A.F.I., I. Znotiñß, J.Krümiñß, A. Kova¬ovs, E. Peinar.

Drukåts AS “McÅbols”, Bi˚ernieku ielå 18, Rîgå, LV-1039.

ISBN 9984-528-23-5 π Latvijas Republikas Årlietu ministrija, teksts, 2004 π Måris Sîmansons, dizains, 2004 LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata

Saturs Contents

Årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete. Ievadvårdi 4 Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete. Foreword

Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß 8 State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Måris Riekstiñß

Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra vietnieks 14 Under-Secretary of State Andris Piebalgs

Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra vietnieks Ivars Pundurs 22 Under-Secretary of State Ivars Pundurs

Véstnieki un diplomåtisko pårståviecîbu vadîtåji 28 Ambassadors and Heads of Diplomatic Missions

Hronolo©ija 2003 29 Chronology of events 2003 3

Informatîvais pielikums 91 Informative annex

Årlietu dienesta personåla saståvs 92 The staff of Latvia’s foreign service

Latvijas Republikas Årlietu ministrijas budΩets 94 Ministry of Foreign Affairs budget expenditures

Latvijas Republikas diplomåtiskås pårståvniecîbas 95 Diplomatic missions of the Republic of Latvia

Latvijas Republikas goda konsuli 109 Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Latvia

2003. gadå noslégtie starptautiskie divpuséjie lîgumi 122 Bilateral agreements conclued in 2003

Ar 2003. gadu Latvijå spékå esoßie starptautiskie daudzpuséjie lîgumi 129 International multilateral treaties Latvia has acceded to in 2003

Årlietu ministrijas struktüra 133 Organisational chart of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Saîsinåjumi un akronîmi 136 Abbreviations and acronyms


Årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete

2003. gadå Latvija kråßñi nosvinéja savas valsts paståvéßanas 4 85. gadadienu. Skaudri ir apzinåties, ka no ßî laika tikai trîsdesmit çetri gadi patießåm ir piederéjußi mums. Piecdesmit viens pagåjis zem sveßas varas. Taçu ßodien, droßåk nekå jebkad agråk, müsu tauta var skatîties nåkotné – més esam atgriezußies Eiropå un müs sargå NATO droßîbas vairogs. Nu véstures drümås lappuses ir pårß˚irtas uz neatgrießanos.

Latvijas valsts un nåcija ir vértîbas, kas sakñojas Eiropå. Müsu tautai ir sava îpatna seja, kas nåk no müsu baltu izcelsmes, folkloras, zemnieku rakstura. Arî véstures pårbaudîjumiem. Tå ir müsu senå identitåte, kas, tapdama latviska, reizé ir tapusi arî eiropeiska. Més esam eiropießi gan péc izcelsmes, gan ©eogråfiski un vésturiski. Taçu latvießi k¬uva par politisku nåciju tikai tad, kad tautas kopîbas sajüta tika savienota ar Eiropas politiskajåm idejåm, modernås Eiropas vértîbåm un kultüras mantojumu.

Pie ßîm idejåm pieder arî Latvijas valsts. Tå tapa uz demokråtisku vértîbu pamata, îstenojot tautu paßnoteikßanås tiesîbas uz Krievijas cara impérijas drupåm. Nacionålas valsts izveidoßana bija nozîmîgåkais solis uz Latvijas apzinåtu iek¬außanos eiropeiskajå civilizåcijå.

Eiropas mantojums Latvijas liktenî bijis ¬oti nozîmîgs. Müsu zemes iedzîvotåji bija eiropießi pirms 1918. gada 18. novembra, un palika eiropießi péc valsts okupåcijas. Latviskums un eiropeiskå apziña bija vienlaikus gan pretestîbas lîdzeklis, gan cerîba. Íîs apziñas dé¬ més nek¬uvåm par pårtautotiem padomju cilvékiem. Tås dé¬ Latvija ßodien nav postpadomju republika, bet ståv uz Eiropas savienîbas sliekßña kå topoßå dalîbvalsts.

Eiropas perspektîva müsu politiskajå kultürå nav jauna. Jau 20. gadsimta pirmajås desmitgadés müsu intelektuå¬u pårdomas par Latvijas valsts veidoßanu bija nesaraujami saistîtas ar domåm par Eiropas kopîgo nåkotni. Cik pravietiski ßodien, kad strådåjam pie Eiropas savienîbas konstitücijas, skan Raiña vårdi: "nacionålås valstis vienotos arvien lielåkås federåcijås, lîdz apñemtu kontinentus un cilvéci, un tur izaugtu varbüt jaunas, lielåkas tautas ar jaunåm valodåm... Bet arî tas nebütu mehånisks kosmopolîtisms, bet organiskas bütnes un bütñu vienîbas. Tas ce¬ß ir garß, un viñß viss jåiziet cauri, nevar nolemt, ka ßodien gals sasniegts.”


Més visi esam cilvéki, savas ©imenes un tautas locek¬i, sava dzimuma vai profesijas pårståvji. Taçu ieejot Eiropå seviß˚i svarîgi ir apzinåties müsu identitåtes abas puses – més esam latvießi un eiropießi, més esam Latvijas pilsoñi un eiropießi.

Eiropa ir Latvijas identitåtes otra, mazåk apjaustå puse. Eiropa nav sveßs, årpus mums esoßs spéks, kas var apdraudét latvisko identitåti vai müsu valsts politiskås un ekonomiskås intereses. Eiropa nav naudas avots labklåjîbas celßanai vai kopîgais tirgus. Eiropa pirmkårt ir kultüras telpa, kurå radußås müsdienu civilizåcijas vispårîgås vértîbas. To vårdå més – daΩådas Eiropas tautas – esam labpråtîgi apvienojußås.

Müsu kopîbai ir arî gluΩi konkrétas politiskas robeΩas, kuras nosaka Eiropas savienîba un NATO. Tås sniedzas påri kontinenta ©eogråfiskajåm robeΩåm. Èpaßas saites müs vieno ar Zieme¬ameriku. Eiropas un Amerikas vértîbas radußås no viena avota – no apgaismîbas laikmeta. Ío vienotîbu ir nostiprinåjusi cîña pret nacionålsociålismu un komunisma draudi. Jau vairåk nekå 50 gadus eiropießi un amerikåñi kopå ståv demokråtisko vértîbu sardzé. Arî ßodien müsu vértîbas nav ß˚iramas.

Eiropas savienîba radås tådé¬, lai müsu kontinentå beigtos kari starp kaimiñiem. NATO tika radîts demokråtisko vértîbu aizsardzîbai pret padomju totalitårismu. Ío organizåciju partnerîbas turpinåjums ir jautåjums par 5 kontinenta mieru, stabilitåti un labklåjîbu nåkotné. DiemΩél ir påragri runåt par liberålo vértîbu triumfu viså pasaulé. Vésturei nav beigu, un arî rît, tåpat kå vakar un ßodien, Eiropai kopå ar ASV jåbüt gatavåm aizståvét savas vértîbas pret draudiem, kas nåk no totalitåråm ideolo©ijåm un reΩîmiem.

Latvijas garîgå saikne ar Eiropu ir apzinåti jåstiprina. Müsu devums kopéjå Eiropas proceså lielå mérå büs atkarîgs no gribas kopt garîgo saikni ar påréjiem eiropießiem. Jau Rainis atzina, ka “tauta ir patîba uz garîga pamata, un garîgas tautas ir pamats jaunai kopcilvécei – tautu sabiedrîbai.”

Müsdienu galvenais intelektuålais izaicinåjums ir ieskatîties nåkotné, lai atrastu identitåtes formulu, kas saista katra viena piederîbu Latvijai ar Latvijas piederîbu Eiropai. Vispirms tas ir izaicinåjums müsu valsts izglîtotajiem cilvékiem, Latvijas inteli©encei. Mums visiem kopå ir jåveido jauna eiropeiska apziña, jåce¬ jaunå godå Eiropas vértîbas. Tikai uz ßî pamata plauks Latvijas valsts. AtgrieΩoties Eiropå, més atgrieΩamies måjås.

Sandra Kalniete årlietu ministre


Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete

In 2003 Latvia celebrated the 85th anniversary of its statehood. It is a bitter 6 realization that only 34 years of this time were truly ours, that the remaining 51 years we had to live under foreign regimes. Today, we can contemplate the future with more confidence than ever before: we have returned to Europe and we are protected by NATO’s shield of security. The gloomy pages of history have been turned over for all time.

Latvia’s statehood and nation are values that are rooted in Europe. Our nation has distinctive features that come from our Baltic , folklore, farmer mentality; and also from the trials and tribulations of history. Our inherited identity, having evolved into a Latvian identity, has also become a European identity. Considering our heritage, geography and history, we are Europeans. But Latvians became a political nation only when the common national feeling merged with the political ideas, value system and cultural heritage of modern Europe.

Latvia’s statehood stems from these ideas. The Republic of Latvia was created on the basis of democratic values and the right of self–determination of peoples after the Russian Empire collapsed. The formation of a nation–state was the most significant step taken by Latvia in its conscious integration into the European civilization.

European heritage has played a very important role in determining Latvia’s fate. The people of our country were Europeans before the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia on 18 November 1918 and remained Europeans after Latvia’s occupation in 1940. Awareness of a Latvian and a European identity served simultaneously as a tool of resistance and an amulet of hope; it explains why we were not assimilated into the Soviet melting pot of nations. Therefore, Latvia is not a post–Soviet republic. It stands confidently on the threshold of the European Union as a European country and an imminent EU member.

A European perspective is nothing new in our political culture. Already in the first decades of the twentieth century our intellectuals mulled over Latvia’s future in the context of a common European future. Today, when we are working on a Constitutional Treaty of the European Union, how prophetic are the words of the Latvian poet, Jånis Rainis, said in the first decade of the 20th century:

“Nation–states will unite into ever larger federations until they embrace continents and humanity; perhaps the result will be new, even larger nations with new languages…. But even this would not be a kind of mechanical


cosmopolitism, but rather organic entities and unions of such entities. The road is long and every step must be taken; we cannot decide [arbitrarily] that today we have come to the finish.”

All of us are human beings that belong to a family and a nation; all of us represent a sex and a profession. These are components of our identity. But as we join the European Union, it is of utmost importance to be aware of both aspects of our identity: we are Latvians and we are Europeans, we are citizens of Latvia and Europeans.

Europe is a natural component of Latvia’s identity. Though we are more aware of the Latvian component, Europe is not a strange, alien force threatening our Latvian identity or our country’s political and economic interests. Europe is also not a source of cash for raising our living standard nor is it a common market place. First of all, Europe is a cultural space where the fundamental values of today’s civilization were created. It is in the name of these values that the European nations have voluntarily decided to be united.

Our union, however, has concrete political limits that are determined by the European Union and NATO. These limits, however, extend beyond our continent’s geographical borders. Special ties unite us with North America. European and American values stem from the same source: the Age of Enlightenment. This 7 has been reinforced by the fight against the threats coming from National Socialism and Communism. For over 50 years Europeans and Americans have guarded our democratic values. Today we continue to share and uphold these values.

The European Union came into being to put an end to wars among neighbours on this continent. NATO was created to protect democratic values from Soviet totalitarianism. The continuation of the partnership of these two organisations is tantamount to peace, stability and prosperity of this continent in the future. Unfortunately it is premature to talk about the triumph of liberal values throughout the world. History did not end yesterday, nor will it end today or tomorrow. with United States must be prepared to defend their values against threats coming from totalitarian ideologies and regimes.

Latvia’s spiritual link with Europe must be strengthened. Our contribution to the common European processes will largely depend upon our will to cultivate spiritual ties with other Europeans. Rainis remarked that “a nation is an entity with a spiritual foundation and spiritual nations are the foundation of a kind of a new mankind — a union of nations.”

For the Latvian nation the greatest intellectual challenge of our times is to look into the future for an identity formula, which expresses a person’s bond to Latvia with Latvia’s bond to Europe. First of all, it is a challenge to Latvia’s intellectuals. However, all of us together must create a new, more complex perception of Europe, as well as raise the stature of European values that we all share. Only on these foundations will the Republic of Latvia flourish. Thus, returning to Europe means coming home.

Sandra Kalniete Minister of Foreign Affairs


Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß

Tuvojas brîdis, kad Latvijas årpolitika büs sasniegusi tai izvirzîtos 8 uzdevumus, kuri gan péc sava méroga, gan sabiedrisko attiecîbu viedok¬a télaini bütu pielîdzinåmi diviem tî©era lécieniem. Més esam veiksmîgi noslégußi ieståßanås sarunas par dalîbu Eiropas savienîbå un NATO, parakstîjußi atbilstoßas vienoßanås, un 2004. gada pavasara beigås Latvija ieñems savu le©itîmo vietu nozîmîgåkajås Rietumu struktürås. Íie panåkumi nebütu iespéjami bez tautas vairåkuma un tå pårståvéto politi˚u atbalsta.

Valsts årpolitika atrodas jauna ce¬a posma såkumå. Latvija tuvojas jaunai kvalitatîvi augståkai pakåpei starptautiskajå sadarbîbå. Lîdz ßim årpolitiskie mér˚i bija labi pårskatåmi un savå ziñå pat "ßauri", taçu paßreizéjå situåcija, definéjot jaunos mér˚us, uzliek mums pienåkumu raudzîties plaßåk. Strauji mainîga ir arî starptautiskå vide – îpaßi globalizåcijas apståk¬u diktétås, daΩådos pasaules re©ionos notiekoßo procesu cießås mijiedarbîbas dé¬.

Íî mijiedarbîba prasa müsu lîdzdarbîbu situåcijås, kurås årpolitisko prioritåßu noteikßana, raugoties vienîgi caur tradicionåli ßaurajåm un egoistiskajåm nacionålås valsts interesém, ir lemta neveiksmei.

Kådi ir bütiskåkie izaicinåjumi, definéjot jaunås årpolitikas prioritåtes?

Pirmkårt, starptautiskais terorisms un virkne citu jauno draudu, kas iezîméjußies pédéjos gados. Starp tiem minami nekontroléta ieroçu, îpaßi masu iznîcinåßanas ieroçu tirdzniecîba, ekolo©iskais apdraudéjums, apdraudéjums sabiedrîbai svarîgai infrastruktürai, liela méroga ekonomiskå noziedzîba, nedemokråtisku reΩîmu radîtais apdraudéjums starptautiskajai droßîbai – jaunajå starptautiskajå vidé ßiem jédzieniem parådås jauns saturs un ietekme. Tå nav abstrakta lieta, par to liecina Rîgas lidostå aizturétå ieroçu krava uz Irånu. Nåkotné mums aizvien bieΩåk nåksies saskarties ar ßåda veida draudiem, un valsts årpolitikai ßo draudu novérßana büs viens no prioritåriem izaicinåjumiem.

Otrkårt, ekonomikas attîstîbas tendences pasaulé. Saistîbå ar müsu dalîbu Eiropas savienîbå Latvijas interesés ir ne tikai müsu valsts attîstîbas tempu îstermiña pieaugums, bet arî visas Eiropas savienîbas ekonomiskå attîstîba. Eiropas savienîbas vispåréjå ekonomiskå attîstîba atstås ietekmi gan uz müsu izaugsmi, gan uz Eiropas savienîba iespéjåm ietekmét procesus pasaulé. Müsu interesés ir spécîga Eiropas savienîbas ar tai atbilstoßu lomu starptautiskajå arénå. Tådé¬ Latvijai savå politikå ir jåatbalsta ekonomisko un sociålo reformu


process, lai Eiropas savienîba patiesi varétu sasniegt Lisabonas straté©ijå izvirzîtos mér˚us – nodroßinåt tai konkurétspéju pasaulé.

Treßkårt, draudi, kas nåk no nemieru pårñemtajiem re©ioniem, kå arî valstîm, kas savas nedemokråtiskås iekårtas un paståvoßo reΩîmu îstenotås politikas un tås radîto iespéjamo nemieru dé¬ var apdraudét ne tikai savus kaimiñus, bet arî veidot plaßåku ietekmi uz starptautisko kårtîbu. Kå piemérus var minét gan Balkånu re©ionu, gan Tuvos Austrumus. Arî NVS telpå ßajå ziñå ir vérojamas bîstamas tendences. Nelegålå imigråcija ir tikai viena izpausme ßajå kontekstå.

Kam vajadzétu büt paståvîgå valsts årpolitikas rüpju lokå?

Pirmkårt, tå ir valsts droßîba. Lîdz ar pievienoßanos starptautiskajå arénå neapßaubåmi vadoßåm organizåcijåm – ES un NATO – més büsim atrisinåjußi savu tradicionålo åréjås droßîbas problému. Taçu, kå jau minéts, müsu droßîbas interesém rodas jauni izaicinåjumi. Da¬a no ßîm jaunajåm apdraudéjuma formåm ir risinåmas starptautisko organizåciju ietvaros. Mums ir svarîgi, lai starp Eiropu un ASV ßajå jomå bütu maksimåla izpratne. Ir nepiecießama kopîga ES un ASV rîcîba, lai radîtu mainîgajai årpolitiskajai videi atbilstoßus starptautiskås sadarbîbas mehånismus, kå arî pilnveidotu vai reorganizétu lîdzßinéjås sadarbîbas struktüras. 9

Transatlantiskås saites vadoßajam droßîbas instrumentam ir jåpaliek NATO aliansei. Latvijas interesés ir spécîga NATO, kura spéj adaptéties jaunajiem draudiem un kuras dalîbniekiem ir nepiecießamå politiskå griba, kå arî ekonomiskie un militårie lîdzek¬i tos novérst. Spécîgas alianses esamîba nav pretrunå eiropießu vélmei büt spéjîgai risinåt virkni droßîbas politisko jautåjumu bez bütiska atbalsta no Zieme¬amerikas partneriem, taçu mé©inåjumi radît efektîvu Eiropas åréjo un droßîbas politiku uz antiamerikånisma nots ir lemti neveiksmei. Mums nav jåmeklé jomas, kurås abås Atlantijas okeåna pusés viedok¬i atß˚iras. GluΩi otrådi – jåcenßas atrast jomas, kurås ES un ASV kopîgiem spékiem var ko mainît. Pieméram, stiprinåt droßîbu un labklåjîbu Austrumu un Dienvidaustrumu Eiropå, Kaspijas jüras re©ionå, Centrålajå Åzijå, attîstît dialogu, mazinåt saspîléjumu un veicinåt pozitîvas izmaiñas Tuvo Austrumu re©ionå.

Dalîba Eiropas savienîbå un NATO uzliek jaunu atbildîbu un paver jaunas iespéjas attiecîbåm ar kaimiñiem. Ekonomiski stabilas un demokråtiskas valstis ir labas kaimiñvalstis. Latvijas årpolitikai ir jåbüt vérstai uz demokråtijas un ekonomiskås stabilitåtes nostiprinåßanos müsu kaimiñu re©ionos.

Íobrîd Eiropas savienîba izstrådå jaunu individuålu politiku attiecîbåm ar jaunajiem kaimiñiem, tajå skaitå Ukrainu, Krieviju un Baltkrieviju. Latvijai ir ievérojama ekspertîze un pieredze, kas güta sadarbîbå ar katru no pieminétajåm valstîm. Latvijai ir ko dot ßîs politikas saturam.

Otrkårt, tå ir valsts un tås iedzîvotåju labklåjîbas veicinåßana. Í˚iet, ka ßeit ir vairåkas jomas, kurås aktîvi strådåjot més varam nodroßinåt gan valsts ekonomisko attîstîbu, gan to, ka ßo attîstîbu iedzîvotåji var sajust savos maciños. Kå pirmå minama Latvijas dalîbas Eiropas savienîbå sniegto iespéju izmantoßana. Èpaßu nozîmi ßeit iegüst valsts spéja izmantot visas priekßrocîbas, ko sniedz atraßanås vienotajå Eiropas savienîbas tirgü, kå arî jaunås iespéjas ietekmét tås (un tåtad arî savu) tirdzniecîbas politiku un intereses iepretî treßajåm valstîm. Taçu més nedrîkstam aizmirst iespéjas, kuru îstenoßana atkarîga tikai no müsu paßu spéjåm. Pieméram, jaunu preçu noieta tirgus mekléjumi, ekonomisko pårståvniecîbu tîkla izvérßana årvalstîs, ener©étiskås droßîbas nostiprinåßana. Tie ir tikai daΩi elementi no iespéju klåsta.


Mums jåbüt gataviem izmantot sadarbîbas potenciålu müsu re©ionå. Baltijas jüras re©ions gan moderno tehnolo©iju, gan infrastruktüras, gan pakalpojumu kvalitåtes, tirdzniecîbas un citu rådîtåju ziñå jau ßobrîd ir dinamiskåkais Eiropas re©ions. ˆemot vérå re©iona valstu îpatsvaru Eiropas savienîbå, ir pamats apgalvot, ka attîstot ßo sadarbîbu tålåk més varam güt atzîstamus panåkumus katras re©iona valsts interesés.

Treßkårt, tas ir jautåjums par müsu identitåti. Ikdienå gandrîz ikviens ir saskåries ar situåciju, kurå Latvijas télam årvalstîs ir ticis piemérots viens vai otrs vispårinåjums – Baltijas valsts, Austrumeiropas valsts, postkomunistiskå valsts, ES kandidåtvalsts utt. Pret to var izturéties divéjådi. Neievérot, uzskatot to par nebütisku jautåjumu, vai arî censties ßo redzéjumu ietekmét. Ja més izvélamies otro iespéju, tad valstij ir jåizmanto visi tås rîcîbå esoßie instrumenti, apzinoties, ka konkrétas identitåtes veidoßana paplaßina kådu iespéju, bet vienlaikus saßaurina kådu citu no tåm. Tas ir iespéju prioritéßanas jautåjums. Balstoties uz müsu kultürvésturisko mantojumu, kå arî paturot pråtå müsu plaßi izvérsto sadarbîbu ar Baltijas un Zieme¬valstîm kultürå, ekonomikå, politikå, droßîbas jomå, paßvaldîbu starpå, paståvot neskaitåmiem ikdienas kontaktiem, ir skaidrs, ka esam Zieme¬eiropas valsts. Jåatceras, ka tradicionåli tießi müsu Zieme¬valstu kaimiñi, no vienas puses, nodroßinot stabilitåti un augstu labklåjîbas lîmeni savås zemés, tajå paßå laikå ir vieni no aktîvåkajiem atbalsta 10 sniedzéjiem valstîm, kuråm ßåda palîdzîba ir ¬oti bütiska. Íåda politika perspektîvå varétu iezîmét arî müsu sadarbîbu ar citiem re©ioniem.

Ceturtkårt, tås ir rüpes par müsu pilsoñiem un tautießiem årvalstîs. Nav nepiecießams îpaßi izvérst tézi par Latvijas pilsoñu un viñu intereßu konsulåro aizsardzîbu årvalstîs – tas ir ikkatras sevi cienoßas valsts pienåkums. Müsu gadîjumå runa ir arî par darbu ar müsu tautießiem. Daudzi no viñiem personîgi, kå arî tautießu sabiedriskås organizåcijas ir aktîvi strådåjußas, lai veicinåtu valsts attîstîbu un årpolitisko mér˚u sasniegßanu. Valsts institüciju pienåkums ir atbalstît tautießu centienus saglabåt un attîstît nacionålo identitåti un kultüru. Ir jåstrådå pie måcîbu gråmatu, metodisko materiålu izplatîßanas årvalstu latvießu kopienås, valodas skolotåju nosütîßanas darbam ar kopienas pårståvjiem, jåatbalsta årvalstu latvießu studiju iespéjas Latvijas augstskolås un repatriåcija.

Íis jautåjumu uzskaitîjums, iespéjams, nav pilnîgs, taçu tas dod ieskatu årpolitiskajos uzdevumos nåkotné. Varbüt no sabiedrisko attiecîbu viedok¬a to îstenoßana nebüs pielîdzinåma tî©era lécieniem, taçu tas nenozîmé, ka tie büs mazsvarîgi. Patlaban ir svarîgi apzinåt ßos uzdevumus, kråt pieredzi, darbojoties Eiropas savienîbas un NATO struktürås. Tas palîdzés precîzi definét müsu årpolitikas pamatlînijas laika posmam péc 2004. gada 1. maija – dienas, kad lîdzßinéjå årpolitikas koncepcija büs noliekama arhîvå.

Måris Riekstiñß Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs


State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Måris Riekstiñß

Soon our foreign policy will have accomplished the principal tasks that it set itself: Latvia’s membership of both the European Union and NATO. By late spring 11 2004 Latvia will take its legitimate place in the most significant Western structures and participate directly in their work and decision–making.

Clearly, Latvia’s new status and political milieu require rethinking and reformulation of its foreign policy. Not to be overlooked is the rapidly changing international environment, especially as dictated by the conditions of globalisation, by the close interaction of processes in various regions of the world. This interaction demands our participation in situations where the fixing of foreign policy priorities with only a view to the traditional — frequently narrow and egotistical — interests of nation–states would be doomed to failure.

What are the challenges that are fundamental to defining the new foreign policy priorities?

Firstly, international terrorism and a range of other threats, including uncontrolled trade in arms, especially weapons of mass destruction; ecological disasters; serious damage to important public infrastructure; economic crime; undemocratic regimes and failed states. In the contemporary world these factors have taken on a new relevance and influence.

They are not abstract matters, as shown by the arms shipment to Iran recently seized at the Riga airport. In the future, we can expect to be confronted more and more often with such threats, and averting them will have to be one of the main challenges to our country's foreign policy.

Secondly, economic development around the world. As an EU member, Latvia will want not only to continue to raise its own rate of development, but also the economic development of the entire European Union; such growth will affect all EU members and, at the same time, increase the opportunities for the EU to become more influential in global processes. What is in our interest is a powerful EU with a corresponding role in the international arena. Hence, in its EU policy Latvia must support economic and social reforms, so that the EU can achieve the goals set in March 2000 in the Lisbon Strategy: to ensure the worldwide competitiveness and dynamism of the EU.


Thirdly, threats that come from regions plagued by unrest and countries which may, because of their undemocratic systems and the policies of existing regimes, not only threaten the security of neighbouring regions but also affect the international order. One might mention as examples both the Balkan region and the Middle East. Dangerous tendencies of this kind are even appearing within the CIS. Illegal immigration is only one problem in this context.

What should be the current concerns of Latvia’s foreign policy?

Firstly, national security. By joining the leading organisations in the international arena, the EU and NATO, we shall have resolved our traditional problem of external security. Nonetheless, new challenges are arising to our security interests. Some of the new forms of threat must be addressed in international organisations, in an international context. It is, therefore, important that there be maximum understanding between Europe and the United States of America. Joint EU and US action is necessary to create mechanisms of international cooperation that respond to the changing political environment, and to improve or reorganize existing cooperation structures.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation must remain the leading security instrument of the Transatlantic link. In Latvia’s interests is a powerful NATO that 12 is able to deal effectively with the new threats and whose members have the political will and the economic and military means to eliminate them. The existence of a strong Alliance, however, does not contradict the wishes of Europeans to be able to resolve a range of security policy issues without essential support from their North American partners. Furthermore, attempts to create an effective European foreign and security policy on a note of anti–Americanism are counterproductive. We must not seek areas where views differ on each side of the Atlantic Ocean. Quite the contrary: we have to strive to find areas where the EU and the USA, acting jointly, can make real changes. Some examples are: strengthening security and raising welfare in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the Caspian Sea region, and Central Asia; developing dialogue, reducing tensions and promoting positive changes in the Middle East.

EU and NATO membership places a new responsibility and opens new opportunities for relations with our neighbours. Since economically stable and democratic countries make good neighbours, Latvia's foreign policy must be directed toward strengthening democracy and economic conditions in the neighbouring regions.

At present the EU is drafting a new policy for relations with its new neighbours, including Ukraine, and Belarus. Having worked together with each of those countries and acquired considerable expertise and experience, Latvia can, therefore, contribute to this area of EU policy–making.

Secondly, the promotion of the welfare of the country and its people. There are various areas where, by working actively, we could ensure both the country's economic development and the population's awareness of this development, particularly in terms of money in their pockets. First of all, there is the utilization of opportunities deriving from Latvia’s membership of the EU. In this context, especially significant is a country's ability to take full advantage of the unified EU market and the new opportunities to influence the EU's (as well as its own) trading policy and interest toward third countries. Working in the EU, we must not forget the realization of some opportunities depends only on ourselves. It is up to us, for example, to search for market access for new goods, expand our network of economic representatives abroad, and secure our energy supply.


In terms of modern technology, infrastructure, quality of services, and trade, the Baltic Sea region is at present the most dynamic region in Europe. Most of the countries in the region will soon belong to the European Union. We must use the full potential for cooperation in our region, especially since further cooperation in the region can bring notable advantages to every country around the Baltic Sea.

Thirdly, there is the question of Latvia’s identity. Every day generalizations are made abroad which depict Latvia as, for example, a Baltic country, an East European country, a post–communist country, an EU candidate country, and so on. Such generalizations, however, tend to be superficial and often misleading. We can react to this situation either by ignoring it or by seeking to change it. If we choose the latter option, then we must use all the instruments at our disposal to create a broader and more accurate image of Latvia, even if this means emphasizing one aspect at the expense of another. It is, therefore, a question of setting priorities.

Considering our cultural–historical legacy and our highly developed cooperation with the Baltic and Nordic countries in the fields of culture, economy, politics, security, as well as the numerous ties between local governments and the countless daily contacts between individuals, it is clear that we are a Northern European country. Traditionally our Nordic neighbours have followed 13 policies aimed to ensure stability and a high standard of living in their own countries while actively providing aid to regions and countries in need of assistance. In the long term such policies should also be characteristic of our country.

Fourthly, the welfare of our citizens and compatriots abroad. In addition to the consular defence of Latvia's citizens and their interests abroad Latvia has a special duty to Latvians living in other countries. Many of them have worked personally, or through public organisations, to promote our country's development and the attainment of its foreign policy goals. It is the duty of state institutions to support the efforts of our compatriots to preserve and develop their national identity and culture. We must send Latvian language teachers and help distribute textbooks and teaching materials to Latvian communities abroad; increase opportunities for Latvians from abroad to study in Latvia’s universities; and facilitate repatriation.

This enumeration of issues and factors is perhaps not complete, but it does give an insight into Latvia’s foreign policy tasks for the future. Unlike the "great leap forward" achieved through the work toward Latvia’s membership of NATO and the EU, success in these tasks will not produce comparable advances. Nonetheless, these are very important tasks and we must be aware of them while working and gathering experience within the EU and NATO structures. All this will help us to formulate precisely our foreign policy guidelines for the period after 1 May 2004, the day when the current foreign policy concept will be relegated to the archives.

Måris Riekstiñß State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra vietnieks Andris Piebalgs

14 Aizvadîto gadu viennozîmîgi var nosaukt par vienu no svarîgåkajiem Latvijas årpolitikå péc neatkarîbas atgüßanas. Jau 2002. gada 13. decembrî Latvija kopå ar deviñåm kandidåtvalstîm tika uzaicinåta pievienoties Eiropas savienîbai (ES). Tådéjådi tika noslégtas divus gadus ilgußås sarunas par ieståßanos ES. Savukårt 2003. gads apliecinåja, ka tuvojas brîdis, kad Latvijas årpolitika büs sasniegusi tai izvirzîtos uzdevumus. Ir veikti visi priekßnoteikumi pilntiesîgai Latvijas dalîbai Eiropas savienîbå.

2003. gada 16. aprîlî Aténås Akropoles pakåjé, vésturiskajå Eiropas demokråtijas ßüpulî notika svinîgå Eiropas savienîbas pievienoßanås lîguma parakstîßanas ceremonija, kurå piedalîjås Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, Ministru prezidents Einars Repße un årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete, kå arî Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra vietnieks Andris esteris. Latvijas Saeima ratificéja ßo lîgumu 2003. gada 30. oktobrî. Tas ståjas spékå 2004. gada 1. maijå.

Aténås kopå pulcéjås divdesmit piecas Eiropas valstis. Katra ar savu identitåti, vésturi un valodu. Visas tås tomér vieno kopîgas vértîbas un ticîba vienotas Eiropas idejai – labåkai nåkotnei. Ceremonija Aténås izdzésa dalîjuma lînijas müsu kontinentå. Paplaßinåtå un vienotå Eiropas savienîba paver ce¬u uz cießåkåm attiecîbåm plaßåkå Eiropas telpå, kas pleßas no Krievijas lîdz Vidusjürai. Latvija brîvpråtîgi pievienojås brîvu Eiropas valstu saimei un tås pårståvétajåm vértîbåm. Latvija apliecinåja savu ticîbu Eiropas nåkotnei un apstiprinåja vélmi strådåt kopå ar demokråtiskås Eiropas valstu partneriem, lai stiprinåtu stabilitåti un labklåjîbu Eiropå, kå arî meklétu un atrastu risinåjumus daΩådiem müsdienu izaicinåjumiem.

Jåapzinås, ka vésturiski, atrodoties agresîvu lielvalstu un to vadîtåju intereßu krustpunktå, Latvijas valsts un tås iedzîvotåju liktenis ir bijis sareΩ©îts un tra©isks. Vésturisko mirkli Aténås Latvija bija gaidîjusi pietiekami ilgi. Spilgti to apliecina 2003. gada 16. aprî¬a Eiropas savienîbas valstu véstniecîbu un Eiropas Komisijas delegåcijas Latvijå kopîgais paziñojums, kurå teikts: “Laipni lügti Eiropas ©imené, apsveicam ar atgrießanos måjås!”

2003. gada 16. aprîlî Latvija de facto ieguva jaunu kvalitåti, pårtopot no kandidåtvalsts par Eiropas savienîbas novérotåju valsti. Latvijai ar ßo brîdi såkås “måcîbu” laiks – iesaistoties savienîbas darbîbå, kå arî piedaloties visu dokumentu izstrådé. Par pilntiesîgu locekli tomér Latvija k¬üst 2004. gada 1. maijå. Deviñi Latvijas parlamentårießi jau kopß 2003. gada maija strådå Eiroparlamentå cießå


sadarbîbå ar citu valstu pårståvétajiem politiskajiem spékiem. Íis ir atbildîgs laiks, kad müsu priekßstati jåsalîdzina ar dzîves îstenîbu.

Tomér bez Latvijas sabiedrîbas atbalsta Latvijas valdîba nevarétu îstenot årpolitikas izvirzîtos mér˚us. Svarîgi ir un büs, lai Latvijas tauta saprastu un atbalstîtu valsts noståju Eiropas savienîbå. Tåpéc es gribu atzîmét, ka aizvadîtå gada 20. septembris bija îpaßi bütisks un neaizmirstams vésturisks brîdis — tautas nobalsoßanas iznåkums par Latvijas dalîbu Eiropas savienîbå bija pozitîvs. “Par” nobalsoja 66,97 %, “pret” — tikai 32,26 %. Neraugoties uz daΩreiz valdoßo neziñu un ßaubåm pirms referenduma — balsot par vai pret, 20. septembrî Latvijas tauta izdarîja savu izvéli. Daudzkårt iedarbîgåki par ekonomiskajiem argumentiem izrådîjås politiskie, no kuriem izß˚iroßais bija — kådas büs nåkotnes Latvijas robeΩas? Vai Latviju no Igaunijas un Lietuvas ß˚irs Eiropas savienîbas robeΩa, vai arî tå tiks nosprausta tikai Latvijas austrumu pusé. Íim jautåjumam bija liela nozîme nedé¬u pirms referenduma, mobilizéjot daudzus lîdz tam skeptiski noskañotos balsot par. Vélétåju ievérojamå aktivitåte un “par” balsojuma pårliecinoßais pårsvars ¬åvis secinåt — jo atbildîgåks lémums ir bijis jåpieñem, jo vairåk iedzîvotåju ir bijußi baΩu un ßaubu varå, tomér vienlaikus bija pieaugusi arî pa¬åvîba uz veselo sapråtu. “Par” balsojums iezîméjis skaistu ievadu Latvijas jaunåkajå vésturé. Manupråt, més balsojåm par gadsimtiem cerétå un gribétå piepildîjumu, par iespéju dzîvot mierå un labklåjîbå, vairs nejütot sevi kå putekli lielvaru dzirnås un nebaidoties par savu nåkotni. 15 Latvija kå pédéjå Eiropas savienîbas topoßå dalîbvalsts, kurå notika balsojums par dalîbu ES, simboliski noslédza ieståßanås ES referendumu apli kandidåtvalstîs. Tådéjådi tika veikti visi priekßnoteikumi, lai lielåkå ES paplaßinåßanås viså tås paståvéßanas vésturé, kas palielina savienîbas starptautisko nozîmi, bütu notikusi. Emocionålå spriedze Latvijå ßajå, 20. septembra, vakarå bija neaprakståma, un nåkamås dienas rîtå paziñotie rezultåti nesa atvieglojumu un prieku. Péc referenduma Latvijas tauta pamodås citå ©eopolitiskajå un psiholo©iskajå îstenîbå. Vélos citét Eiropas Komisijas paplaßinåßanås komisåra Gintera Ferhoigena teiktos sakrålos vårdus par godu Latvijas referendumam: “Íodien ir liela diena visiem eiropießiem. Més laipni ielüdzam valsti, kas dabiski pieder Eiropai, un ticam, ka Latvija tåpat kå citas topoßås dalîbvalstis bagåtinås un stiprinås Eiropas savienîbu. Neesmu pårsteigts par rezultåtiem, bet apmierinåts gan. Tas ir smaga darba un labi padarîtu sagatavoßanås darbu rezultåts un noslédzoßais punkts vienå no svarîgåkajiem posmiem Austrumeiropå… . ”

Atskatoties uz pagåjußo gadu, jåatzîmé arî veiksmîgais darbs, ko paveica Latvijas nacionålais konvents par Eiropas nåkotni. Konventa mér˚is bija izzinåt daΩådu Latvijas sabiedrîbas grupu viedok¬us par jautåjumiem, kas saistîti ar Eiropas savienîbas turpmåko attîstîbu un ßos viedok¬us apspriest ar pårståvjiem Eiropas konventå. Eiropas konvents savu darbu såka 2002. gada 1. martå, bet formåli darbîbu beidza 2003. gada 18. jülijå, kad konventa prezidents Valerî Ûiskårs Desténs iesniedza Eiropadomes prezidentam, Itålijas premjerministram Silvio Berluskoni ES konstitucionålå lîguma projektu. ES konstitucionålais lîgums jeb “Eiropas konstitücija” palîdzés ES dalîbvalstu pilsoñiem vieglåk izprast ES pamatprincipus un mér˚us. Vésture ir pierådîjusi, ka Latvija nedrîkst ståvét malå un noraudzîties, kå citi lemj par müsu nåkotni. Tagad Latvija un citas Eiropas valstis büs pie viena galda, piedalîsies Eiropas nåkotnes attîstîbas proceså, kå arî varés izteikt savu viedokli un tikt uzklausîta.

Par likumsakarîgu Eiropas konventa rezultåtu turpinåjumu ir jåuzskata Starpvaldîbu konference, kurå kopß 2003. gada 4. oktobra norit darbs pie jaunå ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta izstrådes. Latvijas valdîba paståvîgi piedalås Starpvaldîbu konferences darbå. Latvijas nacionålå pozîcija Starpvaldîbu konferencé balstås uz diviem pamatprincipiem, kuru ievéroßana ir svarîgåkais mér˚is Eiropas savienîbas reformåcijå, — efektîva ES darbîba un dalîbvalstu vienlîdzîba. Çetras galvenås Latvijas prioritåtes starpvaldîbu sarunås ir — Eiropas


Komisijas saståvs, pårståvniecîba Eiroparlamentå, Ministru padomes darbîba un ES aizsardzîbas politika.

2003. gada 30. oktobrî tika noslégtas arî Latvijas un Eiropas Komisijas sarunas par Attîstîbas plånu. Attîstîbas plåns ir programméßanas dokuments ES struktürfondu finanséjuma sañemßanai 2004.–2006. gadå, kurå iek¬auta Latvijas valdîbas straté©ija un prioritåtes, kuråm novirzåmi struktürfondu lîdzek¬i. Latvijas galvenie mér˚i, kas definéti Attîstîbas plånå, ir lîdzsvarotas valsts attîstîbas veicinåßana, infrastruktüras attîstîba, biznesa vides un cilvékresursu attîstîba. K¬üstot par ES dalîbvalsti, Latvija pretendés uz finanséjumu sociålekonomisko apståk¬u izlîdzinåßanai no çetriem ES struktürfondiem – Eiropas Re©ionålås attîstîbas fonda, Eiropas Sociålå fonda, Eiropas Lauksaimniecîbas virzîbas un garantiju fonda un Zivsaimniecîbas vadîbas finanséßanas instrumenta. Péc 2004. gada 1. maija strauji pieaugs tås naudas summas, kuras büs iespéjams izmantot, tådéjådi paåtrinot jau tå strauji pieaugußo attîstîbas tempu. Latvija no ES struktürfondiem laikå no 2004.– 2006. gadam sañems apméram 431 miljonus latu, bet kopumå no visiem ES fondiem – apméram 1,2 miljardus latu. Tåpéc labi izstrådåts Attîstîbas plåns ir vajadzîgs nevis Eiropas Komisijai, bet mums paßiem un müsu valstij. Íobrîd svarîgåkais, lai tiktu iesniegti péc iespéjas kvalitatîvåki projekti minéto struktürfondu lîdzek¬u piesaistei. 16 Ir såcies integråcijas Eiropas savienîbå pédéjais un izß˚iroßais posms, kurå viss ir atkarîgs no mums paßiem, no tå, kå pratîsim izmantot ekonomiskås un politiskås iespéjas, ko piedåvås Eiropas savienîba, un ko piedåvåsim arî més. Jåsaprot, ka pirmajos gados péc ieståßanås büs maz acîmredzamu labumu un ieguvumu. Mums büs jåpierod, jåpielågojas un jåiemåcås dzîvot jaunå vidé, jo paplaßinåßanås ir vienlaikus liels izaicinåjums gan jau esoßajåm dalîbvalstîm, gan valstîm, kas tådas k¬üs 2004. gada 1. maijå. Pienåkusi müsu kårta izrådît iniciatîvu un uzñemties atbildîbu, jo k¬üstot par ES dalîbvalsti, més uzñemsimies arî daudz jaunu saistîbu. Tåpéc jådara viss iespéjamais, lai müsu cerîbas par ieguvumiem Eiropas savienîbå vainagojas ar panåkumiem. Neapßaubåmi, panåkumu atsléga slépjas müsu darba mîlestîbå, ar kuru esam vienmér lepojußies.

Latvijas “måjas darbi”, Eiropas savienîbas saistîbu izpilde péc 2003. gada 16. aprî¬a joprojåm turpinås. Varam teikt, ka müsu darbs ir bijis labs. To apliecina 2003. gada 5. novembra Eiropas Komisijas Visaptveroßajå monitoringa ziñojumå par topoßajåm ES dalîbvalstîm sniegtais vértéjums par Latviju. Més esam gandarîti, ka Eiropas Komisija ir atzinîgi novértéjusi Latvijas sasniegto ES likumdoßanas pårñemßanå un ievießanå. Ziñojumå norådîts, ka lielåkajå da¬å sektoru sasniegta augsta atbilstîbas pakåpe ES likumdoßanai. Latvijas valsts pårvaldes un tiesu kapacitåte ir pietiekama, lai nodroßinåtu ES likumdoßanas ievießanu. Latvijas ekonomikå vérojama stabila izaugsme, bet Latvijas tautsaimniecîbas attîstîbas rådîtåji, tostarp iekßzemes kopprodukta pieaugums, apstiprina ekonomiskås aktivitåtes kåpumu valstî. Makroekonomiskå stabilitåte, augsts iekßzemes pieprasîjums un investîciju apjoma pieaugums ir radîjis priekßnosacîjumus labvélîgåm ekonomiskåm tendencém valsts iekßéjå tirgü un nostiprinåjis arî Latvijas pozîcijas pasaules tirgü.

Íobrîd daudzi Latvijas ministriju eksperti piedalås vairåk nekå 200 nozaru komitejås Eiropas Komisijå un daudzås darba grupås Eiropadomé, kur tiek sagatavoti jaunie ES likumdoßanas akti. Latvijas paståvîgås pårståvniecîbas Eiropas savienîbå vadîtåjs Andris esteris, balstoties uz valdîbas instrukcijåm un Latvijas valsts nacionålajåm pozîcijåm, aizståv Latvijas intereses ßo ES lémumu sagatavoßanas proceså. Ministri regulåri piedalås ES nozaru ministru sanåksmés, kurås tiek apspriesti un pieñemti jaunie ES likumdoßanas akti. Íobrîd mums nav lielas pieredzes ES dienaskårtîbas noteikßanå. Tå Latvijai ir jauna darbîbas joma, kas tuvåkajå laikå mums büs jåapgüst. Latvijai ir jåiemåcås lobéßanas darbs. Viena no iespéjåm ir veikt lobéßanu ir Eiropas Komisijas lîmenî, jo tå veic arî konsultåcijas


ar attiecîgås nozares pårståvjiem. Eiropas Komisija konsultéjas ar Eiropas méroga asociåcijåm. Tådé¬ Latvijai ßajås asociåcijås ir jåieståjas. Eiropå més neesam vieni, un mums ir jåmeklé draugi.

Svarîgåkie uzdevumi 2004. gadå – Latvijai büs jåizraugås kandidåti komisåra amatam Eiropas Komisijå, kå arî Eiropas Justîcijas tiesas un Pirmås instances tiesas tiesneßu amatiem. Septiñas vietas Latvijai pieß˚irtas arî Re©ionu komitejå un Ekonomikas un sociålo lietu komitejå. Òoti svarîga manå skatîjumå ir Latvijas pårståvniecîba Eiroparlamentå. Protams, Latvijai kå mazai valstij ßai institücijå büs ierobeΩots deputåtu skaits, tomér viñi büs Latvijas pårståvji visås lielåkajås politiskajås grupås. Vispirmåm kårtåm — ßobrîd lielåkajå konservatîvo partiju jeb tautas partiju grupå, arî sociålistu grupå, un, iespéjams, arî liberålo partiju grupå. 2004. gada jünijå paredzétajåm Eiroparlamenta véléßanåm ir nopietni jågatavojas un rüpîgi jåizraugås Latvijas kandidåti Parlamenta deputåtu amatiem.

2004. gada maijs dos iespéju pårbaudît Latvijas gatavîbu dalîbai Eiropas savienîbå. Ar ieståßanås brîdi Latvijas pilsoñiem büs tås paßas tiesîbas, kådas ir citu dalîbvalstu pilsoñiem. Vai ßî iespéja tiks pilnvértîgi izmantota, lielå mérå büs atkarîgs no tå, cik precîzi valsts pårvaldes iestådes büs pårñémußas Latvijas likumdoßanå tås normas, kas nodroßina visiem ES pilsoñiem vienådas tiesîbas. Latvijas uzñéméju veiksmîga darbîba ES iekßéjå tirgü büs atkarîga ne vien no konkurétspéjas, bet arî no informétîbas par savåm tiesîbåm. Viens no lielåkajiem 17 pårbaudîjumiem, kå jau minéju, Latvijai büs arî ES struktürfondu un kohézijas fonda izmantoßana.

Lîdz ar Latvijas ieståßanos Eiropas savienîbå, pievienoßanås procesa laikå izvirzîtie uzdevumi savu aktualitåti nezaudés. Joprojåm svarîga büs efektîvas ES likumdoßanas ievießanas nodroßinåßana, îpaßi ñemot vérå, ka acquis communautaire atrodas nepårtrauktå attîstîbå. Vienlîdz svarîga büs Latvijas sabiedrîbas informéßana par ES jautåjumiem, kå arî ES kopéjås åréjås un droßîbas politikas prioritåtes, proti, Eiropas droßîbas straté©ijas îstenoßana, turpmåka sadarbîbas attîstîßana ar Rietumbalkånu valstîm, sadarbîbas stiprinåßana ar Austrumu un Dienvidu kaimiñiem (tå sauktå “jauno kaimiñu iniciatîva”), miera nostiprinåßana Tuvajos Austrumos. Svarîga büs efektîva multilaterålisma tålåka attîstîba, nodroßinot starptautisko organizåciju centrålo lomu aktuålu starptautisku problému risinåßanå. Latvijai büs jåapzinås sevi kå vienu no Eiropas savienîbas dalîbvalstîm un jådefiné Latvijas ieguldîjums vispåréjo ES prioritåßu vidü. Íis büs Latvijai kvalitatîvi jauns un daudz sareΩ©îtåks process, tomér pamats mums jau ir ielikts.

Andris Piebalgs Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra vietnieks


Under-Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andris Piebalgs


The past year can undoubtedly be regarded as one of the most significant years in Latvia’s foreign policy after the country regained independence. After two years of negotiations, Latvia and nine other aspiring countries received an invitation on 13 December 2002 to become members of the European Union. The year 2003 brought confirmation that very soon Latvian foreign policy would reach one of its principal goals: all the conditions have been met to enable Latvia to become a full member of the EU.

The Treaty of Accession to the European Union was ceremonially signed on 16 April 2003 in Athens, close to Acropolis, the historical cradle of European democracy. At this ceremony, Latvia was represented by its President Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, Prime Minister Einars Repße and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete, as well as Under–Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andris esteris. On 30 October 2003 the Latvian Parliament (Saeima) ratified the Accession Treaty, which will come into force on 1 May 2004.

Represented in Athens were twenty-five European countries, each with its own distinct identity, history and language. And yet they were united, because they share common values and believe in the idea of a united Europe and a common better future. The ceremonial event in Athens erased the lines of division from the European continent. An enlarged and united Europe will enable closer relations within the wider European space — from Russia to the Mediterranean region. Of its own free will, Latvia has joined the family of free European countries and accepted the values that those countries cherish. Latvia has affirmed its faith in the future of Europe and wishes to work together with other democratic European states to increase stability and well–being throughout Europe, and also to search and find solutions to various challenges of our day.

We should not forget that Latvia and its people, finding themselves on the crossroads where the interests of aggressive powers and their leaders have clashed, has had a complicated and tragic history. Latvia waited a long time for the historic event in Athens. Its significance was vividly conveyed by the Joint Statement of 16 April 2003 by the EU Embassies and the Delegation of the European Commission in Latvia: “Welcome to the European family, welcome back home!”


On 16 April 2003, Latvia’s status vis–à–vis the EU changed fundamentally: from a candidate state to an observer state, or a kind of member–in–training. Latvia began its “training stage” by actively involving itself in the work of the EU. Since May 2003, nine parliamentarians from Latvia have worked closely in the European Parliament with the representatives of political forces of other countries. This period of time up to 1 May 2004, when Latvia becomes a full–fledged member of the EU, is important because our ideas and preconceptions need to be and are compared with the realities of life.

Latvia’s foreign policy goals could not have been achieved by the Latvian Government without support from the Latvian people. It is important now and will be important in the future that the people of Latvia understand and support the government’s position in the European Union. I would like to emphasize that 20 September 2003 was a historic day in Latvia: on that day, in a referendum, 66.97% of voters said “yes” to Latvia’s membership of the EU, while only 32.26 % said “no.” Regardless of the indecision and doubt among a portion of the electorate before the referendum, the people made their choice on September 20. Looking back, much more persuasive than the economic arguments turned out to be the political arguments, of which the pivotal one was the future of the national border: will the EU border divide Latvia from Estonia and Lithuania, or will it only run on the eastern side of Latvia? This question played an important role one week before the referendum; it convinced many sceptical voters to vote “yes”. The large turnout and 19 the overwhelming majority of “yes” votes led to the conclusion: the more crucial the decision, the more the voters doubt and worry, all the while coming to the decision to rely on common sense. In my view, we were voting for the fulfilment of our hopes and goals cherished through the centuries; the opportunity to live in peace and prosperity, and feel confident about our future; and the belief that we would never again have to feel like a speck of dust between the millstones of superpowers.

Latvia was the last EU candidate country to hold a referendum on EU membership, and Latvia’s referendum symbolically closed that round of decision–making in all the candidate countries. Thus, with a positive outcome in the Latvian referendum all prerequisites for the greatest EU enlargement since the EU came into being would be met and the European Union’s international stature would be enhanced. Owing to the referendum, the atmosphere in Latvia on September 20, especially that evening, was extremely tense. The following morning, however, after the results were announced, brought relief and joy in many parts of Europe. On September 21 the people of Latvia woke up in a new geopolitical and psychological reality. Here, I would like to quote from memory the Commissioner for EU Enlargement Gu¨nter Verheugen, who congratulated Latvia on the outcome of the referendum, saying: “This is a great day for all Europeans. We kindly welcome a country, which is a natural part of Europe, and believe that Latvia, like all other future member states, will enrich and strengthen the European Union. I am not surprised about the outcome, but I am certainly satisfied. This is the result of hard work and well–done preparatory work; it is the final point in one of the most important [developmental] stages in Eastern Europe..”

Looking back at the achievements of last year, we should recall the successful work of the Latvian National Convention for the Future of Europe. Its purpose was to find out the views of various social groups in Latvia about the future of the EU and to provide a forum for discussion with representatives from the European Convention. Beginning its work on 1 March 2002, the European Convention formally completed the work on 18 July 2003, when the Convention’s President, Valery Giscard d’Estaing, submitted to the President of the EU Council, Prime Minister of Italy, , the draft EU Constitutional Treaty. The EU Constitutional Treaty or the so–called “European Constitution” will help the citizens of EU member countries to understand better the basic principles and goals of the EU. We have learned a lesson from our history and know that Latvia must not stand by and observe while others decide its future. Now Latvia and other European countries will sit down at the same table; Latvia


will be able to voice its opinions and its voice will be heard; but more importantly, Latvia will participate in making the decisions that shape the future of Europe.

The Inter–Governmental Conference (IGC), which has been working on the draft of the new EU Constitutional Treaty since 4 October 2003, should be regarded as a logical continuation of the European Convention. The Latvian Government regularly takes part in the Inter–Governmental Conference. Latvias position at the IGC is based on two principles: increased work effectiveness of the EU and equality of the member states; the respect of which also constitutes the paramount goal of EU reform. Latvia’s priorities at the IGC are: composition of the European Commission; representation in the European Parliament; Legislative Council and the EU defence policy.

The negotiations between Latvia and the European Commission on the Development Plan were closed on 30 October 2003. The Development Plan is a programming document enabling a country to apply for EU structural funds for the years 2004–2006; the plan also includes strategies and priorities set by the national government concerning the use of structural funds. As stated in the Development Plan, Latvia’s main goals are: promotion of balanced development; and the development of infrastructure, business environment and human resources. Having become a full–fledged EU member, Latvia intends to draw on 20 financial resources for equalization of social and economic conditions from four EU structural funds: European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, and Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance. After 1 May 2004, the availability of financial resources will increase rapidly, thus accelerating the already high development rates. Between 2004 and 2006, Latvia will receive about 431 million lats from the EU structural funds and about 1.2 billion lats from all the EU funds taken together. Therefore a well–drafted Development Plan is not only required by the European Commission, but also necessary for our country and us. Currently, it is important to ensure that good quality projects are submitted to compete for these funds.

The last and decisive stage of integration into the European Union has started, and everything now depends on ourselves, on the way we use the economic and political benefits offered by the European Union, and on what we can offer. We must realize that during the first years after joining the EU there will not be many tangible benefits or gains. We will have to learn and to adapt to life in a new environment, because after 1 May 2004 enlargement will be a great challenge for both the existing and the new member states. It is our turn to show initiative and to take responsibility, because our new membership status will require that we assume many new obligations. We have to do our utmost to ensure that our hopes about the benefits to be gained in the EU come true. Undoubtedly, the key to success will be our readiness to work — a characteristic that we have always been proud of.

Following the signing of the Treaty of Accession to the European Union on 16 April 2003 Latvia continued to do its “homework” in order to fulfil its EU obligations. In view of the evaluation of Latvia and other candidate countries in the European Commission’s Comprehensive Monitoring Report of November 5, 2003, we can say that we have done good work. We are satisfied that the European Commission has appreciated Latvia’s achievements in transposing and implementing EU legislation. It is stated in the Report that a high degree of conformity with EU legislation has been achieved in most of the sectors. The capacity of the Latvian state administration and judiciary is sufficiently high to be able to ensure implementation of EU legislation. Latvia has shown sustainable economic growth, and the national economic development indices show a steady increase in economic activity and the GDP. Macroeconomic stability, a high level of domestic consumption and growing investments are factors that have created the prerequisites for positive economic trends in the domestic market and have strengthened Latvia’s position in the world market.


At present many experts from Latvian ministries participate in the work of more than 200 sectoral committees of the European Commission and in a number of working groups of European Council, where new EU legislation is drafted. In line with the directives of the Latvian Government and the declared national position, Andris esteris, Head of Latvia’s Permanent Mission to the EU, defends Latvia’s interests in the EU decision–making process. On a regular basis, ministers of the Republic of Latvia participate in EU sectoral meetings, where all the new EU legislative initiatives are discussed and laws are approved. Meanwhile, we have not yet gathered extensive experience in the drafting of EU agendas. This is a new task that Latvia has to master in the near future. Latvia also has to learn how to lobby effectively. There is an opportunity to lobby at the Commission level, because the European Commission consults with experts in a particular field. The Commission also consults European–level organisations; Latvia should, therefore, join these organisations. In Europe, we are clearly not alone and we should seek friendly partners.

Among the most important tasks in 2004 is finding suitable candidates for various positions, including Commissioner in the European Commission and judges in the Court of Justice and Court of First Instance. Latvia will send representatives to the European Parliament and has been offered seven seats in the Committee of the Regions and Economic and Social Committee. As a small country, Latvia will be represented in all these institutions by a small number of 21 representatives; nevertheless, they will still have to represent their country in all the major political groups. First of all, Latvia should be represented in the largest group, formed by members of the conservative or peoples parties; also in the socialist group, and perhaps in the group of liberal parties. We must make good preparations for the elections to the European Parliament in June 2004 and select with care all our candidates.

May 2004 will be a test of Latvia’s readiness for EU membership. The moment that Latvia joins the EU, its citizens will have the same rights as the citizens of the other EU member states. The full utilization of these opportunities depends on how well Latvia’s administrative institutions have adopted those EU norms that ensure equal rights to all citizens of EU member states. The success of Latvian entrepreneurs in the EU internal market will depend not only on the competitive ability of their enterprises, but also on their own knowledge of their rights. In this context, one of the biggest challenges for Latvia will be to make full use of the EU structural funds and Cohesion Funds.

After joining the European Union, many of the objectives set during the pre–accession period will not have lost their relevance. Effective implementation of EU legislation will remain an important task, particularly because the acquis communautaire is constantly in the process of development. Equally important will be informing the Latvian population about EU issues and developments, as well as the priorities of the EU foreign and security policy, including the implementation of European security strategy, development of cooperation with the Western Balkan countries, strengthening of cooperation with eastern and southern neighbours of the EU, via the “New Neighbourhood Initiative”, and fostering peace in the Middle East.

Effective development of multilaterism will be a significant task, because the central role of international organisations in resolving current international problems must be ensured. Latvia will have to define its identity as a member state of the European Union and specify its contributions bearing mind the general priorities of the EU. For Latvia, the challenges will be both qualitatively new and complex, but we know that a foundation has already been laid.

Andris Piebalgs Under–Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra vietnieks Ivars Pundurs

22 Ir pagåjis gads, kopß Prågas NATO galotñu sanåksmé Latvija sañéma uzaicinåjumu k¬üt par Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma organizåcijas dalîbvalsti. Pavisam drîz Latvijas årpolitikå noslégsies bütisks posms un Latvija ieñems pilntiesîgu vietu Zieme¬atlantijas padomé. Pirmo reizi savas valsts paståvéßanas vésturé més iegüsim paståvîgus sabiedrotos un tiesîbas piedalîties lémumu pieñemßanå Latvijas un starptautiskajai droßîbai nozîmîgos jautåjumos.

2003. gadu Latvijas åréjå un droßîbas politikå var raksturot kå virzîbu no de facto uz de iure NATO dalîbvalsts statusu. Drîz péc uzaicinåjuma sañemßanas tika uzsåktas ieståßanås sarunas par dalîbu Zieme¬atlantijas aliansé, kurås vélreiz tika apliecinåta Latvijas gatavîba uzñemties NATO dalîbvalsts saistîbas. Tika izstrådåts Reformu ievießanas plåns dalîbai NATO, kurå Latvija uzñémås izpildît konkrétas saistîbas lîdz pilnîgai ieståjai aliansé. NATO dalîbvalstu véstnieku parakstîtie Vaßingtonas lîguma papildprotokoli par jaunu dalîbvalstu pievienoßanos aliansei 2003. gada martå bija simbolisks noslégums sarunåm.

Sekmîgi notiek NATO paplaßinåßanås ratifikåcijas process. Íobrîd lielåkå da¬a NATO dalîbvalstu jau ir ratificéjußas Vaßingtonas lîguma papildprotokolus un lielåkå paplaßinåßanås alianses vésturé tuvojas noslégumam. Vienlaikus ir svarîgi apzinåties, ka Latvijai ir jåturpina reformas, aizsardzîbas sistémas modernizåcija un integråcijas process. Tåpat kå iepriekßéjos çetros gados, arî 2003. gadå Latvija turpinåja strådåt saskañå ar ikgadéjo Rîcîbas plånu dalîbai NATO (RPDN). 2003. gada oktobrî NATO tika iesniegts piektais Latvijas RPDN, pédéjais pirms Latvija k¬üst par pilntiesîgu alianses dalîbvalsti. Latvijas lîdzßinéjais veikums un plåni ir novértéti pozitîvi.

Dalîba NATO uzliek Latvijai arî jaunus pienåkumus. K¬üstot par alianses dalîbvalsti, Latvija ne tikai iegüst sabiedrotos, bet arî apñemas gådåt par to droßîbu un dot savu ieguldîjumu kopîgo vértîbu – starptautiskå miera un droßîbas, brîvîbas, demokråtijas un cilvéktiesîbu – aizståvéßanå.

Lîdz ar dalîbu NATO 2004. gadå Latvijai pieaugs iespéjas årpolitikå, bet nenoliedzami palielinåsies arî atbildîba. Müs gaida jauni izaicinåjumi un uzdevumi, taçu jåatceras, ka droßîba netiek dota par brîvu. Ir svarîgi to apzinåties, pieñemot lémumus par nacionålo, eiroatlantisko un starptautisko droßîbu un stabilitåti.


Jaunie droßîbas apdraudéjumi – terorisms, masu iznîcinåßanas ieroçu izplatîßanås un nestabilas valstis, liek meklét jaunus risinåjumus, raudzîties årpus müsu tradicionålajåm droßîbas problémåm un interesém. Íie apdraudéjumi rodas årpus NATO dalîbvalstu teritorijåm, taçu tie tießi ietekmé to droßîbu. 2003. gads ir bijis pårbaudîjums transatlantiskajås attiecîbås, jo jauno draudu raksturs un atbilde uz tiem nereti radîja savstarpéjas pretrunas. Tas ir bijis arî pårbaudîjums Latvijas årpolitiskajam briedumam – müsu politiskajai gribai un apñémîbai piedalîties starptautiskå miera un sabiedroto droßîbas nodroßinåßanå. Latvija ßo pårbaudîjumu ir izturéjusi.

Latvija piedalås ASV vadîtajos koalîcijas spékos Iråkå, ir piedåvåjusi tehnisko palîdzîbu Iråkai, kå arî ir gatava dalîties pieredzé par påreju no totalitårisma uz demokråtisku valsts iekårtu. Íobrîd Latvija piedåvå arvien vairåk spékus sabiedroto operåcijåm, ne tikai Iråkå, bet arî Afganistånå, Bosnijå un Hercegovinå un Kosovå. 2003. gadå Latvijas pårståvji piedalîjås arî Eiropas savienîbas vadîtåjå militårajå misijå Ma˚edonijå. Cîñå pret terorismu, garantéjot droßîbu Balkånu re©ionå un veicinot situåcijas stabilizåciju Tuvajos Austrumos, Latvijas karavîri dod bütisku ieguldîjumu arî Latvijas droßîbas nostiprinåßanå.

Valstis vienatné nespéj efektîvi cînîties pret jaunajiem droßîbas apdraudéjumiem, tåpéc nepiecießams, lai starptautiskie masu iznîcinåßanas 23 ieroçu neizplatîßanas un bruñojuma kontroles reΩîmi k¬ütu efektîvåki. Stingråk jåvérßas pret starptautisko tiesîbu pårkåpéjiem un valstu mé©inåjumiem aizliegtos ieroçus iegüt savå rîcîbå. Vadoties no ßiem apsvérumiem, Latvija atbalstîja iniciatîvu, kas vérsta uz masu iznîcinåßanas ieroçu izplatîbas ierobeΩoßanu (Proliferation Security Initiative), kå arî pozitîvi novértéja iniciatîvas valstu apstiprinåto “Paziñojumu par aizlieguma principiem” (Statement on Interdiction Principles), kas paredz informåcijas apmaiñu un valstu sadarbîbu pårbaudot gaisa, jüras un sauszemes transporta lîdzek¬us, par kuriem paståv pamatotas aizdomas sakarå ar nelegålu ieroçu pårvadåßanu. Íîs iniciatîvas îstenoßana varétu dot konkrétus rezultåtus masu iznîcinåßanas ieroçu izplatîßanas ierobeΩoßanå.

ˆemot vérå savu ©eogråfisko ståvokli, Latvija lielu uzmanîbu velta straté©isko preçu eksporta un importa kontrolei. Íajå jomå Latvija var sniegt bütisku ieguldîjumu cîñå pret terorismu un masu iznîcinåßanas ieroçu neizplatîßanu, efektîvi kontroléjot ieroçu, kå arî vielu un iekårtu, kas var tikt izmantotas ˚îmisko, biolo©isko un kodolieroçu raΩoßanai, eksportu, importu un tranzîtu caur Latvijas teritoriju. Latvija ir izveidojusi efektîvu straté©iskås nozîmes preçu kontroles sistému. 2003. gada septembrî tika atklåta nelegåla ieroçu krava, kuru caur Latvijas teritoriju kå lauksaimniecîbas preces mé©inåja transportét no Krievijas uz Irånu. Latvija vélas dalîties uzkråtajå pieredzé, tåpéc 2004. gada såkumå Rîgå notiks eksporta kontroles re©ionålås sadarbîbas aspektiem veltîts seminårs NATO partnervalstu ekspertiem.

Lai uzlabotu Latvijas institüciju un dienestu gatavîbu cîñå pret terorismu un izvértétu terorisma draudus valdîba pagåjußogad ir izveidojusi darba grupu, kuras uzdevums ir sagatavot ziñojumu par paßreizéjo situåciju un sniegt priekßlikumus terorisma apkaroßanas jomå. Jau tuvåkajå laikå darba grupas sagatavotais ziñojums tiks iesniegts valdîbå.

Aizvadîtajå gadå savu aktualitåti saglabåja arî tradicionålå bruñojuma kontrole. 2003. gada 11. februårî Latvija k¬uva par Atvérto debesu lîguma (Open Skies Treaty) dalîbvalsti. Lîgums paredz savstarpéju novéroßanas un filméßanas pårlidojumu veikßanu virs dalîbvalstu teritorijåm, lai iegütu informåciju par to bruñotajiem spékiem, militårajiem objektiem un aktivitåtém. Lîguma galvenais mér˚is ir veicinåt caurskatåmîbu bruñojuma kontroles jomå, tådéjådi veicinot atvértîbu un uzticéßanos starp dalîbvalstîm.


2003. gadå noritéja aktîvas debates par Eiropas savienîbas droßîbas dimensiju, proti, Eiropas Droßîbas un aizsardzîbas politiku (EDAP). Latvija aktîvi piedalîjås diskusijås, atbalstot tålåku EDAP attîstîbu, kas vérsta uz Eiropas savienîbas valstu militåro spéju nostiprinåßanu un cießu sadarbîbu starp ES un NATO. Ir svarîgi, lai cießåka sadarbîba aizsardzîbas jautåjumos ES ietvaros bütu atklåta un atvérta arî mazajåm valstîm. Latvija vélas iesaistîties un dot savu ieguldîjumu Eiropas aizsardzîbas sadarbîbas attîstîßanå no paßiem tås pirmsåkumiem.

Ivars Pundurs Årlietu Ministrijas valsts sekretåra vietnieks



Under-Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ivars Pundurs

A year has passed since Latvia received an invitation to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Very soon Latvia will become a full–fledged 25 member of NATO and this event will mark the conclusion of a significant chapter in Latvia’s foreign policy. For the first time in the history of our country we shall have steadfast allies and the right to participate in making decisions on security issues that are important for Latvia and the international community.

In Latvia’s foreign and security policy, the year 2003 can be characterised by movement from a de facto ally toward a de iure NATO member. Accession talks, during which Latvia once again proved its readiness to take on the duties of an Alliance member, began soon after the invitation was received.

Latvia drew up a Timetable for Completion of Reforms that specifies the objectives to be achieved before becoming a full member of the Alliance. A symbolic conclusion to the talks was the signing on 26 March 2003 of the Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of Latvia and six other countries invited to join NATO.

The ratification of the Accession Protocols is proceeding well. Most NATO member states have already endorsed the documents leading to the completion of the most extensive enlargement in the history of Alliance.

In the meanwhile, Latvia must go on with reforms, modernize its defence system and continue the integration process. In 2003, as in the previous four years, Latvia worked according to the annual NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP). In October 2003 Latvia’s fifth Membership Action Plan – the Annual National Program 2004 or the last such plan before Latvia becomes a full-fledged member state of the Alliance – was submitted to NATO. To date Latvia’s preparations for membership have received a positive assessment.

For Latvia NATO membership in 2004 means not only gaining new allies and new opportunities to influence the course of international relations, but also assuming new duties; these stem from the responsibility that we have accepted to do our share for the security of our allies and the defence of common values – international peace and security, freedom, democracy and human rights. By the same token, Latvia’s accountability will also grow. Because security is not granted as a gift, there will be new challenges and tasks. These factors Latvia will have to keep in mind when decisions on national, Euro–Atlantic and global security and stability are adopted.


The new threats to security – terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and unstable countries require new solutions, and a wider view outside the scope of our traditional security problems and interests. Though they originate outside the territory of NATO member countries, these threats have direct impact on the Alliance and its members. The year 2003 has been a test of transatlantic relations since the nature of and response to the new threats have led to disagreement on more than one occasion. It has also been a test of the maturity of Latvia’s foreign policy – our political will and commitment to participate in ensuring international peace and the security of our allies. Latvia has passed this test successfully.

Latvia has sent soldiers to participate in the US–led coalition forces in Iraq, offered technical aid to Iraq, and is prepared to share its experience and know–how in transition from a totalitarian regime to a democratic political system. Throughout 2003 Latvia’s participation in the operations of allied forces not only in Iraq, but also in Afghanistan, Bosnia–Herzegovina and Kosovo has increased; moreover, Latvia’s representatives also took part in the military mission led by the European Union in Macedonia. By combating terrorism, guaranteeing security in the Balkan region, and facilitating stabilization in the Middle East, Latvia’s soldiers also strengthen significantly Latvia’s security. 26 Individual countries cannot fight effectively the new threats to their security; therefore, implementation of international treaties on the non–proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and arms control must become more effective. Stronger measures should be taken also against persons violating international laws and countries trying to obtain banned weapons. Guided by these considerations, Latvia supported the Proliferation Security Initiative, aimed at restricting the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and positively evaluated the Statement on Interdiction Principles which stipulates exchange of information and cooperation among the countries inspecting vehicles suspected of illegally transporting weapons in the air, at sea and on land. The implementation of this initiative could give concrete results in restricting the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

Aware of its geographical position, Latvia has built an effective control system for strategic goods and pays careful attention to the export and import of strategic materials, including weapons, substances and equipment that can be used for producing chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. In September 2003 an illegal cargo of weapons was discovered; it was an attempt to deliver weapons from Russia to Iran through Latvia. This is an area where Latvia can contribute significantly in the fight against terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Latvia also wishes to share its experience and know–how; therefore early in 2004 a seminar on regional cooperation in export control will take place in Riga for experts from NATO partner countries.

In order to raise the capability of Latvia’s institutions and services to combat terrorism and assess the threats of terrorism, the government formed a task force to evaluate the present situation, prepare a report and propose improvements. The report has been drafted and will be submitted to the government in the near future.

In the area of arms control, Latvia joined the Treaty on Open Skies on 11 February 2003. The treaty provides for unarmed aerial observation flights over the entire territory of its participant countries. Aiming to enhance mutual understanding and confidence by giving all participants, regardless of size, a direct role in gathering information about military forces and activities of concern to them, the treaty seeks to promote transparency in arms control and trust between member countries.


In 2003 there was a lively debate on the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) of the European Union. Latvia took an active part in the discussions and supports further development of an ESDP that aims to strengthen the EU’s military capacity and endorses close cooperation between the EU and NATO. It is important that closer cooperation on EU defence issues be an open process where small countries can also participate. Latvia wishes to engage in and contribute to the development of European defence cooperation from the very beginning.

Ivars Pundurs Under–Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Véstnieki un diplomåtisko pårståvniecîbu vadîtåji Ambassadors and Heads of Diplomatic Missions


20 32 21 33 45 37 39 44 31 34 35 38 46 42 47 30 22 36 40 41 24 43 12 23 25 27 29 13 28 18 14 26 16 15 17 19 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 8 6 7 5

1. Gints Jegermanis 18. Måris Riekstiñß, 35. Andris Vilcåns 2. Rolands Lappu˚e ÅM valsts sekretårs MFA State Secretary 36. Atis Sjanîts 3. Elita Kuzma 19. Aivis Ronis 37. Aivars Groza 4. Maira Mora 20. Imants Lie©is 38. Andris Teikmanis, 5. Aija Odiña 21. Jånis Kårkliñß ÅM valsts sekretåra vietnieks 6. Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, MFA Under–Secretary of State Valsts prezidente 22. Normans Penke 23. Péteris Ustubs 39. Igors Apokins 7. Sandra Kalniete, 24. Mårtiñß Låcis 40. Normunds Popens årlietu ministre 25. Georgs Andrejevs Minister of Foreign Affairs 41. Uldis Vîtoliñß 8. Iveta Íulca 26. Aivars Vovers 42. Juris Audariñß 27. Artis Bértulis 9. Baiba Laizåne 43. Valdis Krastiñß 28. Alberts Sarkanis 10. Andris esteris 44. Péteris Vaivars, 29. Jånis Lovniks 11. Mar©ers Krams ÅM valsts sekretåra vietnieks 30. Jånis Dripe 12. Eduards Stiprais MFA Under–Secretary of State 13. Egons Neimanis 31. Jånis Eichmanis 45. Ivars Pundurs, 14. Einars Semanis 32. Andris Piebalgs ÅM valsts sekretåra vietnieks 15. Ints Upmacis 33. Aivars Baumanis MFA Under–Secretary of State 16. Mårtiñß Virsis 34. Péteris Kårlis Elferts, 46. Edgars Skuja ÅM parlamentårais sekretårs 17. Indulis Bérziñß MFA Parliamentary Secretary 47. Jånis Lüsis


Hronolo©ija 2003

29 Janvåris 5.–9. janvåris Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas, Aizsardzîbas ministrijas un Nacionålo bruñoto spéku pårståvju apvienotå vizîte Vaßingtonå.

6.–8. janvåris NATO Droßîbas biroja ekspertu grupas vizîte Latvijå.

12.–17. janvåris Latvijas Republikas Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra Måra Riekstiña darba vizîte TR un Honkongas îpaßås pårvaldes apgabalå. Treßås politiskås konsultåcijas starp Latvijas un TR Årlietu ministrijåm Pekinå. Latvijas Republikas goda konsulåta Honkongå goda konsula RodΩera Kinga vadîbå oficiålå atklåßana.

14.–15. janvåris Baltijas Ministru padomes premjerministru sanåksme Kalvi (Igaunija).

15.–16. janvåris Eiropas Padomes Parlamentårås Asamblejas (EPPA) Pårraudzîbas komitejas priekßsédétåjas Ûozetes Dirjé oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

16.–17. janvåris Apvienotås Karalistes parlamenta Aizsardzîbas komisijas priekßsédétåja Brüsa DΩordΩa vizîte Latvijå.

20.–21. janvåris ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Latvijas årlietu ministre Sandra Kalnietes pirmo reizi kå Latvijas valdîbas pårståve piedalîjås sédé.

22.–26. janvåris Latvijas Republikas Saeimas priekßsédétåjas Ingrîdas Ëdres oficiålå vizîté Deli (Indija).

23.–24. janvåris Latvijas un Krievijas ekspertu konsulårås konsultåcijas Maskavå.


23.– 27. janvåris Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga piedalîjås Pasaules ekonomikas forumå Davoså (Íveice).

30 24. janvåris Vésturnieka Valerio Pernas (Itålija) monogråfijas “Itålija un Latvija. Diplomåtisko attiecîbu vésture” tulkojuma latvießu valodå atvérßanas svétki Årlietu ministrijå Rîgå (attélå).

26. janvåris Latvijas Republikas starptautiskås de iure atzîßanas 82. gadadiena. Årlietu ministrijå tika atklåta piemiñas plåksne "Padomju un nacisma okupåcijas varas represétajiem Latvijas Republikas årlietu dienesta darbiniekiem".

27.–28. janvåris ES Vispåréjo lietu un åréjo attiecîbu padome Briselé.

28. janvåris Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes tikßanås ar ASV NATO Komitejas pårståvi Salliju Peinteri Rîgå.

29. janvåris Pirmås latvießu dzejas antolo©ijas françu valodå Pieds nus dans l’herbe atvérßanas svétki LjeΩas (Be¬©ija) Literatüras biedrîbå.

29.–31. janvåris Latvijas un Krievijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Maskavå.

31. janvåris – 2. februåris EDSO Augstå komisåra mazåkumtautîbu jautåjumos institücijas 10. gadadiena. Februåris 1. februåris Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes darba vizîte Igaunijas Republikå. Tikßanås ar Igaunijas årlietu ministri Kristînu Ojulandi, piedalîßanås EATA konferencé “Ce¬ß uz NATO. Péc Prågas perspektîvas”.

2. -5. februåris Latvijas Årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes un Årlietu ministrijas pårståvju vizîte Vaßingtonå. Tikßanås ar ASV Valsts departamenta, Nacionålås droßîbas padomes, ASV Kongresa, kå arî ebreju kopienu un nevalstisko un akadémisko organizåciju pårståvjiem.


4. februåris Latvijas un NATO vecåko amatpersonu sanåksme Briselé par Latvijas reformu ievießanas plåna projektu dalîbai NATO.

4. februåris Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniekam Portugåles Republikå Intam Upmacim.

5. februåris Vi¬ñas desmitnieka valstis (Albånija, Bulgårija, Horvåtija, Igaunija, Latvija, Lietuva, Ma˚edonija, Rumånija, Slovåkija un Slovénija) publicéja paziñojumu par situåciju Iråkå.

6. februåris Latvijas Republikas Saeima pieñéma lémumu par divu Nacionålo Bruñoto spéku militåro medi˚u grupu piedalîßanos starptautiskajå operåcijå Afganistånå (ISAF) Nîderlandes kontingenta saståvå.

6.–7. februåris ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Konventa sekretariåts iesniedza izskatîßanai pirmos ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta pantus. 31 7. februåris Latvijas Satversmes tiesas tiesnese Anita Ußacka tika ievéléta par Starptautiskås kriminåltiesas (SKT) tiesnesi kå vienîgå Austrumeiropas valstu grupas pårståve 18 tiesneßu vidü.

11. februåris Kvebekå Latvijas véstnieks Kanådå Atis Sjanîts iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Kanådas ©enerålgubernatorei Adriénai Klarksonei.

11. februåris Latvijå ståjås spékå 1992. gada 24. marta Atvérto debesu lîgums.

11. februåris Latvijas, Ungårijas un Lietuvas valdîbu, kå arî Slovénijas un Polijas parlamentu pårståvji iesniedza ES konventa prezidijam aicinåjumu pieß˚irt ES kandidåtvalstîm vienlîdzîgu statusu ar paßreizéjåm ES dalîbvalstîm konventå un starpvaldîbu konferencé péc ES pievienoßanås lîguma parakstîßanas.

11. –12. februåris Kanådas Årlietu departamenta valsts sekretåra vietnieka Eiropas jautåjumos Pola Dibuå vizîte Latvijå.

12. februåris Latvijas Republikas ieståßanås ES sarunu delegåcija apstiprinåja ES pievienoßanås lîguma teksta versiju ang¬u valodå.

13. februåris Latvijas un Nîderlandes Årlietu ministriju konsultåcijas par ES konventa darbîbu un Eiropas nåkotnes jautåjumiem Hågå.

13. februåris Diplomåtisko attiecîbu nodibinåßana starp Latvijas Republiku un Maurîcijas Republiku.

13. februåris Poznañå (Polija) notika Andreja Pumpura eposa “Låçplésis” tulkojuma po¬u valodå atvérßanas svétki.


15.–22. februåris Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas darba vizîte ASV. Tikßanås ar ASV prezidentu DΩordΩu Bußu, valsts sekretåru Kolinu Pauelu, politologu Zbigñevu BΩeΩinski, Brookings Institution prezidentu Strobu Talbotu.

16.–18. februåris Baltijas jüras valstu padomes (BJVP) komisåres demokråtiskås attîstîbas jautåjumos Helles Dainas vizîte Latvijå.

17.–18. februåris ES un Latvijas apvienotås parlamentårås komitejas 9. séde Briselé.

18. februåris Baltijas valstu årlietu ministru tikßanås Briselé. Debates par pozîciju saskañoßanu ES konventå.

18. februåris Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes un ES åréjo attiecîbu komisåra Kristofera Patena tikßanås Briselé. 32 21. februåris Kårtéjå ES dalîbvalstu un kandidåtvalstu valdîbu pårståvju ES konventå tikßanås Briselé.

26. februåris Mazo ES dalîbvalstu un kandidåtvalstu valdîbu pårståvju ES konventå tikßanås Briselé. Debates par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projektu, kå arî par priekßlikumiem ES institüciju uzbüves reformai.

26.–27. februåris Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas valsts vizîte Polijas Republikå.

27.–28. februåris Kårtéjå ES dalîbvalstu un kandidåtvalstu pårståvju ES konventå tikßanås un ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Debates par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta pirmajiem 16 pantiem.

28. februåris NATO ©enerålsekretåra lorda DΩordΩa Robertsona darba vizîte Latvijå. Marts 4. marts Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabinets apstiprinåja Latvijas reformu ievießanas plånu dalîbai NATO.

5. marts Latvijas un Norvé©ijas Årlietu ministriju droßîbas politikas konsultåcijas Rîgå.

5. marts ES konventa plenårséde Briselé.

6. marts Ariçes pilsétas (Itålija) KidΩi pilî notika Borisa Bjankéri gråmatas “Atgrießanås Ståmeriené” (Ritorno a Stomersee) atvérßanas svétki, kurå piedalîjås tås autors un Latvijas un Itålijas asociåcijas prezidents DΩampjéro Mele.

6.–7. marts Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Årvalstu investoru padomes Latvijå pårståvju sestå augsta lîmeña tikßanås.


10. marts Lietuvas Republikas prezidenta Rolanda Paksa darba vizîte Rîgå.

10.–12. marts Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes vizîte Nîderlandes Karalisté. Svinîgå Starptautiskås kriminåltiesas atklåßana Hågå, tikßanås ar Nîderlandes årlietu ministru Jåpu de Hoopu Sheferu.

11. marts Diplomåtisko attiecîbu nodibinåßana starp Latvijas Republiku un Trinidådas un Tobågo Republiku.

11.–12. marts Francijas Republikas Nacionålås asamblejas deputåta Alfreda Almona vizîte Latvijå.

12. marts Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstules Latvijas véstniekam Dånijas Karalisté Indulim Bérziñam un Latvijas véstniekam Bulgårijas Republikå un bijußajå Dienvidslåvijas Republikå Ma˚edonijå Uldim Vîtoliñam.

13. marts 33 Latvijas véstnieks UNESCO Rolands Lappu˚e iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli UNESCO ©eneråldirektoram Koiçiro Matcuram.

13. marts Latvijas Republikas Saeima ratificéja Atseviß˚u konvencionålo ieroçu konvencijas 1. panta labojumu. Ratifikåcijas instruments ANO tika deponéts 2003. gada 24. aprîlî.

14. marts Latvijas Ministru prezidenta Einara Repßes darba vizîte Dånijas Karalisté. Latvijas Ministru prezidenta un Dånijas premjerministra Andersa Fo Rasmusena pirmå divpuséjå tikßanås.

17.–20. marts Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas valsts vizîte VFR. V.Vî˚e–Freiberga apmekléja Berlîni, Bavårijas un Meklenburgas Priekßpomerånijas federålås zemes. Tikßanås ar Våcijas federålo prezidentu Johanesu Rau, federålo kancleru Gerhardu Íréderu, Bundeståga prezidentu Volfgangu Tîrzi, Berlînes valdoßo bir©ermeistaru Klausu Vovereitu un politisko partiju vadîtåjiem (attélå).


17. marts Diplomåtisko attiecîbu nodibinåßana starp Latvijas Republiku un Botsvånas Republiku.

17. marts Måkslas projekta “Rîgas – Prågas måkslas dialogs” Prågå atklåßana.

17. marts ANO Cilvéktiesîbu komisijas 59. sesija Ûenévå. Atklåßanas ceremonijå piedalîjås Latvijas îpaßu uzdevumu ministrs sabiedrîbas integråcijas lietås Nils MuiΩnieks.

17.–18. marts ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Debates par ES juridiskajiem instrumentiem, ES konstitucionålå lîguma protokolu par “Subsidiaritåtes un proporcionalitåtes principu pieméroßanu” un “Nacionålo parlamentu lomu Eiropas Savienîbå” projektu izskatîßana.

19. marts Latvijas Republikas Saeima noléma atbalstît ANO Droßîbas padomes un ANO dalîbvalstu centienus nodroßinåt ANO Droßîbas padomes 1991. gada 3. aprî¬a rezolücijas nr. 687 izpildi un ANO Droßîbas padomes 2002. gada 8. novembra rezolüciju nr. 1441, at¬aujot Latvijas Nacionålo bruñoto spéku vienîbåm lîdz 2003. gada 31. decembrim piedalîties 34 starptautiskajås operåcijås Iråkas atbruñoßanai.

20. marts Latvijas valdîbas pårståve ES konventå årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete un viñas vietnieks satiksmes ministrs Roberts Zîle atbalstîja mazo ES dalîbvalstu un kandidåtvalstu kopéjo noståju ES institucionålås reformas jautåjumos.

20.–21. marts Pavasara Eiropadome Briselé.

21. marts Diplomåtisko attiecîbu nodibinåßana starp Latvijas Republiku un Saüda Aråbijas Karalisti.

25.–26. marts NATO Parlamentårås asamblejas Aizsardzîbas un droßîbas komitejas Nåkotnes droßîbas un aizsardzîbas apakßkomitejas sanåksme Rîgå.

26. marts NATO Zieme¬atlantijas padomes årkårtas séde. NATO dalîbvalstu véstnieki septiñu uzaicinåto valstu årlietu ministru klåtbütné parakstîja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

26. marts ES konventa plenårséde Briselé.

26.–27. marts Latvijas un Itålijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Romå.

26.–28. marts Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes darba vizîte Francijas Republikå. Ministre piedalîjås gråmatas “Ar balles kurpém Sibîrijas sniegos” (En escarpins dans les neiges de Sibérie) tulkojuma françu valodå atvérßanas svétkos, preses konferencé Roberta Íümana fondå, kå arî konferencé Eiropas namå. Sandra Kalniete sañéma Roberta Íümana fonda meda¬u.

27. marts Izstådes “Rîgas jügendstila ielas” atklåßana Starptautiskajå pilsétvides, arhitektüras un ainavu centrå Briselé. Arhitektüras vésturnieka Jåña Krastiña gråmatas “Pa Rîgas jügendstila pédåm” (Sur les traces de l’art nouveau à Riga) latvießu un françu valodås atvérßanas svétki.


28. marts Kanåda ratificéja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

31. marts Piektå Latvijas un Baltkrievijas starpvaldîbu komisijas sanåksme tirdzniecîbas un ekonomiskås sadarbîbas jautåjumos Rîgå.

31. marts – 1. aprîlis Zviedrijas Karalistes aizsardzîbas ministres Léni Bjorklundas oficiålå vizîte Latvijå. Aprîlis 1. aprîlis Latvijas véstnieks Francijas Republikå Rolands Lappu˚e iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Francijas prezidentam Ûakam Íirakam Elizejas pilî Parîzé.

2.–3. aprîlis Francijas Eiropas lietu valsts ministres Noeles Lenuåras darba vizîte Latvijå. Rîgå tika parakstîta Latvijas un Francijas kopéjå kultüras, izglîtîbas, zinåtnes un tehnolo©iskås sadarbîbas programma kultüras, izglîtîbas, zinåtnes, tehnolo©ijas un institucionålås attîstîbas jomås 2003.–2005. gadam. 35 3.–4. aprîlis Apvienotås Karalistes Eiropas lietu valsts ministra Denisa Makßeina darba vizîte Latvijå.

3.–4. aprîlis ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Debates par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta tieslietu un iekßlietu jautåjumiem.

4.–5. aprîlis Latvijas Ministru prezidents Einars Repße piedalîjås septiñu NATO uzaicinåto valstu (Bulgårijas, Igaunijas, Latvijas, Lietuvas, Rumånijas, Slovåkijas un Slovénijas) premjerministru neformålå sanåksmé Bukaresté (Rumånija). Diskusijas par NATO nåkotni un paplaßinåßanos, cîñu pret terorismu un NATO uzaicinåto valstu sadarbîbu.

4.–6. aprîlis Horvåtijas Republikas prezidenta Stjepana Mesiça oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

8.–9. aprîlis Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas darba vizîte Francijas Republikå. Tikßanås ar Francijas prezidentu Ûaku Íiraku, Eiropas Parlamenta prezidentu Patu Koksu, Strasbüras pilsétas méru Fabjénu Kelleri, piedalîßanås Francijas televîzijas TV 5 raidîjumå Rideau rouge.

9. aprîlis Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes oficiålå vizîte Èrijå. Tikßanås ar Èrijas årlietu ministru Braienu Kouvenu.

9. aprîlis Jeruzålemé (Izraéla) tika parakstîts Protokols par Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Izraélas Valsts valdîbas lîguma par sadarbîbu narkotisko vielu, psihotropo vielu un prekursoru nelegålås apgrozîbas un izmantoßanas, terorisma un citu smagu noziegumu apkaroßanå îstenoßanas kårtîbu 2003. un 2004. gadam.

10. aprîlis Latvijas un Zviedrijas Årlietu ministriju konsultåcijas Stokholmå.

10. aprîlis Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes vizîte Apvienotajå Karalisté. Tikßanås ar Apvienotås Karalistes Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåru Maiklu DΩei.


11. aprîlis Norvé©ijas Karalistes parlaments (stürtings) ratificéja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

36 15. aprîlis Latvijas Republikas Saeimas priekßsédétåjas Ingrîdas Ëdres, Igaunijas Republikas Rîgikogu priekßsédétåjas Enes Ergmå un Lietuvas Republikas Seima priekßsédétåja Artüra Paulauska tikßanås Jürmalå (Latvija).

16.–17. aprîlis Eiropadome un Eiropas konference Aténås. ES Pievienoßanås lîguma parakstîßanas ceremonija. Latvijas vårdå lîgumu par pievienoßanos ES parakstîja Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, Ministru prezidents Einars Repße, årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete un ES sarunu delegåcijas vadîtåjs Andris esteris (attélå).

17. aprîlis Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß piedalîjås Francijas Årlietu ministrijas rîkotajå pieñemßanå par godu ES Pievienoßanås lîguma parakstîßanai.

22. aprîlis Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniekam Serbijå un Melnkalné Péterim Vaivaram.

22.–23. aprîlis Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes oficiålå vizîte Çehijas Republikå. Tikßanås ar Çehijas premjerministru Vladimiru Ípidlu, parlamenta deputåtu palåtas priekßsédétåju Òubomiru Zaoraleku, Senåta priekßsédétåju Petru Pithartu un årlietu ministru Cirilu Svobodu. Pirmå Latvijas Republikas goda konsulåta Brno Latvijas goda konsula Petra Zemana vadîbå atklåßana.

22.–25. aprîlis Prågas méra Påvela Béma vizîte Rîgå. Prågas dienu Rîgå oficiålå atklåßana.

22.–25. aprîlis Latvijas Republikas Saeimas delegåcijas vizîte TR.

24. aprîlis Baltijas valstu prezidentu tikßanås Tartu (Igaunija).

24. aprîlis Latvijas véstnieks bijußajå Dienvidslåvijas Republikå Ma˚edonijå Uldis Vîtoliñß iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Ma˚edonijas prezidentam Borisam Trajkovskim Skopjé.


24.–25. aprîlis ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Diskusijas par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta pantiem par demokråtijas principu îstenoßanu ES, dalîbu ES, ES attiecîbåm ar kaimiñvalstîm, kå arî par lîguma nosléguma pantiem.

26.–30. aprîlis Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes darba vizîte Francijas Republikå. Baltijas valstu årlietu ministru tikßanås ar Francijas årlietu ministru Dominiku de Vilepénu un Francijas Eiropas lietu valsts ministri Noeli Lenuåru. OECD ©enerålsekretåra vietniekam Seiçi Kondo tika iesniegts Latvijas pieteikums dalîbai Izglîtîbas, nodarbinåtîbas un sociålo lietu, Nodok¬u, Informåcijas, Datoru un komunikåcijas politikas, Jüras transporta komitejås, kå arî Lauksaimniecîbas komitejas darba grupås. Seminårs un konference “Eiropa un Baltijas valstis péc Prågas un Kopenhågenas sanåksmém” Francijas starptautisko attiecîbu institütå (IFRI). Baltijas valstu årlietu ministri piedalîjås Francijas åréjås tirdzniecîbas centra rîkotajå seminårå françu uzñéméjiem “Baltijas valstis – jau Eiropas Savienîbå”.

27.–29. aprîlis Ceturtå Baltijas Asamblejas un Zieme¬u Padomes sanåksme Lundå (Zviedrija).

28.–29. aprîlis Itålijas Republikas aizsardzîbas ministra Antonio Martino oficiålå vizîte Latvijå. 37 28.–30. aprîlis Latvijas un Våcijas droßîbas politikas konsultåcijas Berlîné.

29. aprîlis EUROJUST inauguråcijas ceremonija Hågå.

29. aprîlis Eiropas Parlamenta prezidenta un ES paplaßinåßanås proceså iesaistîto valstu parlamentu priekßsédétåju tikßanås Briselé.

29.–30. aprîlis Latvijas un Gruzijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Tbilisi.

30. aprîlis Trîs Latvijas Nacionålo bruñoto spéku virsnieki devås uz Kuveitu. Tika veikti sagatavoßanås darbi 36 Latvijas karavîru misijai Persijas lîcî. Maijs 1. maijs ES kandidåtvalstis ieguva novérotåja statusu ES institücijås. Deviñi Latvijas deputåti k¬uva par novérotåjiem Eiropas Parlamentå, valdîbas un ministriju pårståvji novérotåja statuså såka piedalîties ES Ministru padomes sanåksmés un darba grupås.

2.–3. maijs Latvijas delegåcija årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes vadîbå piedalîjås neformålajå ES årlietu ministru sanåksmé Rodå un Kastelorizo (Grie˚ija).

2.–7. maijs Grie˚ijas Republikas premjerministra Konstantinos Simitis darba vizîte Latvijå.

3.–6. maijs Latvijas delegåcija finanßu ministra Valda Dombrovska vadîbå piedalîjås 12. ERAB ikgadéjå sanåksmé Taßkentå (Uzbekiståna).

5. maijs Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniekam pie Svétå Krésla Albertam Sarkanim.


5. maijs Latvijas un Turcijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Ankarå.

5. maijs Latvijas valdîbas pårståve ES konventå årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete atbalstîja Austrijas, Çehijas, Igaunijas, Lietuvas, Slovåkijas, Slovénijas, Somijas un Ungårijas kopéjo noståju par nepiecießamajåm izmaiñåm ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta sada¬å "Institücijas”.

5. maijs Latvijas un Ukrainas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Rîgå.

6. maijs Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniekam Bosnijå un Hercegovinå Mårtiñam Låcim.

6. maijs Septîtå Baltijas valstu un Våcijas årlietu ministru tikßanås Vi¬ñå.

7. maijs Latvijas Vésturnieku komisijas rakstu 8. séjuma “Holokausta izpétes jautåjumi Latvijå” 38 atvérßanas svétki Rîgas pilî.

7.–9. maijs Latvijas årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete piedalîjås Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolu ratifikåcijas pasåkumos ASV senåtå Vaßingtonå.

8. maijs ASV senåts vienbalsîgi ratificéja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

9. maijs Latvijas véstnieks Portugåles Republikå Ints Upmacis iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Portugåles prezidentam ÛorΩe Saimpaiju.

12. maijs 5. Baltijas ekonomikas forums Vi¬ñå.

12.–13. maijs Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes darba vizîte Norvé©ijas Karalisté. Tikßanås ar Norvé©ijas årlietu ministru Janu Petersenu.

12.–15. maijs Eiropas Parlamenta plenårséde Briselé. Pirmo reizi tajå piedalîjås deviñi novérotåji no Latvijas Saeimas.

13. maijs Latvijas Republikas goda konsulåta atklåßana Tronheimå (Norvé©ija) goda konsula Oles Birgera Jévera vadîbå.

13.–14. maijs EDSO Augstå komisåra nacionålo minoritåßu jautåjumos Rolfa Ekeusa darba vizîte Latvijå.

13.–15. maijs Portugåles Republikas prezidenta ÛorΩe Sampaiju valsts vizîte Latvijå.

14. maijs Latvijas Republikas goda konsulåta atklåßana Kalmårå (Zviedrija) goda konsula Andra Nolendorfa vadîbå.


14.–15. maijs Eiropas Padomes Ministru komitejas 112. sesija Strasbürå.

15. maijs Dånijas Karalistes parlaments ratificéja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

15. maijs Diplomåtisko attiecîbu nodibinåßana starp Latvijas Republiku un Kostarikas Republiku.

15. maijs Latvijas véstnieks pie Svétå Krésla Alberts Sarkanis iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Viña Svétîbai påvestam Jånim Påvilam II Vatikånå.

15. maijs Latvijas véstnieks Serbijå un Melnkalné Péteris Vaivars iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Serbijas un Melnkalnes prezidentam Svetozaram Marovicam.

15. maijs Pasaules ebreju kongresa sanåksme Rîgå (attélå). 15.–16. maijs 39 ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Debates par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta pantiem par ES institücijåm un ES åréjo darbîbu. Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes un mazo valstu grupas valdîbu pårståvju tikßanås ar ES konventa prezidentu Valerî Ûiskåru Desténu. Konventa prezidentam tika iesniegta mazo valstu grupas véstule, kurå apliecinåta vienotå noståja par ES demokråtijas pamatprincipu nostiprinåßanu, sagatavojot ES konstitucionålo lîgumu.

16. maijs Igaunijas Republikas premjerministra Juhana Partsa darba vizîte Latvijå.

16. maijs Eiropas Komisijas ©enerålsekretåra Deivida O’Salivana vizîte Rîgå.

16.–19. maijs Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß piedalîjås seminårå “Par ES paplaßinåßanos un Vidusjüras valstîm” Barselonå (Spånija).

18. maijs ASV bruñoto spéku komandiera ©enerå¬a Riçarda Maiersa vizîte Latvijå.


18.–20. maijs Apvienotås Karalistes Lordu palåtas spîkera lorda Ervina vizîte Rîgå.

19. maijs Latvijas véstnieks Dånijas Karalisté Indulis Bérziñß iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Dånijas karalienei Margrétei II.

19.–20. maijs ES Vispåréjo lietu un åréjo attiecîbu padome Briselé.

19. maijs – 6. jünijs ES kandidåtvalstu kultüras festivåls Aténås. Baltijas biznesa seminårs.

20. maijs Latvijas véstnieks Bulgårijas Republikå Uldis Vîtoliñß iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Bulgårijas prezidentam Georgi Parvanovam.

20.–21. maijs Latvijas un Spånijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Madridé. 40 20.–21. maijs Kanådas parlamenta apakßpalåtas spîkera Pîtera Milikena oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

20.–23. maijs 11. EDSO ekonomiskais forums “Cilvéktirdzniecîba, tirdzniecîba ar narkotikåm, mazajiem un strélnieku ieroçiem – ietekme uz nacionålo un starptautisko ekonomiku” Prågå.

21. maijs Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli pirmajam Latvijas véstniekam Èrijå Jånim Dripem.

21. maijs Pirmå Vi¬ñas desmitnieka valstu (Albånijas, Bulgårijas, Horvåtijas, Igaunijas, Latvijas, Lietuvas, Ma˚edonijas, Rumånijas, Slovåkijas un Slovénijas) parlamentu priekßsédétåju tikßanås Tra˚os (Lietuva).

22. maijs Tika parakstîts Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Korejas Republikas valdîbas lîgums par vîzu reΩîma atcelßanu. Lîgums ståjås spékå 2003. gada 27. jünijå.

22.–23. maijs Amsterdamas bir©ermeistara Joba Koena un uzñéméju delegåcijas vizîte Latvijå. Tika parakstîts Amsterdamas un Rîgas sadarbîbas lîgums.

26. maijs Zviedrijas Karalistes premjerministra Jérana Pérßona darba vizîte Latvijå.

26.–27. maijs ES un Vidusjüras partnervalstu (Barselonas procesa) årlietu ministru sanåksme Krétå (Grie˚ija).

26.–29. maijs Apvienotås Karalistes valsts kontroliera DΩona Berna vizîte Rîgå.

26.–31. maijs Francijas bruñoto spéku apmåcîbu centrå Lillé tika atklåta Latvijas Okupåcijas muzeja ce¬ojoßå izståde “Latvija atgrieΩas Eiropå”.


27.–28. maijs Austrijas Republikas valdîbas organizétå deviñu valstu (Austrija, Çehija, Igaunija, Latvija, Lietuva, Slovåkija, Slovénija, Somija un Ungårija) valdîbu pårståvju ES konventå sanåksme Vîné. Tikßanås ar Austrijas valdîbas vadîtåju Volfgangu Íiselu un årlietu ministri Benitu Ferrero–Valdneri.

28. maijs Latvijas véstnieks Bosnijå un Hercegovinå Mårtiñß Låcis iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Bosnijas un Hercegovinas rotéjoßås prezidentüras priekßsédétåjam Borislavam Paravacam.

28.–29. maijs Latvijas un Moldovas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Kißiñevå.

28. maijs –1. jünijs ASV kongresmeña un NATO Parlamentårås asamblejas prezidenta Duglasa Bereutera vadîtås ASV Pårståvju palåtas delegåcijas vizîte Latvijå.

29. maijs Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga un årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete piedalîjås Francijas valsts televîzijas 2 raidîjumå Double je.

30.–31. maijs Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas piedalîßanås Krievijas un ES galotñu 41 sanåksmé un Sanktpéterburgas 300. gadu jubilejas svinîbås.

30.–31. maijs ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Debates par kopéjo ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta tekstu, kå arî par valstu cießåkas sadarbîbas iespéjåm ES, ekonomisko pårvaldi un finansu jautåjumiem. Jünijs 1. jünijs Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas vizîte Zviedrijå. Sv.Birgitas 700. gadu jubilejas svinîbas Vadsténå.

1.–2. jünijs Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas darba vizîte Somijas Republikå. Konference Stop Child Trafficking: Modern–Day Slavery. Tikßanås ar Somijas prezidenti Tarju Halonenu un premjerministri Anneli Jåténmaki.

2.–3. jünijs Ceturtås Latvijas un Izraélas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Jeruzalemé.

2.–4. jünijs NATO årlietu ministru sanåksme un NATO Eiroatlantiskås partnerîbas padomes kårtéjå sanåksme Madridé. Latvijas delegåciju vadîja Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß.

2. jünijs Ungårijas Republikas parlaments apstiprinåja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

3. jünijs Latvijas un Ma˚edonijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Rîgå.

4. jünijs ES dalîbvalstu un kandidåtvalstu valdîbu pårståvju ES konventå tikßanås ar konventa prezidentu Valerî Ûiskåru Desténu Briselé.

4. jünijs Dånijas Karalistes parlaments nobalsoja par ES pievienoßanås lîguma ratifikåciju.


5. jünijs Noslédzies NATO pievienoßanås protokolu ratifikåcijas process Våcijas Bundestågå.

5. jünijs 42 Latvijas un Be¬©ijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Rîgå.

5.–6. jünijs ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Debates par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta I un IV da¬u.

5.–8. jünijs Ungårijas Republikas Nacionålås asamblejas priekßsédétåjas Katalinas Sili oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

6. jünijs Pirmå Baltijas un Zieme¬valstu (ES dalîbvalstu) premjerministru tikßanås Zviedrijå. Latviju pårståvéja Ministru prezidents Einars Repße.

9. jünijs Baltijas valstu årlietu ministru tikßanås Vi¬ñå (Lietuva). Diskusijas par Baltijas Asamblejas un Baltijas Ministru padomes sadarbîbu péc Baltijas valstu pievienoßanås ES un NATO.

9.–10. jünijs Bijußå Latvijas Republikas goda konsula Palestînå Mordehaija Kaspi déla Mihaela Kaspi vizîte Latvijå. Mihails Kaspi nodeva Årlietu ministrijas arhîvam materiålus par Latvijas goda konsulåta Palestînå darbîbu no 1928. lîdz 1947. gadam (attélå).

10.–11. jünijs 12. BJVP ministru sesija Pori (Somija). Latvijas årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete tikås ar Krievijas Federåcijas årlietu ministru Igoru Ivanovu.

11. jünijs Mazo valstu grupas valdîbu pårståvju ES konventå sanåksme Briselé. Vienoßanås par kopéju noståju ES institucionålås reformas jautåjumos, kopéju priekßlikumu sagatavoßana par nepiecießamajåm izmaiñåm ES konstitucionålå lîguma projektå.

11. jünijs Latvijas vésturnieku komisijas gadskårtéjå plenårséde Rîgå.

11.–13. jünijs ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Noslédzås darbs pie ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta I un II da¬as sagatavoßanas.


12.–13. jünijs Starptautiskå akadémiskå vésturnieku konference “Latvija nacistiskås Våcijas okupåcijas jügå, 1941.–1945. gads” Rîgå.

16. jünijs ES Vispåréjo lietu un Åréjo attiecîbu padome Luksemburgå.

17. jünijs Latvijas Ministru kabinets apstiprinåja 103 Nacionålo bruñoto spéku karavîru nosütîßanu dalîbai miera nodroßinåßanas operåcijå Iråkå koalîcijas spéku saståvå.

18. jünijs ES un Latvijas Asociåcijas komitejas sestå sanåksme Rîgå.

19.–20. jünijs Pirmå starptautiskå antisemîtisma problémai veltîtå EDSO konference Vîné. Latvijas delegåciju vadîja îpaßo uzdevumu ministrs sabiedrîbas integråcijas lietås Nils MuiΩnieks.

19.–20. jünijs Eiropadome un ES un Rietumbalkånu valstu galotñu sanåksme Tesalonikos (Grie˚ija). Latvijas delegåciju vadîja Ministru prezidents Einars Repße. Sanåksmé piedalîjås Latvijas årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete. ES paßreizéjo un nåkamo dalîbvalstu vadîtåji sañéma no 43 ES konventa ES konstitucionålå lîguma projektu un noléma to iesniegt apstiprinåßanai starpvaldîbu konferencé.

21.–23. jünijs Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga piedalîjås Pasaules ekonomikas forumå Ammanå (Jordånijå).

25. jünijs Latvijas un Japånas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Rîgå.

26. jünijs – 11. jülijs Pirmå Latvijas Republikas Årlietu ministrijas delegåcijas vizîte Latîñamerikå. Meksiku, Salvadoru, Hondurasu, Kostariku, Venecuélu un Bolîviju apmekléja Latvijas delegåcija Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra vietnieka Pétera Vaivara vadîbå.

27. jünijs Zviedrijas Karalistes årlietu ministres Annas Lindas darba vizîte Latvijå.

29.–30. jünijs Polijas Republikas vicepremjerministra Mareka Pola darba vizîte Rîgå.

30. jünijs Luksemburgas premjerministra vietnieces, årlietu un åréjås tirdzniecîbas ministres Lidijas Polferes darba vizîte Latvijå.

30. jünijs Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas delegåcijas vizîte Salvadorå. Tika parakstîts Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Salvadoras Republikas valdîbas lîgums par vîzu reΩîma atcelßanu diplomåtisko un dienesta vai oficiålo pasu turétåjiem. Jülijs 1. jülijs Diplomåtisko attiecîbu nodibinåßana starp Latvijas Republiku un Hondurasas Republiku.


1. jülijs Müzi˚im Gidonam Krémeram tika pieß˚irts ANO Attîstîbas programmas (ANAP) Latvijå Labas gribas véstnieka tituls.

1.–2. jülijs Mongolijas prezidenta Natsaga Bagabandi oficiålå vizîte Latvijå. Tika parakstîts Latvijas Republikas un Mongolijas valdîbas lîgums par sadarbîbu kultürå, izglîtîbå un zinåtné.

2.–3. jülijs Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas delegåcijas vizîte Kostarikå. Tika parakstîts protokols par lîgumprojekta saskañoßanu vîzu reΩîma atcelßanå starp Latvijas Republiku un Kostarikas Republiku.

3. jülijs Våcijas Bundestågs ratificéja ES pievienoßanås lîgumu.

4. jülijs ES konventa plenårséde Briselé. Debates par kvalificétå balsu vairåkuma balsojuma plaßåku izmantoßanu Eiropadomé.

4. jülijs 44 NATO Eiropas spéku virspavélnieka vietnieka admirå¬a Rainera Feista vizîte Latvijå.

4. jülijs Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniekam Marokas Karalisté un Andoras Firstisté Rolandam Lappu˚em.

4.–7. jülijs UNESCO izpildpadomes prezidentes Azizas Benani vizîte Latvijå.

5.–7. jülijs Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas delegåcijas darba vizîte Venecuélå. Tika parakstîts lîgums par vîzu reΩîma atcelßanu diplomåtisko un dienesta pasu turétåjiem starp Latvijas Republiku un Venecuélas Bolivåra Republiku.

8. jülijs Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga Saeimå deva svinîgo zvérestu, oficiåli ståjoties Valsts prezidenta amatå uz otro termiñu.

8.–9. jülijs Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas delegåcijas darba vizîte Bolîvijå. Tika parakstîts kopîgais komuniké par diplomåtisko attiecîbu nodibinåßanu starp Latvijas Republiku un Bolîvijas Republiku.

9. jülijs Latvijas un Austrijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Rîgå.

9. jülijs Luksemburgas Lielhercogistes parlamenta deputåtu palåta ratificéja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

9.–10. jülijs ES konventa nosléguma plenårséde Briselé. Latvijas valdîbu pårståvéja årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete. Debates par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projekta III da¬u “ES politikas un to îstenoßana”. Konventa dalîbnieki svinîgi parakstîja ES konstitucionålå lîguma projektu.

9.–11. jülijs Itålijas Republikas parlamenta senåta un deputåtu palåtas ES komisiju delegåciju vizîte Latvijå deputåtu palåtas ES komisijas priekßsédétåja DΩakomo Stuki vadîbå.


10. jülijs Latvijas Ministru prezidenta Einara Repßes darba vizîte Romå. Tikßanås ar ES prezidéjoßås valsts Itålijas premjerministru Silvio Berluskoni.

10.–12. jülijs Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas oficiålå vizîte Austrijas Republikå. Latvijas Republikas goda konsulåta atklåßana Gråcå (Ítîrijas federålå zeme) goda konsula Tino Pelcera vadîbå.

11. jülijs Våcijas Bundesråts apstiprinåja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

18. jülijs ES konventa prezidents Valerî Ûiskårs Desténs iesniedza ES konstitucionålå lîguma projektu Eiropadomei. ES konvents formåli beidza darbu, sagatavojot lîguma projektu nåkamajai starpvaldîbu konferencei.

21.–22. jülijs ES Vispåréjo lietu un åréjo attiecîbu padome Briselé. Latviju pårståvéja årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete. 45 22. jülijs Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes darba vizîte Apvienotajå Karalisté. Tikßanås ar årlietu ministru DΩeku Strovu, Parlamenta Aizsardzîbas komisijas priekßsédétåju Brüsu DΩordΩu un Apvienotås Karalistes un Latvijas parlamentårås sadarbîbas grupas priekßsédétåju seru DΩonu Vilkinsonu.

23. jülijs Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes un ASV véstnieka Latvijå Braiana Karlsona tikßanås. Véstnieks pasniedza ministrei ASV karogu, kas plîvoja virs Kapitolija dienå, kad ASV senåts ratificéja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

24. jülijs Itålijas Republikas parlamenta augßpalåta (senåts) apstiprinåja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

24.–26. jülijs ASV ener©étikas sekretåra vietnieka Kaila Makslarova vizîte Latvijå.

Augusts 5. augusts Latvijas Nacionålo bruñoto spéku 105 karavîru vienîba devås uz Iråku, lai piedalîtos starptautiskajå miera nodroßinåßanas operåcijå.

7. augusts Çehijas Republikas parlamenta augßpalåta (senåts) ratificéja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

8. augusts Latvijas Nacionålo bruñoto spéku deviñu karavîru vienîba rotåcijas kårtîbå devås uz Starptautisko miera uzturéßanas misiju (ISAF) Afganistånå. Vienîba nomainîja pirmo Latvijas karavîru kontingentu.

11. augusts Toronto tika parakstîts lîgums un izsniegts konsulårais patents Latvijas Republikas goda konsulam Ontario provincé (Kanåda) Imantam Rüdolfam Purvam.


13.–14. augusts Latvijas delegåcija îpaßu uzdevumu ministra sabiedrîbas integråcijas lietås Nila MuiΩnieka vadîbå piedalîjås ANO Rasu diskriminåcijas izskaußanas komitejas sesijå. Tika izskatîts kårtéjais Latvijas ziñojums par ANO 1965. gada Konvencijas par jebkuras rasu diskriminåcijas izskaußanas izpildi Latvijå laikå no 1998. lîdz 2002. gadam.

14. augusts Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniekam Eiropas Savienîbå Andrim esterim.

14. augusts Zalcburgas (Austrija) teåtra festivålå Rîgas Jaunå teåtra iestudéjuma “Revidents” (N.Gogo¬a luga) reΩisors Alvis Hermanis ieguva galveno balvu.

15. augusts Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes vizîte Zviedrijas Karalisté. Tikßanås ar Zviedrijas årlietu ministri Annu Lindu.

19.–20. augusts Latvijas un Ukrainas konsulårås konsultåcijas Rîgå.

46 19.–21. augusts Latvijas un Çehijas Årlietu ministriju droßîbas politikas konsultåcijas Prågå.

22. augusts Latvijas véstnieks Uzbekistånas Republikå Igors Apokins iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Uzbekistånas prezidentam Islamam Karimovam (attélå).

23.–24. augusts Latvijas Ministru prezidenta Einara Repßes vizîte Igaunijå. ES referenduma kampañas pasåkumi Tallinå.

25. augusts Latvijas un Norvé©ijas Årlietu ministriju droßîbas politikas konsultåcijas Oslo.

25.–26. augusts Baltijas un Zieme¬valstu parlamentu priekßsédétåju tikßanås Palangå (Lietuva).

26. augusts Serbijas un Melnkalnes årlietu ministra Gorana Svilanoviça darba vizîte Latvijå.


27. augusts Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniekam Maltas Republikå un Sanmarino Republikå Jånim Lüsim.

27. augusts Latvijas un Dånijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Rîgå.

27.–29. augusts Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas parlamentårå sekretåra Pétera Kår¬a Elferta vizîte ˆujorkå. Tikßanås ar ANO un ANO Attîstîbas programmas amatpersonåm, informéjot par Latvijas gatavîbu sniegt palîdzîbu un piedalîties Iråkas atjaunoßanå.

29. augusts Somijas Republikas premjerministra Mati Vanhanena darba vizîté Latvijå.

29. augusts Baltijas un Zieme¬valstu årlietu ministru tikßanås Rîgå. Diskusijas par re©ionålo sadarbîbu, ES paplaßinåßanås un droßîbas jautåjumiem (attélå). Septembris 1. septembris 47 Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniecei Nîderlandes Karalisté Baibai Laizånei.

1. septembris ES mazo un vidéjo valstu Årlietu ministriju valsts sekretåru sanåksme Prågå par Eiropas nåkotnes jautåjumiem. Latviju pårståvéja Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß.

3.–4. septembris Eiropas Komisijas paplaßinåßanås komisåra Gintera Ferhoigena vizîte Latvijå.

3.–4. septembris Berlînes valdoßå bir©ermeistara Klausa Voveraita vizîte Latvijå. Berlînes dienas Rîgå.

3.–5. septembris Velsas premjerministra Rodri Morgana vizîte Latvijå.

3.–5. septembris Spånijas Karalistes Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra Eiropas lietås Ramona de Migela darba vizîte Latvijå.


4. septembris Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas un Igaunijas Republikas prezidenta Arnolda Rîtela vizîtes Rézekné (Latvija) un Vîlandé (Igaunija).

4.–5. septembris Baltijas Ministru padomes premjerministru padomes paplaßinåtå sanåksme Vi¬ñå. Sanåksmé piedalîjås arî Polijas un Somijas premjerministri, Eiropas Komisijas viceprezidente Loiola de Palacio un Itålijas Republikas transporta ministrs Pjetro Lunardi.

4.–5. septembris EDSO konference “Par rasismu, ksenofobiju un diskriminåciju” Vîné.

5.–6.septembris ES årlietu ministru neformålå sanåksme Riva del Garda (Itålija). Latviju pårståvéja årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete.

8. septembris Starptautiskås kriminåltiesas (SKT) dalîbvalstu sanåksme ANO galvenajå mîtné ˆujorkå. SKT BudΩeta un finanßu komitejå uz diviem gadiem tika ievéléta Latvijas Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu reguléßanas komisijas padomes priekßsédétåja Inna Íteinbuka.

48 9. septembris Nîderlandes Karalistes årlietu ministra Jåpa de Hoopa Shefera darba vizîte Latvijå.

9. septembris Latvijas Republikas Ministru Kabinets apstiprinåja Latvijas 2004. gada rîcîbas plånu dalîbai NATO.

9. septembris Eiropas Parlamenta prezidenta Pata Koksa oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

10.–14. septembris PTO ministru konferences piektå sesija Kankunå (Meksika). Latvijas delegåciju vadîja Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß.

11.–12. septembris ES un Latvijas apvienotås parlamentårås komitejas 10. séde Rîgå.

11.–13. septembris Rumånijas valdîbas îpaßå pårståvja integråcijas, sadarbîbas un attîstîbas jautåjumos prinça Radu darba vizîte Latvijå.

12.–14. septembris VFR Reinzemes Pfalcas federålås zemes landtåga prezidenta Kristofa Grimma oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

15. septembris Somijas Republikas prezidentes Tarjas Halonenas darba vizîté Latvijå.

15. septembris Latvijas véstnieks ES Andris esteris iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Eiropas Komisijas prezidentam .

15.–17. septembris Èrijas Eiropas lietu valsts ministra Dika Rouça vizîte Latvijå.


16. septembris Igaunijas Republikas premjerministra Juhana Partsa darba vizîte Latvijå ES referenduma kampañas ietvaros.

16. septembris ANO ©enerålås asamblejas 58. sesijas atklåßana ˆujorkå.

16.–17. septembris Treßå starptautiskå konference “Ebreji mainîgajå pasaulé” Latvijas Universitåté Rîgå.

16.–17. septembris Çehijas Republikas premjerministra Vladimira Ípidlas darba vizîte Latvijå ES referenduma kampañas ietvaros.

16.–19. septembris Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas un Aizsardzîbas ministrijas delegåciju valsts sekretåru Måra Riekstiña un Edgara Rinkéviça vadîbå konsultåcijas Vaßingtonå ar ASV Valsts departamenta, Pentagona un nevalstisko organizåciju pårståvjiem, tai skaitå PBLA.

16.–26. septembris Starptautiskås militårås ßtåba måcîbas Baltic Eagle 2003 Latvijå. 49 17.–19. septembris Izraélas Valsts parlamenta (kneseta) priekßsédétåja Reuvena Rivlina oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

18. septembris Lietuvas Republikas prezidenta Rolanda Paksa darba vizîte Latvijå ES referenduma kampañas ietvaros.

18.–20. septembris Izraélas Jadvaßem Starptautiskås holokausta skolas direktores Iritas Abramskas vizîte Rîgå. Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas organizétais seminårs par véstures jautåjumu, tai skaitå holokausta måcîßanas metodiku skolås.

19. septembris Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes piedalîßanås Zviedrijas Karalistes årlietu ministres Annas Lindas piemiñai veltîtå ceremonijå Stokholmå.

20. septembris 66,97% Latvijas pilsoñu referendumå atbalstîja Latvijas valsts ieståßanos Eiropas Savienîbå.


21.–24. septembris Latvijas Republikas Saeimas priekßsédétåjas Ingrîdas Ëdres oficiålå vizîte Gruzijå.

50 21.–26. septembris Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga piedalîjås ANO ©enerålås asamblejas 58. sesijas vispåréjås debatés ˆujorkå. V.Vî˚e–Freiberga piedalîjås konferencé Fighting Terrorism for Humanity un teica Galvenå viesa runu Pasaules lîderu forumå. Tikßanås ar ANO ©enerålsekretåru, Norvé©ijas premjerministru, Serbijas un Melnkalnes prezidentu, Írilankas premjerministru un Marokas karali.

22.–26. septembris Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes vizîte ˆujorkå. Tikßanås ar ES årlietu ministriem, piedalîßanås ES årlietu ministru un Krievijas Federåcijas un ASV amatpersonu sanåksmé. Tikßanås ar nevalstisko organizåciju The American Jewish Committee, Anti–Defamation League, B’nai B’rith International un World Jewish Congress pårståvjiem. Tikßanås ar Libånas, Kostarikas, Írilankas, Ukrainas un Baltkrievijas årlietu ministriem. Tika parakstîts lîgums par vîzu reΩîma atcelßanu starp Latvijas Republiku un Kostarikas Republiku.

22. septembris Latvijas pårståvniecîbå ANO ˆujorkå, Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniekam Grie˚ijas Republikå Jånim Eichmanim.

24. septembris Latvijas véstniece Nîderlandes Karalisté Baiba Laizåne iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Nîderlandes karalienei Beatriksei (attélå).

29. septembris –17. oktobris UNESCO 32. ©enerålå asambleja Parîzé. Latvijas delegåciju vadîja årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete un izglîtîbas ministrs Kårlis Íadurskis.

30. septembris Latvijas véstnieks Sanmarîno Republikå Jånis Lüsis iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Sanmarîno re©entkapteiñiem Pjéram Marîno Menikuçi un DΩovani DΩanoni.

30. septembris Latvijas Republikas Ministru Kabinets apstiprinåja Latvijas pozîciju ES starpvaldîbu konferencei par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projektu.

30. septembris – 4. oktobris Indijas kultüras dienas Latvijå.


Oktobris 1. oktobris Nîderlandes Karalistes parlamenta Bruñinieku zålé Hågå Latvijas Cilvéktiesîbu un etnisko studiju centrs sañéma EDSO Augstå komisåra mazåkumtautîbu jautåjumos Maksa van der Stüla vårdå nosaukto îpaßo balvu.

1. oktobris Dånijas un Baltijas valstu Årlietu ministriju valsts sekretåru neformålås konsultåcijas par ES un droßîbas jautåjumiem Kopenhågenå.

1.–2. oktobris Lejasaustrijas federålås zemes valdîbas vadîtåja Ervina Prella un uzñéméju delegåcijas darba vizîte Latvijå.

2.–4. oktobris Francijas Republikas senåta senatora un ES lietu delegåcijas locek¬a SerΩa Lagoßa vizîte Latvijå.

3. oktobris Kvadrigas balvas pasniegßana kategorijå “Gada eiropietis” Latvijas Ministru prezidentam Einaram Repßem Berlîné. 51

3. oktobris Portugåles Republikas Nacionålå asambleja ratificéja ES pievienoßanås lîgumu.

3. oktobris Polijas Republikas prezidents Aleksandrs Kvasñevskis parakstîja likumu “Par papildprotokola par Latvijas Republikas pievienoßanos Zieme¬atlantijas lîgumam ratifikåciju”.

4. oktobris ES starpvaldîbu konference Romå. Pirmo reizi kå nåkamå ES dalîbvalsts konferencé piedalîjås Latvija – Ministru prezidents Einars Repße un årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete. Ministre piedalîjås arî pirmajå starpvaldîbu konferences darba sesijå. Debates par Likumdoßanas padomes izveidoßanas lietderîbu, kå arî nozaru padomju skaitu un to prezidentüras rotåcijas kårtîbu.

5.–7. oktobris “Jaunå Eiropa tiekas ar veco Eiropu. Baltijas jüras re©ions kå globålais lîderis”– piektå Baltijas Attîstîbas foruma galotñu sanåksme Rîgå.

5.–8. oktobris Eiropas Parlamenta cilvéktiesîbu komisåra Alvaro Gil–Roblesa oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

6. oktobris Baltijas valstu prezidentu tikßanås piektå Baltijas Attîstîbas foruma ietvaros Rîgå.

6.–8. oktobris Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes vizîte Iråkå. Kirkükas un Alhaßimijas militåro båzu apmekléßana, tikßanås ar Iråkas amatpersonåm un ASV administråcijas Iråkå vadîtåju Polu Brémeru.

6.–17. oktobris Ikgadéjå EDSO humanitårås dimensijas izpildes sanåksme Varßavå.

7. oktobris Latvijas Valsts prezidente Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga pasniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Latvijas véstniekam Èrijå Mårtiñam Låcim.


9.–10. oktobris Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas darba vizîte Briselé. Tikßanås ar ES Padomes ©enerålsekretåru Havjeru Solanu, Eiropas Komisijas prezidentu Romano Prodi, un Eiropas Komisijas komisåru paplaßinåßanås jautåjumos Ginteru Ferhoigenu.

10. oktobris Baltijas valstu un Zieme¬valstu (ES dalîbvalstu – Dånijas, Somijas un Zviedrijas) premjerministru tikßanås Helsinkos.

10.–11. oktobris Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas vizîte Hesenes federålajå zemé (VFR).

13. oktobris NATO ©enerålsekretåra vietniekam politiskajos jautåjumos Ginteram Altenburgam tika iesniegts Latvijas 2004. gada rîcîbas plåns dalîbai NATO.

13. oktobris Latvijas Informåcijas tehnolo©iju un telekomunikåciju asociåcijas (LITTA) prezidents Imants Freibergs tika ievéléts par Latvijas pårståvi UNESCO Starptautiskajå komunikåciju attîstîbas programmas starpvaldîbu padomé. 52 13. oktobris ES Vispåréjo lietu un åréjo attiecîbu padome Luksemburgå. Latvijas delegåciju vadîja årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete.

13.–14. oktobris Otrå ES starpvaldîbu konferences sanåksme Luksemburgå. Tikßanås laikå 28 valstu årlietu ministri apsprieda jautåjumu par Eiropas Komisiju un tås saståvu, un Eiropas konstitucionålå lîguma projektå piedåvåto priekßlikumu par ES årlietu ministru.

13.–16. oktobris Latvijas Republikas un TR Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas un pirmås konsulårås un administratîvås konsultåcijas Pekinå.

15. oktobris Latvijas véstnieces Nîderlandes Karalisté Baibas Laizånes akreditåcija Latvijas Republikas paståvîgås pårståves amatå îmisko ieroçu aizliegßanas organizåcijå.

15. oktobris Latvijas Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra Måra Riekstiña tikßanås ar Nîderlandes parlamenta apakßpalåtas Eiropas lietu komisijas delegåciju Fransa Timermana vadîbå.

15. oktobris Latvijas un Be¬©ijas Årlietu ministriju politiski militårås konsultåcijas Briselé.

16. oktobris Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes un ES paplaßinåßanås komisåra Gintera Ferhoigena tikßanås Briselé.

16. oktobris Treßå ES starpvaldîbu konferences sanåksme valstu un valdîbu vadîtåju lîmenî Briselé. Debates par ES institüciju reformas jautåjumiem un kvalificétå balsu vairåkuma definîciju.

16.–17. oktobris Eiropadome Briselé. Latviju pårståvéja Ministru prezidents Einars Repße un årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete.


17.–19. oktobris Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas piedalîßanås neformålajå ES dalîbvalstu un kandidåtvalstu (Latvijas, Polijas, Portugåles, Somijas, Ungårijas un Våcijas) sanåksmé Aiarolußå (Portugåle).

20. oktobris Ikgadéjås Latvijas un Dånijas droßîbas politikas konsultåcijas Rîgå.

20. oktobris Latvijas Republikas goda konsulåta atklåßana Trumsé (Zieme¬norvé©ija) goda konsula Kore Bjorna Kongsnes vadîbå.

21. oktobris Luksemburgas Lielhercogistes Deputåtu palåtas Årlietu komisijas priekßsédétåja, Luksemburgas pilsétas méra Paula Helmingera vizîte Latvijå.

22. oktobris Latvijas un Polijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Varßavå.

23. oktobris Latvijas un Nîderlandes Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Hågå. 53 23.– 24. oktobris Zviedrijas Karalistes parlamenta (riksdåga) priekßsédétåja Bjorna fon Sidova oficiålå vizîte Latvijå

23.–24. oktobris Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes vadîtås delegåcijas piedalîßanås starptautiskajå donorvalstu konferencé Iråkas atjaunoßanai Madridé.

24. oktobris Latvijas vésturnieku komisijas, Latvijas Universitåtes Véstures institüta un muzeja “Ebreji Latvijå” rîkotå konference "Holokausta izpéte turpinås" Rîgå.

24. oktobris Latvijas un Ma˚edonijas Årlietu ministriju politiskås konsultåcijas Skopjé.

26.–27. oktobris Baltijas valstu un Zieme¬valstu premjerministru sanåksme Oslo. Diskusijas par ES starpvaldîbu konferenci un sadarbîbu Eiropas ekonomiskås telpas (EET) ietvaros.

27. oktobris Kårtéjå ES starpvaldîbu konferences sanåksme Briselé.

27. oktobris Apvienotå Karaliste oficiåli paziñoja par Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolu ratifikåciju parlamentå.

27.–28. oktobris Zieme¬u padomes sesija Oslo (Norvé©ija).

27.–28. oktobris Eiropas Komisijas viceprezidenta Neila Kinoka darba vizîte Latvijå.

28. oktobris NATO vecåko amatpersonu komitejas séde Briselé. Latvijas delegåciju vadîja Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß.


28. oktobris Latvijas un Portugåles Årlietu ministriju droßîbas politikas konsultåcijas Lisabonå.

28.–29. oktobris ANO Cilvéktiesîbu komitejas 79. sesijå tika skatîts Latvijas kårtéjais ziñojums par Starptautiskå pakta par pilsoniskajåm un politiskajåm tiesîbåm (1966. gads) izpildi Latvijas Republikå no 1995. gada lîdz 2002. gada 1. janvårim.

30. oktobris Latvijas Republikas Saeima otrajå un galîgajå lasîjumå pieñéma likumu "Par Lîgumu starp Be¬©ijas Karalisti, Dånijas Karalisti, Våcijas Federatîvo Republiku, Grie˚ijas Republiku, Spånijas Karalisti, Francijas Republiku, Èriju, Itålijas Republiku, Luksemburgas Lielhercogisti, Nîderlandes Karalisti, Austrijas Republiku, Portugåles Republiku, Somijas Republiku, Zviedrijas Karalisti, Lielbritånijas un Zieme¬îrijas Apvienoto Karalisti (Eiropas savienîbas dalîbvalstîm) un Çehijas Republiku, Igaunijas Republiku, Kipras Republiku, Latvijas Republiku, Lietuvas Republiku, Ungårijas Republiku, Maltas Republiku, Polijas Republiku, Slovénijas Republiku, Slovåkijas Republiku par Çehijas Republikas, Igaunijas Republikas, Kipras Republikas, Latvijas Republikas, Lietuvas Republikas, Ungårijas Republikas, Maltas Republikas, Polijas Republikas, Slovénijas Republikas un Slovåkijas Republikas pievienoßanos Eiropas savienîbai". Lîgums ståjas spékå 2004. gada 1. maijå.

54 31. oktobris NATO ©enerålsekretåra vietnieka aizsardzîbas politikas un plånoßanas jautåjumos DΩona Kolstona vizîte Latvijå.

31. oktobris Rîgå Eiropola direktors Jirgens Storbeks un Latvijas iekßlietu ministrs Måris Gulbis parakstîja lîgumu par Latvijas Republikas sadarbîbu ar Eiropolu.

Novembris 4. novembris Latvijas un Grie˚ijas Årlietu ministriju droßîbas politikas konsultåcijas Aténås.

4.–6. novembris Latvijas Ministru prezidenta biedra Ainåra Ílesera oficiålå vizîte Apvienotajå Karalisté. Latvijas Attîstîbas a©entüras pårståvniecîbas un Latvijas Türisma biroja atvérßana Londonå.

5. novembris Tika publicéts Eiropas Komisijas Visaptveroßais monitoringa ziñojums par ES jauno dalîbvalstu gatavîbu dalîbai ES 2004. gada maijå.

5. novembris Turcijas Republikas parlaments apstiprinåja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

5. novembris Latvijas un Luksemburgas Årlietu ministriju droßîbas politikas konsultåcijas Luksemburgå.

5.–6. novembris Eiropas Padomes Ministru komitejas 113. sesija Moldovå. Latvijas delegåciju vadîja årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete. Latvijas Republikas goda konsulåta Kißiñevå atklåßana goda konsula Valeri Dragñeva vadîbå.

6. novembris Be¬©ijas Karalistes Årlietu, åréjås tirdzniecîbas un sadarbîbas palîdzîbas federålå valsts dienesta ministra vietnieka, valsts sekretåra Eiropas lietås Ûaka Simoné vizîte Latvijå.


6. novembris Grie˚ijas Republikas parlaments apstiprinåja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

6.–7. novembris Latvijas årlietu ministres Sandras Kalnietes oficiålå vizîte Ukrainå.

7. novembris Baltijas valstu pieteikums “Dziesmu un deju svétku tradîcija un simbolisms Igaunijå, Latvijå un Lietuvå” tika iek¬auts UNESCO Cilvéces mutvårdu un nemateriålås kultüras meistardarbu sarakstå.

10. novembris Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas vizîte Ungårijas Republikå. Tikßanås ar Ungårijas prezidentu Ferencu Madlu. Piedalîßanås Pasaules zinåtnes forumå.

11.–12. novembris Zviedrijas Karalistes årlietu ministres Lailas Freivalds darba vizîte Latvijå.

12. novembris Latvijas véstnieks Grie˚ijas Republikå Jånis Eichmanis iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli 55 Grie˚ijas prezidentam Kontantinos Stefanopulos.

13. novembris Karaliene Elizabete sniedza karalisko piekrißanu ES paplaßinåßanås likuma pieñemßanai. ES paplaßinåßanås likums tiek iek¬auts Apvienotås Karalistes likumdoßanå.

13.–14. novembris ANO Spîdzinåßanas izskaußanas komitejas 31. sesijå tika skatîts Latvijas såkotnéjais ziñojums par 1984. gada konvencijas pret spîdzinåßanu un citådu cietsirdîgu, necilvécîgu vai cilvéka cieñu pazemojoßu apießanos un sodîßanu izpildi Latvijas Republikå laika posmå lîdz 2002. gada 1. janvårim.

14. novembris Biogråfiskås vårdnîcas “Latvijas årlietu dienesta darbinieki 1918.–1991. gads” atvérßanas svétki Årlietu ministrijå Rîgå.

14. novembris Latvijas un Itålijas Årlietu ministriju droßîbas politikas konsultåcijas Romå.

15.–16. novembris Latvijas Ministru prezidenta Einara Repßes darba vizîte VFR. BMW Herberta Kvanta fonda 9. Berlînes Eiropas forums Das neue Berlin. Tikßanås ar Våcijas federålo kancleru Gerhardu Íréderu.

17.–18. novembris ES Vispåréjo lietu un åréjo attiecîbu padome Briselé. Kårtéjå starpvaldîbu konferences sanåksme årlietu ministru lîmenî.

17.–18. novembris EPPA Pårraudzîbas komitejas priekßsédétåjas Ûozetes Dirjé vizîte Latvijå.

18. novembris Latvijas Republikas goda konsulåta atklåßana Sevi¬å (Spånija) goda konsula Hosé Silvas vadîbå.

20. novembris Latvijas véstnieks Maltas Republikå Jånis Lüsis iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Maltas prezidentam Gvido Demarko.


20.–21. novembris Pirmå Latvijas un Spånijas kopîgås komisijas séde par sadarbîbu izglîtîbå un kultürå Madridé. Tika parakstîta Latvijas un Spånijas izpildprogramma par sadarbîbu izglîtîbå un kultürå 2003.–2006. gadam.

20. novembris – 4. decembris EDSO galvenajå ékå Vîné tika atklåta Latvießu valodas apguves valsts programmas ce¬ojoßå izståde par sabiedrîbas integråcijas un latvießu valodas apmåcîbas jautåjumiem.

24.–29. novembris Latvijas Ministru prezidenta biedra Ainara Ílesera un uzñéméju delegåcijas vizîte Indijå.

25. novembris Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabinets akceptéja lémumprojektu par Latvijas Nacionålo bruñoto spéku vienîbu dalîbu miera nodroßinåßanas operåcijå Iråkå mandåta pagarinåßanu lîdz 2004. gada 16.oktobrim.

25. novembris Nîderlandes Karalistes parlamenta apakßpalåta nobalsoja par ES pievienoßanås lîguma un Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolu ratifikåciju. 56 25.–26. novembris Nîderlandes Karalistes åréjås tirdzniecîbas ministres Karînas van Henipas vadîtås uzñéméju delegåcijas vizîte Latvijå.

26. novembris Latvijas Ministru prezidenta Einara Repßes tikßanås ar Itålijas premjerministru Silvio Berluskoni Romå. Latvijas delegåcijå bija årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete.

26. novembris Francijas Nacionålå Asambleja atbalstîja likumprojektu par ES pievienoßanås lîguma ratifikåciju.

26.–27. novembris Slovåkijas Republikas Nacionålås padomes priekßsédétåja Pavola Hrußovskija oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

26.–27. novembris Kanådas valdîbas delegåcijas vizîte Latvijå Kanådas Årlietu un starptautiskås tirdzniecîbas departamenta valsts sekretåra vietnieka Pola Dibuå vadîbå.

27. novembris Èrijas premjerministra Bertija Aherna darba vizîte Latvijå.

27. novembris Portugåles Republikas parlaments apstiprinåja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

27. novembris Be¬©ijas Karalistes Pårståvju palåta apstiprinåja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

28.–29. novembris Baltijas Asamblejas 22. sesija un Baltijas Padomes 9. sanåksme Vi¬ñå.

28.–29. novembris ES årlietu ministru konklåvs Neapolé. Debates par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projektu un ES institüciju jautåjumiem.


Decembris 1. decembris Latvijas Ministru prezidenta Einara Repßes tikßanås ar Austrijas Republikas federålo kancleru Volfgangu Íiselu Vîné.

1. decembris Latvijas Attîstîbas a©entüras pårståvniecîbas atklåßana Latvijas Republikas véstniecîbas telpås Parîzé.

1.–2. decembris 11. EDSO Ministru padomes sanåksme Måstrihtå (Nîderlande). Latvijas delegåciju vadîja årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete. Tikßanås ar EDSO augsto komisåru nacionålo minoritåßu jautåjumos Rolfu Ekeusu.

2. decembris Itålijas Republikas parlamenta deputåtu palåta nobalsoja par ES pievienoßanås lîguma ratifikåciju.

2. decembris Islandes Republikas parlaments (altings) ratificéja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

2.–3. decembris 57 Sestå ES un Vidusjüras partnervalstu (Barselonas procesa) sanåksme Neapolé. Latviju pårståvéja Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß.

3. decembris Austrijas Republikas parlamenta Nacionålå padome nobalsoja par ES pievienoßanås lîguma ratifikåciju.

3.–4. decembris Sestå Latvijas Republikas un Baltkrievijas Republikas starpvaldîbu komisijas séde tirdzniecîbas un ekonomiskås sadarbîbas jautåjumos Minskå.

3.–5. decembris Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas pirmå valsts vizîte Bulgårijas Republikå. Latvijas Republikas goda konsulåta atklåßana Sofijå goda konsula Aleksandra Dimitrova Popova vadîbå.

4.–5. decembris NATO årlietu ministru sanåksme Briselé. Sanåksmé pirmo reizi piedalîjås arî NATO uzaicinåto valstu ministri. Latviju pårståvéja årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete. Ministre piedalîjås NATO un Ukrainas komisijas sédé, kå arî Eiroatlantiskås partnerîbas padomes sanåksmé.

5.–6. decembris Neformålå ES dalîbvalstu un kandidåtvalstu Årlietu ministriju valsts sekretåru tikßanås Amsterdamå.

8.–9. decembris ES Vispåréjo lietu un åréjo attiecîbu padome un starpvaldîbu konferences sanåksme årlietu ministru lîmenî Briselé.

8.–9. decembris Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas vizîte Ûenévå. Dalîba Eiropas kodolizmé©inåjumu centra rîkotajå diskusijå “Zinåtnes loma informåcijas sabiedrîbå”. Dalîba UNESCO augsta lîmeña seminårå “Zinåßanu sabiedrîbas veidoßana”.

9. decembris Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabinets pieñéma lémumu par Latvijas dalîbu Starptautiskajå holokausta darba grupå. Par Latvijas valdîbas pårståvi tajå tika pilnvarots Årlietu ministrijas valsts sekretåra vietnieks Andris Teikmanis.


10. decembris Francijas Senåts atbalstîja likumprojektu par ES pievienoßanås lîguma ratifikåciju.

10.–11. decembris ANO Pasaules informåcijas sabiedrîbas galotñu sanåksme Ûenévå. Latvijas Valsts prezidentes Vairas Vî˚es–Freibergas runa plenårsédé, Latvijas prezidentes vadîbå norisinåjås apa¬å galda diskusija “DaΩådîba kibertelpå”.

11. decembris Itålijas Republikas parlamenta senåts nobalsoja par ES pievienoßanås lîguma ratifikåciju.

11. decembris Latvijas véstnieks Èrijå Mårtiñß Låcis iesniedza akreditåcijas véstuli Èrijas prezidentei Mérijai Makalîzei.

12.–13. decembris Eiropadome un starpvaldîbu konferences sanåksme Briselé. Latviju sanåksmé pårståvéja Ministru prezidents Einars Repße un årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete. Sarunås netika panåkta vienoßanås par ES konstitucionålå lîguma projektu.

58 14.–19. decembris Krievijas Federåcijas Federålås Sapulces Federåcijas Padomes Årlietu komitejas priekßsédétåja Mihaila Margelova un viña vadîtås delegåcijas oficiålå vizîte Latvijå.

15. decembris Nîderlandes Karalistes parlamenta augßpalåta (senåts) ratificéja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma pievienoßanås protokolus.

15. decembris Latvijas véstnieces Spånijå Aijas Odiñas gråmatas “Protokols. Rokasgråmata” papildinåtå izdevuma atvérßanas svétki Rîgå.

17. decembris Zviedrijas Karalistes parlaments ratificéja ES pievienoßanås lîgumu.

17.–18. decembris Latvijas Republikas diplomåtisko un konsulåro pårståvniecîbu vadîtåju gadskårtéjå sanåksme Rîgå.

18. decembris Dånijas Karalistes årlietu ministra Pera Stîga Mellera darba vizîte Latvijå.

18. decembris Nîderlandes karaliene Beatrikse parakstîja Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma protokolus.

18.–19. decembris ASV véstnieka NATO Nikolasa Bernsa vizîte Latvijå.

19. decembris Austrijas Republikas federålais prezidents Tomass Klestils apstiprinåja ES pievienoßanås lîguma ratifikåciju Austrijas parlamenta augßpalåtå.

19. decembris Eiropas Komisija apstiprinåja Latvijas Attîstîbas plånu. Plåns no 2004. gada 1. maija oficiåli k¬üst par Vienoto programmdokumentu.


Chronology of events 2003

January 59 5–9 January Joint visit by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence, as well as National Armed Forces of Latvia in Washington.

6–8 January Visit to Latvia by NATO Security Council experts.

12–17 January Working visit by the Secretary of State of Latvia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Måris Riekstiñß, to the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The third political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and China in Beijing. Official opening of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Hong Kong, headed by Honorary Consul Rodger King.

14–15 January Meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Baltic Council of Ministers (BCM) in Kalvi (Estonia).

15–16 January Official visit by the Chairperson of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Josette Durrieu, to Latvia.

16–17 January Visit by the Chairman of the UK House of Commons Defence Committee, Bruce George, to Latvia.

20–21 January First participation of Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, at the plenary meeting of the European Convention in Brussels.

22–26 January Official visit by the Speaker of the Saeima (Parliament of the Republic of Latvia), Ingrîda Ëdre, to the Republic of India.

23–24 January Consular consultations between the experts of Latvia and Russia in Moscow.


23–27 January Participation of the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

24 January Launch of the Latvian translation of the book Italia e Lettonia. Storia diplomatica (“Italy and Latvia. A History of Diplomatic Relations”, 2001) by Valerio Perna, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Riga.

26–27 January 82nd anniversary of the international recognition de iure of the Republic of Latvia. Unveiling of the memorial plaque to the members of Latvias foreign service repressed by Soviet and Nazi occupation forces.

27–28 January EU General Affairs and External Relations Council in Brussels.

28 January Meeting between Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, and member of the Board of the US Committee on NATO, Sally A. Painter, in Riga. 60 29 January First Latvian poetry anthology in French Pieds nus dans l’herbe presented at the Liège Literature Society in Belgium.

29–31 January Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Russia in Moscow.

31 January – 2 February 10th anniversary of the Office of OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities.

February 1 February Working visit by Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the Republic of Estonia. Meeting with Estonia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Kristiina Ojuland. EATA conference “Path to NATO: Post–Prague Perspectives”.

2–5 February Visit by Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete and a delegation in Washington. Meetings with representatives of the US State Department, National Security Council, US Congress, as well as members of Jewish communities, non-governmental and academic organisations.

4 February Meeting of Latvian and NATO senior officials on Latvias draft reform plan for integration into NATO in Brussels.

4 February The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to the Portuguese Republic, Ints Upmacis.

5 February The Vilnius group countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) issue a joint statement on the situation in Iraq.


6 February The Saeima adopts a decision on participation of two groups of military medics of the National Armed Forces in the international operation in Afghanistan (ISAF) as part of the Netherlands contingent.

6–7 February Regular plenary meeting of the European Convention in Brussels. Debate on the final report of the working group on “Social Europe” and regional aspects of the European Union. The Secretariat of the Convention submits for consideration the first articles of the EU Constitutional Treaty.

7 February Representative of the Latvian Constitutional Court Prof. Anita Ußacka elected judge of the International Criminal Court.

11 February Governor General of Canada, Adrienne Clarkson, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to Canada, Atis Sjanîts, in Quebeck.

11 February The Open Skies Treaty, signed by the original States Parties on 24 March 1992, enters into force in Latvia. 61 11 February The governments of Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania and the parliaments of Poland and Slovenia submit to the presidium of the European Convention a request to grant the new EU member states a status equal to the current EU member states at the European Convention and Intergovernmental Conference after signing the EU Accession Treaty on 16 April 2003.

11–12 February Visit to Latvia by the Assistant Deputy Minister for Europe at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada, Paul Dubois.

12 February The Latvian delegation to EU accession negotiations approves the English version of the text of the EU Accession Treaty.

13 February Consultations on the issues of the European Convention and the future of Europe between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the Netherlands in the Hague.

13 February Establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Mauritius.

13 February Presentation of the Polish translation of an epic poem by Latvian writer Andrejs Pumpurs “Låçplésis” (Latvian national hero) (1888) in Poznan (Poland).

15–22 February Working visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the United States of America. Meetings with US President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell, political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski, president of the Brookings Institution Strobe Talbott.

16–18 February Visit by the Council of the Baltic Sea States Commissioner on Democratic Development, Helle Degn, to Latvia.


17–18 February 9th meeting of the EU–Latvia Joint Parliamentary Committee in Brussels.

18 February Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Baltic States in Brussels. Debate on the coordination of positions at the European Convention.

18 February Meeting between Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, and the EU External Relations Commissioner, Christopher Patten, in Brussels.

21 February Regular meeting of government representatives of the EU member and candidate countries to the European Convention in Brussels.

26 February Meeting of government representatives of the smaller EU member states and candidate countries to the European Convention in Brussels. Debate on the draft EU Constitutional Treaty, as well as proposals concerning the reform of the EU institutional structure.

26–27 February 62 State visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the Republic of Poland.

27–28 February Regular meeting of representatives of the EU member and candidate countries to the European Convention; plenary session of the European Convention. Debate on the first 16 articles of the draft EU Constitutional Treaty.

28 February Working visit by NATO Secretary General, Lord George Robertson, to Latvia (the photo below).

March 4 March The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia approves Latvia's timetable for completion of reforms for membership of NATO.

5 March Plenary session of the European Convention in Brussels.


5 March Security policy consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Norway in Riga.

6 March Launch of the book Ritorno a Stomersee (“Return in Stomersee”) by Boris Biancheri in Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia (Italy) in presence of Giampiero Mele, President of the Latvian–Italian Association.

6–7 March 6th meeting of the and the Foreign Investors Council to Latvia in Riga.

10 March Working visit by the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Rolandas Paksas, to Latvia.

10–12 March Visit by Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Inauguration ceremony of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague. Meeting with Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

11 March Establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. 63 11–12 March Visit by member of the National Assembly of the Republic of France, Alfred Almont, to Latvia.

12 March The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to the Kingdom of Denmark Indulis Bérziñß and the Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Bulgaria and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) Uldis Vîtoliñß.

13 March UNESCO Director General, Koichiro Matsuura, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to UNESCO, Rolands Lappu˚e.

13 March The Saeima ratifies the Amendment to Article 1 of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. The instrument of ratification is deposited with the UN on 24 April 2003.

14 March Working visit by the Prime Minister of Latvia, Einars Repße, to the Kingdom of Denmark. The first bilateral meeting between Einars Repße and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark.

17 March Establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Botswana.

17 March Opening of the project “Riga-Prague. Dialogue of Art” in Prague.

17–18 March Regular plenary meeting of the European Convention in Brussels. Debate on articles of the draft EU Constitutional Treaty relating to the basic issues of the legislative functioning of the EU, and the draft Protocols to the Treaty on the “Application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality” and “The role of the national parliaments in the EU”.

17–20 March State visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the German Federal Republic. Visits to Berlin and the federal lands of Bavaria and Mecklenburg–Western Pomerania. Meetings with German Federal President Johannes Rau, Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Thierse, Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit and leaders of political parties.


17–25 March 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva. Latvia’s Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration Affairs, Nils MuiΩnieks, addresses the opening ceremony. 64 19 March The Saeima decides on participation of units from Latvia’s National Armed Forces in peacekeeping operations in Iraq until 31 December 2003.

20 March Latvian government representative to the European Convention, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete, and her alternate, Minister of Transport Roberts Zîle, confirm their support for the common position of the smaller EU member and candidate states on reforms to the institutional structure of the EU.

20–21 March Regular meeting of the EU Council in Brussels.

21 March Establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

25–26 March Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Future Security and Defence Capabilities of the Defence and Security Committee of NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Riga.

26 March Extraordinary meeting of the North Atlantic Council at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. NATO member states sign the Accession Protocols of the seven new member states to the North Atlantic Treaty.

26 March Plenary meeting of the European Convention in Brussels.

26–27 March Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Italy in Rome.

26–28 March Working visit by Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the Republic of France. Launch of the French translation of the book En escarpins dans les neiges de Sibérie (“With Dance Shoes in Siberian Snows”) by Sandra Kalniete. Sandra Kalniete is awarded medal of the Robert Schuman Foundation (the photo above).


27 March Opening of the exhibition “Art Nouveau Streets in Riga” at the International Centre for Urban Environment, Architecture and Landscape (CIVA) in Brussels. Opening of the guidebook Sur les traces de l'art nouveau à Riga by the Latvian historian of architecture Jånis Krastiñß, in the presence of the author and the Minister–President of the Government 65 of the French Community of Belgium, Hervé Hasquin.

28 March Canada ratifies the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

31 March 5th meeting of Latvia–Belarus Intergovernmental Commission on trade and economic cooperation in Riga.

31 March – 1 April Official visit to Latvia by the Minister for Defence of the Kingdom of Sweden, Leni Björklund. April 1 April The President of France, Jacques Chirac, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of France, Rolands Lappu˚e at the Elysée Palace in Paris.

2–3 April Visit to Latvia by the Minister Delegate for European Affairs of the Republic of France, Noëlle Lenoir. Signing of the Joint Cooperation programme in culture, education, science and technology between Latvia and France for 2003–2005 (the photo above).

3–4 April Working visit to Latvia by the UK Minister for European Affairs, Denis McShane.

3–4 April Plenary meeting of the European Convention in Brussels. Debate on the draft EU Constitutional Treaty concerning judicial and home affairs.

4–5 April Participation of the Prime Minister of Latvia, Einars Repße, in the informal meeting of NATO aspirant countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Romania) in Bucharest. Debate on enlargement and the future of NATO, the fight against terrorism and cooperation among countries invited to join NATO.


4–6 April Official visit to Latvia by the President of the Republic of Croatia, Stjepan Mesic.

8–9 April Working visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the Republic of France. Meetings with the President of France, Jacques Chirac, President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox, Mayor of Strasbourg, Fabienne Keller, as well as participation at the TV 5 programme Rideau rouge.

9 April Official visit by Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to Ireland. Meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ireland, Brian Cowen.

9 April Signing of the Protocol on the implementation procedure of the Agreement between the government of the Republic of Latvia and the government of the State of Israel on cooperation in combating illicit trafficking and abuse of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, terrorism and other serious crimes for the years 2003–2004 in Jerusalem.

66 10 April Consultations between the State Secretaries of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Sweden, Måris Riekstiñß and Hans Dahlgren, in Stockholm.

10 April Visit by Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the UK. Meeting with Permanent Under–Secretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Michael Jay.

11 April The Parliament of the Kingdom of Norway ratifies the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

15 April Meeting of the Speakers of the Parliaments of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, Ingrîda Ëdre, Ene Ergma, and Arturas Paulauskas, in Jürmala (Latvia).

16–17 April EU Summit and European Conference in Athens. Signing ceremony of the Treaty of Accession to the EU. Latvian representatives signing the Treaty are the President of Latvia Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, Prime Minister Einars Repße, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete, and the chief negotiator of Latvia at the EU accession negotiations, Andris esteris.

17 April Participation by the State Secretary of Latvia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Måris Riekstiñß, in the reception in honour of the signing of the Treaty of Accession to the EU in Athens on 16 April 2003 at the France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris.

22 April The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to Serbia and Montenegro, Péteris Vaivars.

22–25 April Visit to Riga by the Mayor of Prague, Pavel Bém. Official opening of the Prague Days in Riga.

22–25 April Visit by the parliamentary delegation of Latvia to the People's Republic of China.


22–23 April Official visit by Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the Czech Republic. Meetings with Prime Minister Vladimir Ípidla, Chairperson of the House of Deputies of the Czech Parliament, Lubomir Zaoralek, Chairperson of the Senate, Petr Pithart, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cyril Svoboda. Opening of the first Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Brno, 67 headed by Honorary Consul Petr Zeman.

24 April Meeting of the Presidents of the Baltic States in Tartu, Estonia (the photo above).

24 April President of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Boris Trajkovski, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to FYROM, Uldis Vîtoliñß, in Skopje.

24–25 April Plenary session of the European Convention in Brussels. Debate on the articles of the draft EU Constitutional Treaty concerning implementation of democracy principles within the EU, membership of the EU, relations with neighbours, as well as concluding articles of the Treaty.

26–30 April Working visit by Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the Republic of France. Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, Kristiina Ojuland and Antanas Valionis, meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, Dominique de Villepin, and Minister Delegate for European Affairs of France, Noëlle Lenoir. Meeting with the OECD Deputy Director General, Seichi Kondo; submission of Latvia’s application for membership in the Committees on Education, Employment, Social Affairs, Taxes, Information, IT and Communications policy, Marine transport, as well as in working groups of the Committee on Agriculture. Participation in a seminar and conference “Europe and the Baltic States after the Prague and Copenhagen Summits”. Foreign Ministers of the Baltic States participate in a business seminar “Baltic States – already in the European Union” organised by the Centre for Foreign Trade of France (CFCE).

27–29 April 4th joint meeting of the and the Nordic Council in Lund (Sweden).

28–29 April Official visit by the Minister for Defence of the Republic of Italy, Antonio Martino, to Latvia.

28–30 April Security policy consultations between Latvia and Germany in Berlin.

29 April Inauguration ceremony of the EUROJUST in the Hague.


29 April Meeting between the President of the European Parliament and the speakers of national parliaments of the countries involved in the EU enlargement process in Brussels.

29–30 April Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Georgia in Tbilisi (Georgia).

30 April Three officers from Latvia’s National Armed Forces leave for Kuwait. Commencement of the preparatory work for the mission of 36 Latvian soldiers in the Persian Gulf.

May 1 May EU candidate countries obtain observer status in the EU institutions. Nine observers from Latvia’s Parliament become observers at the European Parliament, while government and ministry representatives commence work in sessions and working groups of the EU Council of Ministers.

2–3 May 68 Informal meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the EU member states in Rhodes and Kastelorizo (Greece). Latvia’s delegation is led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete.

2–7 May Working visit by the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Constantinos Simitis, to Latvia.

3–6 May Latvia’s delegation, led by the Minister of Finance , participates in the 12th EBRD annual summit in Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

5 May Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Turkey in Ankara.

5 May The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to the Holy See, Alberts Sarkanis.

5 May Latvian government representative to the European Convention, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete approves the joint position of the nine countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia) on amendments to the chapter on institutions of the draft EU Constitutional Treaty.

5 May Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Ukraine in Riga.

6 May The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mårtiñß Låcis.

6 May 7th meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Baltic States and Germany in Vilnius (Lithuania).

7 May Opening of the 8th research volume of Latvian History Commission “The aspects of research into the Holocaust in Latvia” in the Riga Castle.


7–10 May Participation of Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Sandra Kalniete, at the ratification procedure of the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty at the US Senate in Washington, D.C (the photo above). 69 8 May US Senate ratifies unanimously the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

9 May The President of the Portuguese Republic, Jorge Sampaio, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to Portugal, Ints Upmacis.

12 May 5th Baltic Economic Forum in Vilnius (Lithuania).

12–13 May Working visit by Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the Kingdom of Norway. Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Jan Petersen.

12–15 May Plenary session of the European Parliament in Brussels. Nine observers from the Saeima participate for the first time.

13 May Opening of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Trondheim (Norway), headed by Honorary Consul Ole Birger Giæver.

13–14 May Working visit by OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Rolf Ekéus, to Latvia.

3–15 May State visit by the President of the Portuguese Republic, Jorge Sampaio, to Latvia.

14 May Opening of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Kalmar County (Sweden), headed by Honorary Consul Andris Nolendorfs.

14–15 May 112th session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

15 May Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark ratifies Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.


15 May His Holiness Pope John Paul II accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to the Holy See, Alberts Sarkanis, in the Vatican.

15 May Establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Costa Rica.

15 May The President of Serbia and Montenegro, Svetozar Marovic, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to Serbia and Montenegro, Péteris Vaivars.

15 May World Jewish Congress meeting in Riga.

15–16 May Plenary session of the European Convention in Brussels. Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, and the government representatives of the group of the smaller countries, with the President of the Convention, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. In the letter submitted to the President, the smaller countries affirm their common position regarding incorporation of 70 the fundamental principles of democracy in the process of drafting the EU Constitutional Treaty. 16 May Working visit by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia, Juhan Parts, to Latvia.

16 May Visit by the Secretary General of the European Commission, David O’Sullivan, in Riga.

16–19 May Participation of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Måris Riekstiñß, in the seminar on the EU enlargement and the Mediterranean countries in Barcelona (Spain).

18 May Visit by the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard B. Myers, to Latvia.

18–20 May Visit by the Speaker of the House of Lords of the Parliament of the UK, Lord Irvine of Lairg, in Riga.

19 May The Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to the Kingdom of Denmark, Indulis Bérziñß.

19–20 May EU General Affairs and External Relations Council in Brussels.

19 May – 6 June Cultural festival of the EU candidate countries in Athens. Baltic business seminar.

20 May The President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Georgi Parvanov, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to Bulgaria, Uldis Vîtoliñß.

20–21 May Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Spain in Madrid.

20–21 May Official visit by the Speaker of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada, Peter Milliken, to Latvia.


20–21 May First meeting of parliament speakers of the Vilnius group countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia) in Trakai (Lithuania).

20–23 May 11th OSCE Economic Forum “Trafficking in human beings, drugs, small arms and light weapons: national and international economic impact” in Prague.

21 May The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the first Ambassador of Latvia to Ireland, Jånis Dripe.

22 May Signing of the agreement between the governments of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Korea on the abolition of visa requirements. The agreement enters into force on 27 June 2003.

22–23 May Visit by the Mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen, and a business delegation, to Latvia. Signing of the cooperation agreement between Riga and Amsterdam. 71 26 May Working visit by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sweden, Göran Persson, to Latvia.

26–31 May Opening of the travelling exhibition “Latvia returns to Europe” in the Training Centre of the National Armed Forces of France in Lille.

26–27 May Mid–term Euro–Mediterranean Foreign Ministers meeting in Crete (Greece).

26–29 May Visit by the Comptroller and Auditor General of the UK, Sir John Bourn, in Riga.

27–28 May Meeting of governments of the nine countries (Austria, Estonia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia) at the European Convention in Vienna. Participants of the meeting meet with the Federal Chancellor, Wolfgang Schüssel, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Benita Ferrero–Waldner.

28 May Chairman of the rotating presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Borislav Paravac, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to BiH, Mårtiñß Låcis.

28–29 May Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Moldova in Chisinau.

28 May – 1 June Visit by the US congressman, president of NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Douglas Bereuter, and the delegation of the US House of Representatives, to Latvia.

29 May Participation by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, in the programme Double je at the French TV channel France 2.

30–31 May Participation by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, in the Russia–EU summit and the celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the City of St. Petersburg.


30–31 May Plenary session of the European Convention in Brussels. Debate on the draft EU Constitutional Treaty and prospects for closer cooperation among the countries within the EU, economic governance and financial funds. June 1 June Visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the Kingdom of Sweden. Celebrations of the 700th anniversary of St. Birgitta in Vadsten.

1–2 June Working visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the Republic of Finland. Participation in the conference “Stop Child Trafficking: Modern–Day Slavery”. Meetings with the President of Finland, Tarja Halonen, and the Prime Minister of Finland, Anneli Jäätteenmäki.

2–3 June 4th political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the State of Israel in Jerusalem.

2–4 June NATO Foreign Ministers meeting and a regular meeting of NATO Euro–Atlantic Partnership 72 Council in Madrid. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Måris Riekstiñß, leads Latvia’s delegation.

2 June The Parliament of the Republic of Hungary ratifies the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

3 June Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Macedonia in Skopje.

4 June Meeting between the government representatives of the EU member and candidate countries at the European Convention and the President of the Convention, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, in Brussels.

4 June The Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark votes for the ratification of the Treaty of Accession to the EU.

5 June Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Belgium in Riga (the photo below).


5 June German Bundestag approves ratification of the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

5–6 June Plenary session of the European Convention in Brussels. Debate on parts I and IV of the draft EU Constitutional Treaty.

5–8 June Visit by the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary, Katalina Szili, to Latvia.

6 June First meeting between the Prime Ministers of the Baltic and Nordic countries – EU members (Denmark, Finland, Sweden) – in Sweden. The Prime Minister, Einars Repße, represents Latvia.

9 June Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Baltic States in Vilnius (Lithuania). Debate on cooperation between the Baltic Assembly and the Baltic Council of Ministers after the accession of the Baltic States to the EU and NATO.

9–10 June Visit by Michael Caspi, son of the former Honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia to 73 Palestine, Mordechai Caspi, to Latvia. Michael Caspi hands over documents on the work of the Honorary Consulate between the years 1928 and 1947 to the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

10–11 June 12th CBSS ministerial session in Pori (Finland). Meeting between Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Igor Ivanov.

11 June Meeting of the government representatives of the smaller group of states at the European Convention in Brussels. Agreement on the common position concerning the EU institutional reform, preparation of the joint proposals on amendments to the draft EU Constitutional Treaty.

11 June Annual plenary session of Latvia’s History Commission in Riga.

11–13 June Plenary meeting of the European Convention in Brussels. Conclusion of the preparatory work on parts I and II of the draft EU Constitutional Treaty.

12–13 International academic conference of historians “Latvia under the occupation of Nazi Germany, 1941 – 1945” in Riga.

16 June EU General Affairs and External Relations Council in Luxembourg.

17 June The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia approves sending of 103 soldiers of the Latvian National Armed Forces to peacekeeping operations in Iraq as part of the Polish division of coalition forces.

18 June 6th Meeting of the EU–Latvia Association Committee in Riga.


19–20 June First OSCE conference on Anti–Semitism in Vienna. Latvian delegation is led by the Minister for Special Assignments in Society Integration Affairs, Nils MuiΩnieks.

19–20 June EU Council and the EU–Western Balkans summit in Thessalonica (Greece). Latvia’s delegation is led by Prime Minister Einars Repße and includes the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete. Heads of the EU current and future member states receive the draft EU Constitutional Treaty from the presidium of the European Convention. Decision is reached to submit it for approval to the Intergovernmental Conference.

21–23 June Participation of the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, in the World Economic Forum in Amman (Jordan).

25 June Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Japan in Riga.

26 June – 11 July First visit by a delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia to Latin America – Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Bolivia. Latvia’s delegation is 74 lead by the Under–Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Péteris Vaivars.

27 June Working visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden, Anna Lindh, to Latvia.

29–30 June Working visit by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Marek Pol, to Riga.

30 June Working visit by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, Lydie Polfer, to Latvia.

30 June Visit by a delegation of Latvia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to El Salvador. Signing of the agreement between the governments of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of El Salvador on visa–free regime for holders of diplomatic, service or official passports. July 1 July Establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Honduras.

1 July Appointment of world–known Riga–born violinist Gideon Kremer, as UNDP Latvia Goodwill Ambassador.

1–2 July Official visit by the President of Mongolia, Natsag Bagabandi, to Latvia. Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, signs the agreement between the governments of the Republic of Latvia and Mongolia on cooperation in culture, education and science.

2–3 July Visit by a delegation of Latvia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Costa Rica. Signing of the protocol on harmonization of the draft agreement on the abolition of visa requirements between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Costa Rica.


3 July German Bundestag ratifies the Treaty of Accession to the EU.

4 July Plenary session of the European Convention in Brussels. Debate on a wider use of the qualified majority vote at the Council.

4 July Visit by NATO Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Admiral Rainer Feist, to Latvia.

4 July The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to the Kingdom of Morocco and Principality of Andorra, Rolands Lappu˚e.

4–7 July Visit by the chairperson of UNESCO Executive Board, Aziza Bennani, to Latvia.

5–7 July Visit by a delegation of Latvia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Republic of Venezuela. Signing of an agreement between the Republic of Latvia and the Bolivar Republic of Venezuela on the establishment of a visa–free regime for holders of diplomatic and service passports. 75

8 July The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, gives a solemn oath at the Saeima upon official taking of office of the President for a second term.

8–9 July Visit by a delegation of Latvia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Republic of Bolivia. Signing of the joint communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Bolivia.

9 July Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Austria in Riga.

9 July Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of Luxembourg ratifies Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

9–10 July The final plenary meeting of the European Convention in Brussels. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, participates as a Latvian government representative. Debates on part III of the draft EU Constitutional Treaty on EU policies and their implementation. Convention participants sign the draft EU Constitutional Treaty.

9–11 July Visit by delegations of EU Commissions at the Italian Parliament, headed by the Chairman of the EU Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Giacomo Stucchi, to Latvia.

10 July Working visit by the Prime Minister of Latvia, Einars Repße, to Rome. Meeting with the Prime Minster of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi.

10–12 July Official visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the Republic of Austria. Opening of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Graz (federal land of Stiria), headed by Honorary Consul Tino F. Pölzer.


11 July German Bundesrat approves the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

18 July The president of the European Convention, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, submits the draft EU Constitutional Treaty to the EU Council. European Convention formally ends its work, preparing the draft Treaty for the coming Intergovernmental Conference.

21–22 July EU General Affairs and External Relations Council in Brussels. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, represents Latvia.

22 July Visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the United Kingdom. Meeting with the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, chairperson of the Defence Commission of the Parliament, Bruce George, and chairperson of the UK–Latvia joint parliamentary committee, Sir John Wilkinson.

23 July Meeting between Latvia's Minster of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, and US Ambassador to Latvia, Brian Karlson. The Ambassador presents the Minister with the US flag that was 76 hoisted over the Capitol Building on the day the US Senate ratified the Accession Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty.

24 July The Senate of the Parliament of Italy votes for Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

24–26 July Visit of the US Deputy Secretary of the Department of Energy, Kyle McSlarrow, to Latvia. August 5 August A unit of 105 soldiers of Latvia’s National Armed Forces leave for Iraq to take part in the international peacekeeping operation.

7 August The Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic ratifies the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

8 August A unit of 9 soldiers of Latvias National Armed Forces leave for ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The unit relieves the first contingent, staying in Afghanistan since February 2003.

11 August Imants Rüdolfs Purvs commences duties of Honorary Consul of Latvia in the province of Ontario in Toronto (Canada).

13–14 August Latvia’s delegation, headed by the Minister for Special Assignments for Society Integration Affairs, Nils MuiΩnieks, takes part in the 63rd session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Review of the periodic report of Latvia on the implementation of the International Convention of 1965 on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination over the period 1998–2002.

14 August The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to the European Union, Andris esteris.


14 August The staging of Nikolai Gogol's “Revizor” by a director of the New Riga Theatre Alvis Hermanis has been awarded the prestigious Young Directors' Project Prize at Salzburger Festspiele (Salzburg Festival).

15 August Visit by Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the Kingdom of Sweden. Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Anna Lindh.

19–20 August Consular consultations between Latvia and Ukraine in Riga.

19–21 August Security policy consultations between Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the Czech Republic in Prague.

22 August The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to Uzbekistan, Igors Apokins.

23–24 August Visit by the Prime Minister of Latvia, Einars Repße, to the Republic of Estonia. The EU 77 referendum campaign in Tallinn (the photo below).

25 August Security policy consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Norway in Oslo.

25–26 August Meeting of the speakers of the parliaments of the Baltic and Nordic countries in Palanga (Lithuania).

26 August Working visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro, Goran Svilanovic, to Latvia.

27 August The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to the Republic of Malta and the Republic of San Marino, Jånis Lüsis.

27 August Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Denmark in Riga.


27–29 August Visit by the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Péteris Elferts, in New York. Meetings with the UN and UNDP officials to inform them about Latvia’s intentions and readiness to participate in international donors’ movement for reconstruction of Iraq. 78 29 August Working visit by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland, Matti Vanhanen, to Latvia.

29 August Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Baltic and Nordic countries in Riga. Debate on regional cooperation, EU enlargement un security issues (the photo above).

September 1 September The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Baiba Laizåne.

1 September Meeting of the State Secretaries of the Foreign Ministries of the small and medium EU member states on the future of the EU in Prague. Måris Riekstiñß represents Latvia.

3–4 September Visit by the EU Commissioner responsible for the enlargement, Günter Verheugen, in Riga and Daugavpils, Latvia (the photo on the right).

3–4 September Visit by the Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, to Latvia. Berlin Days in Riga.

3–5 September Visit by the First Minister for Wales, Rhodri Morgan, to Latvia.

3–5 September Working visit by the State Secretary for European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain, Ramon de Miguel, to Latvia.

4 September Visits by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, and the President of Estonia, Arnold Rüütel, to Rézekne (Latvia) and Viljandi (Estonia).


4–5 September Extended meeting of Prime Ministers of the Baltic Council of Ministers in Vilnius. Participants include Prime Minister of Poland, Leszek Miller, Prime Minister of Finland, Matti Vanhanen, Vice–President of the European Commission, Loyola de Palacio, and the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure of Italy, Pietro Lunardi. 79

4–5 September OSCE conference on Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination in Vienna.

5–6 September Informal EU Foreign Ministers meeting in Riva del Garda (Italy). Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete represents Latvia.

8 September Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Chairperson of the Public Utilities Commission of Latvia Inna Íteinbuka is elected member of the ICC Committee on Budget and Finance for the period of two years.

9 September Working visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, to Latvia.

9 September The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia approves Latvia’s NATO Membership Action Plan 2004.

9 September Official visit to Latvia by the President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox.

10–14 September 5th session of the WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancun (Mexico).

11 September 10th session EU–Latvia Joint Parliamentary Committee in Riga.

11–13 September Working visit by Prince Radu of Romania, Special Representative of the Government for Integration, Cooperation and Sustainable Development, to Latvia.

12–14 September Official visit by the President of the Landtag of Rheinland–Pfalz, Christoph Grimm, to Latvia.


15 September Working visit by the President of the Republic of Finland, Tarja Halonen, to Latvia.

15 September 80 The President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to the EU, Andris esteris (the photo above).

15–17 September Visit by the Minister of State for European Affairs of Ireland, Dick Roche, to Latvia.

16 September Visit by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia, Juhan Parts, to Latvia as part of the EU referendum campaign.

16 September Opening of the 58th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

16–17 September The 3rd international conference “Jews in a Changing World” at the University of Latvia, in Riga.

16–17 September Working visit by the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Vladimir Ípidla, to Latvia as part of the EU referendum campaign.

16–19 September Consultations of the delegations of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence of Latvia lead by State Secretaries Måris Riekstiñß and Edgars Rinkéviçs in Washington with representatives of US State Department, Pentagon, and non-governmental organisations, including WFFL.

16–26 September International military exercise Baltic Eagle 2003 takes place in Latvia.

17–19 September Official visit by the Speaker of the Parliament (the Knesset) of the State of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, to Latvia.

18 September Visit by the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Rolandas Paksas, to Latvia as part of the EU referendum campaign.


18–20 September Visit by the Director of the Yad Vashem International School for Holocaust Studies (Israel), Irit Abramski, to Latvia.

19 September 81 Participation of Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, in a memorial ceremony for Anna Lindh, Sweden’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, in Stockholm.

20 September Latvia’s membership of the European Union is supported by 66,97% of the citizens at the referendum.

21–24 September Official visit by the Speaker of the Saeima, Ingrîda Ëdre, to Georgia.

21–26 September Participation of the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, at the general debate of the 58th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. Participation in the conference “Fighting Terrorism for Humanity”. Address to the World Leadership Forum; meetings with the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, Prime Minster of Norway, Kjell Magne Bondevik, President of Serbia and Montenegro, Svetozar Markovic, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremasinghe.

22 September The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to the Hellenic Republic, Jånis Eichmanis at Latvia’s Permanent Mission to the UN, New York.

24 September The Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Baiba Laizåne.

22–26 September Visit by Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to New York. Participation in the EU–Russia–US meeting. Meetings with the representatives of the American Jewish Committee, Anti–Defamation League, B’nai B’rith International and the World Jewish Congress. Meetings with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon, Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Belarus. Signing of the agreement between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Costa Rica on the abolishment of visa regime.

29 September – 17 October 32nd UNESCO General Assembly in Paris. Leading the Latvian delegation are Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, and Minister of Education, Kårlis Íadurskis.


30 September Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino, Pier Marino Menicucci and Giovanni Giannoni, accept credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to San Marino, Jånis Lüsis.

30 September The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia approves Latvia’s position at the Intergovernmental Conference on the draft EU Constitutional Treaty.

30 September – 4 October Days of India's culture in Latvia. October 1 October Latvia’s Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies is awarded the inaugural Max van der Stoel prize by the decision of an international jury, led by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekéus of 30 September 2003.

1 October Regular political consultations on the EU and security issues between the State Secretaries of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and the Baltic States in Copenhagen. 82 1–2 October Working visit by the Governor of Lower Austria, Erwin Pröll, and a business delegation to Latvia.

2–3 October Working visit by Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to the Republic of France. Participation at the 32nd UNESCO General Assembly, meeting with the Minister Delegate for European Affairs of France, Noëlle Lenoir.

2–4 October Visit by the senator of French Senate and member of the delegation for European Affairs, Serge Lagauche, to Latvia.

3 October Awarding of Die Quadriga prize in the category “European of the Year” to the Prime Minister of Latvia, Einars Repße, in Berlin.

3 October Ratification of the Treaty of Accession to the EU at the National Assembly of the Portuguese Republic.

3 October The President of the Republic of Poland, Alexander Kwasniewski, signs the law on ratification of the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

4 October EU Intergovernmental Conference in Rome. Latvia, represented by the Prime Minister Einars Repße, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, participates for the first time as the new EU member state. Sandra Kalniete takes part in the first IGC working session at the level of foreign ministers.

5–7 October 5th summit of the Baltic Development Forum in Riga – “New Europe meets old Europe – the Baltic Sea region as a global frontrunner”.

5–8 October Official visit by the Human Rights Commissioner of the European Parliament, Alvaro Gil–Robles y Gil–Delgado, in Riga.


6 October Meeting of the Presidents of the Baltic States within the Baltic Development Forum.

6–8 October Visit by Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to Iraq. Visits to the military bases of Kirkuk and Al–Hashimi, meetings with Coalition Provisional Authorities officials and the Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority, Ambassador Paul Bremer (the photo below).

6–17 October Annual OSCE Humanitarian Dimension Implementation meeting in Warsaw.

7 October The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, presents credentials to the Ambassador of Latvia to Ireland, Mårtiñß Låcis.

9–10 October Working visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to Brussels. Meeting with Secretary General of the European Council, Javier Solana, President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, and the EU Commissioner Responsible for Enlargement, Günter Verheugen. 83 10 October Meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Baltic and Nordic countries – EU members (Denmark, Finland, Sweden) – in Helsinki.

10–11 October Visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the federal land of Hesse (Germany).

13 October Latvia submits its NATO Membership Action Plan 2004 to NATO Assistant Secretary–General for political affairs, Gunther Altenburg.

13 October President of the Latvian IT and Telecommunications Association (LITTA), Imants Freibergs, is elected Latvia’s representative at the UNESCO Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication.

13 October EU General Affairs and External relations Council in Luxembourg. Latvia’s delegation is headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete.


13–14 October 2nd meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference in Luxembourg. Ministers of Foreign Affairs of 28 countries discuss issues related to European Commission and its composition, and the proposal on the establishment of the post of the Foreign Minister to be provided by the draft EU Constitutional Treaty.

13–16 October Political and first consular consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and China in Beijing.

15 October Accreditation of the Ambassador of Latvia to the Netherlands, Baiba Laizåne, to the post of permanent representative at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

15 October Meeting between the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Måris Riekstiñß, and the delegation of the European Affairs Commission at the Senate of the Parliament of the Netherlands, headed by Frans Timmermans.

15 October Political–military consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and 84 Belgium in Brussels.

16 October Meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Sandra Kalniete, and the EU Commissioner responsible for enlargement, Günter Verheugen, in Brussels.

16 October 3rd EU Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels at the level of the heads of state and government. Debates on issues of the EU institutional reform and the definition of the qualified majority of votes.

16–17 October European Council in Brussels. Prime Minister Einars Repße and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete represent Latvia.

17–19 October Participation of the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, at the informal meeting of the six EU member states and candidate countries (Finland, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Portugal) in Arraiolos (Portugal).

20 October Annual political-military consultations between Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Denmark in Riga.

20 October Opening of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Tromsø (Norway), headed by Honorary Consul Kåre–Bjørn Kongsnes.

21 October Visit by the Mayor of Luxembourg, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the House of Deputies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Paul Helminger, to Latvia.

22 October Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Poland in Warsaw.

23 October Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and the Netherlands in the Hague.


23–24 October Official visit by the Speaker of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Sweden, Bjorn von Sydow, to Latvia.

23–24 October Participation by the delegation of Latvia, headed by the Minster of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete, in the International Donors’ conference on the reconstruction of Iraq in Madrid.

24 October Conference “The research on the Holocaust continues ” in Riga, organised by Latvia’s History Commission, History Institute at the University of Latvia, and Museum “Jews in Latvia”.

24 October Political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Macedonia (FYROM) in Skopje.

26–27 October Meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Baltic and Nordic countries in Oslo. Debate on the EU Intergovernmental Conference, and cooperation within the European economic area (EEA).

27 October 85 Regular meeting of the EU Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels.

27 October United Kingdom officially declares ratification of the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty at the Parliament.

27–28 October Session of the Nordic Council in Oslo.

27–28 October Working visit by the Vice–President of the European Commission, Neil Kinnock, to Latvia.

28 October NATO Senior Political Committee Reinforced (SPCR) meeting in Brussels. Latvia’s delegation is led by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Måris Riekstiñß.

28 October Security policy consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Portugal in Lisbon.

28–29 October At the 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, the Human Rights Committee concludes its consideration of the second periodic report of Latvia on implementation of the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in the period from 1995 to 2002.

30 October The Saeima ratifies Latvia's EU Accession Treaty. The Treaty enters into force on 1 May 2004.

31 October Visit by NATO Assistant Secretary General of Defence Policy and Planning, John Colston, to Latvia.

31 October Director of the Europol, Jürgen Storbeck, and Latvia’s Minister for the Interior, Måris Gulbis, sign the agreement on cooperation between Latvia and Europol in Riga.


November 4 November Security policy consultations between Latvia and Greece in Athens.

4–6 November Official visit by the Deputy Prime Minister of Latvia, Ainårs Ílesers, to the United Kingdom. Opening of the representation of Latvian Development Agency and Latvian Tourism bureau in London.

5 November The European Commission releases the Comprehensive Monitoring Report on the new EU member states.

5 November The Parliament of the Republic of Turkey ratifies the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

5 November Security policy consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Luxembourg in Luxembourg.

86 5–6 November 113th session of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers in Moldova. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete leads Latvia’s delegation. Opening of Latvia's Honorary Consulate in Chisinau, headed by the Honorary Consul Valeri Dragnev.

6 November Visit by Secretary of State for European Affairs of Belgium, Deputy to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jacques Simonet, to Latvia.

6 November The Parliament of the Hellenic Republic ratifies the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

6–7 November Official visit by Latvia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sandra Kalniete, to Ukraine.

7 November UNESCO proclaims a list of twenty–eight Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, among them The Baltic Song and Dance Celebrities.

10 November Visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the Republic of Hungary. Meeting with the President of Hungary, Ferenz Madl. Participation in the World Science Forum in Budapest.

11–12 November Working visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden, Laila Freivalds, to Latvia.

12 November The President of the Hellenic Republic, Constantinos Stephanopoulos, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to Greece, Jånis Eichmanis.

13 November The Queen Elisabeth of the UK gives Royal Assent to the European Union Accessions Act 2003. The Act is included in the UK legislation.


13–14 November 31st session of UN Committee Against Torture in Geneva reviews the initial report of Latvia on implementation of the provisions of the Convention against Torture in the period until 1 January 2002.

14 November Security policy consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Italy in Rome.

14 November Presentation of a biographical encyclopeadia “The Latvian Foreign Office 1911 – 1991” (2003) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia in Riga.

15–16 November Working visit by the Prime Minister of Latvia, Einars Repße, to Germany. Participation in the BMW Herbert Quandt Foundation IX Europa Forum Berlin 2003. Meeting with German Federal Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder.

17–18 November The EU General Affairs and External Relations Council in Brussels. A regular meeting of the EU Intergovernmental Conference at the level of foreign ministers.

17–18 November Visit by the Chairperson of the PACE Monitoring Committee, Josette Durrieu, to Latvia. 87

18 November Opening of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Seville (Spain), headed by the Honorary Consul of Latvia José Jimenez Silva.

20 November Signing of an agreement between the governments of Latvia and Japan concerning Japan’s cultural grant aid to the Latvian State Archives of Film, Photo and Audio Documents for the purchase of equipment for the preservation of documents.

20 November The President of the Republic of Malta, Guido de Marco, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to Malta, Jånis Lüsis.

20–21 November The first meeting of the Latvia–Spain joint committee on cooperation in education and culture in Madrid. Signing of an executive programme on cooperation in education and culture for the years 2003–2006.

20 November – 4 December Opening of a travelling exhibition on societal inegration and language training prepared by the National Programme of Latvian Language Training at the OSCE headquarters in Vienna.

24–29 November Visit by the Deputy Prime Minister of Latvia, Ainars Ílesers, and a business delegation to the Republic of India.

25 November The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia approves the submitting to the Saeima a resolution “On participation of the Latvia’s National Armed Forces (NAF) in peacekeeping mission in Iraq within the UN Multi-national forces” thus extending the mandate of NAF units’ participation in peacekeeping operations in Iraq until 16 October 2004.

25–26 November Visit to Latvia by the Minister for Foreign Trade of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Karien van Gennip, and a business delegation.


25 November The Lower Chamber of the Parliament of the Netherlands votes for ratification of the EU Accession Treaty and the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

26 November Meeting of Latvia's Prime Minister Einars Repße with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, in Rome. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete participates. Defending of Latvia’s position on the principal issues of the draft EU Constitutional Treaty.

26 November The National Assembly of the Republic of France supports draft law on ratification of the EU Accession Treaty.

26–27 November Official visit by the Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Pavol Hrußovsky, to Latvia.

26–27 November Visit by the delegation of the Canadian government to Latvia, headed by the Assistant Deputy Minister for Europe at the Foreign and International Trade Department of Canada, 88 Paul Dubois.

27 November Working visit by the Prime Minster of Ireland, Bertie Ahern, to Latvia.

27 November The Parliament of the Portuguese Republic ratifies the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

27 November The Chamber of Representatives of the Parliament of Belgium ratifies the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

28–29 November 22nd session of the Baltic Assembly and 9th meeting of the Baltic Council in Vilnius.

28–29 November EU foreign ministers conclave in Naples (Italy). Debate on the draft EU Constitutional Treaty and the EU institutions. December 1 December Meeting between Latvia's Prime Minister Einars Repße and the Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Wolfgang Schüssel, in Vienna.

1 December Representative office of the Latvian Development Agency in Paris opens in the premises of the Embassy of Latvia to France.

1–2 December 11th OSCE Council of Ministers in Maasticht (The Netherlands). Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete leads the Latvian delegation. Meeting with OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Rolf Ekéus.

2 December The Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament votes for ratification of EU Accession Treaty.


2 December The Parliament of the Republic of Iceland votes for ratification of the Accession Protocols to North Atlantic Treaty.

2–3 December 6th Euro–Mediterranean Foreign Ministers meeting in Naples. State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Måris Riekstiñß, represents Latvia at the conference.

3 December National Council of the Parliament of Republic of Austria votes for ratification of EU Accession Treaty.

3–5 December First state visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, to the Republic of Bulgaria. Opening of Latvia's Honorary Consulate in Sophia, headed by Honorary Consul Alexander Dimitrov–Popov.

3–4 December 6th meeting of Latvian–Belarus Intergovernmental Commission for cooperation in trade and economy in Minsk (Belarus). 89 4–5 December Meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels. Ministers of the invited countries participate in the meeting for the first time. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete represents Latvia at the meeting. Participation in the meetings of NATO–Ukraine Commission and Euro–Atlantic Partnership Council.

5–6 December Informal meeting of State Secretaries of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the EU member and candidate countries in Amsterdam.

8 December The EU General Affairs and External Relations Council and Intergovernmental Conference meeting at the level of foreign ministers in Brussels.

8–9 December Visit by the President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, in Geneva. Participation in the discussion “Role of science in information society” organised by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN). Participation at the UNESCO high level seminar “Shaping knowledge societies”.

9 December The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia adopts a decision on Latvia's participation in the International Working Group on the Holocaust. Under–Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andris Teikmanis, appointed representative of the Latvian government in the working group.

10 December The Senate of the National Assembly of France approves the draft law on the ratification of the EU Accession Treaty.

10 –11 December The UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva. The President of Latvia, Vaira Vî˚e–Freiberga, chairs and addresses the plenary meeting and leads the round table discussion “Diversity in Cyberspace”.

11 December The Senate of the Parliament of Italy votes for ratification of EU Accession Treaty.


11 December The President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, accepts credentials from the Ambassador of Latvia to Ireland, Mårtiñß Låcis.

12–13 December European Council and the meeting of the EU Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels. The Prime Minister Einars Repße and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete represent Latvia.

14–19 December Official visit by the Chairman of Council of Federation Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation, Mikhail Margelov, and his delegation to Latvia.

15 December The Senate of the Parliament of the Netherlands ratifies Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

15 December Presentation of the revised edition of the “Protocol Handbook” by Aija Odiña, Ambassador of Latvia to Spain, in Riga.

90 17 December The Parliament of the Kingdom of Sweden ratifies the EU Accession Treaty.

17–18 December Annual meeting of the heads of Latvia's diplomatic and consular representations in Riga.

18 December Working visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark, Per Stig Møller, to Latvia.

18 December The Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands signs the Accession Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty.

18–19 December Visit by the US Ambassador to NATO, Nicholas Burns, to Latvia.

19 December The Federal President of the Republic of Austria, Thomas Klestil, approves ratification of the EU Accession Treaty at the National Council of the Austrian Parliament.

19 December European Commission approves Latvia's Development Plan. The Plan officially becomes the Single Programming Document as of 1 May 2004.



Informatîvais pielikums Informative annex


Årlietu dienesta personåla saståvs

357 331

229 203


KOP‰JAIS DARBINIEKU SKAITS (560) Centrålajå aparåtå (322) (2003. gada 1. novembris) Diplomåtiskajås pårståvniecîbås (238)


Vîrießi (203 vai 36,2%) Sievietes (357 vai 63,8%)

Centrålajå aparåtå Diplomåtiskajås pårst. Centrålajå aparåtå Diplomåtiskajås pårst. 101 vai 31,4% 102 vai 42,9% 221 vai 68,6% 136 vai 57,1%


Lîdz 30 gadiem (229 vai 40,9 %) Vecåki par 30 gadiem (331 vai 59,1%)

Centrålajå aparåtå Diplomåtiskajås pårst. Centrålajå aparåtå Diplomåtiskajås pårst. 160 vai 49,7% 69 vai 29% 162 vai 50,3% 169 vai 71%

IZGLÈTÈBA (3. grafiks)

Augståkå (465 vai 83%) Vidéjå speciålå (19 vai 3,4%) Vidéjå (76 vai 13,6%)

Centrålajå Diplomåtiskajås Centrålajå Diplomåtiskajås Centrålajå Diplomåtiskajås aparåtå pårst. aparåtå pårst. aparåtå pårst. 261 vai 81,1% 204 vai 85.7% 9 vai 2,8% 10 vai 4,2% 52 vai 16,1% 24 vai 10,1%


The staff of Latvia's foreign service


76 19


TOTAL STAFF (560) Ministry’s central bureau (322) (as at 1 November 2003) Diplomatic missions (238)

GENDER (Graphic 1)

Men (203 or 36,2%) Women (357 or 63,8%)

Central bureau staff Diplomatic mission staff Central bureau staff Diplomatic mission staff 101 or 31,4% 102 or 42,9% 221 or 68,6% 136 or 57,1%

AGE (Graphic 2)

Aged 30 years or younger (229 or 40,9 %) Aged older than 30 years (331 vai 59,1%)

Central bureau staff Diplomatic mission staff Central bureau staff Diplomatic mission staff 160 or 49,7% 69 or 29% 162 or 50,3% 169 or 71%


Higher (465 or 83%) Secondary vocational (19 or 3,4%) Secondary (76 or 13,6%)

Central bureau Diplomatic Central bureau Diplomatic Central bureau Diplomatic staff mission staff staff mission staff staff mission staff 261 or 81,1% 204 or 85,7% 9 or 2,8% 10 or 4,2% 52 or 16,1% 24 or 10,1%


Latvijas Republikas Årlietu Ministrijas budΩets Ministry of Foreign Affairs budget expenditures

94 BudΩeta sadalîjums (LVL) 2000 2001 2002 2003

Årlietu ministrija (kopå) 12758649 11218968 11585941 13470946 Årlietu pårvalde 11126022 9653032 10807795 13092206 Centrålais aparåts 1741722 2461394 2630975 3413889 Diplomåtiskås misijas årvalstîs 9323410 7131638 8116820 9656717 Latvijas pilnvarotå pårståvja darbîba Skrundas Radiolokåcijas stacijå 890 – – – Konsulårais nodroßinåjums 60000 60000 60000 21600 Iemaksas starptautiskajås organizåcijås 1341040 1325740 537950 378740 Nodroßinåjums delegåcijai sarunåm ar ES 291587 240196 240196 –

Budget break–down (LVL) 2000 2001 2002 2003

MFA (total) 12758649 11218968 11585941 13470946 Administration 11126022 9653032 10807795 13092206 Central bureau staff 1741722 2461394 2630975 3413889 Diplomatic missions abroad 9323410 7131638 8116820 9656717 Operations of Latvia’s authorised representative at the Skrunda Radio Location Station 890 – – – Consular security 60000 60000 60000 21600 Payments to international organisations 1341040 1325740 537950 378740 Security for Latvia’s delegation to EU accession negotiations 291587 240196 240196 –


Latvijas Republikas diplomåtiskås pårståvniecîbas

95 Diplomåtiskå vai konsulårå pårståvniecîba atvérßanas gads

1. Véstniecîba Amerikas Savienotåjås Valstîs 1991. gada oktobris Årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks vai diplomåtiskås pårståvniecîbas vadîtåjs, ståßanås amatå Aivis Ronis 24.03.2000. Kontaktinformåcija 4325 Seventeenth Str., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20011, USA Telefons: (1) 202 726 82 13 (1) 202 726 82 14 Fakss: (1) 202 726 67 85 E–pasts: [email protected] Måjas lapa: http://www.latvia–usa.org Nerezidéjoßais årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks Meksikas Savienotajås Valstîs

2. Véstniecîba Lielbritånijas un Zieme¬îrijas Apvienotajå Karalisté 1990. gada augusts Jånis Dripe 04.10.2002. 45 Nottingham Place, London W1U 5LY, UK Telefons: (44) 20 731 200 40 (44) 20 731 201 25 (Konsulårå noda¬a) Fakss: (44) 20 731 200 42 E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected] Måjas lapa: http://www.london.am.gov.lv/

3. Paståvîgå pårståvniecîba Apvienoto Nåciju organizåcijå, ˆujorkå 1991. gada decembris Gints Jegermanis 22.10.2001. 333 East 50th Street, New York, NY 10022, USA Telefons: (1) 212 838 88 77 (1) 212 838 90 18 Fakss: (1) 212 838 89 20 E–pasts: mission.un–[email protected]

4. Paståvîgå pårståvniecîba Apvienoto Nåciju organizåcijå, Ûenévå 1993. gada janvåris Jånis Kårkliñß 14.08.2000. 137, rue de Lausanne, C.P. 193, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Telefons: (41) 22 738 51 11 Fakss: (41) 22 738 51 71 E–pasts: mission.un–[email protected]


5. Véstniecîba Austrijas Republikå 1992. gada oktobris Elita Kuzma 14.09.2000. Stefan Esders Platz 4, A–1190 Vienna, Austria Telefons: (43) 1 403 31 12 Fakss: (43) 1 403 31 12 27 E–pasts: [email protected] Nerezidéjoßå årkårtéjå un pilnvarotå véstniece Lihtenßteinas Firstisté, Slovåkijas Republikå, Slovénijas Republikå, Íveices Konfederåcijå un Ungårijas Republikå

6. Véstniecîba Baltkrievijas Republikå 1992. gada septembris Egons Neimanis (pilnvarotais lietvedis) 01.02.2000. 6a Darashevicha Str., Minsk 220 013, Belarus Telefons: (375) 17 284 93 93 (375) 17 284 72 77 (Konsulårie jautåjumi) Fakss: (375) 17 284 73 34 (Konsulårie jautåjumi) (375) 17 284 74 94 (Politiskie, ekonomiskie un administratîvie jautåjumi) E–pasts: [email protected]

7. Konsulåts Vitebskå, Baltkrievijas Republika 1994. gada janvåris Inese Zaurova (konsuls) 01.07.2000. 27a B.Hmelnickogo Str., 210015 Vitebsk, Belarus 96 Telefons: (375) 212 235 518; (375) 212 235 519 Fakss: (375) 212 235 517 E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected]

8. Véstniecîba Be¬©ijas Karalisté 1992. gada februåris Aivars Groza 28.09.2000. 158 av. Molière, 1050 Brussels, Belgium Telefons: (32) 2 344 16 82 (32) 2 344 04 58 Fakss: (32) 2 344 74 78 E–pasts: [email protected] Nerezidéjoßais årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks Luksemburgas Lielhercogisté

9. Véstniecîba Çehijas Republikå 1993. gada februåris Iveta Íulca 01.08.2001. 3 Hradeshinska Str., P.O. Box 54, 10100 Prague, Czech Republic Telefons: (420) 255 700 881 (420) 255 700 883 (420) 255 700 882 (Konsulårå noda¬a) Fakss: (420) 255 700 880 E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected] Måjas lapa: http://www.prague.am.gov.lv/ Nerezidéjoßå årkårtéjå un pilnvarotå véstniece Horvåtijas Republikå

10. Véstniecîba Dånijas Karalisté 1992. gada novembris Indulis Bérziñß 11.04.2003. 17 Rosbaeksvej Str., 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Telefons: (45) 39 276 000 (45) 39 276 168 Fakss: (45) 39 276 173 E–pasts: [email protected]


11. Paståvîgå pårståvniecîba EDSO 1992. gada septembris Aivars Vovers 10.05.2002. Stefan Esders Platz 4, A–1190 Vienna, Austria Telefons: (431) 328 72 90 (431) 328 72 90 12 (sekretåre) Fakss: (431) 403 31 12 27 E–pasts: [email protected] Nerezidéjoßais årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks Arménijas Republikå

12. Paståvîgå pårståvniecîba Eiropas Padomé 1995. gada aprîlis Georgs Andrejevs 27.04.1998. 67, Alle de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg, France Telefons: (33) 3 8824 70 80 Fakss: (33) 3 8824 70 85 E–pasts: [email protected]

13. Paståvîgå pårståvniecîba Eiropas Savienîbå 1992. gada februåris Andris esteris 25.08.2003. rue d'Arlon 39–41, P.O. Box 6, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Telefons: (32) 2 282 03 60 Fakss: (32) 2 282 03 69 E–pasts: [email protected] 97

14. Véstniecîba Francijas Republikå 1991. gada decembris Rolands Lappu˚e 01.01.2003. 6, Villa Said, 75116 Paris, France Telefons: (33) 1 536 458 10 (33) 1 536 458 16 (Konsulårå noda¬a) Fakss: (33) 1 536 458 19 E–pasts: [email protected] Måjas lapa: http://www.paris.am.gov.lv/ Årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks ANO Izglîtîbas, zinåtnes un kultüras organizåcijå (UNESCO), nerezidéjoßais årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks Andoras Firstisté, Marokas Karalisté

15. Véstniecîba Grie˚ijas Republikå 1998. gada februåris Jånis Eichmanis 17.10.2003. 9 Irodotou Str., Kolonaki, 10674 Athens, Greece Telefons: (30) 2 10 729 44 83 (30) 2 10 729 44 80 Fakss: (30) 2 10 729 44 79 E–pasts: [email protected]

16. Véstniecîba Igaunijas Republikå 1990. gada novembris Edgars Skuja 16.02.2002. 10 Tõnismägi Str., 10119 Tallinn, Estonia Telefons: (372) 627 78 50 (372) 627 78 66 (Konsulårå noda¬a) Fakss: (372) 627 78 55 E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected]

17. Véstniecîba Itålijas Republikå 1995. gada aprîlis Jånis Lüsis 16.09.2002. Viale Liegi, 42, 00198 Rome, ltaly Telefons: (39) 06 884 12 27 (39) 06 884 12 29 (39) 06 884 12 37 (Konsulårå noda¬a) Fakss: (39) 06 884 12 39 E–pasts: [email protected] Nerezidéjoßais årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks Maltas Republikå, Sanmarîno Republikå


18. Véstniecîba Izraélas Valstî 1994. gada augusts Jånis Lovniks 20.01.2000. 9 Marmorek Str., Tel Aviv 64254, Israel Telefons: (972) 3 686 9544 Fakss: (972) 3 686 9543 E–pasts: [email protected]

19. Véstniecîba Èrijå 2003. gada oktobris Mårtiñß Låcis 08.10.2003. 14 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Telefons: (353) 1 662 16 10 Fakss: (353) 1 662 15 99 E-pasts: [email protected] Nerezidéjoßais årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks Kipras Republikå, Bosnijas un Hercogovinas Republikå

20. Véstniecîba Kanådå 1994. gada septembris Atis Sjanîts 17.12.2002. 280 Albert Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5G8, Canada Telefons: (1 613) 238 60 14 (1 613) 238 68 68 (Konsulårå noda¬a) Fakss: (1 613) 238 70 44 98 E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected] Måjas lapa: http://www.ottawa.am.gov.lv/

21. Véstniecîba Krievijas Federåcijå 1991. gada janvåris Normans Penke 12.09.2001. 3 Chapligina Str., 105062 Moscow, Russian Federation Telefons: (7) 095 925 27 03 (7) 095 924 88 86 (7) 095 925 27 07 (Konsulårå noda¬a – autoatbildétåjs) (7) 095 923 87 72 (Konsulårå noda¬a) (7) 011 270 67 55 (Konsulårås noda¬as kanceleja Ka¬iñingradå) Fakss: (7) 095 923 92 95 (7) 095 923 72 25 (Konsulårå noda¬a) E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

22. Konsulåts Pleskavå, Krievijas Federåcijå 1993. gada augusts Gints Serafinoviçs (konsuls) 17.11.2003. Narodnaja 25, 180016 Pskov, Russian Federation Telefons: (7) 811 2 465 563 (7) 811 2 723 409 Fakss: (7) 811 2 724 056 E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected]

23. Ìenerålkonsulåts Sanktpéterburgå, Krievijas Federåcijå 1993. gada marts Juris Audariñß (©enerålkonsuls) 15.05.2000. Vasilevskij ostrov, 10 linija, 11, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Telefons: (7) 812 327 60 54 Fakss: (7) 812 327 60 52 E–pasts: [email protected]


24. Véstniecîba înas Tautas Republikå 1998. gada jülijs Einars Semanis 03.12.1999. Unit 71, Green Land Garden No 1A Green Land Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100016, China Telefons: (86) 10 643 338 63 Fakss: (86) 10 643 338 10 E–pasts: latemb.cn@bj–shuma.net

25. Véstniecîba Lietuvas Republikå 1990. gada septembris Maira Mora 01.09.2000. 76 M.K.Çiurlionio Str., 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania Telefons: (370) 5 213 12 60 (370) 5 213 12 20 (Konsulårå noda¬a) (370) 5 213 21 40 (Politiskie jautåjumi) (370) 5 213 11 25 (Ekonomiskie jautåjumi) Fakss: (370) 5 213 11 30 E–pasts: [email protected]

26. Véstniecîba Nîderlandes Karalisté 1998. gada janvåris Baiba Laizåne 02.09.2003. Balistraat 88, 2585 XX 's–Gravenhage, The Hague, The Netherlands Telefons: (31) 70 306 39 34 Fakss: (31) 70 306 28 58 99 E–pasts: [email protected] Paståvîgå pårståve îmisko ieroçu aizliegßanas organizåcijå

27. Véstniecîba Norvé©ijas Karalisté 1996. gada oktobris Normunds Popens 06.06.2000. Bygdoy Alle´ 76, Post Box 3163 Elisenberg, 0208 Oslo, Norway Telefons: (47) 22 542 280 Fakss: (47) 22 546 426 E–pasts: [email protected]

28. Véstniecîba Polijas Republikå 1992. gada decembris Uldis Vîtoliñß 15.07.2002. 19 Królowej Aldony Str. 03–928 Warsaw, Poland Telefons: (48) 22 617 43 89 (48) 22 617 45 89 (48) 22 616 09 69 (Konsulårie jautåjumi) Fakss: (48) 22 617 42 89 E–pasts: [email protected] Nerezidéjoßais årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks Bulgårijas Republikå un bijußajå Dienvidslåvijas Republikå Ma˚edonijå

29. Véstniecîba Portugåles Republikå 1997. gada decembris Ints Upmacis 04.02.2003. Avenida Miguel Bombarda 36, 5C, 1050–165 Lisbon, Portugal Telefons: (351) 217 815 120 Fakss: (351) 217 963 242 E–pasts: [email protected]

30. Paståvîgå pårståvniecîba Pasaules tirdzniecîbas organizåcijå 1998. gada decembris Mar©ers Krams (padomnieks) 07.09.2002. 137, rue de Lausanne, C.P. 193, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Telefons: (41) 22 738 51 11 Fakss: (41) 22 738 51 71 E–pasts: [email protected]


31. Véstniecîba Somijas Republikå 1991. gada decembris Valdis Krastiñß 01.06.2000. Armfeltintie 10, 00150 Helsinki, Finland Telefons: (358) 9 476 472 44 (358) 9 476 472 33 (358) 9 476 472 77 (358) 9 476 472 66 (Konsulårie jautåjumi) Fakss: (358) 9 476 472 88 E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected]

32. Véstniecîba Spånijas Karalisté 1994. gada marts Aija Odiña 11.09.2001. c/Alfonso XII 52–1, 28014 Madrid, Spain Telefons: (34) 91 369 13 62 (34) 91 369 13 83 Fakss: (34) 91 369 00 20 E–pasts: [email protected]

33. Véstniecîba Ukrainå 1992. gada septembris Andris Vilcåns 08.01.2001. 100 Siçnevogo povstanja 6 B, Kyiv 01901, Ukraine Telefons: (38 044) 573 97 03 (38 044) 490 70 30 (38 044) 490 70 37 (Konsulårå noda¬a) (38 044) 490 70 36 (Komercnoda¬a) Fakss: (38 044) 490 70 35 (38 044) 290 87 36 (Konsulårå noda¬a) (38 044) 490 70 36 (Komercnoda¬a) E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Nerezidéjoßais årkårtéjais un pilnvarotais véstnieks AzerbaidΩånas Republikå, Moldovas Republikå, Rumånijå un ‰©iptes Aråbu Republikå

34. Véstniecîba Uzbekistånas Republikå 1992. gada novembris Igors Apokins 25.07.2003. 6 Murtazajeva Str., 115–117,Tashkent 700000, Uzbekistan Telefons: (998 71) 134 92 13 (998 71) 137 22 15 (998 71) 134 24 89 (Konsulårie jautåjumi) Fakss: (998 71) 120 70 36 (Konsulårie jautåjumi) E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected]

35. Véstniecîba Våcijas Federatîvajå Republikå 1992. gada jülijs Mårtiñß Virsis 08.08.2002. Reinerzstr. 40–41, 14193 Berlin, Germany Telefons: (49) 30 82 60 02 22 (49) 30 82 60 02 11 (Konsulårå noda¬a) Fakss: (49) 30 82 60 02 33 (49) 30 82 60 02 44 (Konsulårå noda¬a) E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected]


36. Pårståvniecîba Zieme¬atlantijas lîguma organizåcijå (NATO) 1994. gada oktobris Imants Lie©is 02.01.2000. NATO HQ, Mission of Latvia, B–1110, Brussels, Belgium Telefons: (32) 2 707 28 87 (32) 2 707 28 88 Fakss: (32) 2 707 28 89 E–pasts: [email protected]

37. Véstniecîba Zviedrijas Karalisté 1992. februåris Artis Bértulis 25.08.2001. Odengatan 5, Box 19167, 104 32 Stockholm, Sweden Telefons: (46) 8 700 63 00 (46) 8 700 63 02 (Konsulårå noda¬a) Fakss: (46) 8 140 151 (46) 8 144 103 (Konsulårå noda¬a) E–pasts: [email protected] [email protected] Måjas lapa: http://www.stockholm.am.gov.lv

Nerezidéjoßie årkårtéjie un pilnvarotie véstnieki (rezidé Rîgå) 101

38. Serbija un Melnkalne Péteris Vaivars 22.04.2003. Brîvîbas bulv. 36, Rîga LV–1395, Latvija Telefons: (371) 7 016 107 Fakss: (371) 7 828 121

39. Svétais Krésls Alberts Sarkanis 05.05.2003. Brîvîbas bulv. 36, Rîga LV–1395, Latvija Telefons: (371) 7 016 120 Fakss: (371) 7 828 121

40. Turcijas Republika Ivars Pundurs 06.02.2001. Brîvîbas bulv. 36, Rîga LV–1395, Latvija Telefons: (371) 7 016 113 Fakss: (371) 7 828 121


Diplomatic Missions of the Republic of Latvia

102 Diplomatic or Consular Mission month and year of opening

1. Embassy to the Republic of Austria October 1992 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary or Head of the Mission (appointment to the post) Ms Elita Kuzma 14 September 2000 Contact Details Stefan Esders Platz 4, A–1190 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (43) 1 403 31 12 Fax: (43) 1 403 31 12 27 E–mail: [email protected] Non–resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of Hungary

2. Embassy to the Republic of Belarus September 1992 Mr Egons Neimanis (Charge’ d’Affaires) 1 February 2000 6a Darashevicha Str., Minsk 220013, Belarus Telephone: (375) 172 849 393 (375) 172 847 277 (Consular Affairs) Fax: (375) 172 847 334 (Consular Affairs) (375) 172 847 494 (Political, Economic, and Administrative Affairs) E–mail: [email protected]

3. Consulate in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus) January 1994 Ms Inese Zaurova (Consul) 1 July 2000 27a B.Hmelnickogo Str., 210015 Vitebsk, Belarus Telephone: (375) 212 235 518; (375) 212 235 519 Fax: (375) 212 235 517 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected]

4. Embassy to the Kingdom of Belgium February 1992 Mr Aivars Groza 28 September 2000 158 av. Molière, 1050 Brussels, Belgium Telephone: (32) 2 344 16 82 (32) 2 344 04 58 Fax: (32) 2 344 74 78 E–mail: [email protected] Non–resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


5. Embassy to Canada September 1994 Mr Atis Sjanîts 17 December 2002 280 Albert Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5G8, Canada Telephone: (1 613) 238 60 14 (1 613) 238 68 68 (Consular Section) Fax: (1 613) 238 70 44 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: http://www.ottawa.am.gov.lv/

6. Embassy to the Peoples Republic of China July 1998 Mr Einars Semanis 3 December 1999 Unit 71, Green Land Garden No 1A Green Land Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100016, China Telephone: (86) 10 643 338 63 Fax: (86) 10 643 338 10 E–mail: latemb.cn@bj–shuma.net

7. Permanent Mission to the Council of Europe April 1995 Mr Georgs Andrejevs 27 April 1998 67, Alle de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg, France Telephone: (33) 3 8824 70 80 103 Fax: (33) 3 8824 70 85 E–mail: [email protected]

8. Embassy to the Czech Republic February 1993 Ms Iveta Íulca 1 August 2001 3 Hradeshinska Str., P.O. Box 54, 10100 Prague, Czech Republic Telephone: (420) 255 700 881 (420) 255 700 883 (420) 255 700 882 (Consular Section) Fax: (420) 255 700 880 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: http://www.prague.am.gov.lv/ Non–resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Croatia

9. Embassy to the Kingdom of Denmark November 1992 Mr Indulis Bérziñß 11 April 2003 17 Rosbaeksvej Str., 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Telephone: (45) 39 276 000 (45) 39 276 168 Fax: (45) 39 276 173 E–mail: [email protected]

10. Permanent Mission to the European Union February 1992 Mr Andris esteris 25 August 2003 rue d'Arlon 39–41, P.O. Box 6, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Telephone: (32) 2 282 03 60 Fax: (32) 2 282 03 69 E–mail: [email protected]

11. Embassy to the Republic of Estonia November 1990 Mr Edgars Skuja 16 February 2002 10 Tõnismägi Str., 10119 Tallinn, Estonia Telephone: (372) 627 78 50 (372) 627 78 66 (Consular Section) Fax: (372) 627 78 55 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected]


12. Embassy to the Republic of Finland December 1991 Mr Valdis Krastiñß 1 June 2000 Armfeltintie 10, 00150 Helsinki, Finland Telephone: (358) 9 476 472 44 (358) 9 476 472 33 (358) 9 476 472 77 (358) 9 476 472 66 (Consular Section) Fax: (358) 9 476 472 88 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected]

13. Embassy to the Republic of France December 1991 Mr Rolands Lappu˚e 1 January 2003 6, Villa Said, 75116 Paris, France Telephone: (33) 1 536 458 10 (33) 1 536 458 16 (Consular Section) Fax: (33) 1 536 458 19 E–mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.paris.am.gov.lv/ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), non–resident Ambassador to the Principality of Andorra and the Kingdom of Morocco 104 14. Embassy to the Federal Republic of Germany July 1992 Mr Mårtiñß Virsis 8 August 2002 Reinerzstr. 40–41, 14193 Berlin, Germany Telephone: (49) 30 82 60 02 22 (49) 30 82 60 02 11 (Consular Section) Fax: (49) 30 82 60 02 33 (49) 30 82 60 02 44 (Consular Section) E–mail: [email protected] [email protected]

15. Embassy to the Hellenic Republic February 1998 Mr Jånis Eichmanis 17 October 2003 9 Irodotou Str., Kolonaki, 10674 Athens, Greece Telephone: (30) 2 10 729 44 83 (30) 2 10 729 44 80 Fax: (30) 2 10 729 44 79 E–mail: [email protected]

16. Embassy to Ireland October 2003 Mr Mårtiñß Låcis 8 October 2003 14 Lower Leeson Str., Dublin 2, Ireland Telephone: (353) 1 662 16 10 Fax: (353) 1 662 15 99 E-mail: [email protected] Non–resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Cyprus

17. Embassy to the State of Israel August 1994 Mr Jånis Lovniks 20 January 2000 9 Marmorek Str., Tel Aviv 64254, Israel Telephone: (972) 3 686 9544 Fax: (972) 3 686 9543 E–mail: [email protected]


18. Embassy to the Italian Republic April 1995 Mr Jånis Lüsis 16 September 2002 Viale Liegi, 42, 00198 Rome, Italy Telephone: (39) 06 884 12 27 (39) 06 884 12 29 (39) 06 884 12 37 (Consular Section) Fax: (39) 06 884 12 39 E–mail: [email protected] Non–resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Malta and the Republic of San Marino

19. Embassy to the Republic of Lithuania September 1990 Ms Maira Mora 1 September 2000 76 M.K.Çiurlionio Str., 2009 Vilnius, Lithuania Telephone: (370) 5 213 12 60 (370) 5 213 12 20 (Consular Section) (370) 5 213 21 40 (Political Affairs) (370) 5 213 11 25 (Economic Affairs) Fax: (370) 5 213 11 30 E–mail: [email protected]

20. Liaison Office with NATO Headquarters in Brussels October 1994 105 Mr Imants Lie©is 2 January 2000 NATO HQ, Mission of Latvia, B–1110, Brussels, Belgium Telephone: (32) 2 707 28 87 (32) 2 707 28 88 Fax: (32) 2 707 28 89 E–mail: [email protected]

21. Embassy to the Kingdom of the Netherlands January 1998 Ms Baiba Laizåne 2 September 2003 Balistraat 88, 2585 XX 's–Gravenhage, The Hague, The Netherlands Telephone: (31) 70 306 39 34 Fax: (31) 70 306 28 58 E–mail: [email protected] Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

22. Embassy to the Kingdom of Norway October 1996 Mr Normunds Popens 6 June 2000 Bygdoy Alle´ 76, Post Box 3163 Elisenberg, 0208 Oslo, Norway Telephone: (47) 22 542 280 Fax: (47) 22 546 426 E–mail: [email protected]

23. Permanent Mission to the OSCE September 1992 Mr Aivars Vovers 10 May 2002 Stefan Esders Platz 4, A–1190 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (431) 328 72 90 (431) 328 72 90 12 (Secretary) Fax: (431) 403 31 12 27 E–mail: [email protected] Non–resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Armenia


24. Embassy to the Republic of Poland December 1992 Mr Uldis Vîtoliñß 15 July 2002 19 Królowej Aldony Str., 03–928, Warsaw, Poland Telephone: (48) 22 617 43 89 (48) 22 617 45 89 (48) 22 616 09 69 (Consular Section) Fax: (48) 22 617 42 89 E–mail: [email protected] Non–resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Bulgaria and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

25. Embassy to the Portuguese Republic December 1997 Mr Ints Upmacis 4 February 2003 Avenida Miguel Bombarda 36, 5C, 1050–165 Lisbon, Portugal Telephone: (351) 217 815 120 Fax: (351) 217 963 242 E–mail: [email protected]

26. Embassy to the Russian Federation January 1991 Mr Normans Penke 12 September 2001 3 Chapligina Str., 105062 Moscow, Russian Federation 106 Telephone: (7) 095 925 27 03 (7) 095 924 88 86 (7) 095 925 27 07 (Consular Section’s – answering machine) (7) 095 923 87 72 (Consular Section) (7) 011 270 67 55 (Consular Secttion’s Chancery in Kaliningrad) Fax: (7) 095 923 92 95 (7) 095 923 72 25 (Consular Section) E–mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

27. Consulate in Pskov (Russian Federation) August 1993 Mr Gints Serafinoviçs (Consul) 17 November 2003 Narodnaja 25, 180016 Pskov, Russian Federation Telephone: (7) 811 2 465 563 (7) 811 2 723 409 Fax: (7) 811 2 724 056 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected]

28. Consulate General in St.Petersburg (Russian Federation) March 1993 Mr Juris Audariñß (Consul General) 15 May 2000 Vasilevskij ostrov, 10 linija, 11, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Telephone: (7) 812 327 60 54 Fax: (7) 812 327 60 52 E–mail: [email protected]

29. Embassy to the Kingdom of Spain March 1994 Ms Aija Odiña 11 September 2001 c/Alfonso XII 52–1, 28014 Madrid, Spain Telephone: (34) 91 369 13 62 (34) 91 369 13 83 Fax: (34) 91 369 00 20 E–mail: [email protected]


30. Embassy to the Kingdom of Sweden February 1992 Mr Artis Bértulis 25 August 2001 Odengatan 5, Box 19167, 104 32 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone: (46) 8 700 63 00 (46) 8 700 63 02 (Consular Section) Fax: (46) 8 140 151 (46) 8 144 103 (Consular Section) E–mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: http://www.stockholm.am.gov.lv/

31. Embassy to Ukraine September 1992 Mr Andris Vilcåns 8 January 2001 Siçnevogo povstanja 6 B, Kyiv 01901, Ukraine Telephone: (38 044) 573 97 03 (38 044) 490 70 30 (38 044) 490 70 37 (Consular Section) (38 044) 490 70 36 (Commercial Section) Fax: (38 044) 490 70 35 (38 044) 290 87 36 (Consular Section) (38 044) 490 70 36 (Commercial Section) E–mail: [email protected] 107 [email protected] [email protected] Non–resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Azerbaijani Republic, the Republic of Moldova, Romania and the Arab Republic of Egypt

32. Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, USA December 1991 Mr Gints Jegermanis 22 October 2001 333 East 50th Street, New York, NY 10022, USA Telephone: (1) 212 838 88 77 (1) 212 838 90 18 Fax: (1) 212 838 89 20 E–mail: mission.un–[email protected]

33. Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland January 1993 Mr Jånis Kårkliñß 14 August 2000 137, rue de Lausanne, C.P. 193, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Telephone: (41) 22 738 51 11 Fax: (41) 22 738 51 71 E–mail: mission.eu–[email protected]

34. Embassy to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland August 1990 Mr Jånis Dripe 4 October 2002 45 Nottingham Place, London W1U 5LY, UK Telephone: (44) 20 731 200 40 (44) 20 731 201 25 (Consular Section) Fax: (44) 20 731 200 42 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: http://www.london.am.gov.lv

35. Embassy to the United States of America October 1991 Mr Aivis Ronis 24 March 2000 4325 Seventeenth Str., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20011, USA Telephone: (1) 202 726 82 13 (1) 202 726 82 14 Fax: (1) 202 726 67 85 E–mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.latvia–usa.org/ Non–resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Mexican States


36. Embassy to the Republic of Uzbekistan November 1992 Mr Igors Apokins 25 July 2003 6 Murtazajeva Str., 115–117,Tashkent 700000, Uzbekistan Telephone: (998 71) 134 92 13 (998 71) 137 22 15 (998 71) 134 24 89 (Consular Affairs) Fax: (998 71) 120 70 36 (Consular Affairs) E–mail: [email protected] [email protected]

37. Permanent Mission to the WTO December 1998 Mr Mar©ers Krams (Counsellor) 7 September 2002 137, rue de Lausanne, C.P. 193, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Telephone: (41) 22 738 51 11 Fax: (41) 22 738 51 71 E–mail: [email protected]

Non–resident ambassadors (residing in Riga): 108 38. The Holy See Mr Alberts Sarkanis 5 May 2003 Brîvîbas bulv. 36, Riga LV–1395, Latvia Telephone: (371) 701 61 20 Fax: (371) 782 81 21

39. Republic of Turkey Mr Ivars Pundurs 6 February 2001 Brîvîbas bulv. 36, Riga LV–1395, Latvia Telephone: (371) 701 61 13 Fax: (371) 782 81 21

40. Serbia and Montenegro Mr Péteris Vaivars 22 April 2003 Brîvîbas bulv. 36, Riga LV–1395, Latvia Telephone: (371) 701 61 07 Fax: (371) 782 81 21

* Accreditation pending.


Latvijas Republikas goda konsuli Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Latvia

109 Argentine Republic / Argentînas Republika Ms Mirdza Restbergs de Zalts, 1997 Letonia 1112, (1663) San Miguel, Prov.Bs.As., Argentina Telephone: (54) 11 46 64 25 06 Fax: (54) 11 46 64 25 06 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Republic of Armenia / Arménijas Republika Mr Vahan Atyan, 2003 Appt.13, 39 Abovian str., Yerevan, Armenia Phone: (3741) 566 704 Fax: (3741) 278 964 E–mail: [email protected]

Commonwealth of Australia / Austrålijas Savienîba New South Wales, Queensland Mr Jånis Daliñß, 2002 P.O. Box 457, Strathfield, 2135, NSW, Australia Telephone: (61) 297 445 981 Fax: (61) 297 476 055 E–mail: [email protected] South Australia, Adelaide Mr Francis Péteris Svilåns, 1997 8 Barr–Smith Street, Tusmore, S.A., 5064, Australia Telephone: (61) 8 8333 3123 Fax: (61) 8 8333 3227 E–mail: [email protected] Australia Mr Emîls Déliñß, 1992 Honorary Consul–General P.O. Box 23 Kew, Vic. 3101, Australia Telephone: (61) 3 949 969 20 Fax: (61) 3 949 970 08 E–mail: [email protected]


Australia Mr Jånis Roberts Déliñß, 1992 Vice-Consul P.O. Box 23 Kew, Vic. 3101, Australia Telephone: (61) 3 949 969 20 Fax: (61) 3 949 970 08 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of Austria / Austrijas Republika Graz Mag Tino Ferdinand Pölzer, 2002 Hans–Sachs–Gasse 3, A–8010 Graz, Austria Telephone/Fax: (43) 316 81 31 00 –7 E–mail: [email protected] Salzburg Dr Karl Winding, 1998 Guggenbichlerstrasse 20 (im Diakonie–Zentrum), A–5026 Salzburg, Austria Telephone/Fax: (43) 662 638 59 27 E–mail: [email protected] 110 Kingdom of Belgium / Be¬©ijas Karaliste Walloon Dr Daniel Fernand Vanhoff, 2001 154, Voie de Liege B–4053 Chaudfontaine, Belgium Telephone: (32) 4 365 97 87 Fax: (32) 4 365 55 35 E–mail: [email protected] Brussels, Flanders (except Antwerp) Mr Niels Dahlmann, 2000 22 Avenue Isidore Gerard, B–1160, Brussels, Belgium Telephone: (32) 2 762 56 25 Fax: (32) 2 772 34 55 E–mail: [email protected] Antwerp Mr Walter Robert Magdalena van Mechelen, 1992 Keizerstraat 13, B–2000, Antwerp, Belgium Telephone: (32) 3 205 04 11 Fax: (32) 3 205 04 83 E–mail: [email protected]

Federative Republic of Brazil / Brazîlijas Federatîvå Republika São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná Mr Jånis Grimbergs, 1993 Rua Jacques Felix 586, Ap.12, 04509–002 São Paulo, Brazil Telephone: (55) 11 5182 8925 (55) 11 3842 0 687 Fax: (55) 11 3842 3159 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of Bulgaria / Bulgårijas Republika Mr Aleksandar Dimitrov Popov, 2003 4, Sv. Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Telephone: (359) 2 980 9321 Fax: (359) 2 980 2426 E-mail: [email protected]


Canada / Kanåda Ontario, Toronto Mr Imants Rüdolfs Purvs, 2003 4 Credit Union Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4A 2N8, Canada Telephone: (1) 416 932 8725 Telephone/Fax: (1) 416 932 0920 E–mail: [email protected] British Columbia Mr Cedric Steele, 2002 # 402–1208 Wharf Street, Victoria, BC V8W 3B9, Canada Telephone: (1) 250 388 62 58 Fax: (1) 250 383 33 86 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of Chile / Çîles Republika Mr Carlos Parra Merino, 1996 Edificio Rio Calle Calle, La Concepcion 81, Ofician 1705, Providencia, Santiago de Chile Telephone: (56) 2 235 55 50 Fax: (56) 2 235 00 22 E–mail: [email protected] 111 Republic of Cyprus / Kipras Republika Paphos Dr George Prodromou, 2001 16, Iasonos Str., P.O. Box 61008, CY8130, K.Pafos, Cyprus Telephone: (357) 262 220 00 Fax: (357) 262 223 33 E–mail: [email protected] Cyprus Mr Adonis Papadopoulos, 1993 Honorary Consul-General 3, Thalia Str., P.O. Box 53253, Limassol 3301, Cyprus Telephone: (357) 258 403 00 Fax: (357) 255 692 85 E–mail: [email protected]

Czech Republic/ Çehijas Republika Mr Petr Zeman, 2003 Panská 13, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic Telephone: (420) 518 333 025 Fax: (420) 518 333 029 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Kingdom of Denmark / Dånijas Karaliste Jylland, Fyn Mr Frank Uhrenholt, 1996 Odensevej 11, DK 5500 Middelfart, Denmark Telephone: (45) 644 140 41 Fax: (45) 644 138 27 Bornholm Mr Bent Bornøe Kofoed, 1993 B.H. Skibsradio ApS, Vaerftsvej 6, 3730 Nexo, Bornholm, Denmark Telephone: (45) 564 928 43 Fax: (45) 564 944 12 E–mail: [email protected]


Dominican Republic / Dominikånas Republika Mr Pedro Teófilo Lama Hachê´ 2002 Calle Gaspar 54 Polanco No. 119, Bella Vista, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Telephone: (1 809) 255 0802, extension 113 Fax: (1 809) 255 0379 E–mail: [email protected]

Arab Republic of Egypt / ‰©iptes Aråbu Republika Mr Saad El Aguizy, 1995 22 bDr.Taha Hussein Str., Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: (20) 2 738 05 14 (20) 2 738 02 73 Fax: (20) 2 736 52 69 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of Finland / Somijas Republika Kymenlaakso Mr Kai Holmberg, 2003 Tymiehenkatu 4 A 1, 48100 Kotka, Finland E–mail: [email protected] 112 Satakunta Mr Tapio Aho, 2002 Haravakuja 3, 00840 Helsinki, Finland Telephone: (358) 505 611 511 E–mail: [email protected] Aland Mr Sture Carlson, 1998 Strandgatan 6, 22100 Marienhamn, Äland, Finland Telephone: (358) 182 58 00 Fax: (358) 182 58 16 Oulu Mr Heikki Aukusti Lantto, 1998 Virmantie 7, 90830 Haukipudas, Finland Telephone: (358) 40 748 47 57 Fax: (358) 40 784 31 47 Uusimaa Mr Bob Erik Gabriel Biaudet, 1993 Messeniukatu 11 A 31, 00250 Helsinki, Finland Telephone: (358) 9 587 47 67 Fax: (358) 9 587 118 97

Republic of France / Francijas Republika

Lorraine (Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse, Moselle et Vosges) Ms Claire Gauthrot, 2001 Place d'Alliance, 2 bis, rue Girardet, 54000 Nancy, France Telephone: (33) 3 83 19 20 44 Fax: (33) 3 83 19 20 44 E–mail: [email protected] Aquitaine (Dordogne, Gironde, Landes, Lot-et-Garonne, Pyre´ne´es Atlantiques) Mr Baudouin Thiry, 2001 30, avenue de Miramont, 33200 Bordeaux, France Telephone: (33) 5 56 08 25 77 Fax: (33) 5 56 08 52 24 E–mail: [email protected]


Ain, Ardèche, Drôme, Isère, Loire, Rhône, Savoie, Haute-Savoie Mr Alain Pelfrène, 2000 5, avenue Louis–Momet, 69260 Charbonnières-les-Bains, France Telephone: (33) 4 72 38 04 05 Fax: (33) 4 78 34 16 10 E–mail: [email protected] Nord-Pas-de-Calais Mr Alain Mesnil, 1997 "Les Glycines", 62340 Campagne-les-Guines, France Telephone: (33) 3 21 46 85 36; (33) 3 21 35 13 63 Fax: (33) 3 21 35 13 63 E–mail: [email protected] Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur Mr Jean de Pê´lissot , 1996 570, avenue de Mazargues, 13008 Marseille, France Telephone: (33) 4 91 22 72 32 Fax: (33) 4 91 90 93 80 E–mail: [email protected]

Georgia / Gruzijas Republika 113 Ms Regîna Jakobidze, 1997 17, R.Tabukashvili Str., Tbilisi, 380008, Georgia Telephone: (995) 32 995 197 Fax: (995) 32 933 335 E–mail: [email protected]

Federal Republic of Germany / Våcijas Federatîvå Republika Baden–Wu¨ rttemberg Mr Helmut Werner Sigloch, 2001 Oberamteistrasse 20, 74653 Ku¨nzelsau, Germany Telephone: (49) 7940 982 431 Fax: (49) 7940 982 433 Bayern Dr Dietrich Wolf, 1997 Brienner Strasse 20, 80333 Mu¨nchen, Germany Telephone: (49) 89 217 125 500 Fax: (49) 89 217 125 600 Hamburg Dr Sabine Sommerkamp-Homann, 1997 Neuer Wall 72, 20354 Hamburg, Germany Telephone: (49) 40 365 533 Fax: (49) 40 369 656 56 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein Dr. rer. pol. Fritz Schulze, 1993 Falkenstrasse 31, 23564 Lu¨beck, Germany Telephone: (49) 451 799 81 80 Fax: (49) 451 799 81 88 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Bruno O.Braun, 1993 Vogelsanger Weg 6, 40470 Du¨sseldorf, Germany Telephone: (49) 211 635 4108 Fax: (49) 211 635 42 77


Hellenic Republic / Grie˚ijas Republika Piraeus Mr Antonios Halaris, 2001 24 Akti Posidonos, 18531 Piraeus, Greece Telephone: (30) 10 412 31 38 Fax: (30) 10 413 75 97 Macedonia-Thrace Mr Agisilaos Kynigopoulos, 2001 34 Mitropoleos, 546 23 Thessaloniki, Greece Telephone: (30) 31 277 463 (91) 11 611 14 71 Fax: (30) 31 277 623 E–mail: [email protected]

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region/ Honkongas îpaßås pårvaldes apgabals Mr Roger King, 2002 33/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (S.A.R.), China Telephone/Fax: (852) 283 335 01 E–mail: [email protected]

114 Republic of Hungary / Ungårijas Republika Mrs Gunta Medne, 2001 12 Nagymezö str., 1065 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (361) 32 207 89 Telephone/Fax: (361) 32 176 76 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of Iceland / Islandes Republika Reykjavik Mr Jon Snorrason, 1996 Stigahlid 76, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland Telephone: (354) 525 31 08 Fax: (354) 525 32 30

Republic of India / Indijas Republika Mr Sudhir Choudhrie, 1992 Honorary Consul-General 48/11 Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi –110021, India Telephone: (91) 112 611 29 31 Fax: (91) 112 611 37 53

Ireland / Èrija Mr George McCullagh, 1996 "Ona Clearday", Ballyedmonduff Road, Kilternan County, Dublin, Ireland Telephone: (353) 1 295 41 82 Fax: (353) 1 618 55 00

State of Israel / Izraélas Valsts Ms Sara Allalouf, 1997 6 Engel Str., Telaviv 65224, Israel Telephone: (972) 3 564 02 02 Fax: (972) 3 566 00 65


Italian Republic / Itålijas Republika Campania Dott. ssa Randa Ghattas, 2003 Via Martucci, 62, 80121 Napoli, Italy Telephone: (39) 081 240 41 76 Fax: (39) 081 248 68 21 E–mail: [email protected] Puglia, Calabria, Basilicata, Molise Dott. Canio Trione, 2002 Via Dante Alighieri 166, 70121 Bari, Italy Telephone: (39) 080 524 28 81 Fax: (39) 080 528 38 70 E–mail: [email protected] Sicilia Dott. Prof. Francesco Bambina, 2001 Corso Tukory 8, 90134 Palermo, Italy Telephone /Fax: (39) 09 245 057 44 E–mail: [email protected] Friuli-Venezia Giulia Dott. Roberto Comelli, 2000 115 Corso Italia 21, 34122 Trieste, Italy Telephone: (39) 040 347 22 48 Fax: (39) 040 347 30 95 E–mail: [email protected] Toscana Dott. Niccolo Rositani, 1996 Via Suor Maria Celeste 1, 50125 Firenze, Italy Telephone: (39) 055 224 597 Fax: (39) 055 222 090 E–mail: [email protected]

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / Jordånijas Haßimîtu Karaliste Mr Khaled Khalil Miqdadi, 2000 26 Methcal AI Fayez Str., P.O. Box 710579, Amman 11171, Jordan Telephone: (962) 6 461 08 81 Fax: (962) 6 461 19 71 (962) 6 461 15 89 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazahstånas Republika Mr Arnis Austrums, 1998 15, Republic Square, Office 524 – 523, 480013 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan Telephone: (7) 327 263 06 66; (7) 327 263 98 72 Fax: (7) 327 250 65 49 E–mail: [email protected]

Kyrgyz Republic / Kirgizstånas Republika Mr Arstanbek Tazabekov, 1997 89, Shopokova Str., Bishkek 7020021, Kyrgyz Republic Telephone: (996) 312 284 375; (996) 312 284 659 Fax: (996) 312 284 667 E–mail: bdc–[email protected]


Republic of Korea/ Korejas Republika Mr Kyoung-Hoon Kwon, 2003 5th Fl.Pureun Bldg., 28–1 Jamwon-dong, Seocho–gu Seoul, Korea 137904 Telephone. 82 2 541 6243 Fax: 82 2 541 6481

Lebanese Republic / Libånas Republika Mr Renno A.Gerard, 2000 DBAYEH, Main Rd, Akilian Bldg 1st floor, Beirut, Lebanon Postal address: Jal el Dib 60–190, 70078 Antelias, Beirut, Lebanon Telephone: (961) 441 64 10 Fax: (961) 441 64 13 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic. of Lithuania / Lietuvas Republika Klaipeda Mr Prancißkus Jurgutis, 2001 Minijos gatve 2, Klaipe˙da, LT-5802, Lietuva Telephone/fax: (370) 46 310 223 E–mail: [email protected]

116 Republic of Malta / Maltas Republika Not. Dr. Mark Anthony Sammut, LL.D, 2001 215/3a Triq il–Fran, Valletta VLT11, Malta Telefons: (356) 21 246 162 Fakss: (356) 21 240 023 E–pasts: [email protected]

United Mexican States / Meksikas Savienotås Valstis Ms Beatrise Åboltiña-Trueblood, 1993 Paseo del Rio 120, Chimalistac, 01070 Mexico Telephone: (52) 5 662 94 80 Fax: (52) 5 662 03 55 E–mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Republic of Moldova/ Moldovas Republika Mr Valeriy Dragnev, 2003 Appt. 4, 40 Eminesc str., Chisinau, 2012, Republic of Moldova Telephone: (373) 672 24 21 Phone/Fax: (373) 221 31 48 E–mail: [email protected]

Kingdom of Morocco/ Marokas Karaliste Mr Hicham Tazi, 2003 89 Rue Bachir Al Ibrahimi, 20500, Casablanca, Morocco Telephone: 212 22 54 10 56 Fax: 212 22 54 10 58 E–mail: [email protected]

Mr Toufic Kawar, 2004 13 Lot Dahr Tamaa, Souissi, Rabat, Morocco Telephone: 212 62 77 29 70 E–mail: [email protected]


Kingdom of the Netherlands / Nîderlandes Karaliste Noordholland, Zuid-Holland, Utrecht, Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, Flevoland (West) Mr Hendrik Johannes van de Roemer, 1995 Atjehweg 7, NL–2202 AM Noordwijk, The Netherlands Telephone: (31) (0) 71 361 23 35 Fax: (31) (0) 71 364 85 09 E–mail: [email protected] Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe, Flevoland (East), Overijssel, Gelderlan, Limburg Mr Jan Schuur, 1995 Achterste Erm 20, 7843 TC Erm (Province of Drenthe), The Netherlands Telephone /Fax: (31) (0) 591 564 340 E–mail: [email protected]

New Zealand / Jaunzélande Mr Emîls Déliñß, 1993 Honorary Consul-General P.O. Box 23 Kew, Vic. 3101, Australia Telephone: (61) 3 949 969 20 Fax: (61) 3 949 970 08 E–mail: [email protected] 117 Kingdom of Norway / Norvé©ijas Karaliste

Tromso/ Mr Ka° re-Bjørn Kongsnes, 2003 Sjo/lundveien 7, P.O.Box 2504, N-9267 Tromso/, Norway Telephone: (47) 776 001 00 Fax: (47) 776 123 44 E–mail: [email protected] Trondheim Mr Ole Birger Giæver, 2002 Verfsgaten 4, P.O.Box 2250, 7412 Trondheim, Norway Telephone: (47) 739 943 00 Fax: (47) 739 943 10 E–mail: ole.birger.giaever@giaever–hegle.no Bergen Mr Jostein Alvheim, 1996 Strandkaien 16, 5013 Bergen, Norway Telephone: (47) 55 320 440 (47) 55 364 820 Fax: (47) 55 234 113 (47) 55 364 836 E–mail: [email protected] Kristiansand Mr Erling Johansen, 1994 Gravane 26, Post Box 57, 4661 Kristiansand, Norway Telephone: (47) 38 10 71 80 Fax: (47) 38 10 71 89 E–mail: [email protected] Oslo Mr Arvid Grundekjøn, 1992 Honorary Consul–General Beddingen 8, Aker Brygge, P.O.Box 1583 Vika, 0118 Oslo, Norway Telephone: (47) 22 014 200 Fax: (47) 22 014 374 E–mail: [email protected]


Islamic Republic of Pakistan / Pakistånas Islama Republika Mr Majid Sultan Khwaja, 1997 6-B, Block 6, P.E.C.H.S. Sharah-e-Faisal, Karachi, 75400 Pakistan Telephone: (92) 21 454 84 03–5 Fax: (92) 21 454 84 06 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of the Philippines / Filipînu Republika Mr Robert Lim Joseph, 1994 2253 Aurora Blvd. (Tramo), Pasay City, Metro Manila, The Philippines Telephone: (63) 833 25 51/52–55 Fax: (63) 833 23 58 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of Poland / Polijas Republika S´la˛skie, Mal/polskie, Podkarpackie Mr Tadeusz Biedzki, 2000 Ul. Staromiejska 4, 40–013 Katowice, Poland Telephone: (48) 32 253 90 04 E–mail [email protected] 118 Wielkopolskie, Lubuskie, Zachodnio-Pomorskie Mr Andrzej Wojda, 2000 Ul. Wroclawska 6, 61 – 837 Poznan, Poland Telephone: (48) 61 853 11 06 Lódzkie, Opolskie, Katowice, Dolnos´ta˛skie Mr Wladyslaw Walter Kotaba, 1999 AI.Tadeusza Kosciuszki 35, 90–418 Lodz, Poland Telephone: (48) 42 633 97 68 E–mail: [email protected]

Gdan´ sk, Elbla˛g, Sl/upsk, Olsztyn Mr Krzysztof Figel, 1994 Ul. Ogarna 99/100, 80/826 Gdansk, Poland Telephone: (48) 58 305 92 85 Fax: (48) 58 305 92 84

Portuguese Republic / Portugåles Republika Porto Mr Augusto Ferreira Machado, 2001 Rue do Calvário 562, Sandim, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal Telephone: (351) 22 76 33 013 Fax: (351) 22 61 67 315

Republic of San Marino / Sanmarîno Republika Dott. Niccolo Rositani, 2002 Via Suor Maria Celeste 1, 50125 Firenze, ltaly Telephone: (39) 055 224 597 Fax: (39) 055 222 090 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of Singapore / Singapüras Republika Ms Rita V.Skuja–Steele, 1993 10-29 Grand Tower, 27 Moulmein Rise, Singapore 308 140 Telephone: (65) 625 665 97 Fax: (65) 625 613 59 E–mail: [email protected]


Republic of South Africa / Dienvidåfrikas Republika Prof. Hanoch Neishlos, 2000 4 Lafayette, 39 Harrow Road, Sandhurst, Sandton 2196, South Africa Telephone: (27) 117 839 442 Fax: (27) 117 839 450 E–mail: [email protected]

Kingdom of Spain / Spånijas Karaliste

Sevilla, Almeria, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Malaga Mr Jose´ Jime´nez Silva, 2003 C/ Macarena 4, 41003 Sevilla, Spain Telephone: (34) 954 372 376 Fax: (34) 954 372 296 E–mail: [email protected] Valencia, Alicante, Castellón de la Plana Mr Francisco Martinez Taberner, 2001 Mortin 14, 10 E, 46002 Valencia, Spain Telephone: (34) 96 351 96 48 Fax: (34) 96 352 28 79 Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona, Lleida, Huesca, Zaragoza, Teruel, Islas Baleares 119 Mr Bonaventura Bajet Royo, 2000 Avda. Diagonal 490, 2 – 2, 08008 Barcelona, Spain Telephone: (34) 93 416 00 44 Fax: (34) 93 416 14 97

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka / Írilankas Demokråtiskå Sociålistiskå Republika Mr Thomas F.Daetwyler, 2001 No 7, Upper Chatham Str., Baurs' Building, P.O.Box 11, Colombo 1, Sri Lanka Telephone: (94) 12 385 660–1 Fax: (94) 12 448 493 E–mail: [email protected]

Kingdom of Sweden / Zviedrijas Karaliste Värmland Mr Ulf Schenkmanis, 2003 Hantverkargatan 13, S–65460 Karlstad, Sweden Telephone: (46) 54 18 56 00 E–mail: [email protected] Kalmar Mr Andris Nolendorfs, 2002 Pukeberg Glasbruk, Box 800, S–38228 Nybro, Sweden Telephone: (46) 481 800 00 Fax: (46) 481 140 00 E–mail: [email protected] Ska°ne Mr Ingemar Nilsson, 1998 Jöns Lärares grand 4, S–23935 Skanör, Sweden Telephone: (46) 40 690 24 00 Fax: 46) 40 611 86 09 E–mail: [email protected] Gotland Mr Fjalars M. Linge, 1998 Magasins gatan 7, S–62158 Visby, Gotland, Sweden Telephone: (46) 498 27 73 70


Södermanland Mr Stig Thorsson, 1997 Birger Jarlsgatan 65A, 5 tr., S–11356 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone: (46) 8 611 25 29 Fax: (46) 8 611 25 29 E–mail: [email protected] Göteborg Mr Robert Rydingstam, 1993 Massans gatan 18, P.O. Box 5253, S–402 25 Göteborg, Sweden Postal address: Hamngatan 23, S–44030 Marstrand, Sweden Telephone: (46) 705 860 606 Fax: (46) 30 360 827 E–mail: [email protected]

Swiss Confederation/ Íveices Konfederåcija Mr Ragnar Granelli, 2003 Mu¨nsterhof 13, 8001 Zu¨rich, Switzerland Telephone: 41 (0) 1 215 16 10 Telefax: 41 (0) 1 221 04 39 E–mail: [email protected] 120 Syrian Arab Republic / Sîrijas Aråbu Republika Mr Nihad Zabadneh, 2001 No 30/1, 1st floor, AI Kudci Bldg, Hejaz, Sadallah Al.Jabiri Str., P.O.Box 2522, Damascus, Syria Telephone: (963) 11 224 42 21 (963) 11 221 24 62 Fax: (963) 11 245 13 21 E–mail: [email protected] saybolt@scs–net.org

Kingdom of Thailand / Taizemes Karaliste Mr Prasong Chongratanankul, 1995 113/13 Suriwong Rd., 10500 Bangkok, Thailand Telephone: (66) 2 237 35 85 Fax: (66) 2 237 35 89

Republic of Turkey / Turcijas Republika Mr Ahmet Arbatli, 1998 Bag˘dat Caddesi No.367/7, Erenköy, Istanbul, Turkey Telephone: (90) 216 302 50 42 (90) 216 358 82 98 Fax: (90) 216 302 64 42 E–mail: [email protected]

Ukraine/ Ukraina Mrs Olena Alyeksyenko, 2003 Ulica Kanatnaja 101B – 53, Odessa, 65039, Ukraine Telephone/Fax: 38 (0482) 227 814 (Cell) Phone: 38 (050) 502 41 47 E–mail: [email protected]


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / Lielbritånijas un Zieme¬îrijas Apvienotå Karaliste Wales Mr Andris Tauriñß, 2002 Lulworth House, Monk Street, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire NP7 5NP, Wales, United Kingdom Telephone: (44) 187 385 71 77 Fax: (44) 187 385 26 30 E–mail: [email protected]

United States of America / Amerikas Savienotås Valstis Connecticut Mr Roger Anderson, 2003 22 Putnam Place, Greenwich, CT 66830, USA Telephone: (1) 914 337 8585 E–mail: [email protected] New York Mrs Gerta Feigina, 2002 200 West 79th Street, Apt. #6E, New York, New York 10024, USA Telephone: (1) 212 496 22 95 Ohio 121 Mr Kårlis Íteinmanis, 2002 251 Sunny Acres Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45255, USA Telephone: (1) 513 983 43 49 Fax: (1) 513 983 87 68 E–mail: [email protected] Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico Mr Stephen P.Payne, 2000 5847 San Felipe, Suite 3275, Houston, TX 77057, USA Telephone: (1) 713 888 04 04 Fax: (1) 713 952 11 10 E–mail: [email protected] California Mr Alfréds Raisters, 1996 3013 Palos Verdes Drive West, Palos Verdes Estates, California CA 90274, USA Telephone: (1) 310 377 17 84 Fax: (1) 310 377 52 35 E–mail: [email protected]

Republic of Venezuela / Venecuélas Republika Ms Irene Sadde, 1999 Ave.Principal, Qta. Rancho Grande, Country Club, Caracas 1062, Venezuela Postal address: c/o Pakmail E–10022, P.O. Box 025304, Miami, FL 33102–5304, USA Telephone: (58) 212 265 22 14 Fax: (58) 212 242 71 36 E–mail: [email protected]

yearbook THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA 2003. gadå noslégtie starptautiskie divpuséjie lîgumi Bilateral agreements concluded in 2003 LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata — — — — — — Publikåcija Publication Termiñß Duration beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time spékå Status in force Statuss nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå 10.09.2003 not in force not in force not in force not in force not in force Saeima Ministru Ministru Ministru Ministru Ministru Adopted Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Ministers Ministers Ministers Ministers Ministers Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of 25.11.2003 29.04.2003 26.11.2003 29.04.2003 18.12.2002 20.11.2003 (Parliament) Apstiprinåts 123 Date of datums conclusion 10.09.2003 05.12.2003 05.12.2003 08.07.2003 04.12.2003 12.03.2003 Noslégßanas Latvijas Republikas un Bulgårijas Republikas konvencija par nodok¬u dubultås uzlikßanas un nodok¬u nemaksåßanas novérßanu attiecîbå uz ienåkuma nodok¬iem Convention between the Republic of Latvia and Bulgaria for Avoidance Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Argentînas Republikas valdîbas lîgums par atteikßanos no vîzu prasîbas diplomåtisko un oficiålo vai dienesta pasu turétåjiem Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Argentine Republic on Visa Requirement Suppression for Holders of Diplomatic and Official or Service Passports Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Baltkrievijas Republikas valdîbas vienoßanås par sadarbîbu katastrofu, dabas stihiju, citu årkårtéju situåciju novérßanå, kå arî to seku likvidéßanå Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Belarus on Cooperation in Prevention Disasters, Natural Calamity and Other Large–Scale Accidents as well in Elimination of their Consequences Grozîjumi Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Amerikas Savienoto Valstu valdîbas 2001. gada 20. septembra Vienoßanås protokolå par likuma izpildi Amendment to the Letter of Agreement on Law Enforcement September 20, 2001 between the Government of Republic Latvia and United States America Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Argentînas Republikas valdîbas lîgums par atteikßanos no vîzåm parastajås pasés Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Argentine Republic on Suppression of Visas in Ordinary Passports Amerikas Savienotås Valstis United States of America Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Amerikas Savienoto Valstu valdîbas lîgums par privåtås izglîtîbas iestådes “Latvijas Starptautiskå skola” darbîbas nodroßinåßanu Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and United States of America concerning the status private educational institution “The International School of Latvia” Nosaukums Title Bulgårijas Republika Republic of Bulgaria Argentînas Republika Argentine Republic Baltkrievijas Republika Republic of Belarus

yearbook THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata — — — “Latvijas LV, Nr.33 Véstnesis” LV, Nr.159 Publikåcija (LV) official Publication 12.11.2003 28.02.2003 17.04.2003 gazette, Nr.60 Termiñß Duration beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time spékå spékå Status in force in force Statuss nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå not in force not in force not in force not in force 01.05.2003 28.02.2003 Saeima Saeima Saeima Ministru Ministru Ministru Adopted Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Ministers Ministers Ministers Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of 18.12.2003 30.10.2003 13.02.2003 17.04.2003 25.11.2003 15.10.2003 Apstiprinåts 124 Date of datums conclusion 04.02.2003 16.04.2003 28.02.2003 27.05.2003 04.12.2003 27.06.2003 Noslégßanas Pievienoßanås lîgums Eiropas savienîbai Accession Treaty to European Union Grozîjumi 1996.gada 10.jülija Rîgå parakstîtajå Nolîgumå starp Latvijas Republikas valdîbu un Igaunijas Republikas valdîbu par valsts robeΩas ß˚érsoßanas vietåm Amendments of the Agreement between Government Republic Latvia and Government of the Republic Estonia regarding Border Crossing Points Ikgadéjais finansu lîgums 2002. gadam starp Latvijas Republiku un Eiropas Komisiju Kopienas vårdå Annual Financing Agreement 2002 between the Republic of Latvia and Commission European Communities on behalf of the Community Eiropas savienîbas un Latvijas Asociåcijas padomes lémums par grozîjumiem Eiropas lîguma 3.protokolå Decision No 1.2003 of the Association Council 27.05.2003 Amending Protocol 3 Europe Agreement Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Bulgårijas Republikas valdîbas lîgums par ieguldîjumu veicinåßanu un savstarpéju aizsardzîbu Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Bulgaria for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection Investments Ikgadéjais finansu lîgums 2003. gadam starp Latvijas Republiku un Eiropas Komisiju Kopienas vårdå Annual Financing Agreement 2003 between the Republic of Latvia and Commission European Communities on behalf of the Community Nosaukums Title Eiropas savienîba European Union Igaunijas Republika Republic of Estonia Eiropas Kopiena The European Communities

yearbook THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata — — — — LV, Nr.84 LV, Nr.132 Publikåcija Publication 05.06.2003 25.09.2003 lîdz till 5 gadi 5 years Termiñß Duration beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña 31.12.2003 indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time spékå spékå spékå spékå Status in force in force in force in force Statuss nav spékå nav spékå not in force not in force 29.09.2003 26.08.2003 27.06.2003 19.11.2003 Saeima Ministru Ministru Ministru Ministru Ministru Adopted Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Ministers Ministers Ministers Ministers Ministers Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of 23.09.2003 24.01.2003 04.11.2003 18.12.2003 25.03.2003 30.09.2003 Apstiprinåts 125 Date of datums conclusion 22.05.2003 15.10.2003 20.11.2003 29.09.2003 06.08.2003 07.11.2003 Noslégßanas Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Japånas valdîbas lîgums par Japånas valdîbas pieß˚irto neatmaksåjamo tehnisko palîdzîbu Latvijai kultüras jomå – Latvijas Valsts kinofotofonodokumentu arhîvam dokumentu saglabåßanas iekårtu iegådei Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Japan Concerning the Japanese Cultural Cooperation for Supply of Equipment Preservation Documents to Latvia’s State Archive of Film, Photo and Audio Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Kuveitas valdîbas lîgums par Latvijas Republikas bruñoto spéku statusu Kuveitas Valstî Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and State Kuwait concerning the status of National Armed Forces Latvia in Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Kanådas valdîbas sapraßanås memorands par savstarpéju sadarbîbu ar måjokli saistîtajos jautåjumos Memorandum of Understanding between the Government Republic Latvia and Government of Canada Concerning Mutual Cooperation on Housing–related Matters Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Korejas Republikas valdîbas lîgums par vîzu reΩîma atcelßanu Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Korea on the Abolition Visa Requirements Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Igaunijas Republikas valdîbas nolîgums par sadarbîbu dzelzce¬a transporta jomå Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Estonia on Cooperation in the Field Railroad Transport Japåna Japan Kuveitas Valsts State of Kuwait Nosaukums Title Kanåda Canada Korejas Republika Republic of Korea Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Kanådas valdîbas lîgums par kopraΩojumiem audiovizuålajå nozaré Audio–Visual Co–Production Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and the Government of Canada

yearbook THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata — — — — — LV, Nr.169 Publikåcija Publication 02.12.2003 Termiñß Duration beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time spékå Status in force Statuss nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå 19.12.2003 not in force not in force not in force not in force not in force Saeima Ministru Ministru Ministru Ministru Ministru Adopted Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Ministers Ministers Ministers Ministers Ministers Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of 24.04.2003 17.06.2003 12.08.2003 18.02.2003 12.12.2001 20.11.2003 Apstiprinåts 126 Date of datums conclusion 29.05.2003 06.11.2003 26.02.2003 04.09.2003 30.06.2003 01.07.2003 Noslégßanas Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Moldovas Republikas valdîbas lîgums par sadarbîbu cîñå pret terorismu, nelegålo narkotisko, psihotropo vielu un prekursoru apriti organizéto noziedzîbu Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Moldova on Cooperation in Combating Terrorism, Illicit Trafficking Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors Organized Crime Latvijas Republikas valdîbu un Polijas Republikas valdîbas lîgums par savstarpéju klasificétås informåcijas aizsardzîbu Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Poland on Mutual Protection Classified Information Latvijas Republikas un Spånijas Karalistes konvencija par nodok¬u dubultås uzlikßanas un nodok¬u nemaksåßanas novérßanu attiecîbå uz ienåkuma un kapitåla nodok¬iem Convention between the Republic of Latvia and Kingdom Spain for Avoidance Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income on Capital Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Salvadoras Republikas valdîbas lîgums par vîzu reΩîma atcelßanu diplomåtisko un dienesta vai oficiålo pasu turétåjiem Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of El Salvador for the Waiver Expedition Visas in Diplomatic and Service or Official Passports Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Mongolijas valdîbas lîgums par sadarbîbu kultürå, izglîtîbå un zinåtné Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Mongolia on Cooperation in the Field of Culture, Education and Science Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Moldovas Republikas valdîbas nolîgums par sadarbîbu türisma jomå Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Moldova on Cooperation in the Field Tourism Moldovas Republika Republic of Moldova Nosaukums Title Polijas Republika Republic of Poland Spånijas Karaliste Kingdom of Spain Salvadoras Republika Republic of El Salvador Mongolija Mongolia

yearbook THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata — — — — LV, Nr.152 LV, Nr.125 Publikåcija Publication 30.11.2003 12.09.2003 Termiñß Duration beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time spékå Status in force Statuss pagaidu nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå nav spékå not in force not in force not in force not in force provisional application 24.12.2003 18.09.2003 pieméroßanå Saeima Saeima Ministru Ministru Ministru Ministru Adopted Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Ministers Ministers Ministers Ministers Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of 19.08.2003 16.10.2003 04.11.2003 12.08.2003 11.11.2003 06.11.2003 Apstiprinåts 127 Date of datums conclusion 20.10.2003 19.08.2003 05.05.2003 07.11.2003 09.09.2003 24.11.2003 Noslégßanas Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Ukrainas valdîbas vienoßanås par grozîjumiem protokolå pie lîguma par personu nodoßanu un pieñemßanu Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Ukraine on Amendments to the Protocol Agreement Admission and Transfer of Persons Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Turcijas Republikas valdîbas lîgums par sadarbîbu un savstarpéju palîdzîbu muitas lietås Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Turkey on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in customs Matters Latvijas Republikas un Turcijas brîvås tirdzniecîbas lîguma Papildprotokols Nr.2 "Par grozîjumiem C protokolå" Additional Protocol No. 2 on Amendments to the C of Free Trade agreement between the Republic of Latvia and Turkey Latvijas Republikas un Ukrainas brîvås tirdzniecîbas lîguma Protokols “Par izñémumiem no brîvås tirdzniecîbas reΩîma” The Protocol to the Agreement between Republic of Latvia and Ukraine on Free Trade Exceptions from the Free Trade Regime Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Ukrainas Ministru kabineta lîgums par savstarpéju klasificétås informåcijas aizsardzîbu Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Cabinet Ministers Ukraine on Mutual Protection of Classified Information Latvijas Republikas un Spånijas Karalistes lîgums par sadarbîbu cîñå pret terorismu, organizéto noziedzîbu, nelegålu narkotisko, psihotropo vielu un prekursoru apriti citiem noziedzîgiem nodarîjumiem Agreement between the Republic of Latvia and Kingdom Spain on Cooperation in Combating Terrorism, Organised Crime, Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors Other Crime Ukraina Ukraine Nosaukums Title Turcijas Republika Republic of Turkey

yearbook THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata — — — LV, Nr.123 Publikåcija Publication 10.09.2003 Termiñß Duration beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña beztermiña indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time indefinite time spékå spékå Status in force in force Statuss nav spékå nav spékå not in force not in force 25.09.2003 06.11.2003 Ministru Ministru Ministru Ministru Adopted Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Kabinets Ministers Ministers Ministers Ministers Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of Cabinet of 09.12.2003 11.06.2002 25.06.2003 29.04.2003 Apstiprinåts 128 Date of datums conclusion 19.11.2003 17.06.2002 07.07.2003 11.12.2003 Noslégßanas Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Ungårijas Republikas valdîbas lîgums par sadarbîbu un savstarpéjo palîdzîbu katastrofu un citos plaßa méroga nelaimes gadîjumos Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Hungary on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in the Event Disasters Other Large–Scale Accidents Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Venecuélas Bolivåra Republikas valdîbas lîgums par vîzu atcelßanu diplomåtisko, oficiålo un dienesta pasu turétåjiem Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Bolivar Republic of Venezuela for the Waiver Expedition Visas in Diplomatic and Service or Official Passports Latvijas Republikas valdîbas un Uzbekistånas Republikas valdîbas vienoßanås par sadarbîbu cîñå pret organizéto noziedzîbu, terorismu, nelegålu narkotisko vielu, psihotropo vielu un prekursoru apriti Agreement between the Government of Republic Latvia and Republic of Uzbekistan on Cooperation in Combating Organized Crime, Terrorism, Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors Grozîjumi 1995. gada 30.marta Latvijas Republikas un Våcijas Federatîvås Republikas valdîbas nolîgumå par sadarbîbu organizétås noziedzîbas, terorisma un paaugstinåtas bîstamîbas noziegumu apkaroßanå Amendments to the Agreement between Government of Republic Latvia and Government of the Federal Republic Germany on Cooperation in Struggle Against Organised Criminality, Terrorism and the Increased Dangerousness Crimes Ungårijas Republika Republic of Hungary Venecuélas Republika Republic of Venezuela Nosaukums Title Uzbekistånas Republika Republic of Uzbekistan Våcijas Federatîvå Republika Federal Republic of Germany



Ar 2003. gadu Latvijå spékå esoßie starptautiskie daudzpuséjie lîgumi

International multilateral treaties Latvia has acceded to in 2003

yearbook THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata Nr. 95 Publicéts Published LV, Nr. 23 LV, Nr. 79 LV, Nr. 92 08.07.2003 13.11.2002 26.06.2003 12.02.2003 28.05.2003 19.06.2003 LV, Nr. 101 LV, Nr. 165 “Latvijas Véstnesis” (LV), official gazette, law law law law law law likums likums likums likums likums likums Legal Act Normatîvais akts 19.06.2003 05.06.2003 15.05.2003 31.10.2002 23.01.2003 05.06.2003 acceptance Ratification, 130 Apstiprinåßana 01.11.2003 04.03.2003 18.08.2003 18.06.2003 01.10.2003 30.10.2003 Entry into force Ståßanås spékå elfå apkaroßanu Starptautiskå augu aizsardzîbas konvencija International Plant Protection Convention Konvencija par Eiropas arhitektüras mantojuma aizsardzîbu Convention for the Protection of Architectural Heritage of Europe Nosaukums Title Eiropas konvencija par Starptautisko ß˚îréjtiesu European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration Eiropas Konvencija par årlaulîbå dzimußo bérnu tiesisko statusu European Convention on Legal Status of Children born out of Wedlock Konvencija par prettiesisku darbîbu pret ku©oßanas droßîbu apkaroßanu un tås Protokols par prettiesisku darbîbu pret nostiprinåtu platformu droßîbu kontinentålajå ß Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation and its Protocol for Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety Fixed Platforms located on the Continental Shelf Eiropas konvencija par kriminålspriedumu starptautisko spékå esamîbu European Convention on the Validity of Criminal Judgments Granåda Granada Roma Rome Håga The Hague Roma Rome Pilséta City Ûenéva Geneva Strasbüra Strasbourg 21.04.1961 10.08.1988 Datums Date 06.12.1951 15.10.1975 28.05.1970 03.10.1985

yearbook THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata — LV, Nr. 5 Publicéts Published LV, Nr. 101 05.07.2002 13.11.2002 09.10.2002 10.01.2003 LV, Nr. 165 LV, Nr. 145 law law law law likums likums likums likums Legal Act noteikumi Normatîvais akts Regulation of the Ministru Kabineta Cabinet of Ministers 07.01.2003 20.06.2002 31.10.2002 26.09.2002 15.06.1994 acceptance Ratification, Apstiprinåßana 131 31.08.2003 22.02.2003 11.02.2003 19.01.2003 22.02.2003 Entry into force Ståßanås spékå rkårtîgus postîjumus vai kam ir neselektîva darbîba, Lîgums par sikspårñu aizsardzîbu Eiropå Agreement on the Conservation of Bats in Europe 1980.gada 10.oktobra Konvencijas par tådu konkrétu parasto ieroçu veidu lietoßanas aizliegßanu vai ierobeΩoßanu, kurus var uzskatît par ieroçiem, kas nodara å 2.protokols ar 1996.gada 3.maija grozîjumiem Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions the Use of Mines, Booby–Traps and Other Devices as amended on 3 May 1996 (Protocol II as amended on 3 1996) annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to Excessively Injurious or have Indiscriminate Effects Nosaukums Title Atvérto debesu lîgums Treaty on Open Skies Apvienoto Nåciju Organizåcijas Konvencija par cîñu pret pårtuksneßoßanos/zemes degradåciju valstîs, kurås novérojami ievérojami sausuma periodi un/vai pårtuksneßoßanås, jo îpaßi Åfrikå United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa Konvencija par strådåjoßo prasîbu aizsardzîbu uzñéméja maksåtnespéjas gadîjumå Convention concerning the Protection of Workers Claims in the event of Insolvency their Employer Ûenéva Geneva Londona London Ûenéva Geneva Pilséta City Helsinki Helsinki Parîze Paris 24.03.1992 14.10.1994 Datums Date 04.12.1991 23.06.1992 03.05.1996

yearbook THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata Publicéts Published LV, Nr. 48 LV, Nr. 87 LV, Nr.125 31.10.2002 13.11.2002 27.03.2002 06.06.2001 LV, Nr. 165 law law law law likums likums likums likums Legal Act Normatîvais akts 17.10.2002 14.03.2002 17.05.2001 31.10.2002 acceptance Ratification, 132 Apstiprinåßana 01.04.2003 01.01.2003 01.04.2003 29.09.2003 Entry into force Ståßanås spékå Konvencija par jurisdikciju, piemérojamiem tiesîbu aktiem, atzîßanu, izpildi un sadarbîbu attiecîbå uz vecåku atbildîbu un bérnu aizsardzîbas pasåkumiem Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children Nosaukums Title ANO Konvencija pret transnacionålo organizéto noziedzîbu United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crimes Nolîgums par pasaΩieru neregulårajiem starptautiskajiem pårvadåjumiem ar autobusiem (INTERBUS) Agreement on the International Occasional Carriage of Passengers by Coach and Bus (INTERBUS Agreement) Papildprotokols Eiropas lîgumam par juridiskås palîdzîbas pieprasîjumu nosütîßanu Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on Transmission of Applications for Legal Aid Håga The Hague ˆujorka New York Brisele Brussels Maskava Moscow Pilséta City 04.10.2001 14.04.2000 Datums Date 19.10.1996 15.11.2000


Årlietu ministrijas struktüra Organisational chart of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 134

Årlietu ministre Sandra Kalniete Ministres birojs

Valsts sekretårs Parlamentårais sekretårs Måris Riekstiñß Péteris Elferts Pårståvniecîbas årvalstîs Pårziñå esoßå institücija Valsts sekretåra birojs LR Ministru kabineta pårståvja véstniecîbas, ©enerålkonsulåti, Valsts akciju sabiedrîba starptautiskajås cilvéktiesîbu konsulåti, pårståvniecîbas “Diplomåtiskå servisa a©entüra” Personåla departaments institücijås birojs starptautiskajås organizåcijås Personåla noda¬a Måcîbu centrs Rîcîbå un pårziñå pårcelti diplomåti Inspektoråts Plånoßanas grupa THE MINISTRYOFFOREIGN AFFAIRSOFTHEREPUBLICLATVIA Iekßéjais audits

Divpuséjo attiecîbu direkcija Eiropas Savienîbas direkcija Droßîbas politikas un Informåcijas un sabiedrisko Administratîvi juridiskå Valsts protokols Valsts sekretåra vietnieks Valsts sekretåra vietnieks starptautisko organizåciju attiecîbu direkcija direkcija direkcija Valsts sekretåra vietnieks Valsts sekretåra vietnieks LATVIJAS REPUBLIKASÅRLIETUMINISTRIJA Valsts sekretåra vietnieks

1. divpuséjo attiecîbu ES politikas Droßîbas politikas Preses un sabiedrisko Konsulårais departaments departaments departaments departaments attiecîbu departaments Konsulårås palîdzîbas Årvalstu vizîßu noda¬a Baltijas un ES vispåréjo NATO un Eiropas Preses centra noda¬a noda¬a gadagråmata yearbook Zieme¬valstu noda¬a politiku noda¬a droßîbas politikas noda¬a Funkcionålå noda¬a Diplomåtiskå korpusa Sabiedrisko attiecîbu noda¬a Rietumeiropas valstu ES ekonomiskås Starptautisko operåciju un projektu noda¬a Konsulåri tiesisko politikas noda¬a noda¬a un krîΩu noreguléjuma jautåjumu noda¬a Valsts prezidenta noda¬a Informåcijas departaments Centråleiropas valstu ES institüciju noda¬a noda¬a Íengenas noda¬a noda¬a Preses analîzes noda¬a Bruñojuma kontroles Kanceleja ES åréjo ekonomisko noda¬a Informåcijas noda¬a 2. divpuséjo attiecîbu attiecîbu departaments Tulkoßanas birojs Juridiskais departaments departaments Starptautiskås Starptautisko organizåciju Krievijas, NVS valstu tirdzniecîbas un un humanitåro jautåjumu Starptautisko lîgumu noda¬a investîciju noda¬a departaments noda¬a Amerikas, Austrålijas un Sadarbîbas un attîstîbas Starptautisko Starptautisko tiesîbu Okeånijas valstu noda¬a politikas noda¬a organizåciju noda¬a noda¬a Åzijas un Åfrikas valstu Humanitåro jautåjumu Administratîvi tiesiskå ES koordinåcijas noda¬a noda¬a noda¬a departaments Åréjo ekonomisko sakaru Paståvîgo pårståvju Dokumentåcijas veicinåßanas departaments komitejas 1. da¬as pårvaldîbas departaments sagatavoßanas noda¬a Seviß˚ås lietvedîbas Paståvîgo pårståvju noda¬a komitejas 2. da¬as Dokumentu izpildes sagatavoßanas noda¬a organizåcijas noda¬a ES tiesîbu noda¬a Arhîva noda¬a Kancelejas noda¬a Diplomåtiskais pasts Finansu un îpaßuma departaments Finansu plånoßanas un analîzes noda¬a Finanßu uzskaites noda¬a Èpaßuma un lo©istikas noda¬a Informåcijas tehnolo©iju departaments Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Kalniete Minister’s Bureau

State Secretary Parliamentary Secretary Måris Riekstiñß Péteris Elferts Representations Abroad: Institution Under Supervision State Secretary’s Bureau Bureau of the Cabinet on Embassies, Consulates-General, State Stock Company Minister’s Representative at Consulates; Missions to “Diplomatic Service Agency” Personnel Department International Human Rights International Organisations Personnel Division Organisations Training Centre diplomats at disposal Inspectorate Planning Unit THE MINISTRYOFFOREIGN AFFAIRSOFTHEREPUBLICLATVIA Internal Auditing Office

Bilateral Relatons Directorate EU Directorate Security Policy and Information and Public Administrative Legal State Protocol

Under-Secretary of State Under-Secretary of State International Organisations Relations Directorate Affairs Directorate LATVIJAS REPUBLIKASÅRLIETUMINISTRIJA Directorate Under-Secretary of State Under-Secretary of State Under-Secretary of State

1st Bilateral Relations EU Policy Department Security Policy Department Press and Public Relations Consular Department Foreign Visits Division Department Department Consular Assistance gadagråmata EU General Policy NATO and European Diplomatic Corps Division yearbook Baltic and Nordic Division Security Policy Division Press Centre Division Countries Division EU Economic Policy International Operations Public Relations and Operational Division President’s Division Western Europe Division and Crisis Management Projects Division Consular – Legal Division EU Institutions Division Division Affairs Division Information Department Central Europe Division Arms Control Division Schengen Division EU Foreign Economic Press Review Division Chancery 2nd Bilateral Relations Relations Department Department for International Information Division Department International Trade and Organisations and Translation Division Russia, CIS Countries Investment Division Human Rights Legal Affairs Department Division International Co-operation and International Agreements Division The Americas, Australia Development Policy Organisations Division and Oceania Division Division International Law Human Rights Division Division Asia and Africa Division EU Co-ordination Administrative Legal Secretariat for Promotion of Department Affairs Division Foreign Economic Relations COREPER 1 Division Records Management COREPER 2 Division Department EU Law Division Special Registry Division Document Processing Division Archive Chancery Division Diplomatic Mail Finance and Property Department Planning and Analysis Division Finance Management Division Property and Logistics Division Information Technology Department 135 LATVIJAS REPUBLIKAS ÅRLIETU MINISTRIJA gadagråmata

Saîsinåjumi un akronîmi Abbreviations and acronyms


ANO – Apvienoto Nåciju organizåcija IKP – iekßzemes kopprodukts ANAP – ANO Attîstîbas programma ISAF – International Security Assistance Force ANP – Annual National Programme KEDAP – Kopéjå Eiropas droßîbas un aizsardzîbas politika ASV – Amerikas Savienotås Valstis TR – înas Tautas Republika BA – Baltijas Asambleja, Baltic Assembly LITTA – Latvijas Informåcijas tehnolo©iju un BCM – Baltic Council of Ministers telekomunikåciju asociåcija BJVP – Baltijas jüras valstu padome LR – Latvijas Republika BMP – Baltijas Ministru padome MFA – Ministry of Foreign Affairs CBSS – Council of the Baltic Sea States MK – Ministru kabinets CFE – Conventional Forces in Europe MP – Ministru padome CFSP – Common Foreign and Security Policy NAC – North Atlantic Council CIDA – Canadian International Development Agency NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organisation CIS – Commonwealth of Independent States OECD – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development DICB – EDSO Demokråtisko institüciju un cilvéktiesîbu birojs – Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe EAPC – Euro–Atlantic Partnership Council OSCE – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe EAPP – Eiroatlantiskås partnerîbas padome PACE – Pasaules Brîvo latvießu apvienîba EATA – Estonian Atlantic Treaty Assiociation PBLA – Political–Military Steering Committee (NATO) EBRD – European Bank for Reconstruction and Development PMSC – Pasaules tirdzniecîbas organizåcija ECT – Eiropas Cilvéktiesîbu tiesa PTO – Rîcîbas plåns dalîbai NATO EDAP – Eiropas droßîbas un aizsardzîbas politika RPDN – NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe EDSO – Eiropas droßîbas un sadarbîbas organizåcija SACEUR Starptautiskå kriminåltiesa EEA – European Economic Area SKT – – starpvaldîbu komisija EET – Eiropas Ekonomiskå telpa SVK – United Kingdom EK – Eiropas Komisija UK – United Nations Organisation EP – Eiropas Padome vai Eiropas Parlaments UN – United Nations Development Programme EPPA – Eiropas Padomes Parlamentårå asambleja UNDP – United Nations Educational, Scientific and ES – Eiropas savienîba UNESCO Cultural Organisation ESAO – Ekonomiskås sadarbîbas un attîstîbas organizåcija US – United States ESDP – European Security and Defence Policy VFR – Våcijas Federatîvå Republika EU – European Union V10 – “Vi¬ñas desmitnieka” grupas NATO kandidåtvalstis, Eurojust “Vilnius ten” group NATO aspirant countries Europol WFFL – World Federation of Free Latvians ERAB – Eiropas rekonstrukcijas un attîstîbas banka WTO – World Trade Organisation FICIL – Foreign Investors Council in Latvia FYROM – Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia GDP – Gross Domestic Product ÌA – Ìenerålå asambleja HQ – Headquarters ICC – International Criminal Court IFRI – Francijas Starptautisko attiecîbu institüts