CSCSD Occasional Paper Number 1, 2007

Select Bibliography of Chinese in the Pacific1

Paul D’Arcy

Ali, Bessie Ng Kumlin, Chinese in (: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, 2002). AusAID, Australian aid: promoting growth and stability. White paper on the Australian Government’s overseas aid program (Canberra, AusAID, April 2006). Austin, Greg, ’s Ocean Frontier: International Law, Military Force and National Development (St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen and Unwin, 1998). Ayson, Robert, “New Zealand and East Asia's Security Future,” Outlook Edition 3, Wellington: Asia-New Zealand Foundation, April 2006. Baker, Hugh, A Chinese Lineage Village: Sheung Shui (London, Frank Cass, 1968). Baker, Rodger, “China’s Concerns in 2007: Fears of a Perfect Storm,” Stratfor Forecasting, 31 January 2007. Barnes, Greg, “Mining Australian Goodwill,” South China Morning Post, 30 January 2007. Bowring, Philip, “Beijing’s satellite blast reverberates in Washington,” International Herald Tribune, 21 January 2007. Burns, Margarete E., “Of Tongues and Temporalities: Notes towards an Understanding of the Recent Past in French Polynesia,” The Journal of Pacific History, 35, 2 (2000): 181-93. Cahill, Peter, “Chinese in Rabaul – 1921 to 1942: Normal Practices, or Containing the Yellow Peril?,” The Journal of Pacific History, 31,1, (1996): 72-91. Carlisle, Lonny, “The political economy of tourism and tourist development in Micronesia,” paper presented at the European Society for Oceanists Conference, Leiden, 1991. Chang, Gordon, “China in Revolt”, Commentary Magazine, December 2006 =all. Chang, Gordon, The Coming Collapse of China (New York: Random House, 2001). Char, Tin-Yuke, ed, The Sandalwood Mountains: Readings and Stories of the Early Chinese in Hawaii (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1975). Chinese Overseas Collection, A Comprehensive Bibliography of Studies (: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005) ( and Colonial Office, Great Britain, Correspondence with the Government of New Zealand Relating to Chinese Labour in Samoa New Zealand. Governor-General, 1912- 1920 (Earl of Liverpool) (London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1920). Coppenrath, Gérald, Les de Tahiti: De l'aversion à l'assimilation 1865-1966, Publications de la Société des Océanistes No. 21 (Paris: Musée de l'Homme, 1967). Crocombe, Ron, “The growing Chinese presence in the region,” Islands Business, January 2005. Crocombe, Ron, The South Pacific (Suva: University of the South Pacific Press, 2001).

1 This list combines contributors’ footnote references with sources provided by Bill Willmott, and others from an online discussion at compiled by Rene van der Haar with contributions from John Barker, Niko Besnier, Neriko Doerr, Haidy Geismar, Alex Golub, Jamon Halvaksz, Paul Heikkila, Robin Hide, Stuart Kirsch, Larry Lake, Lamont Lindstrom, Jacob Love, Margaret Mackenzie, Moana Matthes, Nancy Pollock, Christine Stewart, Jaap Timmer, and Matori Yamamoto. Other references come from my research on the evolution of Chinese naval power and its impact on Chinese policies in the Pacific maritime world.



Crocombe, Ron, “New Zealand and the other Pacific Islands: Changing economic, social and political relations,” in ed. D.H. Rubinstein, Pacific History: Papers from the 8th Pacific History Association Conference (Mangilao: Guam, University of Guam, 1992), 293-312. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Solomon Islands: rebuilding an island economy (Canberra: Economic Analytical Unit, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2004. Dobell, Graeme, “China and Taiwan in the South Pacific: Diplomatic Chess versus Pacific Political Rugby,” Policy Briefing, Lowy Institute for International Policy, January 2007. Dobell, Graeme, Australia Finds Home – The Choices and Chances of an Asia Pacific Journey (Sydney: ABC Books, 2000). Dorney, Sean, “SOLOMON IS: Riots sparked by anger over PM appointment,” Radio Australia Pacific Beat, 19 April 2006, interview with Francis Billy Hilly, former Prime Minster of the Solomon Islands, Eaton, Dan, “China Extends Hand to New Zealand in the Pacific,” The Press, 8 November 2006. Eaton: Dan, “Peters’ history lesson: Once were Chinese,” The Press, 28 July 2006. Fallows, James, “Postcards from Tomorrow Square,” The Atlantic Monthly, 298, 5, (December 2006): 100-13. Feffer, John, “China and the uses of uncertainty,” Asia Times, 15 December 2006. Fer, Yannick, “The Growth of Pentecostalism in French Polynesia: A Hakka History, Migration, Cultural Identity and ,” China Perspectives, 57 (January- February, 2005): 50-57. Field, Michael, “Solomons’ debacle a warning?” Islands Business, May 2006. Fingleton, Jim, “Privatising land in the Pacific: A defense of customary tenure,” Australia Institute Discussion Paper No. 80, June 2005. Firth, Stewart, “Governors versus Settlers: The Dispute over Chinese Labour in German Samoa,” New Zealand Journal of History, 11, 2 (1977): 155-79. Firth, Stewart, “Labour in German New Guinea,” in Papua New Guinea: A Century of Colonial Impact 1884-1984, ed. S. Latukefu (Port Moresby: National Research Institute and University of Papua New Guinea, 1989), 179-202. Firth, Stewart, “A reflection on South Pacific regional security, mid-2000 to mid-2001,” The Journal of Pacific History, 36, 3 (December 2001): 277-83. Fong, Alison, A Chinese Community in Fiji (Suva: South Pacific Social Science Association in association with United Nations Development Programme, 1974). Fraenkel, Jon, The Manipulation of Custom: From Uprising to Intervention in the Solomon Islands (Canberra: Pandanus Books, 2004). Fraenkel, Jon, “The Coming Anarchy in Oceania? A Critique of the “Africanisation of the South Pacific” Thesis,” Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 42, 1 (2004): 1-34. Freedman, Maurice and William E. Willmott, "Race Relations in Southeast Asia, with Special Reference to the Chinese," International Social Science Journal, 8, 2 (April 1961): 245-70. French, Howard W., “Is it a peaceful rise? US shouldn’t bet on it,” International Herald Tribune, 20 April 2006. Fry, Greg E., “Regionalism and International Politics of the South Pacific,” Pacific Affairs, 54, 3, (1981): 455-84. Ganguly, Rajat, and Ian Macduff, ed., Ethnic Conflict and Secessionism in South and Southeast Asia: Causes, Dynamics, and Solutions (London: Sage Publications, 2003). Giles, Lionel, ed. and trans., The Sayings of Lao-Tzu (London: J. Murray, 1906).


CSCSD Occasional Paper Number 1, 2007

Gilson, Richard, The Cook Islands 1820–1950 (Wellington: Victoria University Press, 1980). Glick, Clarence E., Sojourners and Settlers: Chinese Migrants in Hawaii (Honolulu: University Press of Hawai’i, 1980). Godley, Michael, “China as a Pacific Power,” Pacific Studies, 3, 1 (Fall 1979): 41-50. Godley, Michael, “China: The Waking Giant,” in Foreign Forces in Pacific Politics, ed. Ron Crocombe & Ahmed Ali (Suva: The Institute of Pacific Studies and the University of the South Pacific, 1983), 130-142. Gosset, David, “A new world with Chinese characteristics,” Asia Times, 7 April 2006. Gosset, David, “The Dragon’s Metamorphosis,” Asia Times, 18 December 2006. Greif, Stuart William, Political Attitudes of the Overseas Chinese in Fiji (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975). Greif, Stuart William,The Overseas Chinese in Fiji (Taipei: College of Chinese Culture, 1977). Handy, E.S. Craighill, “The Insular Pacific: Ethnic Fugue and Counterpoint,” Pacific Affairs, 5, 6 (1932): 487-96. Harris, Stuart, “Evidence to the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee,” Hansard, Commonwealth Government of Australia, 13 September 2005. Hassall, Graham, “Good Governance, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution,” in Securing a Peaceful Pacific, ed. John Henderson & Greg Watson (Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2005), 239-44. Hayden, D.R., Chinese Indentured Labour in Western Samoa, 1900–1950 (Wellington: Government Printing Office, 1965). Hegarty, David, “China in the South Pacific,” presentation to the Pacific Islands Political Studies Meeting, Sasakawa Pacific Foundation, Tokyo, 24 February, 2007. Hegarty, David, “Policies and Approaches to the South Pacific by the Howard (Australia) and Clark (New Zealand ) Governments”, presentation to the Pacific Islands Political Studies Meeting, Sasakawa Pacific Foundation, Tokyo, 24 February, 2007. Heisbourg, Francois, “The coming age of the self-interested superpower,” Financial Times, 16 February 2006. Henderson, John, and Benjamin Reilly, “Dragon in Paradise: China’s Rising Star in Oceania,” The National Interest, 72 (Summer 2003): 94-104, Henderson, John, “Pacific Island Issues for New Zealand,” in New Zealand and the World: The Major Foreign Policy Issues, 2005-2010, ed. Brian Lynch (Wellington: New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, 2006), 131-40. Hirschman, Charles, "Chinese Identities in Southeast Asia: Alternative Perspectives," in Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II, ed. Jennifer W. Cushman and Wang Gungwu (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1988), 23-31. Helen Hughes, “Aid has failed the Pacific,” Issues Analysis, 33, Centre for Independent Studies, 2003. Inglis, Christine, “Chinese,” in Encyclopaedia of Papua and New Guinea, ed. Peter Ryan (Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 1972), 170-74. Inglis, Christine, “Social Structure and Patterns of Economic Action: The Chinese in Papua New Guinea,” PhD dissertation, University of London, 1978. Inglis, Christine, “The Chinese of Papua New Guinea: From Settlers to Sojourners,” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 6, 3-4 (1997): 317-41. Inglis, Christine, “Women and Trade: A Chinese Example from Papua New Guinea,” in An Old State in New Settings: Studies in the Social Anthropology of China in Memory of Maurice Freedman, ed. Hugh D.R. Baker and Stephan Feuchtwang (Oxford: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, 1991), 44-69. International Herald Tribune, “The New Consensus: A Multipolar World, Viewpoints,” International Herald Tribune, 27 January 2007.



Ip, Manying, “: Old Settlers and New Immigrants,” in Immigration and National Identity in New Zealand: One People, Two Peoples, Many Peoples?, ed. Stuart W. Grief (Palmerston North: Dunmore Press, 1995), 161- 99. Ip, Manying, “The Legal and Political Status of Chinese New Zealanders: Implications of the Treaty of Waitangi,” in The Chinese Diaspora: Selected Essays, Volume 2, ed. Wang Ling-chi and Wang Gungwu (Singapore: Times Academic Press, 1998), 217-30. Islands Business, “We say: China’s move into the South Pacific,” Islands Business, May 2006. Islands Business, Editorial, Islands Business, May, 2006. Jacques, Martin, “America’s Decline and Fall,” Guardian Weekly, 24 November 2006. James, Colin, “From the Pacific: A New Zealand perspective on Australia’s strategic role”, paper to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Global Forces conference, 26-27 September, 2006, online at James, Colin, "Foreign and Family: the Australian Connection — Sensible Sovereignty or Niggling Nationalism," in New Zealand and the World: The Major Foreign Policy Issues, 2005-2010, ed. Brian Lynch (Wellington: New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, 2006), 29-37. Jennings, Peter, Getting China Right: Australia’s Policy Options for Dealing with China, Strategic Insights No.19 (Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, October 2005). Kahn, Joseph, “China opens public discussion on its rising power,” International Herald Tribune, 8 December 2006. Kaplan, Robert, “How We Would Fight China,” The Atlantic Monthly, 295, 5 (June 2005), King, John, “The creation of a ‘recalcitrant minority’: A case study of the Chinese New Guinea wartime refugees,” Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 91, 1 (2005), 48-57. Kristoff, Nicholas D, “Rumblings from China,” New York Times, 2 June 2006. Lai, Violet L., and Kum Pui Lai, He Was a Ram: Wong Aloiau of Hawaii (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1985). Laracy, Hugh, “Unwelcome Guests: The Solomons’ Chinese,” New Guinea and Australia the Pacific and South-East Asia, 8, 4 (1974): 27-37. Leng, Shao-chuan, “Chinese Strategy toward the Asian Pacific,” Orbis, 19 (Fall 1975): 775- 92. Ling, C., ed., Plantings in a New Land (Brisbane: Society of Chinese Australian Academics of Queensland, 2002). Liua’ana, Ben Featuna’i, “Dragons in Little Paradise: Chinese (Mis-)fortunes in Samoa, 1900-1950,” The Journal of Pacific History, 32, 1 (1997): 29-48. Lyon, Edward C., The Anti-Chinese Movement in the Hawaiian Kingdom, 1852-1856 (San Francisco: R. and E. Research Associates, 1975). Malielegaoi, Hon Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele, Prime Minister of Samoa and 2005 Chairman, Pacific Islands Forum, “The Future of Regionalism in the Pacific,” Auckland and Wellington, Annual Pacific Lecture of the Pacific Cooperation Foundation, March 2005. Mansfield, Bill, “Resource Diplomacy: New Zealand’s EEZ and the UNCLOS Treaty Regime,” in New Zealand and the World: The Major Foreign Policy Issues, 2005-2010, ed. Brian Lynch (Wellington: New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, 2006), 149-54. McEllister, Rob, “Australia, New Zealand and China,” in Rethinking Global Affairs: New World Order/New International Relations/New Zealand, ed. Ralph Pettman,


CSCSD Occasional Paper Number 1, 2007

Occasional Publication No. 8, Department of Politics (Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington, 1996), 139-42. McPhetres, Sam, “Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas,” The Contemporary Pacific 6, 1 (1994): 166-69. Meyerhoff, Miriam, “A Vanishing Act: Tonkinese Migrant Labour in Vanuatu in the Early 20th Century,” The Journal of Pacific History, 37, 1 (2002): 45-66. Monk, Paul, Thunder from the Silent Zone: Rethinking China (Melbourne: Scribe Publications, 2005). Murray, John, The Minnows of Triton: Policing, Crime and Corruption in the South Pacific Islands (Canberra: self published ([email protected]), 2006). Nelson, Hank, “Rabaul,” in Pacific Places, Pacific Histories: Essays in Honor of Robert C. Kiste, ed. B. V. Lal (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2004), 153-76. Nelson, Hank, “Fighting for her Gates and Waterways: Changing Perceptions of New Guinea in Australian Defence,” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Discussion Paper No. 3, Australian National University, 2005, pdf Nelson, Hank, “Governments, States and Labels,” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Discussion Paper No.1, Australian National University, 2006, .pdf. Norris, Graham, “There Is Only One China: Beijing’s Ties Span 200 Years,” Pacific Magazine, October 1, 2005 (full transcript of an interview with He Yefei, Director General of the People’s Republic of China’s Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs, online at ( O’Callaghan, Mary-Louise, “Force for the good,” The Australian, 29 April 2006. Osborne, Milton, “The Paramount Power – China and the Countries of Southeast Asia,” Sydney, Lowy Institute for International Policy, Issues Paper, May 2006. Pacnews, “China assists Information and Communications Technology and Transportation in the Pacific,” Pacnews, 27 January 2007. Pei, Minxin, “Long March to Nowhere,” Financial Times, 24 February 2006. Peters, Rt. Hon. Winston, “Influences in the Pacific,” address, Wellington, 16 August 2006. Peters, Rt. Hon. Winston, “Reaching New Horizons: The Pacific’s Economic Challenge,” address to the New Zealand Pacific Business Council, Auckland, 18 August 2006. Pitts, Maxine, Crime, Corruption and Capacity in Papua New Guinea (Canberra: Asia Pacific Press, Australian National University, 2002). Powles, Anna and Brendan Taylor, “Double-Headed Dragon”, The Diplomat (July 2005): 32- 33. Powles, Michael, “Making Waves in the Big Lagoon: The Influence of Pacific Island Forum Countries in the United Nations,” Revue Juridique Polynesienne, 2, (2002): 59- 76. Premdas, Ralph R., “Papua New Guinea in 1976: Dangers of a China Connection,” Asian Survey, 17 (January 1977): 55-60. Reilly, Ben, “The Africanisation of the South Pacific,” Australian Journal of International Affairs, 54, 3 (2000): 261-68. Rolfe, Jim, “Oceania Today: The Region, Regional Powers and Regional Cooperation,” in Engaging Oceania with Pacific Asia, ed. Peter Couzens (Wellington: Centre for Strategic Studies, 2004), 5-30. Segal, Gerald, “Does China Matter?” Foreign Affairs, 78, 5 (September-October, 1999): 24- 36.



Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Reference Committee, China’s emergence: implications for Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, March, 2006. Shanghai Daily, “China Central Bank Report,” Shanghai Daily, 17 January 2007. Shanghai Daily, “Wen pledges to lift Island ties,” Shanghai Daily, 6 April 2006. Shankman, Paul, “South Seas Confidential: The Politics of Interethnic Relationships in Colonial Samoa,” in Globalization and Culture Change in the Pacific Islands, ed. V. S. Lockwood (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004), 377- 89. Shao, You-Bao, Database for Publications on Overseas Chinese (Athens, Ohio: Overseas Chinese Documentation and Research Center, Ohio University, 2005), Shobert, Benjamin, “China: Barking up the wrong tree,” Asia Times, 5 December 2006. Simpson, Alan, “China looms as key player in Fiji,” National Business Review, 19 January 2007. Sinclair, J., Golden Gateway: Lae and the Province of Morobe (Bathurst: Crawford Publishing, 1998). Slade, Tuiloma Neroni, “Pacific Perspectives on International Law,” address to the International Law Association, Wellington, 8 July 1999. Solomon Star, “Editorial,” 11 July 2006. Spence, Jonathan D., “The Once and Future China,” Foreign Policy, Issue 146, (January- February 2005): 44-45. Standish, Bill, “Elections in Simbu: Towards Gunpoint Democracy?”, in The 1992 PNG Elections: Change and Continuity in Electoral Politics, ed. Yaw Saffu (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1996), 277-322. Stillman, Amy Ku’uleialoha, “Musical Migrations: Chinese in Oceania,” in The Garland Encyclopaedia of World Music, Volume 9: Australia and the Pacific Islands, ed. Adrienne L. Kaeppler and Jacob Wainwright Love (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998), 96-97. Tamamoto, Masaru, “After the Tsunami: How Japan Can Lead,” Far Eastern Economic Review, 168, 2 (2005): 10-19. Tan Chee-Beng, "Nation-Building and Being Chinese in a Southeast Asian State: Malaysia", in Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese Since World War II, ed. Jennifer W. Cushman and Wang Gungwu (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1988), 139-64. Terrill, Ross, Riding the Wave: The Rise of China and Options for Australian Policy (Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 30 March 2006). The China Post, “Taipei faces challenge in seeking foreign recognition,” The China Post, 10 August 2006, Tom, Nancy Y. W., The Chinese in Western Samoa, 1875-1985: The Dragon Came from Afar (Apia: Western Samoa Historical and Cultural Trust, 1986). Tow, William T., Asia-Pacific Strategic Relations: Seeking Convergent Security (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001). Tuhanuka, Joses, “Labour leader urges voters not to support corrupt candidates,” press release, Solomon Islands Labour Party, Honiara, March 2006. U.S. Department of State, Country Report on Human Rights Practices 2004: Palau (Washington D.C.: Department of State, 2005). Urquhart, Sir Brian, “The Outlaw World,” New York Review of Books, 53, 8, 11 May 2006. Vognin, Sophie, "La population chinoise de Tahiti au XIXe siècle," in Le Peuplement du Pacifique et de la Nouvelle-Calédonie au XIXe Siècle (1788-1914), Condamnés, Colons, Convicts, Coolies, ed. Chân Dang and Paul de Deckker (Paris: L’Harmattan, for Université Française du Pacifique, 1994)


CSCSD Occasional Paper Number 1, 2007

Wang Gungwu, "Patterns of Chinese Migration in Historical Perspective," in Observing Change in Asia: Essays in Honour of J.A.C. Mackie, ed. R. J. May and W. J. O'Malley (Bathurst: Crawford House Press, 1989), 33-48. Wang Gungwu, "The Study of Chinese Identities in Southeast Asia," in Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II, ed. Jennifer W. Cushman and Wang Gungwu (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1988), 1-21. Wen Jiaboa, “Speech at the opening of the first ministerial conference of the China-Pacific Island countries,” Fiji, 5 April 2006, Wen, Jiabao, Address to the First Ministerial Conference of the China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum, Nadi, Fiji, 5 April 2006, Wesley-Smith, Terence, “There goes the neighbourhood: The politics of failed states and regional intervention in the Pacific,” in Redefining the Pacific, ed. Jenny Bryant- Tokalau and Ian Frazer (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006), 121-40. West, Dalton A., “The Soviet Union’s Relations with New Zealand: Rivalry with China in the Pacific,” Roundtable, 278 (1980): 195-209. White, Hugh, “Muscular Dystrophy,” The Diplomat, (December-January 2007): 36-37. Willmott, Bill, “Chinese Community in Fiji and Tahiti,” in Ethnic Chinese at the Turn of the Century, Volume 2, ed. Zhuang Guotu (Xiamen: Fujian Provincial People’s Publishing House, 1998), 291-310. Willmott, Bill, “Chinese contract labour in the Pacific Islands during the nineteenth century,” Journal of Pacific Studies, 27, 2 (2004): 161-76. Willmott, Bill, “Early History of the Chinese in Vanuatu 1844-1944,” in Chinese in Australasia and the Pacific: Old and New Migrations and Cultural Change, ed. Brian Moloughney and Jim Ng (Dunedin: Proceedings of New Zealand Conference of the Association for the Study of Chinese and their Descendants in Australasia and the Pacific Islands (ASCADAPI), Department of History, University of Otago, 20-21 November 1998, 1999), 241-49. Willmott, Bill, “Economic Role and Cultural Identity of Chinese in Pacific Island Countries,” in Studies of Ethnic Chinese Economy, ed. Xiao Xiaoqin and Li Dingguo (Shantou: Shantou University Press, 1996), 504-11. Willmott, Bill, “Origins of the Chinese in the South Pacific,” in Histories of the Chinese in Australasia and the South Pacific, ed. P. Mcgregor (Melbourne: Museum of Chinese Australian History, 1995), 129-40. Willmott, Bill, “The South Pacific: Fiji, Nauru, New Caledonia, the Solomon Islands, Tahiti, Tonga, Vanuatu, Western Samoa,” in The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas, ed. Lynn Pan (Singapore: Archipelago Press and Landmark Books for the Chinese Heritage Centre, 1998), 292-303. Willmott, Bill, “A History of the Chinese Communities in Eastern Melanesia: Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia,” Christchuch, Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies Working Paper 12, University of Canterbury, 2005. Willson, Margaret, “A History of the Chinese Business Community in Papua New Guinea,” Research in Melanesia, 11-12 (1987-1988): 26-33. Willson, Margaret, “The Trader’s Voice: PNG-born Chinese Business and the 1987 Elections,” in Eleksin: The 1987 National Election in Papua New Guinea, ed. Michael Oliver (Port Moresby: University of Papua New Guinea, 1989), 99-108. Windybank, Susan, “China’s Pacific Strategy: The Changing Geopolitics of Australia’s ‘Special Patch’”, lecture to the Victoria Branch of the Australia Institute of International Affairs, 12 October, 2006 Windybank, Susan, “The China Syndrome,” Policy, 21, 2 (Winter 2005): 28-33 (



Windybank, Susan, and Manning, Mike, “Papua New Guinea on the Brink,” Issues Analysis, 30 (2003). Wong, Judy A., The Distribution and Role of the Chinese in Fiji: A Geographical Study of an Immigrant Group in the Plural Society of Fiji (Sydney: University of Sydney, 1963). Wood, M., “‘White Skins’, ‘Real People’ and Chinese in Some Spatial Transformations of the Western Province, PNG,” Oceania, 66, 1 (1995): 23-50. Wright, Lincoln, “PM warns of Pacific Unrest,” Herald Sun, December 31, 2006. Wu, David Y. H., "The Chinese in New Guinea: The Adaptation of an Immigrant Population," paper presented at the 45th Congress of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (typescript), 1973, 1-34. Wu, David Y. H., “Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship and Kinship Transformation: An Example from Papua New Guinea,” Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica 39 (September 1975): 85-105. Wu, David Y. H., “Ethnicity and Adaptation: Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship in Papua New Guinea,” Southeast Asian Journal of Social Sciences, 5 (1977): 85-95. Wu, David Y. H., “Intrusive Languages Other than English: Chinese,” in Language, Culture, Society and the Modern World, Volume 2: New Guinea Area, ed. S.A. Wurm (Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 1977), 1047-1055. Wu, David Y. H., “The Chinese in New Guinea,” in Adaptation in Symbolism: Essays on Social Organization Presented to Sir Raymond Firth by his Students in the United States and Canada, 1968-1974, ed. Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo and S. Lee Seaton (Honolulu: University Press of Hawai’i, 1978), 101-23. Wu, David Y. H., “To Kill Three Birds with One Stone: The Rotating Credit Associations of the Papua New Guinea Chinese,” American Ethnologist, 1, 3 (1974): 565-84. Wu, David Y. H., The Chinese in Papua New Guinea, 1880-1980 (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1982). Wu, Elaine, and Josephine Ma, “A rising China threatens no-one, Hu tells Yale students,” South China Morning Post, 22 April 2006. Yang, Jian, “China’s Rise: The Security Implications,” New Zealand International Review, 31, 5 (September-October 2006), 12-16. Yee, Sin Joan, The Chinese in the Pacific (Suva: South Pacific Social Sciences Association in association with the United Nations Development Programme, UNESCO Curriculum Development Project, 1974). Zhang, Yongjin, “Relationship Dynamics and Strategic Calculus: A China Perspective,” in China and New Zealand, ed. James Kember and Paul Clark (Auckland, New Zealand Asia Institute, 2003): 87-99. Zoellick, Robert, Deputy Secretary of State, “Whither China: from membership to responsibility?”, remarks to the National Committee on US-China Relations, New York, 21 September 2005 (