Select Bibliography on China and the Chinese in the Pacific
CSCSD Occasional Paper Number 1, 2007 Select Bibliography of Chinese in the Pacific1 Paul D’Arcy Ali, Bessie Ng Kumlin, Chinese in Fiji (Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, 2002). AusAID, Australian aid: promoting growth and stability. White paper on the Australian Government’s overseas aid program (Canberra, AusAID, April 2006). Austin, Greg, China’s Ocean Frontier: International Law, Military Force and National Development (St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen and Unwin, 1998). Ayson, Robert, “New Zealand and East Asia's Security Future,” Outlook Edition 3, Wellington: Asia-New Zealand Foundation, April 2006. Baker, Hugh, A Chinese Lineage Village: Sheung Shui (London, Frank Cass, 1968). Baker, Rodger, “China’s Concerns in 2007: Fears of a Perfect Storm,” Stratfor Forecasting, 31 January 2007. Barnes, Greg, “Mining Australian Goodwill,” South China Morning Post, 30 January 2007. Bowring, Philip, “Beijing’s satellite blast reverberates in Washington,” International Herald Tribune, 21 January 2007. Burns, Margarete E., “Of Tongues and Temporalities: Notes towards an Understanding of the Recent Past in French Polynesia,” The Journal of Pacific History, 35, 2 (2000): 181-93. Cahill, Peter, “Chinese in Rabaul – 1921 to 1942: Normal Practices, or Containing the Yellow Peril?,” The Journal of Pacific History, 31,1, (1996): 72-91. Carlisle, Lonny, “The political economy of tourism and tourist development in Micronesia,” paper presented at the European Society for Oceanists Conference, Leiden, 1991. Chang, Gordon, “China in Revolt”, Commentary Magazine, December 2006 =all.
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