ED 109 296 UD, 015 378

AUTHOR Ong, Paul M., Comp.; Lum, William Wong,dbmp. TITLE Theses and Dissertations on Asians in the United States with Selection References to Other Overseas Asians. INSTITUTION California Univ., Davis. Dept. of Applied Behavioral Sciences. PUB DATE Sep 74 ,NOTE 120p..; Revised edition of "Asians in America: A %4 Bibliography of Master's Theses and ')octoral° Dissertations," compiled by William Wong Lum

EDRS,PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$5.70 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Acculturation; *Asian Americans; Bias; *Bibliographies; ; Cultural Factors; *Doctoral Theses; Economic Factors; Filipino Americans; *Immigrants; Japanese Americans; Korean Americans; *Masters Theses; Social Factors; United b States History

ABSTRACT This bibliography is stated to be a major revisionof an earlier compilation of thesesand dissertations relating to Asians in America, and includes approximately poo new titles.The titles are arranged by ethnic groups within broadgeographic categories, and topical' areas are outlined for ethnic subdivisions containing a substantial number of citations. ,A key word index providedis limited to broad topics not used in the textual divisions to proper nouns, and to a more specific geographic cross-listing. Although no institutional index is included, a cursory examinationof the compilation is stated to show that more than a third of thetheses and dissertations were done at the University ofHawaii, University of Chicago, Columbia University,University of Southern California, ;Oranford University, and Universityof California', LosAngeles and fferkeley campuses. The citations were selected primarily on thebasis of key words and phrases in the titles. Shelisting on overseas immigrant Asians is divided into two parts. "Asians inthe Other Americas" contains works on the Asian experience inCanada and Latin America. "Other Overseas Asians" primarily centers around;the . Southeast Asian countries although it includes someworks on the Asian experience in Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and partsof Eutope. (Author/JM)

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with Selected References to

Other Overseas Asians




with assistance from

Keiko Komura Joyce Sakai Ferris Yayesaki

cover by

Shelton Yip



in America: A Biblio- - This bibliography is a majorrevision and expansion of Asians by William Wong Lum and the graphy of Master's Theses andDoctoral Dissertations compiled University of California at Davis in 1970. Although Asian American Research Project at the compilation includes approximately 800 newtitles, and far from being comprehensive, this we have provided key wordand author indices. and The titles are arranged byethnic groups within broad geographic categories, number of cita- topical areas are outlined for ethnicsubdivisions containing a substantial broad topics not used in the textualdivisions tions. The key word index is limited 'to cross-listing. (e.g., "political activities"), proper nouns,'and a more specific geographic of the compilation shows Although no institutional indexis included, a ctirsofv examination the University of thallore than a third of the theses and dissertations were done at Southern California, Hawaii, University of Chicago,Columbia University, University of Berkeley campuses. Stanford University, and Universityof California, Los Angeles and words and phrases in the The citations were selectedprimarily on the basis of key done for works at schools that wehad an opportu- titles. A more detailed examination was Although we haile eliminated nity to visit and thoseobtained for our annotation project.* native' countries, for the bene- works from the 1970 publicationrelated to Asians in their in'comparative studies, we have expanded thelisting on other over- fit of those interested parts:, "Asians in the Other seas immigrant Asians. These items are divided into two "Other Over- Americas; contains works on the Asian experiencein Canada and Latin America. Asian countries, though it includes seas Asians" primarilycenters around the Southeast Zealand, Africa, and parts ofEurope. some works onthe Asian experience in Australia, New were able to locate inreadi- We have alsoincluded Some foreign language materials that we ly available bibliographies. United States is While the listing of doctoralmaterials done at universities in the Universities and research centers fairly thorough, the one for master'stheses is not. master's theses publish listings of doctoral titlesfairly regularly; however, guides to number of graduate students in re- are scattered andfew. With the great increase in the American Journal of Sociology haveceased their attempts 0: cent years, sources such as the However, our listing of theses donein California at publishing compilationsof theses. schools and conduct in-library is fairly complete sinceit was possible to visit many search for titles. works is provided Because no information on theusefulness and content of individual annotations in other in this publication, wheneverpossible, we have made reference to (Although available sources and to abstractsin the Dissertation AbstractInternational. abstract series published not noted in the citations,summaries can also be found in the by many schools.)

(1971) is *A revised edition of Asians inAmerica: A Selected Annotated Bibliography projected for Spring, 1975 byAsian American Studies at UC Davis:

iii The greatest practical in using theses anddissertations is accessibility. The least costly avenue is to borrow the desired workfrom the sponsoring school or from the UCLA or UCD collections through Inter-LibraryLoan (ILL). However, not all. institu- tions (the University of Chicago being the mostnotable) loan their holdings, and the ILL service is usually limited to faculty, research staff,and graduate students. The doctoral dissertations which are available through purchase fromUniversity Microfilm in Ann Arbor, Michigan are usually withheld_yy the schools. Although a microfilm copy costs $5.00, the xerox copy, costing $11.00, is easier to use. It is possible to purchase copies of theses and dissertations from the sponsoringinstitutions, and although expensive, this is often the only alternative open for obtaining many old works. These copies are at least 5e per page fomicrofilming and lOt per page for xeroxing. 4

Although analysis of the theses and dissertations was done, someobservations are worth mentioninO. In general, using this source can proveboth fruitful and frustrating since works are of uneven quality. At-bJst, they are intensive scholarly reflections, and at worst, reiterations of the biases and prejudiceswhich have been the hallmark of of duplicative American society. Also,.not all works are unique and there are a number works which focus on the Chinese exclu- efforts. For example, there are no less than eight sion, all covering similar 'grounds: the Burlingame Treaty, the exclusionagitation, and adopted by some of the restrictive legislation. Equally frustrating are the perspectives pro-assimilation stance or strain tne writers. There are too many studies which assume a to establish racial and ethnic differences(e.g., educational studies on intelligence and with specific subject areas, such as race). The most useful works are those which deal local histories or single events, and thosewhich tap the reservoir of non-English materials. degrees In addition to their sometimesquestionable quality, studies done for advanced contributed have not always been responsive to theneeds of the Asian American communities, As theses and to their welfare, or facilitated theunderstanding of their excerience. dissertations will continue to constitute amajor research effort of colleges and univer- sponsoring sities on Asian Americans, it is imperativethat graduate researchers and their institutions take into account the needs and concernsof the community in conducting their the archive shelves. We hope this com- studies. Future work must benefit more than Just need pilation will aid in the evaluation ofwhat has been done and point out areastthat



their time, We are indebtee to the followingindividuals who have given generously of of Asian American Studies resources, and ideas: Professor George Kagiwada, Coordinator UCLA; and the staff of the at UC Davis; Mr. Che-HweiLin, Asian American Bibliographer at We acknowledge their contributions Inter-Library Loan Service of the'UCDavis Library. with much appreciation.


The individual citations are, arranged as follows:

Bibliography reference number. Author's name. Title of thesis or dissertatiorL Degree granted, year completed, sponsoring school,.and number of pages. Dissertation k_

Abstract International reference (volute /page- series).; Annotation reference(s)/library collection(s).


Zo, Kil Y. 'Chinese emigration Into the Unites States, 1850-1880 PhD 1971 , 355. Columbia, 231pp. 32/14§1-A. AS/LA.


AL Alcantara, Ruben. Filipinos in Hawaii: An Annotated Bibliography.

AS Asian American Studies, UC Davis.A selected annotated bibliography (forthcoming, 1975).

DA Univeirsity of California at'Davi,s library collect-lop.

FU Fujimoto, Isao, et. al., Asians in America: A Selected Annotated Biblio- graphy.

GA Gardner, Arthur. The Koreans in Hawaii: An Annotated Bibliography.

LA University of California at Los Angeles librarycollection.

10 Lowe, C. H. The Chinese in Hawaii: A Bibliographic Survey.

MA Matsuda, Mitsugu. The Japanese in Hawaii, 1868-1967.

SH Shulman, Frank. Japan and Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations inWestern Languages, 1877-1969.

WO Wood, W. D. Canadian Graduate Theses, 1919-1967::An Annotated Biblio- graphy.

YO Young, Nancy. The Chinese in Hawaii: An Annotated Bibliography.

*Please see "Sources Consulted" (pp.1 9-113) for complete citations. .0 ) 5 C TABLE OF CO TENTS


General - History (1-16) 1 Immigration and Related Topics (17-44) 2 Other Discriminatory Practices (45-58) 3 Perceptions (59-90) a Ecdnomics (91-118.1) 6 Ethnic Institutions (119-130) 7 Sociological Characteristics (131-158) 8 Adjustment (159-181) 10 Education (182-216) 11 /' Bilingualism (217-228) 13 Foreign Students (229-277) 14

Miscellaneous (278-283) ...... 1 7 Addendum (283.1-283.4) .t * 17


General,;- History (284-304) 18 Mining Experience (305-314) 19 Politics and the Chinese in the U.S.(315-319) . . . . 20 Immigration and Related Topics (320-355) 4 . 20 Other,Discriminatory Practices (356-376) 22 Perceptions (377-399)., 23 Economics (400-418) 24 Etthnic Institutions (419-441) 26 'Chinatowns (442-455) 27 Family (456-474) 28 Sociological characteristics (475 - 498) 29 Adjustment (499-532) 30- Education (533-553) 32 Bilingualism (554-579) 33 Foreign Students (580-607) 35 Miscellaneous (608-617) 36 hidendum (617.1-617.7) 37


General - History (618-635) 38

Immigration and Related Topics (635.1-672) , O 39 Other Discriminatory Practices (673-702) 41 Relocation Exp'erience (703-744) 43 Perceptions (745-760) 45 Economics (761-789) 46 Ethnic Institutions (790-805) 48 Family (806-825) 49 Religion (826-850) 50 Sociological Characteristics (851-880) 52 Adjustment (881-928) 53 Education (929-942) 56 Bilingualism (943-963) 57 Foreign Students (964-972) 58 Miscellaneous (973-980) 59 Addendum (980.1) 59

6 vi Ths011--



General (981-1029) 60 Colonial Policies in the Philippines (1030-1052) Foreign Students (1053-1061) .C61 Addenduip (1061:1) 65


General (1062-1072) 66 Foreign Students (1073-1077) 67


General (1078-1092) 68 Foreign Students (1093-1104) 69


General (1104..1-1124) 71 foreign Students (1125-1132) 72


Asians (1133-1154) 74 Chinese (1155-1177.1 75 Japanese (1177.2-1199) 77 East Indians (1200-1217) 78


Asians (1218-1222) 81 Chinese Overseas in Asian Countries (1223-1317) 81

Chinese Overseas in Non-Asian Countries (1318-1340) . . . . 87 East Indians (13,41 -1359) 88 Japanese and Orleans (1360-1372) 89









PhD 1932 1. BRADLEY, Harold W.The American frontier in Hawaii, 1789-1843. Stanford. migration in the 2. CHANG, Chi H. Political effects of world colonization4and twentieth century. PhD 1934 University of Wisconsin. 1920-1940. MA 3. CHARLES, Milton R.A population analysis of San Francisco, 1946 Stanford. MA 1954 Hawaii. YO. 4. CHUN, Paul M. Sequential occupance ir Waiku Valley. MA 1936 5. DARLING, Harold K. Early American-Hawaiian relations,1789-1851. Cornell. A history of internationalism in Hawaii between 1900and 1940. 6-. HOOPER, Paul F. PhD 1972 Hawaii. 33/5091=A.

Foreign-born population ,pf California, 1848-1920.MA 7. LOOSLEY, Allyn C. 1928 UC Berkeley. DA,LA.

The relationship of Kahoolawe to the otherHawaiian 8. McALLISTEA, J. Gilbert. islands.MA 1933 Chicago, ,76pp.

An ethno-historical survey of theSacramento region of 9. MUSLADIN, William L. -Chinese, Japanese, Pilipino- California.MA 1969 CSU Sacramento, 264pp. AS. annexation to 1908:, Major 10. NAGASAWA, Arthur.The governance of Hawaii from SH/LA. problems and developments. PhD 1968 University of Denvert 339pp. 29/3563-A%


.`4 11. OPPERMAN, David R. The distribution of the Negroes, Indians and Sino-Japanese in the U.S. in 1950. MA 1956 University of Illinois, 53pp. FU/LA.

12. PEARCE, george. American expansionist sentiment and the annexation off' Hawaii. DA 1970'Carnegie-Mellon, 176pp. 32/894-A.

13. ''WOESSNER, Thomas J. Foreign visitors to California, 1786-1822. '41A 1966 Universtty of San Francisco C * 14. WOODWARD, Vallena G.The early history of Stocicton:MA 1926 tic Berkeley.

to the study of the population of California. . 15.* WRIGHT, Doris M. An introduction 1848-1870. MA 1940 Claremont.'

16. YOUNG, Myr). Mx The inipact--of--the--Far-East on theflnited States, 1840-1860.

-- PhD- 1951- Uni-versity of Chicago, 185pp. SH. Chinese, Japanese-



17.- ALBRIGHT,,K. I., History of immigatiOn legislation in the U.S. MA 1925 University Of Colorado.

18. BELL, Marie. The attitude of organized labor toward immigration. MA 1922 .university of Ehicat3o.

19. BERHEIM, Abraham. The history of the law of aliens, from thestandpoint of A comparative jurisprudence. FlID 1885 Columbia. .

20. BROWN, Arthur J. Means of promoting immigration to the Northwest and Washington to 1910. MA 1940 University of Washington. LA.

21. CAVANAUGH, Francis P.'Immigration restriction at work today: A study of this administration of immigration. PhD 1928 Catholic University, 116PP.

22. DIVINE, Robert A. American immigration policy, 1924-1952. PhD 954 Yale, 393pp. FU.

A study of the opposition to and , 23. GAR 14)., Roy L. Immigration restriction: regulation of 'migration into the United States. PhD 1927 Columbia, 376pp\. SR. Published. 0 24. GIBSON, Ted A. A historical development of organized labor's opposition to immigration. MA 1951 University of Southern California, 204pp. '-Chinese, Japanese-

25:1 GIBSON, William. Some legal aspect of the national treatment of aliens in the United States. PhD 1936 Duke.

26. GOLDSTEIN, Bertha. A study of immigration laws of the U.S. MA 1939 Bryn Mawr.

27. HAZARD, Henry B. Racial-qualifications for naturalization and citizenship in the U.S. DCL 1925 American University, 100pp.

28. HURLBUT,-John B. Administfative finality in the exclusion and the expulsion of aliens. MA 1929 Stanford, 103pp. FU/LA.

29. JAFFE,Erdin A: Passage of the MoCarran-Walter Act: The reiteration of American immigration policy. PhD 1962 Rutgers 354pp. 23/680.

30% JONES, Thomas E. Studies in Oriental immigration to the U.S.MA 1917 Columbia. 9 2 ti


yi of-aliens:- A comparison KATZENSTEIN, Alex..' The discriminatory treatment ' betWeen Japan and the U.S. 'MA 1953 ColOmblW2150:' r -A study of the relationship 32.,KEELY, Charles Bi The Immigration Act of 1965: PhD 1979 Fordham, 247pp. of social science theory togroup. interest and legislation. 31/2513-A. Immigrants and progressives in -0EPPLIN, Leslie-W.A relatidnship of rforM: . 33. the Far West, PhD 1971"UC Los Angeles,239pp..32/887 A.

Immigratidn legislation and itspolitical significance.- MA,, ----- ,_. . 3:--"LANG, Aldon S. , ,- . -- -,, , ' T925 University, of Iowa. ... -_, _ The McCarran-Walter Immigration andNatioliality Act of 1952. 1 35. MAXWELL, Edward J. MA 1962 Stanford, 145pp. . A , . States. PhD 1968 36. NIZAMI, Saeed A. The law of immigration in the United Southern Illinois University, 288pp.',29/3659-A.,

The citizen and alien in American constitutional 37. PALAMIOTIS, Alexander A. law. PhD 1959 University of Utah,262pp. 20/3362. \ d'Amerique (Asian 38. PAN, Nai-wei. L'immigration asiatique aux Etats -Unis Published. immigration to the United States of America).-PhD 1926 Lyon: SH.

RestrictiOn of immigration into theUnited States 39. 'SCHLICHER,Raymond J. since 1917. MA1939 University of Iowa,163pp:' AS/LA. of citizenship in the U.S. 40. SMITH, Duane0. The evolut.on of the legal concept PhD 1937 Ohio State UniVersity. AM 1967 Duke. 41. JOBIN, Carol M. The South and immigration, 1865-1910.

America prior to 1907. RhT) 42. *ISLAM, The- question 'f expatriation in

. 1942 Johns -Hopkins. Japanese exclusion, 1882-1924.. 43. WALSH, Nora M. The history,otthe Chinese and MA 1947 Northwestern. Etats-Unis: Son etat actuel. 44. WURTZ, Pierre. La question de l'immigration aux PhD 1925 University of_ Paris, 334pp.Published,.


the 1930s. MA 1972 45. BALDO, Jerry J. Vigilante activity in-California during _ CSU,Sacramento. 0 MA 1964 46: BOWEN, Barry V. Hawaii's commission on subversive activities. Hawaii. racial aspects of 47. COREY,rdiMes. A study of police experiences with the servicemen-civilian relations in theterritory of Hawaii, 1949-1953: ,MA 1954Hawaii. RU. the debate in Congres's on 48. DEDMON, Donald N. An analysis of the arguments in SH. the admission of Hawaii to theUnion. PhD 1961 Iowa, 487pp. 22/1744. public schools, 1847- 49. 'DOLSON, Lee S. The administration of- the San Francisco LA, 1947. PhD 1964 UC Berkeley, 764pp. 25/3956.

3 1O I


50. HOUCHINS, Joseph R. The frotextiOn of racial minorities and certain excluding ,practices of organized tabor. PhD 1934 Cornell.

51. HUGHES,,Ruth C. Etucational implications of civil rights practices with : minority groups in a local community. MA 1949 Stanford, 127pp. -Chinese, Japanese- , 52. LEE, Mar B-T. Problems of:the'segregated school for Asiatics in San Francisco. PIA 1922 UC Berkeley, 41pp. FU/LA.

53. MILLER, &eland D. The effect of the Tuttle Zoning Board of Adjustments' activities on urban racially segregated residehtial areas. A case study of the, Seattle, , non-white ghetto, 1957-1(163. MA 1964 University of Washington. ,

54. ORSI, Richard.J. Selling the Golden State: A study of boosterism in 19th 'entdry California. PhD 1973 University ofWisconsin. 34/708-A. IC` 4 gMITH, S. Raynor. The attitudes and practices oflhe Methodist church in California with reference to certain significant social crises, 1847 -1945. PhD 1955 USC.

56. WALDRON, Gladys Anti-foreign movements in California, 1919-1929.PhD 1956 WC Berkeley, 322pp. FU,SH/DA. -Japanese, Chinese, Ptlipino-

57. WOOD, Samuel E. The California. State Commission of Immigration and Housing: A study of administrativeorganization and the groWth 'of function. PhD 1942 UC

Berkeley, 2Opp. AS. .

58. YOUNG, Clarence K. Rights oCaliens in the U.S. PhD 1924 Princeton.


. -59. AL-HAMDANI, Muwaffak M. Stereotypes as.revealed by content analysis of cartoons. MA 1956 University of. Kansas.

60. CASTBERG, Anthony D. The ethnic factor in criminal sentencing2.1A,1465Th Hawaii. AL,RU.

61. CHAN, Helen H-Y, Development of ethnic stereotypei-in children. MA 1966 Hawaii. -Chinese, Japanese-

62. CHIN-SHONG, Edwin T. Rejection of the mentally ill: A comparison withothe findingson ethnic prejudice. PhD 1968 Columbia, 286pp.'

63. CHURCH, Alfred M. The study of China and Japan in American secondary schools: What is worth teaching, and what7is tieing taught?PhD 1939 Harvard, 305pp. SH. , 64. COLES, George R., Jr. Ethnocentrism as related tocoil ge year. MA 1953 ,. ,------CSU San Jose, 37pp. , .

65. DODDS, Elizabeth 41 The treatment of Asia in American secondary school world nistory tatbooks. MA 1954 Cornell. a ' 66. EUBANK, Lauriel E. The effects of the first six months of World War II on the attitudes of Koreans and Filipinos toward the Japanese in.Hawaii. MA 1943 Natoli, GA,MA,RU.

67. EVANS, James R. Coverage of Oriental news.MS 1936 University of Oregon.


ot.lt0( Characteristics and concepts ofminority'Anericans in 68. GAST, David K. EdD 1965 Arizona State, 206pp. 27/390-A. contemporary children'i fictionalliterature. FU,SH/LA. -Chinesp, Japanese- The treatment of minority groupsin uimary social studies 69: GOLDEN., Loretta. FU,SH. textbooks. EdD 1964 Stanford, 352pp. 25/3912. social liberalism as reflected in GUSTIN, Marcia A. The social context of 70. MA 1967 Hawaii. RU. selected issues: 'A survey of theattitudes of College students. indignation against bigotry /71. HARRIGAN1, John E. A study of the relation between and extrapunitiveness. MA 1957 HaWaii. RU. textbooks: A content 72. HENDSCH, David A. The Asian factor ip U.S. history AS. analysis approach. MA 1972 CSU San Francisco, 15pp. progressives of California. 73. HENNINGS, Robert E. James D. Phelan and the Wilson PhD 1961 UC Berkeley. and attitudes of prospective 74. HENRY, Burton. The intercultural knowledge teacners in the United States. PhD 1948 USC, 423pp. SH. study in verbal attitudes towardethnic groups. 75. HIRAI, David.- An experimental MA 1956'Purdue. Majority perception of minoritybehavior and its relationship 76. HONG, Sung-chick. A test of George A. Lundberg'shypotheses. PhD to hostility toward ethnicminorities: 1959 University of Washington. 20/4748. SH. Paradise and meltihg pot in thefiction and nonfiction of 77. IGE, Phillip K. PhD 1968 Columbia, 677pp. 32/01-A. SH. Hawaii: A study of cross-cultural record. The Oriental tale in Americathrough 1865: A study ill 78. ISANI, Mukhtar A. 24/297. ,American fiction. PhD 1963 Princeton, Bl6pp. of some children of Japanese KASHIWA, Yoshiko I. A study into the attitudes 79. war. MA 1940' descent toward the Chinese and theJapanese during the Sino-Japanese Hawaii, lllpp. MA,LO,YO. MA The Oriental tale inAmerican periodicals, 1880-1850. $0. KIRSCH, Luther H. 1940 Columbid; / character representationof McKAY, RALPH Y. A comparatfVe study of the 81. California reading California's dominant minority groupsin the officially adopted EdD 1971 University of thePacific, 272pp. textbooks of the 1950s, 1960s,and 1970s. 32/2405-A. acceptance of miflprity groups MARKS; Rose G. Developing attitudes of greater 82. FU. -Chinese, Japanese, through children's literature. MA 1960.CSU Sacramento, 84pp. Korean, Pilipino, Thai- representation of cultural and ethnic 83. MITCHELL, J. A. iihelack of adequate MA 1971 University ofWisconsin. groups in fifth gradesocial studies textbooks. Oriental-white race relations inSanta Clara County, . 84. REYNOLDS,,Charles N. FU,SH. -Chinese, Japanese- California. PhD 1927 Stanford, 396pp. PhD Sacramentsillee,'1883-1936. 85. SHEPARD, Bernard A. Co, K. McClatchy and the 1960 Syracuse, 331pp. 21/2700.


86. SINKLER, George. The racial ideas of American presidents: From Lincoln to Theodore Roosevelt. EdD 1966Columbia, 471pp. 27/1307-A. AS/DA.

87. THOMPSON, Richard A. The yelloV peril, 1890-1924. PhD 1957 University of Wisconsin, 510pp. 17/2589. FU,SH/DA,LA.

88. WESTON, Rubin F. The influence of racial assumptions of American imperialism, 1893-1946. USS 1964 Syracuse, 484pp. 25/4094.

89. WITTERMANS-PINO, Elizabeth. Inter-ethnic relations in a plural society. PhD 1964 University of Leyden, 180nn 4

90. WU, Charles L. At yards Negroes, Jews and Orientals in the United States. PhD 1927 Ohio State, SH. 4


91. ALLER, Curtis C., Jr. The evolution of Hawaiian labor relations:From benevolent paternalism to mature collective bargaining. PhD 1958 Harvard, 676pp. MA, SH,YO. -Chinese, Japanese-

92. BETTER, Norman M. Discrimination in educational employment. EdD 1966 UC Los Angeles; 194pp. 26/6229.

93. CHI, Peter S-K. Inter-.and intro-group income inequalities of racial ethnic groups in the United States. PhD 1972 Brown, 225pp. 33/4560-A.

94. EDDY, John Melvin. A study of the vocational opportunities for high school graduates in the territory of HawaiiiMA 1926 University of Chicago.

95. FEARIS, Donald F. The California farm workers, 1930-1942. PhD 1971 UC Davis, 326pp. 32/5146-A. -Chinese, Japanese, Pilipino-

96. FISHER, Lloyd. The harvest labor market in California. PhD 1949 Hirvard. Published.

97. FULLER, Levi V. The supply of agricultural labor as a factor in the evolution of farm organizations in California. PhD 1934 UC Berkeley, 200pp. FU/DA,LA.

98. GREER, Scott A. The participation of ethnic minorities in the labor unions of Los Angeles County. PhD 1952 UC Los Angeles. FU.

99. HATFIELD, James R. California's migrant farm labor problem and some efforts to deal with it: 1920-1940. MA 1968 CSU Sacramento, 363pp. FU.-

100. HEWES, Laurence. Some migratory problems in California's specialized agriculture. PhD 1946 George WaShington qniVersity, 61pp. FU.

101. HILL, Peter J. The economic impact of it 'gration into the U.S. PhD 1970 University of Chicago. LA.

102. HILL, Richard B. The California arm labor contractor: A controversial occupation in a rapidly changing socio-econ c environment. PhD 1972 UniVersity of Missouri-Columbia. 34/1388-A.

103. IWAI, Charles K. The rice industry in Hawaii. MA 1933 Hawaii, LO.

104. JACKSON, Frances. KoIoa plantation under Ladd and Company, 1835-1845. MA 1958 Hawaii. 13 6 121 ASIAN -- ECONOMICS, ETHNICINSTITUTIONS

General Assistance KASHIWAMURA, Mary U. A study of "employables" in the 105. period from January Program in Honolulu County, Departmentof Public Welfare for the 1952 through June 1952.MA 1953 Hawaii. RU. -Hawaiian, Pilipino- MA 1956 Hawaii. 106. KELLY,'MariOii. Changes in land tenure in Hawaii. A study of the efforts of 107. LIEBES, Richard A. Labor organization in Hawaii: - GA,RU,Y0. ,abor to obtain security throughorganization. MA 1938 Hawaii. and social welfare 108. LIGHT, Ivan P. Sociological aspects of self-employment the United States, 1900- among Chinese, Japanese, andNegroes in northern urban areas of 1940. PhD 1970 UC Berkeley. invasion in Hawaii. PhD 109. LIND, Andrew W. Economth succession and racial 1931 University of Chicago, 434pp. GA,SH,Y0.

Labor-management relations in agriculture: A study 110. MARUTANI, Herbert K. of the Hawaiian sugar industry. PhD 1971 Hawaii, 8Opp. PhD 1968 Stanford, 22'6po. 111. MICHELSON, Stephen E. Income of racial minorities. 29/3735-A. industries in 112.MURAKAMI, Kensaburo. A study of the development of certain Hawaii since American annexation(1898-1940). MA 1941 USC. population.movements in 113. McENTIRE, Davis. An economic and social study of -Japanese- California, 1850-1944. PhD 1947 Harvard, 635pp. SH.

The brain drain of highly trainedengineering manpower from 114. NILAND, John R. 31/1957-A: DA,LA. Asia into the United States. PhD 1970 University of Illinois,195pp. aspects of the 115. 4RICHARDSON, George H., Jr.A study of the ownership and control MBA 1951 University of Kansas.' "big five" agencies of Hawaii. EmploNyment of certificated personnel of ethnicminority Ile. SANDELIUS, Stanley E. Eda 1963 University of thePacific. groups in Stockton UnifiedSchool District, 1947-1962.

TheHawaiian sugar industry. PhD 1935 UC Berkeley, 216pp. 117. TAYLOR, William H. LO. Hawaiian labor unions under militarygovernment. MA 118. VAN ZWALENBURG, Paul R. 1961 Hawaii. American discrimination within 118.1. WONG, Wayne A. A case study of anti-Asian AS. -Japanese, San Francisco Civil ServiceCommission. MBA 1971 CSU San Francisco. Chinese- h


God: An episode in the 119. AIONA, Darrow L. The Hawaiian Chirch of the Living Hawaiian's quest for social identity.MA 1959 Hawaii. RU. marriage in Los Angeles 120. CRETSER, Gary A. An investigation of interethnic MA 1967 USC. FU. County, 1950-61, and its relation toselected demographic factors. transformation in the West: A The East Asian culture and its 121. KANG, Shin-Pyo. PhD 1973 cognitive approach to changing worldview among East Asian Americans inHawaii. Hawaii. 34/2429 -B. 14 7 ASIAN -- ETHNIC INSTITUTIONS, SOCIOLOGICALCHARACTERISTICS . 122

A study of cultural lag in ethnic 122. KAUTZ, Amanda T. Funerals on Hawaii Island: accommodation. MA 1967 Hawaii. YO. mixture: 123. LAM, Margaret M. Six generations of Hawaiian-Caucasian-Chinese race A family genealogical study. MA 1932 Hawaii.RU,YO. MA 1972 124. MAHONE, Hazel W. A directory of ethnic minority resource persons. CSU Sacramento, 265pp. MA 1963 Hawaii. RU, 125. MONSEN, Marie A. Familism and communication patterns. YO. -Chinese, Japanese- Pacific Coast 126. PATERSON, Arthur E. Religious education and the Oriental in the states. MA 1927 Pacific Schoolof Religion. LA. MA 1967 Hawaii. 126.1 ROHSENOW, Hill G. Hawaiian social organization, 1778-1820. MA 1925 Stanford. 127. SHEPARD, Stella D. A social history of San Francisco.

128. TANAKA, Eugene M. An organizationalanalysis of two Asian-American community based self-help drug oriented youth groups: Ananalysis of the internal and external groups. MSW 1971 UC.Los Angeles, 75pp. lives of 129. WALLACE, Patricia M. A study of the role of the family in the some Honblulu girl delinquents.MA:1940 Hawaii. RU. An exploratory study of 130. YOUNG, Mildred J-E-L. International adoption: non-Oriental parents who adopted Oriental children. MSW 1963 Bryn Mawr.


in the United 131. ARAFAT, Ibtihaj S. The foreign stock and the native stock 31/6171-A. States: A demographic profile.PhD 1970 Oklahoma State University, 138pp. Blossom M. Higa, 132. ARAKI, Makoto, Marjorie H. Carlson, Kazuichi Hamasaki, Betty A: Rocha, and Hiromi Shiramize.A study of the socio-cultural factors incasework services for individuals and families known to the Child andFamily Services of Honolulu, 1954. MSW 1956 Hawaii. MA,YO.

general 133. BITNER, Harold M. Ethnic inter-group differences in ''rsonality, culture, academic ability, and interests,. in a geographicallyrestricted area. PhD 1954 Ohio State University, 135pp. 20/772. SH. and 134. CALOGERAS, Roy C. Relationship of ethnic group, income level, study area seA to measured patterns of interest.MA 1952 Hawaii. RU.

rice 135. CHAN, Chee K. Characteristics of consumer demand and buying habits for in Honolulu and Kailua. MA 1966 Hawaii. AL,YO.

Helen N. Onoye, 136. CHANG, Clarence Y-C., Caroline L. Chinn, Richard I. Fujimoto, clients of Catholic and MiLes J. Price. A study of socio-cultural characteristics of the Social Service of Honolulu as presented in cases closed in 1954.MA 1957 Hawaii. RU.

137. CHOY, Helen J. A study of the relationship of adolescentattitudes and behavior. MA 1963 Hawaii. RU.


DAILY, Richard 0., Asako T. Iwamoto,Ellen. K. James, Jayne T. Uno, and Rose 138. A study of the socio-cultural Children in placement, LiliuokalaniTrust:. S. Yamashiro. closed in 1959.MA characteristics of thirty-one childrenin placement whose cases were 1969 Hawaii. RU. of correlates of child 139. DIELMAN, Teddy E. A multivariated investigation 31/6925 -B. behavior in a Hawaiian community. PhD 1970 Hawaii, 416pp. ancestry groups in Hawaii. 140. FENZ, Walter: Comparative need patterns of five MA 1962 Hawaii. MA,RU,YO. Political problems and activitiesof the Oriental 141. FERGUSON, Charles K. resident in Los Angeles andvicinity. MA 1942 UC Los Angeles. of opportunity?MA 1973 142. FREDERICK, Jo. A culture of poverty or a poverty CSU Sacramento. Yamaguchi, GOO, Sau M. W., Robert Y. Masuda,Genevieve O. Moriguchi, Mamoru 143. characteristics of patients known A study of the socio-cultural and Esther S. Young. Mental Health, Honolulu to the Mental Clinic, Bureauof Clinical Service, Division of County, 1957. MA 1958 Hawaii. RU. of different socio-economic JUNG, Raymond K. Leisure activities of children 144. 24/5084. status and from different ethnic groups.PhD 1963 UC Berkeley. vocational Ethnic group difference inability, temperament and 145. LOUIE, James W. aspiration. PhD 1958, USC, 195pp. political parties in Hawaii.MA 146. LUJAN, Herman D. The group composition of 1960 UC Berkeley. of the Orientals in the "Paradise 147. LUM, Kalfred D. The political influences of the Pacific." 'MA 1923Columbia, 48pp.' LA.

Nationality and race differences asrevealed through 148. OCHISE, George H. -Chinese, Japanese- objective studies.MA 1937 Temple, 124pp. gratification to attitudesand PARKER, Pauline E.Relationship of deferred 149. MA 1963 CSU Sacramento. performance of minority groupsin the United States. aspects of the social,economic, PERRY, NealC. An investigation of certain 150. Chinese and Japanese graduatesof high schools and educational statusof second generation of Fresno, California. MSW 1938 USC, 141pp. -FU/LA. to social, political,and educational 151. ROH, Gene A. How Asian Americans relate -Chinese, Japanese,Pilipino- values today.CMS 1972,CSU Hayward, 56pp. AS. University of Hawaii 152. SAKUMOTO, Raymond E.A study of dating attitudes among students. MA 1957 Hawaii. RU,YQ. A study *of theethnic SAKUMOTO, Raymond E. Social areas of Honolulu: 153. 166pp. 26/3523. dimensions in an urban socialstructure. PhD 1965 Northwestern, RU,SH,Y0. work Interpersonal relationship inethnically mixed small 154. SCOTT, Woodrow. groups. PhD 1959 USC. Physical disability as a componentof,social distance among 155. SHIM, Neil. MA 1965 Hawaii. RU. college students and theirparents in !-Iawaii.


156. SOUZA, Robert A. Differentials in consumption patterns among major et! groups on Oahu. MA 1965 Hawaii. RU.

Hawaii 157. WADE, Alton L. A study of former students of the Church College of from selected Polynesian countries. PhD 1973 Brigham Young. 34/3001-A.

and 158. YOUNG, Robert L. A comparative study of the rural populations of Iowa California. MA 1948 Stanford, 106pp. FU. - Chinese, Japanese-


159 BABCOCK, Marjorie E. Some applications of clinical psychology in Hawaii. MA 1927 HaWiii. RU. adopted by 160. BAHAM, Rita V. Adjustment of foreign-born Oriental children Caucasian families. MSW 1963 USC, 144pp. Americanization in 161. BRIDGE, David A. A study of the agencies,which promote the Los Angeles City Recreation district. MA 1920.USC,, 147pp. AS/LA. the 162. FACER, Louise. Friendship patterns of mainland Haole students at University of Hawaii. MA 1961 Hawaii. .RU.

value orientations 163. FULTZ, Jane N. A study of status systems and related among adolescents of an ethricallyplural high school community in Hawaii.'PhD 1966 New York, I76pp. 27/3772-A.

164. GUSTAFSON, Lucile.Relationship betWeen ethnic group membership and the retention of selected facts pertaining toAmerican history and culture. PhD 1957 New York, 118pp.18/957.

PhD 1971 165. HIRATA, Lucie C. Immigrant integration in a polyethnic society. Hawaii. YO. -Chinese, Japanese, Pilipino- indicated 166. HYAMS, Katherine. Degree of acculturation of Oriental Americans as by some social behaviors. MA 1968 Hawaii. LO,RU,Y0.

Changing attitudes and behavior. MA 1966 167. KIM, Henry H. The Waikiki beachboy: Hawaii. America, with special 168. KRALL, Dorothy. The second generation immigrants in reference to problems of adjustment. PhD 1937 Yale. Chinese and 169. KUROKAWA, Minako. Acculturation and childhood accidents among Japanese Americans. PhD 1967 UC Berkeley, 422pp. 28/4726-A. FU,SH. MA 1972 170. LEE, Louie R. Asian-American identity: An exploratory study-. CSU Hayward, 165pp.AS. other factors 171. NAKAHARA, Mildred T. A study of the social characteristics and relating to female juvenile first offenders and femalerecidivists of the Honolulu Juvenile Court during 1953. MA 1955 Hawaii. RU.

characteristics 172. NISHIOKA, Toshio. A comparative study-of selected social and other factors relating to children detained lessthan five days and more than and June 30, 1954. twenty-nine days in the Honolulu Detention Home betweenJanuary 1 MA 1955 Hawaii. RU.


173. MORN, William P. Adjustment difference of selected foreign-born pupils and matched native-born pupils attending publichigh schools in Santa Clara, 1966-1967. MA 1967 CSU San Jose, 7Jpp.

174. SCHUERMAN, Leo A. Assimilation of minority subpopulations in Los Angeles County. MA 1969 USC.

intake 175. TANJI, Betty M. A study of the cultural problems presented at the interviews at the Bureau of Mental Hygiene, Honolulu,Oahu, from January through December 1953.MA 1953 Hawaii. RU. nonwhites for selected 176. THEIBAULT, Mary Ann. Recent trends in assimilation of socioeconomic factors. MA 1970 CSU San Jose, 97pp. between status conflict and 177. TYREE, Andrea. A study of the relationship suicide.MA 1964 Hawaii. RU,Y0. of ethnic minorities in the urban 178.VILLENEUVE, Paul Y. -The spatial adjustment environment. PhD 1971 UniVersity of Washington, 199pp. 32/4667 -B. A comparison 179. VOSS, Harwin L. Insulation and vulnerability to delinquency: 22/2100. of the Hawaiians and Japanese. PhD 1961 University of Wisconsin, 486pp. MA,RU,SH. and sex-ethnic group 180. WALDER, LeopoldO. The effects of instructions, order in level of aspirations situations. MA 1951 Hawaii. RU.

Need for and its relation toachievement- 181. WILLYERD, Linden G. related communications. MA 1957 Hawaii. RU.


Asian studies program on the socialdistance 182. ADDAZIO, Louis C. 'Tbe-effectlof an between tenth-grade students and selected ethnic groups. PhD 1970 University of Connecticut, 180pp. 31/6391-A: Minority and low-income ALLEN, Anne G. Educational opportunities program for 183. EdD 1970 UC Los Angeles, students in California and U.S. collegesand universities. 621pp. 32/5053-A.

Relationships of ethnicity, socioeconomicstatus, and 184. BACKMAN, Margaret E. 33/4988-A. sex to patterns of mentalabilities. PhD 1970 Columbia,*114pp. education on 185., BAKER, Gwendolyn. The effects of training in multi-ethnic 152pp. 33/4994-4. pre - service teachers' perceptions. PhD 1972 University of Michigan, of eighth grade riPlls 186. BARRETT, Char-lei5B. The mathematical-achievement from the standpoint of racial ancestry. MA 1939 Hawaii, 83pp. AL,GA.

Oriental. AM 1920 187. BORNCAMP, Frederick' F. Mental Development of the Stanford. A comparative study of auditory memoryskills in a 188. COCKERHAM, Ruby M. group of multiethnicpre-school children.'MA 1970 CSU San Jose, 23pp. the educationalachievement 189. CUTTER, Mary A. A study_of the intelligence and of two hundred school pupils. MA 1928 Hawaii. RU.


190. DUNN, Lynn P. An ethnic studies guide and source book. PhD 1972 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,.650pp. 3A/766-A. AS.

191. FAWSON, Paul C. A study for the justification and implementation of a cross-cultural understanding of Asia in the elementary and secondary school curriculum. EdD 1965 Brigham Young, 108pp. 26/1448. FU.

192. FREEMAN, Margaret Z. A study of some social factors associated with truancy in a public intermediate school in Honolulu.MA 1954 Hawaii. RU.

193. HARTLE, Helen W. An analysis of certain achievement patterns of four language speaking groups of sixth grade students in Hawaii. PhD 1968 New York State University, Albany, 266pp. 29/3913-A. SH.

194. HENDRY, Eva. A study of 'the English achievement of children from the two types of Honolulu public schools.MA 1934 Hawaii, 71PP-

195. HOLMER, Esther. Truancy in the schools of Honolulu. MA 1935 Hawaii. RU.

196. HOPKINS, Thomas W. Educational standardization and the "foreign child." EdD 1933 New York University, 276pp. -Chinese, Japanese, Pilipino-

197. JOHNSON, Florence B. A comparative study of the basic music talents of three racial groups - Chinese, Japanese, and part Hawaiian. MA1933 Hawaii, 950p. LO,RU,YO/LA.

198. LEITER, Russel G. A comparative study of the general intelligence of Caucasian, Chinese and Japanese children as measured by the Leiterinternational performance scale. PhD 1938 USC, 618pp. SH/LA.

.199. LEVINE, E.Jah.Some characteristics of students in Oahu public school adult education classes, 1960., and implications for programadministration. kA 1961 Hawaii. RU.

200. LEWIS, Helen,M. A:study of the speech attitudes of the University of Hawaii freshmen. MA 1949.Hawaii.

201. LIVSAY, Thayne M. A study of publiceducatiOn in Hawaii with special reference to the pupil population. PhD 1931 University of Washington. SH.

202. MCBRIDE, Virginia. Reading ability as a criterion of college' aptitude at the University of Hawaii.' MA1932 Hawaii. RU. -Chinese,-Japanese-

203. MARSHALL, Emily L. A study of the achievement bf Chinese and Japanese children in the public schoOlsof Honolulu. MA 1927 Hawaii, 75pp.LO,RU,YO/LA.

204. MIDKIFF, Frank E. Economic determinants of education in Hawaii. PhD 1935 Yale, 429pp. LO,RU,SH.

205. JUSHIOKA, dam. Cultural difference and the implications of ethnic studies. MA 1973 UC Davis. AS.

206. PADELFORD, William B. The influence of socioeconomic level, sex,and ethnic background upon the relationship between reading achievement andself-concept. EdD 1969 UC Los Angeles, 128pp. 30/3330-A.

207. POND, Elsie A. Americanization and education of adult immigrants inCalifornia. MA 1920 Stanford, 138pp. LA.



education in 208. POTTER, Robert E.The backgrounds and development of physical Hawaii MA 1948 (brio University. -Chinese, Japanes.,, Korean, Pilipino-

209. PRANZO, Mary L. Studies in production relationship in secondary education 32/4794-A. for minority groups in the U.S. PhD 1971 University of Pittsburg,141pp. performance of 210. SKINNER; Eunice A. A comparative study of the memory test severlj national ancestry groups,representedin Hawaii. MA 1948 Hawaii. RU. 1F stimuli of 211. SMITH, Nathalie V. A comparative study of reactions to numerous different generations of Oriental and Caucasiansin Hawaii. MA 1949 Hawaii.MA,RU;YO.

1778-1960. 212. STUEBER, Ralph K. Hawaii: A case study of development education, PhD 1964 University of Wisconsin, 422pp. 25/3959. Y0. Thorndike Test resultsat 213. THOMPSON, Helen G. A study of the significance of the University of Hawaii. MA 1930 Hawaii. RU. decisions of Oriental 214. TINLOY, Marion Y. Factors affecting college enrollment students. MS 1971 CSU Hayward, 75pp. AS. ME 1940 Hawaii. 215. VILIERS, Ernest G. A history of Iolani School(1862-1940). LO,Y0. implementation of ethnic studies 216. WILLIAMS, Otis M.An exploratory study of the 33/9120-A. in selected colleges of southern California. EdD 1971 USC, 197pp.

opportunities for BRENNEISE, Beverly G. A critical study of educational 217. schools. bilingual students in'the SacramentoCity Unified School District secondary MA 1968 CSU Chico. FU. written in English by CHANG, Winona L. A comparison of certain structures -218. 32/1954-A. monolingual and bilingual sixth graders. EdD 1971 Boston University, 219pp. of English CHING, Doris C. Evaluation of a program for the improvement 219. DEd 1960 Harvard, 55PP. language and reading achievementin HaWaiian bilingual children. term "pidgin" as Osed by COCHRAN, Betty A. An analysis,Of the meaning of the 220. "pidgin." MA 1953 Hawaii. RU. college freshmen and an examinationof their attitudes toward

approach to instrilrfion: English as 4 221. KALANTZIS, Constantine. The systems 171pp. 33/1321. second language: EdD 1972 Boston University,

Language conflict and its specification: Experimental study. 222. KOO, Jcog H. PhD 1970 Indiana, 138pp. 32/948-A. AS/LA. language as spoken,byfive LARRY, Etta C. A study of the sounds of the English 223. SH,YO. racial groups in the HawaiianIslands. ,PhO 1942 Columbia, 79pp. MA 1935 Hawaii. RU. 224. REINECKE, John E. Language and dialect in Hawaii. of English as a RIGOUT, Theodore C., Jr. Development of student-teachers 225. 32/5094-A. second language in skills andverbal interaction. EdD 1971 Columbia.


Program in English 226. SHOEMAKER, Richard F. The San Francisco Public Adult School MA 1961 CSU San for foreign born: An appraisal, a critique and suggested reforms. Francisco. speakeA of English in the 227. SHUN, Laura L. A study of selected bilingual Hawaiian Islands. MA 1961 Hawaii. RU. between 228. TANG, Benita S. T. A psycholinguistic study of the relationships children's ethnic-linguistic attitudes and theeffectiveness of methods used in second language reading instruction. PhD 1971 Stanford, 159pp. 32/5624-A.


and 229. ALLEN, Pongsun. Attitudes of foreign students toward school experiences America. MA 1958 Ohio State. adjustment 230. ANASOOYA, Bharatiya.The role of the International Center in the of foreign students at the University ofMichigan. MA ,1947 Michigan.. State 231.- AR1DI, Basher. Attitude of the Asiatic students attending the Utah States, Logan-and the USAC. MA 1953 Utah State / Agricultural College toward the Uhited Agricultural College, 45pp. problems of a group 232. ARJONA, Adoration Q.An experimental study of the adjustment. University. of foreign graduate students and a groupof American graduate students at Indiana EdD 1956 Indiana University, 164pp.16/1838. at 233. BARDIS, Panos D. Dating attitudes and patterns among_foreign students Purdue University. PhD 1955 Purdue. -Chinese, Indian, Pilipind- article usage for 234. BRODKEY, Dean G. A self-instructional program in English Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai college students. EdD 1969 UC Los Angeles, 103pp. 30/4962-A. 7- A case study incross- 235. BURROUGHS, Franklin T. Foreign students at UCLA: cultural education. EdD 1964 UC Los Angeles, 252pp. 25/1711. SH. University of 236. CHOU, Frank H-T. A study of the foreign student program at the AS/LA. Georgia, 1948-49 through 1958-59. DEd 1960-Georgia University, 209pp.,21/2158. and return 236.1 CAJOLEAS, Louis P.The, academic record, professional development, adjustment of doctoral students from other lands: A study of Teachers College alumni, 1946-1955. PhD 1958 Columbia. 19/250. A study of some process 237. COELHO-OUDEGEEST, Maria. Cross-cultural counseling: 280pp. variables in the counseling of foreign students. PhD 1971 University of Wisconsin, 31/6340-A. returning to the 238. DAS, Man S. Effect of foreign students' attitudes towards country of origin on the national loss of professionalskills. PhD 1969 Oklahoma State University. 31/4382. activities of the 239. DE HOYOS, Benjamin F. A study of the present recreation foreign students on Brigham Young University campus.MA 1961 Brigham Young, 57pp. foreign students in 240. DESAI, Armaity S. Attitudes and learning experiences of American schools of social work. PhD 1969 University of Chicago, 281pp. LA. 21. 14 ASIAN -- FOREIGN STUDENTS 258

Socio-cultural relocation and changes in anxiety and 241. DE VINCENZO, Doris K. attitudes toward the U.S. as host country amongexchange visitor nurses. PhD 1970 New York University, 139pp. 31/4155-B. AS/LA. foreign students. 242. DIAS, Milagres C. The effect of counseling on adjustment of PhD 1971 UC Los Angeles, 223pp. 32/6123-A. students 243. ELLAKANY, Farouk A. A. Prediction of academic achievement of foreign at Iowa State University 1969-1970. PhD 1970 Iowa State, 81pp. 31/1575-A. academic performance of 244. ELTING, Robert A. The prediction of freshman year 31/5697-A. foreign students from pre-admission data. PhD 1970 New York University, 285pp. MA 245. FORSTAT, Reisha E. Problems of foreign students at Purdue University. 1950 Purdue, 79pp. PhD 1952 Stanford, 246. GRAHAM, Grace. Foreign students in an American university. 269pp. SH/LA. international students 247.GUKICH, Dorothy. A survey of the adjustments of graduate in education at the Ohio State University. MA 1948 Ohio State University, 119pp.

the relationships between the English 248. HAMLIN, Elizabeth C.An analysis of language proficiency scores of enteringforeigngraduate students and their academic 33/2125. achievement in an advanced degree program. PhD1972 University of Oregon, 86pp.

family ties, and social position as factors 249. HEKMATI-TEHRANI, Mehri.Alienation, 31/6734-A. related to the non-return of foreignstudents. PhD 1970 New York University. ,Indonesian, Thai, Pakistani, and 250. HILL, Harvis H.''An analysisof a group of Iddian student perceptions of their problems whileenrolled at Indiana University. PhD 1966 Indiana.- dietary patterns HO, Genevieve P-A.Factors affecting adaptation to American 251. 22/3977. SH, by students from the Oriental countries. PhD 1961 Pennsylvania State, 114pp. academic performance, study 252. "-HO, Man. K. The effect of group counseling on the PhD 1964 habits and attitudes, and the interpersonaladjustment of foreign students. Florida State University, 102pp. 30/5237-A. achievement of foreign 253. HOUNTRAS, Panos T..Factors associated with the academic PhD 1955 University of graduate students at the University ofMichigan from 1947-1949. Michigan, 136pp. 15/762. -Chinese, Indian-

Ethnic prejudice among Negro and foreign students. MA 1969 254. KHAN, Taki M. CSU Sacramento. America. MA 1960 255. KIRKWOOD, Warren D. Asian student migration to Europe and CSU San Diego. FU. across three 256. KUMATA, Hideya. A factor analytic study of semar,Jc structures 18/1881. SH. selected cultures.PhD 1958 University of Illinois, 316pp. and the 257. LAFRIEDA, Dorothea F. The relationship between special programs PhD 1973 community adaptation and marital adjustmentof wives of foreign students. University of Miami. 34/2304-A. A study of LOZADA, Rhodelia C. B. Foreign students at Purdue University: 258. and selected personal and academic characteristicsin relation to current experiences future expectations. PhD 1970 Purdue, 324pp. 31/3878-A.


259. MIERZWA, Dorothy R. A study of some of the problems of adjustment experienced in the non-academic areas by international students inTeachers College,.... EdD 1953 Columbia, 133pp.

students .260. MOORE, Forrest G.=Factors affecting the academic success of foreign in American universities. Ed() 1953 University of Minnesota, 565pp. 14/492. -Chinese, Indian- DSW 261. MURASE; Kenneth. International students in education for social work. 1961 Columbia, 371pp. 22/673.

MA 1922 University 262. NEELEY, Anna E. The foreign student on the American campus. of Chicago, 6Opp. FU/LA. -Cninese, Japanese, Filipino-

brain drain. PhD 1970 263! Tai K, Role of international education in the AYian Wisconsin, 920pp. 31/4987-A. AS/LA. in 264. PIERCE, Frank N. Foreign student views and attitudes toward advertising 366pp. 31/780-A. the United States. PhD 1969 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 6. Oriental students 265. SANMANN, Madge S. A study of the experiences of selected in colleges and universities in the UnitedStates and implications for higher education. PhD 1948 Northwestern University, 424pp.

266.441,INER, Suzanne B. Differential perception of personality characteristims 30/477-0. in cross-cul al interactions PhD 1968 UC Los Angeles, -215pp. MA 1966 267. SCOTT, James D.Educating Asian students for business career. University of Michigan. DA. values among graduate SETHNA, Ruston J. A cross-national comparison of certain 268. 25/5751. students from the U.S., Pakistan, India 'andThailand. EdD 1964 Indiana, 128pp. problems experienced SHARMA, Sarla. A study to identify and analyze adjustment 269. state by foreign non-European graduate studentsenrolled in selected universities in the Greensboro, 209pp. 32/1866 -A. of North Carolina. EdD 1971 University of North Carolina, student friends 270. SHEARER, Roberta:A comparative study of American graduate of foreign students. Ed0 1965 Indiana. 26/5250. southern colleges 271. SHEPARD, Nolan E. The acculturation of foreign students in 262pp: 31/2624 -A. AS/LA. and universities. PhD 1970 University of Mississippi, and,junior colleges: 272. SJOGREN, Clifford F. Foreign students in Michigan community PhD 1972 University of An analysis of present condittons,experience, and expectation. Michigan. 33/6101-A. students at Ohio State 273. SKEELS, Ralph W. The adjustment problems of foreign University. MA 1938 Ohio State University. variables to foreign 274. SUGIMOTO, Roy A. The relationship of selected predictive students achievement at University of California at Los Angeles. PhD 1967.USC, 154pp. 23/65-A. SH/LA. in the English language 275. URSUA, Aurora R. The relationship between adeptness and social adjustment of foreign graduate students. PhD 1969 Catholic University of America, 124pp. 30/2390-A.


Berkeley A study of the problems offoreign students at the 276. VASWANI, Hari V. EdD 1950 UC Berkeley, 160pp. campus of Universityof California. Indian and Japanese students WIN, U. Kyaw. A study of the difficulties 277. California, 1969-1970. encountered to six problem areas atthe University of Southern PhD 1971 USC, 154pp. 33/912-A. AS.


HematolOgical values for young adult menand women-in the Hawaiian 278.- AU, Man H., Islan'ds. MA 1939 Hawaii. RU. Developmental aspects ofMachiavellianism: A cross-cultural 279. DIEN, Dora S-F. 32/3421-A. study. PhD 1971 Columbia, 122pp. Socio-cultural characteristicsassociated 279.1. FLEMING, Paulette and others. practices; a study of contraceptivebehavior'in Hawaiian/part Hawaiian, with contraceptive projects in Honolulu, Hawaii. Filipino, and Samoan womenin selected low-income housing MSW 1973 Hawaii, 209pp. San The third world movementand its history in the 280. HEKYMARA, Kuregiy. PhD 1972 UC Berkeley. Francisco State College strikeof 1968-1969. disease problem in theterritory A study of the venereal 281. LEE, Richard K.C. of Hawaii. PhD 1938 Yale. RU. . maternal ancestry KANTZ, Henrietta C. A of the relationship between 282. MA 1943 Hawaii. RU. and the incidence ofcleft.palate_, in children. of the CaliforniaOriental SANGALANG, Apolinar N. A study of the integration 283. California-Nevada Annual Conference.MA 1963 University Provisional Conference into the of the Pacific.


Interaction of an Claus Spreckels, sugarking of Hawaii: 283.1. ADLER, Jacob. 20/552. entrepreneur with anisland community. PhD 1959 Columbia, 430pp. The making_of Hawaii: A studyin social evolution. 283.2. BLACKMAN, William. ---Ph0_1893-Cornell. PhD 1946 American expansion in Hawaii,1842-1898. 283.3. STEVENS, Sylvester. Columbia, 320pp. and interest and Americandiplomacy in Hawaii 283.4. WEIGLE, Richard D. The sugar Cuba, 1893-1903. PhD 1939 Yale, 395pp. of Asian men's assessmeht ofpersonal attributes 283.5. HARDJANTI, Stella M. MS 1969 Ohio State University,83pp. American males on thebasis of clothing.

24 17 284




284. BARTH, Gunther P. Bitter strength:A history of the Chinese in the U.S., 1850-1870. PhD 1962 Harvard, 304pp. FU/DA. Published. MA 1966 285. BE DUNNAH, Gary P. A history of the Chinese in Nevada,,1855-1904. University of Nevada, 152pp. FU/LA. MA 1942 Occidental 286. BINGHAM, Edwin R. The saga of the Los Angeles Chinese. College, 185pp. FU/LA. An odyssey of the Southwest. 287. BRISCOE, Edward E.-Pershing's Chinese refugees: MA 1947 St. Mary's University.

288. CHANG, Kuei-Sheng. Chinese great explorers: Their effect upon Chinese geographical knowledge prior to 1600. PhD 1955 Michigan.

MA 1928 University of 289. CURRIER, Viola N. The Chinese web in Oregon history. Oregon, 71pp. FU/LA.

Influences in the 'development of 290. DANS, Alan G. Honolulu--the first century: the town to 1876. PhD 1966 Hawaii, 799pp. 27/1751-A. LO,YO. California, 291. DESMOND, Mary B., Sister. The history of the city of Marysville, 1852-1859. MA 1962 Dominican College of San Rafael, 119pp. FU. the 19th century. 292. FEICHTER, Nancy K. The Chinese in the inland empire during MA 1959 Washington State College. A study of the 293. LEE, Marjorie. Cultural pluralism and American textbooks: AS. Chinese immigrant in Oregon. PhD 1972 University of Oregon, 73pp. 33/4682-A.


PhD 1971 294. LEONARD, Stephen J. Denver's foreign born immigrants, 1859-1900. Claremont Graduate School, 271pp. 32/2bu9-A. AS -- 295. LOEWEN/, James W. The Mississippi Chinese. PhD 1968 Harvard.' AS/DA,LA. PhD 1945 296. LOH,-Homer C. C. Americans of Chinese incestry in Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania, 206pp. FU.

PhD.1969 University 297. LOTCHIN, Roger W. A history of San Francisco, 1846-1856. Of Chicago.

San 298. LUCKINGHAM, Bradford F. Associational life of the urban frontier: Francisco, 1848-1856. PhD 1968 UC Davis, 247pp. 29/2185-A.

299.. MC DONALD, Eileen H.A study of Chinese migrants in certain Idahosettlements and Of selected families in transition. MA 1966 University of Idaho, 96pp. AS/LA.

300. MELDRUM, George W. The history of thetreatment of foreign and minority groups in California, 1830-1860. PhD 1949 Stanford, 209pp." FU.

301. MIMS,- Amy E. Chinese life in SankAntonio.MA 1941 Southwest Texas State Teachers College, 68pp. FU. MA 1964 University of 302. RUGuLPH, Gerald E. The Chinese in Colorado. 1869-1911. Denver. LA. 1910. MA 1946 303. , Fern C. The history of the Chinese in idaho'from 1864 to University of Oregon, 235pp. FU. MA 1961 U0 304. WOOD, Ellen R. Californians and the Chinese:, The first decade. Berkeley, 143pp. FU.


MA 1931 305. AUCUTP, Lucile. Life in California mining camps: 'A type study. UC Berkeley. , 11 1850-1860. AM 306. atAiirti, Hayward C. The history of gold mining in California, 1946 Stanford. , . mining 30. MANN, Ralph E. II. The social anipolitiCal structure'of two California 'towns, 1850-1870'. PhD 1970 Stanford, 206pp. 31/4091 -A.. 848-1670.MA 308. MOORE, Kenneth S., Jr. Fate of the California gold rush miner, 1970 .CSU Sacramento. Evolution of mining andmining society in 309. PAUL, Rodman. Cradle of the nest: California, 1848-1873, and its influence upon thedevelopment of the Far West. PhD 1943 Harvard. - _ A study of nativism and 310. PITT, Leonard M. The Foreign Miner's Tax of T850: anti-nativism in gold rush California.MA 1955 UC Los Angeles.

California mining industry, 1866-1883. 311. RICHARDSON, Ann C.Development of the MA 1960 UC Davis. -


California 312. SAMPSON, William R. Mining, law and social order in-the gold- camps Of and British Columbia, 1848-1856: A comparative study.PhD nd University of Washington.

313. ,SMITH, Duane A. Mining camps and the settlement of the trans-Mississippi' frontier, 1860-1890. PhD 1964 University of Colorado, 367pp. 25/7233, MA 1930 314. WILLIAMS, Stephen. The Chinese in the California mines, 1848-1860. Stanford, lllpp. AS/DA,LA.


Stttes 315. GANSCHOW, Thomas W.A study of Sun Yat-sen's contacts with the United prior to 1922. PhD 1971 Indiana University, 241pp. 32/260C' -A. PhD 1958 Columbia, 316. HSUEH, Chun-tui. Huang Hsing and the Chinese revolution. 353pp. 19/2379. China, 317. HUANG, Steve S-C. Chinese in the U.S. and the revolutionary movement of 1898-1911. MA 1961 CSU San Jose, 74pp. AS/LA. 'f K'ang Yu-wei and Liang Chi-chao &n the 318. LIANG, Phoebe M. H. The influenc. making of new China.MA 1933 Hawaii.LO,YO. the Chinese in 319; MORAN, James W. The Chinese revolution of 1911 as affected by America and American public opinion. PhD 1949 Colorado, 257pp. AS.


Chinese government 320. BIGGERSTAFF, Eugene K. The change in the attitude of the toward the sending of diplomatic representatives,1860-1880. PhD 1934 Harvard. PhD 1967 321. BRACEY, Dorothy H..TheeffeCts of emigration on a Hakka village. Harvard. legislation relating to 322. BROWN, Sadie. United States treaties and special Chinese immigration 1844-1943. MA 1952 University of Washington, 198pp. English-speaking countries of 323. CHAR, Tin-yuke. Legal restrictions on Chinese in the Pacific.MA 1932 Hawaii. LO,RU. labor conditions. PhD 324. CHEN, Ta. Chinese migrations, with special reference to 1923 Columbia, 237pp. FU/DA. Published. laws. PhD 1940 325. CHEN, Wen-hsien. Chinese under both exclusion and immigration University of Chicago, 500pp. AS/LA. -

the U.S. MA 1949 326. CHU, Wen- Chang. The background of Chinese imrigrationeinto University of Washington, 113pp. FU/LA. influenced the 327. AVIDSON, Worabelle. Whether or not the Burlingame Treaty development ofJhe Pacific States.MA 1928 USC.

323.) DAVIS, ForrestS.-'Chinese excluSion. MA 1922 Columbia, 61pp.

The Baptist response to immigration in theUnited States, 329. DAVIS, Lawrence B. 29/1968. FU. 1880-1925. PhD 1968 University of Rochester,341pp. 27 20 CHINESE -- IMMIGRATION 348

MA 330. DEIERHOI, William H. The exclusion of the Chinese from the United States. 1925 Columbia, 7O pp.

331. F,INCHER, Earnest B., Jr: Past and future effects of Chinese immigration in the Pacific area. MA 1934 Columbia, 94pp.

332. GRIGSBY, Leslie. The exclusion of Chinese from the United States.MA 1924 UC Berkeley, 136pp.

333. GUIDA, Anthony J. Thomas F. Bayard and the abortive Chinese immigration treaty of 1888. PhD 1962 Georgetown, 142pp. AS/LA.

334. HENG, Linnie M. The history of Chinese immigration and e:;clusion in the U.S. MA 1940 USC.

335. HONG, Yon C. Chinese immigration. MA 1925 USC, 74pp. AS/LA.

336. JANISCH, Hudson N. The Chinese, the courts, and the Constitution: A study of the legal issues raised by Chinese immigration to theUnited States, 1850-1902. PhD 1971 University of Chicago, 1166pp. AS/LA.

337. LARKIN, Thomas M. Chinese exclusion. PhD 1903 Boston University.

338. LEINENWEBER, Charles R. Immigration and the decline of the internationalism in the American working class movement, 1864-1919. PhD 1968 UC Berkeley, 257pp. 30/1257-A.

relating 339. LI, Tien L. Congressional policy of Chinese immigration; or legislation to Chinese immigration to the United States. PhD 1916 Vanderbilt, 132pp. FU. Published.

MA 1933 340. LU, Chi-hua. The American attitude towardChinese immigration. Columbia, 72pp., PhD 1936 341. LUDWIG, Albert. Li Hung Chang and Chinese foreign policy, 1870-1885. UC Berkeley. United 341.1. LUM, Kalfred D. The migration,of the Chinese to San Francisco and the States. PhD 1966 UC Berkeley. AS. the 342., LYDON, Edward C. III. The movement to restrict Chinese immigration in Hawaiian kingdom, 1852-1886. MA 1968 CSU Sacramento, 164pp.

the 343. MILUAR, Anthony L. Chinese-American relations with special reference to boycott, 1905-1906. PhD 1949 Georgetown. MA 1935 344. REED, Nina G. Federal legislation concerning Chinese immigration.

University of Illinois, 128pp. , Chinese 345. RIGGS, Frederick W. Pressures on Congress; a study of the repeal of exclusion. -MA 1950 Columbia: Published.

A legal history. 346. ROTH, Arnold. The California stateSupi.eme Court, 1860-1879: PhD1973 USC, 335pp. 33/5104-A. MA 1952 347. SOMMA, Nicholas A. The Knights of Labor and Chinese immigration. Catholic University. LA. % Mission. 348. TAYLOR, Raymond D. The immigration activity of the Inland Empire MA 1932 State College of Washington,-151pp.


349. TSAI, Shih-Shan H. Reaction to exclusion: Ch'ing attitudes towards in the United States, 1848-1906. PhD 1970 University of Oregon, 358pp. 31/3487-A. AS.

350. KITE, Charles R. Congressional history of Chinese restriction, 1868-1893.PhD 1923 University of Wisconsin, 85pp.

351. WILCOX, Ethel D. The exclusion of the Chinese from the United States.MA 1905 Columbia, 26pp.

352. WONG, Everett. The exclusion movement and the Chinese community in San Francisco. MA 1954 UC Berkeley, 116pp. FU/LA.

353. WU, Ching-chao. Chinese immigration in the Pacific area. MA 1924 Uniiersity of Chicago, 121pp. AS,YO/LA.

354. YEUNG, Fong. Chinese exclusion.MA 1912 Columbia, 52pp6 LA.

355. ZO, Kil Y. Chinese emigration into the United States, 1850-1880. PhD 1971 Columbia, 23'.pp. 32/1461. AS/LA.


356. BOYER, James L. Anti-Chinese agitation in California: 1851-1904, A case study on traditional western behavior. MA 1969 CSU San Francisco, 116pp. AS.

357. CASSADY, L. W. Labor unrest and the labor movement in the salmon industry of the Pacific Coast. PhD 1938 UC Berkeley.

358. CHANG, Francis Y.A study of the movement to segregate Chinese pupils in the San Francisco schools up to 1885. EdD 1936 Stanford, 404pp. FU.

359. COURTNEY, William J. San Francisco anti-Chinese ordinances, 1850-1900.MA 1959 University of San Francisco, 88pp. FU/LA.

360. FAHEY, Frank M. Denis Kearney: A study in demagoguery. PhD 1956 Stanford, 330pp. 17/611.

361. HEILMAN, Grace E. The early history of the labor movement in Los Angeles., PhD 1949 University of Pennsylvania, 214pp. FU.

362. HORTON, Loren M. A study of attitudes and action of the citizens of Redlands, California, toward the local Chinese immigrant labor force from 1885 to 1895. MA 1957 University of Redlands, 36pp. FU/LA.

363. KNUTH, Helen E. The climax of American Anglo-Saxonism, 1898-1905. PhD 1958 Northwestern, 318pp. 19/1355. SH.

363.1. KNU1H, Priscilla F. Nativism in California, 1B86 -1897.MA 1947 UC Berkeley.

364: LEE, Betty L. H. A historical study of discrimination practices and their effects on the education of American-Chinese in California. MA 1966 CSU Sacramento, 154pp. FU/LA.

365. LEE, Robert. Discrimination by ballot: The case of Southwood and Sing Sheng. MA 1952 Pacific College of Religion.


366. MC NAIR, Harley F. Protection of alien Chinese. PhD 1922 UC Berkeley. rseas /3487-A. MA 1922 367. MC NEELY, Alexander H. Anti-Chinese movement in the Northwest. University of Washington.

. PhD 368. O'CONNOR, Sister Mary G. Denis Kearney: Sand-lot orator. A chronicle of California. MA 1937 Dominican College of San Rafael.

An historical 369. OLSEN, Barton C. Lawlessness and vigilantes in America: analysis emphasizing California and Montana. PhD 1968 UnOersity of Utah,,252pp.29/2654-A.

PhD 1939 370. SANDMEYER, Elmer C. The-anti-Chinese movement in California. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

ity 371. SAXTON, Alexander P. The indispensable enemy: A study of the anti-Chinese movement in California. PhD 1967 UC Berkeley, 513pp. 28/3122-A. FU/LA. Published. A study of.racism. 372. SKJEIE, Sheila M. California and the fifteenth amendment: MA 1973 CSU Sacramento, 362pp. AS. labor movements 373. TAN, Lien-Piaci. Racial problems in the American and Australian as between peoples of European andAsiatic origin. MA 1930 Columbia, 57pp. AS/LA. PhD 1968 374.VARCADOS, Peter R. Labor and politics in San Francisco, 1880-1892. UC Berkeley, 265pp. 29/3086-A. FU. Oregon, 1850-1886. 375. WILSON, Robert A.A history of the Chinese question in early MA 1942 University of Washington. FU. 4 the Pacific Northwest and British 376. WYNNE, Robert E. Reaction to the Chinese i 25/6581. 'FU /LA. Columbia, 1850-1910. PhD 1964 University of Washington,,511pp.


377. BEU, Robert T. S. A study of information and attitudes in Northwestern University regarding Chinese. MA 1932 Northwestern. speaking in the Hawaiian 378. CHING,4mes C. A history and criticism of political 23/4872. YO. kingdom: 1874-1891. PhD 1962 University of Missouri, 290pp. Overland Monthly, 1868- 379. CHU, Limin. The images of'China and the Chinese in the 1875, 1883-1935. PO 1966 Duke, 483pp. 27/473-A. FU/LA. MA 1949 Michigan State 380. EDWARDS, Mary P. Racial minorities in Mark Twain. University; 120pp. MA 1966 University of 381. ERICKSON,; BonnieH. Prestige, power and the Chinese. British Columbia, 960.

heathen- - 382. EVANS, JaMes L. The Indian savage, the Mexican bandit, the Chinese 28/4124-A. AS. three popular stereotypes. PhD 1967 University of Texas, Austin, 300pp. for American secondary 383. EWING, Ethel E. An interpretation of Chinese culture school pupils. EdD 1944 Cornell. An analysis'of best selling 384. FARMER, GeOrge 1. Majority and minority Americans: American fiction from 1926-1966. PhD 1968 USC, 243pp. 28/4457-A. 30 23 385 'CHINESE -- PERCEPTIONS, ECONOMICS

385. -FIREBAUGH, Dorothy G. The Sacramento Union, 3851-1875.MA 1951 Stanford.

386. FOSTER, John B. China and the Chinese in American literature, 1850-1950. PhD 1952 University of Illinois, 645pp. 13/92.

387. GARDNER, John B. The image of the Chinese in the United States, 1885-1915. PhD 1961 University of Pennsylvania, 233pp. 22/1139. AS/DA. Published.

388. KAN, Loretta Y-Y. A study of racial attitudes: American-born Chinese and foreign-born Chinese. MA 1973 CSU Los Angeles, 56pp. AS.

A 389. KENNEDY, Chester B. Newspapers of Californian northern mines, 1850-1886:. record of life, letters and culture. PhD 1950 Stanford, 199pp. a

390. MC CLELLAN, R. F., Jr. The American image of China, 1890-1905: PhD 1964 Michigan State University, 260pp. 25/5242.

PhD 1939 391. MASON, Mary G. Western concepts of China and the Chinese, 1840-1876. Columbia. Published.

1785-1882. 392. MILLER, Stuart C. The Chinese image in the eastern United States, PhD 1966 Columbia, 449pp. 27/3817-A. FU.

MA 1938 UC Berkeley.AS/ 393. NG, Pearl:Writings on the Chinese in California. DA,LA. Published. U MA 394. PALMEJAR, Carlos E. Chinese themes in American literature since 1848. 1936 University of Redlands.

395. PATTERSON, Charles W. Social perspectives of Protestant journals during the depression of 1893-1899. PhD 1970 Columbia, 325pp. 31/1882-A.

anti-Chinese agitation 396. SHUMAN, Howard H. The role of Seattle's newspapers in the of 1885-86. MA 1968 University of Washington. nativism 397. STANDART, Sister Mary C. The early development of social and economic in San Francisco and the mining regions of California,1848-1856. MA 1947 Dominican College of San Rafael, 85pp. AS/LA.

Francisco: 398. WHITFIELD, Ruth H. Public opinion and the Chinese question in San 1900-1947. MA 1947 UC Berkeley, 117pp. FU/LA. July 1 399. YU, Frederick .T-C. Treatment of China in four Chicago daily newspapers, through December 31, 1949. PhD 1951 University of Iowa, 82pp.


PhD 400. CHIU, Ping: Chinese labor in California, 1850-1880,An economic study. )960 University of Wisconsin, 299pp. 20/4086. FU/DA. Published. people in America with 401. CHOY, Elsie 'W -Y. A socio-economic study of the Chinese special reference to New York City.MBA 1945 Columbia, 79pp.

MA 1939 New York 402. CHU, Louis H. The Chinese restaurant in New YorkCity. University. FU.

31 24

111111111 418 CHINESE -- ECONOMICS

of the Chinese laborproblem. MA 1902 1 403. COULTER, Anne D. The economic aspects uF Berkeley, 51pp. FU. social adjustment of theSan Francisco DARE, Richard K. The economic and 404. FU/LA. Chinese for the past fifty years.'MA 1959 UC Berkeley. 1875-1902. The leadership of thereclamation movement, 404.1. DAVISON, Stanley.R. PhD 1950 UC Berkeley. Columbia,,35pp. Chinese contract laborin Hawaii. MA 1909 405. HUNTER, Graham C. 'status of the American-bornChinese college 406. KWOH, Beulah O. The ;occupational of Chicago, 126pp. AS/LA. graduates.MA 1947 University Reclamation of land in California. MA 1924 UC Berkeley. 406.1. JUDGE, Anne F. influencing the upward careermobility of 407. LEE, Edmond. Environmental factors 32pp. AS. the Chinese male student. MS 1973 CSU Hayward, MA 1951 Vertical mobility among theChinese in Hawaii. 408. LEE, Robert M. W. Hawaii. LO,RU,YO. MA 1963 Hawaii. YO. Land use in WaiaholeValley, Oahu. 409. MIYAGI, Michichiro. PhD 1973 UC The Chinese shrimpfishery in California. 410. NASH, Robert Alan. Los Angeles, 361pp. 34/2697-8. -AS. and a history of Chinese laborin San Luis Obispo County 411. OCHS, Patricia M. ,A movement in California. relations in this countywith the anti-Chine.- comparison of Chinese University, San Luis Obispo,75pp. FU/LA. State Polytechnic 1869-1894. MA 1966 California 18E5-1870. MA The effort of theSouth to import coolies, 412. PEABODY, Etta B. 1967 Baylor University,82pp. AS. tation lands of California. A history of thereclamation of the Delta 412.1. ROBERTS, Doyle. MA 1951 University ofthe Pacific. vism trade.MBA 1931 A historical' survey ovtne Sino-Hawaiian 413. TAN, Peter. N. W. Hawaii. Lo.r. Delta, geography of theSacramento-San Joaquin 414. THOMPSON, John. The settlement 636pp. 19/295. California. PhD 1958 Stanford, prior to 1880. History of agriculturallabor in California 415. WAGERS, Jerard D. MA 1957 UC Berkeley. AS. 1849-1882. MA The American sojourn: The Kwantung emigrants, 416. WONG, Thomas T. 1971 Columbia 58pp. market. MBA 1934 Merchandising Chinese products onthe Los Angeles 417. WU, Shan. USC, 84pp. AS/LA. differences in careerdevelopment. Chinese and Caucasian 418. YOUNG, Theodore F. MS 1970 CSU Hayward,96pp. AS. 419 CHINESE -- ETHNIC INSTITUTIONS


419. CHEN, Eugenta'V. Survey of Chinese youth and student clubs in New YorkCity. MA 1945 University of Michigan,,145pp. AS/DA.

420. CHITIN, Florence W. Religious education of the Chinese community of San Francisco., MA 1920 University of Chicago, 59pp. FU/LA. .

421. DEL PORTILLO, Raymond. A survey of the agencies andinstituijons affecting the Chinese students of Francisco Junior High School. MA 1959 CSU San Francisco, 53pp. FU/LA.

422. FOREMAN, erbert S. A study of Chinese language school.MA 1958 CSU San Francisco, 27pp.AS.

423. HSIA, Jane C-A. American racial problems as reported, in two major Chinese newspapers, 1963-1964.MJ'1965 UC Berkeley.

424. JUNG, Eleanor, Antonia Tu and Larry Chen. Th9 Chinese elderly in Los Angeles: A survey of members of one senior citizens organization. MSW 1973 UC Los Angeles, 143pp. AS.

425. KAO, Siu W-U. A guidance program for Chinese youth in the Chinese Christian Center. EdD 1940 Columbia.

426. KIEI, Hui C. Social service with the Chinese in Boston.MSW 1949 Boston University.

427. LAI, Kum P. The natural history of the Chinese language school in Hawaii.MA 1935 Hawaii; 169pp. YO,LO.

MA 1945 428. LEE, Stephen P-S. A Chinese Christian Union Church for San Francisco. VC Berkeley, 24pp. FU.

429. LYMAN, Stanford M. The structure of Chinese society in nineteenth century America. PhD.1961 UC Berkeley, 439pp. FU,SH.

430. MENG, Tai C. A preliminary study of the basic social organization of the Chinese in America. MA 1932 Stanford, 128pp. AS.

MUI, M. M.-Social welfare services for children in San Francisco'sChinatown. MSW 1949 UC Berkeley. AS. r%

432. SEAGER, Robert, II. The church and the Chinese in California, 1848-1892.MA 1949 Columbia, 104pp.

433. SOBLE, Ronald L. A history of the Chinese World, 1891-1961. MA 1962 Stanford. AS.

434. TAAH, Loretta. The arrangements of the Chinese community in Los Angeles for meeting people's needs. MSW 1961 USC, 121pp. FU.

435. TANI, Tto-tiniA proposed program of Christian education for the Chinese churches in the San Francisco Bay region. MA 1934 Pacific School of Religion.

436. TSOU, George Y-C. The Chinese organization in New York City: A social study of the cultural, educational, social, and welfare organizations in New York City. MA 1938 New York University, 102pp. 33


437. WELLS, Mariann K. Chinese temples in California. MA 1962 UC Berkeley,. 190pp. FU/DA.

438. WONG,,Corrine H-S.The Christian education program of ChineseProtestant churches of Chinatown in New York. MA 1954 Biblical Seminary in New York.

toward - 439. YANG-, Sheng M. Att4,tudes of the Chinese newspapers in San' Francisco Sino-American relations, 1927-1941. AM 1946 Stanford. FU/LA.

Christianity,of Chinese he :440. YEH, Hwo-kuo. Factors associated with conversion to LA. people in New York Chinatown.MA 1960 New York University. Christian '441. YU, Siu-wen. A guidance program for Chinese youth in the Chinese Center, New York City. EdD 1940 Columbia, 131pp. FU/LA.


MA 1932 UC Berkeley, 442. CATHER, Helen V. The history of San Francisco's Chinatown. 97pp. FU/LA.

PhD 1941 443. CHEN, Julia I H. The Chinese community in New York, 1920-1940. AMerican University. AS/LA.

The future of Chinatowns in the United States. MA 1968 . 444. CHOU, Shao-Hwa. Columbia, 93pp. AS/LA.

445. DURIG, Kurt R. Social change in San trancisco's Chinatown. MA 1961 CSU San Francisco, 197pp. FU.

MA 1949 UC 446. FERINA, Bessie M. The politics of San Francisco's Chinatown. Berkeley, 153pp. AS,LA.

Massachusetts. MA 1941 447-, GAO, Ren-Ying. A social survey of Chinatown, Boston, Boston University, 116pp. FU. Chinatown. 448. HEYER, Virginia. Patterns of social organization in New York City's PhD 1953 Columbia, 191pp. 14/1286. FU/LA.

449. LEE, Nellie. The Chinese community of New York. MA 1934 New York School of Social Work.

450. LEE, Rose H. The growth and decline Of Chinese communities in theRocky - Mountain region. PhD 1948 University of Chicago, 371pp. FU/DA,LA.

451. LIAO, Pao Y. A case study of a Chinese immigrantcommunity. MA 1951 University of Chicago, 107pp.

families. 452. NANN, Richard C. Urban renewal and relocation of Chinese community DSW 1970 UC Berkeley, 132pp. 32/1104 -A. AS;

How Chinese a town? .MA 453. SALTER, Christopher L. San Francisco's Chinatown: 1967 UC Berkeley, 103pp. FU/LA.

PhD 1958 454. WU, Cheng'tsu. Chinese people and Chinatown in New York City. Clark University, 110pp. 19/1715. FU/LA.

455, WU, Ching C. Chinatowns: A study of symbiosis and assimilation. PhD 1928 University of Chicago, 381pp. FU/DA,LA. 34 27



456. ABBOTT, Kenneth A. Cultural change, psychosocial functioning and the family: A case study in the Chinese-American community of San Francisco.DSW 1970 UC Berkeley, 386pp, 32/1077-A. AS/LA. Published.

457. BERLINER, Garielle, Jan Brown, Cynthia S. H. Chau, Calvin Chung, Roger Converse, John R. Doner, Ernest Golosman, Martha Lemke, Amy Loomis, Eileen O'Riordan, Thais Pease, Jean-Paul Schreter, Herbert Spear, Barbara McSwain, Lois Weber, and Esther Yokota.The Chinese family in San Francisco: A preliminary study.MSW 1966 UC Berkeley, 4450. FU.

458. CHEN, Wen-hui C. A study of Chinese family life in Los Angeles as compared with the traditional family life in China. MA 1940 USC. LA.

459. CHEW, Caroline. Development of Chinese family life in America, as observed in ;San Francisco's Chinatown. MA 1926 Mills College, 42pp. FU.

460. DONG, Nyok-. Chinese family life in Philadelphia and New York. MA 1923 Columbia.

461. HOGAN, William. Sociological study of interracial marriage by Chinese in the District of Columbia. MA 1.942 Catholic University, 75pp. 'AS/LA.

462. KING, Pat K. The Chinese extended family and industrial.society: A problem in social organization. MA 1969 UC Davis. AS.

463. KRIGER, Sara F.Attitudes toward child-rearing as avowed by middle-class white AngloSaxon Protestant (WASP), Jewish and Chinese mothers. MA 1969 CSU Sacramento, 66pp. FU.

464. KUYKENDALL, Kenneth L. Acculturative change in family structure among Chinese Americans. PhD 1972 University of Colorado. 34/965-B.

465. LAW, Timothy J. Differential child-rearing attitudes and practices of Chinese American mothers. PhD 1973 Claremont, 155pp. 34/4406-A. AS.

466. LIANG, Yuan. The Chinese family in Chicago.MA 1951 University of Chicago, 125pp. AS/LA.

467. LJU, Yu-Chen. Interactions within Chinese-American families in Portland, Oregon, resulting from cultural differences. PhD 1951 Oregon State University, 82pp. FU.

468. LORDEN, Doris M. The Chinese-Hawaiian family. PhD 1932 Iowa.

MC DONALD, Eileen H. See #299.

469. MOODY, Edward J. ,Chinese family-structure and personality: The relation of authority to the development of achievement motivation. PhD 1972 UC Berkeley.

470. NUN, Stephen M. Patterns of Chinese-white intermarriages. MA 1966 CSU San Jose, 9Opp.

471. REN, Myles. Case studies of five Chinese-American marriages. MA 1955 New York University.

0 472. SMITH, Jacqueline M. Planning for homeless children: A study .of Chinese girls adopted into AmeriCan families. PhD 1971 Harvard. AS.


-473. WANG, Frances V. A study of family relationships of American-born Chinese high school students in Seattle. MA 1954 University of Washington, 288pp.

474. WOODARD, Martin T. The Chinese-American family: A study of selected literature on customs, values, and life style and itsimplications for futdre social science research. MSW 1973 UC Los Angeles, 87pp. AS.


475. BARNETT, Milton L.Alcohol and culture: A study of drinking in a Chinese- American community. PhD 1952 Cornell, 169pp. PU.

476. BURGESS, John S. A study of the characteriitics of the Cantonese merchants in Chinatown, New York, as shown by their use of leisure time. MA 1909 Columbia, 46pp. FU/LA.

477. DJANG, C. K. A brief survey of Chinese immigrants in American life.MA 1938 Louisville.

478. DJUH, Joan Y-D. A socio-cultural study of the Chinese parishioners of a Catholic Church in New York City. MA 1955 Catholic University.

479. ' FAN, Ting-Chiu. Chinese residents in Chicago. MA 1926 University of Chicago, 175pp- FU/LA.

480. FRENCH, Mary D. Southside neighborhood needs study. MA 1966 CSU Sacramento, 116pp. FU.

481. GRAALFS, Marilyn. A socioffietric study of Chinese students in a polyethnic high school.MA 1949 University of Washington, 61pp.

482. HARKNESS, Ellen G. Culture and role of Chinese health professionals with multi-ethnic clients. PhD 1973 University of Arizona, 280pp. 34/2428-A. AS.

483. 'HAWKS, Jean E. A study of Chinese-American children. PhD 1931 Chicago.

484. KING:Haitung. An analysis of selected demographic aspects of theChinese- American population, PhD 1951 Louisiana State, 171pp. FU.

485. LEE, Mabel S. The recreational interests and participation of a selected group of Chinese boys and girls in Los Angles,California. MSW 1939 USC, 9Opp. AS/LA.

486. LIU, Ching Ho. The influence of cult4ral background on the moral judgment of children. PhD 1950 Columbia, 104pp. 10/319.

487. LIU, Fu-ju. A comparative demographic study of native -born andforeign-born Chinese populations in the United States. PhD 1953 Michigan State University, 278pp. 14/203. FU.

Los 488. LOUIS, Kit K. A study of American-born and American-reared Chinese in Angeles. MA 1931 USC, 162pp.

A pilot study. 489. MAR, Conrad F. Non-delinquency among American-Chinese youth: MA 1964 University of the Pacific. MA 1924 490. MENG, Chih. The Chinese in Newark, New Jersey: A social survey. Columbia, 33pp. 36 29 ADJUSTMENT 491 CHINESE -- SOCIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS,

Chinese Hawaiian 491. MESNIKOFF, Wendy. A comparative study of American and Personality using Thematic ApperceptionTest data. MA 1957 University of,Chicago. YO,RU. children from.three to 492. PAU, Ruth M-K. A study of the characteristics of Chinese childreh six years of age in a kindergarten inNevi York, and some comparison with American of pre-school age.AM 1929 New York University, 66pp. distribution of Chinese 493. PIAN, Juna H-C. A comparative study of the daily time and American junior high school pupils. MA 1932 University of Michigan, 120pp.

student's life.MEd 1930 494. STRATFORD, Jane. Cross section of a high school Hawaii. YO. community life of Los 495. TOM, Kim F. The participation of the'Chinese in the Angeles. MA 1944 USC. AS/LA. Chinese immigrants of New 496. TSU, Andrew Y-Y. The use of leisure time among the York City. MA 1910 Columbia, 45pp. the United States. 497.' WHANG, Paonan M. The social conditions of the Chinese in MA 1914 Columbia, 26pp. immigrant community, 498. YUEN, Shai-yue. The culture of a contemporary Chinese Smithville, U.S.A.MA 1947 Mills College, 129pp. FU.


professionals 499. BEAUDRY, James A. Acculturation and assimilation; Chinese in upstate New York. MA 1966 Cornell, 301pp. LA. A study in cultural conflicts. 500. BRUGGER, FlOrence.The Chi4ese American girl: MA 1935 New York University, 265pp. FU/LA. Mississippi 501. CHAN,_Kit-mui L. As,imilation of the Chinese-Americans in the Delta. MA 1969 Mississippi State College. Chinese community 502. CHEN, Wen-hui C. Changing socio-cultural patterns of the in Los Angeles: PhD 1952. USC, 444pp. FU/LA. of Chinese immigrants. 503. CHENG, Bi-yuno.1. A study of anomie among the children MA 1971 UC Los Angeles, 49pp. AS. States: A 504. CHENG, David T-C. Acculturation of the Chinese in the United FU/LA. Philadelphia study. PhD 1946 University of Pennsylvania,399pp.

Arizona: A study of 505. CHIANG, Vivian. The Chinese community in Phoenix, acculturation and assimilation. MA 1970 Arizona State University, 15pp. AS. pluralism among Chinese 506. CHIN, James W. Problems of assimilation and cultural Americans in San Francisco, An exploratorystudy. MA 1965 University of the'Pacific, lllpp. FU. of the Chinese children 507. DJANG, Helen H-L. The adjustment to American culture in Chinatown, Chicago, and its educationimplications. PhD 1940 Northwestern, 240pp.



City's Chinatown, 50 DUNBAR, Agnes M. The second generation Chinese in New York females in that community. and es cially the vocational problems of the American-born MA 193Columbia, 57pp. AS. in a California 509. DUSEL, John P. The adjustment of American-Chinese students high school. AM 1946 Stanford, 101pp. Changes in 510. FONG, Stanley L. M. The assimilation of Chinese in America: orientation and social perception. MA 1963 CSU San Francisco, 54pp. LA.

accommodation. 511. GLICK, Clarence E. The Chinese migrant in Hawaii; a study in PhD 1938 University of Chicago.LO,YO,RU/LA. Chinese-AMericans in Stockton, 512. JUNG, Michael. A social distance study of California. MSW 1971 CSU Sacramento, 71pp. AS. exploratory 513.' KWAN, Kian M. Assimilation of the Chinese in the United States; an study in California. PhD 1958 UC Berkeley, 266pp.FU/DA,LA. United States and 514. LAM, David J. The adjustment of Chinese immigrants in the study. MA 1972 Hawaii. Y0. Hawaii: A descriptive analysis and an experimental case the Chinese 515. LEE, Bessie Y. Perpetuation of the primary group patterns among in Portland, Oregon. MS 1938 University of Oregon, 134pp. minority group.MA 516. LEE, Lin K. L. A ghettoization pattern of a color-caste 1972 CSU San Francisco.

Perspective and innovation of cultural behaviorin an 517. MITCHELL, William E. based on perception of the U.S. immigration alien society: A study of behavioral adaptation college educated Chinese living in New York City.MA , law and procedures by twenty-six 1956 Columbia, 890. FU/LA. socio-cultural changes in the OHNUKE, Emiko. The Detroit Chinese--a study of 518. 119pp. Detroit Chinese community from 1872 through1963. MS 1964 University of Wisconsin, AS/LA. MA 1964 UC Berkeley. 519. ROSTEN, Philip M. Marginality and marginal men. An exploratory study in ass(Milation. 520. RUMMEL, George A. III. The delta Chinese: MA 1966 University of Mississippi, 115pp. FU/LA. reference group behavior, and 521. RUSH, John A. The generation gap, as analyzed by MA 1969 CSU its effects on the solidarity of theChinese community of Sacramento. Sacramento, 61pp. FU/LA. the second generation 522. SHIH, Hsien-ju. The social and vocational adjustment of FU. of Chinese high school students in SanFrancisco, PhD 1937 UC Berkeley, 152pp.

A study of social isolation. PhD 523. SIU, Paul C-P. The Chinese laundryman: 1954' niversity of Chicago, 272pp. AS /DA,LA. Published. An exploration into the 524. STEIN, Owild J.The phenomenology of resettlement: experiences of Chinese immigrants in SanFrancisco. PhD 1973 California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco,362pp. 34/3476-B. AS.


interaction in Chinese culture; STOVER, Leon E. "Face" and verbal analogues of 525. participant-observation of an upper a theory of formalizedsocial behavior based upon class Chinese household, together with abiographical study of the primary informant. PhD 1962 Columbia, 417pp. 23/1489. FU-. Michigan. MA 526. SUN, Lily S-H. Assimilation of Chinese families in Kalamaz-o, 1973 Western Michigan University,13pp. AS. An analysis of "aged resident" 527. TAN, Binky. Role-taking and role making: behavior in two changing care homes., MA1967 Hawaii. LO,Y0. The Chinese in the United 528. TAN,14e1y G-L. Social mobility and assimilation: States. PhD 1968 UC Berkeley, 336pp. 30/416-A. FU/DA. The social organization of a 529. WEISS, Melford S. Conflict and compromise: 435pp. 32/3137-B. AS. Chinese community in America. PhD 1971 Michigan State University,, MSW 1972 UC Los 530. WONG, Richard. Socialization of Chinese American students. Angeles, 95pp. AS. behavior among the 531. Nancy F. The development of achievement-oriented Chinese of Ha PhD 1971 Hawaii. LO,YO.

1 acculturationLof Chinese 532. Y NG, Patrick H-C. Some factors affecting the adolescents n San - Francisco. MA 1913 CSU San Jose'.'


Chinese high school 533. U-YONG, Kenneth K. Factors affecting foreign-born AS. students i career perception. MS 1972 CSU Hayward, 48pp. community. AM 1949 534. BROWN, Sally A. Adult education in a Chinese-American Stanford, 2pp. AS. Boston Chinese.MA 535. CHANG, Rev. James A. Survey of educational needs of 1953 Bost n College, 73pp. with special reference 536.! CHANG, Tao-Pin. The rural school house and equipment Chinese conditions. MA to Cochise and Pinal counties,Arizona, and their adaptation to 1923, University of Arizona, 52pp.

Vocational guidance of Chinese studentsat Cwimerce High 537. CHIN, Dorothy F. AS. School, San Francisco, spring 1948. AM 1948 Stanford, 92pp. Washington D.C. MA 1939 538. CHUE, King 'W. Education of Chinese children in George Washington University, 47pp. children in San Francisco. 539. GRAHAM, Virgin:a T. The intelligence of Chinese PhD .1924,UC Berkeley. reading habits cf adult Chinese. PhD 540. HU, I. An experiMental stuay of-the 1928 University of Chicago', 141pp.

An evaluation of a family lifeeducation program for 541. ISALY, Janice K. District. MS 1972 CSU selected Chinese students in theSan Francisco Unified School San Francisco, 78pp. AS. 3:9 32 558' CHINESE EDUCATION, BILINGUALISM '

and visual dominance 542. JONG, Amy G-R. The effect of letter and fdrm position MSW 1971 on the tachistoscopic recall of symbolsand forms-by Chinese students. UC Los Angeles, 60p. . selected 13-17 543. LEE, Jeffrey C. Attitudes toward education aspirationi among and their China-born rents: An exploratory study. year old Chinese-American'. students . MA 1968 University of the Pacific. 0

normal Chinese and' 544. LEE, Sarah D. A comparative study of the intelligence of American school children. MA 1921 UC Plrkeley, 57pp. in Hawaii. MA 545. LI, Sylvianne F-A.A history of the education of the Chinese 1940 Oberlin College, 64pp. a the needs of 546. LIU, Yu-Chen. An'adaptation Of parent' education methods to meet MS 1940 Oregon'State College. the changing status of Chinese families. omm,

charactI.istic of 547. PORTALE, Jack C.An investigation of selected problems Chinese-American high school music students withimplications for music in ruction. MA 1970 CSU Sal-, Francisco, 120pp. AS. attending-public 548. PORTER, Raymond .-A study of the musical talent of Chinese schools in Chicago. PhD 1931 University of Chicago, 167pp. AS/LA. and academic 549. SIU, Ping K. Relationships betWeen motivational patterns PhD 1972 achievement in Chinese and iuerto Rican secondand, third grade students. Fordham University, 126pp.33/3407-A. AS. children in Chicago. MA 550. SOONG, Ruth J. A survey of the education of Chinese 1931 University of ,Chicago; 121pp. elementary school 551. WELSH, Sister Colleen. A comparison of musical aptitude in students of Chinese and French nationality. MA 1970 CSU San Francisco. graders at different social 552. YEE, Leland Y. Mental abilities of Chinese fourth class levels. MA 1972 CSU'/San'Francisco.

The interligence of Chinese childrenin San Francisco and 'k 553. YEUNG,Kwok-Tsuen. vicinity. MA 1921 Stanford, 64pp.


V Egrimental steps to ascertain reliability of 554. BLATCHFOR4 Charles 31/1503-A. f diagnostic tests in English as' second linguage. PhD 1970 Columbia, 121pp. English usage .encountered 555. CASEY, Theresa-A. A study of the difficulties In AS. by American-born Chinesec,Vldren. MA 1940 Stanford, 100pp; `Jr ainese-Ameriican children in San 556.DIAN, Ting study of fifty bilinguistic AS. Francisco. MA 1959 CSU SanFrancisco,4111pp.

The teaching of English to re.iostlrsieestudents: A critics 557. CHAO, Sankey G. mbia, 190pp. LA. study of some cultOal and 1ingUistic problems. EdD 19 independent.-variables in 558. CHEN, Martin K. Intelligence and bilingualism as dtscent. PhD 1964 UC Berkeley,99pp. a study of juniorhigh school students of Chinese FU. , 25/1779. 40 33 CHINESE -- BILINGUALISM 5FS

Chinese pupils in the Haines English difficulties of 559. CHRISTENSON, Edith J: MA 1934 Chicago, 51pp. Elementary School,Chicago. of sentences by thebilingual child of CHUN, Elinor Y-L. A study of the use 560. RU,Y0. Chinese ancestry inHonolulu. MA 1335 Hawaii, 77pp. English and A study of relativereading efficiency in 561. COSSUM, Wilford W. Chinese. MA 1920 Chicago, 38pp. for non- The MDTA, a follow-upstudy of the 1967-68 program 562. HING, Joyce O. Francisco, 54pp. AS. Beach. MA 1.970 CSU San English speaking adultsin Chinatown and North acquisition of English syntax.MA 1971 563. HUANG, Joseph-S. A Chinese chi)o's UC,Los Angeles. AS. American-English to Cantonese-American The presentation of 564. INGLE, Phyllis S. bilingual students.0 MA 1952CSU San Francisco, 97pp. sound and syllable A comparison of Englishand Cantonese .565. JACKSON, Marcia M. structures. MA 1972 UC Berkeley. of pre - school Chinesechildren in KUO, Eddie C-Y. Bilingual socialization 566. Minnesota, 197pp. 33/5840-A. AS. the Twin Cities area. PhD 1972 University of English The topic-comment patternin the development of LAMARCHE, Maurice M. University, 567. United Statcl. PhD 1972 Georgetown among someChinesechildren living in the o 400pp. 33/1156-A. 'AS. of San Francisco Chinatown. MA 568. LEE, Daniel T. The educational challenge 1970 CSU San Francisco,ll2pp. AS. immigrantchildren A special study of a1:elected group of Chinese 569. LIU, Marie. MA 1968 :73U San , languagedevelopment. and their families toascertain barriers to Francisco, 79pp. AS. of English as a secondlanguage (ESL) and 570. LUM, John B. An effectiveness study Chinese bilingual methods. PhD 19;2 UC Berkeley. Chinese language schools uponSan MA, Yi-Ying. Effects,of 571. FU. "'Francisco children. Ed0,1945 UC'Berkeley, 87pp. bilingual' A study of the growthin vocabulary of young 572. MOTOYAMA, Elsie C. instruction. MEd before and after a yearof kindergarten children of Chinese ancestry 1940 Hawaii, 92pp. children in the An analysis of thecompositions of bilingual 573. NG, Benton. 136pp. 27/3632-A. AS. fifth grade. EdD 1966 UC Berkeley, science instruction onvocabulary, The effects of bilingual 574. NG, Jolson P. school Chinese children and conceptualizationof elementary comprehension achievement, 114pp., 31/4042-A. AS. is English. EdD 1970 UC Los Angeles, whose second language ti proficiency of bilingualAmerican- The reading vocabulary 575. ROSSI, Victor L. Chinese children. MA 1949 Stanford, 7Opp. speakers of Cantonese. Developing lessons inEnglish sounds for 576. TERRELL, Ann. MA 1969 CSU San Francisco,91pp. AS.



PhD 1971, UC Berkeley. 577. TERRELL, Anne. A study of Cantonese English. students of 578. VOCI, Frank. An analysis of linguistic problems of Cantonese English as a second language. PhD 1972 UC Behkeley. AS.

bilingual children 579. YEE,'Alyce A. A study of the development of language among of Chinese ancestry in the city of Honolulu as measuredby their use of English and Chinese words. MA 1935 Hawaii, 83pp. LO,RU,Y0.


California. 580. ADAMS, Flora A. Chinese student life at the University of Southern MSW 1935 USC, 117pp. Chinese 581. BROWN, Ruth E.An analysis of political and economic opinions of students of the University of Wisconsin, 1950. MA 1951 University of Wisconsin.

5 CHAN, Ying. The development of parallel reading comprehensionexaminations AS/LA. in Engi and Chinese at the graduate level. EdD 1954 Columbia, 251*. Chinese students 583. CHAN, Ying. Remedial reading problems and techniques for in the United States. MA 1950 USC, 58pp. in the United 584. CHANG, Hwa-bao. A study of some attitudes of Chinese students States-. 'PhD 1972 University of Texas, Austin,182* 33/3787-A. AS.

CHANG, Shu Y. H. The views and contributions of Chinesestudents and 585. 32/3299-A. the United States. PhD 1971 University of Pennsylvania, 1354. AS. Chinese students 586. CHEO, Yuan-Chen. The cultural and social activities of the in the state of California.MA 1929 Stanford, 156pp. AS. the 587. CHIN, Ettie L-T. Leisure-time activities of the Chinese students of University of Michigan. MA 1937 University of Michigan, 87pp. 7 Qualities associated with /588. CHU, Jennings P-W. Chinese students in America: their success. EdD 1922 Columbia, 55pp. N. of Chinese / 589. GOSS, Mary E. A study of the attitudes and leisure-time contacts /and Latin-American students. MA 1948 University of Iowa.

590. HAD, Peter T-Y. An analysis of certain learning difficulties of Chinese 15/1551. students in New York University. EdD 1955 New York University, 373pp. of American and Chinese 591. HO, Perry Y. A comparative study of the ingenuity students. EdD 1926 USC, 58pp. A comparison of the attitudes of 592. HSIA, Chi. Study of Chinese acculturation: graduate Chinese male middle school and universitystudents in Taiwan and Chinese male students in America toward family and marriage.,MA 1965 Pennsylvania State University, 98pp. students in America. 593. HUANG, Lucy. Dating and courtship innovations of Chinese PhD 1954 University of Chicago, 480pp. DA/LA. 42 35 CHINESE -- FOREIGN STUDENTS,MISCELLANEOUS 594

Identity and assimilation: The study of a foreignstudent 594. KANG, Tai - Shick. Minnesota, 352pp. 28/2349-A. FU/LA. colony (Chinese). PhD 1966 _University of professional attainments of nativeChinese KAO, Lin-Ying, Academic and 595. University (1909-1950). EdD 1951 students graduating fromTeachers College, Columbia Columbia, 153pp. FU. Language errors of adultforeign-born students. MA 596. KIERNAN-VASA, Helen C. 1939 George WashingtonUniversity, 78pp. Personal and professional problemsof Chinese students and 597. KUNG, Samuel S-S. EdD 1955 Columbia, 186pp. FU. former students in the New Yorkmetropolitan area.

Chinese students in Americanuniversities. EdD 1946 598. KWOH, Edwin S-U. Columbia, 220pp. AS/LA. Alternatives and constraint in therole of the Chinese 599. LEICHTER, Hope J. FU. exile. PhD 1959 Radcliffe College,241pp. social life of single maleChinese 600. LI, Pei-chao. A study of the hetero-sexual FU. college students in NeW YorkCity. EdD 1955 Columbia, 165pp.

English pronunciation for Amoystudents. EdD 1955 Columbia. 601. LIN, Paul J-S. AS/LA. at the The academic achievementof Chinese graduate students 602. LIU, Yung-Szi. 181pp. 16/2381. University of Michigan(1907-1950). PhD 1956 University of Michigan, FU/LA. The measurement of attitudesof Chinese students at the 603. POTT, James Hawks. MA 1933 University of Michigan,76pp. University of Michigan to'.ardAmericans.

Factor§ relevant to theacculturation pf foreign students.. 604. RATHMELL, George W. MA 1970 CSU San Francisco. professor in Chinese societyand C-C. A study of the role of 605. SUN, Teresa students in the United States. its implications to theadjustment problems of Chinese MA 1964 UC Los Angeles,57pp. AS. Foreign-educated Chinese 1872-1948. PhD 1958 University of 606. WANG, Yi-Chu. Chicago, 172pp. The adjustment problems ofChinese graduate students in 60/. YIEH, Tsung-kao. AS/LA. American universities. PhD 1943 Chicago, 127pp.


children A study of the height andweight of Chinese school 608. CHOW, Lillian W-C. MA 1944 University of thePacific, 3Opp. in some northern Californiacities. Opium addiction in Chicago. PhD 1937 Chicago, 83pp. 609. DAI, Bingham. special reference'to dietariesfor 610. GIN, Dzi-Shi. Food for children, with the Pacific, 163pp. Chinese children. MA 1934 University of



19th century. 611. KER, Minette A. The history of the theatre in California in the MA 1924 UC Cerkeley: physical 612. LAS KER, GabrielW. Physical characteristics of Chinese; a study of difference and developmentamong Chinese at home and abroad. PhD 1945 Harvard, 293pp. FU/LA. MA 1941 613. LOWE, Erline R. The growth of Cantonese boys in the United States. State University of Iowa, 48pp. with the 614. RAYNOR, Theodore J. An inquiry into the identification of opium use Chinese minority in the United States during the19th century. MC 1968 UC Berkeley. AS. libraries in the 615. WANG, Henry T. A survey of Chinese librarians in Far Eastern United States. MA 1971 CSU -San Jose, 118pp.

infant') in San Francisco and Honolulu. 616.WORTH, Robert M. Eczema among ChineSe PhD 1962 UC Berkeley. Chinese from birth 617.YANG, Sai-Pai. An analysis of body weight and stature of to eighteen years of age. MA 1967 Cornell.


United States. MA 1948 617.1. CHANG, Joseph. The Chinese language press in the University of Minnesota. in 617.2. CHENG, Pei-Wei. A study of four selected. Chinese- language newspapers America. MA 1950 State University of Iowa. MA 1948 617.3. CHUI, TJng C. Chinese language dailies in the United States. Indiana University. and the Chinese 617.4. FANG, William W.A study of the Chinese language press community in the Mnited States. MA 1965 University of Southern Illinois. A cultural and cross cultural 617.5. HNIIL1ON, Nancy M. The hidden message: comparison of vocal gestures--Chinese andAmerican. MA 19G8 University of Florida. MA 1968 Missouri. 617.6. WANG, En-Wei. Chinese newspapersin the United States. Northwestern 617.7. BAU, Robert T. A study of information and attitudes in University regarding Chinese. MA 1932 Northwestern.


37 618




in Sacramento, 1843 -1972: 618. COLE, Cheryl L. A history of the Japanese comnunity Organizations, businesses, and generational responseto majority domination and stereotypes. MA 1973 CSU Sacramento,'234pp.AS. 1868-1898. PhD 1949 619. CONROY, Francis H. The Japanese expansion into Hawaii, UC Berkeley, 310pp. SH/LA. Published. California. MA 1957 UC 620. GRAHAM, John C. The settlement of Merced County, Los Angeles, 202pp, FU. MA 1928 Columbia, 131pp. 621. ISHIKAWA, Michiji. The Japanese in California. MA 1955 Stanford, 66pp. 622. JINGO, Kimiko H.Japanese Americans in California. AS. Angeles Japanese settlement since 623. KIM, Young I. A study of some changes in Los MA 1963 CSU Los Angeles, 129pp. AS. 1950 with an analysis of selected communities. PhD 1938, University of Chicago, 624. LADENSEN, Alex. The Japanese in Hawaii. 205pp. MA,RU,SH. MA 1970 CSU Fullerton. 625. MC RITCHIE, Alex W. The Japanese-American. K Japanese settlement in theColorado piedmont area. MA 626. MATSUDA, Shigeharu. 1967 Syracuse.



California."''MA 1926 627. MILNES, Harold P.A history of the Japanese in University of the Pacific, 124pp. LA. the United States between 1945and 628. MORITA, Yukio. The Japanese Americans in 1965.MA 1967 Ohio State University. PhD 1937 Dijon, 275pp. FU. 629. PAJUS, Jean.The real Japanese California. Published. The history of the Japanesepeople in Oregon.MA 1938 630. STEARNS, Marjorie R. University of Oregon, 75pp. FU. the city of Los Angeles. 631. TUTHILL, Gretchen L.A study of the Japanese in MA 1924 USC, 95pp. FU/LA.

The factors affecting thegeographical aggregation and 632. VONO, Kiyoshi. MA 1928 USC, 149pp. dispersion of the Japanese residentsin the city of Los Angeles. FU/LA. Diplomatic relations between theHawaiie' kingdom and 633. WATANABE, Shinichi. MA/LA. the empire of Japan,1860-1893. MA 1944 Hawaii. 1941-1945. MA 1950 University of 634. WHITE, James E. The Japanese in Hawaii, Chicago. MA. unique place in 635. ZAMBETTI, Robert. The Japanese-American,community's California society.MA 1969CSU San Jose, 115pp.


1915-1925. PhD 1963 Yale, 635.1. ASADA, Sadao. Japan and the United States, 466pp. 25/158-A. SH. Japanese-American relations, 1920-1930. MA 1931 USC. 636. AUSTERMELL, Amy L. Theodore Roosevelt's Far Easternpolicy and the T'ang 637. BLAZSIK, Gloria E. 30/3876-A. Shao-Yi mission. PhD 1969 Georgetown, 206pp. k Charles Evans Hughes: His role in Japanese-American 638. BLYTH, Charles W. relations, 1921-1925. MA 1962 CSU San Diego. 1920-1925. PhD 1962 University 639. BURNS, Roy G. American-Japanese relations, of Missouri, Columbia, 246pp. 23/2501. ' 1 1918). L'emigration japonais depuis 1918(Japanese emigration since 640. DJU,,Peter. PhD 1937 Paris. SH. Published. Diplomatic relations between theUnited States and Japan. ----641. ESTHUS, Raymond A PhD 1956 Duke, 474pp. SH. exclude the immigrants of Japaneseand 642. FRENCH, B. I. Shall the United States Korean background. AM 1908 Stanford. vereinigten staaten von Amerikain Ostasien Die aussenpolitik der 643. GRAF, Helga. PhD 1957 Munchen, foreign policy towards EastAsia, 1905-1914). von 1905-1914 (American 370pp. SH. 46 39 JAPANESE -- IMMIGRATION 644

A discussion of 644. GUIANG, Marcelino C. The Japanese immigration problem: Japanese immigration into the U.S.,1900-1907.. MA 1963 University of San Francitco. FU/LA.

immigration. PhD 1946 University 645. HALE, Robert M. The United States and Japanese of Chicago, 188pp. FU,SH/LA. American-Japanese immigration relations, 1906-1924. 646. HALTER, Clarence D. MA 1937 University of Iowa, 76pp. FU.

"Undesirables;" Unsavory elements among the Japanesein 647. HATA, Donald T. Je. California. America prior to 1893 and their influence onthe first anti-Japanese movement in PhD 1970 USC, 168pp. 31/2844-A. AS.

HERTZOG, Dorothy B.See #686.

Japan and Japanese immigration into the 648. ICHIRASHI, Yamato-S, Emigration from Published. state of California. PhD 1914 Harvard, 427pp. FU,SH. PhD 1950 649. ISHII, John D. Japanese-American diplomatic relations, 1919-1929. Georgetown, 447pp. SH. The immigration policy of the UnitedStates 650. JACOBS, Harry S. The "door ajar:" of America since 1917. MA 1925 Columbia. *Cr and alien land law 651. KACHI, Teruko O. The Treaty cf 1911 and the immigration PhD 1957 University of Chicago, issue between the United States andJapan, 1911-1913. 266pp. AS,SH/LA. - A consideration of some of our immigrationpolicies in the 652. KALLSTEDT,F. E. of prominent immigrants who have arrived light of the economic contribution of.a group in the United States since 1860.MA 1927 UC Berkeley. LA. United States 653. KREPS, Leslie R. The image of Japan in the speaking of Congressmen, 1941-1953. PhD 1957 Northwestern. 18/696. SH. Anti-Japanese discrimination in 654. LE PORE, Herbert P. Exclusion by prejudice: 34/4160-A. California and the Immigration Act of 1924. PhD 1973 Brigham Young, 225pp. AS. American sentiment regarding Japan, 1924-1934. PhD 655. MC REYNOLDS,Peorge E. 1937 Clark, 270pp. FU/.LA. Immigration Act of 1924. 656. MAKELA, Lee A. Japanese attitudes towards the U.S. PhD 1973 Stanford. 12/6820-A. AS. assimilation of the 657. MARUYAMA, Kazuteru.American democratic ideals and the immigrant; with special reference to the incomingof the Japanese.MA 1918 Columbia, 111pp, Theodore Roosevelt; a study of his relationswith Japan 658. MATSUM9TO, Richard T. during his presidency.MA 1944 Columbia, 108pp. factor in the MILLS,'Frances E. Considering Sergius Witte as an influential . 659. Treaty of 1905.MA change of attitude towards theJapanese as a result of the Portsmouth 1930 USC, 64pp. California during the 660. MONTGOMERY, William L. The Japanese controversy in Roosevelt administration.4 104A 1927 Columbia,62pp. LA. 47 40 JAPANESE IMMIGRATION, OTHER DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES 677

Immigration 661. MORISHITA, Shizu. The ineligible to citizenship provisions of the Act of 1924 with special reference to Japanese. JD 1926 UC Berkeley. AS.

the 662. MORIYAMA, Alan. Two aspects of the Japanese immigration experience in United States. MA 1972 University of Michigan. AS/LA.

American 663. NAKA, Harry M. The naturalization of the Japanese veterans of the World War forces.MA 1939 UC Berkeley, 172pp. FU/LA. MA 1939 664. NEPOMUCENO, L. A. Japanese restriction in California, 1900-1913. UC Berkeley, 102pp. FU /DA,LA.

1906-1909. PhD 665. NEU, Charles E. The Far East policy of Theodore Roosevelt, 1964 Harvard, 338pp. SH.

666. NOPITSCH, Toni. Die Japanische auswanderung: Eine studie iher entwicklung and lhrer ursachen (Japanese emigration: A study of its development and its origins). PhD 1930 Munchen, 1,35pp. SH. the 667. PROBASCO,\Barbara. Japanese exclusion proposals before the Congress of U.S.A., 1890-1924.MA 1929 Stanford, 111pp. AS/LA.

A study in the psychology of interracial 668. STEINER, Jesse F. -Japanese invasion: contacts. PhD 1915 University of Chicago, 231pp. SH. A study in Japanese- 669. STEMEN, John R. The diplomacy of the immigration issue: American relations, 1894-1941. PhD 1960 Indiana, 355pp. 21/2697. AS,SH/LA. PhD 1929 670. TUPPER, Eleanor.American sentiment toward Japan1904-1924. Clark, 532pp. SH. The Immigration Azt of 1924. PhD 671. WANG, Peter H. Legislating "normalcy:" 1971 UC Riverside, 235pp. 32/2626-A. japonaise 672. YOSHITOMI, Masaomi. Les conflits nippo-americains sur l'immigration (The Japanese-ATerican conflict over Japaneseimmigration). PhD 1926 Bordeaux. SH.


Progressivism and the anti-Japanese agitation in 673. BERKOWITZ, Madelon H. California. MA 1966 UC Berkeley. AS. White shirt sailor. PhD 1971 University 674. BURKI, Mary Ann M. Paul Scharrenberg: of Rochester, 2810p. 32/3195-A. LA. The segregation of Orientals in the SanFrancisco schools,. 675. BUTSBACH, Arthur G. MA 1928 Stanford, 141pp. FU. An analysis of CLARK, Todd E. The Japanese in Fresno County, California: 676. law in public opinion concerning theJapanese, the election of 1920 and the alien land an agricultural county. MA 1960 CSU Fresno, 95pp. FU. MA 1964 677. CLEMENS, Gary S. Organized labor and Japanese exclusion, 1890-1910. CSU San Jose, 69pp.


the light of current COULTER, Rev. Charles. A critical evaluation, in 678. selected pressure groups and sociological theory, of someof the reasons advanced by United States. MA 1958 Fordha". others for the exclusionof the Japanese from the Woodrow Wilson and the FarEast. PhD 1952 Duke, 247pp. S. 679. CURRY, Roy W. The anti-Japanese movement in DANIELS, Roger. The politics of prejudicd: 680. PhD 1962 UC Los Angeles, 115pp. California and the strugglefor Japanese exclusion. FU,SH. Published. Father Yorke and the Japaneseproblem in 681. FARRELL, Sister M. Agatha A. Clara, 9Opp. AS. California, 1902-1916. MA 1970 University of Santa and the 1920 fight for land 682. GOTHBERG, John A. The Japanese in California rights. MA 1950 Stanford,108pp. FU. Discrimination against JapaneseAmericans: Past and 683. GRIFFIN, Robert F. University, 86pp. present. MA 1973 U.S. International Japanese-American relations and theJapanese exclusion 684. GRUVER, Rebecca B. FU/LA. movement, 1900-1924.MA 1956 UC Berkeley, 170pp. incident.MA 1967 CSU San Francisco, 685. HERNDON, James B.The Japanese school 129pp.FU/DA. The. history of Japaneseexclusion from the United States., 686. HERTZOG, Dorothy B. MA 1932 USC, lllpp. FU/LA. in the territory of Hawaii.MA 1950 687. JOHNNESSEN, Edward. The labor movement UC Berkeley. MA., in California's anti-alien land 688. KESSLER, James B. The political factors 19/2380. FU,SH/LA. legislation, 1912-1913. PhD1958 Stanford, 221pp. Anti-Japanese movement In California: 1890-1942. MA 1953 689. MATSON, Floyd W. UC Berkeley. California and the anti-Japanesemovement. MA 1932 USC, 690. NIESLEY, Margaret. 70pp. AS/LA. Organized opposition to the Japanese, 691. PENROSE, Eldon R. California nativism: FU/LA. 1890-1913. MA 1969 CSU Sacramento, 18Ipp. Anti-Japanese sentiment in'California,1900-1924.MA 1967 692. PUGH, Richard L. CSU Sacramento, 109pp. FU/LA. Exclusiohism as a factor in therelations of Japan and 693. ROBBINS, Albert M. AS/LA. the United States, 1913-1924. AM 1954 USC, 1810p. movement, 1905-1924.MJ 1968 694. SAITO, Akira. California press and anti-Japanese UC Berkeley, 103pp. FU. the United States; a study of race 695. SATO, Tashi.The Japanese problem in Columbia. relations. MA 1929 University of Missouri, Etats-Unis (The Japanese questionin 696. SAVOY, Prew. La question japonaise aux the United States). PhD 1924 Paris. SH. Published.


697. SCOTT, Alice J. The Alien Land Law of 1913 and its relation to Japanese immigration. MA 1930 Cdlumbia, 8Opp. FU.

698. SHEETS, Dorothy. Anti-Japanese agitation in California.MA 1943 Whittier College. A comparative study: 699. TANIGUCHI, Yasuhei. Shareholders' judicial remedies: Japanese American. PhD 1965 Cornell.

700. THOMSONOluth H. Events leading to the order to segregate Japanese pupils in the San Francisco public schools. PhD 1931 Stanford, 176pp. FU,SH/LA.

MA 1931 USC.- 701.WEISEND, William F. The anti-Japanese movement in California.

702. WRIGHT, Claudia F. A. Legitimation by the Supreme Courts of Canada and the 34/4358.A. AS. U.S.: A case study of Japanese exclusion. PhD 1973 Claremont, 363pp.


Relocation Authority 703. BELL, Ward H. A comparative study between Japanese War secondary schools and secondary public schools. MA 1946 Arizona State College, Tempe, 105pp. FU. California 704. BROWN, Betty 1. The evacuation of the Japanese population from a agricultural community. AM 1944 Stanford, 304pp. AS. during 705. BUCKMAN, Lorraine V.A study of adult Japanese relocated to Colorado the first half of 1945. MA 1945 Colorado.

PhD 1951 UC Berkeley. 706. BURKE, Robert F. The Olsen regime in California.

707. FOX, Rollin C. The secondary school program at the Manzanar War Relocation- Center. PhD 1946 UC Los Angeles, 263pp.AS,SH.

708. GEORGE, Robert C. L. The Granada (Colorado) Relocation Center secondary school. MA 1944 University of Colorado, 134pp. AS/LA. PhD 1945 709. GRODZINS, Morton M. Political aspects of the Japanese evacuation. UC Berkeley. FU,SH. Published. Ph D1965 UC 710. HENDERSON, Lloyd R. Earl Warren and California politics. Berkeley, 430pp. 26/3902. AS.

An historical account of the evacuation, and resettle- 711. HOPKINSON, Shirley L. ment of the Japanese in the United States,1941-1946. MA 1951 Claremont Graduate School, 264pp. FU. prefecture: 712. ISHIDA, Gladys. The Japanese American renunciants of Okayama Their accommodation and assimilation to ,Japaneseculture .IPhD 195C Michigan, 339pp. 17/1406. FU,SH.

Economic aspects of the Japanese relocation centersin 713. IWAMOTO, Kiyotoshi. the United States.MA 1946 Stanford, 91pp. AS. centers. PhD 1955 UC 714. JACKMAN, Norman R. Collective protest in relocation Berkeley, 251pp. FU,SH/LA. 50


MA 1957 715. JANSSEN, August. Primary groups in Japanese concentration camps. Coloradu, Tule Lake, 71f. JOHNSON, Donald O. The War Relocation Authority school of California. MA 1947 Stanford, 97pp. FU. high school program in a 717. LIGHT, Jerome T. The development of a junior-senic, relocation center for people of Japanese ancestryduring the war with Japan. PhD 1947 Stanford, 416pp. FU,SH. Relocation 718. LIPSCOMB, Sister Joan M. Public opinion in Idaho toward the Minidoka Center for Japanese evacuees in World WarII. MA 1965 University of Santa Clara, 68pp. AS. :____

Union to 719. MC DAID, Thomas M. The response of the American Civil Liberties Jap nese-American involvement. MA 1969 Columbia, 54pp. -AS.

The adjustment of evacuees in Saint Louis.MA 1944 O. MATSUNAGA,_Setsuko. Washing on University,(St. Louis). A study of the 721. ',MIYAMOTO, Shotaro F. The career of intergroup tension: collective' djustments of evacuees to crises at theTule Lake Relocation Center. PhD 1950 Univers.ty of Chicago, 410pp. SH.

The history of an American concentration 722. NEL N, Douglas W. Heart Mountain: camp. MA 1970 UOniversity of Wyoming. Restitution it a remedy for the wrongful takingof alien 723. NICHOLSON, Francis J. PhD 1963 Harvard. property in peacetime and in wartime: Its scope and its rationale. MA 1959 UC Berkeley, 724. NISHIOKA, Norton O. Expatriation without emigration. 103pp. FU/LA. FranciscO News on the evacuation and 725. OBERST, Alma E. The policy of the San 'AS/LA. relocation of the Japanese during World WarII. MJ 1964 UC Berkeley, 151pp. favor the relocation of 726. PICKETT, George E. How public opinion was shaped to MA 1970 CSU Sacramento, 6Upp. AS. the West Coast American Japanese duringWorld War II. Oregon's Japanese in World War II, a history ofcompulsory 727. PURSINGER, Marvin G. relocation. PhD 1960 USC, 496pp.,22/3179. AS,SH/LA. MA 1947 UC Berkeley, 84pp. 728. RICE, Richard B. The Manzanar War Relocation Center. FU/LA. rule in Hawaii during 729. RICHSTAD, Jim A. The press and the courts undei martial PhD 1967 University of Minnesota, World War II: From Pearl Harbor to Duncan v.Kahanamoku. 425pp. 28/2197-A. SH. 1/4 centers. PhD 1947 730. SADY, Rachel R. The function of rumors in relocation University of Chicago, 270pp,

An analysis of changing patterns ofsocial 731. ,SAKODA, James M. Minidoka: interaction. PhD 1949 UC Berkeley, 429pp. FU,SH/DA. California's role in the evolution of adenationalization 731.1. SATO, William K. law. MA 1970 CSU Hayward, 96pp.



during the Japanese of,SanDiego county SCHLENKER, Gerald.The internment of 732. AS. ' MA 1968 CSU SanDiego, 107pp. the second WorldWar. MA 1944 Universityof Rumors in a crisis'situation. 733. SHJBUTANI, Tamotsu. Chicago. significant reactions ofrelocated Backgrounds, problems and 734. SMITH, Mildred J. PhD 1949 Syracuse,230pp. SH. Japanese - Americanstudents. resistance relocation campcolonization and Japanese American MA 1965 735. SPEIER, Matthew. psychology of ethnicidentity under stress. to resettlement: A study in social UC Berkeley, 186pp. AS/LA. development of the WarRelocation Authority. The origins and 736.TURNER, Albert B. AS,SH. PhD 1967 Duke, 276pp. 28/4108-A. attention to their Acculturation of theJapanese, with special 737. TYCHYN, John. MA 1950 New YorkUniversity. war relocationexperience. The West Coast Prejudice in a governmentpolicy: VICKERY, William E. PhD 1948 Harvard,478pp. SH,. 738. intercultural_ education. evacuation and itsimplications for authoritarianism, a comparisonof the WAX, Rosalie H. The development of of Chicago,277pp. 739. centers and Germany. PhD 1951 University Japanese-American relocation SH/LA. children of Japaneseancestry during Care of homeless WHITNEY, Helen E. FU. 740. MSW 1948 UC Berkeley,145pp. evacuation andrelocation. socio-cultural issues atPoston and Political and YATSUSHIRO, Toshio. 741. PhD 1953 Cornell,618pp. SH. Manzanar centers: Athemal analysis. procedures of the and administrative YOSHINO, John M. A. Legislative history 742. University. Evacuation Claim Act. MA 1953 Loyola at Jerome,Arkansas, U.S. War The educational program YUMIBA, Carole K. AS. 743. MA 1971 UC LosAngeles, 96pp. RelocationCenter, 1942-1944. Americans erogram providedthe Japanese The educational 25/269. FU,SH. 744. ZELLER, William D. State, 345pp. 1942-1945. PhD 1963 Michigan during therelocation period,

PERCEPTIONS PhD Japanese ,Alture onthe U.S.,1853-1904. The impact,of 745. BOWDITCH, James R. _1964 Harvard, 533pp. SH. social experiences Development of ater:Inique for comparing COBB, J. Walter. regarding Japanese. MA 1947 USC, 746. formulation of stereotyper, as theyinfluence the FU. Japanese inSanta public opinionconcerning the FOWLER, Ruth M. Some aspects of 747. FU/LA, AM 1934 Stanford,251pp. / Clara County. grade social Japanese Americansin second The portrayal of MA 1973 UC LosAngeles. 748. FURUYA, Kazuko K. School District. used by the LosAngeles Unified studies textbooks AS. 52


Caucasian attitude toward the Japanese inmetropolitan Salt 749. HARDY, Douglas W. Lake City. MA 1946 University of Utah. Colorado to the introduction- 750. IRISH, Donald. Reaction of residents of Boulder, of Japanese into the community. MA 1950 Colorado.

Seattle. MA 1924 University 751. LENTZ, Katherine J. Japanese American relations in of Washington, 129pp. AS/LA. teachers of minority 752. MALSTEAD, Roger H. Measurements of ethnocentrism among students: A pilot study. MA 1970 UC Los Angeles. and information concerni(Ig 753. NETTLER, Gwynne. The relationship between attitude the Japanese in America. PhD 1945 Stanford, 290pp. SR.

OGAWA, Dennis M.: Small group communicationstereotypes and actual communicative 754. 30/5098-A. behavior of Japanese Americahs in discussion.PhD 1969 UC Los Angeles, 194pp. AS/SH.

Identification in husbands of Japanese warbrides. MA 1956 755. PEYTON, Boyd. Chicago. Definition of the situation as a factor in race andethnic 756. PRICE, Barton L. relations. MA 1963 US Santa Barbara. social distance: Some changes 757. SAMUELS, Fred. The effect of social mobility on in the race attitudes of Honolulu'sJapanese. MA 1963 Hawaii, 168pp.,, GA,MA,RU,YOI 'Japan and the 758. STIER, Wilhelm R. F. The attitude of theAmerican press to Japanese. MA 1917 Columbia, 4Opp. LA. the people of Japanese descent in 759. TAKAKI, Tori. The treatment of Japan and PhD 1954 University of Michigan, 297pp. senior high school American historytextbooks. 14/626. FU/SH. Wartime propaganda in a democracy: America's twentieth 760. WEINBERG, Sidney S. century information agencies. PhD 1969 Columbia, 509pp. r.


measurement of employment AMANO, Matsukichi. Study of employment patterns and a 761. 27/2221-A. attitudes in Japanese firms at LosAngeles. PhD 1966 UC Los Angeles, 517pp. FU,SH. youth in selected high schools 762. BAN, Helen R. Vocational interest of Japanese AS. of central and southern California. AM 1948 Stanford,87pp,

Social aspect of the fishing industry atLos Angeles 763. BANFORD, Edward F. harbor. MA 1921 USC.

(State): Cultural anthropology and 764. BARNHILL, John A. Japanese in Washington 229pp. 27/2682-A. AS. marketing. DBA 1966 University of Washington, Japanese artists in New York City. EdD 1973 Columbia, 765. BEREDAY, Mary H.'G. 529pp. 34/220-A. AS.


1 history of the production and marketing of rice in 766. BLEYHL, Norris SH /OA,LA. California. PhD 1955 University of Minnesota,547pp. 17/525. districts of Los 767. BURNIGHT0Alph F. Japanese problems in the agricultural Angeles County. MA 1920,USC,%7Opp. FU/DA,LA. PhD 1942 UC 768. .GILMAATIN, William M. TrUck farming in the United States. Berkeley, 148pp. value of living of forty- 769.GLENN, Jana. A study of the incomes and the money RU/LA. five Japanese families in Hawaii.MA 1938 University of Chicago. A comparative 770. HENRY, Sheila E. Occupational mobility and the e'tfnic community: study of Armenians and Japanese Ameri-ansin Los Angeles. PhD 1973 UC Los Angeles. 34/7905-A. AS. A study'of the evaluation of Nisei as 771. JACOBSON, Ala), and Lee Rainwater. m MA 1951' workers by Caucasian employment agency managersand by employers of Nisei. University of Chicago.

California. MA 1922 Stanford; 772. KAI, Gunki. Economic status of the Japangse in 84pp. FU/LA. . economic progress of the 773. KOBASHI; Isao. A study of the occupational and Japanese-American in Calif nia,,1940-1960. .MA 1969 CSU San Jose. .

Occupational mobility among Japanese businessin San 774. KUROKAWA, Minako. Francisco.MA 1962 UC'Berketey, 117pp. FU/LA. in California. 775. MATSUI, Shichiro. Economic. aspects of the Japanese situation MA 1922 UC Berkeley," 117pp. FU/DA,LA.

strategies of the Japanese , 776. MATSUSAKI, Hirofumi. The adaptation and marketing manufacturing firms operating in the U.S.: An ecological analysis and an introductory survey. PhD 1966 Michigan.State University,346pp. .27/4008-A. conditions among Japanese farmers in 777. NAKA, Kaizo. ,Social and economic California. MS 1913. pc Berkeley, 100pp.- FU/DA,LA. Changing occupance of the Japanese in LosAngeles County, 1940- . 778. NISHI, Midori. 229pp. 15/1831. FU,SH/DA,LA. 1950. PhD 1955 University of Washington, MA 1926 University of 779. NISHINORI, Joh, I. Japanese farms in Washington. Washington, 115pp. AS/LA.

Survey of the vocational activitiesof the Japanese in Los - 780. NODERA, Isamu. Angeles.MA 1936 USC, 133pp. FU/DA.

Chicago industrial plants: MA . 781. OKADA, Dave M. A study of Nisei workers in two 1947 University of Chicago. Economic conditions of the Japanese farmersin California. 782. OTSUKI, SakutarO. MA.1924 Columbia, 5Opp. AS/DA-: Boyle Heights section of Los 783. RADELL, David R. Mom 'n pop grocery'stores in the MA 1961 CSU Los Angeles. Angeles: A study of site and situation.


Japanese farmers in the state 784. RADiMAKER, John A. The ecologiLal position of the of Washington. PhD 1939 University of Washington, 377pp. AS,SrA,LA. bilateral trade 785. SAUNDERS, Howard R. The permanent trade fair in stimulating (Japanese Cultural and Trade Center). MBA 1971 CSU San Francisco, 66pp. AS.

Japanese 786. SHIKAMURA, Alice H. The vocational intentions of second generation students in three California universities.MA 1948 Stanford, 135pp. AS/LA.

MA 1950 787. TEMPLEMAN, Max. History of the Japanese labor movement, 1883-1933. Hawaii.

788. WOOLSTON, Katherine D. Japanese standard of living in Seattle. MA 1927 University of Washington, 33pp. AS/LA.

of American - 789. YOUNG, Hobart N. Some implications from the occupation situation born Japanese. AM 1931 Stanford, 101pp. LA.


Nancy Hoffman. A descriptive study 790. ARCHER, Marguerite, Catherine Staugas, and of the services and of presenting problems,acculturation levels, and,social class posi- KJ. tions of clients of a Japanese-Americansocial agency.MSW 1962 UC Los Angeles, .99pp. MA 1928 791. FUJ:TA, Michinari.The history, of Japanese associations in America. Northwestern, 145pp. AS. Southern California. 792. FUKUOKA, Fumiko. Mutual life and aid among the Japanese in MA 1937 USC, 94pp. FU/LA.

793. GIELLA, Vicki. Sawtelle renewed.' MA 1970 UC Los Angeles. services. MSW 794. ISHIDA, Kazumaro. Japanese norms and values and social welfare 1971 UC Los Angeles, 9Opp. AS. Japanese ancestry 795. KANAGAWA, Wayne Y. A study of old-age assistance recipients of 1955. under the Honolulu County, Department ofPublic Welfare, Territory of Hawaii, January MA1955 Hawaii. MA,RU/LA. Pedro, Terminal Island, 796. KAWASAKA, Kanichi. The Japanese cmmunity of East San California. MA 19'31 USC, 186pp. FU/LA. An account of a program 797. KURAMOTO, ForA H. A history of the Shonien, 1914-72: of institutional care ul Japanesechildren in Los Angeles. ON 1972 USC, 259pp. 33/ 1842-A. AS. in Hawaii.MA 193_ 798. OKA, Wilfred M. A study of Japanese social institutions Springfield College, 132pp. MA,RU/LA.

Hawaii. MA 1928 Hawaii. 799. SAKAMAKI, Shunzo. A history of the Japanese press in *SA/LA. Conference from 1927-1938. 800. SANJUME, Jisoo. An analysis of the New Americans MA 1939 Hawaii.MA/LA. 55



801. SHIZUOKA, Tadahito. The study`, of the influence of and on Japanese morals. MA 1935 USC, 97pp.

community. 802. STROUP, Dorothy A. The role of the Japanese American press in its MJ 1960 UC Berkeley, 149pp. FU/DA,LA.

803. TOYAMA, Chotoku. The Japanese community in Los Angeles. MA 1926 Columbia, 62pp. FU/LA.

804. UNO, Raymond S. Japanese old age recipients of the Salt Lake City Welfare Department. PhD 1963 Utah, 89pp. SH.

805. YOKOYAMA, Hidesaburo. The Japanese associations in America. MA 1921 University of Chicago, 91pp. AS.


American - 806. CONNOR,John W. An investigation of the marital stability of twenty Japanese couples in the Sacramento area. MA 1966 CSU Sacramento, 148pp. FU.

DIEN. Dora S. See #888.

The Japanese American 807. FENBY, Barbara L. Intermarriage by Japanese Americans: communit-ynorm on intermarriage and the differences. betweeninmarrying and intermarrying Japanese Americans. MSA 1962 UC Los Angeles.

808. FROST, Lois P. Child raising techniques as related to acculturation among Japanese Americans. MA 1970 CSU Sacramento, 168pp. AS. American families. 809. GRAHAM, Lloyd B. The adoption of children from Japan by PhD 1958 Toronto, 285pp. SH.

HASHISAKI, Mary Jane K. See #861.

of Honolulu: 810. JOHNSON, Colleen L. The Japanese-American family and community Generational continuities in ethnic affiliation. PhD 1972 Syracuse. 33/4630-8.,

affecting child- 811. KAWAHARA, Hatsuko F. An interpretation of cultural factors parent relationships and its use in improvingrelations. PhD 1954 Columbia, 110pp. SH.

parents. 812. KAWAKAMI, Daniel. Age and ethnic factors in attitudes toward aged MA 1955 Hawaii. MA,RU. Japanese- 813. KITANI, Misue An inquiry into the parental attitude of selected American families toward\their delinquent sons. MSW 1959 USC, 74pp. AS.

third 814. KOSHI, Peter '.. Family factors preventing delinquency among the generation Japanese in Seattle.MA 1968 University of Washington. changing size 815. MARUYAMA, TakuYa. Factors involved in the determination of the of selected Japanese families in Salt LakeCity through three generations.MA 1950 Utah.

in Hawaii. PhD 816. MASUOKA, Jitsuichi. The westernization of the Japanese family 1940 University of Iowa, 326pp. RU,SH /IA.



relationships among three NAKAGAKI, Masami.A study of marriage and family 017. FU/LA. generations of JapaneseAmerican family groups. AM 1964 USC, 191pp.

Family solidarity, ideology andindependent enterprise 818. NEDOFF, Charles R. MA 1951 Stanford, 89pp. FU. among JapaneseAmericans in Santa Clara County. between first and second ROSS, Robert N. Social distance as it exists 819. MA 1939 USC, 194pp. AS/LA. generation Japanese in thecity of Los Angeles and vicinity.

Interactions and expectations in Nisei families. MA 1956 820. SANGREE, L. University of Chicago.

Adoptive parents of children of mixedJapanese and Caucasian 821. SATAKE, Kazuko. descent. MSW 1960 USC, 69pp. adjustment of 35 American- 822. WALTERS, Leon K. A study of the social and marital 205pp.AS/LA. Japanese couples. MA 1953 Ohio State University, An aneij-is of a Japanese speakingtherapeutic group of 823. YAMAGUCHI, Yoshiko. AS. parents of drug users. MSW 1972 UC Los Angeles, 83pp. difficulties in family relations 824. YAMAJI, Yoshiko G.The impact of communication MSW 1961 USC, 95pp. AS. observed in eight Japanese warbride marriages. marriages in 825. YAMAMOTO, George K. Social adjustment of Caucasian-Japanese Honolulu. MA 1949 Hawaii.MA,RU/LA.


The function and typeof programof a Japanese minority 826. AKAMATSU, Alfred S. church in New York.PhD 1948 Columbia, 268pp. FU/LA. of Evangelism among the Japanese 827. ARAKAKI, Shigenobu. Development of methods of Theology. Isseis in Sacramento. DM 1973 San Francisco School Buddhism on the cultural landscape 828. FELLOWS, Donald K.The imprint of Japanes ,n Fernando, 119pp. FU. of the Sawtelle area of West LosAngeles. MA 1968 C' MethodiSt church. PhD 1939 Yale. 829. FLOYD, Arva C. The founding of the Japanese prograM of the church school 830. FUJIYOSHI, Donald H. A study of the educational and institute of Los Angeles. MA 1942 USC, 92pp. FU. of the Japanese Christian church A sociological analysis of a 831. HORINOUCHI, Isao. Americanized Buddhism: Protestantized Japanese religion. PhD 1973 UC Davis. AS. Its impact on a Yankeecommunity.MA 832. HUNTER, Louise H. Buddhism in Hawaii: 1966 Hawaii. The emergence and 833. JABBOUR, Millard W. The sect of Tensho-Kotai-Jingu-Kyo: MA,RU. career of a religiousmovement. MA 1958 Hawaii. for the young people ofthe KAMBARA, Alice H. A religious education program 834. MA 1936 Pacific School ofReligion, Japanese Methodist churches on thePacific Coast. 69pp. 57


conversion: A millennial 835. LEBRA, Takie S. An interpretation of religious PhD 1967 University ofPittsburgh, 461pp. movement among Japanese-Americansin Hawaii. 28/1134-A. MA,RU. education for the Japanesechildren 836. MORISHLiA, Sumiye. A program of religious Religion. LA. and youth of Berkeley, California.MA 1929 Pacific School of of and an interpretationof the NOSS, George S. An inquiry into the background 837. struggle with the Japanese critical issues confronting theJapanese church in its for a solution. PhD 1943 Union totalitarian state: Together with some suggestions Theological Seminary in Virginia, 348pp. SH. religions in America from theethical 838. OCHI, Dojun. The study of the Japanese SH.- and socio-cultural standpoint. PhD 1963 Tokyo University. Buddhist churches in NorthAmerica OGURA, Kosei. A sociological study of the 839. MA-1933 USC, 9Opp.' FU. with a case study of Gardena,California, congregation. cooperation within each of three A survey of interdenominational 840.OSAKI, Nori. AM 1941 USC, 131pp. Japanese religions in Los Angeles,Shinto, Buddhism and Christianity. AS. History of Shin EluddhOm in theUnited States.MA 1960 841. RATANAMANI, Manimai. University of the Pacific. AS/DA. in America: Its antecedents, 842. RUST, William C. The Shin sect of Buddhism AS/DA,LA. beliefs, and present condition. PhD 1951 USC, 405pp. Buddhist curriculum for highschool 843. SASAKI, LaVerne S. A recommended one-year MA 1965 University of thePacific. seniors in the Buddhist Church ofAmerica.

SHIZUOKA, Tadahito. See #801. A study Japanese Buddhism in theUnited States, 1940-1945: 844. SPENCER, Robert F. FU/DA. in acculturation. PhD 1947 UC Berkeley, 247pp. and Japanese Buddhism in Hawaii: Its background, origin, 845. TAJIMA, Paul J. MA,RU/LA. adaptation to local conditions. MA 1935 Hawaii. Japanese Shinto and Buddhismin Los 846. TAKAHASHI, Kyojiro. A social study of the Angeles. 4IA 1937 USC, 134pp. AS/LA. Japanese children in America. MA 847. TAKEUCHI, Dosetsu. The religious life of 1925 USC, 8Opp. of the Japanese in California. MA 848. UNOURA, Kojiro. The religious education 1918 Pacific School ofReligion. on Curriculum for JapaneseMethodist Episcopal churches 849. YANAGIMACHI, Nobuko. for Religion. the Pacific Coast.MA 1934 Pacific School among some Japanese- 850. ZALD, Mayer. Family patterns and "authoritarianism" American students. MA 1955 Hawaii. MA/LA.



Personality characteristics as measured bythe Edwards 851. ABE, Stepnen K. Nisei: PhD 1958 Personal Preference Schedule and MinnesotaMultiphasic Personality Inventory. University of Utah, 100pp. 19/2648. FU,SH/LA. student 852. ALEXANDER, Ruth. Racial characteristics and conditions of the population at Watsonville Union High School.AM 1940 Stanford.

Japanese-Americans.MA 853. BITTNER, Egon. The popular concept of suicide among 1958 UC Los Angeles.

Japanese-Americans. PhD 1968 854. BUNCH, Ralph E. The political orientation of University of Oregon, 216pp.29/938-A. FU,SH/LA. population in Palo Alto and 855. CHIJIWA, Saikichi. A social survey of the Japanese Menlo Park. AM 1933 Stanford, 72pp. FU. Rorschach study of 856. DE VOS, George A. Acculturation and personality structure; a SH. Japanese Americans. PhD 1951 University of Chicago, 309pp. of the Edwards Personal 857. FUJITA, Ben. An investigation of the applicability Preference Schedule to a culture subgroup,the Nisei.MA 1956 University of Washington, 23pp. FU. personality. PhD 1966 858. GARSIDE, Jayne G. A cross-cultural comparison of Brigham Young, 66pp. 26/5864. SH. in New York City. MA 859. GLUCK, Eleanor W. An ecological study of the Japanese 1940 Columbia, 51pp. FU. their personality correlates 860. HARA, Kazuo. A study of certain attitudes and FU. among Japanese-Americans, MA 1954 CSU San Jose, 94pp. Filial responsibility towards parents amongJapanese 861. HASHISAKI, Mary Jane K. in Seattle.MA 1970 University of Washington. students in a polytechnic 862. HERTZLER, Virginia B. A sociometric study of Japanese FU/LA. high school. MA 1949 University of Washington,84pp. University of Washington students 863. HIRABAYASHI, Gordon K. A sociometric study of 65pp. FU/LA. of Japanese ancestry. MA 1948 University of Washington, Participation of ethnic groups in studentactivities at a 864. HUMISTON, Thomas F. junior college. PhD 1959 Stanford. 30/3424. SH. American community in Denver. , 865. IKUCHI, Yukio. Social studies of the Japanese MA 1953 University of Denver, 128pp. AS. socio-economic status: The case 866. KAGIWADA, George. Ethnic identification and PhD 1969 UC Los Angeles, 335pp. 30/1651-A. of the Japanese-Americansin Los Angeles. FU,SH. among different races. 867. KEYSER, Edith. An experimental study of overstatement MA 1932 USC, 105pp.


York City. 868. KING, Clarence H. The use of leisure time by the Japanese of New MA 1922 Columbia, 51pp.

Japanese American adolescent 869. KLAUE, Nancy A. The achievement motivation of the FU. girl as compared to the Caucasian American adolescentgirl. MS 1968 UC Davis, 52pp.

Japanese in the United States 870. KUKI, Basil I. The anthropological study of the of America. PhD 1914 New York University, 165pp. SH. Seattle.' MA 1938 871.MIYAMOTO, Shotart F. Social Solidarity amo g the Japanese in University of Washington, 140pp. FU. towards drugs among 872. NAKAJI, Nancy A. An exploratory study of the attitudes two Japanese-American drug using populations. MSW 1972 UC Los Angeles, 102pp. AS.

native American white 873. RICHARDSON, John M. A comparative study of Japanese and children. MA 1937 USC, 116pp. AS/LA. PhD 1927 University of 874. SASAMORI, Junzo. Social life of Japanese in America. Denver. Japanese Americans. 875. SATO, Masayuki.-An ethnic identity value, study of Sansei MA 1973 CSUSan Jose, 36pp. Japanese pupils in the same 876. SERISAWA, Koko. A comparison of the American and high school. MA 1935 USC, 62pp. Valley, Kauai. -877. STANIFORD, Philip S. Values of some Issei Japanese of Hanapepe MA 1961 Hawaii. MA,RU/LA. toward social group 878. UMEDA, Kiyo I. CultUral factors as they affect attitudes work. MSW1949 USC, 100pp. AS.-,

Familial, occupational, and social 'characteristicsof three 879. YANAGITA, Yuki. AS/LA. generationsof Japanese Americans. MA 1968 USC, 107pp. Japanese-population in the 880. YONEMURA, Lawrence N. A demographic study,of the MA 1957 UC Los Angeles. U.S., withspecial reference to California; 1940-50.


ARIMOTO, Lynn. -An-exploratory study of theprobable causes of drug abuse among 881. AS, Japanese-American youth in the Los Angeles area. MSW 1972 UC Los Angeles, 83pp. empirical study: 882. BRIGGS, Dennie L. Protess of acculturation illustrated by an MA 1952 USC, 61pp. FU. The acquisition of Caucasoid culture patternsby American Japanese. Coast, 1900-1907: A study 883. BROWN,'6ennis G.Japanese immigrants on the Pacific of psycho-social interaction.' MA 1968CSU San Francisco, 201pp. AS.

Japanese-American acculturation and personality. PhD 1950 884. CAUOILL, William A. University of Chicago, 376pp. FU,SH. and around Stockton. 885. CHANSLER, Horace F. The assimilation of the Japanese in MA 1932 University of the Pacific, 67pp. FU/LA.


886. CHO, Chang-soo. The correlates of cultural assimilation of two groups of Iswi women. MA 1953 University of Washington, 85pp. FU/LA.

887. CONNOR, John W. A study of changing psychological and behavioral characteristics in three generations of Japanese Americans in theSacramento area. PhD 1972 UC Davis, 420pp. 33/989-B. AS.

838. DIEN, Dora S. Selfi-,Ooncept and parental identification of young adults with mixed Caucasian-Japanese parentage. MA 1962 Hawaii. RU.

889. FREEMAN, Linton. A study of the relationship between age and cultural assimilation among the second generation Japanese Americansin Chicago.MA 1953 Hawaii.

Time perspective and Japanese American acculturation. MA ' 890. HAMMOND, Ormond W. 1967 Hawaii. RU.

891. HAYASHIOA, Akiyoshi,Japanese moral instruction as a factor in the American- ization of citizens of Japanese ancestry.MA 1933 Hawaii, 45pp. MA,RU.

892. HOLLIDAY, Margaret A. Social relations between thr! Japanese and the Californians. MA M1 Columbia, 39pp. LA. in the acculturation 893. HORINOUCHI, Ism Educational values and preadaptation of Japanese Americans. MA,1967 CSU Sacramento. FU/LA. the third 894. HOSOKAWA, Fumike. Social interaction and ethnic identification among generation Japanese. PhD 1973 UC Los Angeles. 34/885-A. AS. determine 895. P)USE, Hazelle L. A study of the Japanese in Pasadena, California, to the extent of their Americanization. 'MA 1930Colorado State Teachers College, 111pp.

896. HOWARD, Stuart A. The Hawaiian Sansei: A problem in the study of psychological acculturation. MA 1957 Stanford. MA. Utah. PhD 897. IGA, Mamoru. Acculturation of Japanese population in Davis County, 1955 Utan, 271pp. FU,SH/LA. the 898. IKEDA, Kiyoshi. Comparative study of differential mental illness among Okinawan and Naichi Japanese in Hawaii. MA 1955 Hawaii:. MA/LA.

MA 1972 899. IKEMOTO, Michael Y. Japanese-Americans: Their level of acceptance. CSU Sacramento, 29pp. AS.

960. KANEKO, Rotirirt T. A self analysis. MS 1973 CSU Hayward.

901. KAPLAN, May G. and Joanne Miyata.The nature of identity conflicts in adolescents of half-Japanese ancestry.MSW 1973 UC Los Angeles, 158pp. AS. the 902. KIMURA, YUkiko. A comparative study of collective adjustment of the Issei, firsts generation Japanese in Hawaii and in the mainland UnitedStates since Pearl Haroor. POD 1952 University of Chicago, 510pp. MA,SH.

readjustment of 903. KIMURA, Yukiko. A sociological analysis of types of social alien Japanese in Hawaii since the War. MA 1947 Hawaii.MA,RU/LA.

Nisei adoles- 904. KOSAKI, Mildred D. The culture conflicts and guidance needs of cents. MA 1949 Hawaii, 161pp. MA/LA. 61


in the Houston area of Texas. 905. KUNIHIRO, Ken. The assimilation-of the Japanese MA 1952 Texas A & M College. generation JapanestAmerian KUWABARA,,Joseph Jr. A comparison of third 906. large urban community. assimilation-acculturation difference: A small rural community and MS 1973 CSU Hayward, 73pp. AS. Americans of Japanese ancestry, astudy of assimilation 907. LA VIOLETTE, Forrest E. 185pp. FU,SH/DA. Published. in the American community. PhD 1946 University of Chicago, People in Hawaii: A study 908. MASLiOKA, Jitsuichi. Race attitudes of the Japanese in social distance. MA 1931 Hawaii, 234pp. GA,MA,RU,YO/LA.

Acculturation and personality amongJapanese-American 909.MEREDITH, Gerald M. RU,SH/LA. college students in Hawaii. .PhD 1969Hawaii, 104pp. 30/5677-B. A-study in growth and accommodation, 910. MODELL, John. The Japanese of Los Angeles: AS,SH/L4. 1900-1946. PhD 1969 Columbia, 463pp. 30/4379-A. assimilation. MSW 1970 911. MORIOKA, Thomas K.An exploration of Japanese-American CSU Sacramento, 104pp. alien's adjustment throughinterpersonal MURAI, Eiko. The enhancement of the 912. the host society: relationships within the ethnic grouptoward the socialization into 170pp. 33/2176-A. AS. Japanese women's case. PhD 1972 University of Michigan, search for identity, ethnic NAGANO, Rev. Paul. The Japanesi American's 913. DR 1970 Claremont Schoolof pluralism and a Christian basis for permanentidentity. Theology. study of acculturation of an NAGATA, Kiyoshi. A statistical approach to the 914. The case of Japanese Americans ethnic group based oncommunication-oriented variables: Urbana-Champaign, 430pp. 31/451-8. in Chicago. PhD 1969 University of Illinois, AS/DA,LA. of Japanese-American children 915. NANAMURA, Tom. A study of the social adjustment FU. in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade.MA 1964 CSU San Jose, 135pp. in Chicago: A cultural 916. NISHI, Setsuko M. Japanese American achievement 454pp. SH. response to degradation. PhD 1963 University of Chicago, of Japanese Americans as NISHIMURA, Lora M. Value changes in two generations 917. MA 1971 CSU Sacramento, 140pp. AS. measured by the Edwards PersonalPreference Schedule.

DeMartin. Cross-generational attitudes 918. NISHIO, Howard I. and Frederick Americans in Sacramento. MSW 1972 CSU towards assimilation: The case of Japanese Sacramento, 105pp. AS. crisis The changing role of thecollege Nisei during the 919. O'BRIEN, Robert W. 215pp. FU,SH. Published. period, 1931-1943. PhD 1945 University of Washington, assimilation in Hawaii. MA 1926 920. OSHIMO, Daymond K. The problem of Japanese University of Chicago. MA,RU. social relic attempts of two racial groupsto retain their 921. POWERS, Myron E. 82pp. FU/LA. inheritances. MA 1932 University of Washington,


foreign children 922. ROGERSON: Jessie B. A case study of the socialization of through instruction in homeeconomics. MA 1935 USC, 99pp. LA. assimilation of a selected 923. SVENSRUD, Marian. Some factors concerning, the Japanese-community. MA 1931 USC, 230pp. AS/LA, A study in personality 924. TAKEUCHI,AothyK. The Nisei in Denver, Colorado: adjustment and disorganization. MA 1945 Fisk Univeisity, 148pp. A problem in TATSUGUCHI, Richard K. The Japanese-Americans in process: 925. MA 1955 University acculturation with special reference tofamilial and linguistic bonds. of Kanscs, 156pp. Nisei adjOstment,to Chicago. PhD 926. UYEKI, Eugene S. Process and patterns(of 1953 University of Chicago,295pp. SH.

Social adjustment of Japanese newimmigrants in Los Angeles. 927. WANG, Kazuko. MSW 1973 UC Los Angeles, 84pp. AS. Japanese community in 928. WEINBERG, Daniel E.The movement to "Americanize" the Americanization activity in theterritory of Hawaii: An analysis of one hundred percent Hawaii as expressed in the Caucasian press,1919-1923. MA 1967 Hawaii.


education of Japanese in 929. BELL, Reginald. A studylof certain phases of the central California. MA 1928 Stanford, 1'31pp. effects of segregation upon BELL, Reginald. A study of the educational 930. AS,SH/DA. Japanese children in American schools. PhD 1932 Stanford, 203pp.

Perception of teacher authority bychildren of 931. CHATTOPADHYAY, Virgincita O. 136pp. 31/5574. two ethnic and socio-economic groups. EdD 1970 UC Los Angeles, Japanese-American CROF1, Carina H. Comparative scholastic achievements of 932. academic year, 1942-43. students and Caucasian students ofUniversity of Utah for the MA 1944 University of Utah, 84pp. AS/LA. American-born Japanese children DARBY, Harold E.The general- intelligence of 933. MA 1940 USC, in California as measured by the LeiterInternational Performance Scale. 144pp. FU/LA. American-born Japanese children. PhD 934. DARSIE, Marvin L. The mental capacity of 1924 Stanford, 201pp. FU,SH. of the school achievementand FREEMAN, George H.A comparative investigation 935. white American students socio-economic background of theJapanese-American students and the of Gardena High School. MA 1938 USC, 92pp. AS/LA. of American-born Japanesechildren GOULARD, Stanley E. The general intelligence 936. Scale. MA 1940 USC, 118pp. in California measured by theLeiter International Performance

A comparative study of theRorschach protocols of 937. LINDERFELT, Florence M. RU. Japanese and Caucasian college students. MA 1949 Hawaii, 81pp.


938. LUKE, Orral S. Differences in musical aptitude in school children of different national and racial origin. PhD 1939 UC Berkeley, 157pp. SH.

939. ONO, Keiko K. Intelligence, achievement, and leadership of American pupils of Japanese ancestry at Leuzinger High School. MS 1960 USC, 78pp.

940. PRICE, Cora N. A study of the attitudes of Japanese-American and of native American high school freshmen toward discipline.MA 1940 Oregon State College, 87pp.

941. ROSS, Verne Ralph. The relation between intelligence, scholasticachievement, and music talent of three racial groups. PhD 1931 USC, 295pp. SH.

942. SOWERS,, Lloyd E. A comparative study of the reading ability of Mexican, Japanese, and American children. MA 1942 USC, 114PP. LA.


Greek 943. DOI, Helen N. A study of the elementary grade children attending the and the Japanese language schools. MS 1954 University of Utah, 166pp. FU/LA. MA 1934 944. HARADA,:Koichi G.: A survey of Japanese language schools in Hawaii. Hawaii, 165pp. MA/LA. MA 1935 945. HARRIS, Arthur L. Reading ability of Maui High Schoolstudenti.

. Hawaii. RU. L-, 946. HASHIMOTO, Mitsuo G. From Japanese to English: A contrastive analysis based on a transformational model. PhD 1967 Georgetown, 148pp. 28/1064-A. SH. selected 947. HAYES, Robert W.A phonoloclical study of the English speech of lapanese speakers in Hawaii. MA 1958 hawaii, 243pp. MA/LA.

and English. 948. ITOH, Harumi T. A child's acquisition of two languages--Japanese MA 1973 UC Los Angeles, 226pp. AS. children. 949. JOHNSTON, Petra B. Analysis of the vocabulary achievement of Japanese MA-1923 Stanford, 34pp. idiom upon 950. KAAPU, Myrtle K. A study of the influence of Japanese syntax and the spoken and written English of a group ofninth grade pupils.MA 1937 Hawaii, 108pp. LA. contrastive 951. KIMIZUKA, Sumako. Problems in teaching English based upon a analysis of Javanese and English. PhD 1962 UC Los Angeles, 249pp. SH.

Hawaii: 952. KITAMURA, Samuel H. An accentual study of the Japanese speech in Lexical pitch patterns of selected Okinawan speakers. MA 1959 Hawaii. MA/LA.

American-born students 953. KONG, Ayako. Language as a factor in the achievement of of Japanese ancestry. MA 1934 Hawaii, 98pp. MA,RU/LA. intelligence tests of 954. ?4ISAKI, Hisakichi. The effect of language'handicap on Japanese children. MA 1928 Stanford, 110pp., AS/LA.

64 57 ,


language ability of the second and 955.MIYAMOTO, Shichiro. A study of the Japanese school. MA 1937 Hawaii, 113Pp. third generation Japanesechildren in a Honolulu language MA,RU/LA. English - -An aspect of communi- 956. MORIMOTO, Patricia T. The Hawaiian dialect of cation during the Second World War. MA 1966 Hawaii. MA,RU/LA.

A study of oral English usage amongpupils of Japanese 957. MORIMOTO, Shizuko. ancestry. MA 1939 Hawaii, 67pp. MA,SH. linguistic features of pidgin 958. NAGARA, Susumu. A bilingual description of some Hawaii: A case study in English used by Japaneseimmigrants'on the plantations of RU,SH. bilingualism. PhD 1969 Wisconsin, 605pp. 30/5433-A. Japanese high school students. 959. OHNO, Kazuo. Obstacles in teaching English' to MA 1957 Whittier College, 129pp. the Japanese in Hawaiitoward the 960. _ONISHI, Katsumi. A study of the attitudes of Japanese language schools.: MA 1943Hawa:', 293pp. MA,RU/LA. in relation to assimilation. 961. TANAKA, Tamiko J. The Japanese language school MA 1933 USC, 109pp. FU /LA. Japanese-English bilinguals. MA 1972 UC 962. UYEKUBO, Aiko. Language switching of Los Angeles; 132pp. AS. difficulties of Japanese 963. /ANGLE, Frances L.A study of English language children of Los Angeles City. MA 1935 UC Berkeley, 47pp.


of theintelligibility of 964. BARGELT. Hal J. An experimental investigation 20/1895. Japanese-born'American-speaking male college students.PhD 1959 USC, 166pp. AS,SH. test score relationshipsto BRISTOW, Ronald M.English and native language 965. EdD 1966 USC, 218pp. 27/2062-A. college grade point average forJapanese students. AS,5H/LA. of America: A study in cross- 966. GOULD, Harold. The Japanese student's view cultural perception. MA 1954 Ohio State. university The adjustment of Japanesestudents to American 967. MC KNIGHT, Robert K. 364pp. AS/1446 life. MA 19D4 Ohio-State University, Germans and Japanese a basicspeaking Giving non-English-speaking 968. PARKS, Hugh A. MA 1946 North TexasState ability in English through using onlyEnglish in the classroom. Teachers College, 86pp. social adjustment of Japanese RYCHLAK, Joseph F. Personality correlates of the 969. 6Opp. AS/LA. students in America. MA 1954 Ohio State University, 1868- American influence in theeducation of Meiji Japan, 970. SCHWANTES, Robert S. 1912. PhD 1950 Harvard, 370pp. SH. 65


The use of leisure time byJapanese students in New York 971. TAKAHASHI, Noboru. City. MA 1928 Columbia, 41pp. FU.

the rating of ' VANDE GUCHTE, Marten. The et':t of aural and visual cues on 972. University, 172pp. 31/1412-A, thr speech of the foreignstudents. Phi. 1969 Michigan State


A socio-historical study of theCalifornia Nisei Athletic Union 973. FONG, Dexter. MA 1973 CSU Sacramento. 4 "AA" north-south basketball.- characteristics of American, 974. HYDE, Helen I. A comparison of the physical LA. Japanese and Mexican schoolchildren. MA 1928 11!;., 126pp. movements made by various OTOMO, Shigeru.An experimental study of the eye 975. PhD 1924 University ofChicago, persons in reading Japanesetexts of different forms. 148pp. boys from 42 northern PUGH, William R. A study of the growth of Japanese 976. FU/LA. California high schools over afive-year period. MA 1938 Stanford, 64pp.

A semanticist and campus unrest: A study of Samuel Ichiye 977. THORNE, Robert E. Hayakawa in thought and action. PhD 1972 Duke. 34/1258-A. preferences among VANDEMAN, Michael J.Chemical derription of food taste 978. multidimensional Black-, Japanese-, and Mexican-Americans,dtrived by means of nonmetric scaling.PhD 1973 UC Los Angeles. 34/29,5-4. economics instruction on 979. WILLIAMS, Grace P. The effect of high school home MA 1939 Iowa State 4 food habits of a group ofJapanese girls in southern California. AS/LA. College of Agricultural andMechanic Arts, 6Opp.

Assessment of food habits andnutritional status of Japanese 980. YUMOTO, Yoshiko. MS 1970 CSU San Francisco,100pp. AS. American families:An exploratory study.


The press and Japanese evacuation,1942-45. MA 1946 980.1 HOSOKAWA, Robert R. University of Wisconsin. assimilation among pity 980.2. HERMANSON, John R.The problem of acculturation and second generation JapaneseAmericans.MA 1949 Chicago.-- A pattern of assimilation aking 980.3. TAKAMIYA, Fumiko. A study of Japanese wives: tate into America _ulture. MA 1.966 Ohio State University.


59 981


1 N



MA 1952 USC, 981. ACQUINO, Valentin R.TheFilipino community in Los Angeles. 117pp. AS/LA.

Filipino-AMerican children.MA 1941 982. ADAMS, Fern 8. A psychological study of University of the Philippines, 94pp.

Ph0,1973 982.1. ALCANTARA, Ruben R.The Pilipino community in Waialua. G 1300. student. MS 1973 CSU 983. ARIAS, Patricia M. Factors in counseling_ the Filipino Hayward. EdD-197l Columbia, 20814). 984. ASPERILLA, Purita F. The mobility of Filipino nurses. 32/5464 -A "AS. 1n Los Angeles. 985. AVE, Mario P. Characteristics of Filipino social organization MA 1956 USC, 126pp. FU/DA. in Lo$ Angeles. MA 1931 986. BERBANO, Marcos P. The social status of the Filipinos USC, 63pp. FU/LA. interracial CALHOUN, J. W. American-Filipino marriages: A descriptive study of 987. MA61955 problem marriages involving United Statesmilitary personnel and Filipinos. University of the Philippines, Quezon City,153pp.


988. CARIAGA, Roman R. The Filipinos in Hawaii; a survey of their economic and social conditions. MA 1936'llawaii. A1I,RU.

Filipino- 989. CASASOLA, Armando C. An evaluative study of social integration in Anerican marriages.AM 1973 US,',

996. CASTRO, Patricia A. Filipino writers in America. MA 1951 Columbia, 182pp.

activities in 991. CATAPUSAN, Benicio T. The Filipino occupational 'and recreational Los Angeles. MA 1934 USC. FU/DA.

States. 992. CATApUSAN, Benicio T. The social adjustment of Filipinos in the United PhD 1940 USC, 106pp. FU/DA,LA.

993. CLARK, Erlinda T. Filipino labor experiences in the United States.OBA 1971 Texas Tech University, 315pp. 32/1725-A. AS.

MSW 1959 994. COLOMA; Casiano P. A study of the Filipino repatriation movement. USC. FU/DA,LA.

995. CORPUS, Severino F. An analysis of the racial adjustment activities and prOlems of the Filipino American Christian Fellowship in Los,Algeles.MA 1938 USC. FU /DA.

996. CORTES, Josefina R. Factors associated with the migration ofhigh-level persons from the PhilippineS\ to the U.S.A. PhD 1969 Stanford, 295pp. 30/51616-A.. AS/LA.

997. DANIEL, Cletus E. Organized anti - unionism in triumph: The 1936 Salinas lettuce..picker's strike. MA 1969 CSU San Jose, 177pp. AS.

998. DEL CARMEN, Rolando V. A comparative studyOf the admission, exclusion, and. deportation of aliens in the U.S. and the Philippines. JSO 1970 University of Illinots. 31/6638 -A. AL,RU/LA. 999. DORITA, Sister Mary. Filipino immigration to Hawaii. MA 1954 Hawaii.

selected 1000. ESPIRITU, Socorro. A study of the treatment of the Philippines in social studies textbooks published in the U.S. forusein the elementary and secondary schools. PhD 1954 Syracuse, 357pp. FU.

1601. FELIPE, Virgilio. A Pilipino dream. MA 1972 Hawaii. the sugar 1002. HARTUNG, Bruno J. A study of changes in employment conditions among gpp. workers of Hawaii.MA 1948 Catholic University. AL. of 1003. ISIDORO Y SANTOS, Antonio. The development of written English expression Filipino children. PhD 1935 Chicago.

1004.JAYME, Josefina B. Demographic and socio-psychological determinantsof the migration of highly trained Filipinos to the United States. PhD 1971 Carnegie-Mellon, '31 I43pp. 32/2986 -B. AS.

The roots of theDelano grape strike, MA 1969 CSUFullerton. cial 1005. JEFFS, William G. the plans and 1006. JUNASA, Bienvenido D. Study of some social factors related to aspirations of the Filipino youth in Waipdbu. MA 1961 Hawaii, 116pp. AL,RU/LA. 4 68 61 1006.1 FILIPINO -- GENERAL

1006.1. LASMAN, Lawrence and others. Filipino immigrants: A study of attitudes of Filipino immigrants about Hawaii.MSW 1971, 101pp.

MA 1007. LE VASSEUR, Patricia. Identity patterns among Filipino American youths.

, 1973 UC Berkeley.

A case study 1008. LEVINE, Carol D. The city's response to conflicting pressures: of the International Hotel. MA 197V CSU San Francisco, 130pp. AS.

MA 1934 1009. MARIANO, Honorante. The Filipino immigrants in the United States. .University of Oregon, 149pp. FU/LA.

1009.1. MAY, James M. and others. Ilocano immigrants: A study of the housing conditions and preferences of Ilocano immigrants in Kalihi-Palama. MSW 1973 Hawaii, 134P1).

Folklore communication among Filipinos in California. PhD - 1010. MENU., Heminia Q. 1973 University of Penn5;lvania, 257pp. AS.

MA 1011. MIGUEL, Fe A The influence orbilingualism on perception and meaning. 1967 UC Los Angeles, 6bpp. AS. MA 1967 1012. MONFROSS, John. Farm labor difficulties in California in 1933-1934. CStJ Sacramento, 130pp. A pilot study 1013. MUEGO, Benjamin N.The politicization of theFilipino-American: in immigrant political socialization.MA 1971 Kansas State University. AS.

1014. NOLASCO, Domingo F. A study on Filipino graduates in California high schools. MA 1933 UC Berkeley, 42pp. AS.

AS. 1015. OESTMAN, Bethel I. Tagalog child language. MA 1972 UC Berkeley. speaker of 1016. ORTEGA, Salud A. The English pronunciation problems of the native Tagalog. MA 1955 Cornell.

Filipinos 1017. PIMENTEL, Leonila J. The perception of illness among the immigrant in Sacramento Valley. MA 1968 CSU Sacramento, 108pp. FU. MA 1018. PROVIDO, Generoso P. Oriental immigration from an American dependency. . 1931UC Berkeley, 87pp. AS/DA,LA. locus 1018.1. QUIJANO, Walter Y. Hypnotic susceptibility, imagery, attitudes, and MA 1965 of control in Filipinos and Caucasian Americans: A cross-cultural comparison. -Hawaii, 171pp.

II 1019. RAFEL, S. S. Intermarriage: A :ritical evaluation of twenty post World War intermarriages between Filipinos and Americans on theisland of Luzon. MA 1954 University of the Philippines, Quezon City, l\89pp.

immigration to 1020. REGAN, Rex. Economic effects in the Pacific coast of Filipino the United States. MA 1928 USC, 46pp. AS /DA,LA. college 1021. REYES,Albert R. Interpersonal behavior patterns of Filipino American students. MS 1973 CSU Hayward, 82pp. AS. English 1022. ROMAQUIN, Milagros R. Filipino aural-oral discrimination of selected words. MA 1965 UC Los Angeles, 72pp. 69 62 ,PILIPINO -- GENERAL, COLONIAL POLICIES 1040

1023. SANTOS, Amparo E. Marital adjustment of Filipino couples in Los Angeles., MA 1962 USC. 66pp. AS/DA,LA.

1014. SARSFIELCi,Nancy A. C. An acculturative study of the Filipino nurse in New Jersey hospitals. PhD 1973 New York University, 193pp. 34/5799-B. AS.

1025. SOTO, Celerion E. The social adjustment of one hundred Filipinos in Washington,D.C. MA 1956 Catholic University.

1026. VEJER, Clyde B. An analysis of the taxi-dance hall as a socialinstitution, with specialreference to Los Angeles and Detroit. PhD 1947 USC, 311pp.

1027. VITO, James C. An analysis of the farm labor problem in California'.MBA 1968 CSU San Jose

1028. WALLOVITS, Sonia. Filipinos in California. MA 1966 USC. FU/DAO.A. Published.

1029. WENTWORTH, Edna C. Living standards of 101 Filipino families on an Hawaiian sugar plantation. PhD 1941 Washington University, 319pp. AL.

967 COLONIAL POLICIES IN THE PHILIPPINES study MA 1^10. ANCHETA, C. A. The acquisition of the Philippines by the United States. 1934 "USC. is. A study of the' rise and fall of the first democratic _ 1031. AUSTIN, E. D. S. 7.oublic in the Far East: The Philippines 1898 -99. Ph0,1956-57 Georgetown.

1032. BARNES, Arthur M. American intervention in Cuba and annexation of the f Philippines, an analysis of the public discUssion. PhD 1948 Cornell.

1033. BERNHEIM, MildredE. Woodrow Willson's Philippine policy. MA 1928 Columtpia. inos 1034. BORDEN, Karen W. Persuasive apipeals of imperialist andanti-imperialist Congressmen in the debates onPhilippine independence, 1912-1934. PhD 1972 UC Los Angeles, A 212pp. 33/5862-A.

1035. BORDEN, Karen W. Philippine ind pendence legislation in the U.S. Congress, us 1916-1934. MA 1969 CSU. Hayward. 5 CAJIGAL, tnastasio B. ThePhilipPlneindependence movement. MA 1928 Columbia, 83pp. War II rsity 1037. CAMPBELL, Wally A. The Philippineuestion: California and the "Great Debate," 1898-1899. MA 1971 CSU Hayward, 100pp.' AS. His administration in the n to 1038. CASAMBRE, Napoleon J. FrancisBurton,Harrison: Phflippiues, 1913-1921. ,PhD 1968 Stanford. 29/3943-A.

lipino women during the liege 1039. CASTILLO, T. B. The changing social satus of Fi \ American adMinistration.MA 1942 USC. the glish 1040. CONE, David J. The government of the Plilippine Islands from 1898 to enactment of the Jones Law in 1916. MA 1929 Columbi, 65pp. 70


Philippines, 1041. DUFAULT\,' David V. Francis B. Sayre and the Commonwealth of the 33/2282-A. 1936-1942. PhD 1972 iversity of Oregon. the relations 1042. FACTORA, Agapito Q. The Jones Act of 1916 and its effect upon between the United States and thePhilippine Islands. MA 1934 USC, 131pp. The United States 1043. GATES, John M. An experiment in benevolent pacification: army in the Philipploes,1898-1902. PhD 1967 Duke, 409pp. 28/4084-A. PhD 1939 Yale, 1044. GREEN, Allan A. Economic aspects of the Philippine question. 322pp. 28/3744-A. economic Policy in the Philippines. 1044.1. HERNANDO, Milagros B. American colonial MA 1969 Hawaii, 151pp. United States 1045. KENNEDY, Philip W. The concept of racial superiority and imperialism, 1890-1910. PhD 1962 St. Louis University. of the Philippine 1046. MASSE, Eugene H. Francis Burton Harrison, Governor General 32/2036-A. Islands, 1913-1921. PhD 1971 Catholic University.

The development of the colonialpolicy of the U.S. (to the 1047. PERKINS, Erhest R. RiCo, 1916 and 1917). PhD 1930 passage of the Jones Actsfor the Philippines and Puerto Clark. rule, 1901-1913.PhD 1048. SALAMANCA, B. S. The 'Filipino reaction to American 1964-65 Yale. A study of the SNYDER, Phil L. Mission, empire, or force ofcircumstances? 1049. 33/2871-A. America, decision to annex thePhilippine Islands. PhD 1972 Stanford.

The administi_tive work of theU.S. Philippine commission. 1050. SPOFFORD, James W. PhD 1917 UC Berkeley. The Philippines and the U.S.,1899- 1051. STANLEY, Peter. A nation in the making: 1921. PhD 1970,Marvard, 206pp. The status of the Philippines underthe Commonwealth. PhD 1052. ZAFRA, Urbano A. 1937 National University.


English composition errors.of Tagalogspeakers and 1053. AGUS, Estrella F. implications for analytical theory. EdD 1964 UC Los Angeles. in An assessment of internationalnursing students 1054. BERGAMINI, Sister Marie C. experience. PhD 1964 UC Berkeley, 360pp. the United States: A case study of Philippine 25/3517. FU/LA. The cultural and linguistic featuresinvolved in cross- 1055. DAGOT, Ectilbuto P. Filipino students and Americansand the use of snnrt cultural communication between 290pp. 28/4370 FU/LA. stories to teach these features. EdD 1967 New York University, school The performance of Filipinocollege freshmen on the 1056. JOHNSON, Elmira L. 22/3922. FU /LA. college and ability test. PhD 1962 Wisconsin, 92pp. 71


from the 1057. MUNARRIZ, Natividad.Acceptance of American culture among students Philippines. PhD 1960 Columbia.

in the U.S. 1058. OBANDO, Aquilino B. A study of the problem of Filipino students MA 1936 USC. LA. A survey of conditions 1059. REYES, Jose. Filipino students in the United States: MA 1930 in the states of Oregon, California, Washington,Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Reed College, 200pp. MA 3924 Columbia, 1060. RUIZ, Leopoldo T. Filipino students in the United States. 78pp.

1061. SANTA MARIA, Virginia L. Perceived school adjustment problems of selected AS. newly arrived Filipino students: A case study. MA 1972 CSU San Francisco, 100pp.


of American 1061.1. KATIGBAK, Purisima K. The press propaganda, and twenty:years published in sovereignty, 1898-1910: A study of the Filipino and American newspapers the Philippines. MA 1962 Stanford. ,


7 2 65 1062





Its analysis and relationshipwith 1062. CHANG, Kenne H-K. Korean kinship system: AS. other aspects of,Korean culture.MA 1961 CSU San Francisco.

Communication and acculturation: A case study of Korean ethnic 1063. CHANG, Won H. 136pp. 33/1757-A. AS. group in Los Angeles. PhD 1972 University of Iowa, Angeles. MA 1939 USC, 85pp. 1064. GIVENS, Helen L. The Korean community_in Los FU/DA,LA. churches in New York City.MA 1969 1065. GRAYSON, James H. The Korean Christian Columbia, 71pp. AS. Korean immigrants in Gresham,Oregon: Community life, and 1066. GREGOR, Kyung S. C. 93pp. social adjustment.MA 1963 University of Oregon, relationship to A study of social andreligious participation in 1067. HAN, San E. PhD 1973 occupational mobility and self-esteem amlngKorean immigrants in Chicago. Northwestern. AS. MA 1937 Hawaii, 209pp. GA,RU/DA. 1068. KIM,eBernice. The Koreansin Hawaii. and her people in Chicago,Illinois. 1069. KIM, Sangho. A study of the Korean Church MA 1968 McCormick TheologicalSeminary, Chicago.


MA 1969 UC Los 1070. LEE, Kyung. Settlement patterns of Los Angeles Koreans. Angeles, 81pp. AS.

people 1071. PARK, Hankyu. Religious affiliation and cultural adjustment of Korean in the Chicago area.MA 1971 Northwestern.

by native Americans 1072. YIM, Sun B. Mate selection and marriages as perceived -and immigrant Koreans. MA 1972 US Santa Barbara, 112pp. AS.


and brain 1073. BAE, Chong-Keun. The effect of traditionalism on social adjustment Phr1972 University drain: A study of Korean students at the University ofWisconsin. of Wisconsin, 254pp. 32/5559-A. AS. States. 1074. CHAI, Alice Y. American-educated Koreans' attitude to.lards the United MA 1957 Ohio State University. of!Korgn 1075. KIM, Hyung T. Relationships between personal characteristics students in Pennsylvania and their attitudestoward the Christian churches in America. PhD 1966 Pittsburgh, 172pp. 27/2415 -A. FU,SH/LA. students attending 1076. SHIN, Kuk B. The post graduation residency plans of Korean 33/5950-A. selected universities tn Michigan. PhD 1972 Michigan State University, I55pp. AS. Factors influencing 1077. THAMES, John A. Korean students in southern Ca'ifornia: their plans toward returning home. EdD 1971 USC. '32/208-A. AS/LA. ith





67 1078


1 N



1078. ARAMVALARTHANATHAU, Muthukumarasamy. A study of how American high school seniors conceptualize India. PhD 1954 Ohio State University.

A study in acculturation. 1079, BRADFIELD, Helen H. The East Indians of Yuba City: MA 1970 CSU Sacramento, 133pp.

integration. 1080. CHAKRAVORTI, Robindra C. The Sikhs of El Centro; a study in social PhD 1968 University of Minnesota, 150pp. 30/414-A. FU/DA.

textbooks, 1081. DEODHAR, Shyama. The treatment of India in American social studies 1921-1952. PhD 1954 University of Michigan. studies 1082. DUGGAL, Prakash V. The treatment of India in'selected American social textbooks, 1953-1968. PhD 1969 University of Michigan. study. 1083. GAZDAR, Nari P. The treatment of India in the American press, a case MA 1963 UC Berkeley. Pennsylvania. 1084. GUPTA, Santosh P. The acculturation of Asian Indians in central PhD 1969 Pennsylvania State University,219pp. 31/487 -B.

A history of the Ramakrishna movement 1085. JACKSON, Carl T. The Swami in America: in the United States, 1893-1960. PhD 1964 UC Los Angeles, 314pp. 25/3524-A.



1086. JAIN, Usha R. The Gujaratis in San Francisco.MA 1964 UC Berkeley.

of 1087. KHUSH, Harwant K. The social participation and attitudes of the children East Indian immigrants. MA 1965 CSU Sacramento, 61pp.

1088. MISROW, Jogesh C. East Indian immigration on the Pacific coast. MA 1915 Stanford, 46pp. DA,LA. Published.

)089. MUKHERJEE, Sujit K. Passage to America: The reception of Rabindranath Tagore in tht United States, 1912-1941. PhD 1963 University of Pennsylvania, 350pp. LA.

students 1090. SHANKAR, Richard A. Integration goal definition of the East Indian in the Sutter County area. MA 1971 CSU Chico.

. 1091. SOLANKI, Ratilal. Amerianization of immigrants: A study in.acculturation of Asian-Indians in the state of Colorado and theeducational implications. PhD 1973 University of Denver. 34/3852-A.

1092. WENZEL, Lawrence A. The identification and analysis of certain value orientations of two generations of East Indians inCalifornia. EdD 1966 University of the Pacific, 219pp. 27/1212-A. FU.


students 1093. BECKER, Tamar S. Perceptions and attitudinal changes among foreign on the UCLA pus. PhD 1966 UC Los Angeles, 323pp. 27/3519-A. An evaluation of a 1090 BURGER, Josef. Indian students and American education: 27/1875-A. new too, of American foreign policy. PhD 1965 University of Wisconsin, 173pp.

selected 1095. COLACICCO, Mary G. A comparison of item responses on the MMPI by American and foreign students. PhD 1970 Purdue, 166pp. 31/1572-A.

1096. DE SOUSA, Rev. Herman J. The adjustment problems of Indian graduate students in American universities. PhD 1956 Fordham University, 380pp. American 1097. DHAIRYAM, Desaraj. Personality difference between a Hindu and an group. PhD 1956 Columbia. intercultural 1098. DIGHE, Anita D. An analysis of associative meaning inan setting--Americah and Indian students in the U.S. PhD 1973 Ohio State University. 34/2799-A. Hindu students on 1099. KENNARD, Eva M. The communication of the Christian faith to an American campus; acritical analysis. PhD 1966 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1966. in the 1100. KIELL, Norman T. A study of attitudes of Indian and Pakistani students United States toward America and American.democracyand the.responsibility of American educational institutions toward exchange students. EdD 1949 Columbia, 189pp..-

in tht. U.S. of the MOSES, . A study of the perception of Indian students 1101. planning modern middle-class family in India: Implications for social work practice and for family welfare MSW 1961 USC.



(A special 1102. PAUL, Gurbachan S. The stay or return decision of Indian students 33/2521-A. case of internationalmigration). PhD 1972 University of Oregon, 191pp. Reactions of Pakistani students studying in theUnited States of 1103% SELIM, M. D. PhD 1962 America towards the system of educationin selected colleges and universities. Colorado State University, 175pp. 24/576. FU. general American 1104. WOELLNER, Alberta L.A phonetic study of the pronunciation of MA 1957 University of English spoken by selected foreign studentsfrom India and Pakistan. Kansas, 93pp.


70' 1110





1104.1. BOND, James R. Acculturation and value change. PhD 1967 USC. -Samoan-

1105. FORSTER, John, .- assimilation of Samoan migrants in the naval'housing area, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. MA 1954 Hawaii. RU.

1106. FORSTER, John. Acculturation of Hawaiians on the island of Maui, Hawaii. PhD 1959 UC Los Angeles. RU.

1107. GORDON, Walton M. Some educational implications of juvenile delinquency. MA 1934 Hawaii. RU. -Hawaiian,part-Hawaiian-

1108. HALE, Harry M.Astudy of the music talents of Hawaiian, Filipino and Portuguese children. MA 1936Hawaii, 68pp. RU.

1109. HEEN, Elizabeth L. The Hawaiians of Papakolea: A study in social and economic realism. MA 1936 Hawaii. RU.

1110. HIRSH, Susan E. A study of socio-economic values of Samoan intermediate school students in Hawaii. MA 1956 Hawaii. RU.


local part-Hawaiian 1111. KALEIALOHA, Carol J. Adjustment in intermarriages between men and mainland Caucasian women.MA 1966 Hawaii. RU. marginality. MA 1941 1112. KANESHIRO, Kiyoshi. The Hawaiian student; a question of Michigan. and achievementroriented 1113. KENSINGER, Loren L. A relationship between affiliation behavior. MA 1967 Hawaii. RU. -Hawaiian- elemerAscin th#mritten 1114. KONO, Elaine K. An analysisof certain grammatical 'Dialect. EdD compositions of seventh and ninth grade studentswho speak the Hawaiian 1972 University of DenveFi. 33/5474-A. performance of 1115. KUBANY, Edward S. The effects of incentive on the test .Hawaiians and Caucasians. PhD 1971 Hawaii. 32/5446-B. 411!'

A descriptive study of the Samoanfamilies who have 1116. LAOLAGI, Aliyaatai. AS. settled in San Franci sco- MA 1961 CSU San Francisco,,114pp.

Depopulation among the native Hawaiians.MA 1953 UC Los 1117. MYERSON, Jack A. Angeles. study of a church 1118. OTTMAN, Donald R. A sociological and psychological congregation. MA 1931 Hawaii. -RU. -part Hawaiian- Acculturation of Samoans in the Mormonvillage of Laie, 1119. PIERCE, Bernard F. territory of Hawaii. MA 1956 Hawaii. RU. Kamehameha seniors.MA 1967 1120. SOEHREN, Julia L. Self and group perceptions of Hawaii. RU. -Hawaiian- Samoans in the Mormon village ofLaie, Hawaii. 1121. STANTON, Max E. Samoan saints: PhD 1973 'Hawaii. 34/2436 -B. factors in the education of the 1122. YAMAMURA, Douglas S.A study of some of the RU. child of Hawaiian ancestry in liana,Maui. MA 1941 Hawaii. contributing to the status of 1123. YAMAMURA, Douglas S. A study of some factors Washington, 209pp. RU: contemporary Hawaiians. PhD 1949 University of Nanakuli-Makaha area of Oahu, Hawaii. MA 1124. YOST, Monica E. The Samoans of the 1965 Hawaii. RU.


A study in attitude change. 1125. BARRY, Jean. The Thai students in the U.S.: PhD 1966 Columbia, 308pp. 27/1116-A. FU. Attitude change in foreignexchange-4tudents from 1126. BREWER, Christina. Vietnam. MA 1970 CSU Fullerton, 132pp. AS. adjustment and CHUPIKULCHAI, Sobha G. A descriptive analysis of the 1127. universities in the socialization problems for Thaistudents attending colleges and 155pp. 31/2953-B. Rocky Mountain states. PhD 1970 Northern Colorado,

72 79 H, S, L T -- FOREIGN STUDENTS 1132

1,128. FORD, Charles C. A case study of the adaptational patterns of Asian graduate students in education at Michigan State-UliVity.. PhD 1969 Michigan State.University, 106pp. 31/1034-A.

1129. LIKITWONGSE, Ubol.A study of the problems confronting Thai students in American' colleges and universities. PhD 1959 Colorado State.

MUNUNPICHU, Kanchona. A survey of social attitudes among Thai students in American educational institutions. PhD 1965 Colorado State.

1131.\ NOLAN, Martin E. Terminal values after foreign education: A survey of Thai, students at Utah University. PhD 1973 University of Utah.

1132. SUWATHIGULiPIMPaporn. Thai students' perform)nce in the us'hge of modal auxiliaries i\n'English. MA 1973 UC Los Angeles. Tr 4

73 1133





Canadian immigration policy and thealien question, 1896-1919: 1133. AVERY, Donald H. Ontario. 34/1806-A. AS. The Anglo-Canadian perspective. PhD 1973 University of Western PhD nd London. 1134. BARBER, Marilyn J. Aliens in Canada, 1900-1920. PhD 1945 Toronto, 106pp. 1135. CAMERON, John D. The law relating to immigration. WO. PhD 1926 Toronto, 306pp. 1136. CHENG, Tien-fang. Oriental immigration to Canada. Sh, WO. Published. Trinidad, 1783-1833. PhD 1137. GOODRIDGE, C. A. Land, labour, and immigration in 1970 Cambridge. immigration and the labor force: An 1138. JOHNSON, Caswell L. The structure of 1946-1962. enquiry into the economic characteristicsof Canada's postwar immigration, PhD 1467 Columbia, 707pp. 31/6321-A. PhD 1908 Harvard. 1139. KING, William L. M. Oriental immigration to Canada., SH/LA.

Cuban slave' society on the eve ofabolition, 1838-1880. 1140. KNIGHT, Franklin. -Chinese and East Indians- PhD 1969 University of Wisconsin, 367PP.e30/1096-A. ' Guiana, 1834-1871. 1141. LAURENCE, K. O. Immigration into Trinidad and British Phi) 1959 Cambridge. 81 0 , 74 OTHER AMERICAS -- ASIANS, CHINESE 1158

in 1142. LAWLESS, D. J. The attitudes of leaders of ethnic- minority groups Vancouver towards the' integration of their peoplein Canada. MA 1959 University of British Columbia. Saskatchewan. 1143. MC KENZIE, D. L. Canadian immigration and problems. 'MA 1931 WO. of racial apd ethnic 1144. MAXEY, Alva B. '"A probe into the dimensionality 13/3038-A. stereotyping. PhD 1972 University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,207pp

colonization, . 1145. 'PIGGOTT, E, pominion government policy on immigration and 1867-1938. MA 1950 University of-Briti&W Columbia.= WO. households 1146. SHAPIRO, H. S. The impact of the geographic dispersal of displaced British- , in urban renewal programs: Vancouver, a case study. -MA 1969 University of Columbia.-

Ph D 1967 Oxford.' 1147. SHIELS, R. Indentured immigration into Trinidad, 1891-1916. Aliana.rural community: 1148. SKINNER, Elliott P. Ethnic interaction in,a British 15/1290. A study in secondary acculturation and groupdynamics. PhD 1955 Columbia, 303pp. =Chinese, East Indians- ,

1149. THOMPSON,Edgar T. The plantation. PhD 1932 University.of Chicago. the cultural, 1150. WALHOUSE, Freda. Th,' influence of minority ethnic groups on geography of Vancouver. MA 1961 University of British Columbia,-379pp. Orientals-in Canada. 1151. WARD, William. Official and unofficial attitudes toward PhD 1969 Queen's University, Kingston(Ontario). MSW 1961 Toronto,, 1152. WING, D. M. Fair Employment Practices Act in Ontario. 147pp. WO. PhD 1940 London; 359pp. 5U. 1153. WOODSWORTH, Charles J. Canada and the Far East.

ZAVALLONI, Marisa. Youth and thefuture: Values and aspirations of high 1154. PhD' school students in a multicultural societyintransition: Trinidad, West Indies. 1960 Columbia, 152pp.21/3542. -Chinese andEast Indians- .


The immigration of Orientals into Canada,with special. 1155. ANDRACKI, Stanislaw. (reference to Chinese. MA 1958 McGill, 227pp. AS,SH/LA. ' Resumen historico acera del desarollo de la,. 1156. BRAYCE Y COTES, Luis N. Marcos. inmigracion en el Peru. PhD 1899 Greater University of San competition, family structure in 11 Chinese, 1157. BRONSDON, Madeline.--Cohesion and 232pp. households. MA 1966 University of British Columbia, / Chinese coolie emigration to countrieswithiniihe British .-- . 1158..CAMPBELL, Persia C. empire. MS1922 London. DA. Published.


1159. CHANG, Ching-chieh.The Chinese in Latin America, a preliminary geographical su:vey withspecial reference to Cuba andJamaica. FhD 1956 University of Maryland, 194pp. 16/2424.

1166. CHO, George C. H. Residential patterns of the Chinese in Vancouver, British Columbia. MA 1970 University of British Columbia, 134pp.

Stanford, 187pp. AS. 1161. CLYDE, Paul H. The Chinese coolie trade. MA 1922

factors in -the patterns of 1162. DAVIDSON, Anne M. An analysiS of the significant Tito Chinese family life as a result of the recentchangesin immigration laws. MSW Toronto, 72pp., AS. /

PhD 1929 Greater 1163. DEL RIO, Mario E. ,a inmigracioa y sur desarrolloen el Peru. University of San Marcos, 315pp.

in 1163.1. FU, Carly Y. B. A study of social adjustment of the Chinese famfl Toronto. MSc 1967 University of Guelph, Ontario.

PhD 1971 1164. IRICK, Robert L. Ch'ing policy toward the coolie trade, 1847-1878. Harvard.

Family size and family organization in selectedsubcultural . 1165. KLEIBER, Nan4 L. groups in Vancouver, British Columbia. PhD 1972 UC Davis, 158pp. A. Chinese in 1166. KO, Eva M. B-C. L.Survey of leisure tirie activities of the downtown Toronto. MSW 1964 Toronto. Toronto. MA 1970 1166.1. LAI, Vivien. The assimilation of Chinese immigrants in York University, 10Bpp. _ . MA 1953 University of 1167, LAMOUREUX, Pierre.La population chinoise au Canada. Montreal. pstaPeruana por medio de 1168. LARRABURE Y CORREA, Carlos. Colonization de la la inmigracion European PhD 1900 GreaterUniversity of San Marcos.

Some aspects of mental illness among recentimmigrant Chinese: 1169. LEE, Jung 0. at A comparative study of Chinese male patients,immigrant and Canadian born, hospitalized MSW 1961 University af Provincial Mental, Hospital and Crease Clinic, B. C., 1950-1960. British Coluntjl. political action, 1170. LOOSMORE, Thomas R. The British Columbia labor movement and 1879-1906. MA 1954 University of British Columbia,219pp.WO. Motivation, field-dependence, and level of cognit ie 1170.1. MAO, Geraldine E. performance; an exploratory study with thinesechildren. MA 1967 University of British 0 Columbia, Vancouver. A comparative study of Argentina, 1171. MEAGHER, Arnold. Latin American immigration: Brazil and Peru to 1914. MA 1969 UC Davis, 168pp. MA 1946 Columbia, 51pp. 1172. MORREL'., Marti F. The Chinese in Cuba.

el Peru, PhD 1891 Greater University 1173. PAZOS VARELA, J. F. 'La inmigracion en of San Marcos, 46pp.


Chinese coolie migration to Cuba.',PhD 1953 University of 1174. POWERS, Marshall K. Florida, Gainesville, 336pp.

Inmigracion y medios de Adquirrila. PhD 1907 GrLater 1175. PUENTE ARNAO, Juan A. University of San Marcos, 49pp. MA 1933 McGill. 1176. TAYLOR, Gordon R. Chinese schools in Canada. CAnese schoolS.MA 1948 1176.1. WANG, Stephen. The teaching of English in University of Toronto. meedfor afterschoOlprogramv 1177. YIU, Ester K. Youth in need; a study of the dbwntown Toronto. MSW 19-43 geared to the acculturation ofChinese immigrant youth from Toronto. in Canadian universities, YOUNG, Mable J. C. A survey of students 1177,1. study in Canada. colleges:/ With suggestions forprospective Hon? Kong students coming to AA 1965 McGiJ1.-


Japanese\emigration BELANGER, Peter W. Problems and prospects of increased 1177.2. Japanese Canadians to A case study of the attitudesof a selected sample of to Canada: Ottawa, 89pp. immigration from Japan. MA 1967 Carleton University, MA 1958 The acculturation of the Japaneseimmigrant in Brazil. 1178. FUJII, Yukio. University of Florida.

Canada's relations with Japan,1895-1922: Problems of 1179. GOWEN, Robert J. Chicago, 332pp. SH. immigration and trade. PhD 1966 University of

Wartime legal status of personsof Japanese race in Canada; '180. HIDAKO, Kunio. prel,iinary investigation. MS 1942 Simon Fraser, in eastern Bolivia. PhD nd 1181. HIRAOKA, Mario. Japanese agricultural settlements University of Wi?t,,nsin'i--Milwaukee. A comparative study of twoJapnese 1182. HIRAOKA, Mario. come -Acu and GuaLapara: colonies in Brazil. MA 1967 CSU Los Angeles.

A study of the process ofacculturation as .revealed in 1183. HOCKIN., Margaret L. Sh. Canadian Japanese family life. PhD 1950 Cornell, 536pp. problem in Canada.MA 1924 McMaster, 1184. HORNE, J. V. Jr. The Japanese immigration 33pp. WO. in Brazil. MA 1969 University 1184.1. KITAOJI, Yuriko. Japanese immigrant society of Texas, Austin, 66pp.

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Japanese Canadians 11:7. MITSUI, Tadashi. The ministry of the United Church amongst Columbia, 347pp., in B.C., 1892-1949. STM 1967 Union College of British British 1'88. MORRIS, Philip A. Conditioning factors moulding public opinion in Columbia hostile to Japanese immigrationinto Canada. MA 1963 University of British Columbia, lllpp. Canadian 1189. NAKASHIMA, Kimiaki. Economic aspects of Japanese evacuation from the Pacific coast. MA 1946 McGill, 130pp. WO.

1189.1.OLYAN, Sidney D. Democracy in action:A study of the Cooperative Committee on Japanese Canadians. MSW 1951 University'of Toronto, 116pp.

MA 1946 Stanford. 1190. ROTH, Marion E. Japanese colonies in Brazil. community: 1191. STANIFORD, Phillip. Political aganization in a north Brazilian With special eference to Japaneseimmigrants. PhD 1967 London, 247pp. SH.

194,5. PhD 1192. STEWART. John B. Parliament and executive in wartime Canada, 1939 - 1953 Columbia, 281pp. 14/173. SH.

Paraguay: A study in the 1193. STEWART, Norman R. Japanese colonization in eastern PhD 1963 UC Los cultural geography of pioneer agriculturalsettlement (Parts I and II). Angeles, 485pp. 25/5208. SH. and Canadian 1194. SUGIMt'TO, Howard H. Japanese immigration, the Vancouver riots diplomacy. MA 1966 University of Washington. MA 1935 University of 1195. SUMIDA, Rigenda. The Japanese in British Columbia. British Columbia, 632pp.AS,WO/DA,LA. A Japanese pioneer colony in eastern 1196. THOMPSON, Stephen I. San Juan Yapacani: 31/2435-8. Bolivia. PhD 1970 University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign. Japanese- 1196.1. THURLOW, Setsuko. Cultural influences upon decision-making in two Canaean groups. MSW 1960 University of Toronto, 148pp. PhD 1956 Stanford, 683pp. 1197. TIGNER, James L. The Okinawans in Latin America. 16/1890. SH.

1197.1.. UJIMOTO, Koji V. Post-war Japanese immigrants in Canada: Job transfer- ability, work and social participation. PhD 1973 University of British Columbia.

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A study in . 1200. MAN, Syed R. East Indian agricultural settlementsin Trinidad: cultural geography., PhD 1963 Universityof Florida, 179pp. 26/4896.


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The overseas Chinese and Indians: A study of linkage 1218. ELDRIDGE, Albert F. Jr. PhD 1970 University of Kentucky. 31!5491-A. politics andthe ethnic linkage group. dae van die Suid-Afpilaanse 1219. FOUCHE, J. H. Die Asiaties vraagstilk in die republiek. MA 1941 'Pretoria; SouthAfrica. Reglementation internatinnale del'emigration. Impr Bosc 1220. LI, Koue-Ts'si. freres et Riou 1928 Lyon, 221pp. Ethnic variation in juveniledelinquency; a study from a 1221. MURPHY, Henry B. M. Research. Southeast Asian city. PhD 1959 New School fdr Social interests in the Philippines. 1222. RABANES, N. Comparison of Chinese and Japanese MA 1937 University of Chicago.


in the Philippines, 1898- 1223. AEULOG, Grecian() G. The Chinese immigration question 1908. MA 1940 UC Berkeley. A study of adaptation of AMYOT, Jacques. The Chinese community of Manila: 1224. Published. Chinese families to the Philippineenvironment. PhD 1961 Chicago.


Philippines. MA 1957 Chicago. 1225. AMYOT, Jacques. The Chinese community of the in the Philippines, 1226. AUSEJO, Luz U. Government policy regarding the Chinese 1898; a brie survey, MA 1951 Columbia,67pp.

Communist China's treatment of the overseasChinese: The 1227. BENDERSON, Eric S. dilemma of manipulation or protection. MA 1969 Columbia, 154pp. A study of power and change. 1228. BLAKER, James R. The Chinese in the Philippines: PhD 1970 Ohio State University. 31/3607-A. study in functional 1229. BLAUT, James M. Chinese market gardening in Singapore; a microgeography. PhD 1959 Louisiana State. principle in prejudice 1230. BULATAO, Rodolfo A. A test of the belief congruence against Chinese in the Philippines. MA 1967 University of the Philippines.

MA 1955 Singapore. 1231. CHAN, Hen-Chee. The Malayan Chinese association. The Chinese community of Nagasaki in thefirst century 1232. CHANG, Aloysius S. J. 31/2836-A. LA. of the Tokugawa period, 1603-1688. PhD 1970 St. John's, 205pp.

The minority groups of Yunnan andChinese political expansion 1233. CHANG, Chi-jen. 17/1308. into Southeast Asia. PhD 1956 Michigan, 208pp.

Historical geogrhphy ofChinese settlement in the Malay ac1234. CHANG, Tsuen-ming. Lincoln, 315pp. 14/2314; chipelago. PhD1954 University of Nebraska, Postwar problems of the Chinese in Malaya. MA 1958 UC 1235. CHEN,Joseph T. Berkeley, 167pp. in Thailand.MA 1959 1236. CHIE, Park-san. A study of the Chinese minority American University, 144pp. PhD 1939 Universite 1237. CHIEU, Nguyen-huy. Le statut des en Indo-chine. :de Paris, 123pp. Published.

The cultural ecology of a Chinesevillage: CaMeron 1238. CLARKSON, James D. Highlands, Malaysia. PhD 1968 University of Chicago. PhD 1953 Yale. 1239, COUGHLIN, Richard 3. The Chinese in Bangkok. The Chinese in Thailand against thebackground of Chinese- , 1240. DIBBLE, Charles R. Thai relations. PhD 1961 Syracuse. An anthropological study of therole of the Chinese in Malayan 1241, EDMONDS, M. J. society since the end of the Second WorldWar. MA 1967 London School of Economics. minority in the political and ELLIS, James W. The influence of the Chinese 1242, MA 1964 Brigham Young, economic hffairs of the Republic ofIndonesia and the Philippines. 97pp. An overseas.Chinese community in Borneo. PhD19,3 1243. FIDLER, Richard C. Kanowit: University of Pennsylvania. 34/1346 -B. Overseas Chitse affairs of thePeople's Republic of 1244. FITZGERALD, Stephen. A. LA. China. PhD 1969 Australian Nationz University.


church in the New Villagesof the John R. The growth of the Chinese 1245. FLEMING of the gospel to Chineseconverts. state of Johore, Ma ala: A story in the communication PhD 196Z Union Theo ogicalSeminary. Chinese in the Philippinesduring the American adminis- 1246. FONACIER, Tomas S. The tration. PhD 1933 Stanford. Culture change among Chineseagricultural settlers in 1247. FORTIER, David H. British North Borneo. PhD 1964 Columbia. Asia and the Chinese. PhD 1954 1248. FRANKEL, J. The government of Southeast London. Kinship, local grouping andmigration: A study in social 1249. FREEDMAN, M. realignment.among overseas Chinese. PhD 1956 London.

Continuity and change in DalatPlu: A Chinese middle 1250. GALASKA, Chester F. PhD 1969 Syracuse, 322pp. 30/%336 -B. class business communityin Thailand. the Legal aspects of theposition of the Chinese in 1251. GILL, Robert L. Philippines. PhD 1943 Michigan, 589pp. Chinese in Thailand. Changing identity: The assimilation o7 1252. GUSKIN, Alan E. PhD 1968 University ofMichigan. 30/415-A. patterns and socialinteraction of A study,of the Jccupational 1253. HAN, Sin F. 32/4002-8. PhD 1971 University ofMichigan, 307pp. overseas Chinese inSabah, MalaySia. hit familie--enerfrecht.der 1254.' HAN, Swie-Tan. Bydrage tot de kennis van Netherlands. Chineezan in Vederlandsch-Indie. PhD 1936 Utrecht, in The years of theyoung-radicals: The Chinese stnder'.4 1255. HARRELL, Paula S. 32/357-A. Japan, 1900-1905. PhD 1970 Columbia, 245pp. Peranakan,Chinese politics inIndonesia. PhD 1965 Cornell. 1256. HEIDHUca, M. F. A. The formation of anti-Chinesefeeling in the HORSLEY, Margaret W.t.Sangley: 1257. prejudice. PhD 1950 Columbia. Philippines--a cultural studyofthe stereotypes of The formulation of guidelinesfor the development of 1258. HSIAO, Andrew K. '> curriculum in Chinese Protestantchurches in Southeast indigenous religious education University, 363pp. 31/3363-A. Asia. PhD 1970 New York PhD 1936 University" The legal status of theChinese abroad. 1259. HUANG, Tsen-ming. of London, 347pp.Published, Malaya, 1786- stilinese and European agricultural enterprise in 1260. 'JAC N, J. C. study of expansion and change. PhD 1965 Malaya University. 1921: A geograph Natfonality and treatment of overseasChinese in Southeast 1261. JAN, George P. University.. ,27/1094-A. Asia. PhD 1960 New York Philippines during the Americanregime, 913 JENSEN, Khin K. M. The Chinese in the 1262. SH. of Wisconsin, 415pp. 16/2143. 1898-1946. PhD 1956 University voluntary associations in acolonial, Natives, migrants and 1263. JOHNSON, Graham E. 32/550-A. Chinese setting. - PhD1971 Cornell, 448pp. 90 83 OVERSEAS -- CHINESE IN ASIANCOUNTRIES 1264

MA 1969 Syracuse. 1264. JOHNSON; Howard R. Chinese in Malaya. MA 1946 The political position of theChinese in Indonesia. 1265. KAHIN, George M. Stanford. Philippines.' MA 1971 CSU SanFrancisco. 1266. KAYANAN, Corsine C. The Chinese in the Chinese strategy and the overseasChinese' MA 1961 CSU San 1267. KIERNAN, John W. Francisco. A study of Vietnamese-Chineserelations 1268. KY, Luong N. The Chinese in Vietnam: PhD-1963 Michigan. with special attention to theperiod 1862-1961. schools in the Straits settle- 1269. LEE, Ah C. Policies and politics in Chinese MA 1958 SingaporeUniversity. ments and the federatedMalaya states, 1786-1941. comparative approach. MA 1960 Overseas Chinese communities, a 1270. LEE, Wilbur G. UC Berkeley. MA Chinese secret societies innineteenth century Malaya. 1271. LIANG, Patrice I. 1963 University of Washingtbn.

The Chinese in Indonesia: A study of their community 1272. LIE, Joseph PI, H. T. development and problems. MA 1959 Georgetown, 157pp. MA 1964 Some charact'e'ristics of theChinese in Indonesia. 1273. LIEM, Stewart K. L. CSU Sacramento, 121pp. tusschenhandel der Chineezen op Java. PhD 1274. LIEM Twan-Djie. De distribuecrende 1946 Rotterdam. Rritish The Chinese communityin Malaya, Singapore, and 1275. LIERHEIMER, Ralph E. Borneo. MA 1959 College of thePacific, 128PP. Sarawak, Leadership training foe Chinesechurches in Malaya and 1276. LING, Ho-Tee. of Religion Borneo'. MA 1356 Pacific School with the East Indies. MA 194194,9 1277. MA, Tsuo-chow. Chinese economic reptions University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign. Political integration of thePhilippine Chinese. PhD 1278. MC BEATH, Gerald A. 1970 UCBerke)ey. LA. law state: Malay and Chinese family MC BRIDE, John D. Law in the pluralistic 32/ 1274. PO 1971 Southern MiroisUniversity, 146pp. in the pluralistic stateof Singapore. 49934: Radicalization of thought amongChinese students in 1280. MC CULLOUGH, Marilyn K. France, 1907-1925. PhD 1970 Cornell. and the program on overseasChinese MC GREEVEY, M. F. The overseas Chinese 1281. special mention of Chinesein Indonesia. affairs of the People'sRepublic of China, with MA 1958 Columbia, 137pp. The Chinese in Indo-China. PhD 1970 Oxford. 1282. MARSOT, A. G.



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Abbott, Kenneth456k Barryi, Jean 1125 Abdul-Nadi, Hafex 1341 Barth, Gunther 284 Abe, Stephen 851 Bascreo, S. 1202 Abulog, Gtaciano 1223 Bau Robert617.7 Acquino, Valentin 981 Bea0dry, James 499 Adams, Fern 982 Becker, Tamar 1093 Adams, Flora 580 BeDunnah, Gary 285 Adamson, H. 1342 Belanger, Peter 1177.2 Addazio, Louis 182 jell, Marie 18 Adler, Jacob 283.1 Bell, Reginald 929, 930 Agus, Estrella 1053 Bell, Ward 703 Ahsan, Syed 1200 Benderson, Eric 1227 Aiona, Darrow 119 Berbano, Marcos 986 , Akamatsu, Alfred 826' Bereday, Mary 765 Albright, K. 17 Bergamini, Marie 1054 Alcantara; Ruben982.1 Berheim, Abraham 19 Ale. nder, Ruth852 Berkowitz, Madelon673 A1- Hamdani, MUwaffak '59 Berliner, Garielle 457 Al1en,.Anne 183 Bernheim, Mildred 1033 Al l err,PonOon 229 Better, N. 92 Aller, Curtis 91 Beu, Robert 377 Amano, Matsukichi 761 Biggerstaff, Eugene- 320 Amyot, Jacques 1224, 1225 Bingham, Edwin 286 Anasooyai Bharatiya 230 Bitner, Harold 133 Ancheta, C. 1030 Bittner, Egon 853 Andracki; Stanislaw 1155 .fflacklocke, E. 1343 Angrosino, Michael 1201 Blackman, William 283 Arafat, Ibtihaj 131 Blaker, James 1228 .Arikaki, Shigenobu 827 Blatchford, Charles 554 Araki, Makoto 132 Blaut, James 1229 Aramvalarthanathau, M. 1078 Blazsik, Gloria637 Archer, Marguerite 790 Bleyhi, Norris 766 Arias, Patricia983 Blyth, Charles638 Aridi, Basher 231 Bond, James 1104.1 Arimoto, Lynn 881 Borden, Karen 1034, 1035 Arjona, Adcracion 232 Borncamp, Frederick 187 Asada, Sadao 635.1 Bowditch, James745 Asperilla, Purita984 Bowen, Barry 46 Au, Man278 Royer, James 356 Aucutt, Lucile 305 Bracey, Dorothy 321 Ausejo, Luz 1226 Bradfield, Helen1079 Austermell, Amy636 Bradley, Harold 1 'Austin, E. 1031 Brayce y Cotes, Luis 1156 Au-Yeung, Kenneth 533 Brenneise,"Beverly 217 Ave, Mario 985 Brewer, Christina 1126 Avery, Donald 1133 Bridge, David 161 Briggs, Dennie882 Babcock, Mdflorie 159 Briscoe, Edward 287 Backman, Margaret 184 Bristow, Ronald 965 Bae, Chong-Keun 1073 Brodkey, Dean 234 Baham, Rita 160 Bronsdon, Madeline 1157 Baker, Gwendolyn 185 Brown, Arthur 20 Baldo, Jerry 45 Brown, Betty 704 Ban, Helen 762 Brown, Brian 1203 Sanford, Edward 763 Brown, Dennis 883 Barber, Marilyn 1134 Brown, Jan 457 Bardis, Panos 233 Brown, Ruth 581 Bargelt, Hal 964 Brown, Sadie 322 Barnes, Arthur 1032 Brown, Sally 534 Barnett, Milton 475 Brugger, Florence 500 Barnhill, John 764 Buckman, Lorraine 705 Barrett, Charles186 Bulatao, Rodolfo 1230

91 98 AUT iR INDEX .

Bunch, Ralph 854 Chen, Joseph 1235 Burger, Josef 1094 Chen, Julia 443 Burgess, John 476 Chen, Larry424 Burke, Robert 706 Chen, Martin558 Burki, Mary Ann674 Chen, Ta324 Burnight, Ralph 767 Chen, Wen-hsien325 Burns, Roy639 Chen, Wen-hui 502, 458 Burroughs, Franklir. 235 Ch'en, Yao-Sheng1360 Butsbach, Arthur675 Cheng, Bi-Yun503 Cheng, David 504 Cheng, Pei-Wei 617.2 Cajigal, Anastasio1036 Cheng, Tien-fang1136 Cajoleas, Louis 236.1 Cheo, Yuan-Chen 586 Calhoun, J. 987 Chew, Caroline459 Calman, D. 1344 Chi, Peter 93 Calogeras, Roy 134 Chiang, Vivian , 505 Cameron, John 1135 Chie, Park-san 1236 Campbell, Persia 1158 Chieu, Nguyen-huy1237 Campbell, Sally 1037 Chijiwa, Saikichi855 Cariaga, Roman 988 Chin, Dorothy 537 Carlson, Marjorie132 Chin, Ettie 587 Casambre, Napoleon- 1038 Chin, James' 506 Casasola, Armando989 Ching, Doris219 Casey, Theresa 555 Ching, James378 Cassady,I. W. 357 Chinn, Caroline 136 Castberg, Anthony60 Chinn, Florence .420 Castillo, T. 1039 Chin-Shong,-Edwin 62_ Castro, Patricia 990 Chiu, Ping 400 Catapusan, Beni0o 991, 992 Cho, Chang-soo 886 ' Cather, Helen442 'Cho, George 1160 Caudill, William884 Choi, Ching-yan 1318 Cavanaugh, Francis 21 Chou, Frank .236 Chai, Alice 1074 Chou, Shao-HWa444 Chakravorti, Robindra 1080 Chow, Lillian 608 Chan, Chee 135 Choy, Elsie 401 Chan, Helep 61 Choy, Helen137 Chan, Hen-Chee 1231 Christenson, Edith559 Chan, Kit-mui 501 Chu, Jennings588. Chan, Ting556 Chu, Limin 379 Chan, Ying 582, 583 Chu, Louis402 Chang, Aloysius 1232 Chu, Wen-Chang 326 Chang, Chi H. 2 Chue, King 538 Chang, Chi-jen1233 Chui, Tung 617.3 Chang, Ching 1159 Chun, Elinor560 Chanq, Clarence136 Chun, Paul A Chang, Francis358 Chung, Calvin457 Chang, Hwa -bao 584 Chung, In 1361 Chang, James 535 Chupikulchai, Sobha 1127 Chang, Joseph 617.1 Church, Alfred63 Chang, Kenne 1062 Clark, Erlinda 993 Chang, Kuei-sheng 288 Clark, Todd 676 Chang, Shu 585 Clarkson, James1238 Chang, Tao-pin536 Clemens, Gary677 Chang, Tsuen-kung1234 Clyde, Paul 1161 Chai.g, Winona 218 Cobb, J. 746 Chang, Won 1063 Cochran, Betty 220 Chansler, Horace885 Cockerham, Ruby 188 Chao, Sankey557 Coelho-Oudegeest, Maria 237 Chaplin, Hayward 306 Colacicco, Mary1095 Char, Tin-Yuke 323 Colaco, L. 1345 Charles, Milton 3 Cole, Cheryl 618 Chattopadhyay, Virgincita 931 Coles, George64 Chau, Cynthia 457 Coloma, Casiano994 Chen, Eugenia' 419 Cone, David 1040


Connor, John 806, 887 Dodds, Elizabeth 65

Conroy, Francis 619 Doi, Helen943 . Converse, Roger 457 Dolson, Lee 49' Corey, James 47 Doner, John 457 Corpus, Severino 995 Dong, Nyok-zoe 460 'Cortes, Josefina 996 Dong, W. 1353 Cossum; Wilford 5'61 Dorita, Mary999 Coughlin, Richard 1239 Dube, S. 1346 Coulter, Anne403 Dufault, David 1041 Coulter, Charles 678 Duggal, Prakash 1C32 Courtney, William359 Dunbar, Agnes508 Cretser, Gary 120 Dunn, Lynn 190 Croft, Carma 932 Durig, Kurt 445 Cumpston, Ira 1204 Dusel, John509 Currier, Viola289 Curry, Roy679 Eddy, Johh94 Cutter, Mary 189 Edmonds, M. 1241 Edwards, Mary 380 Dagot, Edilbuto 1055 Ehrlich, Allen 1208 Dal, Bingham609 Eldridge, Albert 1218 Daily, Richard 138 Ellakany, Farouk 243 Daniel, Cletus' 997 Ellis, C. 1319 Daniels, Roger680 Ellis, James 1242 Darby, Harold''933 Elting, Robert 244 Dare, Richard 404 Erickson, Bonnie 381 Darling, Harold 5 Erickson, Edgar 1209 Darsie, Marvin934 Espiritu, Socorro 1000 Das, Man 238 Esthus, Raymond 641 Davidson, Anne 1162 Eubank, Lauriel 66 Davidson, Worabelle 327 Evans, James L. 382 Davis, Forrest 328 Evans, James R. 67 Davis, Lawrence 329 Ewing, Ethel 383 Davison, Stanley 404.1 Daws, Alan 290 Facer, Louise 162 Debysingh, Molly 1205 Factora, Agapito 1042 Decker, John 1362 Fahey, Frank360 Dedmon, Donald48 Fan,-Ting-Chiu 479 De Hoyos,Benjamin 239 Fang, William617.4 Deierhoi, William 330 Farmer, George 384 Del Carmen, Rolando 998 Farrell, M. 681 Del Portilig, Raymond 421 Fawson, Paul 191 Del Rio, Mario 1163 Fearis, Donald 95 Demartin, Fredric918 Feichter, Nancy 292 Dennington, G. 1206 Felipe, Virgilio *1001 Deodhar, Shyama 1081 Fellows, Donald 828 Desai, Armaity 240 Fenby, Barbara807 Desmond, Mary291 Fenz, Walter140 De Sousa, Herman 1096 Ferguson, Charles 141 De Vincenzo, Doris 241 Ferina, Bessie446 De Vos, George856 Fidler, Richard 1243 Dey, Mukul 1207 Fincher, Earnest 331 Dhairyam, Desaraj 1097 Firebaugh, Dorothy385 Dias, Milagres 242 Fisher, Lloyd 96 Dibble, Charles 1240 Fitzgerald, Stephen 1244 Dielman, Teddy 139 Fleming, John 1245 Dien, Dora279, 888 Fleming, Pau ette 279.1 Dighe, Anita 1098 Floyd, Arva 829 Divine, Robert 22 Fonacier, Tomas 1246 Djang, C. 477 Fong, Dexter973 Djang, Helen 507 Fong, Stanley 510 Tr. Dju, Peter 640 Ford, Charles 1128 Djuh, Joan 478 Foreman, Herbert 422


Graf, Helga 643 Forstat, Reisha 245 Graham, Grace246 Forster, John 1106, 1105 Graham, John 620 Fortier, David1247 Graham, Lloyd809 Foster, John 386 Graham, Virginia 539 Fouche, J. 1219 Grayson, James 1065 Fowler, Ruth747 Green, Allan 1Q44 Fox, Rollin 707 Green, Helen 1210 Frankel, J. 1248 Green, Paul 480, Frederick, Jo 142 Greer, Scott98, Freedman, M. 1249 Gregor, Kyung1066 Freeman, George, 935 Greil, Stuart 1321 Freeman, Linton889 Griffin, Nicholas 1322 Freeman, Margaret192, Griffin, Robert683 french, B. 642 Grigsby, Leslie332 French, Mary 480 Grodzins, Morton 709 Frost, Lois 808 Gruver, Rebecca684 FuCarly 1163.1 Guiang, Marcelino644 Fujii, Yukio3178 Guida, Anthony 333 136 Fujimoto, Richard Gukich, Dorothy 247 Fujita, Ben857 . Gupta, Santosh1084 791 Fujita, Michinari Gu_kin, Alan1252 FujiyoShi, Donald.830 Gustafson, Lucile164 Fukuoka, Fumiko792 Gustin, Marcia70 Fuller, Levi 97 Fultz, Jane163 Furuya, Kazuko748 Hah, Chong-Do 1364 Fyfe, Frances1320 Hale, Harry .1108 Hale, Robert 645 Halliday, I. 1349 Galaska, Chester1260 Halter, Cla'rence646 315 Ganschow, Thomas Nagasaki, Kazuichi 132 Gao, Ren-Ying447 ' Hamilton, Nancy 617.5 Gardner, John 387 Hamlin, Elizabeth248 Garis, Roy 23 Hammond, Ormond 890 .Garside, Jayne 858 Han, Sang 1067 68 Gast, David Han, Sin, 1253 Gates, John 1043 Han, Swie-Tan 1254' Gazdar, Nari 1083 Hao, Peter590 George, Robert 708 tiara, Kanto 860 Gibson, Joseph480 Harada, Koichi944 24 ' 'Gibson, Ted Hardy, Douglas_ 749 Gibson, William 8 Harkness, Ellen482 Giella, Vicki 793 Harrell, Paula 1255 ;251 Gill, Robert Harrigan, John 71 1347, 1348 Gillion, K. Harris, Arthur 945 Gilmartin, William 768 Hartle, Helen 193 Gin, Dzi-Shi 610 Hartung, Bruno 1002 Givens, Helen 1064 Hashimoto, Mitsuo946 769 Glenn, Jana Hashisaki, Mary 861 Glick, Clarence 511 Hata, Donald 647 Gluck, Eleanor859 Hatfield, James99 Golden, Loretta69 Hawks, Jean483 Goldstein, Bertha 26 Hayashida, Akiyoshi 891 Golosnian, Ernest 457 Hayes, Robert947 Goo, Sau 143 Haynes, D. 1322.1 Goodridge, C. 1137 Hazard, Henry Z7 Gordon, Walton 1107 Heen, Elizabeth1109 589 Goss, Mary Heidhues, M. 1256 Gothberg, John682 Heilman, Grace 361 936 Goulard, Stanley Hekmati- Tehrani, Mehri 249 966 Gould, Harold Hekyrara, Kuregiy 280, Gowen, Robert1179 Henderson, Lloyd 710 Graalfs, Marilyn.' 481


Hendry, Eva 194 Hyams, Katherine 166 Hendsch, David 72 Hyde, Helen974 Hang, Linnie 334 Hennings, Robert 73 Ichihashi, Yamato648 Henry, Burton 74 Iga, Mamoru 897 Henry, Sheila 770 Ige, Phillip 77 Hernando, Milagros 1044.1 Ikeda, Kiyoshi 898 Herndon, James 685 Ikemoto, Michael '899 Hertzler, Virginia862 Ikuchi, Yukio865 Hartzog, Dorothy 686 Ingle, Phyllis 564 Hewes, Laurence 100 Inglis, Christine1324 Heyer, Virginia 448 Irick, Robert 1164 'Hidako, Kunio 1180 Irish, Donald750 Higa, Blossom132 Isaly, Janice 541 Hill, Harvis 250 Isani, Mukhtar 78 Hill, Peter 101 Ishida, Gladys 712 Hill, Richard 102 Ishida, Kazumaro 794 Hing, Joyce 562 Isidoro y Santos, Antonio 1003 Hirabayashi, Gordon863 Ishii, John 649 Hirai, David 75 Ishikawa, Michiji 621 Hiraoka, Mario 1181, 1182 Itoh, Harumi 948 Hirata, Lucie 165 lwai, Charles 103 Hirsh, Susan1110 Iwamoto, Asako 138 Ho, Alfred 1323 Iwamoto; Kiyotoshi 713 Ho, Genevieve 251 Ho, Man 252 Ho, Perry 591 Jabbour, Millard833 Hockin, Margaret 1183 Jackman, Norman 714 Hoffman, Nancy .790 Ja;kson, Carl 1085 Hofstatter, Peter 1365 Jackson; Frances 104 Hogan, William 461 Jackson, J. 1260 Holliday, Margaret 892 Jackson, Marcia 565 Uolmer, Esther 195 Jacobs, Harry 650 ong, Sung-:hick 76 Jacobson, Alan 771 Hong, Yon335 Jaffe, Erwin 29 Hooper, Paul 6 Jain, Usha 1086 Hopkins, Thomas 196 James, Ellen 138. Hopkinson, Shirley 711 Jan, George 1261 Horinouchi, Isao 831, 893 Janisch, Hudson 336 Horne, J. 1184 Janssen, August 715k Horsley, Margaret 1257 Jayme, Jotefina 1004 Horton, Loren 362 Jeffs, William 1005 Hosokawa, Fumiko 894 Jensen, Khin 1262 Hosokawa, Robert 980.1 Hobo, Kimiko 622 Houchins, Joseph .5Q Johnnessen, Edward .687 Hountras, Panos 253 Johnson, Caswell 1138 House, Hazelle 895 Johnson, Colleen810 Howard, Stuart 896 Johnson, Donald 716 Hsia, Chi 592 Johnson, Elmira 1056 Hsia, Jane '423 Johnson, Florence 197 Hsiao, An'rew 1258 Johnson, Graham 1263' Hsueh, Chun-tui 316 Johnson, Howard 1264 Hu, I. 540 Johnston, Petra949 Huang, Joseph 563 Jones, Thomas 30 Huang, Lucy 593 Jong, any 542 Huang, Steve317 Judge, Anna 406.1 Huang, Tsen-ming 1259 Junasa, Bienvenido 1006 Hughes, Ruth 51 Jung, Eleanor 424 Humiston, Thomas 864 Jung, Michael 512 Hunter, Graham405 Jung, Raymond 144 Hunter, Louise 832 Hurlbut, John 28


Kaapu, Myrtle950 Knuth, Helen363 Kachi, Teruko 651 Knuth, Priscilla 363.1 Kai, Gunki 772 Ko, Eva 1166 Kagiwada, George 866 Kobashi, Isao773 Kahin, George 1265 Koepplin, Leslie 33 Kalantzis, Constantine221 Kono, Ayako 953 Kaleialoha, Carol 1111_ Kono, Elaine1114 Kall,stedt, F. 652 Koo, Jong222 , Kambara, Alice 834 Kosaki, Mildred 904 Kan, Loretta 388 Koshi, Peter 814 Kanagawaf Wayne795 Krall, Dorothy168 Kaneko, Robert900 Kreps, Leslie 653 Kaneshiro, Kiyoshi 1112 Kriger, Sara 463 1115 Kang, Shin-pyo121 Kubany, Edward .Kang, Tai 594 Kuki, Basil 870 Kantz, Henrietta .282 Kumata, Hideya 256 Kaplan, May 901 Kung, Samuel, 597 Kao, Lin-Ying 595 Kunihiro, Ken', 905 Kao, Siu425 Kuo, Eddie 566 Kashiwa, Yoshiko79 Kuramoto, Ford 797 Kurokawa, Minako' 169, 774 Kashiwamora, Mary105 Kuwabara, Joseph 906 Katigbak, Purisima 1061.1 464 Katzenstein, Alex 31 Kuykendall, Kenneth Kwan, Kian 513 Kautz, Amanda 122 426 Kawahara, Hatsuko 811 Kwei, Hui Kwoh, Beulah406 Kawakamil'Daniel 812 598 Kawasaka, Kanichi 796 Kwoh, Edwin Ky, Luong1268 Kayanan, Corsine1266 Keely, Charles 32 Kelly, Marion 106 Ladensen, Alex624 Kennard, Eva 1099 Lafrieda, Dorothea257 Kennedy, Chester389 Lai, Kum 421 Kennedy, Philip1045 Lai, Vivien 1166.1 Kensinger, Loren 1113 Lam, David 514 Ker, Minette 611 Lam, Margaret .123 Kessler, James688 Lamarche, Maurice567 Keyser, Edith867 Lamoureux, Pierre 1167 Khan, Latiffa 1350' Lang, Aldon 34 Khan, Ta ki 254 Laolagi, Aliifaatui 1116 Khush, Harwant1087 Larkin, novas 337 Kiell, Norman 1100 Larrabure y Correa, Carlos 1168

Kiernan, John 1267 . Larry, Etta 223

, Kiernan-Vasa, Helen596 Lasker, Gabriel 612 Kim, Bernice 1068 - Lasman, Lawrence 1006.1 Kim, Henry 167 Laurence, K. 1141 Kim, Hyung 1075 f La Violette, Forrest 907 - Kim, Sangho1069 Law, Timothy465 Kim, Young 623 Lawless, 0. 1142 Kimizuka, Sumako 951 Lebra, Takla 835 KimurapYukiko902, 903 Lee, Ah1759 King, Clatence 868 Lee, Bessie 515 King, Haitung484 Lee,Betty364 King, Pat462 Lee,Changsoo 1366 King, William1139 Lee,'Chung 1367 Kirkwood, Warren255 Lee,Daniel 568 Kirsch, Luther 80 Lee,Edmond407 Kitamura, Samuel 952 Lee,Jeffrey543 Kitani, Misue813 Lee,Jung 1169 Kitaoji, Yuriko 1184.1 Lee,Kyung 1070 Klass, Morton 1211 Lee,Lin516 Klaue, Nancy869 Lee,Louie 170 Kleiber,Nancy1165 Lee,Mabel 485 Knight, Franklin 1140 Lee,Marjorie 293


`Lee, Mary 52 Luke, 0rral 938 Lee, Nellie 449 Lum, John 570 Lee, Richard 281 Lum, Kalfred 341.1, 147 Lee,,Robert 365 Lydon, Edward 342 Lee, Robert M. 408 Lyman, Stanford ;429 Lee, Rose450 Lee, Sarah 544 Ma, Tsuo-chow 1277 Lee, Stephen 428 Ma, Yi 571 Lee, Wilbur 1270 Mahone, Hazel 124 Leichter, Hope 599 Makela, Lee 656 Leinenweber, Charles 338 Malstead, Roger '752 Leiter, Russel 198 Mangat, Jagjit 1350.1 Lemke, Martha 457 Mann, Ralph. 3Q7 Lentz, Katherine 751 Mao, Geraldine 1170.1 Leonard, Stephen 294 Mar, Conrad 489 Le Pore, Herbert654 MarianoHonorante 1009 Le Masseur, Patricia 1007 Marks, Rose82 Levine, Carol 1008 Marshall, Emily 203 Levine, E. 199 Marsot, A. 1282, 1283 Lewis, Helen 200 Marutani, Herbert 110 Li, Koue-Ts'st T220 Maruyama, Kazuteru 657 Li, Pei-chao 600 Maruyama, Takuya 815 Li, Sylvianne 545 Mason, Mary 191 Li, Tien 339 Masse, Eugene 1046 Liang, Patricia 1271 Masuda, Robert 143 Liang, Phoebe 318, Masuoip, Jitsuichi 816, 908 Liang, Yuan 466 , Mats*, Floyd 689 Liao, Pao 451 Matsuda, Shigeharu 626 Lie, Joseph 1272 Matsui, Shichiro. 775 Liebes, Richard 107 Matsumoto, Richard 658 Liem, Stewart 1273 Matsunaga, Setsuko 720 1274 Liem, Twan-Djie Matsusaki, Hirofumi 776 Lierheimet:, Ralph 1275 Maxey; Alva1144 Light, Ivan 108 Maxwell, Edward 35 Light, Jerome 717 , May, James- 1009.1 1129 Likitwongse, Ubol Mayer, A. 1351 Lin, Paul 601 Meagher, Arnold 1171 Lind, Andrew109 Meldrun, George300 Linderfelt, Florence 937 Menez, Herminia 1010 Ling, Ho-Tee 1276 Meng, Chih 490 Lipscomb, Joan718 Meng, Tai 430 Liu, Ching 486 Meredith, Gerald 909 Liu, Fu-ju 487 Mesnikoff, Wendy 491 Liu, Marie 569 Meyer, Ignatius 1326 Liu, Yu-Chen. 546, 467 Michelson, Stephen 111 Liu, Yung 602 Midkiff, Frank204 ° Livesay, Thayne 201 Mierzwa, Dorothy 259 295 Loewen, James Miguel, Fe 1011 Loftin, Marion1185 Miles, G. 1284 Loh, Homer 296 Miller, Leland 53 Loomis, Amy 457 Miller, Stuart 392 Loosley, Allyn 7 Mills, Frances 659 Loosmore, Thoras 1170 Milnar, Anthony 343 468 Lorden, Doris Milnes, Harold 627 Lotchin, Roger 29/ Misaki, Hisakichi 954 Louie, James 145 Misrow, Jogesh 1088 Louis, Kit488 Mitchell, J. 83 Lowe. Erline 613 Mitchell, Richard 1368 Lozada, Rhodelia 258 Mitchell, Williatn 517 Lu, Chi-hua 340 Mitsui, Tadashi 1187 Luckinghan, Bradford 298 Miyagi, Michichiro409 Ludwig, Albert 341 Miyamoto, Shichiro955 Lujan, Herran 146 Miyamoto, Shotaro 721, 871 97 104 AUTHOR INDEX

Miyata, Joanne 901 Nigata, Kiyoshi 914 Modell, John 91.0 Naka, Harry663 Moench, Rithard 1327 Naka, Kaizo 777 Mohan, Fadha 1352 Nakagaki, Masami 817 Monfross, John1012 Nakahara, Mildred 171 Nakaji, Nancy' 872 Monsen, Marie 125 ' Montgomery, 11i11iam660 Nakashima, Kimiaki 1189 Moody, Edward 469 Nanamura, Tom915 Moore, Forrest260 Nann, Richard 452 Moore, Kenneth 308 Mash, Robert410 /Moore, R. 1212 Nedoff, Charles '818 Moran, James 319 Nftley,'Annd 262 Moriguchi, Genevieve 143 Nelson, Douglas 722 Morimoto, Patricia 956 Nepomuceno, L.664 Aorimoto, Shizuko 957 Nettler, Gwynne753 Morioka, Thomas ill Neu, Charles 665 Morishita,,Shidzu 661 Newell. W., 1286 Morishita, Sumie836 Ng, Benton 573 Morita, Yukio628 Ng, Jolson 574 Moriyama, Alan t62' Ng, Pearl 393 470 Morrell, Marta,1172 Ngin, Stephen Morris, Philip 1188' Nicholson, Francis723 Niesley,, Margaret 690 Morse, E. 1213 Moses, Hannah 1101 Niew, Shong 1287 -Motoyama, Elsie 572 Niland, John 114 Mozingo, David 1285 Nims, Amy 301 778 Muego, Benjamin1013 Nishi, Midori Nishi, Setsuko' 916 Mui, M. 431 917 Mukherjee, Sujit1089 Nishimura, Lora 779 Munarriz, Natividad 1057 Nishinori, John Mununpichu, Kanchona 1130 `Nishio, Howard 918 205 Murai, Eiko 912 ,Nishioka, Gai4 724 Murakami, Kensabur0 112 Nishioka, Norton 172 Murase, Kenneth, 261 Nishioka, Toshio 36 Murphy, Henry 1221 Nizami, Saeed Musladin, William9 Nodhra, Isamu 780, 1131 Myerson, Jack 1117 Nolan, Martin Nolasco, Domingo 1014 Nopitsch, Toni .666 McAllister, J. 8 Noss, George837 McBeath, Gerald 1278 Nyce, Ray 1288 McBride, John 1279 McBride, Virginia 202 1289 McClellan, R. 390 Oades, Rizalino 1058 McCullough, Marilyn1280 Obando, Aquilino McDaid, Thomas' 719 Oberst, Alma 725 919 McDonald, Eileen299 O'Brien,,Robert McEntire, Davis 113 Ochi, Dojun838 148 McFadden, Isobel 1186 Ochise, George `McGreevey, M. 1281 Ochs, Patricia 411. O'Connor; Mary 368 McKay, Ralph 81 1328 McKenzie, D. 1143 Oddie, G. McKnight, Robert 967 Oestman, Bethel. 1015 754 McNair, Harley366 Ogawa, Dennis 839 McNeely, Alexander 367 Ogura, Kosei McNuer," 1325 Oh, Tai 263 Ohno, Kazuo 959 McReynolds, George 655, Ohnuke, ,Emiko 518 McRitchie,- Alex 625 798 McSwain, Barbara 457 Oka, Wilfred Okada, Dave 781 Olsen, Barton 369 Nagano, Paul 913 , Olson, E. 1290 Nagara, Susumu958 Olyan, Sidney 1189.1 Nagasawa, Othur 10 Ong, Eng-Die 1291


Katsumi 960 Puente Arnao, Juan 1175 Ono, Keiko 939 Pugh, Richard 6i2 Onoye, Helen 136 Pugh, William 976 Opperman, David 11' Purcell, David 1369 O'Riordan, Eileen457 Pursinger, Marvin 727 Ortega, Salud 1016 Orsi, Richard 54c, Quijano, Walter 1013.1 Osaki, Nori 840 Osborn, William 173, Oshimo, Raymond920 Rabanes, N. 1222 Otomo, Shigeru 975 Radell, David 783 Otsuki, Sakutaro 782 Rademaker, John784 Ottman, Donald 1118 Radha, Mohan 1354 Rafel, S. 1019 Ilatanamani, Manimal 841 ' Pachai, Bridglal 1353 Rathmell, George604 Padelford, William 206 Rauf, Mohammad 1214 Pajus, Jean 629 Raynor, Theodore614 Palamiotis, Alexander 37 Reed, Nina 344' Palmejar, Carlos 394 Reeves, John 1330 Pan, Nai-wei 38 Regan, Rex 1020 Pannu, Rajinder 1213.1 Reinedke, John 224 Pao, Chun-jien1329 Ren, Myles 471 Park, Hankyu 1071 Rendell, M.; 1331 Parker, Pauline 149 Reyes, Albert 1021 Parks, Hugh 968 Reyes, Jose 1059 Paterson, Arthur 126 Reynolds, Charles, 84 Patterson, Charles 395 Reynolds, Harriet 1294 Pau, Ruth492 Reynolds, Ira 1295 Paul, Gurbachan1102 Rice, Richard 728 Paul, Rodman 309 Richardson, Ann 311 Patios Varela, J. 1173 Richardson, George 115 Peabody, Etta'412 Richardson, John873 Pearce, George 12 Richstad, Jim 729 Pease, Thais457 , Ridout, Theodore 225 Penrose, Eldon 691 Riggs, Frederick 345 Pereira, Cecil 1213.2 Robbins, Albert 693 Perkins,: Ernest 1047 Roberts, Doyle412.1 PeiTy, Neal 150 Rocha, Betty 132 Peyton, Boyd 755 Rogerson, Jessie 922 Phan, Van 1293 Roh, Gene 151 Phanachet, Umphon 1292 Rohsenow, Hill 126.1 Juna 491 Rbmaquin, Milagros 1022 Pickett, George 726 Ross, Robert819 Pierce, Bernard 1119 Ross, Verne 941 Pierce', Frank 264 Rossi, Victor 575 Piggott, E. 1145 Rosten, Philip 519 Pillay, Puballan 1353.1 Roth, Arnold 346 Pimentel, Lionila 1017 Roth, Marion '1190 Pitt, Leonard 310 Rudolph, Gerald 302 Pond,' Elsie 207 Ruiz, Leopoldo 1060 Portale, Jack 547 Rummel, George520 Porter, Raymond 548 Rush, John 521 Pott, James 603 Rust, William 842 Potter, Robert 208 Ryan, Edward 1296 Powers, Marshall 1174 Rycnlak, Joseph969 Powers, Myron 921 Pranzo, Mary 209 Pride, Barton 756 Sady, Rachel 730 Price, Cora 940 Saito, Akira 694 Price, Miles 136 Sakamaki, Shunzo 799 Probasco, Barbara 657 Sakoda, James 731 Provido, Genercso 1018 Sakumoto, Raymond 1520 153


Salamanca, B. 1048 *Skeels, Ralph 273 Salter, Christopher 453 Skinner, Elliott1148 . Sampson, William '312 Skinner, Eunice210 Samuels, Fred757 Skinner, G. 1299 Sandelius, Stanley 116 Skjeie, Sheila 372, Sandhu, K. 13554---/ Slawecki, Leon 1333 Sandmeyer, Elmer370 Smith, Duane A. 313 Sangalang, Apolinar 283 Smith, Duane O. 40 Sangree, L. 820 Smith., Jacqueline472 Sanjume, Jisoo 800 Smith, Mildred 734 Sanmann, Madge 265 Smith, Nathalie 211 Santa Maria, Virginia '1061 Smith, Robert1215 Sdntos,Amparo -1023 Smith, S. Raynor 55- Sar'sfield, Nancy 1024 Snyder, Phil 1049 .Sasaki, LaVerne '843 Soble, Ronald433 Sasamori; Jugzb -874 Soehren, Julia 1120 A Satake, Kazuko 821 Solunki, Ratilal 1091 Sato, Masayuki 875 Somers, Mary 1300 Sato, Toshi 695. Somma, Nicholas347 Sato, William 731.1 'Soong; Ruth 550 Saunders, Howard 785 Soto, Celetion1025 Savoy,'Prew 696 Souza, Robert 156 Saxton, Alexander 371 Sowers, Lloyd 942 Scheiner, Suzanne 266 Spear, Herbert457 Schlenker, Gerald 732 'Spef,er, Matthew 735 Schlicher, Raymondt 39 Spencer, Robert844 Schreter, Jean-Paul 457 Spofford, James1050 Schuerman, Leo. 174 Srivastava, Igbal 1357 Schwantes, Robert 970 Standart, Mary397 Scott, Alice 697 Staniford, Phillip 1191 Scott, James 267 Staniford, Philip S. 877 154 Stanley, Peter, 1051 -Scott, Woodrow 4% ) Scurrah, V. 1332 Stanton, Max1121 'Staugas, Catherine 790' - Seager, Robert.432 , Selim, M. 1103 Stearns, Marjorie. 630, . Serfsawa, Koko 876 Stegall, William 480 Setnna, Rustum268 Steir, David 524 Shapiro, H. 1146 Stein, Zena' 1358 668 Shankar, Richard 1090 Steiner', Jesse Sharma, Sarla 269. Stemen, John 669 283.3 Shearer, Roberta '270 Stevens, Sylvester 1192 - Sheets, Dorothy698 Stewart, John Shepard, Bernard 85 Stewart; Norman 1193 Stier, Wilhelm 758 Shepard, Nola& 271 525 Shepard, Stella 127 Stover, Leon Stratfotd, Jane494 Shibutani, Tamotsp 733 Stroup, Dorothy 802 Siciels, R. 1147 212 Shih, 'Hsien-ju 522 Stueber; Ralph 1194 Shikamura, Alice 786' Sugimoto, Howard 274 Shim, Neil 155 ,SugiNto, Roy 1195 Kuk 1076 Sumida, Rigenda 1301 Shiramize, Hiromi 132 Sun, Fang-si 526 Shizuoka, Tadahitp 801 Sun, Lily Sun, Teresa 605 Shoemaker, Richard :26 'Suwathigul, Pimpaporn1132 Shuman, Howard 396 Svensrud, Marian 92E11 Shun, Laura 227 Swanson, John1302 Shupe, Joseph 1297 Simoniia, Ni 1298 Sinkler, George 86 Taam, Loretta434 Sircar, K. 1356 Taam, Tso-Tin 435 Siu, Paul 523 a. Taher, Mohammed 1334

Siu, Ping549 - Tajima, Paul 845 Sjogren, Clifford 4 Takahashi, Kyojiro846 100 107 AUTHOR INDEX

Takahashi, Noboru 971 Vande Guchte, Marten 972 Takaki, Tori 759 a Vandeman, Michael 978 Takeuchi, Dorothy 924 Van Zwalenburg, Paul 118 Takeuchi, Dosetsu 847 Varcados, Peter 374, Tan, Antonio "1303 Vaswani, Hari 276 'Tan, Dinky 527 Vedder, Clyde 1026 Tan, Giok-lan 1335 Vickery, William 738 Tan, Lien-Fiao 373 Vieira, Francisca 1198 dian, Mely 528 Viliers, Ernest 215 an, Peter 413 Villeneuve, Paul 178

Tan, Soo '1304 . Vito, James 1027 Tanaka, 'Eugene 128 Voci, Frank- 578 Tanaka, Tamiko 961 Voss, Harwin 179 Tang, Beriita 228 Tang, Eddie 1305 Wade; Alton 157 Tan-Gatue, B. 1306 . Wagers, Jerard 415 Taniguchi, Yasuhei 699 Walder, Leopold 180 Tanji, Betty 175 Waldron, Gladys 56 Tatsuguchi, Richard .925 Walhouse, Freda 1150 Taylor, Gordon 1176 Wallace, Patricia 129 Taylor, Raymond 348 ,Wallovits, Sonia 1028 _Taylor, William 117 Walsh, Nora 43 Templeman, Max 787 Walters, .Leon 822 Terrell, Ann, 576, 577 Wing, En-Wei 617.6 Thames,,, John 1077 Wang, Frances 473 Theibault, Mary 176 \ Wang, Henry615 Thompson, Edgar 1149 Wang, Kazuko 9?7 Thompson, Helen 2,3 Wang, Peter 671 Thompson, John414 Wang, Stephen 1176.1 . Thompson, L. i359 Wang, Wen-Yuan 1308 Thompson, Richard 87 Wang, Xi-Chu '606 Thompson, Stephen 1196 Wangenheim, Elizabeth 1199 Thomson, John 1370 Ward, William 1151 4 Thomson, Ruth 700 Watanabe, Shinichi 633 Thorne, Robert 977' Watson,'James 1336 Thurlow, Setsuko 1196.1 Wax:kosalie 739 Tigner, James 1197 Weber, Lois 457 Tinloy, Marion 214 Weeks, John 1337 Tobin, Carol 41 Wei, Si 1309 Tom, Kim495 Weightman, George 1310, 1311 Toyama, Chotoku 803 Weigle, Richard 283.4 Trull, Fern 303 'Weinberg, Daniel 928 .Tsai, Maw 1307 Weinberg, Sidney ,760 349 ..) Tsai,,Shih-Shan Weisend, William 701 Tsiang, I-mien 42 Weiss, Melford 529 Tsou, George436 Weller; Judith 1216 Tsu, Andrew' 496 , Wells, Mariann 437 Antonia 424 - jelsh, Colleen 551 Tupper, Eleanor 670 !Welsh, Patricia 480 Turner; Albert 736 Weng, KWong-han .1312 Tuthilli Gretchen 531 Wentworth, Edna 1029 Tychyn, John 737 Wenzel, Lawrence 1092 Tyree, Andrea 177 Weston, Rubin 88 Whang, Paonan 497 Ujimotd,,Koji 1197.1 White, Charles 350

_ Umeda, Kiyo878 White;.James 634 Una, Jayne 138 Whitfield, Ruth 398 Whitney, Helen 740 Uno, Raymond804 . Unoura, Kojiro 848 Wickberg, Edgar 1313 Uonoj Kiyoshi 632 Wider, Joan '1371 Ursua, Aurora 275 Wilcox, Ethel 351 1Jeki, Eugene 926 Williams, Grace979 Uyekubo, Aiko 962' Wtlliams, LE.0 1314

101 , 198 AUTHOR INDEX

Williams, Otis 216 Yoshitomi, Masaomi 672 Williams Stephen314 Yost, Monica 1124 Willmotth Donald 1315 Young, Clarence 58 Willmott, W. 1316 Young, Esther143 Willyerd, Linden 181 Young, Hobart 789 Wilson, Robe 375 Young, Mable 1177.1 Win, U. 277 Young, Mildred 130 Wing, D. 1152 Young, Myrl 16 - Wittermans-Pino, Elizabeth 89 Young, - 531 Woellner, Alberta1104 Young ' 153 Woessner, Thomas 13 Young, 418 Wong, Corrine438 Yu, Frederick 399 Wong, Everett 352 Yu, Siu-wen 441 Wong, Judy1338 Yuen, Shai-yue498 Wong, Richard 530 Yumiba, Carole 743 Wong, Thomas 416 Yumoto, Yoshiko 980 Wong, Wayne 118.1 Yung, Patrick532 Wood, Ellen304 Wood, Samuel 57 Zafra, Urbino 1052 Woodard, Martin474 Zald, Mayer \850 Woodsworth, Charles 1153 Zambetti, Robirt635 Woodward, Vallena14 Zangle, Francet 963 Woolston, Xatherine 788 Zavalloni, Marisa 1154 Worth,' Robert616 Zeller, William 744 P Wright, Claudia702 Zo, Kil 355 Wright, Doris 15 Wu, Charles: 90 Mu, ChengstsUn .454 ADDENDUM Wu, Ching '455' Wu, Ching-Chao 353 Wu, Shan' 4 Hardjanti, Stella283.5 Hermanson, John980.2 Wurtz, Pierr.e.44 Takamiya, Fumiko 980.3 ,Wynne, Eddard 1372 Wynne, Robert' 376

Yamaguchi, Mamoru143 Yamaguchi, Yoshiko823 Yamaji, Yoshiko 824 Yamamoto, George825 '4 Yamamura, Douglas 1123, 1122 YaMasfiiro, Rose 138 Yanagimachi, Nobuko 849 Yanagita, Yuki 879 Yang, Sai 617 Yang, Sheng 439 Yarwood, A. 1339 Yatsushiro, Toshio 741 Yawney, C. 1217 Yee, Alyce579 Yee, Leland 552 Yee, T. 1317 Yeh, Hwo-kuo 440 Yeun- Fong 354 Yeung, Kwok-Tsuen 553 Yieh, Tsung-kao607 Yim, Sun 1072 Yiu, Ester 1177 Yokota, Esther457 `igokoyama, Hidesaburo 805 Yonemura, Lawrence880 Yong, Ching-fatt1340 Yoshino, John 742 109 102 KEY WORD INDEX

Academic achievement, see Education Hawaii, 832, 845, 846; Los Angeles, section in text 828, 840 Acculturation, see Adjustment section Buddhist church, 839, 843 in text Bureau of Mental Hygiene, Hawaii, 175 Adolescent, 137, 163 Burlingame Treaty, 327 Adoption of Asians, 103, 138, 160, 472, Burma, 1352 809, 821 Business education, foreign student, Adult education, 207, 226, 534, 562 267 Africa, 1346, 1350.1 Agriculture, see Economics section in text; also see Farmers, Farm labor, California, 7, 13, 15, 54, 57, 73, 81, Rural studies 95, 96, 97, 102, 113, 126, 158, 207, Alcoholism, 475, 1201, 1217 300, 304, 305, 306,1307, 308, 309, Alien Land Law, 651, 676, 682, 688, 697 310, 311, 312, 314, 346, 356, 357, Alien laws, 19,25, 31, 37; rights, 58, 363.1, 364, 371, 389, 393, 397, 400, 336, 366, 682 404.1, 406.1, 410, 415, 432, 437, 509, 'American Civil Liberties Union, 719 586, 611, 621, 622, 627, 629, 635, 647, American-Hawaiian relations, 5, 10; 648, 660, 664, 682, 688, 689, 690, 691, see also Hawaiian annexation 692, 694, 698, 701, 706, 710, 726, Americanization, 161, 207, 891, 895, 731.1, 738, 766, 77g, 773, 775, 777, 928 782, 848, 892, 933, 936, 973, 1010, Anglo-Saxonism, 363 1012, 1014, 1028, 1059, 1092; Berkeley, Anomie, 503 834; Central 762, 929; Delano, 1005; Anti-Asian agitation, see Other El Centro, 1080; Fresno, 150, 676; Discriminatory. Practices section Gardena, 839, 935; Los Angeles, 96, in text 120, 141, 161, 174, 286, 361, 417,-424, Arizona, 536; Phoenix, 482, 505 434, 458, 485,4884495, 502, 623, 631, Artists, Japanese in NewYork City, 765 632, 748, 763, 767, 770, 778. 780,783, Asia and Asians in textbooks, see 793, 797, 803s 819, 828, 830, 840, 846, Perceptions section in text 866, 881, 910, 927, 963, 981, 985, 986, Asian American identity, 170 991, 1023, 1026, 1063, l064", 1070; Assimilation, see Adjustment section Marysville, 291; Menlo Park, 855; Merced County, 620; Northern, 608, 976; in titxt Auditory memory skills, 188 Palo Alto, 855; Pasadeha, 895; Redlands, 362; Sacramento, 9, 217, 480, Aural-oral, 1022 Australia, 323, 373, 1318, 1319,631, 521, 618, 806, 827, 887, 918; 1372; New South Wales, 1340; Victoria, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 412.1, 1328, 1340 414; Sacramento Valley, 1017; Salinas, 997; San Diego,'732; San Francisco, , Authoritarianism, 739 3; 49, 52, 56, 127, 226, 297, 298, 341.1; 358, 359, 374, 397, 398, 404, 420, 421, 428, 431, 435, 439, 442, 445, Baptist, 329 Bayard, Thomas F., 333. 446, 453, 456, 457, 459, 522, 524, 532, Bilingual education,'see Bilingualism 537, 539, 541; 561, 568, 571, 616, 675, section in text 700, 725, 774, 1008, 1086,q416; San Bolivia, 1181; San Juan Yapacani, 1196 Francisco State University, 280; San Borneo, 1243, 1247, 1275, 1289; Luis-Obispo, 411; Santa Clara, 84, 747, 818; Southern California, 216, 762, 792, ,Sarawak, 1276 Boosterism, 54 979, 1077; Stockton, 14, 512, 885; Boyle HeigHts, Los Angeles, 783 Sutter County, 1090; Terminal Island, Brain drain, 114, 238, 249, 263, 996, 796; UC Berkeley, 276; UC Los Angeles, 1004, 1073, 1076, 1077, 1102 235, 274, 1093; Yuba City, 1079 Brazil, 1178, 1184.1, 1185, 1191, 1198; California Commission on Immigration and Tome-Acu and Guatapara, 1182 Housing, 57 Brigham Young University; 239 California Nisei Athletic Union, 973 British Army, 1322; colonial policy, California-Nevada Annual Conference, 283 California Oriental Provisional Conference, 1204, 1305; empire, 1158 British Guiana, 1141, 1206, 1207, 1212, 283 California State Commission of Immigration 1214 Buddhism, 801, 831, 841, 842, 844; and Housing, 57 110 103 KEY WORD INDEX

Cambodia, Phnom-Penh, 1916; see also Cultural lag, 122 Cultural, pluralism, 293, 506, 913, 1279 Indo-China :Canada, 323, 702, 1133, 1134, 1136, 1138, 1139, 1143, 1151, 1153, 1155, 1167, 1169, 1176, 1178, 1180, 1183, 1184, 1189.1, Dating patterns, 152, 233, 593, 1072 1192, 1196.1, 1197, 1213, 1213.2; Deferred gratification, 149 Alberta, 1213.1; British Columbia, 312, Degradation, 916 376, 1170, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1195; Delano grape strike, 1005 Ontario, 1152; Toronto, 1162, 1163.1, Demography, 11, 131, 484, 487, 880, 1004; California, 7, 15, 113, 880; San . 1166, 1166.1, 1177.1, 1199; Vancouver, 1142, 1146, 1150, 1160, 1165, 1194 Francisco, 3; Los Angeles, 120; Korea, Career development/opportunities, 94, 406, 1367; Malaysia, 1287; East Indians, 407, 507, 762, 773, 786; see also 1207 Economics section in text Denationalization law, 731.1 Cartoons, stereotypes, 59 Diet, 251; 610, 979, 978, 980 Discriminatory employment practices, see Catholic church, 478 Catholic SocialService of Honolulu, 136 Economics section in text Child and Family Services of Honolulu, 924 Drug abuse, 128, 872, 881 132 Childhood accidents, 169 Duncan v. Kahanamoku, 729 Child raising techniques, 808 ChinatoOn, 507, 508, 518, 562, 568; see also Chinatownsection in text Early explorers, 288 East Indies, 1254, 1277, 1284, 1291, Chinese assZilrfiCIT: 1231 Chinese boycott, 343 1314 Chinese Christian Center, New York Eczema, 616 Educational Opportunity Programs(EOP), tity, 441 , Chinese Christian Union Church of San 183 Edwards- Personal Preference Schedule, Francisco, 428 Chinese church, 1245, 1258, 1276 851, 857, 917 Election of 1920, 676 Chinese temples in California, 437 Emigration, see Immigration Chinese-World, 433 Ch'ing government, 349, 1164; see also ,text English as a second language (ESL), see Sino-American relations Bilingualism section in text Christian, 425, 428, 435, 438, 410,441, Ethnic studies, 190, 205, 216, 280 913, 1075, 4099 . Ethnocentrism, 64, 752 Christianity, 801, 840 Churches, ethnic, see Institutions and Europe, 255 "Evacuation, see Relocation section in Religion sections in text Church Cullege of Hawaii, 154 text Evacuation Claim Act, 742 Citizenship, 27, 40 Evangelism, 827 Cleft palate, 282 Exclusion, see Immigration section in CliAical psychology, 159 Clubs, youth and studP.t. in New York text Expatriation, 42, 724 City, 419 Extrapunitiveness, 71 Colonization, world, 2 Colorado, 3023 626, 705, 1091; Boulder, 250; Denver, 294, 865, 924; Fair Employment Practice Act in Ontario, Columbia University, 236, 259 Commerce High School, San Francisco, 1152 'Familial bonds, 925; characteristics, 537 Communication, 125, 181, 754, 914, 1010, 827 Family, 1157, 1163.1, 1165, 1183, 1224, 1063, 1099 1279, 1294, 1306; see also Family Consumerism, Hawaii, 135, 156 section in text; see also Kinship Contraceptive practices in Hawaii, 279.1 Family life edu:ation program, 541 -Constitution, 37, 336 Farm labor, 95, 993; California,96, 97, Coolies, 412, 1158, 1161, 1164, 1174, 99, 100, 415, 997, 1012, 1027;Hawaii, 1209 104, 1002, Jamaica, 1208 Counseling, 983; cross-cultural, 237, Farm labor contractor, 102 242; group, 250; vocational, 537, 762 Farmers, 767, 768, 777, 729, 782,784 Courts, 336, 729; see also SupremeCourts Criminal offenders, Hawaii, 60, 171 Female, 171 Fifteenth amendment, 372 Cuba, 1140, 1148, 1159, 1172, 1174


Fiji, 1205, 1338, 1345, 1347, 1348, High school student's life, 494 1351, 1356 Home economics, 922 Filial responsibility, 061 Honolulu, County Department of Public Filipino American Christian Fellowship, .Welfare, 795; Detention Home, 172; 995 Juvenile Court, 171 Fishing industry, Los Angeles Harbor, Housing condition, 1009.1; projects, 763; salmon, 357; shrimp, 410 279.1; segregation, 53 Folklore, 1010 Hsang Hsing, 316 Foreign-born, 7, 160, 173, 196, 388, Hughes, Charles Evans, 638 487, 922 Hypnotic susceptibility, 1018.1 Foreign-stock, 131 Foreign miner's tax4'310 France, 1280, 1329 Idaho, 299, 303, 369, 376, 718, 1059 Francisco Junior High School, 421 Identity, see Adjustment section in French policy, 1333 text; see also Asian American, 170 Friendship patterns, 162 Illinois, Chicago,'466, 479, 507, 548, 926, Funerals, 122 550, 559, 609, 781, 889,914,916, 1067, 1069, 1071 Ilocano, 1009.1 498, Gamblers, 647 Immigrants, 165, 168, 294,451,477, Genealogical studies in Hawaii, 123 883, 927, 1006.1, 1009.1, 1013, 1017, Generational continuities, 801; 1066, 1067, 1072, 1088, 1091, 1166.1, studies, 815, 817, 819, 887, 917, 918, 1169; see also Foreign-born and Issei Immigration, see Immigration section in 1092, 1214 Georgia, University of, 236 text; economic impact of, 101, 1020; Ghettoization, 516 Congressional policy, 339, 345, 667 Immigration Act of 1965, 32; of 1927, Girl, 500 Gujaratis, 1086 654, 656; of 1924, 661, 671 Immigration law, administration of, 21 Immigration laws/restrictions, see Haines Elementary School, Chicago, 559 Immigration section in text; see also Japanese-U.S. relations and Sino- Hakka village, 321 Hawaii, 1, 5, 6, 8, 66, 77, 91, 94, 103, Ar ican relations ImperialisM, 88, 1034, 1044.1 106, 107,109,110,112, 115, 117, 118, Income(level), 111, 134, 769 119,121,122,123,126.1, 139, 140, India, 1286 146,155,157,159,163, 165, 179,193, Indiana, University of, 232,250 201,204,208,211,215, 219, 223,224, Indo-China, 1237, 1281, 1282, 1308;' see 227,278,281,283.1, 283.2, 283.3, 283.4, 342, 378, 405, 408, 413, 427, also Vietnam, Cambodia Indonesia, 1242, '256, 1265, 1272, 1273, 468,491,511,514,531,545,619,624, 1285, 1300, 1415 633,634,687,729,769,798,799,800, Ingenuity, 591 816,832,835,896,898,902,903,908, Intelligence, see Education section in 909,920,928,944,952,956,960,988, text 999,1002,1006.1,1029,1068;1108, Interethnic/racial marriages, 470, 471, 1110,1112, 1115, 1117, 1123; Hanapepe Valley, 877; Honolulu, 105, 129, 132, 755, 807; Los Angeles, 120; Hawaii, 135, 153,'175, 192, 194, 195, 203, 123, 825, 1111; Philippines, 987, 279.1, 290, 560, 579, 616, 757, 793, 1019; Oistrict of Columbia, 461 810, 825, 955; Kailua, 135; Kalihi- Interethnic relations among Asians, Palarre, 11109.1, Koloa, 104; Laie, 1119, 66, 79, 89 1121; Maui, 945, 1106, 1122; Oahu, 156, International Center (University of 175, 199, 409, 1124; Papakolea, 1109; Michigan), 230 Pearl Harbor, 1.105; UniverSity of International Hotel, 1008 Internationalism, 338; Hawaii, 6 Hawaii, 152, 162, 200, 202, 213; Waialua, 982.1; Waiku Valley, 4; Interpersonal relations, 154 Iolani School, 215 Waipahu, 1006 Hawaii, annexation, 10, 12, 48, 112, Iowa State University, 243 Istei, 819, 877, 886; see also 283.3, 283.4 Hawaiian-American relations, 1, 5 Generational studies, Immigrants Hawaiian Church of the Living God, 119 Hayakawa, Samuel Ichiye, 977 Hematological study, 278 Jamaica, 1159, 1208 Japan, 1366, 1368; Nagasaki, 1232 Health professionals, 482 105 112 KEY WORD INDEX

Japanese association, 791, 805 lalaya, 1207, 1231, 1234, 1235, 1238, Japanese Christian church, 830 1241, 1260, 1264. 1269, 1271, 1275, Japanese Cultural and Trade Center, 1276, 1279, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1344, San Francisco, 785 1345, 1355; Johore, 1245; Sabah, 1253 Japanese Methodist church, 829, 834 Manchuria, 1361 Manpower DeVelopment and Training Act Japanese Methodist Episcopal churches, (MDTA), Chinatown-North Beach, 562 849 Japanese-U.S. relations, see Immigration Marginality, 519 section in text Marketing, 417, 764, 766, 776 Marriage, see Family section in text Java, 1274, 1296 Mass'achusetts, Boston, 426, 447, 535 Jews, 90 Jones Act, 1040, 1042 Mate selection, 1072 Juvenile delinquency, 813, 1221; Mauritius, 1205, 1356 Hawaii; 171, 172, 179, 489 Mental health, 62, 143, 159, 175, 898, 1169 Merchants in New York Chinatown, 476 KahoiStawe, 8 Melting pot, 77 Yu-wei, 318 Michigan, 272, 1076; Detroit, 518, 1026; Kalamazoo, 526; Michigan State 'Kearney,Kearney, Denis, 360, 368 University, 1128; University of Kinship, 1062, 1249 Michigan, 230, 253, 587, 603 Knights of Labor, 347 Korea, 1309, 1363, 1364, 1367 Military goVernment, 118 Korean Christian church, 1065 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Korean church, 1069 Inventory, 851, 1095 Mississippi, 295, 501, 520 Kwantung emigrants, 416 Labor, Anti-Asian agitation, 18, 24, Missouri, St. Louis, 720 Mom 'n pop groceries, 783 374, 403 Labor conditions, 324, 357, 405; Montana, 1059 movement, 787; relations in Hawaii, Moral instruction, 891;Audgment, 486 91, 110 Morals, 801 Labor unions, 50, 91; Los Angeles, 98; Music ability, see Education section in text . Hawaii,107, 118, 687; Salinas, 997 Ladd and Company, 104 Land reclamation, 404,1, 406.1, 412.1 McCarran-Walter Act, 29, 35 Land rights, 682; see also Alien Land Law McClatchy, C. K., 85 Land use, 409 Language schools, see Institutions and Bilingualism sections in text Naichi, 898 Latin America, 1159, 1171, 1197 Natal, 1205, 1356, 1358, 1359 Nativism, 310, 363.1, 691 Laundryman, 523 Leisure activity; 144, 589; Brigham Naturalization, 27; of Japanese Young University, 239; Los Angeles, veterans, 663 485; Michigan, University of, 587; Negroes, 90, 108, 254 New York, 476, 496, 868, 871; Toronto, Netherlands -,-Hague; 1371.' Nevada, 283, 285 1166 New Americans Conference, 800 Leiter Test, 198, 933 490 Leuzinger High School, 939 New Jersey, 1024; Newark, New York, 499; City,.401, 402, 419, Li Hung Chang, 341 425, 436, 438, 440, 441, 443, 448, Liang Chi-Chao, 318 449, 454, 460,t476, 478, 492, 496, Librarians, 615 508, 517, 595:597, 600, 765, 826, Liliuokalani Trust, 138 859, 868, 971, 1065; New York Linkage, 1218 Literature on Asians, see Perceptions University, 590 New Zealand, 323, 1320, 1321, 1325, section in text 1332, 1334 Logan, 231 Newspapers, 67, 85, 379, 385,389, London, 1336 395, 396, 399, 725, 729, 928,981.1 Los Angeles Recreation District, 161 Newspapers, ethnic, 433, 439, 499, Lundberg's hypothesis, 76 617.1, 617.2, 617.3, 617.4, 617.6, 799 Nisei, 150, 771, 781, 819, 820, 857, Machiavellianism, 278 9'4, 919, 924, 926; see also Madagascar, 1333


Generational studies Reading skills, see Education and North Carolina; University of, 269 Bilingualism sections in text Nurses, 241, 984, 1024, 1054 Recidivism in Hawaii, 171 Recreational activity, see Leisure activity Ohio State University, 247, 273 Religious education, see Institutions Okayama, 712 and Religion sections in text Okinawan, 898, 1197 Relocation centers, 714, 717, 730; Olsen regime in California, 706 Granada, 708; Heart Mountain, 722; Opium, 609, 614 Jerome, 743; Manzanar, 707, 728, 741; Oregon, 126, 289, 293, 357, 367, 375, Minidoka, 718, 731; Poston, 741; Tule 376, 630, 726, 727, 738, 1059; Lake, 712, 716 Gresham, 1066; Portland, 467, 515 Renunciants, 712 Orphans, 138, 740, 797; see also Repatriation movement, 994 Adoptioni Resettlement process, see Relocation Overland Monthly, 379 Experience section in text Ovirstatement, 867 Restaurant, Chinese, 402 Restitution, 723 Rocky Mountain region, 450, 1127 Pacific Northwest, 20, 357, 367, 376 Rice consumption, 103; industry, 103, Pacific rim, 323, 331, 353 766, 1292

Paraguay, 1193 . Role playing, 527 Pennsylvania, 1075, 1084; Philadelphia, R3osevelt,.Theodore, 637, 658, 665 296, 460, 504 Rorschach study, 856, 937 Pershing's Chinese, 287 Rumors in relocation camps, 730, 733 Peru, 1156, 1163,i1168, 1173 Rural school house, 536; studies, Phelan, James D.,;73 158, 767, 1148, 1181, 1193, 1200 Philippines, 1222, 1223, 1225, 1226, Rural v. Urban, 906; see also Farm 1228,1230,1Z42,1246,1251,1257, workers, farmers 1262,1266,1278,1297,1302,1303, 1310,1311,1313,1317; ilocos, 1294, 1295; Manila, 12;4, 1306; see also Sacramento Bee, 85 Colonial Policies section in text Sacramento City Unified School Physical characteristics, see District, 217 Miscellaneous section in text Sacramento Union, 385 Physical disability, 165 Salinas lettuce strike, 997 Pidgin, see Bilingualism section in Salmon indUstry, 357 text Salt Lake City Welfare Department, Political activities, 141, 146, 147, 804 151, 378, 1269; 1321, 1366; conscious- Samoa, 1322.1 1. ness, 1303; integration, 1278, 1295; San Francisco Civil Service issues in relocation centers, 741; Commission;118.1 linkage, 1218; opinion, 581; orienta- San Francisco News, 725 tion, 854;. position, 1265, 1280; San Francisco Public Adult School radicalization, 1255; status, 1352, Program, 226 1354, 1357 San Francisco State College strike, Politicalization, 1013 280 Polynesian, 157 y Saniei, 875, 894, 906; see also Portsmouth Treaty of 1905, 659 Generational studies Poierty, 142 Sawtelle, Los Angeles, 793, 828 Press, see Newspapers Scharrenberg, 674 Products, Chinese, 417 School segregation, 49, 51, 52, 358, Professionals, 236.1, 238, 499, 595, 675, 685, 699; effects of, 930 597 Seattle Zoning Board of Adjustments, Progressivism, 33, 673 53 Prostitution, 647 Second generation problems, 150, 168, Protest, collective, 714 508, 522 Protestant journals, 395 Self-employment, 108 Protestantized, 331 Senior citizens, 424, 527, 795, 804, 812 Sem/icemen-civilian relations in Ramakrishna movement, 1085' Hawaii, 47

Reading habits, 540 Shanghai, MO, 1370 ,


Shin Buddhism, 841, 842 Thorndike Test, 213 Shinto, 840, 846 Totalitarian state, 837 Shrimp fishery, 410 Trans-Mississippi frontier,313 Shonien, 797 Treaty of 1911, 651 Sing sheng, 365 Trinidad, 1137, 1142, 1147,1154, 1200, Sino-Hawaiian trade, 413 1201, 1203, 1207, 1210, 1211, 1215, Sino-U.S. relations, 315, 316, 317, 1216, 1217 318, 319, 320, 341, 349 Truancy, Hawaii, 192, 195 Social distance studies, Hawaii, 155, 757, Truck farming, 768 908; Los Angeles, 819; Stockton, 512 Twain, Mark, 380 Social evolution, Hawaii, 283.2 Social welfare, 108; mutual life and United Church, 1187 aid, 792; see also Welfare U.S. presidents, racial attitude of, i'6 Social welfare services, 790, 794; University of Sduthern California, 580 Boston, 426; Honolulu, 131; San Upper class, 525 Francisco, 431; see also Orphans Urban Studies, 154, 178, 290, 623, 632, Social work school, foreign students, 859, 1070, 1150, 1160; see also 240, 261 Chinatown section in text Society Islands, 1327 Urban renewal, 444, 4E2, 1147; South, 41, 412 Sawtelle, 793 South Africa, 1219, 1326, 1330, 1338, Urban zoning, segregated residential 1341, 1342, 1349, 1353, 1357 area, 53 South.Asia, 1301 Utah, Davis County, 847; Salt Lake, 749, South'Pacific, 1369 804, 815; University of tah., 932, 1131;

Southeast Asia, 1221, 1233, 1248, 1258, Utah State Agricultural College,'231 _ 1261, 1283, 1284, 1298, 1304 South,,ide neighborhood, Sacramento, 480 Southwest, 287 Venereal disease, 281 / Southwest Pacific, 1323 Vietnam, 1268, 1293, 1307; see also - :;- Southwood, 365 Indo -China Spreckels, Claus, 283.1 Vigilante, 45, 369 Standard of living, 788, 1029 Vocational guidance, see Counseling Statistical approach, 914 Vocation opportunities, see Career Stereotypes, see Perceptions section in development text Stockton Unified School District, 116 Waikiki beachboy, 167 Student teachers, 225 War bride, 755 Subversive activities, Hawaii's committee War Relocation Authority, 703, 736 on, 45 Warren, Earl, 710 Sudan, 1335 Washington, 20, 126, 357, 367, 376, Sugar industry, Hawaii, 110, 115, 117, 726, 738, 764, 779, 784, 1025, 1059; 283.1, 283.4, 1002 Inland Empire, 292, 348; Seattle, 'Suicide, 853; Hawaii, 177 53, 396, 473, 751, 788, 814, 861, Sun Yat-sen, 315 871; University of Washington, 863 Supreme Court, 346; California, 346; Washington, D.C., 461, 538 Canada, 702; U.S., 702 Wa4onville Union High School, 852 Welfare, general assistance, 105; Tachistoscopic recall, 542 old age assistance, 795,04 Tagalog, 1015, 1016, 1053 West Coast, 126, 726, 738, 834, 849, Tagore, Rabindranath, 1089 883, 1020, 1088 T'ang Shao-Yi mission, 637 West Indies, 1202, 1205, 1209 Taxi-dance hall, 1026 Westernization, 816 Teecher, 74, 931, 1213.1 Wilson, Woodrow, 679, 1033 Temperament, 145 Wilson pregressives, 73 Wisconsin, University of, 581 Tensho-Kotai-Jingu-Kyo, 833 Texas, San Antonio, 301; Houston, 905 Women, 912 TqXtbooks, 293; see also Perceptions Writers, Filipino, 991 ,..,,section,in text Wyoming, 1059 Thailapd, 1236, 1240, 1252, 1292; Bangkok, 1239, 1299; Dalat Plu, 1250 Yankee community, 832 Theatre, 6;1 Yellow peril, 87 Thematic Apperception Test, 491 Yorke, Father, 681 Third World movement, 280 108 115 SOURCES CONSULTED 0.

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