Jia [email protected]

 PhD Student, Doctoral Program in Social Welfare, 2011-2012 cohort Research Interests: Intimate partner violence; dating violence; rape and other sexual violence; children’s exposure to intimate partner violence; approach to reducing violence against women and children; policy dimensions of violence prevention, existing legislation  Advisor: Karin V. Rhodes Dissertation Committee Chair: Richard J. Gelles

 Tsinghua University, China – Master of Law, 2011  Minzu University of China, Beijing, China– Bachelor’s in English Literature and Linguistics, 2008


Journal Articles

 Sorenson, S. B., Shi, R., , J., & Xue, J. (2014). Self-Presentation on the Web: Agencies Serving Abused and Assaulted Women. American journal of public health, 104(4), 702-707.

Presentations (from the past three years)

1. Xue, J. & , N. Media Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse: Towards a New Agenda in Mainland China. International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference (Oral Presentation). Portsmouth, NH. July 14th, 2014.

2. Xue, J. Dating Violence among Chinese University Students: An Ecological Approach. International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference (Poster Presentation). Portsmouth, NH. July 13th-15th, 2014.

3. Xue, J. Rape Myth Acceptance among University Students in China (Oral Presentation). SP2 Penn iTalks, Session 1 of 2. March, 20th. 2014. 4. Xue, J., & , G. An Exploratory Study of Rape Myth Acceptance Among College Students in China. Annual Conference of The Society for Social Work and Research (Oral Presentation). San Antonio, TX. January, 2014.

5. SB, Sorenson., Shi R, Zhang J. & Xue J. Self-presentation on the web: U.S. agencies serving abused and assaulted women. The 141st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (Poster). Boston, USA.

6. Xue, J., Cui, N. & , J. Trends in Child maltreatment: a cross-generational study in Mainland China. Pediatric Global Health Conference --Violence against Children (Poster presentation). The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, US. November, 2013;

7. Xue, J., & Gates, H. Girls' lives and foot-binding in Shandong of China. The 16th International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (Oral Presentation). Kunming, China. July, 2009;