[email protected] 9600736379 Page 1 VIP COACHING CENTER PG-TRB ENGLISH -9600736379 MODERN LITERATURE (1400-1600) Geoffry Chaucer (1340 - 1400) 1) The Boke of the Duchesse 5) The Canterbury Tales 2) The Romaunt of the rose 6) Legends of Good Women 3) The House of Fame 7) The Parliament of Fouls 4) Troylus Cryseyde Edmund Spenser (1552 -1599) 1) The Faerie Queene 5) Prothalamion 2) The Shepheardes Calender 6) Mother Hubberd‘s Tale 3) Amoretti 7) The Ruins of Time 4) Epithalamion 8) The Tears of the Muses 9) Astrophel Wyatt, Surrey-Selections in Peacock's English verse, Vol-I Ballads : Peacock - Vol-II Francis Bacon (1561-1626) 1) Essays 3) The New Atlantis 2) The Advancement of Learning 4) Novum Organum Phillip Sidney (1554 – 1586) 1) Arcadia 2) Astrophel and Stella 3) An Apologie for Poetrie The Bible: The Book of Job. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) 1) Tamburlaine the great 4) The Jew Of Malta 2) Edward II 5) The tragedy of Dido, 3) Doctor Faustus 6) Queen of Carthage Thomas Kyd ( 1557-1595) : The Spanish Tragedy
[email protected] 9600736379 Page 2 VIP COACHING CENTER PG-TRB ENGLISH -9600736379 Ben Jonson (1573-1637 1) Bartholomew Fayre 7) Sejanus His Fall 2) Catline His Conspiracy 8) The Alchemist 3) Cynthia‘s Revels‘Or the Fountain of 9) The Devil as an Ass Self Love 10) The Masque of Beauty 4) Epicaene or The Silent Women 11) The Poetaster or His Arraignment 5) Every Man is His Humour 12) Volpone or the Fox 6) Every Man Out of His Humour Poetry For Detailed Study Chaucer : Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer 14th 1340-1400 Age of Chaucer is a link bet the old and the New – age of transition 1373 – he began his Canterburry t n, Boccaccio furnished he ex for Chaucer‘s Canterbury tales greatest work of the ales.