Abstracts, 1-3 Active Layer, 7 Alaska Index Map, 6 Distribution of Ice
INDEX Abstracts, 1-3 Quaternary history, 12 Active layer, 7 Vegetation, 15, 17, 21 Alaska Water table, 13 Index map, 6 Donnelly Glaciation, 11, 12, 19 Distribution of ice wedges, 6 Ducker, A. V., 52 Permafrost zones, 6 Dylik, J„ 58 Alaska Range, 11 Dylikowa, A., 58 Benninghoff, W. S., 15, 19, 42, 43, 44 Fitzpatrick, E. A., 58 Black, R. F„ 5, 6, 48, 49, 52 Flint, R. F„ 12, 54, 75 Black Rock Desert, Nevada, 48 Foliated ground ice, 7, 52 Britton, M. E., 52 Folk, R. L., 25 Budel, J., 58 Freezing index, 7 Bunge, A., 52 Frost action, 9 Buried ice, 7 Galloway, R. W., 58 Cailleux, A., 58 Golab, J., 59 Church, R. E., 6, 7, 55 Grains, 7 Clibbon, P., 58 Ground ice, 9 Climate Hamelin, L. E., 58 Galena, 67, 68, 72 Harrassowitz, H., 58 Barrow, 67, 70 Hoarfrost, 49, 52 Donnelly Dome, 15, 16, 67, 69, 71 Holmes, W. G., 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Conclusions, 77 19, 42, 43, 44 Corte, A. E., 55 Hopkins, D. M., 6, 49, 52, 54 Danilova, N. S., 49 Horberg, L., 58 Darling Creek glaciation, 12 Horlocker, Noel, 12 Degree-day, 7 Ice Delta Glaciation, 11, 12 Buried, 5, 7 Delta River, 12, 13 Foliated, 5, 7, 13, 52 Denny, C. S., 58 Ground, 9 Dimbleby, G. W., 58 Interstitial, 5, 10 Donnelly Dome Area Masses, 5 Areal geology, 11 Pingo, 5 Climate, 15, 67 Pore, 5, 10 Geologic map, pi. 1 Segregated, 5, 10 Ground water, 13 Ice wedge, 5 Land forms, 11 Active, 7, 56, 57 Location, 6, 11 Fossil, 7, 9, 53, 54 Outwash gravel age, 12 Inactive, 9, 60-62 Permafrost, 6, 14 Origin, 47 Physiography, 11 Jahn, A., 58 Quaternary deposits, 11 Jarvis Creek, 12, 55 8 5 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/955870/spe103-bm.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 8 6 Patte rn e d G ro u n d, D o n n e l l y D o m e , A laska Johnsson, G., 58 Ice-wedge hypothesis, 51 Kessler, P., 58 Sand-wedge hypothesis, 64 Kitze, Fred, 69 Desiccation-crack hypothesis, 47- Knechtel, M.
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