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14X652 OPM Newsletter Nr 3 Issue 23 Summer 2005 Contents: I Farewell Alfred van Staden I Clingendael in Kampala The Clingendael Newsletter I Sudan’s diplomats join forces I CESP launch conference I From Pepper Spray to Laser Gun Photo courtesy Richard van Eijsden I Referendum debate I The Netherlands and cruise missiles I International expert meeting Farewell Alfred van Staden I New Publications On 1 September 2005, after more than ten a priority. Security studies have not only years as Clingendael’s Director, I will step been put in the context of the new threats, down. This occasion gives me a welcome but also related to conflicts arising from the opportunity to reflect on my tenure at lack of economic development. Thanks to Clingendael. Over the past decade, I have the important work of the Conflict Research myself, most stemmed from proposals by overseen profound changes. For one, the Unit, Clingendael’s horizons have been Clingendael’s staff. I had the good fortune Institute has grown bigger, both in terms extended to Africa and poor regions in to be surrounded by a group of very com- of the number of staff (which has almost general. In addition, the regular training petent and dedicated people who frequent- doubled) and the budget. There are many courses on international relations and ly came up with challenging ideas. My job reasons to be grateful for the subsidies diplomacy for diplomats from Central and was essentially to sort these ideas out and Clingendael has received from the Dutch Eastern Europe and Central Asia have been set priorities. Nor is this letter to suggest Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry expanded by special training programmes that Clingendael is without flaws or weak- of Defence. Indeed, without this generous designed to raise the professional levels of nesses. Perhaps the growth of the Institute support the Institute could not have existed diplomats and other government officials lately has somewhat outpaced budgetary at all. At the same time, the Institute has from various countries like Indonesia, expansion, which has come to a halt due to been forced to look for other sources in the Pakistan, Iran, Ethiopia, Mozambique, the general economic downturn after the private market to cover part of its overhead Sudan and – most recently – Iraq. turn of the century. My ambition to develop costs. What was once a fully subsidy- Last but not least, Clingendael’s inter- more in-depth expertise on international dependent institution has been transfor- national profile has been further enhan- financial and economic topics, both in the med into an organisation that is required, ced. We have seen a strong drive towards European and the global context, has failed for a large part of its operations, to meet participation in international projects car- to get off the ground, despite good inten- the standards of commercial enterprise. ried out in collaboration with sister organi- tions. Furthermore, in spite of the specta- The long-standing efforts to involve the sations abroad, a considerable switch from cular rise of China and India, Clingendael business community in Clingendael’s acti- publications in Dutch to publications in has not been able to focus a great deal of vities were rewarded by the establishment English, and much more exchange with interest on political and economic develop- of the Clingendael International Energy foreign scholars and policy analysts in ments in Asia. Programme, which is largely funded by general. As a result, Clingendael is now private companies. widely considered one of the foremost cen- However, I am proud of the many impor- tres of expertise on international affairs in tant goals that have been achieved. It has The focus of Clingendael’s activities Europe. One of the Institute’s main assets been a privilege to be Director of an insti- has also significantly widened. When the remains its dual capacity as a research tute that has flourished in a liberal-spirited Institute was founded in early 1983, the institute and centre of training and educa- atmosphere, while working at the interface impact of the Cold War was still highly tion. The synergy of the two disciplines of academia and the real world of policy- visible. Most of Clingendael’s publications gives Clingendael a comparative edge over making, free from any interference and gravitated towards alliance politics and foreign institutions that are either think- with the support of a Board of Governors strategic and arms control issues. Since tank or diplomatic academy. It is gratifying that has been a repository of wisdom. then, the foreign policy agenda has beco- to note that a new organisational structure It is very reassuring that my successor, me much more extensive and diverse, and was implemented by the end of my time Professor Jaap de Zwaan, commands so have Clingendael’s research and trai- as Director, establishing four thematic excellent credentials as a former diplomat, ning programmes. European integration, programmes on the basis of equal parti- scholarly expert and faculty dean. I wish in all its ramifications, began to take a cipation of researchers and trainers. him well in steering Clingendael in the prominent position. Diplomatic studies right direction! have moved beyond the traditional confines This account of Clingendael’s recent of government-to-government relations. history is not intended to be self-congra- Alfred van Staden The study of public diplomacy has become tulatory. While I initiated a few changes General Director seminars, participants engaged in a series Security management in Uganda: of discussions on international, national and local security, sharing their views and Clingendael in Kampala expectations for the future. In addition, personal skills workshops in management As part of Clingendael’s continuing military authorities about the recently and international negotiations were part of engagement in the Great Lakes region, finalised Ugandan Defence Review. the programme. Now that this pilot project the Clingendael Security and Conflict This Review emphasises a comprehensive has come to an end, Clingendael and the Programme (CSCP) recently organised approach in safeguarding external and Uganda Martyrs University are looking its second one-week Security Workshop internal security and identifies specific res- forward to building on this successful for 30 key stakeholders from the security ponsibilities for the various departments experience and to identifying future sector. Held on 18-24 April 2005 at the in order to implement the envisioned activities as part of CSCP’s Security Equatorial Hotel in Kampala, the work- changes in the security sector. During the Sector Reform (SSR) research agenda. shop was part of a pilot project funded by the Dutch Em- bassy in Kampala, and comprised two seminars entitled ‘Leadership Training for Key Actors in Security Management in Uganda’ (see issue 20, Autumn 2004). The aim of the work- shop was to facilitate a discussion between experts from various departments of the Clingendael’s General F. van Kappen (right, front) and staff members from the Dutch Embassy in Kampala join participants of the seminar for A. Kibuuka from the Ugandan civil and Uganda Martyrs University. Sudan’s diplomats join forces after 23 years In anticipation of a joint foreign service in Sudan, the Clingendael Diplomatic Studies Programme (CDSP) prepared a customised curriculum, focusing on recent develop- ments in international diplomacy, security and European affairs. In addition, parti- cular attention was given to issues relating international trade and policies regarding development cooperation towards Africa. During their stay, delegates had the oppor- tunity to exchange views with high-level experts from the ICC, NATO, OPCW and the European Union, amongst others. Clingendael experts provided latest insights on various aspects of diplomacy. Personal presentation skills, negotiation and conflict resolution techniques were also part of the Participants of the first joint training programme for Sudan, together with the Dutch Minister of Development Cooperation, four-week programme. For the 18 partici- Ms Van Ardenne, and Clingendael staff pants, this unique course proved a valuable first step towards more cooperation between In May 2005, Clingendael made Sudanese government’s effort to facilitate the upco- the current government oªcials and the history. For the first time since the end of ming implementation of Sudan’s Compre- incoming SPLM officers. Working together the civil war in Sudan, 18 representatives hensive Peace Agreement. This agreement, as colleagues in the future will be a second from both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed in January 2005, foresees a six-year crucial step. However, the most difficult in Khartoum and the Sudanese People’s transitional period starting on 9 July 2005, job has yet to be done: making peace pay Liberation Movement (SPLM) came to- during which a joint Ministry of Foreign for the Sudanese people. Clingendael gether in The Hague to follow a joint Affairs is to be established in Khartoum. stands ready to continue its engagement training course in International Relations One of the key foreign policy challenges in Sudan and is looking forward to further and Diplomatic Practice at Clingendael. for the transitional government, no doubt, developing its training activities for the This training course is part of the Dutch will be to solve the crisis in Darfur. country’s diplomatic service. Referendum debate At the initiative of the Lower House of the Clingendael Institute. All debates started Netherlands Parliament, for the first time with a neutral explanation about the the Netherlands held an advisory referen- Constitution, followed by a debate based dum on the European Constitution. The on propositions between politicians in government established a special favour and against the new treaty. Referendum Committee to inform the general public about the Constitution. In the final debate at Clingendael, With the support of this Committee, and Dr Van Eekelen of the European Move- From l. to r.: MP Mr.
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