EU-US Security Strategies

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EU-US Security Strategies the european union pilot project on transatlantic methods for handling global challenges in the european union and united states EU-U.S. Security Strategies comparative scenarios and recommendations Istituto Aari Internazionali This project is funded A project implemented by by the European Union Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS) Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) the european union pilot project on transatlantic methods for handling global challenges in the european union and united states EU-U.S. Security Strategies comparative scenarios and recommendations Istituto Aari Internazionali This project is funded A project implemented by by the European Union Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS) Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union within the frame- work of the Pilot Project on Transatlantic Methods for Handling Global Challenges. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of IAI, UI, FRS, and CSIS, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. CONTENTS Executive Summary v Introduction vii Key Findings ix Issue 1: Definition of External Security and Its Implementation Model x Issue 2: The Internal/External Security Nexus: A Comparative Approach xv Issue 3: Industry toward Security xx Issue 4: The Transatlantic Relationship and EU-U.S. Security Cooperation xxiii List of Acronyms xxvii Issue 1: The Definition of External Security and Its Implementation Model 1 Introduction 3 Heather A. Conley The French Case: Livre Blanc sur la Défense et la Sécurité Nationale 5 Camille Grand The U.S. Case: 2002 and 2010 U.S. National Security Strategy 16 Heather A. Conley with Manuel Lafont Rapnouil and Michael Cass-Anthony Reviewing European Security Strategies 27 Erik Brattberg and Mark Rhinard The 2010 NATO Strategic Concept 37 Stefano Silvestri and Alessandro Marrone Issue 2: The Internal/External Security Nexus 51 Introduction 53 Mark Rhinard and Erik Brattberg Cyber Security: Toward EU-U.S. Cooperation? 55 Federica Di Camillo and Valérie Miranda | iii Biosecurity in a Transatlantic Context 68 Elisande Nexon and Jean-François Daguzan EU and U.S. Pandemics Preparedness and Response 79 Mark Rhinard and Erik Brattberg Natural Disasters: Strategic Rhetoric and Practical Action in the EU, U.S., and Transatlantic Partnership 92 Rick “Ozzie” Nelson and Ben Bodurian Issue 3: Industry toward Security 107 Introduction 109 Nicolò Sartori The Security Market in the EU and the United States: Features and Trends 111 Hélène Masson and Lucia Marta Challenges to Agenda-Setting Priorities: Toward Effective Public-Private Partnerships for Security in the EU and United States 127 Erik Brattberg and Jan Joel Andersson The Regulatory and Acquisition Environment for Security in the EU and the United States 138 David Berteau, Guy Ben-Ari, Priscilla Hermann, and Sandra Mezzadri Transatlantic Industrial Policies in the Security Sector 156 Valerio Briani and Nicolò Sartori Issue 4: The Transatlantic Relationship and EU-U.S. Cooperation in Security 171 Introduction 173 Yves Boyer The Nuclear Standoff with Iran and the Future of Transatlantic Security Responsibility-sharing 177 Riccardo Alcaro Afghanistan: A Stress Test for Transatlantic Security Cooperation 187 Stephen Flanagan, T.J. Cipoletti, and Amanda Tuninetti EU-U.S. Response to the Haiti Earthquake: A Comparative Analysis 201 Erik Brattberg and Bengt Sundelius The Fight against Piracy Off Somalia: A Consensual but Asymmetric Engagement 213 Philippe Gros Research Team 237 iv | eu-u.s. security strategies: comparative scenarios and recommendations EXECUTIVE SUMMARY introduction The partnership between the European Union International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, (EU) and the United States is of central im- the French Fondation pour la Recherche portance in addressing a multitude of com- Stratégique (FRS), and the Swedish Institute of plex global challenges. Despite recurrent ups International Affairs (UI). and downs, EU-U.S. cooperation remains the Generously funded by the European Com- most economically significant and integrated mission’s Directorate General External Rela- relationship in the world. Europe and the tions (DG RELEX), the main purpose of the United States have long been drivers of global “EU-U.S. Security Strategies” project was to economic prosperity, accounting for half of provide European and American policymak- the world’s gross domestic product (GDP), ers with insight, inputs, ideas, and tools to 40 percent of trade, and 80 percent of official enhance and deepen transatlantic dialogue on development assistance. Yet it has been the four security issues of common concern for political and security arenas that have always the European Union and the United States and provided the crucial test of the partnership’s to identify potential transatlantic convergen- effectiveness, durability, and solidarity. The ces. The four subject areas were identified as capstone of this partnership was the inaugura- follows: tion of the New Transatlantic Agenda in 1995, which has emerged as a core element of the ■ The definition of external security and transatlantic relationship by promoting and related European and American imple- encouraging a transatlantic response to global mentation models. The research partners security challenges and promoting, inter alia, examined how Europeans and Americans peace and stability. have defined external security and con- In the spirit of the New Transatlantic ducted strategic security reviews. They Agenda and within the framework of the Euro- compared recent American and French na- pean Commission’s pilot project, “Transatlan- tional security reviews, the 2003 European tic Methods for Handling Global Challenges Security Strategy (ESS) and its subsequent in the European Union and United States,” an review in 2008, and the 2010 NATO Strate- effort was undertaken to assess the current gic Concept. state of the EU-U.S. security relationship and ■ The nexus between internal and external offer recommendations on fostering common security and how various threats can be approaches and enhancing its capacity to deal addressed by the EU and the United States. with emerging challenges. The research, “EU- The research team examined the blurring U.S. Security Strategies: Comparative Scenarios borders between internal and external secu- and Recommendations,” was undertaken by rity and cross-border threats in the areas a transatlantic team led by the Istituto Affari of cyber security, biosecurity, pandemic Internazionali (IAI) in Rome and including preparedness and response, and disaster scholars from the Center for Strategic and preparation and response. | vii ■ Current trends in the defense and security market and related industrial perspec- tives in Europe and the United States. The research team examined the American and European security and defense industrial bases and determined that both are un- dergoing a comprehensive restructuring to better respond to contemporary challenges with the security industrial base and mar- ket requiring the more dramatic transfor- mation. Both the EU and the United States are struggling to make the security market more efficient, with different methods and with mixed success. ■ EU-U.S. cooperation for today’s transat- lantic security challenges. The research team assessed transatlantic cooperation on four complex security problems, including a nuclear-armed Iran, Afghanistan, the Haiti earthquake and natural disasters, and pira- cy off the coast of Somalia and suggest that the evolving global security environment requires better organization and enhanced capability within the EU and a stronger, direct EU-U.S. security relationship. viii | eu-u.s. security strategies: comparative scenarios and recommendations key findings Despite extensive transatlantic security coop- industrial base to enhance its understand- eration, the research team identified existing ing of emerging requirements, efficiency, gaps and has put forward specific recommen- and responsiveness; strengthen the regula- dations to enhance transatlantic dialogue and tory environment; and avoid restrictive and EU-U.S. cooperation. It is clear that strategies protectionist practices to produce a more and rhetoric must be put into practice requir- open and competitive transatlantic security ing policy makers to place greater emphasis market. on operational and tactical cooperation on ■ Develop an EU–NATO security agree- the ground. Moreover, the EU-U.S. partner- ment to allow for easy exchange of classi- ship must be a driver to boost development fied information and enhance operational of technological and industrial—and thus effectiveness. Undertake routine EU–U.S. operational—capabilities. As the EU strength- security consultations, exchanges of situ- ens into a coherent and cohesive counterpart ation awareness reports, and exercises to to the United States (e.g., the nascent Euro- enhance transatlantic response capabilities, pean External Action Service will provide augment EU crisis response capabilities, such important strengthening), the following and integrate them with NATO’s compre- overarching project recommendations could hensive approach to complex security and provide useful insights to concerned EU and humanitarian operations. U.S.
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