Lindsay Powell | 384 pages | 29 Apr 2015 | Pen & Sword Books Ltd | 9781848846173 | English | South Yorkshire, United Kingdom Marcus Agrippa: Right-Hand Man of Caesar Augustus PDF Book

Soren, D. Decimus Haterius Agrippa I. Surprisingly, there has been no biography of Agrippa in English for some eighty years. Even then, the total number of full biographies which survive can be counted on one hand. This leads - for example - to a reference to the Metelli as one of Rome's 'great patrician families', when the was famously plebeian. Powell puts together ancient sources to tell the story of Agrippa's life. Studia historica. Trivia About Marcus Agrippa: R Octavian and his consular colleague Quintus Pedius arranged for Caesar's assassins to be prosecuted in their absence, and Agrippa was entrusted with the case against Gaius Cassius Longinus. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. As minister of works he overhauled Rome's drains and aqueducts, transformed public bathing in the city, created public parks with great artworks and built the original Pantheon. The years following his third consulship, Agrippa spent in Gaul, reforming the provincial administration and taxation system, along with building an effective road system and aqueducts. Tiberius Julius Caesar,? Views Read Edit View history. Here are a few examples that I highlighted while reading. Julia Livilla , 18—42, died without issue H. A modern biography is very mu Lindsay Powell tells us in his introduction that one of the reasons why he decided to write a biography of Marcus Agrippa was because the last one to be written was nearly years ago. There are lots of maps showing his travels. Thus, for all practical purposes, the life of Agrippa began when he met Augustus then Octavius , for virtually nothing is known of Agrippa before then. In vigorous prose, and with a fingertip feel for Roman politics and war, Lindsay Powell brings Agrippa to life. Details if other :. I truly enjoyed it and felt the author did a wonderful job relating the history of Rome in the late 1st century BCE. Marcus Agrippa. At one point Agrippa was given such titles to make him the heir apparent and the man chosen to lead if something were to happen to Augustus and eventually the powers granted to Agrippa made him almost an equal to Augustus. Agrippa was appointed governor of the eastern provinces a second time in 17 BC, where his just and prudent administration won him the respect and good-will of the provincials, especially from the Jewish population. Vipsania Marcella Major A. Agrippa and another friend, Quintus Salvidienus Rufus , advised Octavius to march on Rome with the troops from Macedonia, but Octavius decided to sail to Italy with a small retinue. This distracted Antony enough that Octavian could land his army in Greece without worrying about his transports being attacked. Caesar was generous to him and he probably got a lot of loot and slaves from defeating Antony and Sextus Pompey, and yes, a good Roman of means is supposed to benefit his city; but he didn't have to spend so much of his own on public works. Pantheon Books — via Google Books. Decimus Junius Silanus Torquatus , d. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. However, as the author shows well, the buildings of Agrippa which have survived show both taste and style, restrained and conservative as these may have been. The book really hits its stride with the battle of Actium, which was certainly the highlight of Agrippa's military career. The battle itself is well described. A well-written and well- researched history of an amazing Roman. The exact nature of the grant is uncertain but it probably covered Augustus' imperial provinces, east and west, perhaps lacking authority over the provinces of the Senate. In that case, we can't In short, he is someone that Caesar can count on absolutely. Agrippa at Augustus' right hand. As a diplomat, he befriended Herod the Great of Judaea and stabilized the East. Powell's book admirably fills this gap and will be indispensable for anyone with a serious interest in this crucial historical period. There are few details of these battles but the campaigns were successful enough for Agrippa to be granted a triumph. He also served at the battle of Mutina when Antony was still at odds with the republic. I did not know much about Marcus Agrippa, I do now. Marcus Agrippa: Right-Hand Man of Caesar Augustus Writer

Louis: Washington University. He also had a sister named Vipsania Polla , it's not known if she was younger or older than him. It has been speculated that Agrippa was among the negotiators who won over Antony's Macedonian legions to Octavian, but there is no direct evidence for this; see Reinhold, p. He accomplished this by cutting through the strips of land which separated the Lacus Lucrinus from the sea, thus forming an outer harbour, while joining the lake Avernus to the Lucrinus to serve as an inner harbor. That year his proconsular imperium was augmented to cover the provinces of the Senate. Namespaces Article Talk. Outside Rome, we learn that Agrippa was perhaps the most widely travelled man of his day, and the places on his extensive itinerary are well and evocatively described. He is motivated to tell the stories of the under-reported personalities and events of history in the belief that they deserve to be told to complete our understanding of the past. I truly enjoyed it and felt the author did a wonderful job relating the history of Rome in the late 1st century BCE. Agrippa helped Octavian to levy troops in Campania. Read more Alex rated it really liked it Oct 26, Agrippa appears in several film versions of the life of Cleopatra. Unnamed illegitimate son by Decimus Junius Silanus , d. The battle ended all Pompeian resistance and restored control of Sicily, a major source of grain for Italy. He also served a second consulship with Octavian the same year. Indiana University Press. A final chapter tries to make sense of the life of Agrippa. Open Preview See a Problem? After Octavian's return to Rome, he and his supporters realised they needed the support of legions. From then on, the two young men are inseparable even though Octavian is frequently ill, and marries twice. Evans, H. Servilia and her Family. Antony had control of the East, including Egypt and withholding grain, among other things, quickly led to renewed hostilities. Apart from occasional grammatical solecisms, the most contentious issue for this reviewer was the author's indiscriminate use of 'patrician' and 'plebeian' in both the technical sense of Roman social castes and in the modern sense of 'aristocrat' and 'commoner'. Agrippa's descendants. Other editions. Positives: I enjoyed learning more about Agrippa's role in the Augustus' life. After a smaller battle near Mylae, Agrippa and Sextus met near Naulochus and fought a titanic battle, with over total ships. He wrote extensively on geography and wrote an autobiography, but these are sadly lost. Vipsania Marcella Major A. After his arrival, he learned that Caesar had adopted him as his legal heir. He is a featured character of prominence and importance in the historical fiction novel Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran. He even marries, Julia, the daughter of Caesar at his friend's request despite the fact that he was already happily married. Junia Lepida , c. Marcus Agrippa: Right-Hand Man of Caesar Augustus Reviews

Thus, for all practical purposes, the life of Agrippa began when he met Augustus then Octavius , for virtually nothing is known of Agrippa before then. Lindsay Powell. Julia Drusilla , 16—38, died without issue G. Julia Drusilla , 39—41, died young E. It is certainly as Augustus' right-hand man that we see Agrippa through the early chapters of the book. Roman Republic . It is with this summary that Powell can truly put aside all the "we don't know for sure" statements and write his convictions on what Agrippa's legacy was and is based on all the evidence presented. Community Reviews. Marcus Agrippa personified the term 'right-hand man'. Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to remove another layer from Augustus' facade to see one of the most important men behind it. Powell which few have asked is that Agrippa had the popularity, influence and wealth to challenge Augustus Caesar and he never did. Roman general, statesman and architect. University of Michigan: Humphrey Press. No trivia or quizzes yet. I have read quite a number of books that mention Marcus Agrippa. The exact nature of the grant is uncertain but it probably covered Augustus' imperial provinces, east and west, perhaps lacking authority over the provinces of the Senate. It also answered a question. His praenomen is not actually known, but has been assumed to be Lucius , since that was his fathers name, and first sons were generally given their fathers praenomen in Rome. Caesar had a habit of showing clemency to everyone the first time but made sure to punish repeat offenders and as such was likely to have him executed. It was unusual for an ex-consul to hold the lower-ranking position of aedile, [33] but Agrippa's success bore out this break with tradition. Though he seems to have been of similar age, Octavian trusted Salvidienus more as a general. He was well below the usual minimum age of 43, but Octavian had suffered a humiliating naval defeat against Sextus Pompey and needed his friend to oversee the preparations for further warfare. There is a lot of speculation. He became the first water commissioner of Rome in 33 BC. Cambridge University Press. At Naulochus Agrippa had newer ships, but with well-trained crews and a new invention, the harpax. Agrippa would return to the battlefield to secure Roman influence in Spain and the Crimean Peninsula and died at 51 in southern Italy. Greece and Rome. The topics and story flow, highly recommended. Lucius appears to have been alive later on in his brothers career as he was involved in some type of affair which his brother refused to influence with his authority when a consul asked for his opinion on the matter. That was to come later, as was the jealously guarded tribunicia potestas , or powers of a tribune of the plebeians. World Book, Inc. The rest is mostly fillers. Not a book for someone who is brand new to this era of history, but for someone who has even a basic idea of what's going on will be well served to have this on their shelf. Agrippa was now Octavian's leading general. AD 12 [56] D. In Smith, William ed. Quintus Haterius Antoninus 2. It is a difficult book to put together as so little was written of Marcus Agrippa even though he was married to Julia, Augusta's only daughter.

Marcus Agrippa: Right-Hand Man of Caesar Augustus Read Online

That year his proconsular imperium was augmented to cover the provinces of the Senate. Reinhold, Meyer Read more They went to Rome against the advice of Octavian's mother and stepfather to collect the inheritance, meeting Marc Antony and Cicero, and getting involved in Roman politics. Lucius Vipsanius was born in the Late Romen Republic to an Equestrian family, his father being Lucius Vipsanius and his mother an unknown woman. To ask other readers questions about Marcus Agrippa , please sign up. Thus, for all practical purposes, the life of Agrippa began when he met Augustus then Octavius , for virtually nothing is known of Agrippa before then. Agrippa appears in several film versions of the life of Cleopatra. After a smaller battle near Mylae, Agrippa and Sextus met near Naulochus and fought a titanic battle, with over total ships. Reinhold Marcus Agrippa pp. Agrippa, despite his plebian birth, is an excellent soldier, skilled admiral, devotee of the arts and architecture, and able negotiator. As minister of works he overhauled Rome's drains and aqueducts, transformed public bathing in the city, created public parks with great artworks and built the original Pantheon. Octavian Augustus was the first actual emperor of Rome; Caesar had held the dictatorship but was murdered a few years into his rule. Namespaces Article Talk. At first he wished to allow the flagships past, arguing that he could overtake them with his lighter vessels and that the other opposing ships would surrender when they saw their leaders' cowardice. Aug 21, Marilyn rated it it was amazing Shelves: biographies , history-ancient , history-roman , roman-republic-and-empire , servants-and-employers. Perhaps the strongest part of this book is the final chapter where Powell is able to summarize the character and career of Agrippa through his building regime, in his politics, his fascinating relationship with Augustus, his family, and his impact on history. The loss of Agrippa's autobiography is a shame although autobiographies can be unreliable. However, as the author shows well, the buildings of Agrippa which have survived show both taste and style, restrained and conservative as these may have been. A final chapter tries to make sense of the life of Agrippa. The Helvetian Affair. Heir to the Roman Empire 23—12 BC. So closely were the fortunes of Agrippa tied to those of Augustus that any biography of Agrippa risks becoming merely another biography of Augustus, albeit written from a slightly different perspective. As it is, Agrippa married Augustus' daughter Julia, so we get to follow the fortunes of the children of Agrippa through the Julian line, including Agrippa's disastrous great-grandchild, the emperor Nero. Jan 29, Jim Swike rated it really liked it. Powell states that Agrippa and Herod the Great, the youth's grandfather, had become firm friends and allies during Agrippa's overlordship of the eastern part of the Roman empire. As a result of these victories, Octavian became the first Roman Emperor, adopting the name of Augustus Caesar. Here Agrippa is front and centre stage in his own right, building temples and even personally touring the sewers to make sure that the work was done properly. No trivia or quizzes yet. Enlarge cover. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Classical Journal. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Gray, E. The author should have stayed with one fo the many modern conventions rather than re-inventing the wheel and making up his own. He did much and frequently at his own expense. However, all of these lines of descent are extremely hypothetical and lack any evidence to support a connection to the descendants of Agrippa. At the same time I think the book failed as a biography of Marcus Agrippa. A calendar from Cyprus or Syria includes a month named after Agrippa beginning on November 1, which may reflect the month of his birth. He was Augustus' right hand man. I would also point out two other problems I had with the book in hopes they will be changed in future editions for others: 1 There were a lot of typos and grammatical errors and 2 The format used for people and place names was confusing. There are excellent maps which explain the movements of both men as they fight together and separately as they try to achieve dominance for Octavian, called Caesar after his great uncle, Julius Caesar, who is assassinated in 44 B. Very enjoyable. AD 12 — bef. Even then, the total number of full biographies which survive can be counted on one hand. He had no ambition to supplant Augustus.