Special ’ Issue International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction March 2019 Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International Price US$2 e-mail:
[email protected]● www.flti.ci.org Latin America THE SCAM OF THE “BOLIVARIAN REVOLUTION” SIDOR Strike 2013: “Diosdado we don’t believe neither in Socialists with Hummer nor in Communists with Rolex. We believe in the workers’ revolution” Socialist revolution or caricature of a revolution TABLE OF CONTENTS After having expropriated the Latin American revolution and having sold out Cuba to imperialism, the Boli-bourgeoisie departs from history in a sea of blood, hunger and sellout……….......…………3 THE RISE AND DECLINE OF CHAVEZISM* Presentation…......................................................................................................................................……5 Part I: The decline of Chavezism............................................................................................................….7 Part II: Chavez and the imposture of the Bolivarian Revolution – The expropriation of the anti- imperialist struggle of the masses…..........................................................................................................13 Part III: Permanent revolution vs staged revolution Discussions with the pro-Bolivarian left……......................................................................................…28 The fight against Capriles-Maduro-Obama pact…............................................................................…38 The utopia of the democratization