
Lord &

A Sprtng Sale of The A New Broad Brim Lace Flouncings April Sale of from Caroline Reboux Most recent arrivals from They are all 36 inches wide (or millinery more) and Paris, received this week in our French and the quality is fincr than that of any Room, favor the broad-brimmed both laces we have been able to sell at such Just when you're up for Summer with silken-finc essentials for the for formal and semi-formal occasions. low were temptingly prices. They pur- colors, are the most success- at a boudoir or to wear under comes Light they say, cbased special reduction that enables pretty Spring , this offering of special ful for these . Then with us to announce them as almost matchless large values.a wealth of characteristic perversity they out the values. Decorative are embroidered charming models, unusually low point pattcrns priced. .¦** of a wide-brimmcd hat fashioned ot in on toundations of filet and beauty hexagon Silk Petticoats lacy straw in.black! For such are the net. The colors are those best for after¬ and Night Negliigees Silk with contrasting^ colors, In attractive vays of Millinery in thc Spring. noon and evening wear. flounce #3.95, models, hemstitched Petticoats pleatcd .| #5.45, -56.95 effects, or trimmed with Valencicnnes m, Thc Caroline Reboux model pictufed Silk on fllet . t embroidery and hexagon Crcpc or meteor, deep hem ar.d Calais lace. v:- is one of the cleverest of the new large * in black and street in llesh, . fiets cream, gray, navy, brown, black A with models, white, Crepe de Chine #3.95, #5.95, #6.95 hats, because it is so simple in effect, vet Georgette . . slip-over shades $ . .». #6.95, #8.75' Washablc satin £3.25 yard , under it a plaited slip ot crcpc ^ ^ £.* ¦.#5.95 so singularly effective in its simplicity. de Washablc white or Radium . . '. Chine." #19.75 satin, flesh, £ ( #5.95, #7.95, #8.75 Its charm and air of are Elaborate designs embroidered on filet front and back, hemstitched panels distinction nets in Two a orscalloped the artful and hexagon* cream, gray, brown, negligees, splcndid model of ft- ."BI -' Envelope explained chiefly, you see, by and one of dc edge #3.95 of the brim. A draped meteor, crepe Chinc, de Chine . dip bow of black.£5 yard trimmed with knife Crepe #1.95, #2.95, #3.95 acknowledg- . ment is crown Black effectively plaiting Radium silk f.V . . #3.95, #4.95 due the of heavy belting spottcd nets, devcloped in large #10.75 Dainty Silk ribbon, and the clustcr of natural colored and small spots. An fine Step-in Drawers unusually quality A breakfast of soft brocade, roll J*v cherries across the front. £2.25* yard collar and ruffles ofGeorgette and flowers; Lingerie Crepe de Chinc, with lace . #1.95 .¦: , our or handsome two-tone satin, Radium silk . . . .j #3.45, #3.95 Adaptations made in own workroom Colored satin lace flouncings in deep'flounce Tl ie vogue for ovclysly* coionngs in pink, « from Paris as well as the of box.tucking, ruches . . a. A #19.75 tailored in this offer¬ PhUippjne Gowns models, originals. peacock, navy, gold, black . £5 yard appears Spring Night Prices Moderate Another breakfast coat, tucked and ing in tailored sets of and slep- Hand-made' and hand-cmbroidercd Universally GROUND FLOOR in drawers of radium silk in a of FOURTH FLOOR rufflcd chiffori over crepe de Chine ; or range #1.95, #2.95, #3.95 two'tone satin with shell #12.75 soft delightful tints . flesh, light blue. Elaborately trimmed with real Filet lace ruching gray, honeydew and orchid.bound with Prices do not tax. #5.95 The April Girl Wears a indude contrasting colors, each model . . #5.95 Prices do not include tax. WhiteyVoile SECOND FLOOR An cngagingly simple little frock it is for Spring Fabrics from An Exquisite days, made in the straight Many Lands full model that is so ir- Lay Their Beauties Before the American Woman Wrist resistibly becoming to Makes a gift of'cndurmg"beauty and small from 2 to value for the every ^irl Charming and Springlike in color, fine in texture, and manifold in their the new fabrics Spring bride. This white gold 6 years old. The round inspiration, model, hnely is in . engraved, collar -.many of them imported and only recently arrived in this country an almost unlimited rectangular and cuffs bring the present shape, an exact replica of one of* our one frivolous note to the wealth of suggestions for the Spring and Summer . exclusive platinum styles.20 karat gold. demureness of the frock: pleated ruffles 08 to edge them round. WASH FABRICS ImportedWools, 'mixed yarn home- SPRING SILKS Tax additional in soft tones for GROUND FLOOR £7.50 French CottOttS, lovely sheer mate spuns delightful sports A heavy quality . Also blue of Georgette Crepe. FOURTH FLOOR rials for light frocks, embroidered in gay navy serges in beautiful colors: orchid, paradise, on or fine quality. Both are 54 inches wide colors and tasteful patterns white platinum among them.40 inches wide. , , and both are very Walkitig Pumps colored 42 inches wide. modcrately priced. #1.25 yard. woman grounds.40'and #2 The who Sun-and-Rain #1.95 yard. yard. Natural Pongee. The pleasing has been looking for Irish PopUnS. A soft and attractive Embroidered, All- fabrics for color natural to this fabric 33 inches a comfortable walking Silk quality in many colors: jade, wren tan, smart street frocks and suits. wide. #1,98 yard. together with one of smart Ready for April showers! Thesuddcn Copenhagen, rose.36 inches wide. Tweeds, serges, velours, tricotines in Gay Fotdards. For frocks ofSpring appear- 75c yard. shades of sand, blue, withl self and Summer inches wide. ance hnds the desired storm holds no terrors for you if you're gray, days. 36 combination in this or colored . provided with one of these fine umbrellas. Dotted Orgatldies. Permanent fin¬ contrasting embroidcry 54 #1.95 yard. inches wide. to one strap pump. Made in black calfskin have borders of satin, stub ends and ish with embroidered dots on white and #5 #10 yard. They White Hablltai. A good washable or brown kidskin, with wing tip, welted tips to match. Convenient Bakelite or colored grounds.45 inches wide. SECOND FFOOR inches wide. ring quality.36 soles and miiitary heels . . . #8.75 leather handle. Shown m #1.85 strap red, blue, yard. #1.95 yard. SEOOND FLOOR purple, green, as well as black. SECOND FLOOR »¦ GROUND FLOOR P Tax Included Gauntlet GROUND FLOOR Women's Suits Extraordinary, $67.50 Haa£r>OSE»35EKEafia VJlOVCS The mean wrist * golden between length Five Beautiful Models and full gloves, they achieve success J ..¦. sftga by meeting the three quarter sleeve half Extraordinary in the smartness and distinction of the styles," and the low way. These gauntlets of fine kidskin are price tastefully embroidered in black* at- which they're offered.a special purchase providing matchless values in #8.75 masterpieces of splendid tailoring. G R OUND FLOOR Suits of the finejutype, of tricotine and Poiret They show the newest embroidery and ribbon twill in navy and tan, just from the hands of a effects.a rounded pocket with French knot em- These Fine, noted maker, with the last-minute touch of new- broidery and motifs made of tiny ribbon ruffles, a ness in th'cir lines and individual, charming sheatheftectwithslendering hand-made folds^as well Oriental Rugs features that have the character of custom work. j as the elegant simplicity of strictly tailored styles. Reduced Prices T I I R D FI. OO R Last October came the first sweeping price reductions on Oriental rugs. This affected our entire collection, large as it is. Tomorrow comes a second price reduc¬ tion on the choice following rugs, sweep¬ ' ing prices down to a level that is almost Smart, embroid¬ for Orientals. Tailored unbelievable ered pockets or I ertical, hand- SMALL RUGS panels are the uiadefoldsaccent #9.75 distinctive fea. the slender sheatb Correct In New Silks x . Styles Mosouls, 3f£ 6T< feet #45, #55, #65 turesofjhese taiL effect of this >uit Lilihans, 5 x feet . #175 There's smarter to wear with 6j¦< #125, #150, leurs of tricotine. oi Poiret tmlL nothing Kirmanshahs, 3x5 feet.#125 a tailored than a modish Choice Old and Cabistans dashing, Daghestans blouseol tailored silk. Here's a choice Size 4 x 6 feet.#95 and #110 of five distinctive, charming models, all FIFTH FLOO.R long sleeved, and with a variety of styles Hear Miss Barber in collars.Peter Pan, convertible, roll Majiy effects.in striped satin, crepe de Chine, on "Spring Salads and Their Accom- radium silk, Japanese silk and silk broad- paniments," in the Housefurnishing cloth. All blouses that have been hlgher Oepartmenl. 2:30 l\ M. Monday priced. SEVENTH FLOOR THIRD FLOOR