Ymposiuh Issue
;—■ ymposiuh-■■■■■■... ■ ■ — ■ , , issue, „ , of a ' □Iler4 I □□ | EL •: i 4 PREAMBLE TO TEE >7BS CONSTITUTION ®To promote student iifttferest in biology; to enkindle cultural interest-within the student for £hc3.0pre 1 at ioiT 6'f blbl’o'gfida 1',' pwnd .------ pre-raedidai studios with other 'fields/of' kn^v^ciigd; " to promote liaison between the studdnt_body t»nd. • the University; to promote interest'-in the study of nature; to give the biology student an oppor tunity to present his views in his. particular . j - - field of interest'; to'introduce”into,-a-nd• foster in the Society a social spirit among all active members; to form end uphold traditions; ...and to perpetuate the Loyola Chapter*of the Wasmann Biological Society.. .this constitution is written.'* ,* ***************** . The Probe is the official organ- of the. .Loyola Chapter of "the iTbsmann Biological Society, It is published -and printed monthly by the Society nt the College of Arts and Sciences of’ £oyola University, 6525 North Shoridan Rood, Chicago 26, Illinois, , / ***************** • * STAFF: Editor - Mary Stariczak . /”,• Feature Editor - Edward Michals.-’ Managing-Editor - Alan F. Kennedy Art Editor - Kith Grabowski ■ Contributors - Gerald Godwill, Xleorge Germanos, Ruth Grabowski, Joe HiebelAlan F. Kennedy, John J. McGloin, Ed Michals, Thomas Prcdcy, Brother Daniel Reardon, Ernest Sukowski, Justin Vfliolan Typists - Lana Farelli, Betty Gorman, Phyllis Jacks, Thercse Snarskis z . ... - . .-.the swoshej - ........................ * On Thursday night, the sixteenth )f April, the Was- mann Society will nresent its annual drinking, party, that is, if you translate the word nsyap.osium* literally# It scons that in ancient Greece, he citizens got together on occasion to enjoy a feast* md the music, drinking, and conversation that follow 3d.
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