Community Board Ten Board Meeting Attendance Community Board Ten District Office Monday, February 23, 2015 -7:15 pm Board Members Present: 27 Board Members Excused: 18 Greg Ahl Elizabeth Amato Jumana Bishara Kevin Peter Carroll Allen Bortnkk Paul Cassone Jaynemarie Capetanakis Shirley Chin Judith Collins Michael Festa Doris Cruz Barbara Germack Ida D' Amelio Bob Hudock Donna Mae DePola June Johnson Khader EI-Yateem Habib Joudeh Ann Falutico Katherine Khatari Ronald Gross Linda Sarsour Stephen Harrison Dilia Schack Victoria Hervas-Castuneda Eleanor Schiano Brian Kaszuba Joanne Seminara nrian Kieran Joseph Shaia Stella Kokolis Lawrence Stelter Nikolaos Leonardos Lori Willlis Rhea McCone Jonathan Yedin Nick Nikolopoulos Mary Nolan Board Members Absent: 5 Susan Pulaski Mary Quinones AtmaDeMetz Dean Rasinya Judith Grimaldi Joseph Sokoloski AdilOualim Sandy Vallas Husam Rimawi Brian Walsh Tony Wu Mary Ann Walsh Ex-Oflicio: Councilman Vincent Gentile COMMUNITY BOARD TEN GUESTS Date: February 23, 2015 -7: 15 PM Subject: CBI0 Board Meeting - Nonvegian Christian Home PLEASE PROVIDE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU. Name/Address Phone# Fax# E-MailAddress Organizatio-"1Affiliation 6Je~~SSLv\o e~5so..b€ ~ L)r3~j ~'Z.-- ~~ ~.~ 1-1\'~ I ~-h-c.,f,•..r~ s+,rc, sh v.r@J'Y~./e ,0') 5'~+a (' 1 r ci -;). rl-Go L/ I~ ')e.,.,.h/ Lro 1cI~ 0 u, {~ e;..., fC.j,-ep-<. e(Jn.s '~~ 6~j~ (([(~~~r- OL.#:R. (/}">- if 1'-1f 4(6 t/ Hf' +--u.JIM ~A- >, . f-..i~ 1.4 ~ fYl/1 .$ Clf'CKI(;;> j3't< i'-k 'z-~n e@J;.ntflt {O"""" b, 'I. ;3 i L<- 1.-1P.1> j 6lff, 6'1Y- itS;- c iI,L)CI/S gILL-u1~'Z.:pj ct/tf-I' C ",e.. rr< rvuuS~ Wlg_l{r,) '2, \!Vl C0loW.nC).£ ~\.P '-P -U~~{t9=( Bop ta.. S54@, t!).... 7ff-7fC:;-3/6C pob C'~sS""~~@ IBkC:: LfV p-f P/J. VcR I ?-~i4' t"l~T 5~J",V' 2r.\r I \ ~\J~v,'t ~4-'osc-yaJ \J 2~1",\)\ o\> cl.. "'-kT'" L C.O ~~~fCft:1 [ K'-IQ(\~f'l\~'0\1N. 12.®g\'l'C,\ \ r..r::xr\ ~t t\o.(\\\\-\l:r. t\\~\\ Q0~\S~'{'{,K\\o..\\~ I qn-~q\..L{qGb I ;)(\\00\ 71 (i- ..<,J~&:>L..'"J COMMUNITY BOARD TEN GUESTS Date: FebruaQ' 23, 2015 - 7: 15 PM Subject: CBI0 Board Meeting - Nonvegian Christian Home PLEASE PROVIDE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU. Name/Address Phone# Fax# E-MailAddress Organization/Affiliation IV/ Jl !5-o tI c- I " tr ~;(J/~ o~L !/J-;-.J () 0 6 ~ 'j-tf',- 'W- ;l. 4. '-- 1- 1'vG) r2- L A-.u IJ 0 €' ~nitJ ehll1 (b~OID-~JJ) jdnehlL{gJr!ejrMI!~,"- t)-1 HlrY?t~ /Il,t.-h t.t,,-I S·h 'I')~ 01'1 7;g-578-2/ fro,J,~I. 5 +-,'" S".1 J ~~,...""i. Cu." ~<z:,\ COMMUNITY BOARD TEN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2015 - NORWEGIAN CHRISTIAN HOME MINUTES Chair Kieran called the meeting to order at 7:25 PM ,md invited Marianne Nicolosi, Executivc Director of The Bay Ridge Center, to lead thc Honor of the Pledge. Parliamentarian Kaszuba noted that we did not have a quorum. Chair Kieran stated that the agenda will be taken out of order if there are no objections. With no objections noted, Chair Kieran continued with the Public Session. PUBLIC SESSION Couneil Member Vincent Gentile announced legislation he introduced to have the Department of Transportation paint curbs red at hydrants to end the "15 feet from hydrant" guessing game. This would also include bus stops. This way there will hc no question as to wherc you c,m park. There is a lot of support in City Council for this legislation. Councilman Gentile announced that permanent ferry service is coming back to southern Brooklyn in 2017, and part of that service will be in !Jay Ridge. The Mayor promised to come up with a comprehensive plan, which he did in time for the budget. It not only ineludes the return of the Brooklyn I\rmy Terminal Ferry, but will include a new Bay Ridge line that will stop at 69th Street and then on to several different stops along the Brooklyn wated'ront before going into Manhattan. The Councilman noted that last year the brackets that held the ramp at the Eco-Dock in place broke due to the violent tossing of the waves and water. He is now heing told by the Parks Department that this particular version of that setup cannot be fixed. As a result they are looking to do a rcdesign of that portion of the Eco- Dock. That means (a) we have to get funding for it, and (b) the Eco-Dock will not open at the end of Mayas they had hoped. He is working as quickly as possible to get some design money into the hudget. Councilman Gentile noted that the Alternate Side Parking calendars are available. He announced that his office is running Senior Citizens Rent Increase Exemption (SCRlE) Program Information and Enrollment events. Persons 62 or older who live in a rent-regulated apartment and carn less than $50,000 qualify to have their rent frozen. Thanks to Assemblym,m Abhate, the income limit was raised to $50,000. During the budget season, the Councilman looked for projects in our ncighborhood. Our Council District has more than double the parkland of other Council Districts; we have 1,250 acres of parkland compared to 500 acres in other districts. One of the biggest needs we have now is the Fort Hamilton High School football tie1d, which is a Parks Department tield. That is a $6-$10 Million project. lIe is willing to put some money into that project, but it will need help from other elected offieials or a will he a multi-year projeet. He is committed to fort Hamilton High School. One of the projects he is still working on and that will be finished this year is the renovation of the Fort Hamilton High School auditorium. Larry Morrish representing Assembly Member Felix Ortiz announced that the Assemblyman was appointed Assistant Speaker of the Assembly. He has heen working with the senior center with vehicles and the Boards of Trade. He announced that the community is being honored by the Military on March 11th and Brother Nick (Nikoloupolos) for his 12 years of baking birthday eakes for the whole base. Ari Kagan, Community Liaison tor Comptroller Stringer, announced that tomorrow will be a Lunar New Year event at 31 Chambers Street at 6:00 PM. March is Women's History Month and on March 11th they will have a celebration of great women in history at the Surrogate's COUlthouse at 31 Chambers Street. Finally he noted that the Department of Education does not count computers, laptops, ete. They found that 2,000 computers are 1 unaccounted for. The Department of Education has promised to count every computer and to have a public record of how much we spend on computcrs. Michael Strasburg trom Senatur Golden's office mmounced that starting ncxt month the Senator will have volunteers guing around thc community repurting potho1cs, which will be submitted to the Department uf Transportation. He encouraged anyone who knows of locatiuns that have problems with potholes to call their ot1:iceat 718-238-6044. This month the Senator introduecd legislation tu increase penaltics tor fleeing from a police officcr in motor vehicles. This 1cgislation would increase penalties trom a misdemeanor to a felony. The 1 th Senator's office will be hosting an Anti-Bullying Essay Contest tor 3'd, 4 ", and 5 graders. It is a 150-200 word essay answering the questiun "If you were the Senator how would you stop bullying?" The essays arc due hy April Ii". Finally, he announced the Annual Wumen's History Month event which will he held on March Ii" at the Norwegian Christian Home. Honorees will soon be announced. Nicholas Charnbera~ from Assembly Member Nicole Malliotakis' oftke announced that she will be holding a press conference tomorrow to support lowering the toll on the Verr3.7.anoNarrows Bridge for Brooklyn residents. lIe encouraged people to go online to thetollsaretoodanmhigh.cum to sign the petition. The Assemhly Woman is hosting lucal health care specialists and aHorneys at a seminar regarding health care proxies, living wills and power of attorney un March 5th at 7:00 PM at 8401 Ridge Boulevard. Kelvin Alexander from Borough President Eric Adams' office announced that flyers for upcoming events at Borough Hall arc on the rear table. Max Rose from District Atturney Thompson's office spoke about a case that just came out of the Brooklyn DA's office. Six months ago the Brooklyn VA established a Vio1cnt Criminal Enterprises Bureau and merged narcotics and gang units. They started tracing a weapons dealer in Brooklyn and traced the weapons back to Georgia. From there they found that weapons were getting from Georgia to Brooklyn by flights from the Atlanta airport to Kelmedy and LaGuardia airports. An employee at the Atlanta airpori could bypass TSA checkpoints, link up with another individual, pass the backpack full of weapons, and that person carried the weapuns on 17 occasions all allegedly on flights in his carry-on backpack. They are happy to say that not only has that pipeline of weapons halted, hut that now the TSA and Senator Schumer's office are working along with the Department of Homeland Security to stup this. This all started in Brooklyn with the NYPD and the Brooklyn DA's office to really kill this gaping hole in our natiunal security system.
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