Battle of Killiecrankie Site
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Fight looms over road plan for Battle of Killiecrankie site Greg Russell rryX.;ffi\4L ANOTHER fight is looming over the site of the Battle of Killiecrankie on Jvly 27 , 1689 - the frst and bloodiest clash ofthe Jacobite wars which 1eft more than 2000 soldiers dead. The Soldiers of Killiecrankie, a local group that marks the battle tlrough re-enactments on its annual anniversary and works with battlefield owner Urrard Estate to promote responsible access tlrough guided walks and a marked path, has called for improvement work on the ,{9 to be rerouted to avoid the "destruction" of one of its most imoor- tant parts. Their call came after a Scottish Governrnent- appointed Reporter walked through the battlefield, The Soldiers of Killieuankie rc-enqct the pivotal 1689 battle qnd after which Transpod Scotland marked out the between Jacobite clansmen Scottish Government troops ground that will be destroyed. be seen on YouTube, showing what they call the Using the agency's own markers, the Soldiers_ 'fi.rlI extent oI the destruction' . of Killiecrankie have created a video, which can Continued on page 27 Qfencoe Schoof of Scofftsh ?{ighknfOance 'i I rtt I fTi d.13 iIE ilE MNFTi I st@]' ?ll ala r{l) ii H., {.dt )Mn - BATD Fellow Highland & Scottish Nationals - SOBHD Adjudicator R.e. pitand Qotdsrnirhs @"j*oo''lf!io^''li'i$'|11.1H* " Wrtuul Marvland1/ Renaissance Festival has wonderful events and places for everyone to visit. Just type in: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! <[email protected]> Announcing the opening ofthe Virtual Mary- land Renaissance Festival! Come visit aq.time day Rob usually has a new piece to debut for open- year or night! Shop with your favorite artisans! Watch ing weekend- this is no different! The Bard Owl Tree Pendant is available now in sterling sil- online content from your favorite performers ! And, gold (rose, as always, shop the new items from R.E. Piland! ver or 14kt yellow or white). The Maryland Renaissance Festival is plan- ning many special events during the next 9 weeks. We hope you will use their online interactive map to visit the faire and help support some ofthe won- derfir1 vendors and entertainers. They are sharing lots of news through their Facebook page, you do not need an account to view the page, but ifyou do have an account- we'd encourage you to subscribe and follow their page (and ours ! ) to make sure you see all the latest news on vour feed. ted1sNevfianglArawrlyrret,octobeyrczosectilnBplge3 https://electricca nad ia Wido*'s power Inte rest, what t5 it? Bryan Mulcahy, MLS Dower rights were a protection to a wife so she would not be 1eft out ofher husband's wealth after his death. Upon the death of a husband, a widow was entitled to one-third of her husbard's estate, thus her dower rights (as a wife) became her dower share (as a widow), often referred to as the Widow's third. Dower was a wido#s right to a lifetime interest in one-third of all land owned by her husband, unless she chose, in place of dower, to accept other property left to her under her husband's wi1l. Generally, dower applied to each parcel of land in which the hus' band held an inheritable interest at any time during the marriage. In the United States, dower is found in the eastem and Midwestem states where law was derived from the common law of England. the middle to late nineteenth cen- Researchers must determine the legal implications in effect at tury, married women were subject the time ofthe dower to form a hypothesis or a conclusion from the to the legal concept of coverture. presence or absence of a wife or mother's mention in a deed, will, or This doctrine placed a woman intestate land distribution. If you locate a deed ftom a married man under the legal umbrella of her which his wife had not joined in making, does it mean that she had husband. already died? In most American colonies and their successor states, a Oniy the husband could act surviving wife who had not joined in the deed could sue the pur- for her in any legal proceeding, chaser after her husband's death to recover her dower interest. including selling her own land. To avoid such issues, some cautious purchasers insisted that For most married couples, the wife join in the deed, so the absence of her signature strongly only the wife's dower rights miti- suggests her earlier death. However, you'll find many differences gated the harshness of coverture. from one state to another. In some states such as Connecticut, until For a more detailed discus- 7723, even the wife's own land that she brought to the marriage sion ofthis subject, please see the became her husband's absolutely, to sel1 or mortgage as he saw fit; following links: therefore, the absence of her signature on a deed would have no American Ancestors - Rhoda genealogical signifi cance. McCIure - Dowery vs Dower Similarly, a deed from a son selling land he inherited from his Rights <https:/i father, which mentions that the land is subj ect to his mother's dower right, is proofthat she was living at the time ofthe deed. But ifshe 20 | 5 I 03 / dowry-versus-dower- is not mentioned again, the genealogical significance depends on right/> the time and place. The omission may mean only that what was left Family Search Wiki - US - her by will was worth more and that she relinquished her dower OfEcial State Codes (lncludes dis- rights. But ifher h3:sband died without a will and there is no record cussion of dower rights) that she surrendered her dower rights to the son, then it's more likely <https:/l she had died by the time the deed was created. www familysearch. org/wiki/enl> Until the enactment of married woman emancioation acts in Continued on page 7 letll's Neul anglA tarrn[g nen Ouobev zozo Sectron B P age 5 Che ehu oLhoneil Association of America lf you are a Macneil or,any of the following "Sept Names" -" O'n D'thainig thu." then you have found the clan Remember the men from whom you have been searching for. you have come. The Clan Macneil President: Kenneth McNeil, 3920 N. St. Joseph Ave., Evansville, lN 47 7 20-1203 <mckennypam. 1 203@hotmail. com> * * * Macneil * Mcniel Niell McGougan * * * MacNeil * McNiel O'Neal McGrail * * * Macniel * Mbneill O'Neil McGraill * * * MacNiel * McNeill O'Niel Mcgrail * * * Macneill * Mcneal O'Neill Mcgraill * * * MacNeill * McNeale Oneil McGugan * * MacNeillie * McNeilage " Oneill Macgugan n * * Macneal * Mcneilage Nelson McGuigan * * MacNeal * McNelly Neilson ...and * * * Macneale * Mcnelly Nielson Mcguigan * MacNeilage * McNeally n MacGougan * * Macneilage * Mcneally Macgougan * * MacNelly * Neil Macgrail * * * Macnelly Neal - MacGugan * MacNeally * Neall . Macgugan * Macneally n Neale * MacGuigan * Mcneil " Neill * Macguigan * McNeil * Niel * McGougan A verv real IU ooSwordin Stoneoo "-,i-N Atlgs Obgcurg THE SWORD KING ARTHUR PULLED from the stone in legend was likely just that-leg- endary. This sword, with a story equally as unbe- lievable, actually exists in Tuscany's Montesiepi Chapel. Galgano Guidotti was born in 1148 near Chiusdino. After spending his youth as a wealthy knight, in 1180 Giudotti decided to follow the words of Jesus and retired as a hermit near his hometown. He began to experience visions ofthe Arch- angel Michael, leading him to God and the twelve apostles on the hill of Monte Siepi. In one vision, Michael told Giudotti to re- nounce all ofhis earthly possessions. He responded the sword. that this would be as difficult as splitting a stone, On display at the chapel are the mummified and to prove his point, thrust his sword into a rock. hands of a thief who tried to remove the sword and To his surprise, the sword went tltough the was suddenly slaughtered by wild wolves. impenetrable surface as though it was water. Why only the hards survived is unexplained, Shortly after, an errant horse 1ed Giudotti to the but they serve as a warning to would'be sword very hilltop that had appeared in his visions, where snatchers. These days the sword is protected by a he was moved to plant a cross. Perspex shield as well as the disembodied hands. Not having any wood handy, he plunged his While the sword was considered a fake for sword into a rock, just as he had in the vision, where years, recent studies examined the sword and the it was embedded for a1i time. One year later hands, and the dating results, as well as metal and Giudotti died, and in 1 185 Pope Lucius the 3'd de- style ofthe sword, a1l are consistent with the late clared him a saint, and the Montesiepi Chapel was 1100s-early 1200s. While it's impossible to verify built up around it. the sword's legendary history it does match up with Allegedly countless people have tried to steal Saint Galsano Giudotti's timeline. Widow's Dower Interest, continued from pagb 5 http s:llw ww f amilysearch orglwiki lenl United_States,_Of f icial_State_Court_Codes_(National_Institute) Legal Genealogist - Judy B. Russell - Saying No <https://www.legalgenealogist.contl20151I21 08/saying-no/> Bryan L. Mulcahy, Reference Librarian, Fort Myers Regional Library. Email Bryan: <bmulcahy@lee gov. com> netll'sNewf au4letruvnilgneeocto6erz.ozoSectionBPageT Scottish Heritase USA, Inc. Founded 1965 Putting pride in your heritage to work for you Become a member today A Non-prclit OrgatLintian providing slutunt scholerships lbr hightund dance ancl bagltiping and tnaking chailable cloncttiot$ ta lhe NationaL kust fot Scolla d afid other nonlrolit oryanizdtions lhal p] omate Scotlish traditio , histoty, Lrall.\ and cuLture here in tha United Stata.\ and Scotlantl Email us: <[email protected]>