Social Protection for Sustainable Development

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Social Protection for Sustainable Development Social Protection for Sustainable Development: Dialogues between Africa and Brazil Social Protection for Sustainable Development: Dialogues between Africa and Brazil The UNDP World Centre for Sustainable Development (RIO+ Centre) is a hub for dialogue and action on equitable and sustainable development that emerged as a legacy of the Rio+20 Conference. The RIO+ Centre works with partners to produce analysis, convene broad-based dialogue and promote policies and practices that lead to greater social, environmental and economic justice. As a UNDP Global Policy Centre, the RIO+ Centre aims to bolster South-South Cooperation and facilitate the participation of the Global South in international efforts on sustainable development. Copyright © 2016 UNDP World Centre for Sustainable Development (RIO+ Centre) Rua México, 125, 9th Floor 20031-145 Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil Email: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: Website: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission. Content Editor: Karen Lang Content Designer: Libio Matni Cover photo: UN Photo/AID/Purcell Printed in Brazil by Athalaia Gráfica e Editora Ltda The following report presents the main inputs on policy and practice from the International Seminar on Social Protection held in Dakar, Senegal in April 2015. A hundred and eight representatives from twelve African countries, including thirty senior officials and directors of social protection and ministers from Congo, Ethiopia and Senegal participated in the seminar. The recommendations adopted in Dakar were further endorsed by the 70 ministers present at the First Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Social Development, Labour and Employment of the African Union and taken forward to the 25th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union. CONTENTS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 9 PREFACE 10 FOREWORD 12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 14 CHAPTER SUMMARIES 16 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCING SOCIAL PROTECTION 18 AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 2: SOCIAL PROTECTION IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES 32 CHAPTER 3: SOCIAL PROTECTION IN AFRICA: 48 PRESENT AND MULTIPLE FUTURES CHAPTER 4: ON THE PATH TO ECONOMIC EMERGENCE: SOCIAL PROTECTION IN SENEGAL 76 CHAPTER 5: SOCIAL PROTECTION AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: THE RECENT 88 EXPERIENCE IN BRAZIL CHAPTER 6: THE BRAZIL WITHOUT EXTREME POVERTY PLAN: USING POLICY INTEGRATION 108 AND ADAPTATION TO REACH AMBITIOUS GOALS CHAPTER 7: SOCIAL RIGHTS, INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: THE BRAZILIAN SOCIAL POLICY EXPERIENCE 130 CHAPTER 8: BRAZIL-AFRICA COOPERATION ON FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY: PLANTING 158 SEEDS IN UNFAMILIAR SOIL CHAPTER 9: PEOPLE, NATURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: TOWARDS THE NEXT GENERATION OF SOCIAL PROTECTION SYSTEMS 176 CHAPTER 10: MOVING FORWARD ON SOCIAL 198 PROTECTION IN THE 2030 AGENDA ANNEX STRENGTHENING BRIDGES TO DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN BRAZIL AND AFRICA: THE REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON SOCIAL PROTECTION IN AFRICA 202 ACRONYMS 222 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Chapter 1: Armando Barrientos Chapter 2: Almudena Fernandez, Rômulo Paes-Sousa, Laura Hildebrandt, Layla Saad and Leisa Perch Chapter 3: Iván Guillermo González de Alba, Alessandra Casazza and Renata Nowak-Garmer Chapter 4: Safiétou Ba Diop, Ibrahima Dia, Mariana Stirbu and Awa Wade Sow Chapter 5: Luciana Jaccoud and Maria Luiza Amaral Rizzotti Chapter 6: Rômulo Paes-Sousa Chapter 7: Jorge Abrahão de Castro Chapter 8: Mariana Santarelli and Bianca Suyama Chapter 9: Luis Rodriguez and Leisa Perch Chapter 10: Laura Jungman, Layla Saad and Rômulo Paes-Sousa Annex: Renata Nowak-Garmer Under the coordination of Leisa Perch, Laura Jungman and Layla Saad SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - SP4SD SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR SUSTAINABLE 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The UNDP World Centre for Sustainable Development Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Zambia and (RIO+ Centre) and the UNDP Regional Service Centre Zimbabwe) and the 108 participants who attended for Africa would like to thank the following people for the seminar, as well as the numerous representatives making the International Seminar on Social Protection of the UN system working in the region. They all in Africa (April 2015) possible. The initial idea for the contributed invaluable knowledge and expertise to seminar came from Marcia Lopes, the former Minister the process and the event. of Social Development of Brazil. She identified many points that African countries and Brazil had in common With regards to the elaboration of this report, Leisa in relation to the implementation of social protection Perch, Laura Jungman and Layla Saad coordinated policies and envisaged how exchanging experiences this publication with discipline and grace. We owe could benefit African countries and Brazil. The idea for them a deepest gratitude. We are equally grateful the seminar quickly gained support on both sides of to the diverse group of contributors and authors for the Atlantic. their excellent contributions: Alessandra Casazza, Almudena Fernandez, Armando Barrientos, Awa On the African side, we owe our deepest gratitude Wade Sow, Bianca Suyama, Ibrahima Dia, Iván to Mohamed Yahya, Alessandra Casazza and Renata Guillermo González de Alba, Jorge Abrahão de Nowak-Garmer and Orria Goni, UNDP Regional Castro, Laura Hildebrandt, Laura Jungman, Layla Service Centre for Africa, Anta Sarr, Minister and Saad, Leisa Perch, Luciana Jaccoud, Luis Rodriguez, Delegate General for Social Protection and National Maria Luiza Rizzotti, Mariana Santarelli, Mariana Solidarity of Senegal; Johan Strijdom, from the Stirbu, Renata Nowak-Garmer, Romulo Paes-Sousa, African Union Commission; Maria Elisa Teofilo, in her and Safiétou Ba Diop. role at the time as Ambassador of Brazil in Senegal; and UNDP Country Office in Senegal which provided We would also like to express our gratitude to pivotal support in the organization of the seminar. In the peer reviewers, whose timely and rigorous this regard, we are indebted to Bintou Djibo (UNDP comments helped strengthen the chapters of Resident Representative), Luc Gnonlonfoun and Nana the report even further: llcheong Yi and Katja Toure-Sy and their respective teams, as well as to Lela Hujo, United Nations Research Institute for Social Fikrou of the UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa Development; Antonio Claret Campos Filho, for her excellent logistical support. Institute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA; Manaira Assunção, BRICS Policy Center; Cynthia We are also indebted to Mahammed Dionne, Prime Jones, WFP Centre for Excellence Against Hunger; Minister of Senegal, and Mansour Sy, the Minister of Gabriele Koehler, Senior Research Associate with Labour, Social Dialogue, Professional Organizations UNRISD and IDS Associate; Nahla Zeitoun, the and Relations with Institutions of Senegal for their World Bank; and Marcio Pontual, RIO+ Centre. support for the initiative. We acknowledge that Amath Pathe Sene (RIO+ Centre) played a decisive It is an honour to thank UNDP, the African Union role in connecting the organizers in Rio de Janeiro and government leaders for their inspirational and Dakar. statements that have provided strategic direction for this report, including Tereza Campello, former On the Brazilian side, Milton Rondó and Marcos Minister of Social Development of Brazil; Mustapha Aurélio Lopes Filho from the Brazilian Ministry of Sidiki Kaloko, Commissioner for Social Affairs of the Foreign Affairs, and Celso Marcondes from the Lula African Union; Magdy Martínez-Solimán, Assistant Institute deserve special thanks for their dedication Administrator and Director of UNDP’s Bureau for and enthusiasm, which were essential for making the Policy and Programme Support; and Abdoulaye Mar seminar a success. Dieye, Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa. Their contributions express a renewed vision We also express our sincere appreciation to the for social protection at this particularly strategic delegations from the twelve African countries moment, as we witness social protection policies (Cape Verde, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Mali, blossoming across the African continent. Romulo Paes-Sousa, Lebogang Motlana, Director of the UNDP World Centre for Sustainable Director of the UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa Development (RIO+ Centre) 9 PREFACE Over the last few decades, Latin American In this context, exchanges among countries countries have experienced a boom in social and the support of international agencies protection policies. This increase has been for the systematization and dissemination fuelled by the expansion of fiscal space as the of experiences has been of key importance. result of steady economic growth. While many The transfer of technology on public policies, of these countries had already had some type of carried out intensively in the region on the social security system in place, most still lacked basis of solidarity, has been the main source of effective policies to reduce poverty and few had knowledge for the development of new social public programmes offering social assistance. protection policies and systems. Cash transfer programmes rapidly emerged in In the second decade of the 21st Century, countries all over the continent, followed by we have witnessed
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