THE JEWISH BS ERV ER i I I THE JEWISH OBSERVER ;; pub lished monthly. except July and August, by the Agudath Israel of America, 5 Beekman Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class in this issue postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: $9.00 per year; two The Jew in His Community, based on an address by years, $17.50; three years, $25.00; outside of the United States, $9.00 Rabbi Shneur Kotler, w·o•?w ........... 3 per year. Single copy, $1.25. A Tribute to Rabbi Chaim Leib Shmulevitz, 7"l1T, Printed in the U.S.A. Eliyahu Meir Klugman ................ 9 Postscripts: Our Responsibility to the Baal Teshuva RABBI NISSON WOLPIN "Reach Out With Torah," based on an address Editor by Rabbi Simcha Wasserman, w•o•?w, .18 "Don't Turn Them Off" .19 Editorial Board "Or ls It Too Late?" ... .20 DR. ERNST L. BODENHEIMER -Chairman Machon Yerushalayim: Kole! Manpower at Work, RABBI NATHAN BULMAN David Grossman .................... 22 RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS JOSEPH FRIEDENSON Second Looks at the Jewish Scene RABBI MOSHE SHERER Women Rabbis for Conservatives? ........ 25 Criticizing the Conservatives - "Lashon Hora"? . 35 THE JEWISH OBSERVER does Preparing for Pesach, a photographic essay by not assume responsibility for the Arnold Cohen ................. .42 Kashrus of any product or service advertised in its pages. A Volunteer's Expression of Anger, a poem . 45 Letters to the Editor . .46 Copyright 1979 FEB., 1979 VOL. XIII, NO. 9 The photograph qf Aabbi Chaim Shmulevitz, 7"YT, in the January issue was taken from the collection of Yonoson Israel, Brooklyn, N.Y.
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