David ben Shmuel HaLevi The Turei Zahav (1586-1667) Rav David ben Shmuel HaLevi z”tl: One of the most famous acharonim from Poland, he authored the Turei Zahav, a significant halachic commen- tary on the Shulchan Aruch. He was the first in the Rav Yechiel Michel Zlotchover long David- Shmuel- David- Shmuel ben achar (1721-1786) ben chain.

Rav Yechiel Michel Zlotchover z”tl (also known as the Zlotchover Maggid): He was the founder of the Zlotchov Chasidic dynasty and one of the leading of his time. He was a student of Rav Dovid Stepanner Rav Tzvi Hersh Chaya Dubba the Besht and the Maggid of Mezeritch. (Niftar in 1811) Adams(ki) Ita Adams Rav Dovid Stepanner z”tl: The first Stepanner , he was a direct descendant of the Turei Zahav and married the Zlotchover Maggid’s only daughter.

Rav Tzvi Hersh Adams(ki) z”tl: Born in Greiv- Rav Dovid Dov Kreiser ZT’L er, Belarus, Rav Tzvi Hersh decided to follow his Chava Kreiser (1890-1931) sons to America in the 1920’s. He served as of the Rhine Street synagogue in Rochester, NY where he delivered many drashos. At the end of his life he was asked to become a rosh at Voddath but due to his age he chose to be- come a shoel umashiv instead.

Rav Dovid Dov Kreiser z”tl: Born in Greiver, Be- larus, Rav Dovid Dov married Chava Adamski. At a young age he was approached by Rav Issur Zal- man Meltzer to become a together with Rav Aharon Kotler in Eitz Chaim of Slutzk (later Kletzk). He was the father-in-law Rav Dovid Rav Shmuel Boruch of Rav z”tl and Rav Aryeh Leib Chaya Faigel Hilda Povarsky HaLevi Kreiser Rav Aryeh Malin z”tl. Povarsky Kreiser Shaindel (1902-1999) (1917-1991) Leib Malin Malin (1906-1962) Rav Shmuel Boruch HaLevi Kreiser z”tl: The son of Rav Dovid Dov and the brother-in-law of Rav Dovid Povarsky and Rav Leib Malin, he immigrat- Dr. David ed to Palestine with his mother and sister in the Kreiser late 1930’s. He later moved to Baltimore, Mary- land after he married Hilda Farbman in 1951.

Rav Aryeh Leib Malin z”tl: He escaped to Shang- hai during WWII. From there he eventually im- migrated to the US where he started Yeshivas Beis HaTalmud in Brooklyn, NY. Tova Yehoshua Rivky Yonatan Ita Kreiser Tuvia Kreiser Kreiser Kreiser Kreiser Rav Dovid Povarsky z”tl: He was an esteemed Rosh Yeshiva at the Ponovez Yeshiva together with Rav Shach z”tl and Rav z”tl.

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