ורפאורפא ירפירפאא Th e Journal of Torah and Medicine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Synagogue and RIETS Volume IV ורפאורפא ירפירפאא Th e Journal of Torah and Medicine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Synagogue and RIETS Volume IV EDITORS Rabbi Raphy Hulkower, MD Rabbi David Shabtai, MD EXECUTIVE EDITOR Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky Rabbi Yair Hindin EDITORIAL ADVISOR Rabbi Edward Reichman, MD ASSOCIATE EDITORS Avi Friedman Sefi Lerner Daniel Poliak Menachem Yondorf EDITORIAL MANAGER Peter Kahn THE MICHAEL SCHARF PUBLICATION TRUST OF THE YESHIVA UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW YORK Copyright © 2012 Yeshiva University All rights reserved Th e Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University Press New York ISBN 13: 978-0615739496 Available at Amazon.com Verapo Yerape welcomes new submissions and letters to the editor. Contact the journal at
[email protected] Contents Foreward by the Dean of RIETS vii Foreward by the Dean of AECOM ix Bone Marrow Donation in Halakhah Rabbi Asher Bush 11 Are Two Heads Really Better Th an One? Halakhic Issues Relating to Conjoined Twins and a Two-Headed Person Rabbi Edward Reichman, M.D. 35 Hormonal Birth Control Th erapies and Vesatot Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky 60 Medical Care for a Child on Shabbat Ariella Nadler, M.D. 79 May Physicians Strike? Ephraim Meth 93 But the Earth He Has Given to Mankind? Toward a Th eology of Synthetic Biology Peter Kahn 104 Metzitzah Ba-Peh Under the Microscope: An Ancient Rite from a Modern Perspective Daniel Poliak 129 Prayer and the Terminally Ill Patient Yehuda Turetsky 136 Surgical Placebo in Jewish Law Yehuda Salamon, M.D.