Aharon Yeshaya Shapiro zt"l (1907-1981) Rav Aharon Yeshya Shapiro was born in Pinsk on Chanukah, 5677 (1907), to his parents Reb Yaakov Yitzchok1 and Chaya. The family were Chasidim of Karlin-Stolin, and his childhood was steeped in this tradition. Every Shabbos, young Aharon Yeshaya and his father would walk with a neighbor, Reb Nachman Shteierman2 and his son Yisroel, from their courtyard in Pinsk to the Karliner ’s tish in the Shul in Karlin. [This neighbor, Yisroel Shteierman, became a mechutan later in America.] Rav Aharon Yeshaya merited to see the Stoliner Rebbe Reb Yisroel zt”l, known as the Yanuka, and remembered him well. After WW II, Rav Aharon Yeshaya was instrumental in assisting the Stoliner Rebbe, Rav Yochonon zt”l in replacing of the Matzeiva on the Kever of Rav Yisroel in Frankfurt.

Rav Aharon Yeshaya was educated in the local yeshivos, and around the age of fifteen, wth the encouragement of the Rav of Pinsk, Rav Aharon Walkin (author of the Bais Aharon on Shas), he entered the of Mir. 3 During Bein HaZemanim, when he returned home, he would speak in learning with the Karliner Rebbe, Reb Avrohom Elimelech zt”l, Hy”d.

Although he was young compared to other bachurim in the yeshiva, he soon gained a reputation as a budding Talmid Chachom, and was paired up with the likes of Rav Chaim Shmuelewitz as a chavrusa, with whom he learned Masechta Chulin. He was close to the Rav of Mir, Rav Hirsh Kamai Hy"d and Rav Leizer Yudel Finkel, and received Semicha from them. At the time of his arrival, Rav Chatzkel Levenstein was serving as Mashgiach in the absence of Rav . Rav Chatzkel charged him with copying over the Shmeuzen of Rav Simcha Zissel, the Alter of Kelm, the first of many writing projects he would have over the years.

Upon the return of the Mashgiach, Rav Yeruchom Levovitz, he developed a close relationship with him, and would be the one who would write up his Shmuezen. Rav Yeruchom once remarked, “When I read Rav Aharon Yeshaya’s writings, I can see the ‘kneitch’ of my finger that I gave.” At times, Rav Yeruchom would turn to Rav Aharon Yeshaya to complete a Pasuk he was referring to, declaring that if you tell him the ‘Trup’ (cantillation) of any Pasuk in T’nach, Rav Aharon Yeshaya can tell you the words. Indeed, when Rav Aharon Yeshaya took his place alongside the Bimah of the Bais Medrash, the Talmidim knew that Rav Yeruchum was about to begin a Shmuez, and they would gather around for it. (During the shmuez, the Bachurim would stand surrounding Rav Yeruchom, who stood at the Bimah.)

In 5686 (1926), Rav asked Rav Yeruchom to send a Bachur to him to help write his Sefer, Shaarei Yosher. Rav Yeruchom chose Rav Aharon Yeshaya, who was proficient in the skill of writing and had a handwriting 'K'Yad Hashem', and ‘lent’ him to Rav Shimon for two years. Rav Aharon Yeshaya agreed on the condition that he would receive a private on the piece he was working on that day, which Rav Shimon did daily. Rav Aharon Yeshaya would learn the pieces that Rav Shimon had written, and prepare them and edit them for print. In addition, he attended the shiurim that Rav Shimon gave to the yeshiva. In his introduction, Rav Shimon thanks him, writing that, “He did not just proofread it, but worked diligently and sharpened each topic with his peers.” 4


After Rav Aharon Yeshaya completed his assignment, he returned to Mir, and resumed his regular learning. Although Rav Baruch Ber Lebowitz, of Kaminetz, requested of Rav Yeruchom to have the services of Rav Aharon Yeshaya for his Sefer Birchas Shmuel, Rav Yeruchom felt he had done enough, and it was time for him to learn unabated. When Rav Baruch Ber met up with Rav Shimon at a summer resort, he is reported to have said, “I am jealous of you. You had someone to write your Sefer.”

Rav Aharon Yeshaya had the opportunity to meet with several other Gedolim of the time. He once was faced with a dilemma, which he felt needed the counsel of the Chafetz Chaim. He traveled to Radin, and was granted admittance to see the sage of the generation. At the time, the Chafetz Chaim was advanced in age, and was in a weakened state. When he was allowed in, the Chafetz Chaim was asleep, and he waited until he woke up. He first asked the Chafetz Chaim if he could serve him. When he was told to prepare a tea, he did so fastidiously, and began helping the elderly Tzadik drink from it. He held the cup with one hand while supporting his neck with his other hand, and slowly poured the tea into the mouth of the Chafetz Chaim. During this time, the Chafetz Chaim said, “They don’t tell me anymore”. Nevertheless, the Chafetz Chaim answered all three questions that Rav Aharon Yeshaya had on his mind without him ever having articulated the questions.

Rav Zeidel Epstein recalled that Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky would enjoy discussing with Rav Aharon Yeshaya what was happening in the yeshiva world, and he would value his opinion on these matters.

As time passed, he received a draft notice. At the same time, Rav Ahrele Belzer (Rokeach) and the Stoliner Rebbe were mishadech with one another, and Rav Aharon Yeshaya felt it would be an opportune time to ask for a Bracha for his situation. As he entered the Bais Medrash, he saw that it was jammed with people, and it was seemingly impossible to get near the Rebbe. He stood at the back of the Bais Medrash, and suddenly noticed that the crowd parted. Looking across the room, he saw that he was now face to face with Rav Ahrele, who motioned for him to approach. Suddenly, Rav Ahrele said to him, “Vos iz mine kind, shrek zich fun prizif? Ich gib a Bracha, esvet garnisht zine.” (What is the matter, my child, you are afraid of the draft? I bless you that nothing will come of it.) Rav Aharon Yeshaya returned to the Mir, and never heard from the draft board again. [Years later, his son, Yeruchom Shapiro, told the story over to the current Belzer Rebbe, who called in his Gabai to write down the details.]

Another one of the Roshei Yeshiva he was privileged to meet was Rav . When he began his planning to build Chachmei , Rav Meir visited many other yeshivos, to study how they were run and to decide what to incorporate into his new venture. Rav Meir stayed over Succos, and on Simchas made a point of dancing with the young Aharon Yeshaya. Another time, a Bachur who previously learned in Kaminetz got married, and Rav Baruch Ber Lebowitz came to participate in the wedding. At the Chassan’s tish, Rav Aharon Yeshaya sang a long and complicated new Niggun (to the words of Al Zos Shibchu Ahuvim). A while later, when the guests were lining up to wash, Rav Aharon Yeshaya noticed that Rav Baruch Ber was tugging on his sleeve, and asked him to come over to a side room. There, he asked Rav Aharon Yeshaya to sing the tune again, and he obliged. Rav Baruch Ber asked if he could sing it back to Rav Aharon Yeshaya with his own personalized kneitch, and Rav Aharon Yeshaya listened to the venerable Rosh Yeshiva sing it. [Reb Baruch Ber was known as a wonderful Baal MeNagen.] Yet the story did not end there. Rav Baruch Ber said, “I do not wish to remain a Baal Chov (in debt). I will teach you one of my own tunes in exchange for what you have taught me.” He promptly taught Rav Aharon Yeshaya a song with the words ‘YiBaneh HaMikdash’, and they then parted.

When Rav Baruch Ber returned to Kaminetz, he called three Bachurim into his chambers, and told them, “I must teach you this Niggun that a Mirrer Bachur sang.” One of the three was Rav Isaak Goralnik, who eventually became a Mechutan with Rav Aharon Yeshaya upon the marriage of Rabbi Yeruchom Shapiro to Masha Goralnik.

Rav Aharon Yeshaya was known to be a wonderful Baal Menagen and Baal Tefilah. Growing up in the spirit of pre-WWII Karlin, and the Nusach of Karlin-Stolin, as well as its Niggunim, were ingrained in him. After the war, not many Chasidim survived, and the precious legacy of these nigunnim were at risk of being forgotten for eternity. In order to preserve them, in 5719 (1959), Rav Aharon Yeshaya recorded many of the traditional tunes which he remembered from his childhood. This helped revive these treasured tunes from the cusp of oblivion. Indeed, one particular Stoliner Niggun which is sung for the Zemer of Kah Echsof is called “Rav Aharon Yeshaya’s Niggun”. In addition, Rav Aharon Yeshaya once arranged to be available to serve as Baal Mussaf on the Yomim Noraim in Stolin, which he Davened in the pre-WWII Nusach of Stolin.[Rav Yeruchom once remarked that if he was not so afraid, he would have sent Rav Aharon Yeshaya to serve as Baal Tefilah in the Mir on the Yomim Noraim.]

On Tu B’Av, 5697 (1937), Rav Aharon Yeshaya married Rochel Dina Stamm, the daughter of Rav Yisroel Zev and Dubeh Rivka. Rav Stamm lived in a house that was adjacent to the Kelm Torah (as the yeshiva in Kelm was known), and they often hosted visiting dignitaries. Rav Elchonan Wasserman would come to Kelm for Elul (beginning with the passing of the Chafetz Chaim), and would stay in their home. As he rested, young Rochel would inspect his Kapoteh (overcoat), and mend it as needed. When he awoke, he would remark, “I see Rochel was here already.” In addition, Rav was a guest, and once said a Maamar based on a question asked by the daughter of his host.

Rav Nachum Velvel Dessler, the father of Rav Eliyahu Dessler (Michtav MiEliyahu) insisted that only Rav Yisroel Zev Stamm be allowed to eulogize him, because “he is the only one who says the truth”. Thus, the household where Rebitzen Shapiro was raised was in the true spirit of the Baalei Mussar, and she in turned embodied all that it stood for. In addition to his service to the yeshiva in Kelm, he organized the Bais Yaakov type school for the girls, together with Rav Eliyahu Lopian.

Rav Yisroel Zev eventually moved to , and served as the Rav of Congregation Torah Chaim on West 85th Street in the Upper West Side of . In this capacity, he gave many Drashos, which were later compiled into a Sefer titled Divrei Yisroel. His shul was directly across from the original shul of Rav Shlomo HalberStamm of Bobov with whom he maintained a close relationship, and the Rebbe's marriage to his second wife took place in the shul of Rav Stammm. The Rebbe used Rav Yisroel's home to set up a project which taught refugees watch repair, so they could go on and rebuild their lives.

Towards the end of his life, Rav Yisroel moved to , where he Davened daily in the . He served as Baal Mussaf and Neilah on Yom Kippur, where his voice carried to the back of the Bais Medrash. In his later years, when his eyesight was failing, he Davened the Tefilos from memory. Rav Chaskel Levenstein, the Mashgiach, told the Talmidim that he was a role model for the Talmidim to look up to, and urged the Bachurim to see how 'ahn alte Yid kumpt tzu davenen.' He especially admired the way he would trudge up the hill to Daven in the yeshiva, when he could have just as well Davened in a closer shul. When he was no longer able to walk the hill, the Talmidim carried him on a chair, and the Ponevezher Rav, Rav , ran downhill to be able to hold one of the legs of the chair. As a true Baal Mussar, he was meticulous in his Kavod for all holy things. Some Bachurim noticed that he stashed a rag near the entrance to the yeshiva, which he used to wipe his shoes before entering. He would arrange the Gemaros for Rav and Rav Shmuel Ruzovsky before he began his Tefilah.

Rav Aharon Yeshaya and his Rebitzen settled in Riga after their marriage, where he continued his learning. He maintained his connection to the yeshiva in Mir, and attributed his family's salvation during their escape from Europe to the fact that he maintained this connection. He commented by the Tenaim of his daughter Naomi (Shteierman) that Rav Yeruchom would say that by being part of the Tzibbur, one merits Yeshuos, since Hashem has a different accounting with a Tzibbur.

During his stay in Riga, he developed a relationship with some of the Rabbonim of Lubavitch who were active there, including Rav Dubin, who held a parliamentary position, and Rav Gurary and Chodokov. In addition, he had a relationship with Rav , who stayed to watch the house during the time their son, Reb Yeruchom Leib, was born. (He was one of the first boys named after the Mashgiach, Rav Yeruchom Levovitz.)

When the war broke out, the family received visas through Rav Yisroel Stamm to emigrate to America. They traveled through many places, including Vladovostok, Japan, Hawaii, San Francisco, , before finally arriving in .6 The trip took half a year, and was delayed due to the expiration of their papers, which were renewed by Rav Stamm. Upon arrival, Rav Aharon Yeshaya would give shiurim in the shul of his father in , and was offered a position as Mashgiach by Rav Shraga Feivil Mendlowitz. With time, he began saying Shiurim in the yeshiva, and was the first of the refugees to be appointed to teach in the yeshiva.

Rav Aharon Yeshaya's shiur concentrated on Pshat in the and Tosfos. When approached with a question by a Talmid, he often would review the Sugya from scratch, and the Talmid would understand where he had erred. The Talmidim felt they were treated with the respect of a peer, which encouraged them to live up to the part. He would gather the notebooks of Talmidim to review the writing, and would then offer them pointers as to improving their writing skills. His Mussar was delivered with sensitivity, and was accepted with love. In his home, he would always prepare his Shiurim from scratch, not relying on lessons from previous years. His table would be piled high with Seforim as he prepared, but he was meticulous to return each one to its proper place when he finished using them. His punctuality and endearing smile were his trademarks, which were remembered by his students long after they left his class. Many Talmidim commented that the Masechta they remembered best from their yeshiva years is the one they learned by Rav Shapiro.

Besides for his teaching in Torah Vodaas, Rav Aharon Yeshaya first served as Rav in Tiferes Tzion in Williamsburg, where he was chosen above other candidates for his pleasant demeanor. The family then moved on to Bensonhurst, where he assumed the mantle of leadership in Tiferes Tzion Anshei Sefard. In his capacity as a Rav, he gave weekly Drashos, and spoke over the Chagim many times. His meticulous notes of these Drashos show how he prepared every nuance of the speech, including how he intended to influence the listeners to maintain their Emunah during troubling times. During the period he lived in Bensonhurst, he would often Daven during the week in Yeshiva Bais HaTalmud, where he was respected for his status as a Talmid of der alte Mir, and for his connection to Rav Yeruchom. He gave a Shmuez on Rav Yeruchom's yahrtzeit, and was Maspid Rav Chaim Shmuelowitz at the yeshiva.

As the neighborhood changed and the Jewish population dwindled, Rav Aharon Yeshaya moved to the Flatbush section of , where he planned to open a shul in his home.5 The first year, he Davened on in , and on Yom Kippur, he Davened in Yeshiva Rabeinu Chaim Berlin. As a sign of the esteem in which he held Rav Aharon Yeshaya, Rav Hutner instructed that Rav Aharon Yeshaya receive the Aliya of Shlishi, which was usually reserved for Rav Hutner himself. Rav Aharon Yeshaya would often Daven in Yeshiva Rabeinu Chaim Berlin during the week, where the younger would speak to him in learning. Once, Rav Aharon Yeshaya attended a Maamar given by Rav Hutner, who announced, "Dos iz nisht fahr eich (This is not for you)". In his typical humble and noble manner, Rav Aharon Yeshaya responded, "Vos ahrt eich herren ah gut vort (Why does it bother you if I wish to hear a good word of Torah)."

In America, Rav Aharon Yeshaya developed a close relationship with the Stoliner Rebbe, Rav Yochonan, and would attend the Melave Malka in the Stoliner Shtible on occassion. He would go directly upstairs to speak to the Rebbe privately, and as a result, the proceedings were delayed. He was instrumental in the choosing of Rav Betzalel Tannenbaum as the first Rosh Yeshiva of the Stoliner Yeshiva, as well as the choosing of Rav Avrohom Trupp (the son of Rav Naftoli). When he visited Eretz Yisroel, he was honored with saying a Shiur in the Stoliner . People who were in Stolin in Yerushalayim when he Davened Mussaf for the Amud still remember every Tenuah of his heartfelt Davening.

He developed close relationships with many of the Gedolei Torah in America, amongst them Rav zt”l, who valued his opinion in various matters. He also sought out a connection with other great Chasidishe Rebbes. The first time Rav Chaim Meyer Hager of Vishnitz visited America, Rav Aharon Yeshaya walked many miles to attend his Seuda Shlishis. In addition, he would visit the Alter Skvere Rebbe, as well as attending the Satmar Rebbe’s Shovavim Tish, and renewed his connections with the Lubavitcher Rebbe which had begun in Riga.

Rav Shapiro kept up his connections with his friends from the Mir, and even acted as the Shadchan for some. He opened his home to them, and they always admired him for that. He would be called on by Mosdos to use his golden pen to write various pieces they required. Rav Elya Chazzan, who said the highest Shiur in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, once quipped, "We have to act respectful to Rav Aharon Yeshaya, since he will be the one who writes our Matzeivos (epithets)."

During the winter of 5741 (1981), Rav Aharon Yeshaya took ill, and was no longer able to say his beloved Shiurim. On 25 Sivan, the day after the end of the Zman, he was Niftar, and his Levaya was attended by thousands of his admirers. Amongst those who eulogized him was his Mechutan, Rav the Rosh Yeshiva of Telz.

Amongst his private papers, his family found a list of Kabalos that Rav Aharon Yeshaya prepared for himself before each Rosh HaShana. For the last year of his life, he wrote a Kabala to be Ma’avir Sidra each week “until Shavuos”. Indeed, he passed away shortly after the Yom Tov.

1 [Reb Yaakov Yitzchok was a son of Reb Leibel, who was known as Reb Leibel Teryanivka, The family were Stoliner chasidim for generations, and they came from the town of Teryanivka. When the Bais Aharon visited Teryanivka, he stayed in Reb Leibel’s house. There are still letters in existence that Reb Leible wrote towards the end of his life when he was in Stolin,]

2 [Reb Nachman was known as ‘Reb Nachman der Kirshner’ due to his business as a maker of fur hats.]

3 [Once, when Rav Aharon Yeshaya returned to Mir after Bein HaZemanim, Rav Yeruchom Levovitz zt’l, the Mashgiach, asked if he spent time speaking in learning with the Pinsker Rav during his time at home. When he answered that he hadn’t, Rav Yeruchom told him, “He waits the whole year to talk in learning with the Bnei Torah who return from yeshiva.” With that, the Mashgiach sent him back home for two weeks to speak in learning with the Rav.]

4 [At Rav Aharon Yeshaya’s levaya, his Mechutan, Rav Mordechai Gifter zt”l stated that there was one piece that Rav Aharon Yeshaya could not understand. When he asked Rav Shimon about it, Rav Shimon said that he, too, does not understand what he wrote. Nevertheless, since he is certain that at the time he knew that it was worthy of print, the piece should be included in the sefer anyway. (Rav Aharon Yeshaya’s son in law, Rav Hershel Schechter shlit”a, assumes that this is in .Shaar 3 Perek 23)]

5 [When he eventually opened his shul a few weeks later, some of his Talmidim began Davening there. He insisted that there must be some Limud HaTorah, so he arranged a Shiur in Masechta Temurah for an hour before Davening on Shabbos mornings.]

6 [Rav Aharon Yeshaya always attributed his salvation to the fact that he always remained attached to the yeshiva. Even while living in Riga, he maintained these ties to the Mir. He refrained from telling the details of his miraculous escape, perhaps because he was forced to flee and travel on the Yom Tov of Simchas Torah.]